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Friday, 5 January 2018
SIWES Report




Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria.



MATRIC. NO: PHP/N/2016/1603



Students Industrial Work Experience scheme is a program designed by the
polytechnic to expose students to the practical aspects of his/her course of
study. It involves the attachment of a student to an organization in line with
his/her respective course of study that can provide the training and
experience required in the industry, as these experience and training cannot
be obtained in the lecture rooms but the theoretical knowledge taught in
lecture rooms shall be applied by the student in real industrial
situations.This training/work experience, is an essential component in the
development of the practical and professional skills required of each student
by their respective course of study and also stands as an aid to prospective
employment.As a student of Building technology i have been able to obtain

the most relevant and effective practical industrial training and experience in
a duration of four months(4 months) having been exposed to practical on-
site situations and activities from Techoheight integrated services limited, a
construction company with consultants in Architecture, Engineering and
Quantity surveying. The company’s principal areas of operations include
building design, building construction, project management and building
supervision. Being an engineering services company with a vision and
commitment to providing bespoke design and construction service
I was assigned as an industrial training student by the firm to the project
office for a period of four months to learn, observe and report the weekly
construction activities, procedures and work progress carried out on the site
and make a weekly presentation to the office on the building experience and
knowledge obtained on the project. This report is therefore an illustration of
the nature of works and activities carried out during the course of the
industrial program. It also provides a detailed principle of building
construction and how they are applied practically in building construction.
My deepest appreciation and gratitude goes to God for his gift of life to me
and strength to journey through this period of my industrial training and to
Engr. Muhammad Adedio, the M.D, Techoheight integrated services limited,
for giving me this very rare privilege and opportunity to learn and be trained
under him and to the entire staff of Techoheight integrated services limited
for their tutelage, time, patience and support inspite of all the ups and downs
experienced during my training .Furthermore, my sincere appreciation also
goes to my family for the assistance rendered during this period. Not
forgetting the immeasurable assistance and guidelines I got from Mr.
Endwell chime in writing this report.
•About Techoheight integrated services limited
•Introduction to Project Office
•Activities in the project office
- Office documentation
- Drawing of building plan
- Estimation of building projects
- Extra cad tutorials

•Site work
•Introduction to site work
•Site safety
•Setting out
•Implanting of column and foundation bases reinforcement
•Casting of foundation
•Block work
•Formwork of the column
•Casting of the column and vibration
•Filling of D. P. C.
•Casting of D. P. C.

•Maintenance of tools in the workshop
- Washing
- Drying
- Oiling
- Sorting
- Taking inventory


Techoheight integrated services limited is a wholly Nigerian company with a

wide range of services covering Civil Construction works,
Shoreline/dredging services, Project management, Consultancy and
Mechanical Engineering Services. It is a company registered under the 1990
company and allied matters act of the federal republic of Nigeria. It has 8
Years of Experience in Civil Engineering/ Construction Works
Techoheight integrated services limited has acquired experience and
expertise that ultimately produces service excellence based on leading and
cutting edge technologies. The Company has adopted strategic approaches
of aligning itself with a number of other well-organized and successful
corporations through Joint ventures and strategic alliances to implement
projects in core business areas through consortia type arrangements when
the situation arises.

Vision: To become the foremost name in the provision of engineering,

procurement, construction and other general services in key sectors of the
Nigerian Economy.

Mission: To continually build on our strength, utilize our hands on

experience and expertise and continually use cutting edge technology to
deliver excellence in our core business areas to ensure customer business
success at all times.

Our Core Values

Commitment: Highest level of commitment to our client’s business success.

People: Our greatest assets. Making sure we guarantee the right atmosphere
and attitude to guarantee quality service delivery.

Passion: Passionate about service delivery to our clients.

Excellence: Striving to achieve the best possible standards and bench marks
in our area of operation.

Expertise: Continuous improvement in our service delivery.

Experience: Bringing our wealth of experience acquired over the years and
on the job to bear on our projects.

Competence: Ensuring the right tools and personnel are used on the job.

Capacity: Building human capacity and structures that would guarantee the
realization of our vision.

Stakeholder Consultation: stakeholder engagement to guarantee the success

of our shared values.

Personnel Structure
Techoheight integrated services limited has gradually and steadily built up
staff strength of experienced, hardworking, and productive workers
including both office and field workforce.
A number of our adhoc Staff, however, for strategic reasons, are always
engaged from the communities and locations we do business in, as we have
imbibed the principles of constructive engagements in all our operations.
We also have presently a number of our work force, who are engaged on
contract basis, presently executing our on-going projects at various levels,
locations and workshops ranging from civil engineers to technicians,
carpenters, logistics officers, helpers, electricians, plumbers, masons,
welders to mention a few.
Also, we engage the services of specialized sub-contractors, who have
proven integrity and competence on the job in special situations as the case
may be.

