Steam Drum
Water Tubes
Mud Drum
ME 416/516
ME 416/516
Membrane wall of waterwall boiler
Waterwall under
ME 416/516
Cyclone Stirling Boiler- A
Scrubbers small waterwall
boiler for burning
solid material
such as bark,
chips or coal.
Steam Drum Superheater
Aux. Burners
Spreader Stoker
ME 416/516
in Boilers
There are four important
factors that control com-
bustion in boiler furnace:
1. Air supply- Need adequate air for complete
The rating (capacity) of a boiler can be
increased by supplying additional air (think of
the effect of bellows on a small fire).
Too much air can result in excessive stack
ME 416/516
Combustion Factors
2. Mixing of fuel and air- fuel and air molecules
must be brought into close proximity in order for
combustion to occur.
The larger the fuel "particles" the greater the
difficulty in achieving good mixing-
• easiest for gaseous fuels,
• more difficult for liquid fuels and pulverized
• most difficult for stoker coal, bark or large
trash clumps.
ME 416/516
Combustion Factors
3. Temperature- all combustion reactions proceed
exponentially more rapidly with increasing T
Temperatures too low:
• incomplete combustion, waste fuel
• unburned hydrocarbons and soot emissions
greatly increased
Temperatures too high:
• equipment failure, metal strength drops off
quickly at high T
• NOx emissions greatly increased.
ME 416/516
Combustion Factors
4. Combustion time- fuel "particles" must be given
sufficient time (residence time) in the furnace to
achieve complete combustion.
Like fuel/air mixing, the required residence time
is least for gases and most for large solid fuels:
• Gases and fine liquid sprays- 10 - 20 ms
• Pulverized fuel (coal, sawdust)- 1 s burnout
• Stoker coal, bark, wood waste, trash- 10’s of
ME 416/516
Fuel Considerations
Natural gas and fuel oil burners. The fuel is
brought to a burner at elevated pressure and
jetted (gas) or sprayed (oil) into the furnace.
Relatively simple and low cost.
ME 416/516
Large Oil Burner
ME 416/516 ABB
Fuel Firing
There are a considerable
number of ways to feed
coal in use, including,
hand-fired boilers, chain
or traveling grate stokers,
vibrating grate stokers,
underfeed stokers,
spreader stoker,
pulverized coal boilers,
cyclone boilers and Tangential-fired coal
fluidized bed boilers. furnace
ME 416/516
Stoker Boilers
The term stoker implies a boiler that
automatically feeds (or " stokes”) the boiler.
Stoker coal size is typically 1.25 inches
maximum with less than 30% under 0.25 inches.
ME 416/516
Traveling or Chain Grate
Traveling or chain grate stokers feed coal out
onto a rotating metal belt that supports the fire.
Coal is fed from a hopper.
Grate speed is automatically controlled to
maintain desired steam pressure.
Burning progresses as the belt moves from front
to back of furnace.
Combustion is essentially complete at the back
end of belt, and ash is dumped off into an ashpit
ME 416/516
Grate Elements
ME 416/516
Vibrating Grate Stoker
Vibrating grate stoker is similar to a traveling
grate, except that instead of being on a
continuous loop, grate sections are sloped
downward and periodically vibrate to cause fuel
particle movement from front to back.
Vibration frequency is controlled to obtain
desired steam pressure/ heat output.
ME 416/516
Overfire Coal
Waterwalls air nozzles hopper
Underfire Vibration
To ashpit air supply generator
Water-Cooled Vibrating Grate Boiler
ME 416/516
Underfeed Stokers
So named because they use rams to force the
coal up underneath the burning fuel bed.
Grates are designed to flex up and downs to
break up fuel bed and prevent "clinker" formation.
Action of feed rams and fuel bed flexing cause
fuel to move from front to back of furnace.
Underfeed stokers range in size from small home
heating boilers to large industrial size.
Underfeed stokers are very good at burning high
volatile coal with a high turn-down ratio.
ME 416/516
Fuel hopper
Feeder rams
and actuator
Underfeed Stoker Boiler
ME 416/516
Spreader Stokers
Fed by a rotating bladed wheel that throws the
coal out over the grate.
Spreaders stokers are more expensive than other
stokers in small sizes, and are more expensive
than pulverized coal boilers in large sizes (over
500,000 Ibm/hr of steam) but are very common in
the intermediate (large industrial) size range.
Compared to previous stokers, more fuel burning
occurs in suspension- that is, in the air as the fine
particles are slung out over the fuel bed.
ME 416/516
Spreader Stokers (Cont’d)
Because of feeding method, more small particles
and fly ash are carried up with the exhaust.
Particles trapped up in boiler, economizer, air
preheater and dust collectors are recycled for better
combustion efficiency and reduced particulate
Grates are of several types. Some are traveling or
vibrating to move fire from back to front of furnace
and dump ash over the front into an ashpit. Others
grates periodically are turned over to collect ash.
