New Delhi - Updated: August 16, 2014 9:54 Am: Narendra Modi
New Delhi - Updated: August 16, 2014 9:54 Am: Narendra Modi
New Delhi - Updated: August 16, 2014 9:54 Am: Narendra Modi
ramparts of Lal Quila(Red Fort). This is the strength of India’s democracy. This is an
invaluable legacy which we have inherited from our architects of the constitution. I pay my
respects to those architects of the constitution of India today.
Brothers and sisters, today if we have reached here after independence, it is because of the
contribution of all the Prime Ministers, all the governments and even the governments of all
the States. I want to express my feelings of respect and gratitude to all those previous
governments and ex-Prime Ministers who have endeavoured to take our present day India to
such heights and who have added to the country’s glory.
This country has been built on such foundation of ancient cultural heritage, where we were
told of only onemantra during Vedic period, which is indicative of our work culture, which
we have learnt, we have memorized – “Sangachchhdhvam Samvadadhvam sam wo manansi
jaanataam.” We walk together, we move together, we think together, we resolve together and
together we take this country forward. Having imbibed this basic mantra, 125 crores of
countrymen have taken the nation forward. Yesterday only the first Parliamentary Session of
the new Government had concluded. Today, I can proudly say that the Session of Parliament
reflects our thinking and it is a reflection of our intentions. We are not for moving forward on
the basis of majority, we are not interested to move forward by virtue of majority. We want to
move ahead on the basis of strong consensus. “Sangachhadhwam” and, therefore, the nation
has witnessed the entire Session of Parliament. Having taken all the Parties and Opposition
along while working shoulder to shoulder, we achieved an unprecedented success and the
credit for this does not go to the Prime Minister alone, the credit does not go to the people
sitting in the Government, the credit for this goes to the Opposition also, the credit goes to all
the leaders of Opposition too and also all the Members from Opposition. From the ramparts
of Red Fort, quite proudly I salute all the Members of Parliament, I also salute all the
Political Parties and by virtue of their strong support, we could take some important decisions
intended to take the nation forward and yesterday the Session of Parliament had concluded.
Brothers and sisters, I am an outsider for Delhi, I am not a native of Delhi. I have no idea
about the administration and working of this place. I have been quite isolated from the elite
class of this place but during the last two months while being an outsider, I had an insider
view and I was astonished. It is not a political platform, rather it is a platform of a national
policy and, therefore, my views should not be evaluated from a political perspective. I have
already said, I salute all the ex-Prime Ministers and earlier governments who have brought
the country thus far. But I am going to say something else and it may not be seen from
political point of view. When I came to Delhi and noticed an insider view, I felt what it was
and I was surprised to see it. It seemed as if dozens of separate governments are running at
the same time in one main government. It appeared that everyone has its own fiefdom. I
could observe disunity and conflict among them. One department is taking on the other
department and taking on to the extent that two departments of the same government are
fighting against each other by approaching Supreme Court.This disunity, this conflict among
people of the same country! How come we can take the country forward? And that is why I
have started making efforts for razing those walls; I have started making efforts at making the
Government, not an assembled entity, but an organic unity, an organic entity, a harmonious
whole- with one aim, one mind, one direction, one energy. Let`s resolve to steer the country
to one destination. We have it in us to move in that direction. A few days back…Nowadays
newspapers are full of news that Modiji`s Government has come, officers are reaching office
on time, offices open in time, and people get there in time. I observed that India`s National
newspapers, TV media were carrying these news items prominently. As the Head of the
Government I could have derived pleasure in the fact that everything started going on time,
cleanliness got the attention, but I was not taking pleasure, I was feeling pained. That thing, I
want to tell today in public. And why, because if government officers arrive office in time,
does that make a news? And if that makes news, it shows how low we have fallen. It becomes
a proof of that, and that`s how, brothers and sisters, the governments have run? Today in the
face of global competition, when we have to realize the dreams of millions of Indians, the
country cannot run on the lines of ” it happens”, ” it goes”. In order to fulfil the aspirations of
masses, we have to sharpen the tool called the Government machinery, we have to make it
keen, more dynamic, and it is in this direction that we are working.
My countrymen, it`s not long since I have come from outside Delhi, but I give you an
assurance that the people in the Government are very capable – from the peon to the Cabinet
Secretary, everybody is capable, everybody has a power, they have experience. I want to
awaken that power, I want to unite that power and want to accelerate the pace of the welfare
of nation through that power and I shall definitely do it. I want to assure the countrymen that
we will achieve that, we will definitely do that. I could not say this on 16th May, but today
after my experience of two-two and half months, keeping the tricolor as witness, I am saying
on 15th of August that it is possible, it will be achieved.
