Prospectus MBBS-2018
Prospectus MBBS-2018
Prospectus MBBS-2018
New Delhi
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Siddhartha Medical College
Mangalagiri Ring Road
Guntur Gunadala
Vijayawada 520008
Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Government Medical College
Nagpur Near Hanuman Nagar
Maharashtra Nagpur 440009
Results will be announced on the website of AIIMS, New
Delhi and also on the websites of other AIIMS. Results shall not be communicated
on phone or other means individually.
S No Transaction
Category Fees TOTAL
• The Entrance Examination for All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and eight other AIIMS for the
session 2018 will be conducted through Online Computer Based Test (CBT) Examination ONLY.
The Examination is proposed to be conducted in two shift per day in different cities all over India on
Saturday, 26th May & Sunday, 27th May, 2018.
Applicants may familiarize themselves with the method of Examination by taking the Mock Test available in
the web site: after upload of Admit Card.
Applicants are required to be prepared to appear in the Examination in either day & in any shift as allotted.
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 AIMS & Objective 1
3.0 Duration of Courses 2
4.0 Number of Seats and Reservation 2
4.1 Criteria for Other Backward Classes (NCL) 3
4.2 Criteria for Schedule Cast Schedule Tribe (SC/ST) 3
4.3 Criteria for Persons With Benchmark Disability (PWBD) 3
5.0 Eligibility 4
6.0 Guideline & Instruction for Application 5
7.0 Procedure for submission of Application 6
8.0 Competitive Entrance Examination 7
8.1 Type of Paper 7
8.2 Standard of Examination 7
8.3 Language of Question Paper 7
8.4 Examination Centres 7
8.5 General Instruction regarding appearing in the Examination 10
8.6 Scheme of Marking 11
8.7 Minimum cut-off-Scores 11
8.8 Normalization Procedure 11
8.9 Method of Resolving Ties 12
Brief description of the step-by-step procedure for normalization and of merit/ranking
8.10 12-15
in AIIMS MBBS Entrance Examination - 2018
9.0 Online Counselling 17
9.1 Merit List 17
10.0 Declaration of Results 18
11.0 Anti Ragging Measures 18
11.1 Supreme Court rules regarding Anti Ragging 18
11.2 Anti Ragging Registration 18
12.0 Admission to AIIMS, New Delhi 19
12.1 Admission procedure & date of joining 19
12.2 Fees & Other Payments 19
12.3 Semesters 20
12.4 Attendance 20
12.5 Examination in first MBBS 20
12.6 Attempts 20
12.7 Weightage for Internal marks 21
12.8 Compulsory Rotatory Internship Training 21
A1 Appendix 1: (State Codes) 22
A2 Appendix 2: User Manual Important Instructions for Applicants Filling MBBS-2018 On- 23-40
line Application Form
A3 Appendix 3: For uploading Images 42-47
A3.1 Instruction for Acceptable Photograph 48-50
A3.2 Instruction for uploading Thumb Impression 51
A3.3 Instruction for uploading Signature 52
A4 Appendix 4:Procedure to be followed by candidates 53
A5 Appendix 5:Famillarization with Online Examination 54-66
A6 Appendix 6: Specified Disability 69-70
Performa for Other Backward Classes (OBC) Certificate 71
From of SC/ST Certificate 72
1.1 AIIMS, New Delhi
All India Institute of Medical Sciences was established by an Act of Parliament of 1956 as an
autonomous institution of national importance and its objectives and functions were
defined. By virtue of this Act, the Institute awards its own medical degrees, diplomas and
other academic distinctions. The degrees and diplomas awarded by the Institute under the
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Act are recognized medical qualifications for the
purpose of the Indian Medical Council Act and notwithstanding anything contained in the
Medical Council Act, are deemed to be included in the first schedule of that Act, entitling the
holders to the same privileges as those attached to the equivalent awards from other
universities of India.
The Institute (AIIMS, New Delhi) is a residential University in which the faculty members,
staff and the students live on campus. There are 8 hostels for undergraduate students (6 for
boys and 2 for girls) with a capacity to accommodate 562 students.
