Electe: Controlled Interphases in Glass Fiber and of Silane Coupling Agents in Solutions and On
Electe: Controlled Interphases in Glass Fiber and of Silane Coupling Agents in Solutions and On
Electe: Controlled Interphases in Glass Fiber and of Silane Coupling Agents in Solutions and On
Departmentof MacromolecularScience
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7202 U 1993
I DW19=t r; SVLTzii
iI MfLr' i _ _iý
G. Akovali (ed.), The Interfacial Interactionsin Polymeric Composites, 169-199.
0 1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers.Printedin the Netherlands.
9 6039
5. Reinforcement Mechanisms
5.1. Various Reinforcement Theories
5.2. Concentration of Interfacial Bonds
5.3. Adhesion of Thermoplastics to Substrates
8. Summary
9. Acknowledgment
10. References
S~ Intelfiae
Inte fwse
The nature and thickness of the interphase are influenced by the substrate
surface and its specific interaction with the matrix resin. Representative effects of the
substrate surface are illustrated in Table 1.
Chemical Effects
t Reaction with matrix
Catalytic activity
- Acceleration of polymerization
- Degradation of matrix
Selective reaction with a certain component
Physicochemical Effects
0 Preferential adsorption of a catalyst
- Inhibition of cure
0 Diffusion of a surface treating agent
- Interpenetrating networks
0 Topochemical reaction
- Restriction of reactivity
Physical Effects
0 Nucleation of crystallites
0 Chain packing
-epitaxial crystallization
0 Restriction of mobility
-molecular orientation
0 Preferential adsorption of non-reactive component
An interphase may possess a sharp or graded boundary, examples of which are
listed in Table 2. For a sharp boundary, recopizing the filler/matrix interface or matrix
interphase/matrix bulk i: relatively straightforward. For a graded boundary,
determining the thickness of the interphase is not possible unless either an average
quantity or relative concentration reduction is defined to be the boundary of the
interphase. Determination of the concentration profile thus becomes an important task
to understand the structure of a graded interphase. A graded interphase is often useful
for diffzing 3 stress concentration by avoiding a sudden change of material properties.
The concept of an interphase is well-established. Yet, it can only be defined
through a collective description of many complex phenomena, and thus at the present
time, no single explanation or approach exists which enables the complete
understanding of the nature of any particular interphase. Therefore, it is essential to
characterize the interphase using many characterization methods prior to attempting its
structural control. If the interphaw su ucture can be controiied, tauonng the mechanical
Sharp Boundary
S Epitaxial crystal
Interfacial reaction with matrix
Totally incompatible filler/matrix combination
- No surface treatment
The hydrolysis of the trialkoxy groups takes place in a stepwise fashion. As the first
alkoxy group is hydrolyzed, the steric hindrance to the other two alkoxy groups
decreases. It is expected that the final alkoxy group is easier to hydrolyze than the first
alkoxy group. The hydrolysis of silanes must be carefully controlled to be effective.
Ordinary neutral silanes form oily droplets upon mixing with water. Thus, the
dissolution of the silane molecules into water is the kinetic limiting step. The formation
of the first silanol group increases the solubility of the silane into water. However, it is
not known whether the unhydrolyzed trialkoxysilane first dissolves into water with the
alkoxy groups hydrolyzed in a stepwise fashion or if the formation of the first silanol
group is the driving force for the silane to dissolve into water.
Table 3. Typical industrially used silane coupling agents
Usually, acidic water with a pH ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 is used to catalyze the
hydrolysis reaction. However, a glycidoxy-functional (epoxy-functional) silane readily
opens its oxane ring in this pH range. For this silane, pH 5-6 may be needed to
prevent the ring opening reactions. These neutral silanes may need to be hydrolyzed
for tens of minutes at room temperature for complete hydrolysis, provided that the
concentration of the silane is relatively low.
