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The Journal of Neuroscience, July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665

Sensitization to the Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-a:

Neuroendocrine, Central Monoamine, and Behavioral Variations

Shawn Hayley,1 Karen Brebner,1 Susan Lacosta,1 Zul Merali,2 and Hymie Anisman1
1Institute of Neuroscience, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada, and 2School of Psychology and
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada

Consistent with the proposition that cytokines act as immuno- 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol, was augmented at the
transmitters between the immune system and the brain, sys- longer reexposure intervals. In contrast, within the central
temic administration of the proinflammatory cytokine tumor amygdala and the prefrontal cortex TNF-a reexposure at the 1 d
necrosis factor-a (TNF-a; 1.0–4.0 mg) induced mild illness in interval was associated with a pronounced sensitization-like
CD-1 mice, increased plasma corticosterone concentrations, effect, which was not apparent at longer intervals. Evidently,
and altered central norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin systemic TNF-a proactively influences the response to subse-
turnover. The actions of TNF-a were subject to a time- quent treatment; however, the nature of the effects (i.e., the
dependent sensitization effect. After reexposure to a subeffec- behavioral, neuroendocrine, and central transmitter alterations)
tive dose of the cytokine (1.0 mg) 14–28 d after initial treatment, vary over time after initial cytokine treatment. It is suggested
marked illness was evident (reduced consumption of a palat- that the sensitization may have important repercussions with
able substance and diminished activity and social exploration), respect to cognitive effects of TNF-a and may also be relevant
coupled with an elevation of plasma corticosterone levels. In to analyses of the neuroprotective or neurodestructive actions
contrast, cytokine reexposure 1–7 d after initial treatment did of cytokines.
not elicit illness, and at the 1 d interval the corticosterone
response to the cytokine was reduced. The increase of norepi- Key words: tumor necrosis factor-a; cytokine; sensitization;
nephrine release within the paraventricular nucleus of the hy- desensitization; corticosterone; norepinephrine; dopamine;
pothalamus, as reflected by elevated accumulation of serotonin; sickness behavior

Multidirectional communication exists among the immune, auto- arginine vasopressin (AVP) and corticotropin-releasing hormone
nomic, hormonal, and central nervous systems (Blalock, 1994; (CRH) in CRH terminals within the external zone of the median
Hopkins and Rothwell, 1995; Maier and Watkins, 1998). It has eminence (Schmidt et al., 1995, 1996; Tilders and Schmidt, 1998).
been suggested, in this respect, that the proinflammatory cyto- Because AVP and CRH synergistically provoke pituitary ACTH
kines interleukin-1b (IL -1b), IL -6, and tumor necrosis factor-a release, such a process may account for some of the protracted
(TNF-a) may serve in a signaling capacity between the immune effects of cytokine exposure (Tilders and Schmidt, 1998) and may
system and the C NS (Dunn, 1992; Hopkins and Rothwell, 1995). contribute to pathological states associated with stressor or cyto-
These cytokines could affect central processes directly, or they kine challenges (Ravindran et al., 1997).
may do so indirectly through stimulation of vagal afferents In addition to the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) al-
(Bluthe et al., 1996; Maier and Watkins, 1998). Moreover, it has terations, IL-1b influenced monoamine activity at several extra-
been suggested that variations of peripheral cytokine activity may hypothalamic sites (Linthorst et al., 1995; Merali et al., 1997;
be interpreted by the brain as a stressor (Dunn et al., 1989; Dunn, Lacosta et al., 1998; Song et al., 1999). As well, IL-1b and
1990; Anisman and Merali, 1999). stressors synergistically influenced central monoamine activity
In addition to hormonal changes (e.g., plasma corticosterone or (Song et al., 1999). In contrast to the attention devoted to the
ACTH), cytokines may provoke variations of central neurotrans- effects of IL-1b, a relative paucity of information exists concern-
mitter activity (Dunn and Welch, 1991; Linthorst et al., 1995), ing the immediate and proactive central effects of TNF-a. This is
thus eliciting behavioral alterations (Linthorst et al., 1995; La- surprising because this cytokine has been implicated in various
costa et al., 1998). Interestingly, cytokines may not only have CNS processes and pathologies (e.g., neurodegenerative disor-
immediate effects but may also result in the sensitization of ders, sepsis, head trauma, and cerebral ischemia) (Giulian and
neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter processes, such that the Robertson, 1990; Buttini et al., 1994; Sato et al., 1997).
subsequent response to cytokine or stressor challenge is en- It was of interest to establish the immediate and proactive
hanced. For instance, IL -1b provoked increased colocalization of effects of systemic TNF-a treatment. In this respect, the present
investigation determined (1) the immediate effects of TNF-a
Received Jan. 21, 1999; revised April 8, 1999; accepted April 20, 1999. administration on an index of sickness behavior (reduced lo-
This research was supported by Grant MT-13124 from the Medical Research comotion and social interaction and consumption of a highly
Council of C anada. The assistance of Jerzy Kulczycki is greatly appreciated.
Correspondence should be addressed to Hymie Anisman, Life Science Research
palatable food source), plasma corticosterone, as well as central
Building, C arleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada. monoamine levels and turnover at hypothalamic and extrahypo-
Copyright © 1999 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/99/195654-12$05.00/0 thalamic sites, (2) whether administration of this cytokine proac-
Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 5655