Brothers and sisters, time has come to give a serious thought to the fact that whether we have
a duty to create India of the dreams of those great people who gave us freedom, whether we
have a national character? Brothers and sisters, can someone please tell me as to whether he
or she has ever introspected in the evening after a full day`s work as to whether his or her acts
have helped the poor of the country or not, whether his or her actions have resulted in
safeguarding the interest of the country or not, whether the actions have been directed in
country`s welfare or not? Whether it should not be the motto of one and a quarter billion
countrymen that every step in life should be in the country`s interests? Unfortunately, we
have an environment today wherein if you approach anyone with some work, he begins by
saying “what does it mean for me?” He begins by saying “what does it involve for me?” and
when he come to know that it does not entail any benefit for him, immediately he says “why
should I bother?” we have to rise above the feelings of “what does it mean for me” and “why
should I bother”. Everything is not for self interest only. There are certain things which are
meant for the country and we have to refine this national character. We have to rise above the
feelings of “why should I bother” and “what does it mean for me” and instead we have to
think that “I am for nation`s interest and in this field, I am going to lead”. We have to
inculcate this sentiment.
Brothers and sisters, when we hear about the incidents of rape, we hang our heads in shame.
People come out with different arguments, someone indulges in psycho analysis, but brothers
and sisters, today from this platform, I want to ask those parents, I want to ask every parent
that you have a daughter of 10 or 12 years age, you are always on the alert, every now and
then you keep on asking where are you going, when would you come back, inform
immediately after you reach. Parents ask their daughters hundreds of questions, but have any
parents ever dared to ask their son as to where he is going, why he is going out, who his
friends are. After all, a rapist is also somebody`s son. He also has parents. As parents, have
we ever asked our son as to what he is doing and where he is going. If every parent decides to
impose as many restrictions on the sons as have been imposed on our daughters, try to do this
with your sons, try to ask such questions of them.
\My dear brothers and sisters, the law will take its own course, strict action will be taken, but
as a member of the society, as parents, we also have some responsibilities. If somebody tells
me that those who have taken guns on their shoulders and kill innocent people are maoists,
are terrorists, but they are also somebody`s children. I would like to ask of such parents if
they had ever asked their children as to why they were taking a wrong path. Every parent
must take this responsibility, he must know that his misguided son is bent on killing innocent
people. He is not able to serve himself nor his family nor the country. I want to say to those
youngsters who have chosen the path of violence that whatever they are and wherever they
are, it is all because of mother India only that they have got it. Whoever you are it is all
because of your parents. I want to ask you to think how green, how beautiful and how
beneficial this earth can become if you shoulder the plough instead of the gun which spills
blood on this land. How long shall we have bloodshed on this land, how long shall we take
the lives of the innocent people and what have we got after all this? The path of violence has
not yielded anything to us.
Brothers and sisters, I had gone to Nepal recently. There I said something publicly to draw
the attention of the whole world. There was a time when the Emperor Ashoka who had
chosen the path of wars, got converted to the path of Buddha at the sight of violence. There
was a time in Nepal when their youngsters had opted for the path of violence but today I
witness that the same youngsters are waiting for their constitution. The same people
associated with them are framing the constitution. And I further said that if Nepal could
present the best example of moving from the weapons to the books then it could provide
inspiration to the youngsters in the world to abandon the path of violence.
Brothers and sisters, If Nepal, land of Budha, can give message to the world then why can`t
India too do the same? So it`s the call of the hour that we renounce the path of violence and
take the path of brotherhood.
Brothers and sisters, for one reason or the other, we have had communal tensions for ages.
This led to the division of the country. Even after Independence, we have had to face the
poison of casteism and communalism. How long these evils will continue? Whom does it
benefit? We have had enough of fights, many have been killed. Friends, look behind and you
will find that nobody has benefited from it. Except casting a slur on Mother India, we have
done nothing. Therefore, I appeal to all those people that whether it is the poison of casteism,
communalism, regionalism, discrimination on social and economic basis, all these are
obstacles in our way forward. Let`s resolve for once in our hearts, let`s put a moratorium on
all such activities for ten years, we shall march ahead to a society which will be free from all
such tensions. And you will see that how much strength we get from peace, unity, goodwill
and brotherhood. Let`s experiment it for once.
