Mahadhanvantharam Gulika Using
Mahadhanvantharam Gulika Using
Mahadhanvantharam Gulika Using
Most efficacious in overcoming all pregnancy troubles, stabilising the foetus and ensuring easy
This product can be used in place of DHANWANTARAM GULIKA or VAYU GULIKA for all : women, en
and children.
Dosage :
Cuminseed decoction can be used as the "vehicule" (anupana) in cas of any trouble.
However, according to the trouble, another "vehicle" may be used for a better efficiency :
- Graines de cumin : 10 gr
- Gingembre séché : 5 gr
In later pregnancy, a pill taken daily in a decoction of Cardiospermum hallicacabum or Sida cordifolia
roots leads to easy delivery.