Chinese Med. Based.
Chinese Med. Based.
Chinese Med. Based.
Open Access
Medical Association journal board. CGC is an internet ‘recommendation’ or ‘consensus’ or ‘criterion’) and
collection of CPGs published in Chinese medical jour- (‘Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China’
nals and is used as a platform for clinicians and the or ‘Chinese Medical Association’ or ‘Chinese Medical
public. Doctor Association’).
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) con-
sists of a wide range of healthcare practices, products Data extraction
and therapies.8 9 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Any mention of the term ‘TCM’ in the included guide-
is usually considered to be part of CAM in the West and lines was regarded as having TCM-related content.
involves a broad range of medicine practices sharing Three authors ( JR, JS and WYL) extracted the following
common concepts that have been developed in China. information relating to TCM: the organisation issuing
TCM is based on a tradition that has evolved over more the guideline, date of issue, disease, location in guide-
than 3000 years and includes various forms of herbal lines of TCM content, recommended TCM content, evi-
medicine, acupuncture, massage (Tuina), exercise dence level of the recommendation and references
(Qigong) and dietary therapy.10 supporting the recommendations. Data were extracted
Western medicine and TCM are parallel and equally onto a Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet for data
important healthcare systems in China, and the Chinese manipulation.
government has encouraged the integration of Western
medicine and TCM. Currently, the use of Chinese
Data analysis
patent herbal medicine is widespread and reimbursed
by the government insurance system. Reports have sug- Frequency data were generated for descriptive statistical
gested that 60% of Chinese patent herbal medicines are analysis using Microsoft Excel 2010.
prescribed by medical doctors in Western medicine hos-
pitals.11 A large-scale survey organised by Beijing RESULTS
Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese A total of 604 CPGs were identified and issued by three
Medicine and Beijing Association of Chinese Medicine organisations between 2004 and 2014, and 74 guidelines
found that 40% of prescriptions of patent herbal medi- (12%) mentioned TCM (table 1 and online supplemen-
cine by Western medicine doctors was inappropriate due tary file).12–85 Over the past 10 years there was an overall
to lack of TCM knowledge.11 increase in the number of CPGs, but there was no sig-
This study aims to assess the status of TCM recom- nificant increase in those with TCM content (figure 1).
mended as an intervention in Western medicine CPGs The number of published guidelines including TCM
in China and the use of evidence that underpins these content reached its maximum between 2010 and 2014,
recommendations. Our purpose in doing this is to peaking at 16 new guidelines in 2013 (complete data for
provide an appropriate evidence-based strategy for the 2014 are not currently available). The first guideline to
development of Western medicine CPGs that include recommend TCM was published in 2005 (figure 1).
TCM. Subsequent analysis of the 604 CPGs according to the
International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition
METHODS (ICD-10) identified 21 disease systems. Of the 74 guide-
Inclusion criteria lines with TCM content, 58 different diseases were iden-
Guidelines approved and issued by the Ministry of tified and these involved 13 specific disease systems
Health of China, the Chinese Medical Association and (figure 2).
the Chinese Medical Doctors’ Association were all
included in the initial review. Subsequently, all CPGs
containing TCM were included in the study. Older ver- Table 1 Distribution of Western medicine clinical
sions of the guidelines with existing updates were practice guidelines among three organisations
excluded. No of CPGs
No of recommending
Name of organisation CPGs TCM (%)
Data sources
CPGs were identified from the CGC from 2004 (when Chinese Medical 526 61* (12%)
the first guideline was issued in China) to 14 January Association
Chinese Medical 47 4* (9%)
2013. A supplementary search of CPGs was conducted
Doctors Association
up to 30 August 2014 in the China National Knowledge Ministry of Public 35 9* (26%)
Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Scientific Journal Health
Database (VIP) and Wan Fang database. The search Total 604 74 (12%)
strategy and search terms used were as follows: (‘clinical’ *This excludes those jointly issued by multiple agencies and old
(linchuang) or ‘prevention’ or ‘practice’ or ‘treat’ or version guidelines with existing updated ones.
