Allen Strange-Electronic Music Systems, Te - Inconnu (E)
Allen Strange-Electronic Music Systems, Te - Inconnu (E)
Allen Strange-Electronic Music Systems, Te - Inconnu (E)
12. Reverberation, Echo and Feedback 194 Text 13. Panning and Sound
Location Control Text 14. Miscellaneous Equipment Text 15. Performance
Electronics Text 16. Scores for Analysis and Performance Text Back Matter 194
216 216 229 229 239 239 248 248 267 Afterword 267 Annotated Bibliography
268 Index 277 iv
Foreword by Gordon Mumma When in 1972 the first edition of Allen Strange's
Electronic Music: Systems, Tech- niques and Controls was published, the
magenta, blue and white covered book rapidly became ubiquitous. It was the
first comprehensive and useful guide to the subject, and was relatively easy to
obtain. It had occasional errors of detail, and was involved in the technological
tumult before general standards were agreed upon, so that some of the
illustrative graphic symbols became relics. Nonetheless, that edition proved
quite robust. At least two factors explain the first edition's survival for nearly a
decade. Firstly, Allen Strange organized the relatively new and complex material
so that it evolved with pedigogical sensibility. Secondly, his explanations of
conceptual matters were lucid. This lucidity may be due to a balance in the
authors own world. He is an experienced performer of electronic and acoustical
instruments, a versatile composer, a historian-theorist of diverse cultural
background, and a very effective teacher. In the ensuing years several other
books on the subject appeared. Some contributed updated material, and others
devoted more attention to certain areas, though often at the expense of others. In
spite of the example set by Allen Strange's book, none of the others seems to
have achieved his balanced presentation. And few matched his marvelous
attitude towards the subject, an attitude which induced the reader to be alert to
the many possibilities of a rapidly developing creative medium. This second
edition, as the author notes in his preface, is in many respects a new book. But it
repeats that most important achievement of the earlier edition: it is a
comprehensive, detailed, and clearly organized guide to working with the
instruments and technical procedures of electronic music. Besides the expected
updating which includes many devices and procedures developed during the
1970s, the author continues his method of explaining details within the context
of general operating principles. This makes the book applicable to virtually any
analog electronic music apparatus. In its relatively short history—a bit more than
half a century—music made with electronic and electro-acoustic means is'well
on its way to becoming as pluralistic as that produced during many centuries
with purely acoustic resources. It already has both "cultivated" and "vernacular"
traditions, which are widely disseminated by broadcasting and recording
throughout every part of the world. A major part of recent popular and
commercial music would not exist without synthesizers and the creative use of
multi-track recording. The recording studio, whether the relatively simple home-
variety or a multi-million dollar commercial facility, has itself become a musical
instrument—in Brian Eno's words, "a compositional tool." Electronic music has
even developed "foUdoric" aspects. Electronic sensors originally designed to
detonate anti-personnel weapons are now used as components of public-access
electronic-music environments in shopping centers and galleries. This is
certainly analogous to the use of cast-off oil drums in the making of steel-band
music. As with Allen Strange's earlier book, this new edition will continue to be
an important text for schools and universities. But perhaps more important, in a
time of declining support for arts innovation in educational institutions, this book
will be vital to creative people who develop their work independently. ix
Preface The original edition of this text was completed over ten years ago.
Compared to this new edition the original writing was a very simple task. In
1970 there were only three or four commercially available instruments —today
the number has increased to over thirty. What was in 1970 a basic instrument
format has expanded in many directions as there are available instruments. Each
manufacturer has a different design format and different implications in terms of
the application of the instrument. To cover such a subject area called for a
complete rewriting of the text. Due to the incredible growth in the field of
electronic music instrumentation the subject matter covered in this present text
has nearly doubled that of the first edition. In a sense it is inaccurate to refer to
this as a second edition; it is really a second book created out of the ever
expanding field. At the same time this new version makes no claim to cover
every possible resource and technique available to today's musician. This text
does, however, deal with all of the generally accepted designs and techniques
common to today's electronic instruments. The instructor and reader will find
that it provides a firm and basic foundation of understanding which allows the
user to develop the techniques and processes specific to an individual instrument
or studio situation. Regarding pedagogic technique.. I know of no two people
who approach this extensive subject in exactly the same manner. The
organizational approach to teaching electronic music is greatly dependent on the
resources of the instrument and the resources of the studio. Instrument X may be
very keyboard oriented, implying one approach, while instrument Y is based on
pre-programming and suggests a completely different orientation and approach.
Some studios are designed around xnultitrack recording fadlties, while others
exist strictly as real-time performance spaces with little or no recording
equipment. Some electronic music programs are compositionally oriented, while
other programs deal only with techniques and problems of instrument
performance. This book is organized in a manner which is adaptable to any
approach. Each chapter is a progressive overview of the wluzt and how of
electronic instrumentation. Beginning with a discussion of what "electronic
music" means in this decade, each chapter progresses from the basic
considerations of electronic sound through basic techniques of control to
advanced process of instrument patching and sound modification. The reader
should not consider this to be a text on electronic music composition.
Composition texts can do more than explain either general or specific techniques
of organization and structural manipulation. When it comes to the "composing,"
this must be dealt with on a personal, one-to-one relationship between student,
instructor, and the specific composition at hand. This book is simply a text on
"technique": how to operate the instruments with various insights on developing
a consistent working method. Specific composition assignments or "etudes" have
to be designed by the instructor, as appropriate to the given resources of a studio.
There are certainly compositional implications of many of the patches and
techniques explored in this book. A particular mode of control or routing of the
signal patch through various modules determines the variables of a musical
situation. The performer's manipulation of these variables is up to the individual,
and he/she should be able to explore the possibilities outside of any aesthetic I
might be prone to dictate. I have my own set of assignments specific to my
studio's resources, and I would expect that every other teacher has his or her own
set of specifics.. While every instrument has its own unique characteristics, the
general operational principles remain the same. With every instrument the
performer must deal with basic problems of routing signals through various
shaping and modification devices, establishing operational norms and
configuring ongoing controls to produce the desired event The signal flow
through any instrument begins with the sound source, goes through selected
modification circuits, and each circuit is assigned some form of control, be it
manual manipulation or different kinds of pre-programming. This text is
organized in the same way the instrument is organized. The initial chapters deal
with, the basic sonic resources available to the musician. After the introductory
considerations each chapter is profusely illustrated with patch diagrams and
examples of extant equipment Several of the unique features available on certain
instruments are described in a general manner, with the explanation that in many
instances these features can be replicated on other instruments. Chapters 4
through 13 are dedicated to various techniques of control and sound processing.
In these chapters the initial "basic patches" are logically expanded and notated in
a unified format At the end of the appropriate chapters there are projects and
exercises x
possibilities for the musician which ten years ago were considered impossible. In
spite of these instruments' dependence on digital sound reconstruction, their
operational modes are compatible with modem analog equipment and will be
discussed with basically the same vocabulary. On the other side of the coin this
book does not concern itself exclusively with lii-tech' electronic musical
instruments. Today's state-of-the-art had its beginnings with non-musical devices
forced into a music- making chore. This is a healthy attitude for the arts and is
not to be discouraged; Techniques involving extant equipment other than
commercially available instruments will be dealt with if those techniques
provide a workable music-making situation, and any sup- portative literature for
these applications will be documented. In certain situations a mailing tube and a
microphone may make a very suitable oscillator (see page 207), and bits of
editing tape can be used to articulate complex rhythmic sequences. Some may
find these types of jury-rigged techniques far from so- phisicated but if they
work, then they work! After all, there must be some reason that the muscians'
activities are often called 'playing.' The last chapter of this book is concerned
with the final task of the musician—the making of music. Several composers
have been kind enough to make then- scores available specifically for the
purpose of analysis and performance. These works appear in their original
format as designed by the composers. Each score is given in its complete form
and is intended to be realized by those users with the proper resources. Even if
performance is not practical a detailed analysis of each work will be time well
spent. Since a score can never completely represent the musical event, four of
the five works are available on Dolby cassettes specifically as performance
models. For information concerning these tapes please write to Ocean Records,
#4 Euclid Avenue, Los Gatos, Calif., 95030. Acknowledgments To acknowledge
every person who contributed to the development of this book would be
impossible. This is a standard first line for acknowledgment statement and it is
unfortunately true. Perhaps the greatest help came from my students. Their
feedback and never ending questions helped me clarify in my own mind just
what needs to be said about the subject of electronic music. Of no less
importance was the help of Robin and Pat Strange who tolerated my hours of
isolation in the studio preparing this manuscript. Special thanks go to the many
instrument designers who willingly provided me with documentation,
photographs and hours of telephone conversation answering my questions. Of
these, special mention must be made of Har- ald Bode of Bode Sound Company,
Scott Wedge, Ed Rudnig and Marco Alpert at Eu Instruments, Robert Moog of
Moog Music, and Donald Buchla of Buchla and Associates. Last but certainly
not least special thanks go to all of the composers and performers who suggested
techniques and supplied scores. Without these artists there would be very little
need for the instruments and certainly no need at all for this book Allen Strange
"1 Preliminary Statements about the Subject Matter The term "electronic music,"
a common post-1950 term, has been the source of a certain amount of
misunderstanding among musicians and audiences. Prior to the 1960s it usually
referred to a type of music characterized by presentation on pre-recorded tapes.
The phrase itself often called to mind a music based on discordant sounds and
angular structures. I certainly do not wish to imply any negative value judgments
about early electronic music but am attempting to identify some generalized
characteristics in order to explain a generalized aesthetic comment. To the non-
practitioner, there was little or no distinction between the various schools of
musique concrete and 'pure' electronic music. While pre-1960 electronic music
resulted in many significant compositions and was the catalyst of the research
that led to present day electronic instruments, there is some basis to this
generalized electronic music aesthetic that still lingers in the minds of many
people. Even today one might attend a concert of new 'acoustic' music concerned
with new timbres and unusual structural relationships and hear the comment that
it "sounded like electronic music"! What is the reason for this association? The
early history of electronic media in music was a period of experimentation with
very little prior history to provide direction. Schaeffer and the musique concrete
group made music with whatever sound they could capture on disc, wire or tape.
Eimert and Stockhausen, representing German elektronische musik, heralded the
use of the electric oscillator as the source of 'pure' electronic music; the
Columbia-Princeton school was coaxing music out of a $250,000 computer and
capturing it on tape. What expressions in that decade had in common has had a
significant role in formation of the layman's concept of electronic music today.
Looking back on the years between 1950 and 1960 one's first observation is that
the practitioners were making music with devices designed for other purposes.
The tape recorder, the oscillator and early computers were designed as tools of
science and not tools of art Prior to that time our musical traditions told us that
musical instruments were plucked, bowed, blown into, or struck, and these
actions enabled us to reproduce a history of musical thought. When the
computer, oscillator, and tape recorder were given the role of a musical
instrument, pluck, bow, blow and strike were joined by a plug in, punch, turn
and splice! The musician was busy making music on instrumentation not
designed for conventional musical use. Since the generation and control of sound
on these devices were generally foreign to our traditions at that time, it was only
logical that the resulting music would be proportionately removed from the
norm. The results brought to light some forgotten basic ideas about music,
specifically about musical instruments. To discuss musical instruments in a
manner relevant to electronic media calls for a re-orientation relative to what we
may assume to be a simple subject We all know what musical instruments are—
they are things we play and make music with! This straightforward definition
implies some rather far reaching concepts which may appear to be
simultaneously quite simple and somewhat technical- However, I think that the
patient reader will benefit by considering the following ideas. Any musical
instrument requires at least three things: a method of playing (input or perhaps
stimulus), structural organization of the object being played, and a resulting
sound (output or response). A violin is bowed or plucked, it is made of wood
with strings attached and tuned in a prescribed manner and it produces a sound
that we identify with that input and structure. A laboratory oscillator has a dial
which is turned (input), it is made of a specific collection and organization of
electronic parts (structure) and it behaves like a laboratory test oscillator. A
violin possesses the structure and inputting capabilities which make the
production of virtually any specific pitch within a four octave range a simple
matter for the trained player. A laboratory test oscillator, while capable of a far
greater range, cannot readily produce the specific pitch patterns found in pre-
1950 musical literature. One can imagine trying to play a Bach Tar- tita" by
manually turning the dial on the front of an oscillator. At the same time,
however, it would be 1
verv difficult to coax a smooth ten octave glissando with a consistent timbre out
of a violin. Thus the nature of a musical instrument,—its input, structure and
output,—defines the musical characteristics of that instrument. What really
makes an instrument musical is that a musidan decides to make use of it. This
may all seem rather obvious, but may serve to answer some basic questions and
provide us with guidelines to the functions of electronic media in the sonic arts.
During the decade between 1950 and 1960 composers and performers were
making music on instruments not designed for conventional performance. The
task of inputting or playing was difficult, and performance of any kind of pre-
existing musical literature was almost impossible. Even simple sequential event
structures were difficult to achieve. In this situation one can readily understand
that one reason for the seemingly radical sounds of early electronic music was
partly due to the fact that the musicians could generate such sounds with relative
ease. Music exists in a continuum of time and time will not wait for one to find
the next pitch on an oscillator or program a new set of instructions for a
computer. There were two obvious solutions to the problem. One was to build a
new land of music to accommodate the type of instruments used. If precise pitch
at specific times was difficult to attain, then make a music that took advantage of
the things these instruments could do- such as extreme glides, non-fluxuating
timbres, expanded dynamic ranges and so on. Hence—our first models for the
"electronic music" The alternate solution to the problem was, in essence, to stop
time in order for the performer or composer to rearrange his collection of
instruments, making ready for the next event In the field of electronic music the
tape recorder is an instrument which provides for this need. To produce a precise
sequence of pitches on a laboratory test oscillator one finds the starting note,
records it, turns off the tape recorder; finds the second note, records that, turns
off the tape recorder; finds the third note and repeats this process until tile
sequence of desired notes are on the tape. He then cuts the tape into lengths
which produce the desired rhythmic pattern and puts it all back together again
with splicing tape. The tape recorder then reproduces a five second stream of
pitches the composer needed thirty minutes to construct. The reason for this out-
of-time performance was that the generating instrument, in this case an
oscillator, did not have the inputting capabilities needed to produce the desired
event in real-time. The two obvious solutions to this problem were to evolve the
literature to suit the instruments or to develop the instruments to suit the
literature. The evolution of technology and consdous- ness provided both. The
development of new musical instruments has continued to remind us that we can
make music out of anything from which we choose to make music. There is
more to the art of sound than twelve pitches, bowing, blowing, plucking and
striking. Many of what seemed like definitely unmusical events in 1950 are now
quite acceptable, even to the conservative ear. The revolutionary music from the
Columbia-Princeton studios during the early and middle 1950s is very tame
compared to today's orchestral music by composers such as Iannis Xenakis.
Along with the evolution of our aesthetic, the instrumentation itself underwent
significant development. Alterations in oscillators were made, which allowed the
performer to control precise pitch change in real-time. We learned that workable
performance modes could be devdoped for the musidan. Oscillators and other
artifacts once designed for the communication studio were redesigned to
accommodate a wide variety of musical thought. By the early 1960s electronic
devices dedicated exdusively to the production of music were available. The
composer in tine dectronic medium no longer had to work within narrowly
defined limits, nor was it necessary to manipulate the flow of time with a tape
recorder. Contemporary electronic musical instruments are devices capable of a
wide range of inputs, structures and resulting sounds—all of which are decided
and implemented by the composer/performer. A trip to the local record store
provides substantial insight into the current state-of-the-art. In the bin marked
"Electronic Music" one can find works by John Cage, Milton Babbitt,
reorchestrations of masterpieces ranging from Monteverdi to Stravinsky, a
variety of popular artists ranging from Herbie Hancock to Klaus Schulze,
contemporary masterworks by Morton Subotnick, the Sonic Arts Union, and
Karlheinz Stockhausen; and I am sure this bin has grown significantly since this
text went to the printer. If such a wide variety of music is listed as "electronic
music," then the term cannot possibly refer to any single aesthetic production.
What am I talking about when I say this is a book about dectronic music? What
is it that all of those records have in common? The answer I provide and one
which is the basic premise of this text is instrumentation and orchestration. The
purpose of this book is to guide one in the technique of playing electronic
instruments. Beware of the simplification of that statement. The subject matter is
a bit more complicated than might be imagined at this point, and the
complication is due to the nature of these instruments. A woodwind, string, brass
or percussion instrument is structurally constant. Performance modes have been
established which accommodate their structure and their sounds can be pre-
cisdy predicted. The reason a clarinet, trumpet, viola, whatever, exists as a
workable musical tool is because
parameters of time and space, actually offering us some new things to compose
with. These areas will be covered, and their suggested applications hopefully
will lead to some new ideas for the composer. But it should be recalled that the
purpose of this book is to teach the user to play the instrument. Not everyone
involved with electronic music is especially interested in composing. And I am
quite sure that the more competent performers of electronic instruments there
are, the happier the composers of electronic music will be. Parametric Design A
teacher of any subject matter has a two-fold responsibility; to be proficient and
knowledgeable about the subject matter; and to be familiar with the pedagogy of
the subject. As of this writing I know of no generally accepted pedagogic
method in the area of electronic music. How does one go about learning and
teaching in this field? Perhaps the very nature of the subject as it has been
expounded in the previous pages makes a single teaching approach impossible.
A consistent approach is only possible when one has become aware of the
consistencies in the subject matter. • In the previous paragraphs I have gone to
some length to illustrate what I believe to be a consistent concept in this area.
This is the instruments' ability to be structured according to an immediate
musical need. A successful practitioner in the field of electronic music is one
who can: 1) envision a musical event (either of his own or others' invention); 2)
demonstrate the musical knowledge and technical skills to set up the instrument
to produce the required events; and 3) finally possess the artistic sensitivities to
bring die event to life—independent of whether he is in a compositional studio
environment or a real-time performance situation. This book is designed to deal
with two of these three areas. The reader will be exposed to certain operational
principles which are common to all current electronic musical instrumentation.
These principles are based on two concepts: -parametric design and voltage
control. The study of brass instruments teaches one to deal with the production
and control of sound in terms of resonating tubes. Likewise, the early chapters
will show the reader how to view a musical event as a set of electrical analogs.
The pitch, loudness and timbre of a vibrating string can be described in terms of
that string's activity. In the same manner, the produced pitch of an electronic
instrument is described as electricity behaving in a certain manner. Electronic
instruments provide a collection of circuits (in some cases called "modules")
which provide control over one or more elements of a musical situation.
Structuring a musical event is a process of isolating those 4 elements needed for
the particular situation at hand, and then prescribing a set of controls that will
enable those elements to work together in the most efficient manner possible.
Parametric design is an analytical process in which one envisions the individual
and corporeal influences of all of the parameters of an existing or imagined
sound. One will learn that parametric activities are not isolated from one another.
Pitch influences loudness, loudness influences timbre, timbre, in turn, influences
pitch, and around the circle goes. Thus, in deciding how to obtain the desired
results from an electronic instrument one must be familiar with the roles and
limitations of each part of the instrument, as well as possess a basic
understanding of the psycho-acoustic nature of what he is going after. As these
electrical analogs of sound are explained, they will be accompanied by whatever
psyche-acoustic information is needed to make the behavior of the instrument
meaningful in a musically perceived situation. Once one is able to describe an
event parametrically that description has to be transferred to the instrument. This
is a physical or kinesthetic process of interconnecting various parts of the
instrument through switches, patchcords or whatever, and turning knobs. The
mathematics used here will not go beyond elementary multiplication; and
discussion of internal circuitry will be almost non-existent Those interested in
the more detailed and technical aspects of this field are referred to the annotated
bibliography at the end of this book. Voltage Control involves the physical
assignment of various types of electronic activities to specific parts of the
instrument, and the production and routing of those controls comprises the actual
performance techniques. Such controls are in the form of steady and fluctuating
voltages. Some voltages are pre-programmed to come into play by the touch of a
switch, others are more efficiently handled by manual means in real-time.
Voltage control techniques are given prime attention in this course of study,
since this is the basic operational principle behind current electronic music
instruments. The subject matter of this book ends at this point. It is within the
scope of the text to prescribe methods of electronic sound production, to provide
illustrative models by means of exploratory etudes, and to suggest supportive
literature in the form of recordings and scores to stimulate creative thinking. It is
not within the scope of this text to dictate musicianship or aesthetic direction.
Musicality is something the student or teacher must bring into the situation on
his own. Aesthetic applications are so numerous that I would not attempt to
represent any others but my own, and since my own are those only I am
expected to agree with I prefer to avoid the subject as much as possible. Any
references to literature will be in
input that changes the way the instrument responds, and tins has various effects
on tone quality. Many musical parameters involve the generation and alteration
of vibrations. Anything that vibrates within a certain frequency range and with
enough force has the potential of being a sonic event If you happen to be sitting
in a room with fluorescent lighting at this moment you will probably be able to
hear a faint pitch around the area of Bj>. Florescent lights actually turn on and
off at a rate of 120 times each second; this vibration rate is fast and strong
enough to be perceived as a definite pitch. The device which helps produce the
image on a home television screen scans back and forth on the picture tube at a
rate of 15,730 times each second, producing a very high pitch. This fast
frequency can be very annoying to persons with sensitive hearing. Musical
pitches we refer to with letter names such as BJ>, F, Cf, etc. actually describe
different rates of vibration. The standard tuning reference for instruments in
America assigns to middle"A" a vibration rate of 440 times each second. Every
musical pitch refers to a specific rate of a vibrating string, tube, membrane,
electronic circuit, etc. Sound is multi-dimensional One cannot perceive pitch
without perceiving a sensation of loudness, tone quality, duration, and apparent
source. Pitch is fairly easy to deal with because we have some well defined
references; consequently it has been the most accessible musical parameter for
the composer. Loudness is less clear, since there are not as many well defined
limits and references. Loudness is perceived primarily as the result of how much
or how forcefully something is vibrating. Stated a little differently, loudness is
the result of how much air is displaced by the vibrating object Blowing softly
into a clarinet will produce a soft sound. Blowing harder into the instrument
causes die reed to vibrate with more energy, resulting in a greater amount of air
being displaced in the immediate environment, and hence a louder sound.
Loudness does have a specific unit of measurement called the decibel; this will
be discussed in chapter 9. Timbre, or tone quality, is partly determined by the
pattern of vibration. A string, when bowed, vibrates in a particular way
producing the sound of a bowed string. A plucked string has a markedly
different sound. It may be vibrating at the same rate and with the same energy as
the bowed string, but its manner or pattern of vibration is different Fitch,
loudness, and timbre are terms we assign to different aspects of a vibrating
object Pitch refers to rate, loudness to perceived energy, and timbre, in part,
refers to the pattern of vibration. AH of the foregoing analogies have been in
terms of familiar acoustic instruments, and transferring these ideas to electronic
instruments is a simple matter. Electricity is a source of energy that can be
specified and controlled. Through various types of circuit designs and controls,
electricity can cause objects, usually speaker cones, to vibrate in specified ways.
One can design a circuit to produce energy fluctuations at certain rates,
amplitudes, and patterns. When these fluctuations are transmitted to a speaker
cone the speaker transfers these vibrations into the air, and from that point the
sound takes essentially the same path to our ear as any other sound. Once the
electrically generated signals have become translated into airborne vibrations
their behavior is independent of the sound source. Electronic sound is only
"electronic" in terms of generation and control. The generation and control of
sound on electronic and acoustic instruments have conceptual similarities—a
sensitive cellist is continually concerned with how fast, how hard, and in what
pattern the strings are vibrating. The musician relates to electronic instruments in
precisely the same manner; he is concerned with telling the electronic circuits
how fast to produce energy changes, the amount of energy to be transmitted, as
well as the various shapes and patterns of energy changes produced by the
electronic circuitry. Musical Structure and Temporal Measurements AH musical
processes can ultimately be defined as temporal pressure variations perceived by
the ear. The mind's ear is continually making measurements and comparisons of
information on multi-dimensional levels. On one level we may observe the
length of a composition, movements, or phrases. Such long term measurements
are usually spoken of as form. On another level we measure the durations of and
intervals between individual notes and call that rhythm. On still another level we
measure the number of air fronts moving past our ear in order to establish the
identity of a single pitch or composite sound. On another dimension a stronger or
more forceful vibration will usually be perceived as a louder sound than a
weaker vibration. The parameter of timbre is indeed enigmatic and eludes
precise definition. As mentioned before, timbre is related to the maimer in which
an object vibrates, but this is only one of several contributing factors in timbral
identities. Such complications are subsequently elaborated in cited references.1
For the present we may accept the statement that timbre is a dynamic parameter
subject to an infinitude of changes or variations in time. 1. For further reading in
the area of musical timbre refer to Robert Eridkson's Sound Structure in Music,
University of California Press, 1975. 8
in Hertz, but in terms of our ears' response, higher intervals contain more Hertz
than identical musical intervals in lower octaves. Changes in loudness are due to
perceptions of the change of physical strength or amplitude of vibration. The
more energy contained in the air fronts moving past our ears, the louder the
perceived sound. Like pitch, the perception of loudness is also non-linear.
Loudness is measured in units called decibels (abbreviated db); this is the
smallest unit of noticeable loudness difference the ear can detect. The decibel is
usually used as a measurement of relative loudness between two events. If 1 db
is assumed to be the softest possible sound, then 60 db would represent the
loudness level of a normal conversation at a distance of about three feet
However, a db level of twice that figure, 120 db, is not twice that loud, but 1,000
times as loud!5 For the mathematically minded the decibel equals 20 log™
P1/P2. PI and P2 are the two difference levels being compared. At this point it is
only necessary to realize that the decibel is a non-linear unit of loudness
measurement- perceived equal changes in loudness taking more energy at louder
levels.4 Subjective and Objective Measurement The perception of vibrations
may be dealt with either subjectively or objectively. An objective measurement
would be the observation of such vibrations against a precisely calibrated
measuring device, and under every condition that same rate of vibration would
al- 3. Some common decibel relationships to keep in mind are 6 db = 2:1, 10 db
= 3d, 20 db = 10:1, 40 db = 100:1, 60 db = 1,000:1. See Appendix II for a
decibel chart. 4. Burke, A. Oscar, "The Decibel: Basics" DBS, No. 3 (March
1974) pg. 24. The reader is referred to this article for a good layman's study of
the decibel. ways measure the same. For example, speaking of pitch in terms of
Hertz is an objective measurement A = 440 Hz is an objective statement because
the reference, a period of 1 second, is not variable. When, however, these
vibrations are forced through a variety of media (around comers, through walls)
under a variety of conditions (different loudnesses, timbres, etc.) the subjective
measurement, what we actually perceive and register, may not agree with the
objective measurement. It is not the intent of this book to dealve into a detailed
study of psycho-acoustics, but it is important for die musician to realize that
there is a difference between objective and subjective measurements.5 Objective
appraisement involves measurements against a consistent norm: subjective
appraisement is a perceptual measurement which can be influenced by many
variables. Frequency is an objective measurement, but pitch is a subjective
measurement Frequency is objectively measured in Hertz, and pitch is
subjectively measured in musical intervals such as thirds, fifths, octaves, etc., or
in specific pitch references such as Bfc and C%. Amplitude is an objective
measurement of the subjective phenomenon we call loudness. Amplitude may be
measured as voltage levels, and loudness may be measured hi terms of decibels
or traditional musical dynamics such as piano and forte. In some cases decibels
may be objectively measured with various types of meters, but speaking
practically, the db is a measurement of what we hear. The various conditions that
alter our subjective perceptions will be discussed in situations where those
variables can be put under some sort of controL 5. For further reading in the area
of psycho-acoustic musical phenomena the reader is referred to Joan G.
Roederer's Introduction to the Physics and Psychophysics of Music (New York,
Springer-Vedag), 1973. 10
v^-inc* cone di»!3cer>enT 1-2 -»ncr* cone aisDt»«ine«i Figure 3.2. Amplitude
of sound 261.6 times a second, the ear will perceive "middle C at a certain
loudness level. If the speaker is displaced 1/2 (2/4) inch from its neutral position
at the same rate of frequency, the ear will perceive the same pitch but at a louder
volume or, in objective terms, at a greater amplitude (see fig. 3.2). It should be
noted that amplitude does have certain effects on pitch perception. For
frequencies about Ik Hz2 there is a small but perceptible correlation between
pitch and loudness. Careful listening will show that above Ik Hz the pitch will
rise slightly as the loudness of that same frequency increases.3 And the inverse
is true in that the pitches in differing registers at the same amplitude (an
objective measurement!) will be perceived at different loudnesses. For example,
high C5 (1046.4 Hz) at an amplitude perceived as "piano," when transposed
down four octaves to C2 ?" _ (65.4 Hz) at the same amplitude is barely audible.
Besides being a good example of the difference between subjective and
objective measurement, this also illustrates the concept of dependence of various
musical parameters on each other.4 Characteristics of frequency and amplitude
are represented graphically in figure 3.3. The line of zero voltage represents the
speaker cone in the neutral position, or no movement of air. The horizontal
direction of the line represents the passage of time. The plotted curve on either
side of die zero-voltage line represents the back-and-forth movement of the
speaker cone, or positive and negative voltage, which in relation to the time each
cycle takes represents frequency or pitch. The height of each cycle gives an
indication of amplitude or loudness. Figure 3.3A is the same frequency but
greater amplitude than figure 3.3B; figure 3.3C is the same amplitude but lower
frequency than figure 3.3B. 2. "k" is an abbreviation of the term "kilo," meaning
1,000. Therefore Ik Hz means 1,000 Hz. 3. For information on this subject the
reader is referred to the study by S.S. Stevens, "The Attributes of Tone,"
Procedures of the VS. Academy of Science, 20:54, 1934. 4. Based on
information given by Roederer, op. cit. of 15 Figure &3. Amplitude-frequency
comparisons The Basic Oscillator When the musician wishes to produce a
specified pitch he sets an "oscillator' to generate a voltage oscillating at the
desired frequency. Oscillators are often calibrated with a dial or lever that
corresponds to the desired frequency. Often there is no calibration and tuning is
left to the ear. The dial is usually referred to as a "pot," which is an abbreviation
for "potentiometer,'' a resistance device that in this instance controls the
frequency of the oscillator or rate of vibration. There may be a second pot to
control the amplitude of the signal, but in many cases such an amplitude control
is external to the oscillator. This will be discussed later. At this point, it will
suffice to know that an oscillator is a frequency-producing device that has the
capability of producing any desired single frequency. Our range of hearing
perceives only those frequencies between 18 Hz and 22k Hz. There are many
differing opinions about the actual audio range. These different statements of
audio perception range from a low of 16 to 30 Hz and a high of 18k Hz to 30k
Hz.) As we shall see later, however, frequencies far below and above the audio
range are necessary to the production of many types of sound. Oscillators that
specialize in frequencies below our hearing range are known as "subaudio
oscillators*' or "modulation oscillators" or low frequency oscillators'' (LFO's)
(see page 13) and generate frequencies as low as one cycle every minute and
lower. Oscillators specializing in frequencies immediately above the audio range
are referred to as "ultrasonic oscillators.'' The three types of oscillators generally
overlap in frequency range. The ideal oscillator for use in electronic music is one
that wiD cover all three frequency ranges with the same degree of accuracy. 12
Figure 3.4A. Moog 921 Oscillator (Courtesy of Root. A. Moog. Moog Music'.
Used by permission.) Figure 3.4A is the front panel of the Moog 921 oscillator
with rotary pots and 3.4B is the Buchla 208 oscillator with linear or slide pots.
Some performers prefer the slide pots as they give a more graphic indication of
the produced pitches—the higher the knob the higher the pitch; rotary pots have
the advantage of higher "setability." With the first and second generation
electronic music oscillators there was often a trade-off between sweep range and
stability. An oscillator with a single continuous range from 5 to 20k Hz might
suffer from lack of accuracy and drift (uncontrollable pitch variations). To
minimize this problem some oscillators are designed to have their total range
divided into octaves by a calibrated switch, such as the Moog 921 in figure 3.4A.
In this case, the octaves are indicated in "feet," taking a cue from standard organ
terminology. The exact pitch within each octave can then be manually
determined by the frequency control. This particular oscillator has the additional
capability of serv- Figure 3.4B. Buchla 208 Oscillator ing as a sub-audio
oscillator by setting the "coarse range" switch to "sub-audio." "Coarse-range"
refers to a very broad operational range. In the case of the Moog 921 the two
course ranges available are .01 Hz (one cycle every 100 seconds) to 400 Hz and
1 Hz to 40k Hz. Other oscillators may have ranges calibrated in Hertz. The
Electro-Comp EML-200 has six switchable ranges: .01 Hz, .1 Hz, 1 Hz, 10 Hz,
100 Hz and Ik Hz. The Buchla 258 oscillator is a single sweep oscillator with a
range from about 2 Hz to 20k Hz (this range is extended through the application
of external controls). Fine tuning may be accomplished by means of a small pot
known as a trimmer. The Synthi VCS-3 provides a single sweep oscillator with a
range from 1 Hz to 10k Hz, calibrated with numbers from 1 to 10. In this case
fine tuning is done by means of a ten-turn rotary pot. This means that the pot can
be completely rotated 10 times—one complete rotation covering only 1/10 of its
total range. This is advantageous in the sense that it provides more .manual
precision when trying to pin-point exact pitches. One possible disadvantage is
that the ten-turn format takes slightly longer to offset manually to a different
register. While on the subject of pitch precision a word about oscillator drift may
be in order. In the "Ice Age" of electronic music systems (the early 1960s) there
5. Offset is a tenn refening to the establishment of the initial state or reference of
a particular parameter. This will be covered in detail in chapter 5. 13
was a great deal of criticism of voltage controlled oscillators for not holding a set
pitch accurately for extended periods of time. Formerly musicians either used a
different oscillator or composed around the problem. In newer instruments drift
has been minimized to an almost insignificant degree. It is my own opinion that
electronic musical instruments are still musical instruments, and any musical
instrument requires tuning. One should not really expect an oscillator to hold its
reference pitch in a performing situation to any greater degree than one would
expect a violin, flute, or trumpet to hold a pitch in the same situation (although
many of the available electronic instruments do have great stability and will stay
exactly in tune for long periods of time). At the same time we realize that with
any instrument, including electronic ones, pitch will not be stable until it is
sufficiently warmed up. Leave ample time for the instrument to be turned on and
left in the environment in which it will be used. Some studios make a practice of
leaving the instruments on continually. Unless there is tube circuitry in the
instrument this should not cause any problems with over-heating and the practice
will add to the stability of the system. Basic Waveshape and Spectra Before
exploring some specific oscillator formats it is necessary to learn the relationship
between various patterns of generated audio voltages or tcavesliapes, sound
spectrum, and the aural experience. Manufacturers have come to some
agreement as to the basic "orchestra1* of commercial electronic music
instruments, and the-waveshapes to be discussed here are common to most
instruments. If we trunk of vcaveshape as the graphic representation of the rise
and fall of voltage from zero to a maximum positive and/or negative and back
again, it is possible to identify basic electronically generated sounds by their
shape. There is a direct relationship between the visual and sonic quality of a
sound. Nearly all sounds exhibit a spectrum or a collection of many individual
frequencies which combine to make a single aural event. In striking a gong it is
possible, by careful listening, to isolate aurally the multitude of pitches which
make up the total complex sound of this instrument. Most instruments produce
sounds which consist of many combined frequencies called overtones or partials.
Gongs, bells and other percussive instruments display unusual spectra where
apparently there is no consistent relationship between the frequency components
or partials. Most strings, brasses, reeds, and certain electronically generated
sounds, however, display a predictable spectrum based on a rather simple
concept Any vibrating source is capable of the excitation of generation of
additional frequencies. The standard 14 classroom method of observing this is to
silently depress middle C4 on the piano and strike C3 an octave below. One will
hear middle C ring out as it has been forced into vibration by the lower octave
C3. This type of forced vibrtion is called sympathetic vibration and demonstrates
that one vibrating system has the potential of generating other vibrations. It is an
observed fact that nature accomplishes things in the easiest and most efficient
manner. The easiest way we have of expressing simple relationships is in terms
of integers, or whole numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) The most common type of excitation
in vibrating systems also occurs at whole-number intervals. A low C» of 65.4 Hz
is capable of generating twice that frequency, 130.8 Hz (the octave Qor2x 65.4
Hz), the multiplier "2" being the first integer above 1 (the unison). The same
vibration of 65.4 Hz is also capable of generating 196.2 Hz (3 x 65.4), which is
the pitch G3, a perfect 12th above the original frequency. The process of
multiplying a basic frequency by whole numbers could continue ad infinitum.
Most sounds made by what we call "traditional'' musical instruments exhibit a
spectrum containing frequencies related by whole numbers. This type of
spectrum is called the harmonic overtone series and is illustrated in part in figure
3.5. The lowest frequency of this spectrum is called the fundamental and is the
generator of the series—each overtone being an integral or whole number
multiples of the fundamental The overtones are, in this case, harmonic, referring
to the fact that each is an integral multiple of a single fundamental frequency,
forming a consistent system of relationships one with another. The term
"harmonic," for my purposes, does not refer to the obvious progression of whole
numbers, but rather to the fact that there is a consistent relationship between the
numbers, irrespective of the nature of the consistency or simplicity. They are "in
harmony" with each other due to a consistent relationship. By this definition
there can be other harmonic relationships built on systems other than whole
number multiples; this idea will be further .explored in chapter 8 (see page 114).
In the meantime we will retain the tradition of "harmonic" referring to whole
number relationships. There is often confusion as to the precise definition of the
terms overtone, partial and harmonic. For die purposes of this text overtone will
refer to any frequency component in a spectrum above a given fundamental. If
the overtone bears an integral relationship to the fundamental it will be called a
harmonic overtone, or just a harmonic. There is also occasional confusion about
the term harmonic, and the confusion arises from differentiation between
harmonic and harmonic number. If one uses or assumes the term harmonic
number, the series begins with the fundamental as harmonic #1, the octave then
being harmonic #2 and so on. On the other hand, the term 1st
Figure 3.5. Hannonic series harmonic usually refers to the first integral multiple
above the fundamental or the octave. The 2nd harmonic is the second integral
multiple (the perfect 12th) above the fundamental, etc. This text will use the
former practice of harmonic numbers, the fundamental being 1, the octave being
hannonic #2, the 12th being harmonic #3, and so on. This is perhaps the more
logical, since the harmonic number then agrees with its integral multiple
(harmonic #1 is fundamental times 1; harmonic #2 is the fundamental x 2,
harmonic #3 is the fundamental X 3, etc.). The term partial refers to specific
spectral content irrespective of harmonic or non-harmonic relationships. And as
will be seen, certain sounds contain only selected overtones. A clarinet, for
example, has a spectrum containing only odd-numbered harmonics (the
fundamental, 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.). In this case, the fundamental is the first partial,
and due to the lack of a scoend harmonic, the 3rd harmonic is actually the
second partial, the 5th is the third partial and so on. This garble of terms is
clarified by figure 3.6. To a certain extent the overtone content of a sound, be it
harmonic or non-harmonic, provides us with its aural signature or timbre. There
are other factors which contribute significantly to tunbral perception. The
loudness of a sound, the manner in which the sound is activated and the manner
in which it stops vibrating, the relative amplitude of the overtones, etc., all play
an important part in timbral recognition and these factors will be explained as
their control techniques are introduced. Perceptually, or perhaps even
aesthetically die most noncomplex type of sound is the sine wave. This
particular waveshape contains no overtones. The closest sound to a pure sine
wave in a symphony orchestra is that of a flute. As is shown in figure 3.7 the
voltage is in a particular state of motion. Starting at zero, it gradually increases
to maximum positive, then decays through zero to maximum negative, then
returns to the original starting place. A sine wave exhibits this same pattern
independently of frequency or amplitude. Figure 3.7B shows the same frequency
as figure 3.7A but with an increased amplitude. The device that electronically
produces sine waves is referred to as a sine-wave oscillator. Sine waves, like any
other waveshapes, can exist in any frequency range. Due to distortions caused by
various components of the oscillator and/or distortions in the reproduction
equipment, however, a precise sine (rondtflWAtftt) Figure 3.6. Harmonics vs.
partiais X7 Figure 3.7. Sine waves wave is very difficult to generate, and the
composer usually has to settle for something less. It is the observation of this
writer that a pure sine wave used as an audio signal is not an especially
monumental musical sound and a bit of hannonic distortion (very small traces of
additional harmonic content) may add to the incipient musicallity. Various
manufacturers publish the amount of harmonic distortion of their sine wave
oscillators along with other instrument specifications. An imperfect waveshape
used as an audio signal can be accepted, and may often prove to be more
musically interesting than the textbook model. Figure 3.8 is an oscilloscopic
(graphic) representation of a sawtooth or ramp wave. In contrast to die pure sine
wave, a sawtooth wave contains all harmonic overtones of the fundamental
frequency. These harmonic overtones have relative amplitudes that decrease
exponentially as they exist higher up in the harmonic series. A sawtooth
oscillator will produce this basic waveshape in any frequency range. Note that
figure 3.8A is symmetrically inverse of 3.8B and is often referred to as an
inverted sawtooth. Both are legitimate sawtooth waves and, in spite of the
reverse position of the leading edge, will sound the same. The sawtooth wave is
very bright and piercing, somewhat like the sound of an oboe or violin.
B*tfWfTOti SaWtOOth Figure 3*8. Sawtooth waves 15
A third basic waveshape is the triangle or delta wave (fig. 3.9). This waveshape
consists of a fundamental frequency and all of the odd-number harmonics, with
amplitudes falling off in ratios of 1/9, 1/25, 1/49. etc. By using a classic studio
technique of "additive synthesis," it is possible to construct a triangle wave (or
any other waveshape) by using a specific collection of different sine waves.
Starting with a fundamental of C (65.4 Hz) with a hypothetical amplitude of x, a
second sine wave tuned to 65.4 Hz times 3 (for the second overtone) is added
(196.2 Hz) with an ampiltude of 1/9 X. Then a third sine wave which is the fifth
multiple of the fundamental (327 Hz) is added with an amplitude of 1/25 X. The
composer continues this process until all of the necessary harmonics with the
correct amplitudes are present If the amplitudes of the harmonics are thought of
in ratios, it is easy to understand how the perceived harmonic content of any
given wave is dependent on the amplitude of the fundamental. Perhaps the
waveshape that is most commonly used by the composer is the pulse or
rectangular wave. As shown in figure 3.10, the positive and negative voltages of
a pulse wave are never in a transient state. They are instantaneously positive,
then instantaneously negative, whereas the sine, sawtooth and triangle waves all
exhibit various types of gradual rise and fall between positive and/or negative
states. If a pulse generator is programmed to osculate anywhere below 7 to 10
Hz, the speaker cone can be heard snapping back and forth. Figure 3.10 shows a
particular type of pulse wave known as a square wave. A square wave is related
to a triangle wave in that it also contains odd-numbered harmonics, but with
quite different amplitude relationships. The amplitude relationships of the
harmonics of a square wave are 1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9. etc. A clarinet in the
chalumeau register produces a sound that is very close to that of a square wave.
Figure 3.11 illustrates in standard musical notation the harmonic content of the
four basic waveshapes. The relative amplitudes are indicated by the size of the
note. Note that there are no even numbered harmonics in any of the symmetrical
waveforms. Due to the many uses of the square wave, it is thought of as a basic
waveshape, even though it is a variety of a pulse wave There are many other
types of pulse waves, and they are defined by what is known as their "duty
cycle." The duty cycle of a pulse wave is the positive or "on" portion of the
entire cycle. Figure 3.12 shows the duty cycle of two different pulse waves. The
duty cycle determines the harmonic content of the waveshape. In the case of the
square wave, the duty cycle is one-half of the total wave, or a ratio of 1:2 (as in
fig. 3.12A). Expressed as a fraction, the 16 Figure 3.9. Triangle wave Figure
3.10. Pulse or rectangular (square) wave Bwwe swtootftwive irofiglew** Figure
3.11. The four basic waveshapes and their harmonic content (up to the 9th
multiple) 1:2dutveveit l:3*rtyeyel« ! B Figure 3.12. Pulse-wave duty cycles duty
cycle of a square wave is one-half of the total wave, and it is the denominator of
this fraction that tells us its harmonic content The denominator "2" indicates that
every second harmonic is absent from its harmonic overtone series, confirming
die earlier statement that the square wave consists only of a fundamental and the
odd-numbered harmonics. A pulse wave with, a duty cycle of 1:3 (as in fig.
3.12B) contains the fundamental and the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh*
eighth, tenth, etc., harmonics. In other words, the denominator is an indicator of
what order harmonics are absent from the spectrum. Oscillators designed for use
in electronic music systems may have controls or pots marked pulse width, duty
cycle, symmetry or tcaveform adjustment. Pulse width and duty cycle refer
specifically to pulse waves and may vary the "on" portion of the wave from 10%
to 90S or more of the total cycle. Waveform adjustment or symmetry are
variations which are possible with any waveshape. For example the Synthi VCS-
3 provides three oscillators with a
aqove | <pube) ( I i I ' ' Figure 3.13. Waveshape symmetry variation based on
Synthi VCS-3 instruments variety of waveshapes having symmetry control on
each. Figure 3.13 illustrates some of these waveshapes as they appear with the
symmetry control in different positions. Each of these variations produces a
slightly different timbre, except in the case of symmetrical inversion (as was the
case with the inverted sawtooth wave in figure 3.8) Note that, with the sine
wave, there is a symmetry position which places all of its voltage above the 0
volt reference in the shape of two crests. Waveshapers and wave multipliers can
be used to transform triangle waves into other waveforms. The resulting
wavefonn may be another classic wavefonn such as a sign or squarewave, or it
may be a completely new class of signal impossible to describe in terms of
standard waveshapes. Such modules are really signal processing devices and will
be discussed later in die text. Additive Synthesis Composers such as Ravel and
Hindemith, and more contemporary composers such as Ligeti and Kagel, have
been very concerned with the mixing of various instruments to produce new
orchestral timbres. One of the classic examples of this additive approach to
orchestration is in Ravel's Bolero. Beginning in measure 149, Ravel combines a
hom, celeste, and two piccolos to produce a sound unlike any of die individual
instruments used. Examination of the score discloses that Ravel's apparent tri-
tonality is actually a reinforcement of the harmonic series of each pitch in the
melody. The hom plays the fundamental while the celeste plays the first and
third harmonics and the piccolos provide the second and fourth harmonics. (See
figure 3.14) A more recent approach to this type of composition is Maricio
Kagel's Music for Renaissance Instruments (Deutsche Grammophone Records,
no. 137 006), in which the composer is concerned with constructing various
types of non-harmonic sounds. This same basic method is applied to electronic
music in classical techniques of timbre construction. Suppose, for example, that
a composer wished to synthesize the spectrum of a square wave. Since a square
wave's spectrum is virtually infinite, one hypothetic- ally would have to have an
infinite number of sine wave oscillators, one for each frequency present in the
square wave's spectrum. This is impractical, for the obvious reason that there is a
limit on available oscillators. It is really an academic problem, since beyond the
third octave above the fundamental manual tuning becomes quite difficult/' For
sake of illustration, we will limit this construction to the first five partials present
in the square wave's spectrum. After arbitrarily deciding on a fundamental of
low F3 (174.6 Hz), a sine wave, one would then tune each remaining sine-wave
oscillator to the other odd-numbered harmonics: C5, A5, Ej>fl, Gc. Since all of
these frequency- components must be perceived as a single sonic object, they
must be combined into a single signal. This is accomplished by means of an
audio mixer. Mixers and associated techniques are covered in detail in chapter
11. Here, it will suffice to state that their function is to combine two or more
frequencies or signals into a single signal in such a manner that minimal
distortion of the original signals occurs. A mixer also usually provides means for
controlling the amplitude of each input signal by means of a volume control, pot,
or attenuator. Therefore, the amplitude specifications for the harmonics of a
square wave can be accommodated (see page 18). Figure 3.15A illustrates the
physical set-up or "patch" for this process; figure 3.15B shows the waveshape
transformation from sine toward square as each frequency component is added
in its correct proportion. This process is generally referred to as Additive
Synthesis or Fourier Synthesis. Briefly, the Fourier Synthesis states that any
sonic object can be created (more specifically re-created) by subdividing its
instantaneous spectrum into individual sine wave frequency components, then
combining the correct number of sine waves with the proper amplitude
relationships to recreate the original sound. Theoretically any waveshape may be
recreated through this technique- Again, this seems to be a bit academic, since
the basic waveforms are already available from various oscillators and additive
waveform synthesis techniques may be put to more productive use in creating
some new waveforms. From this viewpoint all that can be offered in terms of
suggested technique is to be aware of and experiment with various amplitude
relationships among the partials. If one wishes to experiment with harmonic
frequency relationships read ahead in this chapter about sync techniques (page
20). Although additive techniques are powerful tools in the electronic media,
precise Fourier Synthesis techniques are for the most part impractical on
commer- 6. Refer to page 20 for sync techniques related to this type of tuning.
i«c»vm» Figure 3.14. From the score of Bolero by Maurice Ravel. (Reproduced
with the authorization of Durand & Cie, Editeurs- proprietaires, Paris.)
fandanwoul 1. - r\AN\f\j - I.* t, Figure 3.15A. Patch for mixing the first five
partials to stimulate a square wave Figure 3.15B. Addition of partials 1.2. and 3
of a potential square wave 18
cial instruments due to the numbered variables involved and the amount of
instrumentation required.7 Some writers have pointed out that the discovery of
the Fourier series qualifies the meaning of the word "frequency" in reference to a
complex wave shape. When speaking of the frequency of a sawtooth wave being
440 Hz we are really referring only to the fundamental frequency. Each of the
harmonic overtones, if viewed as sine wave components, also has its own
frequency. However, the sawtooth wave or any other harmonic waveform is
perceived as a single identity. Integrally related overtones reinforce the
perceived fundamental, and it can be assumed that the term "frequency" refers to
the perceived fundamental.* Oscillator Formats Although industry has reached
some agreement as to what basic waveshapes are to be made available, the actual
format of the oscillator varies a great deal. The simplest is a single oscillator
with one available waveshape. Most oscillators make use of waveshaping
circuits which enable an initial waveshape (usually a sawtooth) to be converted
to several other waveshapes simultaneously. Figure 3.16 shows the front panel
of the Eu 2200 oscillator. The four basic waveshape are independently available
unattenuated (at full amplitude) at the outputs marked "Full Level Outputs." At
the same time each of the four waveshapes may be mixed in any amplitude
proportion by means of the front panel pots, and the mixed output is available as
indicated. The Buchla Series 258 oscillator takes a different approach (figure
3.17). First note that the chassis or module contains two oscillators, each with
independent controls. Each oscillator has three outputs connected in parallel,
meaning that the same signal appears at each of the three outputs. The top
oscillator in this dual package provides two basic waveshapes- sine and
sawtooth. The waveshape pot essentially establishes a mix of these two
waveshapes: a certain amount of sinewave oscillation mixed with a certain
amount of sawtooth wave oscillation. This is not to be confused with the gradual
introduction of the various harmonics as in a Fourier build-up. It is merely a mix
that selects proportionately between two waveshapes. At the 7:00 position (far
left) the output is 7. The interested reader may refer to some common Fourier
spectra in "Sound, Electronics and Hearing" by A. Wayne Slawson in The
Development and Practice of Electronic Music, Appleton and Perera, eds.,
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice- Hall, Inc), 1975 p. 38. 8. Some recent
research postulates that the harmonic overtone series does not reinforce the
fundamental in the way we originally thought. The interested reader may wish to
refer to P- Boomsliter and W. Creel, "The Long Pattern Hypothesis in Harmony
and Hearing," Journal of Music Theory 5, No. 2 (1961): 95 2-30. VOLTAGE
A'WBWWWW^**1^1 Figure 3.16. Eu Oscillator 2200 (Courtesy Eu Systems.
Inc. Used by permission.) SUM OKULATO* «OOM >U 6>7^e> e^^e fcJ^p^"
Figure 3.17. Buchla Series 258 ® « - Oscillator a sinewave, and at the 5:00
position the output is a sawtooth wave." The waveshape pot may then be set
anywhere between these two extremes. The bottom oscillator in this package has
the same format except that the two waveshapes are sine and square. The Buchla
208 oscillator (refer to fig. 3.4B) has three waveshaping controls. The rotary
icavesliape pot provides for transitions or mixes between sine and either pulse10,
square, or triangle as selected by the tcaveshape switch. The linear timbre pot
provides further waveshaping possibilities, generating a continum 9. It might be
noted that this is not an academic sawtooth waveshape, rather what Mr. Buchla
calls an "augmented sawtooth." The harmonic coefficients are similar to those of
a sawtooth, but of greater intensity; similarly for Buchla's square wave. Hence,
osdlloscopic display of these waveforms will not show a true sawtooth or square
wave image. 10. Sometimes called a spike, this waveshape has very strong
harmonics and may be thought of as a pulse wave with a very narrow duty cycle.
It is not the purpose of this text to give a detailed description of every instrument
A glance at the front panel of any oscillator will usually reveal its format; and
specific questions are usually answered in the owner's manual or spec sheet. This
brief exposure to oscillators and some common formats should provide the
reader with enough information to approach any oscillator with at least some
meaningful questions, and may also serve as a guide for some applications of
whatever format oscillator is available at the time. White Sound The last
electronic sound (as differentiated from many other sounds available through
transducers such as microphones, prerecorded tapes and discs, etc.) to be
considered is white sound, or white noise (also sometimes referred to as
Gaussian or thermal noise). Perhaps the most descriptive term is "white sound."
Analogous to a color wheel that produces the color white as the wheel is rapidly
rotated, white sound is a mixture of all the audible frequencies at random
instantaneous amplitudes. Therefore, the term "white" is preferred over
"Gaussian"—and rJbe present writer prefers the use of "sound" because of the
negative implications of the term "noise." White sound is heard as a hiss or as
the sound of a jet engine. White sound is defined as having equal energy per unit
frequency. This means that there is the same amount of energy between 500 Hz
and 501 Hz as there is between 1500 Hz and 1501 Hz. Equal energy per unit
frequency means that the noise is spectrally flat. Another type of sound common
to most electronic music instruments is "pink sound." Just as with white sound,
pink sound contains all the frequencies of the audio spectrum, but its energy
distribution or amplitude curve is different. Pink sound contains equal energy per
octave and is often represented as -7- and referred to as being musically flat. It
may be obvious to the reader that tihe term 'pink sound' is a logical color analogy
as it refers to the lower end of the light spectrum; in terms of perception pink
sound simply has more bass or rumble (see figure 3.19). Taking a cue from these
color analogies one could easily construct color representations for any number
of noise bands. "For example, boosting the higher end of the spectrum may
produce what one could call blue or azure sound, while a spectrum with a
boosted mid-range might even be green! These terms are by no means
representative of spectral standards but may serve as convenient terminology for
describing different types or bands of sound. Electronic instruments provide
noise coloration in various ways. The Synthi VCS-3 instruments control noise
spectra by means of a pot marked "colour" with r white sound pink sound J "--'
1HS 16Mr frequency Figure 3.19. White and pink sound the far left and right
positions appropriately marked "low" and "high," and the middle straight up
position assuming to be spectrally flat white sound. The Buchla Source of
Uncertainty Model 265, among other things, provides three independent noise
outputs. The output labeled "HI" is what has been defined as white sound. The
middle unmarked output provides pink sound and the output labeled "LOW" is a
type of noise which is the musical inverse of the frequency distribution found in
white sound. As explained, white sound has equal energy per unit frequency,
while pink sound has equal energy per octave. If the white sound spectrum is
measured in octaves one will see that there is actually an increase of 3 db per
octave. Buchla's noise resources establish musically flat pink sound as the norm
with "HT having a 3 db increase per octave and "LOW* having a 3 db decrease
per octave. Some manufacturers refer to white sound, pink sound, etc., simply as
random signal generators (such as the Moog 903A Random Signal Generator).
The term 'random* is used because the amplitudes of the various frequencies at
any given instant are random and must be measured over a certain time period in
order to calculate an average measurement. In other cases the term 'random
noise' refers to extremely low random frequencies (around 15 Hz and lower); it
is not audible but rather is used as a control for random musical events (see page
83). Thus far, only the basic types of sound sources and some typical formats
have been discussed. It is essential that the reader understand how sound can be
thought of as AC voltage, and that these voltages can be shown graphically on
an oscilloscope (as they are represented in the various figures used in this book).