tively influenced neurochemical and behavioral processes after ,10%), mice received an acute intraperitoneal injection of either TN F-a
subsequent reexposure to subeffective cytokine doses, and (3) (1.0, 2.0, or 4.0 mg) or saline and were then returned to their home cages.
T wo weeks later, mice of each group (n 5 10 per group) were subdivided
whether such a sensitization was dependent on the time between and treated with either saline or the lowest dose (1.0 mg) of TN F-a.
the initial TN F-a treatment and subsequent reexposure. Commencing 1 hr later, corresponding to the time of the neurochemical
determinations in the preceding study, chocolate milk was presented to
MATERIALS AND METHODS the mice individually, and consumption was recorded over a 1 hr period.
Brain dissection. Frozen brains were placed on a stainless steel dissect-
Male CD-1 mice, 8 –10 weeks of age, were obtained from Charles River ing block with slots (spaced ;100 mm apart) that served as guides for
(Laprairie, Quebec, C anada). Mice were housed in groups of four in razor blades, which were used to provide a series of coronal brain
standard propylene cages and given at least 2 weeks to acclimate to the sections. The dissection of the brain was conducted in a cold chamber,
laboratory. Animals were maintained on a 12 hr light /dark cycle with with the brain resting on a stage containing dry ice. Brain sections were
lights on at 8 A.M., room temperature was kept at 21°C, and mice were
mounted on glass slides and placed on a Petri dish filled with powdered
permitted an ad libitum diet of Ralston Purina (St. L ouis, MO) mouse
dry ice, which served as a cold stage. Using the mouse brain atlas of
chow. All experimental procedures were approved by the C arleton
Franklin and Paxinos (1997), brain nuclei were removed by micropunch
University Committee for Animal C are and met the guidelines set out by
using hollow 16 or 20 gauge needles with a beveled tip. Tissue was taken
the C anadian Council on Animal C are.
bilaterally from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PV N),
Procedure. To minimize the contribution of diurnal variations associ-
locus coeruleus, dorsal hippocampus, central amygdala, and medial pre-
ated with neurotransmitter or neuroendocrine processes, all experimen-
frontal cortex and then stored at 280°C until processed using HPLC.
tal procedures were conducted between 8 A.M. and 12 P.M. CD-1 mice
HPLC procedure for anal ysis of brain amine and metabolite levels. Levels
were used in this experiment because central amine and neuroendocrine
of dopamine (DA), N E, and 5-HT and their respective metabolites
effects of stressors have been characterized in this outbred strain, as have
3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (M HPG), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic
the immediate behavioral and neurochemical responses to IL -1b and
acid (DOPAC), and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) were deter-
TN F-a (Shanks et al., 1991; Brebner et al., 1998; Lacosta et al., 1998).
mined by HPLC using a modification of the method of Seegal et al.
Mice (n 5 20 per group) received an initial intraperitoneal injection
with either sterile nonpyrogenic saline (0.9%) or 4.0 mg of TN F-a in a (1986). Tissue punches were sonicated in a homogenizing solution, which
volume of 0.4 ml of sterile saline, followed by a second injection of 1.0 mg comprised 14.17 gm of monochloroacetic acid, 0.0186 gm of EDTA, 5.0
of the cytokine. The latter treatment was administered 1, 7, 14, or 28 d ml of methanol and 500 ml of H2O. After centrif ugation, the superna-
after the initial TN F-a treatment. Three additional groups of mice were tants were used for the HPLC analysis. Using a Waters Associates
included; one group received saline on two occasions 14 d apart; a second (Milford, M A) M-6000 pump, guard column, radial compression column
received saline followed 14 d later by the low dose of TN F-a (1.0 mg); (5m, C18 reverse phase, 8 mm 3 10 cm), and three cell coulometric
and the third group received TN F-a (4.0 mg) followed 14 d later by electrochemical detector (ESA model 5100A), 20 ml of the supernatant
saline. Human recombinant TN F-a (specific activity, 1.1 3 10 5 U/mg) was passed through the system at a flow rate of 1.5 ml /min (1400 –1600
was obtained from R & D Systems (Minneapolis, M N) in lyophilized psi). The mobile phase used for the separation was a modification of that
form, subsequently dissolved in sterile PBS, and stored in 20 ml aliquots used by Chiueh et al. (1983); each liter consisted of 1.3 gm of heptane
at 280°C. At 1.0 hr after the second injection mice were decapitated, and sulfonic acid, 0.1 gm of disodium EDTA, 6.5 ml of triethylamine, and 35
brains collected, frozen in isopentane, and then stored at 280°C until ml of acetonitrile. The mobile phase was then filtered (0.22 mm filter
later sectioning and removal of nuclei for analysis of central biogenic paper) and degassed, after which the pH was adjusted to 2.5 with
amines and metabolites. Trunk blood was centrif uged, and the superna- phosphoric acid. The area and height of the peaks was determined using
tant was stored at 280°C in tubes containing 10 ml of EDTA for the a Hewlett–Packard (Palo Alto, CA) integrator. The protein content of
determination of plasma corticosterone levels. The 1.0 hr interval be- each sample was determined using bicinchoninic acid with a protein
tween TN F-a administration and subsequent decapitation was chosen on analysis kit (Pierce Scientific, Brockville, Ontario, C anada) and a spec-
the basis of an earlier study showing that behavioral and glucocorticoid trophotometer (PC800 colorimeter; Brinkmann Instruments, Westbury,
variations were marked at this time (Brebner et al., 1998). N Y). The lower limit of detection for the monoamines and metabolites
In addition to the neurochemical alterations, this experiment also was ;5.0 pg.
assessed whether behavioral outputs would be associated with reexposure Plasma corticosterone assay. Plasma corticosterone levels were deter-
to cytokine treatment and whether such behavioral effects would appear mined (in duplicate) using a commercially available radioimmunoassay
sooner in mice that received the reexposure treatment. Behavioral mea- (RIA) kit (IC N Biomedicals, Costa Mesa, CA). To avoid interassay
sures were recorded from half of the mice (i.e., in one of two replications variability, all samples within an experiment were assayed within a single
of the study) during the reexposure phase of the study (n 5 10 per run. The intra-assay variability was ,6%.
group). After intraperitoneal injection mice were returned to their home Statistical anal yses. Consumption of chocolate milk was analyzed in
cages, and their behavior, including social interaction with noninjected two stages. Specifically, the initial response to TN F-a, as a f unction of
cage mates, was recorded up to the time at which the brain and blood the dosage (saline, 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0 mg) was evaluated as a repeated
were collected. Commencing 15 min after the intraperitoneal injection measures ANOVA comparing baseline consumption (the data from the
and at the three successive 15 min intervals, the following behaviors were 3 d before reexposure were averaged to provide the baseline score) and
rated, for a 10 sec period, on four-point scales: locomotor activity (1 5 that observed 1 hr after TN F-a. The second phase assessed the effect of
no movement; 2 5 slow, lethargic movements; 3 5 normal locomotion; reexposure to TN F-a. To this end, the consumption before, at reexpo-
and 4 5 hyperactive, continuous movement); social interaction (1 5 sure, and 24 hr after reexposure was analyzed as a repeated measures
animal huddling with cage mates; 2 5 occasional interaction with cage ANOVA as a f unction of the initial and reexposure TN F-a treatment
mates; 3 5 predominately staying away from cage mates; and 4 5 that mice received.
isolated from cage mates, typically in corner); overall sickness (1 5 The sickness behaviors animals displayed (overall appearance, loco-
normal looking; 2 5 slightly lethargic, slow movement, slightly ruffled f ur, motion, and social interaction) and the plasma corticosterone concentra-
and eyes slightly drooping; 3 5 lethargic, f ur ragged, eyes drooping, and tions were analyzed by single-factor ANOVAs, followed by Newman –
breathing altered; and 4 5 very sick appearance, ptosis, ragged f ur, Keuls multiple comparisons (a 5 0.05) of the significant main effects.
curled body posture, difficulty breathing, and general nonresponsive- Owing to the multiplicity of analyses required for the neurochemical
ness). This procedure was found to provide .90% agreement between alterations across brain regions, multivariate ANOVA (M ANOVA) was
raters blind to the treatment mice received. called for. However, given the number of brain regions and transmitters
To obtain a f urther index of sickness behavior, an additional experi- and metabolites, relative to the number of mice tested, a single
ment, involving naı̈ve CD-1 mice, assessed the effects of TN F-a on M ANOVA was not possible. Accordingly, independent M ANOVAs
consumption of a palatable solution. Mice that received ad libitum food were conducted for those regions in which N E, DA, 5-HT, and their
were offered free access to chocolate milk (Sealtest; Ault Foods, Etobi- metabolites were assessed. Where significant effects were detected, uni-
coke, Ontario, C anada; 1% partly skimmed) for 1 hr each day during the variate analyses were conducted, followed by Newman –Keuls multiple
light phase (commencing at 10 A.M.). Bottles were weighed at the comparisons of the means of significant effects. Because only N E and
beginning and end of the hour to determine total consumption (weights M HPG were analyzed within the locus coeruleus, these data were
were converted to volume). After the establishment of a steady rate of analyzed by ANOVA, followed by multiple comparisons of the treatment
drinking (3 consecutive days during which consumption varied by means. It might be noted, as well, that separate analyses were also
5656 J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization

