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Cutting Fluids Manual

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The document discusses the importance of choosing the right cutting fluid for metalworking applications and how it can improve productivity and reduce costs.

The main types of cutting fluids discussed are water-miscible fluids (emulsions, semi-synthetics and synthetics) and neat oils. Emulsions are the most common type used today.

Emulsions are made by adding a concentrate to water to form a milky product. The concentrate contains base oil, esters, emulsifiers, rust protection, pH regulators, biocides and anti-foaming agents.

Cutting Fluids Manual

Collected Knowledge on Cutting

Fluids for Metalworking
The right cutting fluid – equally
important as the right tool
Choosing the right cutting fluid product for metalworking is a good example of minor details
making a major difference.

With the right cutting fluid you can reduce the number of unplanned stoppages, and increase the
life of both the tool and the cutting fluid. This means you can increase capacity utilisation, thereby
reducing the cost per produced unit. With the right cutting fluid, the right checks and the right
handling, you can keep production at a consistently high level – both in terms of quality and efficiency.
In certain cases you can even reduce one or more stages in the production process, saving both
time and money.

So in other words, it pays to keep an eye on how cutting fluids work and how they should be handled.
At FUCHS Lubricants we have cutting fluids for every kind of need, and we can help you find the
optimum products for your particular field of operation.

This brochure brings together our key knowledge of cutting fluids: from composition and the role of
the various additives, to how they can improve your bottom line.

/Kenneth Borin

What are cutting fluids made of? 4 Handling and maintenance 16

A cutting fluid’s main tasks 8 Tips and advice 20

Health, safety and the environment 22
Cutting emulsion compared to cutting oils 9
New types of products – Trends 23
How to choose the right cutting fluid 10
Glossary 26
Filling of cutting fluids 14

Förord | 3
What are cutting fluids made of?
Metalworking fluids can be divided into water-miscible fluids (emulsions, semi-synthetics and Cutting oils
synthetics) and neat oils. This type of product is not mixed with water, but is applied directly. Neat cutting oils are
Water-miscible cutting fluids primarily used when good lubricating properties are required, such as in deep-hole drilling,
threading and reaming.
Emulsions are the most common type of cutting fluid today. An emulsion is made by adding a
concentrate to water to form a milky product. The appearance of an emulsion varies with the type
Cutting oils have different viscosities, base oils and additives depending on the processes and which
of product and the size of the oil drops. Larger oil drops give a more cream-like colour, while smaller
metals are being machined. Mineral oils, synthetic oils, white oils and esters are used as base oils.
drops give a more transparent emulsion that looks like very low-fat milk.
‘Fatty oils’ are also often added (such as vegetable oils, animal oils or esters) to protect against wear.
EP additives are also sometimes used (e.g. sulphur, phosphorus or chlorine). This type of fluid has
There are also concentrates that contain no oil; these give a transparent emulsion and are
better lubricating properties than the water-miscible ones, but has less of a cooling effect. Neat oils
called synthetics.
vary from the technically simple to some highly sophisticated formulations.

Cutting fluid concentrates are comprised of base oil, esters and fatty acids, emulsifiers, rust
One drawback of cutting oils that contain active sulphur additives is that they can discolour
protection, pH-regulating additives, biocides and anti-foaming agents. The properties of the emulsion
yellow metals.
can be altered and varied by changing the levels of the constituent components. The products are
normally used at a concentration of 4–10%. Water-miscible cutting fluids have excellent cooling
Normally, this type of product provides excellent corrosion protection.
capacity. In industry, the need for products with good cooling capacity has increased. This is because
new machines run at higher speeds, which generates more heat.

Water-miscible cutting fluids are cheap compared to straight cutting oils. The drawback of water-miscible
cutting fluids is that they have to be checked frequently to make sure the concentration is right. If the
wrong concentration is in the system the result is lower productivity, corrosion problems, and
possibly also bacterial growth..
Emulsion Cutting oil
Emulsion – structure
• Base – Mineral oil, esters
• Emulsifier/tenside – Sulphonates, soaps, synthetic tensides
• Corrosion protection – Sulphonates, soaps, amines, fatty acid amides
• pH regulators – Alkylamines, boramines Corrosion inhibitors Antioxidant
• Wear protection – Mineral oil, esters, sulphur/phosphorus compounds Preservatives
• Biocides – Formaldehyde donors etc. Solubilisers inhibitors
• Anti-foaming agents – Silicon oils, wax emulsions, calcium compounds Emulsifiers EP additive
EP additive
Synthetics have the same structure as emulsions, with one exception: they do not have mineral oil Polar oil Polar oil
as the base. Base oil
Base oil

4 | What are cutting fluids made of? What are cutting fluids made of? | 5
Lubricating additives Extreme pressure (EP) additives
There are two main types of additives: anti-wear (or ‘polar’) additives, and extreme pressure (or EP) When component surfaces come into frequent contact with each other under heavy loads
additives. (boundary lubrication), heat is generated.

