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Reg. No. Question Paper Code : 96061 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY/MARCH 2014. Blective Human Resource Management DBA 1763 — ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulations 2007-2009) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks © 10. Ll. Answer ALL questions. PART A—(10 x 2= 20 marks) Define organization. What is organizational effectiveness? Mention the components of organizational design. What is an organic structure? What is organizational culture? Highlight the importance of culture in strategy formulation. Differentiate evolutionary and revolutionary change. What is organizational development? What is organizational life cycle? What is innovation? PART B— (5x 1 80 marks) (a) Discuss the impact of environmental changes on organizational effectiveness with examples. Or (b) Explain the external resources approach, internal system approach and technical approach in measuring organizational effectiveness. 12, 13, 14, (a) (b) (a) (b) @) (b) (a) () Explain few methods of creating and sustaining culture in an organization. Or “The structure of an organization depends on the culture of an organization” — Discuss in detail with examples. Briefly discuss the technological and environmental impacts on organizational design. Or What are the determinants of organizational design? Explain the basic challenges in designing an organizational structure. Discuss briefly how to manage the different resistances to change. What are the different types and forms of change? Or Highlight the role of HR managers in change management process with examples, Explain few models of organizational decision making. Or What is organizational learning? Explain the roles HR manager can play in enhancing organizational learning. 2 96061 ‘Time : Three hours 10. 1 Question Paper Code : 86061 ‘M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2013. Elective Human Resource Management DBA 1763 - ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulation 2007/2009) ‘Maximum ; 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2= 20 marks) What is organizational effectiveness? What are’the approaches used for measuring organizational effectiveness? What is organizational design? Mention few types. What are the merits of mechanistic and organic structures? Define strong culture. Mention different types of organizational culture Distinguish Evolutionary and Revolutionary change. What is strategic change management? What are the models of transformation? Brief the concept of organizational learning. PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) (a) Explain the different methods to measure organizational effectiveness. Justify which approach is best one with valid points. (16) Or (>) Explain in what way the organizational effectiveness helps in creating value, Justify with relevant points. (16) 13. 14. (a) (b) (a) b) (a) (b) fa) (b) Discus the determinants and components of organizational design Consolidate the challenges faced by any organization. a6) Or Explain the Technological and Environmental impacts on design, Elucidate the importance of design. (16) Explain the concept of organizational culture and mention it's importance, (16) Or Explain the types of organizational culture Quote with suitable examples, (16) Explain the forces for change and resistance to change. What are the ways to sustain the resistance to change in an organization? (16) Or Critically evaluate the role of HR in organizational development. (16) Explain organizational life cycle. Critically evaluate all the models of organizational decision making. 6) ee Explain organizational learning. Discuss the ways in which HR implications helps in organizational learning. a6) 86061 Reg. No. : Question Paper Code : 86061 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY/MARCH 2013. Elective ‘Human Resource Management DBA 1763 — ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulation 2007/2009) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Be erraaa Li. Answer ALL questions. PART A —(10 x 2 = 20 marks) Define external resources approach. Why measuring of organizational effectiveness is important? What are the basic challenges of organizational design? In brief, define technological and environmental impacts on organizational design. Define the term strong and weak organizational culture. List out the types of organizational culture. What are the types of organizational changes? Differentiate Evolutionary and Revolutionary change. State the importance of organizational learning. In brief, define Intrapreneurship and creativity. PART B — (6 x 16 = 80 marks) (a) Discuss’ the concept and importance of new organizations and its Environment. Or (o) Explain the various types and steps applied in measuririg organizational effectiveness. 12. 13, 14. 