IEE Commercial Building Checklist
IEE Commercial Building Checklist
IEE Commercial Building Checklist
This IEE Checklist Report shall be used for proposed BUILDING PROJECTS (Commercial,
Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage
Facilities. to be located within Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA).
Please check applicable project category:
Projects Project Size Corresponding Project
Parameter Size/Threshold
Commercial, [Business centers total/gross floor ≥ 1 hectare
with residential units (mixed area including but
use), malls, supermarkets, parking and other <2.5 hectares
public markets] areas
• Fast food/Restaurant Projects
• Commercial Establishments (i.e.
Commercial, [office spaces total/gross floor ≥ 1 hectare
only] area including but
parking and other < 5 hectares
Institutional and other related areas
facilities: religious, government,
and educational
Primary hospitals and
Institutional and other related
Secondary hospitals or Medical
facilities: medical facilities
Institutional and other Regardless of size or area
structures with laboratory
Motels, Hotels, Condominium/ total/gross floor ≥ 1 hectare
Apartelles (residential) with area including If more than 10 storey bldg,
commercial space 10% or less parking and other IEER will be required
of the total floor area areas
Storage facilities, non- total/gross floor ≥ 1 hectare
toxic/hazardous materials, area including
substances or products parking and other
Land transport terminal (for 1 hectare to > 2 hectares
buses, jeepneys and other total land area
modes of transportation)
For ECC applications, this IEE Checklist Report shall be submitted with:
Proof of Compatibility with the existing Land Use Plan
Proof of Authority over the Project Site
Accountability Statements of Proponent (see attached form) and the Preparer (if any,
following Annexes 2-22 of Revised Procedural Manual for DAO 2003-30)
Photographs or plates/vicinity map of the project site showing impact areas and affected
areas and communities
Duly Accomplished Project Environmental Monitoring & Audit Prioritization Scheme
(PEMAPS) Questionnaire (see Annex 2-7d of Revised Procedural Manual for DAO 2003-30)
(No other documents shall be required as pre-requisite to ECC applications per DENR MC 2010-14)
Read the questions carefully and write the required information on the spaces provided or
otherwise check () the appropriate boxes □ or parenthesis ( ). Use additional sheets if
necessary and indicate this in the appropriate space.
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Furthermore, EMB Regional Office is required to complete the processing of
an ECC application using the IEE Checklist Report within twenty (20) working
days upon receipt for duly-accomplished forms with complete attachments
Misleading or erroneous answers are basis for legal actions and/or denial of ECC
1.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND AREA: Street Name, Barangay, and Municipality/City, Province
See attached vicinity map/s and photographs of the project site and site development/layout plan
Geographic coordinates of the project area (Preferably use WGS 84 datum, otherwise specify datum
Perimeter/Boundary points
Longitude Latitude
(based on OCT/TCT/etc)
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Facilities No. of Units Area (sq. m.) / Specification/
Capacity Description / Remarks
units, etc.)
2. Commercial component (e.g. banks,
restaurants, outlets, stores, etc.)
3. Institutional component
offices, classroom and other similar
laboratory, hospital rooms and
other medical facilities
Others (please specify)
4. Storage/Warehouse component
8. Terminal/Passenger Area
9. Waste water Management Facility
10. Solid waste
management facilities
11. Drainage System
12. Others, specify
(number of parking slots)
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Water Source
[ ] ground water [ ] well [ ] spring [ ] others: ____________________________
Energy/Water Efficiency
Utilities Estimated Savings Proposed Efficiency/Conservation
Power/Electricity KWh
a. Construction Phase
Manpower Expertise/Skills Total
b. Operation Phase
Manpower Expertise/Skills Total
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
Consistency with land Current land use w/in 1km radius See attached proof of compatibility with
use (as per zoning ordinance): land use
Commercial/ Institutional
Agricultural/ Recreational
Protected Areas
Others, specify
Disturbance to wildlife Existing vegetation in the area: Compliance with conditions of DENR/LGU Annual inspection of area Cost integrated in the
due to vegetation Forestland SLUP, Tree Cutting Permit, ROW, PCA replanted/ revegetated construction /operation cost
clearing Marshland
Limit land clearing as much as possible
Provide temporary fencing for vegetation
that will be retained
Wetland Promote restoration of damaged or
Others, specify destroyed vegetation where possible (e.g.,
____________________ tree planting)
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
Change in surface Slope: Provide erosion control and slope Regular inspection of slope Slope/ Erosion Control
landform/ topography/ flat (0-3%) protection measures protection measures in Cost: ___________
terrain/slope gently sloping to rolling (3-18%) Designate a Spoils Storage Area, with erosion-prone areas Others, specify
steep (>18%) topsoil set aside for later use and allow Regular inspection for new _______________
Soil Erosion maximum re-use of spoils eroded areas near the site
Construction during dry season Others, specify
Stabilization of embankment with grasses ___________
or other soil cover
Others, specify
Is the project site located in an area Compliance with the DENR Administrative
identified by MGB/PAG-ASA/ Order No. 2003-30 and DENR
PHIVOLCS as hazard prone? Administrative Order No. 2000-28,
Yes Implementing Guidelines on Engineering
Geological and Geo-hazard Assessment
No (EGGA).
