1035 Palantir Product Description Gotham
1035 Palantir Product Description Gotham
1035 Palantir Product Description Gotham
Palantir is the market-leading analytical platform used at the strategic. operational. and tactical levels within
the US government.
Our clients span the intelligence, defense, oversight, and law enforcement communities.
By combining a powerful backend database and server architecture with an intuitive frontend user
interface, Palantir enables you to store, search and share knowledge and information gained in the
Palantir integrates data from multiple data sources (e.g. law enforcement databases, open source
reporting, surveillance. etc.) with data gathered by the investigating officer (interview reports, evidence,
biometrics, and more).
Palantir gives the investigator one common picture of what is known to be happening, instead of
separate stovepipes.
Palantir's integrated platform is deployable today and at a fraction of the costs required for a comparable
capability suite.
Palantir is an open and extensible platform and is completely interoperable with all other tools you are
using today
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With Palantir's revolutionary Revisioning Database technology, every shred of data is tagged with an
extensible set of metadata, including properties such as analyst, source. confidence and classification.
Every change to every shred of data can be tracked and revisioned. If you have a question as to why a link
was created . you can see what the link is. why it was made. and the source. enabling you can contact them
directly if necessary.
Palantir's security model is the most fine-grained and sophisticated on the market. As data sources and
records are brought into Palantir. they are all automatically classified according to admin-configurable
parameters. with the appropriate security and access permissions applied in order to protect sources and
ensure all users see only what they are authorized to see and nothing they are not.
Integrate new data sources easily and visually: In addition to accessing all your natively connected data
sources, Palantir's import process allows law enforcement officers to easily draw in any other type of
data. such as unstructured message traffic. structured identity data. link charts. spreadsheets. phone data.
reports. and documents. You can even drag text to the Palantir import button and make a new document
in Palantir on the fly.
Take data and turn it into usable information : Palantir's Dynamic Ontology enables the system to be flexible
and connect to and understand thousands of types of data relevant to your work. The Palantir Dynamic
Ontology enables an agency or organization to create a customized. flexible, yet structured view of the
world, allowing Palantir to be used for any type of analysis on any type of data.
Results returned in a search can immediately be used as the starting point of new searches, allowing
searches to be expanded quickly.
Palantir's search capabilities run against the entire integrated data repository; searches access multiple and
various sources of information, structured and unstructured.
Notification watches can be built around saved and persistent search parameters so that investigators are
immediately alerted when new relevant information enters the data repository through one of the many
integrated data sources. Keep looking for something as new data comes in, while you continue to work
on other targets .
Assemble presentations and reporting packages with a few clicks of a mouse with Palantir's report
generators, easily configurable for each customer.
In addition to Palantir's Map application, the Palantir Platform integrates with all GIS
Palantir's open APls and flexible data model allow you to customize and extend Palantir,
easily and without additional expense.
Import data in any format: databases, seized media, emails, Excel, Word, PowerPoint,
html, text, csv, xml, pdf, and more.
Works with existing tools including: entity extractors, NLP toolkits, social network
analysis, geospatial, or link analysis tools .
Pa lantir partners with customers to ensure compliance with 28 CFR part 23.
Palantir brings the same rich and adaptive analytic framework designed for all-source
intelligence applications to address the knowledge management and data enrichment
needs of the cyber security community.
Palantir securely brings together data from message traffic, databases, field reporting, suspicious activity
reports, tips and leads, calls for service, mugshots, criminal records, corrections data, jail records,
license plate recognition, field interviews, spreadsheets, text documents, XML files, and virtually any
other format, enabling users to organize data into knowledge and make vital connections. Palantir
Technologies under•stands the unique challenges faced by its users. We recognize the need for large
volume data discovery, collaboration, and controlled information sharing as well as the need to manage
multiple disparate data sources and ensure continuity of information across personnel and time.
Palantir is designed to scale cost effectively
Easily handles 100s of millions to billions of entities, events, and documents
Palantir provides a series of customer-specific. mission-specific training videos to allow for just-in-time
training and easy access to refresher material.
Palantir is the easiest to use application in this category. One day of training is all that is required - we
understand that you have a job to do.
Palantir will conduct training anywhere in the world where you need us.
No special personnel required or excessive overhead
Responsive on-demand support and service to units 24/7 /365 at no extra cost
Celebrated, mission focused support: if you need us, Palantir will be with you anywhere in the world, at
any time.
g Palantir
© Palantir Technologies 2013
100 Hamilton Avenue
Suite 300
Palo Alto. CA 94301
27 Soho Square
Inquiries: www.palantir.com/contact