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The key takeaways are that a hybrid washing machine operates using both solar power and electricity by storing solar power in batteries. It aims to reduce electricity bills. Components include solar panels, DC motors, batteries, and an Arduino.

A hybrid washing machine is a machine that can operate using both solar energy and electricity. It has a washer and spinner component.

Components used in a hybrid washing machine include solar panels, DC motors, motor driver, battery, switch mode power supply, Arduino, and switches.



1.1 Project overview

Washing machine is a machine that quickly washes clothes, linens and other
item. Before the invention of the washing machine, people spent hours doing
their laundry by hand. Some people soaked their clothes in stream and then beat
them on rocks to get out of dirt. The rapid advancement in technology has been
given rise to the washing machine which is widely used in present day`s society.
Hybrid washing machine is a light weight machine operated with dc motor
which is connected to battery which is charged by the solar cell so this washing
machine uses nonconventional energy source. This washing machine is operated
with solar power if the solar power is not available then it will operated on AC
supply by the help of rectifier circuit. The advantage of this washing machine is
to reduce the electricity bill. The disadvantage of this washing machine is RPM
is low compare with other washing machine.
The components used for designing this washing machine are solar panel, DC
motors, motor driver and battery, switch mode power supply (SMPS), Arduino,
switches. In this washing machine spinner also operated on solar power and AC

1.2 Hybrid technique

This washing machine uses off grid and hybrid solar power technique i.e An
off-grid system is not connected to the electricity grid, and therefore requires
battery storage. In an off-grid system a solar technician needs to design a system
that has enough power generation and battery storage to meet the machine
requirements even in the depths of winter when there is not much sunlight. The
current cost of batteries means that off-grid systems and comparatively more
expensive than on-grid systems, and so are usually only found in remote areas
that are far from any electricity grid. However, battery costs are coming down
quickly, so there is a growing market for battery storage.
Because of the decreasing cost of battery storage, systems that are already
connected to the electricity grid can start taking advantage of having storage as
well. This means being able to store any excess solar that is generated during
the day, and using it at night. When the stored energy in the batteries runs out,
the grid is still there as further back up, allowing consumers to have the best of
both worlds.
There are also different ways to design hybrid systems. Again I will keep it
simple for now.
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 The battery bank:- In hybrid system once solar power is used by the
appliances , any excess power will be sent to your battery bank. Once the
battery bank is full, it will stop receiving power from the solar system.
 The meter and electricity grid. Depending on how your hybrid system is
set up, and whether your utility allows it, once your batteries are fully
charged, excess solar power not required by your appliances can then be
exported to the grid via your meter. When your solar system is not in use,
and once you have drained the usable power in your batteries, your
appliances will then start drawing power from the grid.
That’s why we are using hybrid technique to design this washing machine

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2.Hybrid washing machine

Washing machine is machine which will clean the clothes and spins the clothes.
In the market there are different types of washing machines are available with
different features. Hybrid washing machine is machine which will operated on
both solar energy and electricity. This washing machine consists of two parts
they are washer and spinner. The advantage of using this washing machine is
when there is no electricity this can be operated by the help of solar power
which stored in battery bank. When there is no sun light this machine can
operate on electricity.

2.2 Comparison with other washing machine:

Hybrid washing machine is a light weight machine it has its own advantage

i) Energy saving: It uses solar energy for its operation while other machine
requires ac supply which is costly.

ii) Light weight: Hybrid washing machine has light weight.

iii) Low electricity bill : Its uses solar energy.

iv) Easy maintenance: Due to less number of equipments its maintenance is


v) Fewer complexes: As it has very less components so complexity is less.

2. View of hybrid washing machine :

Fig.1 Washing Machine

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3.1 Solar panel

In this project we used 12volt, 40 watt solar panel.
A solar panel is a device that collects photons from sunlight which are very
small packets of electromagnetic radiation and convert them into electrical
energy which can be used to power electrical loads. Fig. 1 shows a general solar
panel. A solar electric system is potentially less expensive and can provide
power for a long time if properly maintained. Energy from solar system is clean
and is a renewable source of energy.

Fig.2 Solar Panel

3.2 Types of Solar Panels
Mono crystalline Panels
The solar cells in mono crystalline panels are slices cut from pure drawn
crystalline silicon bars. The entire cell is aligned in one direction, which means
that when the sun is shining brightly on them at the correct angle, they are
extremely efficient. So, these panels work best in bright sunshine with the sun
shining directly on them. They have a uniform blacker colour because they area
absorbing most of the light. Pure cells are octagonal, so there is unused space in
the corners when lots of cells are made into a solar module. Mono panels are
slightly smaller than poly panels for the same power, but this is only really
noticeable on industrial scale installations where you may be able to fit a higher
overall power with mono crystalline.

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Poly crsytalline Panels (also known as multi crystalline)

Polycrystalline panels are made up from the silicon off cuts, moulded to form
blocks and create a cell made up of several bits of pure crystal. Because the
individual crystals are not necessarily all perfectly aligned together and there
are losses at the joints between them, they are not quite as efficient. However,
this mis-alignment can help in some circumstances, because the cells work
better from light at all angles, in low light, etc. For this reason, I would argue
that polycrystalline is slightly better suited to the UK’s duller conditions, but the
difference is marginal.
The appearance is also different – you can see the random crystal arrangement
and the panels look a little bluer as they reflect some of the light.
Since they are cut into rectangular blocks, there is very little wasted space on
the panel and you do not see the little diamonds that are typical of mono or
hybrid panels. Some people prefer this more uniform appearance, others like the
diamonds. The choice is yours because the overall size and cost is very similar
to mono crystalline.

