Gala Sponsor Hips
Gala Sponsor Hips
Gala Sponsor Hips
Description: The Gala will be a cocktail reception for 300 guests from the local business community. The Gala will
feature an open bar, a satisfying array of hors d’oeuvres, live music and exciting giveaways. This will be a
unique opportunity for hundreds of small business owners to build relationships with one another.
Our website,, is a portal for our members to connect to one another and get involved with the
community. is meant to be an interactive website with social networking capabilities. Our
members will be able to visit the site to learn more about our upcoming events and register online, post their own events,
search for other members in the member directory, offer and redeem Member 2 Member discounts, send and receive
Intelligent Referrals, post and browse Classified Ads , learn about and sign up for sponsorship and advertising opportunities
and more. Members who are active on will be rewarded with IC Bucks, “money” they can use
toward event fees for Intelligent Community.
Our Demographic
Intelligent Community is comprised of over 800 small businesses in the Washington, DC Metro Area. Our members consist of
small business owners representing a broad range of business categories including legal, accounting, medical, consulting,
government contracting and financial management. The common thr ead of Intelligent Community is that as the founders of
small businesses, our members are experts in their respective fields – progressive and savvy business people.
For this event we are offer five different types of sponsorship opportunities, which allow you to pick what will fit best with
your company’s marketing strategy. Once you decide on a sponsorship package, we will work to ensure that you receive true
value from your investment. We will work to identify the objectives of your sponsorship and will provide you with fulfillment
reports to give you a detailed analysis of how we achieve the goal of getting you your benefits.
Sponsor agrees to provide the following: $_______ (Platinum / Gold / Silver / Bar / Entertainment / Signature)
Company N ame__________________________________________Contact Person__________________________________
Phone_________________________Fax__________________________Em ail______________________________________
PAYMEN T INFORMATION: Deposit $___________________(Balance Due 9/15/08) OR Paid-In-Full $ __________________
o Check o MC o Visa o Amex o Discover
Card Number_______________________________________________Expir ation Date_____________CVV*_____________
Name on card________________________________________Signature__________________________________________
Intelligent Community Representative ______________________________________________________________________
*Visa/MC the 3-digit CVV # is printed on back of the card. American Express, the 4-digit CVV #is printed on the front of the card.
Intelligent Community Gala Sponsorship Opportunities
PLATINUM SPONSOR: $2000 (Limited to two companies)
Event Promotion:
Advertising and Collateral: Promotional mass media advertisements when available, Full page advertisement in Gala Program
Online and Email Campaigns: Company recognized as a signature sponsor in event invitation and email blast sent to over 50,000
business people in the DC Metro Area, Prominent banner advertisement on Intelligent Community website through end of December 2008
Intelligent Community E-Newsletter: Brief Company Feature and links to website
Publicity: Recognition as signature sponsor in all event press releases
At the Event:
Company Recognition: Corporate signage featured at event entrance and registration area, Company name and logo projected onto front
stage for duration of event, Gift bag oppor tunities, Recognition by emcee
Sponsor Benefits: Ten complimentary Gala tickets, reserved table and access to VIP area for you and your guests