To 1-1-4 980320
To 1-1-4 980320
To 1-1-4 980320
T.O. 1-1-4
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT - Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Other request for this
document should be referred to WR-ALC/LKC, Robins AFB GA 31098. Questions concerning technical content
should be referred to WR-ALC/LKJTC, Robins AFB GA 31098.
14 MAY 1994
CHANGE 6 - 20 MARCH 1998
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TO 1-1-4
LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES NOTE: The portion of the text affected by the changes is indicated by a vertical line in the outer margins
of the page. Changes to illustrations are indicated by miniature pointing hands. Changes to wiring
diagrams are indicated by shaded areas.
Title ......................................... 6
A .............................................. 6
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vi Blank ...................................0
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3-4 Blank.................................0
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4-5 - 4-6 ...................................5
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6-5 ............................................0
6-6 Blank.................................0
7-1 - 7-2 ...................................0
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A-3 - A-4 ..................................3
A-5 - A-6 ..................................0
B-1 - B-12 ................................0
B-13......................................... 6
B-14 - B-45 ..............................0
B-46 - B-48 ..............................1
C-1 - C-2 ..................................0
C-4 - C-6 ..................................0
D-1 - D-42................................0
D-43......................................... 6
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A Change 6 USAF
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D-1 Distinctive Unit Markings, Sizes, and Locations, Camouf lage Aircraf t...........................D-45
F-1 Functions and Associated Symbols ........................................................................................ F-4
v/(vi blank)
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TO 1-1-4
1-1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this technical patterns used are generally determined by the geo-
order is to standardize the painting and marking graphical region of the world in which aircraf t are
conf iguration of exterior surfaces of all Air Force to operate and/or the operational role of the air-
aircraf t. In the event of conf lict between a spe- craf t. This term does not include any of the mark-
cif ic system/equipment Technical Order (TO) and ings or insignia usually applied over the f inal top
a general TO, the system/equipment TO will take coating or f inish. (See Section V.)
precedence. Conf licting instructions between any
c. Special Purpose Exterior Finish. Refers to
two TOs that compromise personnel safety or pro-
f inal coatings and approved paints or lacquers
cedural guidance will be resolved by local com-
applied to specif ic portions of aircraf t exteriors to
manders and reported for formal resolution by
provide for special needs. (See Section II.)
responsible authority. Also prescribed are the lim-
ited internal markings that are common among d. USAF Standard Markings. These mark-
the Air Force aircraf t (see applicable weapons sys- ings that are mandatory for display on all USAF
tem’s handbook for peculiar markings). Only the aircraf t. (see paragraph 1-11, Section III, and Sec-
types and colors of paints, coatings, f inishes, insig- tion VI.)
nia and markings specif ied herein will be used on
USAF aircraf t. (See AFR 66-34/AFI 21-105 and e. Special Purpose Markings. Exterior mark-
paragraph 1-6 this TO on procedures to propose ings for aircraf t other than the USAF standard
changes to either the standard paint schemes or markings, that are required for application, or
markings.) may be authorized under certain circumstances, as
stated in this technical order. Special purpose
NOTE markings are varied in type and usage. They
include various insignia, emblems, and symbols,
For operational purposes of this docu- whose need may vary with the differences in
ment. System Program Director (SPD) weapon system conf iguration and other pertinent
in this TO includes all players of the circumstances. (See Section IV.)
Intergrated Weapon System Manage-
ment concept of ‘‘cradle to grave’’ system f. Aircraf t Unit Identif ication Markings.
maintenance. Alphabetic letter, numerical digits, or combina-
tions of both, that may be displayed on both sides
Program Group Manager (PGM) of vertical f ins of designated combat and combat
Material Group Manager (MGM) support aircraf t primarily to allow ready air-to-air
System Program Off icer (SPO) recognition. The use of these markings is rigidly
System Program Manager (SPM) controlled and their indiscriminate or arbitrary
System Support Manager (SSM) use is prohibited. (See Section III and IV.)
Program Director (PD)
System Manager (SM) g. Tubing, Hose and Pipe Markings. Those
Item Manager (IM). colors, symbols and legends installed on aircraf t
tubing, hoses, pipe and rigid electrical conduit to
1-2. DEFINITIONS. The following are def ini- identify the function, content, hazard or direction
tions of terms used when dealing with the painting of f low. (See Section VII and Appendix F.)
and marking of USAF aircraf t.
a. Air Force Standard Exterior Finish. This 1-3. APPLICABILITY. This technical order is
term applies to the type and color of the f inal top applicable to all USAF Air National Guard and Air
coating authorized and required by this technical Force Reserve Aircraf t. (See paragraph 4-8.)
order for application to the exterior surfaces of
noncamouf laged USAF aircraf t. This term does 1-4. RESPONSIBILITIES.
not include any of the markings or insignia usu-
a. Scope. WR-ALC/LKJTC is responsible for
ally applied over the f inal top coating or f inish.
the contents of this technical order, its currency
(See Section II.)
and its application within the scope of pertinent
b. Air Force Standard Camouf lage Finish. Air Force Regulations, Specif ications and Stan-
Refers to the vari-colored and/or irregular shaped dards. Unless specif ied elsewhere herein, all mat-
exterior pattern approved for the camouf lage ters relating to the painting and marking of air-
painting of designated aircraf t. The colors and craf t will be directed to WR-ALC/LKJTC.
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TO 1-1-4
1-2 Change 6
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TO 1-1-4
2-1. METAL EXTERIOR FINISHES. Metal preserve coating integrity. The following criteria
exterior surtaces of all (see policy guidelines in will apply in programming aircraf t for painting.
paragraph 2-2 below) Air Force aircraf t other than
a. Aircraf t determined to have a sound paint
those made of titanium and corrosion resistant
system already applied will not be repainted solely
steels, require surface protection from the effects of
to incorporate color, improve appearance or mate-
corrosion and therefore will be painted in accor-
rial changes to the standard paint system and color
dance with the provisions of this technical order.
scheme as listed herein. When it is necessary to
a. Titanium or Steel. Since titanium or corro- perform maintenance on such aircraf t with former
sion-resistant steels, when used, make up only a standard or non-standard paint (unless deterio-
part of the total aircraf t exterior surface, they will rated to the extent that complete replacement is
also be painted with the same f inishes as the adja- required), use like or same type material as origi-
cent metals, providing temperatures permit. nally applied for maintenance painting purposes.
For new aircraf t entering the inventory or for air-
NOTE craf t requiring repainting the cognizant engineer-
Do not paint any equipment where the ing authority within AFMC in conjunction with the
application of paint will deter its oper- major operating commands will evaluate all avail-
ational capabilities (antenna, radomes, able technical, engineering and historical evidence
etc.) to determine the appropriate corrosion protection
and prevention system (type coating, color schemes,
b. Treatment of Metal Exteriors. The treat- service life criteria, etc) for each weapon system. A
ment of metal exteriors for corrosion control are coordinated paint/ repaint plan will be developed
specif ied in TO 1-1-691. The proper preparation of and kept current for each weapon system. This plan
surfaces for painting, priming and application of may be based on a weighted Paint Program inspec-
f inish coatings are specif ied in TO 1-1-8. In addi- tion and evaluation procedure, calender time/sever-
tion to protective f inishes, regular scheduled sur- ity zone criteria, or other approved technique. All
face washing and cleaning in accordance with TO 1- aircraf t under Tables 1-1 and 1-2 of T.O. 00-25-4
1-691 will minimize the probability of corrosion. will be inspected prior to (if possible) and/or during
Some surfaces will require additional surface pro- PDM for condition of the paint. The purpose of the
tection and will be specif ied further in this section. inspection will be to determine if the aircraf t should
2-2. POLICY GUIDANCE. It is a general policy be repainted or touched-up.
(AFR 66-34/AFI 21-105) that all Air Force aircraf t (1) In determining requirements for sec-
will be painted as a prime means of corrosion pro- tional overcoating, total overcoating, or strip and
tection and prevention. Inherent in this policy is repaint, the following general technical criteria
the responsibility to preserve a professional paint should be considered in the development of the
appearance as an integral part of a well-managed approved weapon system paint plan.
corrosion control program (AFR 400-44/AFI 21-105).
The requirement to paint, however, must be tem- (a) Sectional or total overcoat if paint is
pered with good judgement and in consideration of oxidized, discolored, stained, chipped, scratched or
funds availability. It is not intended that crash peeled from primer and the primer is adhering
programs be established for the prompt painting of soundly to the aircraf t. If this condition is exten-
aircraf t. Aircraf t will be painted in accordance with sive, complete overcoating of the aircraf t or section
a service life plan unless there is an over-riding is preferred over spot maintenance painting.
operational requirement as determined by HQ (b) Strip/repaint if the following defects
USAF/XOO. Aircraf t should be scheduled for paint- or combination of them exist: areas which have been
ing with due regard for other scheduled mainte- overcoated (primer plus topcoat) at least three
nance and funding. Aircraf t are not to be painted times, primer is not adhering to base metal, or the
unless they are programmed for retention in the paint system is peeled to base metal.
active inventory for at least two years af ter paint-
ing. Aircraf t will receive maintenance painting to
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TO 1-1-4
(2) When applying the above criteria to overspray the existing paint system in
determine painting requirements and a combina- accordance with T.O. 1-1-8.
tion of defects for overcoating and strip and repaint
b. Maintenance Painting. Maintenance paint-
exists, the following general economic guidelines
ing procedures will not be used if there is any
should be considered in the development of the
indication of a major failure of the aircraf t paint
approved weapon system paint plan.
system. Operational environment and life expec-
(a) When determining sectional or total tancy of the paint system will be considered in
aircraf t overcoating and a combination of defects making this determination. If major failure of the
exist, overcoating may be accomplished if time or paint system is evident, complete repaint should be
manhour requirements for surface preparation scheduled promptly.