Anti-wear (polar) additives Extreme pressure additives, which have the ability to form chemical compounds in the contact
• Fatty acid surface at high temperatures, can be used to reduce harmful wear. Cutting oils for tougher
• Ester machining in steel, aluminium and titanium almost always have some kind of EP additive.
• Polyglycol
The process
• The metal surfaces rub heavily against each other under heavy loads.
• Extreme pressure/high-temperature (EP) additives • The kinetic energy is converted into a dramatic rise in temperature in the contact points.
• Phosphate • The metals are welded together and the material gradually comes loose.
• Chlorine (not as widely used nowadays for environmental reasons)
The result
• Sulphur
• A shortened tool life and more rejected machined parts.

Anti-wear additives The additive’s function

When component surfaces come into light contact with each other (mixed lubrication), the wear can • As the temperature rises in the contact between die and work piece, the additive is activated
be limited using surfactant additives. These additives form a membrane on the surfaces that slide and provides a protective chemical film that prevents welding.
against one another. A typical product that has an anti-wear additive is hydraulic oil.

EP additive: As the temperature rises

The process in the contact between die and work
In mixed and boundary lubrication, the metal surfaces rub against each other. piece, the additive is activated and
provides a protective chemical film
The result that prevents welding.
Wear, leading to a shorter life span.

The additive’s function

o Forms a protective coating on the metal surfaces, thus reducing wear.

Anti-wear additives form a seaweed-

like membrane on the surfaces that
Tool slide against one another, making the
contact far less abrasive. Synergies between different additives

Mineral oil Different kinds of additive may

0.5 Chlorine
be required depending on the
operation and type of material
being machined. Generally

Coefficient of Friction/u
Workpiece speaking, for tough machining at
Fatty acids/ Sulphur high temperatures you need
more additives in your oil to
ensure cost-effective production.
Without the right additives in the
oil, you may need to reduce the
All additives production rate to maintain the
0 200 400 600 800 level of quality

6 | What are cutting fluids made of? What are cutting fluids made of? | 7
A cutting fluid’s main tasks Cutting emulsion compared
Cutting fluid is used to cool, lubricate and remove metal
to cutting oils
particles, swarf and dirt from the machine, which can
otherwise increase wear on the machine and tools. Cutting Emulsion – Water-Miscible Fluids
Emulsions (coarse emulsion, macroemulsion)
Desirable characteristics The most common fluids for metalworking are
Technical primary characteristics: A cutting fluid has emulsions. An emulsion is made by mixing a Oil drop
to cool and lubricate effectively in the metalworking concentrate into water, never the other way
process. It also has to keep machines and tools clean around. The concentrate consists of a mineral
and free of mess. oil and possibly a synthetic ester, along with an
• Effective cooling and lubrication emulsifier and other additives. When the
Oil molecule
• Good cleaning of machines and tools concentrate is mixed with water, a milky-white
• Effective removal of swarf emulsion is formed. The concentrate is mixed Emulsifier

• Good cleaning of the grinding disc to different concentrations depending on the

