Lecture Notes For Phys 500 - QM I: 1.1 Motivation
Lecture Notes For Phys 500 - QM I: 1.1 Motivation
Lecture Notes For Phys 500 - QM I: 1.1 Motivation
Abstract. These lecture notes cover material which is not in Sakurai’s book. We discuss prob-
abilistic mixtures of quantum states, density operators and their properties, tensor products of
Hilbert spaces, completely positive trace-preserving maps (CPTP maps) and their Kraus normal
form, entanglement, the no-cloning theorem and the impossibility of superluminal communication
in quantum mechanics, and dense coding and teleportation. Furthermore, we discuss the now-
famous paper by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, entitled “Can quantum mechanics be considered a
complete description of physical reality?”, local hidden variable models, and the Bell inequalities.
1 Density operators
1.1 Motivation
Consider a stream of spin-1/2 particles where each spin is pointing up (wrt the z-axis) with a
probability of 1/2, and pointing down with a probability of 1/2. How do we describe this physical
A suggestion one might come up with is to choose the state with same amplitudes for then
spin-up and spin-down components,
| ↑i + | ↓i
√ . (1)
Indeed, by the Born rule, the probabilities for finding the spin pointing up or down are indeed both
equal to 1/2, as required.
However, this is not enough. The suggested state must give the right expectation values and
probabilities for every possible observable on the given physical system. So let us consider the
measurement of Ŝx . For a 50/50 mixture of | ↑i and | ↓i—or any classical mixture—the rules
of classical probability theory apply, in particular Bayes’ rules for conditional probabilities. The
probability for finding the “up” result in a measurement of Ŝx equals the probability of having
| ↑iz times the conditional probability of finding the “X-up” result in the measurement of | ↑iz
plus the probability of having | ↓iz times the conditional probability of finding the “X-up” result in
the measurement of | ↓iz . Thus, the probability of finding “X-up” for the given mixture should be
1/2 ∗ 1/2 + 1/2 ∗ 1/2 = 1/2. However, for the state in (1) we find that the same probability should
be unity. Contradiction.
We might seek to avoid this contradiction by changing the relative phase in (1) from “+” to
some eiφ , but it will not help. While the discrepancy may cease for Ŝx , there will always be an
observable for which it persists (can you show that?).
1.2 Definition of the density operator
In preparation for resolving the puzzle from the preceding section, it is helpful to introduce the
notion of the “trace” Tr A of a operator A.
Problem 1. Demonstrate the above three properties of the trace Eq. (2).
We now return to the setting of the Motivation section, or indeed a slightly more general one.
Consider the ensemble E of quantum states,
E = pi , |φi i .
This means that states |φi i are drawn randomly from a set, with probabilities pi . For this ensemble
and for any operator A, the expectation hAiE is
hAiE = pi hφi |A|φi i.
where P
ρ := i pi |φi ihφi | . (3)
Definition 2 For an ensemble E = pi , |φi i , ρ := i pi |φi ihφi | is the corresponding density
If a density operator has an eigenvalue of 1 then it is called pure. Otherwise, a density operator is
called mixed. All pure density operators are of the form ρ = |ψihψ| for some state |ψi ∈ H (can
you show this?). Thus, they have an ensemble representation with just one state in it. That’s the
reason for calling such states pure.
Let’s see what we have achieved. The just-derived expression
hAiE = Tr Aρ (4)
for the expectation value of A is the counterpart and generalization of our earlier formula hAiψ =
hψ|A|ψi. Our new expression necessitated the definition of a novel object describing the state of
quantum systems, namely the density operator. With the new construct in hand, we can now
efficiently describe classical mixtures of quantum states. This was previously cumbersome. The
density operator ρ is thus a useful generation of the notion of the quantum state |ψi. As Eq. (4)
makes clear, all the properties of a given quantum system are encoded in its density operator ρ.
The preceding discussion may prompt a question: If ρ is the fundamental notion of a quantum
state rather than |ψi, how could we avoid discussing ρ for so long? We address this question in
Section 1.3 below.
We may now specialize to the exact situation of the Motivation section. The 50/50 mixture
encountered there was
1 1
ρ50/50 = | ↑ih↑ | + | ↓ih↓ |.
2 2
Remark. While the density operator ρ for a given ensemble E is unique, the converse is not true.
A given density operator will in general have multiple representations as an ensemble. For example,
the above density operator ρ50/50 is also described by an ensemble E 0 = {(1/2, | ←i), (1/2, | →i)}
of spins pointing up and down in the x-direction,
1 1
ρ50/50 = | ←ih← | + | →ih→ |.
2 2
Properties of density operators. Irrespective of any further specification of the system under
consideration, all density operators ρ have the following three important properties:
1. Hermiticity: ρ† = ρ.
2. Normalization: Tr ρ = 1.
Problem 2. Demonstrate the above three properties, starting from Definition 2 (where all states
in the ensemble are normalized to unity).
Therein, the symbol “⊗” represents the tensor product between states. It signifies that the states
joined by it refer to different degrees of freedom. Between the tensor product and the addition of
Hilbert space vectors holds a distributive law,
Now, the n-particle Hilbert space is the linear span of the basis states Eq. (5),
Even if we used a special basis to define it, the n-particle Hilbert space Hn is a basis-independent
construct (show it!), and we write
(1) (2) (n)
Hn = H1 ⊗ H1 ⊗ ... ⊗ H1 .
Remark. The dimension of Hn in the example just discussed is dim(Hn ) = 2n . As a result, the
size of the matrices representing operators acting on Hn grows exponentially fast in the number n
of degrees of freedom. This illustrates why quantum mechanics problems are so hard to put on a
Example. To make all this more concrete, lets consider the special case of two tensor factors, i.e.
(1,2) (1) (2)
H2 = H1 ⊗ H1 , where each tensor factor is still a two-dimensional Hilbert space. There are
2 × 2 = 4 basis states |si, namely |(0, 0)i = |0i1 ⊗ |0i2 , |(0, 1)i = |0i1 ⊗ |1i2 , |(1, 0)i = |1i1 ⊗ |0i2 ,
(1,2) (1) (2)
and |(1, 1)i = |1i1 ⊗ |1i2 . A general state |Ψi ∈ H2 = H1 ⊗ H1 has the form
|Ψi1,2 = c00 |0i1 ⊗ |0i2 + c01 |0i1 ⊗ |1i2 + c10 |1i1 ⊗ |0i2 + c11 |1i1 ⊗ |1i2 .
In the above, the local Hilbert space dimension of 2 was chosen only for simplicity. Tensor
products can be formed between Hilbert spaces of any dimension, and the dimensions do not need
to be the same in different factors. If dim(HA ) = a and dim(HB ) = b then dim(HA ⊗ HB ) = ab.
Entanglement. The basis states |si in Eq. (5) by their very construction have the property of
being tensor product states, |si = |s1 i1 ⊗ |s2 i2 ⊗ ... ⊗ |sn in . General states |ψi ∈ Hn = (C2 )n will
not have this property. That is, in general
|ψi =
6 |αi1 ⊗ |βi2 ⊗ .. ⊗ |ζin . (6)
A quantum state that satisfies the condition Eq. (6) for all local states |αi, |βi, .. , |ζi is called
entangled. Entanglement is a core property of quantum mechanics that sets it apart from classical
A prototypical entangled state between two spin-1/2 systems A and B is
| ↑iA ⊗ | ↓iB − | ↓iA ⊗ | ↑iB
|Φi = √ .
We will meet this state in the discussion of “superluminal communication”, teleportation, the Bell
inequalities (towards the end of this class) and angular momentum theory. In the former three
scenarios we will call it a “Bell state” (after John S. Bell of the Bell inequalities, who also wrote
the foreword for Sakurai’s book), and in the latter a “spin singlet state”.
