SOG DG6 Summary of Key Life Processes 5p2
SOG DG6 Summary of Key Life Processes 5p2
SOG DG6 Summary of Key Life Processes 5p2
CO2 Digested
+ Food
Food +
The process where the The process where The process where one The process where The process where a
plant takes in carbon digested food and parent cell splits into 2 water vapour is loss seed develops in a
dioxide and water in oxygen is used by daughter cells. through the stomata seedling.
the presence of the cells to release found on the surface
sunlight to make food. energy. of the leaves.
ovule egg
The transfer of pollen Plant Animal Seed dispersal carries The breakdown of dead
grains from the The male reproductive The sperm fuses with the seeds further away matter into simpler
anther to the stigma. cell in the pollen grain the egg in the fallopian from the parent plant, substance which is
fuses with the female tube. reducing competition returned to the soil as
reproductive cell in for water, nutrients, nutrients, acting as
the ovule. light and space. fertiliser for plants.
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