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SGI Bulletin August 2013 1

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Men renew their Creating SE London women Brave leaders Kent members 30 countries
determinations in the future become experts in of kosen-rufu in rise to the attend European
Northern Ireland in Wales! the art of happiness Central London challenge! study course

Trust through friendship. Peace through trust.

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The deadline for items to be considered
SGI-UK online news bulletin Issue 101 7.8.2013 for the next issue is Sunday, August 18

Pictures: Hideo Kato and Kwame Yempew

Brilliant Future Division summer courses
The first-ever one-day SGI-UK Future Division summer day courses enabled many who would not usually participate
courses, held at Taplow Court on July 27 for regional in residential courses to take part.
members and July 28 for London members, were a great The weather was sunny and warm throughout, and Taplow
success, writes Kwame Yempew. Court shone as a ‘garden of the Gakkai’, radiant with the smiles
They were the first courses of their kind where the of children.
Mimosas (girls aged 7-10), Young Eagles (boys aged 7-10) and Some 300 young people participated. For the first time, the
Future Group (boys and girls aged 11-18) gathered together. activities were based on the new Future Division age structure:
They were history-making events for SGI-UK, with the • Young Eagles and Mimosa: 7-10 year olds.
gathering of more children than ever before at a Future • Young Future Group: 11-14 year olds.
Division summer course with all four divisions working in
• Older Future Group: 15-18 year olds.
unity to nurture our precious successors. The format of one-
The themes were ‘Soar into the skies of hope!’ for the 7-10
turn to page 2

Developing and nurturing our Future Division members
is one of the most noble acts we can undertake to open
up a new age for kosen-rufu.
To all of you who are engaged in developing the Future
Division with your profoundly deep care and concern,
thank you so much for your constant efforts!
– Daisaku Ikeda, July 30, 2013
SGI-UK online news bulletin Issue 101 7.8.2013 Page 2

Pictures: Hideo Kato and Kwame Yempew

Brilliant Future Division summer courses held at Taplow Court
from page 1 At the end of each day everyone
year olds and ‘Dialogues for the future: reconvened, where, in the spirit of
travelling the path of victory together supporting each other, the older Future
with Sensei’ for the 11-18 year olds. Division members helped the younger
Each day followed the same format. ones to make arm bracelets called
Prior to the course, children across the ‘scooby doo’.
UK created artwork based on the course On both days, a total of 41 Young
themes. This artwork became part of the Eagles and 53 Mimosas graduated into
course booklet. the Future Group and 10 Future Group
Everyone was encouraged to see members graduated into the Youth
the preciousness and importance of Division at memorable graduation
their lives and the positive effect that ceremonies, which were attended by
participating in Future Division activities and Saskia Reed and Joshua Efemini- parents. Each graduate was given a
would have on their development and Batchelor shared a study point from the certificate and a gift book. This was
happiness. Gosho ‘The Treasure Tower’. followed by a cultural event.
They were encouraged to feel free to The Mimosas wrote a letter to Sensei By the end of each day, spirits were
enjoy themselves. It was their day. based on ‘The Princess and The Moon’ high and much laughter and cheering
As SGI-UK General Director Robert story, the Young Eagles discussed the filled the main hall at Taplow Court.
Samuels put it, rather than an activity for theme ‘Soar into the skies of hope!’ A Young Eagle expressed the desire
adults where children had to stay out of and determined to take on the motto of to chant every day and a young Future
the way and do something quietly, this ‘challenge’ this summer, expressing it Group member who had wanted to give
was an activity for the children of by building towers from spaghetti and up the practice determined to carry
SGI-UK, and the parents – apart from marshmallows! on chanting to bring about harmony
those directly supporting the Young There were various experiences, between his parents.
Eagles and Mimosa – were to stay out of group discussions, arts and crafts The SGI-UK Future Division leaders
the way and do something quietly! workshops, dancing, singing, African have determined, with renewed vigour,
Separate activities, games and drumming led by the Men’s Division, to make this new beginning the kick-off
workshops were organised for the Future parachute games, football and a walk for the rapid advancement of the Future
Group, Young Eagles and Mimosas around Taplow Court. Division of SGI-UK.
throughout the day. Everyone enjoyed refreshments Throughout SGI-UK, members are
Future Group representatives of water, juice, fruit, cereal bars, preparing cultural events locally with
Tirion Dowsett and Tom Cormack gave sandwiches and ice lollies throughout their Future Division that will take place
inspiration on ‘Having great dreams’ the day. in October. They are looking forward to it!
SGI-UK online news bulletin Issue 101 7.8.2013 Page 3
Summer courses

