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Teori Keagenan: Ulasan Teori Dan Bukti Tentang Masalah Dan Perspektif

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teori keagenan: Ulasan Teori Indian Journal of Corporate Governance

10(1) 74–95 ©

dan Bukti tentang Masalah dan

2017 Institute of Public
Enterprise SAGE
Perspektif sagepub.in/home.nav
DOI: 10.1177/0974686217701467

Brahmadev Panda 1
NM Leepsa 1

This article intends to review the theoretical aspects and empirical evidences made on agency
theory. It is aimed to explore the main ideas, perspectives, problems and issues related to the
agency theory through a literature survey. It discusses the theoretical aspects of agency theory and
the various concepts and issues related to it and documents empirical evidences on the
mechanisms that diminish the agency cost. The conflict of interest and agency cost arises due to
the separation of ownership from control, different risk preferences, information asymmetry and
moral hazards. The literatures have cited many solutions like strong ownership control, managerial
ownership, independent board members and different committees can be useful in controlling the
agency conflict and its cost. This literature survey will enlighten the practitioners and researchers in
understanding, analysing the agency problem and will be helpful in mitigating the agency problem.

Agency theory, contractual relationship, conflict of interest, agency issues, agency cost, literature


Agency theory revolves around the issue of the agency problem and its solution (Jensen & Meckling,
1976; Ross, 1973). The history of agency problem dates back to the time when human civilisation
practiced business and tried to maximise

1 School of Management, NIT, Rourkela, India.

Corresponding author:
Brahmadev Panda, Doctoral Research Scholar, School of Management, NIT, Rourkela–769008, India. E-mail:
Panda and Leepsa 75

their interest. Agency problem is one of the age-old problems that persisted since the evolution of the
joint stock companies. It cannot be ignored since every organ- isation possibly suffered from this
problem in different forms. With the change in the time, the agency problem has taken different
shapes and the literature has evidence about it. The discussion on the literature of agency theory is
very much in need to understand the agency problem, its various forms and the various costs
involved in it to minimise the problem.

The presence of agency issues has been widely witnessed in different academic fields. The
evidences found in different fields like accounting (Ronen & Balachandran, 1995; Watts & Zimmerman,
1983) finance (Fama, 1980; Fama & Jensen, 1983; Jensen, 1986), economics (Jensen & Meckling,
1976; Ross, 1973; Spence & Zeckhauser, 1971), political science (Hammond & Knott, 1996; Weingast
& Moran,
1983), sociology (Adams, 1996; Kiser & Tong, 1992), organisational behaviour (Kosnik &
Bittenhausen, 1992) and marketing (Bergen, Dutta, & Walker, 1992; Logan, 2000; Tate et al., 2010).
The wide existence of the agency problem in differ- ent types of organisations has made this theory as
one of the most important theory in the finance and economic literature.

The central idea of this article is to inspect and analyse the theoretical and empirical literature on
agency theory to find out the answers to certain important questions. These questions are like: What
is agency theory? Why does it matter? What is agency problem? What are the types of agency
problem? Which factors cause the agency problem? What are the remedies for the problem? What is
agency cost? What are the elements of agency cost? and How the agency cost can be controlled?
These issues have dominated the finance literature since last many decades. Earlier authors like
Eisenhardt (1989), Kiser (1999) and Shapiro (2005) have surveyed and captured the different facets
of the agency literature due to its wide popularity. This article is developed in the same line with an
extensive work on the theoretical and empirical literature on the various aspects of the agency
theory. This article strikes a balance between the theoretical aspects and the empirical evidence in
the popular areas of agency theory.

Research Design

The basic idea of this study is to explore the theoretical and empirical works done on agency theory,
its various perspectives and empirical models. This literature survey will aid in finding certain answers
to the major issues raised in this article. The design of this literature survey article is based on two
approaches. The first approach discusses the theoretical aspects of the concepts, definitions,
limitations and issues related to agency theory. The second approach deals with empirical works
made on the factors that reduce the agency cost. For this purpose, we have explored various
journals, books and chapters available in the online databases like JSTOR, Wiley, Scopus, Science
Direct, Springer, SAGE, Taylor & Francis and Emerald to gather the literature on agency theory.

This article has searched the articles, working papers and chapters by the keywords such as
agency theory, principal–agent problem, agency relationship,
76 Indian Journal of Corporate Governance 10(1)

ownership structure, managerial ownership, board structure, governance mech- anisms and
agency cost from the online databases. Out of these, we have only selected those articles which
are from reputed journals in order to improve the quality of the literature study. Berle and Means
(1932) found the research on agency theory in the early 19th century and since then many
researches have been done. This article has started the literature survey with Berle and Means
(1932) and covered the most prominent works done in the last four decades. Mostly, this article
includes articles from 1968 to the recent works in 2015 (Figure 1).

Broad Conceptual Framework

Research Questions
What is agency theory? What is agency problem? What
are the remedies to agency problem? What is agency
cost? Which factors reduce the agency cost?

Research Design

Articles Covered Keyword Search Period Covered

Total 75 number of articles have Online Database
Agency theory, agency Articles from 1968 to 2015
been considered from reputed JSTOR, Wiley, Scopus,
problem, agency relationship (47 years)
journals for the review process. Science Direct, Springer,
and agency cost.
SAGE, Taylor & Francis and

Figure 1. Summary of Broad Research Framework

Source: Developed by the authors.