process and the metal. This type of product
Technical secondary characteristics: There are also can vary from the technically relatively simple The principle for the system including oil,
secondary considerations with regard to technical properties. to a highly sophisticated formulation.
water and emulsifier.
Here are some examples:
• Good corrosion/rust protection Semi-synthetic (microemulsions)
• Low foaming tendency It is possible to vary the size of the oil drops using different types of emulsifiers in different
• Low tendency to emulsify in leaked oil quantities. It is therefore possible to produce emulsions with very small oil particles. Such emulsions
• Must not damage machines or components are clearer than normal and are called semi-synthetics or microemulsions.
• Simple preparation Synthetic fluids (solutions)
• Simple control methods Synthetic fluids do not contain mineral oil but are often based on glycols. There are also synthetic
• Biostability fluids that do not contain any lubricating components. These are used as grinding fluids. Unlike
An optimal cutting fluid increases productivity and contributes to: emulsions, such liquids are entirely soluble in water, and the resultant solution is normally very clear
• higher cutting speeds and transparent.
• fewer rejects
• longer tool life Cutting oils – neat oils
• excellent surface finish Cutting neat oils are particularly stable. No further maintenance is generally needed other than
• better dimensional accuracy filtering and centrifuging the fluid to remove swarf and impurities.
• controlled swarf management
• lower energy consumption A straight cutting oil rarely has to be changed as it is normally used in the process as it follows the
machined parts and swarf, so it constantly needs refilling. The exception is if the oil starts to oxidise,
Choosing a cutting fluid can be complicated, especially if you have several different processes and or if the levels of metal particles or sediment give rise to problems.
types of material to machine. If you need any help or advice, please contact FUCHS Lubricants. There is also an application method known as minimum lubrication, whereby a small amount of oil
is sprayed into the air and then applied to the machining area under high pressure. The benefits are
very low oil consumption and a reduced cleaning requirement. The drawbacks are swarf
management and inadequate cooling. Consequently, minimum lubrication can only be used for
certain processes and metals

8 | A cutting fluid’s main tasks Cutting emulsion compared to cutting oils | 9

How to choose the right cutting fluid?
One can generally base one’s choice of lubricant on norms, specifications and quality labels from Material
machine manufacturers. However, norms and quality labels very rarely appear on cutting fluids. The Cast iron and copper alloys are the easiest materials to machine. Cast iron contains graphite and
choice of cutting fluid depends on the material being machined and the types of machine being used. copper which lubricate well by themselves, so very little extra lubrication is needed. Compare this to
Most machines work fine with both water-miscible cutting fluids and cutting oils, while others are more high alloy steel and aluminium alloys, which are harder to machine and need more advanced high
adapted to a type of product. lubricating products.

To choose the right cutting fluid, you must consider: The material’s effect on the fluid
• The types of material being machined However, when we look at the material’s effect on the cutting fluid, cast iron and copper alloys form
• The type of machining small metal particles during machining which can easily get stuck in nooks and crannies and make
• The premises, environmental and health & safety aspects the machine dirty. There are therefore higher demands on the fluid’s cleaning properties when
machining these materials.

Easy to Titanium/ Low

machine Cast iron Titanium alloys impact
Copper alloys Ni alloys (Inconel,
(yellow metals) Hastelloy etc.)
Free-cutting steel Stainless steel

Low alloy steel Aluminium alloys

High alloy steel High alloy steel

Aluminium alloys Low alloy steel

Stainless steel Free-cutting steel

Ni alloys (Inconel, Copper alloys
(yellow metals)
Hastelloy etc.)
Severe to High
machine Titanium/ Cast iron impact
Titanium alloys

10 | How to choose the right cutting fluid? How to choose the right cutting fluid? | 11
Advantages and drawbacks of different types
of cutting fluids Properties Cutting oil Emulsion Synthetic
Lubrication ++ + –
Slow operation = high demands on lubrication = Cutting oil
Fast operation = high demands on cooling = Cutting emulsion Cooling – + ++
Cleaning – + ++
Removal of swarf ++ + –
Cutting oil Cutting Emulsion –
Demands: Water-Miscible Cutting Fluid Corrosion protection ++ + –
– High demands on lubrication Demands:
Antibacterial ++ – +
– High demands on surface finish – High demands on cooling
– Hard-to-machine materials – High cutting speeds Mould/fungi ++ + –
– “Maintenance free” – Most materials can be machined
Comparison between cutting oil, emulsions and synthetics, where + means the
Examples: Examples: product type is better suited to that particular property.
– Grinding hard metals – Turning • Cutting oils provide the best lubrication and rust protection.
– Deep-hole drilling – Milling • Emulsions provide better lubrication and rust protection than synthetics.
– Threading difficult materials – Drilling • Synthetics have the best cooling and cleaning properties.
– Gear cutting – Grinding
– Rotary table machines
Drawbacks: – Requires care/maintenance
– Worse cooling – Systems need replacing Optimisation of cutting fluids when
– Mess in and around machines – Greater risk of allergies etc.
– Fire risk
circumstances change
It’s not always easy to find an optimum cutting fluid that works perfectly in several
different types of operation and with widely varying materials. To make life easier for
our customers, at FUCHS we have produced different additives to change the proper-
ties of our cutting fluids and adapt them to the customer’s specific production. One
example is our lubricating additives, which increase the lubrication of the products
should the customer change to a new material that is harder to machine. When the
system is topped up with a lubricating additive, it becomes a more lubricating pro-
duct without having to stop the machine and halt production.