Hybrid Panels

Eg :- Panasonic (Sanyo) HIT

The main manufacturer of hybrid panels is Panasonic (formerly Sanyo). Their

HIT module which has a thin layer of amorphous solar film behind the mono
crystalline cells. The extra amorphous layer extracts even more energy from the

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available sunlight, particularly in low light conditions. These are the most
efficient panels available, so they take up the least space on your roof.
Unless you have a very small roof and want to extract the maximum amount of
energy from it, we would not recommend using the hybrid panels at the
moment. Hybrid panels are a lot more expensive than mono or poly-crystalline
panels, so that the increase in energy produced does not justify the extra cost of
buying them. Never choose hybrid panels if there is space on your roof to fit the
same amount of power with crystalline panels, otherwise you will just be paying
a lot more to generate the same amount of electricity.

Black Frames and Black Backed Panels

For some reason in our crazy UK market, many people are now offering
completely black panels, not only with black frames, but also with a black
backing behind the cells instead of the traditional white. It is true that these do
give a much better appearance, particularly on slate roofs or old traditional
cottages with dark coloured plain tiles.

However, the problem with having a black backing, is that black absorbs light
and heat from the sun. This means that you do not get the extra benefit of some
of the sunlight being reflected back onto the cells by the backing material. Also,
the panels get hotter. Solar cells, like most electrical equipment, are more
efficient when they are cooler, so that panels with black backs are always going
to perform less effectively than ones with standard white backing.
If you are concerned about the appearance on your property, then we would
recommend having a halfway house of using a panel with black anodised outer
frame, instead of standard aluminium, but still have a white backing material.
REC, as an example, have told us that they are not even going to produce a
black backed module, because their main concern is always to try to improve
the electricity that their PV panels generate and black backing is a retrograde

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3.3 Battery
In this project we used 12v, 40 amp battery.
The life expectancy of the complete solar system is about 20 years and the cost
of battery is significant.

Fig.3 Battery

The battery is rechargeable which has one positive and one negative electrode
placed in electrolyte. In a rechargeable (12v, 7.5AH) lead-acid battery the
electrolyte consists of sulphuric acid (H2SO) water; the positive electrode is
made of (PbO2) and the negative of lead (Pb). Discharging the electrochemical
energy stored in the batteries is consumed as electric power. In the chemical
process sulphuric acid is absorbed from the and lead sulphate (PbSO4) is
formed at both electrodes The reverse reaction takes place during charging
electric power is transformed and stored electrochemically in the battery. Lead
is formed at the positive electrode and lead dioxide at the negative, while
sulphuric acid is released to the electrolyte.

If the battery is fully charged and the charging power is not disconnected; the
water will be electrolyzed oxygen and hydrogen gas. This process is called
gassing, and since the gases escape into the a lost [5]. There are a number of
various practical designs and different types of lead-acid batteries. But, some
components that most types have in common.

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Fig. 4 Principal Components in a Typical Lead- acid

The electrodes mentioned above are shaped as thin plates and each consists of
two parts, the active material. The grid is made of solid serves both as a
mechanical support and as a conductor of the current. It contains a porous
sponge, the active material, made of lead at the negative electrode and lead
dioxide at the positive. This is where the chemical reactions take place. The
active material increases the electrochemically active area, facilitates the
penetration of electrolyte and speeds up charging and discharging. A number of
plates are placed next to each other, alternately positive and negative. To hinder
the from making electrical contact a porous plastic material is placed between
them. These, so cal allow the electrolyte to flow circuits. A battery can be made
up of one or several cells and each lead-acid battery cell, charged, has an output
around 2 V. For instance in a 12 V lead-acid battery there are 6 cells
by inter-cell connections. The cells characteristics and the battery is never better
than the worst cell. Variations can also deter so-called equalization charges can
be a while to prevent this . These consist in a overcharge to bring all the cells to
the same state. Electrolyte can either be liquid a battery or in gel form as in gel
batteries. Only dealing with flooded batteries and they are consequently the only
ones electrolyte, as mentioned above, acid (H2SO4) diluted in water. When a
battery is fully charged all the sulphate ions are in the electrolyte, and
when the battery is uncharged the absorbed most of them. The density, also
called gravity, of sulphuric acid is higher than that of water.
Accordingly the specific gravity is battery is charged and low when it is
uncharged. Utilized to measure the state of charge in each cell.

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3.4 Charge Control circuit

A solar charge controller is used in conjunction with a standalone (off grid)

system or a grid connects solar power system that incorporates s a backup
battery bank. For a grid connect solar power system that doesn’t use batteries,
solar charge control ler is not needed. A solar charge controller is a small box
consisting of solid state circuitry which is placed between a solar panel and
battery. Its function is to regulate the amount of charge coming from the panel
that flows into the deep cycle battery bank in order to avoid the batteries being
overcharged. A regulator can also provide a direct connection to appliances,
while continuing to recharge the battery; i.e. you can run appliances directly
from it, bypassing the battery bank; but the batteries will continue to be
charged. Modern solar charge controllers are very efficient and will outperform
just about any 3 stage mains power battery charger.