Leadership and commitment

Leadership and commitment to Technoheights Integrated Services Limited
policies and objectives is exemplified by a commitment and demonstration
of management by showing good examples and is further demonstrated by
the participation of management staff in regular site inspection, visits,
audits, training, regular meetings and promotion of HSE policies.
I was introduced by the M.D to the work environment of Techoheight
integrated services limited, the contractors, project managers, and supervisor
in charge of the project office who further exposed me to proper office work.
Office work involves the entire process involved in the designing and
estimating of a proposed building.


Files coming and leaving the office are arranged orderly so that files won't
be misplaced or lost. New files are opened as soon as a client request a
building plan. The new file should contain at least details about the client
and his/her request for a building plan. Further items such as survey plan are
added as progress on the building plan is made. A file is said to be
completed when the requested building plan is ready, sealed by relevant
architectural and engineering bodies and approved by government agencies.
Additionally, files are arranged according to date received, urgency attached
to it and stage of
After the request has
been received. A sketch
is made and shown to the
client. A sketch is
After the sketch is approved by the client. Further work is done on the
sketch to make it a complete drawing comprising of architectural drawing,
structural drawing, electrical drawing and mechanical drawing and it's taken
for approval.


Along with drawing of plans. I was taught estimation of building projects.
Estimation helps the client to have an idea of the financial cost of the project
he’s about to embark on and the duration it would take.


Due to my poor knowledge about current design software’s, the company
enrolled me in CAD TUTORIALS. During this tutorials I was taught about
modern design software’s such as Revit architectural software, archicad,
civil soft. All these software’s makes designing of buildings and calculation
of other factors that affect it very easy.


I was taken to site to see the practical aspect of the activities involved in
building construction, En route to the site I was given some safety
instructions by my supervisor

Site safety factors includes all the measures carried out to protect both the
worker, consultants, contractors and all persons present on the site at every
given time from fatalities and injuries, and as well as minimize or eliminate
all possible construction hazards. This safety measures can also be applied
to the safety of the building and building materials from damage of any
kind. He further handed me a safety manual used by Techoheight integrated
services limited on any of her projects and asked me to always adhere to it.
The instructions found in the Safety precaution guide lines for workers and
persons present on a construction site are listed below.
1. Proper clothing is as essential to safety. Wear clothes that are smart and
appropriate for the site work and weather conditions. Loose clothing is
dangerous for workers around power tools and equipment.
2. Footwear must be safety boots or work boots that are thick-soled shoes in
order to protect the feet from falling objects or from penetration by nails,
and should have non-slip soles. Sandals or other types of inappropriate
footwear are hazardous on construction site.
3. Protective head gear (helmets or hard hats) must always be worn on a
construction site by all persons for protection of the head from falling
objects of any kind.
4. Suspension belts are of crucial importance for site workers working at
very high levels.
5. All exposed areas or parts of a building must be adequately protected with
temporary rail or supports and staircases must be protected with temporary
6. All scaffolding that is elevated 10 feet or more must be equipped with a
safety railing. All scaffolds must be equipped with a toe board to eliminate
the possibility that tools or debris will be kicked or pushed onto people
below. A scaffold must be designed to support four times the weight of the
workers and the materials resting on it.
7. Inspect all scaffolding each day before using it. Never use damaged or
defective equipment and avoid rusted parts since their strength is unknown.
When erecting scaffolding, provide adequate sills for the scaffold posts and
use base plates. Use adjusting screws, not blocks, when on an uneven grade.
Make sure to plumb and level scaffolding and do not force end braces when
constructing the scaffolding.
8. Use only properly graded and inspected lumber for planking. Inspect
planking daily for splits and knots, and remove defective or damaged
9. be always aware and alert of your surroundings.
10. A clean work place is a safe work place. This refers to the neatness and
good order of the construction site. Keep the site clear of danger as you
work – remove nails from waste wood, move trip hazards and obstacles, etc.
They interfere with work and can constitute a hazard to both the worker and
other persons on the site.
11. Any unsafe conditions or practices that is observed should
IMMEDIATELY be reported to the site project manager.
12. Emergency medical care in form of first aid assistance (first aid kit) must
be provided on the site and must be easily identifiable and nearby.

These involves activities carried out on the site to prepare it for the actual
construction that would take place on it. These includes – clearing of the site
and access road, excavation of stumps and trees from the site and the
burning of any unwanted residual. After these are done the site could be said
to be ready for construction,

These was the next step that was carried out after the preliminaries. Setting
out can be described as the process of transferring the building from paper to
the ground for construction. Materials and tools for the setting out was
provided by the client, hence we did not have to buy anything, the project to
be setted out was a boys quarters. We stated by establishing one point on the
site that tallies with the site plan we had. From that point, we established
other points and squared them. Next we made a profile (i.e. offset of 1m
around the established points).when we finished profiling we ran the lines
on the profiling to mark out the areas to be excavated.

