4 SC
4 SC
4 SC
#) %o(panies in the sa(e inustry often select very ifferent istribution networ*s+ because the
choice of the istribution networ* can be use to achieve a variety of supply chain ob,ectives
ranging fro( low cost to high responsiveness.
Answer: T!"
Diff: #
Topic: 4.1 The ole of Distribution in the $upply %hain
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
-) %o(panies in the sa(e inustry shoul always select si(ilar istribution networ*s+ because
their ob,ectives will be si(ilar.
Answer: FA&$"
Diff: #
Topic: 4.1 The ole of Distribution in the $upply %hain
4) A custo(er oes not necessarily want the highest level of perfor(ance along all i(ensions of
custo(er service+ incluing response ti(e+ prouct variety+ prouct availability+ custo(er
eperience+ orer visibility+ an returnability.
Answer: T!"
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
) 'utboun transportation costs per unit ten to be lower than inboun costs+ because inboun
lot si2es are typically larger.
Answer: FA&$"
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
3) Transportation costs are high with ropshipping because the average outboun istance to the
en consu(er is large an pac*age carriers are use to shipping the prouct.
Answer: T!"
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
9) The (ain avantage of intransit (erge over ropshipping is the so(ewhat lower
transportation cost an i(prove custo(er eperience.
Answer: T!"
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
) The (ain
elivery costavantage of aa faster
an provie istribution networ*
response with networ*s.
than other local storage is that it can lower the
Answer: T!"
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
;) The (ain avantage of a istribution networ* with local storage is that it can lower the
inventory an facility costs.
Answer: FA&$"
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
11) A istribution networ* esigner nees to consier prouct characteristics as well as networ*
re<uire(ents when eciing on the appropriate elivery networ*.
Answer: T!"
Diff: -
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
1#) 'nly niche co(panies will en up using a single istribution networ*.
Answer: T!"
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
1-) Distributors a value to a supply chain between a supply stage an a custo(er stage if there
are (any s(all players at the custo(er stage+ each re<uiring a s(all a(ount of the prouct at a
Answer: T!"
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
13) Fir(s that target custo(ers who can tolerate a long response ti(e re<uire only a few
locations that (ay be far fro( the custo(er.
Answer: T!"
Topic:1 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
19) A ecrease in the response ti(e custo(ers esire increases the nu(ber of facilities re<uire
in the networ*.
Answer: T!"
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
4.# >ultiple %hoice Questions
1) The steps ta*en to (ove an store a prouct fro( the supplier stage to a custo(er stage in the
supply chain is referre to as
A) transportation.
=) retailing.
%) wholesaling.
D) istribution.
") (anufacturing.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.1 The ole of Distribution in the $upply %hain
AA%$=: Analytic $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
-) The choice of the istribution networ* can be use to achieve supply chain ob,ectives such as
A) low cost.
=) high responsiveness.
%) high cost.
D) high responsibility.
") A an = only
Diff: # "
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
AA%$=: Analytic $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
4) %o(panies in the sa(e inustry often select very ifferent istribution networ*s because
A) so(e co(panies are poorly run.
=) ifferent co(panies try to avoi using the sa(e approach.
%) ifferent co(panies have ifferent ob,ectives for their supply chain.
D) all of the above
") none of the above
Answer: %
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
3) ?hich of the following woul not be the result of a poor/inappropriate istribution networ*@
A) 8igh profitability
=) &ow level of custo(er service
%) 8igh cost
D) 7oor profitability
") 0one of the above are true.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
9) 'n which i(ensions shoul the perfor(ance of a istribution networ* be evaluate at the
highest level@
A) 7rofitability of iniviual supply chain co(ponents
=) "fficiency of overall supply chain networ*
%) %usto(er nees that are (et
D) %ost of (eeting custo(er nees
") % an D only
Answer: "
Diff: -
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
) ?hich of the following are (easures of custo(er service that are influence by the structure
of the istribution networ*@
A) esponse ti(e
=) 7rouct variety
%) 7rouct availability
D) %usto(er eperience
") all of the above
Answer: "
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
;) ?hich of the following are (easures of custo(er service that are influence by the structure
of the istribution networ*@
A) eturnability
=) 'rer visibility
%) %usto(er eperience
D) 7rouct availability
") all of the above
Answer: "
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
16) ?hich of the following is not a (easure of custo(er service that is influence by the
structure of the istribution networ*@
A) eturnability
=) %usto(er eperience
%) %usto(er (aturity
D) 7rouct availability
") All of the above are (easures of custo(er service.