The solar radiation falling on the solar panel is converted into electrical energy
then it is stored in the battery to utilize for the further application. Now we
know that after sometime the battery is fully charged. If any action is not taken
to protect the battery it will overcharge. Hence for protecting battery from
overcharge we uses solar charge controller. In the controller we uses the IC723
and a zener diode(12v) . The zener diodes rating is such that it will breakdown
after the battery terminal voltage reaches it limit. The other D1(Forward bias),
D3(12V)are also used. Hence the battery can be protected from the
A solar charge controller requires no maintenance aside from regular checks of
the wired in connections to see that they are tight and corrosion free. A solar
charge controller should be mounted out of direct sunlight and in an area where
there is decent air flow. While the solar charge controllers of today are
extremely robust; performance and serviceable life will suffer in extreme heat.
Blocking Reverse Current
Photovoltaic panels work by pumping current through your battery in one
direction. At night, the panels may pass a bit of current in the reverse direction,
causing a slight discharge from the battery. (Our term "battery" represents either
a single battery or bank of batteries.) The potential loss is minor, but it is easy to
prevent. Some types of wind and hydro generators also draw reverse current
when they stop (most do not except under fault conditions).
In most controllers, charge current passes through a semiconductor (a transistor)
which acts like a valve to control the current. It is called a "semiconductor"
because it passes current only in one direction. It prevents reverse current
without any extra effort or cost.

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In some controllers, an electromagnetic coil opens and closes a mechanical
switch. This is called a relay. (You can hear it click on and off.) The relay
switches off at night, to block reverse current.
If you are using a PV array only to trickle-charge a battery (a very small array
relative to the size of the battery), then you may not need a charge controller.
This is a rare application. An example is a tiny maintenance module that
prevents battery discharge in a parked vehicle but will not support significant
loads. You can install a simple diode in that case, to block reverse current. A
diode used for this purpose is called a "blocking diode."

Preventing Overcharge
When a battery reaches full charge, it can no longer store incoming energy. If
energy continues to be applied at the full rate, the battery voltage gets too high.
Water separates into hydrogen and oxygen and bubbles out rapidly. (It looks
like it's boiling so we sometimes call it that, although it's not actually hot.)
There is excessive loss of water, and a chance that the gasses can ignite and
cause a small explosion. The battery will also degrade rapidly and may possibly
overheat. Excessive voltage can also stress your loads (lights, appliances, etc.)
or cause your inverter to shut off.
Preventing overcharge is simply a matter of reducing the flow of energy to the
battery when the battery reaches a specific voltage. When the voltage drops due
to lower sun intensity or an increase in electrical usage, the controller again
allows the maximum possible charge. This is called "voltage regulating." It is
the most essential function of all charge controllers. The controller "looks at"
the voltage, and regulates the battery charging in response.
Some controllers regulate the flow of energy to the battery by switching the
current fully on or fully off. This is called "on/off control." Others reduce the
current gradually. This is called "pulse width modulation" (PWM). Both
methods work well when set properly for your type of battery.

A PWM controller holds the voltage more constant. If it has two-stage

regulation, it will first hold the voltage to a safe maximum for the battery to
reach full charge. Then, it will drop the voltage lower, to sustain a "finish" or
"trickle" charge. Two-stage regulating is important for a system that may
experience many days or weeks of excess energy (or little use of energy). It
maintains a full charge but minimizes water loss and stress.
The voltages at which the controller changes the charge rate are called set
points. When determining the ideal set points, there is some compromise
between charging quickly before the sun goes down, and mildly overcharging
the battery. The determination of set points depends on the anticipated patterns
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of usage, the type of battery, and to some extent, the experience and philosophy
of the system designer or operator. Some controllers have adjustable set points,
while others do not.

3. Control Set Points vs. Temperature

The ideal set points for charge control vary with a battery's temperature. Some
controllers have a feature called "temperature compensation." When the
controller senses a low battery temperature, it will raise the set points.
Otherwise when the battery is cold, it will reduce the charge too soon. If your
batteries are exposed to temperature swings greater than about 30° F (17° C),
compensation is essential.
Some controllers have a temperature sensor built in. Such a controller must be
mounted in a place where the temperature is close to that of the batteries. Better
controllers have a remote temperature probe, on a small cable. The probe should
be attached directly to a battery in order to report its temperature to the
An alternative to automatic temperature compensation is to manually adjust the
set points (if possible) according to the seasons. It may be sufficient to do this
only twice a year, in spring and fall.

4. Control Set Points vs. Battery Type

The ideal set points for charge controlling depend on the design of the battery.
The vast majority of RE systems use deep-cycle lead-acid batteries of either the
flooded type or the sealed type. Flooded batteries are filled with liquid. These
are the standard, economical deep cycle batteries.
Sealed batteries use saturated pads between the plates. They are also called
"valve-regulated" or "absorbed glass mat," or simply "maintenance-free." They
need to be regulated to a slightly lower voltage than flooded batteries or they
will dry out and be ruined. Some controllers have a means to select the type of
battery. Never use a controller that is not intended for your type of battery.
Typical set points for 12 V lead-acid batteries at 77° F (25° C)

(These are typical, presented here only for example.)

High limit (flooded battery): 14.4 V. High limit (sealed battery): 14.0 V.
Resume full charge: 13.0 V. Low voltage disconnect: 10.8V.
Reconnect: 12.5 V. Temperature compensation for 12V battery:-.03 V per ° C
deviation from standard 25° C