My dear countrymen, believe in my words, I do assure you. Shun all the sins committed so
far, give up that way, follow the way of goodwill and brotherhood, and let`s resolve to take
the country forward. I believe we can do that.
With advancement of science, brothers and sisters, we have a rising feeling of modernity in
our mind, but what do we do? Have we ever thought what the sex ratio in the country is like?
940 girls are born against per thousand boys. Who is causing this imbalance in the society?
Certainly not God. I request the doctors not to kill the girl growing in the womb of a mother
just to line their own pockets. I advise mothers and sisters not to sacrifice daughters in the
hope of son. Sometimes mother-father feel tempted to have son in the hope of supporting
them in old age. I am a person who has worked in public life. I have come across families
with five sons, each having bungalows, access to fleet of cars, but parents are forced to live in
old-age homes, Vriddhashrams. I have seen such families. I have also seen families with only
daughter as progeny, that daughter sacrifices her dreams, doesn`t get married, and spends
entire life in taking care of old parents. This disparity points to female foeticide and the
polluted and tainted mind the 21st century has. We will have to liberate from it, and that is
message to us of this Freedom festival.
Recently Commonwealth Games were organized. Indian sportspersons brought glory to the
country. Nearly 64 of our sportspersons won. Our sportspersons brought 64 medals. But of
them 29 are girls. Let`s feel proud and clap for them. Girls also contribute to India`s fame and
glory. Let`s recognise it. Let`s take them along, shoulder to shoulder. This way we can get
over the evils that have crept in social life. Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have to proceed
in that direction as a social and national character. Brothers and Sisters, Development is the
only way forward for the country. Good governance is the only way. There are only these two
tracks to take the country forward – good governance and development, we can move
forward only by taking them with us. We wish to move forward with the intent of taking them
with us. When I talk of good governance, you tell me, when I ask a person in private job, he
tells that he does the job; when you ask the same from a person in government job, he says
that I do the service. Both earn, but for one it is job while for the other it is service. I ask a
question from all brothers and sisters in government service, whether the word “Service” has
not lost its strength, its identity? Persons in government service are not doing “job”, they are
doing “service”. We have to revive this feeling, we have to take this feeling forward as a
national character, we have to move forward in this direction.
Brothers and Sisters, whether the citizens of the country should take steps for the welfare of
the nation or not? You imagine, if this 125 crores of countrymen move one step forward, then
the country moves 125 crore steps forward. The meaning of democracy is not just limited to
electing a government, but its meaning is that 125 crore of citizens work together joining
shoulder with the government to fulfill hopes and aspirations of the country, this is the
meaning of democracy. We have to create partnership with the people. We have to proceed
under Public-Private Partnership. We have to proceed along with the participation of the
people. But, please tell me why our farmers commit suicide? A farmer takes loan from the
moneylender, but fails to repay his loans. He takes loan for the wedding of his daughter, but
fails to repay. He will have to suffer hardships during his whole life. He chooses to commit
suicide. Who will save the poor families of such farmers?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Addressing the nation on India’s 68th Independence Day at
The Red Fort on Friday. (Source: Express photo by Neeraj Priyadarshi)
Brothers and sisters, I have come here with a pledge to launch a scheme on this festival of
Freedom. It will be called`Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojana`. I wish to connect the poorest
citizens of the country with the facility of bank accounts through this yojana. There are
millions of families who have mobile phones but no bank accounts. We have to change this
scenario. Economic resources of the country should be utilized for the well-being of the poor.
The change will commence from this point. This yojana will open the window. Therefore, an
account holder under `Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojana` will be given a debit card. An
insurance of One Lakh Rupees will be guaranteed with that debit card for each poor family,
so that such families are covered with the insurance of One Lakh Rupees in case of any crisis
in their lives.