(mask, sand, and clean) do not exceed 70% of the
time or manhours required for complete strip/ NOTE
repaint. Table I and II (T.O. 00-25-4) aircraf t
(b) Sectional stripping may be required, painting should be programmed for
as determined by deteriorated areas, on an aircraf t accomplishment during a scheduled
designated to be completely overcoated. Complete entry into a depot level facility for
overcoating with prior sectional stripping may be PDM, other modif ication/maintenance
accomplished if the combined time or manhours for requirements, or whenever corrosion is
sectional stripping and surface preparation for over- evident, whichever occurs f irst. The
coat do not exceed 70% of the time required for evidence of corrosion in any case shall
complete strip/repaint. mean the point at which corrosion
would cease to be controlled in accor-
(c) Complete strip/repaint should be dance with criteria of techical orders 1-
accomplished in lieu overcoating whenever time or 1-691, and/or the system peculiar (-23,
manhour requirements for masking, sanding, and etc.) technical orders. Table III (T.O.
cleaning for total or sectional overcoating exceed 00-25-4) aircraf t will be painted by
70% of those to accomplish strip/re-paint. using organizations in accordance with
technical orders 1-1-8, and 42A-1-1.
(3) In the absence of an approved tailored
weapon system paint plan the above criteria will (1) Sectionalized painting of aircraf t. To
apply to all aircraf t. minimize the contrast between new coatings and
aged or bleached topcoat f inishes, individual air-
NOTE craf t may have sectionalized painting for mainte-
For purposes of planning facility require- nance purposes. The sections are def ined as major
ments, the expected paint system average sections of the aircraf t such as wings, nacelles,
life before the need for strip/repaint is: stabilizers, rudders, empennage or other portions as
from one major assembly joint to another. This may
High gloss - 8 years also be applied to single panels of metal between
Flat (unsheltered) - 6 years skin joints, doors, control surfaces and access panels
Flat (sheltered) - 8 years as applicable. The criteria for aircraf t in paragraph
. This assumes good maintenance of
2-2a. will be used to determine requirements for
sectionalized painting. Sectionalized painting will
coating system and complete overcoat be accomplished in lieu of spot maintenance paint-
at approximately the mid-life point. ing when the criteria of paragraph 2-2a. is met. The
. For the purpose of mission change or paint material used must be of the same type as the
adjacent serviceable areas. Smaller portions of
other reassignment of aircraf t with
sound coating systems for which the deteriorated paint (less than that which qualif ies
existing coating or markings are inap- for sectionalized painting), must be touched up with
propriate, the major command shall the conventional spot or strip pattern.
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TO 1-1-4
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TO 1-1-4
2-6. EXHAUST, GUN AND ROCKET GAS/ areas susceptible to acid, alkali and urine corrosion
BLAST AREAS. Polyurethane coating system, such as battery compartments, buffet, lavatory and
MIL-C-83286/MIL-C-85285 will be used for the pro- relief tube discharge areas. The area to receive the
tection of surface areas exposed to engine exhaust, coating shall be cleaned in accordance with TO 1-1-
gun and rocket gas/blast areas. 691 and the coating applied in accordance with TO
a. Exhaust Track Areas. Exhaust track areas
will normally be painted black, color No. 17038. 2-11. FINISHES FOR AIRCRAFT PROPELLERS
However, Grey, color No. 16473 or White, color No. AND HELICOPTER ROTORS. Refer to applica-
17925, may be used when replacing the paint in the ble aircraf t, propeller or rotor technical order for
affected area and where necessary to retain the approved blade f inishes and blade data markings.
original aircraf t color scheme. (See Section IV, this technical order for approved
propeller and rotor safety markings.)
b. Gun and Rocket Blast Areas. Gun and
rocket blast areas will not require a special color 2-12. ANTI-SKID COATING FOR WALKWAYS.
designation other than that of the color of the adja- When approved by the appropriate SPD, walkway
cent aircraf t exterior f inish. Specif ic areas requir- coating conforming to MIL-W-5044 may be applied
ing such coatings will be as prescribed by the in colors to contrast or match the adjacent coating,
respective System Program Director (SPD). in accordance with TO 1-1-8, on the wing roots of
subsonic f ixed wing aircraf t on which the wing
2-7. THERMAL REFLECTIVE FINISH. All roots are used as a walk-on area. The coating may
USAF aircraf t programmed to participate in ther- also be applied on other areas that receive heavy
monuclear tests normally shall be protected with a duty traff ic or are hazardous to pilot and service
thermal ref lective f inish system to include a top personnel. Generally, the wing-root walkway coat-
coating of polyurethane Specif ication MIL-C-83286/ ing will be applied on both wing roots to a width of
MIL-C-85825, White, color No. 17925. The required 18 inches measured from the fuselage, and shall
paint scheme will be specif ied by type and model extend from just af t of the leading edge to just
aircraf t by WR-ALC. Application instructions are forward of the trailing edge.
included in TO 1-1-8. Authorization for applying
thermal ref lecting f inishes will be obtained from 2-13. FINISH SYSTEM FOR ENGINE AIR
specif ied in applicable aircraf t technical orders, the
2-8. SALT WATER, SALT AIR AND POLLUTED f inish system for all engine air intake ducts/ scoops
AIR. Adequate corrosion resistance from salt shall be the same as for the exterior of the aircraf t,
water spray, salt heavy atmosphere and various air white, color No. 17925. The forward opening of the
pollutants is provided by the standard exterior f in- ducts/scoops shall be coated to blend with the exte-
ish. Aliphatic Polyurethane, MIL-C-83286/MIL-C- rior color of the aircraf t, i.e. grey for grey aircraf t,
85285. blue for blue aircraf t, camouf lage for camouf laged
2-9. ANTI-GLARE FINISHES. Aircraf t sur- aircraf t etc., to a depth suff icient to insure that the
faces (such as nose section and cowling) which white cannot be seen from the immediate exterior.
ref lect an objectionable glare to the pilot and crew The paint system in the ducts/scoops should be
shall be f inished with Aliphatic Polyurethane lus- inspected and touched up or repainted on the same
terless, MIL-C-83286/MIL-C-85285, color No. basis as the exterior system.
37038, as applicable.
83286/MIL-C-85285 or TT-L-54 shall be applied to
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TO 1-1-4
3-1. GENERAL. The markings and insignia or black f inishes. Specif ic instructions for installing
contained in this Section will be applied to all Air the National Star Insignia and appropriate dimen-
Force aircraf t as specif ied herein. Section V con- sions are contained in Appendix A.
tains special instructions concerning markings and
insignia for camouf laged aircraf t. Appendix A (1) National Star Insignia on Aircraf t Fuse-
ref lects specif ic instructions, dimensions, etc., for lage. The National Star Insignia will normally be
the proper application of these markings and insig- applied to each side of the aircraf t fuselage, midway
nia. (See paragraph 4-20 for procedure to establish between the wing trailing edge and the leading edge
new requirements for markings and insignia if not of the stabilizer.
included in this technical order.) (2) National Star Insignia on Aircraf t
3-2. USAF STANDARD MARKINGS AND Wings. The National Star Insignia shall be applied
INSIGNIA. The following are the USAF standard on the upper surface of the lef t wing and on the
markings and insignia for Air Force aircraf t. lower surface of the right wing as applicable.
(3) National Star Insignia on Helicopters.
GENERAL Four National Star Insignia shall be applied on the
ITEM LOCATION aircraf t fuselage of helicopters. The insignia shall
be located so that the insignia will be visible from
National Star Insignia Wing and Fuselage each side, from above and from below. Because of
‘‘USAF’’ Marking Aircraf t Wings helicopter design conf iguration the insignia shall be
located so as to provide maximum identif ication.
‘‘U.S. AIR FORCE’’ Aircraf t Fuselage Such locations shall be standardized on like model
Marking and series helicopters.
Serial Number Aircraf t Fuselage b. ‘‘USAF’’ Marking. The marking ‘‘USAF’’
Aircraf t Data Legend Aircraf t Fuselage shall be applied on the lower surface of the lef t wing
and the upper surface of the right wing on all USAF
Aircraf t Radio Call Aircraf t Vertical Fin aircraf t. The lower surface marking shall be omit-
Number ted when thermal ref lective f inishes have been
applied. The height and location of the marking
NOTE USAF will correspond, if at all possible, with the
National Star insignia applied on the opposite wing.
The above USAF Standard Insignia
The top of the letters shall be toward the leading
and Markings will not be altered in
edge of the wing.
location, dimension or conf iguration
from the specif ications ref lected c. ‘‘U.S. AIR FORCE’’ Marking. The Marking
herein to accommodate any other ‘‘U.S. AIR FORCE’’ will be applied and maintained
insignia or marking. on the lef t and right sides of the fuselage of all
a. National Star Insignia. The National Star aircraf t.
Insignia will be installed on all USAF aircraf t. The d. Serial Number Markings - Aircraf t. The
insignia shall consist of an insignia-white f ive- aircraf t serial number marking is included in the
pointed star located within an insignia-blue circum- Aircraf t Data Legend marking.
scribed circle. An insignia-white rectangle shall be
located on each side of the star. The top edge of the e. Data Legend Marking - Aircraf t. The Air-
rectangle shall form a straight line with the upper craf t Data Legend ref lects the owning military com-
edges of the horizontally opposed star points. An ponent, the aircraf t type, model and series, aircraf t
insignia-red horizontal stripe shall be centered in serial number, the grade fuel to be serviced in the
each end of the rectangle. An insignia-blue border aircraf t, and the identiplate location within air-
shall outline the entire insignia. The insignia-blue craf t. This marking may be located on the lef t side
border and insignia-blue circle may be omitted of the fuselage near the pilot’s compartment or near
when the National Star Insignia is applied on blue the single point refueling location.
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TO 1-1-4
(1) A typical Aircraf t Data Legend marking year (omitting the hyphen) shall then be used, fol-
follows: lowed by necessary quanities of zero to prove f ive
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3-3/(3-4 blank)
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TO 1-1-4
4-1. GENERAL. Unless otherwise specif ied, the (12) EC/RC-135 aircraf t
dimensions, colors and materials required for USAF
b. The American f lag marking, when author-
Standard Markings and Insignia, in Section III,
ized, shall be located on both sides of the rudder or
also apply to Special Purpose Markings. Due to
vertical stabilizer above all other markings of sig-
variance in equipment conf iguration and restric-
nif icance. The f lag shall be positioned horizontally
tions in the uses of some markings, special purpose
and in such a manner that the union shall be
markings may or may not be applicable to all air-
uppermost. The bars of the f lag shall appear to be
craf t. However, when applicable and authorized for
trailing at all times. (See Appendix C.)
use, special purpose markings will be applied in the
dimensions, colors and locations as specif ied herein c. The following standard sizes are specif ied
for American f lag markings used on USAF aircraf t:
play of the American Flag marking on aircraf t (1) 19 × 36 inches
exteriors is intended for specif ic uses which have (2) 21 × 40 inches
national signif icance or U.S. diplomatic connota-
tion. As such, the use of the f lag marking will be (3) 25 × 48 inches
restricted and approved only by Headquarters
(4) 31.4 × 60 inches
USAF/LGMY. The routine or occasional overseas
f light of aircraf t, the assignment of aircraf t to NOTE
foreign soil, or the intra-theater travel of overseas
based aircraf t are not suff icient reasons for use of The f lag or national insignia/emblem
the American Flag markings. The National Star of any country, other than the United
Insignia and USAF markings painted upon aircraf t States of America, will not be dis-
exteriors in accordance with instructions contained played on any USAF aircraf t for any
herein, adequately identify these and other Air reason.
