Difference Between Issue and Problem
Difference Between Issue and Problem
Difference Between Issue and Problem
Issue vs Problem
What strokes the most prominent difference between issue and problem is the solution. When
you have an issue, you generally can readily come up with the solution. Often, you even know
how you would solve an issue before it even presents itself. A problem, on the other hand, is not
something that you can solve without forethought, and even a certain amount of guesswork.
Size often dictates the difference between an issue and a problem. An issue is smaller, not life
altering, and it doesn’t present such a degree of difficulty that you have to seek out the counsel of
others in order to figure out the impact of the issue. A problem is larger in scale, often large
enough to alter your life either temporarily or permanently. A problem can easily require the
advice and guidance of those around you, in order to solve it.
An issue is a factor that might cause you some annoyance. A problem can impact people and
situations around you, even if they are not directly related to the problem. For instance,
forgetting your lunch is an issue, but losing your job is a problem.
On a corporate or governmental level, an issue is something that can be handled behind closed
doors, impacting no one but the people of highest authority in the situation. A problem involves
information that must be released, because there will be cause to involve employees, or citizens,
in the solution to the problem.
An issue also holds potential. When you discover that there is great potential for a situation to
have a large impact, it is still, by definition, an issue. The issue mutates into a problem when the
potential is realized. For instance, when a restaurant chef realizes that part of the batch of fish
they are serving for the night has gone bad, they have an issue, because it holds the potential to
make a lot of people sick, cause people to sue, and ruin the establishment’s reputation. If no one
has eaten, or has had a bad reaction to the fish, then it remains an issue. Once someone becomes
ill and accusations start to surface, the issue is now a problem.
We strongly oppose the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043 for
the following reasons:
3. AS SPOUSES, we do not agree that our husband or wife can undergo a ligation or
vasectomy without our consent or knowledge. (Section 21 on Prohibited Acts, Letter a,
Paragraph 2)
4. AS PARENTS, we do not agree that children from age 10 to 17 should be taught their sexual
rights and the means to have a satisfying and "safe" sex life as part of their school curriculum.
(Section 12 on Reproductive Health Education and Section 4 Definition of Family Planning and
Productive Health, Paragraph b, c and d)
6. We also oppose other provisions such as losing our parental authority over a minor child who
was raped and found pregnant (Section 21, a, no.3)
Thus, we urge you to immediately stop deliberations on the bill and stop wasting taxpayers