Edades, Angelica T. Bsba-Fm The Enron'S Collapse
Edades, Angelica T. Bsba-Fm The Enron'S Collapse
Edades, Angelica T. Bsba-Fm The Enron'S Collapse
Enron Corp. is a company that reached dramatic heights, only to face a dizzying
collapse. The story ends with the bankruptcy of one of America's largest corporations.
Enron's collapse affected the lives of thousands of employees and shook Wall Street
to its core. At Enron's peak, its shares were worth $90.75, but after the company
declared bankruptcy on December 2, 2001, they plummeted to $0.67 by January
Enron was formed in 1985 following a merger between Houston Natural Gas Co. and
Omaha-based InterNorth Inc. Following the merger, Kenneth Lay, who had been
the chief executive officer (CEO) of Houston Natural Gas, became Enron's CEO and
chairman and quickly rebranded Enron into an energy trader and supplier.
Deregulation of the energy markets allowed companies to place bets on future prices,
and Enron was poised to take advantage.
The era's regulatory environment also allowed Enron to flourish. At the end of the
1990s, the dot-com bubble was in full swing, and the Nasdaq hit 5,000. Revolutionary
internet stocks were being valued at preposterous levels and consequently, most
investors and regulators simply accepted spiking share prices as the new normal.
Enron participated by creating Enron Online (EOL), an electronic trading website that
focused on commodities in Oct. 1999. Enron was the counterparty to every transaction
on EOL; it was either the buyer or the seller. To entice participants and trading
partners, Enron offered up its reputation, credit, and expertise in the energy sector.
Enron was praised for its expansions and ambitious projects and named "America's
Most Innovative Company" by Fortune for six consecutive years between 1996 and
By mid-2000, EOL was executing nearly $350 billion in trades. At the outset of the
bursting of the dot-com bubble, Enron decided to build high-speed broadband telecom
networks. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on this project, but the company
ended up realizing almost no return.
When the recession began to hit in 2000, Enron had significant exposure to the most
volatile parts of the market. As a result, many trusting investors and creditors found
themselves on the losing end of a vanishing market cap.
The Collapse of a Wall Street Darling
By the fall of 2000, Enron was starting to crumble under its own weight. CEO Jeffrey
Skilling had a way of hiding the financial losses of the trading business and other
operations of the company; it was called mark-to-market accounting. This is a
technique used when trading securities where you measure the value of a security
based on its current market value, instead of its book value. This can work well for
securities, but it can be disastrous for other businesses.
In Enron's case, the company would build an asset, such as a power plant, and
immediately claim the projected profit on its books, even though it hadn't made one
dime from it. If the revenue from the power plant were less than the projected amount,
instead of taking the loss, the company would then transfer these assets to an off-the-
books corporation, where the loss would go unreported. This type of accounting
enabled Enron to write off losses without hurting the company's bottom line.
The mark-to-market practice led to schemes that were designed to hide the losses and
make the company appear to be more profitable than it really was. To cope with the
mounting losses, Andrew Fastow, a rising star who was promoted to CFO in 1998,
came up with a devious plan to make the company appear to be in great shape,
despite the fact that many of its subsidiaries were losing money.
The standard Enron-to-SPV transaction occurred when Enron transferred some of its
rapidly rising stock to the SPV in exchange for cash or a note. The SPV would
subsequently use the stock to hedge an asset listed on Enron's balance sheet. In turn,
Enron would guarantee the SPV's value to reduce apparent counterparty risk.
Enron believed that its stock price would keep appreciating — a belief similar to that
embodied by Long-Term Capital Management before its collapse. Eventually, Enron's
stock declined. The values of the SPVs also fell, forcing Enron's guarantees to take
effect. One major difference between Enron's use of SPVs and standard debt
securitization is that its SPVs were capitalized entirely with Enron stock. This directly
compromised the ability of the SPVs to hedge if Enron's share prices fell. Just as
dangerous and culpable was the second significant difference: Enron's failure to
disclose conflicts of interest. Enron disclosed the SPVs to the investing public—
although it's certainly likely that few understood even that much — but it failed to
adequately disclose the non-arm's length deals between the company and the SPVs.
