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The Science of Religion of Mankind – Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta

Yatharth Geeta – The Geeta in its True Perspective

by Swami Adgadanandji
(5200 years long interval Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta in its authentic and everlasting exposition)


A Humble Appeal
Chapter1 - The Yog of Irresolution and Grief
Chapter2 - Curiosity About Action
Chapter3 - Urging the Enemy's Destruction
Chapter4 - Education of the Deed of Yagya
Chapter5 - The Supreme God-Enjoyer of Yagya
Chapter6 - The Yog of Meditation
Chapter7 - Immaculate Knowledge
Chapter8 - Yog with The Imperishable God
Chapter9 - Stirring To Spiritual Enlightenment
Chapter10 - An Account Of Gods Glory
Chapter11 - Revelation Of The Omnipresent
Chapter12 - The Yog Of Devotion
Chapter13 - The Sphere Of Action And its Knower
Chapter14 - Division Of The Three Properties
Chapter15 - The Yog Of The Supreme Being
Chapter16 - The Yog Of Telling The Divine From The Demoniacal
Chapter17 - The Yog Of Threefold Faith
Chapter18 - The Yog Of Renuciation

Part 1
A Humble Appeal

with profound reverence
the holy memory
the immortal, blessed, supreme yogi,
and the most exalted
Shree Paramhans Ashram Ansuiya

Since quite a good number of Sanskrit words had to be included in
the English rendering of Yathartha Geeta it is useful to explain briefly
why and how they have been used:

(I) To take some more prominent examples, words such as dharm,

yog, yagya, sanskar, varn, sattwa, rajas, tamas, varnsankar, karm, ksh-
etra, kshetragya, and pranayam, which occur through the whole book,
are really untranslatable into English. Dharm, for instance, is not
"religion;" and karm is something more then "action." Despite this,
however, approximate English equivalents have been used wherever
possible, but only, of course, if they do not distort or misrepresent the
original meaning. So "action," "property," and "sphere" have been used
for karm, varn, and kshetr respectively. Approximate English equival-
ents have also been used for sattwa, rajas, and tamas, taking care that
they do not obstruct the flow or rhythm of language. But it was not
found possible to have English substitutes for dharm, yog, yagya, sans-
kar, and varnsankar, and these words as well as many others have been
used as they are. But since the meaning of all Sanskrit words used in the
rendering (whether with or without English equivalents) is fully clarified
in either footnotes or the text itself, readers who have no familiarity with
Sanskrit or Hindi will find no difficulty in comprehending them. The
main object in this translation has been to use the unavoidable Sanskrit

words or their English substitutes in such a way that they do not look
like patchwork and obstruct reading in any way.

(II) As for the English transcription of these Sanskrit words, normal

English alphabet has been used. Phonetic script and diacritical marks
have been strictly dispensed with because they discourage readers and
keep them away from Indological books. So Sanskar has been tran-
scribed as sanskar (that is how the word is spoken) rather than as sans-
kara; and .. as yagya (that is how it is pronounced) rather than as yajna.
The same principle of transcribing Sanskrit words in normal English al-
phabet with a close proximity to the way these words are actually
spoken has been followed throughout the book. I believe that this way
makes for easier, smoother reading.

(III) Without meaning any offence to other scholarly writers, in defer-

ence to the same principle of transcribing Sanskrit words in the normal
English alphabet with a close proximity to their actual pronunciation I
have also dispensed with the practice of adding an "a" to the last pure
consonants of English transcripts of Sanskrit words.

The argument that the sound of the ultimate pure consonant is incom-
plete unless an "a" is added to it is untenable, for had this been the case,
the entire system of spelling in English would have to be changed. If the
last "m" in "farm" is a complete consonant sound, why should dharm
be transcribed as dharma? Keeping this in view, one cannot but con-
clude that people who have acted upon the illogical premise have done
a singular disservice to Sanskrit (their own language) by introducing
a system of transcription that has led to the distortion of the pronunci-
ation of such a large number of commonly used words. So, whatever be
the assumption behind the practice of adding an "a" to the ultimate
pure consonant of Sanskrit/Indian in their English transcription, in actu-
al practice this "appendix" is treated as a full vowel with the sound of "a"
as in "father" or "rather" or "bath" rather than as a part of the consonant

(IV) Just because Sanskrit or Hindi words are transcribed in Eng-

lish alphabet they do not become English. So application of the usual
English practice of using an "s" to make plurals to these words is improp-
er. The plural of karm is karm, not karms The plural of ved is ved, not

veds. So "s" has not been used to make plurals of Sanskrit nouns in this

One of Swamiji’s disciples.