Agency Theory

Agency model is considered as one of the oldest theory in the literature of the man- agement and
economics (Daily, Dalton, & Rajagopalan, 2003; Wasserman, 2006). Agency theory discusses the
problems that surface in the firms due to the separation of owners and managers and emphasises on
the reduction of this problem. This theory helps in implementing the various governance mechanisms to
control the agents’ action in the jointly held corporations. Berle and Means (1932) in their the- sis found
that the modern corporation of the USA was having dispersed ownership, and it leads to the separation
of ownership from control. In a joint stock company, the ownership is held by individuals or groups in the
form of stock and these share- holders (principals) delegates the authority to the managers (agents) to
run the busi- ness on their behalf (Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Ross, 1973), but the major issue is whether
these managers are performing for the owners or themselves.
Panda and Leepsa 77

Evolution of Agency Theory

Adam Smith (1937[1776]) is perhaps the first author to suspect the presence of agency problem and
since then it has been a motivating factor for the economists to cultivate the aspects of agency theory.
Smith forecasted in his work The Wealth of Nations that if an organisation is managed by a person or
group of persons who are not the real owners, then there is a chance that they may not work for the
own- ers’ benefit. Berle and Means (1932) later fostered this concern in their thesis, where they
analysed the ownership structure of the large firms of the USA and obtained that agents appointed by
the owners control large firms and carry the busi- ness operations. They argued that the agents might
use the property of the firm for their own end, which will create the conflict between the principals and

The financial literature in the 1960s and 1970s described the agency problem in the organisations
through the problem of risk-sharing among the cooperating par- ties (Arrow, 1971; Wilson, 1968)
involved in the organisations. There are individu- als and groups in the firm having different risk
tolerance and their action differs, accordingly. The principal or the owners, who invest their capital and
take the risk to acquire the economic benefits, whereas the agents, who manage the firm are risk
averse and concerned in maximising their private benefits. Both the principal and agent are having
opposite risk preferences and their problem in risk-sharing creates the agency conflict, which is broadly
covered under the agency theory.

Ross (1973) and Mitnick (1975) have shaped the theory of agency and came up with two different
approaches in their respective works. Ross regarded the agency problem as the problem of
incentives, while Mitnick considered the problem occurs due to the institutional structure, but the
central idea behind their theories is similar. Ross identified the principal–agent problem as the
consequence of the compensation decision and opined that the problem does not confine only in the
firm, rather it prevails in the society as well. The institutional approach of Mitnick helped in developing
the logics of the core agency theory and it was possibly designed to understand the behaviour of the
real world. His theory propagated that institutions are built around agency and grow to reconcile with
the agency.

Alchian and Demsetz (1972) and Jensen and Meckling (1976) defined a firm as a ‘set of
contracts between the factors of production’. They described that firms are the legal fictions, where
some contractual relationships exist among the per- sons involved in the firm. Agency relationship is
also a kind of contract between the principal and agent, where both the party work for their
self-interest that leads to the agency conflict. In this context, principals exercise various monitoring
activities to curb the actions of the agents to control the agency cost. In the prin- cipal–agent
contract, the incentive structure, labour market and information asymmetry plays a crucial role and
these elements helped in building the theory of ownership structure.

Jensen dan Meckling (1976) digambarkan perusahaan sebagai kotak hitam, yang beroperasi untuk
memaksimalkan nilai dan profitabilitas. Maksimalisasi kekayaan dapat dicapai melalui koordinasi dan kerja
sama tim di antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam perusahaan. Namun, kepentingan pihak-pihak berbeda,
konflik kepentingan muncul, dan itu hanya dapat diturunkan melalui kepemilikan manajerial dan kontrol.
78 India Journal of Corporate Governance 10 (1)

pihak juga tahu bahwa kepentingan mereka hanya bisa puas jika perusahaan ada. Oleh karena itu, mereka
melakukan dengan baik untuk kelangsungan hidup perusahaan. cara yang sama, Fama (1980) menganjurkan
bahwa perusahaan dapat disiplin oleh persaingan dari pemain lain, yang memonitor kinerja seluruh tim dan
Fama and Jensen (1983) made a study on the decision-making process and the residual
claimants. They segregated the firm’s decision process into two catego- ries such as decision
management and decision control, where agents are the key players in the process. In the
non-complex firms, the decision management and decision control are the same but in complex firms,
both exists. In those complex firms, the agency problem arises in the management decision process
because the decision-makers who initiate and implement the decisions of the firm are not the real
bearer of the wealth effects of their choices. They inferred that these agency problems are necessary
to be controlled for the survival of the firm.

Grossman and Hart (1983) made an interesting tale on the divergence of risk preference
between the principal and agents. They explained that the consumption of the principal gets affected
by the agent’s output. The agent’s level of effort affects the firms’ output, where the principals desire
for the higher level of effort from agents. Hence, the principal should trade-off the agent’s behaviour
with a proper payment structure, for which they used an algorithmic model to figure out an optimal
incentive structure. The incentive structure is affected by the agents’ attitude towards the risk and
information quality possessed by the principals and no incentive problem arise if the agent is risk

Eisenhardt (1989) categorised the agency theory into two models such as the positivist agency
model and principal–agent model (Harris & Raviv, 1978). Both of these models are based upon the
contractual relationship between the principal and agent but principal–agent model is more
mathematical. Principal–agent model explains that principals are risk-neutral and profit seekers, while
agents are risk averse and rent seekers. Positive agency theory explains the causes of agency
problem and the cost involved in it. This theory proposes two propositions. First proposition explains
that if the outcome of the contract is incentive based, then the agents act in the favour of principal.
Second, if the principal is having information about the agents, then the action of the agents will be

