Coaching For Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose
Coaching For Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose
Coaching For Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose
An Extract from
Coaching for Performance The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines the verb to coach as to ‘tutor, train,
give hints to, prime with facts’. This does not help us much, for those things
can be done in many ways, some of which bear no relationship to coaching.
Coaching is as much about the way these things are done as about what is
done. Coaching delivers results in large measure because of the supportive
relationship between the coach and the coachee, and the means and style of
GROWing People, Performance and Purpose communication used. The coachee does acquire the facts, not from the
coach but from within himself, stimulated by the coach. Of course, the
objective of improving performance is paramount, but how that is best
achieved is what is in question.
The list is endless, and the opportunities can be tackled by using a highly
Experiment structured approach, the formal coaching session. The coach/manager can
That our beliefs about the capability of other have a direct impact on their equally choose to retain a degree of structure but be less formal – superficially
performance has been adequately demonstrated in a number of experiments it might sound like a normal conversation and the term coaching might not be
from the field of education. In these tests teachers are told, wrongly, that a used. Far more pervasive than either of these uses, and perhaps more
group of average pupils are either scholarship candidates or have learning important, are the continuous awareness and employment of the underlying
difficulties. They teach a set curriculum to the group for a period of time. principles of coaching during the many brief daily interactions that occur
Subsequent academic tests show that the pupils’ results invariably reflect the between manager and staff. In these cases we would not describe the
false beliefs of their teachers about their ability. It is equally true that the interaction as coaching, and it might consist of no more than a single
performance of employees will reflect the beliefs of their managers. sentence – probably a question. However, the wording, the intention and the
effect of that sentence would be different. Here is an example:
For example, Fred sees himself as having limited potential. He feels safe only
when he operates well within his prescribed limit. This is like his shell. His
manager will only trusts him with tasks within his shell. The manager will give An employee, Sue is working on a task that had been discussed and agreed
him task A, because he trust Fred to do it and Fred can. The manager will not with her manager the previous week. She has a problem and goes to find her
give him task B, because he sees this as beyond Fred’s capability. He sees manager:
What percentage of people’s potential manifest itself in the workplace Building others’ self-belief demands that we release the desire to control them
on average? or to maintain their belief in our superior abilities. One of the best things we
can do for them is to assist them in surpassing us. Children’s most
memorable and exciting moments are often the first occasions on which they
beat a parent at a game of skill. That is why in the early days we sometimes