Immunogenicity of Fractional-Dose Vaccine During A Yellow Fever Outbreak - Preliminary Report
Immunogenicity of Fractional-Dose Vaccine During A Yellow Fever Outbreak - Preliminary Report
Immunogenicity of Fractional-Dose Vaccine During A Yellow Fever Outbreak - Preliminary Report
Original Article
In 2016, the response to a yellow fever outbreak in Angola and the Democratic From the Institut National de Recherche
Republic of Congo led to a global shortage of yellow fever vaccine. As a result, a Biomédicale (S.A.-M., P.M.N., G.M.K.,
J.-J.M.-T.), Division of Global Health Pro-
fractional dose of the 17DD yellow fever vaccine (containing one fifth [0.1 ml] of tection, Centers for Disease Control and
the standard dose) was offered to 7.6 million children 2 years of age or older and Prevention (CDC) (A.S.G.), and Pro-
nonpregnant adults in a preemptive campaign in Kinshasa. The goal of this study gramme Elargi de Vaccination, Ministre
de la Santé (G.K.M.S.) — all in Kinshasa,
was to assess the immune response to the fractional dose in a large-scale cam- Democratic Republic of Congo; Global
paign. Immunization Division (R.M.C., J.B.H.,
M.G.D., G.U., G.P., T.B.H.) and the Epi-
METHODS demic Intelligence Service (R.M.C.), CDC,
Atlanta; and Division of Vector-Borne
We recruited participants in four age strata at six vaccination sites. We assessed Diseases, CDC, Fort Collins, CO (J.L.,
neutralizing antibody titers against yellow fever virus in blood samples obtained J.E.S.). Address reprint requests to Dr.
before vaccination and 28 to 35 days after vaccination, using a plaque reduction Casey at the Epidemic Intelligence Ser-
vice, Global Immunization Division,
neutralization test with a 50% cutoff (PRNT50). Participants with a PRNT50 titer of 1600 Clifton Rd., Atlanta, GA 30329, or at
10 or higher at baseline were considered to be seropositive. Those with a baseline
titer of less than 10 who became seropositive at follow-up were classified as having This article was published on February 14,
undergone seroconversion. Participants who were seropositive at baseline and who 2018, at
had an increase in the titer by a factor of 4 or more at follow-up were classified as DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1710430
having an immune response. Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Among 716 participants who completed follow-up, 705 (98%; 95% confidence in-
terval [CI], 97 to 99) were seropositive after vaccination. Among 493 participants
who were seronegative at baseline, 482 (98%; 95% CI, 96 to 99) underwent sero-
conversion. Among 223 participants who were seropositive at baseline, 148 (66%;
95% CI, 60 to 72) had an immune response. Lower baseline titers were associated
with a higher probability of having an immune response (P<0.001).
A fractional dose of the 17DD yellow fever vaccine was effective at inducing sero-
conversion in most of the participants who were seronegative at baseline. These
findings support the use of fractional-dose vaccination for outbreak control.
(Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.)
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
ellow fever is a mosquito-borne campaign using a fractional dose of 17DD vac-
viral disease endemic to tropical and sub- cine (Bio-Manguinhos) at one fifth (0.1 ml) of the
tropical regions in Africa and the Americas. standard dose in all nonpregnant adults and in
Infection with yellow fever virus can result in children 2 years of age or older in August 2016.
subclinical to severe illness, characterized by We evaluated the immunologic response to this
fever, jaundice, and hemorrhage. There were fractional-dose vaccine delivered in a large-scale
an estimated 51,000 to 380,000 severe cases of vaccination campaign.