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Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD)
The deep-cycle batteries used in renewable energy systems are designed to be
discharged by about 80 percent. If they are discharged 100 percent, they are
immediately damaged. Imagine a pot of water boiling on your kitchen stove.
The moment it runs dry, the pot overheats. If you wait until the steaming stops,
it is already too late!
Similarly, if you wait until your lights look dim, some battery damage will have
already occurred. Every time this happens, both the capacity and the life of the
battery will be reduced by a small amount. If the battery sits in this over
discharged state for days or weeks at a time, it can be ruined quickly.
The only way to prevent over discharge when all else fails, is to disconnect
loads (appliances, lights, etc.), and then to reconnect them only when the
voltage has recovered due to some substantial charging. When over discharge is
approaching, a 12 volt battery drops below 11 volts (a 24 V battery drops below
22 V).
A low voltage disconnect circuit will disconnect loads at that set point. It will
reconnect the loads only when the battery voltage has substantially recovered
due to the accumulation of some charge. A typical LVD reset point is 13 volts
(26 V on a 24 V system).
All modern dc power inverters have LVD built in, even cheap pocket-sized
ones. The inverter will turn off to protect itself and your loads as well as your
battery. Normally, an inverter is connected directly to the batteries, not through
the charge controller, because its current draw can be very high, and because it
does not require external LVD.
If you have any DC loads, you should have an LVD. Some charge controllers
have one built in. You can also obtain a separate LVD device. Some LVD
systems have a "mercy switch" to let you draw a minimal amount of energy, at
least long enough to find the candles and matches! DC refrigerators have LVD
built in.
If you purchase a charge controller with built-in LVD, make sure that it has
enough capacity to handle your DC loads. For example, let's say you need a
charge controller to handle less than 10 amps of charge current, but you have a
DC water pressurizing pump that draws 20 amps (for short periods) plus a 6
amp DC lighting load. A charge controller with a 30 amp LVD would be
appropriate. Don't buy a 10 amp charge controller that has only a 10 or 15 amp
load capacity!

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Overload Protection:-
A circuit is overloaded when the current flowing in it is higher than it can safely
handle. This can cause overheating and can even be a fire hazard. Overload can
be caused by a fault (short circuit) in the wiring, or by a faulty appliance (like a
frozen water pump). Some charge controllers have overload protection built in,
usually with a push-button reset.
Built-in overload protection can be useful, but most systems require additional
protection in the form of fuses or circuit breakers. If you have a circuit with a
wire size for which the safe carrying capacity (ampacity) is less than the
overload limit of the controller, then you must protect that circuit with a fuse or
breaker of a suitably lower amp rating. In any case, follow the manufacturer's
requirements and the National Electrical Code for any external fuse or circuit
breaker requirements.
Displays and Metering Charge controllers include a variety of possible displays,
ranging from a single red light to digital displays of voltage and current. These
indicators are important and useful. Imagine driving across the country with no
instrument panel in your car! A display system can indicate the flow of power
into and out of the system, the approximate state of charge of your battery, and
when various limits are reached.
If you want complete and accurate monitoring however, spend about US$200
for a separate digital device that includes an amp-hour meter. It acts like an
electronic accountant to keep track of the energy available in your battery. If
you have a separate system monitor, then it is not important to have digital
displays in the charge controller itself. Even the cheapest system should include
a voltmeter as a bare minimum indicator of system function and status.
Have It All with a Power Center If you are installing a system to power a
modern home, then you will need safety shutoffs and interconnections to handle
high current. The electrical hardware can be bulky, expensive and laborious to
install. To make things economical and compact, obtain a ready-built "power
center." It can include a charge controller with LVD and digital monitoring as
options. This makes it easy for an electrician to tie in the major system
components, and to meet the safety requirements of the National Electrical
Code or your local authorities.
Charge Controllers for Wind and Hydro. A charge controller for a wind-electric
or hydro-electric charging system must protect batteries from overcharge, just
like a PV controller. However, a load must be kept on the generator at all times
to prevent the turbine from over-speeding. Instead of disconnecting the
generator from the battery (like most PV controllers) it diverts excess energy to
a special load that absorbs most of the power from the generator. That load is

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usually a heating element, which "burns off" excess energy as heat. If you can
put the heat to good use, fine!
Is It Working?
How do you know if a controller is malfunctioning?
Watch your voltmeter as the batteries reach full charge. Is the voltage reaching
(but not exceeding) the appropriate set points for your type of battery? Use your
ears and eyes-are the batteries bubbling severely? Is there a lot of moisture
accumulation on the battery tops? These are signs of possible overcharge. Are
you getting the capacity that you expect from your battery bank? If not, there
may be a problem with your controller, and it may be damaging your batteries.
The control of battery charging is so important that most manufacturers of high
quality batteries (with warranties of five years or longer) specify the
requirements for voltage regulation, low voltage disconnect and temperature
compensation. When these limits are not respected, it is common for batteries to
fail after less than one quarter of their normal life expectancy, regardless of their
quality or their cost.
A good charge controller is not expensive in relation to the total cost of a power
system. Nor is it very mysterious. I hope this article has given you the
background that you need to make a good choice of controls for your power
At Wholesale Solar, we will be happy to help find the products that are right for
you. For pricing and product information give us a call. We'll also answer any
questions you might have about your

Connection of charge controller circuit with solar panels, battery


Fig.5 Charge controller connection with Load and solar panel

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3.5 D.C. Motor
DC motor consists of one set of coils, called armature winding, inside another
set of coils or a set of permanent magnets, called the stator. If electrical energy
is supplied to a conductor lying perpendicular to a magnetic field, the
interaction of current flowing in the conductor and the magnetic field will
produce mechanical force. Two conditions are necessary to produce a force on
the conductor. The conductor must be carrying current, and must be within a
magnetic field. When these two conditions exist, a force will be applied to the
conductor, which will attempt to move the conductor in a direction
perpendicular to the magnetic field. This is the basic theory by which all DC
motors operate. The force exerted upon the conductor can be expressed as

F = B i l Newton
Where, B is the density of the magnetic field, l is the length of conductor, and i
the value of current flowing in the conductor. The direction of motion can be
found using Fleming’s Left Hand Rule.