Force aircraf t. 4-3. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
a. American f lag markings are authorized for MARKING.
use only on the following aircraf t: a. The words UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
(1) Air Attache are authorized to be painted on fuselage exteriors of
the following aircraf t authorized the American f lag
(2) Military Assistance Advisory Group markings:
(1) Air Attache
(3) USAF Mission
(2) MAAG
(4) Apollo Range Instrumentation Aircraf t
EC-135 (AFMC-ARIA) and NKC-135A SIN 53-3132 (3) USAF Mission
(5) 89th Airlif t Wing (5) 89th Airlif t Wing
(6) AMC/ACC airlif t forces aircraf t (6) Air Force Section Mission (U.S. Mili-
(7) Air Force Section Mission (U.S. Mili- tary Group Aircraf t in Latin America).
tary Group Aircraf t in Latin America). (7) National Emergency Airborne Com-
(8) National Emergency Airborne Com- mand Post E-4 Aircraf t.
mand Post E-4 Aircraf t. (8) 58th Airlif t Squadron USAFE.
(9) 58th Airlif t Squadron USAFE. b. When authorized, the marking UNITED
(10) ANG and Air Force reserve airlif t air- STATES OF AMERICA will be applied on both
craf t for which AMC/ACC is the gaining command. sides of the aircraf t fuselage, parallel to and above
the top of the cabin windows. The fuselage marking
(11) E-3A aircraf t assigned to 522AWACW.
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TO 1-1-4
U.S. AIR FORCE, referred to in paragraph 3-2 will b. Vertical/block lettering (see f igure A-4), not
be removed from these aircraf t. (See appendix C.) higher than two inches, shall be used for the
markings. On non-camouf laged aircraf t, letters
4-4. ORGANIZATION INSIGNIA OR shall be yellow, color No. 13538, and on camou-
EMBLEMS. All proposed organizational f laged aircraf t paint letters in contracting camou-
emblems or insignia (Major Command, Wing, f lage color, on a background block only as large as
Group or Squadron) for use on aircraf t or missiles, needed to accommodate the information, 6 inches
must meet the criteria of AFR 900-3 and be to 24 inches high, consistent with size of aircraf t.
approved in accordance with the provisions of that If the background is presently black, the back-
document. ground block is not required. If the background is
a. Approved organizational emblems or insig- gray, the background block is not required, and
nia may be placed on non-camouf laged aircraf t. the letters will be black, No. 37038. Background
The Major Command Headquarters shall be the sizes and lettering should be standardized
approving authority for the use of organization thoughout the unit.
emblems on its aircraf t and the precise location on c. Markings may contain f irst names or ini-
the vehicle at which the emblem will be installed. tials and last names. Examples of markings are as
The use and location of the emblem will be con- follows:
tained in the pertinent major command regulation.
b. In all cases, approved organization
emblems to be installed on aircraf t shall not CREW CHIEF: SSGT A. B. JOHNSON
exceed 2/3 the size of the fuselage national star
insignia. Further, standard Air Force markings or
will not be altered or relocated to accommodate CREW CHIEF: SSGT ALFRED B.
organizational emblems. Emblem location and JOHNSON
dimensions will be the same for similar aircraf t
types and models. Whenever an aircraf t is perma- or
nently transferred for active service, the transfer- CREW CHIEF
ring unit will remove its organizational emblems SSGT ALFRED B. JOHNSON
prior to transfer. Aircraf t being deactivated or
processed for storage may be exempted from the 4-7. LOCAL STATION NUMBERS AND MARK-
requirement to remove organizational emblems. INGS FOR AIRCRAFT. Where large numbers of
aircraf t are assigned to a station, or duplication of
4-5. OUTSTANDING UNIT AWARD MARK- last three digits of aircraf t serial numbers occurs
INGS. A replica of the ‘‘Outstanding Unit on such a station, or where visibility at a station is
Award’’ ribbon earned by an organization may be extremely poor due to snow or dust conditions, the
installed on the sides of the aircraf t fuselage in a Major Command may request and the System Pro-
suitable location designated by the applicable gram Director (SPD) authorize the application of
major air command headquarters. Criteria regard- local ‘‘Station Numbers’’ as an aid to maintenance
ing size and location as stated in paragraph 4-4 and operational control
above is applicable except that the length of the
marking shall not exceed 12 inches and the length a. Station Numbers. The ‘‘Station Numbers’’
to width ratio will be maintained at 4 to 1, i.e. 12 will be located on the nose section of f ixed wing
inches × 3 inches, etc. aircraf t and on def lector shields or other forward
component of helicopters, as designated by the
4-6. CREW MARKINGS. The names of pilot, particular SPD. Numerals will not be more than
crew chief or other members of the f light/ground eight inches in height and proportionate to the air-
crew may be applied to the exterior of the camou- craf t size and height. The ‘‘Station Numbers’’ will
f laged or non-camouf laged aircraf t at the option of be removed prior to transfer.
the major command.
b. Markings. Where large quantities of a sim-
a. Generally, the names will be applied to the ilar type of aircraf t are assigned to a station in the
lef t side of the fuselage, (right side for helicopters) CONUS, Major commands may authorize a distin-
near the pilot’s window and clearly visible from guishing colored horizontal stripe for application
ground level. On large aircraf t such as C-130, C- on both sides of the topmost portion of the vertical
135, C-141, C-5, etc. where the names will not be f in. A different color may be assigned each unit
clearly visible from ground level, the names may owning such aircraf t. These stripes will be appro-
be placed adjacent to the forward crew/passenger priately removed by the installing organization
entrance door, when approved by the major when the aircraf t is to be transferred.
4-2 Change 3
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4-9. USAF AIRCRAFT SUPPLIED UNDER MAP. b. Aircraf t, whose primary mission is the
All USAF aircraf t that are to be reconditioned or transportations of VIPs, are authorized to have red,
rehabilitated for the Military Assistance Program white, and blue propeller tips. Approval authority
(MAP) will be protected from corrosion by painting for designating these aircraf t is limited to major
with standard Air Force material prior to delivery. commands and will not be delegated to any lower
level of command. Indiscriminate approval of these
a. When a recipient country accepts delivery of markings will defeat the intent of this directive and
Grant Aid aircraf t in the CONUS and arranges for therefore will not be condoned. The occasional use
ferrying the aircraf t with its own crew or agents, of aircraf t to transport VIPs is not suff icient justif i-
the title passes at that time to the recipient country, cation for the multi-colored propeller tips.
therefore, all USAF Insignia and markings will be
removed prior to transfer. The recipient country (1) Red, white, and blue propeller tips are
will arrange to aff ix its insignia and markings on authorized for the following aircraf t:
the aircraf t prior to operation. (a) Air Attache
b. When Grant Aid aircraf t are delivered by (b) Military Assistance Advisory Group
USAF pilots or by U.S. civilian or foreign national (MAAG)
pilots under operation control of the U.S. Air Force,
title will remain with the U.S. Government until (c) USAF Missions
the aircraf t are delivered in the recipient country. (d) 89th Airlif t Wing
Therefore, upon departure from the CONUS the
aircraf t will display temporarily installed USAF (2) When authorized, the red, white, and
marking and will be cleared as USAF Military blue stripes will be painted in that order on each
Aircraf t. Temporary paint, shall be used for these blade, from the blade tip toward the hub.
markings. The temporary paint should be readily (a) For aircraf t propellers less than 15
removable without harming the permanent f inish. feet in diameter, each stripe will be one and one-
c. It is the responsibility of the Chief of the Air half inches wide.
Force Section of the MAAG, or appropriate military (b) For aircraf t propellers 15 feet or
mission, to assure that USA insignia and markings more in diameter, each stripe will be two inches
are promptly removed upon arrival of the aircraf t in wide.
the recipient country. In cases where the recipient
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installed, and create a problem of stockpiling com- of a target or weapon system. Drones will be
ponents for a specif ic aircraf t, the base supply marked and painted as follows:
account number as contained in USAF Supply Man-
ual 67-1 will be applied to the component. The a. Target Drones. Target drones for weapons
number will be stenciled on both sides and as near evaluation, crew training, etc., shall be painted
the center as possible using one inch high numbers. International Orange, color No. 12197 with Specif i-
This does not apply to jettisonable seats, canopies or cation MIL-C-83286 or MIL-C-85285 material.
components that are not subject to frequent NOTE
Normally, weapons systems that have
4-15. MARKING OF EMERGENCY LIGHTING been modif ied into drones will not be
b. Weapon System Drones. Weapons system
a. Cargo and transport type aircraf t which drones/RPV’s may be developed, tested and
have f lashlights located adjacent to each natural or deployed painted in the color scheme required for
emergency exit as an emergency lighting system mission accomplishment. The paint schemes for
will have a band of phosphorescent paint, Federal these drones shall be approved for the intended
Specif ication TT-P-54, or a water-based coating purpose(s) as directed by AFR 66-34/AFI 21-105 and
color No. 13538 or a ref lection tape (IND-STD the specif ic technical order applicable to the drones.
ASTM D4956), approximately 1/2 inch wide applied The Air Force standard f inish materials in the
around the base of the f lashlight mounting. This color(s) required will be used to paint the exterior(s)
will provide a rectangular frame outlining the light. of these drones.
