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July 1997

ICS 77.040.10; 77.140.01

Descriptors: See ISO document

English version

Steel and steel products — Location and

preparation of samples and test pieces for
mechanical testing
(ISO 377:1997)

Acier et produits en acier — Position et

préparation des échantillons et éprouvettes
pour essais mécaniques (ISO 377:1997)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1997-06-12. CEN members

are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1997 CEN — All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN
national Members.
Ref. No. EN ISO 377:1997 E
EN ISO 377:1997

The text of the International Standard
ISO 377:1997 has been prepared by Technical
Committee ISO/TC 17 “Steel” in collaboration with
Technical Committee ECISS/TC 9 “Technical
conditions of delivery and quality control”, the
secretariat of which is held by IBN/BIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of
a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by
January 1998, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 1998.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, the national standards organizations
of the following countries are bound to implement
this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard
ISO 377:1997 was approved by CEN as a European
Standard without any modification.
NOTE Normative references to International Standards are
listed in Annex ZA (normative).

2 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

Foreword iii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 1
4 General requirements 1
4.1 Representative testing 1
4.2 Identification of sample products, samples, rough
specimens and test pieces 1
5 Preparation of samples and selection of test pieces 3
5.1 Selection and dimensions of samples and location of test pieces 3
5.2 Direction of axis of test pieces 3
5.3 Condition and separation of samples 3
6 Preparation of test pieces 3
6.1 Cutting and machining 3
6.2 Reference heat treatment 3
Annex A (normative) Location of samples and test pieces 4
Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international
publications with their relevant European publications Inside back cover
Figure 1 — Examples of terms defined in clause 3 2
Figure A.1 — Sections — Location of test pieces for tensile and
impact testing in width of flange 6
Figure A.2 — Sections — Location of test pieces for tensile testing
in thickness of flange 7
Figure A.3 — Sections — Location of test pieces for impact testing
in thickness of flange 7
Figure A.4 — Round bar and rod — Location of test pieces
for tensile testing 8
Figure A.5 — Round bar and rod — Location of test pieces
for impact testing 9
Figure A.6 — Hexagonal bar — Location of test pieces
for tensile testing 10
Figure A.7 — Hexagonal bar — Location of test pieces
for impact testing 11
Figure A.8 — Rectangular bar — Location of test pieces for
tensile testing 12
Figure A.9 — Rectangular bar — Location of test pieces
for impact testing 12
Figure A.10 — Flat products — Location of test pieces for
tensile testing 13
Figure A.11 — Flat products — Location of test pieces
for impact testing 13
Figure A.12 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for
tensile testing of tubes and circular hollow sections 14
Figure A.13 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for
impact testing of tubes and circular hollow sections 15
Figure A.14 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for
tensile testing of hollow sections 15
Figure A.15 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for
impact testing of hollow sections 16

ii © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that
committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental,
in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 377 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 20, General technical delivery conditions,
sampling and mechanical testing methods.
This second edition of ISO 377 cancels and replaces ISO 377-1:1989, which has
been technically revised.
Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.

Descriptors: Steels, iron and steel products, sampling, sampling location, samples, specimen
preparation, mechanical tests.