* The number of seats for Foreign Nationals are pending notification by the Government of India
• Should have passed the 12thClass under the 10+2 Scheme/ Senior School Certificate
Examination (CBSE) or Intermediate Science (I.Sc.) or an equivalent Examination of a
recognized University/ Board of any Indian State with ENGLISH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and
BIOLOGY as subject.
• Candidates who have appeared or are appearing at the qualifying Examination with
English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as main subject and expect to pass the Examination
with required percentage of marks (as indicated in Sl No. 03 below) are also eligible to apply
and appear in the Competitive Entrance Examination. However, their candidature will be
considered only if they provide documentary evidence of having passed the qualifying
Examination with the required subjects and percentage of marks.
• If the institute has to consider an examination of an Indian university or of a
foreign/university to be equivalent to the 12th class under 10+2 scheme/intermediate
science examination, the candidates shall have to produce a certificate from the concerned
Indian university/Association of Indian Universities to the effect that the examination
passed by him/her is considered to be equivalent to the 12th class under 10+2
scheme/intermediate science examination .
• The minimum aggregate of the marks in ENGLISH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY
obtained in the qualifying examination (as in the essential qualification at Sl. No. 2 of this
MINIMUM table) required for appearing in this examination are :
03 MARKS • General and OBC candidates: 60% SC/ST/PWBD candidates: 50%
• Those with CGPA grades only will have to apply the conversion factor in the application
form. The conversion factor should be as approved by their respective examination board.
& eight other AIIMS):
Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) registered under Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955 & Non-Resident
Indians (NRI) are also eligible to appear in this test and all terms and conditions applicable for Indian
Nationals given in this Prospectus will be applicable to them. The candidate will submit proof of
Registration as OCI under Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955 / NRI to be eligible to appear for this test.
C. FOREIGN NATIONALS (Applicable to AIIMS, New Delhi only):
Foreign candidates nominated by the Government of India are required to have obtained a minimum of
50% marks in aggregate in the subjects of ENGLISH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY in their
Intermediate Science or an equivalent examination to be eligible for admission to the M.B.B.S. Course.
Foreign Nationals are required to contact the Indian Mission/Post abroad in their country and the
Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi for nomination.
Foreign candidates nominated by the Government of India are NOT required to appear at the
Competitive Entrance Examination.
A. Indian Nationals (Common to AIIMS, New Delhi & eight other AIIMS):
A candidate seeking admission to the Entrance Examination is required to fill up the Application Form
available Online with the Prospectus on Candidate should fill in the online
Application Form without leave any column blank. Please See User Manual for details of how to fill
online application form.
After selecting the online registration, fill some details asked for deposit the prescribed fee through
Debit/Credit cards/Net Banking and till all details required in the Application Form. It will be the
responsibility of the candidates to ensure that correct address, mobile number and E-mail address in the
Application Form is filled. Incomplete Application/Registration Slip will be rejected and no communication
in this regard will be entertained. The Institute will not be responsible for any loss due to mobile number,
E-mail address given by the applicant in the application form. No candidates should register more than
one application.
All applicants are required to ensure that Photo/Thumb/Signature are uploaded according to the size
and format given in the Prospectus. Failure to do so may result in rejection of applications.
Duplicate applications from any applicant will result in cancellation of all such applications. No
intimation regarding such summary rejections will be provided.
RECEIVED : Acknowledgement with regard to successful Online submission of Registration / Application
will be forwarded to registered email ID of the applicants. Submission of application does NOT mean
Acceptance of Application. All applications are subject to verification of uploaded images. Candidates are
required to check the status of their Application including images in their MyPage after login to the
website from time to time to complete deficiencies as indicated on the dashboard
of MyPage. The final status will be uploaded on 20th March 2018.Candidates should not wait for e-mail or
SMS reminders in this regard. The Admit Card for eligible and accepted applications shall be uploaded on
10th May, 2018.. If the status of Admit Card is not available on website, he/she should immediately 05
contact to the Asstt. Controller Examinations, AIIMS, New Delhi-110 608 along with full particulars of
the Registration of application form by sending an email on
Please refer to the IMPORTANT DATES AT A GLANCE page at the beginning of the Prospectus for
tentative dates.
(a) A downloadable Admit Card will be hosted for all the eligible candidates on website tentatively on 10th May, 2018. All the candidates must take a printout of
the same. The admit card will not be sent by post.