My brothers and sisters, it is a country of young people. The 65 percent population of the
country happens to be under the age of 35 years. Our country has the largest number of
youths in the world. Have we ever thought of deriving an advantage out of it? Today, the
world needs a skilled workforce. Today, India also needs a skilled workforce. At times, we
look for a good driver but he is not available, we look for a plumber, but he is not available. If
we need a good cook, he is not available. We have young people, they are unemployed but
the kind of young people we seek for are not available. If we have to promote the
development of our country then our mission has to be `skill development` and `skilled
India`. Millions and Millions of Indian youth should go for acquisition of skills and there
should be a network across the country for this and not the archaic systems. They should
acquire the skills which could contribute towards making India a modern country. Whenever
they go to any country in the world, their skills must be appreciated and we want to go for a
two pronged development. I also want to create a pool of young people who are able to create
jobs and the ones who are not capable of creating jobs and do not have the opportunities, they
must be in a position to face their counterparts in any corner of the world while keeping their
heads high by virtue of their hard work and their dexterity of hands and win the hearts of
people around the world through their skills. We want to go for the capacity building of such
young people. My brothers and sisters, having taken a resolve to enhance the skill
development at a highly rapid pace, I want to accomplish this.
Brothers and sisters, the world has undergone a change. My dear countrymen, the world has
changed. Now India can not decide its future by remaining isolated and sitting alone in a
corner. The economics of the world have changed and, therefore, we will have to act
accordingly. Government have taken many decisions recently, made some announcements in
the budget and I call upon the world and call upon the Indians spread world over that if we
have to provide more and more employment to the youth, we will have to promote
manufacturing sector. If we have to develop a balance between imports and exports, we will
have to strengthen manufacturing sector. If we have to put in use the education, the capability
of the youth, we will have to go for manufacturing sector and for this Hindustan also will
have to lend its full strength, but we also invite world powers. Therefore I want to appeal all
the people world over, from the ramparts of the Red Fort, “Come, make in India”, “Come,
manufacture in India”. Sell in any country of the world but manufacture here. We have got
skill, talent, discipline, and determination to do something. We want to give the world an
favourable opportunity that come here, “Come, Make in India” and we will say to the world,
from electrical to electronics, “Come, Make in India”, from automobiles to agro value
addition “Come, Make in India”, paper or plastic, “Come, Make in India”, satellite or
submarine “Come, Make in India”. Our country is powerful. Come, I am giving you an
Brothers and sisters, I want to call upon the youth of the country, particularly the small people
engaged in the industrial sector. I want to call upon the youth working in the field of technical
education in the country. As I say to the world “Come, Make in India”, I say to the youth of
the country – it should be our dream that this message reaches every corner of the world,
“Made in India”. This should be our dream. Whether, to serve the country, is it necessary for
the youth of the country to be hanged like Bhagat Singh? Brothers and sisters, Lal Bahadur
Shastri had given the slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan”. A soldier sacrifices himself at the border
and protects Mother India. Similarly, a farmer serves Mother India by filling the godowns
with grains. This is also nation`s service. Filling the granary is the biggest nation`s service
that a farmer provides. That is why Lal Bahadur Shashtri had given the slogan of “Jai Jawan,
Jai Kisan”.
Brothers and Sisters, I would like to pose a question to my youngsters as to why despite
them, we are forced to import even the smallest of things? My country`s youth can resolve it,
they should conduct research, try to find out as to what type of items are imported by India
and then each one should resolve that, through may be micro or small industries only, he
would manufacture atleast one such item so that we need not import the same in future. We
should even advance to a situation wherein we are able to export such items. If each one of
our millions of youngsters resolves to manufacture atleast one such item, India can become a
net exporter of goods. I, therefore, urge upon the youth, in particular our small entrepreneurs
that they would never compromise, atleast on two counts. First, zero defect and, second again
zero effect. We should manufacture goods in such a way that they carry zero defect, that our
exported goods are never returned to us. We should manufacture goods with zero effect that
they should not have a negative impact on the environment. If we march ahead with the
dream of zero defect in the manufacturing sector then, my brothers and sisters, I am confident
that we would be able to achieve our goals.
Brothers and sisters, the youth of India has completely transformed the identity of India in the
world. Earlier, in what manner did the world know our country? Till only 25-30 years back, if
not more, there were many people in the world who thought that India was a country of snake
charmers, it was a country which practiced in black magic. The real identity of India had not
reached the world, but my dear brothers and sisters, our youngsters, 20-22-23 years old
youngsters have mesmerized the whole world with their skills in computers. Our young I.T.