The notion of entanglement can be extended to the more general case of density operators, as
Definition 3 A quantum state (density operator) ρ shared between parties 1,2, .. , n is called
separable if it can be written in the form
ρ= pi ρ1 (i) ⊗ ρ2 (i) ⊗ .. ⊗ ρn (i), (7)
P all ρk (i) are valid density operators local to the respective parties k, pi ≥ 0 for all i, and
i pi = 1. Otherwise ρ is called entangled.
Remark. Separable states can be created by local operation and classical communication (LOCC).
Entangled states cannot.
HSE = HS ⊗ HE .
First, in addition to the inner product h , i we already discussed, we can form inner products
between states in HE and HSE , namely for |φi ∈ HE and |Ψi ∈ HSE ,
E hφ|ΨiSE ∈ HS .
Note that the result of this inner product between two quantum states from different Hilbert spaces
is again a quantum state, as opposed to a complex number. This inner product is first defined for
tensor product states |ΨiSE = |ψiS ⊗ |χiE via
E hφ| |ψiS ⊗ |χiE = E hφ|χiE |ψiS .
From that, the definition of the new inner product extends to all states |Ψi ∈ HSE by linearity.
We can now define the notion of the partial trace on a subsystem.
Definition 4 Consider a tensor product Hilbert space HSE = HS ⊗ HE , a linear operator ASE
acting on that space, and a basis BE of HE . Then,
TrE A := E hi|ASE |iiE .
We may now apply this mathematical definition to the physical object of the density operator.
Definition 5 Consider a tensor product Hilbert space HSE = HS ⊗ HE , and a quantum state ρSE
living in it. Then,
ρS := TrE ρSE
is the reduced density operator on S. Likewise, ρE := TrS ρSE is the reduced density operator on
Problem 3. Show that if ρSE is pure then the non-zero eigenvalues of ρE and ρS and the corre-
sponding degeneracies are the same1 .
To illustrate the usefulness of the notion of the reduced density operator, let us consider a
scenario where we have full control over the system S, i.e. we can evolve S unitarily and can
measure it, whereas we have no control over and access to E. In fact, that’s where these subsystems
got their names from, S= “system” and E=“environment”. In that case, all observables A we could
ever measure operate on the tensor factor HS only, i.e. their action on HSE is via ASE = AS ⊗ IE .
For the corresponding expectation values we observe
That is, the expectation of every measurement can be learned from the reduced density operator
ρS which is a smaller object that the original density operator ρSE for the combined system. Note
that we could go from the above line 2 to line 3 only because of the trivial action of AS ⊗ IE on
the subsystem E.
We now return to the earlier-posed question of why we could delay discussing density operators
for so long while they now seem the more fundamental and more general objects than states |ψi.
Recall that we defined the basic laws that govern quantum mechanics, namely the Born rule and
the Schrödinger equation, before even mentioning density operators.
For any given quantum state ρS living in a Hilbert space HS , a pure state |ΨiSE ∈ HS ⊗ HE
is called a purification of ρS if ρS = T rE |ΨiSE hΨ|.
Thus, from a certain perspective, we may say “Nothing new under the sun (here)”. All mixed
states can be obtained from pure states by tracing out subsystems. This justifies and clarifies
why we could talk about the laws of quantum mechanics before introducing density operators.
Nevertheless, density operators are useful because they allow us to discuss classical mixtures of
quantum states in a simple and elegant way. There are more uses for density operators, as we will
soon see.
Problem 4. Given a density operator ρ in HS , what is the minimal dimension of the auxiliary
Hilbert space HE such that a purification of ρ can live in HS ⊗ HE ? (Recall that the ensemble
interpretations of any given density operator are not unique.)
You may find the Schmidt decomposition useful. Every bipartite pure quantum state |ΨiAB can be written in
the following form: X
|ΨiAB = χi |ψi iA ⊗ |φi iB ,
where {|ψi i} and {|φi i} are sets of orthonormal vectors. Proof sketch: This is the polar decomposition of matrices
in quantum mechanical guise.
2 Operations on density operators
2.1 Measurement-without-looking revisited
By considering a sequential Stern-Gerlach experiment, we previously established that in quantum
mechanics, “measuring and subsequently discarding the outcome” is not the same as “not mea-
suring”. We could reason this by appeal to the Born rule, but would now supplement this earlier
argument with a more intuitive explanation.
For this purpose, we introduce a different model of a measurement process, a so-called Lüders
measurement. This model describes measurement by unitary interaction between a measured sys-
tem and measurement device, and no state collapse ever takes place. The result of the Lüders
measurement is an entangled quantum state in which the the state of the measured system, in
the eigenbasis of the measured observable, is correlated with the state of the measurement device.
Arguably, such a strict correlation between state of a system and state of the measurement device
is all we could ever ask for, since quantum mechanics does not predict outcomes of individual
measurement events (only their probability distributions). Concretely, we would depict the Lüders
measurement of a spin-1/2 particle as the following quantum circuit:
apparatus 0 U
Λ(U) .
spin-1/2 ψ
Therein, the Hilbert space of the measurement system is C2 ; i.e., there are two orthogonal states,
|0i and |1i. The unitary U chosen such that it has the property U |0i = |1i, and the non-local
operation Λ(U ) is
Λ(U ) = | ↑iS h↑ | ⊗ IM + | ↓iS h↓ | ⊗ UM .
It is easily verified that Λ(U ) is also unitary. It has the property that
Thus, the state of the spin in system S becomes strictly correlated with the state of the measurement
device. This is the result of the Lüders measurement.
Now, if we commit to never looking at the measurement device, we might as well trace over the
system M . The resulting state of the spin system is
It is helpful to look at this in matrix representation (w.r.t the Sz -eigenbasis). The whole procedure
of entangling the initial state ρS = |ψihψ| with a second system M in state |0ih0| by the unitary
Λ(U ), and subsequently tracing over M amounts to
2 ab∗ 2
|a| |a| 0
ρS ∼= −→ ρS ∼
= . (8)
a∗ b |b|2 0 |b|2
Note that the off-diagonal elements have vanished. The off-diagonal elements of a density matrix
contain the information about the phase relation between the basis states. Since this information
is erased, this transformation of a density matrix is called a dephasing.
2.2 Weak measurements
2.2.1 Motivation
One problem with the formulation of measurement in quantum mechanics established so far is that
measurement is either on or off. Collapse or non-collapse—that is the question. There seems no
way of measuring a quantum system only “a bit”. A quantum object is changed by being looked
at. But then, looking out of what fraction of the corner of an eye still triggers a measurement?
We may speculate about the existence of a critical strength of interaction between measured
object and measurement apparatus beyond which a wave function collapse is triggered. If such
a threshold was non-zero, it should be possible to establish it as an experimental fact. However,
quantum mechanics does not predict such a threshold, and its hypothetical existence would therefore
indicate physics beyond quantum theory.
Let’s consider the alternative, the threshold being zero. Then, wouldn’t even the weakest
interaction lead to instantaneous measurement? Would a particle of interstellar dust passing by
the backside of the moon, by its gravitational interaction with the 47th electron of a silver atom
flying through a Stern-Gerlach apparatus on earth, trigger the collapse of the silver atom’s wave
function? This seems absurd. No current experiment could detect the gravitational pull of such
a light particle so far away. If the weakest disturbance triggers full-blown state collapse, then
unimpeded unitary evolution could never occur and its consequences never be observed.
What leaves us with the above two unappealing scenarios as the seemingly only alternatives
is the mismatch between the continuity of cause (interaction) and discreteness of effect (measure-
ment). As we observed earlier, unitary evolution cannot be smoothly blended into a projective
measurement, remaining a valid quantum operation all the way. There is no physical operation
in-between a unitary and a projective measurement. Furthermore, the only quantum operation
which is simultaneously a unitary and a projection is the identity, which is a trivial operation from
both points of view.
With the novel notion of the density operator under our belt, we need to re-examine the claim
just made, namely that “unitary evolution cannot be continuously deformed into measurement”.
