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Brain Drain From Pakistan

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1. Human capital flight, sometimes called brain drain, refers to the emigration of
intelligent, well-educated individuals for better pay or conditions, causing their places of
origin to lose skilled people, or "brains”. The emerging phenomenon of brain drain is
becoming important in determining the national development as the dichotomies
between the developed and developing countries are feared to become more
profound, leaving the developed state in affluence and the latter in abject poverty.
With countries like United States, United Kingdom and Australia liberalising their
policies for the admission of highly skilled professionals, and this demand largely
being met by the developing countries, an exodus of the latter’s skilled workers is
being triggered.

2. Pakistan is also facing this daunting issue to a great extent. It is therefore a

matter of great attention to investigate the causes of migration of qualified man
power from Pakistan to Europe, Australia and USA. In this article an attempt has
been made to probe the reasons of intellectual exodus from Pakistan.


3. To carryout appraisal of brain drain from Pakistan and suggest viable measures
to minimize it.


4. Sequence will be as under:-

a. Reasons for brain drain from Pakistan.

b. Implications for Pakistan from brain drain.

c. Recommendations.

d. Conclusion.

Reasons for Brain Drain from Pakistan

5. Brain drain is very complex and vast phenomenon. The reasons for its consistent
swelling are intertwined and many. Nevertheless, chief reasons for brain drain from
Pakistan are:-
a. Economic Issues. In addition to several legitimate political reasons
including peace and security for himself and his family, a highly qualified
professional chooses to leave his own country for another for economic

reasons such as, job satisfaction, academically progressive environment,

better pay and service conditions, a higher standard of living, etc.
Throughout history, countries and centres of academic excellence which
offer these attractions have received the largest numbers of professional
migrants and these have, in turn, made substantial contributions, not only
to the economic growth of their host countries, but also to the scientific
and technological advancement of humanity. On a global level, the free
movement and interaction of highly skilled people is a positive thing. But,
the cost to the home countries of losing their professionals is incalculable
in terms of both development opportunities and loss of investment.

b. Lack of Financial and Academic Resources. Foreign countries,

especially the United States and those in Europe have been green
pastures for scientists, engineers and doctors because payment at home
is negligible in comparison. The education system in Pakistan is not well
developed hence many students leave for further studies abroad and most
never come back since they get job opportunities as they study abroad.
People in Pakistan think that a degree from a developed country is better
than one taken in their homeland.

c. Role of Political Will. It is claimed that general political climate in a

given society or country strongly influences the situation of highly qualified
personnel. Discrimination in appointments, promotion on the basis of
political affiliation or loyalty rather than merit based on political allegiance,
can have deep social roots which are hard to pull up. It leads toward
outflow of talented workers from the source country.

d. Lack of Higher Education Institutions. There is lack of good

institutions to continue postgraduate study. However, few institutes which
are present also lack the variety of subjects to specialize in. Science and
Technology is an area that has not been fully exploited by Pakistan as
compared to other areas like agriculture and defence, which are more
developed. Fewer budgets in education sector are the reason in leaking
the higher studies contributing to brain drain.

e. Political and Social Factors. Specialized literature on “Brain Drain”

indicates political and social factors as crucial in shaping the trends and
defining the flow regulation of migrations. The knowledge and excellence
prosper in a congenial environment and without political and social
stability and pacifying internal conflicts, wars, tribal clashes etc we may
not be able to provide the required opportunities and environment to our

talent. Hence, the brain will continue to drain as people will leave their
home countries in search for a better life abroad.

f. Lack of intellectual challenge to promising scientists/ Lack of

challenging culture. The competitive spirit found among scientists
and researchers in Europe and America is all together absent in the
laboratories and research institutes in Pakistan. Furthermore, the
scientists and researchers do not pose any academic challenge to each
other and whatsoever is discovered or found is accepted as such.
Moreover, the principal of reward for performance does not exist when
viewed in the context of the entire world, though isolated, independent
efforts may be cited in this regard.

Implications for Pakistan from Brain Drain

6. Positive Impact

a. Space for Potential Worker. Notwithstanding the adverse effects of

brain drain, it is also believed that the current exodus of skilled workers in
Pakistan will give rise to an increase in human capital in the country of
origin. This is based on the argument that the number of the potential
migrants in the countries of origin taking courses that lead to jobs abroad
is greater than the opportunities that are available in the home country.
This leads to an increase in the quality and quantity of skilled people who
do not succeed in migrating and who therefore stay in their home

b. Foreign Remittance. Pakistan is receiving millions of dollars in

shape of remittances from Pakistani emigrants. As per data released by
State Bank Of Pakistan Overseas Pakistani’s remittances were amounting
to $18.4 billion in 2014-15 which translates into a year-on-year increase of

c. New Technologies and Ideas. Normally emigrants returning from

overseas bring new ideas and become a great source of technological
changes in the country. The effects of technological change in the spheres
of politics, governance and leadership, and the related repercussions for
defense, security and law enforcement contributes to economics,
business, human resources development and trade.