Answer: %
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
11) The nu(ber of ifferent proucts/configurations that a custo(er esires fro( the istribution
networ* is
A) response ti(e.
=) prouct variety.
%) prouct availability.
D) custo(er eperience.
") orer visibility.
Answer: =
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
1#) The probability of having a prouct in stoc* when a custo(er orer arrives is
A) response ti(e.
=) prouct variety.
%) prouct availability.
D) custo(er eperience.
") orer visibility.
Answer: %
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
1-) The ease with which the custo(er can place an receive their orer as well as other aspects
of value that the sales staff provies is
A) custo(er eperience.
=) orer visibility.
%) prouct availability.
D) response ti(e.
") returnability.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
14) The ability of the custo(er to trac* their orer fro( place(ent to elivery is
A) custo(er eperience.
=) orer visibility.
%) prouct availability.
D) response ti(e.
") returnability.
Answer: =
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
13) The costs incurre in sening (aterial out of a facility are
A) sourcing transportation costs.
=) outboun transportation costs.
%) crossboun transportation costs.
D) inboun transportation costs.
") none of the above
Answer: =
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
1) As inventory
A) the the nu(ber ofresulting
an facilities inventory
in a supply chain
costs increases
also increase.
=) the inventory an resulting inventory costs ecrease.
%) the inventory increases an resulting inventory costs ecrease.
D) the inventory ecreases an resulting inventory costs increase.
") the inventory an resulting inventory costs re(ain the sa(e.
Answer: A
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
1;) As the response ti(e esire by the custo(er ecreases+ the re<uire nu(ber of facilities in
the istribution networ*
A) ecreases.
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
#6) As the nu(ber of facilities in a supply chain increases+ total transportation cost
A) ecreases.
=) re(ains the sa(e.
%) increases.
D) increases to a point an then ecreases.
") ecreases to a point an then increases.
Answer: "
Diff: -
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
#1) As the nu(ber of facilities in a supply chain increases+ total facility costs
A) ecrease.
=) re(ain the sa(e.
%) increase.
D) increase to a point an then ecrease.
") ecrease to a point an then increase.
Answer: %
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
#-) As the nu(ber of facilities in a supply chain networ* increases+ total logistics costs will
A) ecrease.
=) ecrease at first an then increase.
D) increase.
increase at first an then ecrease.
") neither increase or ecrease.
Answer: =
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
AA%$=: Analytic $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
#4) ?hich of the following are *ey ecisions in the esign of a istribution networ*@
A) ?ill prouct be elivere to the custo(er location or pic*e up fro( a preoraine site@
=) ?ill prouct flow through a prouction facility@
%) ?ill prouct flow through an inter(eiary or inter(eiate location)@
D) all of the above
") A an % only
Answer: "
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
#) ?hich of the following is not a istinct istribution networ* esign that (ay be use to
(ove proucts fro( factory to custo(er@
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer storage with istributor pic*up
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with last (ile elivery
") >anufacturer/istributor storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: =
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
#3) ?hich of the following is not a istinct istribution networ* esign that (ay be use to
(ove proucts fro( factory to custo(er@
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping an intransit (erge
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with (anufacturer pic*up
") etail storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: D
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
#9) n which istribution networ* esign is prouct shippe irectly fro( the (anufacturer to the
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
#) ?hich istribution networ* is also referre to as ropshipping with prouct elivere
irectly fro( the (anufacturer to the custo(er location@
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping an intransit (erge
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with last (ile elivery
") >anufacturer/istributor storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: A
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
#;) ?hich of the following is an avantage of (anufacturer storage with irect shipping@
A) Transportation costs are low because the average outboun istance to the en consu(er is
s(all an pac*age carriers are use to shipping the prouct.
=) $upply chains save on the fie cost of facilities+ because the nee for other warehousing
space in the supply chain has been eli(inate.
%) esponse ti(es ten to be s(all because the orer has to be trans(itte fro( the retailer to
the (anufacturer.
D) 'rer trac*ing is easy to i(ple(ent because of the co(plete integration of infor(ation
syste(s at both the retailer an the (anufacturer.