Soil/Land contamination Existing soil type in the area: Implementation of the Ecological Solid Daily inspection of Cost integrated in the
due to improper solid sandy Waste Management Plan (ESWMP) waste/recycling bins for construction /operation cost
waste disposal
clay Set-up temporary fence around the segregation
construction area Daily inspection for presence
Others, specify
Implement re-use and recycling of waste of mixed garbage in the
materials facility
Implement proper segregation, collection Weekly inspection of waste
and disposal of domestic wastes in accumulated
designated areas Others, specify
Provide receptacles / bins for solid wastes ___________________
Coordinate with the municipal / city waste
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
Engage third party company for waste
Others, specify
Impairment of visual Presence of visually significant Implement landscaping and other Regular inspection of Cost integrated in the
aesthetics landforms/landscape/structures? beautification measures landscaping and other construction/ operation cost
Devaluation of land Yes Provide adequate buffer beautification activities
values No Compensate adjacent property owners Regular monitoring of buffer
Others, specify
Regularly monitor
presence/absence of
complaints from adjacent
property owners
Increased siltation due Specify nearest/receiving water Set-up proper and adequate sanitary Regular (ocular) inspection of: Cost integrated in the
to project activities body:
facilities Drainage / canal systems construction/ operation cost
Water quality Strictly require the contractor and its Water treatment facility (i.e.,
degradation workers to observe proper waste disposal grease trap, septic tank, etc.)
Distance to nearest/receiving water
Others, specify body:
and proper sanitation
__________________ 0 to less than 0.5 km
Strictly observe proper waste handling and Quarterly monitoring of the
disposal following:
0.5 to 1 km
Provision of wastewater treatment facility pH
More than 1 km (e.g. septic tank, oil and water separator, TSS concentration
If nearest/receiving water body is
fresh water, specify classification:
Set up silt trap/stilling ponds to minimize
Total Coliform
downstream siltation
Provision of three-chambered septic tank Color
A for domestic sewage Oil and Grease
B Provide ring canals around fuelling tanks/
C motorpool/ maintenance areas
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
D Others, specify
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
Competition in water Size of population using receiving Implement rainwater harvesting and similar Regularly monitor Cost integrated in the
use surface water: measures as an alternative source of water presence/absence of construction/ operation cost
Depletion of water ≤ 1,000 persons Observe water conservation measures;
resources >1,000 and ≤ 5,000persons Careful selection of project site to avoid
Regular coordination with
>5,000person disruption of traditional water uses
concerned agencies
distribution system Others, specify
Water district/LGU Others, specify ________________
Surface water ______________________
Others, specify
Increased occurrence Is the project site located in an area Use appropriate design for project facilities Regularly monitor Cost integrated in the
identified by MGB/PAG-ASA as
of flooding
flood prone? Implement appropriate drainage system
presence/absence of
construction/ operation cost
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
Air quality degradation Distance to nearest community: Properly operate and maintain all emission Regularly monitor Cost integrated in the
0 to less than 0.5 km sources (e.g. vehicles, pumps, generator, presence/absence of construction/ operation cost
0.5 to 1 km etc) complaints
Nuisance due to noise Distance to nearest community: Properly operate and maintain all noise Regularly monitor Cost integrated in the
generation 0 to less than 0.5 km sources (e.g. vehicles, pumps, generator, presence/absence of construction/ operation cost
0.5 to 1 km etc) complaints
More than 1 km Install when applicable, the appropriate Regular monitoring of buffer
noise control device/s (e.g., mufflers, zones
silencer, sound barriers, etc.)
Implement appropriate operating hours
Provide adequate buffer and/or planting of
Others, specify
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
Impacts on community Regular coordination with LGU Presence/Absence of Cost integrated in the
health and safety Provide appropriate warning signs, lighting complaints construction/ operation cost
Others, specify and barricades, whenever practicable Regular coordination with
___________________ Observe proper housekeeping LGU
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Possible Environmental/ Baseline Environment Preventive/ Mitigating Measures Monitoring Parameters/ Cost of Mitigation/ Monitoring
Social Impacts Implementation
Provide on-site medical services for any Regular submission of reports
emergency. to concerned agency
Participate in public awareness programs Others, specify
on health and safety _________________
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal, Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Provide description of the Abandonment activities, such as, dismantling and waste
Organization Chart:
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Attach drawing/plan of waste water treatment facility (with dimensions and
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
Attach drawing/plan of air pollution source and control installations (with
dimensions and descriptions)
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities
This is to certify that all the information and commitments in this Initial
Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist Report are accurate and complete to the
best of my knowledge.
I hereby bind myself to answer any penalty that may be imposed arising from any
misrepresentation or failure to state material information in this IEE Checklist.
(Company Name)
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of ____________ 201__, affiant
exhibiting his/her Community Tax Certificate No. ___________________ issued at
______________________ on __________________________.
IEE Checklist Report for Building Projects: Commercial, Institutional, Land Transport Terminal,
Motels, Hotels, Condominiums/Apartelles, and Storage Facilities