Criticism of Agency Theory

Perrow (1986) criticised that positivist agency researchers have only concentrated on the agent side
of the ‘principal and agent problem’, and opined that the prob- lem may also happen from the
principal side. He observed that this theory is unconcerned about the principals, who deceive, shirk
and exploit the agents. Furthermore, he added that the agents are unknowingly dragged into work
with the perilous working environment and without any scope for encroachment, where principals
act as opportunistic. He believed in another way that humans are noble and work ethically for the
betterment of the firm. This argument persisted in the finance literature and has become a
prominent theory known as stewardship theory (Donaldson, 1990).
Panda and Leepsa 79

Many authors like Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia (1998), Sanders and Carpenter (2003) and
Pepper and Gore (2012) have criticised the positive agency theory (Eisenhardt, 1989) on various
grounds and they propounded a different agency theory called behavioural agency theory. These
behavioural agency theorists argued that standard agency theory only emphasises on the principal
and agent conflict, agency cost and the realignment of both the parties’ interest to minimise the
agency problem. The behavioural agency model recommended some modifi- cations like agent’s
motivation, risk averseness, time preference and equitable compensation. The argument was that
the agents are the main component of the principal–agent relationship and their performance mostly
depends upon their ability, motivation and perfect opportunity.

Behavioural agency model (Wiseman & Gomez-Mejia, 1998) is essentially different from the
positive agency model (Eisenhardt, 1989) by three aspects. The first difference is that the
behavioural agency model assesses the association between the agency cost and agent’s
performance, while the positive agency model emphasises on the principal and agent relationship
and the cost incurred due to it. Second, the behavioural agency model theorises the agents as the
bound- edly rational, anti-risk/loss takers and they trade-off between the internal and external
benefits, while the positive agency model assumes the agents as logical and reward seekers. Third,
behavioural agency model finds a linear relationship between the agent’s performance and
motivation, while agency model focuses on the principal’s objective and agency cost.

Limitation of Agency Theory

Though agency theory is very pragmatic and popular, it still suffers from various limitations and this
has been documented by many authors like Eisenhardt (1989), Shleifer and Vishny (1997) and Daily
et al. (2003). The theory assumes a contrac- tual agreement between the principal and agent for a
limited or unlimited future period, where the future is uncertain. The theory assumes that contracting
can eliminate the agency problem, but practically it faces many hindrances like infor- mation
asymmetry, rationality, fraud and transaction cost. Shareholders’ interest in the firm is only to
maximise their return, but their role is limited in the firm. The roles of directors are only limited to
monitor the managers and their further role is not clearly defined. The theory considers the managers
as opportunistic and ignores the competence of the managers.

Types of Agency Problem

The firm is based on the limited or unlimited contractual relationship (Alchian & Demsetz, 1972)
between the two interested parties and they are known as the principal and agent. The principal is
the person who owns the firm, while agents manage the business of the firm on behalf of the
principal. These two parties reside under one firm but have different and opposite goals and
interest, so there exists a conflict and this conflict is termed as the agency problem. With the
80 Indian Journal of Corporate Governance 10(1)

changes of time, the agency problem is not only limited to the principal and agent, rather it has gone
beyond and covered other parties like creditors, major share- holders and minor shareholders.

Type - I Type - II Type - III


Majority Owners Owners

Agent/Managers Minority Owners Creditors

Figure 2. Types of Agency Problem

Source: Authors’ research.

The economic and finance researchers have categorised the agency problem into three types, which are
depicted in the figure 2. The first type is between the principal and agents, which arises due to the
information asymmetry and variances in risk- sharing attitudes (Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Ross, 1973).
The second type of con- flict occurs between the major and minor shareholders (Gilson & Gordon, 2003;
Shleifer & Vishny, 1997) and it arises because major owners take decisions for their benefit at the
expense of the minor shareholders. The third type of the agency prob- lem happens between the owners
and creditors; this conflict awakes when the own- ers take more risky investment decision against the
will of the creditors.

Type—1: Principal–Agent Problem

The problem of agency between owners and managers in the organisations due to the separation of
ownership from control was found since the birth of large corpo- rations (Berle & Means, 1932). The
owners assign the task to the managers to manage the firm with a hope that managers will work for
the benefit of the own- ers. However, managers are more interested in their compensation
maximisation. The argument on the agent’s self-satisfying behaviour is based on the rationality of
human behaviour (Sen, 1987; Williamson, 1985), which states that human actions are rational and
motivated to maximise their own ends. The misalignment of interest between principal and agent and
the lack of proper monitoring due to diffused ownership structure leads to the conflict, which is known
as principal– agent conflict.

Type—2: Principal–Principal Problem

The underlying assumption of this type of agency problem is the conflict of inter- est between the
major and minor owners. Major owners are termed as a person or group of person holding the
majority of the shares of a firm, while minor owners are those persons holding a very less portion of
the firm’s share. The majority owners or blockholders are having higher voting power and can take
any decision in favour of their benefit, which hampers the interests of the minor shareholders (Fama
& Jensen, 1983). This kind of agency problem prevails in a country or company, where the ownership
is concentrated in the hands of few persons or with
Panda and Leepsa 81

the family owners, then the minority shareholders find it difficult to protect their interests or wealth
(Demsetz & Lehn, 1985).