16. (a) ) @ (b) (@ (b) (a) ) Explain the drawbacks experienced in organizational design and give solutions to overcome from those drawbacks, Or Elucidate the concepts of mechanistic and organic structures, Explain types of organizational culture and how it will improve the effectiveness of an organization Or “Create and sustain the culture’ - is very important for any organization ~ Justify. Give examples. Explain organizational charge. What are the various factors that influence “Resistance to change"? How are they overcome? Or Explain the duties and responsibilities of HRM in organizational development and in strategic change management. Broadly explain organizational life cycle and its importance. Or Explain various models of organizational decision making and its benefits. a 86061 Reg. No. : Question Paper Code : 75561 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2012. Elective Human Resource Management DBA 1763 — ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulation 2007-2009) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2= 20 marks) 1. What is an organization? 2. Explain about value creation? 3. Mention the determinants of organizational design. 4. What is centralization of authority? 5. What are the determinants for perfect organizational culture? 6. What is organizational culture? 7. Mention any four reasons for resistance to change 8. Whats organizational development? 9. — What is organizational life cycle? 10. What is intrapreneurship? u 12, 13. 14, (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) ) (a) ) (@) (b) PART B— (5 x 16 = 80 marks) Discuss the need for organizational existence and highlight the issues involved in organizational effectiveness. Or Discuss some HR implications in the context of organisation and its environment. Explain the determinants, components and types of organizational design. Or Discuss the determinants of success and causes of failures in organisation design. Highlight the importance of organizational design. Explain the different types of culture with suitable examples. How to find out the strong and weak organizational culture. Or Discuss the importance of organisation culture. Explain the strategies involved in maintaining the same. Explain the forces for change, types and forms of change. How will you manage the resistance to change in an organisational environment? Or Explain in detail about evolutionary and revolutionary change. Discuss the merits and demerits involved in the change. Explain the models of transformation and organisational decision making process, Or Discuss the HR implications of innovation, intrapreneurship and creativity in organizational learning. 2 75661 ‘Time : Three hours 10. ul Reg. No. Question Paper Code: 85561 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2012. Elective DBA 1763 - ORGANISATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulatiort 2007/2009) Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. : PART A — (10x 2= 20 marks) Write short notes for the following: List out the need for existence of an organization. Bring out the meaning of organizational effectiveness. What are the components of organizational design? State the importance of organizational design. What do you mean by organizational culture? State the ways to sustain the culture of an organization, What are the individual's reactions to an organizational change? Define the change process, List out the models of transformation. Write the concept of intrapreneurship. PART B — (6 x 16 = 80 marks) (a) “The salient features of organizations are changing from traditional to a more modern form’. Substantiate the statement by explaining the new organization and how they create value. Or (b) Explain all the approaches to measure organizational effectiveness and also justify one approach which you will suggest in order to measure the effectiveness of any MNC’s. 12. 13. 4. (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) “© Explain the problems which you may come across in organizational design and suggest ways to overcome those challenges. Or Explain how the external environment factors impacts on organizational design and also discuss the strategies to be adopted to minimize the failures in organizational design. How to go about understanding the culture of any organization? Explain the pros and cons of existence of strong and weak culture, Or “The top management has the sole responsibility of creating and sustaining the culture’. Explain your views about the statement and also discuss the relevance of strategy and culture. What are the various forces that may influence organizational change? As a change agent, how will you overcome the resistance from the organizational members? Or Explicate the role of organizational development in enhancing the effectiveness and explain the specific role to be played by the HR manager in this context. Explain the different stages in organizational life cycle and as a HR managers what are the strategies you will deploy to achieve effectiveness at each stages, Or Explain in detail the models of organizational transformation and decision making. 2 85561 Reg. No. I Question Paper Code : 95561 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2011. Elective DBA 1763 — ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulation 2007/2009) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks ‘Answer ALL questions, PART A— (10 x 2= 20 marks) 1, What are the features of an organization? 2, What is the importance of measuring the organizational effectiveness? 3, List the determinants of organizational design. 4. Differentiate the concepts of mechanistic and organic structures. 