© BSI 09-1999 iii

iv blank
EN ISO 377:1997

1 Scope 3.3
This International Standard specifies requirements
for the identification, location and preparation of sufficient quantity of material taken from the
samples and test pieces intended for mechanical sample product for the purpose of producing one or
tests on steel sections, bars, rod, flat products and more test pieces (See Figure 1.)
tubular products as defined in ISO 6929. If agreed in NOTE In certain cases, the sample may be the sample product.
the order this standard may also apply to other 3.4
metallic products. It does not apply to rough specimen
non-destructive tests.
part of a sample having undergone mechanical
These samples and test pieces are for use in tests treatment, for the purpose of producing a test piece
which are carried out in conformity with the (See Figure 1.)
methods specified in the product or material
standard or, in the absence of this, in the test 3.5
standard. test piece
Where the requirements of the order or product part of a sample or rough specimen, with specified
standard differ from those given in this dimensions, machined or unmachined, brought to a
International Standard, then the requirements of required condition for submission to a given test
the order or product standard apply. (See Figure 1.)
NOTE In certain cases, the test piece may be the sample or the
tough specimen.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which,
reference condition
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of condition of a sample, rough specimen or test piece
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All having undergone a heat treatment to represent the
standards are subject to revision, and parties to intended final condition of the product
agreements based on this International Standard NOTE In such cases the sample, rough specimen or test piece is
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of called the reference sample, reference rough specimen or
reference test piece.
applying the most recent editions of the standards
indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain 4 General requirements
registers of currently valid International Standards.
4.1 Representative testing
ISO 3785:—, Metallic materials — Designation of
test piece axes1). Sample, rough specimens and test pieces selected in
ISO 6929:1987, Steel products — Definitions and accordance with Annex A, shall be considered to be
classification. representative of the product.
NOTE As a result of their production sequence i.e. melting,
casting hot and/or cold forming, heat treatment etc., steel
3 Definitions products are not homogeneous. The mechanical properties of
For the purposes of this International Standard, the samples taken from other locations may be different.
definitions given in ISO 6929 and the following 4.2 Identification of sample products, samples,
apply. rough specimens and test pieces
3.1 Sample products, samples, rough specimens and
test unit test pieces shall be marked to ensure traceability to
number of pieces or the tonnage of products to be the original product and their location and
accepted or rejected together, on the basis of the orientation in that product. For this purpose, if,
tests to be carried out on sample products in during the preparation of the sample, rough
accordance with the requirements of the product specimen and/or test pieces, removal of the marks
standard or order (See Figure 1.) cannot be avoided, transfer of these marks shall be
carried out before the existing marks are removed or
3.2 in the case of automatic preparation equipment
sample product before the test piece is removed from the equipment.
item (e.g. bar, sheet, coil) selected for inspection In the case of specific inspection and testing and
and/or testing (See Figure 1.) where requested by the purchaser the transfer of
the marks shall be carried out in the presence of the
purchaser’s representative.

1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 3785:1976)

© BSI 09-1999 1
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure 1 — Examples of terms defined in clause 3

2 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

In the case of fully automatic in line preparation and Separation of the sample shall be carried out in such
testing systems, marking of samples, rough a manner so as not to change the characteristics of
specimens and test pieces is not necessary if an that part of the sample used to provide the test
adequate control system exists, which clearly pieces after heat treatment.
defines the procedures to be followed in the event of NOTE When flattening or straghtening is necessary it may be
system failure. carried out either hot or cold before any heat treatment. When
carried out hot it should be at a temperature below the final heat
treatment temperature.
5 Preparation of samples and selection
of test pieces Rough specimen
A rough specimen intended for testing in the
5.1 Selection and dimensions of samples and
reference condition shall be prepared as follows.
location of test pieces
a) Mechanical treatment prior to heat treatment:
The sample shall be selected so that the test piece
when the sample is to be made smaller for the
can be located as indicated in Annex A. The sample
process of heat treatment, the product standard
shall have sufficient dimensions to allow sufficient
shall specify the dimensions to which the rough
test pieces required for carrying out specified tests,
specimen shall be reduced and the reduction
and for any retests which may be necessary.
process e.g. forging, rolling, machining.
5.2 Direction of axis of test pieces b) Heat treatment: the heat treatment of the
The direction of the test piece axis relative to the rough specimen shall take place in an
principle direction of working shall be as specified in environment where the uniformity of the
the appropriate product standard or order. The temperature is adequately assured and the
designation of the test piece axis shall be in temperature is measured by means of a
accordance with ISO 3785. calibrated instrument. The heat treatment shall
5.3 Condition and separation of samples be in accordance with the requirements of the
product standard or of the order.
5.3.1 General
The material or product standard shall specify 6 Preparation of test pieces
whether the test is intended to determine the 6.1 Cutting and machining
Cutting and machining of samples and rough
a) in the as-delivered condition (see 5.3.2) or
specimens for the preparation of test pieces shall be
b) in the reference condition (see 5.3.3). carried out taking such precautions as necessary to
5.3.2 Testing in the as-delivered condition avoid superficial work hardening and heating of the
material likely to change the mechanical
A sample intended for testing in the as-delivered
characteristics. After machining, any marks left by
condition shall be separated from the product either
the tool which might interfere with the results of the
a) after the forming and heat treatment processes test shall be removed, either by grinding (with
have been completed or ample coolant supply) or by polishing, provided that
b) before the heat treatment process, in which the chosen method of finishing maintains the
case the heat treatment of the separated sample dimensions and shape of the test piece within the
shall be carried out under the same conditions as tolerances specified in the standard for appropriate
that of the product. test.
Separation of the sample shall be carried out in such The tolerances on the dimensions of the test pieces
a manner so as not to change the characteristics of shall be those specified in the appropriate test
that part of the sample used to provide the test methods.
pieces. 6.2 Reference heat treatment
Where flattening or straightening of the sample is
When the required reference heat treatment is to be
unavoidable in the preparation of the test piece, it
carried out on the test piece the provisions for heat
shall be carried out cold unless otherwise specified
treatment shall be the same as for the rough
in the product standard. specimen [see b)].
5.3.3 Testing in the reference condition Sample
A sample intended for testing in the reference
condition shall be separated from the product at the
stage of manufacture specified in the product
standard or order.

