Top Soil Mgnt.
Top Soil Mgnt.
Top Soil Mgnt.
The term ‘topsoil’ generally refers to the A soil horizon which is usually darker than the underlying soil
because of the accumulation of organic matter Brady (2000). Topsoil primarily provides a suitable growth
medium for vegetation. It is the major zone of root development and biological activity. All the microbial
activities that enhance plant growth are present in this layer, including insects, earthworms, bacteria, fungi,
nematodes, and actinomycetes. They help in decaying of organic matter to form humus by mineralisation
process and release plant nutrients in inorganic form. In addition, topsoil enhances soil structure and
improves texture, infiltration characteristics and overall fertility status of mine spoils. Top soiling is essential
for rejuvenation of microbial life in the bare mine spoils. Topsoil, being a precious natural resource, is also
required under legislation to remove, store and reuse appropriately in the eco-restoration work at the mine
degraded lands. It may require establishing vegetation on shallow soils, soils containing potentially toxic
materials, stony soils and soils of critically low pH (high acidity).
Biomass Clay Porosity Phosphorus Sludge
5.1 Introduction
The term ‘topsoil’ generally refers to the ‘A-soil horizon’ which is usually darker than the
underlying soil because of the accumulation of organic matter Brady (2000). Topsoil
primarily provides a suitable growth medium for vegetation. It is the major zone of root
development and biological activity. All the microbial activities that enhance plant growth
are present in this layer, including insects, earthworms, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and
actinomycetes. They help in decaying of organic matter to form humus by mineralisation
process and release plant nutrients in inorganic form. In addition, topsoil enhances soil
structure and improves texture, infiltration characteristics and overall fertility status of
mine spoils. Topsoiling is essential for rejuvenation of microbial life in the bare mine
spoils. Topsoil, being a precious natural resource, is also required under legislation to
remove, store and reuse appropriately in the eco-restoration work at the mine degraded
lands. It may require establishing vegetation on shallow soils, soils containing potentially
toxic materials, stony soils and soils of critically low pH (high acidity).
In eco-restoration purposes, topsoil not only consists of only upper 15-cm layer of the
surface horizon but may also consist of the A, B and C-soil horizons or any combination
thereof and which has been determined through soil surveys, laboratory analyses and
field trials found to be suitable as a plant growth medium for the post-mining land use.
Soil is unconsolidated mineral material in the immediate surface of the earth that serves
as a natural medium for the growth of plants and differs from material from which it was
derived in many physical, chemical, biological and morphological properties and
characteristics. Subsoil means any subsurface earthen materials, excluding any material
within the topsoil layer, which is capable of supporting plant life (Wyoming ELQD 1994).
Fig. 5.1 : Depicted the ideal horizon of a pedon unit
The topsoil lower limit is set at 30-cm depth or at a root growth-inhibiting layer
whichever is shallower. This layer can be hard rock, a pedogenetically indurated layer, a
chemically unfavourable layer or a strongly contrasting layer. Litter layer, if exists, occurs
above the topsoil. Topsoil can usually be differentiated from subsoil by texture as well as
colour. Clay content usually increases in the subsoil. Where subsoil is often high in clay,
in such case, the topsoil layer may be significantly coarser in texture. The depth of topsoil
may be quite variable. On severely eroded sites, it may be gone entirely.
Figure 5.1 illustrates the ideal pedon units showing topsoil, subsoil and weathered
overburden layers above the mineral deposit.
1. Climate: Climate is the dominating factor that influences, directly or indirectly, the
topsoil properties. It has a profound influence not only on the topsoil but also on topsoil-
forming factors such as vegetation, topography and human activity. Climatic parameters
which are important for the topsoil are temperature, moisture, radiation and wind.
2. Vegetation: Vegetation contributes in several ways to the formation of topsoil
characteristics, such as
Penetrating roots loosen the soil and improve porosity and aeration.
Litter, decaying branches and stems are transformed into organic matter (OM).
Enhances aggregation.
Increases structural stability.
Increases water-holding capacity.
Contributes to the nutrient-holding capacity.