12 | How to choose the right cutting fluid? How to choose the right cutting fluid? | 13
| 15

Filling of cutting fluids

Filling the chosen cutting fluid
Once you have chosen a cutting fluid it is easy to fill a machine with the new product if the machine
is new, but if it is not new and another cutting fluid is already in it, there are various options available.

Changing cutting oils

If there is cutting oil in the system and it is in good condition, the new cutting oil can be dilution-fed
into the old one. Before adding the new cutting oil, a miscibility test between the new product and
the old one should be carried out in the laboratory, to make sure there are no foaming problems or
precipitation when the two are mixed.

The mixing proportions between the products to be tested should be 10/90, 50/50 and 90/10.
This simulates the beginning of the dilution when there is 10% new product and 90% old product in
the system, 50% of each in the middle of the changing process and 90% of the new and 10% of the old
once the fluid change is almost complete. If problems do arise, this generally happens at the 10/90
or 90/10 stage. If the lab test results are good, changing the oil normally proceeds quite smoothly.

hanging water-miscible cutting fluids (emulsions)

1. Changing the whole system
If you are changing the entire cutting fluid system, it is always best to begin with a system cleaner
before emptying the system (see the chapter on Handling and maintenance).

Then remove the couplings and pressure-wash the pipes, along with mechanical cleaning of nooks
and crannies. If you don’t clean the pipes and tank properly, there is a high risk of dirt and cutting
fluid residue getting into the new fluid during filling – especially if the new fluid washes better, which
can result in clogged filters and possibly overflowing.

Any problems tend to subside after the system has been running a while. There is a greater risk of
foaming initially when the entire system is changed and started up with a new product in soft water.

2. Part-draining the system

In this process, a certain amount of the old fluid is removed and replaced with the new one, after
which the new fluid is dilution-fed into the system.

There is a risk that some of the old deposits could come loose, but it is far less than with option 1 if
you have not also cleaned all the tanks and pipes properly.

3. Dilution-feeding the new product

Dilution-feeding may gradually increase the cleaning properties, and the filters will have no problem
dealing with a bit of dirt coming loose slowly compared to a complete fluid change. With this option
there is a gentler transition to the new product, with fewer operational disruptions. It is important to
check the miscibility.

14 | Filling of cutting fluids

Handling and maintenance of Checking cutting fluids and system

cutting fluids/systems
Checking the concentration of the emulsion
The concentration of the emulsion must be kept at the right level if the emulsion is to work optimally.
– If the concentration is too high it will produce more mess, increase the risk of skin problems and
also increase cutting fluid consumption.
Clean the cutting oil system regularly – Too low a concentration results in bacteria, fungal infestations, corrosion, poor lubrication, and a
reduced life span on the tools and system.
During Christmas or summer stoppages, pump the oil off and remove swarf and any other residues
at the bottom of the tank. Clean the conveyor, tank and machine, and then filter the oil back into the It is therefore important to regularly measure the concentration, ideally daily but at least once or
system. You generally only need to fill with a small amount of new oil. twice a week.

How to measure the concentration

Clean the emulsion system with an effective system cleaner (e.g. CoolWay System Cleaner 1).
The system cleaner is normally added 1-2 days before the fluid is to be changed. However, you can The concentration is measured either using a refractometer, which is easiest, or by titration.
also use a higher concentration of cleaner over a shorter period of about 6-8 hours, as long as there Refractometer: Reset the refractometer before use, with the same water used to dilute the cutting fluid.
are no operators working inside the machine. The approach you choose depends on the
circumstances in production when the fluid is due for a change. The reading on the refractometer needs to be multiplied by a factor (Refractometer Index) which
applies to the water-miscible cutting fluid being used. The factor is given in the product data sheet
Next the system is emptied (including swarf and other impurities) and rinsed with water. Use a system or a label on the packaging.
cleaner only in conjunction with an emulsion change. The refractometer measures the total oil content of the fluid, i.e. the reading on the refractometer
will also include any oil that has leaked into the system. If it is hard to read the refractometer
Disposing of used cutting fluid reading, this indicates that a fair amount of oil has leaked into the system.
Use a disposal method that has as low an impact on the environment as possible. Used emulsion can
either be evaporated or splitted using acid. The emulsion should be evaporated to approximately 10% Titration: Unlike the refractometer, titration does not measure the oil content, but components in
before being sent for disposal. When emulsion is splitted using acid, the oil phase is sent for disposal. the cutting fluid. A fair amount of equipment is required, such as a burette, a conical flask, a weak
The water phase is cleaned up and reused, or neutralised and sent to a treatment works if this is hydrochloric acid solution (0.5 M HCl) and methyl orange as the indicator.
approved by the local authorities. Concentration = Volume ml hydrochloric acid (HCl) used in titration x Factor for the specific cutting fluid.