For an aqueous alcohol solution and other organic solution, the situation
changes due to homogeneous reactions. Because of this, a high concentration of silane
in water changes its behavior after certain degree of hydrolysis due to the increased
alcohol content produced as a byproduct of the reaction. Amino-functional silanes
readily dissolve into water and their alkalinity catalyzes the hydrolysis. For this
reason, aminosilanes utilize neutral water for hydrolysis. Hence, upon contact with
water, the hydrolysis will immediately take place in a matter of seconds. Since silanols
are unstable in an alkaline media, immediate condensation also follows. For a few
percent by weight of neutral silane solution, nearly all of silane molecules are
silanetriol. In contrast, the same concentration of an aminosilane yields a solution with
nearly one hundred percent oligomeric silanes. The content of the monomeric
aminosilanetriol dramatically increases if the silane concentration in water is a fraction
of a percent (10).
2RSi(OnH) HO-Si-O-Si-OH
0 0
RSi(OH)3 R R R R R
0 0 0 0 0
The simplified structures shown above are only to demonstrate that the molecular size
increases by condensing with silanetriols and oligomeric silanes. The actual structures
may be far more complex since the trifunctionality of the silane can lead to many
possible structures. A similar condensation reaction takes place with the surface silanol
and other hydroxyl groups of a filler and fiber, thus allowing the silane to bind
chemically to the surface. This is a typical reaction path for a treatment using a
prehydrolyzed silane solution. The rate of silanol condensation to siloxane depends
strongly on the pH, concentration and temperature of the solution, but weakly on the
structure of the organofunctional group.
The molecular weight of the condensed silane is also influenced by the same
factors. Another factor that is important for the silane coupling effect is the molecular
architecture of the siloxane networks. Caged structures and ladder structures are the
extreme cases of the different siloxane structures (11,12). The solution pH,
topochemical effects of the solid surface, the structure of the organofunctional group,
and the concentration of the silane are all believed to influence siloxane structure,
although no detailed study has yet been reported.
An indirect observation is shown in Figure 2 where Y-methacryloxypropyl-
trimethoxysilane (Y-MPS) is hydrolyzed and condensed in an aqueous alcohol solution
in the absence of a filler (13). The solvents were evaporated at room temperature to
simulate the typical treatment of a filler. The molecular weight was then measured by
size exclusion chromatography as a function of time. When the solution was adjusted
below pH 4.0, Figure 2 resulted showing a discrete increase of the molecular size until
the column no longer separated individual species. On the other hand, the solution near
neutral pH, as well as alkaline pH's, exhibited a quite different behavior. A
monomeric species existed until the solvents were mostly evaporated and suddenly a
large molecular weight species appeared as shown in Figure 3, unlike stepwise increase
120 hr
"0 h,
I h
( 20 hr
] 2.000 ISO
C. 40 hr
C. 40 hr
20.000 4.000 800 I50
Molecular Weight of Polystyrene Stanedards
E pH4O6
'I £.pld 6
0PH 32
PHH 60
2 C0 SpH B pH
A PH t3 A ON 53
Figure 4 SEC chromatograms of ;he pl-adjusted hydrolyzate of y-MPS.
Figure 4A: (A) pH 1.3, (B) pH 2.0, (C) pH 2.6, (C) pH 3.2, (D) pH 4.0.
Figure 413: (A) pH 5.3, (B) pH 6.0, (C) pH 6.5, (D) pH 7.1, (E) pH 8.2, (F)
pH 11.9.
$ 1.00
'• 0.60
S0.00 I I I I I
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.0 12.0 14.0
Figure 5. Stability of silanol as a function of the pH of the original solution
from which the precipitates were prepared
A similar solution was prepared with varying pH's and the solvents evaporated.
The molecular weight of the precipitated silane is illustrated in Figure 4 as a function of
the solution pH. The average molecular weight of the silane strongly depended on the
initial pH of the solution. In both acidic and alkaline pH's, the molecular weight was
equivalent to a few thousand of the polystyrene standard. On the contrary, the neutral
pH's yielded quite large molecules.
In summarizing the above two experiments, it is possible to suggest a change in
the condensation mechanism around pH 4 to 5. The mechanisms in the neutral and
alkaline pH's are similar, except that the silanol group in an alkaline media forms a
silanolate, SiO', which is resistant to condensation. Thus as shown in Figure 4. small
oligomers resulted at higher pH's. Similar structures can be observed on a solid
surface due to the pH effect.