ME 416/516
ME 416/516
Spreader Stoker Boiler
Reciprocating Adjustable
feed plate spill plate
Spreader rotor
ME 416/516
Ball Mill
Coal Balls Raw coal
Pulverizer (~18-in) feeder
ME 416/516 B&W
Coal feed inlet
PC outlet
Roller Mill
DB Riley
Classifier housing
Grinding roller
Nozzle ring
Grinding table
Primary air inlet
Coal Burner
Oil/gas lighter
Coal impeller
ME 416/516
DB Riley
Low-NOx Pulverized
ME 416/516
Coal Burner
PC vs. Stoker Boilers:
Advantages of PC vs. stoker boilers:
• much quicker response to changing loads
• lower excess air/higher efficiency
• easily adaptable to automatic control
• can burn wide variety of coals
Disadvantages of PC vs. stoker boilers:
• more expensive (at least for smaller capacities)
• require more skilled personnel
• require better emission control (particulates)
• require more energy to pulverize fuel
ME 416/516
Coal Combustion
We have examined the
combustion of fuels for
which we have a molecular
formula, e.g., C3H8 or CH4
Coal is characterized by a
mass based formula
resulting from an ultimate
Ultimate analysis gives the
elemental composition
ME 416/516
Ultimate Analysis
The ultimate analysis is a measurement of a coal
sample that yields the mass percent of each
element tested, plus the percent of ash in the
The primary elements are C, H, O, N and S.
The ash is the noncombustible portion of the coal.
There are other elements present in lesser
quantities, some of which are hazardous, such as
Cl, V, and Hg, but the “CHONS” are the important
elements for combustion calculations.
ME 416/516
Conversion from a Mass to a Mole
The secret to doing coal combustion calculations
is to calculate the chemical formula from the
ultimate analysis data
One standard method is to start with the
assumption of 100 lbm of coal
Recall that the relationship between mass, m,
and number of moles, n, is given by the
molecular weight, M, where:
M = m/n or n = m/M
ME 416/516
Example: mass to mole basis
If a coal has an ultimate analysis of H = 5%, C =
90% and Ash = 5%, find its molecular formula
Assume a total mass of 100 lbm of coal
The mass of carbon out of the total 100 lbm of
coal is: mC = 0.9 * 100 = 90 lbm carbon
Number of moles of carbon is nC = mC/MC, where
MC = 12, so nC = 90 lbm/12 lbm/lbmol = 7.5 lbmol
Similarly, mH = 5 lbm, nH = mH/MH = 5/1 = 5 lbmol
We ignore the ash because it does not burn
ME 416/516
Coal Combustion Chemistry
Once we have the number of moles of each fuel
component, we can calculate the moles of air
needed for complete combustion (stoichiometric
reaction) just as we did earlier
Once we obtain the moles of air required, we
can convert that to mass of air required and
calculate the air-to-fuel ratio, A/F
A/F is defined as the mass of air per mass of
fuel for a reaction
ME 416/516
Stoichiometry Terms
The stoichiometric A/F is the A/F obtained for the
stoichiometric reaction (no excess air)
The actual A/F is higher than the A/Fstoich to
insure complete fuel burnout
A Fact
The stoichiometric ratio is defined: SR =
A Fstoich
The fuel equivalence ratio is Φ = 1/SR
Percent excess air = 100% * (SR - 1)
Percent theoretical air = 100% * SR
ME 416/516
Estimating Coal HHV
A handy rule of thumb formula for estimating the
higher heating value of coal is provided by the
Dulong formula:
HHV = 14,600·C + 62,000·(H – O/8) + 4050·S
where HHV is the higher heating value in
Btu/lbm, and C, H, O and S are the coal mass
fractions of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and
sulfur, respectively, from the ultimate analysis of
the coal.
ME 416/516
Coal HHV Example
PROBLEM: A coal has an ultimate analysis of
78% carbon, 4% hydrogen, 3% oxygen, 6%
sulfur, and 9% ash. Estimate the HHV of the
SOLUTION: Use the Dulong formula:
HHV ≅ 14,600 * 0.78 + 62,000 * (0.04 – 0.03/8) +
4050 * 0.06)
HHV ≅ 13,900 Btu/lbm
ME 416/516
Coal Combustion Example
A coal has an ultimate analysis of C = 84%, H =
4.5%, S = 2.5% and Ash = 9%. The coal is to be
burned in a boiler to raise 150,000 lbm/hr of
steam using inlet water at 46
ME 416/516
Coal Combustion Example
A coal has an ultimate analysis of C = 84%, H =
4.5%, S = 2.5% and Ash = 9%. The coal is to be
burned in a boiler at 12% excess air to raise
150,000 lbm/hr of 120 psia steam using inlet
water at 46°F. If the boiler efficiency is 83%,
find: (a) HHV, (b) coal firing rate in lbm/hr, and
(c) the air flow rate in cfm entering the boiler at
ME 416/516
Boiler Efficiency
ME 416/516
One of the "usual suspects" in looking for
efficiency improvements is the boiler.