Since the scope of this writing does not permit the discussion of every type of
sound available to the composer, we have given the four basic waveshapes—
sine, sawtooth, triangle, and pulse—and the concept of white sound. An
understanding of these is all that is needed for a basic understanding of
electronic music system operation. 21
•itiplited sagnai Figure 4.1. Amplification and gain of power amps will be
discussed in the consideration of live performances (chapter 15); but, for the
present, it will suffice to say that their function is to take a line-level signal
(about 1.4 volts) from an electronic instrument and boost it to a level that has
enough energy to efficiently move a speaker cone (see figure 4.1). ' Voltage
Controlled Amplifiers It is certainly redundant to say that loudness is a dynamic
variable for the musician. However, the effective use of loudness variations
requires a bit more detailed understanding of what is involved with amplification
in electronic instruments. The amplifier of most concern to the musician is called
a voltage controlled amplifier (VCA), sometimes referred to as a gate. At this
point we need not be concerned with the "voltage controlled" aspect of this
module, and therefore this discussion will be limited to manual or hands- on
front panel control. The VCA provides gain. This is a word which has been used
before and refers to the amount of voltage an amp provides. If a signal goes in to
a circuit at a peak-to-peak reading of 1 volt (see figure 4.1B) and comes out at a
peak-to-pealc reading of 2 voks the amp is said to have a gain of 2. If the signal
comes out at 0 volts (silence) the gain is 0. The amount of gain, under manual
control, depends on the setting of the gain pot, gain offset or volume control.
When you raise the gain offset the output voltage is increased and you hear a
stronger signal from the speaker. In electronic musical instruments it is common
for the VCAs to have a gain of 1, or unity gain. This tends to be a bit confusing
because with unity gain there is no voltage increase. The signal goes in. and if
the gain offset is at maximum, the output signal has the same magnitude as the
input signal. An amplifier with unity gain is really an attenuator. It can produce
variations in gain or loudness not exceeding the strength of the original signal
before it was patched into the amp. The reason for this is explained by the basic
design philosophy of electronic instruments. Each module, oscillator, amp-
plifier, etc., is a parametric building block. In some situations certain building
blocks may not be necessary for the generation of a musical event, so that the
modules must be designed, in such a way that they can function with or without
any other module. For example, there may be a situation where loudness is not a
variable and the signal is needed at full gain directly from the oscillator.
Therefore the amp maybe by-passed, (see figure 4.2, oscillator A). This "voice"
may be joined by another voice that does require loudness variations (figure 4.2
oscillator B). Oscillator A has a constant loudness, while the loudness of
oscillator B is controlled by a VCA. If the amp has more than unity gain, great
care has to be taken to insure that it will not overpower oscillator A which has no
gain increase. But since the amp has only unity gain, at full output (the gain
offset all the way up) it will perfectly match the amplitude of oscillator A.
Sometimes gain is specified in decibels. Unity gain is the same as a gain of 0 db.
If an amp is used for setting final manual levels which do not require continuous
variation, a mixer might perform the same function with a little more versatility.
As explained previously, a mixer allows the combination of many signals down
to a single line without any distortion of the original sounds. Adjusting the
balances on a mixer is the same as adjusting the gain on an amplifier or set of
amplifiers. It is not unusual for mixers (and amps) to have gain, a common
figure being 6 db or a gain of 2. On a mixer the amount of gain is initially
established by the input pots. These pots are attenuators which determine the
incoming strength of the various signals. Figure 4.3 illustrates a mixing situation
with two different input settings. Figure 4.2- Gain variation
•■" (w^ ^(w^ Figure 4.3. Gain controi in mixing2 Figure 4.3A shows two sine
waves two octaves apart mixed down to a single signal with equal gain for both
signals. Figure 4.3B illustrates a similar situation but the lower octave C4 is
attenuated. The final mix has the same frequency components but the lower
octave is softer. Amps used in electronic music instruments sometimes have
mixing capabilities built into the circuits. Such is the case with the Moog 902.
This module, considering only manual control capabilities, will accept two
incoming signals and provide an eqtud mix of both at the output The gain of the
mix is 0 with the fixed control voltage pot at 0 and unity gain with the same pot
at 10. There are also two outputs marked *+" and "—". These two outputs are
180° out-of-phase with each other. The Eu 2000 amplifier is of similar design
except that it has three inputs; "full level," "+" and "—" (see figure 4.4). All
three inputs are mixed internally before the final amplification stage, which, in
this case, has a gain of 2 (6db). The inputs marked 2. ■*?$■ is an electronic
symbol for a variable resistor, or pot, which is used to affect the attenuation. "+"
and "—" have input attenuators to allow various mix levels to be established
before amplification. The "—" input is an inverting input, as opposed to the
Moog 902 inverting output. The real applications of these inverting features will
be described when dealing with voltage control (see page 37). Note that in figure
44 die amp has a switch marked linear and exponential. In this case linear means
that the gain increases in exact proportion to the pot setting. Exponential
indicates that the gain increases exponentially to the pot position; the higher pot
positions give greater gain variances. Expressed in another way, linear means
equal changes in output voltage in response to the manual control (electrically
smooth), and exponential means equal changes in output decibels in response to
me control (perceptually smooth). Linear control provides a consistent response
throughout the range of the amp. Exponential control means that the amp is very
sensitive to gain increases at low pot settings, and the sensitivity decreases as the
pot setting is higher. Therefore, if one needs very delicate balances at soft levels,
he has better control in the exponential mode. On some amps the
linear/exponential switch will make a difference where the 0 db gain or silence
occurs, in accordance with the pot position. If no signal is passed through the
amp in exponential mode with the pot a certain setting, switching to linear mode
will result in a slight signal gain at the output A comparison of exponential and
linear response is given in figure 45. The exponential curve is really a decibel
response, reinforcing the statement that linear control results in equal change in
voltage, and exponential control produces equal changes in decibels. Some
instruments with linear/exponential options may attach this function only to
incoming external control sources, and the manual control may be only linear. If
there is any question, refer to the instrument specification sheet or instruction
manual If your instrument does,not have linear/exponential options don't feel
that you have an inferior device- Many of these VOUAGE CONTSOUS>
AMHJRER urn a Figure 4.4- Eu 2000 Ampfifier (Courtesy of Eu
Systems, inc. Used fay permission.} Figure 4.5. Linear <o and exponential
response 24
design decisions are made to increase the compatibility with other modules in
the system and are not necessarily an indication of the instrument's quality or
potential usefulness. If your studio or instrument facility is equipped with Buchla
100 Series instruments you will find that the 110 Dual Voltage Controlled Gate
(another term often used for VCAs) does not provide for manually applied front
panel gain or offset. The initial amplification is provided by external control
voltages and the output gain is then attenuated to the desired level by the front
panel pot. If this is the case the exercises suggested in this chapter can be done
using a Buchla 106 mixer (which has a gain of 2). The Buchla 292 Quad Gates
have the manual offset control (see page 28). Pre-Ampiifiers Another type of
amplifier of concern to the musician is a pre-amplifier or pre-amp. Many audio
signals, usually those generated by mechanical means such as a phonograph or a
microphone, produce signals too weak even for the power amp. These signals
are so small that they are measured in millivolts. If one plugged a mike directly
into a power amp the output signal would be so weak that it would not be useful.
Power amps are designed to amplify what is referred to as a high level or line
level signal. Such signals are on the order of 1 volt at 600 ft. To get a mike's
signal up to mat level an intermediate preamplifier is used. The low level signal
is plugged into the pre-amp, the pre-amp boosts the low level signal up to line
level, and at this point the electronic signal can be treated as if it were the same
as an oscillator signal subject to any kind of amplitude shaping by means of the
VCA. The pre-amp will usually have an impedance or gain control on the front
panel Various types of mikes have different strengths of signals referenced in
terms of impedance. A low impedance, or low Z, mike has a rating of between
50 to 250 ft. A high Z mike will have a typical rating of 25k ft. Check the
impedance specs for your available mikes and see that the impedance switch on
the pre- amp is in the correct position. If the sound is muddy or distorted this is
an indication that the impedance match is not correct Some pre-amps may have
gain switches. Such is the case with the Eu 2420 Dual Pre- Amp (see figure 4.6).
The gain positions for this instrument are marked 20 db, 40 db, and 60 db, and
provide a gain of 10, 100, and 1000 respectively. After the signal has been
boosted by one of these factors, the final signal is then attenuated by a level
control. Readers familiar with rock amplifiers will know that they can plug a
mike or guitar (which is also a low level signal) directly into the amp, apparently
without the use of a pre-amp. This type of amp is # fi ■m UK •■Sao* ^^ «* • #
*S tWEi Figure 4.6. Eu Dual Pre-Amp (Courtesy Eu Systems, Inc. Used by
permission.) known as an integrated amplifier, and the pre-amp is built into the
general circuit and wired directly to the power amp stage. The volume and tone
controls are part of the pre-amp stage, and the power amp stage men amplifies
the final signal. Most keyboard oriented electronic instruments such as the
popular ABP Odyssey and Mini-Moog have two different output signals. The
high level output or line level output is ready to be patched into a power
amplifier. If this high level signal was fed to an integrated amp one would then
be attempting to pre-amplify a signal that is already pre-amplified. In this case
the low level output of the instrument should be used, since it can be taken to the
integrated amp and used with other low level signals such as electric guitars,
mikes, etc Much more will be said about pre-amps and mikes; the information
given here is intended only to avoid some possible distorted sounds during the
initial stages of exploring the instrument. Filtering: Subtractive Synthesis and
Basic Filtering Concepts Earlier in this chapter mention was made of additive
synthesis whereby the musician builds up waveshapes and sound complexes by
methods of mixing together of less complex components. Another method which
takes the opposite approach is called subtractive synthesis. As the name implies,
this method involves using a complex sound as the initial material.and removing
those frequency components that are not desired. Just as additive synthesis can,
at least hypothetically, build up any complex from its individual sine wave
components, subtractive synthesis can, again hypothetically, remove any number
and combination of components from a complex structure. For example, it is
possible to begin with a sawtooth wave and remove all of the overtones, leaving
only the fundamental, a sine wave (figure 4.7A). Similarly removing all of the
even numbered harmonics would produce a reasonable square wave (figure
4.7B). Removing only 25
Figure 4.9. 24 db/octave low pass fitter slope the fifth harmonic is down 24 db
and the next octave, the 12 harmonic, would be down 48 db (see figure 4.9).
Filter designs will vary with the manufacturer and such roll-off figures are
usually given on the specifications sheet These figures will usually be -multiples
of 6 (12, 18, 24, etc.). Q is a circuit modification that alters the effect of a filter.
The mechanics, applications, and tricks made available with Q are covered in
chapter 9. Here Q can be explained as an additional amplification process within
the filter. If a low pass filter is set with a cut-off of Ik Hz, any signal or spectral
component just below cut-off frequency will be amplified as the Q is increased.
Most low pass filters, such as the Moog 904A pictured in figure 410A have a Q
pot on the front panel (in this case called regeneration). With the Q set high,
manually sweeping through a harmonically rich waveform will make the
filtering process more obvious. Figure 4.10B illustrates what happens to the cut-
off frequency as the Q is raised. Notice that as Q is raised the part of the
spectrum just below fc becomes proportionately louder and stronger. At the
same time the rest of the spectrum passed through the filter becomes slightly
attenuated.4 The overall effect is the fc becomes more and more prominent.
Much more will be said about Q in chapter 9, but for the present all we need to
know is that Q emphasizes fe and has a numerical value related to the increase in
gain at the cut-off; the higher the Q, the higher the gain. Gain can be increased to
the point at which the filter begins to distort or "break up" the cut-off frequency.
Q can also be increased to die point where the filter will begin to "howl" or
oscillate. This type of oscillation is a sine wave and can be useful for certain
techniques (covered in chapter 9). This application is only mentioned here
because it is an in- 4. This band-pass attenuation is not always the case and
depends on individual circuit design. Figure 4.10A. Moog 904A Low Pass FHter
KigriO Figure 4.10B. Q comparisons in low pass filtering strument variable and
can result in some phantom pitches and distortions if one is not aware of the
process. Other names for Q in addition to "regeneration" are "resonance,"
"response," "emphasis" and "feedback." 27
Other Filter Functions Another common filter format is the High Pass Filter. As
the name implies, it accomplishes the inverse of the low pass filter, attenuating
all of the frequencies belotc {,. and passing all of the spectral components above
ft~ Other filter formats include band pass, band reject or notch, and the fixed
filter banks, which is a collection of band pass filters mixed to a single output.
The functions of these filters are indicated by their descriptive names. Universal
filters are single modules which combine the four basic filter functions, —high
pass, low pass, band pass, and band reject,— into a single instrument. Another
filter variation which may be available to the musician is what AKP Instruments
call the Filtamp. It is a very common practice simultaneously to control the
amplitude and timbre of a signal by patching it through an amplifier and then
through a filter (see the "basic patch" on page 29). The Buchla 292 Quad Low
Fass Gate (figure 4.11) has similar functions. This module consists of four
independent gates, each of which has three possible operational modes. The
mode switch in the upper position turns the gate into a low pass filter; the lower
position turns the gate into an amplifier; the middle position, "combination,''
combines the amp and low pass functions to provide "spectral gating"—a
process similar to simultaneous spectral and amplitude control. In this mode, as
the amplitude is lowered there is a simultaneous loss of high frequencies. Both
of these functions occur at the same time as they share the same offset control
The audible result of this process is a slight emphasis of the lower partials as the
gain is lowered. This is most striking when accomplished by fast external
controls (see page 35). When doing the experiments at the end of this chapter,
notice especially what mode the gate is in. The output of each gate is
independently available, or an equal mix of all four is available from the output
marked "all." The Buchla 200 Series instruments do not provide a variable low
pass filter as a separate module. A common experience for the novice is to find
that the filter is blocking the sound. A signal is present at the input but nothing
comes out If this happens at least one of three common errors is being made.
First, if the filter has mixing capabilities, as with the ARP 1006, the input
attenuator may be turned down. Second, the fc may be so high or so low that it is
beyond any spectral content present in the sound. The third, and most common
error is that one is trying to filter a sine wave. Remember that a sine wave has
only one spectral component and therefore it is the only thing that can be
removed. This is not so obvious as it may appear. If a filter is a frequency
selective attenuator all it can do with a sine wave is to attenuate the whole Figure
4.11. Buchla Series 292 Quad Low Pass Gate thing.. In this case the filter is
being used as an amplifier! This is a good thing to keep in mind when you run
out of amps, but for the present, avoid filtering sine waves! Just as with amps
and oscillators, there are as many filter modules as there are manufacturers. And
this portion of the present chapter is only meant as an introduction to the low
pass process and how it affects the waveshapes, both sonicaHy and graphically.
It is important to realize that the spectral characteristics of a signal are generally
described in terms of waveshape,—the patterns an audio electrical voltage
produces. The basic waveshapes introduced at the beginning of this chapter are
by no means models of a "correct" or automatically desirable musical sound.
They are only starting points which are usually further shaped by various
processes. Pitch, loudness, and timbre are three of many variables at work in all
music, and this chapter has only skimmed the surface of the musician's concern
with these obvious parameters. This chapter does not supply definitive
information about oscillators, amplifiers, and filters, but gives the reader enough
information to proceed with his studies of electronic instruments. To aid in the
task this chapter has explained pitch, loudness, and timbre as a single concept-
voltage fluctuation. As one becomes involved with finer means of control and is
introduced to new structural situations, he will find that he is still dealing with
the same process,—the shaping of voltages. As musical events are imagined in
the mind's ear, the composer, and more often the performer, will have to adjust
his battery of modules to accommodate input, structure, and output. If he can
visualize what is happening to the electrical gestures at each point in the
instrument he wiD be more effective and proficient at his job. 28
5 Concepts of Voltage Control The preceding chapters have stressed the idea
that electronic instruments require the player to think para- metrically. A musical
event consists of several parameters shaped and combined to result in a final
sonic event, however simple or complex. Chapter 1 introduced the notion that
any musical instrument demands some manner of input, a determined physical
structure, and a "musical" response. Chapters 2 through 4 limited themselves to
direct manual input or control, a basic parametric structure dealing with pitch,
timbre, and loudness,—basically simple musical events. By this time it is
certainly evident to the musician that more complex structures will require more
involved parametric organization and more intricate methods of playing the
instrument. At this point it is again necessary to examine the philosophy of what
we understand by "playing" and apply that concept to electronic instrumentation.
The following lists categorize several musical variables under the basic
parameters of frequency, spectrum, and amplitude: Frequency pitch (discrete and
gliss) vibrato timbre Spectrum timbre loudness vibrato/tremolo Amplitut
loudness rhythm tremolo The appearance of a particular parameter under more
than one category reminds one that perceptually these categories have definite
effects on each other. This list is by no means all inclusive, but is sufficiently
complete to make the point. Learning an acoustic instrument is, in die early
stages, primarily the development of kinesthetic skills. Depending on the
instrument, one must master all of the dynamic parameters which the instrument
provides, and initially this is a matter of coordination. Controlling pitch on a
violin is quite a different matter from controlling pitch on a piano; the control of
timbre on a trumpet requires a different manner of input than controlling timbre
on a clarinet. The mastery of these skills is made more difficult by the fact that
on each instrument several parameters may be linked to or associated with one
input. The fiddler's left hand is responsible for pitch, vibrato, note duration, and
varying degrees of articulation, while right 32 hand activity controls loudness,
rhythm (durations), timbre, and articulations. On many instruments a single
parameter is directly determined by two independent inputs: a trumpet derives its
pitch from both the depression of valves and embouchure variation. This
suggests that musical events involve two types of parametric organization: the
first is a matter of perception, the second is a matter of performance mode. And
just as with any other instrument, both are of concern to the performer of
electronic instruments. Offsets: Fixed Control Voltages As stated earlier in this
text, contemporary electronic, instruments are a collection of possibilities.
Depending on the desired events, the musician must physically organize his
available resources—the basic patch offered in chapter 4 being only one simple
approach— and then decide on some means to initiate and control the resulting
sound(s). As integrated electronic music systems were being developed, it
became evident that the complexity of dealing with many differentiated and
ongoing parameters could be simplified by making each parameter controllable
in a conceptually unified manner. The previous chapter explained the basic
dimensions of sound in terms of voltage changes. A change in some aspect of
the sound was accomplished by changing the way voltage was behaving in a
particular circuit Turning up a pot on an oscillator made the voltage fluctuations
increase in speed, resulting in higher pitches; raising the pot on an amplifier
increased the strength of the voltage fluctuations, resulting in louder sounds. The
behavior of an audio voltage in a circuit is controlled by the application of
another structural level of voltage. These controls are usually lower in frequency
as they impart information concerning actual musical structure such as
individual note shapes, articulations, phrasing, and overall formal design. The
reader might again consider the various frequency ranges of musical
organization and response discussed in chapter 2, page 9. When one turns up the
pot on an oscillator, that pot applies a fixed amount of positive voltage to the
circuit, which causes it to oscillate faster. As the pot is turned down, the amount
of fixed control voltage decreases, causing the circuit to osdl-
Figure 5.1. Parametric responses with manually fixed control voltages late more
slowly. By the same token, the direct manual control of a low-pass filter
involves manually determining the amount of fixed control voltage, which has
been referred to as offset. A low control voltage results in a spectrally low cut-
off frequency; raising the front panel pot increases the amount of control voltage
applied to the filter control circuit, thereby raising the cut-off frequency. Figure
5.1 illustrates a version of the basic patch with two different sets of manually
fixed control voltage levels. Not all electronic instrumentation operates within
the same control voltage range. This is a hypothetical example with a control
voltage range of 0 to +10 volts. Figure 5.IA has a fixed control voltage of 1 volt
applied to the oscillator, which results in a frequency of 645 Hz (low C). In
figure 5.1B this control voltage has been raised to 2 volts, which raises the pitch
one octave. In figure 5.1A the fixed control voltage has set the filter s cut-off
frequency at 512 Hz, attenuating the spectrum above die 8th harmonic, in figure
5. IB the fixed control voltage was lowered one volt, lowering the cut-off one
octave to 256 Hz. Since the pitch was raised an octave and the cut-off was
lowered an octave, die resulting spectrum is hypo- thetically limited to just the
fundamental. In figure 5.1A the amplifiers fixed control voltage was at
maximum, allowing the signal to pass at unity gain. Assuming a linear mode of
operation (see page 24), cutting the amount of fixed control voltage in half will
cut the gain in half. The dynamic marking in this case is purely subjective, and
"mp" is not necessarily half x>i "ff." Offsets establish the nature of the other
strata of voltage activity in electronic instruments, and the fluctuating audio
voltages are eventually heard as sound. It has been this writers experience that
the newcomer to the techniques of playing electronic instruments is often
confused by these two levels of voltage activity. Whether the difference is
philosophical or electrical, it must be clear in the musician's mind at what point
he is working with the source of the sound or with the control of that source.
Terms that will be used consistently throughout this book are signal and control
A signal is a voltage fluctuating at an audio rate that will eventually be heard as
a sound. A control is a voltage that causes some cliange in the signal. Dynamic
Controls A control source may simply be a manually established offset. If one
stops here the delineation is simple. However, if one sweeps the frequency offset
pot of an oscillator up and down, causing various rates of glis- sandi, isn't that
still voltage control? The only difference is that the control voltage itself is
fluctuating. A control may indeed be a fixed offset or it may be continually
varied. A varying control is referred to as a dynamic voltage. This and
succeeding chapters will cover a variety of control voltage sources which
produce static and preset controls, as well as control voltages that fluctuate at
speeds from sub-audio to audio rates. It is still essential that the musician
understand the difference between the signals and controls—signal is sound and
control is structure. Both are voltage activities, and what is musician A's sound
may be musician B's structure. For musicians A and B to perform efficiently,
however, each must be very certain in his own mind about the flow of these two
lands of information. On some instruments this differentiation is entirely user-
determined, while on others the levels are physically separated by types of
patch- cords or 33
switching formats. The purpose of this text is to explain only the basic concepts
and techniques of electronic instrumentation in general, and to avoid discussing
the philosophical merits of various instrument designs. Parametric Response to
Controls It should be obvious that direct offsets or manually manipulated
dynamic controls are not the most efficient way to play electronic instruments. If
one had to contend with just an oscillator it would still remain a complicated if
not impossible task to play a precise musical scale. When this is combined with
simultaneous controls of filters and amplifiers, one can easily understand why
the majority of early literature of electronic instruments was subjected to tape
storage. Since the late 1950s and early 1960s, designers have continued to
explore the area of performer input, making a variety of control voltage sources
available to the musician. A control voltage source is a circuit which produces a
variety of changing control voltage levels. Specific control sources will be
considered in the next chapter. Voltage Controlled Oscillators A series of control
voltage applications will be explained in terms of an oscillator, as notated in
figure 5.2. Irrespective of the source of voltage, it may be fixed or fluctuating. If
the control voltage is fixed, it is usually an internal reference which is offset by
the front panel pot. This offset may then be added to or subtracted from by an
external control voltage source. The external control voltage is internally mixed
with the offset voltage, resulting in proportional changes of the behavior of the
parameter for which the particular circuit is responsible. Figure 5.2A indicates
that an oscillator is to be manually offset to middle C (and presumably attached
to a power amp and speakers). Instruments vary in voltage ranges and offset
values, so that we will assume hypothetically that an offset of +3 volts will
produce middle C. Since we are exploring the process of control voltages, the
oscillator will be referred to as a VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator). Figure
5.2B attaches an external control voltage of 0 volts to the VCO which is mixed
with the internal offset This obviously still equals 3 volts, which will result in no
pitch change. Figure 5.2C adds an external control of 1 volt, mixed with the
offset to equal 4 volts. In this case the 4 volt sum causes the VCO to produce a
pitch one octave higher, C 512. Many, but not all, instruments have a one volt
per octave response, but tins standard will be assumed, in order to keep the
numbers simple. Check your operation manual in regard to your own instrument
We can 34 control "W///////M . exttrnai control external control Figure 5.2.
Summing of internal and externa! control voltages then postulate that each
additional volt of control will raise the VCO frequency one octave. In some
instrumentation, a control may also be a negative voltage. This poses no
conceptual problem, since it is then only a matter of subtraction. A 3-volt offset
(middle C 256) plus —I volt, or 1 volt negative, is 2 volts, lowering the VCO
one octave to C 128 (see figure 5.2D). The following example, figure 5.3,
illustrates the need for exponential response in the control of certain parameters
(see page 9). Figure 5.3A illustrates how two oscillators which are offset to the
same reference will sound a unison. If a single control voltage is applied to both
VCOs, they should respond the same way, maintaining a constant unison. Exact
tracking of exponential oscillators can often indicate the quality of the
instrument1 Slight variations in response can be dealt with by syncing methods
to be discussed later. Figure 5-3B is a similar patch, but note that the VCOs are
offset at the interval of an octave. VCO 1 has a 2 volt offset (C 128) and VCO 2
has a 3 volt offset (C 256). If both VCOs receive a 1 volt control, they must
respond exponentially to maintain the octave relationship. In other words, both
oscillators must double their frequency to keep tuned to an octave interval. VCO
I changes to 256 (128 x 2) and VCO 2 changes to 512 (256 x 2). Both oscillators
respond with the same intervallic change; but note that the change in terms of
numerical values of Hertz was different. VCO 1 went up 128 Hz and VCO 2 1.
If the oscillators in an instrument do not track, consult the maintenance manual
for instructions on trimming.
Figure 5.4. VCA response to a dynamic control When applied to the VCA, the
loudness will increase from its initial "mp" offset to a full "forte," then fall back
to "mp." in proportion to the activity of the external control. As the external
control voltage rises, it is added to the internal offset. Note that at the highest
external control value, the VCA is actually receiving a total sum of 14 volts, but
the circuit may be designed for a 10 volt maximum. Usually if a module receives
a control which exceeds its response capability, it will respond only to its peak
value and the excess control (or saturation) will not harm the circuit. This does
not mean one should plug 110 volts into the control input of a module or even
attempt some type of interaction between instruments. Check the operations
manual before doing something that is not obvious on the instrument If the
VCA's offset is at maximum and one attempts to use an external positive control,
nothing will happen. The VCA is already at maximum gain and another control
cannot make it any louder (usually!). In figure 5.4B the VCA is offset to 0, and
no audio signal is passed. The signal will not be audible until some external
control raises the gain to a perceptible level. Application of the same control as
in figure 5.4A will result in a crescendo from silence to "ff and back to silence
(the offset). It should be clear that negative controls cannot lower the gain past 0,
but can lower any positive offset value. More will be said about this in chapter 7.
Coexisting Controls Dealing with two ongoing controls is proportionally
complicated and is illustrated in figure 5.5A. A VCO, over a particular tune
period, receives a series of three discrete control voltage changes—1, 2, and 3
volts respectively. Assuming an offset of 128 Hz, the three 36 Figor* 5.5. Co-
existing controls voltage changes will produce three one-octave shifts to 256 Hz,
512 Hz, and 1024 Hz. Simultaneous with these voltage changes is a dynamic
voltage beginning at 0 and ascending to 10 volts. This dynamic voltage is
applied to a VCA with an offset of 0. The resulting sound would be three octave
Cs, each beginning with silence and crescendoing to "ft" If the controls were
reversed as in figure 5.5B, the sonic result would be an upward glissando at three
increasing loudness steps. Since the dynamic voltage, goes from 0 to 10 volts,
this would produce a 10 octave glissando. To insure that the oscillator does not
go out of audible range, the VCO should be offset to some lower frequency so
that a 10 octave range can be accommodated. It should be mentioned that these
control voltage contours are really no different than the manual shapes suggested
for the exercises at the end of chapter 4. The only difference is that the external
controls can be very precise, both in level and timing, because they are generated
by instrumentation dedicated to their production and control. The coexistence
and relationship between a multitude of control voltages defines 50% of an
instrument's structure. The other 50% of the structure is determined by the
routing or patching of die audio signals. Control Voltage Processing Just as an
initial signal from a VCO is not the final sonic image in practical music making,
most control voltages must be tailored and processed for certain applications.
Once a control has been generated, it may be processed in much, the same
manner as an audio signal, and a single control may be given a variety of
identities or transformations. A control format for an instrument may then
consist of a number
%,, ^ 1,1 — ■>- *-,.. i», i i r T 8 S 4 2 4 S 8 nomeer o< nannofucs pfeMm tor
mcb p«en Figure 5.9. inversion applications JI9PPC0 control voluoe Figure 5.10.
Integration comtot voitaoe Figure 5.11. Positive and negative slew series of
discrete pitches. The process of integration is comparable to a portamento or
glissando between and through the pitches. The time it takes to integrate two
voltage levels is called the "time constant." A tc of .2 means that it would take 3.
seconds for a voltage to integrate or slope from its previous value to a new value.
The portamento control on an electronic keyboard is a time constant pot which
sets the portamento rate. Some other control sources have integration
possibilities built into the instruments, while other instrumentation provides
integration possibilities by- means of a separate module. Other terms for
integration are lag and slew. These terms actually describe specialized
integration functions. A "slew" can be either positive or negative. Serge System
instruments provide modules dedicated to either positive or negative integration
and are called &e Dual Negative Slew and Dual Positive Slew (dual meaning
that it can process two independent voltages). The negative slew will integrate
between descending voltage levels only (see figure 5.11). A Lag Processor, as on
the ARP 2600, is usually associated with a device called an envelope detector
(see page 53), which is used to convert an incoming audio signal into a control
voltage. Acoustically generated sounds have very complex waveshapes and are
usually too transient, with very rapid fluctuations, to be used as controls. The lag
is essentially a negative slew that slopes off the descending portions of the
waveshape. More will be said about integration functions associated with
envelope detectors on page 53. Some integration slopes are linear and some are
logarithmic,—linear meaning that the rate of voltage change is constant, and
exponential meaning that the closer the voltage gets to the next value the slower
it changes. If your available instrument provides both possibilities, use your ear
to determine your preference for each controlled parameter. If the instrument has
only one slope, don't worry about it—the difference is usually very subtle. It
may, however, be useful to realize that with exponential curves the final value is
never reached within the slope. At some point the slope is broken and the final
value is latched onto, actually breaking the integration function as the slope
approaches the final value. However, this latching is almost inaudible. I suppose
someone could make a case for linear integration, with the full transition heard
since the rate change is constant, but . . .! Examples of acoustic counterparts of
integration are evident, but some thought might be given to conventional music
terms for various integrated parameters: Integrated pitch = glissando or
portamento Integrated dynamics = crescendo and diminuendo Integrated tempo
= accelerando and ritardando Quantization Quantization is the opposite of
integration: it takes a continuously variable voltage and divides it into ongoing
discrete steps or values. Modules such" as envelope generators or random
voltage sources (low frequency noise) produce continuously variable voltages.
Figure 5.12 illustrates a voltage sloping from 0 to 10 volts. If one quantized this
slope into five equidistant values, it would produce a sequence of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5,
and 10 volts. Slopes always quantize to the nearest predetermined quantization
value. If the 10 volt range is to be quantized into 5 equal steps, it would first
produce 0 volts (step 1); then as the slope rises past L25 volts, halfway to the
next quantized value, the output would switch to 2.5 volts. The output would
remain at 25 volts until the slope reached 3.75 volts (halfway between 25 and the
next value, 5) and at that point switch to 5 volts, and so on. This process is not to
be confused with sample/hold techniques (see page 80), since quantized values
are usually fixed by the instrument or pre-determined by the performer. The
string bass and bass guitar provide excellent analogies of continuous and
quantized functions. The string of a standard concert bass is capable of infinite
pitch selection, and the performer can slide or glissando between any interval
within the range of a single string. The standard electric bass guitar, however, is
quantized into equal tempered half-steps, so that all the performer must do is
come close, making sure he places a finger behind each fret or integration value.
Harry Partch's Adapted Guitar relocates the frets so that the guitar integrates at
different values, with the player generating his own intonation requirements. 40
sloeM •sRag* 10 ~~w Qw8g»d ttnoa wia> ryumawion *"HJUt* 9.1Z. VMM cm
o. z.s. s. 7.s aao io mb* Quantization Each interval quantization is often built
into programmable voltage sources such as the EML 400 Sequencer and the
Bucbla 248 Multiple Arbitrary Function Generator. With the increasing use of
digital control of analog instruments, user-determined quantization can be of
immense value in the exploration of non-tempered scales. Multiplication This is
not easy to describe, since it is difficult to find a simple acoustic analogy.
Voltage multiplication is a process whereby one value (a voltage level) is
determined by another value (a second voltage level). If a series of voltages—0,
2, 4, 6, 8, 10—were applied to one input of a multiplier, the output voltage
would be dependent on the voltage level at the other input. For example, assume
that the multiplier is 5 volts. Since the total voltage range of the system is 10
volts, 5 represents a multiplicand of 5, one-half the total range. In this case the
output series would be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 volts (figure 5.13A). If the multiplicand
were 7 volts (figure 5.13B). Things get a bit more complex if the multiplicand is
dynamic. For instance, suppose the multiplicand switched from 1 to 5 to 10
volts. This would represent values of .L, 5, and 1. If the multiplicand changed
each time the series began at 0, the output would be 0, £, .4, .6, .8,1, 0, 1, 1,2, 3,
4, 5, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (figure 5.13C). As mentioned earlier, such product functions
are not so apparent in acoustic devices, especially where both variables are
performer determined. One such example might be the "Jaw's Harp." The
loudness is a product of the amplitude of the vibrating metal strip and the
resonance of the performer's mouth. In the open air the instrument is barely
audible, and a resonant space is useless without a vibrating source. When
combined, however, they produce loudness functions which can be controlled by
either variable, one determining the other.
It is suggested that one use the following situation as a basis for some self-
constructed exercises, considerations, and possible group or class discussions.
Theorom 1: Anything which can be measured can be translated into an
analogous voltage. Theorom 2: Voltages may be changed or processed by. A.
Addition to another voltager B. Subtraction by another voltage C. Inversion D.
Integration E. Quantization F. Multiplication by another voltage Theorom 3: In
an ideal situation within the electronic media, any desired musical parameter
may be determined and controlled by any voltage. Theorom 4: Given theoroms
1, 2 and 3, you are free to create as you wish! This is, of course, what every
composer or performer dreams of doing. However, used as a basis for various
hypothetical constructions, this goes to the heart of the subject at hand:
conceptualizing the relationships between control and resulting sound. This
exercise is to take any imaginable situation and isolate some variables within
that situation. Once the variables have been defined, assign their units of
measurement to a voltage range. It is suggested that you check your instrument
manual and work within those voltage boundaries. In this way you can begin to
think in terms of a specific instrument (the example given below will be based
on a ^ 10 volt range). Since measurements can be translated into precise voltages
one can have any measured action control various modules.of an electronic
instrument. The best place to begin is in terms of the "basic patch" explained in
chapter 4. Example: A Sonic Weather Machine The measurable variables .- A—
air temperature B—wind speed C—humidity Corresponding voltages:
(subjective assignments) A—temperature: each 10 degrees Fahrenheit will equal
1/2 of a volt. B—speed: each 1 mile-per-hour measurement will equal .1 volt. C
—humidity: every 5% humidity will equal 1 volt. Voltage assignments: I It is
here that one decides what voltage activity will control each part of the basic
patch. A—air temperature controls the VCO. Each 10° F. equal 1/12 volt.
Assuming that the VCO operates on a 1 volt/octave range, each degree will
change the VCO by % step. B—air speed controls the VCF (Voltage Controlled
Low Pass Filter). Assuming a 1 volt/octave range, each mph change will move
the filter cut-off one octave. C—humidity controls the VCA. Every 5% humidity
will change the gain 10%. Take special note of the offsets; they should be
indicated in each patch. The VCO is a sawtooth wave so there is a rich spectrum
to filter. The frequency is offset to 128 Hz (C). The VCF is offset to the
fundamental pitch of the VCO. The VCA is offset to a gain of .5 (control of
5085) so the humidity variations can potentially create cres- cendi and
WELL UNDERSTOOD UP TO THIS POINT ooooc Conditions: It is a calm
and stable day. Temperature = 70e F = .7 volts Air Speed = 2 mph = 2 volts
Humidity = 5% = 1 volt Results: Pitch would be a perfect 5th higher (7 half-
steps) Filter cut-off would be 2 octaves higher (512 Hz) Amplitude would be
increased slightly -10 Tha amp must tx tamad an tha way opiotM nanatim « it
tha ntiat oain ta xaco ttta naoatwa vottaoa cannot pomftt/1 namainttar tnat tha
signal out o» tha oaciBator o at tut» ampMar can go to it ia to turn it down! haa
aoioauMo to auotract fiwri. i aad Tha only thing tha
VCO Ic - 128Hz A 9*G [*■ •» • VCF Figure 5.17. Sonic wind machine Figure
5.18. Some weather machine with appBed controls Problem 1: What happens is
the temperature suddenly drops 20° and, air speed increases 1 mph and, humidity
increases 202? Problem 2: What sonic result would take place if the above
changes took place steadily over a one minute period? Problem 3: How could
you cause the pitch to rise in response to a falling temperature? Problem 4: What
would be the result if the VCA and VCO controls were interchanged? Problem
5: After the change described in problem 4, how would you get a smoothly
changing humidity to result in discreet pitch changes? Problem 6: Using only the
basic patch, invent some new situations for controls and assign them to the
instrument in various ways. Be sure to consider relationships and offsets for each
control If this seems too easy, try processing the voltages and dealing with two
or three basic patches at one time. 44
u3tf>0 presets lor transpositions Sresets C 115 ooo bob id ~ tc«y vottiges
proa*** i Axed ftrpeQgio pr««l3 preset : v*"*Z i.Svobs Figure 6-4. Keyboard
presets Figure &5. EML Manual Controfier control voltage outputs in that each
key depression is memorized by the circuit and the output voltage will remain at
that level until a new key is depressed. The "voltage" output, however, is a no-
hold process in which the control instantly drops to zero as soon as the key is
released. Some applications of homo- phonic keyboards were given earlier, but
this no-hold function provides additional possibilities. The "sampled" output
could be used to control a VCO, and the "voltage" output then could be used to
control the amplitude of a VCA. Since each key has separate tunable voltage
outputs, each pitch could be preprogrammed to a specific loudness. A possible
advantage here is that as soon as the key is released, the "voltage" returns to
zero, thus instantly turning down the VCA. In effect this produces rather crude
"envelopes" but still is useful when you run out of envelope generators (see page
64). The real advantage of the matrix keyboard is in the relationships one can
establish between performance gestures and tunings. Tracking and Tuning,. A
format common to many instruments is to have the keyboard patched to a VCO
and simultaneously to a Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF). With this patch one
can offset pitch and filter cut-offs, and both will track in parallel (see figure
6.6A). Why do this? If, for example, a low pass filter is offset to 512 Hz, the
frequency component above that cut-off will be attenuated. That means as the
VCO produces pitches closer and closer to that cut-off they will contain less and
less spectral components and lie higher notes will have proportionally simpler
timbres (figure 6.6B). If this is the desired effect, fine. If consistent timbres are
desired, the filter cut-off must move higher as the pitch moves higher so that the
filter attenuates at the same point relative to any given pitch fundamental. Figure
6.6C shows the VCO and VCF offset to where the filter cut-off is at the fourth
harmonic. As a keyboard voltage is applied the pitch and filter cut-off move up
in "unison" so that the cut-off is still at the fourth harmonic of any pitch. More
likely than not the filter s control voltage attenuator will have to be adjusted in
order to track with the oscillator. If you have tried this (and it works), don't stop
with the obvious. Try different attenuation levels and see what you get. If you
have the resources, invert or multiply the control to the filter. Controlling two or
more VCO's from the keyboard is also possible. The oscillators can be offset to
any desired interval and, if correctly tuned in terms of the control, they will track
at that interval. With fixed voltage inputs or hardwired keyboard connections the
VCO tracking is no problem. If the control voltage attenua- 48
VCF tc-512 Tiottre i» constant ainca htflhw; rumioAte rs always tha tnoto
OCIava. Figure 6.6. Tracking an oscillator and filter tors are continuously
variable, tuning the correct response with more than one VCO can be difficult.
Let me suggest a method that may make it easier. a. Patch all the VCO's into a
mixer so they may all be heard together or individually. It will help if they all
come out of the same speaker. b. Connect the keyboard or any other control to
each VCO in parallel (the same control going to each VCO simultaneously). c.
On the mixer, turn down all but one VCO and adjust its control voltage
attenuator so that an octave on the keyboard sounds like an octave. When doing
this, begin with the lowest available octave on the keyboard; then when satisfied,
check the upper octaves. It will also help if the VCO's are all set to a
harmonically rich waveshape such, as square or sawtooth. Do this for all other
VCO's, listening to each one individually. d. Touch the lowest key on the
keyboard (or the key corresponding to 0 volts) and turn up the gain for the
second VCO. e. You will now hear both VCO's, probably set at some absurd
interval, so tune them to a unison. The rich waveshape will make it easier to hear
the beats. f- Touch the octave key and adjust the processing pot on VCO 2 so
that it is in tune with the reference. Do not touch the reference VCO unless you
are sure it has drifted or been changed. After the processing pot has been
adjusted to produce a unison, touch the 0 volt key and readjust the offset of VCO
2, as it probably will have changed a bit. g. Repeat this process for each
oscillator. Now the VCO's can be offset to any intervals and should track exactly
in tune. Some VCO's have phase locking capabilities which will insure precise
tracking. It has been my experience that the use of phase locking to correct
intonation really makes a bank of oscillators sound like one VCO as you lose
much of the phasing information inherent in so many interesting timbres.
However, if this is what you want, by all means use it Uses of phasing can be
very effective with other techniques and if you have to waste phasing by keeping
the VCO's in tune, something is probably out of adjustment on the VCO or the
keyboard (See figure 6.7a.) Keep in mind that VCO's do not have to track in
parallel. Try taking one leg of the control voltage through some various process
such as inversion or slewing (see figure 6.7b). Portamento. At times it may be
desirable to have a gradual voltage change, as in figure 6.8. This gradual voltage
change may be achieved on certain keyboards by using a "portamento'" control.
The word "portamento" must be understood in its literal sense (Italian— "to
carry"), since the gradual change of voltage need not be applied to frequency.
The portamento control setting will determine the time it takes for the voltage to
change from one level to another. This rate may be 49
era! pressure. The pressure voltage could then be used to control some other
dynamic parameter such as a filter. Additional dynamic inputs provided by
various keyboard designs include velocity and depth sensitivity. In the first case
a control is produced proportional to how fast a key is depressed, and the latter
capability produces a voltage proportional to how far a key is depressed. All of
this implies an important point which the musician should always bear in mind.
Acoustic events which have been useful as artistic tools are usually complex
structures with several ongoing variables. If one approves of this direction (and
some relevant composers often do not), the more inputting or interfacing
capabilities one has with the instrument the better. A device usually associated
with the keyboard is the "ribbon controller"' or the "linear controller." This is a
tight band about 2 feet long that will produce a voltage proportional to where it
is touched by the performer. The linear controller is usually equipped with a pot
which will determine the total output voltage, similar to the range control on the
keyboard. If the total output is 5 volts, and it is controlling an oscillator, it would
be possible to produce a 5 octave glis- sando by sliding one's finger from one
end of the ribbon to the other. An ascending glissando would be achieved by
sliding from left to right, while the opposite action would produce a descending
glissando. If the total output of the ribbon was set at 1 volt, the same physical
action would produce only a 1 octave glissando. This device will produce the
same effects as the portamento control on the keyboard. The basic differences
are that the ribbon often has a smaller range, but the individual characteristics of
the voltage sweeps can be more immediately controlled by the performer. An
extended voltage range with the same length ribbon could result in a loss of
performance accuracy. Some ribbon controllers are hardwired to add to the
keyboard output, limiting it to association with whatever the keyboard happens
to be controlling. Other ribbon controllers have undedicated outputs, and they
may be used to control whatever the performer decides. Timing fvises. Still
another application of the keyboard, independent of format, is the production of
triggers and gates (both referred to as "timing pulses"). These terms often differ
from manufacturer to manufacturer. As discussed earlier in this text, performing
on an instrument often requires a single input to control a variety of activities.
Assuming the keyboard is being used for pitch selection, you might also want
other things to happen simultaneously. For example, the timbre and loudness
might change according to some pre-programmed design, and at the same time
tbe sound might spin around the room in various patterns. These are
preprogrammed functions which the performer usually determines previously
and accesses in various ways in modules like envelope generators (see page 64).
sequencers (page 70), random voltage sources (page 83), etc. These functions
then have to be called forth by some command. And it is usually desirable to call
forth these commands simultaneously with other parametric changes which
might be controlled by a keyboard. These commands are called timing pulses.
The terms "trigger" and "gate" are often used interchangeably but there is a
distinction in what they do. First of all we should understand that a trigger and
gate have manufacturer determined levels and that the same voltage level for
each is produced for every key. Key 1 produces the same trigger and gate
voltage as key 30. A trigger is a transient voltage that has a very fast rise and fall
(see figure 6.13A). A trigger is used to cause something to happen, such as
incrementing a sequencer (page 64), calling up a random voltage, or triggering
an envelope generator to begin its attack (see page 70). Trigger voltages will
vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but they are usually high magnitude
voltages. A gate always accompanies a trigger and is a sustaining voltage which
allows something to continue to happen. The gate voltage may be the same
magnitude as the trigger or may be a bit lower (see figure 6.13B). Each time a
key is depressed it produces a trigger and a gate at the appropriate outputs. The
trigger is transient and its length cannot be varied. The gate, however, will stay
"on" or "high" for as long as the key is depressed. Upon release of the key the
gate will immediately turn "off or "low." This means that the trigger will activate
some function and the gate will allow this function to continue until the key is
released. In some cases an instrument is so designed that a clear user distinction
between trigger and gate is necessary. These systems will usually have separate
trigger and gate outputs and inputs. Other systems tie triggers and gates together
internally, and the responding module must distinguish between the two types of
information and use them accordingly. More will be said about triggers and
gates when discussing programmed control sources and other types of timing
pulse sources. A ' triggers —- mm m w///////m wa Figure 6.10. Triggers and
gates 51
At this point the reader should realize that most lands of timing pulses are not
controls in the sense that they can be adjusted in voltage to cause different
magnitudes of response. This does not mean that you should indiscriminately
plug triggers and gates into just any input. If there is a danger in confusing
timing pulses with controls, it will so state in the user's manual, or there will be a
clear distinction with the type or color of plug used. Joysticks One of the
cybernetic means of voltage production is the "joystick." A joystick consists of
two or more potential voltage sources which are simultaneously controlled by a
vertically-positioned lever. The two voltages are physically controlled at an
angle of 90° to each other on an X-Y axis. Movements of the joystick from right
to left would produce a relative change in voltage X, while movements of the
stick toward or away from the body would produce relative changes in voltage
Y. The advantage of the joystick is that it provides simultaneous but independent
control of any two voltage-controllable parameters. If voltage X is being used to
control amplitude and voltage Y is being used to control frequency, an endless
number of amplitude-frequency relationships can be realized. Movement of the
stick at a 90s angle in relation to the body will vary the frequency independent of
amplitude, and a right-left movement of the stick will vary the amplitude
independent of frequency. Moving the stick at an ascending angle would result
in an abrupt change in frequency with a relatively slow change in amplitude
(figure 6.11A). The opposite effect (abrupt change in amplitude with a relatively
slow change in frequency) could be produced by moving the stick at a right
angle (figure 6.11B). A circular rotation of the joystick would produce a
continually varying change in the two parameters in constant opposite
relationships (figure 6.11C). Some joystick shafts are mounted on a vertically
positioned pot to provide a Z axis voltage. The voltage is then proportional to the
up-down movement of the stick. This 2 axis voltage, of course, can be attached
to any desired parameter. This may be combined with the previous patch to
control a filter cut-off as illustrated in figure 6.11D. ^^r •fa-VcjFapx^xtfrx ate
Flflur»6.11. Joysticks 52
Even more useful, and more expensive, joystick designs provide a fourth voltage
produced by a rotary handle. As the stick is being turned, the handle or entire
stick is capable of independent rotation, thereby producing a fourth dynamically
variable control. Such a four-axis joystick can provide control of four
independent parameters with a single hand. Keep in mind that this is not easy
and requires practice—but what instrument capable of significant structures
doesn't? Envelope Detectors Many performance situations are enhanced and
often simplified by interfacing external acoustic or electronic signals with
electronic instruments. The circuits which provide for direct control from
external instruments are generally known as Envelope Detectors (or Envelope
Followers) and Pitch-to-VoUage converters (FVC). Basically, the envelope
detector produces a control voltage proportional to the amplitude or incipient
loudness of a sound, and the PVC produces a control voltage proportional to the
fundamental frequency or pitch of a sound. The following section will discuss
both instruments in some detail. An "envelope" is commonly known as the
loudness curve of a sound. Figure 6.12 illustrates some generalized envelopes
from various familiar acoustic events. It must be pointed out that envelopes from
acoustic sound sources are much more complex than these illustrations represent
If you have access to an oscilloscope, observe the voltage behavior of various
kinds of acoustic waveshapes. It must also be stressed that these envelopes are a
function of the loudness of the instrument, not the pitch. There is a certain
amount of correlation between loudness and pitch, but in order to keep things
understandable, don't be concerned with the correlation at this time. Most
envelope detectors are designed to accept a line or high level signal. Details of
this are given in chapter 14. In this present discussion it means that most
acoustic sources such as electric guitars, microphones, some electronic pianos,
etc., will have to be pre-amplified, as their signal is too low to be effectively
detected by the circuit Therefore, in trying out some of the suggested patches,
have your studio technician adjust your instrument up to line level (if you don't
know how to do it), or turn ahead and read chapter 14, page 225). Working from
a simple patch will facilitate the understanding of an envelope detector. If you
have the resources, patch together the instrument illustrated in figure 6.13. After
the audio signal is brought up to the correct level with a pre-amp, it is patched to
the input of the ED. Its output is then patched to the control input of a VCO. It
will be easier to hear what is happening if the waveshape has minimal harmonic
content (sine or triangle). The ED will usu- gurtir (rtftQtno) gwl«f (pluck) the
word "you" ocevnwsve Figure 6.12. Generalized envelopes Figure 6.13.
Envelope detector patch ally have a control marked "sensitivity" or "response." It
may be a pot or switch which determines the proportion of output control
voltage to the amplitude of the input signal. With this control at minimum, a "mP
sound will produce little or no control voltage. Play some different articulations
on the instrument and experiment with how this control affects the VCO. If the
sensitivity is at maximum, a moderately loud sound will produce a control that
drives up the pitch- of the VCO a proportional amount As the sensitivity is
lowered, the same sound will not have as much effect on the pitch of the VCO,
since the output voltage has been reduced. The sensitivity control is, in fact, an
attenuator which allows you to tailor the ED's response to your own needs. This
same thing can be accomplished by lowering the control voltage attenuator on
the VCO, but leave it at maximum for now so the various effects of the ED can
be heard. Now patch up the instrument as in figure 6.14. In this case the output
of the ED is patched to the control input of a VGA Trying the same experiments,
you will find that the loudness and articulation of the input signal determines the
loudness and articulation of the signal from the VCA. Most ED's will have a
second control marked "decay," "lag," or even "slew." Figure 6.14. Gain control
with an envelope detector 53
opposite logic, in that the control envelope is inverted. If the instrument is not
playing, the processed control is at maximum. As the instrument produces an
envelope, the control voltage is proportionally attenuated. Hence the VCO is
heard only while the acoustic instrument is not playing. As soon as the
instrument begins to play, the inverted envelope turns down the VCA gain
proportionally. If this sort of "if," "and," -Both VCA* ©tfeet - c Th» VCA gain
most M UP »th# M0ttT*« vo&ao* few Vto nvtvtsr W twv th# gwDOm
"neither," "nor" logic interests the reader, turn to the score for Robert Ashley's
String Quartet Describing the Motions of Large Real Bodies at the end of this
chapter (page 92). Pitch-to-Voltage Converters If the process of envelope
detection is understood, the process of pitch-to-voltage conversion will be
relatively simple to grasp but not always so easy to accomplish. A pitch-to-
voltage converter (PVC) is exactly what the term implies: it detects the
fundamental of a note being played and converts it to an analogous control
voltage. For example, suppose a flute were to play a series of arpeggios, as in
example 6.18. The PVC would extract the fundamental of each note and convert
it to corresponding control voltages. Assuming the 1 volt per octave standard,
the control voltages could then be patched to a VCO and, if offset to the correct
pitch, would reproduce the pitches played by the flute. The VCO could also be
offset at a different pitch and would track with the flute at that interval. With
certain instruments, PVCs present some problems. Most acoustic signals have a
transient harmonic state, especially on the attack What this amounts to is that the
fundamental of a pitch is not always the strongest or most apparent component
of a sound's spectrum. When this is the case, it can be very difficult for the PVC
to perceive what the fundamental frequency actually is. Depending on the nature
of the transients, the PVC may switch back and forth between harmonics, or
even noise, until the waveshape has settled down enough to present clearly the
fundamental for conversion. This, of course, takes too much time for adequate
musical applications. There are several methods a manufacturer may use to solve
these problems, but this also takes time for die circuitry to do the job. Current
surveys of PVC users indicate various degrees of satisfaction and dissatisfaction,
most of them relating to this type of problem. We can assume, however, that
technology will perfect the PVC, and the following discussion will be based
upon this assumption. PHwre 6.17. Envelope detector applications • "tha two
VCOS track in paraitot S0K ttaoaaa thvy W ©aaaf Figure 6.18. Pitch-to-voltage
conversion 55
Since most of the PVC applications are to make an electronic sound source track
at set intervals, it is consistent that envelope duplication would also be of use.
Most PVCs have built-in envelope detectors and Schmitt triggers. Beyond tins,
one can think of the PVC as just an alternate to the keyboard. Miscellaneous
Controllers The EML Poly-Box is a combination one-octave keyboard and PVC.
This is an accessory designed to provide limited polyphonic capabilities to an
instrument. An output of any VCO is patched to the Poly-Box. Since in this case
the PVC is given a relatively steady- state electronically generated signal, the
conversion is uncomplicated and very accurate. The converted voltage then
controls an internal oscillator in parallel with V*t Figure 6.19. Pitch following
and transposition with the EML Potybox the external source and offset as
desired- By mean* of an electronic organ technique of top-octave division, the
C-to-C chromatic polyphonic keyboard is tuned to the pitch of the master
oscillator. If the master oscillator is tuned to "A," a C major scale will sound like
an A major scale. The term "polyphonic" must really be qualified in this case as
all available 13 pitches come from a single output and are subject to the same
enveloping, filtering, etc. (see fig. 6.19). The percussionist is accommodated by
several kinds of percussion interfaces and percussion synthesizers. Figure 6.20
shows Star Instruments' Synare 2 Percussion Synthesizer. This is the basic
synthesizer voice with a monophonic tunable keyboard taking the form of rubber
pads much like practice pads. The padboard is purposefully laid out so as not to
resemble an organ format. Each pad may be assigned a pitch and octave, so that
pitch patterns can be set up to be accessed in the most convenient manner.
Another switch is used to preset the pads to a chromatic sequence from C to B.
The pads also generate triggers for activating other functions built into the
instrument. The Synare £ is designed as an independent instrument, and
therefore its control voltages and triggers are not available to be interfaced with
other synthesizers. The Moog Percussion Controller is yet another type of source
of control for the drummer which reacts in much the same manner as a touch
keyboard. Its output voltage is determined by how hard the drum is hit, and the
voltage can be patched to any usable voltage con- SB3/Q3D H LEO rr~i ii IF
Mb EC& II BLXES liiiiir AMU* tglFR ii ii t i O *■■ e C ft ef c MINIM! NOTH
seqlcimceS" 1 II II II 1 *ox> ancr ■»*•*» occ a*^ Figure 6J20. Synare 2
Diagram (From the Synare 2 Percussion Synthesizer/Digital Sequencer Manual.
Courtesy of Star Instruments. Inc. Used by permission-) 56
trolled parameter. The percussionist may control the pitch of a VCO, loudness
by means of a VCA, etc. Two manually set controls determine the drum's
sensitivity (how hard one has to hit to get a response) and scale or output voltage
range. These voltages, of course, may then be further altered by whatever
processing modules are needed and available. Wind players cannot be neglected;
they are accommodated by instruments like the Lyricon (figure 6.21). Designed
in much the same manner as a claiinet with fingerings based on the classic
Boehm system, the instrument gives direct control over pitch, loudness,
articulation, and timbre. Biological Controls One of the more interesting areas of
performer input is the sensing and transduction of direct biological functions and
reactions. Keep in mind that anything which can be measured can be turned into
a voltage, and if a voltage is compatible with an instrument, practically anything
is fair game. Various types of brainwave activity, skin temperature, muscle
tension, periods between different modes of physical activities, etc., can be used
and have been used as real-time performance input for electronic instruments.