professionals have given a new path of making a new identity of India. If our country has this
strength, can we think something about the country? Our dream is, therefore, of “Digital
India”. When I talk of “Digital India”, I don`t speak of the elite, it is for the poor people. You
can imagine what a quality education the children in villages will get, if all the villages of
India are connected with Broadband Connectivity and if we are able to give long distance
education to the schools in every remote corner of the villages. If we create a network of
telemedicine in the places where there is a shortage of doctors, we can have a clear guideline
of the way in which health facilities have to be provided to the poor people living in those
areas. The citizens of India have mobile phones in their hands, they have mobile connectivity,
but can we walk in the direction of mobile governance? We have to move in a direction
where every poor person is able to operate his bank account from his mobile, is able to
demand various things from the government, can submit applications, can conduct all his
business, while on the move, through mobile governance and if this has to be done, we have
to move towards `digital India` and if we have to move towards `digital India` then we have a
dream. Today we are importing electronic goods on a large scale. Friends, you will be
surprised that we are bringing in these televisions, mobile phones, i-pads and all these
electronic goods. It is a necessity to import petroleum products, oil, diesel and petrol. Second
to this is the import of our electronic goods. If we move ahead with the dream of `digital
India` to manufacture electronic goods and become self reliant at least there, how big can be
the benefit for the treasury! Therefore, e-governance is what we need to take this idea of
`digital India` forward. E-governance is easy governance, effective governance and also
economic governance. E-governance paves the way for good governance. There was a time
when we used to say that the railways provided connectivity to the country. That was it. I say
that today it is IT that has the potential to connect each and every citizen of the country and
that is why we want to realise the mantra of unity with the help of `digital India`.
Brothers and sisters, if we move ahead with all this then I believe that a `digital India` will
have the potential to stand with the world on equal footing. Our youth have that capability, it
is an opportunity for them.
Brothers and sisters, we want to promote tourism. Tourism provides employment to the
poorest of the poor. Gram seller earns something, auto-rickshaw driver earns something,
pakoda seller earns something and tea seller also earns something. When there is talk of tea
seller, I feel a sense of belongingness. Tourism provide employment to the poorest of the
poor. But there is a big obstacle in promoting tourism and in our national character and that is
– the filthiness all around us. Whether after independence, after so many years of
independence, when we stand at the threshold of one and half decade of 21stcentury, we still
want to live in filthiness? The first work I started here after formation of Government is of
cleanliness. People wondered whether it is a work of a Prime Minister? People may feel that
it is a trivial work for a Prime Minister but for me this a big work. Cleanliness is very big
work. Whether our country can not be clean? If one hundred and twenty five crore
countrymen decide that they will never spread filthiness, which power in the world has ability
to spread filthiness in our cities and villages? Can`t we resolve this much?
Brothers and sisters it will be 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in 2019. How do
we celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi? Mahatma Gandhi, who gave us
freedom, who brought so much honour to such a big country in the world, what do we give to
Mahatma Gandhi? Brothers and Sisters, Mahatma Gandhi had cleanliness and sanitation
closest to his heart. Whether we resolve not to leave a speck of dirt in our village, city, street,
area, school, temple, hospital, and what have you, by 2019 when we celebrate 150th
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi? This happens not just with the Government, but with public
participation. That`s why we have to do it together.
Brother and Sisters, we are living in 21st century. Has it ever pained us that our mothers and
sisters have to defecate in open? Whether dignity of women is not our collective
responsibility? The poor womenfolk of the village wait for the night; until darkness descends,
they can`t go out to defecate. What bodily torture they must be feeling, how many diseases
that act might engender. Can`t we just make arrangements for toilets for the dignity of our
mothers and sisters? Brothers and Sisters, somebody might feel that a big festival like 15th
August is an occasion to talk big. Brothers and Sisters, talking big has its importance, making
announcements too has importance, but sometimes announcements raise hopes and when the
hopes are not fulfilled, the society sinks into a state of despondency. That`s why are in favour
of telling those things, which we can fulfil just within our sight. Brothers and sisters, you
must be getting shocked to hear the Prime Minister speaking of cleanliness and the need to
build toilets from the ramparts of the Red Fort.
Brothers and sisters, I do not know how my speech is going to be criticised and how will
people take it. But this is my heartfelt conviction. I come from a poor family, I have seen
poverty. The poor need respect and it begins with cleanliness. I, therefore, have to launch a
`clean India` campaign from 2nd October this year and carry it forward in 4 years. I want to
make a beginning today itself and that is – all schools in the country should have toilets with
separate toilets for girls. Only then our daughters will not be compelled to leave schools
midway. Our parliamentarians utilizing MPLAD fund are there. I appeal to them to spend it
for constructing toilets in schools for a year. The government should utilise its budget on
providing toilets. I call upon the corporate sector also to give priority to the provision of
toilets in schools with your expenditure under Corporate Social Responsibility. This target
should be finished within one year with the help of state governments and on the next 15th
August, we should be in a firm position to announce that there is no school in India without
separate toilets for boys and girls.