The paint may be applied to the mounting f langes
along the sides of the light holder if the installation NOTE
is such that the paint cannot be applied to the All numerals, letters and markings,
surface on which the light mounting is installed. except the National Star Insignia
applied on International Orange shall
NOTE be black MIL-C-83286/MIL-C-85285,
3M Retroref lective and Photolumines- color No. 17038 (see Appendix A).
cent sign materials may be used as
substitute materials for paint meeting 4-18. MARKINGS FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE
specif ication TT-P-54 or tape meeting AIRCRAFT. Aircraf t engaged in search and res-
specif ication ASTM D4956. cue operations shall have markings applied as indi-
cated in following paragraphs using MIL-C-83286/
b. Allow the phosphorescent paint to dry MIL-C-85285.
approximately 8 hours, then apply a protective coat
of varnish, Federal Specif ication TT-V-109, or clear a. Wing Tips. Upper and lower surfaces of
coat of a aliphatic Polyurethane specif ication MIL- both wing tips shall be painted yellow-orange, color
C-83286 or MIL-C-85285 over it. This will lengthen No. 13538, from the wing tip inboard a distance
the useful life of the paint. equal to 7% of the wing span (f loat excluded). A
black border 6 inches wide shall be added inboard,
4-16. MARKING FOR WALKWAYS AND HON- using color No. 17038.
b. Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder. Using verti-
a. Walkways and Steps. In cases where they cal block type white letters, color No. 17875, the
do not contrast in color with adjacent areas, walk- word RESCUE shall be applied on a blue back-
way areas shall be bounded by a camouf lage/f lat ground, color No. 15044, to both sides of the vertical
black color No. 37038 line for a light background or stabilizer and rudder appropriately spaced between
a camouf lage/f lat white color No. 37925 line for a the radio call numbers and the top of the vertical
dark background, 1/2 inch wide, and marked with stabilizer. The letters will be a minimum of 12
word ‘‘WALKWAY’’ at suff iciently frequent inter- inches in height. If larger lettering is used, the
vals to indicate the walkway area. Steps shall be background should be increased proportionally. A
suitably indicated at all points on the aircraf t. 3-inch wide band, yellow orange, color No. 13538,
shall be applied at the top and bottom of the blue
b. Honeycomb Panels On Airplanes. Honey- background.
comb panels (thin skin) for wing upper surfaces
shall be distinctly marked by a 1-1/2 inch wide 4-19. AIRCRAFT CONSPICUITY AND ARCTIC
stripe of hash marks; each hash mark shall be 2 MARKINGS. Conspicuity and Arctic markings
inches long, measured along the stripe with 2 are of the same color and conf iguration for each
inches between marks. The marks shall slope 45 aircraf t and are as illustrated in Appendix B of this
degrees. The marks shall be painted on the mate- technical order.
rial conforming to that to which applied in yellow,
color No. 13538. a. Conspicuity Markings. Conspicuity mark-
ings may be used under special conditions on non-
4-17. MARKINGS FOR DRONES. Drones are camouf laged aircraf t and are intended to enhance
any remotely controlled, recoverable, pilotless air- air-to-air visual detection for safety purposes. Con-
craf t developed or modif ied to perform the mission spicuity markings will not normally be applied to
Change 5 4-5
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Air Force aircraf t except for those specif ically (b) Aircraf t scheduled for short periods
authorized by this technical order as approved by of duty less than 180 days in designated Arctic/
Hq USAF/LGMY for specif ic aircraf t engaged in Antarctic areas.
special operations.
(c) Active strike force and combat sup-
(1) Aircraf t Authorized Conspicuity Mark- port aircraf t assigned offensive missions into or
ings. The following aircraf t shall be required to over Arctic/Antarctic areas for less than 180 days.
have conspicuity markings applied:
(d) All camouf laged USAF aircraf t.
(a) Aircraf t used primarily as target
aircraf t. c. Material Requirements For Conspicuity And
Arctic Markings. The material requirements for
(b) AFMC aircraf t specif ically desig- Arctic and/or conspicuity markings shall be those
nated by the major command headquarters, due to compatible with the material over which it is
peculiar requirements of research and development applied. Normally, this will be MIL-C-83286, or
programs. Included may be director and drone MIL-C-85285 color No. 12197. Refer to TO 1-1-8 for
aircraf t. application instructions.
(c) Flight inspection aircraf t. d. Change In Aircraf t Mission Assignments.
In the event mission requirements change an con-
1 To enhance air to air low level visual spicuity/arctic markings are not needed, or if such
detection of aircraf t performing airborne f light markings are detrimental to the safe accomplish-
inspection of traff ic control facilities, these aircraf t ment of the mission, the painted or f ilm markings
shall be painted the standard Air Force gray, color will be removed. When time permits the markings
No. 16473, and white, color No. 17925, with con- will be stripped from the aircraf t surfaces. When
spicuity markings as specif ied in appendix emergency conditions dictate the need, the mark-
C - Special Purpose Aircraf t Markings. ings will be painted over.
2 Special Conspicuity Markings are 4-20. ESTABLISHING NEW REQUIREMENTS
authorized only when 75% or more of the mission FOR INSIGNIA AND MARKINGS. Requests for
f lying hours are utilized in enroute/on facility time. approval of other insignia and markings proposed
b. Arctic Markings. The use of Arctic mark- for in-service aircraf t not included in this technical
ings are intended to facilitate the location of air- order will be submitted to WR-ALC/LKJTC.
craf t accidentally downed in regions covered by ice Request for approval of new or additional insignia
or snow. Arctic markings will be applied to aircraf t or markings must contain full justif ication and be
assigned for operation in the Arctic region during accompanied by two sets of exterior surface draw-
the period from 15 October through 15 April or for ings showing proposed marking locations on the
at least a six month period in Antarctica. In North aircraf t, by applicable structural station number,
America, for purposes of this technical order, the water line reference points, dimensions and color
Arctic region is that territory north of the 50th scheme. Aircraf t markings which ref lect mission
parallel of latitude. activity, crew accomplishments, and crew espirit de
corps are allowed at the discretion and f inal
(1) Arctic Marking Exemptions. Aircraf t in approval of the senior logistics manager in each
the following categories are exempt from compli- MAJCOM.
ance with arctic marking requirements:
(a) Air Attache assigned aircraf t.
4-6 Change 5
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camouf lage f inish to make the camouf lage effort MARKING LOCATION SIZE
complete unless the system manager determines
that the paint deters operational capabilities and
prohibits its use. National Top of lef t 15 inches star
e. Walkways. Walkway borders shall be Star Insig- wing,bottom of Insignia (ex-
applied to the upper surfaces of camouf laged air- nia right wing and cept 60 inches
craf t in black, color No. 37038. both sides of on upper wing
fuselage on and 18 inches
f. Gunship Quality Paint Systems. The Euro- wing type air- on fuselage, B-
pean I camouf lage scheme and certain other craf t. 52 aircraf t)
weapon system-camouf lage scheme combinations
require the use of ‘‘gunship quality’’ paint. Gunship Radio Call Both sides ver- Six inches
quality paint is special formulation polyurethane Number tical stabilizer high (except
paint that is available in several camouf lage color or tail 12 inches high
numbers. It meets physical requirements of MIL-C- boom(radio on B52 air-
83286 and MIL-C-85825, and certain additional call numbers craf t
requirements for gloss and sheen not presently will be con-
standard under MIL-C-83286/MIL-C-85285. At the structed in ac-
present time, this is a controlled source paint. The cordance with
authorized sources are DeSoto, Inc Des Plaines IL paragraph 3-2.
and Berkley CA, Def t Chemical Coating, Irvine CA See paragraph
and Crown Metro, Greenville SC. Always be certain 5-9 and Ap-
that the paint vendor or immediate supply activity pendix D for
knows when you require gunship quality and that distinctive
the paint is identif ied on the Qualif ied Product List. unit mark-
Standard camouf lage in the same color numbers ings.)
does not provide the required performance. Radio Call At Air Refuel- Four inches
5-5. INSIGNIA AND MARKINGS. The follow- Number ing receptacle high
ing exceptions to standard USAF insignia and USAF Immediately Six inches
markings as listed in Section III are applicable to before radio high (except
USAF camouf laged aircraf t. call number if 60 inches on
a. U.S. Air Force Markings. The ‘‘U.S. AIR space avail- upper wing
FORCE’’ marking on the forward fuselage is not able. If not, di- B52 aircraf t)
required. rectly over
radio call
b. National Star Insignia. The National Star number.
Insignia shall be applied to the top of the lef t wing,
the bottom of the right wing and on both sides of the
fuselage in a miniaturized conf iguration. The stan- NOTE
dard design is illustrated in f igure A-1. To assist in the identif ication of air-
craf t during ground handling, it is per-
c. USAF and Radio Call Number Marking. mitted to apply the last three numer-
The ‘‘USAF’’ marking shall not be applied to the als of the aircraf t serial number to the
wings; but, shall be added immediately before the lower forward portion of the fuselage
radio call number on the vertical f in if space is side in 6 inch letters.
available. Otherwise, place directly over the radio
call number. The radio call number and ‘‘USAF’’ e. Colors. Colors of insignia and markings
marking shall be of a miniaturized conf iguration, shall be as follows:
unless the aircraf t has been approved for distinctive
unit aircraf t markings as outlined in paragraph 5-9. (1) Gunship quality camouf lage shall use
only gunship quality contrasting colors for all exte-
d. Location and size of miniaturized insignia rior insignia and markings. Waiver or deviation
and markings. will be considered only when the requirement for
gunship quality is no longer essential.
(2) Standard camouf lage exterior insignia
and markings shall be subdued black, color No.
37038 except those special markings covered in
paragraph (a), (b) and (c).
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(a) Required safety precautionary mark- may authorize changes in identif ica-
ings shall be red, color No. 31136. tion code assignments.