One of the earliest works of this nature is Alvin Lucier's Music for Solo
Performer. Here the performer's alpha activity- is sensed through special
amplifiers and amplified to be used as sub-audio and low frequency activators
for various resonating objects. Since this is such a landmark work in the
development of input concepts, the score is reproduced here as a matter of
documentation. A newer version of Music for Solo Performer was developed in
1973 with the assistance of Nicholas Collins (figure 6.22). In this version the
"comparator" and "retriggerable mono- stable" generate timing pulses when the
alpha voltage 2. An alpha wave is a very low magnitude voltage of from 9 to 13
Hz generated by certain brain activity. Figure 6.22. Alvin Lucier's Music far
Soto Performer (Used by permission of the composer.) 58
cfcct * BPF SPF BPF BPF •* ■• * » 4 FOURIER ANA1K2ER >^1 OUT I "-^1 I
Fours) David Rosenboom for Tea Coons Electrodes and appropriate reonitormg
devices are attached to monitor the brain waves o) four musicians who have
been wet) rehearsed in the voluntary control of their psychophysiological
functions. Monitors are abo attached to two of the performers for body
temperature and to the remaining two for galvanic stun response. This
information is an ted into an analyzing system that extracts such things as.
percent time per minute spent emitting MSna brain waves, average time spent
emitting Alpha, the amount of variance in the amplitude of Alpha, the coherence
time of any panelm discovered in the brain wave, correlations between
brainwaves of two or more pertormert. relative entropy of the waveforms,
relative intensity of various spectral bands in the brain waves, etc. A sound
producing system is set up as follows. Four frequency dmders. (NEUROMA
CO. Model OM1100101. see operating instructions), capable of producing pulse
waves that are some integral division of a sine wave frequency being ted to an
four, are sat op. These dividers are voltage controlled, in that the integral divisor
of the input relerence frequency can be varied by applying a varying reference
voltage to a separate input on the unit. With one sine frequency being applied to
an four dividers, then, exact pitch ratios can be produced. This dhrisor selecting
reference voltage comes from the measures of body temperature and galvanic
skin response of the performers. Further, the pulse waves of exact frequency
rates are fed into a bank of voltage controlled resonant band pass there, caned a
Hotophone. Relative amplitudes of the tutors' outputs analysis of the performers
brain waves is of the filers. The relative output amplitudes from the Fourier
analysis of the brain can be programmed. The results of the directly applied to
the voltage control of the fitters are controlled by signals waveforms. When two
or more pulse waves of exact pitch intervals are applied to a resonant band pass
flier, the fitter can extract the harmonics present in the waveform composite. A
particular exact interval wis then produce a set of eiiiaruwn harmonics that forms
a mode. When the mtervat changes, so does the mode. The music proceeds ass
an improvisation within these modal possmifities. The pulse wave intervals are
also pteved and function as a drone which is unpen ant to the piece. The
technician s part fies m the modes of analysis of the bram waves he eaes end
thee* application as control for the sound producmg system. biofeedback
research and respond to the experiences of the exploratory rehearsal sessions.
For five performances the author Applied Research Model 10QA Signal
Correlatioo Function Fourier Analyzer. ' uses a Prmceton and a Model 102
Copyright, fit. David Rosenboom 1972 from experiments. Ed. by David
Rosoaboofn. Biofeedback and the Arts—results of early Research Centre of
Canada. Uied by Figure 6.23. David Rosenboom's Portable Gold and
Philosopher's Stones (Music Irom Brains in Fours) frequency dividers, and the
controls are further processed to control filters. The score is reprinted here and
the patch for performance is illustrated in figure 6J23. Richard Teitelbaum's In
Tune is still another approach to bio-control, utilizing visual display and
amplified throat and heart sounds (figure 6.24). Two filters in series allow only
brainwave activity between 8 and 12 Hz to be conveyed to controls by an
envelope follower (detector). The detected voltages control two VCO's and the
trigger output allows the loudness and timbre to be shaped by an envelope
generator. This work was composed specifically for a. Moog instrument. I am
generally trying to avoid aesthetic discussions, but biofeedback suggests some
relevant aesthetic questions and answers. I would strongly recommend that the
reader read Rosenboom's Biofeedback and the Arts. 60
so* 7S% —1"^ pcnoct Figure 6.28. Pulse length figure 6.28) indicates that the
pulse is high for only one half a second. Pulse width in no way affects the rate at
which pulses are being generated. Using voltage control of pulse width can offer
some interesting correlations. These applications will be covered when
discussing envelope generators (see page64). The Buchla 100 Series Timing
Pulse Generator has two alternating outputs, and these output pulses are
altemately assigned to each output, allowing pulse division by 2 or alternate
triggering of functions. With the mode switch in the "repetitive" position, die
TPG will produce timing pulses at a period proportional to the manual offset or
an external control voltage. Certain oscillators can be used to perform most of
the above tasks. What is needed is a low frequency squarewave oscillator with
pulse width modulation VOLTAGE CONIROUEO OSCILLATOR an ncc > 0
uKomamcr e o cut Hast mm jBt • 0 t <m 2 * mo MRU. ■em wnmflKs in u m
tOW i m 2 % CTC # Haw* 629. Eu 2200 VCO (Courtesy Eu Systems, Inc. Used
by PWitssion.) and gate inputs. The Eu 2200 has these specifications and is
pictured in figure 6.29. The Eu 2200 VCO oscillates as slow as .03 Hz. That
means an incipient pulse period of 33 seconds—certainly long enough for most
applications. When the "gate" input receives a voltage of about 2.5 volts or more
(from another gate or any other controller), the oscillation will stop, and as soon
as the gate voltage drops below this threshold, the oscillator will start again. This
is close enough to a start-stop mode to be workable for the knowledgeable user.
The pulse width offset and pulse width modulation input determine the duty-
cycle from 0 to 100%. This is comparable to width or gate time. On some
oscillators the pulse width can virtually be 0 or 100%. With 0% pulse width all
you have is 0 volts, and 100% pulse width means non-fluctuating DC—hence no
oscillation in either case. If a pulse width variable oscillator appears not to be
working, check out the pulse width controls. Whether the oscillator has to be
patched through an ED to give the correct voltage levels will vary from
instrument to instrument. Usually, as long as an incipient trigger and gate
voltage are above the required levels, everything should work. Of course not all
VCO's have all these features; but a little thought and investigation of the specs
will usually bring latent possibilities to light Electronic Switches Electronic,
Analogue or Sequential Switches are not limited to timing pulse information, but
they will be discussed briefly so that various function generators can be
presented in a variety of applications. Figure 6.30 illustrates a logic module
capable of processing in ^\/\Sk/\ Figure 6^0. Analogue L. switch 63
both analogue (control) and digital (timing) voltages. For example, imagine that
three different keyboard players were producing independent controls for a
VCO, and the three keyboard voltages were taken to the three "signal" inputs of
the switch. The voltage which is present at the output depends on the condition
of the input pulse information. If a pulse input is activated, the associated control
voltage input is connected to the output. Thus a player may select which of the
ongoing controls will be sent to the VCO by routing pulses to the desired input
or by manually activating a front panel switch. The switch also has
corresponding trigger outputs which are activated whenever a corresponding
input signal is selected. Instruments such as the Moog 962 Sequential Switch can
switch control or audio voltages, and the switching may be pulse or manually
activated in any chosen order. They may* be sequentially switched (1-2-3-1-2- 3
or 1-2-1-2, etc.) by applying timing voltages to the "switching input." Timing
Pulse Delays A timing pulse is binary information—it is either there or not there
—and just about all one can do is to define conditions in which they will or will
not be generated or allowed to have some effect. There is. however, one other
possible timing pulse process, and this is to delay it. Some function generators
have built-in trigger delays. With a pot or control voltage, the user may define a
delay time. Once this delay time has been defined, a pulse can be applied and die
function will not begin until after that delay time has been completed. Figure
6.31 shows the Moog 911-A Dual Trigger Delay. In this design a "coupling
mode" switch determines the routing of the input and output pulses. In the
"parallel" position the trigger inputs of both delays are connected. A' single pulse
at either input will activate both delay circuits, each still having the possibility of
independent delay time for each circuit When each circuit's delay time is
complete, a pulse will be generated at its respective output. When the switch is
in the "series" position, the trigger output of the upper circuit is connected to the
input of the lower circuit. When the delay cycle of the upper circuit is complete,
it will automatically trigger the lower circuit In the "off" position both circuits
are completely independent. In addition to dedicated trigger delay modules, there
are a few "tricks" that one may use to make other function generators delay and
divide timing pulses. These techniques will be described in connection with the
appropriate module. The preceding paragraphs by no means present extensive
information on timing pulse logic. But there is enough information to "trigger*
the question, "so what?" The rest of this chapter will be dedicated to a survey of
most types of function generators. Having mzcg 915* Figure 6.31. Moog 911A
Trigger Delay a basic understanding of timing pulse logic at this point makes it
possible to explore the many applications of control voltage generation without
confusing the role of a timing voltage and a control voltage. A timing pulse can
initiate, sustain, or terminate a function; a function is a control that defines a
parametric response. Voltage Sources Envelope Generators. The most common
function generator is known under various names, such as Envelope Generator
(EG), Attack Generator (AG), Transient Generator (TG), Contour Generator
(CG), Function Generator (FG), AR, ADSR, and probably some more I have
omitted. Such a divergence in terms has to do with their assumed application by
the manufacturer or with attempts to describe circuit operation. Each term has
come under semantic attack by the competitors with both significant and
insignificant arguments. Rather than contribute to the situation of a confused
terminology, I will arbitrarily use the general term Envelope Generator (EG),
simply because this is universally understood. 64
rise and fall with each trigger. Figure 6.34B is a further variation which inverts
the control envelope. In this case the VCO is sonic until a trigger is received.
The rising and falling envelope is then inverted to a falling and rising envelope
to effect a diminuendo and crescendo. In figure 6.34C an envelope is quantized
before being patched to a VCO and also patched in its normal state to a VCA.
The result is a correlation between a scale or arpeggio (depending on
quantization points) and loudness. Most AD envelope generators will have a
"duration" control. The setting of a pot will determine how long the envelope
will remain at its peak level before the decay cycle begins. This setting would
define the sustain qualities of a sound but is not to be confused with the "sustain"
level of an ADSR (see page 67). Figure 6.35 shows the "Attack-Release" or
"AR" type of EG. The difference between this and the "AD" is that the AR is not
allowed to complete its attack if die gate is not present, or to begin its decay
cycle until the gate voltage is low. If the timing pulses come from a keyboard,
this means that the envelope will sustain at its maximum voltage until the key is
released, at which point the programmed decay cycle begins. The Buchla 100
and 200 Series Attack Generators and the 200 Series Quad Function Generator
have front panel switches which tell the circuit whether or not to respond to the
gate or sustain information, although with this module the attack will not be
interrupted. Figure 6^5. "Attack-release" envelope generator In the "sustained"
mode, the envelope will not decay until the gate is released. In the "transient"
mode, the sustain time is preprogrammed and will not depend on gate duration.
On most designs the sustain time will continue to evolve even if the AR is being
held in sustain by a gate. When the gate is released and the sustain time has gone
past its setting, the envelope will begin to decay. Extremely short duration
sounds and interesting "dicks" are almost impossible to achieve if an EG is
reading the gate information—especially if from a keyboard. Examine the patch
diagram in figure 6.36. A keyboard is controlling a VCO whose output is split
into two parallel VCA's. Each controlling EG is triggered by the keyboard pulse.
EG 1 is in the transient mode with a rapid attack and decay (about .02
milliseconds). EG 2 is in the sustain mode, so that its output voltage will stay
high as long as a key is depressed The signal from VCA 1 will be short clicks of
sounds with the pitch identity depending on the frequency. Low frequencies
have to be sonic longer than high frequencies, as it takes a crtain number of
"cycles" before our ear registers a definite pitch. This will probably be more
effective with a rich waveshape. Since EG 1 does not register gate information,
the envelope will always be the same length, independent of gate time or how
long the key is depressed. EG 2, however, will sustain until the gate is released
by releasing the key. The final mixed result is a "click" at the beginning of the
sound, accompanied by a sustained sound of the same pitch. You should be able
to hold down any key and effect the clicks by touching other keys (without
releasing the depressed key). Remember that the pitch will either be the lowest
or last key depressed, depending on keyboard design. On some instruments, gate
and trigger information are carried by the same patchcord, and with other
instruments will have to be separately patched in. Figure &36. Parallel envelopes
Remember that any suggestion appearing at any point in this text can usually be
combined with other information provided previously. For a text to document
and notate every possible patch would be impossible. It is recommended here
that the reader begin a catalogue of cross-referenced patches. Whenever new
information pertaining to your resources is presented, add it to the patch book
and turn back through the older patches to see how it can be incorporated. The
most common type of EG is the ADSR, such as the Eu 2350 Transient Generator
pictured in figure 6.37A. With acoustically produced events, the inertia required
initially to get a string, reed, lips, etc., moving contains much more energy than
what is required to sustain the event. When driving a car the gas pedal is held
down until the desired speed is reached and, at least on flat land, tie pedal can he
released a bit and the speed will be maintained. This "attack" transient results in
a lot of helter-skelter with fluctuating harmonic and non-harmonic content and
noise. The ADSR is an attempt to' simulate some of this activity with a high
magnitude attack transient When triggered by an external pulse, the envelope
generator will produce a voltage which rises to a maximum DC level with a rise
time as fast as 1 millisecond or as slow as 10 seconds, depending on the design.
This is the "A" or Attack stage. As soon as the voltage level has reached
maximum, it begins an "initial decay'* which is also manually set to last between
1 millisecond and 10 seconds. During this time the initial decay voltage
approaches a manually set "sustain" level that may range from zero DC to die
system's maximum level This sustain level will be maintained until the gate
voltage is released. The sustain control is not a temporal device like the rise time
and initial decay pots, but is used to determine the amount or magnitude of the
sustain voltage. The time period of the sustain voltage is dependent on the length
of the applied trigger pulse. After the trigger voltage is released, there is a "final
decay" or "release," "R," which is also manually preset for any time period
between 1 millisecond and 10 seconds. All four events automatically take place
in sequence upon receiving a single timing pulse. Figure 6.37B is a graphic
representation of a generated ADSR envelope. Getting the right kind of
responses from various keyboard timing pulses takes some thought and practice.
The music in figure 6.38 requires a series of envelopes with differing decays. It
is, of course, usually aot practical to play the release pot manually while playing
the keyboard. The solution here is to know that the initial decay in most ADSR's
is terminated with the release of the gate voltage. By holding down a key, the
attack and initial decay will cycle as programmed. If die key is just tapped, the
initial decay voltage will immediately fall to the sustain level, no DUAL
TRANSIENT GENERATOR J*"*. /V « § 9 a as ,^Cx nc ne tat irk nc /^^ una cut
name on too «us mm ajar mm- nutinr ■UMUL WE TBJCCEtMC fflp Figure
6.37A. Transient generator (Courtesy Eu Systems, inc. Used by permission.)
W/////M/////MWA ol gat* wRaoe A- «t*ekwne O- ma* Oecsy erne S- statin
wttage |*»M <dur«iion mm a (MWrrmmea by me e»'« owitien) B- rettase » *ui
oacar Figure 6.37B. The ADSR Figure 6.38. Envelope articulations matter where
it is in its cycle. To produce the articulations notated in the example, set the
functions as follows-, attack = minimum; initial decay = the longest required
note value; sustain level = 0 volts; release = minimum. As shown in figure 6.39,
a sustained key will let the initial decay evolve through its entire cycle, in effect
simulating an AD function. If the key (gate voltage) is released at any time
before the cycle is complete, the voltage will immediately drop to zero. In this
way one can approximate piano-like articulations. Remember, this technique
only works if the initial decay can be interrupted by the release of the gate. More
real-time variation in envelope shapes can be accomplishd by voltage control of
all the functions. These manipulations are usually only possible on larger
instruments, but they certainly are worth the extra expense for the meticulous
composer or performer. Eu Instruments manufacture an adjunct to their envelope
generator, called the 2355-Voltage Controlled Transient Generator Input Unit. It
is connected to the 67
3umam and rillm — 0 ft J I 9ml*. ■^s N .JZL ■0-' ■»■■ tv ".ST Figure 639.
Various gate durations used to vary articulations JS KB X " y t p 1v S t A ^
Figure 6.40. ADSR voltage controlled parameters envelope generator by internal
connectors. Input voltages to the module may be front panel attenuated as
needed and then summed with the envelope generator's offsets. Thus any or all
of the voltage functions may be controlled dynamically. One very common
application is to set the EC for short envelopes and use an inverted form of the
voltage going to the VCO (see figure 6.40A). Since low notes require relatively
longer envelopes, the low voltage producing low pitches is inverted to a high
voltage and produces proportionally longer decays. Other voltages could be used
to control other parameters as in figure 6.40B. Here the X axis of a joystick is
patched to the initial decay input, the Y axis is patched to sustain level input, and
some kmesthetically generated keyboard voltage (velocity, pressure, eta) is
inverted to control the attack. This is probably a hypothetical patch for the
resources of most players, but it does point out the possibilities. A sharp
keyboard attack produces a short attack, low notes have corresponding longer
final decays, and the overall loudness and initial decay can be controlled
simultaneously by the joystick. The applications of trigger delay will come up in
future patches but should be briefly discussed here in terms of delayed onset
times. All of the above examples involve relatively slow time patterns. In actual
usage, envelope generators are usually programmed to function at very rapid
speeds. The onset behavior or attack of most acoustical events has different
effects on the various components of a wave. Figure 6.41 shows the amplitude
characteristics of the fundamental and first four overtones in the first 130
milliseconds of a violin attack (at a frequency of 435 Hz). It can be seen that the
fundamental has a comparatively slow rise rime when compared to the third
overtone. The third overtone also has a very rapid initial decay time. In the
electronic creation of attacks, the individual control of these various
characteristics can be readily directed with an envelope generator reacting on a
voltage controlled amplifier. Observing the many amplitude changes in figure
6.41, one can imagine how an envelope generator with an unlimited number of
programmable voltage levels can be of great use in the control of transients. The
various voltage levels of the initial rise times are achieved with the use of a
voltage attenuator or a control voltage processor (see page 37). By controlling a
bank of envelope generators from a single trigger pulse, all of the components in
figure 6.41 can be controlled. The delayed onset of the fifth overtone is
accomplished by using a ^trigger delay." A pulse would directly trigger four
envelope generators and a trigger delay would initiate the fifth overtone about 22
milliseconds later (figure 6.42). Each envelope generator would be programmed
to produce the various rise, duration, and decay times for the particular wave
component it is controlling. The trigger delay may be a function of the envlope
generator, as with Eu Instruments, or may be accomplished through a delay
module as on the Moog studio instruments. The Buchla 281 Quad Function
Generator (figure 6.43A) has a feature which would be quite difficult to patch
externally (see figure 6.43B). By means of a switch, the top and/or bottom two
function generators are put in "quadrature." In essence this means that the two
functions are 90* out-of-phase with each other, independent of individual time
constants. When a timing pulse is received, FG1 begins its attack. When the
attack peak is reached, FG 2 begins its attack. FG 2 is then not allowed to begin
its decay until FG 1 has ended its decay. The two envelopes are available as
separate outputs or they may be mixed internally. The Buchla 281 also issues an
output trigger when the decay reaches 0 volts. This trigger may be patched to
any external module and/or patched by means of a switch back to the trigger
input for cyclical firing. With a patch cord one can also attach the output trigger
to the input of the next FG. All four FG's can be 68
_Zj^ O—^f ^ E6 EG* hk>- EG 8 hNN 1.-1—» EG1 EG 2 VCf f^Zl-, E -^^ VCF
EG A^r7]>A^ y* EG G Q c .ifcfe ^ y1 fm 1 • Figure 6.44. Envelope generator
applications F. G. H. An envelope's overall magnitude can be controlled by
multiplying it with another voltage. Here a pressure or velocity voltage from the
keyboard is used, so hard or fast key depressions determine the total magnitude
of the envelope—thus harder key articulations produce louder sounds. The
attack and decay of an AB. function is extended by integration. Take care here
that integration time is not so slow that it prevents the voltage peak from being
reached. A variation on patches A, B, or C, in which the spectral sweep can be
quantized into harmonic "steps." Sequencers. The sequencer, sequential voltage
source, sequential controller, etc., is a programmable memory of non-fluctuating
control voltages which can be taught to handle a variety of tasks. Since the
sequencer has a multitude of applications, it is probably the most complex of all
voltage sources. The main function of the sequencer is to supply the composer
with pots lor satting votes* <■*•> 'or aaeh mag** i 4- OOOOOOO t~ o o o o o o
o v- status light to Mieat* which stag* is bsing a4dt*sa*d at *ach nocnant Figure
6.45. sequencer a repetitious stage of preset voltages. The various designs may
allow for as few as 2 or as many as 256 individual DC voltages to be produced
in sequence at varying speeds. The basic design for a sequencer is illustrated in
figure 6.45. Each individual voltage may be manually set by using the individual
voltage pots. By controlling the speed of the sequencer with trigger pulses, it is
possible to produce the voltages at a constant rate, or the rate may be changed by
varying the speed of the control trigger. The most commonly used source of
trigger pulses with the sequencer is the timing pulse generator or a clock
oscillator, because the rate of the pulses can be controlled manually or by
voltage control. Some sequencers are equipped with an internal speed control 70
Otoe* or pulse source <msy be internal to the sequencer) Figure 6.46. Sequencer
ostinato voltage cat resufong trom ramng the sot tram bottom to top* svaspsttor
>ol 1 vottraflge QtteottKeo voltage steps caused by raising the pot trom bottom
to top* l octave gbssendo ti/12 S'6 8'1 213 Tl IS Mi SM8 1/3 ! IA ue 1/12 0 g
■'-«$♦'•»?»-*= •aegratea 12 note cinematic scale "Tho example assumes en
anemuKM 1 volt range ot the voltage sweep. The Qitauliior may be internal to
the Seqeancar so enemaI medntoi are not neeced, AB Qeaetizers do not automat
K eay miintflo 12-tone equal temperament. Cheek yoari Figure 6.47. Quantized
sequences and do not necessarily have to depend on external trigger pulses. An
ostinato passage, as in figure 6.46 would very easily lend itself to sequencer
applications. The sequencer would be patched to a voltage controlled os- cuTator
and each increment of the sequencer would then be set to produce the desired
frequency of the ostinato passage. If the tempo is J = 180, the 32nd notes must
be at a speed of 24 per second. The sequencer can be programmed to fire at this
rate by supplying it with trigger pulses with a period of .4. The sequencer may
continue to produce this pattern for any number of repetitions, or it may be
programmed to stop after the first repetition. Sequencers with internal speed
controls will produce the same tempo by manual setting of the pot. The voltage
offset for each increment is usually an analog pot It is continuously variable
throughout its entire voltage range. There are several models available which
feature quantization, such as the EML 400 Series Sequencer and the Buchla 248
Multiple Arbitrary Function Generator. The quantizer will divide the infinitely
variable pot voltage into discrete voltage levels, usually linear voltage divisions
to be used in various lands of equal interval tuning. By quantizing a bank of
controls, equal temperament tuning can be accomplished faster and more
accurately (see figures 6.47A and B). The programmed voltages in a sequencer
bank are non-fluctuating. If controlling a VCO, it would normally be impossible
to glissando between pitches. Voltage slides can be produced by using an
integrator. The sequencer voltages are processed through the in- 71
ij-ffesy-y JJ—^ ^ -i- > J :H Figure 6-48. integrated sequencer patterns Figure
6.49. Mutti-bank or matrix tegrator and the appropriate time constants are set
(see figure 6.48). The Buchla 248 provides the option of individual increment
selection for integration. In this way some pitches can have accompanying glis-
sandi and others can be non-glissandi. If appHed to a VCF, certain increments
would cause timbral sweeps while others would produce abrupt timbre changes.
Just as with tie voltage keyboards, the sequencer may have from one to three (or
more) banks of individually controlled outputs. This is sometimes called a
matrix sequencer. Each bank can have a different sequence of preset voltages,
but the firing speed for all three banks will remain constant When the first
increment for the first bank fires, so does the first increment for all of the other
banks. Whether or not the composer chooses to utilize the other banks is his own
decision. With multiple banks it is possible to program any sequence of
frequencies with, one set of pots and control the individual amplitudes with
another set (figure 6.49A). By using a third output, it is possible to program very
complex rhythmic patterns. Patching an output to a sequencer's speed control,
via a timing pulse generator or its own internal firing control, the player will
change each progression to the next increment, with the speed proportional to
the voltage of that particular increment (figure 6.49B). As an example, the
relatively simple pattern below could be programmed in the following manner:
J': «0 xu in 72
The first increment on the sequencer would be set to produce a voltage which,
when applied to the sequencer's speed control, would advance to the next
increment at a rate of once every 2 seconds. The second and third increments
would have to produce a higher voltage which would advance the sequencer at a
rate of twice in 1 second, and the fourth increment would have to advance the
sequencer at a rate of every 1& seconds, continuing in the same manner for the
time value of each note. If this process were being controlled by the third bank
of voltages, with frequency controlled by the first bank and amplitude by the
second, the three basic parameters of musical composition could be subjected to
sequential programming. Sequencers are particularly, but not exclusively,
applicable to serial techniques because of die possibility of transforming any
parameter to a voltage and controlling it with a sequential (serial) source. The
standard design of sequencers today consists of either 8, 12, or 16 increments.
These are only arbitrary numbers decided upon by the manufacturers and axe of
no special benefit to the composer. By using an "increment switch," it is possible
to fire any number of successive increments in the bank. If a composed wishes to
have only five increments in a particular pattern, he can set the increment switch
to "5* and only the first five voltages would fire as a repetitive pattern. Another
method of increment selection is with individual switches that allow for any
number of individual voltages to be eliminated from the sequence. By switching
out the unwanted increments, the composer is not always forced to use the preset
successive voltages. In certain designed sequencers, this switching may be
manual or controlled with triggers. Two other techniques of incrementation
available on some instruments are pulse address and analog address. With pulse
address, each increment will have an accompanying pulse input When a trigger
is set to an increment's pulse address input, the sequencer will switch to that
increment The composer may then program a series of sub-sequences and call
them up as needed. Figure 6.50 illustrates one possible application. A 16-stage
sequencer is programmed for four different arpeggio patterns to control a VCO.
The individual pulse outputs from another sequencer are used to define which
sub-sequence is addressed. The addressing sequencer can then be set for the
desired clocking rate or may be clocked manually. Analog address allows a
control voltage level from any source to select a sequencer increment For
example, a low voltage from a keyboard would select a low increment, and a
higher voltage would select a proportionately higher increment In this manner a
series of sub-sequences could be programmed and addressed in any order.
Analog address can be a useful method of re-toning an equal-tempered
keyboard. Patch the keyboard voltage output to the analog address input and see
what keys address what sequencer increments. Ideally key #1 should address
increment #1, key #2 address increment #2, and so on. Now use the sequencer
output to control a VCO. Each increment can then be tuned to any desired
frequency and twelve-tone equal-^tamperment"5 can be defeated. Another
application of sequencer incrementation is random, address. Some designs such
as the ARP 400 have this option built into the circuit. By switching from
"sequential" to "random," the sequencer will switch from increment to increment
in random order. This can be very useful when the composer wishes to establish
a file of specific voltages and then have the instrument randomly pick from that
file. The sequencer could be tuned to a diatonic octave scale and then randomly
access diatonically related pitches from that scale—a possibility for "random
pandiatonic music'? The selection of increments will be at the rate determined by
the clock. This parameter could be given a correlating randomness by using the
output of the randomly selected increments to control the clock speed. 5. A
lovely term coined by composer Lou Harrison. »1 C2 S3 3t* oooooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooooo '■ * ♦ + '~X 00600000 OOOOOOOO Figure 6.50.
Sequencer pulse address
The term "correlated" random is used because it is assumed that the sequencer
will also control another parameter such as pitch. If a voltage controls both pitch
and duration of that pitch, there is an established and predictable relationship. If
die clock is an LFO, a high random voltage will produce a high pitch and a
correspondingly shorter duration (higher clock speed). If the clock is of the
"pulser" genre, a higher voltage will produce a longer duration as a high voltage
will result in a long period. To adjust an LFO to behave like a pulser, invert the
incoming control voltage,—and vice versa. Other methods of random address
will be discussed in connection with their application of random voltage sources
(see page 83). The number of increments in a bank can be extended if there are
multiple banks and if there is the availability of an electronic switch. A 16 x 3
matrix sequencer can be turned into a 45-increment sequencer by using the patch
in figure 6.52. The output voltages from the three banks are taken to the inputs
of an electronic switch. The trigger output of the last increment is taken into the
"sequential switching input" of the switch. Every time the sequencer fires trigger
#16, the switch will sequentially route the next control voltage bank to its output
The sequencer may be turned on and off by two different methods, depending on
its manner of control If it is being triggered by pulses from an external source, it
may be stopped simply by stopping the source. Start-stop control of the timing
pulse generator is extremely useful in this way. If the TPG is in the single pulse
mode, the sequencer may be fired at will by the manual depression of the firing
button. Sequencers with internal firing and control have self- contained trigger
inputs for starting and stopping. The individual increments may also have a
switch which will stop the firing action when that particular increment in the
series is reached. One application would be to have one sequencer start and stop
another. In figure 6.53 both sequencers' controls are taken to a VCO (other
parameters are also dealt with in the patch—analyze them!). Sequencer "AT is
set for 8 stages and supplies control logic for an arbitrary series of pitches. The
trigger output from increment 8 starts sequencer "B", which is clocked at a faster
rate and t A O eO cO 0 2 o o o o 3 0 0 0 0 4 o o o 0 SAQvQOCW S 6 7 o o o o o
o o o o o o o o— —c 6 :> <-.-., V. v. v analog wtten 2 3 saqv tmaal 1.
programmed to output a pentatonic scale function. The first increment of
sequencer A sends a trigger to stop sequencer B. The function is as follows: A
produces a sequence of pitches. At the eighth event, a trigger is sent to start B
(clocking at its own rate), thus imposing a pentatonic scale on the last pitch.
When A recycles back to increment #1, a pulse is issued to stop sequencer B.
Sequencers with digital memories are often designed to "read" externally
generated voltages and store them for future recall Manufacturers are reluctant to
call such instruments "'sequencers,', since they usually are capable of wider
applications than the initial sequencer concept One such instrument is the
Koland MC-8 MicroComposer; the EMS AKS and 100, Sequential Systems
Instruments, Eu 2500 modules are other examples. With read-in capabilities,
external voltages, their durations and timing pulses are turned into numerical
information by what is called an ADC or analog-to-digital converter. Once in
numerical form, they are stored in a digital memory. Application of timing
pulses from a clocking device then reads out the numbers to a DAC or digital-to-
analog converter which converts the information into the original control
voltages. Since the voltage levels are stored as numbers, various types of
information processing, such as multiplication and division, can be applied. As
the voltages are stored as numbers, they can be accessed or read out at different
rates without changing their value. Manipulation or voltage control of the clock
will only affect the rhythm or speed of retrieval and will not alter the value of the
outputted voltage. Digital memories are as varied and offer as many specialized
features as there are manufacturers, and stag* stag* stag* stag* stag* ataea stag*
stag* stag* stag* stag* stag* SMS* 2 1 » a « 3 » « s S S 6 * 7 * 8 B 3 a 10 » ti *
12 * 13 tamdtoa BM0 tO« Mad toa tvaadtoa taaadtoa tmotoi taaad toa tome to*
tuasdtoa taaadto a twaad toa taaad toa twwdto* l/i ratio 21/20 ratio 9/8 moo
32/27 raw. 14/u ratio 4/3 ratio 10/7 ratio 3/2 ratio 11/7 ratio 27/18 ratio 18/9
ratio 40/21 ratio 2/t ratio C c* 0 D* E F FJ 6 61 A AS 8 C 12-Ton* pjttngofian
Toning. This ■» only an acasSmc mod*!. To acctmtaty ton* 8 troaW two* to
ratar to a twang cfaKt *ao •*• • Figure 651. Sequencer analog address for "re-
tuning" a keyboard 74
r«aq». 3 3 mii'iiiiniiiii MmpUng Mints Figure 634. Digital memory J>, fej^^fe^
R ■J MEMORY ft&3t9f A B'% rtprwuttrtg pitch vottaoH 'F'~ A" ■8>- ■C" ■A"
•B.- •G- •C" -E" «p.. f90t$ttf B s°i npr*Mm<ng P<tcf>*otog» 3ut»t<oo» 800
300 300 150 ISO ISO' ISO 200 200 200 eoo *rtsmiMnb#r ttitt ttw memory nom
numbwi which fQpftNftt ■ <#Ott%Q% ™tn*y 0OH*t JrtOft th* VCtVJftt pitch!
fMfcttf "©*" OOWt Figur* 635. Digital memory tal information is stashed), and
the duration or number of counts that the voltage is to be present is put in a
separate but parallel counting register. Register A now contains a series of
digital words to be used as pitch information without using that memory for any
rhythmic information. Register B has a string of associated numbers that will be
translated back into durations for each voltage. In reading the information back,
the first pulse of the clock calls out the T" voltage and that voltage will be
present at the output for 600 clock counts. On clock count 601, the memory
switches to the second address, putting out the "A" voltage and will hold that
voltage for 300 counts, etc. The clock is only putting out pulses so that it has an
unlimited number; the counting is being done by the memory, and hence the
durations can be of virtually any length and the number of possible stored events
is not eaten into. These types of memories are finite (again usually a binary
number), but the possible number of storable events is not changed by tempo or
durations. The articulation of a note is controlled by a VGA and an envelope
generator, as is usually done with analog sequencers. Consequently the digital
memory must produce timing pulses whose period is equal to the period of each
voltage change— again the same as analog sequencers. Timing pulse
accessibility on a sequencer greatly defines its range of applications, and an
openly designed sequencer may be looked at as a programmable timing pulse
source. The way sequencer pulse outputs are accessed varies from instrument to
instrument but can be put in three general categories: individual pulse outputs,
bus outputs, and multiple bus outputs. These three access methods are illustrated
in figure swgwbis #. Prtm tQ2Q30 ■ •- ♦ ♦ ' ■■ ■♦' # 1. *. s. a. e «6 so ep 7O sp
-e s -• « -• 3 -O 2 P 3p <p 5p »p 7p8-p S S ,,—1> Si fj 1. «. 5. T ■■»■ -S • I ►
—I > ■# 2. «. S. 6 • 1 < > • 3. S. 6 "Now that onto* *8 i* not mian»a to an
output Figure 636. Sequencer pulse outputs 6.56. Figure 6.57 illustrates how two
sequencers can be used to structure polyphonic events. Sequencer 1 produces
controls to generate an eight note ascending scale (VCO. 1). On increments 1, 3,
6 and 8 a trigger is taken to start sequencer 2. This sequencer is clocked at a
much faster speed and generates a four note embellishment figure. All of
sequencer 2*s triggers are used to fire an envelope generator so that the pitches
are heard only when the sequencer is running. The trigger from increment 4 is
taken to the stop input, therefore the sequencer will stop on the last stage. The
bus output can be set up in two ways. The pulses may be hardwired to the output
as in figure 6.58A, or may be user-switched as in figure 6.58B. In 76
Sain- .75 switcrtetiri Figure 6.59. Selected sequencer triggers used for dynamic
accents 311 tip contacts are <wM tegetnar a» grouncs are nred together Figure
6.60. Multiple and/or front panel space. One can always replicate multiple bus
attachment by the use of cord stacking or multiples. An application of multiple
pulse buses is an expansion of the previous patch and is illustrated in figure 6.61.
With the availability of three buses, each can be programmed for different metric
accents. Bus one carries pulses 1, 4, 8, 14, and 19, creating a 3/4, 4/4, 6/4, 3/4,
2/4 pattern; bus two carries pulses 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17, creating a continuous 4/4
pattern; bus three articulates a 5/4 pattern with pulses 1, 6, 13, and 16. Sequencer
pulse outputs can be used to generate higher level structures by being used to
stop and start other sequencers, fire envelope generators, route voltages via
electronic switches, etc. The range of applications is limited only by the
imagination of the musician. The Coordinated Electronic Music Studio (CEMS
System) at the State University of New York in Albany, designed by Joel
Chadabe and Robert Moog, makes extensive use of this type of programming.
An excellent discussion of automation with sequencers and Chadabe's own
DAISY instrument is contained in The Voltage-Controlled Synthesizer" by Joel
Chadabe.7 7. The Development and Practice of "Electronic Music, Apple- ton
and Perera, eds. (Enjdewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975), pp. 168-177. A
control voltage bank itself may be used as a series of timing pulses if you find
yourself in need of extra switchable buses. Remember that a gate or trigger is
usually just a medium or high level voltage with a sharp leading edge. Patch the
control voltage from a sequencer bank to the timing pulse input of a function
generator. Turn all the increment voltage pots to 0 and clock die sequencer at a
moderate rate. Turn one of the voltage pots up until you get a reaction from the
function generator. Although the voltage may not be called a timing pulse, it is
of so high a magnitude with a sharp leading edge that it accomplishes the same
thing. Each increment can then be tuned to a timing pulse level and the
sequencer bank can be used as a switchable bus. If using this "trickery" with
Moog instrumentation, the voltage must be used as a "Voltage Trigger" or "V-
trig," One case in which this may not work is if two adjacent increments are set
at the same voltage magnitude. The difficulty here is that when the sequencer
switches from one stage to the next, there is no differentiate leading edge. This
can usually be taken care of by having the first of the two increments just above
the gating threshold and the next increment slightly above the first Then when
the sequencer switches to the second of the two stages, a leading edge is still
produced. This technique is a typical "defeat the system" approach, hence it is
important to keep track of the reasoning in terms of instrument structure.
Sequencer designs probably vary more than any other standard electronic music
module and application notes accommodating every possibility would be a
wasted effort and probably useless to most readers. It is important to be aware of
the possible options in design and then try to invent methods to simulate on your
own instrument what might not be apparent. The following is a summary of
current commercial analog sequencer features which could be considered as
bases for experiment. 78
oooooooooooooooooooo 1 2 3 * S 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 1« IS l€ 17 18 19 20 2<>
LUUi * T T * T * —r~T" ?-* O0> £6i EG 2 3%HSj—*&"*$• * EG 3 > Figure
6.61. Trigger bus used for porymetric patterns J/.jJj.ji j-jJ j-|J j. fJ- L^
OOOOOOOOOOOO 1 234 s f m 9 io in: bus 2 • i * i • ♦ Figure 6.62. Complex
sequencer-based instrument B. C. Clock control 1. Available speed or period 2.
Voltage control possibilities 3. Dedicated or external clocks 4.
Stop/Start/Hold/Enable options 5. Associated functions a. Variable gate time
(manual or voltage controlled) b. Associated function outputs (reference or delta
for simultaneous envelope functions) Storage 1. Number of increments 2.
Number of banks 3. Series/Parallel outputs Internal storage processing 1-
Quantization 2. Integration 3. Input ports Pulse output routing 1. Individual
outputs 2. Non-switchable bus 3. Switchable bus 4. Multiple switchable buses
Access 1. Sequential only Increment skip Sub-increments a. Analog address b.
Pulse address Random access 2. 3. 4. The following instrument (figure 6.62) is
based on a general hypothetical sequencer with the minimum features of two
twelve-increment banks in parallel, individual timing pulse outputs for each
increment, a voltage controlled pulser or clock with stop, start, and 79
Figure 6.63 illustrates sampling commands and the sampled outputs, using a
variety of different input voltages. Note that in figures 6.63 A and B there is a
repetitve "staircase'' pattern produced. This will be the case whenever the period
of the sampled voltage is the same as, or "harmonic'' with, the period of the
sample command. In this sense the term "harmonic" means that there is an
integral or synchronous relationship between the two functions, the sampling
command usually being the faster of the two. The voltage output pattern will
repeat at the same point that die sample command and input voltage are back in
phase with one another. This is not really difficult to tune if you have some way
of monitoring the input voltage and the sampling rate. Some instruments have
LED's on both functions which are very useful for this purpose. Another method
for achieving synchrony is to phase lock or sync the sampled function and the
sample command. This is readily accomplished on some instruments by using
two synched LFO's (refer back to page 12, chapter 3). One LFO will generate the
sample command and the other will be the sampled voltage. Figure 6.64
illustrates different integral voltage/sample relationships. With some S/H
formats the sampling clock and generator for the sampled voltage (usually a
multi-waveshape LFO) are packaged together as a single module. It is common
in this case to have integral relationships built in so that synchrony is automatic.
This is convenient for generating staircase functions but usually eliminates the
possibility of non-synchronous patterns. A few minutes of experimentation will
make all of these voltage patterns obvious. Figure 6.65 is a series of related
patches which use the S/H as a dynamic memory to store information and
articulate a definite structural or compositional o o o o o o v. t>3 S/H m ■■■ ; i r
r,J.d ■ ■ ,i v" :_ EG *Bf» oooooooo c o o o o o o 12 3*56 o o o o o l 2 3 « 5 ts_ -
M VCO l V, S/H —U VC02 j- Fi9tir* &65. Sample/hold applications
technique. Figure 6.65A uses S/H to memorize every third keyboard voltage,
independent of rhythm. The keyboard timing pulse is taken to any device that
can be divided by three; this may be a three-input sequential switch, a sequencer
using only every third pulse output, etc. The keyboard directly controls a VCO
and by pulse division the S/H outputs only every third keyboard voltage. VCO 1
is routed through a VCA for articulation and VCO 2 is at a constant level,
therefore every third pitch is sustained under the other pitch activity. If this patch
is possible with your resources, try offsetting the oscillators at different intervals.
Figure 6.65B can be described as an ongoing pitch sequence with one voice
(VCO 1), the S/H being used as a manually activated "window" to catch any of
the pitch voltages for voice 2 (VCO 2). The sampled voltage is also used to
control a LPF for voice 1. Thus there is a one-to-one relationship between the
umbre of voice 1 and the held pitch of voice 2. This is really just an extension of
figure 6.65A, as the sample command is given manually by a keyboard gate
instead of automated by a pulse divider. A further development of this same kind
of logic is illustrated in figure 6.65C. Here the S/H is used to create a retrograde
canon in augmentation. This is probably beyond tbe resources of many readers;
but an analysis of the patch is interesting. This instrument is an example of how
overall compositional structure can be totally defined by the module
configuration, and the performer can insert and define the sonic details. Here two
sequencers, A and B, are used in two different ways. Sequencer A generates a
cycling pitch pattern and sequencer B is used as a non- synchronous pulse
divider. The pulse output of sequencer A triggers sequencer B, but the important
relationship is that sequencer B has one stage less than A. In this case A is set for
six stages and B is set for five stages. Looking at the resulting pitches, it is
observed that sequencer B receives its pulse from sequencer A but will then send
a pulse to the command input of the S/H only on its fifth increment Assuming
that both VCO's are offset and tuned to track in unison, on the first event both
VCO's sound B}>. VCO 1 continues with the sequence and VCO 2 sustains die
Bj? as it has not yet received a sample command to change. On the fifth
increment of sequencer A, sequencer B sends a sample command to the S/H,
which then picks up the fifth increment of sequencer B, an Ejj pitch voltage.
Sequencer A continues to cycle while sequencer B sustains the EJ>. Since
sequencer B will send a sample command every fifth pulse, the next change for
the S/H is simultaneous with the B|>, which it holds until the next fifth pulse. In
ibis way the S/H is allowing VCO 2 to move backward through the pitch
sequence and one-fifth the rate,—complicated but a lot of fun if you can make it
work. Don't forget the possibility of inverting the S/H output for inversions or
adding glissandi with an integrator. Many S/H circuits have integrators built in
before the output. These are usually described as slew or lag but merely adds a
portamento function to die output voltages as the portamento on a keyboard
does. If die musician approaches this S/H as a "window" for ongoing voltage
patterns, very complex compositional logic can be articulated widi a relatively
small number of modules. The Buchla 266 Source of Uncertainty (see figure
6.66) contains a simultaneous polyphonic sample and hold. When a trigger is
received, the voltage appearing at die output is also stored in alternate output #1.
When a new trigger is received, the new voltage appears at alternate output #2
while the first voltage remains at output #1. Processing a ramp function into an
arpeggio could produce three different patterns, the "all" output generating die
ongoing arpeggio and die alternating outputs giving alternating and sustaining
pitches of die arpeggio. This is not die same as switching a voltage source
between two VCO's as die pitches of one voice are sustained while die odier
voice changes. The Buchla 266 has alternate pulse outputs, and dierefore each
voice can be independently enveloped as shown in die patch. This polyphonic
capability can be replicated widi two S/H's and alternating sample commands.
SOtttCC Of UMCftUUNTY MOCHt. 1« J8L *WSf 9 $ 9® $$ -Ubioetm* fttt
*m>hca*t Hjscmtme wumtm mrucs ® s-^ts • • so trokthlt *»te <f dm>
MCUTCEED tum minces illi I H ..tun..' b*1 ttttes fatrtkmtke mtptts STM£P unit
nats& Figure 6.66. BucMa Series 266 source of uncertainty 82
method of taking patches apart, or an instructor may- have some valuable hints.
The following method is one that I have used with success with my own students
and I would recommend that you try it. The Rapout* Approach to Electronic
Instrument Configurations "Reasonable Analytical Procedure for Observing
Usable Techniques 1. Locate and trace all audio signal routing and their offsets.
a. How many sound sources are used (VCO's, noise sources, external sources via
mikes, tape recorders, etc.)? b. Are these signals detected via ED's or PVC's to
generate controls, or are they used as real voices within the instrument? c.
Locate and trace all signal routing from their source to the final output via sub-
mixes and final mixes. 2. Identify all variable audio parameters. a. In what ways
are the audio signals processed (filters, amps, reverb, etc.)? b. Are these
processing modules variable manually as specified by the composer, or are they
voltage controlled by means of an active input? Note the control voltage
attenuation level and predict how much effect a voltage (positive or negative)
will have on the parameter- how much will the pitch of a VCO change with an
applied voltage, what will be die maximum gain of a VCA, how much spectral
change will be caused by the control of a filter, etc At this point you will be
aware of the number of voices involved and the number and degree of possible
change in those parameters which can contribute to the basic sonic nature of the
sounds. 3. Locate all control voltage sources, routing, and processing: a. to audio
sources and any external processing on- volved—what controls the VCO's, and
is the control inverted, integrated, sampled, quantized, etc., before it reaches the
VCO? Do the same for each sound source or audio processing module (mixers,
VCA's, etc.). b. to function generators. If a function generator has a manually
variable or voltage controllable sub-function, what is doing die controlling, what
is its range of effect in relation to the established offset, etc.? 4. Locate all timing
pulse sources, their period and any processing. a. are the pulses manually
activated or automated? b. if automatically generated, what is their period or
speed and is this function voltage controlled? If voltage controlled, what is doing
the con- 86 trolling and what is the expected range of variation in relation to the
offset period? c. is there any timing pulse processing involved- electronic
switches, gate inversion, etc.? 5. Identify all structural correlations—audio and
control a. Within a single voice, is pitch related to loudness by means of
common control sources? Are filter sweeps related to VCA control, etc.? b. Are
separate voices related by common controls? Does the loudness of one voice
have anything in common with the pitch of another voice? c. What are the
relationships between control voltage sources? Is the speed of an LFO or the
period of a pulser related to the selection or control of another function? d. What
are the relationships between the behavior of any audio sources and processing
and a voltage controlled function? Is the gain of a VCA related to the decay time
on an EG? 6. Now try to describe verbally what the instrument will do. This is a
lengthy process but some configurations can become very complicated.
Miscellaneous Controllers. Another method of producing constant or varying
control voltages is with "photosensitive controls." In electronic circuitry there
are many components that are used to limit or block voltage. Their rating (how
much voltage or current they are capable of blocking) may be permanently fixed
or may be manually controlled as with a potentiometer. Photosensitive devices
will vary their rating in relationship to an applied light source. In simpler terms,
a photosensitive controller is a light-controlled pot. A "photosensitive oscillator"
.will usually generate zero Hz when no light is applied to its light controlled
resistor (pot). The photo-oscillator will generate a maximum frequency when a
maximum amount of light is applied. A photo-amplifier will provide signal
amplification in direct relationship to the amount of light applied to its photo-
controller. (Photosensitive controls are very applicable to spatial modulating
devices and will be discussed in detail in chapter 13.) Direct voltage can be
controlled with light by using "photodiodes." An absence of light striking the
pho- todiode may result in zero volts DC, while an increase in the amount of
light (usually measured in lumins) will produce a proportional increase in DC
voltage. The amount of light can be controlled in two different ways. A change
in voltage to the light source will change the intensity, but this method is usually
inadequate because the control of voltage is the desired outcome. The most
useful methods of controlling light
intensity is with the use of film. By placing film with varying levels of
translucency between the light source and the photocell, it is possible to produce
many voltage levels. By making lengths of film with various translucent patterns
and driving it in front of the photocell with a motorized transport system, it is
possible to create practically any type of fluctuating DC (or AC) voltage pattern.
If a film consisted of a series of transparent frames in alternation with opaque
frames, the produced voltage would be a partem of voltage pulses. The pulse
speed could be varied by altering the speed of the transport system, and the pulse
magnitude would be a function of the translucency of the frames. Any voltage
envelope could be produced in the same manner. Punched tape control also uses
a transport system. A strip of paper containing a series of perforations is passed
over a switch by a transport system. The perforations are detected in one of
several ways which either triggers a voltage on or off, usually by means of light-
sensitive switches or relays. These voltages axe usually preset and can be used to
control any voltage- sensitive device. The "reader" usually has eight or twelve
lateral switches which will accommodate a lateral series of perforations in the
paper. Each series of punches can be used to control a differnt parameter. The
Coordinome, developed by Emmanuel Ghent at the Columbia-Princeton
Electronic Music Center, is essentially a punched tape reader which can be
programmed to control aU of the parameters of sound as well as distributing cue
signals to the performers for the coordination of live and prerecorded music.
(See Emmanuel Ghent, "The Coordinome in Relation to Electronic Music,"
Electronic Music Review, no. 1, January 1967, pp. 33-38, for a detailed
discussion of punched paper programming.) The advantages of film and punched
paper programming are that the program is a physical entity which can be saved
to be used at any future time; punched paper can control as many simultaneous
sequences as there are switches on the reader, an entire composition may be
programmed on film or paper and played in much the same manner as player
pianos play rolls of music. The major disadvantage is the preparation of the film
on paper. Using control pots, the composer can allow for a certain amount of
experimentation in his compositional process and his only loss is the time it
takes to turn a dial and listen to the results. With film and paper programming,
however, there is a great deal of time involved in the actual physical preparation
of the sequences; and if the composer wishes to recompose some particular
event, this involves a complete physical reprogram- ming of that portion of the
film or tape. This method of programming is practically superseded by current
digital techniques but it is still in operation in several studios. This chapter has
presented an overview of typical control voltage sources, methods of processing,
with both common and uncommon applications. Every manufacturer will have a
different design format, features and occasional varying terminology. At the
same time, various instruments may have control voltage options not specifically
cited but they will usually fall into some category of sources described here, or
they may be an integrated combination of typical sources and processing
options. It is essential that the musician have a firm grasp of what a specific
control voltage source can do and understand how to control it in a structured
musical environment. Any audio or temporal art can never be fairly represented
with words, and the only real representation of voltage control is in the actual
practice of its application to a real time situation. A graphic explanation of
voltage control may leave the reader with the opinion that the time spent on
preparing the desired voltage is not justified by the end results. In acoustically
produced music, after the conceptual problems have been solved, the final task is
to make the appropriate designs on the score and parts to serve as a cue for the
performer to produce the desired event It must be remembered that the "standard
notation" has been in use for centuries and some people take its comprehension
for granted. But would a person first embarking on the study of controlled sound
production (music performance) find the standard music notation any less time
consuming to comprehend and utilize than voltage envelopes? In the same
manner, the composer working in the field of electronic music very quickly
learns to use voltage programming in the same way that standard notation is
used as a form of visual programming. And as the composer becomes more and
more familiar with the music and acoustical counterpart of electronic
manipulations, the production of the desired control voltage is no more a task
than the copying of a score and parts. By now the reader should try to practice
away from the instrument Once the nature of the sound(s) and basic performance
logic is determined, patches can be designed in any quiet comer. The patches can
then be taken back to the instrument for verification and refinement. And, as
with any kind of practiced skill, the more one does it the more efficient he
becomes. The following projects and exercises are related to the general
techniques and instruments described in this chapter and are usually intended to
making the user aware of the workings and limits of whatever instrumentation is
available. As you work through a project, take notes about the lands of responses
you get, the kinds of sounds produced, and add any newly invented
configurations to your patch- book. 87
Exercises and Projects These suggestions summarize some of the basic points of
control concepts and should not be attempted until the entire chapter has been
read. Each of these projects may be approached on three levels: (1) If you don't
have the available resources to carry out the suggestions, at least read through all
of them and give them some thought; you may be able to come up with a way.
(2) If you have the required resources, go through each project as it is laid out
(3) If you have access to a thoroughly equipped studio, most projects can readily
be expanded into larger and more complex research projects. L Take any
acoustical instrument you are familiar with and analyze its input gestures,
structure, and output—what actions control pitch, loudness, timbre, etc., and
how are they all interrelated to produce a characteristic sound? Try to defeat its
structure by experimenting with, new inputs (e.g., press the sustain pedal on a
piano and sing or play into it, put a speaker under the soundboard and play
electronic sounds into it, bow a guitar, put a reed on a trumpet, etc.). 2. If it were
possible to re-define the input of an acoustic instrument in terms of function
generators, what functions would be of interest to you? Design and draw up your
concepts—it might be possible! 3. Conceptually invent a completely new
instrument Don't be concerned with any technical problems—assume an
engineer can take care of that Decide what convenient physical, mental, or
environmental actions would control each parameter and how they would
correlate each other. 4. Any module providing a choice of linear or exponential
function generation or control should*be experimented with. A suggested
approach is to apply a level-varying voltage from a keyboard or EG to a control
voltage input and do an A/B comparison by switching back and forth between
linear and exponential modes. 5. This text assumes a control voltage range of
from —10 to +10 volts. Check out your operation or studio manual to see
whether or not this is the case with your resources. If the instruments are 0 to +5,
10, 12 volts, there is no problem, as they can be normalized to ±10 by reading
the text voltages in terms of percent. +5 is 50% of the total range, +7 is 70%, etc.
If die operational range is bi-directional, a percentile transfer is still quite simple.
A common bi-directional control voltage range is —5 to +5 volts. In this case a 0
volt text voltage would still be 0, a +5 text voltage would be 100% of its
potential. If the operation manual does not provide this information, ask the
studio technician or instructor to help you look at the control voltage on an
oscilloscope. 6. Set up a bank or set of three or more VCO's to track in parallel.
If you have problems, use the techniques on page 49. Set the patch up as in
figure 6.73A Set the VCO's to track at different intervallic relationships and use
other function generators instead of the keyboard. Now independently process
each control voltage leg as in figure 6.73B. Predict the response before you set
things in motion. r^Oi^ Figure 6.73. ParaBei processing exercise 7. If you have
access to integrators, quantizers, and multipliers (coupled VGA's), turn discrete
control voltages from keyboards, sequencers, etc., into continually varying
functions. A fixed voltage may also be made into a fluctuating voltage by
multiplying it with a sloped voltage such as an EG, LFO, fluctuating random,
etc. Now reverse die process and turn varying functions into discrete levels.
Invent an instrument based on this process. 8. Figure 6.74 is an excerpt from
Robert C. Ehle's Prelude in 19 Tone Equal Temperament. This tuning requires
19 equal divisions of the octave. The procedure for tuning an electronic
instrument for this response is to patch the keyboard voltage into an attenuatable
control input on a VCO. Tune the correct intervallic response by turning down
the control voltage attenuator (or processing level) until a keyboard span of a
perfect 12th (Cj to Ga—20 pitches, 19 intervals) sounds like a perfect octave
There will then be 19 equally spaced intervals in a -sounding octave. Mr. Ehle
has then notated the keys to be played, as our 88
4tmc Figure 6.74. Prelude in 19 tone Equal Temperment OP. 21 (excerpt) (By
Robert C. Ehte. Used by permission of the composer.) traditional notation cannot
accommodate this tuning. The Aft to E diminished fifth in measure four will
actually sound more like a flat major third. Make this tuning and play through
the excerpt, listening carefully. 9. Try the Asian 7 tone equal-temperament
tuning. Here seven equally spaced intervals are divided into the octave.