Mixing emulsion Measuring the tramp oil:

The best results are always achieved using a mixer. To ensure a stable emulsion, concentrate must
The tramp oil content can be measured as follows:
always be added into the water, rather than the other way around. This ensures the emulsification
Concentration (refractometer) – Concentration (titration) = Tramp oil content
process is successful and the resulting emulsion is stable. If you add water into the concentrate there
Tramp oil is most easily removed using a skimmer or an oil separator.
is a risk that the emulsion becomes inverted, which means there are water drops in oil rather than oil
drops in water, and the emulsion will not work as intended. Adjust the concentration as required after measurement. A weaker concentration of approximately
1–2% should normally be used for topping up the system.

16 | Handling and maintenance of cutting fluids/systems Handling and maintenance of cutting fluids/systems | 17
Check the pH value Measure the bacteria content in the emulsion
The problem with bacteria is that they eat the cutting fluid’s components and secrete acidic
It’s important to keep an eye on the pH value in the system. If the pH decreases, you either have too
substances, which leads to a drop in pH and then to corrosion problems and bad odours. Bacteria
low a concentration or a bacterial problem. In most cutting fluids, the pH should be at least 9.0.
breed quickly if they are able to infect the system, so it is important to measure the bacteria levels
pH can either be checked using a pH meter or a pH stick. once a week.

Bacteria is most easily measured using a dip slide. Bear in mind the results could take up to two days
for bacteria, and up to four days for mould and fungi. More advanced equipment can be used to also
pH-scale measure the amount of bactericide in the system.

Most cutting fluids have a pH of 9–9.6 but there are also

Measureing of bacterial and fungal content with dip-slides. The more dots, the more bioactivity.
products that have a lower pH during use.




Contact FUCHS Lubricants or follow the standard maintenance procedure if the pH falls below the re-
commended value, or if the bacteria content cannot be kept below 106 per ml.

Stomach acid Coke Juice Beer Water Milk Soap Antacid Lye

pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Acid Neutral Alkaline

18 | Handling and maintenance of cutting fluids/systems Handling and maintenance of cutting fluids/systems | 19
Tips and advice
1. Appoint someone to be in charge of emulsion Support products
• This person will check that there is the right concentration in the systems.
• They will also keep a logbook of concentration and pH values. Support products are used to maintain the performance of the cutting fluids and to rectify various
• Take corrective action to maintain the fluid’s optimum properties. kinds of problems.
2. Label the machines. If you use different cutting fluids for different kinds of machining, label each
machine with the type of cutting fluid used in that machine. This will avoid mixing fluids, which may System cleaners
compromise the properties in the cutting fluid. A system cleaner is a water-soluble cleaner and dispersant for emulsions and solutions. System
cleaners are only used in connection with a change of emulsion, rather than for regular emulsion
3. Try to minimise the number of ‘dead’ spaces in the system, where the cutting fluid stands still.
maintenance. System cleaners kill bacterial and fungal growth, and also loosen microbiological slime
4. Check that the concentration is correct. and sludge..

5. Even topping up of concentrate/water.

6. Check that the pH is correct. If applicable use a pH booster, preservative – see Figure 1 below. Biocides are used to prevent uncontrolled bacterial and fungal growth.
7. Keep the fluid as clean as possible.
Anti-foaming agents (antifoams)
8. Minimise leaked oil using skimmers and separators.
Metalworking fluids do not normally produce any problems with foam. If foam does form, it is either
9. Continuous removal of swarf. due to a mechanical problem (e.g. the pump is sucking in air), or because the metalworking fluid has
been contaminated with another liquid. Causes of foam problems could be soft water, too high an
10. Minimise stoppages in the systems. When stoppages occur, raise the pH by 0.2–0.3 units. If there
emulsion pressure, incorrect nozzles or system tanks that are too small.
is a longer period of down time, such as during the summer shutdown, a bactericide may also be needed.
Circulate the system regularly, or air the system. A small aquarium pump is adequate for small systems. Anti-foaming agents can be added to the cutting fluid in small amounts as a temporary measure,
but it is important to identify and remedy the underlying cause of the foam. Otherwise the problem
11. Planned fluid changes. Keeping a good eye on your systems helps you avoid costly unplanned
will soon reoccur..
fluid changes.