(b) External markings identifying b. Instructions for the design, dimensions and
escape hatches, doors, exits and emergency entry or location of the distinctive unit aircraf t identif ica-
exits should be painted in contracting gunship qual- tion codes are contained in Appendix D.
ity color. (See paragraphs 6-15 through 6-17 which
apply to standard camouf laged and uncamouf laged c. Aircraf t tail numbers (identif ied as serial
aircraf t.) number in applicable part of Appendix D) will con-
sist of the f irst two and last three digits of the
(c) Camouf lage schemes in the SEA original serial number. When duplicate last three
conf iguration use white markings on black back- digits exist among aircraf t with the same distinc-
grounds except with gunship quality which shall tive unit aircraf t identif ication designator, the last
use contrasting gunship quality color. four digits of the aircraf t serial number shall be
5-6. INSTRUCTIONAL MARKINGS. Instruc- used. This number serves as the radio call number
tional type markings for servicing, ground handling, for aircraf t with distinctive unit markings.
etc., shall be kept to the minimum required by the 5-10. SPECIAL OPERATING FORCE (SOF) AIR-
System Program Director (SPD) to be consistent CRAFT. The gray paint f inish (Aliphatic Poly-
with safety, performance and maintenance of the urethane MIL-C-83286/MIL-C-85285, color No.
aircraf t. 16473) with standard Air Force markings is the
5-7. SQUADRON AND ORGANIZATIONAL normal exterior paint conf iguration for SOF air-
MARKINGS. Squadron and organizational mark- craf t. However, inasmuch as the SOF Aircraf t are
ings may be used on camouf laged aircraf t. Use the subject to various mission assignments, in different
same criteria for the development of size as is used geographical locations and under varying circum-
on noncamouf laged aircraf t. The width of the hori- stances, the specif ic mission will dictate the aircraf t
zontal stripes applied to the upper extremity of the exterior conf iguration required for the affected air-
vertical stabilizers will be six inches. craf t. In all instances, changes in paint conf igura-
tions of these aircraf t will be accomplished only as a
5-8. ARMAMENT LOADS PLACARD. Placards result of f irm mission requirements and not for
indicating armament loads, when required, should reasons of esthetics or personal preference.
be appropriately applied on camouf laged aircraf t in
accordance with SPD/MAJCOM instructions. (See a. Some major reasons which may require
paragraph 6-18, f igures E-8 and E-9.) changes in the exterior paint conf iguration of SOF
aircraf t are:
CATION MARKINGS. Distinctive unit aircraf t (1) Need for ground-to-air or air-to-air cam-
markings may be applied to vertical f ins of camou- ouf lage or conspicuity.
f laged combat support aircraf t to allow aircrews to
readily identify aircraf t to their own unit or to other (2) Need for air-to-ground or ground-to
friendly units. The master coding system to be ground camouf lage or conspicuity.
utilized is USAF wide to avoid code duplication (3) National image or national interest.
among units. HQ ACC has been designated by Hq
USAF as the Air Force single manager for the (4) Discrete aircraf t employment.
assignment of unit aircraf t identif ication markings.
b. Normally, request for approval of proposed
a. Essentially, the codes consist of: (1) two changes to exterior paint conf igurations for SOF
alphabetic letters, (2) two numerical digits or (3) an aircraf t not engaged in combat operations shall be
alphabetic letter and a numerical digit. Using forwarded by the major command to USAF/LGMY/
major commands may authorize the use of these XOOT.
identif ication markings but shall receive the
approved coding to be used from HQ ACC. When c. Whenever conditions warrant, the major
the codes are no longer required, the respective command may authorize the application of needed
major command shall appropriately notify AAC. exterior paint conf igurations for SOF aircraf t
engaged in combat operations without prior
approval or higher authority. Whenever possible,
NOTE Air Force standard materials will be used. All
In no instances will these unit identif i- changes to SOF aircraf t conf igurations shall be
cation codes be installed or removed promptly reported to WR-ALC/LKJTC and to HQ
without the expressed knowledge and USAF/LGMY and XOOT accompanied by appropri-
approval of AAC. Similarly, only AAC ate descriptive 8″ × 10″ photograph and drawings on
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8″ × 10″ paper, reasons for the changes and results agreements (see Air Standardization
achieved. Coordinating Committee Air Standard
11/1D and NATO, STANAG 3109) and
5-11. NATO MARKINGS CODE NUMBERS. shall not be changed except under
The application of North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- emergency conditions without prior
tion (NATO) code numbers cited in TO 42B1-1-15 coordination with the Air Standardiza-
shall supplement the applicable service points pre- tion Coordinating Committee (ASCC).
scribed in Appendix E, this technical order. The All requests or recommendations for
codes will be applied immediately adjacent to the changes in existing markings or sup-
symbol as considered most practical. NATO code plemental markings will be submitted
numbers may be omitted when not ref lected in TO to WR-ALC/LKJTC, for appropriate
42B1-1-15 or may be omitted on training type air- action.
craf t and other aircraf t not subject to being serviced
at overseas location.
Certain provisions of this section are
subject to internal standardization
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6-1. GENERAL. The requirement for and loca- space. They may be situated on the equipment
tion of these markings will vary with the aircraf t concerned, directly below, adjacent to, or on applica-
conf iguration. Printed information required in con- ble access panels. In event the service point or
nection with ground handling or servicing symbols marking is concealed, arrows may be used to point
shall be painted in black or white depending on the out the location of the service point or markings.
background. Lettering sizes shall be in accordance The arrow should bear a brief identif ication of the
with instructions in Appendix E. Capital vertical purpose for which it is applied, the applicable ser-
block letters and arabic numerals shall be used. vice point identif ication or precautionary warning
(See f igure A-4). marking.
a. Identif ication Symbols. Symbols for the 6-2. NATO MARKING CODE NUMBERS. The
identif ication of servicing points, ground handling application of North Atlantic Treaty Organization
locations, emergency use and hazard warning shall (NATO) code numbers cited in TO 42B1-1-15 shall
be applied to required locations on all USAF air- supplement the applicable service points prescribed
craf t to provide the following: in Appendix E, this technical order. The codes shall
(1) Rapid identif ication of each required be applied immediately adjacent to the symbol.
servicing point. a. The application of NATO code numbers will
(2) Identif ication of the type of ground ser- be waived when it is not ref lected in TO 42B1-1-15
vicing required. or may be omitted on training type aircraf t and
other aircraf t not subject to being serviced at over-
(3) Hazard warning or safety precautions seas location.
which will prevent injury to personnel or damage to
aircraf t equipment. b. Certain provisions of this section are subject
to international standardization agreements (see
(4) Rapid entry or exit from vehicle under Air Standardization Coordinating Committee Air
emergency conditions. Standard 11/1D and NATO, STANAG 3109) and
shall not be changed except under emergency condi-
b. Illustrations. Illustrations of the prescribed
tions without prior coordination with the Air Stan-
symbols to be used are contained in Appendix E.
dardization Coordinating Committee (ASCC). All
This technical order may be applied using appropri-
requests or recommendations for changes in
ate paint or decalcomania. Symbol size shall be
existing markings or supplemental markings shall
approximately four inches in the longest dimension;
be submitted to WR-ALC/LKJTC for appropriate
however, smaller sized symbols may be used if
required by the item or area to be marked. Color
requirement for symbols shall be as follows: 6-3. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS AND LANDING
(1) Filling points symbols shall be colored GEAR/STRUTS. Servicing instructions for
black or white according to the background. hydraulic systems, landing gear and shock struts
shall be provided on metal instruction plates or
(2) Ground handling point symbols shall be stenciled in a permanent and legible manner adja-
colored yellow-orange, color No. 13538, and have a cent to charging points and test connections. (See
black or white outline according to the background. applicable technical order.)
(3) Safety or hazard warning symbols shall 6-4. AIRCRAFT GROUNDING POINTS. All
be colored red and have a black or white outline grounding points on all Air Force aircraf t will be
according to the background. marked with part No. MS27606, decalcomania,
(4) Emergency exit or entry location mark- ground here, international symbol. (See Figure
ings will be colored orange-yellow, color No. 13538. E-3). Decals will be requisitioned from 652D ABG/
Black markings, color No. 17038, will be used on IM McClellan AFB CA 95652, on AF Form 124A
yellow surfaces. publications/forms requisition.
c. Locations. The location of each marking 6-5. STORAGE BATTERIES. The notation
shall be dependent upon the existing available ‘‘BATTERY LOCATION ’’ with
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with standard USAF markings, insignia, or color D4956 may be used for these markings to facilitate
resistant f inishes. (See Appendix E, f igure E-10.) identif ication in the dark.
The propeller warning stripe shall not 3M Retroref lective and Photolumines-
extend through standard USAF mark- cent sign materials may be used as
ings or insignia. substitute for tape meeting specif ica-
tion ASTM D4956.
Maintain a space of 3 inches between the ends of
the propeller warning stripe and any standard (1) Paint an intermittent orange-yellow
USAF marking and insignia. The word PROPEL- band to mark the periphery of the personnel escape
LER reading vertically from top to bottom shall be exit. The segments of the band will have a mini-
superimposed on this stripe in white, color No. mum width of 1 inch and a maximum length of 2
17925, letters 2 inches high placed at suff iciently inches, divided equally, if possible and practicable,
frequent intervals to indicate the dangerous area. between the door mounting and the escape door
The word DANGER shall be applied perpendicular itself. Where the lining will cover the identif ication
to the word PROPELLER on each side of the warn- marking band on the inside of the aircraf t, continue
ing stripe, with an arrow pointing from the word the marking onto the lining.
DANGER toward the stripe. Letters in the word
DANGER shall be two inches high and the arrows (2) The words EMERGENCY EXIT, in
shall be 4 inches long. The word DANGER and the orange-yellow, shall be painted or stenciled on the
arrows shall be red, color No. 31136. The propeller escape hatch, door or exit or any covering thereof in
warning stripe for these aircraf t that have been the most readily visible location. Letters will pref-
painted jet black shall be white, color No. 17925. erably be 2 inches high and shall not be less than 1
The word PROPELLER superimposed thereon shall inch wide.
be red, color No. 31136, the word DANGER and the (3) Paint handles, releases, catches and
arrows shall be white, color No. 17925. knobs for inside hatches and exit doors orange-
yellow. Where lettering or marking areas are cov-
NOTE ered by lining (including sound proof ing), the lining
On aircraf t having engines staggered shall also be appropriately marked. Suitable
on the wing, propeller warning stripe descriptive wording, readily visible, shall be painted
shall also be placed on the cowling of or stenciled on the door or structure of the aircraf t,
the next inboard engine to mark the whichever is nearer the emergency release, to iden-
plane of rotation of the propeller disc. tify and explain its operation. This wording shall be
at least 1/2 inch high and preferably 1 inch high.
b. Interior. An insignia red warning stripe 3 Use standard English terminology such as PULL,
inches wide shall be marked inside the fuselage on PUSH, TURN or SLIDE.
both sides of bomb-bays, or other openings within 6
feet of either side of the propeller disc to warn (4) Exits which are adequate for air, ground
personnel of the proximity of propellers, if such and ditching escape shall have the word EMER-
openings can be used as exits from the aircraf t and GENCY EXIT centered in the most visible location
if there is danger of personnel walking into propel- on the inside of the door or hatch.
lers af ter leaving the openings. Stripes shall extend (5) Exits which are not adequate for the
from the center of the fuselage or the top of the above three methods of escape shall be marked
opening, whichever is higher, to the lowest extrem- EMERGENCY EXIT and for specif ic usage as fol-
ity of the opening. The word PROPELLER, reading lows: GROUND USE ONLY, GROUND AND
vertically from top to bottom shall be superimposed DITCHING USE ONLY, etc.
on the stripes in white, color No. 17925, letters 2
inches high, to indicate dangerous area. The word b. External Markings.