The stability of silanol depends highly on the pH of the environment. Figure 5
shows the amount ef the residual silanol of the precipitated silane molecules from
aqueous solutions which are adjusted to respective pH's. It shows that the silanol is
most stable around pH 3 and the stability quickly decreases around pH 4-5 (13).
;iOH iO
Catalysts such as amines or heat treatment helps accelerate the reaction since the
reactivity of the above reaction is lower than the condensation reaction of silanol
groups. Because there are few silanols available, the silane in this treatment method
tends to be near a monomolecular equivalent. A similar situation is also observed when
a filler is heated in a silane solution of a hydrophobic solvent such as toluene.
On the other hand, deposition is the process in which the adsorbent molecule is
forced out of the solution and onto the substrate surface. Deposition and orientation of
methacryl-functional silanes have also been studied as a function of the length of the
aliphatic spacer group (17). When the solubility of the silane is poor or has become
poor by the structural or concentration changes due to evaporation of the solvent,
deposition may take place. Although both of these processes lead to the accumulation
of silane layers on the substrate surface, it is important to recognize that the molecular
architecture of the condensed silane is different for each situation.
The orientation of a silane molecule influences the molecular architecture of the
condensed silane and the chemical reactivity of the silane with the substrate surface as
well as the matrix. Silanes usually possess multiple sites with quite different
electronegativity or hydrophilicity on one molecule. The pH of the solution influences
the state of charge densitv on the functional group as well as the substrate surface.
Hence, the pH of the solution strongly influences the orientation of the silane either
attracting or repelling a certain portion of the silane molecule. Under ordinary treatment
conditions, silanols are believed to adsorb onto the hydroxyl-covered surface.
However. if the silane molecule possesses another ionic portion that can compete with
this process, it is possible for the molecule to adsorb upside-down (3).
Silanes adsorb onto solid surfaces differently depending upon the roughness of
the surface with respect to the dimension of the silane molecules. For example, a high
surface area silica typically adsorbs a few monomolecular layer equivalents whereas a
smooth surface such as glass fibers adsorb many layers. The thickness of the silane on
the glass fiber increases monotonously until the onset concentration of association at
which the hydrolyzed silane molecules start forming hydrogen bonded species (14).
Thus, the orientation of the associated silanes is disturbed and the thickness buildup
slows. The disturbance of the packing is schematically shown in Figure 6.
The silane molecules tend to adsorb head-to-head in an extreme case where
relatively rigid organofunctional groups such as cyclohexyl and phenyl groups are on
the silane molecule. The crystal structure of cyclohexylsilanetriol exemplifies this
extreme case (18). It is these silanes that form relatively stable silanetriol crystals due
to good packing. In these crystals, silanols are hydrogen bonded in a bifurcated
manner as shown below, meaning that the crystal possesses a rather disorganized
hydrogen bonding structure.
•-Si- ,rd
J0 Si •
The packing of the silane molecules in the coupling agent layers strongly depends on
the structure of the organofunctionality. This trend of organized packing relaxes as the
flexibility of' the organofunctional group increases, resulting in an increased free
volume. An important ramification of this statement is that the degree of penetration
of the matrix molecules into the coupling agent layers is highly influenced by the
molecular packing. It is interesting to note that many useful coupling agents belong to
this flexible organofunctional type.
00 oo 00
0 00
00 0 00 0 0
/ 0
A(R=) - (.OIS
-7N~ A.
Figure 7. Diffuse reflectance infrared difference spectra from 100 to 910 cm-
of only the plumbosiloxane contribution near 965 cm- 1 . Spectra were obtained
using the digital subtraction method and are not scale expanded. The adsorbate
concentrations and measured peak to baseline intensity differences in Kubelka-
Munk units are respectively, (A) 0.40 mg/m 2 and 0.005, (B) 0.80 mg/m 2 and
0.009, (C) 1.50 mg/m 2 and 0.018, (D) 2.00 mg/m 2 and 0.015, (E) 4.00
mg/m 2 and 0.016, (F) 6.00 mg/m 2 and 0.014.