Fig.6 D.C. Motor

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3.6 Old Washing Machine
A washing machine (laundry machine, clothes washer, or washer) is a machine
used to wash laundry, such as clothing and sheets. The term is mostly applied to
machines that use water as opposed to dry cleaning (which uses alternative
cleaning fluids, and is performed by specialist businesses) or ultrasonic

Washing by hand

Laundering by hand involves soaking, beating, scrubbing, and rinsing dirty

textiles. Before indoor plumbing, the housewife also had to carry all the water
used for washing, boiling, and rinsing the laundry; according to an 1886
calculation, women fetched water eight to ten times every day from a pump,
well, or spring. Water for the laundry would be hand carried, heated on a fire for
washing, then poured into the tub. That made the warm soapy water precious; it
would be reused, first to wash the least soiled clothing, then to wash
progressively dirtier laundry.

Removal of soap and water from the clothing after washing was originally a
separate process. First, soap would be rinsed out with clear water. After rinsing,
the soaking wet clothing would be formed into a roll and twisted by hand to
extract water. The entire process often occupied an entire day of hard work, plus
drying and ironing.

Washing by machine

Clothes washer technology developed as a way to reduce the manual labor

spent, providing an open basin or sealed container with paddles or fingers to
automatically agitate the clothing. The earliest machines were hand-operated
and constructed from wood, while later machines made of metal permitted a fire
to burn below the washtub, keeping the water warm throughout the day's

The earliest special-purpose washing device was the washboard, invented in

1797 by Nathaniel Briggs of New Hampshire.

By the mid-1850s steam-driven commercial laundry machinery were on sale in

the UK and US. Technological advances in machinery for commercial and
institutional washers proceeded faster than domestic washer design for several
decades, especially in the UK. In the United States there was more emphasis on

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developing machines for washing at home, though machines for commercial
laundry services were widely used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The
rotary washing machine was patented by Hamilton Smith in 1858.As electricity
was not commonly available until at least 1930, some early washing machines
were operated by a low-speed, single-cylinder hit-and-miss gasoline engine.

Wringing by machine

After the items were washed and rinsed, water had to be removed by twisting.
To help reduce this labor, the wringer/mangle machine was developed.

The mangle used two rollers under spring tension to squeeze water out of
clothing and household linen. Each laundry item would be fed through the
wringer separately. The first wringers were hand-cranked, but were eventually
included as a powered attachment above the washer tub. The wringer would be
swung over the wash tub so that extracted wash water would fall back into the
tub to be reused for the next load. As implied by the term "mangle," these early
machines were quite dangerous, especially if powered and not hand-driven. A
user's fingers, hand, arm, or hair could become entangled in the laundry being
squeezed, resulting in horrific injuries; unwary bystanders, such as children,
could also be caught and hurt. Safer mechanisms were developed over time, and
the more hazardous designs were eventually outlawed.

The modern process of water removal by spinning did not come into use until
electric motors were developed. Spinning requires a constant high-speed power
source, and was originally done in a separate device known as an "extractor". A
load of washed laundry would be transferred from the wash tub to the extractor
basket, and the water spun out in a separate operation. These early extractors
were often dangerous to use, since unevenly distributed loads would cause the
machine to shake violently. Many efforts were made to counteract the shaking
of unstable loads, such as mounting the spinning basket on a free-floating
shock-absorbing frame to absorb minor imbalances, and a bump switch to detect
severe movement and stop the machine so that the load could be manually

Modern washers

In the early 1990s, upmarket machines incorporated microcontrollers for the

timing process. These proved reliable and cost-effective, so many cheaper

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machines now incorporate microcontrollers rather than electromechanical

In 1994, Staber Industries released the System 2000 washing machine, which is
the only top-loading, horizontal-axis washer to be manufactured in the United
States. The hexagonal tub spins like a front-loading machine, only using about
third of the water as conventional top-loaders. This factor has led to an Energy
Star rating for its high efficiency.

In 1998, New Zealand based company Fisher & Paykel introduced its Smart
Drive washing machine line in the US. This washing machine uses a computer-
controlled system to determine certain factors such as load size and
automatically adjusts the wash cycle to match. It also used a mixed system of
washing, first with the "Eco-Active" wash, using a low level of recirculated
water being sprayed on the load followed by a more traditional style wash.
Other variations include the Intuitive Eco, which can sense the water level and
type of fabric in the wash load, and the agitatorless AquaSmart line. The Smart
Drive also included direct drive brushless DC electric motor, which simplified
the bowl and agitator drive by doing away with the need for a gearbox system.

In 2000, the British inventor James Dyson launched the CR01 ContraRotator, a
type of washing machine with two cylinders rotating in opposite directions. It
was claimed that this design reduced the wash time and produced cleaner
washing than a single cylinder machine. In 2004 there was the launch of the
CR02, which was the first washing machine to gain the British Allergy
Foundation Seal of Approval. However, neither of the ContrRotator machines
are now in production as they were too expensive to manufacture.

In 2001, Whirlpool Corporation introduced the Calypso, the first vertical-axis

high efficiency washing machine to be top-loading. A washplate in the bottom
of the tub nutated (a special wobbling motion) to bounce, shake, and toss the
laundry around. Simultaneously, water containing detergent was sprayed on to
the laundry. The machine proved to be good at cleaning, but gained a bad
reputation due to frequent breakdowns and destruction of laundry. The washer
was recalled with a class-action lawsuit and pulled off the market.

In 2003, Maytag introduced their top-loading Neptune washer. Instead of an

agitator, the machine had two washplates, perpendicular to each other and at a
45 degree angle from the bottom of the tub. The machine would fill with only a

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small amount of water and the two washplates would tumble the load within it,
mimicking the action of a front-loading washer in a vertical axis design.

