Modified Precision Lingual Bonding Technique - A Step Wise Approach
Modified Precision Lingual Bonding Technique - A Step Wise Approach
Modified Precision Lingual Bonding Technique - A Step Wise Approach
Clinical Pearl
TAD: It consists of a fine adjustment screw, locking screw,
liquid crystal display (LCD), angulation fine adjustment Figure 1: Torque angulation device
knob, torque arc movement assay, and torque fine
adjustment knob [Figure 1].
BPD: It consists of a fine adjustment screw, locking screw,
LCD, a caliper, and a bracket attachment jaw [Figure 2].
In addition, there are a cast surveyor [Figure 3]; height-
measuring gauge, hand instruments, adhesive and lingual
brackets [Figure 4].
a b
Figure 7: (a and b) Midpoint of the clinical crown is marked with the help
of the measuring gauge, and the horizontal orientation lines are marked
a b
Figure 6: (a and b) Marking the long axis of the clinical crown on the labial
and lingual surfaces of the tooth
a b
Figure 8: (a and b) The models are sectioned into three different parts
using a die cutter
Figure 9: Verifying the accuracy of the torque angulation device using the
orientation guide
Figure 10: Adjusting the torque to the desired value Figure 11: Adjusting the angulation to the desired value
Primer is applied on the bracket base followed by trays are cut neatly and the trays are now ready for
placing sufficient amount of adhesive bonding intraorally [Figures 18 and 19].
• The bracket attachment jaw is adjusted to the
predetermined height and thickness according to the Discussion
formulated chart. Once again the position of the bracket Considering the variations in lingual crown morphology
is verified three dimensionally and the adhesive is and the slope of the maxillary anterior teeth,[11] any
cured [Figure 14, 15a, b, 16a and b] small variation in bracket height could affect the torque
• Similarly, the rest of the brackets are placed on the teeth delivered to the tooth much more than with labial
according to the chart prepared [Figure 17a and b]. appliance. Kyung used a Mushroom bracket positioner
Step IV: Preparation of the transfer trays to determine the most suitable height for bracket
positioning.[3] In our method of bonding, the individual
• Once the bracket positions are confirmed, vacuum trays tooth was surveyed initially and a chart was prepared
made of 1 mm soft sheets are prepared. The vacuum according to the particular case using the TAD/BPD.
Moreover, to ensure the most accurate unhindered bracket
position on the lingual surface, we used a cast which
was precisely cut into three sections using a model die
cutter. Care was taken so that the morphology of the
lingual surface of the teeth was preserved. Previously, for
Figure 12: Adjusting the cast on the cast surveying base so that the center
of the torque arc movement assay coincides with the intersection of the
vertical and horizontal orientation lines
a b
Figure 15: (a and b) Applying the primer and adhesive onto the bracket base
a b
a b
Figure 16: (a and b) Excess composite is smoothened and light cured after
confirming the bracket position three dimensionally Figure 17: (a and b) Completed bonding according to the prepared chart
Figure 18: Fabricated transfer trays Figure 19: Transfer trays ready for intraoral bonding