(b) No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre unless he/she possess a Admit
Card valid for that date and shift. All requirements mentioned in the Admit Card including
production of the ORIGINAL PHOTO ID entered in the Online Application must be complied
with for entry into the examination centre. The admit card must bear the details of printout
such as IP address etc.
(c) Candidates are advised to preserve a copy of the Admit Card till allotment of seat in College/
(d) Admit Cards cannot be downloaded from the website after the conduction of examination
(i.e. from 28th May 2018)
+1 -⅓ 0 0
• The score such obtained will be the Raw Score that will be used to determine Percentage score
and percentile [for the purpose of Eligibility using Cut-Offs] and Normalization [for the purpose
of determining Merit / Ranking].
If any discrepancy in any question is found in the Entrance Examination, the candidate is advised to write to
Associate Dean (Exam.), AIIMS, New Delhi 110 608 within 24 hours by email :
However, for other purposes write to Asstt. Controller (Exams) on
In accordance with decision of the Governing Body, AIIMS, New Delhi dated 26.11.2009 and the past
practice adopted by AIIMS, New Delhi, the minimum cut-off necessary in the Entrance Examination
to determine eligibility for admission is:
General Category : 50%
OBC (Non Creamy Layer) : 45%
SC / ST : 40%
PWBD : Cut-offs of the respective category 11
Since the examination will be held in two days in two shift per day, a Normalization Procedure will
be used (see 8.8); the Percentile score corresponding to the above cut-offs will be used to determine
eligibility. In the event of the percentiles for the four shifts in two days being dissimilar / unequal,
the lower of the four will be the eligibility cut-off for that category for all candidates (i.e. all shifts).
For example if the 50% marks correspond to a Percentile score of 90 in Shift 1 , 92 in Shift 2 , 89 in
Shift 3 and 88 in Shift 4 then all those equal to or above 88 Percentile (Percentile score of 100 to 88) in
all shifts will become eligible in General Category. Similar method will be adopted for the other
categories to determine eligibility cut-offs. In case the examination is held in lesser number of shifts
the same principle shall apply.
This year, since there would be two shifts per day, a Normalization Procedure is being adopted as
decided by experts based on analysis of past MBBS Entrance Examinations conducted by AIIMS,
New Delhi. This will be utilized to decide on the inter-se merit / ranking [used during Online Seat
Allocation / Counseling for allotment of seats] between those who appeared for the examination.
The normalization procedure that will be adopted is based on PERCENTILES.
Percentile Scores
Percentile scores are scores based on the relative performance of all those who appear for the
examination. Basically the marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each
group (shift) of examinees.
The Percentile Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW
(same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that examination. Therefore the topper
(highest score) of each group (shift) will get the same Percentile of 100 which is desirable. The marks
obtained in between the highest and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles.
The Percentile score is the Normalized Score for this examination.
Biology Percentile (S1P): 100 X No. of candidates from the group with BIOLOGY ≤S1
No. of candidates in the group / shift
Chemistry Percentile (S2P): 100 X No. of candidates from the group with CHEMISTRY ≤S2
No. of candidates in the group / shift
Physics Percentile (S3P): 100 X No. of candidates from the group with PHYSICS ≤S3
No. of candidates in the group / shift
General Knowledge
Percentile (S4P): 100 X No. of candidates from the group with GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ≤S4
No. of candidates in the group / shift
A1015 100.0000000
B2050 100.0000000
D4240 100.0000000
D4132 99.9999991
C3220 99.9972345
A1020 99.9872385
B2020 99.9872355
C3641 99.9872355
A1050 99.9872345
D4332 99.9823156 14
A1001 0.0010000
B2041 0.0010000
C3044 0.0010000
D4511 0.0010000
4. Please note that there are some candidates with same Percentile Scores (Ties). In the next
step the ties would be resolved with the sequential application of Percentile Scores of
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Physics
• Date of Birth (age)
Each of the above would be taken into consideration in the above sequence till the tie is
Note: Percentile of General Knowledge and Aptitude are not taken into consideration for
resolving ties.