Remember that seven intervals makes eight notes, so that the required response
is a played perfect fifth (C-G) sounds an octave. On some systems a seven note
span will not generate enough voltage swing to produce an octave on a VCO
since this involves amplification of the control voltage on a 1 volt per octave
system. If the processing input will not expand the voltage sufficiently, try the
options given in figure 6.75A and B. Either mix a control voltage with itself
through two control voltage inputs (one of which must be an attenuating input),
or mix it with itself via an external DC mixer. Figure 6.75. Voltage expansion
for macro-tunings 10. If you have some type of control voltage multiplier or
coupled VCA, use it in conjunction with some form of pre-set (on a keyboard or
a manually triggered sequence) to store some newly invented tunings. A
suggestion for doing this is illustrated in figure 6.76. The equal-voltage keyboard
output is patched to the input of the multiplier and the pre-set voltages are taken
to the multiplier or control input. Remember that the value of the input voltage
(the keyboard) will be determined by the control (the pre-sets or sequencer). If
using a coupled VCA for a multiplier, offset it to zero. Now the value of the
preset voltage will determine the amount of attenuation of the keyboard voltage.
The 19 tone equal- temperament voltage will be recovered if the pre-set is a bit
below 6 volts—5.833 volts to be exact. Don't be concerned about exact numbers
at this point—just use them to get in the right area and then use your ear. 25 tone
equal-temperament would be tuned by making a 26 interval span (d to C#3)
sound like an octave. Fokker's popular 31 tone equal-temperament would call for
a 32 key span to sound as an octave. Any of these multipliers can be stored as
control voltages and accessed as needed. In this way it is possible to switch
tunings on command. p>*-*»t YOtttgw o o o o ODOO MjiSeart V V A \ x V
vco Figure 6.76. Timing storage 11. Take a single control voltage function and
apply it to every controllable parameter in your instrument (or at least to the ones
discussed so far). Try various attenuations and processing possibilities on each
parameter. Repeat this exercise using only two control voltage sources, then
three and so on. As you find things of interest along the way, add them to your
patchbook. 89
12. The entire score for Daniel Goode's Faust Crosses the Raritan Somewliere in
East Africa and Finds Himself Back Home, A Little South of the Reich is
reprinted here. It is an excellent piece for initial work with a sequencer and a lot
of fun to play. The use of quantizers is not allowed in a performance! "Faust
crosses the Raritan somewhere in East Africa and finds himself back home, a
little sooth of the Reich . . ." —performance piece for Synthesizer Daniel Goode
© 197S Take a familiar tune, an anthem or march, tor example. "Yankee
Doodle." Sub-divide it into eighth-notes as shown. Tune a tO increment
sequencer to the first ten eighth-notes. (To aid the tuning use the fixed frequency
of the keyboard and a second VCO as a pitch model). While the sequence is
repeating (live) re-tune the first note (first sequencer increment) to the pitch of
the eleventh note of the tune. Take your time ... let the stages of tuning provide
variations on that one note. Perhaps make use of microtonai and sliding efects
with that pot while arriving at the new pilch. In a like manner tune the second
pot to the twelfth eighth-note of the tone. Then the third to the thirteenth . . . and
so on to the end of the tune. (When one tunes the tenth pot. continue with the
first pot and so on). The series of changes should be pot in a matrix which serves
as a score for the performer Pot st— G 2— G 3— A 4— B S— G 6— B 7— A
8— D 9— G 10— G A B G G Ft F* G G A B C B A 6 F» D E Fl 6 6 The piece
ends when all ten increments of the sequencer have been tuned to the last note of
the tune. Some microtonai discrepancies are part of the sound of the piece. A
suitable waveshape (timbre) should be chosen. Farther elaboration of timbre by
means of voltage control is possible, but it must be considered decorative to the
structure of the piece. 4Sfe~J*^l2sr*to^ ?/f/& *r Figure 6.77. Daniel Goode's
"Faust crosses the Raritan somewhere in East Africa ana" ends himself back
home, a little south of the Reich. . ." performance piece for synthesizer (Daniel
Goode © 1975) (Used by permission of the composer.) 13. Figure 6.78 is a
"random access sequencer" configuration for the Buchla 100 instruments used
by Frank McCarty. An analysis of the logic is as follows: Timing Pulse
Generator 1 is used to produce a sequence of alternating high and low voltages.
These voltages are taken into one input of a Control Voltage Processor, in this
case used as a voltage multiplier. A keyboard is taken into the other CVP input.
Thus the value or magnitude of the pulse voltages are determined by the
magnitude of the keyboard voltage. Low keyboard voltages result in low voltage
pulses, while higher keyboard voltages produce proportionally higher magnitude
pulses. The period or rate of these pulses can be varied by controlling the period
of TPG 1. The pulses then are used to determine the period of TPG 2 which is
firing a sequencer. As the controlling pulses switch back and forth between their
set magnitude and zero, they will vary the period of TPG 2. Realize that TPG 1
is not directly triggering the sequencer. It is only supplying controls which
determine the period of TPG 2. If TPG l's pulse is in its "off state (0 volts), TPG
2 will clock very fast. As the controlling pulse turns on to its value determined
by the keyboard, TPG 2 will respond with a longer period or slower speed. If
TPG 2 is offset fast enough, the sequencer will appear to be randomly skipping
about in the sequence, picking out patterns which are dependent on both the
period of TPG 1 and the pulse magnitude as defined by the keyboard voltage.
The noise between the random patterns is the result of the sequencer scanning
very fast, responding to the 0 voltage control of the controlling pulse (remember
that if a timing pulse source uses the term "period," a control will increase the
period, not the speed). This noise can be eliminated by using TPG l's
unprocessed pulses to trigger a VCA, so that only the slower "random"
sequences are in effect (when the con- "On tha Buehli Timing Pal** Generator
dm om of the aftermt* pul** outputs. A" LFO may also be eted it it can be uaed
a* a trigger *wee. •it th» woiieiieer h*» an Mental clock the Meond TPG can M
eliminated. Figure 6.78. Random access sequencing 90
trol pulse is high). This is a complex patch but can be made to work on any
instrument if the processes are clear. An analysis of the patch will clarify in
general terms what is taking place. General analysis: the task is to control the
scanning rate of a sequencer so that is passes over certain stages fast enough that
pitch recognition is not possible but slows down to last on certain increments to
form random patterns. This is done by alternately turning the sequencers clock
up and down. When the clock is slowed down, it must be slow enough that it
will not generate another output pulse for a second or so. The clock is then
turned up and down by applying a variable magnitude sub-audio square wave.
The magnitude of this clock control must be controlled in some convenient
manner. If the noise generated by the fast scanning is not wanted, the controlled
VCO can be taken through a VCA which is turned on only when the sequencer
slows down to grab an increment. This configuration works for every sequencer
I have used; try it out! 14. The score to John Cage's Williams Mix (1951) tells
the performer to collect on tape eight different kinds of environmental sounds,
some with electronic processing. Each of these tapes is to be cut into different
shapes, such as those illustrated in figure 6.79, and then spliced back onto leader
tape. The shape of each cut is actually an amplitude function for that sound as it
is played back. The shape of each segment is itself analogous to the shape of an
envelope controlling a VCA. How could you perform an automated version of
Williams Mix using mikes and pre-amps to collect the sounds (in real-time if
possible) and eight VCA's to simulate the splices? The task is to program the
envelope functions and play them to control tape t oo oo UpeZ . EG I «. • . env.
det. t env. det. 2 t« . vca\ ■ ^-i , . U- I- ,■ ■ » Is* *— / E> Figure 6.80.
Information transfer with envelope detectors \ V. 5 . t_ VCF ) t ■p S'H VCF.2 tv
EG 2 Figure 6.79. Simulation of Cage's Williams Mix the VCA's. The obvious
answer is digital storage of the envelope functions. There are at least two other
viable methods. Think about it! 15. Figure 6.80 is an instrument to be used for
information transfer between two compositions. Each composition, perhaps
some recorded electronic music, is put on a mono tape and various kinds of
information is extracted from one piece and imposed on the other. What kind of
information is being transferred and what parameters are being affected? Try this
yourself, using two tape recorders or a record with true stereophonic separation
between the channels. 16. Robert Ashley's String Quartet Describing the
Motions of Large Real Bodies (figure 6.81) is a matrix of AND gates. The pulses
are generated by the string quartet using "son file" techniques described in the
score. Here the AND gates are any voltage-controlled modules where the
strength of the output signal depends on an incoming control (VCA, VCF,
multipliers, various types of modulators). Both the signals and the controls are
generated by the string quartet, and a player's "pulse" will only get through, if it
is coin- 91
cidental with another player's pulse. Analyze the patch and see how the players
relate. It will help to refer to chapter 12 and look over the process of tape delay
or have someone explain it to you. 17. Below is a collection of patches from
commercially available patch books. These books are excellent tutors, even if
they don't relate directly to your own instrument. If you are aware of the basic
set-up of each instrument, this knowledge can be translated into a generalized
patch chart and applied to whatever resources are available to you. Most smaller
keyboard "performance" synthesizers are set up around the basic patch described
on page 29. By means of slide pots or switches, the sound sources, VCO's,
modulators, and noise are taken to a mixer, through one or more filters, then to a
VCA. In most cases the keyboard is patched directly to the oscillators for 12
tone equal-temperament response and the keyboard timing pulses are patched
directly to the envelope generators. The common envelope generators are an
ADSR and often a second AR. With this assumption, any patch can be re-
notated, using the guidelines suggested by the patch analysis procedure on page
86. The patch in figure 6.82 is from the ARP AXXE Patch Book and will serve
as a guide to the transcription method, a. Locate and notate aU audio signal
routing from their source through all signal processors to the output (see figure
6.82A). The AXXE VCO has two available waveshapes, both of which are used
here. If your instrument does not have this possibility, use a separate sawtooth
and squarewave VCO tuned and tracking in unison. From the mixer the signal
goes to a VCF, in this case a low-pass filter, and the filter is patched to a VCA.
Note the offsets for each audio parameter. The square wave is not really square,
since the pulse-width has been offset to about 25%. Both waveshapes are mixed
with equal gain into the mixer. The VCF is offset with its cut-off frequency at
ininimum, and the offset for the VCA is also zero. It may be helpful to mark the
audio, control voltages, and timing pulses in different colors to keep them from
being confused with each other. As you become more familiar with the
technique this probably won't be necessary. b. Identify alt variable audio
parameters (see figure 6.82B). The keyboard is pre-patched to the VCO,
therefore be sure to notate that connection. In this case the keyboard
transposition switch, an offset, is in the low octave. The other variable
parameters are the filter cut-off and the VCA gain, both of which are controlled
by the envelope generator, in this case an ADSR. For the filter control, the
ADSR is attenuated about 30£, and for the VCA the ADSR is unattenuated.
Notate these levels in the patch. Note the shape of the envelope: a very sharp
attack with moderate initial decay falling to a lower sustain level. This will
simulate the "picked" attack of a bass guitar. c. Locate all timing pulses, their
period and proc- cessing (see figure 6.82C). The only function requiring a timing
pulse here is the ADSR. The AXXE has triggers patched directly from the
keyboard to the ADSR. The period, of course, is determined by the player
depressing a key. d. Identify the structural correlations. Since the ADSR controls
both the filter and the VCA, the spectrum or timbre will become richer as the
sound grows louder. The keyboard provides pitch and timing logic, and when a
pitch choice is made we will hear the sound. e. Verbally describe the instrument.
As a key is depressed, there will be a correspondingly low pitch. The sound is
relatively rich in harmonics due to the waveshapes used. As a key is pressed, the
envelope generator sweeps the filter and opens the VCA. When the key is
released, the sound decays to silence. As most of these patchbooks frankly point
out, each instrument, even those of the same brand and model, have variations,
and the patches should be understood as 100% accurate in terms of fine tuning.
Each patch takes experimentation to tune your instrument to your ear. Now try to
apply this complete patch to your own instrument and when you get it to work,
stash it in your patch book. Try the following patches; - even if they will not
transfer to your instrument, do the analysis. 93
7 Sub-Audio Modulation Chapter 6 dealt with the control of the basic parametric
stratums of electronic sound. In most instances each parameter; pitch timbre,
loudness, time, etc., was being controlled by a single voltage source and in each
case the controlled parameter was essentially one- dimensional. The terms
"expressive playing" very often can be related to multiple layers of parametric
control. A "beautiful vibrato," "icy tremolo," "growling bass," or even "fuzz-tone
guitar," are terms describing additional levels of control. A singer with an
expressive vibrato is exercising two levels of pitch control. The first is the basic
pitch selection and the second is minute pitch fluctuations (along with small
amplitude variations) around the central pitch. Each pitch choice is then
enhanced by the other level of frequency control, the vibrato. A mandolin player
idiomatically tremelos sustained pitches. A tremolo is rapid repeating changes in
loudness. But the mandolin player can tremolo loud, soft, and emit any amount
of crescendo, and dimuendo in between. This second strata of control is
technically referred to as modulation. Modulation Defined In electronic music
instrumentation the term "modulation'' is often applied in ways which make
instrument configuration and response confusing to the general user.
Manufacturers differ in their use of the term, and within the current literature of
electronic music thre is not a general agreement on its definition. Consequently I
am hard-pressed to offer a definition which can encompass every application of
modulation processes. In the initial stages of the investigation I be- . lieve that all
bases can be covered by saying that modulation is a level of parametric
organization involving control voltages which are generally faster than the main
"articulation'' level of control. Modulation may be used as an enhancement of
pitch, loudness, timbre, etc., or it may be used to the degree that actual mutations
of sonic events are heard. As a point of clarification let's again refer to the
violinist. The fingers on the left hand control two simultaneous levels of pitch;
and the general pitch articulations are determined by where on the fingerboard
the finger is placed. Usual performance practices then require the player to add
additional pitch information with the same finger by rocking back and forth
around the articulated pitch to produce the characteristic vibrato. Both levels of
control tend to pitch. As the performer articulates a scale, each note in that scale
receives further information in the form of smaller and faster pitch variation.
Now consider the player gradually widening and slowing the vibrato to the point
that it becomes a repetitive glissando moving up and down the neck of the
instrument. What was the vibrato control has now been transformed into a
general pitch articulation. At this point the player can choose to reinitiate the
smaller and faster pitch changes in the form of a vibrato within the ongoing
glissando. The modulation (in this case, vibrato) is then defined by a level of
musical structuring. A keyboard controlling a VCO produces basic pitch
articulations on one level and another control source may produce enhancement
of these pitches on a second level. In another situation a slowly clocked
sequencer may be supplying general pitch information, and two keys of a
keyboard could be used to produce an ongoing trill. This event would, of course,
be more efficiently accomplished by reversing the controls, but it serves to
demonstrate that "modulation" as used in this text, is determined by the level of
parametric structuring to which it is applied—not on the source of the voltage.
With electronic instrumentation, modulation may be taken to the degree that is
becomes more compo- sitionally interesting than basic pitch, loudness, or timbre
articulations. The effect of the modulation is still in reference to a generalized
pitch, loudness, or timbre, whether it be determined by a manual offset or an
external control voltage source. Frequency Modulation Configure the patch
illustrated in figure 7.1. The sine low-frequency oscillator is patched to a control
input of a VCO set at about a-440. The manner in which this patch is set up may
be different from instrument to instrument. On instruments having AC/DC com-
patability such as the Roland, Moog, ARP simply 97
( -^b- ) "(p^) " Figure 7.1. Sub-audio frequency modification patch from the
output of one oscillator to any attenuated input of another oscillator, observing
the specified frequency offsets. For the present, turn the attenuator to minimum.
On systems designed with AC/DC distinction, such as Buchla instruments, there
are specified modulation inputs which accept only AC signals. In this case the
input may be marked "FM" or "frequency modulation.'' At this point there arises
a problem in terminology inherent in producing a general text covering a variety
of instrument designs. Control inputs on modules, especially VCOs, will vary
both in terminology and manner of control. Any player familiar with a variety of
instruments is barraged with terms like "AC input," "DC input," "keyboard
input," "FM" or "frequency modulation" input, "exponential" and/or "linear
input," "attenuating input," "fixed voltage" input, etc. Approaching die subject of
modulation with any sanity requires at least a cursory understanding of what all
this means. The term modulation literally means "change," and any control
voltage will, of course, cause a change in the controlled parameter. On smaller
ARP keyboard oriented instruments all of the VCO control inputs are
generalized as "frequency modulation." Typical keyboard control is not what is
generally understood as frequency modulation, although a keyboard might be
patched in through any of the inputs. The Moog 921A VCO has inputs marked
"A.C. Modulate" and "D.C. Modulate." These inputs provide "linear" response
to control voltages (see page 35), and therefore traditional keyboard octave
relationships will not be possible. Eu and Roland instruments, among others,
have dedicated 1 volt/octave inputs, often marked "keyboard." Buchla
instruments have control inputs which are distinguished by the type of jack used,
— mini-phone and banana,—as well as a fixed sensitivity "keyboard" input on
the 259 signal source. What we shall use for modulation inputs is any attenuating
input which can accept a signal from another oscillator. If you have the choice of
linear or exponential inputs, use the exponential. If there is an AC/DC
discrimination, use the AC input which is usually marked "FM" or "frequency
modulation." On Moog instruments use a frequency control input on die 921
Oscillator Driver. On the small keyboard performance instruments a modulating
source is often accessed by a switch or pre-patched to an associated attenuator.
Thus, by any means available get a low frequency waveform, preferably sine,
into an attenuatable control input of another VCO. Modulation Parameters:
Index, Program and Carrier By gradually raising the attenuator for this input,
you will hear the frequency of the audio oscillator begin to change in accordance
with the speed and shape of the low frequency oscillator (see figure 7.2). The
intervallic displacement of the pitch will be in direct proportion to the amount of
attenuation; this is referred to as "modulation index," or depth of modulation.
This is no different than attenuation of any other control voltage, but use of the
term "index" immediately tells the musician what level of structuring is being
dealt with. We must further distinguish between what is doing the modulating
and what is being modulated. The terms which will be used consistently in this
text are program and carrier. Again there are varying preferences for these
distinctions. The "program" signal is the source of the modulation. Other terms
in use are "modulating signal," "modulation source," "modulator," etc. "Carrier"
will always refer to the parameter being affected, in the case of FM, the
frequency of a VCO. The musician may encounter terms such as "modulated
signal" and even "other."1 The terms "program" and "carrier" are taken from
broadcast terminology (AM and FM radio), easy to enunciate, and they
accurately delineate the relationship between the two signal sources. The
program in fact "programs" the carrier as to how to behave, and the carrier
"carries" the program information in the same way vibrato information is carried
by the musician's central pitch. 1. A tongue-in-cheek suggestion from the people
at Eu instruments. 500* S0<fe 00b (§y-^-Om^A/\l\f\ Figure 7.2. FM with
increasing index and different waveforms 98
Now alter the patch in figure 7.1 by using a square wave as the program or
modulating signal. Again vary the index and listen to how the pitch variation is
affected (figure 7.2b). Try this for all available waveshapes. Note that the shape
of the program signal is imposed on the carrier and can actually be heard as a
modulation characteristic. Try the same patch, this time using noise as the
program signal. In this case a repetitious fluctuation will not be heard, but rather
will result in a harsh distortion of the carrier signal, depending on the index.
Remember that noise is all possible frequencies at random amplitudes. Thus the
logical modulation result would be very rapid pitch fluctuations with different
magnitudes of pitch displacement. The noise is producing noise components of
frequency centered around the carrier signal Compare a white noise program
with a characteristic pink noise program. This is a technique for producing
various "flavors" or colors of noise and is covered in detail on page 123.
Program Signal Parameters Efficient use of modulation requires more detailed
information about oscillator voltages. Figure 7.3 compares the oscillator output
signals of a Moog 921B VCO, ARP 1004p VCO, and an Eu 2200 VCO. The
Moog signals have a nominal 1.3 volt peak-to-peak value, the ARP has a 10 volt
magnitude: the sine and triangle exhibiting a 5 volt swing on each side of zero
volts (+ and —5), and the others being 10 volts on the positive side of zero. The
Eu outputs have a bi-polar (positive and negative) 10 volts swing, except for the
sawtooth which is only five volts positive. These different magnitudes and
references to zero will each result in a different carrier behavior. A bipolar
program voltage will cause carrier modulation above and below the center
frequency, proportional to the magnitude of the program signal's voltage. If the
program signal is only on one side of zero, as the Eu sawtooth, the carrier's pitch
will only be driven up and will not go below the carrier offset frequency. This
admittedly causes problems in consistent approaches to structuring, but this can
be handled if the musician keeps the general principles in mind. THE CARRIER
THE PROGRAM. The program's shape is simply the waveshape. The magnitude
is the product of the magnitude of the program oscillator output and the index.
The frequency of the program signal determines how fast the carrier will change
frequency. A bi-polar program signal will cause the program to fluctuate above
and below its center frequency, and a program on one side of zero will result in
frequency changes on one side of the carrier frequency only. It is essential to
spend MOOG ARP Eu J=fa- % ■£Wtr J^, k-r- -6-^- Figure 7.3. Waveform
magnitudes some time experimenting with your instrument, using the patch in
figure 7.1 with all available waveshapes.2 If you listen carefully you may notice
that a bi-polar program, if symmetrical, drives the carrier [the same interval]
above and below the center pitch. This can be experimented with, using a bi-
polar squarewave. Set the program for a very low frequency so that when it
reaches its positive peak you can actually discern the pitch of the carrier. Adjust
the index so that the carrier is modulated up a major third. If the program is
symmetrical when it reaches its negative peak, the carrier will fall a major third
below the carrier's center frequency. Experiment with the index in tuning the
carrier frequency excursion to precisely tuned intervals as if you were tuning
trills. Applications Now let's turn to some of the applications and controls of
specific instrument configuration. The following patches are just a few
suggestions for basic design which can readily be expanded by using different
kinds of controllers and control functions. Set up the patch illustrated in figure
7.4. A keyboard and a sub-audio oscillator (LFO) are patched to a VCO. Tune
the keyboard to 12 tone-equal-temperment and set the modulation index for a
suitable vibrato. The discrete keyboard voltages determine the VCO's center
frequency, and the vibrato is supplied by the program oscillator. If the index is
not changed, note that the amount of modulation is the same for every pitch. By
keeping one hand on the index pot (the attenuator) it is possible to vary
dynamically the amount of modulation. Try various kinds of articulations: begin
a note with zero index and gradually raise and lower 2. Some oscillators produce
waveforms with a certain amount of "DC offset." Simply explained, this is a
measure of unbalance between the voltage magnitudes of a waveshape or extra
DC voltage accompanying a waveshape. This offset will cause a shift in the
offset frequency of the carrier oscillator, and you may wish to retune after the
program has been connected. This can be either trivial or critical, depending on
the design of your instrument
manually vary the input attenuator to central FM index ' n you have to use an
axramat mixer it must be coupled to accept both AC (Program escalator) and OC
(Keyboard) voltages. Check your manual. Figure 7.4. Dynamic index fcvytmvnJ
/ 3UD- V > .* audio VC» r voltage "X" ■The index 13 dependant on born the
output sain o> the VCA and me attenuation level ol the program signal at the
earner oscillator. voltage "X" can be any available changng voltage Figure 7.5.
Voltaged controlled FM index the attenuator so that the vibrato has a dynamic
shape within each different pitch. Listen to how a concert violinist, concert
guitarist, or even electric guitarist controls the vibrato parameter. The amount of
vibrato or index is an important variable in the shaping of individual notes and
phrases. It would then be useful for electronic instruments to have this option
when needed. Modulation index is merely a measurement of the magnitude or
amplitude of the program signal. Since amplifiers control amplitude, a VCA may
be incorporated in the patch to provide voltage control over index. Some
instruments have voltage controlled index as an integral part of a module. Even
if this is the case an explanation of this technique will facilitate the
understanding of what is involved. The configuration in figure 7.5 is commonly
used for voltage controlled index. The program signal is patched through a VCA
before it is connected to a control input of the carrier VCO. Modulation index is
now dependent on two variables; the attenuation level at the carrier input and the
gain of the program VCO. The normal procedure is to raise the program
oscillator's gain to maximum, set the maximum desired index on the carrier with
the attenuation pot, and then rum the VCA gain back to zero. Now modulation
index can be controlled by applying different control functions to the VCA.
Correlation of Modulation Index with Other Parameters Several common
techniques are illustrated in figures 7.6A-D. Figure 7.6A uses a keyboard
triggered EG to control modulation index and the loudness of the carrier. When a
key is depressed the EG initiates its function: a sharp attack followed by a long
decay. This same voltage is used for VCA 2 which is, in effect, control of the
modulation index, the program signal having the same attack and decay as the
carrier. On the attack the program gain, or index, is at maximum and will
decrease in direct proportion to the envelope decay. Expressed in other terms,
there is maximum vibrato on the attack, becoming less apparent as the sound
decays. The function can be reversed by using a long attack and a sharp decay.
With the envelope generator in a sustain mode, both the carrier's loudness and
the modulation index will hold in proportion to the sustained voltage magnitude.
Figure 7.6B utilizes an inverse relationship. Here the envelope voltage is
inverted before being applied to the index controller (VCA). In this case the
sustained sound (the VCA being at full gain due to inverted control) will have
minimum index, and the index will increase as the sound decays. Keep in mind
that the maximum index will be determined by the attenuating input on the
carrier VCO. Figure 7.6C adds further refinement by controlling index with
keyboard pressure. With this configuration the index can be "played" and
precisely varied within the context of any note. Consider the use of other
kinesthetic controls as a direct control of index. Figure 7.6D uses just the
opposite approach, since the index is determined by a random voltage source. If
this were a triggered RVS a keyboard could supply the timing pulse so that every
pitch would have a new random index. Figure 7.7 takes this patch a step further
by subjecting index control to an unassociated control One player is determining
pitch control with a keyboard. The program oscillator is patched through a VCA
for index control In this configuration the index is controlled by a detected signal
from a second player. The louder the musician plays, the higher the detected
voltage and the greater the index. This patch goes beyond the traditional method
of vibrato control, but that is one good reason we have electronic instruments!
Delayed Modulation Index Figure 7.8 shows another configuration which is
built- in to many performance systems such as the Roland SH-5, CAT-SRM and
others. Again taking a model from acoustic traditions, some vibratos are
characterized by a delay in the index, the vibrato not taking effect until sometime
after the sound has been initi- 100
>w kayboard ^ ■"N H proeram aional md«x muat be **t so m« "trio" a i major
lacond tatervat Figure 7.9. FM trills WAVEFORM CLAMPING AT 25*.
921 waveform clamping point. On the Moog 921 the damping point is spe- dfied
by a pot calibrated from GS> to 100% of a waveform's cycle. Figure 7.10
illustrates a sine wave damped at 25% and 50%. The patch in figure 7.11 can
then be used to guarantee that each FM trill begins on its upper auxilliary. The
keyboard supplies pitch information to the carrier VCO and produces timing
pulses for two EGs and damping commands. As a key is depressed EG 1
determines the loudness and articulation of the signal, and EG 2 controls the
index evolution. VCO B, the program signal, is a square wave clamped at 0% (or
slightly above) so that it will initiate an upper trill every time a key is depressed.
Further dynamics could be added to the trills by dynamically varying the
program pulse width. However, this is possibly an academic example as the
keyboard player could certainly execute the needed embellishments directly
from the keyboard. Consider, however, the passage notated in figure 7.12. Out of
a sequence of eight events only three sdected pitches have FM trills, each of
which must begin on the upper auxiliary. We will assume that this has to be a
programmed pattern, as the performer is handling some other aspects of the
music. One solution is to use a sequencer's individual timing pulse outputs as
cueing information to initiate the FM and to control the clamping. Pulse outputs
2, 4 and 8 correspond to the pitches to be modulated. These pulses are used to
trigger an envdope generator which in turn opens up the VCA. The EG's 'on'
time should correspond to the note duration, therefore the function should
probably be controlled by gating information. The index could abruptly be gated
on to generate the correct interval or could be controlled by various envelope
contours. A sequencer timing pulse simultaneously clamps the program
oscillator to the desired point in the waveform. Figure 7.11. Controlled trills with
damping 102
** * 12 3*5678 OOOGOOOO • ♦ • ••••• 1:2 4 > clamp. -®w EGi VCA "Now: il
the damp coranuri r» a gale me triB will only occur lor tt>« duration of that
particular sequencer increment. II mg clamp command is only a trigger me "triir
will nave to Be turned on and o* 6y controlling trie index with an abrupt
envelope. EG 2 Figure 7.12. Selected FM trills with sequencer commands
Ift/WY.^WW Figure 7.13. Double FM Double Frequency Modulation Figure
7.13 illustrates some techniques of double FM; the frequency of the carrier itself
is being modulated. In figure 7.13A a 1 Hz sine wave is modulating the
frequency of a 5 Hz square wave which in turn is modulating an audio VCO.
The best thing to do is patch it up and listen to it, keeping the index of oscillator
2 moderately low. Since two oscillators are responsible for program information,
oscillator 2 might be referred to as "program" and oscillator 3 as "subprogram."
In this instrument the vibrato rate will change in accordance with the waveshape
of the subprogram, becoming faster as it goes positive and slower as it goes
negative. Figure 7.13B is a form of double modulation, but now in the "sub-
program" is a function generator, in this case an EG (EG2) with a long attack.
The resulting sound will be a gradual increase in vibrato rate as EG 2 produces a
slowing rising voltage. The EG might well be replaced by a falling edge sub-
audio sawtooth, but we would lose the advantage of triggering the function when
to start, unless clamping is possible. I think that the reader may now begin to
realize the difficulty of trying to formulate an all encompassing definition of
modulation. Any changing voltage source, be it repetitive, non-repetitive, AC or
DC, audio or sub-audio, can serve as a modulation source. The only way to
distinguish modulation from the other controls covered in chapter 6 is in terms
of the structure itself. Perceived modulation is carried by a slower change in
structural decisions. In the case of FM the center frequency of the carrier is
either manually offset or played by a voltage function. The FM information is
then added by the voltage of the program signal. The initial applications of
modulation have been put in terms of FM, simply because it is easy to hear.
Once the basic concepts of program and carrier relationships and index are
understood, the modulation of any other parameter can be readily
comprehended. 103
positw* Nwtooth pfOQrwn d Figure 7.15. Sub-audio AM patches echos are still
articulated within the shape of the EG control. Figure 7.16 illustrates a general
patch for controlling AM index. The AM process itself is accomplished by the
two VCA in series as in patch 7.15A. Here the index itself becomes a controlled
parameter by patching the program through a VGA for gain processing. Now
any voltage, an envelope, random voltage, the output of a joystick, etc., can
determine the amplitude modulation index. The patch in figure 7.17 correlates
tremolo speed with general loudness. As the EG voltage increases die gain for
VCA 2, it simultaneously causes the program frequency (VCO 2) to speed up.
With this patch die program VCO should be offset to the lowest desired tremolo
rate and the EG control processed so that the oscillator is never taken above 13
to 15 Hz. The precise range of desired tremolo variation can be tuned by the
offset and index pot Figure 7.18 is the patch for delayed AM. Compare this
patch with the delayed FM patch (figure 7.8, page 101). A word of caution is to
be sure that the delay time is not longer than the total envelope function time, or
the resulting modulation will not be heard! The number of modules used for
dynamic AM is significantly reduced if the parameters (AM signal input and
voltage controlled index) are built into a VCO. Not many commercially
available VCOs have these features, therefore, make the most out of the patches
documented in this section. Try all possible EG or* 1 . VC*N „ VCA\ ( program
\—. vcK> vca i.»Mwcts tp# afBQbtsOa ttodMta&on VCA 2—me game*!
lenaniii i»«lom VCA 3—eoeeota Max <Jha gaia o» faa program VOagaX
turning yo» wan to—I Figure 7.16. Voltage control AM index Havre 7.17.
Correlation between general loudness and tremelo rate 105
Figure 7.20. Filter tracking for constant Star modulation spectra I aS6«r j— 128
Hi Of -AA AA HXHz AA 54 XHz AA XHz Figure 7.21. Drone patches with
filter modulation and tuned square waves a keyboard voltage, its relationship to
the filter cutoff will change and the spectral modulation will not have the same
effect. A similar problem is dealt with in figure 6.6 in the proceeding chapter,
and the solution is the same. Use the keyboard voltage to relocate the cut-off
frequency in direct relation to the VCO pitch, as illustrated in figure 7.20. With
this configuration the program voltage will modulate the filter cutoff through the
same part of the carriers spectrum regardless of pitch choice. The techniques
used for AM are directly applicable to filter modulation. Voltage controlled
index, program frequency, simultaneous FM, eta, can all be accomplished by
referring to die AM patches (figures 7.13 through 7.18) substituting a filter for a
VCA. Low program frequency filter modulation is very effective for creating
drone environments. Figure 7.21 illustrates such a technique. Figure 7.21A uses
three square wave oscillators tuned in octaves, each being filter modulated with
a different program frequency. The tuning and program relationships may be of
interest for structural considerations. Octaves . of the fundamental frequency are
not present in a square wave, thus octave relationships between die oscillators
provide a rich spectrum to play with. The program frequency for each oscillator
is in inverse proportion to the ration of the pitches. Oscillator 2 is twice as high
as oscillator 1 and its filter modulation is twice as slow. Oscillator 3 is 4 times as
high (in terms of Hz—remember exponentiaBity!) as oscillator 1 and its 107
etectne ggnar tins paten eao« the owier"* toudness m be tepfceaiecl Note: tins
and win net be possible unless year mstruawm allows eat* vottages act me
matne as audio pulse waves. Figure 7.24. Simulated PWM using a voltage
control threshold of an envelope detector maoua&y vary the frequency Figure
7.25. Timbre modulation using VCO sync If an envelope detector or Schmitt
trigger has an external comparator input and voltage controllable threshold it can
be used to produce some interesting PWM effects with an acoustic instrument
Suitably pre-amplify the instrument, an electric guitar works well, and patch it to
the comparator input as illustrated in figure 7JJ4. When the comparator input
voltage is above the established threshold it will produce a gate voltage which
will remain high for as long as the input is above the threshold. A low frequency
sine wave is used to modulate that threshold so that the comparator generates a
gate at changing points each time the comparator voltage goes through a cycle.
The gate output is a pulse modulated voltage which may be used as an audio
signal In this case the comparator voltage is generating the carrier, and threshold
voltage is generating the program. If the sound is too raspy for your taste, patch
it through a low pass filter to remove some of the edges. I have seen this
technique used with Eu and Serge instruments, and it should be possible with
any instrument with external comparator inputs. Timbre Modulation Using VCO
Sync VCO synchronization can be used with sub-audio FM to achieve effects
sounding similar to resonant filter modulation. With "strong sync" (see chapter
3, figure 3.18) the slave VCO will try to lock on to the closest harmonic of the
master VCO. If your instrument provides sync possibilities, set up the patch
illustrated in figure 7.25A. Switch or patch the sync output (usually a square
wave) from a VCO set at a low pitch to the sync input of another VCO and listen
only to the slave oscillator. In "strong" sync mode, manually turn the slave's
frequency up and down. You should hear, not a continuous glissando, but rather
something more like high Q filtering or blowing through the harmonic series on
a pipe. As the slave's frequency is changed it will try to grab the closest hannonic
multiple of the master VCO frequency. If the slave VCO is frequency modulated
the program voltage will drive the slave carrier up and down, replicating the
harmonic series of the master. The slave's frequency offset will establish a
reference point in the harmonic series, and the index will determine the extent of
the harmonic sweep. Further color may be added by mixing the master and slave
VCOs together as shown 109
Frequency offsets are net seeeiSed. Been eaei satcfl wiri» sme waves and men
experiment with venous wavetorras. All VCA offsets sftould M 0. keypeerd gain
— 0 i r 4^ EG Dulse source The filter sweeps wts eftanoe Ae sideband structure
durmo trie course ef the envelope. Experiment with various fitter offsets and
envelope stupes. Note met oenerai loudness, index and titer sweeps are an
corretaiea The porst is to rapidly attemare rnaxmwfn and zero **dex several
witfim • long decay trom EG t. dock rate — 6-to Hz Figure 8-8. Exponential FM
patches at least five analog linear FM VCOs being manufactured for electronic
music applications. Linear response of a VCO makes it possible to use frequency
modulation as a timbral resource without causing a de-tuning of the center
frequency. As illustrated in figure 8.9, the program causes equal changes in
Hertz, per volt, not equal changes in musical interval. If the index is adjusted to
drive the carrier up 220 Hz, the negative swing of the program brings the carrier
down 220 Hz, the same number of cycles per second but not the same musical
interval. The result is that the carrier frequency" remains the same, independent
of index. The number and strength of sidebands is an FM spectrum is still
determined by the index. Figure 8.10 shows the first four sidebands of a 220 Hz
program and a 440 Hz carrier. The placement of &e sidebands is equal to the
Hertz difference between *be program and carrier, so that we see new pitches
aPpearing every 220 Hz above and below the center 440 220 440 Figure &9.
Linear frequency modulation carrier frequency. Note that in this case the second
lower sideband's frequency is zero and subsequent numbers are negative. The
existence of a frequency in negative time is not a concept out of an Isaac Asimov
novel but merely a reflection of that same frequency 180° out-of-phase with its
complementary component The negative A-440 is 180° out-of-phase with the
original carrier, a positive A-440. The negative Er660 is likewise 180° out-of-
phase with the first upper sideband, a positive E-660. If these sidebands were of
1320 - siMtaM at 1100 - wSabaftd S3 860- »dabandc2 660 •*■ jieaband si 440
etnter (ngMOCy 220 - sideband st "0" - adaband »2 -220- iMtMft -440 -
sidebaad S4 PLUS mmt Aaoative 4-440 - C-440) ■ +220 - (-220) - it mt eamar
VCO ware capable o> n«g«ii>« oscaamn aw 440 Hi and 220 tte *n«M be
elimiaaied tree* tries Figure 8.10. Linear FM sidebands the same amplitude they
would completely phase cancel, resulting in their elimination from the spectrum.
Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple. As the various sidebands are produced
on each side of the carrier their relative amplitudes vary in relationship to the
index. This results in varying amounts of cancellation, and consequently a non-
linear evolution of timbre. The calculation and amplification of the precise
spectral components produced by linear FM can be accomplished by means of a
Bessel function related formula. This involves a rather lengthy calculation in
which the variables are usually impractical for analog electronic music
instruments.6 It is only really important for the reader to realize that a
harmonically related carrier and program yield harmonically related sidebands
whose amplitudes are determined by the modulation index. The various
"timbral" VCOs may use direct FM techniques or may employ internal
waveshaping processes which simulate FM related timbres. Linear Frequency
Modulation Patches Direct linear FM signal inputs give the musician the option
of using any harmonically or non-hannonically related program frequency. If
you have access to a linear VCO configure the patch illustrated in figure 8.11
and use the suggested carrier-program relationships. In this instrument the
timbre wiU evolve in direct proportion to the loudness, as both index and 6. The
interested reader should refer to Hutchins, Op. CU., pp. 2c9-2cl2 or Hubert
Howe's Electronic Music Synthesis, W.W. Norton, NX, 1975, pp. 14-15. It must
be clarified that linear FM capabilities do not always imply the possibility of
negative sidebands. Some linear FM oscillators will generate the negative
frequencies and some will not, depending on design. While this negative
oscillation give the characteristic timbral richness to the sound, linear FM
without the possibility of negative oscillation can still provide a wide range of
new timbres. keyboard X"~">v oiaet- 0 Kry£f EG fifOfffM/B pitch mddttC C an
octave below 6 a tvaMti below C2( Figure 8-11. FM timbral evolution correlated
with loudness keyboard wd m J > Figure 8.12. Independent FM index the VCA
are controlled by the same voltage. Figure 8.12 illustrates a method of
independent timbre control. The index has its own function generator in figure
8.12 and it may be replaced by a sequencer, LFO, sequencer, random voltage
source, or any other function generator. The use of linear FM for the production
of harmonic spectra requires precise tracking of the carrier and program
oscillators. Synching them to VCOs will minimize this problem and should
guarantee the necessary phasing relationships. It would probably be best to use
"weak" sync so that waveshape distortions are not introduced. 116
Several current design VCO's have internal linear FM. Some of these designs
have, or at least replicate, negative sideband generation. Either refer to the users
manual or use your ear to determine the process. These oscillators are commonly
referred to "timbral VCO's." The actual timbre process may be true linear FM
(with or without negative oscillation capabilities), or it may be an internal
waveshaping technique which generally replicates a linear FM spectrum. Audio
Rate Amplitude Modulation Amplitude Modulation Parameters Amplitude
Modulation with audio frequency programs can be done with VCAs, multipliers,
or balanced modulators. The only other requirement is that the circuits be able to
accept audio frequency voltages. As is the case with sub-audio 'AM' the process
involves the gain of one signal (the VCA's offset of 0 to 1) multiplied by the gain
of another signal. If this is done at an audio rate the resulting sound may be a
complex harmonic or non-harmonic spectrum. Like FM, the spectrum depends
on two parameters: the original spectrum of the program and carrier signals, and
the modulation index, which is often described in terms of "percent modulation."
In order to demonstrate index or "percent modulation" make one of the patches
in figure 8.13. Figure 8.13A should be used if you have a VCA capable of audio
rate modulation. The amp should be set for linear control if you have a choice. If
your VCAs will not accept audio controls use a Balanced Modulator, as in figure
8.13B. This is a more complex patch but will do the job. With a Balanced
Modulator the math is not quite the same but it will make the point. In each case
the patch should replicate the model in figure 8.13A: a carrier signal which can
be offset to any gain and a program signal which can be offset to any gain via an
external VCA or processing pot. Even though the signal from a VCO is being
amplitude modulated, it is being accomplished by a VCA and the AM
parameters (except for initial waveshape) are detennined by tie VCA. On the
Buchla 100 Series instruments audio AM is built into the squarewave VCO. If
this is your only resource, assume that the carrier gain will always be 1 and the
program will always modulate the gain downward between 1 and 0. The strength
of the two sidebands depends on modulation index, which in the case of AM is
the amount of amplitude change in the carrier signal caused by the program
signal or: Index = rise or fall above the unmodulated carrier level carrier
amplitude The more the amplitude of the carrier is changed, the stronger the
sidebands. Thus the index has two variables; the offset gain of the VCA and the
attenuation ' This ittvnoaiiofi can &e done with nhxers or VCA's. Seme
Balanced Mooulaiorj have mptit atxanmors- Figure 8.13. Audio-rate amplitude
modulation level of the program signal. With VCOs with internal AM, the gain
offset is always at full value and the modulation is always a process of gain
variation subtraction. In other words, a signal at maximum gain cannot get any
louder because the positive portion of the program cannot cause any further
amplification. In this case the amplification will only decrease in response to the
negative portion of the program signal. By the same token if a VCA is offset to
zero the negative portion of a program signal cannot make the carrier any softer
and it will only respond to positive swings in the program signal. If a VCA is
offset at about .5 on a scale from 0 to 1 a bi-polar program will effect's positive
and negative modulation in response to its positive and negative voltage swing.
If the program is a positive value only (see page 104) die modulation will only
be in terms of a gain increase. Figure 8.14 illustrates several examples of AM
parameters and their respective modulation indices. If die modulation tends to
change the gain of a signal beyond the gain limit of die instrument it will
probably cause modulation distortion or "over-modulation" which sounds like
the addition of extra frequencies to the modulation product. If your instrument
does not have a VCA which accommodates audio rate AM it will probably have
a Balanced Modulator. The techniques of balanced modulation are explained
later in the chapter, but the circuit can be used for AM by setting the modulation
control for AM. The modulation controls on balance modulators have a variety
of fonnats, so that it is best to consult the instrument manual to successfully
implement this technique (see page 124). 117
Figure &23. Timbral AM sequences *2 - IMS &3-84M2 S*- 7<M3 Figure &24.
Multiple amplitude modulation (if available) for the clock's stop command, or to
use the keyboard pulse for a reset command. This instrument can be readily
combined with the patch in figure 8.21 to produce a non-harmonic glissando into
each new timbre. The use of two program signals can be approached two ways,
each with a slightly different result. Multiple AM involves the mixing of two
program frequencies as illustrated in figure 8.24. The phase relationships
between the mixed signals can cancel and/or reinforce each other and the
composite waveform may have a slightly different gain characteristic At the
same time the AM spectrum will contain the sum and differences of the two
program signals. Figure 8.24B illustrates this process. In this case the two
program signals and the carrier are related according to the ratios 5:3:2. The
resulting spectrum contains a dense set of harmonics up to harmonic number
nine. Double AM involves series multiplication as illustrated in figure 8.25.
What will be the program amplitude is first multiplied (amplitude modulated) by
another sub-program. Assuming full index, the 3:2 ratio between the two
frequencies produces a spectrum of pitches related 5:2:1. This entire spectrum is
then used as the program to amplitude modulate the carrier. The resulting
spectrum is a complex harmonic structure ranging up to the eleventh harmonic.
Since some of the components are duplicated in the spectrum, the phase
relationships of the programs and carrier can result in amplification or
attenuation of certain frequencies. Due to die complexities of the spectrum such
an effect would probably be insignifi- 122 Figaro &25. Double AM cant If it
causes audible problems, phase lock the oscillators. This instrument can produce
even more shimmering timbres if the various indices are voltage controlled. All
of the previous instruments were based on the use of sinewave frequencies so
that basic concepts could be discussed with a minimum of mathematics. These
techniques will work for any waveshape, but (in terms of timbre calculations)
unless you depend on your ear, doe addition and subtraction can become quite
involved. The fact to consider is that each additional part of the program or
carrier signal's spectrum will result in an additional set of sidebands. Consider a
case in which two square waves are used. Even if we calculate the resulting AM
spectrum using just the first 5 partials of each signal, it would result in 20
sidebands. At this point I suggest you throw away the pencil and experiment
until it sounds good to you. I am not suggesting that only sinewaves axe usable
for modulation,—merely being honest about avoiding the mathematics! Kich
waveforms can be used in very artistic manners to brighten any modulation
/ -■: - i tflv oet ^ t?~ j | vi-jiV^ H Figure 8J29. Envelope control of index
'ftSVUflWOT Figure 8-30. External modulation parameter controls Figure 8.31.
Auto-AM Figure 8^2. Cross modulation between two instruments modulation
characteristics of one instrument as a function of the articulations of another,
perhaps unrelated, instrument. Figure 8.31. One instrument is simultaneously the
carrier and program. This will have interesting spectral results if the instrument
generates a relatively simple waveform, like a flute. Academically this is the
patch for octave doubling, but it only works effectively for sine waves. If you
know the harmonic spectrum of the acoustic instrument you are working with
you may be interested in calculating what happens when you multiply one
instrument by itself. Figure 8.32. An expansion of the previous patch in which
one acoustic instrument modulates the other. If the VCA is offset to zero an
"AND GATE" logic is created. There will be no sound unless both instruments
are playing at the same time. This is the basis for Robert Ashley's String Quartet
Describing the Motions of Large Real Bodies discussed in chapter 6 (page 92).
Balanced Modulation and Ring Modulation The Balanced or Ring Modulator
has always been an essential instrument in electronic music due to its capability
of producing the desired interaction between the signals.7 The process of
balanced or ring modulation can be described as nothing more than a specialized
case of amplitude modulation. The VCA, as explained on page 104, is a two
quadrant multiplier which does not produce negative or inverted gain, and
therefore the carrier is always present in the modulation spectrum. The balanced
or ring modulator is a four quadrant multiplier, meaning that it will generate
negative gain. The relevance mis has to spectral control is that balanced
modulation rejects die carrier signal from the modulation product as illustrated
in figure 8.33. The result of balanced modulation is that non-harmonic spectra
will not have a real pitch center. Timbres produced by two harmonically related
signals will have at least a virtual pitch center because all of the sidebands are an
integral multiple of some audio frequency. Even if that frequency is not present
in the spectrum, the feeling of a "fundamental" will still exist. The Balanced
Modulator All of the patches documented in the previous section on audio rate
AM can be accommodated by simply substituting a balanced modulator for a
VCA. At this point a distinction must be made between what is, in 7. Some
piactitionezs still prefer the older diode ring circuits due to their characteristic
distortion which adds a certain coloration to the sound. 124
rtjt I •—-»i PA env Rgure 8.39. Correlation of instrument dynamics and program
frequency Figure 840. Program frequency storage © 2>- Figure 8.41. Multiple
modulation Figure 8.42. Combining two mstntments m a ring modulation
configuration 'Eapcnowot with wious flutti snd cororet mtn« rowwtion i-nta. Try
CO-IUMttH) the MMr dinctly *otn the wioiBpe <MMetor or ow • Figure 8.43.
Fntering the modulation spectrum with correlated controls tar Ujwii. DC «o»»o»
(Joyttclt* EfMr. Dtt.. K4yfeOV0 POAMMBtO Figure 844. "Bowing" a ring
modulator —' lL • » vcv> ru^_ 9 tfW3 !• * (BOW ###CthK# (MfflOlS but f
fBfltfJfS Mid VCA Mi pOOltMl 4¥I0 MQBtMre) <lpm> •BCh 0 OB ttM
MOQQ WCtraMMBtt. X *ny OtwtC* th« w* «0*tt ttw tignal phCM or Figure
&4S. Ring modulation simulation 128
Figure 8.41 is a multiple modulation patch which forms the basis of Berhmans
Flayers With Circuits. In this configuration one of the acoustic sources is mixed
with a sub-audio waveshape (try a squarewave). This adds a rhythmic pulsing to
the output spectrum. One possible expansion is to control the frequency of this
LFO with an associated control, perhaps by an ED driven by one of the
instruments. In figure 8.42 one of the instruments is mixed with the other and the
mix is applied to one input of the ring modulator. We know from previous
experiments that a signal modulated with itself conceptually produces an octave.
This really is true only for sine waves, as each of the overtones in a spectrum are
not transformed by a 2:1 ratio, although they will still bear a harmonic
relationship to each other. The result of doing this with acoustic instruments is a
general clouding of the spectrum by modulating one source with itself and
another simultaneous signal. The patch in figure 8.43 can be used when die
timbres get a bit out of hand. The spectrum can be limited by various types of
filtering, either manually offset or voltage controlled. The filter control may be
correlated with one instrument's dynamics via an ED or it may be programmed
by any type of-function generator triggered by the instrument. The instrument in
figure 8.44 is an intriguing patch referred as "the bowed ring modulator." This
requires an AC coupled modulator and takes advantage of the fact that it will not
react to die level of a DC control voltage but only to changes in the level of the
control. Time a couple of VCOs to a harmonic relationship and patch them both
to a mixer. The reason for two VGOs is simply that it makes the sound more
interesting. The mixer is patched to one side of the ring modulator. The other
input is from some dynamic control voltage source such as a joystick, as
illustrated, but it might be pressure from a keyboard, the output of an ED driven
by a violin, a ribbon controller, etc Each time the control voltage changes it will
activate the output of die ring modulator. In tins illustration one axis of a
joystick "bows" the modulator and the other axis controls the pitches of die
VCOs. If your system does not have a dedicated balanced or ring modulator the
effect may be replicated by using the patch shown in figure 8.45 A or B. Patch A
uses a traditional AM patch but the carrier signal is eliminated from die
modulation spectrum by phase cancellation. The carrier signal is taken in parallel
to an inverter (a second VGA. with negative outputs, an inverting mixer, etc.)
and shifted 180°. It is dien remixed with the modulation spectrum and with some
careful tuning die carrier pitch can be completely phase cancelled to simulate
ring modulation. Frequency Shifters Spectrum Shifting Frequency shifters are
not normally referred to as modulators, but the process is also a form of balanced
modulation. The frequency shifter is exacdy like a ring modulator except that die
sum and difference tones are isolated from each other and independently
available, usually from different outputs or by switch selection. The upper
sideband is often referred to as die "up-shift," whereas die lower sideband is
referred to as the "down-shift." Also known as a KlanguTmcand- ler, die
frequency shifter can be put to best use if it is thought of as an "additive or linear
transposes" A transposition of any chord or spectrum is a process of multiplying
each component by a fixed number. A transposition of an octave (up) is
multiplication of everything by 2. The transposition of die overtone spectrum up
a fourth is multiplication by about 1.335. Figure 8.46A shows multiplication of
part of die harmonic overtone series by 1.335, thus transposing all of its
components upward an equal musical interval of a fourth. If die distance
between die C and F is considered in Hertz terms, die fundamental has moved up
21.89 Hz. But if 21.89 Hz were added to every component in die spectrum the
harmonic relationships would no longer be maintained, and this is exacdy what a
frequency shifter does: it shifts a signal by adding or subtracting fixed number of
Hertz to or from every frequency component present in die signal's spectrum.9
Figure 8.47 illustrates a "C fundamental harmonic spectrum shifted by different
reference frequencies. Two features are significant in these examples; first, 9. In
the case of frequency shifters, the terms "carrier" and "program" 'will not be
used, as they do not adequately describe the process for the musician. Bode
instruments use the terms "signal" and "carrier," the carrier being the frequency
determining the amount of shift This text will use the terms "signal," meaning
the sound to be shifted, and "reference," meaning the signal determining the
amount of shift. diipl«c«n—totth* tuna—mml by 21-B8 Ht) Figure &46.
Spectrum transposition and shifting 129
Figure 8.49. Exponential shifting through zero Since linear control results in
•sue* chine** in terms of Hz. the oownshrrt ceases e wider interval (compere
with Fig. 8.49). Figure 8.50. Linear shifting through zero ij . t.: octave norse A
noise shifts through zero upshift F/S expenmerit mixing in varyrns. proportions 8
—mixing of upshift and downshift Figure 8.51. Frequency shifter patches up-
shift or down-shift can be given various degrees of ptominance, thus providing
even further coloring possibilities. like the ring modulator, a frequency shifter
will probably have some minimal referency frequency leak if the signal output is
not active. If the instrument does not have a squelch it may be patched up by
replicating the patch in figure 8.38- Applications The following frequency
shifter application suggestions were taken from an Audio Engineering
Convention report given in 1972 by Harold Bode and Robert *• right channel
signal >- 5-7 Kl Figure 8.52. Frequency shifter programming with periodic and
aperiodic voltage functions Moog,30 and from some application notes kindly
provided by Harold Bode. In each case the original commentary has been
preserved but the patches have been notated in a manner consistent with this
text. Programming with Periodic and Aperiodic Voltage Functions—Figure
8.52. a. By setting the main tuning control to zero and applying a low-frequency
square wave to the control voltage input in the linear mode, the up and down
detuned outputs will switch places, resulting in a new stereo-type effect when
heard over two stereo channels. The character of this effect is dependent upon
the square-wave frequency typically, for instance, 5-6 Hz) and its amplitude.
Entirely different effects are achieved when raising this frequency above 20 Hz.
The amplitude of the square wave will determine the amount of detuning for
both sidebands, which will become attractive when the detuning frequency is in
some harmonic relationship to the fundamental of a simple program material. 10.
Published in the Audio Engineering, Society Journal, "A High-Accurate
Frequency Shifter for Professional Audio Applications," Bode and Mood,
July/August 1972, vol. 20, no. 6, p. 453. 131
b. By setting the main tuning control to zero beat and applying a vibrato-type
sine wave to the control voltage input in the linear mode, a vibrato-type effect is
created, displaying the widest frequency shift at low program frequencies, and
decreasing toward higher frequencies. c. With the main tuning control in the zero
beat position, the application of a sawtooth wave to the control voltage input in
the linear mode produces a dramatic effect when the sawtooth frequency is at
about 1-2 Hz and when the main tuning knob is slowly turned out of its center
position. d. By setting the main tuning control to zero and applying a pink noise
with limited voltage to the control voltage input in the linear mode, the program
material assumes a hoarse quality which can be remixed with the original sound.