Type–3: Principal–Creditor Problem

The conflict between the owners and creditors arise due to the projects undertaken and the financing
decision taken by the shareholders (Damodaran, 1997). The shareholders try to invest in the risky
projects, where they expect higher return. The risk involved in the projects raise the cost of the
finance and decreases the value of the outstanding debt, which affects the creditors. If the project is
success- ful, then the owners will enjoy the huge profits, while the interest of the creditors is limited as
they get only a fixed rate of interest. On the other hand, if the project fails, then the creditors will be
enforced to share some of the losses and generally this problem persists in these kinds of

Causes of Agency Problem

Masalah keagenan antara prinsipal dan agen di perusahaan memiliki penyebab tertentu dan ini
dijelaskan oleh Chowdhury (2004) dalam penelitiannya. Dia telah menunjukkan beberapa alasan
untuk terjadinya masalah keagenan seperti pemisahan kepemilikan dari kontrol, perbedaan sikap
risiko antara principal dan agen, keterlibatan waktu singkat agen dalam organisasi, rencana insentif
tidak memuaskan untuk agen dan prevalensi asimetri informasi dalam perusahaan. penyebab ini dari
masalah keagenan sering ditemukan di perusahaan-perusahaan yang terdaftar antara prinsipal dan
agen, pemilik utama dan pemilik minor, dan pemilik dan kreditur (Barnea, Haugen, & Senbet, 1985).

Tabel 1. Penyebab yang berbeda dari Masalah Badan

Penyebab Badan Jenis Badan

Masalah Penjelasan Masalah
Pemisahan Pemisahan kepemilikan dari kontrol dalam organisasi-organisasi Tipe-I
Kepemilikan dari besar menyebabkan hilangnya monitoring yang tepat oleh pemilik

Control pada manajer, di mana manajer menggunakan properti bisnis untuk

tujuan pribadi mereka untuk memaksimalkan kesejahteraan mereka.

Preferensi risiko Pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam organisasi mengalami Tipe-I dan III
persepsi risiko yang berbeda dan perjuangan untuk
berdamai dengan keputusan mereka. Konflik ini timbul
antara pemilik dan manajer dan pemilik dan kreditur.

Durasi Manajer bekerja untuk organisasi untuk jangka waktu terbatas, Tipe-I
Keterlibatan sedangkan pemilik adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari

perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, agen mencoba untuk memaksimalkan

keuntungan mereka dalam mereka tinggal terbatas dan kemudian

mengalir ke perusahaan lain.

(Tabel 1 Lanjutan)
82 India Journal of Corporate Governance 10 (1)

(Table 1 Continued)

Penyebab Badan Jenis Badan

Masalah Penjelasan Masalah
Penghasilan terbatas Both the managers and creditors of the firm are the Type-I and III
significant stakeholders of the firm, but they are having only
limited earnings as managers are concerned for their
compensation, while creditors look for the interest amount

Decision-making Mostly, the majority shareholders take the decision in the Type-II
firms due to high voting rights, while the minority
shareholders only follow it.

Information Managers look after the firm and are aware about all Type-I
Asymmetry the information related to the business, while owners
depend upon the managers to get the information. So
the information may not reach to the owners exactly in
the same manner.

Moral Hazard Managers work for the owners in good faith, where the Type-I
owners utilise their knowledge and skill in the risky
projects, which the managers are not aware of the risk
attached to the investment decision for which they suffer.

Retention of The majority owners take the decision to retain the earnings Type-II
Earnings of the firm for future profitable risky projects instead of
distributing the profits as dividends to all the shareholders.
Due to which the minority shareholders lose their earnings.

Source: Authors’ research.

Table 1 describes the different causes behind the agency conflict and the relation between the cause
and the type of the agency problem. The persistence of the agency problem in every organisation has
made the researchers find out the real causes and its remedies. Jensen and Meckling (1976) opined
that the agency prob- lem can be mitigated if the owner–manager will manage the firm, otherwise this
problem will persist as ownership and control differs (Ang, Cole, & Lin, 2000).

Remedies to Agency Problem

The study of agency problem and its remedies is an ongoing research in both the corporate and
academic world. Eisenhardt (1989) highlighted that a proper gov- ernance system can relegate the
agency conflict. He recommended two proposals to minimise the agency problem. The first one is to
have an outcome-based con- tract, where the action of the agents’ can be checked. Second, the
principal needs to form a strong information structure, where the principal is aware of all the
information about the agents’ action and they cannot misrepresent the principals.
Panda and Leepsa 83

Several researchers have documented certain remedies to the agency problem, which are cited
Managerial ownership: Granting of stocks to the agents increases their affilia- tion to the firm.
Jensen and Meckling (1976) described that managerial ownership makes the manager work as the
owner in the organisation and concentrate on the firm performance. By this, the interest of the owners’
and managers’ interest aligns.
Executive compensation: An inadequate compensation package may force the managers to use
the owners’ property for their private benefit. A periodic com- pensation revision and proper incentive
package can motivate the managers to work harder for the better performance of the firm (Core,
Holthausen, & Larcker,
1999) and by which the owners can maximise their wealth.
Debt: Increase in the debt level in the firm discipline the managers. The peri- odic payment of the
debt service charges and principal amount to the creditors can make the managers more cautious
regarding taking inefficient decisions that may hamper the profitability of the firm (Frierman &
Viswanath, 1994).
Labour market: The effective managers always aspire for better opportunity and remuneration
from the market and the market estimate the manager’s ability by their previous performance (Fama,
1980). For this reason, the managers have to prove their worth in the firm by maximising the value
of the firm and this increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the managers.