In this way, we will be able to resolve the above impasse. No new postulates of quantum mechanics
will be needed, just a simple trick. In fact, we have already come across it.
Pi ρPi†
outcome i : ρ −→ ρi = , probability of outcome i : pi = Tr Pi ρ. (9)
Tr Pi ρ
Therein, all Pi are projectors, and i Pi = I.
We now consider a more general (and, for the moment, hypothetical) evolution, namely
Ai ρA†i
outcome i : ρ −→ ρi = , probability of outcome i : pi = Tr A†i Ai ρ, (10)
Tr Ai ρA†i
We also consider the outcome-averaged version of the evolution in Eq. (10), i.e., the evolution
resulting from forgetting or ignoring the measurement outcome,
Ai ρA†i .
A:ρ→ (12)
The evolution A according to Eq. (10) is a so-called generalized measurement, because it contains
the projective measurement as a special case (when all Ai are projectors). The operators Ai in
Eq. (10) are called Kraus operators. The outcome-averaged version Eq. (12) is called a completely
positive trace-preserving map (CPTP-map). It has the following properties:
1. It preserves Hermiticity. If ρ† = ρ then A(ρ)† = A(ρ).
3. It preserves non-negativity. If hψ|ρ|ψi ≥ 0 for all |ψi ∈ H then hψ|A(ρ)|ψi ≥ 0 for all |ψi ∈ H.
4. It preserves non-negativity of composite systems. For any bipartite operator ρAB , if hψ|ρAB |ψi ≥
0 for all |ψi ∈ HAB then hψ|AA ⊗ IB (ρAB )|ψi ≥ 0 for all |ψi ∈ HAB .
Maps with Property 3 are called “positive”, and maps with Property 4 “completely positive”.
Remark. The above Property 4 is strictly stronger than Property 3. There exist maps which are
positive but not completely positive. An example is transposition. If applied to a single system,
non-negativity is preserved. However, if applied to one part of a composite system, non-negativity
is in general not preserved. This operation,Pthe “partial transpose” IA ⊗ TB , acts in the following
fashion: Consider a bi-partite state ρAB = ijkl pij TB
kl |iiA hj| ⊗ |kiB hl|. Then, ρAB = IA ⊗ TB (ρAB ) =
P ij
ijkl pkl |iiA hj| ⊗ |liB hk|.
In fact, the failure of the partial transpose to preserve non-negativity can be recast as a criterion
for detecting entanglement. Namely, if ρAB is separable the ρTAB B
is non-negative (show it!). In
dimensions 2 × 2 and 2 × 3 the converse is also true. If ρAB is entangled then ρTAB B
has at least one
negative eigenvalue. In the stated dimensions, this provides a convenient necessary and sufficient
condition for the presence of entanglement [1],[2]. Note that it is in general a hard computational
problem to detect entanglement by checking whether or not a given density operator can be cast
in the form of Eq. (7).
We introduced generalized measurements in Eq. (10). But do they actually exist as physical
operations? Up to this point, we have no evidence for that, except in the special case of projective
measurement. The question is settled by
i A ρA†
Theorem 2 Be M a generalized measurement, Mi : ρ −→ ρi = i
, with probability
Tr Ai ρA†i
pi = Tr A†i Ai ρ for obtaining the outcome i. If
P †
i Ai Ai = I then M can be realized in quan-
tum mechanics.
Before proving Theorem 2, we first look at its consequences. Our earlier assertion that “unitary
evolution cannot be continuously deformed into measurement” does no longer hold in the new
setting. Here is an example: Consider a generalized measurement on a 2-state system with three
outcome 1 : A1 = cU, √
outcome 2 : A2 = √1 − c2 | ↑ih↑ |,
outcome 2 : A3 = 1 − c2 | ↓ih↓ |,
where 0 ≤ c ≤ 1 is a real number, and U a unitary. The above operation satisfies the constraint
Eq. (11) for all values of c, and by Theorem 2 is thus a valid generalized measurement. Further,
for c = 0 it is a projective measurement and for c = 1 a unitary. We have thus found a way of
continuously interpolating between a projective measurement and a unitary. For the special case
of U = I, if c ≈ 1, then the system is “measured only a bit”.
Proof or Theorem 2: We reduce the general measurement to a unitary and a projective
measurement. For this purpose, we introduce an auxiliary system M in addition to the measured
system S. The joint Hilbert space is HSM = HS ⊗ HM , with the dimension of HM equal to the
number n of Kraus operators Ai in the generalized measurement. We now show that there exists
a unitary operation USM such that the procedure below amounts to the generalized measurement
Eq. (10). The procedure consists of the following steps: (i) The initial state ρS ⊗ |0iM h0| is put in
place, with ρ the state to measure, (ii) the unitary USM is applied, (iii) the auxiliary system M is
measured in the basis {|0i, |1i, ..., |n − 1i}.
The property we require of USM is that
Therein, the entries “∗” mean “to be filled in”. The procedure is insensitive to the values of these
entries. Now, can they be chosen such that USM is unitary? This requires all the columns of [USM ]
to be normalized and pairwise orthogonal. For the columns that we have filled in, this is guaranteed
by condition Eq. (11), i A†i Ai = I. The square matrix can thus be completed to a unitary.
Fun fact. As we have seen, whether a generalized measurement is more general than a projective
measurement is a matter of perspective. But here is where generalized measurements really shine:
Consider a quantum system
√ which is prepared in one of two fixed quantum states, namely |ψ1 i = |0i
or |ψ2 i = (|0i + |1i)/ 2, with h0|1i = 0. Is there a measurement that identifies the state, without
ever reporting an erroneous outcome?
This cannot be done by a projective measurement, because |ψ1 i and |ψ2 i are not orthogonal.
However, it can be done by a generalized measurement! The catch is that there will be a third
outcome, “don’t know”. Here is a sketch√of how it works: choose A1 = c |1ih1|, A2 = c|−ih−|, for
a suitable c ∈ C and |−i = (|0i − |1i)/ 2, and A3 such that the condition Eq. (11) is satisfied,
A†3 A3 = I − A†1 A1 − A†2 A2 . Then, if |0i is prepared, the outcome 1 can never occur. Hence, if the
outcome 1 is found, the prepared state must have been |+i. Likewise, if the outcome 2 is found
then the prepared state must have been |0i.
Problem 5. Fill in the details of the above generalized measurement that reliably distinguishes
between |0i and |+i. In particular, what is the minimal probability of obtaining the “don’t know”
outcome? (Optimize over the available strategies)
2.3 Decoherence
What we just referred to as a “trick” actually takes place around us all the time. The quantum
system existing in the world all by itself, with nothing around it, is a theoretical abstraction that
is sometimes well approximated but never achieved. There is always an “environment” around the
system: air, electromagnetic radiation, the experimenter, a tram rattling by. This environment is
in general also a quantum system, even if all the above examples, with the exception of the EM
radiation (laser), have sufficient classical descriptions. The environment interacts with our system
of interest, and this interaction can never be perfectly shielded off or controlled.
Let us therefore consider a bipartite system composed of the primary system S and an environ-
ment E. We may perform any generalized measurement on S, and in particular may initialize the
system S in a pure state unentangled with the environment. This can be done e.g. by a projective
measurement. However, we have little control over the environment. As a safe assumption, we may
insist that we can neither evolve nor measure the environment altogether. W.l.o.g. we assume E
in a pure state. The joint state of the quantum system at time t = 0 then is
We now study the effect of a residual interaction between system and environment, USE (t) =
e−i/~ HSE t . The time-evolved state |Ψ(t)iS E = USE (t)|Ψ(0)iSE will, for t > 0, in general be
entangled. Since by assumption we cannot learn about the environment, the reduced density
operator on S represents all information obtainable about |Ψi,
If, for some t, the joint state |Ψ(t)i is unentangled then ρS (t) is pure, and if |Ψ(t)i is entangled then
ρS (t) is mixed. The loss of purity in the reduced state ρS (t) caused by the quantum mechanical
interaction with an environment is called decoherence. Decoherence is, in generic situations but
not always [3], detrimental to quantum properties of the system. Typically, it drives quantum
states towards the classical regime, which is characterized by the absence of entanglement within
the system.