Arthur Andersen and Enron: Risky Business
In addition to Andrew Fastow, a major player in the Enron scandal was Enron's
accounting firm Arthur Andersen LLP and its partner David B. Duncan, who oversaw
Enron's accounts. As one of the five largest accounting firms in the United States at
the time, it had a reputation for high standards and quality risk management.
However, despite Enron's poor practices, Arthur Andersen offered its stamp of
approval, which was enough for investors and regulators alike, for a while. This game
couldn't go on forever, however, and by April 2001, many analysts started to question
the transparency of Enron's earnings, and Andersen and Eron were ultimately
prosecuted for their reckless behavior.
By the summer of 2001, Enron was in a free fall. CEO Ken Lay had retired in February,
turning over the position to Skilling, and that August, Jeff Skilling resigned as CEO for
"personal reasons." Around the same time, analysts began to downgrade their rating
for Enron's stock, and the stock descended to a 52-week low of $39.95. By Oct.16,
the company reported its first quarterly loss and closed its "Raptor" SPE, so that it
would not have to distribute 58 million shares of stock, which would further reduce
earnings. This action caught the attention of the SEC.
A few days later, Enron changed pension plan administrators, essentially forbidding
employees from selling their shares, for at least 30 days. Shortly after, the SEC
announced it was investigating Enron and the SPVs created by Fastow. Fastow was
fired from the company that day. Also, the company restated earnings going back to
1997. Enron had losses of $591 million and had $628 million in debt by the end of
2000. The final blow was dealt when Dynegy (NYSE: DYN), a company that had
previously announced would merge with the Enron, backed out of its offer on Nov. 28.
By Dec. 2, 2001, Enron had filed for bankruptcy.
Once Enron's Plan of Reorganization was approved by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, the
new board of directors changed Enron's name to Enron Creditors Recovery Corp.
(ECRC). The company's new sole mission was "to reorganize and liquidate certain of
the operations and assets of the 'pre-bankruptcy' Enron for the benefit of creditors."
The company paid its creditors more than 21.7 billion from 2004-2011. Its last payout
was in May 2011.
Once the fraud was discovered, two of the preeminent institutions in U.S. business,
Arthur Andersen LLP, and Enron Corp. found themselves facing federal prosecution.
Arthur Andersen was one of the first casualties of Enron's prolific demise. In June
2002, the firm was found guilty of obstructing justice for shredding Enron's financial
documents to conceal them from the SEC. The conviction was overturned later, on
appeal; however, despite the appeal, like Enron, the firm was deeply disgraced by the
Enron's former star CFO Andrew Fastow plead guilty to two counts of wire fraud and
securities fraud for facilitating Enron's corrupt business practices. He ultimately cut a
deal for cooperating with federal authorities and served a four-year sentence, which
ended in 2011.
Ultimately, though, former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling received the harshest sentence
of anyone involved in the Enron scandal. In 2006, Skilling was convicted of conspiracy,
fraud, and insider trading. Skilling originally received a 24-year sentence, but in 2013
his sentence was reduced by ten years. As a part of the new deal, Skilling was required
to give $42 million to the victims of the Enron fraud and to cease challenging his
conviction. Skilling remains in prison and is scheduled for release on Feb. 21, 2028.
At the time, Enron's collapse was the biggest corporate bankruptcy to ever hit the
financial world. Since then, WorldCom, Lehman Brothers, and Washington Mutual
have surpassed Enron as the largest corporate bankruptcies. The Enron scandal drew
attention to accounting and corporate fraud, as its shareholders lost $74 billion in the
four years leading up to its bankruptcy, and its employees lost billions in pension
benefits. As one researcher states, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is a "mirror image of
Enron: the company's perceived corporate governance failings are matched virtually
point for point in the principal provisions of the Act." (Deakin and Konzelmann,
2003). Increased regulation and oversight have been enacted to help prevent
corporate scandals of Enron's magnitude. However, some companies are still reeling
from the damage caused by Enron. Most recently, in March 2017, a Toronto-based
investment firm was granted the okay by a judge to sue former Enron CEO Jeffery
Skilling, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, Bank of America's Merrill Lynch
unit over losses incurred by purchasing Enron shares.
The ultimate cause of Enron Corporation’s brutal collapse was a culture of greed and
arrogance that bred excessive secrecy,” competitors and lawyers interviewed by Kurt
Eichenwald of the New York Times said. Due to the alleged white-collar crime causing
the fall of Enron Corporation, one of the world’s largest energy traders, Congress has
been forced to reevaluate the business ethics of the entire nation. Critics and members
of Congress charge that Enron Corporation managed to violate basic accounting
procedures and committed white-collar crime, that have not only effected its
employees and shareholders, but its political status with the country.