In addition to the interfacial bonds, a quantitative observation of the inter-silane
bonds can be made. Figure 8 exhibits the intensity of the inter-silane bonds as a
function of the surface coverage (20). Two observations are especially noteworthy.
First. the intensity of the inter-silane bonds was near-zero until certain surface coverage
was reached despite the presence of the silane could be observed. This is an indication
that the silane did not adsorb as an island but rather adsorbed separately in a random
fashion so that the inter-silane distance is too far to form a siloxane bond. As the
surface coverage increases, the distance becomes sufficiently short to form the siloxane
bond. The second observation is the presence of a plateau near the surface coverage of
the 0.5 mg silane/g substrate. If the silane molecules are forming the second and
higher layers randomly, instead of first completing the bottom layer and then the
second layer, the intensity increase is expected to be monotonous. It seems that during
the plateau, the same process as the first layer is repeated. The adsorption is random in
position thus inter-silane bond formation is retarded. As the coverage of the second
layer becomes high, the inter-silane bonds again started forming. This process may be
repeated for the third layer and beyond. As the number of layers increases, the
registration of the orientation becomes more di3arrayed, and it becomes more difficult
to observe the plateau discussed above. However, a much smoother surface like mica
showed the same phenomenon to the third and possibly the fourth layers (21).
Understanding the mode of surface coverage is important because the interaction of the
treated filler with the matrix is strongly influenced by the way the silane covers the
, 0.60
0.00 0.500 1.00 1.50 2.00
Concentration (mg/g substrate)
chromatograms of Y-MPS hydrolyzates collected from the surface of a filler and from
the precipitate of a silane solution without a filler. Both chromatograms of the initial
samples are similar in the molecular weight and its distribution. However, after a mild
heat treatment at 80 °C for 10 hr, the silane from the filler surface stays almost the same
size whereas the silane from the precipitate polymerized to a size such that it can no
longer dissolve in the tetrahydrofuran (THF) carrier liquid. The peak near the
molecular weight of 300 may be an additive present in the initial silane.
Consequently, if the molecular architecture of the siloxane networks needs to be
changed, it is necessary to change the solution pH of the silane, treat the filler by an
acid or alkaline material to control the slurry pH, or add another silane which has
different tendency toward forming siloxane networks. For example, a silane with a
flexible organofunctional group such as Y-MPS tends to form a cyclic structure wherein
a rigid functional group leads to a more open structure. Hence, if a larger molecular
weight Y-MPS condensate is desired, it can be mixed with a rigid silane like
phenyltrimethoxysilane or vinyitrimethoxysilane. The molecular weight changes for
mixed silane systems are plotted in Figure 11 where 10 mol % of the second silane has
been added (22). It seems that dilution of the organofunctional group by the second
silane does not grossly affect the effectiveness of the first silane so long as the
composition of the second silane does not dominate. Localization of silane near the
substrate surface can be achieved either by improving chemical bonding of the silane to
the substrate or by reducing the solubility to the matrix by increased molecular weight.
A. Surface
9000 800 250
tM t,"A of oy Sinr*
A. Suface
80C MOtnr
Figure 10. SEC chromatograms of the silane shown in Figure 9 except that the
condensates were heat treated at 800 C for 10 h.
- S
o 5'
o 5
0 , 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
Sliane Concentration (wt%)
j __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
4 0
-. 0
0 20 40 60 s0 t00
Sliane Caoceetrettan (wt %)
Chemisorbed Physisorbed
silane si lone
/-- •00o O oo
fls 0 )0 Resin
Figure 14. Conceptual mechanical property profile across the glass fiber/matrix
o 158 PPM
35- ]
:30 - i z z i. .
0 4 6 10' 12' 14 16
o 158 Ppm
70 " & 144 ppm
65 Xx 42 PPM
Sao o 59 PPM
I- • 19 PPM
_jz 45
30! I I 1
0 2 4 6 8 iO 12 14 16
Figure 15. Tip measurements of the copolymer of 30 mol % y-aminopropyl-
triethoxysilane and 70 mol % epoxy.
