Jurnal TB London
Jurnal TB London
Jurnal TB London
Proliferation and cytokine production profiles by blood mononuclear cells in response to in vitro
stimulation with mycobacterial antigens were compared in patients with active tuberculosis and in
sensitized healthy controls. Interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interferon-y (IFN-y) were detected at single-cell
level using the ELISPOT assay. Patients showed significantly (P < 0-01) increased numbers of IL-4-
secreting cells and decreased thymidine incorporation, but no significant difference in IFN-y-
producing cells in response to the 38,000 MW or 19,000 MW antigens and their immunodominant
peptide epitopes. Pronounced individual variations were found in both patient and control groups,
when comparing the responsiveness to the mycobacterial extract, two protein antigens and five
synthetic peptides. None of the antigens or peptides tested showed preferential stimulation of either
IL-4- or IFN-y-secreting T cells, and proliferation was not correlated with either IL-4 or IFN-y
production. In particular, cytokine responsiveness was of similar frequency in subjects who did or did
not show positive proliferation, indicating that the latter test was not fully representative of the active
T-cell repertoire. It is concluded that the demonstrated Th2 type of profile in response to two
prominent mycobacterial antigens may play a role in the mechanisms of defective host resistance in
and cytokine levels was carried out using the Student's t-test.
Frequencies of positive responders among total groups were 6
100 - § A AA
compared between patients and controls using the x2 test with
Yates' correction.
Lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine secretion responses to A A A
MTSE, 38,000 and 19,000 MW proteins < II Axi AXi A x5 A x4 A x6 A x3
Lymphocyte proliferative reactivity to mycobacterial antigens
Figure 2. Frequency of cytokine-secreting cells following antigenic
was studied with PBMC from 19 patients with active tuberculo-
stimulation of 105 PBMC in vitro. Each symbol represents individual
sis and from 15 healthy controls. Figure 1 shows that PBMC values determined by ELISPOT assay ofcells from tuberculosis patients
from tuberculosis patients had slightly decreased proliferative (P) and sensitized healthy controls (C). Horizontal bars are mean values
responses (c.p.m.) against MTSE and 38,000 and 19,000 MW of cytokine-secreting cells.
protein compared with healthy individuals, but the differences
did not reach statistical significance. The high thymidine uptake
values in response to PHA represented the positive control and Table 1. Summary of results on anti-mycobacterial T-cell responses in
indicated good viability of the cultured PBMC. tuberculosis (P) and control (C) subjects
T-lymphocyte activation was further studied by analysing
IL-4 and IFN-y production at single-cell level using ELISPOT
assays in PBMC stimulated with individual mycobacterial % of subjects with elevated response
antigens. Figure 2 shows the numbers of IL-4- and IFN-y-
secreting cells after subtracting the spontaneous production of Proliferationt IL-4: IFN-yt
IL-4 (1-6+2-7/105 for controls and 2-3+2-9/105 for patients) with P C P C P C
and IFN-y (5-0+11-9/105 for controls and 0-9+1-4/105 for
patients). The average numbers of cytokine-secreting cells were Extract
generally elevated in TB patients following the stimulation of MTSE 95 93 79*** 20 69 70
PBMC with MTSE containing a wide range ofantigens, and this Antigens
was confirmed using the 38,000 and 19,000 MW proteins. The
38,000 MW 53 73 58*** 7 50 33
numbers of IL-4-producing cells were significantly elevated in 19,000 MW 47 80 74*** 13 49 38
b 4;0 - El Patients 38-A 13 38 38 8 33 25
0 Controls 38-G 7 33 33 13 27 15
E 38-I 22 53 22 7 13 15
19-6A 47 33 50 13 13 38
i00 _ _ _: aL 19-7 40 61 40 8 33 18
'O . II
.- 4 *** P < 0-01 was obtained comparing the frequencies of positive
responders between tuberculosis patients and controls using x2 test with
Yates correction.
t ) rz () f °0)U 3 0 U) t SI>3.
t >2 positive cells after subtracting the background value.