Publisher: Shri Paramhans Swami Adagadanandji Ashram Trust

29A, Ist Floo, Dr. Atmaram Rangnekar Marg,
Above Brij Mandal Hall, Girgaum Chowpatty,
Mumbai 400 007, India
Tel: 91 22 6655 5300
Fax: 91 22 2364 3109
Website: www.yatharthgeeta.com
Email: contact@yatharthgeeta.com
(c) Author

Part 2

Shri Maharshi Ved Vyas- Shri Krishn Era

Before the advent of Maharshi Ved Vyas, no text of any pedagogical

discipline was available in the text form. Departing from this tradition of
oral and perceiving words of wisdom and knowledge, he compiled the
antecedent physical as well as spiritual knowledge in the textual form of
four Vedas, Brahmasutra, Mahabharat, Bhagwad and Geeta and pro-
claimed that, “Gopal Krishn has condensed the conclusion of all the
Upanishad in Geeta to enable the humanity to alleviate itself from pangs
of sorrow.’’ The Heart of all Vedas and the essence of all the Upanishad
is Geeta, which was elicited by Krishn and provided sustenance to dis-
traught humanity of reasoned doctrine and approach to perceive the Su-
preme Being. This has endowed the humanity of the ultimate means of
Peace. The sage, from among all his works, earmarked Geeta as the treat-
ise of knowledge and remarked that, the Geeta is suitable for being earn-
estly taken as the driving philosophy, of one’s activities of the life. When
we have the treatise given to us which was uttered by Krishn himself,
why ever shall we need to store other scriptures ?

The essence of Geeta is explicitly clarified by the verse :

There is only one holy writ which had been recited is by Lord Kirshn,
the son of Devaki. There is only one spiritual entity worth emulating and
the truth which has been specified in that commentary is - the soul.
There is nothing immortal other than the soul. What chant has been ad-
vised by that sage in Geeta ? Om ! “Arjun, Om is the name of the eternal
spiritual being. Chant Om and meditate upon me. There is only one
Dharm-to serve the spiritual being described in Geeta. Place him in your
heart with reverence. Therefore, Geeta has remained your own scripture.

Krishn is the messenger of the holy sages who have described the di-
vine creator as the Universal truth over the thousands years of age.
Many sages have said that, one may express their corporeal as well as
eternal desires from the God, be awed by the God and not to believe in
other deities- has already been proclaimed by many sages, but only the
Geeta explicitly shows the way to attain spirituality and fathom the dis-
tance on the way of attaining it - refer to “Yatharth Geeta”. Geeta not
only gives spiritual peace, it also makes it easier to attain eternal and en-
during alleviation. In order to perceive it please refer to the universally
acclaimed commentary- “Yatharth Geeta’’.

Although Geeta is universally acclaimed, it has not been able to take
place of doctrine or literature of any religion or sect, because religious
sects are always cinched by one or the other dictum or ordain. The Geeta
published in India is a legacy of the Universal Wisdom. The Geeta is the
ethereal heritage of India, the spiritual country. As such, it should be
treated as national literature-an effort may be directed at alleviating the
humanity from the pathos of the tradition of class discrimination, con-
flicts and altercation and accord peace.


Swami Shri Adgadanandji has set up a plaque inscribed with these

scriptures at the entrance of his residence, on the auspicious day of
Ganga Dashehara (1993) at Shri Paramhans Ashram Jagatanand, Village
& P. O. Bareini, Kachhava, Dist. Mirazpur (U.P.)

Shree Vedic Saints (Primeval Age- Narayan Sukta) - The Supreme

Being prevailling in each speck is but the truth. The only way to attain
Nirvana is to understand it.

Bhagwan Shree Ram (Treta : Millions of years ago- Ramayan) -

Aspirant of benediction without praying to The Supreme Being is an

Yogeshwar Shree Krishn (5200 years ago - Geeta) - The God is the
only truth. Achievement of the divinity is only possible through medita-
tion. Praying to the idols of Deities is only done by the morons.

Saints Moosa (3000 years ago - Jewism) - As you revoked your trust
from the God, made idols- He is unhappy. Begin praying to him.

Saint Jarathustra (2700 years ago - Zoroastrian Religion) - Meditate
upon Ahurmazd to eradicate the evils inhibiting your heart, which are
the root causes of all the sorrows.

Mahavir Swami (2600 years ago - Jain Scriptures) - Soul is the truth;
By observance of austere penance it could be learnt in this birth itself.

Gautam Buddha (2500 years ago- Mahaparinirvvan Sutta) - I have at-

tained that sublime ultimate stage, which was attained by the earlier
saints. This is Nirvana.