DANGER in red, color No. 31136, shall be applied
perpendicular to and centered with respect to the (1) Markings identifying escape hatches,
word PROPELLER on each side of the stripe with a doors and exits on the outside of aircraf t shall be
red, color No. 31136, arrow pointing toward the orange-yellow, color No. 13538; on yellow surface
stripe. Letters shall be 2 inches high and arrows 4 use black, color No. 17038. If Polyurethane is used,
inches long. (See Appendix E, Figure E-10.) it will conform to Specif ication MIL-C-83286 or
MIL-C-85285. Retroref lective material conforming
6-15. REMOVABLE ESCAPE PANELS. to Specif ication IND-STD ASTM D4956 may be
used for these markings to facilitate identif ication
a. Internal Markings. Markings for identif ica- in the dark.
tion of escape hatches, doors, and exits on the
interior of aircraf t shall be painted orange-yellow, (2) Mark all external releases for operation
color No. 13538. Use black, color No. 17038, on of emergency exit panels EXIT RELEASE on the
yellow surfaces. Materials for identif ication mark- outside of the aircraf t to facilitate quick identif ica-
ings shall conform to Specif ication TT-E-489 or tion. The wording that describes the operation of
MIL-C-83286/MIL-C-85285. Retroref lective mate-
rial conforming to Specif ication IND-STD ASTM
Change 5 6-3
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the exit release will be standard English terminol- inspection must be used because relocation and
ogy such as PULL, PUSH, TURN or SLIDE. Let- reinstallation of equipment and furnishings may
ters shall be at least 1 inch high and preferably 2 have been made which would not be indicated on
inches high. the installation drawing of the aircraf t. These
areas should be as close to normal stations of per-
NOTE sonnel as possible except that they shall not be
Certain provisions of this section per- placed where personal injury to occupants would
taining to EMERGENCY Escape and probably result from forced entry. Paint or stencil
Entry markings are subject to interna- corner markings on the inside and outside of the
tional standardization agreements (see fuselage marking the limits of these areas. The
ASCC Air Standard 51/2A and NATO horizontal and vertical bars of the corner markings
STANAG 3230) and shall not be shall be 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. CUT HERE
changes except under emergency con- FOR EMERGENCY RESCUE shall be painted or
ditions without prior coordination with stenciled in the center of the four corner markings
the Air Standardization Coordinating on the outside of the aircraf t and CUT HERE FOR
Committee (ASCC). All requests for EMERGENCY EXIT shall be placed in a similar
changes in existing markings or sup- location inside the aircraf t. Letters shall be 1 inch
plemental markings will be submitted in height. Soundproof ing, if installed, shall be
to Headquarters WR-ALC/ LKJTC. painted or stenciled approximately. These markings
need not be placed on aircraf t which are of such
6-16. MARKINGS FOR FORCED EMERGENCY construction that openings could not be cut into
ENTRY OR EXIT. them safely.
a. Markings for aircraf t emergency entry or
exit shall normally be in orange-yellow color No.
13538. Use black, color No. 17038, on yellow-orange CAUTION
backgrounds. Paint will conform to Specif ication
MIL-C-83286 or MIL-C-85285. Retroref lective Cutting of fuel, oil, hydraulic lines,
material conforming to Specif ication IND-STD oxygen lines, or electrical wiring under
ASTM D4956 may be used for these markings to crash conditions may result in a f ire,
facilitate identif ication in the dark. or explosion, or increase the severity of
an existing f ire. These possibilities
b. Secondary openings such as auxiliary exits, shall be taken into consideration when
windows and navigator’s domes are usually smaller emergency escape areas are being cho-
than primary openings, making entrance or exit sen for identif ication markings.
more diff icult. If the structure immediately sur-
rounding secondary openings, is free from heavy NOTE
structural members such as bulkheads and main 3M Retroref lective and Photolumines-
longitudinal member, and from oxygen, fuel and oil cent sign materials may be used as
lines and battery leads, it shall be marked with an substitute for tape meeting specif ica-
orange-yellow broken band. Place band at the tion ASTM D4956.
extreme boundary of the above described area both
inside and outside of the fuselage. Segments of the 6-17. SPECIAL MARKINGS FOR NORMAL/
broken band shall be 1/2 inch wide, 1 inch long and EMERGENCY EXTERNAL CANOPY RELEASE
approximately 12 inches apart. Where the band will ACCESSES ON JET AIRCRAFT.
be covered with sound proof ing, the sound-proof ing a. All normal and emergency external canopy
(or lining) shall be marked also. CUT HERE FOR release accesses on jet aircraf t will be painted
EMERGENCY RESCUE shall be printed or sten- orange-yellow, color No. 13538.
ciled inside of, parallel with and adjacent to the
broken band identifying the area on the outside of b. Canopies and hatches jettisoned by car-
the aircraf t where forced entry can be made for tridge actuated devices shall be marked in accor-
rescue purpose. CUT HERE FOR EMERGENCY dance with the examples portrayed in (Appendix E).
EXIT shall be painted on a similar location inside
the aircraf t. Letters shall be 1 inch high. If the 6-18. ARMAMENT LOADS PLACARD. Plac-
area to receive the lettering is covered by sound- ards may be applied either by painting or decal
proof (or lining), the letters shall also be stenciled methods. When required, each System Program
on the soundproof ing (or lining). Director (SPD) is responsible to assure that stan-
dard armament placard locations are established
c. Visually inspect the aircraf t for areas which
may be cut through for rescue when entrance or exit for assigned aircraf t, and that these requirements
cannot be made in any other manner. Visual
6-4 Change 5
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are published in this technical order. (See Appendix applicable to special project, black bot-
E, Figure E-9). tom, camouf laged aircraf t. It is
important that the background color
a. Paint Method. If the painting method is be the same as the area to which
desired, apply in accordance with dimensions and applied on camouf laged aircraf t;
instructions in Figure E-8. therefore, selection of the correct dash
b. Decal Method. If the decal method is number when ordering is required.
desired, apply them in accordance with instructions 6-19. INSTRUMENT STATIC OPENING MARK-
contained in Figure E-9. INGS. Instrument static opening (except as noted
NOTE below) shall not have any f inish applied within a
one inch diameter circle around the opening.
Decals may be obtained from SMALC,
PDO 652D ABG/IM, McClellan AFB, a. F4 Aircraf t. Static opening(s) on F4 aircraf t
CA 95652 on an Air Force Form 124A. is on the radome which must be coated. However,
Dash numbers (1) through (4) are the red 1/2 inch wide circular band shall be applied
applicable to standard Air Force cam- around the static opening(s) and the legend shall be
ouf lage patterns. Dash number (5) is applied adjacent to the opening.
applicable to standard non-camou-
f laged aircraf t. Dash number (6) is
6-5/(6-6 blank)
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7-1. GENERAL. This section prescribes the e. Compressed Gas - Any gaseous substance
means for identifying the function, content and, if under pressure, other than air, not requiring other
applicable, the hazard and direction of f low of pipe, functional identif ication.
hose and tube lines used in Air Force aircraf t. The
proper use of colors, words, symbols, tags and
each line as to function, content, hazard and direc-
painted bands to identify functions, contents and
tion of f low, as applicable.
hazards is specif ically prescribed. Lines, as
referred to herein, include any pipe, hose or tube a. Function - is identif ied by use of words,
used to convey liquids or gases. Rigid conduit used colors and symbols. Coded tapes will normally be
to house electrical wires of cables are included. used for airborne lines, except that small tags of
Fittings, valves, conduit outlets and accessories some light weight non-corrosive metal such as alu-
such as pipe covering and hose clamps are consid- minum alloy, stamped with contents, pressure and
ered parts of a line. (Appendix F contains illustra- direction of f low, may be used on airborne cold
tions of pertinent codes and symbols to be used). lines.
(See TO 1-1A-8 or the specif ic system/equipment
TO for illustrations of pertinent codes and symbols NOTE
used.) Symbols and colors are not required on
lines where identif ication is accom-
. International Standardization Agree-
plished with aluminum alloy tag.
b. Content - is identif ied by use of lettering
ment. Certain provisions of this sec-
tion are subject to international stan- and symbols.
dardization agreements and must not c. Hazard - is identif ied by lettering and/or
be changed except under emergency symbol.
conditions without prior coordination
with the Air Standardization Coordi- d. Direction of f low - is identif ied by arrow.
nating Committee (see ASCC Air Stan- Use two-headed arrow for reversible f low.
dard 17/3, STANAG 3104 and SEAS- e. Pressure - is identif ied by numerals and
TAG 3104). Therefore, all requests for lettering, indicating pounds per square inch (PSI).
changes in existing markings or sup-
plemental markings will be submitted 7-4. METHOD USED FOR IDENTIFICATION
. This section contains the identif ication a. Tape - Use color coded tape conforming to
Specif ication MIL-T-9906 for identifying function of
requirements of MIL-STD-1247 as
applicable to aircraf t. all lines less than four inches in diameter including
hot lines where line surface temperatures do not
7-2. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF LINES. exceed 325o Fahrenheit. Tapes may also be used in
a. Cold Lines - Lines in which the temperature an oily environment provided adhesion can be
of the f lowing medium is below minus 60 degrees maintained. Do not use tape in engine compart-
Fahrenheit. ment where there is a possibility of tape being
drawn into engine intake. Use Specif ication L-T-
b. Hot Lines - Lines on which the surface tem- 101, A-A-113 or L-T-99 tapes for further identif ica-
perature ranges from 200 to 325 Fahrenheit. tion of lines. When applying tape to lines, the tape
c. Instrument Air - Air used in conjunction shall completely encircle the line. Thoroughly clean
with pressure operate instruments. the portion of the line where the tape is to be
applied. Place taped code on both ends of line.
d. Pneumatic - Air under pressure other than Insure that identif ication is visible in each compart-
instrument air. ment. Place identif ication tape immediately adja-
cent to all operating accessories such as valves,
regulators, strainers, vents, etc.