The Final Ranking /Merit would be prepared after using resolving ties:
3 B2050 12 D4332
4 C3105
5 D4240
6 D4132 399997 A1001
7 C3220 399998 B2041
8 A1020 399999 C3044
9 C3641 400000 D4511
5. It may be noted that for the purpose of Online Seat Allocation / Counseling and subsequent
admission to any of the AIIMS, the candidate is required to obtain the minimum qualifying
criteria as described under 8.7 on page 13.
9.1.1 Inter se merit of two or more candidates in the same category obtaining equal total
Percentile Scores in the competitive Entrance Examination will be determined in
order of:
(a) Candidates obtaining higher in Biology in the Entrance Examination.
(b) Candidates obtaining higher in Chemistry in the Entrance Examination.
(c) Candidates obtaining higher in Physics in the Entrance Examination.
(d) Candidates older in age.
The above payment is to be made in Cash. Please Note that Cheques, Drafts, Money Orders
etc. will not be accepted in any case, Extension of date for payment of dues will not be
permitted in any case.
B. Foreign Nationals:
Tuition fees of US $ 75,000/-(divided in 3 equal installments for Pre-clinical phase, Para clinical
phase and Clinical phase of MBBS course) will be charged from the foreign national students
admitted to MBBS course at AIIMS.
First Semester: 1st August to 13th December (16th July to 13th December for AIIMS New Delhi)
Second Semester: 1st January to 15th July
M.B.B.S. students in the Pre-clinical course shall avail of full winter vacation from 14th December
to 31st December and summer vacation from 16th July to 15th August. In para-clinical and
clinical courses, students shall avail of only one half of the vacation. i.e. halves of Winter
Vacation from 14th December to 31st December and Summer Vacation from 16th May to 15th
Attendance to MBBS course is compulsory.
Every MBBS student must obtain 75% attendance in aggregate with a minimum of 65% in each
of the subjects before they are permitted in the 1st, 2nd and Final Professional Examinations.
Those students who obtain 70% attendance will be permitted in the professional Examinations
with the permission of Dean/Director. Such cases will be considered on the merit of each case.
Students who obtain the permission to participate in the various Inter-Medical College/Inter
Institutional festivals outside the AIIMS and those who participate /organize the PULSE
programme at AIIMS will be considered for some relaxation in the attendance. (Authority
Academic Committee meeting held on 17/6/2005 and approved by Governing Body on
Any student with attendance less than 70% in aggregate and 65% in each of the subject will 20
NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE 1st, 2nd & final Professional Examination.
Code States & Union Territory States & Union Territory Code
03 Assam Orissa 21
04 Bihar Punjab 22
05 Chhattisgarh Rajasthan 23
06 Delhi Sikkim 24
08 Goa Telangana 26
09 Haryana Tripura 27
14 Kerala Chandigarh 32
17 Manipur Lakshadweep 35
18 Meghalaya Puducherry 36
• Open the website of All India Institute of Medical Sciences. The URL of the website is
• The home page as shown below appears on the screen.
•By clicking Academic Courses tab, a Candidate can navigate to the desired course i.e. MBBS in
order to register for applying to appear in the MBBS Entrance Examination.
Online Application for MBBS Entrance Examination is a Six (6) steps process, all Six(6) steps
are mandatory and must be completed before Application closing date i.e. 05.03.2018.
For New Registration, click on Click Here button on New Registration Page. For already
registered candidate, enter Candidate Id, Password (already sent on registered email id) and
Captcha and then click on Login button.
Registering Already
for the First Registered
Applicant must ensure that their mobile number is not registered with DND (Do
Not Disturb) service. Applicant must check his/her Email Inbox, Junk mail and
Spam after registration to get Login Credential for complete Application process.
On clicking the Click here button Next page shown will be the “Instruction Page” that
contains the information regarding the various steps of Application Form.
After reading all the instruction given on the page, click on “Proceed” button.
Click on the Proceed button once the guidelines and instructions have been read
Candidate should fill in all the required information in the Application Form like Candidate
full name, Father Name, Mother name, DOB, Category, PWBD Status and Nationality etc. and
Read the Declaration of Eligibility carefully and give consent on it before submitting the form.
On clicking the “Proceed” button Next page shown will be the New Candidate Registration
details to be filled.
(All fields are mandatory except # marked fields).