Board of directors: The inclusion of more outside and independent directors in the board
(Rosenstein & Wyatt, 1990) may diligently watch the actions of the managers and help in making
the alignment of the interest among the owners and managers.

Blockholders: A strong owner or concentrated ownership or the blockholders can closely monitor
the behaviours of the managers and can control their activities to improvise the value of the firm
(Burkart, Gromb, & Panunzi, 1997).
Dividends: The profit distribution as dividends leads to decline in the agency conflict (Park,
2009). Dividend distribution decreases the internal funds, so the firm has to attract external funds to
finance. For which, the managers need to make the firm perform better in order to allure the market
participants. Dividend payout also resolves the agency conflict between the inside and outside
share- holders (Jensen, 1986; Myers, 2000).

Market for corporate control: The poor performing firm may be taken over by an efficient firm
and the acquiring firm may eradicate the inefficient man- agement (Kini, Kracaw, & Mian, 2004),
which penetrates the managers to per- form efficiently.

Agency Cost

teori keagenan telah membawa ke depan konsep konflik keagenan dan biaya yang timbul dari itu (Jensen &
Meckling, 1976). biaya agensi adalah salah satu biaya internal yang melekat dengan agen yang terjadi
karena misalignment dari kepentingan antara agen dan principal. Ini mencakup biaya pemeriksaan dan
mengambil agen yang cocok, mengumpulkan informasi untuk memperbaiki tolok ukur kinerja, menonton
untuk mengontrol
84 India Journal of Corporate Governance 10 (1)

tindakan agen, ikatan biaya dan kerugian akibat keputusan tidak efisien dari agen. Jensen dan Meckling
(1976) menggambarkan biaya agensi sebagai agregat dari biaya monitoring, biaya ikatan dan kerugian
residual (Gambar 3). Unsur-unsur ini dari biaya agensi dijelaskan di bawah ini.

Badan pemantauan bonding Sisa

Biaya Biaya Biaya Kerugian

Gambar 3: Elemen Badan Biaya

Sumber: Jensen dan Meckling (1976).

pemantauan Biaya

biaya pemantauan melibatkan biaya yang terkait dengan pemantauan dan menilai kinerja agen di
perusahaan. Berbagai pengeluaran yang tercakup dalam biaya monitoring adalah pembayaran untuk
menonton, kompensasi dan mengevaluasi perilaku agen. Pemilik menunjuk papan untuk memantau
manajer; maka biaya pemeliharaan papan juga dianggap sebagai biaya monitoring. Biaya ing Monitor
juga termasuk rekrutmen dan biaya pelatihan dan pengembangan yang dibuat untuk para eksekutif.
Biaya ini dikeluarkan oleh pemegang saham dalam tahap awal, tetapi pada tahap kemudian, ditanggung
oleh manajer karena mereka mengkompensasi terpuaskan untuk menutupi biaya tersebut (Fama &
Jensen, 1983).

bonding Biaya

The dekat pemantauan oleh pemilik pada manajer membuat mereka bekerja sesuai dengan kepentingan pemilik,
jika manajer harus menanggung biaya monitoring. Pada dasarnya, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengatur dan
beroperasi sesuai dengan sistem yang ditetapkan perusahaan ini dikenal sebagai biaya ikatan (Jensen &
Meckling, 1976). Biaya ikatan yang melekat pada manajer, di mana para manajer dari suatu perusahaan yang
berkomitmen untuk kewajiban kontrak mereka yang membatasi aktivitas mereka. biaya monitoring dan biaya
bonding pergi dengan cara yang berlawanan, di mana biaya ikatan meningkat dengan penurunan biaya

Rugi sisa
Konflik kepentingan antara pemegang saham dan manajer hasil dalam masalah lain, di mana keputusan
yang diambil oleh manajer tidak selaras untuk memaksimalkan kekayaan pemilik. Keputusan ini manajerial
tidak efisien menyebabkan hilangnya dikenal sebagai kerugian residual. Williamson (1988) dijelaskan
bahwa kerugian residual adalah komponen kunci dari biaya agensi, yang harus harus dikurangi oleh kepala
Panda dan Leepsa 85

Untuk mengurangi kerugian residual, pemilik dikenakan biaya monitoring dan biaya bonding. Oleh karena itu,
biaya ini telah menjadi seluruh biaya agensi tereduksi.

Tindakan Biaya Agency

Based on the discussion of Jensen and Meckling (1976), many authors have defined the different
measures for the agency cost and there are two thoughts of measuring agency cost. The first school
of thought uses the direct measures of agency cost. Ang et al. (2000), Singh and Davidson (2003),
and Firth, Fung and Rui (2006) used the asset utilisation ratio and expenses ratio. While the second
school of thought used the firm performance as the reverse measure of the agency cost, Morch,
Shleifer and Vishny (1988) and Agrawal and Knoeber (1996) used the Tobin’s Q as the measure of
agency cost. While Xu, Zhu and Lin (2005) and Li and Cui (2003) used return on assets (ROA) and
return on equity (ROE), respectively, as the measure of agency cost (Table 2).