Provides the soil with N, P and S and other nutrients which were stored in the above
ground biomass.
3. Biological activity comprises soil faunal and soil microbial activity. It enhances
One of the important functions of OM is to bind the soil particles. If the amount of OM is
reduced, this binding will become less; therefore, structural stability is decreased.
Second important function of OM is to increase the water-holding capacity of soil; hence,
loss of OM decreases water-holding capacity of soil. It has been reported that soil OM can
hold up to 20 times more water than a similar amount of mineral soil particles, so this
effect can be fairly drastic (FAO 1998).
Third most important physico-chemical property influenced by OM is the CEC. It has
been reported that 1% of OM gives the soil about 3–4 cmol(+) CEC kg−1 soil. This drop can
be very important especially in soils that have a low mineral CEC, like many soils in
tropical regions.
Location Deep topsoil is usually located in valley floors, while ridge tops generally have
and depth very shallow topsoil. Shallow ridge topsoil usually covers subsoil or unweathered
overburden that may not be favourable for reclamation
Colour Brownish earth-tone surface colour indicates topsoil and when colour changes to
light brown usually means topsoil has ended. Soil moisture darkens the soil so
recent rainfall saturation should not be mistaken for an actual change of colour
Structure Structure is the best indication of topsoil, and well-developed topsoil that lies
below the immediate surface can be identified by its blocky hexagonal shape
Texture It is a very important property of topsoil and has an effect on plant growth; silty
loam soil is the best for stripping. Heavy clay soils have limited water infiltration
capacity, while very sandy soils have poor water retention capacity and often
very low in nutrients
Density of Roots can be indicators of topsoil. Presence of dense mass of roots indicates the
root growth depth of stripping. However, isolated roots, especially shrub roots, can penetrate
well beyond topsoil. Therefore, only root growth cannot be used as only factor
for determining topsoil depths
Removal and preservation of flora
It is well understood that, for the successes of any ecorestoration project, it is essential
that native flora should be preserve by developing a ‘floral bank’ (if it is not use
immediately) or it may be transplanted and use for the new ecorestoration of sites. It is
always advisable that, during topsoil inventory, floral inventory also be carried out.
Generally, it should include classification of tree species (number, height, DBH and
crown cover), types of shrubs, climbers, herbs, grasses, ferns, mosses (bryophytes),
legumes etc. All these species must be documented in a scientific manner (local name,
botanical name and family), category of species (rare or common, uniqueness if any), any
red-data book species, economic and medicinal value etc. This information should be well
documented along with the photographs of the species, so that, they are easily
recognizable/identified by the non-botanist, which is an essential for the development of
floral bank/during transplantation work. Before transplantation of plants, operator
should ensure that soil is properly moistened, otherwise roots will get damaged
(especially feeder roots). Therefore, all the transplantation work must be carried out
during monsoon, when soil pore is saturated with water.
Determine depth of topsoil on 10-m spacing. The depth of topsoil material should be at
least 7 cm. Soil factors such as rock fragments, slope and layer thickness affect the ease of
excavation of topsoil. Generally, the upper part of the soil that is richest in organic matter
is most valuable. Keep topsoil separate from overburden, and store layers separately to
ensure that material is restored in the same order that it was removed.
Photo 5.1: View of topsoil layer in KD Heslong project, CCL (Photo Maiti, 2009)
Photo 5.2 : Thick topsoil (dark brown colour) and subsoil (light brown colour) found in
eastern part of Raniganj Coalfield (Photo: Maiti)
Removal of vegetation: Topsoil should be removed after the removal of vegetation cover
otherwise it will interfere the activities.
Timing of topsoil stripping: Should not strip when it is too dry or too wet, as this can lead
to compaction, loss of soil structure, loss of viability of seed and importantly loss of
microbes and mycorrhiza fungi.
Double stripping: The topsoil should be stripped at an interval of 5–10 cm, next 10–
30 cm.
All topsoil shall be removed in a separate layer from the areas to be disturbed. ‘A’
horizon, that is, rich in organic matter and other soil nutrients. If A-layer is very thin,
then the quality of B-horizon is to be evaluated (in between A-horizon and bedrock).