Philip Pinchin
27 dedicated, determined men from Northern Ireland HQ and
SGI Ireland, supported by SGI-UK Vice national Men’s Division
leader Naruo Yoshikawa and northern ireland regional md
leader Mike Yeadon, gathered on the outskirts of Belfast for
our summer course on June 28, writes Paul Fitzsimmons.
The day began with spirited daimoku and gongyo. We
were then inspired by an experience which expressed how
through dedicated practice and sincere prayer a difficult family
situation could be transformed.
We studied President Ikeda’s lecture on the Gosho ‘The
Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra’, sang together and
had inspiring heart-to-heart dialogues. Everyone left with a
refreshed determination to continue giving 100 per cent to
achieving President Ikeda’s vision for Europe.
Caroline March

Some 70 men from South East London Area gathered

over the weekend of July 19-21 for our summer course at
Latimer Place hotel set high in the green Chiltern Hills,
28 beautiful bodhisattvas gathered at the Small World Theatre writes Tom Bowles.
in Cardigan, Ceredigion, for the West and South West Wales Chris Nembhard, Men’s Division Area leader, set the
HQ Women’s Division summer course on July 21 with the theme direction by asking all of us to deeply ponder the course theme:
‘Now is the time to create the future’, writes Jenny Rees. ‘Casting off the transient and revealing the true – every day
After an invigorating gongyo, wales and the borders area wd with my mentor’.
leader Martine Palmer gave an inspiring lecture and reminded Men’s Division national leader Robert Harrap followed
us that the purpose of Buddhist study is to enable us and those this up by reminding us of the critical role men play as ‘pillars’
around us to become happy. Three members gave wonderful of our districts – our presence creating a sense of safety that
experiences. In sharing their profound and courageous stories allows the other divisions to flourish and bloom. He also called
they warmed our hearts and strengthened our determinations on us to embrace our role as votaries of the Lotus Sutra and to
to use our faith to win over any obstacles. After lunch we sang “burn with the desire to create a world of equality and respect”.
together, held small discussion groups and participated in a We opened up our lives and shared journeys of courage and
Q & A hosted with great wisdom and insight by Martine Palmer transformation. Donny McLennan, General md Area leader,
and area general wd leader Kyoko Gibson. The weather summed up by saying: “Your human revolution is, first of all,
was gloriously sunny, it was a day to treasure and we stepped to understand that you are a Bodhisattva of the Earth – this is
forward into the future we ourselves are creating. what it means to ‘cast off the transient’.”

With the theme of ‘Begin it now’, some 40 men of

Mark Bauer

Central South of England Area gathered at historic

Horsley Park in East Horsley from July 27-28 for
our summer course, writes David Murphy.
The weekend of camaraderie provided us with an
opportunity to explore what it really means to ‘cast
off the transient and reveal the true’ and to deepen
our understanding of, and commitment to, the mentor-
disciple relationship. SGI-UK Men’s Division leader
Robert Harrap led us in our study, focusing us on ‘the
crucial moment’ when we too can choose to stand up.
We exchanged thoughts and experiences based on
excerpts from the ‘New Human Revolution’, and left for
home determined and renewed.
SGI-UK online news bulletin Issue 101 7.8.2013 Page 4
News round-up

Julie Botticello
138 women attended the South
East London Area Women’s Division
summer course at Wokefield Park,
Reading, from July 27-28, writes
Nnenna Okonkwo.
Our theme was ‘Let’s talk together,
learn together, win together. Become
experts in the art of happiness. Casting
off the transient and revealing the true’.
The lectures explained Nichiren
Daishonin’s unshakeable spirit and
high life-state, in spite of the many
persecutions he faced, and how by using
our practice, we can develop rock solid
foundations in our lives. We shared
powerful experiences of overcoming
personal challenges. Group discussions
centred on seeing the next chapter of
our lives in the context of ‘casting off the
transient and revealing the true’.

75 brave leaders of kosen-rufu from

Emeka Okezie

Central London Area held our Men’s

Division summer course at Latimer Place,
Chesham, from June 29-30, writes Max
Area leader Alex Golding, SGI-UK vice MD
leader David Woodger, national MD leader
Robert Harrap and General Director Robert
Samuels urged us to ‘cast off the transient and
reveal the true’ by defeating our smaller selves,
not begrudging our lives and rededicating
ourselves for the sake of the Law.
We were moved by heartfelt experiences
and ‘revealed the true’ as golden pillars of
kosen-rufu – our mentor’s wish for us.

North London Area Men’s ‘Challenge, challenge,

Ann Walker-Parry
Division course from July 20-21 challenge’ was
was held with an atmosphere of the theme that 70
relaxed comradeship in the rural South East Kent hq
environment of Wokefield Park, members spent the
Reading, writes Carl Orr. last weekend in June
SGI-UK MD leader Robert Harrap exploring at Taplow
gave a lecture on ‘Casting off the Court, writes Ann
transient, revealing the true’, a great Walker-Parry.
place to start, and a subject that Our course was
continued in group meetings. We had a filled with amazing guidance and experiences. sgi-uk vice general director Kazuo Fujii
Q & A with Robert and md area leader revealed his winning 1-2-3 formula of one hour of daimoku, 20 minutes of study and
Tony Wu, inspiring experiences and making three people happy each day. He challenged us to be butterflies, not caterpillars;
entertainments, including heartfelt a person people need and want to have around; never to be unhappy and never to be
performances by karaoke king Alan Ng. defeated. area md leader John Grady encouraged us to revere our own Buddhahood,
Illuminating talks were given on the to use this practice to overcome any problem in our lives through spreading the Law.
nature of compassion (Tom Walter), care By the end, Taplow Court was like a ‘butterfly farm’ said member Brian Hickey. Four
(John Keryk) and courage (Steve Forster members receiving Gohonzon made for a joyous end to a memorable course.
and Mark Parker).
All districts in Camden HQ wrote part of a
Mark Parker
David Heath