PHA MTSE 38,000 MW 19,000 MW Medium
Figure 1. Proliferative responses (geometric mean + SD) of PBMC to PBMC from TB patients compared with controls in response to
PHA, MTSE or purified antigens. The ratio of responder/total tested the 38,00 MW antigen (6-8+7-8 versus 2-2+3-0, P<0-025).
individuals is given at the bottom of each column. Responders were Moreover, the 19,000 MW antigen induced more prominent
defined when thymidine counts (c.p.m.) in the presence of antigen were activation of IFN-y-producing cells in TB patients compared
three times above their individual values in the absence of antigen. with controls (mean number of spots 12-9 + 22-7 versus
174 H.-M. Surcel et al.
38,000 MW 38-A 38-G 38-1 19,000 MW 19-6A 19-7 HLA-DR
CK~ OK~ OD, AK A~,'jKA
Patients %3 <:@ 3\qk\V3 \Hi if\ ad Hi \ifN
P17 N
P6 N
P26 D RD 6
P15 NC
P21 NI
P28 D=l R 3,I I
P19 NI
P24 A __ DFR 8,13
P5 vND
P9 DR5,3
P23 I DR 3
P8 I] DR5
DR 5
C5 V/VZVA I DR 4,10
ClI D ND DR 2,7
C2 I - DR 3,7
C3 --V4 ~7 a DR 1,2
C4 71'2- 11 I DR 3,7
AI I1 lI ' =
- DR3,8
-- 02- - -.- -
I - -..
- IDR 2,7
- DR4,6
C16 -V4. I V-4 7~21. I .1 I E I VA I m - DR 1,3
Cs I DR 11,15
C13 1E 1EFI MA I I I I I N DR 3,7
DR 1,2
C14 -1. Il I l] I .1 1 - 1, m I
* >10 >50 >5
CM 3-10 2-50 2-5
E <3 <2 <2
Figure 3. Individual variation in T-cell responsiveness to immunodominant synthetic peptides. PBMC were cultured in the presence of
whole protein (38,000 and 19,000 MW) or peptides (38-A, G, I and 19-6A,7), derived from the 38,000 and 19,000 MW antigens. The
results for each stimulant are shown in the sequence of proliferation (LP, stimulation index), IFN-y- and IL-4-producing cells/105
stimulated PBMC. The symbols correspond to high (13), low (U) or no (0) response. ND, not done.
5-9+8-2, P<0005). No correlation was found between pro- Lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine secretion response to
liferation and numbers of IL-4 or IFN-y producing cells synthetic peptides
following antigenic stimulation.
Subsequently, all subjects were classified as either res- In view of the pronounced variations of proliferative responses
ponders or non-responders. The IFN-y or IL-4 response was in both TB patients and controls, it was of interest to evaluate
considered positive when the counted number of spots/l x 105 the occurrence of individual variations in the secretion of IL-4
PBMC in the presence of antigen minus the number of and IFN-y cytokines. It was of particular interest to find out if
spots/l x 105 PBMC in the absence of antigen was more than cytokine profiles would associate with distinct immunodomi-
two. nant epitopes, which have previously been identified for both
The IL-4 response to MTSE was significantly stronger in the the 38,000 MW and 19,000 MW antigens.'5"'7
patients than in the controls (79% versus 20%, P < 0-0 1). Of the TB patients showed positive proliferation (SI > 3) to several
TB patients 58% responded to 38,000 MW and 74% to 19,000 synthetic peptides less frequently than healthy controls (see Fig.