© BSI 09-1999 3
EN ISO 377:1997

Annex A (normative) Full section test pieces [see Figure A.6 a)] shall be
Location of samples and test pieces used wherever machining and test equipment
A.1 General
A.4.2 Impact test pieces
This annex applies to the location of test pieces for
The location of impact test pieces shall be selected in
the following product forms
accordance with Figure A.7.
— sections;
A.5 Rectangular bar
— bars and rod;
A.5.1 Tensile test pieces
— flat products;
The location of tensile test pieces shall be in
— tubular products. accordance with Figure A.8.
The location of test pieces for tensile and impact Full section or rectangular test pieces
tests are indicated in Figure A.1 to Figure A.15. For [see Figure A.8 a), Figure A.8 b) or Figure A.8 c)]
bend tests the width position is as for the tensile test shall be used whenever machining and test
pieces. equipment allow.
Where more than one test piece is required they A.5.2 Impact test pieces
may be placed adjacent to each other in the location
specified. The location of impact test pieces shall be in
accordance with Figure A.9.
A.2 Sections
A.6 Flat products
A.2.1 Location of test pieces across the width of
A.6.1 Tensile test pieces
The location of tensile test pieces shall be in
The location of test pieces shall be in accordance
accordance with Figure A.10.
with Figure A.1.
NOTE 1 For sections with tapered flanges; if agreed at the time Full section test pieces [see Figure A.10 a)] shall be
of enquiry and ordering the sample may be taken from the web used whenever machining and test equipment
[see Figure A.1 b) and Figure A.1 d)] or the sample from the allow.
tapered flange may be machined.
NOTE 2 For unequal leg angles, samples may be taken from Where transverse tensile test pieces are specified
either leg. and the width of flat product is not sufficient to take
A.2.2 Location of test pieces in thickness of the test piece from the --- location, then the centre of
4 w-
section the test piece shall be as near to --- as possible.
A.2.2.1 Tensile test pieces A.6.2 Impact test pieces
The location of tensile test pieces shall be in The location of impact test pieces shall be in
accordance with Figure A.2. Full thickness test accordance with Figure A.11. For products of
pieces [see Figure A.2 a)] shall be used whenever thickness É 40 mm the location [Figure A.11 a),
machining and test equipment allows. Figure A.11 b) or Figure A.11 c)] shall be specified in
the product standard or in the order.
A.2.2.2 Impact test pieces
A.7 Tubular products
The location of impact test pieces shall be in
accordance with Figure A.3. A.7.1 Tubes and circular hollow sections
A.3 Round bars and rod A.7.1.1 Tensile test pieces
A.3.1 Tensile test pieces The location of tensile test pieces shall be selected in
accordance with Figure A.12. Full section test pieces
The location of tensile test pieces shall be selected in
[Figure A.12 a)] shall be used whenever machining
accordance with Figure A.4. Full section test pieces
and test equipment allow.
[see Figure A.4 a)] shall be used whenever
machining and test equipment allows. For welded tubes, when testing the weld using strip
test pieces, the weld shall be at the centre of the test
A.3.2 Impact test pieces
The location of impact test pieces shall be selected in NOTE 1 The full section test piece as shown in Figure A.12 a) is
accordance with Figure A.5. also applicable for a tube:
A.4 Hexagonal bar — flattening test;
— drift expanding test;
A.4.1 Tensile test pieces — flanging test;
The location of tensile test pieces shall be selected in — ring expanding test;
accordance with Figure A.6. — ring tensile test;
— bend test in full section;