“Dec. 2 Enron Corporation filed for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which is a form of
bankruptcy that allows the company to operate while attempting to redeem itself,” Dr.
Mary Harris, assistant professor of finance, said. A Chapter 11 bankruptcy may not
seem extremely detrimental to many businesses, but in Enron’s situation it is a matter
of $1.2 billion of debt and losses that were kept off the books, hidden in separate
investment partnerships.
Investment partnerships can be best described as separate businesses that were
partially owned by Enron Corporation; however, Enron failed to report the debt and
losses of these small investment partnerships on the books because Enron did not
claim to own more than half of these companies. According to a basic accounting
principle, known as the Owner of Partnership, if a company/person (Enron) owns less
than 50-percent of a company (investment partnerships) the loss and debt of that
company does not have to be reported on the books. It was later discovered that Enron
did have ownership in more than half of these so-called investment partnerships. What
Enron essentially did, according to accusations from 1997 to 2000 was report all the
investment partnerships revenue (gain) and disregarded their losses.
Arthur Anderson, a Big Five Accounting firm, is currently being investigated for signing
financial statements and reports that contained false information involving the loss and
gain of Enron’s investment partnerships.
“As an accounting major seeking my CPA certification, it has been driven into me that
the only companies worth working for are the Big Five Accounting Firms,” Lisa
Simonetti, a senior accounting major, said. “An occurrence such as Enron filing
Chapter 11 shows how large firms are blinded by the almighty dollar, anything to make
a buck. Enron should not have attempted to keep separate investment partnerships
off the books, and Arthur Anderson should have had the ethical standing to refuse
approval of financial statements.”
Aside from charges of breaching accounting ethics, Enron also has been met head-
on with three different charges of white-collar crime. The first charge brought against
Enron is Security Fraud. Enron is accused with failing to give correct copies of a 10K
report to potential investors and shareholders. A 10K is a financial report that shows
the share-worth (earnings per-share), net income and the overall growth or decline of
the corporation. The second charge brought against Enron is referred to as insider
trading. Former Enron officers have been accused of making $1 billion in Enron stock
before officially declaring bankruptcy. In plain terms, Enron executives sold their stock
for $1 billion dollars before Enron stock value plunged by keeping their financial status
under their hats. The final criminal charge brought against Enron is tax fraud. This
offense is usually used when dealing with tax evasion. Enron has allegedly been
charged with Federal Bank Fraud, which involves lending information between Enron
and the said bank.
Even though Enron has officially declared a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, former Enron
employees appear to be financially suffering the most. Enron employees invested
much of their savings in Enron stock, which now is worthless. People lost much of their
life savings for retirement.
When dealing with a typical 401K plan, it is standard procedure that an employee
makes a contribution to his retirement plan that his place of employment usually
matches in stock. Enron only supplied their employees with an equal contribution in
Enron stock. Under legit circumstances, it is the duty of the employing company to
supply its employees with diverse stock options; however, Enron stock was the only
stock offered to Enron employees. For the most part, Enron employees were happy
with their 401K plans because Enron stock was growing.
When Enron executives discovered that the financial collapse of their company was
inevitable they put a “lock-out” on employee stock, which stopped employees from
trading Enron. This “lock-out” forced employees to lose half of their retirement pension
because of the company’s failure.
It has been established that Enron has played a major role in dramatically disrupting
the lives of its’ employees and shareholders, but it has also displayed a negative effect
from a political standpoint.
Prior to Enron’s collapse, Enron representatives met Vice President Dick Cheney on
several occasions to discuss new energy policy. Enron was a major contributor to
politicians. Enron gave $1 million to President Bush and contributed heavily to many
members of Congress. This is the same Congress that is now investigating Enron.
Two months after one of the world’s largest energy traders, Enron Corporation,
declared bankruptcy, 20,000 people are out of jobs and out of much of their retirement
pension. Kenneth L. Lay, CEO of Enron, has refused to appear before Congress
because he feels as though he has already been convicted of the crimes brought
against him and another former Enron officer was found dead in his home last week
of an alleged suicide.