After clicking the button a message will appear on screen containing ‘Candidate ID’. An
Email and SMS will also be sent to registered E-mail Id and mobile number having Login
Credentials i.e. Candidate ID and password.
a) Change Password
Login with the provided login Credentials i.e. Candidate Id and Password and correct
Captcha. On first time login, candidate has to change password through Change Password
Re-login with the new changed password to complete due steps of Application Process.
After logging in with Candidate Id and password, the next page appears will page will
show the all Six (6) steps of Application Process. First step is new candidate Registration
for MBBS Entrance Examination.
The color of the Number of the Step in Navigation Bar will change from RED to YELLOW as
the steps get completed and candidate can jump/go to any steps among the completed
steps at any time.
Colour will change from RED to YELLOW as a step of registration gets completed
Candidate should re-check the filled in information, in case there is some error in the
information filled in the form Candidate can edit some information by clicking on EDIT
button. It will redirect candidate to Registration page where some information can be
Candidate should re-check the filled in information, in case there is some error in the
information filled in the form Candidate can edit some information by clicking on EDIT
button. It will redirect candidate to Registration page where some information can be
Candidate can choose the payment mode of his choice from various options available to pay
Application Fee when SBI payment Gateway selected
Application fee amount will reflect in the form and candidate should check the details
carefully before clicking Confirm button.
The third step of Application is City Choice for entrance examination. After successful
payment of Application fee candidate will be directed to City Choice Page by clicking the
Proceed to Step 3 button.
The City availability list shows the real time status of seats available in a city.
“City once chosen cannot be changed, so pay at most care while opting city”
After third step of Application process is completed, the next step is to fill Qualification
& Address Details. Candidate should fill all the information asked for regarding Qualifying
Examination like Name, Status, and Board of Exam etc. and complete permanent and
correspondence address.
After filling all required information candidate should click on Proceed to Step 5
button to go to next step.
First read the instructions given regarding Photo, Signature and Thumb Impression
upload. To upload image click Choose File button and browse to path where the image is
stored. You can see the preview of the uploaded images. Please refer to Sample Images
provided on the page, if you are satisfied with the preview of images, click on Accept
button else try again to upload the images. After uploading all three required images, give
consent on the declaration and click on Proceed to Step 6 button.
Note: Images once uploaded cannot be changed later so candidates are requested to pay
due attention while uploading the images.
Take the print-out of the Application Form before final submission of form. Candidate
can take the print out of the Application Form by clicking on Print button.
After clicking Final Submit button, color of buttons in navigation bar of will change to
The submitted Application form will be reviewed for the uploaded images and the eligibility of
the candidate. The review process of the uploaded images may take 7 to 10 days. CANDIDATES
Candidate will Logout automatically after Completion of Application Form is done successfully.
Transfer Photo to
Computer /Laptop
Crop Image
Scan 43
Preparing digital image of thumb-print using a digital device (camera/smart phone etc)
1. Clicking image of thumb-print using a digital device.
a. Click the image in bright light conditions using any digital device (preferably with 46
> 5-megapixel resolution). Avoid using flash.
b. Check the shadow of your hands/camera/smartphone etc. does not fall on the
c. Click the image and check that it is not blurred due to low light conditions
or shaking of hands.
While uploading Signature during Online Registration, please refer following Not
Acceptable/ Acceptable sample Signature images.
Properly uploaded signature that is in
black with white background . The
signature is clear and of proper size.
NOT ACCEPTABLE: Signature uploaded
is very small
NOT ACCEPTABLE: Signature is in
coloured ink
NOT ACCEPTABLE: Signature uploaded
NOT ACCEPTABLE: Signature uploaded
is blurred
NOT ACCEPTABLE: Signature is
cropped / not scanned properly
Examination Hall
Buffer Computer
1 2 3 4
Login appropriately
Check details
You may mark for Review (with the intention of visiting the
question later) or clear the Response or answer.