Table 1. Consumption (mean 6 SEM) of a palatable liquid after acute of chocolate milk. The ANOVA indeed revealed a significant
TNF-a initial TNF-a 3 reexposure TNF-a treatment interaction
(F(3,72) 5 2.97; p , 0.05). The multiple comparisons indicated
TNF-a (mg) Baseline (ml) Test day (ml) that in the absence of previous TNF-a exposure, the 1.0 mg
Saline 3.48 6 0.23 3.95 6 0.27 treatment provoked a nonsignificant decline of chocolate milk
1.0 3.83 6 0.24 3.38 6 0.22 consumption (0.10 , p , 0.05). However, among mice that had
2.0 3.55 6 0.18 2.60 6 0.23* received TNF-a treatment 2 weeks earlier, irrespective of the
4.0 3.42 6 0.17 2.18 6 0.22* dosage, reexposure to TNF-a (1.0 mg) markedly reduced choco-
late milk consumption. Clearly, TNF-a exerted a sensitization
*p , 0.05 relative to baseline and saline treatment.
effect, such that the behavioral consequences of the cytokine were
greatly increased with reexposure 2 weeks after initial treatment.
Within 24 hr of TNF-a administration, consumption scores had
returned to baseline values irrespective of the treatment mice
The general sickness profile of the mice was also altered after
reexposure to the cytokine, and this effect was also dependent on
the time between the initial and reexposure treatments (Table 2).
In particular, the overall appearance, locomotor activity, and
social interaction varied as a function of the time between TNF-a
treatments (F(6,38) 5 21.64, 10.57, and 6.76, respectively; p ,
0.01). The Newman–Keuls multiple comparisons confirmed that
a single administration of the cytokine did not influence the three
indices of illness. Likewise, a second injection of the cytokine 1 or
7 d after initial administration of TNF-a had little effect on these
behavioral indices. However, those animals that received the
second injection of the cytokine 14 or 28 d after the initial
treatment displayed greater illness, reduced motor activity, and
diminished social exploration relative to mice that received only
a single TN F-a treatment.

