Lascaux Is Still The Story: Great September Films!!!
Lascaux Is Still The Story: Great September Films!!!
Lascaux Is Still The Story: Great September Films!!!
Near Montignac, France, in September 1940, a collection of prehistoric cave paintings was
discovered by four teenagers who stumbled upon the ancient artwork after following their
dog down a narrow entrance into a cavern. The 15,000- to 17,000-year-old paintings, con-
sisting mostly of animal representations, are among the finest examples of art from the Up-
per Paleolithic period.
First studied by the French archaeologist Henri-Édouard-Prosper Breuil, the Lascaux grotto
consists of a main cavern 66 feet wide and 16 feet high. The walls of the cavern are deco-
rated with some 600 painted and drawn animals and symbols and nearly 1,500 engravings.
Ideal Living The pictures depict in excellent detail numerous types of animals, including horses, red deer,
• Major exterior update completed stags, bovines, felines, and what appear to be mythical creatures. There is only one human
• Large deck located through the figure depicted in the cave: a bird-headed man. Archaeologists believe that the cave was
garden doors from the kitchen used over a long period of time as a centre for hunting and religious rites. The cave was not
• Orchard of apple and plum trees ordinarily lived in but kept exclusively for art and ritual.
One of the paintings is reproduced at the bottom of this page. The drawing is rippling and
fluid with strength and life. You don’t get closer to the original source of art than this ele-
mental contact with a cave wall and simple mineral-based colours. There is awe in the sense
that these drawings were created by people who knew they were among the least capable
and powerful of creatures; people who openly admired the strength of bison and the elegant
speed of running horses; people who felt small and vulnerable in comparison and were not
at all certain of their continued existence. The world was full of wonder and terror for them.
If they ever caught up with one of these creatures it was a major event and a chance to ab-
Great September sorb some of the impressive qualities of their awesome game. In a world lit only by fire peo-
Films!!! ple were the ones living on the edge of extinction and desperation. We were humble beings
then. That feeling was the soul of art.
Friday, 17th By some trick of fate or intervention over time we became the biggest and fiercest beasts in
The Iron Giant the land. Who would have thought it likely so long ago? We’re neither humble nor small
anymore. We’ve conquered and subjugated everything around us. It’s our domain and we
Friday, 24th run the show. The bulls are bred to specification and the horses run for our amusement. We
Percy Jackson & the have no need of mythical creatures anymore. We’re completely in awe of ourselves.
However, our art has not exceeded our origins. Picasso famously said that after cave paint-
The Lightning Thief ings “… all is decadence.” Or in a sense, everything that followed has just been conversa-
tion. As we lost our awe and fear, we compromised our expression. Maybe that’s why so
Doors open at 6:30 PM much art today is so bad. But, Lascaux and the rare caves like it still attract tens of thou-
Admission Price sands of visitors annually. Each one of them is surprised to be so elementally affected by
$3.50 each what they see. Our souls have not moved a long way from the cave. So here’s one more
‘Bravo” to the Lascaux painters who still send that “Wow” factor echoing down the millen-
Suggestions for movies are nia.
welcome. Please contact:
The Lascaux grotto was opened to the public in 1948 but was closed in 1963 because artifi-
T.rex Discovery Centre cial lights had faded the vivid colors of the paintings and caused algae to grow over some of
Eastend, SK. them. A replica of the Lascaux cave was opened nearby in 1983. The drawings should be on everyone’s bucket list of things to see before they die. You can easily find reproductions
(306)295-4009 of the art in books at the library and on the internet. Be sure to see them. JK
See Movie Synopsis
on pg. 2
Trailers now available on Antiques, Collectables, STREAMBANK
T.rex Discovery Centre
web site
Furniture & Toys GOLF COURSE
8th Annual Show & Sale
will be held at
Stockade (Kinetic Park) SPECIAL
Swift Current, Sk. TWILIGHT GOLF
Adult $10 Junior $7
Sept. 18 & 19, 2010 Daily after 6 PM
Sat.: 10 am—6 pm
Sun.: 10 am—4 pm
Lots of Free Parking—Food Booth
Admission $4 10 AM to 8 PM Sun, Tues, Wed
10 AM to 9 PM Thurs, Fri, Sat
15– to 17,000 year old cave painting The Eastend Edge is a proud supporter of our Serving Great Food All Day
from community and is distributed across North
Lascaux, France America. Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman
Eastend Arts Council—Sept. 13 ???
Adding bins or machinery? ECT&EDA—Sept. 7
Eastend Rink Complex—???
Please notify us. Kinsmen– Sept. 14
It isn’t covered unless it is Historical Museum— Sept. 14
listed on your policy! K-40—Sept. 1
CWL—Sept. 1
SHOP LOCAL Friends of the Museum &
T.rex Discovery Centre—Sept. 9
1st Annual Cowgirl Kinettes– ??