Table 2. Details of Agency Cost Measures

Agency Cost— Type of Agency

Measures Authors Problem

Asset Utilisation Ang et al. (2000); Singh and Davidson (2003); Fleming, Principal–Agent
Ratio or Asset Heaney and McCosker (2005); Florackis and Ozkan (2009); Problem
Turnover Ratio and Rashid (2013).

Expense Ratio Ang et al. (2000); McKnight and Weir (2009); and Principal–Agent
Wellalage and Locke (2012). Problem

Tobin’s Q—Free Doukas, Kim and Pantzalis (2000); Mcknight and Weir Principal–Agent
Cash Flow Interaction (2009); Henry (2010); and Rashid (2016) Problem

Dividend Pay-out Faccio, Lang and Young (2001) and Wellalage and Locke Principal–
Ratio (2011). Principal Problem

Board Zajac and Westphal (1994) and Su, Xu and Phan Principal–
Compensation (2008). Principal Problem

Tobin’s Q Morch, Shleifer and Vishny (1988) and Agrawal Principal–Agent

and Knoeber (1996). Problem

ROA and ROE Li and Cui (2003) and Xu, Zhu and Lin (2005). Principal–Agent

Source: Authors’ research.

The first measure, that is, the asset utilisation ratio, explains how efficiently the assets are utilised by
the managers and better utilisation indicates low agency cost. The second measure expense ratio
describes the effectiveness of the managers in
86 Indian Journal of Corporate Governance 10(1)

controlling the operating expenses and a lower expense ratio is desirable. The third measure
elucidates the cash flow growth opportunities of the firm. The fourth measure delineates the dividend
paid to the owners and a better pay-out minimises the cost. The fifth measure describes a better board
compensation can minimise the agency cost. The last three measures mostly discuss the firm value
and return gained by the owners on their investments and used as the reverse measure of agency

Empirical Evidence on Agency Cost

Previously, the researchers have documented certain mechanisms like ownership structure,
managerial ownership, board size, independent board members, differ- ent committees and CEO
(Chief Executive Officer) duality to monitor the agency cost. Based on the previous empirical
evidence, we have segregated this section into three subsections. The first subsection deals with
empirical work on the impact of ownership structure on the agency cost. The second section demon-
strates the empirical evidence on the effect of managerial ownership on the agency cost. The third
section throws light on the empirical literature on the relationship between the governance variables
and agency cost.

Agency Cost and Ownership Structure

teori keagenan pendukung bahwa struktur kepemilikan memainkan peran penting dalam mengurangi biaya
agensi. Beberapa penulis seperti Zeckhauser dan Pound (1990) dan Shleifer dan Vishny (1997) berpendapat
bahwa konsentrasi kepemilikan mungkin bisa memonitor perilaku manajer sangat erat dalam rangka untuk
mengurangi biaya keagenan. Tabel 3 menunjukkan studi empiris terbaru yang dilakukan oleh peneliti
terkemuka dan temuan mereka. Studi bawah telah menggunakan konsentrasi kepemilikan / pemegang blok-,
kepemilikan luar, kepemilikan keluarga dan kepemilikan institusional sebagai variabel struktur kepemilikan.

Tabel 3. Pengaruh Variabel Struktur Kepemilikan pada Biaya Agency

Sl. Tidak. Penulis Tahun Negara Mencicipi temuan

1 Hastori, Siregar, 2015 Indonesia 54 Agro konsentrasi kepemilikan tidak

Sembel dan perusahaan mempengaruhi biaya agensi
Maulana 2010-2013. secara signifikan.

2 Rashid 2015 Bangladesh 110 non-keuangan Q-Free mengukur Arus

perusahaan Kas Tobin positif
2001-2011. dipengaruhi oleh

(Tabel 3 Lanjutan)
Panda dan Leepsa 87

(Table 3 Continued)

Sl. Tidak. Penulis Tahun Negara Mencicipi temuan

3 Songini dan 2015 Italia 146 UKM manufaktur keterlibatan keluarga dalam
Gnan di provinsi Milan dari pemerintahan memiliki efek
Italia. negatif dan signifikan, sedangkan
keterlibatan keluarga dalam
manajemen memiliki efek positif
dan signifikan terhadap agency

4 Yegon, Sang 2014 Kenya 9 perusahaan jasa kepemilikan institusional

dan Kirui dari 2008 ke mempengaruhi biaya agensi
2012. sedangkan kepemilikan eksternal
tidak mempengaruhi.

Sumber: kompilasi penulis.

Pada Tabel 3, dapat ditemukan bahwa temuan diversifikasi. Sebagian besar penulis menyimpulkan bahwa
kepemilikan institusional mempengaruhi biaya agensi secara positif. Florackis (2008) menemukan bahwa
konsentrasi kepemilikan efektif di Inggris, sementara Hastori et al. (2015) menemukan bahwa itu tidak efektif di
Indonesia. Keluarga sendiri- ership (Ang et al., 2000) membantu dalam mengendalikan biaya agensi sementara
di luar pemegang blok-tidak memiliki efek pada biaya keagenan.

Badan Biaya dan Kepemilikan Manajerial

Jensen and Meckling (1976) opined that in the owner-manager firms, the agency cost is zero. But this
argument does not prevail in case of the publicly traded firms as the ownership is separated from the
control and mostly outsiders manage the firm. Hence, managerial ownership can align the interest of
the owners and man- agers. The misuse of the assets by the employees’ declines as their ownership
increases because the employees get the share in the firm’s profit and their com- pensations remain
fixed (Ang et al., 2000). Table 4 shows some recent empirical work done on managerial ownership
and agency cost.