Let’s discuss this for a special scenario, namely where the system S has a so-called pointer basis
P [4], defined by the property that
|iiS hi| ⊗ IE , HSE = 0, ∀|ii ∈ P.
P states |ii ∈ P of S do not change under evolution by USE (t). If the P
The initial state is |Ψ(0)i =
( i χi |iiS ) ⊗ |ζiE , then the time-evolved state |Ψ(t)i becomes |Ψ(t)iSE = i χi |iiS ⊗ |ζi (t)iE , and
the corresponding reduced density operator is
ρS (t) = χi χ∗j hζj (t)|ζi (t)i · |iiS hj|
It is useful to look at two limiting cases, namely (a) the states |ζi (t)i are the same for all i, and
(b) the states |ζi (t)i are pairwise orthogonal. Case (a) holds, for example at time t = 0. ρS is
then a rank-one projector, hence the system is in a pure state. Case (b) is typical for all times
larger than a critical τ , in systems where the environment explores a large-dimensional Hilbert
space. The reason is that for high-dimensional Hilbert spaces, any two random states are, with
high probability,Palmost perfectly orthogonal. The consequence is that ρS becomes completely
dephased, ρS = i |χi |2 |iiS hi|.
Complete dephasing of ρS (t) in the pointer basis occurs exactly when the states |ζi (t)i become
orthogonal. At that point, the environment could in principle be measured (although this is
infeasible, and we have excluded such a measurement by assumption). The measurement would,
besides the state of E, also reveal the state of the system S in the pointer basis. Recall that
the complete dephasing of the reduced density operator ρS is the effect of a measurement without
observing the outcome. This is precisely what the environment does to the system.
We note that to affect a measurement (without looking at the outcome) does not require a
conscious decision of any observer. It occurs simply when information of the primary system is
copied to the environment, by the interaction between them. In forward reference to the no-cloning
theorem we discuss in Section 3.2, note that only information with respect to the pointer basis
gets copied to the environment, but no information in any complementary basis. Furthermore,
we encounter again a continuous version of measurement (which turns on gradually), and corre-
spondingly a continuous decay of coherences (i.e., off-diagonal matrix elements of ρS ). When the
inner products hζj (t)|ζi (t)i are non-zero but small, the states |ζi (t)i, ζj (t)i can be distinguished
reasonably well albeit not perfectly.
Problem 6. Consider a star-like network of spins 1/2 where the central spin forms the system
and the lateral spins the environment. There are N spins in the environment, and the interaction
between system S and environment E is of Ising type, i.e. HSE = k=1..N Jk /~2 (Ŝz )S (Ŝz )E,k .
The initial state is |+iS ⊗ |+iE,1 ⊗ |+iE,2 ⊗ .. ⊗ |+iE,N (all spins point in the positive x-direction).
(a) Consider the special case where there is only a single spin-1/2 in the environment, N = 1. Plot
the von Neumann entropy Tr ρS (t) log ρS (t) of ρS (t) vs the time t. What is your interpretation
of the plot?
(c) Do the same as in (b), but with couplings Jk = J/k. What changes in your plot and what
remains the same? Can you explain this?
3 Things that quantum mechanics can and cannot do
3.1 Motivation
The empirical Moore’s law predicts that CPU processing power doubles every eighteen months.
And indeed, the law describes the data since 1970 very well. But it cannot go on over ever. At
some point in the not too distant future, according to Moore’s law, microprocessor miniaturization
will approach the atomic scale. At there very latest, the law must stop then. Quantum effects will
become dominant, and will prevent circuitry from operating properly.
Or will they? Can quantum mechanics be used to operate circuits differently and perhaps
more efficiently? Can quantum mechanics be the friend of the information scientist, rather than
foe? These questions stand at the beginning of the field of quantum information science. People
began thinking about them seriously it in the 1980ies. Below we will discuss a few of the early
developments. Quantum cryptography and quantum computing will follow later in this course.
Protocol for the superluminal communication of one bit (patent pending2 )
1. A Bell state has been prepared between the sender A and receiver B prior to their commu-
2. If the bit to transmit has value zero, then A measures their spin in the eigenbasis of Ŝz ; if
the bit has value one, A measures their spin in the eigenbasis of Ŝx .
4. By measuring the copies, B decides whether the state was | ↑, zi or | ↓, zi (transmitted bit =
0), or whether it was | ↑, xi or | ↓, xi (transmitted bit = 1).
Judging from the title of this section, there must be something wrong with this protocol.
Indeed there is. The protocol fails in step 3. Quantum states cannot be copied. This fact is
established by the following
Theorem 3 ([6]) Be |ψi an unknown quantum state, and |0i a fixed “blank” quantum state. Then,
the copying operation C : |ψi ⊗ |0i −→ |ψi ⊗ |ψi cannot be realized in quantum mechanics simul-
taneously for all states |ψi.
Proof of Theorem 3. Assume the copying operation exists. Then, for the input states |0i and√|1i
it produces the output |0i⊗|0i and |1i⊗|1i, respectively. Next, we consider the input (|0i+|1i)/ 2.
By linearity of quantum mechanics, the corresponding output follows from the two previous cases,
√ 1 1 |0i ⊗ |0i + |1i ⊗ |1i
C (|0i + |1i)/ 2 = √ C(|0i) + √ C(|1i) = √ .
2 2 2
√ √
However, the latter is different from (|0i + |1i)/ 2 ⊗ (|0i + |1i)/ 2, the expected outcome of the
copying operation. Contradiction! Hence, the map C is incompatible with quantum mechanics.
While the no-cloning theorem points to a loophole in the suggested protocol, it does not settle
the question of superluminal communication because there might as well be other protocols. This
is, however, not the case, as the subsequent argument [7] shows.
Party A wants to send a message m = 1..d to B via a quantum protocol which consists of the
following steps.
Notes on Step 2: The operation Am depends on the message m. Recall that a CPTP map is the
outcome-averaged version of a general measurement. B cannot know the outcome of a measurement
at A since by assumption the classical signal doesn’t have the time to travel.
We are interested in the conditional probabilities p(r|m). In particular, does the probability of
obtaining a particular outcome r on the message m that was encoded? Ideal for communication
was p(r|m) = δmr , but can it be achieved? Can any dependence of p(r|m) on m be achieved?
Folklore has it that a patent application was once filed for this protocol.
We assume the following properties about the maps Am and Πr . First, the maps Am are all
trace-preserving, Tr Am (ρ) = Tr ρ, c.f. Property 2 of CPTP maps Eq. (12). By linearity of the
trace, we can extend this property to composite systems
Physically, this means that the composite system AB does not lose or gain probability when the
operation Am is applied to one of its parts. For the receiving side B, we assume that the map Πr
is linear,
TrA Am ⊗ Πr (ρAB ) = Πr TrA Am ⊗ I(ρAB ). (17)
Then, the probability for outcome r given the message m is
p(r|m) = Tr I ⊗ Πr (Am ⊗ I(ρAB ))
= TrB Πr (TrA (Am ⊗ I(ρAB ))
= TrB Πr (TrA ρAB ) ≡ p(r).
Therein, the transition from the first to the second line proceeds by linearity of Πr , c.f. Eq. (17),
and from the second to the third line by preservation of trace Eq. (16).
We thus find that the probability of retrieving out come r at party B is completely independent
of the message m. No information is transmitted superluminally. At the level we have probed it
here, quantum mechanics is compatible with the theory of relativity.
The qubit is a marriage between standard (classical) information theory and quantum mechanics.
