A Generalized Gardner Relation: X/X Is The
A Generalized Gardner Relation: X/X Is The
A Generalized Gardner Relation: X/X Is The
Charles P. Ursenbach
Gardner’s relation is extended to include dependence on both shear and
compressional velocity. Data for fitting are generated from work on Gardner-type
relations by Wang (2000). It is found that a single relation of this form can
reasonably represent several lithologies.
Gardner's relation (ρ = Cα1/4, ρ = density, α = compressional velocity) has been
widely used as a means of providing approximate densities or compressional
velocities, when one was available and the other not (Gardner et al., 1974). Other
empirical forms for a density-velocity relation are possible, such as Birch's Law and
Lindseth's relation. One of the advantages of Gardner's form however is in its
application to AVO, as demonstrated by Smith and Gidlow (1987). In traditional
AVO one uses information on P-P reflection coefficients as input to an inversion
process that yields ∆ρ/ρ, ∆α/α, and ∆β/β as output (β = shear velocity, and ∆x/x is the
difference x divided by the average of x across an interface). This procedure is
strongly stabilized by reducing the number of output variables from three to two.
One way to accomplish this for linear inversion is by substituting for the density
contrast with a relation of the form
∆ρ ∆α
= c1 + c2 . (1)
ρ α
Integrating this yields
ln ρ = c1 ln α + c 2 α + c3 (2)
ρ = c3 α c1 e c2 α (3)
This is exactly the form of Gardner's relation, with c1 = ¼ and c2 = 0, and the
substitution of Equation (1) is precisely what Smith and Gidlow proposed. Such a
simple manipulation is not possible with other empirical density-velocity relations.
There are a variety of changes one could propose and still retain the essential form
of Gardner's relation. Castagna et al. (1993) for instance proposed a set of lithology
specific relations. Work by Dey and Stewart (1997), Potter and Stewart (1998), and
Potter (1999) has used Blackfoot log data to develop ρ-β relations. More recently,
Wang (2000) has used laboratory data to develop ρ-α and ρ-β relations for six
different lithologies, for both gas- and water-saturation.
Dey (2001) noted the possibility of developing an empirical relation involving all
three variables. We reason here that because of the greater flexibility in fitting
permitted by use of an additional variable, this method may have the ability to
represent multiple lithologies with accuracy, using only a single expression.
Individual lithologies have well-defined relations between α and β (see, for instance,
Mavko et al., Section 7.8), so it is hoped that fitting ρ to both α and β will allow the
α-β relations to be incorporated implicitly into a generalized Gardner relation.
One use of such a relation would be to predict shear velocity logs from the more
commonly obtained density and sonic logs. When lithology is know, α-β relations
are generally used to predict β from α. However if lithology is not known, a single
lithology-independent β(ρ,α) relation would be very useful. Another potential
application, given the appropriate functional form, is an analogy to the Smith-Gidlow
AVO method. In this paper we propose a function of the form:
ρ = Cα A β B (4)
which yields the relation
dρ dα dβ
=A +B . (5)
ρ α β
The potential use of Equation (5) in AVO is explored elsewhere in this volume
(Ursenbach and Stewart, 2001).
Table I. Ranges of densities values employed for generating input data for each lithology
From these density values we employ Wang’s equations [Equations (6) and (7) from
his paper] to generate values of α and β. These are of the form α = c ρd, which is
simply a rearrangement of Gardner’s relation, and similarly β = c ρd. We then fit the
resulting (ρ,α,β) triples from all lithologies to the expression
ln ρ = ln C + A ln α + B ln β (6)
to obtain A, B, and lnC. For units of g/cm3 and km/s, this yields A = −0.091, B =
0.319, and C = 2.10.
These are not our final suggested results however. A test was carried out to see
how well α and β predicted by Wang’s equations satisfy extant α-β relations (Mavko
et al., 1998, Sec. 7.8). In fact they deviate somewhat, as illustrated for dolomite in
the figure below:
FIG. 1. Values of β/α predicted by Wang’s equations compared to α-β relation from Mavko et
al., Sec. 7.8.
There is generally much less data scatter about a best-fit α-β relation than about a
best-fit ρ-α or ρ-β relation. Thus it seems important to constrain the fitting to satisfy
the α-β relations. To accomplish this we weighted the data by creating additional
points. The first way this was done was as follows. For each (ρ,α,β) in the data set,
we also included (ρ, aβ+b, cα+d), where (a,b,c,d) are appropriate constants obtained
from the α-β relations. After including these points in the fit we obtained A = 0.103,
B = 0.146, and C = 1.83 using 1000 density points for each lithology. The correlation
coefficient had a value of 0.83. The sum of A and B is 0.249, very close to the ¼
exponent of Gardner’s relation. It is reasonable that they are of similar size, but
likely a coincidence that they are so nearly identical. C is also of similar magnitude
to the corresponding constant in Gardner’s relation, which is 1.741 (for units of g/cm3
and km/s).
FIG. 2. Comparison of fitted density to input density. The density for a given (VP=α, VS=β) pair
is given by the angle of the line with respect to the horizontal (horizontal = minimum density in
range, vertical = maximum density). The black lines represent the original input densities,
from which α and β were predicted by Wang’s Equations (6) and (7). This data was then fit to
Equation (4), and the values of ρ predicted by the fit of Equation (4) for the same (α, β) pairs
are given by the lighter colored line on top of the black line.
A second method for including extra points was to replace each (ρ,α,β) with
(ρ,α,aα+b) and (ρ,cβ+d,β). Fitting this data yielded A = 0.0799, B = 0.164, and C =
1.87, again using 1000 density points for each lithology. The correlation coefficient
again had a value of 0.83, and plotting the result gave a result similar to that in Figure
2. The sum of A and B is 0.244, again close to ¼.
Gardner’s relation, ρ = 1.741 α1/4 (for ρ in g/cm3 and α in km/s), is generalized
herein to ρ = C αA βB, where C is similar in size to 1.741 and A + B ≈ ¼. This result
is expected to be reasonably accurate for several water-saturated lithologies.
Limestone appears to be the least well described. This result would be useful both for
predicting shear velocities and for substituting velocity contrasts for density contrasts
in AVO inversion approximations.
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