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Para Page
A-1 National Star Insignia ................................................................................................................... A-3
A-2 U.S. AIR FORCE Marking ............................................................................................................ A-3
Figure Title Page
A-1 National Star Insignia ................................................................................................................... A-4
A-2 National Star Insignia on Swept Wing Aircraf t .......................................................................... A-5
A-3 U. S. AIR FORCE, USAF and Aircraf t Model Designation, Serial Number
and Fuel Requirement ................................................................................................................... A-6
A-4 Form of Letters and Numerals...................................................................................................... A-7
A-5 Typical Marking for Facility/Finish Identif ication Block ........................................................... A-8
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A-1. NATIONAL STAR INSIGNIA. (4) The National Star Insignia selected for
the wing shall not exceed a maximum diameter of
a. Dimensions. (Figure A-1.) The dimensions 60 inches nor have a minimum diameter of less
of the insignia shall be determined by the diam- than 20 inches (excluding border). The diameter
eter of the circumscribed circle which is standard- of the circumscribed circle will be the standard
ized in multiples of 5 inches. size closest to but not exceeding 75% of the dis-
(1) The width of each end of the rectangle tance between the wing leading edge and the
shall equal 1/2 the radius of the circle; the length moveable surface cut-out at the point of
shall equal 1 radius (excluding border). application.
(2) The width of the insignia - red stripe, c. National Star Insignia on Aircraf t Fuse-
horizontally centered in each end of the rectangle, lage. The insignia may be moved forward or af t
shall equal 1/6 of the radius of the circle (exclud- the minimum distance required to avoid transpar-
ing border). ent material, or areas exposed to extreme heat or
f luids which would scorch, deteriorate or other-
(3) The width of the insignia - blue border wise damage the insignia. The insignia may
shall equal 1/8 the radius of the circle (excluding extend over doors and emergency exits, but the
border). insignia shall not extend over the window areas or
(4) Construction of the f ive pointed star other such openings which would change the
may be accomplished by marking off f ive equidis- design of the insignia.
tant points on the circumscribed circle and con-
necting each point to the non-adjacent points. NOTE
The insignia will be the standard size
NOTE closest to, but not exceeding, 75% of
The insignia-blue border and insignia- the fuselage height at the point of
blue circle may be omitted when the application. The diameter of the blue
National Star Insignia is applied on circle will not exceed 50 inches nor be
blue or black f inishes. less than 15 inches (excluding border)
unless otherwise indicated in the
illustrated portion of this technical
CAUTION manual. Symmetry will be main-
tained when applying the insignia on
Sharp pointed, metal marking instru- each side of the fuselage.
ments (scribes) will not be used to lay
out insignia and markings on USAF d. National Star Insignia on Helicopters. The
aircraf t. Use only Aircraf t Marking dimensions of the insignia shall be determined by
Pencil, MIL-P-83953. the diameter of the blue circle. The diameter of the
insignia will not exceed 50 inches nor be less than
b. National Star Insignia on Aircraf t Wings. 15 inches. The selected insignia will be the stan-
Each insignia will be positioned at a point inboard dard size closest to, but not exceeding, 75% of the
from each wing tip equal to 1/3 the distance from fuselage height or width at the point of applica-
the wing tip to the wing-fuselage mating point. tion. Symmetry will be maintained when applying
The border of the insignia will be tangent to the insignia on each side of the fuselage. The
movable control surface cut-out. National Star Insignia will be applied on vertical
surfaces so that in normal f light attitude the top
(1) The wing insignia may be moved in the point of the star points upward; on horizontal sur-
minimum required distance to avoid structures faces the top point of the star will point forward in
which would alter the insignia pattern. However, the direction of f light.
symmetry will be maintained with the USAF
marking on the opposite wing surface. A-2. U.S. AIR FORCE MARKING. (Figures A-3
and A-4.)
(2) Normally, the wing insignia shall be
positioned so that in normal f light attitude the top a. Letter width shall be equal to 2/3 the letter
point of the star points forward and a line through height, except that the width of the letter ‘‘I shall
the center of the insignia and the top star point is be equal to 1/6 of the letter height.’’
parallel to the direction of f light.
b. Letter stroke and spaces shall be equal to
(3) On swept wings or wings of variable 1/6 the height, except that the space between
sweep aircraf t, the National Star Insignia shall be ‘‘period’’ and ‘‘A’’ shall be 1/3 letter height.
positioned as illustrated in f igure A-2. The insig-
nia or any part thereof shall not extend to movable c. The space between AIR and FORCE shall
f light control surfaces. The insignia shall be be one letter width.
applied so that the line through the center and the
top point of the star is perpendicular to the con-
stant 50% chord line of the wing.
Change 3 A-3
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A-4 Change 3
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Figure A-3. U.S. AIR FORCE, USAF and Aircraft Model Designation Serial Number, and Fuel Requirement
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Change 4 A-7
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Contents Title Page
B-14 OV-10 Aircraf t Marking Specif ication (FAC Conf iguration) ............................................ B-33
B-20 T-39 All White Aircraf t Marking Specif ication .................................................................. B-45
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A U.S. AIR FORCE Both sides of fuselage Letters 36 inch high 15044
B Model Designation, Lef t side of fuselage Letters and numbers 1 17038
Acf t S/N and fuel inch high
C National Star Both sides of fuselage 60 inch star Background, border
- 15044, Stars and
D Top surface of lef t wing 50 inch star Bars -17875, Stripes -
(ONLY) 11136
E USAF Top of right wing 60 inch high letters 15044
F Call Numbers Both sides of vertical 18 inch high numbers 17038
G Arctic Markings One inch clearance 12197
around all large insig-
nia and lettering
I Walkway Border Top both wings 2 inches wide 17038
H Anti-Glare Top of fuselage in front 37038
of cockpit and in for-
ward of Af t Radome
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*NOTE: Propellers 15 feet and over in diameter require 6 inch yellow tip.
Change 6 B-13
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*System consists of 1 coat of MIL-C-81706, 1 coat of PR 1432G, 1 coat of PR 1436G, 1 coat of PR 1436AS,
MIL-C-83286 overcoat when required to match color.
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NOTE: Special Purpose C-135 Aircraf t may be painted with color No. 16473.
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*See applicable 4S Series technical orders for appropriate f inish and/or materials.
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* The basic color is white, color 17875, for all aircraf t assigned to Edwards AFB, California and those
aircraf t assigned to the engineering department at Hill AFB, Utah only.
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*Starting at prop tip, apply a 2″ coat of white, color No. 17875, MIL-L-19537, NSN 8010-00-527-2507.
Follow by a 4″ coat of red, color No. 11136, MIL-L-19537, NSN 8010-00-551-7932, followed by a 2″ coat of
white, color No. 17875.
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A. U.S. AIR FORCE Both sides of fuselage 11 inch high letters 15044
B. Fuselage Separation Both sides of fuselage 2.0 inch wide at nose to 15044
Line from nose to tailcone, 4.4 inch below af t cabin
beginning at FS 0.0, window to 2.0 inch wide
tapered to 4.4 inches at at tail cone
af t cabin window cen-
terline, tapered to 2.0
inches at tailcone.
C. National Star Outboard side of both 15 inch star Background, border -
engine nacelles 15044, Stars and
Bars - 17925, Stripes
D. On under surface of 20 inch star - 11136
right wing and top sur-
face of lef t wing
E. USAF Top surface of right 20 inch high letters 15044
wing and under surface
of lef t wing
F. Call Numbers Both sides of vertical 12 inch high numbers 17038
G. Anti-Glare Top fuselage forward of 37038
f light deck and around
f light deck side
H. Model Designation, Single point refueling Letters and numbers 15044
Acf t S/N and fuel 5/8 inch high
NOTE A: All exposed areas, including cove areas, will be painted Matterhorn White. Part number for
topcoat is 22-11353 manufactured by Sterling Lacquer Mfg. Co. or 560-025 White manufac-
tured by Pratt and Lambert Co.
NOTE B: Flap cove area will be painted with one coat of aluminum epoxy, part number 22-11202
manufactured by Pratt and Lambert Co.
NOTE C: Portions of the f lap that retract under the wing will receive a gray tef lon coating, part
number 23T1 -100 manufactured by Crown Metro, Inc.
NOTE D: No Anti-Static coating shall be applied to radome. Cosmetic touch-up of primer and topcoat
only is authorized.
NOTE E: Erosion coating, black conductive. Midland Division, Dexter Corp. Hayward CA. Laminar
X500, 8B6 CAGE Code 98795.