MW antigens with a positive activation of IL-4-producing cells, 3 and Table 1), but the relatively small size of groups in relation
while 7% of the controls showed a positive IL-4 response to the to low frequency of responders did not warrant further
38,000 MW and 13% to the 19,000 MW (P<0-01, Table 1). statistical evaluation. However, peptide-stimulated IL-4- and
MTSE induced a strong IFN-y response, both in the patients IFN-y-producing cell counts did not correlate with proliferation
and in controls (69% versus 70%, P>0 1). 49-50% of the in individual TB patients or control subjects. In response to
patients responded to the 38,000 MW and/or 19,000 MW synthetic peptides, positive proliferation (SI > 3) correlated with
antigens with a positive activation of IFN-y-producing cells, significant IL-4 and/or IFN-y production in only five out of 22
while 33% of the controls showed a positive IFN-y response to tested TB cases (Fig. 3). Thus, IL-4- and/or IFN-y-secreting cells
the 38,000 MW and 38% to the 19,000 MW antigen (P>0 1, were demonstrably at similar frequencies in patients who did or
Table 1). did not show antigen-stimulated cell proliferation.
T-cell subsets in tuberculosis 175
None of the five peptides tested stimulated PBMC to argued that this result is due to differences in the HLA-DR
produce one cytokine (either IL-4 or IFN-y) in preference to the genotype among donors, as shown by Pfeiffer et al.,27 who
other, and this was the case both in controls and patients. The reported that the MHC genotype controlled the selective
synthetic peptides induced IL-4 24 times and IFN-y 27 times in activation of Thl - and Th2-type cells in response to the collagen
all tested subjects. IV peptide. We think this explanation for our data to be
unlikely; although HLA-DR typing was carried out in the
present work, mainly in the healthy subjects, there was no
DISCUSSION evident association of any of the HLA-DR haplotypes with
Defective proliferative responsiveness and deficient IL-2- and either IFN-y or IL-4 production. Our results are thus in
IFN-y secreting capacity to mycobacteria have previously been agreement with those of Haanen et al.28 who showed that human
reported in patients with severe tuberculosis.'"3 In the present T-cell clones secreted either IFN-y or IL-4, irrespective of HLA
study, lymphocyte proliferative reactivity to MTSE, the 38,000 haplotype. A corresponding result is represented by our finding
MW and the 19,000 MW protein did not significantly differ that IL-4 and IFN-y production to individual peptides was often
between patients and controls. Lower proliferative reactivity but not always mutually exclusive. It remains to be established
was pronounced in the case of the 38-G peptide, which has whether double producers (IFN-y and IL-4) comparable to the
previously been reported to cause relative anergy in tuberculosis ThO phenotype described for the mouse8 are present in the
patients. 16 PBMC of tuberculosis patients.
Characterization of functional T-cell subsets against iso- Higher IL-4 production in tuberculosis patients can explain
lated mycobacterial antigens was based on the enumeration of the increased antibody levels that have been found previously in
IL-4- and IFN-y-producing cells following stimulation with active tuberculosis.'4 Moreover, IL-4 together with other cyto-
synthetic peptides derived from the 38,000 MW and 19,000 MW kines may also act as an influential down-regulator of Th 1-type
antigens, which have been shown previously to be immunogenic responsiveness in infections,29 especially if it is secreted at an
in human.'5 17 Interestingly, cytokine production was marked, early stage of the immune response.30 3' Thus it is tempting to
even in cases where PBMC proliferation to a given antigen was speculate that IL-4 production may be involved in the loss of
not detectable. This result underlines the importance of measur- protective host response and linked to the pathogenesis of
ing several parameters when studying T-cell activation and is tuberculosis.
thus in accordance with comparable analyses of responses ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
directed to malaria antigens.22 When studying the T-cell reac-
tions in the course of experimental M. tuberculosis infection, We are grateful to Dr Peter Klouda from the U.K. Transplant Support
T-cell proliferation was an insufficient indicator of antigen Service, Bristol, U.K. and Mr Paul Brookes from the Department of
Immunology, RPMS, London, U.K. for HLA typing. We also thank
recognition, and elevated levels of IFN-y were secreted from Mr A. Hills, MRC Tuberculosis and Related Infections Unit, London,
apparently non-proliferating T cells.23 According to our results, U.K., for preparing the synthetic peptides.
the numbers of IFN-y-secreting cells did not differ significantly
between patients and controls. Thus, the results are not in REFERENCES
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