5. Reinforcement Mechanisms
0 Wet
0 2 4 6 8 10
Average Molecular Weight
Figure 17. Flexural strength of glass cloth reinforced polystyrene with
polymeric silane-treated glass: the silane to styrene ratio was varied so that the
molecular weight of the polystyrene between two silane molecules become from
500 to 10,000 as shown as average molecular weight.
I-t i = C (constant)
By using t i, which is determined from the crystal growth kinetics, one can eliminate
the use of I, an aforementioned difficult quantity to measure. At the present time, no
quantitative study of the effect of silane structures on the transcrystal formation has
been reported.
apparent filler fraction, Oa, than the true filler fraction, 0, because the interstices of the
fillers are not easily accessible space for the resin to flow. The viscosity is a nonlinear
function of the filler fraction, and the viscosity increases much more rapidly at higher
filler fractions, especially near the closest packing fracticn, Orm. A drastic viscosity
reduction of a highly filled system can be achieved by breaking up the aggregates of the
filler. This can be achieved by applying a shear or extensional force which
mechanically separate the aggregates. The efficiency of the sepiration depends on the
deformation rate. An alternative method is to change the surface energetics of the filler
so that the filler/matrix interaction force owrcomes the aggregation force.
"Theaggregation force might be due to the bridging effect of water molecules,
direct hydrogen bonding of the surface hydroxyl groups, or ionic interactions. All of
these effects can be reduced by treating the filler surface with silane coupling agents.
Silanes can compete for, and react with, the surface hydroxyl groups and cover the
filler with organo-functional groups. If the organo-functional group has a hydropiilic
group, it tends to bend :uward the hydrophilic filler surface and hence to expose the
hydrophobic portion of the group. Since the van der Waals' force between the organo-
'§unctionai groups is similar to that between the silane and resin, a small shearing force
can easily break up the agglomerated filler particles.
In addition to the effects caused by the chemically bound silanes, a physisorbed
silane can further reduce the viscosity. A silicon fluid is a good lubricant or a release
agent. It has been previously discussed that a filler surface tends to produce cyclic
oligomers of varying molecular sizes. An acidic or alkaline filler especially produces
silane oligomers with a molecular weight of a few thousand. The amount of
physisorbed silane varies depending on the concentration of the silane treating solution.
In general, the higher the concentration of the silane in the treating solution, the more
the physisorbed silane. This is especially true in the treatment method used for
particulate fillers. Fillers tend to form a cake if a sluny of the filler/silane solution was
dried. In order to avoid this additional processing, a treatment method termed an
integral blend is adopted where a rather concentrated alcohol aqueous solution of a
silane is sprayed onto a tumbling filer. Thus, the filler does not completely wet and
immerse itself in the silane solution.
A mixture of a silane-pretreated filler and a polymer exhibits complex viscosity
behavior. In addition to the breakup of agglomerates, silanes can interact physically
and chemically with the polymer matrix. A reactive silane, such as an azide -functional
silane, can form chemical bonds with aliphatic polymers and crosslink the polymer
chain forming a matrix interphase around the filler. Polymer melts are usually kept at
elevated temperatures and thus ordinarily unreactive c lanes can form bonds with the
polymer. Polymers also cleave, forming reactive polymeric free radical chain ends.
These chain ends can graft onto silanes. Thus, the viscosity increases, counteracting
the viscosity reduction by the break-up of the agglomerates. Another influencial factor
is the acid-base interaction of the organo-functional group with the functional group of
the polymer chains. Strong acid-base interactions can act as physical crosslinks
modifying the rheological properties of the interphase as the silanes are multifunctional
by the oligomeric or polymeric structures. Physisorbed silanes can diffuse out of the
filler/matrix interface and the thickness of the physically crosslinked matrix interphase
increases. As a result, the viscosity would also increases.