Multichannel Effects—Figure 8.53. A four-channel stereo effect can be achieved
by feeding the direct program material to channel 1, the voltages of the output
OUTi to (differences) channel 2, the voltages of the output OUT;, (sums) to
channel 3, and the ring modulator product to channel 4. In this instrument a sub-
audio sine wave (1 Hz or lower) is used as the reference. This low of a shift will
not be heard as a pitch change but rather as a slight vibrato with some phase
shift. Each signal, the original, the sum, the difference, and the mixed "ring
modulator" signal, will all have an opposing minute amplitude and phase shifts.
When all four signals are put into an environment they create an interesting
spatial effect. Note that if your instrument does not have a mixed output you
may use an external mixer. Detuning and glissandoing percussion—Figure 8.54.
When the input signal is a quasi-pitched sound, such as that produced by a drum,
the frequency shifter will alter the apparent pitch. In the case of a drum sound,
varying the amount of frequency shift will appear to change the "size" of the
drum. In conjunction with a envelope follower and envelope generator, a trigger
occurring at the beginning of each drum sound may result in a rapidly varying
"amount of shift" contour, which gives a whole new class of percussion sounds
which glide or swoop each time they begin. A drummer may also use a pedal
controller, or modulating oscillator, to vary the amount of shift, thus creating
radical changes in the processed sound while he is playing. A pitched sound
which is rich in harmonics becomes clangorous when passed through the
Frequency Shifter. When the Frequency Shifter is used with controlled
oscillators, it is convenient to control the amount of shift and the frequency of
the input signal with the same control voltage. This arrangement produces a
clangorous sound whose relationships between overtones, and therefore its
perceived timbre, remain constant as the pitch of the sound is varied.
Furthermore, exciting new timbres are created when the oscillator tones are
dynamically filtered before or after being shifted. Simultaneous Shift and
Reference FM—Figure 8.55. Using two sine oscillators, one fed to the signal
input and the other to a control input, a wide range of frequency modulation is
possible. If the amplitude of the control signal is dynamically varied, a class of
clangorous tones is produced whose overtone strengths constantly vary with
time. Iteration Effects-Fig. 8.56. a. The output of a tape three-head tape recorder
may be mixed with its input to produce well known tape echo effects. If you are
not yet familiar with tape echo you should wait until chapter 12 has been
covered before you try this technique.11 For those who are following so far here
is what happens: a "basic patch, voice, instrument, etc., is 11. If you don't know
how to do tape echo have the studio technician set it up for you or read chapter
12. Figure 8.53. Multichannel effects 132
*Th» iiiiMt wy to got ■ i:i ratio * to * tho program 400" cstriw. Ottw ratios wiB
OKdtetof* *lf tho Kt*f dots not how two so and program fraqaoacy will ham to
b* mixod control tfipwts trio EG Figure 8^7- Audio rate filter modulation the
result is a non-harmonic "growl." Also experiment with various program and
carrier waveforms. A final modulation technique which may serve as food for
thought is audio rate waveshape "time sampling." This patch is difficult to place
in any of the previous categories but can be best thought of as waveshaping
technique. The instrument illustrated in figure 8.58 is the basic sample/hold
patch shown in chapter 6, figure 6.63, page 80. The only difference is mat
sampled voltage and the sampling command are audio frequencies. The sample
command should be several times higher than the sampled signal and thus it may
be best to use a squarewave VCO for the time commands. The S/H thus samples
the sinewave and turns it into a staircase wave. The number of steps and
resulting timbre is dependent on the ratio of the sinewave frequency and the
frequency of the sample command. Both VCOs could be tracked at a set ratio or
may use two different controls to systematically (or randomly) vary the
relationships to make the timbre dynamic. Exercises The next four examples are
patch transcriptions from commercially available patch books dealing with
various forms of audio-rate modulation. Look over the original notation and
then, in terms of the general notation, transfer them to your own resources. If
they do something nice, add them to your patch library. At this point you
probably realize the importance.of very precise tuning which most notation
cannot accommodate. It might be a good idea to notate your "usable" patches in
two ways: first write them down, and second, make the instrument and record
the correct results on a cassette with appropriate reference numbers. 1. Figure
8.59 "Night Sounds" This instrument involves a nice combination of audio and
sub-audio FM along with Ring Modulation. The Source's notational format is
very close to the one used in this book, therefore I have taken the liberty of
making minor format changes. 2. Figure 8.60 "Chimes I and II" Again from
PAIA's The Source, these are two classic "chime" or "gong" patches, depending
on the VCO offsets—and here also they have been renotated. Chimes 1 may be
most interesting as the ADSR, greatly attenuated, causes a slight pitch shift in
one of the VCO's, simulating the pitch bend resulting from the strike force of the
gong mallet 3. Figure 8.61 "Gasoline Engine" This instrument explores the realm
between audio and sub-audio filter modulation. Noise is patched to a low pass
filter which is being controlled by a low pulse wave. This is simple enough until
you start approaching the audio range with the program LFO. Try controlling the
program VCO with the keyboard and take note of the results—especially when
the VCO begins to approach an audio rate. As the instrument is de- ® ^ SZ
L£Klte Figure 8.58. Audio-rate waveform sampling 134
fined the "engine" is periodic. How could you expand the patch to make it
aperiodic? Finally, find a way to eliminate the keyboard. 4. Figure 8.62
"Celesta" In this patch two carefully tuned VCOs are King Modulated. Ring
Modulation eliminates the two modulated frequencies leaving only the
sidebands. But note that the two pitches are also patched, unmodulated, to the
final mix. What pitches will be in the final mix? (A major third is a 5:4—refer to
page 120). What frequency will be the perceived fundamental of this spectrum?
Can 6. you configure a patch which will give the same sound using Amplitude
Modulation? Figure 8-63 "Echoed Klang" Figure 8.63 are the patches for a
simulated "echo" explained in chapter 7 (see page 105). For a sound source use
any type of audio modulation instrument you can design and correlate the "echo'
rate with some aspect of the instrument (carrier frequency, index, etc.). Figure
8.64 "Metallic Sounds" This instrument, suggested by composer Daniel Kelley,
creates some lovely "steel band" effects Tune to a major third above VCO-1
{VC0-lOikZfS.lZ*z-y b) -2VC0-2 VCO-1 IHfto^SWITHBEffi lOI Figure 8.62.
"Celesta" (From the Roland System 100/Exptmder 102 Patchbook, Roland Corp-
Used by permission.) 136
and is usable in a wide frequency range. Note that the reference VCO is being
Frequency Modulated in two opposing directions. The reference Program is
simultaneously inverted and used as a second modulating frequency. This
instrument was designed with the Buchla Frequency Shifter but should work on
other systems as well. 7. Figure 8.65 "More Metal" This configuration is a Ring
Modulator or Balanced Modulator version of the previous patch. You should
probably begin exploration with sine waves as this double modulation really
cranks out a lot of non-harmonic sidebands. 8. Figure 8.66 Timbre Cycles" This
is an intriguing configuration based on the generation of harmonic sidebands via
a Ring Modulator or Frequency Shifter. One VCO is tuned to a sequence of 5
pitches and this sequence continues to cycle, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. The
keyboard controls the other VCO playing a cycle of 4 pitches. The sequencer is
triggered by the keyboard so strict homophony is guaranteed. Since each cycle is
a different length, the relationship between the two is constantly changing and
does not repeat until beat 21. Note, however, that the pitch relationships are
simple harmonic numbers, which will result in harmonic spectra. The sequence
of resulting ratios are: 1:1 1 1:1 10 2:1 19 4:3 2 2:1 11 1:1 20 3:2 3 4:3 12 1:1 21
8:3 4 3:1 13 4:3 22 3:2 5 8:3 14 3:2 23 3:2 6 3:2 15 8:3 24 1:1 7 3:2 16 3:2 25
2:1 8 2:1 17 etc. 4:1 9 2:1 18 Figure 8.63. "Echoed dang." This is three possible
ways of achieving the echo. The "stgnal" must be an audio modulation
instrument. All VCA offsets are zero. By mixing the resulting timbral sequence
with the output of VCO 2 the result is a four-note pattern imposed on a sequence
of 20 timbres! Read through all of this again and then make the patch and play it
If you are interested, calculate the resulting spectral sequence. ttw ttvft only
wmw to flVtct th9 ovwtomt. Tcy ttiit w¥tt n witty ot wtojMvncy ousts (or
triOiaaRMS). Figure 8.64. "Metallic sounds" 137
Figure 8.65. "More metal" Figure 8*66. "Timbre cycles" 9. Go back to any of
the patches in chapters 6 and 7 and add audio-modulation based instruments to
the configurations. 10. Figure 8.67 "Players with Circuits'' by David Berhman
This is a classic performance piece using instruments and a Ring Modulator.
Find some players and try it The performance requires that the instrument
attacks be exactly together, and it is not as easy as it might look. 138
Players with Circuits 4—performer version Performer 1 plays the part marked
"sound source #1" Performer 2 plays the part marked "sound source #2"
Performers 3 and 4 play the part marked "output control," 3 handling the
oscillator, 4 handling preamplifier volume and tone controls. A stopwatch is
required for each performer (3 and 4 may share a watch). Several instrumental
realizations of sound sources #1 and #2 are provided, which may be used in any
combination. If available, use electric guitars and/or zithers rather than pianos.
Equipment required for performers 3 and 4: a sine- square wave oscillator with a
frequency range of 2 cps to 20,000 cps, a ring modulator, and a preamplifier
with separate bass and treble tone controls. Also required: additional
preamplifier between microphones and signal input of modulator, mixers, and
microphones, as shown in diagram. Guitar or contact microphones should be
used to amplify the sounds of instruments used as sound sources #1 and #2. For
piano, at least four microphones should be distributed throughout the bass-treble
range of instrument, each one resting directly on strings but not attached, so that
it is free to vibrate. Two or more microphones, if available, should be used to
amplify the sounds of each guitar or zither. To be arranged before performance:
There must be enough gain available after the ring modulator so that sound can
be maintained indefinitely by performer 4 after the attacks by performers 1 and 2
have died out. (The strings of instruments used as sound sources should resonate
in response to the loudspeakers, so that their microphones will continue to feed
an audio signal into the modulator during the intervals between attacks). The
moduktor should 'if possible' have an internal preamplifier, with volume control,
at its output, which in turn can be fed into a high level input of the external
preamplifier. (Otherwise, moduktor should be fed into a low level input of
external preamp). The amplitude control setting of the oscilktor should be
adjusted before performance for optimum effect on moduktor (maximum output
with minimum leakage); it should not be necessary to change it during
performance. To perform: To begin, the four performers meet in order to start
their stopwatches together. During the first minute, performers 1 and 2 return to
their instruments and performer 4 very slowly opens his preamplifier volume
control. A very slowly growing soft sound (made up of microphone feedback
and leakage of the control signal through the moduktor) should come from the
speakers during the 30 seconds before the first attack at 1:00. Thereafter, the
attacks themselves (at stopwatch intervals marked) should create an extremely
loud speaker sound. Enough speakers and amplification should be used to fill the
room with sound. Note (in diagram) that the sound system is monophonic. All
performers: make all attacks and switch position changes as precisely as possible
with regard to stopwatch time. Note to performer 4: once or twice during
performance, especially after louder attacks, quickly reduce sound level to zero
(must be within one second after any attack) and immediately restore it
(somewhat more slowly) to usual high post-attack level (within two and a half
seconds after the attack): <r xaro These should be die only silences in the piece:
don't permit sound to die out gradually when longer intervals follow attacks.
Keep volume moderate to full by raising volume control(s) when necessary to
maintain the feedback-leakage equiUbrium described above. o© © u) cootpoi
input s> ® S 4> «wro*s2 =4 -»-i»p«t» Figure 8.67. "Players with circwte" by
David Behrman 139
t control tjHtftormcf? 3 and <0 waveform switch band selector U\, luntng diet !/
f ; (I treble < controls ^ j \ output woiuff>e control f x 100 * I x t f x 0.1 fwehwt
freq.-—*f _L | maxunum boost- Bat——. maximum boost- basa < Bat aatwr 1
*fyin/)n'm777777777fftuim»i/i>.'rmiirim —~ %/m>im
>))»mm»/ui/>>)/>>y>)>nrrrrr. 7. IMS I _l_ ms I 22Z3a» Q-.27} %40 f x 100 tx
10 lx 1 (, tx 0.1 2*5 IT) 320 «00 «3S ^\. W////M/////////MM tone «7 control _ 9:
Z2Z ZZZZZZZZZ222 ~MlMi!/m/m^ «2S ftSO 7*S 7:40 *To. fxlOO tx 10 tx 1 1
x 0.1 LP *A, 73» 8:13 833 ■ill))))))! ilfiEbL IS. -»- ~ZaEL\-± rrrr7
^l«M»f^//f////MMipi^ (j.) «3S> 8*5 *1S *40 fx 100 £} fx 10 Ix 1 fx 0.1 tUBiAQ
^ -H- <>){l)»)J)/\/»>»,))>)> 7777777777?: 77777 VIIIIHI777777777777, »/v
'l/lllllll/lt Tit II l\ll I Ml VIIII III III 2. >))))))>))))»»>)))>»)/» Figw»a£7—
Continaed 140
emphasis will make the bottom heavy and dull sounding. 400-2K Hz: This is the
normal mid-range for acoustic instruments, although it can be extended in both
directions for electronic instruments. This range contains the clearly audible
parts of a sound's spectrum and should be treated with care. Proper emphasis can
add clarity to a voice, but too much of the upper end of this register will make
the sound somewhat "tinny." Since this range contains a great deal of
information, too much boost can often cause what is known as "listener fatigue."
As the expression implies, the ear actually becomes overworked and could result
in an ineffective listening experience. 2K-8K Hz: This is the general "presence"
register for the wide spectrum range of electronic sounds. Boosting the middle of
this range can bring the sound more to the "front" of a mix. A standard recording
practice is to boost the area appriximately 5K, which makes the recording or
performance sound brighter and louder. High energy square waves around 3 or
4K can be very piercing, therefore these events may call for a bit of attenuation.
Around 4 to 6K is the "clarity" area for instruments, but too much boost here can
also cause listener fatigue. At the higher end of this range there is apt to be a
certain amount of noise introduced by the recording process or by noisy
equipment. Careful attenuation here can reduce the noise, but take care that the
spectrum is not significantly changed. 6K and up: This range will determine the
general brilliance of acoustic sounds. Some electronic sounds have their
presence in this area. Tape hiss is very audible at this end of the spectrum, hence
some slight attenuation can usually clean up the recording. Many modulation
spectra can be brightened up by boosting the range, which in effect adds gain to
the high end of the summation frequencies. Filters High-Pass Fitters While one
function of an equazier is to attenuate various parts of the frequency spectrum, it
is a filters fob to totally eliminate various frequencies and frequency bands. In
general, a filter is a circuit or network of circuits for the transmission and
elimination of selected frequencies. In working with white sound sources, the
use of filters makes it possible to divide the white sound into smaller bands of
colored sound, hi figure 9.10A, the white sound spectrum is represented with an
overall amplitude of 60 db. With a nigh pass" filter, it would be possible to
eliminate 16 k: white sound sDCcfvre 24k Mj SET lS"M*~"« 16 Ht Wgh-D«s
filtering witn ">a«3i" eut-ojf cftanctenoies (90 Hope) J4HHJ Figure 9.10. High-
pass fitter applications to white sound the lower portion of this spectrum. The
frequencies which are attenuated by 60 db are referred to as the "stop-band" or
"reject band." The remaining frequencies are referred to as the "pass-band." In
general terms, the point at which the attenuation begins is called the "cut-off
frequency," and with variable filters this cut-off can be set at almost any point in
the spectrum. In figure 9.10B, the cut-off frequency is 13k Hz. In more specific
terms, the cut-off frequency is actually the point at which the filter causes 3 db
attenuation in the spectrum. It is much easier to observe the effectiveness of a
filter in graphic terms. The ideal filter would provide an abrupt blockage of all
frequencies, beginning with the cut-off frequency as shown in figure 9.10C. This
90° "slope" is almost impossible to achieve, however, due to the characteristics
of the filter s components. In very simple filters the slope is about a 6 db per
octave "roll-off." This means that the efficiency of the filter is now measured in
terms of rate of attenuation per octave. A more efficient filter may have a 24 db
per octave rolloff (see figure 9.11). As will be explained later in this chapter, a
high-Q or sharp cut-off filter may be the most desirable for work in electronic
music. On the other hand, a gradual-slope filter has the advantage of being used
as an equalizer. ♦60 as— ♦30 «b — 16 Hz MkHzcuiott Figure 9.11. Low-pass
filter with a 16k Hz cut-off 24kK: 147
Low-Pass Fitters In addition to the high-pass, there are several other filter
designs. The low-pass filter achieves the exact inverse effect of the high-pass
filter. As with the high- pass design, the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter
can usually be set at any point in the audio spectrum. In using a low-pass filter, it
would be possible to affect either end of the spectrum shown in figure 9.12, or to
have a cut-off frequency at any point between these two extremes. The most
valuable application of high- and low- pass filters is in shaping various timbres
by removing overtones. As a hypothetical situation, suppose a composer had
produced a very complex timbre as notated in figure 9.13A. In this case the
composer felt the sound was too "bright" ar had too much "bite" for his
preference. One process he might apply to reduce this is low-pass filtering. By
passing the timbre through a low-pass 40 db/octave filter with a cut-off
frequency of 1.1k Hz, the top partials would be attenuated, thereby taking some
of the "edge" off the sound (figure 9.13B). An even sharper roll-off would
remove these partials completely, without affecting the intensities of the lower
partials (fig. 7.13C). Another method of eliminating the top partials is to set the
cut-off frequency at some point lower than the lowest partials to be eliminated,
perhaps 950 Hz. This will add more attenuation to the top partials but, due to
roll-off, it would be at the expense of some of the lower partials (fig. 9.13D). All
of the above treatments can also be applied in working with a high-pass filter.
Beginning with the same timbre as in figure 9.13A, suppose that the composer
wished to attenuate or eliminate some of the lower frequencies. Again the cut-off
frequency must be adjusted to produce the desired timbre (fig. 9.14). oab
wfrrrrrrSTt 16 Hx ZOcHz 16 HI 24k Hi Figure 9.12. Low-pass filtering of white
sound U TT U TT Figure 9.13. Notation of low-pass filtering of a complex
timbre. Relative amplitudes of individual frequencies are indicated by the size of
the note Figure 9.14. Notation of high-pass filtering of a complex timbre Band-
Pass Filters A third filter design to be considered is the "bandpass." The high-
and low-pass filters were limited to attenuating either the relative low or high
ends of the spectrum. The band-pass filter has the function of attenuating or
eliminating both ends of the spectrum at the same time. Referring again to white
sound, the ideal band-pass filter could eliminate any amount of sound from each
end of the spectrum. But of course this instantaneous transition from band-pass
to band- stop exhibits less accurate slopes, such as those shown in figure 9.15.
The frequency midway between the high and low cut-off frequencies is referred
to as the "center frequency." In some designs the band-pass frequencies are
determined by two pots; one for the lower cut-off frequency (high-pass), and one
for the upper cut-off frequency (low-pass). By adjusting these two cut-off
frequencies, it is possible to produce various band-pass patterns ranging from a
very wide "shelf pattern to a very narrow "bell curve" (figure 9.16).
Bandpass'filters have various formats for the determination of the center
frequency and for setting the band-width. The band-width is the spectrum of
frequencies to be passed. There are several ways to indicate this. The first is by
using a separate pot for the high and low cut-off frequencies; the second is to
have a single pot with "maximum"—and "minimum" settings. The latter, of
course, tells the composer nothing about what the maximum and mmiTr^n"
settings represent The minimum may be a 200 Hz band-width and the maximum
may be a 300 Hz band-width—which isn't a great deal of variation especially at
higher frequencies. Some pots are calibrated with arbitrary numbers -1, -, -3, 0,
+1, +2, +3, etc. Again, this gives no information as to the exact band-width, and
the 148
Q-5 soohz ssom m «7SHz 525 HI SOOHt Figure 9.19. Band-pass Q Figure 9.20.
Low-pass filter Q be thought of as increased energy of the center frequency,
increasing the energy of an already high energy sound may lead to circuit
overload and distortion. If you have this problem simply turn down the Q as the
center frequency approaches the fundamental. This logic can be built into an
instrument with a voltage controlled compression patch as discussed later in the
chapter (see page 160). Another problem you may encounter with a high Q filter
is circuit oscillation. A filter circuit is somewhat similar to that of an oscillator.
If the Q goes beyond some critical point the filter will in fact oscillate and can
often be used as an effective sine wave oscillator. This is more frequently the
case with low-pass filters, and because of mis the maximum position of the Q
pot is often marked as "oscillation.'' Low-pass filter Q can be described as an
increase in gain or amplitude at the cut-off frequency. As illustrated in figure
9.20 this resonant peak is usually accomplished by simultaneously raising the
gain of the cut-off frequency and lowering the gain of the rest of the spectrum.
High Q low-pass filtering can produce the same distortion problems as bandpass
filter. Here also the solution is to keep the Q factor under control by careful
tuning. Q may be added to a band-pass or low-pass filter even if it does not have
a Q control. The solution is to use the filter to regenerate or reinforce the cut-off
or center frequency. As illustrated in figure 9.21, the filter output is split and one
leg is fed back to the input of the filter. One must consider, however, that there is
a critical phase shift in the pass-band at the cut-off or center frequency. If this
shift is 180° and 150 Figure 9Jtt. "Q" technique by external signal regeneration
the output is mixed with the input, the result will be cancellation of the signal.
The solution is to patch the feedback leg through a phase inversion circuit so that
it comes back "in-phase" with the original signal. The in-phase mix will result in
a boost in gain of the center or cut-off frequency and produce a higher Q. The
circuit used for the phase shift can usually be a mixer with positive and negative
outputs, the negative output being the inverted form of the input If the mixer
does not have a dedicated negative output, the circuit will still usually introduce
a certain amount of phase shift dependent on the gain. In this case some
experimentation will be needed to find the correct phase relationship by tuning
the gain but is nevertheless an effective patch. Notch Fitters The inverse of a
band-pass function is the band-reject, band-stop, or notch filter (also sometimes
referred to as "band-elimination" or "exclusion filters"). As the name implies, the
function of mis filter is to notch out a selected band of frequencies from the
spectrum. Figure 9.22 illustrates a few of the many band-reject spectra. Figure
9.23 shows, in musical notation, the effect of the above curves on a single
timbre. As with
input *— UMVE8SAI ACTIVE FH.TCR Figure 9.25. Fixed filter bank or comb
filter There is no standard band-width or number of frequency bands employed
in filter-bank design; this will vary greatly according to the individual
manufacturer. This filter format resembles a graphic equalizer except for die fact
that filter banks usually only provide unity gain of each part of the spectrum.
Each pass- band may be attenuated by its corresponding pot but very seldom
does it provide gain increase. Graphic equalizers usually provide boost to each
pass-band. This, of course, does not prevent the filter bank from being used to
equalize a spectrum, and this is often its prime application. Universal Filters The
Universal or Multimode filter is simultaneously a high-pass, low-pass, band-pass
and notch filter, all with independent outputs. The high, low, and bandpass
frequencies are shared by setting a single control, and the notch center frequency
can usually be adjusted by a sesparate control, but will be within a step or two of
the center frequency of die specified band-pass. The Eu Universal Active Filter
is pictured in figure 9.26. In addition to the obvious filtering curves available
from such an instrument, it can be used to create a striking quadraphonic space
using the patch shown in figure 9.27. Each of the passband outputs is taken to a
different output channel and distributed in the four corners of a performance
space. Each speaker will then produce a particular pass-band so that the
spectrum is distributed according to spectral range throughout the room. Unlike
dedicated high- pass filters, the high-pass output of the multimode filter can have
an effective Q. Also, with this design the rest of the spectrum is not attenuated in
relation to higher Q values. One of the more interesting applications of this type
of filter is called "filter ringing." By patching a sharp transient, such as a
keyboard trigger, to the filter input, the circuit will ring at the specified cutoff
frequency. You can try this by patching the trigger output of the keyboard to the
signal input of the Figure 9.26. The Eu Universal Active Filter. (Photo courtesy
of Eu Systems. Inc. Used by permission.) «gn*l. Figure 9.27. Spectral
distribution in a quad space filter. Increase me Q so that an activated trigger
produces a decaying sound from the filter. Note that the decay time can be
adjusted by raising and lowering the Q value. This patch is usually built into a
multi- mode filter, often referred to as "keyboard percussion.'' A switch will
connect the keyboard trigger to the filter input, therefore the need for external
patching is eliminated. Instruments with this option will probably have two Q
controls-"Q" and "final Q." These two Q controls are used to control the
envelope of the rung filter. The produced sound is an exponentially decaying
sinewave. A single Q control determines the length of the decay. Two Q controls
make it possible to replicate the "initial'* and "final" decay (or "release") of the
envelope, as with the ADSR. The process is a bit complicated but should be
understood in order to maximize the possible applications of the patch. The
keyboard trigger supplies the filter with a sharp tran- 152
sient to cause the ringing, and the keyboard gate, also .patched in with the same
"percussion" switch, determines which Q control is in effect. If the gate is high
(key depressed) the "Q" pot controls what will be the initial decay. As the gate
goes low (key released) the Q control is given to the "final Q" pot, and this
setting determines the degree of the final decay. This process is illustrated in
figure 9.28. If the "keyboard percussion" switch is off, the final Q control is
ineffective. This patch need not be limited to simple decaying sinewaves. Try
simultaneously filtering a sound and imposing the filter ringing effect over it.
The multimode filter can also be useful in producing "formants." A formant can
be described as a favorite frequency or spectral area of an instrument, acoustic
space or circuit. Whenever any signal's spectrum contains a space or circuit's
formant frequency, that part of the spectrum will be boosted. Equalizers axe
usually used to compensate for a room's formant (s) by attenuating that particular
part of the spectrum. A formant filter, or a multimode filter used the right way,
can simulate these formats to provide a more lively sound—if that's what you
want. The technique is as follows: mix the high, low, and band-pass outputs of
the filter in equal proportions. The result so far will seem redundant because
high-pass plus low- pass plus band-pass equal the original signal But now Q can
be added and the various output passbands can be attenuated to produce some
rather unique response curves. kaybrotf V 1 t ftttWA otoOt , kaybotM |, gat* foal
Oacay J^ H^ "The tiaqnancy o» the "nog" is u»e«rm««a by *• *tar» **s»aacy
e*Mt *o it veatd ba loflieu to control it witfi ttta keyboard voNao*. Figure 9J2B.
Fitter ringing. This is not possible with all fitters. If your system is capable of
this technique it will probably be explained in your manual. Aspects of Voltage
Controlled Filters The applications of filters in electronic music are so vast and
varied that they could almost comprise a methodology separate from the other
techniques of electronic music. Filter techniques, however, share a common
structuring technique with other parameters of electronic in terms of voltage
control. Just as control voltages can be used to structure the pitch, loudness, and
timing of electronic instruments, timbre and voicing can be structured with
voltage control of a filter's center or cut-off frequency, bandwidth, and where
applicable, Q. The process of voltage control is well understood at this point, and
various voltage control filter (VCF) applications have been previously dealt with
as needed. VCF control with keyboards, sequencers, sample/holds, envelope
generators, etc., can easily be experimented with by keeping in mind which
parameter is being controlled. In the event that your resources do not provide
voltage controlled Q, you can use the patch illustrated in figure 9.30. This is an
expansion on die Q patch illustrated in figure 9.21. To voltage control the Q all
that is needed is to voltage control the gain of the feedback leg by insertion of a
VCA in the signal patch. This makes it possible to correlate Q with any other
voltage controlled parameter such as center frequency, the pitch of the filtered
signal, envelope shape, note duration, rhythm, etc. Once the cut-off frequency
has been established, either by manual setting or by application of a DC voltage,
an AC control voltage may be applied to modulate the cut-off frequency in
accordance with the applied waveshape. The ratio of the control voltage to the
cut-off frequency displacement varies with different systems. As a hypothetical
example, suppose that an arbitrary ratio of 1 volt of applied voltage will produce
1 octave displacement of the center frequency. (This is in an exponential mode.)
Therefore, a square wave control voltage with an amplitude of 1 volt, as applied
to a low-pass filter with a 440 Hz cut-off frequency, would abruptly shift the cut-
off frequency one octave in each direction once every cycle, as shown in figure
9.31A. If the control voltage was dropped to 1/2 volt the rate of modulation
would be the same but the displacement about the center frequency would agnai
•A nt Mmuffl star via nam On mxjaa stag* bain Me tlw circuit. Figure 9.29.
Formant filtering
■■» (wbhIopd. RVS. etc) n—wnBw th»> the l»»ab»ck l*g nx»i be "«vpn*»e"
wilfi tlw *nxrt signal. Rgura 9.30. Simulation of voltage controlled Q Figure
9.31. Voltage control of a later with a square wave basic rectrum \T T- rr 'ft'is*
rimr*-? * H s ~1 Figure 9.32. Voltage control of a filter with a sine wave Figure
9^3. Voltage control of a filter with a ramp wave only be 1/2 octave (figure
9.31B). By using a sine wave program signal, the effect would be a glissando
back and forth about the center frequency (figure 9.32). A ramp wave program
would produce an upward glissando to a point determined by its voltage, an
abrupt shift to a point opposite the center frequency, followed by a glissando
back up to the center frequency (figure 9.33). If the control voltages were below
the audio range, the ear could possibly distinguish between each of the spectral
components as the cut-off frequency moves higher and lower according to the
program signal. An approximation of musical notation of this effect is given
with each example. As the program frequency approaches the audio range, the
ear will begin to hear sidebands produced by the rapid modulation. As explained
before, this is a combination of phase modulation caused by ike modulation of
the cutoff frequency and amplitude modulation caused by the fact that the slope
of the filter is continually moving, causing crescendi and diminuendi as it affects
various parts of die spectrum. Voltage control of a high-pass filter works the
same way, except that the inverse patterns would be produced, as shown in
figure 9.34. Band-pass and band-reject filters are also subject to voltage control,
but in this case there are usually two voltage controllable parameters—center
frequency and band-width. If a band-pass filter is thought of as a high- and low-
pass filter connected in series, it is very easy to understand how both center
frequency and band-width can be subjected to voltage control. By applying the
same program voltage to both filters simultaneously, the cut-off frequencies will
be shifted in an exponential manner, keeping the band-width between them the
same. As a hypothetical example, suppose that the center frequency was 24 Hz
with a half- octave slope on each side. This means that the cut-off for the high-
pass filter would be 16 Hz and the cutoff for the low-pass filter would be 32 Hz.
The ratio represented by this band-width is 16:32, or 1:2. By keeping this 1:2
ratio constant, there will always be a half-octave slope on either side of the
center fre- Figure 9.34. Voltage control of a high-pass filter
quency. If the center frequency is 440 Hz, the high- pass cut-off would be 330
Hz and the low-pass cut-off would be 660 Hz (330:660 = 1:2). Since a band-
reject filter is essentially a high- and low-pass filter connected in parallel, the
treatment is the same except that the center frequency now refers to the point of
maximum attenuation. In both cases the application of a control voltage is the
same—a higher voltage will result in a wider shift in the center frequency, while
the waveshape determines in what manner the frequency will move. By routing
white sound through a voltage- controlled, band-pass filter, it would be possible
to "play" various sound bands by varying the control voltage with a keyboard or
sequencer (figure 9.35). Even more of a pitch effect could be produced if the
filter were resonant. The same treatment with a band- reject filter would allow
the composer to play "holes" in white sound or in a complex spectrum (figure
9.36). By voltage-controlling the center frequency, it is also possible to track any
portion of another voltage- controlled sound. If the following sequence of
timbres were being produced by ring modulating (or any other type of
modulation) two constant-ratio frequencies, any constant portion of each
successive timbre could be continually passed or rejected in the following
manner. (See figure 9.37.) Set the band-pass or band- reject filter to affect
whatever portion of the first timbre is desired, and then use the same voltage
being used to control the oscillators, which in this case is a sequence of
nonfluctuating DC voltages, to control also the center frequency of the filter. As
the DC control voltage shifts the oscillators, it will also shift the center
frequency of the filter, resulting in similar timbres no matter what range of
frequencies are being produced by the modulation (figure 9.37). The band-width
of a band-pass or band reject filter can be controlled by varying the ratio
between the high and low cut-off frequencies of series and parallel high- and
low-pass filters. In die earlier example, a center frequency of 440 Hz with a half-
octave slope on each side represented a 1:2 ratio. If the high-pass cut-off is
raised from 330 Hz to 395 Hz, and the low- pass is lowered from 660 Hz to 550
Hz, the center frequency would remain the same but the band-width would have
narowed to a ratio of approximately 3:2. This process can be voltage-controlled
by exponentially moving each cut-off frequency for the high- and low-pass
filters die same interval toward or away from the center frequency, depending on
whether it is desired to narrow or widen the band-width. An application of a DC
voltage would change the ratio according to the preset voltage. If the preset ratio
is established with an X volt DC level, an application of a negative DC»otuge
sourer Figure 9J3S. Voltage control of a band-pass fitter Figure 9-36. Voltage
control of a band-reject fitter Figure 0^7. Constant timbre production with
voltage-controBed filters 155
(& L-J 1--- 4-^5= Figure 9.38. Modulation of band width X DC voltage would
make the ratio larger, thereby widening the band-width. Conversely, an
application of a positive X DC voltage would make the band-width narrower. By
using an AC program voltage, the bandwidth would change in accordance with
the positive and negative changes in the program voltage (figure 9.38).
Following the principles of voltage control, the amount of band-width
modulation depends on the intensity of the program signal, with the modulation
rate a function of the program frequency. It should also be pointed out that band-
width and center frequency are independent functions and can be controlled by
two separate control voltages. This means that it is possible to raise or lower the
center frequency while widening or narrowing the band-width. By applying the
same control voltage to both functions, it is possible to raise or lower the center
frequency in direct proportion to the modulation of die band-width. By routing
one of the control-voltage lines through a voltage inverter it would be possible to
vary the center frequency and band-width in inverse proportions. Since the initial
musique concrete experiments of Pierre Schaeffer, the filter has become one of
the most widely utilized devices of the electronic music composer. As new
methods of sound modification were developed, more effective methods of
design enabled the filter to hold its place as one of the composer's most useful
tools. The whole concept of subtractive synthesis makes it irreplaceable in the
electronic music studio. More recent voltage-control designs have opened an
entire new realm for filter applications. Techniques of formant and timbre
modulation are still in their infant stages and their full potentials in terms of
sound modification have yet to be realized. In conjunction with various other
modules and voltage sources, the filter affords die composer an endless number
of sound-modification techniques. Patches and Projects The following patches
are only beginning points for further exploration of filtering techniques. Some
patches exemplify how various filter parameters can be correlated with other
ongoing controls in an instrument, and other configurations suggest filter
applications outside of the normal spectral control. Work through each patch as
your resources allow, then try to incorporate various filters in the patches
suggested in previous chapters. Figure 9.39 Dynamic Bandwidth. A rich non-
harmonic spectrum is produced by a ring or balanced modulator and patched
through a bandpass filter. The VCO controller, a keyboard, sequencer, random
voltage source, etc, simultaneously drives the filter so that the center frequency
is at the same relative spot in the spectrum and this can be adjusted as desired.
The patch will be most effective if the filter's center frequency corresponds to
the center of the modulation spectrum. Offset the filter for a minimum
bandwidth and control it with an envelope generator. When the EG is triggered
the bandwidth will open to maximum (if the EG voltage is not attenuated) and
return to minimum as the envelope decays. This is most effective when the
transient bandwidth occurs simultaneous with a change of spectrum so that a
keyboard controller might be best to start with. If a VGA is used for final
amplitude control, make sure that its cos- trolling envelope is longer than the
envelope controlling the bandwidth. Figure 9.40 Inverted Spectral Sweeps. This
is an interesting patch to use with a pre-amplified acoustic sound such as a
piano. The signal is split and taken to two low-pass filters. An envelope detector
is used to generate a timing pulse to fire an envelope generator. The EG's voltage
is patched directly to the center frequency control of one filter and
simultaneously patched through an invertor before being connected to the cut-off
control of the other filter. With an attack from die instrument the trigger fires the
EG, driving the center frequency of filter 1 up and simultaneously driving the
cut-off of filter 2 down. The two opposing spectral sweeps are mixed to a single
output channel. This simulates band-reject filtering, but by playing with different
Q relationships some interesting phasing effects can be done due to the phase
shift in each filter. If you don't have two bandpass filters use whatever filters are
available and see what you can do with the patch. 156
Figure 9.39. Dynamic band width PA VCF EG VCF 1 "I. Figure 9.40. Inverted
spectral sweeps Figure 9.41. Spectral gfissandi k#ytnwd V h. Knr put «Mr f, -2-
3 Mr tfttQfttvd fctytoov^ wyno * Figure 9.42. Low-pass flter as an integrator
Figure 9.41—Spectral Gtissandi. This patch involves tracking a VCO and any
type of available filter in parallel. Discrete pitch choices are made by keyboard
control, and a separate portamento output is used to drive the filter. If tie
keyboard does not have a separate portamento output, patch a leg of the
keyboard voltage through an integrator. Figure 9.42—A Low-pass Fitter as an
Integrator. If your instrument does not have a dedicated integrator an integration
process can be accomplished with a low-pass filter if it will accept a sub-audio
DC voltage as an input signal. Filters are, of course, designed to process audio
frequencies, but the typical circuits used in low-pass filters affect a slew on sub-
audio frequencies. Patch a keyboard voltage through a low- pass filter and set the
center frequency around 3 to 5 Hz. Now patch the filter output to a VCO, and the
keyboard voltage will have an exponential portamento. The portamento rate can
be varied by changing the cut-off frequency. By voltage controlling the cut-off
frequency you have the added feature of voltage controlled integration. Using
this technique requires that 157
not, however, get the Q so high that the filter goes •into oscillation. When a rich
sound is passed through these filters in parallel and remixed to a single line the
"ee" should sound, independent of the pitch of the VCO. These vowel sounds
will be even more realistic as they pass from one set of formants to another, as in
pronouncing "ae"- T- "ah"- "oo" and so on. At this point we have to consider
control. We know what we have to do but now must figure out a way to do it.
The problem is to get access to three parallel controls, one for each filter (note
that the formant regions do not move in parallel). The obvious answer is a three
bank sequencer. This will work satisfactorily as long as we are satisfied with
sequential address, that is, calling up each set of formant in a specific repetitive
order. In order to skip around from vowel to vowel we might try to create some
sort of artificial speech. For this we may consider a sequencer with analog
address (see page 73). Then a keyboard could be used to select whatever vowel
is desired at any time. Another control possibility would be a keyboard with
three independent tunable voltages for each key, which would, of course,
relicates a key addressed sequencer. Perhaps the most efficient method would be
a micro-processor based analog synthesizer in which the formant voltages could
be stored in digital form and called up as needed. Control of the pitch source is
still another matter. People do not usually speak in discrete pitches, but rather
each sound has a slight glissando within and around it. This can be done with a
portamento keyboard or a joystick. My own preference for this patch is a
joystick so I am not locked into 12-tone equal temperament speaking! A further
expansion is to integrate the formants so that the vowels slide into and out of
each other. At some point this instrument becomes rather academic for the
resources of most instruments, but is worth experimenting with. If you have only
two filters, use the first two formants. The effect will not be as "human" but the
instruments are not human either. If analog address is not possible tune up an
interesting sequence and clock through it with the trigger from the keyboard
used to control the VCO. Try some random formant by controlling a couple of
filters with random voltage sources. Instead of using a single VCO, try formant
filter of some complex non-harmonic modulation spectra. An entire composition
could be based around some artificial language created by such a patch. More
will be said about spectral replication when discussing vocoders in chapter 14.
Figure 9.45—Whistle Fatch. This patch was kindly supplied by Japanese
composer Isao Tomita and was originally designed for a Moog instrument The
instrument has been re-notated here as flow-chart fonnat for the convenience of
die general reader. The basis of the patch is a white noise source passed through
a high Q low-pass filter. The various levels of control are quite interesting and
deserve a detailed analysis. The filter is offset in the middle of its low range and
this offset defines the lowest "whistle pitch." Pitch center is achieved by having
die filter at maximum Q without going into osculation. The filter is then voltage
controlled by two voltage sources: a keyboard determines discrete pitch
reference, and a mixed 5 Hz LFO and envelope generator (ADSR format)
provide low raagc/Q — • ESI EG 2 EG 3 SOm V 7S«t* 2m» 2m 50 a» «0 to 4
30 3 r Figure 9.45. Isao Tomita "Whistle patch" designed by 159
could FM another VCO? The ARP 2600 has only one sinewave VCO, and the
patch requires two (the oscillating filter being the second). The musician must
then call on his "defeat-the-system" talents and improvise something else to do
the oscillating. A second and less major aspect of the patch is that filter
incorporates phase modulation which adds a slightly different coloration to the
sound. Figure 9.48—"Heavy Metal Pogo Sticks" by Bruce Goren from
Polyphony Magazine designed for PAIA instruments. This patch uses a low-pass
filter and reverb to shape the spectrum of one input to a ring modulator. The
patch is self explanatory, but the important feature is the dual effect the filter has
on the final modulation spectrum. The filter input is a squarewave being
frequency modulated at about 3 Hz, therefore the spectrum is not especially
complex. The filter then removes the upper harmonics of the waveshape in
accordance with the decay functions of the ADSR. The upper partials of a
squarewave are quite strong in relation to other classic waveforms, and hence
this transient filtering process affects both spectrum and gain, which in turn
contribute to the final ring modulation product Figure 9.49--GONGn->R6land
101/102 Patch Book. This instrument uses parallel low-pass filters, one of which
processes a ring modulation spectrum, while the other processes a triangle wave,
which is also one of the RM inputs. The Roland 101/102 is in essence a
keyboard instrument with a pre-packaged set of additional modules. The
flowchart version of this patch has been slightly re-designed, eliminating one
VCA and one ADSR. The original patch also contains a printing error which
indicates patching the keyboard voltage to a gate input and visa versa. The
VCOs are tracked in parallel by the keyboard and are tuned to a perfect fourth, a
4:3 ratio. The ring modulator then produces a 1:7 (a fundamental and compound
seventh: 4 + 3 = 7 and 4 — 3 = 1) for every frequency component in die
waveshapes. More enharmonicity is added by the low index FM on the top VCO
as it brings it in and out of tune with the other VCO. This roughly replicates the
"beating" effect we hear in large gongs. This complex sound is patch to a low-
pass filter which is also modulated by the same low frequency sine wave. The
gong's strike tone is supplied by mixing a filtered version of the lower triangle
wave with the modulation spectrum. A unaltered triangle wave would be too rich
in harmonics, hence it is filtered at a constant cut-off frequency by tracking the
filter in parallel with the VCO from the keyboard. Note also that a homogeneous
timbre is achieved by having minimum Q. Even a moderately high Q would
amplify various partials and disturb the mellowness of the desired sound. i aw
taow uaae *> at kh^i Timiiinimi >OB6» BQaaootriaroarty Ct> 4720 Sua—
TaaaMLp«ChtO<aax.Or we LFO » mx. traqj. <aoogt 2S Ht). 4730 Fatar ml Iraq.
—50%. Partem in . ojack atonal prooraaaion*. For opaaaiQ toaaa fconi
TcaflaiafioQ / or iaMntcaona to Modify tha patch to prodoca aoaaaa fJMt vara
aaatf oy aoiaa of ttia IdSffsaad iBWa. Saanara»*»OfirmbySctia*arorC»jar* Lit*
tlSSe): Sat LFO var. aaar but dot at iaro. 4740 awacli tofaaxjatara. Patfona low
aaataiaad tonoa. cttda aiay pa aaafttf. aaaaoa to taata. Md to low aad pach faaoa.
Figure 9.48. "Heavy Metal Pogo Sticks" (From Polyphony Magazine. Vol 3. No.
2. Polyphony Publishing. Designed by Bruce Goren.) 162
Tutu* :^ jH*rfoct fiusr::: above \*C<W 102 101 Si-t It l<X)i:/ Umil-/.:;-*: - r
*«k /»v /V m E L Br b HB«o»«>SWffH£S2£ft ft ■si 4=i> L--y- our Figure 9.49.
"Gong" (From the Roland System 100/Expattder 102 Patehbook. Roland Corp.
Used by permission.) 163
to the adjoining layers, resulting in the pre- and post- echo heard so often on
commercial recordings. Although heat and long periods of storage contribute to
this problem, a thinner tape will be more susceptible to print-through than a tape
with a thicker backing. A preventative measure which can be taken against the
effects of print-through is to keep the tapes stored in "tail-out" position—that is,
with the beginning or "head" of the tape closest to the hub. (The tape must be re-
wound before it is played.) This does not prevent print-through but any transfer
that takes place will appear as a post-echo and will often be masked by the sound
already on the tape. Another advantage of tail-out storage is that a more even
and tighter winding is achieved if the tape is wound slowly, as it is when being
played. Getting into the habit of storing tapes in this manner is no problem. It is
just a choice of when you wish to rewind the tape, before or after playing.
(Another good practice in tape preservation is to store master tapes in aluminum
tins in a place of constant room temperature. This protects the tape from stray
magnetic fields and excess humidity.) A second processing device to be
considered is the recording and playback head itself. With extended use a tape
head will build up a collection of magnetic fields and a certain amount of dirt
will be collected on it. For the best possible head performance, the composer
should periodically de-magnetize and clean the record and playback heads,
following the directions supplied by the manufacturer. Low-quality tape is also a
consideration in head wear. A rough coating not only causes undue wear but also
prevents consistent contact with the heads, resulting in a certain amount of
distortion. General Tape Recorder Operation Recording at higher speeds passes
more tape by the record head in the same amount of time as recording at a lower
speed. Consequently, there is a higher signal- to-noise ratio and a higher
frequency response. (Signal- to-noise ratio is an indication of level of the
inherent tape noise in relation to the recorded signal. Professional recordings
should have a SNR of between 56 and 60 db.) Most professional recording is
done at a speed of 15 inches per second and almost never at speeds less than TA
ips, unless it is intended to reproduce the recorded material at higher speeds.
This, of course, means that greater amounts of tape must be sacrificed for
purposes of quality and fidelity. Tape is available on reels ranging from 3 inches
to 16 inches in diameter. Because of the need for longer recording time, along
with high recording speeds, the studio machine should be able to accept at least a
102*-inch reel of tape. The 14-inch reel, although less common, 166 is available
if longer playing time is needed. In order to provide adustrnent in the tension
arms for constant tape/ head contact, a professional machine is usually equipped
with a switch for varying tension according to reel size. There are usually two
different inputs to the tape recorder. A high-level 600-ohm line input and a low-
level input usually used for microphones. Depending on the type of microphone
being used, low-level inputs should be able to accommodate both high
impedance (5k- to 50k-ohm) and low-impedance (50- 250-ohm) microphones.
Professional machines usually have separate gain controls for the line and
microphone input. Referred to as "mike-line mixing," this allows mixing and
simultaneous recording from both an electronic music system (providing that its
output level is 600-ohm) and from a live acoustical source. The individual or
combined input levels are monitored via VU meters, as described in chapter 9. A
standard VU meter has two different calibration scales for the indication of gain
levels. The "A" scale is a decibel rating from —20 to +3 db; the "B" scale reads
from zero to 100 percent, with the 100 percent mark coinciding with zero on the
"A" scale. Both "A" and "B" VU scales are illustrated in figure 10.2. The zero db
or 100 percent mark is actually 4 db above 1 milliwatt, indicating the optimum
level the signal can be recorded without the possibility of causing distortion.
Extreme care should be taken not to allow the VU meter's needle to suddenly pin
against the right edge of the scale. This causes inaccuracies in calibration and
could result in permanent meter damage. Recording the music at a maximum
efficiency level with a minimum of trial runs and experimentation largely
depends on the muscian's understanding of what information the VU meter is
actually providing. The meter indicates the effective loudness of the signal on
the tape, or the volume readings which will make a difference in loudness to the
ear. There may be many transient voltage peaks in the signal ranging from 8 to
14 db higher than what the meter indicates. These transients usually occur in the
attack of the signal. The VU meter indicates the "rms" (root-mean- square) value
of a signal which is .707 times the peak voltages of the sound. The difference
between the maximum level at which a signal can be recorded and the average
operating level of the recorder (0 db). is called me "headroom." On the tape
recorder the headroom is usually 6 db above 0 db which is not enough for even
an 8 db transient peak. In recording acoustic instruments the peak values can be
anticipated by an an experienced engineer. Various instruments are recorded at
points below 0 db in order to leave enough headroom for distortion. In recording
electronic music in the studio these peak transients may cause significant
problems. The attack time and general envelope
OutDut «n OB "A" se»te PQWC3I 6>e'- .OO02S" j ^J_^ " Ma^icttc Gw '*
"0O02S" ; ~~ "B" seal* Figure 10.2. VU meter scales time of electronically
generated and processed sound can be much faster than most acoustic events.
This problem is compounded by the fact that the musician is often working with
unfamiliar sounds so that the peaks cannot be anticipated. In the studio the
recording chain is usually directly from the instrument to the line input of the
tape recorder, with no microphones or speakers to smooth out the transients.
Certain kinds of professional recording studio processing equipment such as
limiters and compressors can reduce these problems, but such equipment is often
not available to electronic music studios. So how does one get a clean recording
with a maximum signal-to-noise ratio and a minimum of distortion? The first
answer is a well maintained studio with periodic cleaning and servicing of the
instruments. The second answer goes back to the perennial task of "practice."
Leam the tape recorder just as you would learn to use any other instrument. You
soon discover just how far the instrument can be pushed before it begins to give
unwanted responses. The meter readings mean different things with different
kinds of sounds, and this is only learned through practice and familiarity. A good
beginning point is to record as close to 0 db as possible. This means above the 0
db meter reading as well as below it. Realize that there is some headroom on the
tape and don't be afraid of going "into the red" with various passages, especially
those with smooth, simple harmonic character. As stated previously, do not
record at such a level that the meter suddenly pins against the right hand edge.
This will definitely cause distortion problems and will probably result in damage
to the instrument. Some general knowledge about record/playback EQ can help
in making efficient recordings. Figure 10.3 shows the unequalized record-
playback response of a professional quality tape recorder operating at TA and 15
ips. A comparison of the response curves shows that each recording speed
requires a different equalization pattern. Generally speaking, the required treble
or high-frequency boost varies inversely with the tape speed. On most machines
the change in equalization is accomplished with a simple switch with speed
indications. The actual location of the equalization circuits within the total
record/playback circuitry is very important The guiding principle is 0 20 Figure
10.3. Record/playback response, unequalized. (From Herman Burstein and
Henry Poliak, Elements of Tape Recorder Circuits, Blue Ridge Summit.
Pennsylvania. Tab Books. 1957, p. 94. Used by permission of the publishers.) to
get as much undistorted signal on the tape as possible. The recording process,
although it affects both the high and the low frequencies, most sharply attenuates
the high end of the spectrum. If the high- frequency boost were located in the
playback circuit, there would be a marked increase in audible tape hiss and the
signal-to-noise ratio would also be adversely affected. Therefore, the high-
frequency boost is a function of the recording circuit. In figure 10.3 it can be
observed that up to 30 db boost is required at the lower end of the spectrum. This
amount of boost in the recording process would produce a tremendous amount of
distortion on the tape, therefore bass equalization is usually a function of the
playback process. At times the composer may be concerned with producing
deliberate distortion in the recorded signal, therefore an ideal studio situation
would be the possibility of bass and treble equalization both during record and
playback, along with provisions for the standard NAB equalization curves for
the various recording speeds. It is essential that studio machines have separate
record and playback heads. The average home machine may have dual purpose
heads which are used for the combined function of recording and playback. The
major disadvantage of these is that the playback output function is not as
efficient as it could be with separate record and playback heads. Consequently,
most professional machines are designed with three separate heads: erase,
record, and playback as shown in figure 10.4 Besides presenting possibilities for
tape echo (see chapter 12, page 194), the separate heads allow for monitoring of
the signal either before it enters the recording circuit or after it has been recorded
on the tape via die playback head. This comparison between the input and output
signal is referred to as "A-B" comparison. It is accomplished by means of a
switch that allows for monitoring before the signal is recorded, or from the
playback head. For optimum recording quality, there should be very little
difference in the signal levels with an A-B comparison. 167
^TJU erase record playback t>ea« heae neae Figure 10.4. Head format for three-
head decks TR 1 ou: i L i l 1 TR2 mix v. , Figure 10.5. Sync recording with two
tape recorders and a mixer Stereo and Multi-track Recording In constructing a
composition, the process many times involves recording several different
channels for sound and then mixing them down to one single channel; this is the
dub-down. The recording process involves recording on one channel, rewinding
the tape, and recording the next channel while monitoring the previously
recorded channel, and then repeating this procedure for as many channels as are
needed or allowed. Because the playback head is usually located an inch or two
beyond the record head, exact synchronization between the input and playback
signals is almost impossible. If the machine is equipped with only dual purpose
heads, and if it is possible to record and playback on each channel
independently, exact synchronization is possible in the following manner. After
recording on one channel, the tape is rewound and information monitored by
having the first channel in playback mode, the second in record. The output of
the first channel and the input to the second will be in sync since the heads are
stacked in line with each other. If the recording is being done with an air mike,
then the monitoring should be done through earphones to prevent any first-
channel sounds from being picked up by the second channel microphones.
Synchronous recording on a machine with separate record and playback heads
must be done on a deck with special circuitry called "selective synchronization,'*
or "sel-sync." "Sel-sync" is the trade name of the original process developed by
Ampex and only appears on Ampex products. The same process will appear in
various guises such as "multi-sync," "simul- sync," eta, on other instruments.
Sel-sync allows the record head to function temporarily as a playback head when
put in operation by a special switch. By doing this, one can monitor the signal on
any channel(s) while recording a signal at the same temporal place on any other
channel While monitoring from sel-sync, the fidelity isn't as high as it would be
from the normal playback head, but it is quite adequate for sync purposes. (Be
sure to switch the monitor back to the playback head for the final dub-down.)
Culpa: 01 cnannei A monitored xnrougn earptiones Cnarmd A in ouvMck mode
Cnannei B m record moot Figure 10.6. Sync recording with a sterophonic tape
recorder Material may be synced together with two tape recorders and a mixer.
The process involves recording information on one tape recorder and then
rewinding the tape and patching the output to a mixer input The new source of
information is then patched to another input of the same mixer and the mixer
output is patched to the input of a second recorder. Now tape one can be
monitored as part of the total input signal to recorder two. All of the information
ends up on a single channel A block diagram of this technique is shown in figure
10.5. This same method may be simplified with die use of a stereo tape recorder.
By patching the output of tape recorder one directly into one channel of tape
recorder two and adding the new information on the other channel, the need for a
mixer is eliminated. Of course, if tape recorder two has independent record and
playback for the separate channels, the necessity of the first tape recorder is
eliminated. Some home stereo machines have independent record playback
switches for each channel. These machines usually have the record/playback
functions in a single head Material may be recorded on one channel and men the
channel may be set for playback only. Material may then be recorded on the
second channel while listening to the simultaneous playback of the first. The two
channels will be in-sync due to the combined record/playback operation of the
head (see figure 10.6). The procedure illustrated in figure 10J5 is built into some
tape recorders and is referred to as "sound-on- sound." The simultaneous
recording with switchable 168
parts are in different registers, one part can be boosted or attenuated by using
selective equalization in the final mix. Bouncing or ping-ponging can also be
used if there is a limited number of tracks available. This technique involves
recording information independently on two different tracks, then mixing the
two parts and recording the mix on a third track. If the mix is acceptable the two
original tracks can be erased and used for new information. This technique is
best approached in the following way: 1. Kecord voice one on track 1 instrument
- track 1 (record) Rewind the tape and switch track 1 for sel sync playback (do
not record over this track!). Monitor track 1 through headphones or over a
speaker and record voice two on track 2. sel sync playback-—~^g} 1 , track 1
instrument^—«- track 2 (record) 3. Rewind the tape and set track 1 and 2 for
normal playback and patch both tracks to a mixer. Experiment with the mix until
you are satisfied. normal playback- t track 1 -^ niix I <^g normal playback. i I .
track 2 I 4 Patch the mixer output to track 4 and record the mix. track 1 track 2 h.
mix » track 4 (record) You now have two voices on track 4, leaving tracks 1 and
2 open for new information. If for some reason the mix has to be recorded from
sel sync playback do not record on an adjacent track. The proximity of the sel-
sync playback and record heads may cause a high frequency oscillation in the
mix. When laying down these tracks do not be confused by the front panel
layout of the tracks. On semi-professional J* inch quad decks the top two meters
are for tracks one and three and the bottom two are for tracks two and four. The
head configuration, however, orders the tracks in vertical descending order with
track one at the top. Bouncing techniques may be used between two different
machines and provide the possibility of even more voices. Bouncing can be used
to generate 5, 6, or 7 voices on one quad deck, then all the channels can be
mixed, in normal playback mode, and dumped on a single track of a second
machine. A number of voices could then be recorded on the remaining channels.
