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Compensation of harm suffered - the award is usually a

money award called damages and is intended as a kind of
1. Tort - wrongful act or omission resulting in a breach of private compensation for the harm suffered.
duty and damage from said breach of duty of such a character as
to afford a right of redress at law in favor of the inured party PERSONS ENTITLED TO SUE FOR TORT
against the wrongdoer. 1. Particular individual injured
2. Persons upon whom tort committed
ESSENCE OF TORT 3. person injured by tort committed upon another
4. Several persons wronged by the same act
1.Defendant's potential for civil liability - the defendant's 5. persons especially injured by contract violation
potential civil liability to the victim for harmful wrongdoing and 6. Person directly, not collaterally, injured
correspondingly the victims potential for compensation or other
2.Existence of physical harms, not essential 1. Tortfeasor
3.variations of torts 2. Person incapable of making a contract
3. Person other than tortfeasor
KINDS OF WRONG a. mere presence at the commission of a wrongful act by another
1. civil - involves a violation of private legal right will not render him liable as a participant. however, proof that a
criminal - regarded as an offense against the public and is person is present at the commission of a wrongful act
penalized by law as a crime or felony b. Mere knowledge - that a tort is being committed against
another will not be sufficient to establish liability
2. intentional - defendant is consciously aware that his conduct c. mere acquiescence in the commission of a tort after the act
is wrongful, or negligent if the defendant does not intend an does not make a person liable
invasion of plaintiff's right but is aware that, by his behavior, he is d. ratification must be founded on full knowledge of the facts
taking unreasonable risk constituting wrong which has been committed or with a purpose
on the part of the principal to take the consequences on himself
3. reckless, wrong, wanton wrong - species of negligence without inquiry.
which imports knowledge and consciousness of the high risk of e. no duty to control conduct of a third peron as to prevent him
harm resulting from his conduct as to be equivalent to an from causing bodily harm to another unless a special relationship
intentional wrong. exists between one and the third person.
jointtortfeasor - two or more persons who act together in
FUNCTIONS OR GOALS OF TORT committing a wrong or contribute to its commission or assist or
1. morality or corrective justice participate therein actively and without common intent, so that
2. Social Utility or policy injury results to a third person from the joint wrongful act of the
3. Legal process wrongdoers.
4. potential conflicts
5. Distribution of loss ELEMENTS AND TYPES OF TORTS
6. redress of social grievances
7. summary - a mixed system ELEMENTS OF A CAUSE OF ACTION
1. legal right in favor of a person (plaintiff)
TWO GENERAL CLASSES OF TORTS 2. correlative legal obligation on the part of another to respect or
1.Property torts - embrace all injuries and damages to property, not to violate such right
whether realty or personalty 3. a wrong in the form of an act or omission in violation of said
2. Personal Torts - include all injuries to the person, whether to legal right and duty with consequent injury or damage to plainitff.
the body, reputations or feelings. a tort which is not an injury to
property is a personal tort. Legal right - well founded claim enforced by sanctions

CONCEPT OF PERSONAL INJURY IN TORT LAW Legal duty - which the law requires to be done or forborne to a
- it embrace all actionable injuries to the individual himself. it may determinate person or to the public.
denote an injury affecting the reputation, character, conduct,
manner and habits of a person. Motive - impelling force or underlying or subjective reason for
doing an act, or the mental state or force which induces an act of
1. Injury - illegal invasion of a legal right
2. damage - loss, hurt, or harm which results from the injury Motive is material: lawful act constitutes an actionable tort
3. damages - recompense or compensation awarded for the when unlawful means are employed purposely to injure another.
damage suffered.
Motive is immaterial: conduct which does not either by itself or
TORT AND CONTRACT because of the manner of its exercise, constitute an invasion of
1. contract duties are created by the promises of the parties while the right of another is not tortuous , however bad or malicious the
tort duties are imposed as rules of law actor's motives.

2. contracts are largely about economic matters such as buying Purpose - denotes the object of an act or the external or
and selling many torts involve physical harms objectives result desired
Intent - an external act or an intelligent volition and is thus
3. contract law is at least formally strict liability law. most tort law distinguishable from the term "motive" their use in statements of
on the other hand, is at least formally fault based. legal principles has not always been mutually exclusive.