yellow fever and 19,000 to 180,000 deaths in
Africa in 2013.1 Treatment is managed to address Me thods
patients’ symptoms. However, the administration
of a highly effective vaccine is the primary meth- Study Participants and Design
od for prevention and control. All currently used From August 17 through August 26, 2016, the
yellow fever vaccines are live attenuated viral campaign was conducted at 2404 vaccination
vaccines derived from the 17D strain.2,3 Nearly sites in Kinshasa.13 We selected 6 vaccination sites
all studies have shown that one dose induces across the three geographic sectors of Kinshasa
seroconversion in more than 98% of recipients, on the basis of economically diverse catchment
and protection is believed to be lifelong.2,4,5 populations and logistic feasibility. Participants
In December 2015, a large yellow fever out- who presented for vaccination at one of these
break began in Angola and spread to the neigh- sites were approached for potential inclusion in a
boring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). convenience sample for the study, with an equal
The outbreak resulted in 962 confirmed cases and number of participants from four age strata: 2 to
more than 7000 suspected cases across the two 5 years, 6 to 12 years, 13 to 49 years, and 50 years
countries.6 Each year, 6 million doses of yellow or older. The cutoffs for these age strata were
fever vaccine are maintained by the World Health selected on the basis of data regarding immuno-
Organization (WHO) and partners in a global logic response to the yellow fever vaccine and
stockpile that can be used for outbreak response other vaccines.2,14
at the request of countries with inadequate vaccine All the participants who received fractional-
supply.7 However, the outbreaks in Angola and dose vaccination during the campaign were eli-
DRC used approximately 30 million doses and gible for inclusion unless they reported having
depleted the stockpile multiple times during 2016.6 immunosuppression, egg allergies, a history of
Faced with substantial global supply issues, problems with venipuncture, plans to relocate
the WHO reviewed available evidence on dose- from Kinshasa, or previous yellow fever vaccina-
sparing strategies for yellow fever vaccination, tion within the preceding 2 months. Children
including four studies involving three cohorts of under the age of 2 years and pregnant women
175 to 749 healthy adult participants.8-12 Two of were ineligible because they received full-dose
three cohorts were limited to male participants. vaccine according to the campaign operating pro-
All the studies showed a robust immune response cedures. The criteria for vaccine administration
to fractional doses of yellow fever vaccine as were determined by the public health authorities
small as one fifth to one tenth of the standard in the DRC. All the participants provided limited
dose. On the basis of this evidence, the WHO medical information and written informed con-
concluded that a fractional dose of the yellow sent to obtain blood samples. Parents or legal
fever vaccine could be used in adults and in chil- guardians provided written permission for par-
dren 2 years of age or older in response to an ticipants who were 17 years of age or younger.
emergency situation when the current vaccine Adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 years
supply was insufficient.12 also provided written assent.
To prevent the spread of yellow fever in Kin-
shasa, the government planned a preemptive Study Oversight
campaign targeting approximately 7.6 million The study was sponsored by the U.S. Agency for
persons during a 10-day period.13 However, there International Development and the Centers for
was insufficient vaccine supply available to meet Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The pro-
campaign needs. Thus, under guidance from the tocol (available with the full text of this article
WHO, the government of DRC implemented the at was approved by the medical ethics
2 n engl j med
committee at the University of Kinshasa School ple was obtained. Female participants of repro-
of Public Health. In accordance with the human- ductive age were also asked about the date of the
subjects review procedures of the CDC, it was last menstrual period.
determined that the CDC was not formally en- Blood samples that were obtained before
gaged in human-subjects research. The study was vaccination and after vaccination were kept in
designed and supervised by the authors, who temperature-controlled coolers during the day
vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the and transported each afternoon to the Institut
data and analyses and the adherence of the study National de Recherche Biomédicale, where they
to the protocol. were centrifuged and serum was aliquoted into
cryovials and stored at −20°C. Serum samples
Baseline Visit and Vaccination were then shipped to the CDC Arbovirus Dis-
From each participant, we collected data regard- eases Laboratory in Fort Collins, Colorado, where
ing basic demographic characteristics, history of paired baseline and follow-up samples were test-
yellow fever vaccination, and recent symptoms ed for the presence of neutralizing antibodies
compatible with yellow fever disease (specifically, against yellow fever virus with the use of the
fever with jaundice). A phlebotomist obtained a plaque reduction neutralization test with a cutoff
baseline blood sample before vaccination. Cam- of 50% (PRNT50) and a cutoff of 90% (PRNT90),
paign staff members then administered a subcu- as described previously.16 Here, we report PRNT50
taneous dose of 17DD yellow fever vaccine at one titers, since this cutoff is routinely used in vac-
fifth of the standard dose (0.1 ml) to 764 par- cination trials of flavivirus vaccines and is recom-
ticipants from one of six lots: 253 participants mended by the WHO for establishing sufficient
received vaccine from lot 164VFC002Z, 104 from virus-neutralizing antibody in the serum in vac-
lot 164VFC003Z, 138 from lot 164VFC004Z, 127 cine immunogenicity studies conducted by vaccine
from lot 164VFC005Z, 38 from lot 164VFC007Z, manufacturers.17-19
and 94 from lot 164VFC008Z; no lot number was Participants with a PRNT50 titer of 10 or higher
recorded for doses administered to 10 partici- in their sample at baseline were considered to be
pants. seropositive. Those who had a baseline PRNT50
The 17DD vaccine was recommended by the titer of less than 10 and who became seroposi-
WHO for use in the campaign on the basis of tive at follow-up were classified as having under-
availability, clinical trial data indicating sero gone seroconversion. Participants who were sero-
response to fractional doses, and 5 years of positive at baseline and had an increase in titer by
batch-release data. According to these data, one a factor of 4 or more at follow-up were classified
fifth of a dose of the average batch potency had as having an immune response to vaccination.