Adding a second mix from tape 1 may cause problems when trying to sync with
what is already one tape two. The problems of synchronization and noise build-
up are akin to group dynamics—the problems increase geometrically as the
number of voices increase. The more voices that are committed to a mix, the
more likely you are to misjudge the balance. But if you have enough patience,
bouncing can greatly increase the resources of a seemingly limited situation.
Although the composer can find a justified use for a great number of tracks, he
must keep in mind that each channel adds to the number of mixer inputs and
equalization circuits required to make that channel usable. Except for very
special situations, the composer will find that an eight-track machine will be
sufficient for die normal studio requirements. In most cases the four-track
machine is all that will be required; this is the usual multi-track deck found in
the average studio. A well-equipped studio, however, should have two four-track
machines to allow for four- track dubbing plus the availability of as many
halftrack stereo and full-track machines as possible. Playback at speeds different
from the recording speed, if used with taste, can result in some very intriguing
sounds. The provisions for speed changes at ratios other than 2:1 (3.34:7.5 and
7.5:15) gives the composer even finer control and provides many other
variations in sound. In the event that two tapes must be synced together, minute
variations in speed allow the composer to make very fine adjustments in timing
and tuning. There are several tape machines available today with provisions for
limited speed variation. By means <Jf a manual control pot, the playback speed
may be varied within a range of from 20 to 30 percent (Some of these
commercial decks provide for speed variation both in record and playback mode,
while others operate only in playback mode.) With more professional machines
that utilize a "hysteresis synchronis" motor, the basic record/playback speed is
determined by the voltage frequency, which in the United States is a 60 Hz
standard. With these machines it is then possible to use other frequencies than
the standard 60 Hz and achieve speeds other than the standard 7% ips and the
2:1 multiples and divisions thereof. Several studio model tape recorders have a
special input jack which allows an external oscillator to determine the speed.
With this manner of control, 171
speed will vary in direct proportion to the input frequency. The usual speed
range is variable from 1-7/8 ips to 60 ips, or a 32:1 ratio. This means that a
frequency recorded at the slowest speed could be raised five octaves during
playback at the fastest speed. The composer must also remember that this also
causes a 5:1 change in the tempo of the recorded material. With experimentation
it will be found that speed changes can also be very useful in achieving very
unique timbre changes. Some of the newer tape decks have the control oscillator
built into the deck chassis and no external oscillator is needed. The advantage of
an external oscillator is that it would be possible to use various frequency-
modulated signals to control the tape speed, providing the composer with an
unusual approach to sound modification. Because of the various loop techniques
used by the composers of musique concrete, the loop machines also had
provisions for a certain amount of speed variation. Even in the more modem
studios these loop machines can be very useful in various multi-deck set-ups and
were discussed in relationship to tape delay and feedback techniques. Splicing
Voltage control has several times over reduced die task of tape editing which
was once the major job in creating electronic music. But still the composer will
find that a basic knowledge of editing procedures can be a very useful tool.
Repairing broken tape, adding leader, adding or deleting bits of information after
the major sequences have been recorded, making loops, etc., all require a certain
amount of skill with the splicing block. The guiding factor in making a good
splice is to create as little disturbance as possible to the recorded signal. If
possible, all cuts should be made at an angle somewhere between 45° and 60°. A
cut above an angle of 60° will begin to cause an excessive amount of electrical
disturbance as the splice passes the playback head, and a cut at an angle below
45° may cause the tape edges held by the splicing tape to bend back and wear
loose. In the event a 90° splice must be made, the noise and disturbance can be
kept at a minimum by following procedures discussed below. A deck with an
edit button frees the transport system so the tape may be manually moved back
and forth across the playback head. (The composer might experiment recording
by manually moving the tape by the record head while the transport is free.) This
enables the operator to pinpoint exact sounds and silences at any point on the
tape. Of course, as the tape is moved more slowly, the pitch is proportionally
lower. Consequently, the novice editor may at first find it very difficult to
recognize a particular sound due to speed and pitch distortions. However, he will
soon learn how various attacks, transients, decays, and timbres sound under
editing conditions. As soon as the particular point on the tape is found, it is
marked with a wax pencil. The tape should be marked on its shiny side at a point
on the tape backing directly on top of the playback gap. A machine specially
designed for editing locates the head at a very accessible point just for that
reason. If the head is in an inconvenient position for marking, the common
procedure is to locate the portion to be clipped with the playback head and then
mark the tape at some other consistent and convenient point along the tape path.
The editing block should have a cue mark located at the same distance from the
razor guide as the cue mark is from the playback head, as shown in figure 10.9.
When the cue mark on the tape is lined up with the cue mark on the editing
block men the exact portion of the tape which was against the playback head will
line up with the razor guide. This procedure also protects the playback head from
dirt and grease from fingers and marking pencil. The cut should be made as
close to the beginning of the sound as the editing technique allows. If mis is
carefully done, then the disturbance caused by the cut is masked by the attack
transients of the recorded sound and the splice will be less noticeable. If the
composer plans to edit silences into acoustically recorded events, it is good
practice to record a minute or so of silence from the same environment and save
it for editing purposes. If a silence must then be added to a final recording, the
extra tape will contain the same level of background noise and apparent
acoustical characteristics. When adding silences to a recording from an
electronic sound source, it is desirable to use leader tape because of its complete
lack of a recorded signal- Most composers prefer to use paper leader, since a
plastic leader is capable of holding a slight amount of static which is often
audible as it passes the playback head. The composer should also take care that
the razor blade used for cutting the tape does not become magnetized. A
magnetized blade will induce stray magnetic fields onto the tape, and this
electrical disturbance will be audible as the splice passes the playback head. The
most important factor in making a good splice is cleanliness. A professional
splicing block will hold both pieces of tape firmly yet will allow them to be
easily butted together with a minimum of handling and without any overlap. Any
oil or dirt on the tape will prevent the splice from holding firmly and could result
in noise. Once the two pieces of tape are in position, they are joined by a short
piece of splicing tape. Very long pieces of splicing tape affect the pressure pads
which hold the magnetic tape flush against the playback head and may result in a
3 to 4 db signal 172
razor guide Figure 10.9- Set-up for "off-the-head" editing loss. If the splicing
tape is too short ft may tend to peel back as it wraps around the heads. The
splicing tape should then be slightly longer than the horizontal width of the
largest head. The preferred splicing tape is 7/32 inch wide, or 1/32 inch narrower
than the recording tape. The reason for this is that after long periods of storage
the adhesive may "bleed" out from under the splicing tape and cause the adjacent
layer to stick. If the splicing tape is the same width as the recording tape, the
problem is magnified because of the possibility of the adhesive seeping over the
edges of several layers of recording tape. (The hourglass splice pictured in figure
10.10 really doesn't solve the problem and the indentation could result in
momentary gain loss if it cuts into the recorded signal.) To avoid direct handling
of the magnetic tape, the master tape should have leaders at both ends of the
recorded portions. At the head the leader should extend right up to the initial
attack, and tail leader should be added as soon after the final decay as possible.
This is done to eliminate any tape hiss which may proceed or precede die
recorded signal As an added aid it is a good practice to have a minute or so of a
Ik test signal recorded at zero db according to the VU meter preceding the head
leader tape. This allows the player of the tape to set the playback gain at the
level intended by the composer, ensuring accurate reproduction. As mentioned
earlier, the tape should be stored in aluminum tins in a tail-out position to
prevent pre-echo. An added precaution is to provide about 1/4 inch of bumper
tape between the center reel hub and the head leader. The guide holes in the reel
hub cause tension fluctuations in the tape wound in the first 1/4 inch nearest the
hub and may result in periodic gain fluctuations at those points which line up
with the holes. The bumper tape acts as a cushion between the hub and the leader
to pre- Rgore 10.10. Splicing tape formats vent these gain fluctuations. All extra
bits of unused tape should be salvaged for this purpose, since it is much less
expensive than leader. For the unexperienced editor all of these precautions and
procedures may seem very time-consuming and even unwarranted. True, tape
editing is at first a very tiring and often frustrating process. A good editing habit
to get into—one which will make edit- tmg an easier task—is to always lay out
tools and materials in the same way. The beginning editor usually spends more
time searching for a razor blade than he does searching for the right place to cut.
As for the necessity of careful editing, ask any composer whose master tape has
been ruined because of splicing tape ooze, excessive print-through, or gain
fluctuations due to lack of bumper tape. In the modern studio, splicing is usually
used for adding or deleting various parts of the tape or for adding leader. Various
splicing configurations can also be used to create a limited number of attack and
decay patterns. The amount of playback gain, although dependent on the
strength of the recorded signal and amount of playback amplification, can also
be a function of the amount of tape which comes in contact with the playback
head. A 90° splice into a sound will result in a very sharp attack which is
boosted by the electrical disturbance caused by that particular cutting angle. A
more gradual attack would be achieved if the cutting angle were only 10° or 15".
As the tape passes the playback head, more and more of the recorded surface
would come in contact with the head, resulting in a rise in output gain. As
mentioned earlier, less than a 45° cut will eventually affect the stability of the
splice, but these artificial attacks are usually made on source tapes and re-
dubbed onto a master. If a splice such as the one shown in figure 10.11B is made
on a stereo tape, the effect would be an attack and crescendo on channel B
followed by a later attack and crescendo on channel A. To achieve a
simultaneous attack pattern on both channels of a stereo tape, a splice such as the
one shown in figure 10.11C would have to be made. The editor may even carry
this technique to the very complex manner of creating amplitude modulation, as
shown in figure 10.1 ID. In the 173
Figure 10.11. Envelope generation with splicing patterns same manner, decay
patterns can be created using the opposite angles. With this technique, attack and
decay- times are a function of angle and tape speed, therefore, if fidelity permits,
some of these effects are easier to achieve at slower speeds. Another problem
with this technique is that unless die editor has an editing block suited for these
unusual cuts, the accurate fitting of the leader and magnetic tape is very difficult.
This, along with possible gain losses due to very long patches of splicing tape,
further demonstrates the value of voltage control. As all these envelopes are
readily available with simple function generators. One of the most important
considerations in terms of recording and playback equipment is its location
within the studio. It can be very tune-consuming if the composer must
continually move back and forth across the studio to press the record button and
then back to the output system to control what is being put on the tape. If the
tape machines cannot be situated in a place convenient to both the system output
and tape input, remote control devices may be used. Tape decks intended for
studio applications are available with provisions for remote-controlled playback,
record, fast forward, and rewind Unless manual cueing is required, this gives the
composer full control over the tape transport system, and he still has immediate
access to the signal sources. In commercial recording studios, the tape decks are
usually built into a large panel and their placement is quite permanent. The
obvious advantage of this situation is that there is less chance of maladjustment
or damage due to excessive movement. In the electronic music studio many
composers prefer to have all equipment, including turntables, tape decks, mixers,
amplifiers, etc., fastened to chassis with portable rollers. Because of the many
unusual and unpredictable uses to which a composer may subject equipment, the
added advantage of portability is very important. This also makes the equipment
available for use in live electronic situations which may occur away from the
studio. A tape machine which is intended for use in concert situations, in
addition to all of the other requirements discussed thus far, should be designed in
such a way that all parts are very accessible for maintenance purposes. It is not
unusual to have to repair a machine during the intermission of a concert where
time is of the essence. (The ideal situation would be to have a machine so rugged
and dependable that no maintenance is ever required, but here the artist is
waiting for technology to make the required advances.) The electronic music
composed realizes that the tape recorder is used for more than just storing
information. The tape recorder is an instrument which must be treated with just
as much care and knowledge as a fine violin and must constantly be kept in
optimum condition. Many times the studio budget does not provide for a full-
time technician to make sure that the machines are properly cared for. Therefore,
the composer should carefully study the operation manual, specification sheet,
and maintenance manual of all tape recorders in the studio. Even if he does not
have the technical ability to repair a machine, he should at least be aware when it
is not operating up to the standards set by the manufacturer, so that professional
maintenance can be summoned. This chapter has served only as a very basic
introduction to general techniques of audio recording. The increasing
development of new recording formats such as the four-channel cassette, digital
recording, etc., must be considered outside the scope of this text Recording is a
highly skilled art which is not as essential to mastering the techniques of
electronic music as in the earlier years of musique concrete. More and more
colleges and universities are offering two and four year recording arts programs
outside the area of the electronic music. Many of the specialized applications of
the tape recorder as a signal processing device (echo, flanging, short term
storage for gating, etc.) are covered in subsequent chapters where the techniques
can be discussed in terms of a specified musical need. For more detailed
information on techniques related specifically to the professional recording
studio I recommend Modern Recording Techniques by Robert Runstein
(Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indiana, 1974) and The Recording Studio
Handbook by John Woram (Sagamore Publishing Co., Inc., N.Y., 1976). 174
11 Audio Mixing The basic process of mixing audio signals was introduced in
chapter 10, and simple mixing techniques have been used in many patches up to
this point. This chapter will present more detailed information concerning -audio
mixing, a general survey of mixer formats, and some suggestions for manual and
voltage controlled mixing techniques. Definitions: Linear and Non-Linear
Mixing A basic definition of a mixer is that it is a device which allows for the
combination of two or more signals in any proportions into a composite signal.
A composition may contain several simultaneous levels of activity being
produced by independent modules, but for all of the produced signals to be
perceived from the same source it is necessary to mix them down to a single
output signal. Also, the construction of many complex timbres may involve the
mixing of various proportions of several less complex signals into a single
output. The mixer may serve other functions, such as gating, cross-fading,
panoramic division, and signal distribution to several independent channels, all
of which will be discussed in this chapter; but it is usually desirable when
composing with a complex system to use the mixer as the final output terminal
before the amplification or recording stage. This makes possible the introduction
of sudden changes in balance and provides for making last minute additions or
subtractions to the composite signal without the need for repatching. There are
two basic methods of mixing: linear and non-linear systems. In a linear system,
equal changes in applied voltage continually result in equal changes in the
current or rate of transfer of electricity (which is measured in amperes). This
means that the output current of a linear mixer will vary in direct proportion to
the number of signal inputs and their individual level settings. In other words,
the mixer will combine all of the input signals to a composite output without
distorting any of die original sounds. The output signal is an algebraic sum of all
the input signals according to their various independent amplitudes. In other
words, the composite output signal contains only the components of all of the
input signals (fig. 1L1). Without going into detailed electronic theory, this
linearity also means that the resistance in the circuit is essentially the same over
the circuit's entire operating range. With a non-linear device, the flow of current
(which may be observed as resistance) is variable, since equal voltage changes
result in different current changes. Figure 1L2 graphically illustrates the
difference between linear and non-linear response. The composer's concern for
non-linear mixers is that it introduces additional frequencies into the final output
which were not present as one of the inputs. These extra frequencies are the
sums and differences of all of the input signals, as shown in figure 11.3, or
heterodyning and are very similar to amplitude modulation. Although the audio
engineer and hi-fi buff do everything in their power to avoid non-linearity, the
composer may find it a very useful tool When processed through a filter or
reverberation unit, sum and difference frequencies take on a very eerie character
and have a sound and direction very different from conventionally generated
frequencies. Non-linear mixing may be achieved by simply connecting all of the
input signals together without the use of an electronic mixer (see figure 11.4).
The number and strength of the sum and difference frequencies produced will
depend on the non-linearity of the particular circuit. The non- V m \K Figure
11.1. Linear mixing 175
t^^^~m_^rm s^S ^s? s^S / /> / / / ^ ^^ vottwe Figure 11.2. Linear and non-Knear
reaction •^WV mix 019 device A '■AN] Figaro 11.3. NoiHinear mixing B>0- -
Qout Figure 11.4. Non-linear mixing evewt linearity can be controlled to a
certain degree by inserting extra non-linear components, such as diodes or
capacitors, into the circuit Most studios are equipped with patchboards and
multiples which can be used for non-linear mixing. A patchboard is simply a
panel containing many input or output jacks which can be wired together as die
various circumstances require (fig. 11.5). Any group of interconnected sockets
comprises a "multiple" which may be used as a non-linear mixing circuit Any
jack can be used as either an input or an output, so that any number of signals
may be connected together. Strategic location of patchboards and multiples
within the studio or system permit it to be used as an extension device. Many
times you will find that your patchcord is not long enough to reach the input of
the next processing device in the system. If a long enough cord is not available,
then two shorter cords connected via a multiple will, it is to be hoped, make
connection with the next module. (The basic law with respect to the availability
of patchcords—see epigraph —also applies to their length.) Using a multiple as
a non-linear mixer can produce some interesting sounds. First of all, if you don't
have a multiple on your system, make one! Buy an inexpensive plastic or metal
chassis box and 12 or 16 jacks of the type used for the audio connections on your
instrument Organize the chassis layout into several rows of at least four jacks
each. Drill holes in the chassis and mount the jacks. Solder all common
connections together, using pieces of insulated wire as illustrated in figure 11.6.
Double check to make certain that all connections are only to common terminals
of each jack. If the chassis is metal there is no need to attach the ground bus to
the ground of your instrument This multiple box can be used for routing signals
to and from different instruments as long as the signals are compatible in terms
of voltage and impedance. Patch two low register sinewaves to the mult and then
patch the mult to an output so that the "mix" can be heard. Tune the oscillators to
a close interval, smaller than a minor second, and you will be able to clearly hear
the "beat frequency." This beating is the result of the non-linear change in
current which manifests itself as an amplitude fluctuation, equal to the difference
in Hertz between the two signals. Now add a third oscillator to an unused mult
input and tune it to produce a second beat pattem (see figure 11.7). Take these
same three audio signals and patch them to a normal (linear) mixer and listen to
the result You should notice that the beating is not as 176
»0n*b, •- 9ma controls ■^V- «w** j gam ner j gam ^>0V -O XBMl- Figure
11.10. Mixer with master gain control Mixing Stages: The Master and Sub-Mix
Within an electronic music studio and even in live performance there are
different levels of mixing. Figure 11.11 illustrates a typical configuration. At
first glance this appears to be a complex situation and indeed it is not simple.
This is a common mixing situation and not really to difficult to untangle. First of
all, identify all of the sound sources. We can assume that all signal outputs,
including the pre-amplified microphones, are line level, low impedence at
optimum gain. There are eight different sounds heard in the final mix: 1. VCO A
(assume that all of the oscillators are being controlled and doing something
interesting) 2. VCOB 3. A pre-amplfied microphone for an acoustic source 4.
Channel A of a pre-recorded tape 5. Channel B of the same tape 6. Another pre-
amplified acoustic source 7. VCO C 8. The output of a balanced modulator.
Notice here that one input to the modulator is a mix of a mono- phonic tape and
VCO C. Taking one stage at a time let's examine the different points of control.
Sources 1, 2, 3 and 4 are patched to a single mixer. Since there is another mixer
later in the chain this is called a "sub-mix." There is no difference between a
sub-mixer and main mixer in terms of electronics. It simply refers to where it is
in the sequence of patching. There is an input attenuator or "fader" for each of
the signals, 1 through 4. This makes it possible to make one source louder or
softer than, or equal to all of the other sounds in the mix. Once the correct
balance between voices 1-4 has been established the output of the mixer is
patched to a master mixer. The master mixer also has input faders so that any
desired input level can be established. The second sub-mixer (B) receives signals
3, 5, 6 and 7. Notice that source 3, the pre-amplifiers, is split and patched to both
sub-mixers. The split may be done by parallel outputs on the pre-amp or via a
mult. Each of these signals is mixed in the desired proportion by the input faders
on the mixer. The composite mix is then patched to a second master mixer or
channel and its input level is set as desired. The third sub-mixer (C) is utilized in
a slightly different manner; it is used to mix the signal from VCO C and a
monophonic tape in equal proportion. This mix is then patched to an input of a
balanced modulator. The reference signal for the modulator is © © oo CtL A W-
oo r-J^- Oi. 8 © «l«t.» 1PA2 —J&V—• ® ( VC03 ■*■■ . I—fi~* fir~ Figure
11.11. Sub-mixing 179
shown here as a VCO A. The output of the modulator is then patched to both of
the master mixers. If you consider the outputs of sub-mix A, sub-mix B, and the
modulator as three separate voices, this type of patching provides for easy
manual control. Voices 1 and 2 are controlled by the input faders on master
mixers A and B. Voice 3 is split between the two master mixers and controlled
by its own fader. The only drawback here is that the level control for voice three
is on two separate faders, which will call for two hands in playing the mix.
Perhaps a more efficient patch would be to route the output of the balanced
modulator to a VCA before being split to the two mixers. In this way the gain to
both mixers can be controlled by a single pot The two master mixers are
connected to the tape recorders or amplifiers in the studio, and thus it is common
for these mixers to have a pot to control output gain. At the same time there may
be one "master gain" control for both outputs, which allows the musician to raise
or lower the level of both outputs while still maintaining the relative gain levels.
The Monitor and Program Most professional mixers have two different output
sections: a monitor and a program (also referred to as "bus" or "output").
Everything coming into the mixer is normally connected to the program outputs.
This usually means that they go directly to the inputs of the tape recorder. The
monitor outputs are usually connected to die amplifier and speaker system in the
studio. This configuration is illustrated in figure 11.12. This type of mixer is of
great aid because- during the mixing process you may wish to listen to only part
of the final mix without disturbing what is being recorded on the tape. For
example, during the mixdown you suspect that one of the parts is not quite
correct but this is difficult to hear within the context of the total mix. If you
turned down all of the other voices they of course would not be recorded. The
monitor switches could be used to listen to an individual part without
interrupting the recording mix. What goes to the monitor amplifiers is
determined in a variety of ways, depending on design, and which various
terminology is used. A "monitor" "preview" or "solo" switch usually disconnects
the program output from the monitor amps and reconnects it to whatever signal
is associated with the switch. Sometimes the solo or preview signal is assigned
to a specific channel in the studio and sometimes it is assigned to all of the
channels; again this depends on the mixer design. At some point, either after or
during die recording process you are going to want to hear what is "on" the tape
as opposed to what is being "sent to" the tape. Sometimes a studio patch bay is
used to re-patch the tape recorder outputs to the studio monitor system. If this is
the case it is just a matter of changing some patchcords. More often the situation
is that the outputs of the tape recorders are patched into the main mixer, hence it
is possible to record from one tape to die other as in figure 11.13. If this is the
case special thought has to be given to the signal routing. To playback a tape it is
just a matter of turning up the tape output controls on the mixer. If there is no
separate monitor and program output the usual result is that the mixer output
goes simultaneously to the tape recorder and the studio sound system and it is
here Figure 11.12. Program and monitor mix outputs 180
tape t -for-* ft\ > Figure 11.13. Tape recorder routing through the mixer that one
can run into problems. If you are sending a signal to a tape recorder and the
output of the tape recorder is patched back to the input of the mixer, you can
create a feedback loop. The signal is being sent to the recorder, recorded on the
tape, sent from the output of the tape recorder back to the mixer, the output of
the mixer again goes to the input of the tape, etc. This is a useful technique for
the production of tape echo but more than likely the final product will be
unwanted oscillation and distortion (see page 194, chapter 12). The best solution
is to have separate program and monitor outputs on the mixer. If you want to
hear what is going onto the tape you can punch it up on the monitor. If you want
to hear what is coming back off of the tape you can punch the tape output up on
the monitor. Since what you send on the monitor is not being sent to the tape
recorder there is no chance of feedback. If there are no separate monitor and
program outputs, take care that the tape output pots on the mixer are not up
during the recordng process. During live performances a typical patch would be
to patch the monitor outputs to a monitor speaker system just for the performers
and to patch the bus or program output to the main sound system for the
audience. Another possibility is to patch the monitor mix to a set of headphones
for a performer playing the electronic instruments. This makes it very convenient
to determine whether all the parts in die mix are behaving as expected before
they are sent out for audience consumption. With monitor or solo switches you
can listen to each voice before it is brought up on the input faders. Signal
Modification with Mixers Some studio mixers have features such as EQ,
variable output channel selection and effects lines. On professional mixers each
of the inputs will usually have their own parametric equalizer. This makes it
possible to tune each voice independent of the other voices. One voice may call
for a mid-range boost and another may require some high end attenuation. Some
mixers may have an "equalizer In/Out" switch. In some cases you may not wish
to use any EQ on a particular voice, and the whole process can be bypassed. At
the same time you may wish to monitor just that particular voice. On some
mixers the monitor switch for a voice comes before the equalizer stage, on other
mixers it comes after the equalizer stage. With the EQ in/out switch the channel
can still be monitored without any EQ, but keep in mind that if the EQ is
switched out the signal goes to the program output un-equalized. A studio mixer
should allow any input signal to be sent to any selected output or set of outputs.
This can be done in a variety of ways. On the synthesizer the most common
method is direct patching: take a signal output and patch it to a sub-mix or a
main channel output. On the studio mixer this routing is usually done with a set
of switches or a "pan-pot.'* A two-channel or stereo mixer such as the Roland
103 (figure 11.14) will usually have a two-channel pan-pot which allows the
signal to be located virtually anywhere in die stereo field. With the pot to the
full-left the signal will appear on channel A. With the pot at full right the signal
will appear on channel B. If the pan-pot is at the 12:00 position the signal will
appear to come equally from both channels. At the 9:00 or 10:00 position the
signal will be positioned somewhere between center and far left (channel A).
This is illustrated in figure 11.14. The actual electronic process of signal location
is explained in chapter 13. At this point, however, the musician may begin to
think about the aesthetics of sound location. Figure 11.15 illustrates four
different mixes, three of which are "panoramic.'*1 Each voice has a particular
musical identity: voice 1 is a high main or lead voice, 2 is a lower range lead
voice, 3 is a subsidiary counterpoint part, and voice 4 is an on- 1. "Panoramic"
refers to the fact that the sources are located in different parts of the stereo space
—hence the term "pan-pot.** 181
© ? G © Caopot © Figura 11.14. Panpots A 0 i i oooo 1 2 3 « © © © © I I
OOOG 1 2 3 « <2> (Jj © X I OOOG 1 2 3 « O © (T«) © OOOO 1 2 3 « 1: Mpi
2: tow 3: 4: Figura 11.15. Stereo arrays going non-pitched rhythmic voice.
Figure 11.15A is a simple monophozdc mix; all of the voices are evenly
balanced, between both channels and will appear to come from the center of the
sound field. Figure 11.15C has the two main voices in the center with the
contrapuntal and rhythmic voices on opposite channels. Here the counterpoint
and on-going rhythm have been perceptually separated, and some questions
should be considered. Does the separation of the counterpoint from the main
voice have an effect on the function of the counterpoint? Would it be better to
keeep the counterpoint with the main voices, or is it in fact more contrapuntal
with the spatial separation? Does die isolated rhythm have a distracting effect on
the other parts of the music? Figure 11.15D separates the two main voices. If
they are playing in unison, or even the same rhythmic line, do you lose the blend
of the voices with this much separation? Do you really want a blend of the two
voices? Figure 11.15B is a four voice stereo array giving the effect of the parts
spread out in a line in front of the listener. In this case the outside voices may
have too much promi- nance. In traditional music practices a "tonic" or "registrar
accent is a note winch receives attention because it is out of an established
register. This concept can be transferred to spatial location, as an isolated or
border location voice seems to get more attention. Of course there are no
objective answers for these questions and the musician must decide for himself
just what effect he is after. The point is that if a mixer provides the possibility of
discreet channel assignment or panning, use it to highlight the music. On a four-
channel output or quad mixer the channel allocation is often done by switch
assignment Each input will have 4 output assignment switches. If you wish to
have a signal go to the channel 1 bus, punch up switch 1. If you want the signal
to go to channels 1 and 3, punch up switches 1 and 3, and so on. A quad mixer
with switchable channel assignment may also have panning facilities. The most
common format is that die pan-pot will move the signal between any two-
channels punched up on the assignment switches. Other formats allow panning
between only the two front or two rear channels. The ideal situation for the
composer is four channel panning in any pattern. Sound location has become an
important dynamic parameter in electronic music. Details on specialized panning
instrumentation and techniques are covered in chapter 13. Effects lines are
essential for live performance and are usually an integral part of a professional
mixer. These are specialized lines or outputs from the mixer which can be
patched into a signal processing instrument such as a reverb, modulator, etc. The
output from the processor is then patched back into the mixer, and thus the
processed sound may be mixed in any proportion with the other sounds. 182
Figure 11.16. Echo "send"/"receive" Figure 11.17. Effects send attenuation The
most common effects line is the echo send and echo receive or echo return. The
usual format is that any signal coming into the mixer may be picked up by
means of a switch or pot and routed to the echo send output. Note in figure 11.16
that this echo send is in parallel with the mixer program output, and attaching a
signal to the echo send does not disconnect it from the main mix. The echo send
input may have a "pre-" or "post-fader" selector switch. The position of this
switch determines just where in the input patch the signal is picked off and sent
to the echo send. If the switch is in the "pre-fader" position the signal is picked
off before the input attenuator as shown in figure 11.16B. This signal routing is
needed if the input signal is to be relatively soft in the final mix, but at the same
time highly reverberant By patching it to the echo send at the level it is to appear
in the mix the signal may not be strong enough to drive the echo device
sufficiently. If the signal is picked up "pre-fader" it is patched to the echo device
at its full input level. The reverbed signal can then be patched back into the main
mix through the echo return and its volume adjusted by the echo return level
control. The common practice is to mix the reverbed signal with the "dry" or
non-reverbed signal to achieve the correct proportion known as a "dry-wet" mix.
The "post-fader" position for echo send can be used to achieve varying degrees
of reverb in a composite mix. In this case the signal(s) is sent to the reverb after
it has been attenuated by the input fader. For example, suppose that a mix
consists of four sounds, A, B, C and D, and each sound appears to be a bit more
distant than the other. As illustrated in figure 11.17, each signal would be
attenuated at a different level and sent to the reverb. The signal with die least
attenuation will be the strongest in the reverb receive mix. Other send/receive
lines on a mixer may be available but not dedicated to a specific kind of signal
processor. These lines may be used any way your imagination suggests to you.
They may be patched to filters, modulators, external VCAs, used as modulation
inputs for other mixes, or may even be used as separate monitor lines for
individual plays. When used as monitor lines the send line will be patched to
separate monitor amps and not returned back to the main mix. If your system
does not have an effects line it may be worth while to dedicate an extra small
mixer for this purpose. In this case the diagrams for the previous patches would
be directly appliacabie. The great advantage of this situation is that it provides
the possibility of voltage controlling the send gain and/ or subjecting the send or
the return to other types of processing. One possibility is illustrated in figure
11.18. A VCA is inserted in the send path of one voice, and its gain is correlated
with the voice's pitch control. The reverb output is patched through another VCA
which is being modulated by a sub-audio sine wave. The 183
SHJ Figure 11.18. Vottage controlled send /receive result is that higher control
voltages cause higher pitches to supply more gain to the send VCA. Thus the
higher pitches have more reverb- The final reverb is brought back as a gentle
tremolo. The processing possibilities of this configuration can be as simple or
complicated as you wish, and perhaps warrant some exploration. A Summary off
Terms A studio or performance mixer can be as basic or complicated as your
budget allows. Most of the options found on standard mixers have been
described, and any attempt to deal with all the variations and extra features is
unnecessary. The following list, however, breaks down and summarizes, at least,
the standard terminology used in professional mixing situations. This summary
is based on the outline given in John Woram's The Recording Studio
A. INPUT SECTION 1. Microphone Inputs/Lone Inputs If the signal originates
at a microphone, at some point the mike has to be pre-amplified. If the mixer has
internal pre-amps it can be brought up to line level (about +4 dBm) before it is
routed to the input fader. Audio mixers on synthesizers may not have pre-amps
at the mixer inputs so the mike will have to be pre-amplified before it is patched
to the mixer input. 2. Patch Points Some professional mixers have patch points at
different places in the signal path. These inputs and outputs allow a signal to be
removed from its normal routing and then patched to an external processor. It is
then returned to its normal routing position in the mixer (see figure 11.19). 2.
Woiam, op. at. pgs. 347-368. 3. Equalizers The common format on large studio
mixers is to have a parametric equalizer for each input signal at some point after
the input fader, but before the assignment to the output channel. 4. Output Bus
(Channel) Selection A switch or pot (or both) will determine which input signals
are assigned to each individual output channel. All the signals attached to a
particular output are considered a sub-mix. B. OUTPUT OR PROGRAM
OUTPUT SECTION This is where the mixer outputs are connected to the
various channels of the tape recorder. 1. Output Bus Level or Channel Level
Controls When a number of signals have been assigned to a particular output
channel the composite signal gain may be controlled by a pot There will be an
output level control for each channel going out of the mixer. The composite gain
of all the mixer channel outputs is often controlled by a "master gain control."
This pot does not disturb the relative balances between the output channels but
attenuates all of the outputs in equal proportion. 2. Output Bus Patch Points
These patch points are similar to those described in section A-2 except they
come after the output channel control The mixed signal for that channel may be
removed from the signal path and patched to a processor. The output of the
processor is then inserted back to die normal signal path in the mixer before it
reaches the master gain control. C. MONITOR SECTION The monitor outputs
on the mixer are usually attached to the studio monitor amplifiers. 1. Tape
Recorder Inputs Each channel of the tape deck is returned to the mixer through
the line inputs. Since com- 184
oo motor A m •flacts nuxvr C mix«r 8 iux or apacc^l | .0. • ••• tape recorder OO
? Figure 11-20. Complex mixing with mono mixers nels of the tape recorder and
monitor amp are now patched to either mixer A or B. In this illustration each
mixer has identical input formats. 1A and IB axe pre- amplified signals from two
different microphones. 2A and 2B are signals from two different channels of a
second tape deck. These signals could, of course, be processed before patched to
the mixer. 3A and 3B are signals directly from the electronic instruments. The
third mixer, C, is used for an effects line. In this case the signals from the
electronic instruments are split with one leg going to mixer C and the other leg
to mixers A and B, respectively. The output of mixer C is patched to a reverb
unit and the output of the reverb unit and the output of the reverb is split and
patched to 4A and 4B. The input attenuators on mixer C are used as echo send
fader, and the inputs on mixers A and B are used as echo receive faders. This
mixing patch is commonly used within the mixing capabilities of a large
synthesizer. It is certainly not as versatile as a professional studio mixer but can
usually get the job done. Matrix Mixers A mixer design found on several studio
instruments is the matrix mixer. This format provides several inputs, usually
between four and eight; and any input may be coupled to any number of outputs
(usually four outputs are possible) by means of attenuators. The illustration in
figure 11.21 is a typical 8 by 4 matrix mixer. Any input signal can be sent to any
number of available output channels. The coupling to an output channel is
accomplished with individual gain controls so that a signal may be sent to each
output at different levels. This allows for the design of complex quadraphonic
arrays on tape or in live performance. Certain mixer designs incorporate a gain
function separate from the master gain control. The "adder gain switch" found on
various mixers determines the total amount of gain the circuit can provide and
thereby be controlled by the master gain control The number of 1 2 3 « S 6 7 8
oooooooo •* OOOOOOOO «b OOOOOOOO «C OOOOOOOO «0 Outputs
inputs 1234S67A trout pawl fonmt fTTTTTTT -0\, >>>> f>> -oe_ -oc_ kkkkkkr
"OO. r rkkkkkk 6 6 1. 2. 6 O 6 O 3. 4. S. 6. O 7. o a. Figure 11.21- Matrix mixer
selection possibilities and amount of gain increase is not standardized and will
vary according to design. A mixer designed and described by Robert Moog
("Construction of a Simple Mixer," Electronic Mttsic Review, no. 4, Oct., 1967)
has the possibility of zero db, +10 db or +20 db gain. If the particular mixer is a
combination of normal mixing functions and preamplifier for microphone
mixing, the adder switch will often not affect the preamplifier gain. Voltage
Controlled Mixing As with most other electronic music techniques, the range of
applications of the mixer has been greatly extended by incorporation of voltage
control. Computer controlled mix-down is common practice in most professional
recording studios but is not usually within the financial reach of the student. The
following patches will, however, provide some automated mixing techniques
well within the resources of a modest 186
electronic music studio, and they are equally viable for live performance. There
are several dedicated voltage controlled mixers available with commercial
electronic instrumentation. These are essentially a collection of voltage
controlled amplifiers with a mixed output Many manufacturers package a
collection of VCAs in a single module and provide a mixed output just for
voltage controlled mixing applications. The level of a signal in a mix is then
controlled by applying a control voltage to the control input for a particular
channel. A voltage controlled mixer or "quad VCA" is illustrated in figure 11.22.
The techniques suggested in the following patches will be discussed in terms of
a quad VCA and can be easily transferred to any voltage- controlled mixer
format. One of the many advantages of a voltage-controlled mixer is its ability to
switch rapidly from one input to another at speeds which would be impossible
manually. Figures 11.23 and 11.24 suggest two approaches using a multiple
bank sequencer with separate timing pulse output buses. The music in figure
11.23 requires instant switching between die input signals. This is referred to as
a "pulsed mix" and can be accomplished with the gate outputs of a sequencer.
Remember that a gate is a rather high magnitude DC voltage and it can usually
be used to directly drive a VCA. This mix involves three pitches which are to be
combined in different patterns. Three oscillators are tuned to the specified notes
and patched to three VCAs. If the VCAs are not already available from a
common output simply patch them to a mixer. Turn down the offset on the
VCAs so that the signals will not get through until a control voltage is received,
in this case the gate voltage from a bank on a sequencer. The patch r^lfc for a
switchable three bus sequencer (see chapter 6, page 77). The "C is to be attacked
on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 7th eighth note so gate outputs 1, 3, 4 and 7 are patched
to bus one output which is in turn patched to VCA 1. Each of the other pitch
events is likewise programmed. As the sequencer is driven in a steady or varying
rhythm the different gates will open each VCA in sequence. If the sequencer
does not have sustain gate outputs, then use alternating high and low voltages
from the control voltage outputs on each sequencer bank. The advantage of
using gates as controls is that the mix is simply an on-off function and the
continuously variable sequencer control voltages could be used for other
parameters. The patch in figure 11.24 is similar to the previous configuration,
but here the mix is dynamic rather than switched. Each "voice" crescendos and
diminuendos in and out of the mix according to the dynamics of an envelope
generator. In this example the sequencer supplies triggering information to each
EG from a different trigger bus. The only drawback is that one is limited to
sequential triggering which may be hampering in an improvisatory situation. A
more versatile approach may be to manually trigger each envelope. A keyboard
wim individual triggers for each key could perhaps be an even better solution, if
you happen to have such an instrument. Even more ideal is to use a micro-
processor for the triggering and/or Hour* n.22. Voltage controlled mixer gm«
bm t. 2 & 3 Figure 11.23. "Pulsed nix" with a voltage controBed mixer and
sequencer 187
gaMtus 1.H3 Figure 11.24. "Dynamic mix" with voltage controlled mixer VCM
12 34 TTTT RVS 2 RVS 2 tby ..STT^ «»«• 11-25- ■<iibi3iMi. Random mixing
the envelope information. Voltage controlled function generators could also be
used to van' the dynamics of each voice. Figure 11.25 suggests a randomly
controlled mix, with the addition of a random function for the echo receive. The
patch illustrated in 11.26 uses the output of several envelope detectors to control
input gains to a voltage-controlled mixer. At this point the patches bear a strong
resemblance to configurations given earlier in the book, and this illustrates the
power and versatility of voltage control. Rather than waste space with obvious
variations on these techniques, give some thought to different kinds of playing
logic which can be used with voltage controlled mixing. How can you
incorporate inverters, multipliers, function generators, keyboards, etc., to provide
musical design for the final mix of your music? And more important, be aware
of the established relationships built into each patch. Is it possible to make a
composite mix depending on the time of day or the general noise level of an
audience? A final technique which is often overlooked is the universal mixer—
the air! The elastic air space between a listener and the speakers can combine
sounds in a way which is virtually impossible with electronic mixers. Think
about the last time you attended an orchestral or rock concert. More than likely
the orchestra was not amplified but the sound was presented in an array across
the auditorium which cannot be duplicated with speakers. Even the rock concerts
with elaborate realtime mixing is dependent on the space between you and the
sound sources. The significant factor is the 2 - 3 r»». - .. D- y>-~ ^*N » d*t. 2 t
at. i V EG stmo t>po c ) o VC •> 1 2 Jt n A 8 M *. 3 4 "~i COflSfOl. V at. i—*
3 ■ V •n». d«t. 4 2 3eure*3 »oore»* o o Figure 11.26. Envelope control of a mix
Figure 11.27. Mr mixing 188
acoustic space itself. The size and shape of the hall adds characteristic coloration
and reverberation information. The way the room processes the sound can be
positive or negative, depending on what you want.4 If you have access to several
large spaces (not just rooms but hallways, tunnels, an outside court, etc.), the
following project may yield some interesting results. Set up a good stereo or
quad sound system in the available space. Line all of the speakers up even with
each other, facing in the same direction and as far apart as possible. Place two
high quality microphones in the space at least twenty-five feet in front of the
speakers as shown in figure 11.27 and patch them to a tape recorder. Play a
variety of sounds through the speakers and vary the gain of each channel of the
playback system. The sounds could be prerecorded or played in real-time on an
electronic instrument. The signals should, however, be electronic so that you can
experiment with different ranges and densities. The recording will not be
discrete stereo, as the signals from the speakers will not be direct enough to be
picked up by only one mike. You may notice that the higher frequencies are
more directional than the lower ones; the bass will appear on both channels and
the high end of the mix will have a slight directionality. Also listen to how
different spaces process the sound in various ways. You may wish to try out this
technique within the confines of the studio. Such a technique is time consuming
to set up but can provide the ambiance and effect of an in-concert recording.
Exercises At this point in the book the reader should have a significant and
practical understanding of the instrument and mixing/routing resources on a
given electronic music system. The remaining chapters deal with semi-
specialized techniques and instrumentation which may be external to the actual
sound production-control process. To suggest exercises dealing with mixing
tech- 4. Refer to Arthur H. Benade's Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics, Oxford
University Press (New York, 1976) chapters 11 and 12. niques is difficult, as a
generalized mixing project has to be constructed around the available equipment.
A certain project .would probably be redundant on one instrument and perhaps
impossible on another. One possible suggestion, however, is to try to configure a
versatile instrument using a combination of different patches thus far in the
book. Determine how many voices you can patch at one time on your instrument
and experiment with how they can be pre-mixed and called up as they are
needed. Try to construct a mixing format which can change the structure of an
instrument. For example analyze the patch illustrated in figure 11-28. Mixer. 1
allows the player to select from three possible voices: A—a keyboard controlled
VCO B—a sequencer controlled VCO C—the ring modulation output of both
voices. Not only can one select individual voices; don't overlook the possibility
of mixing relationships. A could be a main voice, C could provide some sort of
rhythmic counterpoint, and B could be brought in occas- sionally for some
coloration. The second mixer allows the player to select or mix between a
filtered (D) and un-filtered version (E) of the mix provided by the first mixer.
The point is to go beyond thinking of mixing as the last thing one does before
the music reaches the tape recorder. Internal mixing can add significantly to the
resources of a given patch. Go back through the preceding chapters or your own
patch library to see how many configurations and variations you are able to
preset on your instrument at one time. A second "exercise" is to simply listen!
Pull out some of your favorite and/or most hated recordings and make a critique
of the mix. Listen to how the lines balance—pay attention to the equalization
and depth of each voice. Especially valuable are any live rock, jazz, or classical
recordings. The next time you attend a rock or jazz concert pay special attention
to how the mix sounds. If you have the opportunity, look over the shoulder of
the sound technician and watch what goes on, then think about how you would
do it! EG mix 2 —* VCAJ>—.. Figure 11.28. A mix variable instrument 189
^3)3^ Figure 12.1. Simulated echo with sub-audio AM attack of each echo. You
also might substitute a low pass filter for the second VCA. If this is done each
successive echo will have less and less high frequency components. True
acoustic reverberation and echo is only achieved by generating the signals,
acoustic or electronic, in a reverberant environment. Perhaps the ideal situation
is performing in. such a space. Recording the results would require remote
recording facilities and the musician does not have much control over the echo
or reverb characteristics. An alternate solution is to use dedicated acoustic
reverberation chambers. This is an acoustically "live" room which contains a
speaker and microphone. The sound to be subjected to reverberation is routed to
the speaker at one location in the room and is then received by the microphone at
another location in the room and finally routed back to the recording or
monitoring circuit. The obvious advantage here is that the reverberation is
produced under natural conditions and will thus sound very natural. But there are
a number of disadvantages to be considered. First, since each chamber is a
xnonophonic system, every independent channel of sound will require a separate
chamber if echo is added during the final dub-down. If two binaural channels are
routed through die chamber at the same time, even if taken through two separate
microphones, most binaural effects will be lost The size and shape of the
chamber will also determine the reverberation time and the sonic characteristics
of the resultant signal. The reverberation time may be altered to a certain degree
by changing the placement of the microphone and speaker within the chamber,
but this takes a bit of experimentation, and changes cannot be made during the
final recording or playback sequence. The character of the reverberation may
also be altered by changing the angles of the reflecting surfaces or by positioning
various objects about the chamber to break up the reflected waves. This is also a
very experimental situation and cannot be done during mastering sequences. The
amount of reverberation can be varied somewhat by controlling the amount of
the reverberated signal to be mixed with the direct signal, either via the echo-
send or echo-receive pots (figure 12J2). Artificial Reverberation Most electronic
music studios are equipped with devices for the electronic simulation of
reverberation. Artificial reverb, although less natural than acoustic reverb, is
more practical because of the direct and immediate control over reverberation
time it gives. Artificial reverb may be produced using any of four devices: the
reverberation plate, the more common mechanical spring reverb, analog delay or
digital delay instruments. The reverberation plate, or "thunder- Rgura 12A. Echo
chain for an acoustic echo chamber 191
Tape Delay The most common electronic delay technique is with magnetic
tape.2 Electronically-produced echo is possible from a variety of sources, all of
which operate on the same principle of delayed reproduction of recorded events.
By recording an event on magnetic tape and then subjecting it to playback via
several individual and evenly spaced playback heads, a fairly accurate
simulation of natural echo can be produced. As the recorded event comes in
contact with each successive playback head, it is repeated and gives the effect of
being a reflection, as in acoustically-produced echo. The speed of the echo is
often a function of the speed of the tape and the distance between die playback
heads. The number of echoes or repetitions depends on the number of playback
heads being monitored. If the purpose is to simulate natural echo, the output gain
of each successive head will have to be set in an exponentially decaying manner,
as are the successive reflections of natural echo. Care must also be taken to
ensure that the playback heads are spaced at precise regular intervals so that the
repetition rate will be constant (figure 12.4). This is not to imply that irregular
echo patterns are not always effective, only but to say that natural echo is usually
characterized by some sort of reptitive pattern. The disadvantage to this method
of multiple head echo is that the composer may find that there are not enough
playback heads for prolonged echoes. Another approach to the production of
tape echo is with a three-head tape recorder (one with separate 2. There is
documentation of signal delay techniques using phonograph--discs, bat this
process is inferior to the current delay processes. record and playback heads) and
feedback circuit. If the event is recorded on a machine with separate record and
playback heads, it may be monitored an instant later through the playback head
by using the tape-monitor provision. If it is possible to monitor both the input
and playback head at the same time, the effect will be of a single reflection, with
the intervening time between the original event and the repetition again
dependent on the tape speed and the placement of the playback head. On
professional machines the distance between the record and playback heads will
vary from 1.25 inches to 2 inches (approximately), making possible a delay time
of from .166 seconds to .266 seconds at 735 ips and from .083 seconds to .133
seconds at 15 ips. The patching configuration for a single repetition is illustrated
in figure 125. If the input signal is not monitored the effect will only be a delay
between the initiation of the signal and the actual sound. The repetition is a
result of hearing both the initiation and the delay. Repetition of a steady state
sound is usually not very effective. A continuously sounding "C mixed with a
delayed continuously sounding "C only produces two continuously sounding
"Cs. The patch will be more effective if the sound is a short duration or
continually changing pitch. Some care will also have to be taken to balance
correctly the loudness of the original and delayed signal Normal echo is
characterized by a softer delayed sound. This is readily accomplished by
adjusting the respective input gains on the mixer. There is no reason that the
original sound could not be softer than the delay. Again, this should be adjusted
on the mixer so that the level of the input signal to the tape recorder is not
affected. nttfb f—?—9—* UUUUU •igraJ • ~n R0«m 12A. Tape echo with
multiple heads 194
record twad puytuck twaa siontl Figure 12^. Single repeat tape delay ~A_ Figure
12.6. Two channel bounce Figure 12.6 is a single repetition patch, but in this
case the echo is bounced to a different channel The original unrecorded signal is
taken to channel A of a stereo monitoring system and delay is taken to channel
B. Non-repeating delays are often used in series with artificial reverberation
devices (see figure 12.7). In a reverberant space there is often an audible time
delay between the inflation of a sound and the first reflection of the reverberant
information. This can be accomplished by inserting a tape delay in the signal
path before it reaches the reverb instrument Naturally the composer is usually
interested in more than just a singe echo. This can be accomplished by splitting
the output signal and routing one leg back to the input circuit. In this manner the
output signal is recorded, played back at a given instant later, and then re-
recorded to be played back again at the same interval of time later. The speed of
the repetitions again depends on the intervening distance between the heads and
tape speed. Also, the number and amplitude of the repetitions are a function of
the combined input and playback gain. If the feedback loop is accomplished by
using a mixer at the input to the recording circuit, the composer can have
complete control over the amplitude relationship between the input and echo.
The mixing may be done with the use of a Y plug, but this could lead to a certain
amount of non-linear distortion and gives the composer less control over the
amplitude levels. In order to save tape, it is possible to use a tape loop as shown
in figure 12.8. If the output is to be recorded, however, another generation of
tape would still be needed, resulting in a minimum loss of high frequencies. This
entire mechanism/circuit is available commercially especially for the production
of artificial echo and is usually referred to as a "repeater" or "echo loop deck."
To provide varying echo rates, these decks allows the playback head to be
positioned various distances from the record head by sliding the head along a
guide. The composer may even choose to calibrate the echo rate along the
playback head guide. It is most useful to have the calibration in terms of
repetitions per minute, in the same manner as conventional tempo- marking or in
fractions of a second indicating the length of time between each repetition. If it
is possible to have more than one repeater, many very interesting repetition
patterns may be produced by patching them in series with each set at a different
repetition rate (figure 12.9). If the playback head is moved along its guide path
while the repeater is in operation, the result will be an exaggerated simulation of
the Doppler effect.3 Depending on the rate and 3. This is the observed effect of
an apparent pitch shift when the distance between the sound source and the
listener is continually changing. The classic example is the rising pitch of a train
whistle as the train approaches a listner. This may be accomplished with a tape
delay by either continually moving the playback head (if such a provision is
available) or by varying the tape speed. Minimal tape speed variation is built into
several consumer tape decks, or your studio may be equipped with a wide range
variable speed tape deck. Both head displacement and speed variation result in
reproducing me signal at a speed faster or slower than it was recorded. The exact
calculation of Doppler shifts is not really relevant to mechanical control, but
nevertheless the process of simulated Doppler should be experimented with.
Other techniques of Doppler simulation are discussed later in this chapter. Figure
12.7. Delayed reverb 195
wv *gn»i p-jJv-» ■for* M nix *. tMdtaOMB -for* -fov* Figure 12A Patching
configuration for multiple echo Figure 12:9. Use of multiple repeaters 4XH
Rgore 12.10. Tape echo using acoustical feedback and stmuttaneoas microphone
and tine moots amount of displacement, the composer will find a wealth of
modification possibilities which are not possible except by means of delayed
feedback. If one is recording from an acoustic sound source with an air mike,
tape echo may be produced by simply splitting the line input. This, of course,
requires a deck with mike/line mixing inputs. The amount of echo can then be
controlled by using the line input gain control as shown in figure 12.10A.
Another method of working with acoustical sources is to set up an acoustic
feedback loop, with the monitor speaker providing the delayed input to the
microphone (figure 12.10B). A necessary precaution to observe is the critical
placement of the microphone and monitor speaker. If the microphone sound field
overlaps with the speaker sound field, an acoustically-induced howl may be
produced. (This type of acoustic feedback can be put to very creative uses and is
discussed on page 207.) Even the electronic feedback/delay loops can result in
unwanted resonances if the gain is not carefully controlled. In this case the build-
up is so great that the original signals may become masked in a surge of white
sound caused by too high a feedback gain. This can be controlled to a degree by
careful equalization, but it will also have a definite effect on the frequency'
response of the output signal. With the use of a stereo tape recorder, the tape
echo can be made to cause each successive repetition to emit from alternate
channels. The patching configuration used to accomplish this is illustrated in
figure 12.11. This patching will pass the signal back and forth between the two
channels with the repetition rate dependent on twice the distance between the
record and playback heads. This time can be cut in half by simply monitoring the
second channel from the input and not from the playback head. Similar cross-
coupling of the channels can also be utilized with multi-track tape recorders as
shown in the four-track feedback configuration in figure 12.12, a configuration
that provides the composer with many possibilities of tape-echo patterns,
depending on whether the individual channels are monitored from the playback
head (as shown in figure 12.12) or from the input, which would halve the
repetition rate to the next channel. The composer should also consider the
possibility of splitting the outputs of other channels and also patching them back
into the first channel or any other channel. Remember that the feedback leg must
be combined with the original input signal by means of a mixer. Do not use a
mult for this kind of mixing as it will cause distortion and provides no means for
feedback gain control. The use of two or more machines with the possibility of
using varying speeds provides the composer with an unlimited number of tape-
delay configurations. Figure 12.13 offers some other possible patchings which
may stimulate the imagination. With these examples, keep in mind that the echo
rate can be varied by switching from input to output monitoring. More complex
patching also requires careful gain control to avoid excessive build-up or
overloading. Patch 12.13A is a simple two-channel delay. The delayed output of
each channel is fed back and mixed with itself. In each case the strength or
number of echos will be determined by the gain of the feedback leg at the mixer.
Remember that in all of these echo patches the tape must be set for "tape
monitor." 196
&$gn%ia -<3 <3- -<! <3- Figure 12.11. Tape echo on alternating channels signal
< -A-r-. *8y raisins 1*>*s sot toe quia »uy will regenerate as m the promota
pttcn —~Q' pO D- [>4 t ongnat !Set>. 2 —»*• f\et>. 3 r"*" ha..* Figure 12.12.
Four channel echo configuration hrQ Eh- hB3 E>- Lrn E^ C^ e * ■ H-<3~.E>
DO f .»■ ^3 <3 ' E> E>-J E o ru^ motors loc routing thofoodoecic loos to the
moots Figure 12.13. Various tape-echo configurations The delay system
illustrated in figure 12.13B involves a complex cross-channel bounce. The inputs
to both channels of the tape recorder are mixed with their own delayed outputs to
produce an initial repeat. The delayed output of each channel is also taken back
and mixed with the input of the opposite channel so that the second repeat will
be on the other channel. The delay patch suggested in figure 12.13C uses two
tape recorders. The delayed output of channel A of tape one is patched directly
to the input of channel A on tape two. The delayed output of tape two is fed back
to the input of channel A, tape one. In effect this channel has twice the normal
delay as it undergoes two record/playback processes before the delayed signal is
heard. Channel B is basically the same patch, but note that on this channel the
"tape input" is sent to tape two. There is no delay involved with the first
recording process, and therefore the delay time will be twice as short as channel
A. A more efficient way of making this patch is to patch channel B's signal
directly to channel B of tape two. This will improve the signal-to-noise problem
caused by series recording with two tape decks. The advantage of the 197
J -80 Figure 12.18. Canons with tape delay 12.17B produces the same effect
from a pre-recorded tape. The tape must have the same material on two tracks.
By monitoring one track from the playback head (in sel-sync) the signal will
reach the delay device before the other track is heard from the normal playback
head. Remember that sonic delays operate within the musical parameter of time.
Delays and echos have a temporal or rhythmic dimension which can be used
very creatively. Set up a non-repetitive delay and try the following exercises.