Jesus Christ (2000 years ago- Christianity) - Divinity could only be

achieved by prayers. Come to me. Then only you would be called the
son of the God.

Hajrat Mohammed Saheb (1400 years ago - Islam) - “La III- Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul- Allah”- There is none worthy of prayers other
than the all- pervading God. Mohammed et alare holy saints.

Aadi Shankaracharya (1200 years ago) - The wordly life is futile. The
only true being is the name of the Creator.

Saint Kabir (600 years ago) - The name of Ram is ultimate, all else is
futile. The beginning, middle and the end is nothing but the chant of
Ram. Chant the name of Ram, which only is subliminal.

Guru Nanak (500 years ago) - “Ek Omkar Satguru Prasadi’’. Only an
Omkar is true being, but it is a favour of the holy teacher.

Swami Dayanand Saraswati (200 years ago) - Pray only tp the ever-
lasting, immortal one God. The cardinal name of this Almighty is Om

Swami Shri Paramanandji (1912 - 1969 A. D.) - When the Almighty

bestows benevolence, the enemies turn friends and adversities become
Fortunateness. The God is omnipresent.


DEDICATED with profound reverence to the holy memory of the im-

mortal, blessed, supreme yogi, and the most exalted SHREE SWAMI

PARMANAND JI of Shree Paramhans Ashram Ansuiya (Chitrakoot)



|| Om Shree Sadguru Dev Bhagwan Ki Jai ||

Jai Sadgurudevam, Paramaanandam,amar shariram avikari |
Nigurna nirmulam, dhaari sthulam,kaatan shulam bhavbhaari ||
surat nij soham, kalimal khoham, janman mohan chhavidhaari |
Amraapur vaasi, sab sukh raashi, sadaa ekraasi nirvikaari ||
Anubhav gambhira, mati ke dhira, alakh fakira avtaari |
Yogi advaishta, trikaal drashta, keval pad anandkaari ||
Chitrakutahi aayo, advait lakhaayo, anusuia asan maari |
Sri paramhans svami, antaryaami, hain badnaami sansaari ||
Hansan hitkaari, jad pagudhaari,garva prahaari upkaari |
Sat-panth chalaayo, bharam mitaayo,rup lakhaayo kartaari ||
Yeh shishya hai tero, karat nihoro,mo par hero prandhaari |
Jai Sadguru … … .. bhari ||



|| Bhavsagar-taran karan he,

ravinandan-bandhan-khandan he
sharnagat kinkar bhit mane,
gurudev daya kar din jane

Hridi-kandar-tamas-bhaskar he,
tum vishnu prajapati shankar he
parbrahma paratpar ved bhane,

gurudev daya kar din jane

man-vaaran-kaaran ankush he,

nar tran kare hari chakshush he
gun-gaan-paraayan devgane,
gurudev daya kar din jane

kul-kundalini tum bhanjak he,

hridi-granth vidaaran kaaran he
mahima tav gochar shuddha mane,
gurudev daya kar din jane

abhiman-praabhav-vimardak he,
ati hin jane tum rakshak he
gurudev daya kar din jane

Ripusudan mangalnayak he,

sukh-shanti-varaabhai daayak he
bhay-taap hare tav naam gune,
gurudev daya kar din jane ll

Tav naam sada sukh-saadhak he,

patitaadham-maanav paavak he
mam maanas chanchal raatri dine,
gurudev daya kar din jane

Jai sadguru! Ishvar Praapak he!

Bhavrog-vikaar vinaashak hel
man lin rahe tav shri charne,
Gurudev daya kar din janell

Om Shree Sadguru Dev Bhagwan Ki Jai ||




“The immortal soul in the body is a part of mine and it is HE who draws
the five senses and the sixth the mind that dwell in nature.”
All human beings are children of God. 15/7


‘It hardly needs saying that since pious Brahmin and royal sages
(rajarshi) attain to salvation, you should also renounce this miserable,
ephemeral, mortal body and always engage in my worship.”
“Although devoid of money and comforts, yet rare to gain, while you
are in the human body worship me. The right for such worship is gran-
ted to all those in a human body.” 9/33


“There are in the world, O’ Parth, two kinds of beings, the pious, on
whom I have already dwelt at length, and the devilish of whom you will
now hear from me. There are only two types of human beings, the ’Deva’
(divine) of whom the heart is dominated by the noble traits, and the
’Asura’ (devil) whose evil traits dominate the hearts.
In this entire creation, there are no other types of human beings. 16/6


“Men who do pious deeds enjoined by the three Vedas, who have
tasted nectar and freed themselves from sin, and who wish for heavenly
existence through worshipping me by Yagya, go to heaven (Indralok),
and enjoy godly pleasures as a reward for their virtuous acts.” 9/20
‘Through worshipping me, people aspire to reach the heaven and I
grant it to them’. Therefore, everything can be easily attained through
the grace of Supreme Being.’