Figure 1. Mean 6 SEM consumption of chocolate milk among mice that Corticosterone
received either saline or TN F-a (1.0, 2.0, or 4.0 mg) followed 2 weeks later Levels of plasma corticosterone, shown in Figure 2, were signif-
by reexposure to either saline or the 1.0 mg dose of the cytokine. The icantly influenced by TNF-a (F(6,118) 5 22.60; p , 0.01). The
consumption of chocolate milk after first exposure to TN F-a in these
multiple comparisons indicated that acute administration of 1.0
same animals is shown in Table 1. *p , 0.05 relative to saline-treated
mice; §p , 0.05 relative to mice that received acute TN F-a injection. mg of the cytokine increased plasma corticosterone levels appre-
ciably, whereas a 4.0 mg dose administered 2 weeks earlier was
without effect. As in the case of the behavioral changes, the effects
of the reexposure treatment varied as a function of the interval
performed where (1) the data of the four groups that received TN F-a on between initial TNF-a administration and subsequent reexposure
two occasions (at different reexposure intervals) were compared by
single-factor ANOVAs and (2) the groups that received either saline on to the cytokine. Specifically, when the second administration
two occasions or only a single TN F-a injection (either on the initial occurred 1 d after the initial treatment, levels of corticosterone
injection day or the reexposure day) were compared by ANOVA. Dun- were significantly reduced relative to that seen after acute TNF-a
nett’s tests were used to compare the data for animals reexposed to treatment. As the interval between the treatments was length-
TN F-a with those that received saline or that received only a single
TN F-a treatment. Because these analyses yielded the same effects as did
ened, the effects of the reexposure became progressively greater;
the simpler univariate analyses that included all of the groups, only the at 7 and 14 d after initial treatment, reexposure to the cytokine
results of the latter analyses are presented. yielded corticosterone levels comparable with that of acutely
treated mice, whereas at 28 d TNF-a reexposure provoked cor-
RESULTS ticosterone levels significantly greater than those seen after a
Behavioral changes associated with TNF-a exposure single TNF-a injection.
Consumption of chocolate milk varied as a f unction of the inter-
action between TN F-a treatment and the time of testing Monoamine variations
(F(3,76) 5 17.96; p , 0.01). As seen in Table 1 and confirmed by In general, TNF-a influenced central monoamine activity in a
Newman –Keuls multiple comparisons, at baseline the groups region-specific manner. It appeared, as well, that at least some of
displayed comparable levels of chocolate milk consumption. the effects of the cytokine were subject to a sensitization effect,
However, a dose-dependent reduction of consumption was evi- which was dependent on the time between the two TNF-a treat-
dent 1 hr after TN F-a administration, such that the 2.0 and 4.0 mg ments. The MANOVAs indicated that neurochemical and me-
groups displayed lower levels of consumption than did saline- tabolite levels within the PVN, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex
treated animals, as well as consumption levels below that ob- (PFC), and central amygdala varied as a function of the interac-
served at baseline. tion between the neurochemical substrate and the treatment mice
As seen in Figure 1, relative to mice that received only a single received: Pillais 5 0.55, F(30,515) 5 1.75; p , 0.01; Pillais 5 0.31,
administration of TN F-a (1.0 mg), reexposure to the cytokine F(18,306) 5 1.91; p 5 0.014; Pillais 5 0.60, F(30,515) 5 2.35; p ,
induced much greater variations with respect to the consumption 0.01; Pillais 5 0.67, F(30,515) 5 2.36; p , 0.01, respectively.
Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 5657

Table 2. Behavioral scores after initial (4.0 mg) or TNF-a reexposure (1.0 mg)

Sickness profile Motor activity Social interaction

Sal/sal 1.00 6 0 3.00 6 0 1.75 6 0.25
Sal/TNF 1.14 6 0.38 2.67 6 0.20 1.83 6 0.31
TNF/sal 1.29 6 0.76 2.86 6 0.14 1.67 6 0.33
TNF/TNF (1 d) 1.80 6 0.20* 2.00 6 0* 1.40 6 0.40
TNF/TNF (7 d) 1.67 6 0.33 2.00 6 0.31* 1.67 6 0.33
TNF/TNF (14 d) 2.83 6 0.17*,** 1.67 6 0.21*,** 2.83 6 0.40*,**
TNF/TNF (28 d) 3.57 6 0.20*,** 1.00 6 0*,** 3.71 6 0.29*,**

*p , 0.05 relative to saline/saline (Sal/sal).