Listen to the non-repetitiye delay and use the delay time as a reference beat or
any division of a reference beat In figure 12.18 the delay is .5 or one-half a
second. The suggested exercise is to then play into the delay at a tempo of J =
60. The delay will then be exactly an eighth-note later. This canonic relationship
can then be used in the formation of complex counterpoint as illustrated in the
example. Excellent examples of live performance with tape delay used as a
conscious rhythmic parameter are found in the music of Terry Riley. Two
current recordings which should be' studied are Rainbow in Curved Air and
Whirling Surgery Dervish.4 Specialized Delay Techniques Analog and Digital
Delay Instruments Relatively recent developments in analog and digital
electronics have generated a class of instruments dedicated to audio delay
techniques. Such instrumentation is standard equipment in most recording
studios. Although these instruments, at least as of this writing, are not standard
modules on all electronic music instruments, the techniques are very relevant to
electronic and acoustic sound processing. A few manufacturers are making delay
modules available as parts of larger systems, and in the very near future dedi- 4.
SainbotD in Citmed Air is available on Colombia Records (MS7315), and
Whirling Surgery Dervish is available through Shandar Records, 40 Rue
Mazarine, Paris 6, France. cated electronic delays will be as common as the
voltage controlled oscillator. An electronic delay is conceptually the same as the
mechanical tape delay. A signal is stored in some form and reproduced after a
controlled time interval. After the signal has been reproduced it may be used as a
straight delay or may be fed back to the delay input to achieve repetitive or
recursive effects. Compared to mechanical techniques, the electronic delays
afford the musician greater control over the parameters involved. Depending on
design, the delay time (or repetition rate) may be as short as one millisecond and
as long as five seconds or more. In most electronic delay instruments, the delay
time is continually variable throughout its range, and this parameter is usually
controllable by any control from a synthesizer. This wider range of control has
given rise to a catalog of delay techniques which can be of immense use to the
musician. These techniques are usually not dependent on how the delay is
produced Certain patches, however, may lend themselves more to one delay
system than another, and these considerations will be discussed where
appropriate. What is important is an understanding of the vocabulary. This
includes the logic of the patch used to generate the desired effect and tuning of
the relevant parameters. If the process is understood, the effects may be modified
and/or expanded using whatever instrumentation is available. Analog delays
store and retrieve the electronic signal without changing its format, the most
common analog delay system being the tape recorder. Using the previously
explained head delay techniques, a two- inch distance between the record and
playback head would provide delay times of 66 milliseconds at 7.5 inches-per-
second, 133 ms at 15 ips and 266 ms at 30 ips. The delay techniques to be dealt
with require time delays often as fast as 1 ms, so that such mechanically
controlled delays are usually not suitable for these purposes. Electronic analog
delay instruments are made possible by means of a "bucket brigade" or "charge
o j eien clock command moves ttio stgnai { from one CCO to m« next. Figure
12.19. The "8ucket Brigade" coupled device" (CCD). An analog delay line is a
number of bucket brigade circuits connected in series to form what is called an
analog shift register. As illustrated in figure 12.19, the audio signal (or a portion
thereof) is stored in the first CCD, then shifted on to other CCDs in the circuit.
The rate of the shift of information from one CCD to the next is determined by a
clock, just as used with sequencer operations. After the signals have been shifted
through all of the available CCDs, they appear at the output as a delayed signal.
The delay time is determined by the number of CCDs in the circuit and the speed
of the clock. While analog delay lines provide an adequate range of delay times
(normally from lms to around 150 ms), there are two major disadvantages. Since
the CCD stores the signal as an analog electronic charge, that is, a precise
voltage level, some bucket brigade delays have a low-end frequency response of
around 100 Hz. This is because lower frequencies have longer wavelengths (see
page 207) and more CCDs are needed to store the information. The second
problem is noise and distortion. Again, since the circuit is storing a fluctuating
electronic signal, the processing of die signal (the delay) can add an annoying
amount of noise. Noise and distortion are not a problem in professional studio
analog delay lines. The "music store" variety designed for stage performance is
substantially cheaper but proportionately noisier. Digital delay lines operate
conceptually the same as analog instruments. In this case, the sound is not stored
as an analog electronic charge, but rather as a series of numbers, usually in
binary form (see page 76). The original electronic signal is "sampled" by a high
frequency clock in the same manner as a sample/ hold (see chapter 5, page 80).*
The magnitude of the sampled voltage is then taken to an analog-to- digital
convertor (ADC) and stored as a digital number. So far this process is similar to
digital storage of sequencer control voltages explained in chapter 5. Since,
however, an electronic signal representing a sound is in a continual state of
motion, many samples must be taken of each cycle to adequately represent the
waveshape. These "samples," once digitized, are passed on to a shift register at a
rate determined by the sampling clock. The digital "memory" must then be quite
long to store complex signals for any usable length of time. When the digital
information reaches the end of the memory, it is taken to a digital-to- analog
convertor (DAC) and turned back into analog fluctuations in voltage. The total
delay time depends on the speed of the clock and the size of the memory. For the
instrument to have an adequate frequency response, the clock must be 2# to 3
times the highest desired frequency. If the top frequency is arbitrarily set at 16k
Hz, the clock sampling rate would be 40k Hz. The memory must then be large
enough to take in 40,000 samples per second and store them for the maximum
desired delay time. Each digitized sample of an input waveform is represented
by a digital "word" a fixed number of "bits" wide. A memory size is measured in
terms of words. The memory size required for any given delay is derived by the
following formula: memory size (number of words) = sampling rate x delay time
At a sampling rate of 40k Hz a 0.1 second delay would require a memory of
4,000 words (40,000 X .1 = 4,000). A 0.5 second delay would require 20,00
words of memory. The effective size of the memory is determined by an address
counter. The address counter can be thought of as a selector for the number of
increments in a sequencer. Beginning at zero, the counter begins counting
sequentially up to the maximum address. When that address is reached, the
counter is reset and the counting process begins again. Some delays have
multiple address counters so that several independent delay times can be read out
simultaneously. Other designs have fixed multiple taps, therefore the maximum
delay time determines the address of the other tapes. A common format is to
have the main output which is equal to the specified delay time (DT) and
auxiliary tapes at % DT, % DT, etc. Probably the most effective delays have
delay times at non-integral relationships, as this provides for denser delay
patterns. The other variable in delay time specification is the clock speed. A
4,000 word memory clocked at 40k Hz will produce a delay of 0.1 seconds. The
same memory clocked at 20k Hz would produce a 0.2 second delay. Therefore,
cutting the clock rate in half doubles the delay time but it also changes the high
end frequency response. A sample rate of 20k would impose an upper frequency
limit of less than 8,000 Hz! Thus any digital delay is a trade off between sample
rate and memory size. The most important factor is memory size, since clock
rate is usually no problem. 201
thumb dogs the feed reel 3>e>>*> Figure 12.22. Tape flanging -NN-E MSoeMy
500 Hr 1 MSMUy ris,. rf^^jN j^ 180* oot-ot-phaM ^ Figure 12-23. Flanging
cancellation The configuration in figure 1SL22 illustrates the original flanging
technique. The material to be processed is recorded in parallel on two tape
recorders. The recorders should be of the same model so that there is an equal
amount of head delay. The material from both recorders is monitored from the
playback heads and mixed to a single channel Originally one of the recorders
was slightly slowed down by the engineer placing his thumb on the edge, or
flange, of the feed reel. This very slight and momentary drag caused the material
on that recorder to be reproduced slightly out-of-phase with the other tape
recorder. This takes some practice since the speed variation should be so great
that the perceived pitch is changed As the two tape recorders moved in and out
of phase with one another, various spectral components would reinforce and
cancel one another. This effect is almost impossible to describe, but it has been
called a "shwoosh," "churning,'' or "turning inside out" of the sound. Electronic
flanging is achieved by mixing a continually varying delay of a signal with its
original. The nature of the mixing will determine the spectral cancellation
process. Normal in-phase mixing teiH produce cancellation of a spectral
component whose period is equal to one-half the delay time. Why? The period of
a frequency is the time it takes that frequency to go through one complete cycle.
At a delay time of 1 ms a Ik Hz signal is delayed one complete cycle (360c)
because the period of a Ik Hz signal is 1 ms. Electronic flanging mixes the
delayed spectrum with the original spectrum so that in this case the two Ik
spectral components are mixed in-phase and reinforced (see figure 12.23A).
However, with this same delay time, 1 ms, a 500 Hz signal has only a 180°
phase shift. If the Ik Hz signal has a 360° shift, a signal of twice that period will
exhibit one-half as much phase shift. Now if the original and delayed spectrum
are mixed, any frequency components of 500 Hz will be 180° out-of- phase and
cancelled, (see figure 12L23B). These cancellation points are called notches or
nulls. As it turns out, all of the odd multiples of the initial nulled frequency will
also be cancelled. (1.5k, 2.5k, 3.5K, etc.) The following formula can be quickly
used to find the initial null of any flanging delay: initial null = Tl delay time x 2
The successive notches are simply the initial null frequency times 3, 5,7, etc. For
example, a delay of 8.3333 ms will produce a notch at 60 Hz which is useful for
eliminating hum: 60 = 1 = DT x 2 = 1/60 DT (Delay time) times 2 =s DT x 2 =
.016666 so Delay Time - .008333 If the delay time is negatively mixed or
inversely summed with the original, the cancellation or nulls will be that spectral
component whose period is equal to the entire delay time. This makes sense, as
now the delayed signal, when inverted (through any available inverting circuit),
is the 180° out-of-phase with the original. Negative mixing also results in
cancellation of all of the harmonically related components of a null. Whether or
not a specific flanger uses positive or negative mixing will usually be specified
by the manufacturer. So far this explanation has only dealt with fixed delay
settings, which really accomplish no more than the doubling techniques
explained on page 202. Flanging becomes interesting when the delay time is
continually changed. Since the delay time determines the null points in a
spectrum, continually varying delay will continually cancel and reinforce
different parts of the spectrum. The obvious way to vary the delay is to voltage
control or modulate the clock. Most flangers have a built in LFO used precisely
for this purpose. This LFO is usually a sine or triangle wave with a frequency
range between .05 and 20 Hz. It is probably obvious to the reader that it would
be convenient to have some sort of control over the LFO rate. This can be done
manually, but most instruments provide an external input for control functions
from another electronic instrument A common patch is to control the flanging
from an envelope detector. In this manner a harder attack or louder sound will
produce a more active flanging effect If this is not built into the instrument, it
can always be patched in from a synthesizer. The basic parameters of flanging
require some careful consideration when using digital delays. The first 203
individuals as "a swimming effect," as "a jet plane going through the music," as
"a whooshing" sound, as "one of the best ways discovered to cover up mistakes,"
and as "something that makes you think the music is circling around you." AH of
these descriptions have merit. The phasing effect's versatility can be partially
explained by the following facts: 1. It affects three of the most important
characteristics of a musical signal—pitch, amplitude, and harmonic distribution.
2. It affects signals over a very wide frequency range, and thus applies to
virtually every signal source from a bass guitar to a snare drum. 3. It produces
dynamic changes in pitch, which is interesting in itself and can be used to cover
up mistakes. 4. It can be used to generate a pseudo-stereo signal with interesting
characteristics and little effort (pseudo quad too). 5. When used tastefully it can
add a hell of a lot of interest to a recording or live performance. (When used
without taste it can still add a lot of interest. Short of running an entire concert
through a phasing device, its hard to misuse.) WHAT IS PHASING? WHAT IS
FLANGING? The terms 'PHASING" and "FLANGING" have been used
interchangably to describe the effect obtained. In point of electronic fact, there
are two substantially different ways of obtaining the effect, and the effect thus
obtained is also substantially different. The original effect (used on itchykoo
Park) was allegedly obtained by feeding a signal into two tape recorders, mixing
the output, and then placing a drag on one of the reel flanges to slow down the
machine. Because this method ties up two tape machines, requires 22 patch
cords, and is a bit awkward (how many engineers have calibrated fingers?),
several manufacturers designed electronic "black boxes" to achieve the effect
with greater ease. Typically these devices accept a signal input and produce a
phased output, the phasing being controlled by front panel knobs. One
manufacturer (Eventide Clock Works) designed a unit specifically for recording
studio applications. This unit has several methods of controlling the phasing: in
addition to a front panel "A0" control, it has provisions for using an internal
envelope detector or a variable frequency oscillator, thus phasing automatically
either by following the signal amplitude or in a repetitive fashion. However, (and
its a big however) . . . HOWEVER these black boxes, for technical reasons,
could not generate the same effect as the finger on the flange. And although the
black boxes had many advantages which could not and cannot be duplicated by
the tape flanging method, the effect was not as pronounced or "deep," and thus
the tape method continued to be used when a particularly strong effect was
desired. To prevent confusion, in the remainder of this article we will refer to
PHASING and FLANGING by the following definitions: PHASING: The effect
obtained by using electronic phase- shift networks to generate cancellations in
the frequency spectrum of a signal. FLANGING: The effect obtained by using
differential delay to generate cancellations in the frequency spectrum of a signal,
regardless of the method used to generate the delay. The consequences of the
differences in characteristics are striking. Intuitively, one can feel that the
flanging response should have more effect on the music, and in this case
intuition is correct. 1. Because there are always nulls at high frequencies, the "jet
plane" effect is more pronounced, even when the delay is fairly long. 2. Because
the nulls are harmonically related, the effect on the .tone of many instruments is
more musically interesting. For instance: Assume an instrument is being played
with a fundamental frequency of 440 Hz. It will have harmonics at 880 Hz, 1320
Hz, 1760 Hz, 2200 Hz, etc. At a delay of 1.136 milliseconds, the fundamental
and all odd harmonics will be cancelled out, leaving only even harmonics. If the
instrument shifts pitch, its entire tonality will change. 3. There's nothing much
that can be said intuitively for advantages of sharp or rounded peaks, and since
there's no simple way of comparing them subjectively, let's pass on this one. 4.
The number of nulls increases as delay increases, and thus there is an overall
broader effect on the input signal. It should be noted, however, that when the
nulls are very closely spaced, the effect decreases since there is an averaging
between the nulls and the peaks in psycho-acoustic realms. As a practical matter,
useful flanging occurs in the delay range of 50 microseconds to about
milliseconds, and devolves to a doubling effect after about 15 milliseconds.
Acoustic Feedback Almost everyone who has ever worked with a public address
system has experienced the effect of acoustic feedback or "microphone howl"
This howl is the result of standing waves and the interference of the microphone
field with the field of the monitor speaker, as shown in figure 15128A. The
feedback may be eliminated in one of several ways. The easiest is to reduce the
size of the respective fields by lowering the output gain. If a higher gain is
required, relocation of either the microphone or tie speaker may be required. For
best results it is suggested that the speaker be placed on the opposite side of the
microphone, as illustrated in figure 12.28B. Even with this logistic arrangement,
feedback will occur if the gain is excessively high. The most effective method of
feedback elimination is by producing a slight phase-shift in the output signal,
thus putting the speaker output out of phase with the microphone input and
eliminating any standing waves. This method is used in large auditoriums, and
such shifting circuits are now even being built into many podium amplifiers and
public address systems. A very similar technique is to actually effect a very
slight frequency shift of about 5 Hz. Working in the same manner as a phase
shift, this will also prevent acoustic feedback. Under control, microphone howl
can serve as a unique sound source. It is a technique most evident with tile many
rock guitarists who use feedback to 206
There are three controllable variables: (1) the range over which the voltage
levels are distributed, which is controlled by a potentiometer, (2) the average
time interval between changes from one level to another, and (3) the rate of glide
between levels. A control system other than DAISY may be used, such as
sequencers or sample and hold generators, with low-frequency filters, provided
that the waveform retains the above-described basic shape and unpredic- tibility
of both level and timing. Specific descriptions of control voltages are as follows:
Control voltage #1, amplitude-modulating the output from tape machine #1,
should have an average change-rate of about 3 seconds, offset and range-
adjusted so that the probability of a sound occurring is roughly 40%. The glide
rate should be about 1 second Block Diagram of Complete System 4*nr ■.■in "
vco • t 82 VCA *1 RM VC- w «2 S3 ' t > N 210 Control voltage #2, frequency-
modulating the VCO and controlling the filter to track the VCO, should have an
average change-rate of about 6 seconds. The VCO should vary over a range of
about 3 or 4 octaves. The glide rate should be instantaneous (no glide). Control
voltage #3, independently controlling the filter, should have an average change-
rate of about 2 seconds. The filter should van- over a 2-octave range, in addition
to changes determined by control voltage #2. The glide rate should be about 1
second. Control voltages #4-#7 determine the distribution of sound throughout
the hall. They should be completely independent from one another
(asynchronous), but they should all have an average change- rate of about 3
seconds, with a glide rate of about 2 seconds. They should be offset and range-
adjusted so that sounds are heard about 70£ of the time, and so that it is
impossible to predict from which speaker the sound will come. VCA T VCA SS
13 Panning and Sound Location Control The history and development of music
have been governed basically by what techniques the composer has chosen to
include in his compositional vocabulary. The composers of early Church music
were concerned with pitch as manifested in single melodic lines and two- part
organum. The Renaissance composer began to add a more complex polyphony
to his vocabulary. The music of the early Baroque began to utilize notated
dynamics and new concepts of orchestration. Consequently, throughout the
history of musical performance the musician has been required to become more
and more concerned with finer aspects of sound production. Much of the music
since the middle of the twentieth century has tended to isolate various
parameters and to be composed basically with those aspects, leaving other
parameters as sort of residual products. Many times the conventional hierarchy
of parameters has been inverted—by, for example, concentrating mainly on
timbre and using pitch and rhythm only as vehicle for timbral. development A
parameter which has been rediscovered in recent years is that of space. Spatial
considerations are by no means new to the composer. Responsorial and anti-
phonal psalmody of the early vocal church music, the cori spezzati (divided
choirs) of the sixteenth-century St Mark's Cathedral, Mozart's "Notturno" in D
Major- K 286 for four orchestras, Verdi's use of off-stage trumpets in his
"Requiem" are all examples of interest in in the spatial location of sound. In
many twentieth- century scores the composers give very precise instructions for
exact placement of individual and groups of instruments. A composer
representative of this approach is Henry Brant. Since the middle of this century
Brant has been concerned with spatial aspects of performance, and his scores
give exact seating and placement for the instruments. He puts forth his views and
experience on spatial concepts in his article, "Space as an Essential Aspect of
Musical Composition" (in Contemporary Composers on Contemporary Music,
e& Schwartz and Childs [New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967]). The
Electronic Simulation of Sound Location Early musique concrete and electronic
music composers were limited in their approach to spatial considerations. With
the development of multi-track recording; tape presentations were able to
allocate various sounds according to speaker placement, and the refinement of
stereophonic recording and reproduction now enables the composer to locate a
sound source at any point within a stereo field generated by only two speakers. If
two speakers are reproducing the same program with identical phase and
amplitude, the sound will appear to come from a point exactly between the two
speakers. If the composer wishes the sound to appear to be generated at a point
to the right of center, he lowers the gain to the left speaker and raises the gain to
the right speaker. With only two speakers it is possible to simulate up to five or
six individual sound locations at one time in a stereophonic field by adjusting the
relative output gains. Figure 13.1 shows the relative amplitude relationships for
the two channels of a stereophonic tape with five evenly-spaced tracks across the
stereo field. The spatial image produced by these amplitude relationships would
place tracks A and E at the extreme sides, track C in the exact center, track D
right of center, and track B left of center. This could be accomplished by using
several stereophonic tape decks and a stereo mixer to reproduce five
stereophonic tapes or, as more commonly done, dub down a composite mixture
of the tracks with the correct amplitude relationships on each track. An available
example of a five-track stereo image is Stock- hausen's Telemusik (Deutsche
Grammophone Records no 137012). In addition to being able to locate sounds
precisely in a stereo field, stereophony can also be used to create the illusion of a
sound source moving back and forth between two speakers. An excellent
example of this simulated movement is in "Her Majesty" (Lennon and
McCartney) on die Abbey Road LP by the Beat- ties (Apple Records no. SO-
383). Paul McCartney's 212
source moving toward the perceiver would then require a very" slight rise in the
frequency along with the correct change in the local and global reverberation
ratios. It must be remembered that the Doppler effect is only present when the
sound source is in motion. At the same time a greater velocity and closer
proximity requires faster and greater pitch changes. As the simulated sound
source loses velocity and again becomes stationary, the pitch accordingly drops
back to its original frequency. Angular velocity is cued by the rate of change of
the gain levels of the reproduction channels- The problem facing the composer is
to develop proper controls for simulation of each of these dimensions using
devices commonly found in the electronic music studio- Approaching the
problem in these terms means that £ach spatial cue must be a function of some
process commonly available to the composer and performer. Intensity is a
function of amplitude between two or more outputs; reverberation ratios can be a
function of the relative gain of direct and reverberated signals; and phase and
Doppler effect shift can be a function of phase and frequency modulation. All of
these parameters can be subjected to electronic control which can be
manipulated at will by the composer or performer. Manual Control The most
coromon device used for moving sound is the "panoramic divider," more
commonly referred to as the "pan pot," which consists of one input and two
outputs with inverse gain function. If the pan pot is turned completely to the left,
chanel A will exhibit full gain and channel 3 wiH have zero gain. As the pot is
turned to the right, the gain to the left channel is slowly attenuated afld the gain
to the right channel becomes proportionaly higher. At the center position, both
channels are down 3 db and the sound source appears to be midway between
both speakers. Pan pots are usually calibrated in steps, each step representing a
certain number of degrees of shift. If the stereo field were 90°, a representative
pan pot might have 10 positions of 9° each. A larger field may require more
increments or larger angie changes. Figure 13.2 is a graph illustrating the
relationship between the increments and the relative fpin to each channel.
Various stereo mixers are designed with a special panning input which allows
one of the signals to be panned or placed at any point within the stereo field. A
multi-channel pan pot provides for a number of channels to be panned
individually or simultaneously. The 360° pan pot contains a wiper connection
which continuously rotates 360° for circular panning effects. (The 360° pan pot
incrwwm 3 S 7 10 / A \ \ \ A tfwnnei A channel 6 Figure 13.2. Relationships
between pan pot increments and relative channel gain will be discussed later in
connection with Lowell Cross's "Stirrer.") If the studio is not equipped with pan
pot facilities, panning may be accomplished in a somewhat more cumbersome
manner with a stereo mixer. If each channel of the mixer is receiving identical
signals, the sound will emanate from between the two monitor speakers. By
simultaneously attenuating channel A and raising the gain on channel 6, the
sound will pan to channel B at a rate determined by the rate of amplitude change
on each channel. The obvious drawback to this technique is that it requires two
hands, which may prevent the operator from simultaneously controlling other
functions. This technique will also require quite a bit of experimentation to be
able to manipulate the pots and maintain the correct relationship. Experience has
shown that this type of manual panning is easier with slider pots, but many of the
regular pan pots are also available in slider formats. If the slider is placed in a
position horizontal to the operator, its position will provide the operator with a
precise cybernetic model of the sound location. Figure 13.2 indicates that the
relative amplitudes change in an exponential manner rather than linear;
therefore, manual panning achieved in the above manner will be much more
successful if done with exponential pots or with amplif ers set in exponential
gain mode. Another very common method of panning is done by using photo-
sensitive resistors and photo-sensitive transistors. The amount of voltage allowed
to flow through a photo-resistor is determined by the intensity and amount of
light which is shining oh its sensitized surface. If a photo-resistor were to be
placed in series with an oscillator output and an amplifier, the gain to the
amplifier could be controlled with a small, hand-held light source such as a pen
flishlight (fig. 13-3). If two channels were to be controlled in the same manner
with two individual photo-resistors, the 215
pboicroiser Figure 1&3. Gam control with a photo-resistor :relative gain to each
channel could be controlled bypassing the light source back and forth over the
cells. By adjusting the relative position of each photo-resistor, the gain levels
could be adjusted to produce very accurate panning effects. A four-channel
photo-resistor panning device is illustrated in figure 13.4. With this
configuration it is possible continuously to pan 360* around an environment, pan
with figure-eight patterns or produce any other pattern, depending on how the
light source is moved. Another advantage of this configuration is that it is a
cybernetic model of the controlled environment. The position of each photo-
resistor also represents the location of each speaker, hence the panning patterns
coincide exactly with the movement of the light source. The disadvantages are
that this particular device is passive and there is a certain amount of insertion
loss which may be enough to require additional amplification. Also, this being a
light- sensitive device, one must contend with the ambient light in the room. The
best solution to this problem is to cover the photo-resistors with two adjustable
sheets of polarized glass or plastic The relative positions of the polarized
material can then be adjusted to block out .any amount of light, thereby making
the photo-sensitive device adaptable to almost any environment Composer
Frederic Bzewsld has described the construction and provides component values
for a very very adequate photo-resistor panning device (Frederic Rzewski, "A
Photo-resistor Mixer for Live Performance," Electronic Music Bedew, no. 4, Oct
1967, pp. 33-34). Photo-transistors are used in a somewhat similar manner, but
the circuits are active and necessitate a power supply such as a battery. The
advantage of photo-transistors is that they actually provide amplification and the
relative gain levels can be finely controlled. Photo-transistors are often used in
conjunction with light-emitting diodes, which produce illumination in relation to
applied voltages. This of course necessitates very accurate control of voltage
envelopes. This will be discussed later in this chapter. A panning device used by
several composers and performers is the "Stirrer," which was developed by
composer Lowell Cross. Although this particular device is not commercially
available, several have been ~3 0 Figure 13.4. Photo-resistor four-channel
panning device constructed according to Cross's specifications and are currently
in use. The Stirrer makes use of four specially- ally-designed, continuous-
rotation, 360° potentiometers controlled in synchronized movement by a
planetary- gear arrangement, with the drive shaft being turned manually by a
crank. Its configuration allows the composer or performer to pan four different
signals around and through an environment, with the signals evenly spaced by a
distance of 90°. The produced effect is that the four input signals follow each
other around a space with the direction and speed determined by the direction of
speed of the crank. The Stirrer is also equipped with a switching configuration
which allows for several variations in the panning patterns. One such function
could be to have inputs 1 and 3 moving in a clockwise direction while inputs 2
and 4 move in a counterclockwise direction. A similar function would allow for
three inputs to move in one direction with only one input moving in the opposite
direction. Other switching arrangements provide for various types of figure-eight
patterns. (A detailed description of the Stirrer and its circuitry appears in Lowell
Cross, The Stirrer,** Source-Music of the Avant Garde, no. 4, vol 2, July 1968,
pp. 25-28.) Voltage Controlled Panning AC Control All of the panning methods
discussed so far have been controlled by manual means. The advantage to this
approach is that the control is very cybernetic and the placement, speed, and
direction can be directly determined by the operator. In live performance
situations, manual control is often the preferred method. There are various
circumstances, however, in which 216
manual control is less than satisfactory. The composer is many times so involved
with adjusting frequency settings and riding gain levels that his hands cannot
manipulate a smooth pan effect simultaneously. Consequently, an extra dub-
down is often needed, especially for the production of spatial effects—and
additional tape generations mean additional loss in fidelity. Another
disadvantage is that the composer may wish to move the sound at speeds beyond
the range of manual control. Without the use of switching controls, manual
operation also prevents the composer or performer from making truly
instantaneous changes in the placement of the sound. The operator cannot
manipulate the pots fast enough to avoid the movement of sound being
perceived. An available solution to these problems is through voltage control,
that is, making sound location, panning, and spatial modulation a function of
voltage control. The essential module for panning applications is the voltage-
controlled amplifier. The application of various AC and DC voltages will then
provide the composer with programable means of sound movement which can
be instaneously activated as they are needed. The first method to be dealt with
uses two VCAs controlled by opposite polarities of an AC signal. The
information signal is split and each leg is patched to the audio input of a VCA.
The AC signal which is to control the gain of the VCAs is patched to a phase
splitter.2 allowing the positive portion of the signal to be taken from one output
and the negative portion from another. When these two opposing control signals
are applied to the respective VCAs, the positive phase will produce gain in
VCA-1 and at the same instant there will be zero gain from VCA-2. When the
positive signal drops to zero volts, the negative phase then provides gain for
VCA-2 (see figure 13.5). Since the VCAs are operating with continually
opposing gain characteristics, the monitored signal will appear to pan between
the two channels. Although a triangle or sine- wave control may be used, the
triangle waveshape seems to produce more realistic effects. If a pulse wave
control were to be used as a control, the sound would instantaneously jump from
one channel to the other. If the pulse were in a square-wave format, the pulsing
between channel would be at an even rate. By varying the duty cycle of the pulse
wave, it would be possible to control the on-off time ratio of each channel A
sawtooth control voltage would gradually pan the signal from one channel to the
other as a function of the rise in voltage. The instant drop to the negative polarity
would instantaneously place the signal back on the first channel at a speed which
would be imperceptible as a pan. 2. This may be accomplished by a mixer with a
"+" and "—" output or an inverter. VCA S«ilU - 0 Figure 13.5. Panning with an
AC control The use of opposite polarities alone to control amplitude
relationships is not completely effective, however. The problem is that there is
no rise in gain on one channel until the gain of the other channel is at zero. The
placement of the sound midway between the two channels requires both VCAs
to have equal voltage at the same time. One way to accomplish this is to offset
slightly the VCAs so that zero volts will still produce some gain in the amplifier
and a certain amount of negative voltage will be required to effect zero gain.
This requires some careful tuning but will eliminate the hole-in-the-middle
problem. The panning rate is determined by the frequency of the control signal.
With control frequencies below 7 or 8 Hz, the perceiver will be able to follow
the sounds as they move back and forth between the speakers. With control
signals above those frequencies, the sounds will move so rapidly that the ear will
not have enough time to respond to the location cues. Consequently, the
perceived effect will be a monophonic "wall" of sound and all panning
movements will be imperceivable. As the control frequency approaches the
audio range, characteristic amplitude-modulation sidebands will appear, because
panning is essentially amplitude modulation of a single signal between two
separate channels. It is even possible to pan at rates so high that the original
audio signal will become distorted. This is explained by the fact that a sound,
depending on its frequency and overtone content, must last a certain length of
time before it can be perceived. If a sound is being panned between two channels
and only one of those channels is being monitored,' the effect will be a gating on
and off of the signal, with the gated envelope defined by the shape of the control
voltage. If this gating is extremely rapid, the audio signal will eventually be
heard only as a series of "pops." If the other channel is also monitored, the
number of pops is doubled. Therefore, as the control frequency becomes higher
and higher, the original 217
Figure 13.6. Amplitude modulation of the panning control "<• yw flysMm dost
not hsw 4 Voft*9* SOtfCft, Sy tttop pMc «4h a wry low co-of, •OMd tfMMQh •
lOvpMW Vfetf Figure 13-7. Frequency modulation of the panning control
Figure 13-8. Panning with random control Figure 1&A. Sample/hold panning
control audio signal will tend to be dissipated into the energy of the sidebands
and the prominent signal will then be the frequency of the control voltage. This
duration threshold is especially critical with lower-frequency audio signals. This
technique should not be limited to control with simple waveforms. Consider the
possibilities of an amplitude modulated low frequency sinewave as a control.
The patch illustrated in figure 13.6 would create the effect of the signal moving
back and forth at a soft level and getting louder as the program LFO increases in
voltage. Modifying the patch to a FM format would cause the sound to pan at
rates proportional to the rate of the program LFO (figure 13.7). Complementary
random voltages by means of an inverter produces a unique effect Since the gain
on one channel will constantly be the complement of the other, the sound will
appear to move randomly back and forth in the stereo field (figure 13.8). The
previous patches involved continual motion of the sound on the stereo axis. The
patch illustrated in figure 13.9 processes the control LFO through a Sample/Hold
before being applied to the invertor and VCAs. The effect here is that the sound
will appear 218
to jump from point to point across the field with each new timing pulse. The
sample commands could be at a steady rate from any available timing pulse
source, or the timing pulse source could be programmed by a sequencer, random
voltage source, etc., to create various panning rhythms. The sampling pulses
might also be generated from some external source via an envelope detector. If a
Track and Hold were used to process the control, the sound would move only
during the "on time" (when the gate voltage is high) of the timing command. DC
Control The two obvious drawbacks to AC panning control is the often annoying
"hole-in-the-middle'' problem and the limitation of only stereo panning. Control
with function generators make it possible to generate more subtle patterns and
create panning among virtually any number of channels. Attack-Decay format
envelope generators may be used in several ways for stereo panning. The most
straightforward method is to substitute an envelope generator for the LFO in the
previous patches (figure 13.10A). A control envelope is used to control one
VCA and an inverted form of the same control is used to control the other VCA.
The advantage this has over LFO control are 1) a pan can be initiated on cue,
and 2) there is a bit more control over the panning pattern. As illustrated in
figure 13.11B, a separate envelope generate^ should be used for the panning
control, hence it need not be correlated with the amplitude characteristics of the
sound. If the panning envelope had a long attack and short decay each pitch
would gradually move from channel A to channel B and quickly snap back to
channel A. A short attack and long decay would create the opposite pattern.
Another stereo panning technique involves delayed triggers. The patch in figure
13.11 provides the possibility of non-symmetrical panning. This configuration
requires two envelope generators and a tuning pulse delay module.3 A riming
pulse is sent to an envelope generator with a hypothetical one second attack and
one second decay. The same pulse is patched to a pulse delay of one second. The
delayed pulse is then used to fire a second envelope generator which controls a
second parallel VCA. By comparing the voltage functions you can see that the
first EG causes the sound to appear on channel A. As it begins its decay the
second EG causes the sound to appear on channel B. The sum effect is that the
sound will effectively pan between the two channels. If the sec- 3. EGs with
trigger outputs (see chapter 6, pg. 68) might also be used but the time
relationships would sot be quite the same. It yoor inssnmwit invoiu ■round 0
volts (+5 invsnsti • "~5) awn VCA 2 should b* otwt to ■ o*in of 1 sod VCA 1
shook) bo otMt • 0 sain. Hi Ms notour th« rising smilopt wM oean VCA 1 with
th* telling nugsiws »n»ulop» wie cIom VCA Z. I on +DC only, botti VCA*
■Jaodinvs »tn*VCAs. 5=:^ VCA VCA- 04MMQ CORtTOi Flour*) 13.10. DC
control of panning 219
Figure 13.13. Speaker placement for radial panning i^a^W, 'navci? 1— ft »*■» ?
Figure 13.14A. Buchia 227 System Interface ©uss© ena@ MM* correctly. Also
consider the use of alternative forms of control. One possibility might be to pan
a pre-amplif ied acoustic sound*. If the signal were also patch to an envelope
follower the voltage could be used to control the panning rate. This would
correlate loudness with the speed of the sound movement. If you have a large
space to play with, give some thought to speaker placement. There is more than
one way to place four speakers in a performance space. For example, you might
try placing the speakers one in front of the other so that the panning is not
circular but rather approaches the audience in a straight line (figure 13.13). Other
possibilities are elevating certain channels above the listener, or even panning
sounds throughout several neighboring rooms. Now after experimenting with a
multitude of VCAs and function generators the best thing to do is to get a
dedicated quad panner! Four such circuits are built into the Buchia 227 System
Interface, and single quad and stereo panners are manufactured by Serge
Modular Music Systems (figure 13.14A and B). These instruments offer voltage
controlled panning on an X/Y format. A voltage applied to the X input will
locate a sound on the X (left to right) axis. A voltage applied to the Y input will
locate the sound on the Y axis (front to back). This is clarified by the series of
examples in figure 15.15A through E. Each square represents a quad field as
viewed from directly above. The front channels are at the top of the field and the
rear channels are at the bottom of the field. There is no universal system for
numbering channels. The system I favor is to label channel 1 as being the left
rear, 2 left front, 3 right front and 4 right rear. w SW (jualtiaajp. .NEaadSE lor
quad Tiay hava oaanchaaoatf to i. 2.3 wd « « this W9MH. 8 34UL X — oaten
points innate auxiliary aio»ah can be attackae1 to ma nix. Figure 13.148.
Diagram for the SERGE muKt-chaimei quadraphonic mixer (QMX) 221
/ maC V ■ 1 •) v_/ s_ , ^/\ EG —♦* rewocb "> 2 s^ nut VCA 1 Figure 13.18.
Global planning with reverb cues and doppter simulation cues for radial location.
The farther a sound is from a perceiver, the more reverberation it will display.
As the sound moves closer, the local reverberation becomes less as the intensity
grows. At the same time, depending on the speed of approach, there will be a
slight rise in pitch due to the Doppler effect. Figure 13.19 illustrates one possible
configuration for controlling the radial effects of sound. Since the amount of
reverberation is inverse to the gain, the relation of the control voltage to the
reverberation unit must be inverted. The control signal for the Doppler
simulation must also be greatly attenuated, since the amount of voltage used to
control the VCA could result in more of a frequency change than is needed to
simulate the Doppler effect. If the reverberation unit is not voltage- controllable
the audio signal is split and one leg is subjected to reverberation. Before the
signals are mixed back together, the gain of the reverberated signal is inversely
controlled by the same control voltage used to determine the final gain. If the
mixer were voltage-controllable, the first VCA could be eliminated. A second
reverberation unit could be added after the mix to simulate global reverberation.
Another processing device which could be used is the high- pass filter. As the
sound moves closer to tie perceiver, the lower frequencies become more and
more pronounced. As with the Doppler simulation, the control signal would have
to be considerably attenuated, since this shift in frequency response is very
slight. By using the techniques set forth in this chapter in various combinations,
it is possible to place and pan sound in an unlimited number of patterns. The
composer should experiment with all types of control envelopes and different
patterns of speaker placement. Extreme care must be taken to be sure that
speakers are properly phased. Since the panning effects are dependent on relative
amplitude levels of a monophone signal, improper phasing could result in very
critical cancellation. The more speakers and channels used, the more precise the
panning will be, and in a real-time performance situation one is only limited by
the availability of the equipment. If die music is to be sub- 224 jected to tape
storage, however, the number of available channels is the limiting factor. The
composer, in most cases, will find that four channels are usually sufficient for
most panning requirements, since several different panning formats may be
stored on a single tape at one time. One tape may contain information which
moves in a figure-eight pattern, another information moving in a 360° clockwise
partem, and a third information moving in radial patterns. All three tapes may
then be dubbed-down to a single tape without affecting any of the panning
patterns. The only limitation to the number of panning configurations that can be
produced simultaneously is their composite effectiveness. Too many
simultaneous patterns will not be perceived individually as pans, but rather the
acoustical space will be perceived as being in an undefinable state of flux. Of
course, if this is the composer's intent, it may be used to create some beautiful
effects. If you have a number of panning patterns going at one time, try to keep
each voice in a different register or within the same critical bandwidth (see page
146). Another precaution is just too much "business" in the panning. Dynamic
location takes place in time and brings with it certain rhythmic implications. If
the durational level of the rhythm is at one tempo and the panning "rhythm" is at
a completely non- related level, the total effect in some cases can be distracting
—unless you handle it well. The idea of "rhythmic dissonance" can be well
illustrated by setting up a rhythmic ostinato with a VCO, VCA and the
appropriate controls. Now pan the ostinato at a slightly different rhythm. Next,
devise a way to lock the panning rate to the durational rate of the ostsinato and
compare the different effect. Using alternate timing pulses or electronic switches
try correlating panning motion at Vl or ?» the speed of the rhythm. Only recently
have we begun to realize the potential of the spatial aspects of composition. Just
as the use of dynamics has been an evolutionary process of a parameter realized
in the seventeenth century, the technology of tie twentieth century has revitalized
an aspect of sound which will continue to develop with the composers' and
performers' methods of control.
8. pAoM ptaig the MM««) CGOC C. ptnr» pktg (ring tip »!»»»») P. miwii pmg
*«• Figure 14.2. a cacti ptog Common connectors Figaro 14A Head cyfinder for
an information changer plug (fig. 14J2G) is a connector which is not so
frequently encountered, but it is used on the modular Moog instrument for
transmission of "S-triggers." Some manufacturers of electronic music systems
are attempting to solve the patchcord problem by using internal patching
manipulated by switches or through matrix boards. Internal patching with
switches for routing signals to the various modules does solve the patchcord
problem, but this also presents a few problems of its own. If die designer is not
extremely careful to allow for every conceivable patching configuration, he may
limit the composer in his approach to that particular system. At die same time, a
switching function often does not provide the number of multiple inputs and
outputs required by many configurations. "While many composers pay very little
attention to how a particular module is intended to be used, such a lack of
knowledge is often die source of 228 their creative approach. Consequently, the
designer is usually at a loss in trying to anticipate composers' needs. Certain
micro-processor based instruments provide for computer controlled patching. A
complete patch can be stored and called up as needed. Such instrumentation will
also usually store module offset and control voltage and audio attenuation levels
so complete instrument configurations may be called up from a touch of a button
(such as a keyboard, an externally generated timing pulse or a sequencer).
Information Changers The Zeitdehner The often overused technique of varying
the playback speed of prerecorded sound is given new possibilities with the
"zertdehner" (time-stretcher), also referred to as information rate changer or
pitch and tempo regulator. This device is the analog precurser to techniques now
available through digital delays (see chapter 13, page 200). The zeitdehner is a
special playback arrangement which allows for speed variations without
affecting the frequency of the recorded material Conversely, the frequency of the
recorded material may be changed without changing the playback speed. This is
accomplished by means of several playback heads mounted on a rotating
cylinder. The individual heads are arranged so that only one head at a time
comes in contact with the tape. Heads are so spaced that at the exact moment one
head leaves the tape surface another head has rotated around to take its place. If
the cylinder is rotating in the same direction that the tape is moving, the
monitored signal will be at a lower frequency than the recorded signal. If the
heads are moving in a direction opposite to the tape motion, the effect will be a
rise in the monitored pitch. This frequency change is due to the Doppler effect
described in chapter 13 and has no effect on die rate of information. If the speed
of the tape is varied in certain relationships to the rotation of die head cylinder,
however, die rate of information can be changed without affecting the frequency.
Both frequency and rate can be continuously varied from half die original format
to almost double. Besides being very useful for adjusting fine tuning and for
sync purposes, die zeitdehner can also be very effective in producing timbre
modifications. Since it is possible by its use to prolong various transient states
widiout changing die frequency, the zeitdehner is able to capture sounds that
would otherwise be impossible to obtain. Due to the physical arrangement of the
cylindrical mounting, diere is a certain amount of distortion as the heads rotate in
and out of position on die tape, but die amount of distortion is quite low and can
usually be masked if tibat particular sequence appears with other tracks of
The Vocoder The zeitdehner and digital instruments can be used for pitch and
rate change, while the "Vocoder" is primarily a spectal transfer device. Any
sound (human speech, instrumental or electronic sounds, etc.) patched to the
"voice" or "speech" input has its transient harmonic information transferred to
any signal appearing at the "carrier" or "excitation" input. The carrier may be
any properly pre-amplified signal or may consist of internal audio oscillators as
in the EMS Vocoder. The vocoding process can be illustrated by imagining the
transfer of a human voice to a sawtooth wave. Earlier chapters have suggested
many envelope following techniques. The overall amplitude characteristics of
the voice are detected and used to control a VCA which is determining the gain
of an oscillator. In this case the timbral content of the voice is disregarded,
except in terms of how it contributes to the overall amplitude. The word "hey!"
is presented only as a generalized envelope. The spectral information of the
word, the evolution of the sound "hay-ee(uh)" has no effect on the spectral
information of the oscillator. The vocoder must be able to determine the energy
content of various parts of the spectrum and transfer that energy to various parts
of another spectrum. The analysis section of the vocoder "decodes" the spectral
information of the voice signal in the following manner. The voice input signal
is taken to a number of analyzing filters.- The spectrum of the excitation signal
is then split into a proportional number of frequency bands by this filter bank.
The varying amount of energy or amplitude of each pass band can then be
extracted by an envelope follower. At this point the instrument has a different
control voltage for each detected portion of the "voiced" spectrum. As the
various spectral bands evolve in relative amplitude the detected controls likewise
vary. The excitation signal is patched to a similar set of filters in the synthesis
section of the instrument. These filters exhibit the same pass-band characteristics
as the analyzing section. Each pass-band is then patched to a separate VCA and
the outputs are remixed to form a composite output If a single control were
applied in parallel to each VCA, the vocoder would serve as nothing more than a
redundantly designed amplitude transfer circuit. The configuration in figure
14.4, however, illustrates the basic vocoder patch. The control voltage
representing each spectral band of the voiced signal is used to control the gain of
the respective band of the excitation signal. The energy of the spectral bands of
the excitation is directly controlled by die corresponding voice bands. This basic
vocoder patch assumes the voice and excitation signal have a certain amount of
spectral information in common. For example, consider a situation 2. The EMS-
Vocoder uses 22 filters and the Bode 7702 Vocoder uses 16. Figure 14.4. Basic
vocoder diagram 229
Figure 145. Bode 7702 Vocoder (Courtesy Harald Bode. Bode Sound Co. Used
by permission.) tral content of the voice input would determine the energy of the
excitation signal. Other patching could be used for other spectral transfers. One
might even experiment with processing portions of the analyzer output (reverb;
AM, delay) before the signals are patched to the synthesizer input. Vocoders are
also equipped with "hiss" and/or <*buzz" circuits, which are noise genertors
used to replicate the fricatives in human speech. A sample/hold or "freeze"
enables die musician to sustain a given voice spectrum. The circuit samples the
transient- control voltages and holds them in a steady state condition while being
applied to the synthesizer VCAs. The EMS-Vocoder has an internal pitch-to-
voltage converter so the instrument is also able to transfer pitch information to
the internal excitation VCOs or to any other voltage-controllable parameter.
Dynamic Processors Compressors, limiters and expanders are specialized VCA
circuits providing control over the dynamic range of a signal If a particular
sequence has a hypothetical dynamic range of from 60 to 70 db, it will require a
fairly high gain level to make that amount of variation in gain available. If a
system begins to introduce noise at that high a gain setting, then a compressor
may be used to compress die 60-70 db range to a more workable range of
perhaps 40-45 db. Compression differs from overall manual gain reduction in
that while gain reduction results in equal amounts of suppression to the total
envelope, compression is a result of applying most of the gain reduction to the
higher amplitude peaks (figure 14.7C). A Umiter is a type of processing device
which only affects the peaks of a particular signal. Up to a specific level the
output signal is linear with the input signal. The instant the input signal reaches a
preset amplitude threshold, it is maintained at that level and not allowed to go
any n#l Figure 14.6. Spectral "inversion" with a vocoder in which tie voice was a
saxophone and the excitation signal was a sinewave! The rich sax spectrum
would be decoded into a number of control voltages which would be redundant
in trying to control the non-existent spectrum of the sinewave. A sax imposed on
a square wave or the sound of a pounding surf would be a much more rewarding
situation. More creative games can be played with the instalment by repatching
the spectral controls. As with the Bode 7702 illustrated in figure 145, most
vocoders provide some patching format for coupling the analysis section to the
synthesis section. An obvious example would be to invert the respective sections
as suggested in figure 14.6. With tids patch the low spec- 230
L OM^^1^ tnoivioutf 93Kt for each ptavbJek ne>d Figure 14.10. Time distortion
using a tape loop and pulsed gates 234 each of the five heads in sequence could
produce a sequence of Tes Yes Yes Yes Yes." The results of this technique are
completely dependent on the length of the loop, the spacing of the information
on the tape, the number of playback heads, and their location on the board, along
with the manner of gating. Loops may provide ostinato rhythmic patterns or may
be used to indefinitely sustain various recorded timbres. In Rice, Wax and
Narrative, composer Daniel Lentz calls for a large tape loop to enclose two
onstage performers, thus taking advantage of its visual as well as sonic
Figure 15.1. Patch diagram for Bert Bows. Bells and Balls His Bass by Frank
McCarty begins with live-electronic music." It should also be considered that
live-electronic music did not begin with the synthesizer (at least in the
commercial sense of the term). Dedicated commercial instruments grew out of a
demand from the literature. In light of this fact it is curious to note how many
commercial electronic instruments seriously restrict the type of literature they
may accommodate. Perhaps a more positive evaluation would be to point out
that certain instruments may be geared to a specific musical interest. At this
point the question, "what is the best synthesizer" can only be answered in terms
of the musicians' personal needs. A night-club show band may find that a $400
pre-patched keyboard instrument is more than adequate for their musical
requirements, while other muscians will require a completely open modular
system in which a keyboard may be redundant In other situations a musician
may find most commercial instruments unsuited to his needs and prefer to
develop home-made circuits for specific musical needs. The serious student of
electronic media, whether a composer performer or historian should dedicate a
certain amount of study to die practices of non-synthesizer electronic music
performance. The "black- box media" of the late 1950s and 1960s generated a
fascinating collection of literature performable with just microphones and sound
systems. Specialized processing equipment was "borrowed" from the
communication media or constructed by the performer. Two recommended
references are the previously mentioned The Development and Practice of
Electronic Music edited by Appleton and Perera and David Ernst's The
Evolution, of Electronic Music.2 A distinctive example of live electronic music
literature is Bert Bows, BeUs and Balls His Bass by Frank McCarty. This
composition, written for bassist Bertram Turetzky, together with requiring the
bassist to perform very virtuosic passages, a running monologue, and some very
comic theatrics, utilizes a tape recorder 2. Published by Scbirmer Books, New
Yoxk, 1977. as an additional performing instrument This piece is put together as
part of the live performance. The completed composition is a mixture of two pre-
recorded tracks along with live performance utilizing various degrees of tape
echo and feedback. The electronic patching diagram for it is shown in figure
15.1. The bass is transduced by an air microphone, with the gain controlled by a
foot-pedal attenuator. The output of the attenuator is dependent on the amount of
depression applied to the pedal by the performer. The output is then patched to a
switching unit which will allow it to be switched to microphone input A or B of
a three-head, two-channel stereophonic tape recorder. Output channels A and B
are then taken to a stereophonic amplifier whose output is patched to monitor
speakers behind the performer. A brief description of the performance is as
follows-. As the performance begins the microphone is patched to channel A of
the tape recorder which is running in the record mode with the monitor output
gain level set at zero. The performer is involved with a monologue about the
history and development of, and contemporary interest in the string bass. At
various intervals the performer interrupts his monologue to perform -single
events on the bass and at the same time raises the output gain of the foot-pedal
attenuator so that only those events are recorded on channel A of the tape. After
each event the performer must raise the pedal so that no sounds are recorded
other than those indicated on the score. This sequence of monologue and isolated
events is continued for about five minutes. What now appears recorded on
channel A of the tape is a series of single events separated by varying periods of
silence. Continuing with the monologue, the performer rewinds the tape, raises
the output gain of channel A and switches it to "tape monitor," and switches the
microphone to channel B input Channel B is set in the "record" mode, with the
output gain level at zero, and channel A is set in the playback mode. The
performer and audience will now hear the first recorded sequence of events from
the 236
is because location is largely determined by what sounds reach the ear first.
Since signals travel along wire faster than through air, the speaker will usually
appear to be the direct source of the sound. In this case the precedence effect is
desired and adds to the transitory passage between the normal and modulated
voice. The Concert Set-Up Working with this equipment in a real-time situation
puts the performer in a very vulnerable position. In the past the performer had to
rely only on his own technical ability to assure successful performance, but with
live electronic music performance he must also depend on the reliability of the
equipment If any part of an electronic network should suddenly not work up to
the standard expected by the performer, the success of the entire performance is
in jeopardy. Because of fear of suddenly being "unplugged," many composers
and performers have avoided the electronic medium as a means of expression.
Murphy's Law, "If anything can go wrong, it will," is especially applicable in
electronic performance situations. For just this reason, performers must have a
thorough knowledge of the equipment, an almost over-organized approach to the
concert ritual, and must anticipate problems which could interfere with the
performance. The first consideration of any performance situation is the
performance space itself. The performer should sit silently in the audience area
and listen, in order to acquaint himself with ambient sound levels. Just as
recording tape has a certain signal/noise ratio, so does any environment. This
consideration is very important when setting amplification levels and getting
correct balances. The performer should next check the liveness and reverberation
of the area. Any excessively reverberant area should be avoided when placing
speakers, since a very live hall will often destroy the effects of amplified sounds,
especially when spatial parameters are important. Very reverberant
environments may be dealt with by placing the speakers as close to the audience
as possible. In placing the speakers, one should also refer to any special
instructions in the scores. If the score calls for monophonic amplification, should
more than one speaker be used? Should the audience be totally surrounded by
speakers? If the amplification is stereophonic, or multichannel, how should the
speakers be located? Should there be more than one speaker per channel? All of
these questions involve speaker-to-space coupling and depend on the particular
environment and the intentions of the composer. In consideration of this, the
guiding principle is that all of the sound should be distributed equally throughout
the environment so that it is properly perceived by all of the audience. This -J—
Figure 15.3. —[ Phasing for stereo Si speaker systems may involve a certain
amount of experimentation be- f or the correct combination of speakers and their
location is found. As a general rule, the best listening area for true stereophonic
amplification begins at a distance in front of the speakers which is equal to the
distance of their separation. This ideal listening field extends to a distance twice
the distance between the speakers. If the audience area extends back 24 feet, the
two speakers should be placed about 12 feet apart and 12 feet from die first row
of the audience. The addition of a third middle speaker which produces a mix of
both outside channels will allow for a wider separation of the speakers and
produce a wider sound field. With many of the contemporary
audience/performer relationslups, the seating area is not always predictable, and
again the performer is required to rely on his judgment of the environment and
the intended results of the performance for correct speaker formats. There are
two basic rales which should be followed in any type of speaker configuration,
however. First: Be sure aU speakers are in phase. This means that the amplifier
output terminals must all be in the same relationship to all of the speaker
terminals. Amplifier terminals are usually labeled "ground" and 4, 8, or 16 ohms.
It doesn't matter what side of the speaker the ground is connected to as long as it
is consistent with each speaker in the system. Figure 15.3 illustrates correct and
incorrect phasing for a single stereo system. Phasing is very critical, since its
neglect could result in phase distortion or cancellation of the signal. This is
especially important when working with monophonic sources. Many times a
very long speaker cable is required and it is difficult to keep track of which side
of the twin-conductor wire is to be connected to which side of the speaker. Most
speaker cable, the preferred being #18 zip cord, has a small ridge running the
entire length of one of the 239
o A Sii "SI 1SG 16£ o SO. N Figure 15.4. Series speaker connections wires. In
trying to remember which side of the wire goes to what side of the speaker and
amplifier, the neumonic device "ridge right" will serve as a reminder that the
side with the ridge always connects to the right amplifier terminal and the right
speaker terminal. The second basic rule in consideration of speaker connections
is multiple speakers. Two or more speakers may be connected to reproduce the
same signal in one of three manners: series, parallel, and series- parallel. Series
connection can be thought of as sort of a loop between the amplifier outputs and
the speakers. As shown in figure 15.4, the speakers are connected with the
terminal for one speaker providing the input to the next successive speaker. With
series connection, the speaker resistance is additive. If both speakers in the
above example had 8-ohm ratings, they should be connected in series to a 16-
ohm amplifier output Parallel connection, as shown in figure 15.5, produces a
resistance equal to the speaker impedances divided by the number of speakers. If
both speakers in figure 15.5 were 16 ohms, they should be connected in parallel
to an 8-ohm amplifier output. In some instances a multiple-speaker configuration
is desired, which will maintain the original rating of a single speaker. In this case
a series-parallel connection is used as illustrated in figure 15.6. If all the
speakers in the configuration were rated at 8 ohms, the leads would be connected
to an 8-ohm amplifier output When working with transformerless transistor
amplifiers, series or parallel speaker connections are not quite as critical, but the
perfonner might consider the economics involved—series connections usually
require less wire. A final consideration in relation to speakers is how much
power they can be expected to handle. Since much electronic music utilizes
extremes of loudness, amplifers for it must be able to supply a rninimum of 40
watts per channel (rms), and the speaker system must be able to handle this load
with minimum distortion at both ends of the audio spectrum. When loudness
begins to distort the speaker response and cause o- o -m- 16& Figure 15.5.