Subsoil segregation: The ‘B’ horizon and portion of ‘C’ horizon and other underlying layer
that has potential capacity for root development shall be segregated and replaced as
subsoil. When there is no topsoil or it is very thin, in such cases, topsoil substitute and
supplement is needed.
The quality of topsoil materials should be ascertained by physico-chemical analysis like
pH, conductivity, organic matter, CEC, nutrient content (NPK) and texture class that are
generally monitored.
Limits on topsoil removal area: The removal of vegetation material, topsoil or other
material may result in erosion, which may cause air/water pollution.
The size of the area from which topsoil is removed at one time shall be limited.
The surface soil layer shall be disturbed at a time when physical and chemical properties
of topsoil can be protected and erosion can be minimised.
Many workers stated that, in most area, the ‘A horizon’ of natural soil is vastly superior to
any underlying state. Even it is only 7–10-cm thick (3- or 4-in. thick), careful handling
and return of this horizon to the surface is required for most successful reclamation. The
soil survey indicates that the properties of ‘A horizon’ that are important for reclamation
Texture—loam, sandy loam and silt loam are best; sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, clay
loam, and loamy sand are fair. Do not use heavy clay and organic soils such as peat or
muck as topsoil.
Organic matter—generally, the upper part of the soil, which is richest in organic matter,
is most desirable; however, material excavated from deeper layers may be worth storing if
it meets the other criteria.
Plass (1978) stated that proper topsoiling may involve the removal and storage of A, B, C
1. Scrapers
Scrapers are best for striping the topsoil and universally used. They are capable of
removing very thin layer of materials, which added advantage for separation of topsoil
and subsoil. Scraper cuts should not be more than 50% of topsoil depth for a 15 cm thick
topsoil layer (6″) or more. Stripping should proceed from higher to lower topographical
areas, that is, shallower to deeper depth of topsoil; thus, scrapers are always being
pushed downhill side, which will give better productivity. It is important that after
stripping operation is completed, the topsoil should be dragged out of the cut and onto
stripped ground. Otherwise, loose topsoil inadvertently dragged onto previously stripped
areas which will be difficult to salvage and quality likely to be lost.
Loaders work well in 60 cm (2 ft) and thicker topsoil on flat and gently rolling topography
with 60 cm or more of a subsoil which is suitable as substitute of topsoil. Thus, if topsoil
and subsoil is dozed into piles or rows and loader cuts suitable subsoil under the topsoil
while loading, the topsoil quality will not be impacted. While in irregular topography with
shallow depth topsoil on overburden, the loader and dozer fleet will significantly cut and
load overburden and deteriorate the topsoil resource.
Shovels and trucks are very cost-effective combination in salvaging and moving large
topsoil stockpiles. If the shovel and truck operation is trying to remove all the topsoil
stockpiles, the economics of the operation will be reduced by 50% for the volume that is
represented by the stockpile edges and floor.
The ability of VAM fungi to associate with plants is rapidly depleted by topsoil
disturbance and stockpiling. This often results in low levels of infection in the early years
of restoration (Miller and Cameron 1976). Similarly, only limited numbers of
ectomycorrhizal fungi species have been seen in recent restoration. As a result, some
species may not recolonise restored areas until specific mycorrhizae have recolonised. To
conserve mycorrhizal inocula, topsoil should be (a) directly returned wherever possible,
and (b) when stockpiling is unavoidable, the piles should be low and revegetated as soon
as possible.
Nitrogen fixation by legumes relies on a symbiotic association between the plant and the
bacteria known generally as rhizobia. Rhizobia appear to be more tolerant to disturbance
and stockpiling than mycorrhizal fungi. Cooke and Johnson (2002) suggested important
aspects of topsoil conservation during movement and storage (Table 5.2).