8709 IU per dose, and one fifth of a dose of
minimum batch potency had 2692 IU per dose. Statistical Analysis
Both of these doses were above the minimum We determined that a sample of 760 participants
vaccine potency (1000 IU per dose) set by the would allow for an estimation of the immune
WHO.8-10,15 The vaccine was packaged in standard response in four age groups, based on an esti-
10-dose vials, which resulted in the use of each mated rate of immune response of 92% among
vial for approximately 50 fractional doses.13 Vac- the participants, with a 95% Wald confidence
cination was observed by study staff members to interval of ±5% and an attrition rate of 40%. All
ensure receipt of the dose. Adverse events after the participants who had baseline and follow-up
immunization were monitored as part of the samples were included in the analyses.
campaign procedures rather than as part of this Estimated proportions and 95% confidence
investigation. intervals were calculated with the use of the
Wilson method. We compared the proportion of
Follow-up and Testing Procedures participants who had undergone seroconversion
At 28 to 35 days after vaccination (follow-up in groups according to age and sex using the
period), participants who returned to the health chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test. Among
center were asked about yellow fever symptoms the participants who were seropositive at base-
and receipt of medications or medical treatment line, we assessed the association between the
during the interval between visits. A blood sam- baseline titer and immune response using the
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
4 n engl j med
Table 1. Characteristics of the 716 Study Participants at Baseline, According to Age Group.*
* Percentages in subcategories may not add up to the overall percentage because of rounding.
† Symptoms were fever and jaundice.
‡ Seropositivity for neutralizing antibodies against yellow fever virus was defined as a titer on a plaque reduction neutralization test with a
cutoff of 50% (PRNT50) of 10 or higher.
participants did not differ significantly (P = 0.61). were at least 50 years of age had an immune
Among the 5 female participants of reproductive response.
age who did not undergo seroconversion, none
were pregnant on the basis of reports of men- Discussion
struation in the interval between vaccination
and the follow-up visit. In our study conducted during a mass vaccina-
tion campaign in Kinshasa, we found that de-
Vaccine Response among Participants Who tectable antibodies against the yellow fever virus
Were Seropositive at Baseline developed in 98% of the participants (≥2 years
At baseline, 223 participants (31%) were sero- of age) who were seronegative at baseline and
positive for yellow fever (Table 3). In this sub-
group, an immune response (titer of ≥4 times Table 2. Seropositivity at Follow-up for All 716 Participants, According to Age
the baseline value) was elicited in 148 (66%; 95% Group and Sex.*
CI, 60 to 72). There was an inverse correlation
between a participant’s baseline titer and the Variable Seropositivity at Follow-up P Value†
likelihood of having an immune response no./total no. % (95% CI)
(P<0.001). All the participants with a titer of 10 or All participants 705/716 98 (97–99)
20 had an immune response, as compared with Age group 0.08
none of the 11 participants who had a titer of 2–5 yr 158/162 98 (94–99)
2560 or higher at baseline (Fig. 2A). An anam-
6–12 yr 189/189 100 (98–100)
nestic response was more notable among those
13–49 yr 184/189 97 (94–99)
with lower baseline titers (Fig. 2B).