Parallel speaker connections Figure 15.6. Series/parallel speaker connection
phase variations, the gain should be reduced to a more efficient level, or more
efficient speakers must be used. Loudness is only effective if it also involves
faithful signal reproduction. Many times higher gain levels may be simulated by
using multiple-speaker systems. In this event speaker placement plays an
important role in achieving the desired effects. The location of the speakers
should also be made with consideration for all of the works to be presented in a
particular concert Attempting to re-patch speaker connections often results in
tremendous confusion and adds one more thing for the perfonner to be
concerned with during the course of a performance. If it is absolutely necessary
to re-wire speaker connections during a concert, try to plan the concert so mis
may be done during intermission. If this is not possible, make use of a speaker
selector switch. Nothing can destroy the mood of a concert faster than someone
running about between pieces armed with a screwdriver. 240
After all of the speakers are properly located begins the actual setting up of the
various components used for each composition. Experience has revealed one
very important rule for live presentations: Have one, and only one, person
responsible for the set-up of each composition. Just as too many cooks spoil the
broth, too many audio technicians unplug the connections. With one person in
charge, organization will be his own and things will run much more smoothly
than if two people are trying to plug into the same jack. The person responsible
should know thoroughly the workings of the composition and have previously
drawn a patching diagram of it from which to work. If at all possible, each
composition should have its own set of components which are separate from the
other components used in the other pieces on the same concert. If it is absolutely
necessary to interchange components from piece to piece, the concert
coordinator should make an exact plan for what is needed for each separate
piece, hew and when and from where the exchange is to be manipulated, and to
plan the concert so that most of the re-patching is done during an intermission.
When the actual set-up begins, the first thing to do is Connect the speakers to the
amplifier outputs. This safeguards against damage to the amplifiers. If the
amplifiers are switched on without having a load on the output, there is great
danger of burning out the output transformers. When laying the cable for the
speakers, do not spare the masking tape. Tape all speaker and AC cable to the
floor and to the legs of the table holding the equipment. If there is even the
remote possibility of someone tripping over a wire, it will certainly happen.
When laying speaker cable and AC cable, consider audience interference. Avoid
running wire through any area where people may congregate. Also take care that
an AC line does not cross over or run parallel to or come in direct contact with a
speaker cable. This is often the cause of a very annoying 60 Hz hum in the
speakers. Once all of the components are in place, it is a wise practice to tape
them to the table so they won't be moved or accidentally unplugged. Do not plug
in the AC cords until all components are connected. This will ensure that no
components are switched on without a load. This also applies to devices which
contain their own DC batteries. If some mixers are turned on without a load,
there is danger of causing resultant noise in the transistors. Some performers
prefer to set up concerts with all die components switched on so that it is
possible to check the continuity of all the connections during the patching
process, their reasoning being that it is thus easier to locate a bad connection or
broken patchcord if each component is checked as it is being patched into the
network. It is this writer's opinion that the time saved by this approach is usually
less than the additional time required in turning the amplifier gain up and down
and switching components on and off while connecting the various patchcords.
If the performer has provided himself with a diagram of the network, there will
usually be very few problems encountered in tracing down bad connections. As
for component failure, it is good practice to use fresh batteries for every concert
and to check all patchcords before they are used. This can be done with a
continuity tester or a VOM. After all of the components are patched together, the
performer should again refer to his check list and double-check all connections.
No matter how experienced he is, there is always the possibility he has forgotten
something. Even after he has set up a particular performance situation so many
times that it is done almost automatically, the wise performer will still refer to a
check list After all components have been checked and double-checked, plug in
the AC, turn on the power switches and turn up the gain to check for noise. The
five principal causes of noise in a network are— 1. Faulty patchcord: or loose
connections. First make sure all plugs are securely set in their sockets. If noise
persists use die VOM or continuity tester and re-check all patchcords and
speaker connections. 2. Impedance mismatch. Double-check to see that all input
transducers are correctly pre-amplified and are terminated in the correct power
amplifier input Check that speakers are terminated correctly. 3. Grounding. If
nothing else helps, use jumper cables to interconnect the ground potentials of the
various components. Also try reversing the polarity of the AC supply (reverse
the plug). 4. AC cables over speaker cables. 5. Audio being powered from the
same circuit as the lights or other video circuits. Neon lights are one of the most
common causes of a noisy network as well as adding considerable ambient noise
to the room. Once the performer is satisfied with the audio portion of the set-up,
he should be concerned with the visual aspects. Go out into the audience area
and quietly concentrate on how the set appears. Is it visually coherent with the
composition? Many times a sloppy nest of wires and stack of components can be
so distracting to the audience that it interferes with the presentation of the
performance. On the other hand, a visually complex network can add a certain
degree of mystery to the situation. In any case, the network should be neat, if not
for the sake of the audience, then for the sake of a smoother performance. Many
live electronic music compositions are conceived with various degrees of
theatrical involvement and consideration of the theatrics of the set-up should
certainly not be ignored.
Just as important as the approach one takes in setting tip the concert is a
disciplined wrap-up. The fastest way to misplace equipment is to have an
unorganized approach to breaking down the set-up. The first thing to be done is
to turn down all gain levels, switch off all power supplies, and then unplug the
AC cables. It is good practice either to remove the batteries from the DC-
powered components or to use masking tape to tape all switches in the off
position. When unplugging patchcords, all adaptors should immediately be put
in a small box and placed in a tool kit or some other permanent storage place.
Adaptors are expensive and are usually the first things to be lost. Performers
who are involved with a great many live electronic performances usually carry
their own tool kit containing all of the things listed in sections 2 and 3 of the
check list on this page. To avoid placing tools, cords, and adaptors in the wrong
tool kit, many performers color code all personal property with strips of colored
plastic tape. During the wrap-up, this will also expedite finding out which cords
and adaptors belong to whom. All speaker cable and extension cords should be
carefully wound and neatly stored. Many needless hours have been spent before
concerts untangling nests of wires and cords. The traveling performer must be
even more conscientious about the wrap-up. All components must be carefully
stored in a trunk so they can't be damaged while being moved. Large pieces of
poly-form material and blankets are useful for this. Some performers even have
special bags and boxes for individual components to protect them from scratches
caused by the treatment they receive during shipment. One very important word
to the traveling performer is to expect nothing in the way of. equipment from
your concert host. Call ahead to confirm what equipment is available, but even
then plan to use your own amplifiers and other components, since you are more
familiar with them. The only thing you should really expect to find is an
adequate speaker system. If one isn't available, have the host rent one for you. A
concert pianist is not expected to perform on a studio upright, and by the same
token, the electronic music performer has the right to adequate facilities. The
following checklist was developed by Pauline OhVeros for students in the
electronic music performance classes at the University of California at San
Diego. This approach has served to simplify many concerts and is well worth
referring to every time any type of electronic music network is being set up.
Checklist for Performance Electronics 1. POWER SOURCE a. Number of
circuits needed? Separate audio from video. Beware of halls with stage or room
light dimmers. The SCR circuits cause hum with low level signals such as mikes
and guitars. Always insist on an isolated circuit for the audio power. b. Load?
Allow 1 amp for 100 watts. c. Number of AC receptacles needed? d. Number
and length extensions cords needed? Do not use home extension cords,
especially with projection equipment. They often cannot handle the load and can
burn out. Even if everything checks out initially, continually loading down the
line will cause it to overheat and may burn out during the performance. e.
Number of 2- to 3-prong AC adaptors or vice versa needed? f. Spare fuses g.
Fresh batteries 2. TOOLS AND SUPPLIES a. Set of screwdrivers—ordinary and
phillips head, small to large b. Soldering iron and solder c. Long-nose pliers d.
Regular pliers e. Awl f. Scout knife g. Wire strippers and cutters h. Flashlight i.
Scissors ]'. Electrical tape k. Masking tape 1. Continuitv tester or VOM 3.
CABLES, CONNECTORS, AND ADAPTORS a. Set of alligator clip heads b.
Assorted length phono to phono cables c. Complete set of adaptors d. Zip cord
(ie., microphone, tapehead, phonograph, cartridge, etc.) (1) High-level or low-
level? Impedance? Is transformer necessary? (2) Output power? Does it match
input of pre-amp? (3) What kind of connector does it have? Is an adaptor
necessary? (4) Power supply? 242
b. PRE-AMP (1) Impedance at output? (2) Output? Does it match input of power
amp? (3) Input and output connectors? (4) Power supply (5) Gain controls? (6)
Equalization controls? c. HIGH-LEVEL SOURCES (tape decks, synthesizers)
(1) Final mixer—correct input impedances? (2) Input and output connectors? (3)
Output impedance? Certain instruments have "high'' and "low" level outputs. If
you patch directly to a power amp, use the "high" level output If your monitor
amp is an integrated amplifier (like a guitar amp), use the low level" output.
When using a commercial integrated amp such as the land used for typical home
stereo systems, patch from a "high" level output to die "spare" or "auxiliary"
input (4) Visual considerations? Remember, you are performing in the theatrical
sense of the word. Is your set-up and staging effective both in terms of
convenience and effective stage design? d. POWER AMP (1) Impedance? (2)
Output power? Will it drive speakers efficiently? (3) Tube or transistor? What
cautions to be observed in loading the amp? (4) Cables and connectors needed?
(5) Power supply? e. SPEAKERS (1) Impedance? (2) Efficiency? (3) Frequency
amazing and unexplained things can can happen before and during a concert.
Even with the most careful set-up mysterious hums, . and buzzes will crop up!
When this happens (and it will) double check tM connections. A common cause
of hum is a ground loop somewhere in the patching. If you cannot locate the
source of the hum and no other remedy works, try reversing the AC plugs to the
power source. If the instrument uses a 3-prong plug disconnect the ground plug
with a 3 to 2 adaptor. Double check that speaker and mike lines do not cross or
touch power lines. SCR light dimmers and florescent lights can cause problems.
Make sure you have isolated circuits for the audio. Touch-sensitive keyboards
are susceptable to SCR environments. If the keyboard is sending out unexplained
information, try grounding yourself to your instrument. A patchcord under your
sock to any system ground works fine! The rituals involved with electronic
performance are still quite new, the instrumentation is still somewhat limited,
and the techniques are still very primitive compared to what contemporary
technology suggests will come in the futre. The composers and performers are
forced to work in unfamiliar areas, often with unfamiliar equipment and with
new approaches to the concert ritual Consequently, they should approach the
performance with as much technical knowledge, organization, and
professionalism as possible. Performers can no longer shun electronic music
because they feel it is attempting to eliminate the performer. Live electronic
performance is a logical and unavoidable development in the art of manipulating
sound, and performers must learn to work with it on a professional level The
tape recorder and oscillator are real-time performance instruments in the same
tradition as the piano and flute and must be treated with just as much artistry and
understanding. The contemporary music instrument repairman must know as
much about circuit design and troubleshooting as he does about replacing
saxophone pads or re-hairing a violin bow. To paraphrase some statements of
Marshall McLuhan: The true artist, no matter what his field or area of interest, is
the person who can realize and utilize the implications of his art and its
relationship to the new knowledge of his own time and environment 243
16 Scores for Analysis and Performance The purpose of this text has been to
provide the musician with enough understanding of electronic music instruments
that she/he can ultimately take part in some music making. Performances,
whether on tape or in live concerts, call for a myriad of skills and insights that
come from practice and experience. It seems practical therefore to present some
scores for the reader to consider. These scores have been selected because they
represent a variety of approaches to aesthetics, notational practices, and each is
designed around a different instrument. The scores are present here just as they
have been notated by the different composers. It will not be possible to realize
every configuration, as notated, on a single instrument It is therefore advisable
for the reader to thoroughly analyze each patch and then re- notate the
configuration for his/her own resources. In many instances a multi-function
module may have to be patched together from several single function modules.
In other cases a single module on one instrument may take care of several
functions another instrument design requires two or three modules to handle.
Even if realization on your instrument is impossible, the score/patch analysis
will present some performance and/or compositional insights which will
undoubtedly be of use in your creative development. Entropical Paradise (with
Bird Call) by Douglas Leedy This composition is a self-playing dream machine;
the offsets and control processing are open to a wide range of variation.
Although the work was realized on a Buchla 100 Series instrument the score is
notated in such a way that it may easily be transferred to practically any modular
instrument. The composer notates the patching of the various modules with
simple, written instructions, first indicating the patches which carry the audio
information and then the patches for the control voltages. The pot settings are
graphically radicated by providing a diagram for their individual positions. Since
the performance instructions allow the 244 control setting to be varied at will,
precise notations for the pot settings are not required. The indications on the
score may be used just as a point of departure. As an aid in tracing the
interrelated functions of all of the modules, figure 16.1 is provided as a flow-
chart or graphic representation of the score. The only deviation from the original
score is the voltage-controlled mixers (1-5 and 6-10). They are actually not used
as mixers but rather provide a gating function. Therefore the flow-chart does
indicate them as gates (voltage-controlled amplifiers). Here are the numerical
approximations of the control settings indicated in the score: Channel A output
mixer input 1—30 percent gain input 2—60 percent gain Channel B output
mixer input 1—50 percent gain input 2—60 percent gain Reverberation A and B
—50 per cent Voltage-controlled mixer (indicated as VCAs) VCA D-100
percent gain VCA B-100 percent gain VCA C-100 percent gain Voltage-
controlled amplifiers* VCA A-100 percent gain Envelope detector Sensitivity—
60 percent Decay Time—1 second Sine-sawtooth oscillators (externally voltage-
controlled) VCO 1 waveshape—0 percent harmonic distortion VCO 2
waveshape—30 percent harmonic distortion VCD 3 waveshape—30 percent
harmonic distortion Control voltage processor—Setting "1" indicates the
proportion of combined external and internal voltages. Setting "2T indicates the
internal voltage setting. Setting "3" indicates the mixing proportion of the two
external voltages. •Refer to page 25 for information regarding the Buchla 100
Series VCAs.
CVP1A CVP IB (1) 9/10 (1) 4/5 (2) 7.5 volts DC (2) 5 volts DC (3) 1/1 (3) 3/2
CVP 2A (1) 1/2 (2) 7 volts DC (3) 3/2 Attack generators I and II Attack time—
0.05 seconds, decay time—2.0 seconds, sustain time—0.01 second Timing pulse
generators I and II repeat mode pulse length—50 percent firing rate—external
control Sequencer I: Bank A-3/5/7/7/3/2/9/5 Bank B-15/5/.05/.05/3/7/15/5 Bank
C- 05/7/15/.05/3/7/.05/S Sequencer II: DC voltage setting for each increment-
indicated in DC voltage Bank A-9/9/10/10/9/8/8/8/7/8/9/7/8 /8J5/&/S5 Output
channel A consists of information supplied by VCO 1 and 2. The frequency of
VCO 1 is determined by the DC envelope supplied by the envelope detector. The
particular envelope shapes will be quite random, since they are the result of
detecting "pink" sound (low-frequency component white sound). This is the part
of the system which contributes the "bird caH" effects. The amount of frequency
activity can be varied by manipulating the sensitivity and decay-time controls on
the envelope detector. If a pink sound source is not available, it would be
possible to use a white sound generator in conjunction with a low-pass filter. The
amplitude of VCO 1 is continually varied by processing the output signal
through VCA C. The control voltages for this gate are derived from die third
increment bank of sequencer 1. The firing speed of this sequencer is controlled
by the trigger output of timing pulse generator 1 (TPG 1). In turn, the firing
speed of the trigger pulses is randomly varied by the DC output of random
voltage source B (RVS B). Since the random voltage source will not produce an
output voltage unless cued by a trigger pulse, another timing pulse* generator
(TPG 2) is used to provide the needed triggers. The firing rate of TPG 2 is
externally determined by another voltage which originates with TPG 1. TPG 1
provides alternate trigger pulses for random voltage source A, which produces
random envelopes of DC voltage. These envelopes are then inverted and mixed
with the internal voltage of control voltage processor (CVP IB) and then patched
to the external "period" input of TPG 2, thereby determining its firing speed. The
frequency of VCO 2 is controlled by a mixture of DC voltages. A continuous
sequence of voltages are provided by bank A of sequencer 1. The second voltage
is a series of random envelopes produced by the same random voltage source
being used to control the firing speed of TPG 1. These two voltages are then
mixed with the internal voltage of a voltage control processor (CVP 1A) and
used to control the frequency of VCO 2. The amplitude of the frequencies
produced by VCO 2 is regulated into a series of attacks and decays by an attack
generator (ATG A) which has an attack time of approximately .05 second, decay
of approximately 2 seconds, and a duration of .01 second. Of course these
settings may be varied at any time by the performer. The trigger cues for this
attack generator are the same triggers used to fire the random voltage source
providing voltage for the VCO under discussion. Before the output of VCO 2
reaches the final mixing stage, it is subjected to various amounts of artificial
reverberation. Output channel B consists of information supplied by VCO 1 and
VCO 3. VCO 1 also supplies a signal for output channel A. In this case, the
amplitude is controlled with a separate voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA D)
which is programmed by bank C of sequencer 1. VCO 3 is controlled by a
mixture of several DC voltages in much the same manner as was VCO 2, the
difference being the point of origin of the two external voltages. One source is
sequencer 2, which has twice the number of increments as sequencer 1. This
sequencer is triggered by pulses from timing pulse generator 2, which also
provided triggers for random voltage source B and attack generator A. The
second voltage source is the envelope output of the controlled voltage processor
IB, which also determines the firing speed of timing pulse generator 2. The
amplitude of the signal produced by VCO 3 is controlled by voltage- controlled
amplifier B. The program voltage for this VCA is provided by attack generator
B, whose attack and duration times are about the same as ATG A, but whose
decay time is about 2J5 seconds. The triggers used to fire attack generator B are
supplied by timing pulse generator 1, which is also die trigger source for
sequencer .1. The output of VCA B is then subjected to varying amounts of
reverberation as was the output of VCA A. The final signal is mixed with the
output of VCA D to comprise output channel B. Entropicdl Paradise with Bird
Call is an excellent example of how the various modules in a system can be
interrelated to perform a variety of functions. It also demonstrates how output
voltages can be fed back to control the functions of the initial voltage-producing
modules. When all of die required patches are made, 245
oenod ■noun -* all pulses t jitemjte Dulses output mix A input 1-30% 93tn
•nOuT 2-60% gjin output mix B •nout 1-50% jam "HOuT 2-60"l 9»i" rc-ttb A &
B-50** mix voltsoe-controtleO mixer I9»te CJ—100S 9>m i9>teD>-10O!k$wn
9K« IvCOsl A-100%9*n 8- 10W» gun CfiiieloDc dctecto? Scnticmlv-SOS
Oee»v timt-i see sme-sjwtoom oKiCUton {external voltage control) l-
>«a»csn*pe WHwrmon* content 2-waveshape 30fcnamtonic content 3 nwiwet
30* harmonic content seouencer I— 0*incfement stauencer 11-16 menjment
Figure 16.1. Paradise Diagram for Entropies/ this system will be self-generating
and require no further human control. Other real-time compositions may utilize a
performer to execute patching changes or provide necessary pot setting changes.
Real-time electronic music compositions need not be limited to the modules
found in a particular system. Very often tape recorders are used as part of the
processing network, as described in chapter 10. Any other external device may
also be used in a .real-time performance, the only requirement being portability
to the performance area and compatibility with die other equipment Although
one advantage of real-time networks is the elimination of several source tapes
and the dub-down process, the actual importance of a real-time system is that it
makes the electronic music system function as a true performance instrument.
Stochastic Arp by Frank McCarty This is another automated dream machine
which requires little or no player input, other than making the patch. Designed
for an ARP 2500, the instrument produces a finely correlated but highly random
series of events. The general patch is illustrated in figure 16.2. Although three
VCOs are used, the only "voice" is VCO 1. It derives its pitch control from an
inverted random voltage source and from the output of Sample/ Hold 1. Both
Sample/Holds are receiving their sample commands from VCO 2, set for a
variable pulse wave, and its frequency is being controlled by Sample/Hold 2. In
other words, VCO 2 is telling Sample/Hold 2 to pick out a random voltage
which, in turn, determines the pulse rate of VCO 2—thus determining the
sample rate of Sample/Hold 2. Note that both Sample/ Holds are essentially
triggered random voltage sources. In adapting this configuration for another
instrument, a triggered RVS could be substituted. The spectrum of the voice
(VCO 1) is being determined by two band-pass filtered patched in series/
parallel, the signal being processed by Filter 1, then patched to Filter 2, and the
same signal patched, unprocessed, to Filter 2. Both Filters are being controlled
by the Slow Random Voltage Source; but note that Filter 2 gets an inverted form
of the control Filter 1 is then also controlled by Sample/Hold 1 and Filter 2 by
Sample/Hold 2. The most complex control is being received by the final VCA.
Here McCarty uses the ARP 1006 Filtamp. This module is a voltage controlled
low-pass filter and VCA in series, packaged into the same module. Since the
control specifications (see figure 16.3) indicate that the filter offset is at
maximum with no filter controls attached, one can assume that a straight VCA
can be used in its place. The VCA is being controlled by a sum of three different
voltages: (1) the slow random voltage, (2) Envelope 247
/ W003 \ ? p? r_r- MM 2 Figure 162. Stochastic Am by Frank McCarty O 0~G 3
— o G G: IM. ,© —rtiu_ G OO I=J T G •O 00 OO __—J _—_ S/M 1 «*© =o
SI* 2 *0© o x Q 0 O Cv Cv G GO T EG1 © © © © 248
Oitgram i: KBO VCO sync 1 t VCO VCO VCF ADSR too o*»y ADSR —•
phuer j—* VCA VCA VCA Solo «o<c«: Hot* m or Owl RtwopucMd aodnC
Two wty dM*y M4 mo loot pMais. VCA Q(vo3 a imQuv 'jyjjUwuc' 0 cctwMvd
by tho togote. SiagnnZ: Figure 16.6. Patch diagrams for Orion Rising 252
DtBfpwn 3; vco SEO dock ■!> 1 2 "U< 32 not* ooojwneo; 9yo»«gth» HMX4
Add inwfting l—turo oft tti» Arioa ess too doubted w toooth. pooitivo fottogo to
bring tho op to tho vottooo lovol of DtOQfOffl 4: tK> LFO u=o KBO vco vco
vco VCF LFO ADSft IT Straig patch: Tho vCO'iantUgmr tilmil—g—cHlPO i»
« IfMnmt mwicj —a I bonk ttsn ono MtloMfy* Tno ( ■poMias ea yov ta«t». k
i> to m ii Uli«i patents* IOD <P «or <■» «sieM «Ncl> ovceoyt tho chonio inM
AOSR AOSB VCO VCA VCO VCA -o Mo both Moto of tho ADSR. By itt.
trajMOcy 400 ootovBt of »a» vcoyo«c««naii«n 253
Akarui Tsuki by John Strawn This ""score" is detailed instructions for the
realization of a studio tape composition. The instruments were realized on a
Synthi AKS using 3 different patches. Mr. Strawn has indicated the instrument
patches using the Synthi AKS "Dopesheets" and also indicated the configuration
in a more generalized notation. The score, again, is just as the composer has
indicated. akarui tsuki John Strawn in lieu of a score October 1975 i n was
conceived and recorded over a period of several months in the early part of
1975. I had been working all spring on developing several instruments for my
own Synthi-AKS, and decided to fit some of these patches together for a concert
in April. Every year, the Fulbright-Kommission in Bonn holds a conference for
the Fulbright scholars in West Germany, in the course of which the Fulbright
musicians traditonally present a concert; I was asked to contribute a tape. The
title which I use for catalogueing this tape was taken from a poem by Myooe
(1173-1232 aj>. ) which can be found in "Japan, the Beautiful, and Myself," B £
<0 % I v if. A , the Nobel Prize Essay of Yasu- mari Kawabata. The text might
be transliterated as: aka-aka-ya aka-aka-aka-ya aka-aka-ya aka-ya aka-aka-aka-
aka tsuki In this chain of syllables, "aka" means "bright" ("aka" is a shortened
form of 9\ % v = "akaruT = "bright"), Y"> "ya" is a postposition meaning "&," $
= "tsuld" is "moon." Note that the "ya" in its first occurrence joins the first two
"aka," but that it subsequently binds the separate groups of "aka" together.
Seidenstecker s translation reads: the bright, bright, the bright, bright, bright, the
bright, bright, the bright, the bright, bright, bright, bright moon However, "aka"
can also mean "red" ( sfjs v> = "akaT); according to Donald Keene (Japanese
Literature; London: John Murray, 1953), the Japanese are fond of using such
plays on words in their literature. For those of us who have seen a crimson
Midwest harvest moon, "the red moon" also evokes a strong image, and thus I
called the first version of this tape (see below) akai tsuki, and listed it as such on
the 254 program for the Fulbright concert. Furthermore, it would seem that this
Japanese poet-mystic had used a principle similar to that common among the
serial- ists: 2+3+2+1+4+( ) i.e. an expansion of 2 + 3 + 1+4. Through his choice
of words, Myooe was further able to set up a "pedal-point" on the vowel "a"
(pronounced long, as in "father"), and punctuate it with "k" and "y" the rhythm
preparing for and then spanning a big leap (4 "aka") to culminate in the totally
new "tsuki." However, this title has nothing to do with the composition, either as
an outline of the "form," or as a "clue" as to what "associations" I might be
wanting to "evoke" with this piece, ^^v^ ^ and "akarui tsuki" are simply
convenient ways for me to keep track of the tape. The concert was held in the
hall of the Amerika- Haus (a USIA institution) in West Berlin, which had just
been outfitted with a new Sony system. I had at my disposal six speakers for two
channels, the speakers being arranged in the ceiling of the hall in the following
manner: 1 s 9 Z 6 10 3 7 tt * a re A quad system had also been installed in the
hall, but was not yet hooked up. Fortunately, I was able to produce some test
tapes with the sound material I intended to use, and to try them out in the hall
before recording the final tape. The hall itself is so reverberant that I avoided
using reverberation on this tape altogether. Likewise, the speaker configuration
produced an exciting effect: no matter where I stood in the hall, I had the
impression that the sounds on the test tapes were conrng from various distances
and directions, not limited to the two speakers directly above wherever I
happened to be standing. (After the concert, one person asked if the tape hadn't
been played over the quad system). This I attributed to an aural deception which
arose because several sounds, each having been recorded with its own
characteristics timbre, amplitude, and envelope, were impinging upon the ear
simultaneously; combined with the phase differences which resulted because the
same sets of sounds were coming from several different speakers, this
"deceived" the "ear" into hearing the sounds coming from several different
locations. So I paid very little attention to motion across
the stereo field (except at the beginning and end of the tape), and simply
distributed the various signals evenly across the stereo field in the final mix. The
recording was done in the "classical" studio of the Institut fur Musik—und
Kommunikationswissen- schaft at the Technische Universitat Berlin (perhaps
this would be the appropriate point to thank Prof. Fritz Winckel, Dr. Manfred
Krause, and Volkmar Hain, Tonmeister in the studio, for making the recording
sessions possible). Source tracks were recorded Dolbyized (Dolby-A) on a 4-
track Telefunken M-10 (1" tape) and 33»" stereo Telefunken M-5's, using the
BASF LGR-30 tape for which those machines are equalized. These source tapes
were mixed down on the studio's 18-8 Telefunken mixer, de-Dolbyized after the
mix, and a master tape was recorded non-Dolby- ized on a fourth stereo M-5. (I
found that this "cheating" with the Dolby had no audible detrimental results
when A/B-compared with a mixdown of identical, non-DoIbyized material;
however, for some still unexplained reason, the Dolbys "breathed" during the
recording of some of the original tracks). AH recording was done at 15 ips = 38
cm/s. A master tape was produced in this manner in several sections, these
partial masters being spliced together to form the final master; there are three
such splices. The original tape was recorded 2-8 April 1975 and first performed
on the evening of the 8th. Subsequently I re-recorded the first partial master to
form the current version. Copies of the master tape were recorded in the same
studio using DNL. As has been explained, this tape was conceived for a
reverberant hall with many speakers, and thus will not sound its best when heard
over a home stereo system or headphones. If quad is available, patch: 13 E II E
Attached are "Synthi Dopesheets" for each of the three instruments. Instrument 1
was used twice: once for the first partial master, and once for the last Instrument
3 arose after it became apparent that 1) at least 2 different envelopes, one for
timbre and one for amplitude, are needed to generate an interesting electronic
sound of the sort I was looking for; 2) it was difficult to incorporate the envelope
generator on the Synthi-AKS for either parameter into a convincing patch.
Instrument 2 is a variant of Instrument 3. Explanation of Dopesheet symbols: x =
change knob setting for each separate track •—v ^- initial value change setting
during within limits given during performance of a given track Note that on the
Dopesheet, the knobs have been numbered 1-36, and are referred to in this text
by number. Instrument 1: (see figure 16.7). To tune: position Joystick in the
lower right-hand corner (as indicated with a circle on the Dopesheet). Set 10
(Oscillator 3 Shape) at 10 or 0 (Oscillator 3 produces DC). Tune 1 and 5 so that
Oscillator 1 produces a beat frequency against Oscillator 2 of 1 Hz or less.
Return 10 to original setting; adjust 21, 35, and 36 for brightest and loudest
sound. Set 9, 33, and Realtime Pitch Spread (on Keyboard) so that the top note
of the Keyboard just barely drives Oscillator 3 into the audio range (ca. 20 Hz),
and so that a suitable range of slower "trills" is available across the range of the
Keyboard. Performance (by "performance," I mean the manual changes during
the recordings of a single track): play slow "glissandT across the full range of the
Keyboard while varying Joystick and other indicated settings. Eleven changes
the "interval" of the "trilL" For each new track: change settings marked with "x,"
and retune. Discussion (cf. attached flowchart): Oscillator 1 and Oscillator 2 beat
slightly, producing a slight phasing effect which contributes a "live" edge to each
individual track. The square wave from Oscillator 3 drives Oscillator 1 and
Oscillator 2 in a trill-like pattern. Moving the Joystick changes timbre and
amplitude; different notes on the Keyboard produce various "trill" speeds.
Changing the Shape control of Oscillator 3 changes the relationship between the
upper and lower portions of the square wave, and thus the temporal relationship
between the higher and lower "notes" of the "trilL" The output level of Oscillator
3 controls the frequencies of the upper and lower pitches, and thus the "interval"
heard. The Shape control of Oscillator 2 can be changed during performance for
further variation in timbre. Instrument 3: Variant (see figure 16.8). For the sake
of simplicity, the Variant to Instrument 3 will be presented before Instruments 2
and 3. Instrument 2 was used for the second partial master; Instrument 3 and its
Variant were both used in the third. To tune: with "Sequencer Length" set at 5,
record % 3, or 4 pitches spaced by pauses, taking care that the Sequencer also
records the trigger for the whole duration of the pitch, viz.: * —^mc-j —
Performance: as the recorded sequence plays over and over, change settings
(slowly) as indicated. For each new track: record different Sequencer notes, and
change settings marked with "x." 255
SVNIMt EJUS. (Lemon) Ltd. : Akanji tutu Shtfl: msttunant t Stan: En<J: Not**:
John Sumo OMcrjpnen: * - enmge sattog tor •k* aaparate track f^< mbal«ala« V
i</ within given texts, change sating during racorflma/naHui iitaoca ot a aagla
track ^^ L-l-l 0°© © ©/©, Q ©•© O o o o o 0. O. Q Q fta«r/o3c rin0 mod © 0 0
A8CDEFGMIJKLMNQP QQ ©. Q ©..©. Figure 16.7. Akanii Tsukt—
Instrument 1 by John Strewn Discussion: (cf. flowchart): Oscillator 3, Oscillator
2, and the Filter form die framework of this instrument Oscillator 2, initially
producing a sub-audio frequency, is driven into the audio range when Oscillator
3 swings into the upper half of its square wave. At the same time, the
triangle/sawtooth from Oscillator 3, in phase with the square wave from die
same oscillator, opens and closes the filter. Changing the Shape control (for both
the square and triangle) on Oscillator 3 effectively changes die attack and decay
characteristics of die individual tones. The sequencer takes care of changes in
pitch and rhythm; die envelope generator triggered by the sequencer in effect
turns the whole instrument on and off. The Variant to instrument 3 is especially
useful for sounds which at some tunings are reminiscent of brass instruments,
but which can be modified in performance (change 6 and 10 slowly) into other
sound qualities. Instrument 3: (see figure 16.9). Tuning and Performance as
above. For a given tuning of the patch, 2 or 3 notes on the Sequencer will usually
be especially effective. 256
SYNTK Oopntett E.M.S. (London} LM. Name: Akvot Tsukt Snoot: Huirunmt 3
Paten: Vonont Stall: fc>d: JotMStreun Oaaeription: ^^ c s X fitter.'osc s.o nog
mod External Connections: pftchspmrt: roainmo SOW 10 ""W«R |sOCr[ SEO
LENGTHS 2T Q 28 oscillator 2 external pmteh: esc 2: noun otnarator o o o o
output «Mr ru enamel t—output—cnanaal 2 Q 0. Q Q nog wotf 3Kk
ABCDEFGHtJKLMNOP 3* ■flpnt tvvat QQ ^/o, VQfeaftQS trigger oodtt 0, A
ATtvn ru A/ j opbocwi ru A/ I ' k Mptsa (ctt 2 out) nog nod vc liter L_i i •mr W
HI ' t ' to Figure 1643. Akarui TsukJ— Instrument 3 (variant) by John Strawn
NB: the High-Pass Filter (knob No. 16, pins C4, F2) after Oscillator 2 is
necessary to limit unwanted leakage when Oscillator 3 drives Oscillator 2 into
the subaudio range. Discussion: Here the signal from Oscillator 2, already
discussed above, is ring modulated against the sine from Oscillator 1. Besides
the obvious effect of producing more complicated audio spectra, ring modulation
breaks die 1:1 relationship between the rhythm and pitch changes produced by
the sequencer as seen above. Instrument 2: (see figure 16.10). To tune: Touch
and hold lowest note on Keyboard. Tune 9 for time between "strokes." The
setting of 1 determines the pitch of the "sustained note." Tune Oscillator 1, Os-
SYHTM Doptratoet EM.S. (London) Ud. Name: AkacuiTam. ShanK
tnatrMMCIf 3 Patch: Start: End: Notax JonnStraun Oaacnptioo: J16: piaan pn
optional: add on at K2 or M3 or H4 <^^ c s X QoaeJOator 1 fi'SS as O O 0 ©
Qiouoj ftftoj f ex j .7 ^ "18 ^-—^1» ^ "20 FtftQ OlOQ Extamal Conoaetwru:
pitch spraac: SOCR SOCR SEOtengtnS Ov. 2apaakcr; ©. © 0 © © O 27 ^ 28 29
<* 30 patch: oat efcaa ru II A8C0EFGMI J KLMMOP ratraroaratten QQ O.O.
nag* a ^y. 36 Figure 16.9 Akanii Tsukf—Instrument 3 by John Strewn dilator 2,
and Filter (including 12) = control voltage level from Oscillator 3) for desired
timbre of "stroke." Performance: hold open Envelope Shaper with manual trigger
or Keyboard lowest note; with pin at B5 or B6, timing of "stroke" can be
monitored visually. Change setting of 9 to vary rhythm of "stroke." Nine can
also be varied after the "attack" to obtain an extremely long decay, for eaxmple.
For each new track: Change settings marked with an "x." For this recording, the
frequency of Oscillator 1 was left unchanged. Transition to Instrument 3 (used
only on 1 track): add pin at K8; during performance, manually raise setting of 9
(Oscillator 3 frequency) to e.g. 6.0, then play (pre-determined) notes on
Keyboard. NB: J8 must be a green pin. The I8-J8 pair is necessary for the
control voltage from J5 to leak through to Oscillator 1 slightly, and give the Tift"
in "pitch" right at the beginning of the "stroke." Here is an example of a patch
where one CV is needed at two different levels, and where the possibility of
independently attenuating control voltages on the AKS would make for a cleaner
patch. Discussion: This is actually a variant of, and was developed from,
Instrument 3; the same framework is used here, without sequencer. (The
Envelope Generator/VCA combination is simply a convenient on /off switch for
use in performance). However, the period of Oscillator 3 is quite slow (ca. 10
sec.), ie., only- one event occurs every 10 sea, and, depending on the tuning, the
audible portion of each event lasts e.g., 6 seconds. In the first half of each event,
the filter is slowly opened by the triangle from Oscillator 3, while the square
wave of Oscillator 3 holds the square wave of Oscillator 2 in the subaudio range
(e.g. ca. 1 Hz). However, the Ring Modulator of the Synthi-AKS reacts to
changes in DC, so that each cycle of the square wave from Oscillator 2 produces
two distinct beats; in other words, the sine from Oscillator 1 is gated through the
Ring Modulator at each Js-cycle of Oscillator 2. (The purpose of the High-pass
Filter in Instrument 3 is to suppress this pulse). A sustained tone of the same
frequency as these beats is provided by also using the sine from Oscillator 1 as a
direct input to the Filter. When Oscillator 3 swings into the upper half of its
cycle, Oscillator 2 is driven into the audio range (cf. above, Instrument 3:
Variant), 258
SYNTHI Oopeshee: E M.S. Condon) UO. Description: | J8: green p« Name:
Akarui Ta<*i Sneet: tnsusment 2 Paten. Sun Ene Notes 85; optional 24: beware
ot cltppug at higher settings i ring mod !cN! is! External Connections. pitch
spread realtime 10.C SOCR TRIGGER SEO length envelope snaper GOO V |
external ■ patch- ose3 nooe generator 13 output fttter ru Q. channel 1— output
—channel 2 18 none rr mows j— <TS i ■: ! ! "T5T Kp ABCDEFGHI
JKtMNOP keyboard Vt«f1 1 ! | manual i 1 tf* »w ru A/ (anvatopc ttiapar) : 1
anen ru ■ * \ sub- audio rp A/ k - . . rmg mod VC fttter i VCA (envelope Shaper)
i !o Figure 16.10. Akarui Tsuki— Instrument 2 by John Strawn and the frequent
of Oscillator 1 is "lifted" slightly. But the upper half of the square wave on the
Synthi- AKS is by no means a straight line, and this non- linearity is magnified
by the slow period and the high level setting. Thus, the frequencies of Oscillator
1 and Oscillator 2 sink slightly. Just enough to change the spectrum of the Ring
Modulator output while the Filter starts to close. This combination produces the
quasi- bell timbres characteristic of Instrument 2. Once the filter has completely
closed, the square wave from Oscillator 3 swings back to the lower half of its
cycle, and the entire process repeats itself. 259
pre recorded zape < XIC. XIC. PATCH *3 0UTPV7 HXXXtlG SYSTEM -*?
fgfl ff r. * ace. 1 ace. 2 SPEAKER ONE ___ SPEAKER TWO SPEAKER
CONTROL 'All inputs mast be sendabJe zo all line or accesory outputs.
"Microphones placed in Aadience. ""Reverberation may be added if desired,
according to she characteristics of the room or performance area. SO" between
the record head and playback head Secnienzial Switch PATCH HI Osc. Driver
Sequencer 3 rows of c.v. output: see Notes HI and «2 Shifz input Kixer Octave
Voltage Controlled Amplifiers TO TRACK Oscillators Add Pedal Hi Pass £0
Pass filters Attenuator r-ttenuat Utoisj Envelope Foilowef long responsi Add
Peda ><? Threshold - 6 Aux. Outputs : 2 TO TRACK 'elopje Generator #Z (set
for very long attack and decay values- over 2 seconds with sustain value of 7/10)
Env. Gen H2 All pots, set for smallest values (,002ms and Osus} 261
Geffe, Philip R. Simplified Modern Filter Design. New York: Hayden Book
Company, 1963. Basic principles of filter design with extensive tables of
numerical data. Also contains chapters on attenuation, equalization, and
measurement techniques. Gottlieb, Irving. Basic Oscillators. New York: Hayden
Book Company, 1963. A descriptive analysis and definitions of oscillators,
components, characteristics and the theory of oscillation. Highly recommended. .
Frequency Changers. New York: Howard W. Sams, 1965. General principles of
frequency multipliers, translators, modulators and dividers. An excellent source
of practical schematics. . Understanding Amplitude Modulation. New York:
Howard W. Sams, 1965. Principles of amplitude modulation and descriptions of
various AM systems. Although intended for the radio broadcaster, it may be
used by lie electronic musician as a basic reference. Graf, Rudolf. Modern
Dictionary of Electronics. New York: Howard W. Sams, 1968. Approximately
16.000 terms clearly defined for the layman. In the opinion of the author, this is
the best dictionary of electronics for the layman. It also covers the areas of
communications, micro-electronics, computers, and fiberoptics. Highly
recommended. Heath Digital Instrumentation. Benton Harbor, Mich.: Heath
Company. Description- and application notes of specific Heath equipment, but
the information is very general and introduces many concepts of digital control
which may be applied to a variety of situations. Herrixctox, Donald E. How To
Head Schematic Diagrams. New York: Howard W. Sams, 1970. A good
reference covering schematics, block, diagrams, chassis layout, component
symbols, and wiring. Hobermax, Stu. Understanding and Using Unijunction
Transistors. New York: Howard W. Sams, 1969. Basic UJT circuits in regards to
oscillators, amplifiers, and power supplies. This book is also an excellent source
of various oscillator circuits. Highly recommended. Integrated Circuit Projects
From Motorola. Phoenix, Ariz.: Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., 1966.
An introduction to IC theory with several interesting and practical audio circuits.
Lohberc, Rolf, and Lctz, Theo. Electronic Brains. New York: Bantam Books,
1968. One of the most interesting and comprehendible books available on the
basics of computer science, digital control, programming, logic systems,
memory systems, and cybernetics. Highly recommended. Malmstadt, H. V., and
Enke, C. G. Digital Electronics For Scientists. New York: W. A Benjamin, Inc.,
1969. A systematic introduction to digital systems, circuits, and components
written for the person with no background in electronics. Highly recommended.
Markus, John. Source Book Of Electronic Circuits. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1968. A collection of over 3,000 various circuits originally published in
Electronics and EEE. A very valuable source and reference book. Mileaf, Harry.
Electronics One-Seven. New York: Hayden Book Company, 1967. A series of
seven volumes, available individually or bound as a set, each dealing with
different area of of practical electronic theory: (1) Electronic Signals and
Modification; (2) Basic Stages of Transmission; (3) Electronic Tubes; (4) Semi-
conductors; (5) Power Supplies and Amplifiers; (6) Oscillators, Modulators and
Mixers: (7) Auxilliary Circuits—Gates, Delays, Limiters, etc. Highly
recommended. Reference Data for Radio Engineers—5th Edition. New York:
Howard W. Sams. This book serves as a basic reference, in one volume, to all
fields of audio, including tables, formulas, standards, circuit information,
recording, technology, and associated areas. Highly recommended. Shields, John
Potter. Practical Power Supply Circuits. New York: Howard W. Sams, 1967.
Basic power supply circuits, solid state voltage regulation, batteries and SCR
operation. A very handy book for those planning construction of a home system.
Solar Cell and Photocell Handbook. El Segundo, Calif., International Rectifier
Corp., 1960. Basic concepts of photocell control, performance specifications of
various types of photocells, plus many interesting, useful, and simple circuits.
Solid State Projects From Motorola. Phoenix, Ariz.: Motorola Semiconductor
Products, Inc., 1964. Fundamentals of semiconductor operation. Construction
hints and several useful and easy-to-construct circuits such as oscillators,
amplifiers, and mixers. SyntheSource. Curtis Electromusic Specialties. 110
Highland Ave., Los Gatos, Calif., 93030. A technical periodical dealing with
design and chip applications specific to synthesizers. Essential to those involved
with instrument design. Tremaine, Howard M. Passive Audio Network Design.
New York: Howard W. Sams, 1964. An excellent source of attenuator, equalizer,
and filter circuits including sections of circuit design, theory, and applications.
Highly recommended. . Audio Cyclopedia—2nd Edition. New York: Howard
W. Sams, 1969. This book is written in a question-answer format covering every
phase of audio engineering. All information is presented in a very practical
manner in terms the layman can understand and apply. Highly recommended. .
Passive Audio Network Design. New York: Howard W. Sams, 1964. A
comprehensive guide to the design, construction, and testing of all types of
attenuators, equalizers, and and filters requiring only minimal mathematical
background. Highly recommended. Tvkseb, RtJFus P. ABC* Of Varactors. New
York: Howard W. Sams, 1966. Basic varactor (specialized semiconductor)
theory with very useful modulator and amplifier circuits with interesting
supplementary applications. Upton, Monroe. Inside Electronics. New York: New
American Library, A Signet Science Library Book, 1964. Basics of electronic
theory and a well-written explanation of electronic components, amplifiers,
speaker operation, and stereophony. Ward, Brice. Electronic Music Guidebook.
Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tap Books. 1975. A circuit guide for module design.
Recording and Tape Techniques These are references dealing with tape
recorders, tape care and editing techniques, recording science, and commercial
studio techniques. Bursteint, Herman, and Pollack, H. C. Elements of Tape
Recorder Circuits. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1957. Clovers
frequency response, head and tape characteristics, and equalization. This book is
a bit dated but still serves as a good introduction to the understanding of recorder
operation. Bubstein, Herman. Getting The Most Out Of Your Tape Recorder.
New York: Hayden Book Company, 1960. This book discusses types of
machines, availability, pros and cons of each type and features that promote
usefulness. Also discusses types of tape, microphones, and accessories. Dolan,
Robert Emmett. Music in Modern Media. New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1967.
An introduction to recording setups, control-room operations, recording,
considerations in preparing and producing sound tracks, and a brief introduction
to electronic music. Haynes, N. M. Tape Editing and SpUcing. Flushing, N. Y.:
Robin industries, 1957. This booklet is taken from Haynes' book, Elements of
Magnetic Tape Recording. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1957. It
serves as a basic explanation of splicing techniques, types of splices, editing
procedures. This is a very practical guide for the novice editor. Jorcensen, Finn.
Handbook of Magnetic Recording. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1970.
Covers all current tape recorder applications from audio to weather surveillance
data recording. Contains basic design criteria on heads, the electronics and
transports design. Highly recommended. Modern Recording. New York:
Recording Institute Publishing Co., Inc., 15 Columbus Circle, 10023. Modugno,
Anne, and Palmer, Charles. Tape Control in Electronic Music. TalcottviHe,
Conn.: Electronic Music laboratories, P. O. Box H, 1970. An introduction to
recording techniques of special value to those involved in electronic music A
very valuable guide for elementary and secondary school programs. NiSBETT,
Alec. The Technique of the Sound Studio. New York: Hastings House
Publishers, 1971 ed. A handbook for microphone techniques, sound quality,
editing, mixing, sound effects, echo and distortion techniques, and sound
shaping. Highly recommended. Recording Engineer J "Producer. Hollywood,
Calif., P.O. Box 2287, 90028. A monthly publication of articles relating to
recording science and techniques. Also articles on useful circuits and discussions
of new equipment Rukstexn, Robert. Modem Recording Techniques. Indiana:
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1974. An excellent personably written book on all
the aspects of the art of recording. Strongly recommended. Tcthill, C. A. How
To Service Tape Recorders. New York: Hayden Book Company, 1966. A
detailed analysis of the operation of the mechanical and electronic systems of
large number of tape recorders giving directions for maintenance and
troubleshooting. Westcott, Charles G., and Dubbe, Richard F. Tape Recorders—
How They Work. New York: Howard W. Sams, 1965. Principles of magnetic
recording, mechanisms and components, types of tape recorders, and test
procedures. Instrument Applications, Systems and Studio Design This listing
contains references to instrument manuals, patchbooks, and technical
information concerning studio design. Even though a particular user's guide and/
or patchbook is written for a specific instrument, the reader will, nevertheless,
find it valuable as a source of patch variations and new ideas for instrument
configuration. The availability of certain materials in this section depends on the
distribution policy of the institutions and manufacturers involved. ARP
Instruments Patchbooks; 45 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, Mass., 02173. Axxe
Patch Book Odyssey Patch Book 2600 Patch Book Devarahi. The Complete
Guide to Synthesizers. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1981. Ignore the pretentious
title. This is a first rate introduction to keyboard and small studio systems. Loads
of nifty patches. Highly recommended. Douglas, Alan. Electronic Music
Production. Blue Ridge, Pa.: Tab Books, 1974. Chapters on properties of
acoustic instruments, scales and tunings and electronic music. The beginning
designer may be interested in the schematics. Chamberlin, Hal. Musical
Applications of Micro-Processors. New Jersey: Hayden Book Company, Inc.,
1980. An excellent generalized overview of analog synthesis techniques with
suggested parallel systems and techniques with digital software and hardware. A
good introduction into the digital world. Recommended. Clifford, Martoc. How
To Use lour VOM, VTVM and Oscilloscope. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB
Books, 1968. Explanation of operation and servicing with the VOM, VTVM and
oscilloscope. Covers meter movements, scales, applications, and measurements.
Coombs, C. F., Jr. Printed Circuits Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.
Knowledge of printed circuit techniques will save the builder a great deal of time
in circuit construction. This manual" covers all phases of the printed circuit
processes. Crowhurst, Norman H. Audio Systems Handbook. Blue Ridge
Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1969. General information covering amplifiers,
equalizers, mixers, stereophony, noise, suppression, reverberation, and
considerations for an integrated system. Highly recommended. T>.B.—The
Sound Engineering Magazine. Plainview, N.Y.: Sagamore Publishing Company.
A monthly publication of articles on acoustics, recording techniques, circuits,
and writing of general interest to the audio engineer. Highly recommended. 268
Lentz. Daniel Rice. Wax and Narrative. 234 LFO (see low frequency oscillator)
Ligeti. 17 limiter. 230 linear response. 24. 35 linear trassposer (see frequency
shifter) line level. 23. 25 Lissajous figures. 235 loudness. 7. 22 (see amplitude)
low frequency oscillator. 12 as a clock. 62 as a sound. 29 tow level signals. 25
(see transducers) low pass filter (bask). 26 (see filters. low pass) Lucier, Ahrin
Music for Solo Performer. 58 ff The Only Talking Machine of Its Kind in the
Whole World. 198 macro-time. 9 magnetic tape. 165 masking. 30 master (sync).
20.109 matrix sequencer. 72 McCartney, Paul Her Majesty. 212 McCarty. Frank.
90 Bert Bows. Bells and Balls His Bass. 236 StochasticArp. 247 Taaus-Tempus.
31 McLuban. Marshall 243 microphones, ff microprocessor. 50
micro-time. 9 mike-line mixing, 166,196 mixer (audio). 17. 24.175 ff mixer
(control voltage- see summed controls) mixing. 175 ff monitor. 180 program,
180 signal modifications with, 1S1 sub-mix. 179 voltage controlled. 186
modulation oscillators (see low frequency oscillators and pHjgi^m oscillators)
modules, 4.19 monitor (see mixing) Moog, Robert. 78.131,186 Moog
Instruments,,37. 41,61,64,97.101.135. ' 144.146.260 Monteverdi, 2
Mozart, 212 rnnltimode filter (see fibers, universal) multiple, 77.176
mnhtphjeation, 40.69 ff multiplier (see ring modulator) Momma, Gordon, 235
negative gain (see gain inversion) noise (see white sound) noise bands, 21
notation. 5 nulls (flanging), 203 objective measurement. 10.12 offset. 5.13.32 ff
ohm, 22 Oiiveros, Pauline Beautiful Soop. 198 orchestration, 11 oscillator, 12 ff
(see voltage controlled oscillator) output attenuation. 37 overtones. 14 ff (see
harmonic) PAlA Instruments. 96. 125. 134. 135. 162 Paik. Nam June. 235
panning. 181.212 ff manual control. 215 psycho-acoustics, 213 voltage
controlled AC control. 216 DC control. 219 panoramic 181 pan pot. 181.215
parallel. 19 parametric design. 4 parametric equalizer (see equalizers) parametric
processing. 42 Partch. Harry, 40 partials. 14 ff. 18 (see harmonic) pass-band
(filtering), 147 patchcords. 227 patching. 45.227 phasing, 204 photosensitive
controls, 86.215 ping-ponging (see bouncing) pink sound. 21 pitch, 7,12 (see
frequency) pitch shifts. 114 (see frequency shifters) pitch to voltage converters
(PVC). 41. 55 portamento. 39 post-equalization. 164 potentiometer. 12 power
amplifier. 22 prcampnfier. 24 [■■.JlfHlMtWI 164 presets (keyboard). 46
processing, 5 processing inputs (see attenuating inputs) program (see mixing)
program (modulation). 98.99 programmers, 11 . PROM, 75 pulse address (see
sequencers) pubers.62 pulse wave, 16 pulse-width (audio). 16 pulse-width
(timing pulses), 63 puke width modulation (audio PWM). 108 pulse width
modulation (gate applications), 63 punched tape. 86 Q. 27. 106.144.149
quadrature (envelope relationships). 68 quadrature VCOs, 130 quantization.
40.71 radial velocity (of sound), 214 ramp wave (see sawtooth wave) random
address (see sequencers) random voltage sources fluctuating. 84 quantized. 84
stepped, 83 Ravel, Maurice, 17 Bolero. IS rectangular wave (see pulse wave)
reference (frequency shifters). 130 regeneration (see Q) register (digital), 75
Reich. Steve. 233 reject band (see stop band) repeater (see echo loop deck)
resonance (see Q) reverberation. 190 ff artificial. 191 as coloration. 193 global.
214. 223 locaL214 plate. 191 spring. 191. 192 time. 190. 192 Rhea. Tom. 135
Riley. Terry Rainbow in Curved Air. 200 Whirling Surgery Dervish. 200 Ring
Modulation (RM see balanced modulation). 124 ff of acoustic sources, 127
"bowed** ring modulation, 129 Ring modulator. 126 ff Roedeter. Juan G., 10
Roland Instruments. 74, 95, 97.136, 162 roll-off. 26.147 Rosenboon. David
Portable Gold and Philosopher's Stones. 59 Roy. John. 209 Rzewski, Frederic
216 sample/hold (S/H), 80 sawtooth wave. 15 Schaeffer. Pierre 1.156 Schmitt
trigger, 54 Sehube. Klaus. 2 sel-sync 168 sensory perception. 9 ff sequencers. 70
ff address modes, 73 integration. 72 quantization. 72 summary. 79 sequential
switch (see electronic switch) Serge instruments. 71 shelf (filtering). 148
sidebands. 20.112.119 Siegd. Eric 235 signal delay. 193 (see tape delay) signals.
33 sine wave. 15 Slawson, Wayne. 19 slew. 39.82 Sofer. Danny. 193 Sonic Arts
Union. 2 sound-on-sound. 168 sound-wrta-sound, 169 speaker. 8.11 phasing,
239 spectra, 14 ff spectral domain. 26 spectral gating. 28 spike wave, 19 spiking.
172 square wave, 16,17 squelch. 127 static variable, 29 Stirrer. 216 Stoekhausen.
Karlbemz, 1,2.9 Telemusik, 212 stop-band (filtering). 147 Strange Allen Vanity
Fairc. 193.238 Stravinsky, Igor, 2 Strawn, John Akarui Tsuki. 254 ~S-Trig"
(Moog instruments). 61. 228 Styles. Mark Orion Rising. 250 sub-audio oscillator
(see low frequency oscillator) Subotnick. Morton. 2 subtractive synthesis. 25
summed controls, 37 sweetening. 170 symmetry (waveform). 16 sympathetic
vibrations. 14 synchronization (sync). 20 ff. 126 as timbral modification. 109
synchronous recording (see sel-sync) Synthi AKS. 37. 74 SynthiVCS- tape delay. 194 ff tape looping. 232 Teitelbaum. Richard In Tune.
60 temporal shifting, 233 threshold. 54 timbre. 7. 8 timbre modulation (audio
rate). 133 timbre pot. 19 time constant (tc), 39 time sampling. 134 time stretcher
(see Zciidehncr) timing pulse generators (TPC). 62 timing pulses, 51 ff, 61 as
controls, 187 delay. 64.68 from sequencers. 76 (see triggers and gates) Tomita.
isao. 159 track and bold (T/H). 83 tracking (VCO). 34 transient generator (see
envelope generator) tremelo. 104 triangle wave, 16 triggers. 51. 61 ff trigger bus
formats. 76 ff trigger delay. 68 trimmer, 13 unattenuated. 19 unbalanced lines.
178 Underwood, Ian. 11 unity gain. 22 vibration. 7 vibrato. 99 vocoder, 229
voltage. 11 ff.22.132ff voltage control. 4 voltage controlled amplifiers (VCA).
22.35 coupled VCA, 41 voltage controlled oscillators (VCO). 34ff tracking and
tuning. 48 vowel formants, 158 "V-Trig" (Moog instruments). 61.78 VU meter.
143. 166 wave form (see waveshape) adjustment. 16 clamping, 101 ff
magnitude, 99 wave length, 207 wave multipliers. 17 waveshape, 14 ff wave
sfaapers. 17. 19 white sound, 21 Wyman,Dan Shadow of Its Former Self. 260
Xeoakis, fomifrt. 2 Zehdehner. 228 274