Table 4. Impact of Managerial Ownership on the Agency Cost

Sl. No. Author Year Country Sample Findings

1 Rashid 2015 Bangladesh 110 non-financial Managerial ownership

firms from 2001 to reduces the asset utilisation
2011. ratio under agency cost.

2 Mustapha and 2011 Malaysia 235 companies for Managerial ownership has an
Ahmad the financial year inverse relationship with the
2006. monitoring cost.

(Table 4 Continued)
88 Indian Journal of Corporate Governance 10(1)

(Tabel 4 Lanjutan)

Sl. No. Author Year Country Sample Findings

3 Wellalage and 2011 New 100 unlisted small Very high and very low
Locke Zealand firms in New managerial ownership increases
Zealand. the agency cost.

4 Ahmed 2009 Malaysia 100 blue-chip Higher level of managerial

companies from ownership reduces the
1997 to 2001. agency conflict.

5 McKnight and 2009 UK 128 UK Increase in board ownership

Weir nonfinancial firms helps in reducing the agency
from 1996 to cost.

6 Jelinek and 2009 USA 15,186 firm year Pengaruh kepemilikan

Stuerke observation. manajerial pada rasio
pemanfaatan aset adalah
positif non-linear, sementara
non-linear dan negatif terkait
dengan rasio biaya.

7 Florackis 2008 UK 897 perusahaan Inggris kepemilikan eksekutif

yang terdaftar 1999-2003. menurunkan biaya agensi.

8 Fleming et al. 2005 Australia 3800 Australia holding ekuitas manajer memiliki
UKM 1996-1998. hubungan terbalik yang
signifikan dengan biaya agensi.

9 Davidson, 2006 Amerika Serikat293 perusahaan IPO kepemilikan CEO positif

Bouresli dan dari tahun 1995 ke meningkatkan rasio
Singh 1998. pemanfaatan aset dan
menurunkan rasio biaya.

10 Singh dan 2003 Amerika Serikat118 perusahaan AS kepemilikan manajerial

Davidson yang terdaftar. berhubungan positif dengan
rasio pemanfaatan aset.

11 Ang et al. 2000 Amerika Serikat1708 perusahaan kepemilikan manajerial

kecil mempengaruhi badan biaya
secara signifikan dan terdapat
hubungan terbalik.

Sumber: kompilasi penulis.

Di sini, kami telah dianggap sebagai kepemilikan CEO, kepemilikan direktur dan kepemilikan execu- tive di bawah
kategori kepemilikan manajerial. Temuan ditunjukkan pada Tabel 4 yang dengan suara bulat menunjukkan bahwa
kepemilikan manajerial membantu dalam mengurangi
Panda dan Leepsa 89

biaya keagenan. Hasil ini sangat banyak membuktikan hipotesis dari teori keagenan di seluruh

Badan Biaya dan Variabel Pemerintahan

teori agensi berpendapat bahwa mekanisme pemerintahan yang baik dapat membantu dalam mengurangi
konflik keagenan. Pearce dan Zahra (1991) menemukan bahwa papan besar dan kuat sebagai mekanisme
governance yang membantu, sementara Lipton dan Lorsch (1992) menemukan bahwa papan kecil lebih
berguna bagi perusahaan. Ada berbagai jenis mekanisme tata kelola yang digunakan dalam mengurangi
masalah keagenan dan tion bagian ini, kami telah dipertimbangkan struktur dewan, komite yang berbeda dan
CEO dualitas sebagai mekanisme governance. Tabel 5 menunjukkan kerja empiris tentang dampak
variabel-variabel tersebut pada biaya keagenan.

Tabel 5. Dampak Variabel Governance pada Badan Biaya

Sl. Tidak. Penulis tahun negara Mencicipi temuan

1 Hastori et al. 2015 Indonesia 54 Agro-perusahaan Ukuran papan besar

dari tahun 2010 sampai mengurangi biaya agensi.

2 Cai, Hiller, Tian 2015 Cina 1.126 perusahaan yang Kehadiran komite audit
dan Wu terdaftar untuk periode mengurangi biaya
antara 2002 dan 2004. agensi.

3 Rashid 2015 Bangladesh 118 non-keuangan anggota dewan independen

positif meningkatkan rasio
perusahaan dari tahun 2006 sampai

2011. pemanfaatan aset dan

ukuran papan positif
mempengaruhi rasio biaya.

4 Rashid 2013 Bangladesh 94 non-keuangan Tidak ada hubungan yang

signifikan antara CEO dualitas
perusahaan dari tahun 2000 sampai

2009. dan biaya agensi.

5 Siddiqui, Razzaq, 2013 Pakistan 120 perusahaan yang terdaftar Ukuran papan
Malik dan Gul 2003-2010. mempengaruhi biaya
agensi positif.

6 Sanjaya dan 2012 Indonesia 377 yang terdaftar Peningkatan jumlah

Christianti perusahaan komisaris dewan dan
manufaktur proporsi komisaris
2008-2010. independen
mengurangi biaya

(Tabel 5 Lanjutan)
90 India Journal of Corporate Governance 10 (1)

(Tabel 5 Lanjutan)

Sl. Tidak. Penulis tahun negara Mencicipi temuan

7 Gul, Sajid, 2012 Pakistan 50 perusahaan dari 2003 ukuran papan kecil dan
Razzaq dan 2006. anggota dewan independen
Afzal membantu dalam
menurunkan biaya agensi.