From the classical bit it inherits the basis states |0i and |1i, and from quantum mechanics the
superposition principle.
Now that we have defined a new unit of information, we might want to relate it to the long-
known notion of the bit. So, how much classical information fits into a qubit? This is not a
straightforward question. We may make the following two observations: (i) Two real numbers
α ∈ [0, π) and ϕ ∈ [0, 2π) are required to specify the state of a qubit. Informally speaking, this is
an infinite number of bits. However, matters of accuracy and distinguishability come into play. If
the angle ϕ is off by some small amount, we need a (larger) number of copies of the state |ψi to
find out about that. Which brings us to the question of how much information can be extracted
from one qubit. (ii) Since the qubit lives in a two-dimensional Hilbert space, every non-trivial
projective measurement is composed of rank-1 projectors. There are two outcomes of every such
measurement, and any given qubit can only be subjected to one such measurement. Thus, one
classical bit of information can be extracted from a projective measurement of one qubit. (For
more general measurements, see [8].)
Based on these observations, we may form two hypotheses: (a) A general qubit cannot be
faithfully transmitted using a finite number of bits; and (b) A qubit cannot transmit more than a
single classical bit. Both hypotheses turn out to be wrong. The key is entanglement.
Dense coding. Let’s first turn to the question of how many classical bits can be transmitted
by sending one qubit. The answer turns out to be 2 [9]. The proof is constructive–we present a
protocol that achieves this rate. To start, we observe that the Bell state Eq. (15) has three cousins
who are just as entangled, and with which it forms an orthonormal basis B,
|0iA ⊗|0iB +|1iA ⊗|1iB
|Φ00 i = √
|0iA ⊗|0iB −|1iA ⊗|1iB
|Φ01 i = √ ,
2 B (18)
|0iA ⊗|1iB +|1iA ⊗|0iB
|Φ10 i = √
|0iA ⊗|1iB −|1iA ⊗|0iB
|Φi = |Φ11 i = √ .
up to a possible global phase (which has no physical significance; why?). Thus, the following
protocol [9] transmits two classical bits by sending one qubit:
2. A encodes a 2-bit message by applying one of the four operations on his end of the state: I,
σx , σy , σz .
4. B measures in the Bell basis B and thus retrieves the 2-bit message.
Teleportation. We now turn to the question of how many classical bits need to be sent to
transmit the state of one qubit. The answer again turns out to be 2, if we are permitted the use of
entanglement. The protocol [10] goes like this:
2. Party A now puts in place the state |ψi to transmit (A holds two qubits at this point).
3. A performs a measurement in the Bell basis B on their two-qubit system, and thereby obtains
the two-bit outcome o.
The proof of correctness of the protocol is left as an exercise. Note that the teleported quantum
state |ψi can be unknown to party A at the beginning of the protocol. If so, it will remain unknown
to both parties.
4 Quantum computation
The starting point for the discussion of quantum computation is the question: “How is the scaling
of computational cost affected if we allow for quantum resources?” Hence, quantum computing is
about the efficiency of computation, and not about computability3 . Furthermore, the emphasis is
on ‘scaling’, i.e. how the computational cost4 increases as the size of the input to the computation
is increased. In particular, quantum computation is not about clock speed.
Computer scientists make a fundamental distinction between algorithms that require resources
polynomial in the input size vs. algorithms that require resources scaling exponentially with the
input size. For example, multiplying two prime numbers p and q is algorithmically easy. The
computational cost scales quadratically (hence polynomially) in the number of digits of the two
numbers. On the other hand, as far as is known, the reverse operation of extracting the prime
factors p and q from an integer N = pq is computationally hard (almost exponential in the number
of digits of N ). The asymmetry in the computational hardness of multiplying prime factors vs.
extracting prime factors is the basis of the very widely applied cryptographic protocol RSA.
As it turns out, decomposing an integer N = pq into its prime factors p and q is not hard on a
quantum computer, and RSA can thus be broken by quantum computers; see Section 4.1.4 below
on Shor’s algorithm.
The notion of complexity of computation is formalized in computer science in terms of complexity
classes. There is a sizeable zoo of them. The important ones for the present discussion are P , N P
and BQP .
• P (classical) is the class of all decision problems which can be solved on a universal classical
computer5 in polynomial time.
• NP (classical) is the class of all decision problems for which “Yes” instances have efficiently
(=poly-time) verifiable proofs.
• BQP (quantum) is the class of all decision problems solvable on a quantum computer in
polynomial time, with a success probability6 of ≥ 2/3.
Regarding the first two classes, P contains all the computationally easy problems, and P ⊂ N P .
Also, from the above N = pq example, one may be led to believe that P 6= N P . But that is not a
proof (there is only no known simple algorithm for factoring). In fact, the question of whether or
not P = N P is one of the major open problems in computer science7 .
For the quantum branch of commuter science, it is important to figure out how the quantum
complexity class BQP relates to their classical counterparts P and N P . Is BQP = P ? (If that
were the case, there was little room for the usefulness of quantum computers. Grover’s data base
search, which provides a quadratic speedup, might still be useful.) Is BQP = N P ? If that were the
case, quantum computers would be immensely powerful (unless P = N P ). The truth is expected
to lie somewhere between these two extreme cases, but no alternative is presently provably ruled
out. Factoring is not believed to be in P , but its not one of the hardest problems in N P .
This should be expected, since every quantum process, governed by the Schrödinger equation and the Born rule,
can be classically simulated, albeit, as far as is known, only inefficiently.
Computational cost may be measured e.g. as runtime × number of processors used.
The precise definition of ‘universal classical computer’ herein is ‘deterministic Turing machine’, which is equivalent
to the above discussed classical circuit model.
2/3 is an arbitrary number here. Any bound > 1/2 will serve the same purpose.
Also, it is one of the six remaining millennium problems selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute.
4.1 The circuit model
The classical complexity classes P and N P are defined in reference to a ‘standard’ model of classical
computation, the so-called Turing machine. While a quantum-mechanical version of the Turing
machine exists, it is not the most intuitive concept, the quantum complexity class BQP may
equivalently be defined in reference to a different model of quantum computation, the circuit model.
The circuit model is the most wide-spread model of quantum computation, and may as well be
called the ‘standard model’. To its description we turn next.
The above inequality is known as Landauer’s principle. It resolves Maxwell’s paradox in the follow-
ing way: The demon would naturally remember all the molecules it let pass from left to right, and
from right to left. At some point, the demon’s memory would be completely filled, and, to proceed,
the demon would need to erase some of this information. According to Landauer’s principle, this
erasure costs energy, compensating for any possible energy gain from the two reservoirs.
Landauer’s principle has itself been criticized and defended, but here is where we stop following
the trail of Maxwell’s demon. Instead, we ask: “Does Landauer’s principle imply a lower bound
on the energy consumption of computers?” Surely, we may say, computer memory must be cleared
in any sufficiently long computation to make room for later parts of the computation. While this
argument seems plausible, it turns out to be a fallacy.
As was realized by Charles Bennett, a co-worker of Landauer’s at IBM, computation can proceed
without ever erasing a single bit of information. More succinctly, the main characteristic of bit
erasure is that it is irreversible. Bennett showed that every computation can be performed in an
entirely reversible manner. Halfway through our path to the circuit model, it is worth examining
the construction behind this finding.