“Even if you are the most heinous sinner, the ark of knowledge will
carry you safely across all evils.” Even the worst of all sinners can un-
doubtedly gain access to the Supreme Being by using the boat of wis-
dom. 4/36

“Constantly resting is the awareness that is called adhyatmya and per-
ception of the Supreme spirit who is the end of realization of truth are all
knowledge and whatever is contrary to them is ignorance.
Dedication to the wisdom of the supreme soul, and the direct percep-
tion of Eternal Wisdom, which is the manifestation of the Supreme Soul,
constitute the components of the real wisdom. Any thing, other than
these is ignorance. Thus direct perception of God is wisdom. 13/11


“Even if a man of the most depraved conduct worships me incess-
antly, he is worthy of being regarded as a saint because he is a man of
true resolve. Thus he shortly becomes pious and achieves eternal peace,
and so, 0 Son of Kunti, you should know beyond any doubt that my wor-
shipper is never destroyed.”
‘A great sinner even, if worships ME with one pointedness and single
mindedness shall be transformed into a noble soul and shall attain the
everlasting peace within’. Therefore, a noble soul is the one who has
dedicated himself to the Supreme Being. 9/30-31


“Since selfless action neither wears out the seed from which it sprang
nor has any adverse consequence, even a partial observance of this
dharm liberates (one) from the dire terror (of repeated birth and death).”
Even a small amount of action performed with a goal of self realization
shall elevate the seeker from the terrible fear of birth and death cycles.


“Propelling all living things that best ride a body which is but a contriv-
ance by his maya, 0 Aijun, God abides in the hearts of all beings. Seek
refuge with all your heart, 0 Bharat, in that God by whose grace you will
attain to repose and the everlasting, ultimate bliss.”
God resides within the heart of every living being. Therefore, one must
surrender himself totally to this Supreme Being with complete detach-
ment. Through His compassion, one shall attain the ultimate bliss. 2/40

10. YAGYA:
“Yet other Yogis offer the functions of their senses and operations of
their life breaths to the fire of Yog (self control) kindled by knowledge.

As some offer their exhalation to inhalation, others offer their inhaled
breath to the exhaled breath, while yet others practise serenity of breath
by regulating their incoming and outgoing breath.” 18/61-62
The entire activities of the sense organs and mental turmoils are
offered as oblations to the soul that is illuminated by wisdom, into the
fire of yog. Meditators, on the self, sacrifice the vital air to apan and sim-
ilarly apan to pran. Going even higher than this, a Yogi restrain all life
forces and take refuge in the regulation of breath (pranayam). The pro-
cedure of such practices is Yagya. To perform this action is “ORDAINED
ACTION” i.e. Karm. 4/27,29


“O the best of Kuru, the yog is who have tasted the nectar flowing
from Yagya attain to the eternal Supreme God, but how can the next life
of men bereft of Yagya be happy, when even their life in this world is
For the men, who do not possess the attitude of yagya, it is very diffi-
cult to obtain human form in the transmigratory existence. Therefore,
everyone, in a human body is entitled to perform Worshipful Meditation


"O Arjun. mighty armed one, a worshipper can know this form of
mine directly, acquire its essence, and even become one with it by a total
and unswearing dedication."It is easy to see Him face to face, know Him
and even gain entry into Him through intense devotion.

"Only a seer, views the soul as a marvel, another one describes him as
a marvel, and yet another hears him as a marvel, while there are some
who hear him and yet know Him not.

An enlightened sage could see this SOUL as a rare wonder. This is direct
perception. 4/31


"The self, which cannot be pierced or burnt or made wet or faded, is un-
interrupted, all pervasive, constant, immovable and eternal"
Soul alone is true. Soul alone is eternal. 11/54

"All the worlds from Brahmlok downwards are, O Arjun, of are current
character, but, O son of Kunti, the soul which realizes me is not born
again." 2/29
Brahma (the creator) and his creations, dev and demons are full of
grief, momentary and mortal.2/24


