Tutorial Monster
Tutorial Monster
Tutorial Monster
The creation of The Malesquis: an insight into
the evolution of a beast. By John Kearney
80 June 2006
his article will provide you its movement. I want it to look stylish used throughout the project as a source
T with a walkthrough of my
experiences during the
creation of this project. I hope
and be able to captivate the viewers’
imaginations. Lastly, I want to place it in
a setting of some peripheral interest and
of inspiration and guidance.
My beast will be from a breed of alien
creatures called The Malesquis. They can John Kearney
that you pick up some useful tips and create a composition with visual impact. only be found on one planet, a barren COUNTRY: UK
CLIENTS: Konami, Sky,
find it entertaining and informative. It’s good to be ambitious! I realise that and desolate place called Arrazine. This ITV, Empire Interactive
First, I assess what is required and set this is no easy task, and that preparation world is a hostile environment. It’s a
John has over
a few targets. I’m being asked to paint a will aid in making my goals a reality. The deadly battlefield for warriors and
seven years
striking monster, which immediately first task is to come up with a scenario. hunters brave or stupid enough to enter experience as
gives me the main focus of the painting. Even a basic story will give a design its domain. The deadly Malesquis are a 3D graphic
My design has to be solid, unique, and purpose and direction. I normally thus a prize trophy for those wishing to artist in the
video games industry. He
convincing enough to clearly visualise scribble down some ideas that will be better their reputation and wealth. is currently freelancing
on various projects.
DVD Assets
The files you need
are on the DVD
FILES: Hunt_of_the_
Full screenshots
Photoshop CS2 (Demo)
June 2006 81
82 June 2006
I dislike using my Intuos
touch strips and prefer
keyboard shortcuts. I
permanently have one
hand on Ctrl+Z (undo)
because it often takes
multiple tries before
hitting the correct
brushstroke. My most
used shortcuts are
dispersed around Ctrl+Z,
and I find it an
inconvenience using
square brackets to
change brush size.
Therefore, I have
remapped brush-size
shortcuts from the
square brackets to [Z]
and [X] which means my
eyes never have to leave
the screen.
June 2006 83
84 June 2006
5 Summary
115 It takes a great deal of time and
effort to be able to put something down
in a way that enables others to capture
the essence of your idea or fantasy. You
113 It’s bugging me!
If anything is catching my eye and
with the design of the limbs and tails.
The tissue suggests the neck can extend
need to balance technical ability with
creativity and be willing to suffer plenty
annoying me, then I feel compelled to out, increasing its manoeuvrability, and of frustration in the process. Painting a
change it. The horn crown feels a bit too enabling Malesquis to quickly strike with picture is often a struggle against
clichéd and too similar to a Triceratops a snap of its jaws. The result is a weirder yourself, but the sense of achievement
for my liking. This design doesn’t work design, similar to a tortoise, but definitely when you are finished is enough to make
too well when I imagine the Malesquis more threatening! you go through it all over again.
brought to life. If placed in a film or Overall, I think I manage to achieve
game, the head movement would have
looked severely restricted due to the 14 Adding effects and
finishing touches
quite a few of my goals with my picture
of The Malesquis, so I am reasonably
horns clashing into the shell. It bugged My custom brushes are used to create the pleased with the result! I hope this article
me the whole time, so I decide to try an debris, dust, and little sparkles. The has inspired you, and has helped
alternative near the very end. It occurs to debris/sparkle brush consists of noisy demonstrate a workflow for creating
me that the themed muscle tissue might smudges and dots. I adjust the Scatter your own fantastical beasts from concept
work well as a neck and be consistent and Angle Jitter settings of the brush, so to completion.
June 2006 85