4. it is a character of torts that the duties from the violation of MATERIALITY OF INTENT
which tort result are creatures of the law and not of particular 1.Intentional act is done in ignorance - voluntary act,
agreements. a contract is not essential to the existence of tort presenting the elements of duty, breach, and damage is tortious
although unaccompanied by a deliberate design to injure or to
5. a breach of contract may be treated as a tort where the law commit an unlawful act.
casts its separate obligation.
2. Resulting damage is different from that contemplated -
DAMAGES AND OTHER REMEDIES fortiori where defendant voluntarily engages in conduct designed
1.Restitution; injunction - forces the tortfeasor to disorge gains to cause some damage, it is immaterial, on the question of the
he wrongfully obtained by tort, and injunction, which compels him existence of a tort that the damage actually brought is different
to cease his tortous conduct. from that contemplated by him

3. Act complained of is not done unlawfully or without care

- although the ultimate motive is not bad, if the intent is to
Licuanan, Apple Jade S.
Torts reviewer - midterms ( Atty. Ever Rose Higuit)
accomplish that purpose be deliberately inflicting injury, the only juridical fault, but not moral fault gives rise to liability for
goodness of the motive will not render non- tortiuos acts which damages. lack of charity or altruism, constituting moral fault, does
are torts by reason of the badness of the intent. not constitute quasi- delict.

PARTICULAR KINDS OF TORTIOUS ACTS * The fault referred to Art. 2176 is a fault substantive and
1. acts intended to inflict injury independent which in itself is a source of obligations and is also
General rule - a cause of action arises whenever one person, by known as culpa aquilana as distinguished from culpa contractual.
an act not in the exercise of a lawful right, causes loss or does If the fault is committed intentionally to cause damage to another,
damage to another with an intent, either actual or constructive, to it becomes a dolo punished as a crime by the RPC.
produce such harm, without just or lawful excuse or justifiable
cause or occasion. Negligence - failure to observe for the protection of the interests
of another person, that the degree of care, precaution and
2. acts not intended to inflict injury - a casue of action may vigilance which the circumstances justly demand whereby such
be predicated upon negligence, or the failure to observe a another person suffers injury.
standard of case prescribed by law, without a conscious design to
do wrong Distinction between fault and negligence
A Person guilty of negligence is necessarily at fault, but there may
3. malicious acts - defined not only as relating to the intentional be fault without negligence as here the damage or injury resulting
commission of a wrongful act, but also as involving wickedness, from the wrongful act or omission as cause wilfully and not by
depravity and evil intent. reason of lack of care.
* there is no liability in tort for doing a lawful act even though it is
done for the malicious purpose of injuring another party, where No Duty to Act Rule
there are also legitimate reasons for doing the act. Unless the defendant has assumed a duty to act, or stands in a
special relationship to the plaintiff, defendants are not liable in tort
4. willful and wanton act for a pure failure to act for the plaintiffs benefit.
willful act - one done intentionally, or on purpose, and not
accidentally and willfulness implies intentional wrongdoing REQUISITES OF QUASI-DELICT
wanton act - wrongful act done on purpose or in malicious 1. act or omission by the defendant
disregard of the rights of others 2. fault or negligence of the defendant
3. damage or injury caused to the plaintiff
5. willful or wanton negligence - imports premeditation or 4. there must be a direct relationship or connection of cause and
knowledge and consciousness that injury is likely to result from the effect between the act or omission and the damage
act done or from the omission of the act. 5. no pre-existing contractual relation between the parties