In 2007, Sanyo introduced the first drum type washing machine with "Air
Wash" function. This washing machine uses only 50 liters of water in the
recycle mode.

In 2008, the University of Leeds created a concept washing machine that uses
only a cup (less than 300 ml) of water and 20 kg of re-usable plastic chips to
carry out a full wash.The machine leaves clothes virtually dry, and uses less
than 2 % of the water and energy otherwise used by a conventional machine. As
such, it could save billions of liters of water each year. The concept is being
developed as the Xeros Washing Machine.

Features available in most modern consumer washing machines:

 Delayed execution: a timer to delay the start of the laundry cycle

 Predefined programs for different laundry types

 Rotation speed settings

 Variable temperatures, including cold wash

Additionally some of the modern machines feature:

 Child lock

 Steam

 Time remaining indication

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3.5.1 Types of Washing Machines

Regular Top Loading Washing Machines

Regular top loading washing machines are traditional types of washing

machines. If you fill the tubs with water an agitator spins the clothes from the
top to the bottom and back again. This wave permits the cleanser and water to
reach every piece of the clothes and takes away the dirt. Top loading washing
machine is the best choice if you don’t want to give much strain to your body
while washing. You have separate tubs or vessels for the washing and the
drying in some of its types. High Efficiency Top- loading washing machine is
advanced type of Regular top- loaders. It is further divided into 2 types:

Fig.7 Top Loading Washing Machine

Semi-Automatic Washing Machine

An innovative and seamless choice for Indian women is semi-automatic

Washing machines. You have separate tubs or vessels for both washing and
drying. You can get these washing machines in a very low cost around Rs. 6000
for 6 kg wash loads. You can even get a single washer tub for washing without
drier for around Rs.4500. There are many Brands available nowadays .Some
Semi- automatic brands of washing machine are Whirlpool, Onida, Godrej,
Kelvinator and Samsung etc.

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Fully Automatic Washing Machine

You can find single tub in a fully automatic washing machine that works as
washer, rinser as well as the drier. You just have to connect the water flow
adding detergent. Later soak your clothes and now a fully automatic washing
machine will do the rest automatically. It has a top wash Method. The washing
method in these machines include Prewash (Soak), hot water wash, heavy wash,
normal wash and quick wash. It has automatic wash control feature too. You
can get a fully automatic washing machine for around Rs. 12000 with some of
these features. Some brands of fully automatic top-loading washing machines
are IFB, Godrej, Whirlpool, Samsung and Videocon etc.

Front Loading Washing Machines

Fig. 8 Font Loading Washing Machine

These are fully automatic machines and the clothes are loaded from the front
side. It consumes less electric energy, water and detergent and will give you
good washing results. It has fast spinner which extracts wetness from wet
masses, so that you can reduce your drying time. Its large capacity which allows
you to wash many bulky fabrics at a time, without giving up the effective
cleaning. It has certain features such as–

 Child lock
 Hot water wash

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 Wash load (amount of clothes that the washing machine can handle)
sensor etc.

Washing machine is available in plastic or steel tubs. The starting price range
for front wash loaders are around Rs.14000. IFB is the first company to produce
front loading type of washing machine in India. There are many companies that
produce washing machine such as LG, Whirlpool, and Samsung etc.

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3.6 Arduino
Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company, project
and user community that designs and manufactures microcontroller-based kits
for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control
objects in the physical world.

The project is based on microcontroller board designs, manufactured by several

vendors, using various microcontrollers. These systems provide sets of digital
and analog I/O pins that can be interfaced to various expansion boards
("shields") and other circuits. The boards feature serial communications
interfaces, including USB on some models, for loading programs from personal
computers. For programming the microcontrollers, the Arduino platform
provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing
project, which includes support for the C, C++ and Java programming

The first Arduino was introduced in 2005, aiming to provide an inexpensive and
easy way for novices and professionals to create devices that interact with their
environment using sensors and actuators. Common examples of such devices
intended for beginner hobbyists include simple robots, thermostats, and motion

Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-

yourself kits. The hardware design specifications are openly available, allowing
the Arduino boards to be manufactured by anyone. Adafruit Industries
estimated in mid-2011 that over 300,000 official Arduinos had been
commercially produced, and in 2013 that 700,000 official boards were in users'


Arduino started in 2005 as a project for students at the Interaction Design

Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy. At that time program students used a "BASIC
Stamp" at a cost of $100, considered expensive for students. Massimo Banzi,
one of the founders, taught at Ivrea. The name "Arduino" comes from a bar in
Ivrea, where some of the founders of the project used to meet. The bar, in turn,
has been named after Arduin of Ivrea, who was the margrave of Ivrea and king
of Italy from 1002 to 1014.

Colombian student Hernando Barragan created the Wiring development

platform which served as the basis for Arduino. Following the completion of the
Wiring platform, its lighter, less expensive versions were created and made
available to the open-source community; associated researchers, including
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David Cuartielles, promoted the idea. The Arduino's initial core team consisted
of Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe, Gianluca Martino, and David

Hardware Description

Fig.9 Arduino board

An Arduino board consists of an Atmel 8-, 16- or 32-bit AVR microcontroller

with complementary components that facilitate programming and incorporation
into other circuits. An important aspect of the Arduino is its standard
connectors, which lets users connect the CPU board to a variety of
interchangeable add-on modules known as shields. Some shields communicate
with the Arduino board directly over various pins, but many shields are
individually addressable via an I²C serial bus—so many shields can be stacked
and used in parallel. Official Arduinos have used the megaAVR series of chips,
specifically the ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, and
ATmega2560. A handful of other processors have been used by Arduino
compatibles. Most boards include a 5 volt linear regulator and a 16 MHz crystal
oscillator (or ceramic resonator in some variants), although some designs such
as the LilyPad run at 8 MHz and dispense with the onboard voltage regulator
due to specific form-factor restrictions. An Arduino's microcontroller is also
pre-programmed with a boot loader that simplifies uploading of programs to the
on-chip flash memory, compared with other devices that typically need an

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external programmer. This makes using an Arduino more straightforward by
allowing the use of an ordinary computer as the programmer. Currently,
optiboot bootloader is the default bootloader installed on Arduino UNO.