Among the participants who were seroposi- ≥50 yr 174/176 99 (96–100)
tive at baseline, there was no significant differ- Sex 0.06
ence in the proportion of male participants ver- Male 356/358 99 (98–100)
sus female participants who had an immune Female 349/358 97 (95–99)
response (P = 0.85). However, there was a sig-
nificant difference among age groups, even after * Seropositivity was defined as a result on PRNT50 testing of 10 or higher.
adjustment for the baseline titer (P<0.001); only † Texact
he P value is for the overall comparison among the subgroups by Fisher’s
33% (95% CI, 20 to 50) of the participants who
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
Table 3. Seroconversion or Immune Response and Geometric Mean Titer at Follow-up, According to Serostatus at Baseline.*
At Baseline At Follow-up
who received one fifth of the standard dose of 2017 in Brazil, where more than 26 million vac-
the 17DD vaccine. This rate of seroconversion cine doses of yellow fever vaccine were distrib-
suggests that the use of fractional-dose vaccina- uted to control an outbreak during the begin-
tion is a viable approach for providing immunity ning of the year.20
and thus containing yellow fever outbreaks. This The proportion of participants who under-
finding is important, given the ongoing risk of went seroconversion was similar to that seen
outbreaks of yellow fever globally, as shown in among full-dose vaccine recipients, in whom
6 n engl j med
Response (%)
dose.8-11 The previously published studies were 60
performed in healthy, mostly male adults partici- 50
pating in well-controlled clinical trials. In con- 40
trast, our cohort included children and adults of 30
both sexes, and the vaccine was administered in 20
a mass campaign setting. Given the campaign 10
setting, it is notable that our results were similar 0
10– 20 40– 80 160– 320 620– 1280 ≥2560
to those in the controlled studies. (N= 70) (N= 65) (N= 42) (N= 35) (N= 11)
In 2003 in the DRC, yellow fever vaccine was Geometric Mean Titer at Baseline
introduced into the childhood vaccination pro-
gram and is administered to children at the age B Geometric Mean Titer at Follow-up
of 9 months.21 The routine use of yellow fever 8000
vaccine probably accounts for the higher rate of 7000
baseline seropositivity that we found among
Geometric Mean Titer
children 12 years of age or younger than we
found among the other age groups. Overall sero-
positivity at follow-up and rates of seroconver-
sion did not vary significantly across age groups, 3000
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
when in fact the titer was due to cross-reactive yellow fever vaccine was appropriate for a re-
antibodies. However, since serum samples were sponse to a yellow fever outbreak among children
obtained before vaccination and after vaccina- 2 years of age or older and among nonpregnant
tion from each participant, the specific response adults. Additional studies are needed to deter-
to the vaccine could still be assessed. We did not mine whether fractional-dose vaccination pro-
calibrate the yellow fever antibody titers using vides adequate seroprotection in children under
an international reference preparation, which the age of 2 years, in pregnant women, and in
makes it difficult to compare our titers with persons who are infected with the human im-
those obtained in the other recent studies of munodeficiency virus.12 In addition, future studies
fractional-dose vaccination.17 International stan- need to verify that similar results are obtained
dardization of testing results for yellow fever has with other 17D-derived yellow fever vaccines
only recently been recommended, so very few (17D-204 and 17D-213) and in populations with
data have been generated. The use of PRNT titers differing exposures to flaviviruses. The use of
was preferred for this study to allow for com- fractional doses of yellow fever vaccine could
parison with much of the published data. In ad- reduce the amount of vaccine needed for reactive
dition, we did not collect safety data during this campaigns and provide flexibility in manage-
evaluation.26 However, the adverse-event monitor- ment of the global stockpile of yellow fever vac-
ing systems that were in place for the campaign cine when outbreaks occur.
did not identify any acute signals of concern
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors
associated with fractional-dose vaccination. En- and do not necessarily represent the official position of the
hanced surveillance detected 0.5 serious adverse Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
events per 100,000 doses after the campaign,13 a Supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
rate that is similar to that after full-dose cam- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
paigns conducted in West Africa.27 Finally, we the full text of this article at
could not formally assess the effectiveness of the We thank all the study participants and members of the cam-
paign and study staff; staff members at the Institut National de
fractional dose with regard to preventing viral Recherche Biomédicale, the World Health Organization (WHO),
transmission during the outbreak, since the out- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S.
break was waning at the time of the campaign. Agency for International Development, and Management Sci-
ences for Health; Joachim Hombach and Sergio Yactayo of the
However, no new confirmed cases of yellow fever WHO and Alan Barrett of the University of Texas Medical Branch
were detected in Kinshasa after the campaign for their technical support; Jason Velez and Barbara W. Johnson
despite ongoing surveillance. for laboratory assistance at the CDC Arbovirus Diseases Labora-
tory; and the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of
In conclusion, we found that the immuno- Congo and the CDC Global Disease Detection Operations Center
logic response to a fractional dose of the 17DD for their collaboration in implementing this study.
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