**p , 0.05 relative to Sal / TNF.

after a 1 d interval the NE turnover was reduced relative to that

seen after acute TNF-a treatment (MHPG/NE ratio, 0.21 6
0.02), whereas reexposure to the cytokine after 28 d resulted in an
elevation of the amine turnover (MHPG/NE ratio, 0.38 6 0.06)
relative to saline-treated mice or mice that were reexposed to the
cytokine after a 1 d interval. At the 28 d reexposure period the
increase relative to acutely treated mice approached, but did not
quite reach statistical significance ( p , 0.07), whereas at the 7
and 14 d reexposure intervals the turnover of N E was at an
intermediate level. In contrast to the variations of NE turnover,
within the PVN neither DOPAC, DA, 5-HIAA, nor 5-HT varied
among the treatment groups.
Within the locus coeruleus the accumulation of MHPG varied
as a function of the treatment condition (F(6,114) 5 3.35; p ,
0.01). The multiple comparisons indicated that a single injection
of TNF-a (1.0 mg) increased MHPG accumulation relative to
saline-treated mice. Reexposure to TNF-a was likewise associ-
Figure 2. Plasma corticosterone levels (mean 6 SEM) among mice ated with an elevation of the metabolite concentration, particu-
exposed to various TNF-a regimens. All mice received two intraperito-
neal injections; the three groups to the lef t (solid bars) received saline larly at the 1 and 28 d intervals. In no instance, however, was the
only, saline followed 2 weeks later by the low dose of TN F-a (1.0 mg), or rise greater than that observed in mice that received only a single
a high dose of TNF-a (4.0 mg) followed 2 weeks later by saline treatment. injection of the cytokine (Fig. 4). Indeed, this conclusion was
The four groups on the right (hatched bars) received two injections of confirmed by a separate analysis of the MHPG/NE ratio. In
TNF-a: an initial 4.0 mg dose followed by a second 1.0 mg dose 1, 7, 14,
or 28 d later. *p , 0.05 relative to saline treated mice; §p , 0.05 relative
addition to the altered turnover, concentrations of NE within the
to mice that received acute TN F-a injection. locus coeruleus were altered by the TNF-a treatments (F(6,118) 5
3.07; p , 0.01). The multiple comparisons indicated that levels of
NE were increased by acute administration of the cytokine.
Univariate analyses revealed that within the PV N, MHPG Likewise, after reexposure to TNF-a at 7 and 28 d after the initial
levels varied as a f unction of the treatment mice received treatment, the levels of NE were elevated relative to that of
(F(6,126) 5 2.87; p 5 0.01). Relative to saline-treated animals, a saline-treated animals, but a comparable rise was not evident at
single injection of TN F-a (1.0 mg) increased the accumulation of the 1 d reexposure interval. In fact, at this time NE levels were
MHPG. Among mice reexposed to TN F-a 1 or 7 d after the lower than among mice acutely treated with the cytokine. In
initial treatment the increase was less marked, whereas at the 14 effect, these data suggest that after reexposure to TNF-a 28 d
and 28 d intervals the M HPG increase was somewhat greater, after initial treatment the increased use of NE was met with a
significantly exceeding that of saline-treated mice. However, in compensatory increase of synthesis, leading to elevated amine
neither case did the M HPG level exceed that of mice that re- concentrations. However, at the 1 d reexposure interval a com-
ceived only a single TN F-a treatment. Unlike the M HPG accu- pensatory increase of synthesis was not provoked, hence preclud-
mulation, the levels of N E did not differ dramatically across ing elevated concentrations of NE.
groups, and none of the TN F-a treatments yielded N E levels that Within the hippocampus the levels of NE and 5-HT were
differed from those of saline-treated mice (Fig. 3). A separate unaffected by treatment with TNF-a, whereas concentrations of
ANOVA was conducted of the M HPG/ N E ratio within the PVN the metabolites MHPG and 5-HIAA were significantly influ-
to ascertain whether the reexposure treatment influenced NE enced by the cytokine (F(6,116) 5 2.51 and 2.18; p , 0.05, respec-
turnover using this particular index. This analysis yielded a sig- tively). Once again, MHPG was increased by the acute adminis-
nificant effect of the treatment (F(6,123) 5 3.16; p , 0.01), and tration of TNF-a, as well as by reexposure to the cytokine, at
multiple comparisons confirmed that relative to saline-treated least at the 1 and 28 d intervals between injections. However,
mice (M HPG/ N E ratio, 0.17 6 0.01) acute administration of there was no indication of a sensitization effect, because the
TN F-a significantly enhanced N E turnover (M HPG/ NE ratio, extent of the increase was comparable with that observed after a
0.30 6 0.04). Interestingly, among mice reexposed to the cytokine single administration of TNF-a (Table 3). Likewise, in the case of
5658 J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization

Figure 3. Mean 6 SEM concentrations of N E (top)

and MHPG (bottom) within the PV N as a f unction
of TN F-a treatment. The three groups on the lef t
(solid bars) received saline on two occasions, saline
followed 2 weeks later by the low dose of TN F-a (1.0
mg), or a high dose of TN F-a (4.0 mg) followed 2
weeks later by saline. The four groups on the right
(hatched bars) received an initial 4.0 mg dose of
TNF-a followed by a second 1.0 mg dose 1, 7, 14, or
28 d later. The protein (mean 6 SEM) concentra-
tions of the PVN equaled 7.65 6 0.24 mg. *p , 0.05
relative to saline-treated mice.

5-HIAA it was found that acute treatment as well as reexposure the NE concentrations were indistinguishable from those of
to TN F-a enhanced the metabolite accumulation; once again, acutely treated mice (data not shown). Unlike NE and MHPG,
however, there was no indication of a sensitization effect being the levels of DA and DOPAC were not significantly influenced by
apparent. the cytokine treatments. However, it is noteworthy that, although
The amine variations within the PFC could be dissociated from not significantly elevated, DOPAC accumulation was increased by
those seen in the PV N, hippocampus, and locus coeruleus. Within 65% in animals reexposed to the cytokine 1 d after the initial
the PFC, the levels of M HPG varied as a f unction of the TNF-a treatment, whereas at longer intervals the increase was less pro-
treatment (F(6,127) 5 10.60; p , 0.01). The multiple comparisons nounced (20 – 40%).
confirmed that relative to saline-treated mice, M HPG levels were Although TNF-a administration affected 5-HT activity within
elevated after acute administration of TN F-a. In mice that were the PFC, the profile apparent at the various reexposure intervals
reexposed to the cytokine 1 d after the initial treatment, a further was clearly distinguishable from that observed with respect to NE
elevation of M HPG accumulation was evident, such that the activity. Specifically, although the levels of 5-HT were not af-
metabolite concentrations were double that of mice that had fected by the cytokine, the accumulation of 5-HIAA varied
received the acute treatment. Interestingly, if the TNF-a was significantly as a function of the treatment mice received
administered 7, 14, or 28 d after the initial treatment, then (F(6,126) 5 5.41; p , 0.01). The multiple comparisons confirmed
metabolite levels exceeded those of saline-treated mice but were that a single administration of the low dose of TNF-a provoked
comparable to those seen after acute cytokine treatment (Fig. 5). a marked elevation of 5-HIAA, whereas the 4.0 mg dose admin-
The levels of N E were likewise found to vary as a f unction of the istered 2 weeks earlier was without effect. If mice were reexposed
cytokine administration (F(6,127) 5 3.84; p , 0.01). Acute TNF-a to TNF-a 1 d after the initial treatment, then the levels of
did not affect the levels of the transmitter; however, in mice 5-HIAA were not significantly different from those of saline-
reexposed to the cytokine at the 1 d interval the levels of NE treated animals and were lower than those of acutely treated
exceeded those of saline animals or those of mice that had mice. In contrast, with TNF-a reexposure 7, 14, or 28 d after the
received acute TN F-a treatment. At longer reexposure intervals initial treatment, levels of 5-HIAA within the PFC were signifi-
Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 5659