8 Fauzi dan 2012 Selandia 79 perusahaan New ukuran papan yang

Locke Baru Zealandlisted lebih tinggi, kehadiran
komite komite nominasi
dan remunerasi
mengurangi biaya

9 Tukang giling 2009 Amerika Serikat95 perusahaan anggota dewan

2001-2002 independen positif
mempengaruhi rasio
pemanfaatan aset.

10 McKnight dan 2009 UK 128 UK perusahaan Komite Nominasi

Weir non-keuangan mengurangi biaya
1996-2000. agensi.
11 Singh dan 2003 Amerika Serikat118 perusahaan AS yang terdaftar ukuran papan kecil

Davidson meningkatkan rasio

pemanfaatan aset.

Sumber: penelitian penulis.

Sebagian besar, hasil penelitian ditunjukkan pada Tabel 5 yang mendukung hipotesis bahwa alat-alat
pemerintahan yang membantu dalam mengurangi biaya agensi. Hastori et al. (2015) dan Fauzi dan Locke
(2012) menemukan bahwa ukuran papan yang lebih besar mengurangi biaya agensi. The Gul et al. (2012)
dan Singh dan Davidson (2003) telah menemukan bahwa ukuran papan kecil membantu dalam membatasi
biaya agensi. Rashid (2015), Gul et al. (2012) dan Miller (2009) telah memperhatikan bahwa anggota dewan
independen positif mempengaruhi biaya agensi. Cai et al. (2015) mengamati bahwa komite audit membantu
dalam meningkatkan efisiensi manajer dan mengurangi biaya agensi. Fauzi dan Locke (2012), Sanjaya dan
Christianti (2012), dan McKnight dan Weir (2009) menemukan bahwa kehadiran remunerasi dan nominasi
komite positif mempengaruhi biaya keagenan.

Ringkasan dan Kesimpulan

Artikel ini telah diliput secara luas literatur yang luas pada aspek-aspek kunci dari teori keagenan
untuk jangka waktu 47 tahun. Diskusi tentang hubungan badan dan flict con-nya dimulai dengan
karya awal Smith (1937 [1776]) dan terus sampai tanggal. Karya menarik dari teori agensi klasik,
oleh siapa masalah keagenan diteorikan, telah meriwayatkan masalah principal-agent dalam
berbagai format.
Panda dan Leepsa 91

sepotong diperkaya ini dari literatur telah membimbing kita untuk menunjukkan berbagai cepts con dan isu-isu yang

melekat pada teori keagenan. Hal ini juga membantu dalam menyelesaikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berputar di sekitar

teori keagenan.

Melalui survei literatur ini pada teori keagenan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ini adalah teori yang sangat
pragmatis dan diterapkan. Ini memiliki akar di berbagai bidang akademik yang berbeda dan kegunaannya
sangat luas dan menonjol. Banyak penulis telah berpendapat bahwa masalah keagenan berlaku di setiap jenis
organisasi kecuali perusahaan dikelola pemilik-. Oleh karena itu, banyak penulis dari berbagai negara telah
membuat survei sive extension pada masalah keagenan dan biaya untuk menemukan solusi. Banyak penulis
telah menemukan bahwa pemisahan kepemilikan dari kontrol, konflik est antar, averseness risiko, asimetri
informasi adalah penyebab utama untuk masalah keagenan; sementara itu ditemukan bahwa struktur
kepemilikan, kepemilikan eksekutif dan mekanisme governance seperti struktur dewan dapat meminimalkan
biaya keagenan.

Ada kesenjangan tertentu ditemukan melalui survei literatur ini dan ini dapat ditangani dalam studi
masa depan pada teori keagenan. Pertama, kami menemukan bahwa karya sastra telah sebagian besar
difokuskan pada masalah principal-agent dan ada kelangkaan studi tentang jenis masalah keagenan
seperti masalah pokok-pokok dan masalah principal-kreditur. Kedua, ditemukan bahwa ada beberapa
studi yang dilakukan pada biaya keagenan dan faktor-faktor yang mengurangi biaya keagenan. Ketiga,
penelitian tentang 'masalah agen-agen' tidak ditemukan dan dapat menjadi daerah muncul untuk studi
masa depan dalam teori keagenan. Keempat, lebih atau kurang, sebagian besar studi tentang teori
keagenan terkonsentrasi di negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan beberapa negara-negara
maju. Meskipun ada beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan di negara-negara berkembang,

Meskipun artikel ini telah melakukan beberapa pekerjaan besar untuk menangkap karya sastra pada teori
keagenan, masih memiliki beberapa keterbatasan. Karya-karya sastra dari penulis diambil dalam artikel ini
mungkin tidak mencakup seluruh penduduk sastra ory badan the-. Sebaliknya ini adalah sebagian dari
karya-karya besar yang dilakukan di bidang teori keagenan dan terbatas ketersediaan di database online.
Isu-isu yang dibahas dalam artikel ini mungkin tidak seluruh masalah teori keagenan. Oleh karena itu,
mungkin ada beberapa masalah lain yang dapat ditangkap dalam karya-karya masa depan. Meskipun
keterbatasan ini, survei literatur ini akan membantu dunia penelitian dalam menganalisis masalah keagenan,
menemukan solusi untuk berbagai jenis masalah keagenan dan membentuk model empiris dalam studi masa
depan mereka.


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