6. Acts arising out of a contractual relationship BURDEN OF PROOF

the burden of proof is generally on the person claiming damages
PARTICULAR TYPES OF TORTS to establish by satisfactory evidence that the legal cause of his
1. General types damage or injury was the fault or negligence of the defendant or
a. culpable and intentional acts resulting in harm of one for whose acts he must respond and the damages suffered
b. acts involving culpable and unlawful conduct casing by him
unintentional harm
c. non culpable acts or conduct resulting in accidental harm which As a rule, negligence is not presumed. Mere suspicion, surmise or
because of hazards involved, the law imposes absolute liability speculation cannot be the basis of an award for damages. where,
notwithstanding the abuse of fault. however, negligence is presumed by law, , the burden of proving
2. Interference with property rights its non existence is shifted to the party to whom the presumption
3. Interference with right to services applies.
4. Interference with contractual rights
5. Interference with personal rights CULPA AQUILANA VS. CULPA CONTRACTUAL
6. Rudeness, threats, abusive language 1.culpaaquilana- is the wrongful act or omission which of itself is
7. obstruction of, and compelling resort to, legal remedies the source of the obligation separate from, and independent of,
8. Malicious prosecution of a criminal action contract
9. unauthorized suit in another's name culpa contractual - act or omission considered as an incedent in
10. other particular torts; the performance of an obligation already existing and which
a. Acts of public officers constitutes a breach thereof
b. injurious falsehood
c. interference with right or destruction of will a. where liability arises from culpa aquilana, not a breach of
d. trade secrets, inventions or patents positive obligation, an employer or master may excuse himself
under the last paragraph of Article 2180 by proving that he had
Prima Facie Tort Doctrine exercised " all diligence of a good father of a family to prevent
- the infliction of intentional harms resulting in damage without damage"
excuse or justification by an act or a series of acts which would
otherwise be lawful. b. in culpa aquilana, the plainitff has the burden of proving that
the defendant was at fault or negligent.

Doctrine of absolute or strict liability in culpa contractual, it is not necessary for the plaintiff to plead or
- the actor, realizing the hazard of his undertaking nevertheless prove that the violation of the contract was due to fault or
assumes the risk connected therewith and, notwithstanding he is negligence.
free from all wrong, and has used utmost care, he nevertheless is
liable for any invasion of the person or property rights of another. c. culpa aquilana- there is no preseumption that the defendant
was at fault or negligent
Culpa contractual - the mere proof of the existence of the contract
Article 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes damage to and its breach raises such presumtion that the burden is on the
another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the defendant to prove that he was not at fualt or negligent.
damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-existing
contractual relation between the parties, is called a quasi-delict d. culpa aquilana - primarily governed by Article 2176
and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter. (1902a)
Culpa Contractual - governed by 1170 to 1174
*Fault - when a person acts in a manner contrary to what should
have done. Article 2177. Responsibility for fault or negligence under the
preceding article is entirely separate and distinct from the civil
liability arising from negligence under the Penal Code. But the
Licuanan, Apple Jade S.
Torts reviewer - midterms ( Atty. Ever Rose Higuit)
plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for the same act or responsible for those events which could not be foreseen, or
omission of the defendant.(n) which, though foreseen, were inevitable. (1105a)

CRIME VS. QUASI- DELICT Fortuitous Event- any event which cannot be foreseen, or
1. crime -there is criminal or malicious intent or criminal which though foreseen, is inevitable. it is an event which is either
negligence impossible to foresee or impossible to avoid.
quasi delict - there is only negligence
Fortuitous Event vs. Force Majeure
2. Crime - there are 2 liabilities: criminal and civil
QD - there is only civil liability Fortuitous Event - event independent of the will of the obligor but
not of other men (Acts of Men)
3. Crime - affects public interest
QD - concerns private interest or concern Force Majeure - those events which are totally independent of the
4. crime - purpose is punishment or correction will of every human being (Acts of God)
QD - indemnification of the offended party
Requisites of Fortuitous Event
5. Criminal liability cannot be compromised
Liability for QD can be compromised as any other civil liability 1.Event must be independent of the human will or at least the
obligor's will
6. In crime, the guilt of the accused must be proved beyond
reasonable doubt, 2. the event could not be foreseen or if foreseen, must have been
QD - the fault or negligence of the defendant need only be proved impossible to avoid
by preponderance of evidence
3. Event must be of such a character as to render it impossible for
7. Crime - the liability of the person responsible for the author of the obligor to comply with his obligation in a normal manner
the negligent act or omission is subsidiary
QD - it is direct and primary 4. Obligor must be free from any participation in, or the
aggravation of the injury to the obligee
Recovery of damages twice for the same act or omission is
prohibited Doctrine of assumption of risk

* quasi - delict and an act or omission punishable by law are two Meaning - assumption of risk may be invoked as a complete
different sources of obligations. defense by the defendant in a quasi-delictual action. it assumes
that a plaintiff who voluntarily assumes a risk of harm from the
The offended party has the option between an action for negligent conduct of the defendant cannot recover from such
enforcement of civil liability based on culpa criminal under Art. 100 harm.
of RPC and an action for recovery of damages based on culpa
aquilana under Art. 2177 of the NCC. Requisites:
1. plaintiff had actual knowledge of the danger
These two cases of action may be availed of subject to the caveat 2. he understood and appreciated the risk form the danger
that the offended party cannot recover twice for the same act or 3. he voluntarily exposed himself to such risk
omission or under both causes.