When the integral blending method was used to treat a filler surface and the
amount of added solution was varied to change the amount of the silane coverage,
peculiar results were observed. As the amount of the added solution was increased, the
quantity of the deposited silane monotonously increased as expected. However, this
increase in the deposited silane halted suddenlv for the quantity of silane solution where
the filler was completely wetted by the solution as shown in Figure 18. It is likely that
the silane molecules may have coevaported with the alcohol molecules. Accordingly,
there is an upper limit of silane that can be deposited by the integral blending method.
It is not clear wether this phenomenon applies to a compound such as an amino-
functional sle.ne which tends to form oligomers quickly by the catalytic action of the
amine grour
A highly filled system is of great technological significance in the ceramic,
artificial marble, and other industries. Due to the very high filler contents, the viscosity
of the filled system is usually extremely high to the extent that the mixture of initial
ingredients is dough-like in consistencv, even if a silica filler is mixed with a such a
low viscosity material as methyl methacrvlate. The initial viscosity of the mixture can
be as high as above 100 Pa.s (100,000 cp). If a silane is added and the mixture is ball-
milled, the viscosity drops in time almost three orders of magnitude to below 0.1 Pa.s
(100 cp), and the mixture can be readily poured (39). The viscosity reduction process
is a function of the surface coverage of the filler by the silane. The complete coverage
of the filler surface is necessary to observe low viscosity. Since this type of treatment
is done in an organic solvent without any water added, the rate of hydrolysis is very
slow. The consumption of the silane alkoxy group relies mostly on the water adsorbed
on the filler surface and the aforementioned surface silanol/alkoxy group exchange
mechanism. Thus, the addition of an alkaline catalyst greatly accelerates the chemical
reaction of the silane with the filler.
Ordinarily, in the aqueous treatment of fillers and fibers, silane molecules are
almost completely hydrolyzed in the solution prior to mixing with the filler and fiber.
Thus, the silanol groups of the silane can be a driving force for adsorption onto the
substrate surface. In the case of an anhydrous organic system, this type of adsorption
mechanism may be modified. Due to the limited amount of water molecules, only one
of three hydrolyzable alkoxy groups may be hydrolyzed and the incompletely
hydrolyzed silane may be adsorbed. These incompletely hydrolyzed groups may be
hydrolyzed with time on the filler surface. In the other mechanism, when an
unhydrolyzed silane molecule encounter the surface silanol groups, the aforementioned
exchange mechanism shown below takes place, releasing an alcohol molecule and the
silane becomes part of the solid (40).
0 /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% Silane
Figure 18. Amount of total and chemisorbed silane on a filler as a function of
the initial silane concentration with respect to the filler
similar time required to cleave siloxane bonds from different silane coupling agent, the
desorption kinetics differs markedly due to the difference in solubility of the newly
formed oligomers. If an additional mechanism exists, such as surface induced
polymerization of the organofunctional groups, further difficulty for desorption is
The hydrothermal stability of the SiOR bonds where R represents C, Si, Al and
other elements depends strongly on the element in the R group. It is believed that
electronegativity difference between the silicon atom and the element in the R group is
one of the important factors determining the hydrothermal stability of the bond. Some
evaluations of the various oxane bonds have been reported (41). Pure silica, alumina,
and titania were treated bv a silane coupling agent and hydrothermal stability was
studied by monitoring the rate of silane desorption as shown in Figure 19. It is clear
from the figure that the stability of the bonds is in the following order: SiOSi > SiOTi >
SiOAL. It is intriguing to speculate that a similar stability difference also exists on the
surface of the glass fiber, as it consists of various surface hydroxyl groups as well as
alkaline and alkaline earth elements.
_ 0.4 - _A A A
8. Summary
The molecular structure of silanes in solution and on substrates has been
reviewed. Major advancements over the past decade have helped to elucidate the
structure of silane coupling agents. With an improved understanding of the silane
structurs. it is now possible to control some structures of silane on a substrate. Once
structure/property correlation is understood, a specific property of a composite material
can be tailored by controlling the interfacial structure. Our current knowledge of silane
coupling agents allows us to attempt this systematic approach that has been defined in
this paper as interphase engineering.
9. Acknowledgment
This work was in part supported by the grant from The Office of Naval
10. References
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