Driven by the properties of their nature, they who fall from knowledge
desire worldly pleasures and in imitation of the prevailing customs, wor-
ship other gods instead of one single God."
Those whose intellect has been robbed through enjoyment of worldly
comforts, such foolish persons tend to worship other gods than the Su-
preme Being." 8/16
"Although even covetous devotees indeed worship me in worshipping
other gods, their worship is against the ordained provisions and there-
fore enveloped by ignorance. "Those who worship other gods, are wor-
shipping Supreme Being under influence of ignorance and their efforts
go in vain.
"Mark you that they who undergo terrible self mortification without
spiritual sanction and are afflicted with hypocrisy and arrogance besides
lust, attachment, and vanity of power and who wear out not only the ele-
ments that constitute their bodies but also me who dwells in their souls.
are ignorant men with evil disposition."Even people with virtuousness
tend to worship other gods. However, you must know that such persons
too are devilish in nature. 7/20


Those who, after for saking the prescribed way of performing Yagya, but
adopt ways without scriptual sanction, are cruel, sinful and ignoble
among the human being.


"He who departs from the body intoning OM, which is GOD in word,
and remembering me, attains to salvation."The intoning of OM, which is
the synonym for eternal Brahm, remembering only the sole Supreme Be-
ing and worshipful meditation is guidance of enlightened sage. 17/5-6

"I have thus instructed you, the sinless, in the most subtle of all know-
ledge because, Bharat, by knowing its essence a man gains wisdom and
accomplishes all his tasks."

"So scripture is the authority on what ought and ought not to be done,
and having learnt that you have the ability to act according to the provi-
sions laid down by the scripture."
Scripture is only a base to take perfect decision in case of performance
or avoidance of DUTY. Hence one should act as per prescribed task elab-
orated in GEETA. 8/13

19. DHARM :-
"Grieve not, for I shall free you from all sins if you abandon all other ob-
ligations (dharm) and seek refuge in me alone." 15/20
After giving up all the confusing ups and downs, and interpretations
(he who shall take refuge in ME, means who shall completely surrender
to the sole Supreme Being), the ordained action to achieve ultimate bliss
is the real conduct of DHARMA (2/40) and even if man of the most de-
praved conduct if performs, is worthy of being regarded as a Saint (9/
30). (16/24)


"For I am the one in whom the eternal GOD, immortal life, the imper-
ishable Dharm, and the ultimate bliss all abide."
'He is the dwelling of immortal GOD, of everlasting life, of eternal
DHARM and of the unblemished pure joy of attaining the Supreme
goal'. In other words, a GOD-oriented saint, an enlightened GURU is this
bliss, personified. 18/66




Knowledge derived from Geeta is the pure Manusmriti
– Geeta appeared even before the original man Manu – ‘Imam vivaswa-
teh yogam proktavanahamvyayam’ (4.10) Arjun! I told about this indes-
tructible happening to Sun at the beginning of time and Sun told it to
Manu. Manu listened to it and carried it in his memory because what he
heard could be carried only in Manu’s smiriti (memory). Manu told the
same thing to King Ikshwaku. The Rajarshis from Ikshwaku knew it and
during this important period this indestructible happening disappeared
from this earth. Initially there was a tradition of listening and memoriz-
ing. It was not even thought that it could be documented. Manu Maharaj
carried it in his psychological memory and created the tradition of
memory. Thus this knowledge derived from Geeta is the pure

The Lord had imparted this knowledge to the Sun even before he gave
it to Manu, so why don’t we call it Suryasmriti? In fact the Sun is that
part of the Light, the Almighty that is the creator of this universe. Lord
Shri Krishna says, ‘I ma the father of the ultimate life stream sperm, and
the nature is the womb that nurtures it’. The Sun is the originator. Sun is
that ultimate power of the Lord that designed the humans. It is not a per-
sonality and where the enlightened power created the humans the same
power was transferred the knowledge based on Geeta that is it was
transferred to the Sun. Sun told the same to his son Manu thus it is called
Manusmriti. Sun is not a person, it is the source.

Lord Shri Krishna says – ‘I am going to say that same ancient Yoga for
you now. You are my beloved disciple, true friend. Arjun was intelligent,
true worthy. He reeled out a chain of questions like you were born just;
the Sun was born ages ago. How do I accept that ‘You told this to the
Sun’? He asked some twenty twenty-five questions of this type. By the
time Geeta came to conclusion all his questions were answered, at that
juncture the Lord Himself raised the questions Arjun could not muster
up and were in his benefit and clarified the same. At the end of it all the
Lord said, ‘ Arjun! Did you listen to my advice in concentration? Was
your ignorance raised out of desire has vanished? Arjun said, Nashto
moha smritirlabdha twatprasadanmayachyut | Sthitohsmi gatas-
andehah karishye vachanam tava || 18/73

Hey Lord, my desires have subsided. I have gotten memory. I have not
only listened but I am carrying it as part of system now. I will abide by

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