At a conceptual level, when using the Arduino software stack, all boards are
programmed over an RS-232 serial connection, but the way this is implemented
varies by hardware version. Serial Arduino boards contain a level shifter circuit
to convert between RS-232-level and TTL-level signals. Current Arduino
boards are programmed via USB, implemented using USB-to-serial adapter
chips such as the FTDI FT232. Some boards, such as later-model Unos,
substitute the FTDI chip with a separate AVR chip containing USB-to-serial
firmware (itself reprogrammable via its own ICSP header). Other variants, such
as the Arduino Mini and the unofficial Boarduino, use a detachable USB-to-
serial adapter board or cable, Bluetooth or other methods. (When used with
traditional microcontroller tools instead of the Arduino IDE, standard AVR ISP
programming is used.)

The Arduino board exposes most of the microcontroller's I/O pins for use by
other circuits. The Diecimila, Duemilanove, and current Uno provide 14 digital
I/O pins, six of which can produce pulse-width modulated signals, and six
analog inputs, which can also be used as six digital I/O pins. These pins are on
the top of the board, via female 0.10-inch (2.5 mm) headers. Several plug-in
application shields are also commercially available. The Arduino Nano, and
Arduino-compatible Bare Bones Board and Boarduino boards may provide
male header pins on the underside of the board that can plug into solderless

There are many Arduino-compatible and Arduino-derived boards. Some are

functionally equivalent to an Arduino and can be used interchangeably. Many
enhance the basic Arduino by adding output drivers, often for use in school-
level education to simplify the construction of buggies and small robots. Others
are electrically equivalent but change the form factor, sometimes retaining
compatibility with shields, sometimes not. Some variants use completely
different processors, with varying levels of compatibility.

Pin description of atmega328pi

The pinout for the Atmega328 is shown below.

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Fig.10 ATMEGA 328 Pin Description

The table below gives a description for each of the pins, along with their

Description Function
1 PC6 Reset
2 PD0 Digital Pin (RX)
3 PD1 Digital Pin (TX)
4 PD2 Digital Pin
5 PD3 Digital Pin (PWM)
6 PD4 Digital Pin
7 Vcc Positive Voltage (Power)
8 GND Ground
9 XTAL 1 Crystal Oscillator
10 XTAL 2 Crystal Oscillator
11 PD5 Digital Pin (PWM)

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12 PD6 Digital Pin (PWM)
13 PD7 Digital Pin
14 PB0 Digital Pin
15 PB1 Digital Pin (PWM)
16 PB2 Digital Pin (PWM)
17 PB3 Digital Pin (PWM)
18 PB4 Digital Pin
19 PB5 Digital Pin
Positive voltage for ADC
21 AREF Reference Voltage
22 GND Ground
23 PC0 Analog Input
24 PC1 Analog Input
25 PC2 Analog Input
26 PC3 Analog Input
27 PC4 Analog Input
28 PC5 Analog Input

As stated before, 20 of the pins function as I/O ports. This means they can
function as an input to the circuit or as output. Whether they are input or output
is set in the software. 14 of the pins are digital pins, of which 6 can function to
give PWM output. 6 of the pins are for analog input/output.

2 of the pins are for the crystal oscillator. This is to provide a clock pulse for the
Atmega chip.

A clock pulse is needed for synchronization so that communication can occur

in synchrony between the Atmega chip and a device that it is connected to.

The chip needs power so 2 of the pins, Vcc and GND, provide it power so that it
can operate. The Atmega328 is a low-power chip, so it only needs between 1.8-
5.5V of power to operate.

The Atmega328 chip has an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) inside of it. This
must be or else the Atmega328 wouldn't be capable of interpreting analog
signals. Because there is an ADC, the chip can interpret analog input, which is

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why the chip has 6 pins for analog input. The ADC has 3 pins set aside for it to
function- AVCC, AREF, and GND. AVCC is the power supply, positive
voltage, that for the ADC. The ADC needs its own power supply in order to
work. GND is the power supply ground. AREF is the reference voltage that the
ADC uses to convert an analog signal to its corresponding digital value. Analog
voltages higher than the reference voltage will be assigned to a digital value of
1, while analog voltages below the reference voltage will be assigned the digital
value of 0. Since the ADC for the Atmega328 is a 10-bit ADC, meaning it
produces a 10-bit digital value, it converts an analog signal to its digital value,
with the AREF value being a reference for which digital values are high or low.
Thus, a portrait of an analog signal is shown by this digital value; thus, it is its
digital correspondent value.

The last pin is the RESET pin. This allows a program to be rerun and start over.
And this sums up the pinout of an Atmega328 chip.

Program to run the motor of washer clock wise and anti clock wise

int X=7;
int Y=8;
void setup()

void loop()

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3.7 Motor Driver

The word drive can have many meanings. Here we need to limit our definition
to any intelligent electronic equipment that provides adjustable speed control for
a motor. The motor can be AC or DC. From the standpoint of the HSC, it
doesn’t matter.

