Workshop On Demand Controlled Ventilation at CLIMA 20131
Workshop On Demand Controlled Ventilation at CLIMA 20131
Workshop On Demand Controlled Ventilation at CLIMA 20131
By adapting the flow rates to the actual demand the average airflow rates will be decreased and less
energy is needed for fan operation and for heating and cooling of the supply air. Energy use is
dependent on a number of factors such as required minimum fresh airflow rates, demand variation,
system design, control strategies, etc., and therefore the energy saving potential and feasibility of each
application need to be assessed individually.
Demand variability is one of the main decisive factors for DCV system energy use. DCV systems are most
suitable for premises with varying load conditions and high density occupancy. The more the loads are
varying in time, the more energy savings can be expected with a DCV system compared to a
conventional CAV system.
There are very few calculation guidelines available on how to correctly estimate the fan power at
varying airflow rates in a DCV system [2, 3].The fan energy performance is dependent on pressure and
flow control strategy in the system as well as on the fan characteristics and more research is needed in
this field.
Figure 1: DCV System technology – zone and system level along with room levels
There are two common ways to vary the airflow rates on a room level. The airflow rate in individual
rooms is adapted to the demand either by airflow control dampers (VAV-dampers) in the duct
connecting the room or by variable supply air diffusers (VAV-diffusers) in the room, which are designed
to keep the air speed of the flow pattern within limits at varying airflow rates. The sensors commonly
applied in DCV systems are temperature sensors, humidity sensors, occupancy sensors and gas sensors,
e.g. CO2 sensors, VOC sensors.
One very important aspect that characterises a DCV system is that varying airflow rates on room levels
lead to varying static pressure in the system. Pressure control methods have been commonly applied to
avoid unnecessary throttling at the airflow control devices when the average airflow rate is low.
Previously a common approach has been to keep a constant static pressure in the system, right after the
air handling unit or at a chosen location on the main duct brunch. Control technology development has
introduced new possibilities to optimise the fan performance and energy use of the DCV system. For
example optimising static pressure set point based on VAV-device or zone-damper device openings or
calculating the needed airflow rate from central air handling unit based on the measured flows at VAV-
diffusers and dampers and adjusting the flow at the zone and air handling unit (see Figure 2).
A DCV system puts also a higher demand on the fan design and its performance. The fan is expected to
operate in a stable manner over a wider airflow range compared with a CAV system. This must be
considered to avoid problems with noise, controlling the airflow rates accurately. Additionally, the
efficiency of the fan falls rapidly when the airflow rate gets below the 20-40 %. The modern fan
technology for example brushless DC motors (BLDC) have the efficiency decrease at very low airflow
rates compared to conventional AC induction motors. This also points out the fact that over
dimensioning of the fan system in a DCV system should be avoided [3].
discussed as being a good application area, due to varying load of appliances used in these premises.
Based on the received feedback, the current practice of automatic variation of airflow rates based on
the actual demand has been quite often just on single room basis, i.e. demand controlled airflow rates
only in a limited number of rooms in the building, for example meeting rooms or auditoriums. The
number of references with complete DCV solutions in the building seems to be still rather limited.
There is also a need for more detailed information on how to evaluate demand variability in buildings in
addition to what simultaneous factors should be used when dimensioning the system components, e.g.
air handling units, duct system and future flexibility in building use.
When estimating the energy performance of the fan system in a DCV system ASHRAE polynomial
equation is used [2]. The same equation also seems to be incorporated into building simulation tools.
More long-term monitoring of DCV systems energy performance is needed to validate the existing
calculation methods with the current DCV system technologies.
The importance of proper placement of CO2-sensors was highlighted in the discussions. When choosing
the location for the controlling sensor it is important to take into account that stratification of CO2
between the different levels in the room may occur. The stratification is dependent on the air change
rates and how effectively the air mixes in the room [4].
Additionally there is a need for good and simple interfaces between ventilation and heating/cooling
control strategies. Combining heating and cooling with DCV system has shown in one office building in
Sweden that duct heat losses need to be taken into account when the system operates with low airflow
rates and low air speed. Previous research has shown that in a DCV system, adding insulation to the
main ducts gives bigger effect in terms of decreasing heat losses or heat gains in the case of heating or
cooling with air, compared to when adding insulation to the connection ducts on the room level [1].
The current DCV control technology for overall system performance optimisation, e.g. for system
pressure set point optimisation or direct flow control on an air handling unit level, seems to also
perform well. The experience on building up control systems for pressure set point optimisation has
shown positive results.
Practical experience has shown that successful results can be achieved when the client is both the
builder as well as the building owner/manager during first years of building operation, making sure that
the building and its systems operate well before selling the building or handing over the building to
another entity. It was also discussed that in the UK, there is a process implemented, called “Soft
Landings”, which means that designers and constructors are staying involved with buildings beyond
practical completion date. The aim is to assist the client during the first months of operation and
beyond, to help fine-tune the systems, and ensure the building users understand how to control and
best use their buildings.
In the discussion on long-term experiences with DCV systems it was pointed out that it is the knowledge
of the whole system function, proper commissioning work, maintenance and operation that are key
elements for the good performance of the systems. The DCV system technology development has been
very fast during the last decade. It is important to make sure that the systems installed in the buildings
work, otherwise it would be just too costly to replace them. Also, the legislation should support the
obligation of having systems properly commissioned and set the demands for companies for carrying
out functional performance checks during first years of operation, i.e. legislative tools for forcing the
follow up are needed.
When sharing the current practices in the group discussion, quality issues in the installation processes
were pointed out, where in number of cases the installers have cut the costs during installations and
jeopardised the quality of the results. Legislative tools could be needed for helping to clarify the roles
and responsibilities of different key actors involved in the process of building up well-functioning
systems as well as assuring their good performance to the very end of the building life. To conclude, a
holistic approach should be applied in the process of assuring well-functioning systems.
When products from different manufacturers are installed in the DCV system then it is very important
that these products are able to interact with each other through a common protocol.
Future research
Evaluation of demand variability in DCV applications and specifying guidelines on how to
evaluate the demand variability in the design process.
Further studies on whether CO2 is the best proxy to be used for control of air quality in non-
residential buildings and what other proxies can be relevant in different applications.
Long-term monitoring of DCV systems energy performance for developing detailed guidelines
for energy use calculations, taking into account different control strategies and performance
characteristics of the system components, e.g. fans, heat exchangers, heating and cooling coils,
ducts system, controlling dampers.
Studies on how to assure DCV system flexibility in the design process in order to take into
account possible changes in demand in the future.
Developing good standard based control strategies and interfaces for assuring good
performance between DCV system and other technical systems, e.g. heating and water-based
Studies on demonstrating the economic aspects of building up a well-functioning DCV system,
including the importance of proper installation, commissioning and operation.
1. Maripuu, M-L., 2009. Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) Systems in Commercial Buildings.
Functional Requirements on Systems and Components. (Chalmers University of Technology,
Building Services Engineering), Gothenburg.
2. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010.
3. International Energy Agency, 2009. Technical Note AIVC 65. Recommendations on Specific Fan
Power and Fan System Efficiency.
4. Ajaji Y, Andre P 2013. A decentralised mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery:
Experimental assessment if thermal comfort and pollutant removal ability. (University of Liege),