Lab Security Policy
Lab Security Policy
Lab Security Policy
Things to Consider: Please consult the Things to Consider FAQ for additional
guidelines and suggestions for personalizing the SANS policies for your organization.
1. Overview
See Purpose.
2. Purpose
This policy establishes the information security requirements to help manage and safeguard lab
resources and <Company Name> networks by minimizing the exposure of critical infrastructure
and information assets to threats that may result from unprotected hosts and unauthorized access.
3. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, temporary and other workers at
<Company Name> and its subsidiaries must adhere to this policy. This policy applies to
<Company Name> owned and managed labs, including labs outside the corporate firewall
4. Policy
4.1 General Requirements
4.1.1 Lab owning organizations are responsible for assigning lab managers, a point of contact
(POC), and a back-up POC for each lab. Lab owners must maintain up-to-date POC
information with InfoSec and the Corporate Enterprise Management Team. Lab
managers or their backup must be available around-the-clock for emergencies, otherwise
actions will be taken without their involvement.
4.1.2 Lab managers are responsible for the security of their labs and the lab's impact on the
corporate production network and any other networks. Lab managers are responsible for
adherence to this policy and associated processes. Where policies and procedures are
undefined lab managers must do their best to safeguard <Company Name> from security
4.1.3 Lab managers are responsible for the lab's compliance with all <Company Name>
security policies.
4.1.4 The Lab Manager is responsible for controlling lab access. Access to any given lab will
only be granted by the lab manager or designee, to those individuals with an immediate
business need within the lab, either short-term or as defined by their ongoing job
function. This includes continually monitoring the access list to ensure that those who no
longer require access to the lab have their access terminated.
4.1.5 All user passwords must comply with <Company Name>'s Password Policy.
4.1.6 Individual user accounts on any lab device must be deleted when no longer authorized
within three (3) days. Group account passwords on lab computers (Unix, windows, etc)
must be changed quarterly (once every 3 months).
4.1.7 PC-based lab computers must have <Company Name>'s standard, supported anti-virus
software installed and scheduled to run at regular intervals. In addition, the anti-virus
software and the virus pattern files must be kept up-to-date. Virus-infected computers
must be removed from the network until they are verified as virus-free. Lab Admins/Lab
Managers are responsible for creating procedures that ensure anti-virus software is run at
regular intervals, and computers are verified as virus-free.
4.1.8 Any activities with the intention to create and/or distribute malicious programs into
<Company Name>'s networks (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e-mail bombs, etc.)
are prohibited, in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy.
4.1.9 No lab shall provide production services. Production services are defined as ongoing and
shared business critical services that generate revenue streams or provide customer
capabilities. These should be managed by a <proper support> organization.
4.1.10 In accordance with the Data Classification Policy, information that is marked as
<Company Name> Highly Confidential or <Company Name> Restricted is prohibited on
lab equipment.
4.1.11 Immediate access to equipment and system logs must be granted to members of InfoSec
and the Network Support Organization upon request, in accordance with the Audit Policy.
4.1.12 InfoSec will address non-compliance waiver requests on a case-by-case basis and
approve waivers if justified.
4.2.4 Any lab that wants to add an external connection must provide a diagram and
documentation to InfoSec with business justification, the equipment, and the IP address
space information. InfoSec will review for security concerns and must approve before
such connections are implemented.
4.2.5 All traffic between the corporate production and the lab network must go through a
Network Support Organization maintained firewall. Lab network devices (including
wireless) must not cross-connect the lab and production networks.
4.2.6 Original firewall configurations and any changes thereto must be reviewed and approved
by InfoSec. InfoSec may require security improvements as needed.
4.2.7 Labs are prohibited from engaging in port scanning, network auto-discovery, traffic
spamming/flooding, and other similar activities that negatively impact the corporate
network and/or non-<Company Name> networks. These activities must be restricted
within the lab.
4.2.8 Traffic between production networks and lab networks, as well as traffic between
separate lab networks, is permitted based on business needs and as long as the traffic does
not negatively impact on other networks. Labs must not advertise network services that
may compromise production network services or put lab confidential information at risk.
4.2.9 InfoSec reserves the right to audit all lab-related data and administration processes at any
time, including but not limited to, inbound and outbound packets, firewalls and network
4.2.10 Lab owned gateway devices are required to comply with all <Company Name> product
security advisories and must authenticate against the Corporate Authentication servers.
4.2.11 The enable password for all lab owned gateway devices must be different from all other
equipment passwords in the lab. The password must be in accordance with <Company
Name>'s Password Policy. The password will only be provided to those who are
authorized to administer the lab network.
4.2.12 In labs where non-<Company Name> personnel have physical access (e.g., training labs),
direct connectivity to the corporate production network is not allowed. Additionally, no
<Company Name> confidential information can reside on any computer equipment in
these labs. Connectivity for authorized personnel from these labs can be allowed to the
corporate production network only if authenticated against the Corporate Authentication
servers, temporary access lists (lock and key), SSH, client VPNs, or similar technology
approved by InfoSec.
4.2.13 Lab networks with external connections are prohibited from connecting to the corporate
production network or other internal networks through a direct connection, wireless
connection, or other computing equipment.
4.3.1 New DMZ labs require a business justification and VP-level approval from the business
unit. Changes to the connectivity or purpose of an existing DMZ lab must be reviewed
and approved by the InfoSec Team.
4.3.2 DMZ labs must be in a physically separate room, cage, or secured lockable rack with
limited access. In addition, the Lab Manager must maintain a list of who has access to the
4.3.3 DMZ lab POCs must maintain network devices deployed in the DMZ lab up to the
network support organization point of demarcation.
4.3.4 DMZ labs must not connect to corporate internal networks, either directly, logically (for
example, IPSEC tunnel), through a wireless connection, or multi-homed machine.
4.3.5 An approved network support organization must maintain a firewall device between the
DMZ lab and the Internet. Firewall devices must be configured based on least privilege
access principles and the DMZ lab business requirements. Original firewall
configurations and subsequent changes must be reviewed and approved by the InfoSec
Team. All traffic between the DMZ lab and the Internet must go through the approved
firewall. Cross-connections that bypass the firewall device are strictly prohibited.
4.3.6 All routers and switches not used for testing and/or training must conform to the DMZ
Router and Switch standardization documents.
4.3.7 Operating systems of all hosts internal to the DMZ lab running Internet Services must be
configured to the secure host installation and configuration standards published the
InfoSec Team.
4.3.8 Remote administration must be performed over secure channels (for example, encrypted
network connections using SSH or IPSEC) or console access independent from the DMZ
4.3.9 DMZ lab devices must not be an open proxy to the Internet.
4.3.10 The Network Support Organization and InfoSec reserve the right to interrupt lab
connections if a security concern exists.
5. Policy Compliance
5.1 Compliance Measurement
The Infosec team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but
not limited to, periodic walk-thrus, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external
audits, and feedback to the policy owner.
5.2 Exceptions
Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Infosec Team in advance.
5.3 Non-Compliance
An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
8 Revision History
June 2014 SANS Policy Team Updated, made general lab and included DMZ lab
requirements, and converted to new format.