") The hanling of returns is li*ely to be si(ple an inepensive+ i(proving custo(er
Answer: =
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
-6) ?hich of the following woul be a isavantage of (anufacturer storage with irect
A) The ability to reuce cost of inventory by centrali2ing inventories at the (anufacturer.
=) The (anufacturer has to postpone custo(i2ation until after the custo(er orer has been
%) $upply chains have to eli(inate other warehousing space to save on the fie cost of
the esponse ti(es
(anufacturer ten
an to be large
shipping because
istances are the
on orer haslonger
average to be trans(itte fro( the retailer to
fro( the (anufacturerBs
centrali2e site.
") 7rovies a goo custo(er eperience when a single orer containing proucts fro( several
(anufacturers is elivere in partial ship(ents.
Answer: D
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
-1) ?hich istribution networ* esign is si(ilar to pure ropshipping+ ecept that pieces of the
orer co(ing fro( ifferent locations are co(bine so that the custo(er gets a single elivery@
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping an intransit (erge
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with (anufacturer pic*up
") etail storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: =
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
") the hanling of returns is li*ely to be ifficult an (ore epensive+ hurting custo(er
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
-4) ?hich istribution networ* esign is being use when inventory is not hel by
(anufacturers at the factories+ but is hel by istributors/retailers in inter(eiate warehouses an
pac*age carriers are use to transport proucts fro( the inter(eiate location to the final
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping an intransit (erge
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with (anufacturer pic*up
") etail storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: %
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
AA%$=: Analytic $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
-) ?hich of the following is an avantage of istributor storage with carrier elivery@
A) nventory cost is higher than with (anufacturer storage.
=) 7rouct variety is lower than with (anufacturer storage.
%) 'rer visibility for the custo(er is easier than with (anufacturer storage.
D) 8igher cost to provie the sa(e level of prouct availability as (anufacturer storage.
") %ost of facilities an hanling is so(ewhat higher than (anufacturer storage.
Answer: %
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
-3) ?hich of the following is a isavantage of istributor storage with carrier elivery@
A) nfor(ation infrastructure is si(pler than (anufacturer storage.
=) esponse ti(e is faster than with (anufacturer storage.
%) eturnability is easier than with (anufacturer storage.
D) 7rouct variety is lower than with (anufacturer storage.
") Transportation cost is lower than with (anufacturer storage.
Answer: D
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
-9) ?hich istribution networ* esign is being use when the istributor/retailer elivers the
prouct to the custo(erBs ho(e instea of using a pac*age carrier@
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer/istributor storage with custo(er pic*up
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with last (ile elivery
") etail storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: D
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
AA%$=: Analytic $*ills
-;) ?hich of the following is a isavantage of istributor storage with last (ile elivery@
A) Transportation cost is higher than any other istribution option.
=) nfor(ation cost is si(ilar to istributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery.
%) %usto(er eperience is very goo+ particularly for bul*y ite(s.
D) eturnability is easier to i(ple(ent than other options.
") 'rer traceability is less of an issue an easier to i(ple(ent than (anufacturer storage or
istributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery.
Answer: A
Diff: -
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
46) ?hich istribution networ* esign is being use when inventory is store at the
(anufacturer or istributor warehouse but custo(ers place their orers online or on the phone
an then co(e to esignate pic*up points to collect their orers@
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer/istributor storage with custo(er pic*up
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with last (ile elivery
") etail storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: =
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
AA%$=: Analytic $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
4-) ?hich istribution networ* esign is being use when inventory is store locally at retail
stores an custo(ers wal* into the retail store or place an orer online or on the phone an pic*
it up at the retail store@
A) >anufacturer storage with irect shipping
=) >anufacturer/istributor storage with custo(er pic*up
%) Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery
D) Distributor storage with last (ile elivery
") etail storage with custo(er pic*up
Answer: "
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
44) ?hich of the following is an avantage of retail storage with custo(er pic*up@
A) nventory cost is higher than all other options.
=) Transportation cost is lower than all other options.
%) Facilities an hanling costs are higher than other options.
D) 7rouct variety is lower than all other options.
") 7rouct availability is (ore epensive to provie than all other options.
Answer: =
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
4) ?hich of the following is a isavantage of retail storage with custo(er pic*up@
A) eturnability is easier than other options given that pic*up location can hanle returns.
=) nventory cost is higher than all other options.
%) Transportation cost is lower than all other options.