5. What are the components of organizational culture? 6. _ State the types of organizational culture. 7. According to Kurt Levin, what are the forces for change? 8. Define Organizational Development. 9. List out the models of transformation. 10. In brief, define the concept of organizational learning. PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. @ Discuss the various forms and trends relating to the concept of new organizations. Or (b) Taking the case of service industry, which approach can be used for measuring its organizational effectiveness. 124 13. 14. 15. (a) ) @ ) (a) ) @ ) Explain the issues faced in organizational design and suggest ways to overcome those challenges. Or Discuss the importance, success and failures in organizational design. In a labour intensive establishments, which type of culture should be adopted to bring in organizational effectiveness? Justify. Or ‘In any organization, it is very vital to create and sustain the culture’ Substantiate the statement. ‘Resistance to change is inevitable as it's affected by various factors’ Explain. As a change agent, how will you overcome the same? Or Elucidate the HR’s specific role in organizational development and in strategic change management. Explain the various models of transformation with their advantages and disadvantages. According to your view, which is the best method? Justify. Or Explain in detail the concept of intrapreneurship in today’s context and the relevance of innovation and creativity in organizational learning, 2 95561 Reg. No. : Question Paper Code: 85561 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2011. Elective DBA 1763 — ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. (Regulation 2007) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A —(10 x 2 = 20 marks) Write short notes for the following : 1. Definition of Organization. 2. Concept of Organizational Effectiveness. 8. Centralization Vs Decentralization. 4, Mechanistic Vs Organic Structures. 5. Concept of Strong and Weak Culture. 6. Relevance of Culture and Strategy. 7. Evolutionary Vs Revolutionary Change. 8 Definition of Organizational Development. 9. Stages in Organizational Life Cycle. 10. Concept of Learning Organization. PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) Discuss the need for existence of organization. Explain the concepts related to organization in the new era. Or (b) Explain the various approaches in measuring organizational effectivenet 12. 13. 4. (a) () (a) (b) (@) (b) (a) (b) Explain the determinants of organizational design and its various types. Or Discuss the technological and environmental impacts on design. Explain the importance, suecess and failures in organizational design. Define Organizational Culture. What are the components involved in understanding culture? Or How do you create and sustain the culture in any organization? ‘Change is inevitable as it's affected by various factors’. Explain. How to overcome the resistance to change? or Elucidate the change process in detail and throw light on HR's role in strategic change management. Explain the various models of transformation and also the importance of innovation and creativity in any organization. Or What are the various models available in organizational decision making? Explain in detail the concept of intrepreneurship in today’s context. 2 85561 Reg. No. : i Question Paper Code: GG 1561 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2010, Elective DBA 1763 — ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (Regulation 2007) ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10x 20 marks) 1. What is an organization? What is internal systems approach? 3. Mention the determinants of organizational design. 4. What is decentralization? 5. Mention the different types of organizational culture. 6. What is organizational culture? 7. Mention any four reasons for resistance to change. 8 What is organizational development? 9. What is organizational life cycle? 10, What is intrapreneurship? 1. 12, 13. 14. 15. @ b) (a) () (a) (b) (@) ) (a) ) PART B— (5 x 16 = 80 marks) Discuss the need for organizational existence and highlight the issues involved in organizational effectiveness. Or How will you measure the organizational effectiveness? Discuss the different approaches in measuring organizational effectiveness. Explain the determinants, components and types of organizational design. Or Discuss the technological and environmental impacts on design. Highlight the importance of organizational design. Explain the different types of culture with suitable examples. How do you find out the strong and weak organizational culture? Or Discuss how culture helps and hinders in shaping the strategy. Explain its implications for practicing managers. Explain the forces for change, types and forms of change. How will you manage the resistance to change? Or Discuss the issues involved in organizational development. Highlight the managerial implications for practicing managers. Explain the different model of organizational decision making with suitable examples. Or Discuss the HR implications of innovation, intrapreneurship and creativity in organizational learning. 2 GG 1561

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