‘operation’ or ‘pharmacy’ or ‘drug’ or ‘treatment’) and CPG, clinical practice guideline; TCM, traditional Chinese
(‘guideline’ or ‘standard’ or ‘proposal’ or
Open Access
Figure 1 Number of clinical practice guidelines approved in China. The figure shows the trend among Western medicine clinical
practice guidelines (CPGs) with respect to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) content in the period 2004–2014.
In the 74 CPGs with TCM content, one mentioned methods such as herbal medicines, acupuncture, acu-
TCM in the introduction (1%), one in the diagnosis of point injection, and Tuina, which should be based on
syndrome differentiation (1%), but most of the guide- syndrome differentiation”.20
lines mentioned TCM in the treatment recommendation Of the 74 CPGs with TCM content, only 11 mentioned
section (73, 99%). In addition, TCM recommendations appropriate references to TCM such as systematic
were described under prevention (three guidelines, reviews (n=3),51 53 71 randomised controlled trials
occupying 4% of the total guideline number) and two (n=6),17 50 51 54 58 71 non-randomised controlled trials
under rehabilitation (3%). Five guidelines mentioned (n=2),54 58 case series (n=4)24 51 54 71 or other (n=1)
TCM in more than one section of the guideline. (historical TCM classical texts).82
Among the 74 CPGs with TCM content, 43 guidelines
(58%) recommended a Chinese herbal treatment
(including single herbs or multiple herbs based on syn- DISCUSSION
drome differentiation) and, among them, 25 guidelines Few Western medicine CPGs in China recommended
(34%) recommended Chinese proprietary medicine or TCM, and very few guidelines applied an evidence-based
herbal preparations produced by a hospital pharmacy approach in the recommendations. The majority of the
and not necessarily approved by the State Food and Drug TCM therapies (58%) recommended were Chinese
Administration. In addition, 14 guidelines (19%) recom- herbal medicine, and about 59% of the recommenda-
mended acupuncture, one guideline recommended acu- tions were for chronic diseases such as chronic hepatitis
puncture point injection (1%) and 14 guidelines B, bronchial asthma and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The
recommended two or more TCM therapies (table 2). TCM content of the 74 CPGs failed to provide adequate
Of the 74 CPGs with TCM content, only five guide- references to research published in international jour-
lines (7%) provided evidence grading for the TCM nals. In addition, the methodology regarding how the
recommendations.50 51 53 54 56 Three guidelines TCM recommendations were formulated was not trans-
reported level I evidence related to TCM,50 53 54 four parent or evidence-based.
guidelines reported level II evidence related to acupunc- This study systematically assessed the status of TCM
ture and herbal extracts41 53 54 58 and three guidelines therapy recommended in 604 Western medicine CPGs
reported level III evidence related to Chinese patent issued by three state level organisations in China. To the
medicine and massage.53 54 64 All these guidelines speci- best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive
fied the herbal compositions (table 3). analysis detailing the inclusion of TCM content in
Two of the 74 CPGs with TCM content mentioned Western medicine CPGs published in China.
that “due to the limited literature involving TCM studies Recommendations for TCM in the current Chinese
and small sample sizes, more evidence was needed guidelines are not reflected by its popularity in practice.
before making firm recommendations” and “further The findings of this study provide insights for the future
high-quality studies should be conducted to confirm the development and updating of CPGs involving Western
effects of TCM treatments”.51 53 Three guidelines did medicine and TCM in China.
not provide further comments after recommending This study has some limitations. First, the included
TCM treatments.50 52 58 The other 69 guidelines did not guidelines were all identified from the China Guideline
provide the evidence level for their recommendation for Clearinghouse and issued by the Ministry of Health, the
TCM treatments, but only listed a general statement— Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese Medical
for example, “TCM treatment: apply TCM treatment Doctors’ Association. These guidelines are easily
Open Access
Figure 2 Categories of diseases involved in clinical practice guidelines in China. The figure shows the number of disease
categories involved in the total number of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and Chinese Western medicine CPGs with related
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) content, respectively.