D) Facilities an hanling costs are lower than other options.
") 7rouct variety is higher than all other options.
Answer: =
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
43) Distributors a value to a supply chain between a supply stage an a custo(er stage
A) if there is a s(all nu(ber of custo(ers re<uiring a large a(ount of prouct.
=) if there is a large nu(ber of custo(ers re<uiring a large a(ount of prouct.
%) if there are (any s(all players at the custo(er stage+ each re<uiring a s(all a(ount of the
prouct at a ti(e.
D) if there are a few large players at the custo(er stage+ each re<uiring a large a(ount of the
prouct at a ti(e.
") Distributors o not a value to a supply chain.
Answer: %
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
49) (prove(ent in supply chain perfor(ance at the result of istributors occurs for which of the
following reasons@
A) euction in transportation cost because of &T& ship(ents fro( (anufacturers to istributor.
=) euction in outboun transportation cost because the istributor co(bines proucts fro(
(any custo(ers into a single outboun ship(ent.
%) euction in inventory costs because istributor isaggregates safety inventory rather than
aggregating at each retailer.
D) A (ore stable orer strea( fro( istributor to (anufacturer co(pare to erratic orers fro(
each retailer) allows (anufacturers to lower cost by planning prouction (ore effectively.
") =y carrying inventory closer to the point of sale+ (anufacturers are able to provie a better
response ti(e than istributors can.
Answer: D
Diff: -
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
4;) CCCCCCCC is a cost factor perfor(ance characteristic of etail $torage at %onsu(er 7ic*up
$ites that is higher than all other options.
A) Transportation
=) nventory
%) nfor(ation
D) Facilities an 8anling
Answer: =
Diff: -
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
-) CCCCCCCC is the a(ount of ti(e it ta*es for a custo(er to receive an orer.
A) Ti(e to (ar*et
=) 7rouct Availability
%) eturnability
D) esponse Ti(e
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
4) %hanging the istribution networ* esign D'"$ 0'T affect the following supply chain
A) transportation.
=) inventories.
%) infor(ation.
D) sourcing.
Answer: D
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
AA%$=: Analytic $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
) Facility costs ecrease as the nu(ber of facilities is reuce. ?hich co(pany e(ploys a
networ* esign li*e this@
A) =arnes an 0oble
=) =oo*sA>illion
%) $tarbuc*s
D) A(a2on
Answer: D
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
AA%$=: eflective Thin*ing $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
3) ?hich is NO consiere a pri(ary part of Total &ogistics %osts for a supply chain
A) nventory
=) >anufacturing
%) Transportation
D) Facility cost
Answer: D
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
4.- "ssay Questions
1) "plain the (easures of custo(er service that are influence by the structure of the
istribution networ*.
Answer: esponse ti(e is the ti(e between when a custo(er places an orer an receives
7rouct variety is the nu(ber of ifferent proucts/configurations that a custo(er esires fro(
the istribution networ*.
Availability is the probability of having a prouct in stoc* when a custo(er orer arrives.
%usto(er eperience inclues the ease with which the custo(er can place an receive their
orer. t also inclues purely eperiential aspects+ such as the possibility of getting a cup of
coffee an the value that the sales staff provies.
'rer visibility is the ability of the custo(er to trac* their orer fro( place(ent to elivery.
eturnability is the ease with which a custo(er can return unsatisfactory (erchanise an the
ability of the networ* to hanle such returns.
Diff: #
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
#) "plain how the esign of the istribution networ* affects the cost of the four supply chain
Answer: As the nu(ber of facilities in a supply chain increases+ the inventory an resulting
inventory costs also increase. To ecrease inventory costs+ fir(s try to consoliate an li(it the
nu(ber of facilities in their supply chain networ*.
'utboun transportation costs per unit ten to be higher than inboun costs because inboun lot
si2es are typically larger. ncreasing the nu(ber of warehouse locations ecreases the average
outboun istance to a custo(er an (a*es outboun transportation istance a s(aller fraction
of total istance travele by the prouct. Thus+ as long as inboun transportation econo(ies of
scale are (aintaine+ increasing the nu(ber of facilities ecreases total transportation cost.
Facility costs ecrease as the nu(ber of facilities is reuce+ because a consoliation of facilities
allows a fir( to eploit econo(ies of scale. As the nu(ber of facilities increases+ total logistics
costs first ecrease an then increase. "ach fir( shoul have at least the nu(ber of facilities that
(ini(i2e total logistics costs.