Table 5.2
Considerations and practice in topsoil conservation (After Cooke and Jhonson 2002)
Soil Determine depth and horizon of each profile, which will be needed to
characteristics handle topsoil, subsoil and overburden separately
Texture class, plastic limit, structural status and bulk density in relation to
loss of porosity and other physical and biological changes during soil
Soil movement Carefully lift, transport, store and reinstatement the topsoil to avoid
compaction, killing of soil fauna and the release of dormancy of buried seed
Changes during Physical: loss of organic matter and the alteration of binding of soil
storage particles, loss of aggregate stability, soil compaction
10 12.5 15.0
25 50 75
Mulching: If possible, after the application of topsoil, a layer of mulch (2–3″ or 5–8 cm
thick) may apply to cover topsoil and provides organic matter initially. The mulch layer
will prevent soil to dry out and crusted, reduce evaporation, ameliorate extreme
temperature, prevent erosion and create congenial microhabitat for soil biological
On slopes and areas that will not be mowed, the surface may be left rough after spreading
topsoil. A disc may be used to promote bonding at the interface between the topsoil and
After topsoil application, follow procedures for temporary or permanent seeding, taking
care to avoid excessive mixing of topsoil into the subsoil.
Sources of Topsoil
Before commencement of any ecorestoration work, sources of topsoil have to be
identified. There are generally two sources, either from (a) previously stored topsoil
dump or (b) identify nearby land to borrow topsoil material. In Indian conditions, during
pit plantation of tree species, topsoil is put in the plantation pit only along with
weathered overburden in the ration of 1:4. However, it is recommended that, for
ecorestoration purposes, if sufficient topsoil is available, it should be spread in the entire
area. The use of topsoil during ecorestoration practices is shown in Table 5.4.
Table 5.4 : Issues related to the use of topsoil during ecorestoration process (Maiti 2010)
Spreading in Spreading of topsoil (by scraper)—at least 10 cm, sometimes 15 cm or
entire area even 60 cm, thick topsoil cover is spread, which is based on type of
vegetation to be raised (fruit orchards or good timber-yielding plants).
Uniformly distribute topsoil to a minimum compacted depth of 2" (51 mm)
on 3:1 slopes and 4" (102 mm) on flatter slopes
Pouring in Stockpile the topsoil in the plantation area itself, and put about one basket
plantation pit (20–30 kg) in each plantation pit; quantity depends on types of plants and
quality of topsoil. However, in overburden materials, topsoil in the ratio of
4:1 is recommended
Non availability of In such situation, find out alternative to topsoil. There could be various
good quality reasons for unavailability of topsoil in plantation site, like–the cost of
topsoil transportation is prohibitive or topsoil is of very poor quality or topsoil
was not preserved properly. Such case improves the quality of waste
materials by use of organic matter, amendments, farm yard manures
(FYM), mulches, etc.
Live topsoiling is extracting topsoil from its place of origin and placing it directly onto an
area that has already been mined, backfilled and graded for reclamation. This is the most
desirable topsoil management option, as the topsoil is handled only once and does not
compact during storage within stockpiles.
Sediment barriers: Use sediment fences or other barriers where necessary to retain
The following techniques which can improve the ability to support plant growth in the
long term are
Application of organic matter such as animal manures, sewage sludge or other organic
Gypsum to improve the structure and reduce the pH of highly alkaline substrates
Lime to raise the pH of acid substrates
Inorganic fertilisers
Soil conditioners: Many proprietary soil conditioners, such as polyvinyl alcohol polymers,
are available which may be useful in certain situations. However, field trial should be
conducted to assess the ecorestoration purposes before it is applied in larger area.
Growing green manure crops which can be incorporated into the substrate.
Establishing nitrogen-fixing species such as legumes to increase the organic matter and
nitrogen content of the substrate.
Applying mulch.
Seeding rates will probably have to be increased compared to those for topsoil in order to
establish a satisfactory cover of plants on these alternative substrates.
Disadvantages: Although topsoil may provide an improved growth medium, there may
be some disadvantages. Stripping, stockpiling, hauling and spreading topsoil (importing
topsoil) may not be cost-effective. Handling may be difficult if large amounts of branches
or rocks are present or if the terrain is too rough. Most topsoil contains weed seeds, which
compete with desirable species.