4 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

NOTE 2 Test pieces shown in Figure A.12 b) are used for strip The minimum (nominal) diameter Dmm of the tube
bend test. necessary to obtain such a test piece is given by:
If not specified in the product standard or in the
order the sampling position is at the discretion of D min = ( T – 5 ) + 756 , 25
the manufacturer.
A.7.1.2 Impact test pieces where T is the wall thickness.
The location of impact test pieces shall be in Where the smallest permitted transverse test piece
accordance with Figure A.13. The locations apply to is not obtainable, the widest possible longitudinal
both seamless and welded tubes. size between 10 mm and 5 mm shall be used.
If not specified in the product standard or in the A.7.2 Rectangular hollow sections
order the sampling position is at the discretion of A.7.2.1 Tensile test pieces
the manufacturer. The location of tensile test pieces shall be in
The orientation of test pieces is determined by the accordance with Figure A.14. Full section test pieces
dimensions of the tube. Where a test piece is [see Figure A.14 a)] shall be used whenever
required in the transverse position the widest machining and test equipment allow.
possible size between 10 mm and 5 mm shall be A.7.2.2 Impact test pieces
The location of impact test pieces shall be in
accordance with Figure A.15.

© BSI 09-1999 5
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.1 — Sections — Location of test pieces for tensile and impact testing in
width of flange (see A.2.1)

6 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.2 — Sections — Location of test pieces for tensile testing in

thickness of flange (see A.2.2.1)

Figure A.3 — Sections — Location of test pieces for impact testing in thickness
of flange (see A.2.2.2)

© BSI 09-1999 7
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.4 — Round bar and rod — Location of test pieces for tensile testing (see A.3.1)

8 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.5 — Round bar and rod — Location of test pieces for impact testing (see A.3.2)

© BSI 09-1999 9
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.6 — Hexagonal bar — Location of test pieces for tensile testing (see A.4.1)

10 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.7 — Hexagonal bar — Location of test pieces for impact testing (see A.4.2)

© BSI 09-1999 11
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.9 — Rectangular bar — Location

of test pieces for impact testing (see A.5.2)

Figure A.8 — Rectangular bar — Location of

test pieces for tensile testing (see A.5.1)

12 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.11 — Flat products — Location of

test pieces for impact testing (see A.6.2)

Figure A.10 — Flat products — Location of

test pieces for tensile testing (see A.6.1)

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EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.12 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for tensile testing of tubes
and circular hollow sections (see A.7.1.1)

14 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.13 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for impact testing of tubes and
circular hollow sections (see A.7.1.2)

Figure A.14 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for tensile testing of
hollow sections (see A.7.2.1)

© BSI 09-1999 15
EN ISO 377:1997

Figure A.15 — Tubular products — Location of test pieces for impact testing of
hollow section (see A.7.2.2)

16 © BSI 09-1999
EN ISO 377:1997

Annex ZA (normative)
Normative references to international publications with their relevant
European publications
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply
to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references
the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.

Publication Year Title EN Year

ISO 3785 1976 Steel — Designation of test piece axes EN ISO 3785 1995

© BSI 09-1999

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