Profiles and Fibrinogen Levels in Coronary: Heart Disease and Dyslipidemic Patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta
Profiles and Fibrinogen Levels in Coronary: Heart Disease and Dyslipidemic Patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta
Profiles and Fibrinogen Levels in Coronary: Heart Disease and Dyslipidemic Patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta
Epidemiological studies indicated that fibrinogen and dyslipidemia were im80rtant risk.factors for cardiovascular disease
(CVD). For several populations in the world, increase in cholest~rol level and decrease in high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL-C)were risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). The role of elevated fibrinogen in thrombosis
suggests that it may be the causal pathway for certain risk factors of CHD. The aim of this study is to determine the
role of lipid profile and fibrinogen level as risk factors of coronary heart disease. Blood samples were obtained from CHD
patients, dyslipidemic patients, and controls after they had fasted. Lipid profiles and fibrinogen level of CHD and
dyslipidemic patients were determined and compared with controls. There were 92 subjects in this study, consisted of
35 CHD patients, 31 dyslipidemic patients, and 26 controls. There were significant difference in triglyceride level
between CHD and dyslipidemic patients, also between dyslipidemic patients and controls (p < 0.05). Significant
difference in level of cholesterol also existed between CHD patients and dyslipidemic patients, also between CHD
patients and controls (p < 0.05). In dyslipidemic patients, decreased in HDL-C level was risk factor for CHD.
Meanwhile for controls, high level of cholesterol and LDL-C also low level of HDL-C were risk factor for CHD, but
fibrinogen level was not risk factor for CHD. In conclusion, lipid profile was risk factor for CHD whereas fibrinogen level
was not risk factor for CHD.
J Med Sci, Volume 43, No.1, March 2011: 26-30
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