C) Allow Access To A Table or Library Only If The User Is in A Specific Role or Roles
C) Allow Access To A Table or Library Only If The User Is in A Specific Role or Roles
C) Allow Access To A Table or Library Only If The User Is in A Specific Role or Roles
What permission level on the application server will the platform administrator need for this task?
A user in the marketing group attempts to define a library the user receives the error message
shown on the Exhibit A tab
Given the authorization metadata shown on the Exhibit B tab, which permission must be granted to
prevent the error
A) WriteMemberMetadata
B) CheckinMetadata
C) Write
D) Administer
B) RM WM Administer
C) RM WM RW Administer
D) RM WM RMM RW Administer
A) You cannot tell by looking at the Permission Pattern tab of the ACT. You need to look at the
Authorization tab
B) WriteMetadata will be denied unless there is an explicit grant. The other permission settings
depend on the context where the ACT is applied
C) All of the permissions will be denied.
D) WriteMetadata and WriteMemberMetadata will be denied. The other permission will be
Which server component is used to export or import the SAS package during the promotion process?
A user has a permission of grant ReadMetadata on the Shoe table associated with the Customer
library. The same user has a permission of deny ReadMetadata on the Customer library. Will the
user be able to open the Shoe table using SAS Data Integration Studio?
A Platform administrator wants to prevent all restricted users from accessing data that requires the
Read permission. Which permission level(s) should the platform administrator assign?
A) Mary can see Library Sales2 for data associated with DeptB only
B) Mary can see Library Sales2
C) Mary cannot see Library Sales2
D) Mary can see Library Sales2 for data flagged as PUBLIC only
In order of precedence from highest to lowest, how are permissions on a metadata item evaluated?
A) Directly applied and ACT applied, Inherited from parent, Inherited from default ACT
B) ACT applied, Directly applied, Inherited from parent, Inherited from default ACT
C) Inherited from parent, Inherited from default ACT, ACT applied, Directly applied
D) Directly applied, Inherited from parent, ACT applied, Inherited from default ACT
An identity hierarchy specifies a list of identities and the order of precedence of those identities.
Which listing of identities is ranked from highest priority to lowest priority?
A) Data libraries
B) Folders
C) Information Maps
D) Data sets
In a SAS metadata server cluster, which component is shared with the other nodes in the cluster?
A) Journal files
B) Configuration Directory
C) Backup files
D) Log files
You are using Microsoft Excel and the SAS Add-in Microsoft Office to open a relational information
map. Which type of server is retrieving the data from the information map?
Metadata repositories are a collection of files in a physical folder. In what format are the files
Identify the repository that holds information about a user’s change management environment
A) Repository manager
B) Foundation repository
C) Custom repository
D) Project repository
The physical folder where the metadata is stored should be secured so that
A) The account under which the metadata server runs and one or more administrators have
need access
B) All SAS users have read only access
C) All SAS users have read and write access
D) The account under which the metadata server runs and one or more administrators have
read and write access
A) One per machine running a stored process server, workspace server, and/or pooled
workspace server.
B) One for each type of server instantiated byanobject spawner.
C) One for every three servers that need to be instantiated by an objectspawner.
D) Never more than one per environment.
Identify the repository that holds information about the other repositories in the environment.
A) custom repository
B) foundation repository
C) project repository
D) repository manager
Question 26
In this dropdown menu, what action occurs from choosing Refresh application server and then
selecting an application server context?
A) The SAS management console display is updated with the current status of server processes
for the selected application server context
B) The SAS object spawner restarts all of the servers within the selected application server
context, picking up any new or updated server configuration information.
C) The Server management tabs for the selected application server context are updated with
the most recent counters and log events
Question 27
A) The SAS Metadata server can pick up any changes to the file without having to do a restart
B) An restricted user is listed in the file with the preceding asterisk(*)
C) The file is located in the metadata server’s configuration directory
D) The file should be used to define unrestricted users if all other administrators are locked out
Question 28
A Connection profile for a SAS windows Application has been stored as a file. What will be the
extension for this file?
A) .xml
B) .spf
C) .swa
D) .prf
Regardless of the authentication method that is an use, password must be stored in metadata for
which type of user?
A) External user
B) Internal user
C) Administrative user
D) Unrestricted user
Question 31
Which condition would require a SAS administrator to create one or more outbound logins?