Figure 4. Mean 6 SEM concentrations of NE

(top) and M HPG (bottom) within the locus coer-
uleus as a f unction of TN F-a treatment. The three
groups on the lef t (solid bars) received saline on two
occasions, saline followed 2 weeks later by the low
dose of TN F-a (1.0 mg), or a high dose of TNF-a
(4.0 mg) followed 2 weeks later by saline. The four
groups on the right (hatched bars) received an initial
4.0 mg dose of TN F-a followed by a second 1.0 mg
dose 1, 7, 14, or 28 d later. The protein (mean 6
SEM) concentrations of the locus coeruleus were
19.62 6 0.77 mg. *p , 0.05 relative to saline-treated
mice; §p , 0.05 relative to mice that received acute
TN F injection.

Table 3. Concentrations of hippocampal MHPG and 5-HIAA administration, but this effect was only apparent at the earliest
(mean 6 SEM) retest period.
The NE variations associated with TNF-a within the central
M HPG 5-HIAA amygdala were, in several respects, reminiscent of the variations
(mg /mg protein) (mg /mg protein)
seen within the PFC. Specifically, although the levels of NE did
Sal/sal 3.60 6 0.30 4.40 6 0.56 not vary significantly, MHPG accumulation was markedly influ-
Sal/TNF 4.97 6 0.53* 6.86 6 0.75* enced by the treatments (F(6,122) 5 2.57; p , 0.01). The multiple
TNF/sal 4.22 6 0.56 4.73 6 0.69 comparisons showed that acute administration of the cytokine
TNF/TNF (1 d) 5.11 6 0.55* 6.63 6 0.57* produced a relatively modest (40%), nonsignificant elevation of
TNF/TNF (7 d) 4.22 6 0.33 6.93 6 0.79* MHPG (Fig. 6). However, a much greater rise (86%) was seen in
TNF/TNF (14 d) 3.63 6 0.41 6.17 6 0.83*
mice that received the 1.0 mg dose 1 d after the initial TNF-a
TNF/TNF (28 d) 5.46 6 0.53* 5.75 6 0.62*
treatment. In contrast, at longer reexposure intervals the metab-
Protein (mean 6 SEM) concentrations of hippocampal punches were 81.55 6 olite accumulation was not enhanced relative to that of saline-
2.32 mg. treated mice. Thus, although TNF-a provoked the sensitization
*p , 0.05 relative to saline/saline (Sal/sal)-treated mice.
of amygdala NE activity in response to later challenge with
the cytokine, this effect was again restricted to the earliest time
cantly increased relative to saline-treated mice and were compa- In contrast to the variations of NE activity, the changes of
rable with those of mice that received acute TN F-a administra- 5-HT and DA functioning within the central amygdala were
tion (Fig. 5). In effect, it appeared that the initial cytokine markedly different from those seen within the PFC. In the case of
treatment provoked a desensitization in response to later TNF-a 5-HT levels, the TNF-a treatment was without effect, whereas
5660 J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization

Figure 5. Mean 6 SEM concentrations of M HPG

(top) and 5-HIAA (bottom) within the PFC as a f unc-
tion of the TNF-a treatment mice received. The three
groups on the left (solid bars) received saline on two
occasions, saline followed 2 weeks later by the low dose
of TNF-a (1.0 mg), or a high dose of TN F-a (4.0 mg)
followed 2 weeks later by saline. The four groups on
the right (hatched bars) received an initial 4.0 mg dose
of TNF-a followed by a second 1.0 mg dose 1, 7, 14, or
28 d later. The protein (mean 6 SEM) concentration
of the PFC equaled 286.70 6 8.72 mg. *p , 0.05
relative to saline-treated mice; §p , 0.05 relative to
mice that received acute TN F-a injection.

