Colour Strings Art
Colour Strings Art
Colour Strings Art
Using pictures of clouds and sheep to teach young children They listen to each other and play
to read music may seem a little left-field, but the Colourstrings responsively together. Eight-year-olds
argue over bowings and fingerings; six-year-
method is working wonders, as TIM HOMFRAY reports
olds learn pieces through singing and sol-fa.
They do of course benefit from having
music as part of their daily lives, with
lack of Helsinki Strings, which is recognised as ensembles every day and individual
communication can one of Finland’s leading music groups lessons at least twice a week. This
be a wonderful thing. (according to a Strad review in April 2004 model, of music integrated into the
In the mid-60s a Hungarian of a recent CD, ‘Few chamber orchestras school, is one Géza Szilvay wants to
violinist, Géza Szilvay can dream of the Helsinki Strings’ level of see replicated everywhere. It would
(b.1943), was invited to teach in Finland. precision and lyricism’). constitute, he believes, a musical renais-
He expected to be working with a small Seven years ago an entire primary sance. At the institute, music is a social
group of advanced musicians, but found school moved into the institute, fed from as well as an artistic experience, and
instead 68 very young beginners. And he a kindergarten where the musical founda- technical development is matched by
didn’t speak Finnish. His solution was to tions are laid, so that children could benefit intellectual understanding.
find visual and aural ways of introducing from daily tuition and ensemble playing in Finnish children leave primary school
music and the violin. addition to their normal lessons. The results at 12 or 13, so the older ones at the
He had a young daughter, who had are extraordinary. I heard an ensemble of institute have advanced technically
responded to hearing his violin even before 10- to 13-year-olds rehearsing Vaughan beyond Colourstrings. But, for Szilvay,
she was born, and for whom he had been Williams’s Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas the principles it has instilled continue to
preparing little bits of material to introduce Tallis and bringing to it a richness and inform everything they do, and he can look
her to music. He started using these with depth of tone that would put many a more on even the Helsinki Strings as a continua-
his new pupils, adding to them lesson by supposedly advanced group to shame. tion of Colourstrings: ‘Strictly speaking
lesson. He was also imbued with his great Bowing was full and flowing, and overall Colourstrings is for the first five or six years
compatriot Kodály’s educational principles intonation impressive. It is a feature of of instrumental playing, and then you go
of music for all, and the values of sol-fa. all these young players that they know on to traditional material. But a child who
The materials he put together gradually what it’s meant to sound like, even if they goes through Colourstrings is already
developed into Colourstrings, a unique haven’t quite mastered all the notes. hooked. The child and the whole family
and fully fledged introduction to music Nobody plays by numbers. In smaller are involved. It is a virtuous circle, which
and string playing, and a philosophy that groups, musicality is always in evidence. radiates force into the whole of society.
carries far beyond the early years for which
it was designed.
Today Szilvay is still in Finland,
now head of the East Helsinki Music
Institute (and with a reasonable
command of Finnish).
As Colourstrings developed, and bore
spectacular results (many of those original
pupils are now professional musicians), it
caught the Finnish imagination. A series
of television programmes, Minifiddlers in
Musicland (1979), was produced, made
originally as a series of educational films
for kindergarten children; however, it
became popular among all ages, and
A young violin pupil at last year’s International Colourstrings Symposium, which took place at the East Helsinki Music Institute
East Helsinki Music Institute
Kreijarinkuja 4
00820 Helsinki
contact Minna Launonen
tel +358 9 755 25831
fax +358 9 755 3159
The Szilvay Foundation
1 The Tatt
Kent ME18 6HT, UK
contact Tony Di Marco (administrator)
tel/fax +44 1622 815578
A young Colourstrings pupil learns sol-fa – musical notation is introduced later using images and colours
the future should lie elsewhere, too: schools the teaching is done mostly in groups, and there’s a very low drop-out rate among
‘This can be done in every European city.’ so progress is slower. But Colourstrings the children. We get feedback from
It has indeed spread to other parts of works by going from the known to the teachers who say it’s changed their lives.’
Europe, as well as to Australia. In Britain unknown and doesn’t skip anything, With Colourstrings, says Szilvay, the
there are a number of centres around the so everybody gets there in the end.’ child is always at the centre: ‘There are
country in both private and state sectors. The method is becoming increasingly different models around the world. In
Deborah Harris runs a Colourstrings school popular with both parents and teachers: Russia and Asia the instrument is in the
in north London that caters for around 600 ‘Colourstrings is the place where a lot of middle, and you bring the child to the
children from about six months old up to people want to send their children now,’ instrument. In western Europe the music
18. She too sees Colourstrings, with Kodály’s says Harris, ‘and a lot of teachers want to is in the middle, and you bring the child to
principles underpinning it, as something do it. Someone called it the holy grail of the music. But with Colourstrings, the child
that reaches far beyond the early stages of instrumental teaching. It’s very rewarding, is always in the middle.’
learning a string instrument. ‘The young
children all seem innately musical,’ she
says. ‘A five-year-old will have a firm
understanding of what he is doing and WE HAVE THREE SETS OF COLOURSTRINGS VIOLIN
have good pitch. When you see the same BOOKS TO GIVE AWAY. For a chance to win, send an
child at twelve you see a whole, well- email or postcard marked ‘Colourstrings’, with your
developed musician.’ name, address and telephone number, to
The London school can’t, however, or to the
match the resources available in Helsinki: address shown on page 3. The first three entries picked
‘We can give them only one lesson a week, out of the hat will win a set. To receive a 15% discount on any order from
plus one of musicianship and one of ensemble. Colourstrings International, contact,
The days of having lessons twice or even quoting ‘The Strad’. Closing date for both offers: 31 October 2006
six times a week are a long way off. In state