This proscription in our law stems from the fundamental rule Article 2179. When the plaintiff's own negligence was the
against unjust enrichment. Since these two civil liabilities are immediate and proximate cause of his injury, he cannot recover
distinct and independent of each other, the failure to reciver in damages. But if his negligence was only contributory, the
one will not necessarily preclude recovery in the other. immediate and proximate cause of the injury being the
defendant's lack of due care, the plaintiff may recover damages,
Article 2178. The provisions of articles 1172 to 1174 are also but the courts shall mitigate the damages to be awarded. (n)
applicable to a quasi-delict. (n)
Effect of negligence on the part of the injured party
Statutory definition of Fault or negligence
Article 1173. The fault or negligence of the obligor consists in Negligence merely contributed to the injury - to be entitled
the omission of that diligence which is required by the nature of to the damages, the law does not require that the negligence of
the obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the the defendant should be the sole cause of the damage.
persons, of the time and of the place. When negligence shows bad
faith, the provisions of articles 1171 and 2201, paragraph 2, shall There is a contributory negligence on the part of the injured party
apply. where his conduct has contributed, as a legal cause to the harm
If the law or contract does not state the diligence which is to be he has suffered, which fall below the standard to which he is
observed in the performance, that which is expected of a good required to conform for his own protection.
father of a family shall be required. (1104a)
Negligence - conduct that creates undue risk or harm to another. Legal cause of damage, harm or injury
it is the failure to observe for the protection of the interests of
another person , that justly demand, whereby such other person A person claiming damages for the fault or negligence of another
suffers injury has the burden of establishing at least 3 conditions:
Test for determining whether a person is negligent
1.Reasonable care and caution expected of an ordinary prudent 1. fault or negligence of the defendant
person 2. Damage, harm or injury to the plaintiff
2. No hard and fast rule from measuring degree of care 3. Connection of cause and effect between the fault or negligence
3.Negligence, a legal question and the damage.