5-HIAA accumulation was appreciably influenced by the cyto- Behavioral effects of murine TNF-a
kine (F(6,122) 5 3.46; p , 0.01). Among mice that were acutely Inasmuch as the preceding experiments involved human TNF-a
treated with TN F-a or mice that received the cytokine 2 weeks (hTNF-a), the possibility was considered that the outcomes ob-
earlier, the accumulation of 5-HIAA was somewhat elevated, but served reflected cross-species TNF-a effects (e.g., time-
in neither case was the increase a statistically significant one. dependent endotoxic reaction to hTNF-a). Accordingly, an ad-
However, as seen in Figure 6, among mice that received the ditional experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of acute
cytokine on two occasions, the accumulation of 5-HIAA was
murine TN F-a on sickness behaviors, as well as the effects of
relatively marked at each of the reexposure intervals, with the
reexposure to this cytokine. Murine TNF-a was obtained from R
greatest accumulation being evident at the 7 d period.
& D Systems and had a specific activity of 2.7 3 10 5 U/mg. Mice
Finally, DA levels within the central amygdala were unaffected
of five groups (n 5 10 per group) received two intraperitoneal
by the TN F-a treatment, although there appeared to be some-
injections 28 d apart; treatment comprised either two saline
what of an elevation, particularly at the 14 and 28 d reexposure
periods. The accumulation of DOPAC, however, varied signifi- injections, administration of saline followed 28 d later by murine
cantly as a f unction of the cytokine treatments (F(6,121) 5 2.40; TNF-a (mTNF-a; 1.0 mg), or mTNF-a (at doses of 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0
p 5 0.03). The multiple comparisons indicated that acute TNF-a mg) followed 28 d later by the 1.0 mg dose of the cytokine.
did not significantly affect DOPAC accumulation, being associ- Sickness behaviors (overall appearance, locomotion, and social
ated with only a 20% rise of the metabolite. However, in mice interaction) were determined and analyzed as described earlier.
that were reexposed to the cytokine the levels of DOPAC were The ANOVA confirmed that the mTNF-a treatment markedly
reduced relative to acutely treated mice (data not shown). This affected the overall appearance of the mice (F(4,45) 5 8.42; p ,
effect was particularly pronounced at the longer reexposure in- 0.01; locomotor activity, F(4,45) 5 5.68; p , 0.01; and social
tervals, and at the 14 d interval DOPAC accumulation was sig- interaction, F(4,45) 5 7.72; p , 0.01). As seen in Table 4 and
nificantly lower than that seen in saline-treated animals. confirmed by Newman–Keuls multiple comparisons, the acute
Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 5661

Figure 6. Mean 6 SEM concentrations of MHPG

(top) and 5-HIAA (bottom) within the central amyg-
dala as a f unction of the TN F-a treatment. The three
groups on the lef t (solid bars) received intraperitoneal
administration of saline on two occasions, saline fol-
lowed 2 weeks later by the low dose of TNF-a (1.0
mg), or a high dose of TN F-a (4.0 mg) followed 2
weeks later by saline. The four groups on the right
(hatched bars) received an initial 4.0 mg dose of
TN F-a followed by a second 1.0 mg dose 1, 7, 14, or
28 d later. The protein (mean 6 SEM) concentrations
of the central amygdala were 21.90 6 0.51. *p , 0.05
relative to saline treated-mice; §p , 0.05 relative to
mice that received acute TN F-a injection.

administration of mTN F-a hardly influenced behavior relative to treatment provoked few signs of sickness. However, at longer
saline-treated mice. However, this dosage of the cytokine mark- reexposure intervals palatable food consumption was greatly re-
edly influenced sickness behaviors among mice that had previ- duced, and mice displayed ptosis, ruffled fur, curled body posture,
ously received mTN F-a. This was the case regardless of the immobility, and reduced social exploration. This effect was not
dosage mice previously received (i.e., even when mice had ini- exclusive to mice that received human TNF-a, because a behav-
tially received subthreshold doses of the cytokine). In each in- ioral sensitization was also elicited by the recombinant murine
stance, the reexposure treatment elicited marked illness profiles form of the cytokine.
relative not only to saline treated animals but also to those that
had received acute mTN F-a administration. As well, the extent Effects of hTNF-a on plasma corticosterone
of the illness became progressively more pronounced over the Elevated HPA functioning can be elicited by lipopolysaccharide
course of the 1 hr evaluation session. In fact, by the end of the (LPS) (Rivier, 1993; Ericsson et al., 1994), systemic IL-1b (Dunn,
session ;50% of the animals reexposed to mTN F-a appeared 1988, 1990; Zalcman et al., 1994; Van Der Meer et al., 1996), and
moribund, whereas only 1 of 10 mice that received acute mTNF-a TNF-a (Bernardini et al., 1990). Conversely, central administra-
exhibited obvious illness. tion of antibodies directed against TNF-a reduced the ACTH
response to LPS (Turnbull and Rivier, 1998). Coupled with the
DISCUSSION finding that TNF-a elicits an anxiogenic effect (Connor et al.,
Behavioral effects of TNF-a 1998), the increased plasma corticosterone supports the conten-
Commensurate with earlier reports (Bluthe et al., 1994; Kent et tion that TNF-a is interpreted centrally as if it were a stressor.
al., 1996), TN F-a dose-dependently elicited sickness behaviors, This is not to say that processive (psychological) and systemic
which were subject to a time-dependent sensitization, as observed (metabolic) stressors involve identical mechanisms. The HPA
with other pharmacological and stressor treatments (Antelman, alterations elicited by processive stressors may involve activation
1988). Reexposure to the cytokine either 1 or 7 d after initial of limbic forebrain regions, whereas systemic stressors (e.g., cy-
5662 J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization

Table 4. Behavioral scores as a function of initial or reexposure (28 d later) to mTNF-a

Sickness profile Motor activity Social interaction

Sal /sal 1.0 6 0 2.60 6 0.13 1.82 6 0.06
Sal / TN F (1.0 mg) 1.6 6 0.11 2.02 6 0.15* 1.78 6 0.11
TN F (0.5 mg)/ TN F (1.0 mg) 3.0 6 0.20*,** 1.35 6 0.12*,** 2.98 6 0.18*,**
TN F (1.0 mg)/ TN F (1.0 mg) 2.8 6 0.20*,** 1.60 6 0.14*,** 2.98 6 0.17*,**
TN F (2.0 mg)/ TN F (1.0 mg) 2.8 6 0.18*,** 1.30 6 0.11*,** 2.95 6 0.18*,**

*p , 0.05 relative to saline/saline (Sal/sal).