Brothers and sisters, if we proceed with the dreams, we are in a position to realise them.
Today, I wish to tell one more specific thing. It has its own importance to discuss the matters
and express the views of nation`s interest. However, our Members of Parliament do not get
opportunity though they are willing to do something. They can express themselves, write to
the government, agitate, give memoranda. Still they do not get opportunity to do something
on their own. Today I have come to you with a new idea. We are running so many schemes in
the name of the Prime Minister in our country, there are numerous schemes in the name of
various leaders. However, today I am going to announce a scheme on behalf of the Member
of Parliament- `Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana`. We shall fix some parameters. I urge upon the
Members of Parliament to select any one of the villages having population of three to five
thousand in your constituency. The parameters will be according to the time, space and
situation of that locality. It will include the conditions of health, cleanliness, atmosphere,
greenery, cordiality etc. On the basis of those parameters, each of our MPs should make one
village of his or her constituency a Model Village by 2016. Can`t we do at least this?
Shouldn`t we do this? If we have to build a nation, we should start from the village. Make a
Model Village. The reason of fixing this target for 2016 is that it is a new scheme. It takes
time to formulate a scheme and then to implement it. After 2016, select two more villages for
this purpose, before we go for the General Elections in 2019. And after 2019, each Member
of Parliament, during his/her tenure of 5 years must establish at-least five model villages in
his/her area. I also call upon the Members of Parliament from urban areas to adopt one
village of their choice. I also urge upon the Members of Parliament from Rajya Sabha to
adopt one of the villages. If we provide one model village in each district of India then the
surrounding villages shall be automatically inspired to follow that model. Let us establish a
model village, let us establish a village well equipped with all systems and facilities. The
birth anniversary of Jai Prakash Narayan Ji happens to be on 11th October. On 11th October,
the occasion of birth anniversary of Jai Prakash Narayan Ji, I will present a complete
blueprint of “Sānsad Adharsh Grām Yojana” (Members of Parliament Model Village Scheme)
before all Members of Parliament and State Governments, and I urge upon State
Governments also that as per the feasibility in their respective states, all the Members of
Legislative Assembly resolve to establish a model village. You can imagine all the Members
of Legislative Assembly and all the Members of Parliament in the country establishing a
model village. All of a sudden, there would be a model village in each block of India which
could inspire us to transform the amenities in rural areas and could give us a new direction
and, therefore, we want to move ahead under this”Sānsad Adarsh Grām Yojana”.
My dear brothers and sisters, ever since our government has taken charge, there has been a
discussion in the newspapers, on T.V. channels as to what would happen to Planning
Commission. I believe that when Planning Commission was constituted, it was done on the
basis of the circumstances and the needs of those times. In recent years, Planning
Commission has contributed to the growth of the country in its own way. I respect that, I am
proud of that, but the prevalent situation in the country is different, global scenario has also
changed, governments are no longer the centre of economic activities, the scope of such
activities has broadened. State governments have been at the center of development and I
consider this a good indication. If we have to take India forward, it can happen only by taking
the states forward. India`s federal structure is more important today than in the last 60 years.
To strengthen our federal structure, to make our federal structure vibrant, to take our federal
structure as a heritage of development, a team of Chief Minister and Prime Minister should
be there, a joint team of the Centre and the states should move forward, then to do this job,
we will have to think about giving the Planning Commission a look. So, I am saying from the
rampart of the Red Fort that it is a very old system and it will have to be rejuvenated, it will
have to be changed a lot. Sometimes it costs more to repair the old house, but, it gives us no
satisfaction. Thereafter, we have a feeling that it would be better to construct a new house
altogether and therefore within a short period, we will replace the planning commission with
a new institution having a new design and structure, a new body, a new soul, a new thinking,
a new direction, a new faith towards forging a new direction to lead the country based on
creative thinking, public-private partnership, optimum utilization of resources, utilization of
youth power of the nation, to promote the aspirations of state governments seeking
development, to empower the state governments and to empower the federal structure. Very
shortly, we are about to move in a direction when this institute would be functioning in place
of Planning Commission.