accessible and published centrally but may not be com- demonstrated a low proportion of CPGs mentioning at
prehensive as some guidelines may be issued by other least one CAM.88 Out of 279 UK clinical guidelines
relevant Chinese professional societies. Second, we did issued during 2006–2013, only 16% mentioned CAM,
not include guidelines from other countries that recog- with acupuncture and natural herbal medicines being
nise TCM (eg, the use of acupuncture for pain in the the most common. For acupuncture, six guidelines
USA and Europe) so we are unable to comment about recommended its use, three stated that it could be con-
the specific evidence for TCM in treatment guidelines in sidered but the evidence was weak, 18 could not recom-
other countries. Third, we only evaluated evidence mend acupuncture based on the available evidence and
grading in those CPGs that recommended TCM so we six advised against the use of acupuncture. Thirty-six
are not able to reach any conclusions about the CPGs guidelines mentioned the use of various natural pro-
that did not recommend TCM. ducts including herbs. Interestingly, there were more
This study shows that Western medicine CPGs do not guidelines mentioning acupuncture in the UK than
include adequate relevant research to support the guide- there were in China over the same time period.88
lines’ recommendations for TCM. It appears that trials Our study shows that there is insufficient application of
and systematic reviews carried out in the West may not TCM research evidence in Western medicine guidelines
be included as evidence even though the research may in China. This may be because the guideline developers
be of good quality. One article published in 2014 identi- did not identify the relevant evidence when preparing
fied 13 guidelines and 22 systematic reviews issued by the guidelines, but it is important to note that most of the
East Asian countries on traditional medicine (including guidelines did not have clear methodology for how they
acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, herbal medicine, had been developed. One recent study reported that
TCM, manual therapy and Tuina) for low back pain.87 there were 2964 controlled clinical trials involving TCM
This study suggested that the current CPGs do not fully in cancer treatment published in China between1984
reflect the evidence for traditional medicine interven- and 2011, and the number of such publications increases
tions and concluded that, as relevant studies, systematic annually, but these data do not seem to have been used
reviews and meta-analyses are conducted and the evi- in guideline development.89 For instance, Cao et al90
dence increases, the current evidence on acupuncture, identified 550 Chinese clinical studies on cupping
herbal medicine and manual therapy should be recon- therapy published between 1959 and 2008 but, again,
sidered in the process of developing or updating rele- these did not attract adequate attention in the field of
vant CPGs. Similarly, in the UK, a recent study of NHS guideline development. A large number of reviews on
Western medical clinical guidelines issued by the TCM have reported a high level of interest,91 but there is
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence little or no reliable evidence with positive findings for
Open Access
Table 2 Traditional Chinese medicine therapy recommended in Western medicine clinical practice guidelines
No of
TCM therapy CPGs Diseases involved (no of guidelines if >1)
Chinese Single herb, treatment based on 43 Chronic hepatitis B (3), bronchial asthma (3), nasosinusitis
herbal syndrome differentiation (2), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2), type 2
medicine diabetes mellitus (2), allergic rhinitis, avascular necrosis of the
femoral head, common kidney disease in children, childhood
diarrhoea, hepatolenticular degeneration, osteoporotic
fracture, heart failure, colorectal cancer, influenza, difficult
asthma, pelvic inflammatory disease, spleen injury, spleen
retained, prostatitis, eczema, baby allergic disease, primary
hepatic carcinoma, haemorrhoids, obesity, psoriasis, severe
acute pancreatitis, spinal cord injury, colorectal cancer,
drug-induced liver injury, limb atherosclerosis, inflammatory
bowel disease, vasomotor rhinitis, acute pancreatitis, chronic
constipation, influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, optic
neuritis, chronic venous disease
Chinese proprietary medicine* or 25 Cerebrovascular disease (2), primary liver cancer (2),
traditional Chinese preparation† dementia and cognitive impairment (2), viral hepatitis,
gastrointestinal disease, Behcet syndrome, adult onset Still’s
disease, rheumatoid arthritis, influenza, Malassezia-
associated diseases, eczema, vascular cognitive impairment,
bronchial asthma, type 2 diabetes mellitus, acute ischaemic
stroke, psoriasis, management of menopause, nasosinusitis,
influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, acute paraquat
poisoning, fatty liver disease
Acupuncture and/or moxibustion 14 Stroke (2), irritable bowel syndrome, childhood diarrhoea,
prostatitis, fibromyalgia syndrome, haemorrhoids, adult
insomnia, acute ischaemic stroke, migraine, management of
menopause, chronic constipation, child autism, acne
Acupuncture point injection 1 Childhood diarrhoea
*Chinese patent medicine, Chinese herbal preparation or Chinese herb extracts.