**p , 0.05 relative to Sal/TNF.

tokines) stimulate brainstem nuclei, which directly innervate the relatively long-lasting and influenced the response to later cyto-
PVN (Herman and Cullinan, 1997). kine or stressor challenges (Schmidt et al., 1995; Tilders and
Paralleling the behavioral changes, corticosterone alterations Schmidt, 1998). Although some sensitization effects observed in
associated with TN F-a reexposure varied over time since the the present investigation were clearly transient, notably the ex-
initial treatment. After reexposure to the cytokine after 28 d, trahypothalamic amine variations, other effects, including the
plasma corticosterone levels exceeded those of acutely treated corticoid and NE alterations in the PVN, were clearly long-
mice but were reduced at a 1 d reexposure interval. In effect, the lasting. Whether these effects were permanent or were modifiable
cytokine may have either a sensitizing or desensitizing effect, by other treatments remains to be determined.
depending on the time of its readministration. Although the p55
Central neurotransmitter variations
receptor may play a primary role in subserving the actions of
TN F-a in mice (Benigni et al., 1996; Sipe et al., 1996), the p75 Within 1 hr of its systemic administration, marked central neu-
receptor may also contribute in this respect (Ericcson et al., 1994; rochemical alterations were induced by TNF-a. It is not clear
Declercq et al., 1998). However, it appears unlikely that the whether these actions were mediated directly (i.e., penetration
time-dependent sensitization was related to alterations of recep- into the brain via passive or active transport) (Gutierrez et al.,
tor sensitivities, because murine TN F-a, which stimulates both 1993) or indirectly, through stimulation of afferent neural circuits
receptor subtypes, also promoted a time-dependent sensitization (e.g., vagal and/or spinal projections) (Dantzer et al., 1998; Maier
of sickness and corticosterone levels (Hayley et al., 1999). The and Watkins, 1998) or enzymatic alterations at peripheral target
finding that TN F-a biphasically influences the response to later sites, such as the liver (Libert et al., 1991). Receptors for IL-1b
cytokine treatment is consistent with reports of critical periods have been demonstrated on the nodose vagal ganglia, which sends
during which TN F-a pretreatment has either sensitizing or de- projections to several brain regions, notably the nucleus of the
sensitizing effects (Wallach et al., 1988; Matsuura and Galanos, solitary tract (Ek et al., 1998). As well, LPS and IL-1b induce
1990). The source for such time-dependent actions is unclear but c-fos expression in this vagal complex (Gaykema et al., 1998;
may reflect interactions involving other endogenous cytokines, Goehler et al., 1998). Interestingly, as in the case of IL-1b,
including interferon-g (I FN-g) and IL -12 (C auwels et al., 1995, subdiaphragmatic vagotomy abrogated the effects of peripheral
1996), I F N-g and TN F-a (Bundschuh et al., 1997; Nansen et al., administration of TNF-a on conditioned taste aversion, fever,
1997), and I F N-g and IL -1b (Chung and Benveniste, 1990). An and circulating corticosterone levels (Goehler et al., 1995; Flesh-
alternative explanation for the sensitization comes from studies ner et al., 1998; Maier and Watkins, 1998), suggesting that TNF-a
that showed that viruses may sensitize neurons to some of the also influences central processes by stimulating vagal afferents.
Regardless of the mechanism, it is apparent that acute TNF-a
cytotoxic effects of TN F-a by inhibiting the production of an as
administration increased the accumulation of the NE metabolite
yet unidentified, endogenous protective factor, thereby increasing
MHPG within the PVN. Because monoamines stimulate CRH
susceptibility to subsequent challenges (Sipe et al., 1996).
release from the median eminence (Fuller, 1992; Pacak et al.,
In the context of potential central mechanisms mediating
1992, 1995; Dinan, 1996), it is possible that corticosterone eleva-
cytokine- and stressor-elicited sensitization, an exciting mecha-
tions induced by TNF-a were secondary to the amine alterations.
nistic model was offered involving the synthesis of hypothalamic
In addition to the hypothalamic amine variations, TNF-a also
regulatory peptides (Tilders et al., 1993; Schmidt et al., 1995, influenced amine activity at several extrahypothalamic sites.
1996; Tilders and Schmidt, 1998). It was demonstrated that with Commensurate with in vitro observations (Ignatowski et al.,
the passage of time after IL -1b administration or stressor expo- 1997), acute TNF-a increased NE use within the locus coeruleus
sure a phenotypic change occurred within CRH terminals of the and the dorsal hippocampus and enhanced 5-HT activity in the
median eminence, such that AV P coexpression was increased. PFC and hippocampus. Yet, in vivo dialysis studies indicated that
Thus, the augmented pituitary AC TH secretion elicited by sub- central TNF-a administration did not affect hippocampal 5-HT
sequent IL -1b or stressor challenge may reflect the synergistic release (Pauli et al., 1998), raising the possibility that tissue level
actions of these secretagogues (Bartanusz et al., 1993; Tilders et changes do not necessarily translate into alterations of amine
al., 1993; Schmidt et al., 1996). Inasmuch as TN F-a stimulates release.
CRH and AC TH activity, it remains possible that this cytokine, The central circuitry associated with cytokine treatment may
like IL -1b, engenders upregulation of AV P expression, hence involve several pathways and sites of entry into brain, culminating
promoting a time-dependent sensitization. In the case of the in diffuse neuronal activation (Brady et al., 1994; Rivest, 1995).
IL-1b effects, the phenotypic AV P and CRH coexpression was Interestingly, after cytokine challenge, c-fos mRNA expression
Hayley et al. • Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Sensitization J. Neurosci., July 1, 1999, 19(13):5654–5665 5663

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much as amine activity in the present investigation was only temporal histological and f unctional outcomes, protein synthesis re-
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