Please note that Questions marked for Review will be treated
as unanswered and NO MARKS shall be awarded or deducted
Question answered
Response will be evaluated and marked
• Question answered
• Marked for Review
• Question considered as unanswered during evaluation
A SCHEDULE is annexed regarding, “SPECIFIED DISABILITY” clause (zc) of section 2, that states as under,
1. Physical disability
A. Locomotor disability (a person's inability to execute distinctive activities associated with movement
of self and objects resulting from affliction of musculoskeletal or nervous system or both),
(a) "leprosy cured person" means a person who has been cured of leprosy but is suffering from—
(i) loss of sensation in hands or feet as well as loss of sensation and paresis in the eye and
eye-lid but with no manifest deformity;
(ii) manifest deformity and paresis but having sufficient mobility in their hands and feet to
enable them to engage in normal economic activity;
(iii) extreme physical deformity as well as advanced age which prevents him/her from
undertaking any gainful occupation, and the expression "leprosy cured" shall construed
(b) "cerebral palsy" means a Group of non-progressive neurological condition affecting body
movements and muscle coordination, caused by damage to one or more specific areas of the
brain, usually occurring before, during or shortly after birth;
(c) "dwarfism" means a medical or genetic condition resulting in an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches
(147 centimeters) or less;
(d) "muscular dystrophy" means a group of hereditary genetic muscle disease that weakens the
muscles that move the human body and persons with multiple dystrophy have incorrect and
missing information in their genes, which prevents them from making the proteins they need
for healthy muscles. It is characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, defects in
muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells and tissue;
(e) "acid attack victims" means a person disfigured due to violent assaults by throwing of acid or
similar corrosive substance. 69
B. Visual impairment—
(a) "blindness" means a condition where a person has any of the following conditions, after best
(i) total absence of sight; or
(ii) visual acuity less than 3/60 or less than 10/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with best possible
correction; or 92
(iii) limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of less than 10 degree.
(b) "low-vision" means a condition where a person has any of the following conditions, namely:—
(i) visual acuity not exceeding 6/18 or less than 20/60 upto 3/60 or upto 10/200 (Snellen) in
the better eye with best possible corrections; or
(ii) limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of less than 40 degree up to 10 degree.
C. Hearing impairment -
(a) "deaf" means persons having 70 DB hearing loss in speech frequencies in both ears;
(b) "hard of hearing" means person having 60 DB to 70 DB hearing loss in speech frequencies in
both ears;
D. “Speech and language disability" means a permanent disability arising out of conditions such as
laryngectomy or aphasia affecting one or more components of speech and language due to organic
or neurological causes.
(i) Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10/09/93 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary part I Section I No. 186
dated 13/09/93.
(ii) Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC dated 19/10/94-BCC dated 19/10/94 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary part I
Section I No. 163 dated 20/10/94.
(iii) Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 24/05/95 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary part I Section I dated
(iv) Resolution No. 12011/96/94-BCC dated 09/03/96.
(v) Resolution No. 12011/44/94-BCC dated 06/12/96 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary part I Section I No. 210 dated
(vi) Resolution No. 12011/13/97-BCC dated 03/12/97.
(vii) Resolution No. 12011/99/94-BCC dated 11/12/97.
(viii) Resolution No. 12011/68/98-BCC dated 27/10/99.
(ix) Resolution No. 12011/88/99-BCC dated 06/12/99 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 270
dated 06/12/99.
(x) Resolution No. 12011/36/99-BCC dated 04/04/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 71
dated 04/04/2000.
(xi) Resolution No. 12011/44/99-BCC dated 21/09/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section 1 No. 210
dated 21/09/2000. 71
(xii) Resolution No. 12016/09/2000-BCC dated 06/09/2001.
(xiii) Resolution No. 12011/01/2001-BCC dated 19/06/2003.
(xiv) Resolution No. 12011/04/2002-BCC dated 13/01/2004.
(xv) Resolution No. 12011/09/2004-BCC dated 16/01/2006 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210
dated 16/01/2006.
The prospectus is a compilation of information obtained and collated from Examination and
Academic Sections of AIIMS, New Delhi, other new AIIMS and related sources. Due care has
been taken to faithfully reproduce the information provided by various sources.
The AIIMS, New Delhi disclaims any liability towards any individual or group of individuals for
any loss or damages caused due to him/her arising out of any action taken on the basis of
any information contained in this prospectus that may be due to inadvertent omissions or
errors or for any other reason whatsoever.
The AIIMS, New Delhi reserves the right to suitably modify, update or delete or add any part
of the prospectus as may be considered necessary by the competent authorities.