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A U.S. AIR FORCE Both sides of fuselage Letters 6 inch high 17925
B Model Designation, Single point refueling Characters 3/8 inch 17925
Acf t S/N Fuel Characters 3/8 inch White on blue
Requirement Characters 1/4 inch
C National Star Both sides of fuselage 15 inch star Background,
border - 15044,
D On under surface of 30 inch star Stars and Bars -
right wing and top 17925,
surface of lef t wing Stripes - 11136
E USAF Top surface of right 30 inch high letters 15044
wing and under sur-
face of lef t wing
F Call Numbers Both sides of vertical 6 inch high numbers 17925
H Anti-Glare Top of fuselage in 35044
front of cockpit
I Walkway Border Top of wings 2 inches wide 15044
J Cockpit Access Both sides of fuselage Entire door 15044
Step Door just forward of wing
leading edge
Area Color No. System
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A U.S. AIR FORCE Both sides of fuselage Letters 12 inch high 15044
B Model Designation, Single point refueling Characters 5/8 inch 15044
Acf t S/N Fuel Characters 5/8 inch Blue on white
Requirement Characters 3/8 inch
C National Star Both sides of fuselage 20 inch star Background,
border - 15044,
D On under surface of 20 inch star Stars and Bars -
right wing and top 17875, Stripes - 11136
surface of lef t wing
E USAF Top surface of right 22.5 inch high letters 15044
wing and under sur-
face of lef t wing
F Call Numbers Both sides of vertical 12 inch high numbers 15044
G Arctic Markings One inch clearance 12197
around all large insig-
nia and lettering
(Not Authorized for
ATC Aircraf t)
H Anti-Glare Top of fuselage in 37038
front of cockpit
Area Color No. System
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A U.S. AIR FORCE Both sides of fuselage Letters 12 inch high 15044
B Model Designation, Lef t side of fuselage Letters and numbers 17038
Acf t S/N and Fuel 1 inch high
C National Star Both sides of fuselage 20 inch star Background,
border - 15044,
D On under surface of 30 inch star Stars and Bars -
right wing and top 17875,
surface of lef t wing Stripes - 11136
E USAF Top surface of right 30 inch high letters 15044
wing and under sur-
face of lef t wing
F Call Numbers Both sides of vertical 12 inch high numbers 17038
stabilizer rudder
G Arctic Markings One inch clearance 12197
around all large insig-
nia and lettering
I Walkway Border Top of wings and en- 2 inches wide 37038
All exterior areas except 17875 Jet Skin No. 171-W-562/ 16473 MIL-C-83286
as specif ied MIL-L-19537
Battery Compartment 17875 Ever Lube 13-511 17875 MIL-C-83286
Landing Gear 17178 MIL-P-19537 17875 MIL-C-83286
Wheel Wells YELLOW MIL-P-8585 17875 MIL-C-83286
Flap Wells YELLOW MIL-P-8585 16473 MIL-C-83286
Radome 17038 MIL-C-7439, Class II 17038 MIL-C-83231, Type II
Relief Tube Areas
HH Walkways ∗ 36440 MIL-W-5044 Type I 37038 MIL-W-5044, Type II
Engine Exhaust Path 16473 MIL-C-83286
JJ White Caps as Re- 17875 MIL-C-83286
Lower Fuselage 17178 Jet Skin No. 171-A27/ 16473 MIL-C-83286
APU Exhaust Paths
Heater Exhaust Path
Plastic Parts
Aileron Wells 16473 MIL-C-83286
Vertical Stabilizer Tip 17038 MIL-C-83231, Type II
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B-46 Change 1
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Change 1 B-47
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B-48 Change 1
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Contents Title Page
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Change 3 C-3
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Contents Title Page
Table Title Page
D-1 Distinctive Unit Markings, Sizes, and Locations, Camouf laged Aircraf t .................... D-45
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Figure D-31. F/TF-15 Aircraft Camouflage Pattern for Air Superior Blue
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Figure D-32. F/TF-15 Aircraft Camouflage Pattern for High and Low Reflectance Gray (Sheet 1 of 2)
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Figure D-32. F/TF-15 Aircraft Camouflage Pattern for High and Low Reflectance Gray (Sheet 2 of 2)
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Figure D-34. A-10 Aircraft Camouflage Pattern for High and Low Reflectance Gray (Sheet 1 of 2)
Change 6 D-43
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Figure D-34. A-10 Aircraft Camouflage Pattern for High and Low Reflectance Gray (Sheet 2 of 2)
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Typical Distinctive Unit Aircraf t Identif ication, 24″ Letter Sizes........................................... D-36
Typical Distinctive Unit Aircraf t Identif ication, 36″ Letter Sizes........................................... D-37
Typical Distinctive Unit Aircraf t Serial Number, 15″ Size ...................................................... D-38
Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes C-130 Aircraf t ....................................................... D-39
Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes UH-1F Aircraf t ..................................................... D-40
Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes F/RF-4 Aircraf t ..................................................... D-41
Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes F/TF-15 Aircraf t ................................................... D-42
Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes F-16 Aircraf t ......................................................... D-43
Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes A-10 Aircraf t ......................................................... D-44
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Figure D-36. Typical Distinctive Unit Aircraft Identification, 24″ Letter Sizes
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Figure D-37. Typical Distinctive Unit Aircraft Identification, 36″ Letter Sizes
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Figure D-39. Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes C-130 Aircraft
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Figure D-40. Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes UH-1F Aircraft
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Figure D-41. Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes F/RF-4 Aircraft
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Figure D-42. Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes F/TF-15 Aircraft
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Figure D-43. Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes F-16 Aircraft
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Figure D-44. Distinctive Unit and Serial Number Sizes A-10 Aircraft
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Contents Title Page
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A-7/7D Locate decal immediately below panel 1222-10 and to the lef t of panel 1222-9.
Placement will be such that the decal is horizontal to the ramp surface.
A-37 Locate decal on the lef t side of aircraf t between stations 54.00 and 78.20, with
the upper edge placed 1 inch below the strake mounting bracket and the right
e step.
AC-130 Locate the decal 4 inches down and 3 inches in from the spoiler door on the
right wheel-well fairing, centered between the spoiler door and the right air
def lector door.
AC-130U, Locate the placard on the lef t side of the aircraf t with the leading edge of the
HC-130 and placard 14 inches AFT of the crew entrance door on WL 173.
AT-33 Locate forward edge of placard on station 163.8 plus 26.6 inches and top of
placard 22 inches below cockpit.
RF/F-4 Locate the decal on the outboard surface of the lef t intake duct of panel 125L,
so as not to be covered when engine covers are installed.
F-5A/B Locate placard on aircraf t’s lef t intake duct 1 inch af t of leading edge of duct
and 3 inches above upper surface of wing inboard leading edge, measured at
the lower af t corner of placard.
F-5E/F Locate placard on aircraf t lef t intake duct centered between leading edge of
duct and lef t position light and 4 inches above upper surface of the wing
inboard of placard.
F-5E Locate decal on the lef t hand side of the aircraf t on door assembly, part No.
10770-1, fuselage station 137.50 to 194.00: 3 1/4, inches from right hand
vertical edge of door running parallel and 6 1/2 inches from lower edge of door.
F-5F Locate decal on the lef t hand side of the aircraf t, on door assembly, part No.
18-10814-1, fuselage station 87.50 to 144.00: 4 inches af t of lef t hand vertical
edge of the decal in line with the lower hinge line of the pressure doors.
B-52 Locate decal on lef t hand forward fuselage at station 315.50 to 331.50, 23 to 33
inches below WL139, measured along skin contour.
UH-60A Locate placard on the right side personnel door, centered four inches below the
forward window.
H-3 Center decal on panel below window of personnel door.
H-53 Locate decal on right-hand side of fuselage forward of personnel door, between
stations 162 and 182, WL120.
UH- 1N Locate decal on door post, af t of pilot’s door.
OV-10A Locate decal on the right side of aircraf t between fuselage station 4288 and
60.60, vertically 2 inches above top edge of right fuselage access panel part No.
UH-1F/N Locate decal between station 74.25 and station 64.25, 18 inches above the door
Change 2 E-9
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Contents Title Page
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Function Color
F-3. Designation of hazards. Hazardous materials or conditions shall be designated in black letters on
white or metallic (silvery or chrome) background as specif ied below (see f igure F-1). Where such hazards
result from working pressure only, and where the pressure is indicated in the identif ication, no further
identif ication of hazard is necessary. Under conditions warranting special care over and above that
required for the identif ied hazard, the skull and cross-bones symbol, illustrated in f igure F-3 shall be used.
F-4. Hazards. Hazards shall be identif ied in accordance with above letter sizes shall be the same as
those used for function within the same identif ication group, with a 1/32 inch vertical space between words
comprising a set, i. e., a dual hazard, and a 1/4 inch space between sets (or between words if only a single
hazard to indicated). Where tapes are used to identify function, identif ication of hazard may be accom-
plished with tape(s) of 1/2 inch minimum width. When painted or appearing on tags or bands the hazard
shall be the last word(s) in the identif ication following the direction of f low arrow, if applicable. Hazards
associated with various line contents shall be in accordance with primary and secondary warning designa-
tions as established in MIL-STD-101. However, for application under this technical manual words and
abbreviations are to be substituted for colors to identify specif ic classes of hazards as indicated under
‘‘Identif ication Marking’’ below. To facilitate cross-referencing, MIL-STD-101 colors applicable to all
hazards are indicated opposite the identif ication markings. Thus it will only be necessary to refer to the
color shown in table II of MIL-STD101 for a particular content, then substitute applicable words or
Flammable materials. All materials known ordi- FLAM .............................. Yellow
narily as f lammable or combustibles.
Toxic and poisonous materials. All materials ex- TOXIC ............................. Brown
tremely hazardous life or health, under normal
conditions, as toxic or poisons.
Anaesthetics and harmful materials. All materi- AAHM ............................. Blue
als productive or anaesthetic vapors and all liq-
uid chemicals and compounds hazardous to life
and property but not normally productive of dan-
gerous quantities of fumes or vapors.
Oxidizing materials. All materials which readily OXYM.............................. Green
furnish oxygen for combustion and f ire producers
which react explosively or with evolution of heat
in contact with any other materials.
Physically dangerous materials. All materials, PHDAN ........................... Gray
not dangerous in themselves, which are asphyxi-
ating in conf ined areas or which are generally
handled in a dangerous physical state pressure
or temperature.
Fire protection materials. All materials provided FPM................................. Red
in piping systems or in compressed gas cylinders
exclusively for use in f ire protection.
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1. Letters shall be printed in black, 3/32″ high with 1/32″ between lines of a
legend and 1/4 ″ between a legend and its repetition.
2. Arrow shall be black, head 3/32″ high, and shaf t 1/32″ wide.
3. Arrow to have head on both ends for reversible f low.
4. Colors shall conform to paragraph F-2 and Symbols as shown in table F-1.
5. Tape shall be a minimum of 1″ wide.
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NOTES: 1. Tag sizes shall be compatible with the diameter of the tubing.
2. Size of letters for wording on tag shall be compatible with tag.
3. Arrow size shall be compatible with letters.
4. Arrow shall have head on both ends for reversible f low.
5. If temperature exceeds 500oF or if tags are used on LOX lines, remove cushion
from clamp and use plain clamp.
6. More than one clamp may be used if required for rigidity.
F-9/(F-10 blank)
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