7. Negative Impact

a. Loss in Creative and Dynamic Community. Brain drain has negative

impact on the country of origin, because of the societal problem of
Pakistan the number of creative and dynamic people reduces, which can
contribute a lot to the development of a nation. In addition to this sending
country will face the problem of creating money.

b. Lack of Investment. If the prominent business persons leave the

country they will no more want to invest their wealth in their home country
and will search opportunities in the settling country. So the home country
will effect badly and will face this serious problem therefore the
development of the country will not precede further. This has also negative
effect on tax revenue because the tax which is paid to the government by
these people will no more be available to the government. So the country
will face this loss in long term.

c. Distraction in Society. The effects of this problem are very

destructive. Brain drain has not only reduced the supply of highly
competent peoples to the society but has also distracted the attention and
interest of those who prefer to stay in their native lands from common and
serious local problems and goals.

d. Cultural Eff. The effects of Brain drain on culture are very disheartened.
When the inhabitants of a country leave their home country then they are
more inclined to adopt the settling country culture. So, they forget about
their own culture and as a result remain ineffective and become dormant,
which is not a good sign for a civilized nation. Mixing of cultures also takes
place and then it is hard for people to distinguish between cultures.


8. Fol recommendations are proffered for preventing brain drain:-

a. Role of Political Will in the Prevention of Brain Drain. There is a

dire need to promote and practice good governance by stemming out
corruption, conflicts and tribal clashes. It is necessary to ensure unbiased
and uniform distribution of resources to make certain political stability.
Diplomacy should be given a top priority to resolve conflicts rather then
going in conflicts or wars to decide disagreements. Ensuring good
governance would result in a better political stability and encourage
professionals to stay in their home countries.

b. Construction of High Class Universities. Also, research is at a low

level and has not been highlighted. If science and technology including
Information Technology were to be encouraged, financed by governments
and developed, it would open up a wide range of opportunities for highly
skilled and professional people and this would encourage them to stay in
their home countries.

c. Quality Education. Quality education is required to to be provided

in our Educational Institutions. It includes qualified teachers, adequate
facilities, proper funding, comprehensive curriculums, affordable tuition
fees and the availability of scholarships, research facilities and proper
educational support. All of these factors are dependent to a certain degree
on budget. For accessible quality education, a serious financial
commitment by the government is necessary. One of the important
measures to be taken at the national level is the reorientation of education
system to discourage the migration of qualified Intellectuals.

(1) Respect should be appreciated as well as scholarships/ economic

support programs should be initiated for the poor talented students.

(2) In the recruitment selection, scholarship, promotion, standard

should be applicable equally and uniformly to all level of people
without discrimination and nepotism.

(3) Quality education must be provided along with research facilities.

d. Manpower Planning. As mentioned in UNESCO 127th Executive

conference in developing countries planning in education sector has to be
defining in conformity with the social strategy, economic needs, structure
of qualifications and skills. Manpower planning has not been a great
success in a number of countries affected by brain drain. Contents and
curricula along with education training policies have to be designed that
they should ensure continues absorption of personal demanded by
different societies and branches of its economies.

e. Retention through Economic / Developmental, Recreational /

Educational Programs. Educational opportunities and qualitative
improvement of the training can reduce the pressure for studies abroad.
Bilateral foreign aid programs and fellowships by international
organizations should be utilized fully for such trainings. The granting of
favorable conditions of stay and employment for higher qualified personnel
in their countries of origin should be given high priority.

f. Policy level intervention. Long term policy level intervention is required

for prevention of brain drain. Pakistan Consulates should play an active
role for bringing well educated members of diaspora together and
discussing the possibility of return of our top talent to the country.
Moreover, Pakistani government should plan fol:-

(1) Necessary budget allocation for education sector.

(2) Set mechanisms for getting help from overseas Pakistanis.

(3) The intergovernmental committee for migration should be in the

framework of its possibilities, pursues its activities for the return of
the talent.

(4) Initiate programs / projects for encouraging talented youth.

g. Career Guidance and Counseling. Brain drain Career guidance and

counseling services in educational institutions will serve as a tool for giving
proper direction towards career development and has a major role in
lessoning brain drain rate. It helps a great deal in choosing a profession
best suitable to them. Career services as a guideline in knowing inner
capabilities and a tool for adjusting in surroundings. Counseling services
help qualified people in selecting appropriate field and a direction in every
crucial problem of life. There is strong correlation between brain drain and
career guidance and counseling services.


9. Most of the talented youth are migrating for a better job/ economical problems.
The pull factors of the migration are higher wages and income along with job mobility. In
short most of them consider social security is a big reason for leaving their homeland.
Special schemes in various academic fields should be launched with a view to
encouraging talents and career strengthening. At government level new projects,
diasporas networks must be encouraged to compensate the loss of qualified workers
residing abroad. Good practices in human resource planning and management is very
important step for facilitating educated persons at their right place. It is also important
for retaining highly skilled manpower to provide them technical and financial assistance.

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