A trench of width 675mm was excavated to a depth of 900mm as
recommended by the soil test report and a pad foundation of 900mm X
900mm at a depth of 1200mm as recommended by Engineer after his

Blinding of the trench with weak mortar was carried out the same day. The
recommended mix ratio was 1:3.but 1:6 was what was used on site. The
weak concrete was poured into the trench and it was spread to level to a
depth of 50mm inside the trench and rammed lightly.it was left that way to
set till the next day


After the foundation bases mat was prepared by the iron bender.it was then
inserted into the trench and spirit level was used to check if it was level. If it
didn’t level.it would be adjusted until it did. Next the reinforcement for the
columns were insert. Rod was then attached to the sides of the trench to hold
the reinforcement in place while the spirit level was used to check if the
reinforcement was straight vertically. Lines are also used to check if they
align horizontally. After it is checked and confirmed to be straight, it is then
binded to the foundation bases mat by binding wire.
The trench was cleared off of some sand that fell into it. a mixer was
brought to site for the mixing of various constitute of concrete, for half bag
of cement, five head pans of sand, five head pans of chippings and four
custard of water were loaded into the mixer and allowed to turn for five
minutes, after which it was turned and poured into a tray-like wood on the
floor. From that tray the laborers scoop and put into their head pan. The
mixed concrete is then poured into the trench and spread all around until it
gets to a level 200mm marked by the site engineer. Once this is achieved it
is then compacted with a wooded ram. This compaction is done by using the
ram to hit surface of the poured concrete. When the whole trench has been
poured and rammed as required, it is then allowed to set,
The next activity that took place was block work, this is the process of
laying concrete masonry units to form either external walls or internal walls
which could serve as load-bearing or non- load bearing walls as well as
partitions. Nine inches hollow block was used for the job, A bed of mortar is
spread on the footing/floor .the first block called header blocks are placed on
the mortar at the corners of the house and squared and lines are ran through
them both vertically and horizontally, these lines serves as guidelines in
laying the other blocks to see if they are straight. If they aren’t, they would
be adjusted. Once this guidelines are achieved. The blocks can be placed and
chucked. Stretcher bond was used in this job. The same pattern is applied in
the next course until it reaches the recommended height for damp proof
The columns where boarded and casted to add stability to the building. Ply
board was used and it was braced by 2 x 2 semi hard wood. Bamboo was
also used to wedge it .


After the formwork was done, the next activities were casting of the
columns. The columns were casted to the current level of the block
work(1350mm i.e. 6 courses of blocks above the ground level) and a mix
ratio of half bag of cement to five head pans of sand to five head pans of
chippings was used. it was also mixed by machine. Casting of the column
followed. Each column ate on the average seven head pans of concrete. Due
to the small nature of the job and the in availability of poker machine to
vibrate the column, hammer was used to tap the base of the column so that
voids won’t be in the column.


Sharp sand was used to fill the d.p.c. As it is filled. Water is poured into it to
circulate the sand and make it settle. When the required height was attained.
Filling was stopped and more water was poured and it was allowed to settle.
After a while the sand sank down and more sand was filled in. finally it was
rammed with a stick and a flat hard short board that was made on the site.

A mix ratio of half bag of cement to five head pans of sand to five head pans
of chippings was used in casting the D.P.C. It was rammed and watered


Setting out was carried out on top of the casted D.P.C. so that the wall could
be located again. Once this was achieved. Block work continued to the roof
level. Due to office work and other circumstances I couldn’t go back to the
site on a daily basis. But the various pics below shows the progress of work
as seen during site visitation.

The workshop is a place where engineering activities are carried out. For
these activities to be carried out successfully TOOL and MATERIALS need
to be in place and in good condition. Hence the need to maintain the tools in
the workshop. The tools found in the workshop includes:
Machines includes: concrete mixers, poker machine, welding machine,
pumping machine, drilling machine. Etc.

Most of the tools and machine are made metal and plastic, hence they are
washed off stains, leftover cement, or any items that stick on them on them

After washing, the tools were set outside so that water would drain off and it
would dry. The metals are prone to rusting if left in that wet state.

Oil is then applied on the metal areas that require it. Mostly cutting edges
and spinning point for those that spin and other areas to prevent rusting.

The various tools are sorted out and placed in there various compartments,
concrete compartments, carpentry compartment, welding compartments,
they are then placed in designated places in this compartments.

An inventory is then taking of all the tools in the workshop and there
condition, this helps to determine the working condition of the tools and
machine and the ones to be replaced.it also gives an idea of all the tools
available for work

In conclusion, as a student of building technology , i have been able to

obtain the most relevant and effective practical industrial training and
experience in a duration of four months(4months) having been exposed to
practical on-site situations and activities. Furthermore, an awareness of the
general workplace has been developed in me and I have acquired important
behavior and interpersonal skills with the opportunity giving me to get a feel
of the work environment and exposure as a student to the building
responsibilities and ethics .Finally, I would like to state that the SIWES
program is a very relevant and necessary program for all students and it
must be taken advantage of by every student for each students professional
development prior to graduation.

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