The elementary gates of every computation are “OR” and “NEG”, where NEG(x) = x + 1
mod 2. Because every computation can be assembled from (many uses) of these gates, they are
called “universal”. The OR-gate is another example of irreversible operation. Once the gate
o = a OR b is computed for some bit values a and b, the input cannot be reliably reconstructed
The second law of thermodynamics states that in every naturally occurring thermodynamical process, entropy
always increases or at best remains constant, but never decreases.
from the output o. A first step towards constructing a reversible computer therefore is to construct
a reversible OR-gate. Here it is:
c (a OR b) + c mod 2 (a OR b) + c mod 2
a a . (20)
b b
The gate operation is represented here by its circuit diagram. Any such diagram has an implicit
time arrow running from left to right. That is, the variables to the left represent the input to the
gate operation, and the variables to the right its output. In the present case, there are three bits
of input and three bits of output. Two of the input bits, a and b, are straightforwardly propagated
from input to output, while the third bit, c, is updated in a non-trivial manner. We make two
observations about the gate in (20). (i) Applying it twice yields the identity operation. Thus, the
gate is its own inverse, and, in particular, it has an inverse. (ii) The gate can be used to implement
an “OR”, namely by setting c = 0.
We may apply the same procedure to the NEG-gate, resulting in the so-called controlled NOT-
gate (CNOT),
It has the effect of mod-2-adding the bottom bit to the top bit, and letting the bottom bit pass.
From the viewpoint or reversibility, there is no need for this gate since already the NOT-gate is
reversible. But we will find another use for the CNOT in Bennett’s construction.
With what we have described so far, we can reversibly compute any Boolean function on any
input, using up several bits of cleared memory in the state “0”. The downside so far is that this
computation creates a large number of bits filled with intermediate results, or “junk”. We still need
to get rid of the junk without using erasure.
As it turns out, the “junk” can be un-computed in a reversible fashion. Denote by R the
reversible circuit which takes as input the arguments a, b, c, ... of the computed function F , as
well as several auxiliary input bits in the state “0”, and outputs F (a, b, c, ..) plus several junk bits.
Then, the circuit
0 F
0 0
0 0
0 -1 0 (21)
a a
b b
c c
has the desired effect of computing F on the given input, without spoiling auxiliary memory. The
auxiliary memory is used in the computation, but afterward returned blank. It may be compared
to a catalyst in a chemical reaction. The circuit has 3 parts, namely the reversible circuit R, the
CNOT for copying the result to an extra bit, and the reversible circuit R−1 which un-computes
the junk bits. R−1 consists of the same gates as R but in reverse order (note that the extended
OR-gate (20) and NEG are their own inverses).
Circuits of the form (21) provide the starting point for a quantum generalization—the circuit
model of quantum computation. Any reversible circuit can be implemented in quantum systems,
since the reversible gates used therein are also unitary; but a quantum circuit is more general than a
reversible circuit in two respects. Namely, (i) it can take superposition states (including entangled
states) as input, and (ii) the class of quantum gates is much broader than the class of reversible
We begin by defining the quantum bit—orqubit—the elementary unit of quantum information.
The qubit can, like the classical bit, be in two distinct (and orthogonal) states |0i and |1i. But in
addition, all superpositions of the form
are allowed, subject to the normalization constraint |α|2 + |β|2 = 1. That is, the state of a single
qubit can be any state in the Hilbert space C2 . A number n ≥ 2 of qubits form a “quantum
register”. The state of a quantum register can be any state in the Hilbet space C2 . This includes,
in particular, entangled states.
The gates that such states are acted upon in a quantum circuit are all unitary, and hence
can be realized by evolution according to the Schrödinger equation, given a suitable Hamiltonian.
Measurements typically only occur at the end of the computation, to read out the final state of
the quantum register. Thus, we have the following correspondence between classical reversible
computation and quantum computation in the circuit model:
reversible circuit quantum circuit
bit - qubit .
reversible gate - unitary gate
readout - measurement
A typical quantum circuit looks something like this (but much bigger):
0 U4
U1 U3
It begins with the initialization of the quantum register in a fixed and easy-to-prepare state, and
ends with the measurement of each qubit in the eigenbasis of σz (the so-called computational basis).
In-between initialization and readout lies the main part, namely a sequence of unitary gates. As
can be seen in the above illustration, some of the gates only act on an individual qubit while other
gates have multiple qubits interacting. What are the simplest standardized building blocks of a
quantum circuit? I.e., which are the gates that we must require a proper quantum computer to
execute? To this question we turn next.
4.1.2 Computational universality
As we discussed above, in classically universal computation there is exist universal sets of gates
such that every computation can be built out of gates solely from any such set. Our earlier example
was {OR(·, ·), NEG(·)}. Another example is {NOR(·, ·) = NEG(OR(·, ·))}.
We now construct a quantum counterpart to the notion of a universal set. First, we need to
clarify what we want to achieve with a sequence of unitary gates. The benchmark is taken to be
the reachability of any transformation in the (special) unitary group SU (2n ), with n the number
of qubits. More precisely,
Definition 6 (Quantum universality) A set G of quantum gates is universal if, for any number
n of qubits, every unitary U ∈ SU (2n ) can be arbitrarily closely approximated by a sequence of gates
from G.
The notion of a ‘universal set of gates’ sets the standard for what a proper quantum computer needs
to be capable of doing. While it is exceedingly rare that a given unitary by itself is computationally
useful, a quantum computer capable of executing gates from a universal set is guaranteed to have
the full strength of a quantum computer. Without proof, we note that the gate sets
are universal. Note that the former set is infinite while the latter is finite.
As can be easily verified, this gate action is indeed unitary, for every function f . The DJ algorithm
proceeds by querying the oracle with the input state |0i+|1i
⊗ |0i−|1i
, and then measuring the first
qubit in the eigenbasis of σx .
It is a deterministic version of Deutsch’s original algorithm of 1985.
To see what’s going on, let’s first check what the oracle (22) returns when queried with the
input |0i ⊗ |0i−|1i
|0i − |1i |0 + f (0) mod 2i − |1 + f (0) mod 2i |0i − |1i
|0i ⊗ √ −→ |0i ⊗ √ = (−1)f (0) |0i ⊗ √ .
2 2 2
Note that neither the state of the first nor the second qubit have changed, only the overall phase.
This is called a phase kickback.
Likewise, when the quantum oracle is queried with the input state |1i ⊗ |0i−|1i
, we find
|0i − |1i |0i − |1i
0i ⊗ √ −→ (−1)f (1) |1i ⊗ √ .
2 2
Again, the action of the oracle amounts to the kickback of a global phase. By querying the oracle in
a superposition of the two above states, the kickback phases become relative and thus measurable,
|0i + |1i |0i − |1i |0i + (−1)f (1)−f (0) |1i |0i − |1i
√ ⊗ √ −→ (−1)f (0) √ ⊗ √ .
2 2 2 2
RSA. Suppose Allice (A) wants to purchase a book at some internet store “Books.com” (B) via
internet, and for this purpose needs to send her credit card information. We assume that there is
an eavesdropper tapping into the communication between A and B. How can an eavesdropper be
prevented from learning Alice’s secrets?–Here is the RSA protocol:
1. B picks two very large prime numbers, p and q, and computes N = pq. N is sent to A, but
anyone can listen. N is public information, while p and q are not.
2. A uses N to encode her credit card number, or whatever piece of secret information, N : c → c,
and sends c to B. Again this information is sent over a public channel, so everyone can listen.
is known, decomposing numbers into their prime factors, even if there are only two of them, is a
very hard computational problem. This is in stark contrast to the inverse problem of multiplying
(prime) numbers, which is computationally efficient. The problem of decomposing an integer into
prime factors is not even provably hard. It is just that, after much trying, no efficient classical
algorithm has been found. The RSA crypto system is built on the computational assumption that
factoring is hard.
This assumption is known to fail when we can apply a quantum computer to the factoring
problem. The runtime of Shor’s quantum algorithm is
TQM = O ld(N )2 ,
where ld(N ) is the number of digits of N . This complexity is similar to multiplying numbers on a
classical machine. To the contrary, the best known classical algorithm for factoring has a runtime
Tclass = O exp ld(N )1/3 . (24)
This is much worse. The scaling is not quite exponential but worse than any polynomial function
in ld(N ).