In smaller businesses or institutions there may
be no employees adequately trained to operate
and maintain boilers for efficient operation.
In larger firms or institutions (e.g., UA?), the
people who are trained are overextended and
lack time for optimal boiler maintenance and
ME 416/516
Simplified Boiler Efficiency Analysis
The following section provides a
simplified analysis method to
determine the boiler efficiency.
This method works reasonably well
for fossil fuel fired boilers.
ME 416/516
Boiler Efficiency & Losses
Boiler efficiency, hb, is the fraction of energy
input that actually goes into raising steam.
The remainder of the input energy is the boiler
losses, which have the following components.
Carbon Loss or Refuse Loss results from the
presence of unburned combustible materials,
mostly carbon, in the "refuse" or "bottom ash".
Heat Transfer Losses result from convective
and radiative losses from hot boiler exterior
surfaces to the surroundings.
ME 416/516
Blowdown Loss
Most boilers circulate water from a steam drum
above the boiler to the bottom of the boiler
through unheated downcomers and back up to
the steam drum via risers, which are waterwall
and other water heating tubes.
The “mud drum” lies at the lowest point in the
circulation and is designed to collect sediment.
The mud drum is periodically discharged to
remove the collected sediment, a process called
"blowdown". The energy content of the water
blown out is lost and reduces ηb.
ME 416/516
Stack Losses
Vapor Loss- H2O in exhaust leaves as vapor rather
than liquid, so the heat of vaporization is lost as
useful energy.
H2O that enters with combustion air is already in
vapor form and can be neglected.
The other two sources of H2O are the moisture
content of the fuel (from the proximate analysis) and
the H2O formed from fuel hydrogen combustion.
CO Loss is the unused fuel energy of exhaust,
primarily from unburned CO.
ME 416/516
Stack Losses (Cont’d)
Sensible Loss is the m & ⋅ c p ⋅ ∆T loss of
energy from the exhaust.
Ideally, the products of combustion could be
cooled to the surroundings temperature and the
fire would give up the maximum possible heat.
For practical reasons the exhaust leaves the
boiler considerably hotter than Tsurr, so the
sensible energy of the hot exhaust in excess of
ambient temperature is lost.
The sensible loss is typically the largest single
boiler loss component.
ME 416/516
Losses from Non-Coal Boilers
These losses apply equally well to other fossil-
fuel-fired boilers, including oil or natural gas,
except that there may not be a refuse/carbon
loss if there is negligible ash.
Only heat transfer losses will apply directly to
electric boilers. However, significant indirect
losses have already occurred at the powerplant
where the electricity was generated (~85% of
electricity generated by Rankine cycle with
steam generator).
ME 416/516
Method for Calculating Boiler
Equations are presented in following slides that
can be used to determine the boiler losses as
Btu per Ibm of coal that is fired.
The boiler efficiency is given by:
Efficiency (fractional) =
1 - (Σ Boiler Losses in Btu/lbm)/HHV
ME 416/516
Relations for Individual Boiler
Carbon Loss:
qcarb = 14,540 * ab/[100 * (100 - b)]
a is the % of ash in the fuel
b is the % of combustible (carbon) in dry refuse
(measured). “Refuse” is the bottom ash.
14,540 is the heating value of carbon in Btu/Ibm
ME 416/516
qrad = 0.1714 × 10 −8 * A * (Th4 − T∞4 )/m
0.1714 x 10-8 is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant,
σ, in Btu/hr-ft2-R4
A is the area of the surface from which heat is
Th is the hot boiler surface temperature (in
degrees R)
T∞ is the ambient temperature (in degrees R)
m& f is the mass flow rate of fuel in Ibm/hr
ME 416/516
qconv = 0.18 * A * (Th − T∞ ) 3 /m
0.18 * (Th - T∞)1/3 Btu/hr-ft2-F is a natural
convection heat transfer coefficient for air
qblow = m
& b * (hb − hc )/m
m& b is the mass flow rate of blowdown water
hb is the enthalpy of water bled from mud drum
hc is enthalpy of water fed to the boiler (hc ≅ hf at
boiler feedwater inlet temperature).
ME 416/516
qvap = 0.9 * H * (100 – M) + 10 * M
H is % hydrogen in fuel from ultimate analysis
M is % moisture in fuel from proximate analysis
qsens = 0.24 * (1 + A/F) * (Texh – Tin)
0.24 is cp of air in Btu/Ibm-°F
A/F is actual air/fuel ratio
Texh is exhaust T leaving boiler into stack.
Tin is temperature of air entering boiler (usu.
outside air temp.)
ME 416/516
qCO = [1.02 * (100 – M) * C * CO]/(CO + CO2)
C is % of carbon in fuel from ultimate analysis
CO is volume % of CO in exhaust from stack gas
CO2 is volume % of CO2 in exhaust from stack
gas analyzer
ME 416/516