As a fir( wants to further reuce the response ti(e to its custo(ers+ it (ay have to increase the
nu(ber of facilities beyon the point that (ini(i2es logistics costs. A fir( shoul a facilities
beyon the cost(ini(i2ing point only if (anagers are confient that the increase in revenues
because of better responsiveness is greater than the increase in costs because of the aitional
facilities. n general+ no istribution networ* will outperfor( others along all i(ensions. Thus+
it is i(portant to ensure that the strengths of the istribution networ* fit with the strategic
position of the fir(.
Diff: -
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
-) "plain the si istinct istribution networ* esigns that (ay be use to (ove proucts fro(
factory to custo(er.
Answer: n (anufacturer storage with irect shipping+ prouct is shippe irectly fro( the
(anufacturer to the en custo(er+ bypassing the retailer who ta*es the orer an initiates the
elivery re<uest). This option is also referre to as ropshipping with prouct elivere irectly
fro( the (anufacturer to the custo(er location.
>anufacturer storage with irect shipping an intransit (erge is si(ilar to pure ropshipping+
ecept that pieces of the orer co(ing fro( ifferent locations are co(bine so that the custo(er
gets a single elivery.
Distributor storage with pac*age carrier elivery is being use when inventory is not hel by
(anufacturers at the factories+ but is hel by istributors/retailers in inter(eiate warehouses+
an pac*age carriers are use to transport proucts fro( the inter(eiate location to the final
Distributor storage with last (ile elivery is being use when the istributor/retailer elivers the
prouct to the custo(erBs ho(e instea of using a pac*age carrier.
>anufacturer/istributor storage with custo(er pic*up is being use when inventory is store at
the (anufacturer or istributor warehouse but custo(ers place their orers online or on the
phone an then co(e to esignate pic*up points to collect their orers.
etail storage with custo(er pic*up is being use when inventory is store locally at retail stores
an custo(ers wal* into the retail store or place an orer online or on the phone an pic* it up at
the retail store.
Diff: #
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all
4) "plain how istributors a value to a supply chain an i(prove its perfor(ance.
Answer: Distributors a value to a supply chain between a supply stage an a custo(er stage if
there are (any s(all players at the custo(er stage+ each re<uiring a s(all a(ount of the prouct
at a ti(e. The value ae increases if istributors carry proucts fro( (any (anufacturers.
(prove(ent in supply chain perfor(ance occurs for the following reasons:
euction in inboun transportation cost because of T& ship(ents fro( (anufacturers to
euction in outboun transportation cost because the istributor co(bines proucts fro(
(any (anufacturers into a single outboun ship(ent.
euction in inventory costs because istributor aggregates safety inventory rather than
isaggregating at each retailer.
A (ore stable orer strea( fro( istributor to (anufacturer co(pare to erratic orers fro(
each retailer) allows (anufacturers to lower cost by planning prouction (ore effectively.
=y carrying inventory closer to the point of sale+ istributors are able to provie a better
response ti(e than (anufacturers can.
Distributors are able to offer onestop shopping with proucts fro( several (anufacturers.
Diff: -
Topic: 4.- Design 'ptions for a Distribution 0etwor*
) Total logistics costs are the su( of inventory+ transportation+ an facility costs for a supply
Answer:networ*. ?hat occurs
Total logistics costsasfirst
the ecrease
nu(ber of facilities
an increases@
then increase as the nu(ber of facilities
increases. "ach fir( shoul have at least the nu(ber of facilities that (ini(i2e total logistics
costs. For ea(ple+ A(a2on has (ore than one warehouse pri(arily to reuce its logistics costs
an i(prove response ti(e). f a fir( wants to reuce the response ti(e to its custo(ers further+
it (ay have to increase the nu(ber of facilities beyon the point that (ini(i2es logistics costs. A
fir( shoul a facilities beyon the cost(ini(i2ing point only if (anagers are confient that
the increase in revenues because of better responsiveness is greater than the increase in costs
because of the aitional facilities.
Diff: -
Topic: 4.# Factors nfluencing Distribution 0etwor* Design
AA%$=: eflective Thin*ing $*ills
&earning 'utco(e: %o(pare co((on approaches to supply chain esign
%opyright 5 #61- 7earson "ucation+ nc. publishing as 7rentice 8all