Shor’s algorithm. Recall that the task is to factor an integer N = pq into its prime factors p
and q. Around the try quantum algorithm, there is a some classical pre- and post processing. The
whole procedure consists of the following steps:
1. Choose an integer m and compute gcd(m, N ). If the gcd is 1, then go to step 2. otherwise
you are done! Note that the gcd can be efficiently computed by Euklid’s algorithm.
2. Use a quantum computer to determine the period P of the function a 7→ ma mod N .
3. Check whether P is even or odd. If P is odd, then go back to step 1 (this happens with a
probability of 1/4). If P is even then continue.
By definition of the period P we have mP mod N = 1. Therefore,
mP/2 − 1 mP/2 + 1 mod N = 0.
Now, if mP/2 − 1 mod N = 0 then go back to step 1 (this happens with a probability of
The quantum part: finding the period P . Shor’s quantum algorithm uses two quantum
registers, i.e., two sets of quantum bits,
|register 1i ∈ H1 = (C2 )2L ,
|register 2i ∈ H2 = (C2 )L ,
where L = dld(N )e. Thus, register 1 can hold a number of size ∼ N 2 , and register 2 a number of
size N . We assume that register 1 is initialized in the state
2 −1
1 X
|register 1i = L |ai,
and register 2 is prepared in the state |0i, i.e., all belonging qubits are individually prepared in the
state |0i. The quantum algorithm then consists of four steps:
1. Modular exponentiation. The operation of modular exponentiation is defined on the eigen-
states of the σz -basis (=the computational basis) by
By linearity of QM, the operation is then defined on all input quantum states. It is easily
verified that it is unitary. Since modular exponentiation is classically efficient on a single
input, by the reversible computing techniques described in the previous section, the quantum
modular exponentiation operation Eq. (25) can be efficiently realized.
On the given input, the modular exponentiation produces the state (of both quantum regis-
ters) is
22L −1
1 X
|Ψstep 1 i = L |ai ⊗ |ma mod N i.
where a0 is defined via ma0 = s. The key point to note here is that that hi| ⊗ hs|Ψstep 2 i is a
periodic function in i with period P , composed of a bunch of δ-peaks.
It shall be noted that measuring the quantum register in the computational basis (=eigen-
basis of the individual σz ’s) reveals no information about the period. This arises because
of the random offset a0 (s) in the peak locations. In a first such measurement, we obtain
a random peak location a0 (s) + nP , for some n. After that measurement the state of the
quantum register is destroyed, and the computation needs to start over. In a second run,
the measurement of register 2 will lead an outcome s0 , and, correspondingly, the subsequent
measurement of a peak position in register 1 will yield a0 (s0 ) + n0 P , for some n0 ∈ N. Since
the offsets are in general random an distinct in runs 1 and 2, nothing can be learned about
P from those measurements.
3. Instead, before measuring in the computational basis, we perform a quantum Fourier trans-
form on register 1. The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) is defined is defined via
M −1
1 X 2πi/M jk
|ji 7→ e |ki,
where, in our case, M = 22L . The QFT is a close analogue of the classical Fourier transform,
and its circuit implementation, which is based on the fast Fourier transform, is efficient.
The outcome s does not matter for the remainder of the algorithm, and indeed, the measurement does not
even need to be performed. However, to understand what’s going on, its easier to assume that the measurement is
The effect of the QFT on |Ψstep 2 i with the amplitudes hi| ⊗ hs|Ψstep 2 i ∼ n δ(a0 (s) + nP, i)
is to produce another periodic function composed of δ-peaks, but in the Fourier transform
the peak locations are integer multiples of
P0 = . (26)
Note in particular that the dependence of the peak locations on a0 (s) has disappeared! The
dependence on a0 (s) has moved into an exponential factor e2πia0 (s)/2 k in the wave function
Ψ(k) after QFT, which does not affect the measurement probabilities in the computational
Now, repeated runs of the algorithm yield a collection of integer multiples of P 0 , one multiple
in each run of the algorithm. Now, having a few such multiples (with unknown integer
multipliers), P 0 can with high probability of success be extracted by computing the gcd of
these P 0 -multiples. The original period P can then be obtained from P 0 via Eq. (26).
Remark: The analysis of the last step in Shor’s factoring algorithm above is greatly simplified. As
is apparent from Eq. (26), if P is an integer (which it is) then P 0 will in general not be. In other
words, the δ-peaks in the state of register 1 after the QFT will be necessarily broadened. In fact,
the size 2L of this register was chosen to limit the extent of this broadening, but the broadening
cannot be eliminated altogether. Thus, at the level of integer spacings, the measured multiples of P 0
have errors. Now, the computation of gcd-s does not tolerate any such errors, and it can therefore
not be straightforwardly applied. A variant that can cope with the unavoidable imperfections in
the measured multiples of P 0 is the method of continued fractions; See e.g. [21].
But will the system settle into its ground state? If so, how long might that take? The idea
of adiabatic quantum computation [11] is to “help” the quantum system find the ground state of
the Hamiltonian Hf . This proceeds not by an optimized cooling schedule but rather by way of the
adiabatic theorem.
Based on adiabatic evolution, the idea of adiabatic quantum computation is to begin in the
ground state of a Hamiltonian Hi which is known and easy to prepare, and then gradually change
the Hamiltonian from Hi to Hf . This may e.g. be accomplished by the time-dependent Hamiltonian
t t
H(t) = 1 − Hi + Hf ,
such that H(0) = Hi and H(T ) = Hf . If T is large enough such that the evolution is adiabatic
during the entire evolution, then the system starts in its ground state at t = 0, remains in its
instantaneous ground state throughout, and, at t = T , arrives in the desired ground state of Hf .
So, can adiabatic computation solve NP-complete problems? Well, we have not discussed the
fine print yet. We still need to resolve the question of how slow is slow enough for adiabaticity. An
approximate condition for adiabaticity is [15]
|hEn | dt |Em i|
~ 1. (27)
|En − Em |
We can see from this expression that the condition for adiabaticity becomes hard to satisfy when
energy eigenvalues come very close to another at some point in the evolution. These so-called
avoided crossings typically do happen, and the resulting energy gaps have a tendency of becoming
smaller and smaller with increasing system size. This, in turn, requires T to become large with
increasing system size. Thus, the need to satisfy the adiabaticity condition introduces a scaling of
runtime T with problem size.
The question now is whether this scaling of runtime is more favourable then it would be in
other models of computation. To decide this in the general case is a (likely too) hard physics
problem. Solutions are known only in specific cases and for certain ranges of parameters. And bear
in mind that the discussion so far pertains to the idealized scenario of zero temperature. At finite
temperature, the possibility of thermal excitation further complicates the picture, and in general
makes it harder to arrange for the system to remain in its ground state.
• The adiabatic model (at zero temperature) and the circuit model are computationally equiva-
lent (=equally powerful) [12]. Either model can simulate the other with polynomial overhead.
• The validity of the adiabatic theorem under its stated conditions has recently been questioned
[13]. This created a flurry of activity in sorting out what these conditions should be, and in
result, such conditions are now known at any imaginable level of rigour [14]-[16].
• An important question is whether narrow avoided crossings can be avoided. No says [17]. Yes
(with qualifications) says [18]. Some propose to boost small gaps by coding [19],[20].
5 The Bell inequalities
5.1 Can quantum mechanics be considered complete?
Consider two particles in an entangled state. Quantum mechanics tells us that, if the first particle
is measured, then not only the first, but also the second particle ends up in a state that depends
on the measurement outcome obtained. Specifically, for a spin singlet of two spins 1/2, if the spin
of the first particle is measured in any direction, the spin of the second particle will be oriented
anti-parallel with the spin of the first. The situation is the same independent of whether the two
particles are in close proximity, or one is on earth and the other is on the moon. Albert Einstein
was uncomfortable with that thought. He called it “spooky action at a distance”.