poem, ‘Impossible into possible’ that was put

together and performed when we gathered
for kosen-rufu gongyo at the London Ikeda
Peace Centre on July 7, then sent to Sensei,
write Emily Cinnamon and Nick Williams.
The aim was to strengthen our mission
alongside Sensei and to know in our hearts
that through this practice the impossible can
become possible.
SGI-UK online news bulletin Issue 101 7.8.2013 Page 5
Members from 30 countries attend joyful European study course
490 representatives from 30 countries across Europe gathered

Yoichi Masumoto
in Milan from August 1-4 to deepen our understanding of faith
in Nichiren Buddhism, writes Lisa Cowan.
President Ikeda and Mrs Ikeda sent a long message. This
extract expresses the spirit which was created throughout the
course: “We hope you will have a joyful and fruitful course taking
a lot of time to talk to each other just as you would if you returned
home for a big family reunion after a long interval.”
Later in the message President Ikeda thanked each member
across Europe for their constant hard work every day which has
resulted in great progress in the first half of 2013. As we continue
to aim towards November 18, President Ikeda and Mrs Ikeda We were then introduced to Mr Mizukami, who is vice leader
encouraged each one of us as follows: “We would like each one of of the SGI Study Department. Mr Mizukami had visited Europe in
you to maintain courageous faith, and show splendid actual proof 1991, 1992 and 1994 together with President Ikeda as a reporter
of your human revolution while advancing harmoniously with your for the Seikyo newspaper. He prepared three lectures and studied
fellow members in the spirit of many in body one in mind… together with us with a tremendous warmth and openness.
“Aiming towards November 18 2013 let us win victory after Lecture one, ‘Unsurpassed treasures that shine within our own
victory energetically, cheerfully and in high spirits.” lives’, was based on the letter by Nichiren Daishonin called ‘On
Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime’, written to Toki Jonin.
Before the first lecture, Suzanne Pritchard, SGI-Europe
Women’s leader expressed gratitude on behalf of all members of Lecture two, ‘Leading lives of noble mission dedicated to
SGI-Europe to Mr Saito, the SGI Study Department Chief who kosen-rufu with conviction in the oneness of life and death’, was
passed away earlier this year having poured tremendous effort based on study of the Lifespan Chapter of the Lotus Sutra and
into enabling members across the world to deepen their faith writings from President Ikeda’s ‘The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra’.
through study. Lecture three, ‘Showing actual proof of victory through
unshakeable faith’, was based on the letter by Nichiren Daishonin
Daiki Nakamoto

called ‘The Hero of the World’, written to Shijo Kingo.

Mr Mizukami also responded to our numerous questions,
all the time encouraging us and praising the great efforts of all
members of SGI-Europe. He expressed that the activities of
SGI-Europe are regularly reported in the Seikyo newspaper and
are a great source of inspiration and encouragement for the
members in Japan and around the world.
I hope as you read this report you can feel a sense of the
family-like bonds which are being created across the world, and
that the efforts each of us make in our daily lives to live based on
the dignity and sanctity of life are being felt all over the world.

World News
Trets, France: SGI-Europe held a joint summer training
course for members of the men’s and women’s divisions
of medium-sized and smaller sgi organisations at the SGI
European Centre in Trets from July 19-23. Some 110 people
from 22 countries participated in the course. President Ikeda
sent a message.
Nagasaki, Japan: The exhibition ‘Nagasaki and the Atomic
Bomb’, created by Soka Gakkai, opened at the Soka Gakkai
Nagasaki Peace Centre on August 1. Part of the Nagasaki Peace
Week, the exhibition included video testimonies of survivors of
the bombing and will run until August 11.
l SGI-UK member Beth Dahill reports from the
Hiroshima Youth Peace Culture Festival: 1,600 Future
Group, Student and Youth Division members from Hiroshima
gathered together in japan on August 4 to deepen their
determination to realise President Ikeda’s call for Hiroshima
and Nagasaki to host a Nuclear Abolition Summit in 2015.

August AoL: creating a towering life-state

August’s AoL explores what it means A Buddhist magazine
August 2013
Price £3
Issue no. 146

to create a towering life-state with an

emphasis on the function of study in
supporting us to achieve this.
Nichiren Buddhism provides a universal way
for any person to raise their life-state and change Creating a towering

how they experience difficulties and obstacles.

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