†The forms were unspecified.
As one guideline may recommend more than one kind of TCM therapy, the total number of guidelines involved is larger than 74.
CAM including TCM mainly due to the poor methodo- popularity of TCM), considerable effort should be made
logical quality of the original studies.92 Thus, whether to look at both Western medicine and TCM to reflect
there is adequate evidence to recommend TCM in guide- and support their clinical use. Second, many of the ori-
lines included in this study is still not known, and this ginal Chinese studies are of poor quality, challenging
should be the focus of future research. their utility as evidence in China and abroad,95 and
In spite of these caveats, it appears that (1) there is there is an urgent need to improve the methodology
insufficient evidence to recommend TCM for some con- and reporting of randomised controlled trials in China.
ditions and further research is required; (2) the evi- Third, different stakeholders should be involved in the
dence on the quality, safety and efficacy of traditional development of CPGs such as Western medical doctors,
medicine does not meet the applicable standards for TCM practitioners, methodologists, information person-
Western medicine;93 and (3) Chinese guidelines are gen- nel, nurses and healthcare policy makers.96
erally of poor quality and have mostly been developed
through expert consensus and lack rigorous scientific
methodology.94 CONCLUSIONS
Based on the findings from our study, we make the fol- TCM is included in 12% of Western medicine guidelines
lowing suggestions for the future development of in China. Few guidelines that recommend TCM provide
Chinese clinical guidelines. First, all guidelines should references, and very few have applied evidence grading
be evidence-based so that the recommendations can be to support their recommendations. Future guideline
supported by research evidence. Adopting an evidence- development in China should be based on internation-
based approach to the development of CPGs has ally recognised methodology with relevant stakeholders
become an international trend,4 and CPGs should be involved. We suggest systematic searching and synthesis-
founded on the highest quality of scientific evidence ing of evidence, critical appraisal of evidence, and report-
available. In the Chinese context (reflecting the ing the evidence with reference to the Grading of
Open Access
Table 3 Recommendations based on evidence level for traditional Chinese medicine content in Western medicine clinical practice guidelines
level Guideline title Treatment Recommendation contents
Level I Chinese guidelines on diagnosis and Chinese herbal preparation Ginkgo leaf preparation has a mild effect in slowing down memory in older patients
management for cognitive impairment and and Chinese herbal progression of dementia (grade B evidence).
dementia (V): dementia therapy preparation Ginkgo leaf extract does not reduce the incidence of AD in elderly people with mild
cognitive impairment (grade B evidence). Salvia officinalis extract is able to improve
cognitive function in mild and moderate AD patients and relieve the symptoms of
agitation (grade B evidence)
Level III Chinese guidelines on prevention and treatment Chinese patent medicine Decision to use acupuncture (level II recommendation, Grade B evidence) should
for acute ischemic stroke (2010) take patient’s willingness into consideration,
Chinese proprietary medicine (level III recommendation, grade C evidence)
Chinese guidelines of rehabilitation treatment for Massage Recommendation of massage for patients with severe limb spasm to relieve fatigue
stroke (2011 full version) and muscular tension (level III recommendation, grade C evidence)
Chinese guidelines on rehabilitation treatment for Massage Recommendation of massage for patients with severe limb spasm to relieve fatigue
stroke (2011 full version) and muscular tension (level III recommendation, grade C evidence)
Quality evidence based on GRADE: A, high quality; B, moderate quality; C, low quality; D, very low quality.
Quality level based on GRADE:
1. High: we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
2. Moderate: we are moderately confident in the effect estimate; the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect but there is a possibility that it is substantially different.
3. Low: our confidence in the effect estimate is limited; the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
4. Very low: we have very little confidence in the effect estimate; the effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.
*Although the two articles have partially similar content, we regarded them as different guidelines because of different form and part of the content.
†If level of evidence involved did not identify a specific standard, it was assessed based on GRADE standards.86
AD, Alzheimer’s disease; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation; MCI, mild cognitive impairment.
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