The paper by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) entitled “Can quantum mechanics be con-
sidered a complete description of physical reality?” [5] is Einstein’s disbelief cast into a formal
argument. The paper does not call into doubt the correctness of quantum mechanics, but rather
its completeness. Can quantum mechanics predict everything that is in principle predictable?
EPR start out by explaining what they consider “physical reality” and “completeness” of a
theory describing physical phenomena. Physical reality, they state, consists of “elements of reality”
which they characterize as follows:
In the following, we present a slightly simplified version of the EPR argument, due to David Bohm,
that works with spin degrees of freedom rather than the original position and momentum. Consider
a spin-1/2 system with its spin pointing in the positive z-direction, |ψi = | ↑z i. That is, |ψi is an
eigenstate of Ŝz ,
Ŝz |ψi = |ψi.
Thus, according to the above criterion, Sz = ~/2 is an element of reality. Furthermore, since |ψi is
not an eigenstate of Ŝx , the outcome of a measurement of Ŝx can not be predicted with certainty,
according to the formalism of quantum mechanics. Thus, Sx is not an element of reality, if quantum
mechanics is complete. We are thus left with two alternatives:
(1) Quantum mechanics is not complete.
(2) If the operators corresponding to two physical quantities do not commute, then the two
quantities cannot both correspond to elements of reality.
With those alternatives in mind, we now consider two spins 1/2 in a singlet state,
| ↑iA | ↓iB − | ↓iA | ↑iB
|Ψi = √ . (28)
Using this setup, EPR now prove that quantum mechanics is incomplete. The proof proceeds as
follows: Assume that the above alternative (1) is wrong. Consider a measurement of system A. If A
is measured in the x-basis, the spin at B is projected into an eigenstate of Ŝx which can be predicted
with certainty. Ŝx therefore is an element of reality. Likewise, if A is measured in the z-basis,
the spin at B is projected into an eigenstate of Ŝz , and Ŝz is an element of reality. Furthermore,
since the measurement of A does not in any way affect the system at B, those observables must
have corresponded to elements of reality already before the measurement. That is, both Ŝz and Ŝx
correspond to elements of reality. Thus, alternative (2) is wrong.
To summarize, (1) is wrong implies (2) is wrong, and we are left with no alternative. Contra-
diction. Alternative (1), namely that QM is incomplete, must therefore be correct.
Towards the end of their paper, EPR offer a route to circumvent their conclusion (for Bohm’s
version as discussed above, please replace Q −→ Sz and P −→ Sx ):
Most of the scientific community today seems at ease with the latter “unreasonable” definitions
of physical reality that make the reality of properties of system B dependent on what happens on
system A. The EPR paper went almost unnoticed for three decades but then became increasingly
influential. This is, perhaps, in part due to its last paragraph,
quantum mechanics hidden-variable model
Ψ A measured
B measured
output λA
output λB
C measured output λC
In an HVM, a physical system (e.g. a particle) is described not by a quantum state, but by the
particle “with a catalogue attached to it”. In this catalogue all observables that can possibly be
measured on the particle are listed, and it is specified which outcome should be outputted when a
particular measurement is made. The catalogue attached to the particle furthermore carries a serial
number, λ. Catalogues with different numbers λ can assign different values to the observables listed,
and the serial numbers are distributed according to some probability distribution p(λ). In this way,
hidden variable models attempt to mimic the probabilistic character of quantum measurement.
Note that HVMs are essentially classical theories. No amplitudes exist, but only probability
distributions. A further crucial difference is that in quantum mechanics, the measurement outcome
is brought about by the act of measurement. In a hidden variable model, it has existed all the
time, and is merely revealed by the measurement.
This table describes accurately the perfect anti-correlation of spin measurements on system A and
B, if the measurements are along the same axis (either both x or both z). Furthermore, if the
probability distribution is p(λ) ≡ 1/4, then also the probability distributions for the outcomes of
all four local measurements are correctly reproduced.
However, there are other cases where no local HVM can reproduce the predictions of quantum
mechanics. To such a scenario we turn now. Instead of Bell’s original version, we present here
an inequality due to Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt (CHSH). We consider a bipartite scenario
with two measurement settings per party, namely the settings a and a0 for party A, and a and b0
for party B. The possible outcomes are ±1 for each measurement.
In the quantum scenario, we associate observables A(a), A(a0 ), and B(b), B(b0 ) with those
settings, and we assume that we are working with some quantum state |Ψi that we are free too
choose. The correlation between the measurement of A(a) and B(b) is
C(a, b) = hΨ|A(a) ⊗ B(b)|Ψi.
In a local hidden variable model, the same situation is described as follows. For each of the four
measurement settings, there is a corresponding outcome, e.g. A(a0 , λ), which depends on the setting,
and also on the serial number λ of the catalogue. The value of the above correlation then is
C(a, b) = dλ p(λ)A(a, λ)B(b, λ).
In the following, we are interested in a particular correlation that involves all four possible combi-
nations of bi-partite measurement settings, namely
C = C(a, b) + C(a0 , b) + C(a, b0 ) − C(a0 , b0 ).
For the HVM, we can constrain the value the correlation C takes. Namely
dλ p(λ) A(a, λ)B(b, λ) + A(a, λ)B(b0 , λ) + A(a0 , λ)B(b, λ) − A(a0 , λ)B(b0 , λ)
C =
dλ p(λ) A(a, λ) B(b, λ) + B(b0 , λ) + A(a0 , λ) B(b, λ) − B(b0 , λ) .
Now, the terms in the brackets, [B(b, λ) − ±B(b0 , λ)] take values ±2 or 0. Furthermore, if one is ±2
the other is zero. Since the A’s in front of those expressions take values ±1, the entire expression
in the round bracket is ≤ 2, for all values of λ. This expression is now averaged according to some
probability distribution p(λ). Since p(λ) is non-negative, the HVM prediction is
C ≤ 2. (29)
This is the CHSH inequality.
Let us now turn to the quantum-mechanical description. Note that we have so far not speci-
fied the quantum state and the measured observables, apart from the fact that they should have
eigenvalues ±1 only. For the state, we choose the spin singlet Eq. (28). As for the observables, we
(B) (B) (B) (B)
σx + σz σx − σz
A(a) = σz(A) , A(a0 ) = σx(A) , and B(b) = √ , B(b0 ) = √ .
2 2
For this setting we find that quantum mechanics predicts
C = 2 2. (30)
This prediction is incompatible with the CHSH inequality (29), and thus with all local hidden
variable models.
Experimental tests of the Bell/ CHSH inequalities have been performed with increasing sophis-
tication, and they have decided in favour of quantum mechanics. See [24] for the first conclusive
such experiment. Local hidden variable models are thus ruled out as descriptions of physical reality.
A Historical note on teleportation and dense coding
The above protocols of dense coding and teleportation are the exact opposite of technically hard.
Yet they are published in Physical Review Letters – how come? Their value is not in mastering a
tedious and long-standing problem. Rather they moved into new territory, saw some unexpected
phenomenology, and opened up a new field12 .
David Mermin, whom you may know from a condensed matter physics class, was a referee for
the teleportation and dense coding papers. He made his reviews publicly available [22] in 2003. His
report on the dense coding paper is particularly telling, and I have reprinted it here from [22].
Bennett and Wiesner, "Communication via one-and two-particle. . ." LT4749
Your question was: Does this qualify as "strikingly different" enough to publish?
I have never read anything like it, and I have read a lot on EPR, though far from
everything ever written. So as far as I know it is different.
But strikingly? The argument is very simple, so shouldn’t the point be obvious?
After reading the paper I put it aside and spent the next week working hard on
something totally unrelated. Every now and then I would introspect to see if some
way of looking at the argument had germinated that reduced it to a triviality. None
had. Last night I woke up at 3am, fascinated and obsessed with it. Couldn’t get back
to sleep. Thats my definition of "striking".
So I say its strikingly different and I say publish it.
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