Get Bonnie working for you RM of White Valley— Sept. 9
104 Maple Avenue North. Eastend, Sask. Clay Centre Comm Club—Sept. 21
Oct. 2nd, Consul Hall School Comm Council—Sept. 21
Chamber of Commerce—Sept 15
Cocktails @ 5 pm 295-3655 Fire Dept. — Sept. 14 & 28
Supper @ 7 pm Eastend Swimming Pool— Sept. 15
Prairie Pearls— Sept. 29
Cowgirl Mercantile RW Institute—Oct. 5th
Silent Auction TOPS MEET - Health Centre Quiet Room,
Thursdays @ 5:15 p.m.
Visiting with Old and New Friends STREAMBANK GOLF AA—Monday’s @ 8:00p.m. at Henry’s Place
BINGO—Mondays at 7:00 in the Rink!
Proceeds to Maple Creek Hospital CLUBHOUSE Alanon– Health Centre Quiet Room
& Consul Ambulance Service Tuesdays .
We invite all “cowgirls” to join us for
an evening of fun, shopping, sharing,
contributing to our communities and Choose: Jumbo Hot Dog & Chips
we deserve a lovely evening. 5 oz Hamburger & Chips
Buffalo Chicken Wrap
Annual membership dues $50 Two Chicken Strips & Fries
which includes the dinner. And Milk or Fountain Drink
SHERRY HORNUNG RN(NP) - SEP. 13, 15, 20,
RSVP by Sept. 15th Friday! Pizza or Lasagne 23, 24, 27 & 29
For more info. call: Regular Menu Items 10% off PHYSICIAN— 15 & 22
Jill 306-299-4411 or Student Discount applies
Ann 306-299-2028 11 AM to 4 PM To book an appointment Phone 295-4184
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.
Call on your break!
We’ll have your order ready.
Closed Mondays FOR SALE
2000 Silverado 4X4 Ext. Cab
Special Thank You
To Excellent Condition
Loaded with Extras
Eastend Dinos
Raider Cap—Dust Tight Box
Motorcycle Riders Inc.
for your generous
$1,000 Donation See it at 538 Railway St.
to the 295-3222
Eastend Historical Museum
Eastend History Waitress required
Street by Street FOR SALE Shifts: 3 pm—9 pm
1988 Ford TW-35 Tractor
170hp Dishwasher required
Do you know the history of the homes in 5:30 pm—9 pm
Eastend? Before these homes are gone 1000PTO
8 ft. grapple fork & bucket Saturday & Sunday
and the personal history of the older resi-
dences is lost let’s collect the stories for Evening Cleaner required
publication. Call: 295:3855
Apply within
If you are interested in a project of this for these positions
nature please contact the Edge/Jeanne
Kaufman at 295-4097 or by email at Great work experience for students or
people seeking part-time income.
Saturday Sept. 18th (Extracted in part from Paleocene Exhibit “After the Dinosaurs” by Tim Tokaryk, Acting Head of
Palaeontology Unit, Royal Saskatchewan Museum.)
Clarence Peters
retired provincial Fruit Specialist Movie Synopsis:
Haying Iron Giant
Have you an old apple tree whose
variety you would like identified? Let it not rain. Let the wind blow "Iron Giant" is an animation
enough to suck the damp based upon the 1968 story, 'Iron
Are you interested in but not hasten the clouds Man,' by the British poet laure-
that bring the rain. ate Ted Hughes. The film is
growing apples?
about a giant metal machine that
Let swallows wing the field
3 pm. Examination and drops from the sky and frightens
looping after bugs, let the baler
a small town in Maine in 1958,
identification not break
only to find a friend named,
Bring a sample from your tree. let field mice scuttle fast from the hawks
Hogarth, that ultimately finds its
but let the hawks
humanity and saving the towns
5 pm. Supper and Apple Potluck be fed. And the
people of their fears and preju-
snakes, may they slide from the baler’s maw
Please bring your own sandwiches dices.
And an Apple Dish for the Potluck. let the dragonflies zig hover zag
neon blue on a cusp of sky.
6pm. Clarence Peters presentation: Now the buzzard hunkers in the stubble. Let him gorge
fast and clean as an executioner’s blade.
“Growing Apples on the Prairies.”
The Edge in 5
ALL ARE WELCOME And let it not Striking Pages
rain. And if it must, let it be The Eastend Edge has 5 pages
For inf., call Mary Thomson
a sprinkle. this week with exceptional col-
306-295-3673 our photos available at
Let the hayers mop their brows with salty bandanas
let them drink deep – lemon soda, Mexican beer
let the barn fill with hay and the stashed eggs The photo montage on page 5 is
of renegade hens. generously provided by Stephen
The Eastend Edge is a proud supporter of our Langton Goulet. This week it
community and is distributed across Then, rain features colour photos of
North America. September Ducks.
Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman Dorothy Field
Apple Varieties Old and New