Brothers and sisters, today, on 15th August, we also have the birth anniversary of Maharishi
Aurobindo. Maharishi Aurobindo, being a rebel, moved on to achieve the status of a Yoga
Guru. With regard to the destiny of India, he remarked, “I have a faith that the divine power
and spiritual heritage of India will play an important role towards the welfare of the world.”
Such sentiments were echoed by Maharishi Arvind. I strongly believe in the words of
legends. I have great faith in the statements made by ascetics, sages & saints and that’s why
today at the ramparts of Lal Quila I am reminded of the words of Swami Viveknanda. He had
said – “I can see before my eyes Mother India awakening once again. My Mother India
would be seated as the World Guru. Every Indian would render service towards welfare of
humanity. This legacy of India would be useful for the welfare of the world”. These words
were spoken by Swami Viveknanda ji in his own style. Friends, the words of Viveknanda ji
can never be untrue. The words of Viveknanda ji, his dream of seeing India ensconced as
World Guru, his vision, it is incumbent upon us to realize that dream. This capable country,
blessed with natural bounty, this country of youth can do much for the world in the coming
Brothers and sisters, our foreign policy is a much talked about issue. I clearly believe that
India`s foreign policy can be multi-dimensional. But there is an important issue to which I
want to draw your attention that the way we fought for freedom, we fought together, we were
not separate at that time. We were together. Which was the government with us? What were
the weapons available to us? There was a Gandhi, a Sardar and lakhs of freedom fighters and
such a huge empire. Didn`t we win in the struggle of freedom against that empire? Did we
not defeat the foreign powers? Did we not force them to leave India? We were the ones, they
were our ancestors only who showed this might. If the people of India could remove such a
big empire without the power of the government, without weapons and even without
resources, then friends, it is the need of the hour to eradicate poverty, can we not overcome
poverty? Can we not defeat poverty? My 125 crore dear countrymen, let us resolve to
eradicate poverty, to win against it. Let us move with the dream of poverty eradication from
India. Our neighbouring countries are also faced with the same problem. Why not get
together with all the SAARC nations to plan out the fight against poverty? Let`s fight
together and defeat poverty. Let us see at-least for once as to how wonderful is the feeling of
being alive instead of killing and getting killed. This is the land where incidents from
Siddharth`s life happened. One bird was shot with an arrow by one brother and the other took
out that arrow to save it. They went to mother- whose bird, whose swan? Whether killer`s or
saviour`s, they asked of mother. The mother replied, saviour`s. The saviour has more power
than the killer and that makes him Buddha in future. And that`s why I seek cooperation from
neighbouring countries for fighting against poverty in concert and cooperate with them, so
that together with SAARC countries we can create our importance and emerge as a power in
the world. It is imperative that we work together with a dream to win a fight against poverty,
shoulder to shoulder. I went to Bhutan, Nepal, all the dignitaries from SAARC countries took
part in oath-taking ceremony; this marked a good beginning. This will definitely yield good
results, it is my belief and this thinking of India, in the country and the world, that we want to
do well to the countrymen and be useful for the welfare of the world, India wants such a hand
to be extended. We are trying to move forward with these dreams to achieve them.
Brothers and Sisters, today on 15th August we will resolve to do something for the country.
Let`s be useful for the country, we will move ahead with a resolve to take the country
forward, and I assure you, Brothers and Sisters, as well as my colleagues in the Government,
that if you work for 12 hours, I will do so for 13 hours. If you work for 14 hours, I will do for
15 hours. Why? Because I`m amidst you not as a Prime Minister, but as the first servant. I
have formed the Government not as a ruler, but as a servant. Brothers and sisters, I assure that
this country has a destiny. It is destined to work for the welfare of the world, it was said by
Vivekanand ji. India is born, this Hindustan is born in order to achieve this destiny. One
hundred and twenty five crore countrymen have to move forward wholeheartedly for the
welfare of the nation.
Once again I feel proud of the devotion, the sacrifices of the security forces of the country,
para-military forces of the country, all the security forces of the country to protect Mother
India. I say to the countrymen, “रराष्ट्रयराम, जराग्रयराम म वयम म”, “Eternal vigilance is the price of
liberty”. The army is vigilant, we should also be vigilant and the country scales new heights,
we have to move forward with this resolution. Speak loudly with me with full force –
Bharat mata ki jai, bharat mata ki jai, bharat mata ki jai.
Jai Hind, Jai Hind, Jai Hind.
Vande Mataram, Vande Mataram, Vande Mataram!
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