Factors to be considered Proximate cause

1. nature of the obligation - that cause which in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken
2. circumstances of the person or thing by any efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, and
3. Circumstances of time without which the result would not have occurred.
4. Circumstances of the place
Tests of Proximate cause
Fortuitous Event 1. But for test - defendant's conduct is the cause of the injury
which would not have been sustained if the defendant had not
Article 1174. Except in cases expressly specified by the law, or been negligent.
when it is otherwise declared by stipulation, or when the nature of
the obligation requires the assumption of risk, no person shall be
Licuanan, Apple Jade S.
Torts reviewer - midterms ( Atty. Ever Rose Higuit)
2. cause-in-fact test - a cause in fact relation must exist 3. the possibility of contributing conduct which would make the
between defendants conduct and plaintiff's injury before liability plaintiff responsible is eliminated.
may arise.
Emergency Rule
3. substantial factor test - if the actors conduct is a substantial - a person who, without fault or negligence on his part , is
factor in bringing about harm to another, the fact that the actor suddenly placed in an emergency or unexpected danger and
neither foresaw nor should have foreseen the extent of the harm compelled to act instantly and instinctively with no time for
or the manner in which it occurred, does not prevent him from reflection and exercise of the required precaution, is not guilty of
being liable negligence and therefore, exempt from liability, if he did not make
the wisest choice of the available courses of conduct to avoid
4. Foreseability test - if the defendant could not reasonably injury which reasonably a prudent person would have made under
foresee any injury as a result of his act, or if his act is reasonable normal circumstances.
in the light of what he could anticipate, there is no negligence and
no liability. - the rule is not available where the situation or danger was
caused by his own negligence.
5. Natural and probable consequence test - it must appear
that the injury was not only the natural but also the probable
consequence of the conduct as distinguished from consequences Article 2180. The obligation imposed by article 2176 is
that are merely possible. since shat is probable is, in a real sense, demandable not only for one's own acts or omissions, but also for
foreseeable, foresee ability appears to be an implicit element of those of persons for whom one is responsible.
this test of proximate cause. The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother, are
responsible for the damages caused by the minor children who live
6. Direct consequence test - the defendant is liable for all the in their company.
damage that flows as the ordinary and natural or direct Guardians are liable for damages caused by the minors or
consequence of his conduct to be determined from the incapacitated persons who are under their authority and live in
circumstances of the case rather than upon whether he might or their company.
must have reasonably expected the resulting inury. The owners and managers of an establishment or enterprise are
likewise responsible for damages caused by their employees in the
Doctrine of contributory negligence - negligence on the part service of the branches in which the latter are employed or on the
of the injured party which merely contributes to, but is not the occasion of their functions.
proximate cause of, his inury, and resulting in the mitigation of the Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their
defendant's liability and plaintiff's indemnity. employees and household helpers acting within the scope of their
assigned tasks, even though the former are not engaged in any
Doctrine of comparative negligence - a comparison is made in business or industry.
terms of the degree of the negligence of the plaintiff and that of The State is responsible in like manner when it acts through a
the defendant and the amount of damages recoverable by plaintiff special agent; but not when the damage has been caused by the
is reduced to the extent of his negligence. official to whom the task done properly pertains, in which case
what is provided in article 2176 shall be applicable.
Doctrine of Last clear chance -the negligence of the plaintiff Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades shall
does not preclude a recovery for the negligence of the defendant be liable for damages caused by their pupils and students or
where it appears that the defendant, by exercising reasonable care apprentices, so long as they remain in their custody.
and prudence, might have avoided injurious consequences to the The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease when the
plaintiff notwithstanding the plaintiff's negligence. persons herein mentioned prove that they observed all the
diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage. (1903a)
Elements - The doctrine may be invoked by the injured
person, if the following facts are present. Principle of vicarious liability
- a person is made liable not only for torts committed by himself
1. the plaintiff was in a position of danger and, by his own but also for torts committed by others with whom he has certain
negligence , became unable to escape from such position by the relationship and for whom he is responsible , subject to certain
use of ordinary care , either because it became physically conditions.
impossible for him to do so or because he as totally unaware of
the danger. Liability of parents
both parents shall be liable as amended by the family code
2. the defendant knew that the plaintiff as in a position of danger
and further knew , or in the exercise of ordinary care should have Scope of liability
known , that the plaintiff was unable to escape there from 1. minor children who live in their company
2. minor child is already married and minor is not living with
3. that the defendant had the last clear chance to avoid the parents if the separation of unjustifiable because of the failure of
accident by the exercise of ordinary care but failed to exercise the parents to properly exercise their parental authority and
such last clear chance, and the accident occurred as a proximate responsibility.
result of such failure.
Respondent superior - negligence
Vicarouslibility - liability
Doctrine of Res IpsaLoquitor
-the thing or transaction speaks for itself. it is a maxim for the rule Article 2181. Whoever pays for the damage caused by his
that the fact of the occurrence of an injury, taken with the dependents or employees may recover from the latter what he has
surrounding circumstances, may permit an inference or paid or delivered in satisfaction of the claim. (1904)
negligence, or make out a plaintiff's prima facie case, and present
a question of fact for defendant to meet with an explanation. Does not concern on either joint or solidary liability.

the doctrine is applied only if unsure and if no direct evidence of -persons enumerated under 2180 are given the right to seek
who is at fault. when you cannot tell who is at fault but you can reimbursement from the author for "what he has paid of or
tell what contributed to the injury. delivered in satisfaction of the claim " of the plaintiff.