Drives provide many functions for the motor. Most often the drives have some
form of rectification that takes place in addition to providing intelligent control
for the motor. When working with the HSC you do not have to be concerned
about the drive’s internal power conversion because the power requirements of
the drive and the PLC are handled separately. The HSC only connects to the
drive’s logic function.

Fig.11 Relay Motor controller circuit diagram

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3.8 SMPS (switch mode power supply)-

In this project we used SMPS for getting different dc outputs. This is also called
as rectifier. For hybrid model we use SMPS for operating the washing machine
with dc supply.

A switched-mode power supply (switching-mode power supply, switch-mode

power supply, switched power supply, SMPS, or switcher) is an electronic
power supply that incorporates a switching regulator to convert electrical power
efficiently. Like other power supplies, an SMPS transfers power from a source,
like mains power, to a load, such as a personal computer, while converting
voltage and current characteristics. Unlike a linear power supply, the pass
transistor of a switching-mode supply continually switches between low-
dissipation, full-on and full-off states, and spends very little time in the high
dissipation transitions, which minimizes wasted energy. Ideally, a switched-
mode power supply dissipates no power. Voltage regulation is achieved by
varying the ratio of on-to-off time. In contrast, a linear power supply regulates
the output voltage by continually dissipating power in the pass transistor. This
higher power conversion efficiency is an important advantage of a switched-
mode power supply. Switched-mode power supplies may also be substantially
smaller and lighter than a linear supply due to the smaller transformer size and

Switching regulators are used as replacements for linear regulators when higher
efficiency, smaller size or lighter weight are required. They are, however, more
complicated; their switching currents can cause electrical noise problems if not
carefully suppressed, and simple designs may have a poor power factor.

Fig.12 Block Diagram Of SMPS

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Fig.13 Block Diagram Of Hybrid washing machine


 First connect the panels positive and negative terminals to the charge
controller P+ and P- terminals respectively by help of connecting wires.
 Now connect positive and negative terminals of battery to the charge
controller B+ and B- respectively by help of connecting wires.
 Then connect the washer (M1) motor with output terminals of relay
board by help of connecting wires.
 Then connect the control signals (C1 & C2) of relay board to 7 & 8 pins
of Arduino Board respectively.
 Now L+ and L- of charge controller is connected with the input wires of
relay board respectively.
 Then connect the spinner (M2) motor terminals with charge controller
another L+ and L- respectively.
 Now connect the output terminals of SMPS (+V & -V) to charge
controller L+ and L- respectively.

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4.3 Design Procedure For Hybrid Washing Machine
• We brought the old washing machine than we dissemble that,than we
analyze about the components.

• After that we removed the AC motors and wiring which present in that

• Then we brought the components for designing of solar operated washing


• After that we design the base for installation of dc motor. For that we
taken a two iron rods and made two holes for each rod. And with bolts we
connected the designed base with old washing machine base.

• Then we removed the wheel which is attached with AC motor than we

cut the unwanted parts of that wheel.

• Then we attached that wheel to the DC motor.

• After that we coupled the DC motor with washing tub of washing with

• For hybrid model we connected the rectifier circuit with the motor driver
of washing machine motor.

Fig.14 Base of washer

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4.4 Design Procedure For Washing Machine Spinner

• First we removed the AC spinner motor of old washing machine and also
wires which are connected with motor.
• After that we designed the base by the help of iron rods.
• DC motor is installed on the iron rods which are connected with base of
washing machine.
• For designing the base, the two iron rods are kept on the old washing
machine base by the help of bolts.
• Then we coupled the dc motor with the spinner by the help of iron
coupling material.
• Then we connected the battery with dc Spinner motor by the help of
• For hybrid model we connected rectifier circuit with the dc spinner

Fig.15 Base of spinner motor

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The washing machine has greatly influenced people’s life styles by providing
easy means of washing clothes and drying them out to a considerable extent. It
not only saves time and amount of water used but also helps the user to wash
and dry clothes with a lot of ease due to its fully automatic nature. Most of the
raw materials used in the designing process of the hybrid washing machine have
unacceptable social and environmental impacts in their life cycle. Therefore, it
is quite important to mitigate these effects and look at other possible alternative
materials while achieving the functionality of the product.

Due to the many drawbacks in various stages of washing machine manufacture,

alternative options of washing need to be looked at hybrid washing machine
which is solar operated and also electric operated. A service can be provided
where dirty laundry will be located on a weekly basis, washed, dried, ironed and
then returned to users amidst some feasibility problems. It is believed that by
providing such a central service, material use and water and energy
consumption patterns could be minimized to a great extent by using the hybrid
washing machine. Hence we can say that the hybrid washing machine has
wider scope in the future.

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[1] Gaurav Raut, portable washing machine, Technically Complex Project
Design Research www.oswash.org, 2009, pp. 32-33

[2] G.D. Rai, Non Conventional Energy Sources, 9th edition, Khanna Pub.,
pp. 188-189

[3] H P Garg, Solar Energy, 7th edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, pp. 370-388

[4] Electrical India, April 2014(Solar Energy special), Volume 54, Cherry
Pub., pp. 58-68

[5] Sahdev, Fundamental of Electrical Engg. & Electronics, 6th

edition,Dhanpat Rai Pub.,130-137

[6] www.google.com/images/solar charge controller

[7] B.L.Theraja, Electrical Technology, 8th edition, S.Chand Pub., pp. 1243-

[8] Theodore Wildi, Electrical machines & drives, Fifth edition, Pearson
Pub., pp. 96-107

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