Requisites of the doctrine: Article 2182. If the minor or insane person causing damage has
no parents or guardian, the minor or insane person shall be
1. the accident is of a kind or character which ordinarily does not answerable with his own property in an action against him where a
occur in the absence of someone's negligence guardian ad litem shall be appointed. (n)

2. it is caused by an instrumentality or an agency within the

exclusive management or control of the defendant or defendants Article 2183. The possessor of an animal or whoever may make
use of the same is responsible for the damage which it may cause,
Licuanan, Apple Jade S.
Torts reviewer - midterms ( Atty. Ever Rose Higuit)
although it may escape or be lost. This responsibility shall cease (1) By the explosion of machinery which has not been taken care
only in case the damage should come from force majeure or from of with due diligence, and the inflammation of explosive
the fault of the person who has suffered damage. (1905) substances which have not been kept in a safe and adequate
Main consideration for liability: if there is control. (2) By excessive smoke, which may be harmful to persons or
He who possesses the animal for utility, pleasure or service must property;
answer for the damage which such animal may cause. (3) By the falling of trees situated at or near highways or lanes, if
Article 2184. In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is solidarily not caused by force majeure;
liable with his driver, if the former, who was in the vehicle, could (4) By emanations from tubes, canals, sewers or deposits of
have, by the use of the due diligence, prevented the misfortune. It infectious matter, constructed without precautions suitable to the
is disputably presumed that a driver was negligent, if he had been place. (1908)
found guilty of reckless driving or violating traffic regulations at
least twice within the next preceding two months. Article 2192. If damage referred to in the two preceding articles
should be the result of any defect in the construction mentioned in
If the owner was not in the motor vehicle, the provisions of article article 1723, the third person suffering damages may proceed only
2180 are applicable. (n) against the engineer or architect or contractor in accordance with
said article, within the period therein fixed. (1909)
Applicability of 2184
the article applies only if the owner was at the vehicle at the time 2190 talks about the defect in the construction - engineer
of the mishap otherwise, the provisions of article 2180 would be or architect shall be liable for any damage or injury y the defect.
applicable, where the owner even if not in the vehicle will be liable
unless he exercised due diligence to prevent the damage. Article 2193. The head of a family that lives in a building or a
part thereof, is responsible for damages caused by things thrown
or falling from the same. (1910)
Article 2185. Unless there is proof to the contrary, it is presumed
that a person driving a motor vehicle has been negligent if at the Head of the family - may not be the owner of the building and it
time of the mishap, he was violating any traffic regulation. (n) may include lessee who lives in the building or a part thereof.

Article 2186. Every owner of a motor vehicle shall file with the Article 2194. The responsibility of two or more persons who are
proper government office a bond executed by a government- liable for quasi-delict is solidary. (n)
controlled corporation or office, to answer for damages to third
persons. The amount of the bond and other terms shall be fixed Proscription of action upon quasi-delict
by the competent public official. (n) Article 1146. The following actions must be instituted within four
Article 2187. Manufacturers and processors of foodstuffs, drinks,
toilet articles and similar goods shall be liable for death or injuries (1) Upon an injury to the rights of the plaintiff;
caused by any noxious or harmful substances used, although no (2) Upon a quasi-delict;
contractual relation exists between them and the consumers. (n)
However, when the action arises from or out of any act, activity,
This is one of the exceptions to the general rule that negligence is or conduct of any public officer involving the exercise of powers or
not presumed. authority arising from Martial Law including the arrest, detention
and/or trial of the plaintiff, the same must be brought within one
Requisites for liability (1) year. (As amended by PD No. 1755, Dec. 24, 1980.)
1. defendant is a manufacturer or processor
2. products manufactured or processed are foodstuffs, drinks,
toilet articles, and similar goods
3. defendant used noxious or harmful substances in the
manufacture of processing
4. death or injury was caused by the product consumed or used
containing such noxious or harmful substances.

5. victim is the consumer, user or purchaser

Article 2188. There is prima facie presumption of negligence on

the part of the defendant if the death or injury results from his
possession of dangerous weapons or substances, such as firearms
and poison, except when the possession or use thereof is
indispensable in his occupation or business. (n)

Prima facie presumption that the defendant was negligent

1. a person dies or in injured
2. death or injury results from the defendant's possession of
dangerous weapon or substances.

Article 2189. Provinces, cities and municipalities shall be liable

for damages for the death of, or injuries suffered by, any person
by reason of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges,
public buildings, and other public works under their control or
supervision. (n)

Article 2190. The proprietor of a building or structure is

responsible for the damages resulting from its total or partial
collapse, if it should be due to the lack of necessary repairs.

Liability of proprietor - if he failed to make necessary repairs

Article 2191. Proprietors shall also be responsible for damages

Licuanan, Apple Jade S.
Torts reviewer - midterms ( Atty. Ever Rose Higuit)

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