12. Always use a system cleaner when changing the fluid. pH-adjusters
Used to raise the pH of an emulsion. The pH should always be adjusted in connection with a
production stoppage, and before using biocides.

Figure 1. Support dosage (which we refer to in the above text, point 6)

Product performance

System with support dosage

Approved result
Traditional process

Change of system Change of system

20 | Tips and advice Tips and advice | 21

Health, safety and the environment New types of products – Trends
Cutting oils REACH (1907/2006) is the EU-wide legislation for chemicals occurring on the EU’s internal market.
To optimise the working environment when using cutting oils, we have developed a complete product Major changes are under way within REACH, with certain chemicals being phased out and many
programme based on synthetic base oils and esters. Using synthetic base oils and esters, which have a substances being reclassified, which means there is increasing demand for new types of cutting fluids.
high flash point and low volatility, minimises the formation of oil mist. In addition to low volatility, these When it comes to cutting oils, the viscosity limit for what is deemed to have a low impact on
base fluids are extremely clean and have minimal levels of harmful substances. inhalation has been altered from the previous >7 cSt to >21.5 cSt. Consequently, demand for products
with a viscosity above 21.5 cSt will increase as they are not classified.
Water-miscible cutting fluids
We can expect higher demand for ester-based products since they are not as volatile as oil-based
When choosing a coolant/lubricant, it is vital to consider the product’s environmental properties,
products, and they are not classified even though their viscosity is below 21.5 cSt.
primarily regarding the working environment, as well as its technical performance. It is no good
nowadays having a technically perfect product if it contains large amounts of components that are For water-miscible cutting fluids, a change in the evaluation and classification of chemicals will mean an
harmful to health or the environment. increase in demand for products that are free of boron and formaldehyde bactericides. More control
and a new approach to maintaining cutting fluid systems will also be required. The alternative is to return
To optimise the working environment, the cutting fluid can be both formulated and handled in
to old technology based on allergenic biocides that do not emit formaldehyde. This in turn will lead
different ways. It is generally best to strive for a long life span for the fluid as this reduces disposal
to a greater need for knowledge about chemicals and more control over water-miscible cutting fluids.
volumes and the use of support chemicals.
Efforts to limit the use of certain chemicals will drive the development of new types of cutting fluids.
Bacterial and fungal infestations must be avoided if the technical performance of the fluid is to be
maintained. There are different strategies for minimising bacterial and fungal infestations.
• You could choose a product that contains biocide, or add biocide on site as required.
• The latter is often slightly more complicated, but it is also possible to choose a technical solution
to minimise the occurrence of fungi and bacteria, for instance using UV light or ozone.
• By meticulously checking the system you may be able to avoid biocides in certain cases, but it
depends on the material being machined and how the systems are designed.

Advantages and drawbacks of biocides

Biocides are added to kill fungi and bacteria. This has a positive impact, but incorrect handling could
lead to side effects, usually in the form of allergic reactions in operators and service engineers. The risk
increases if you add biocides on site and fail to dose or handle the chemicals in exactly the right way.
Choosing a cutting fluid that contains biocide from the start and following the product’s handling
instructions properly minimises the risk of side effects.

Here at FUCHS, we have developed different types of water-miscible cutting fluid for minimising the
risk of side effects, bacterial and fungal problems in different ways.

22 | Health, safety and the environment New types of products – Trends | 23

Extreme Pressure (EP) additive: Extreme pressure (EP) additives have the ability to form chemical compounds in the Foam: Cutting fluids do not normally cause any problems with foam. Foam may form initially after a system change, but it
contact surface at high temperatures, and can therefore be used to reduce harmful wear. Cutting oils for tougher generally settles after one to two days. If foam does form in the system, it is either due to a mechanical problem (e.g. the
machining in steel, aluminium and titanium almost always have some kind of EP additive. pump is sucking in air or the pressure has increased), or because the cutting fluid has been contaminated with another
liquid. The contaminated fluid is usually an alkaline degreaser or an anti-rust product that has been applied to the material.
Examples of EP additives are sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine.
Sometimes small amounts of anti-foaming agent are added to the cutting fluid to avoid this problem.
Anti-wear (AW/polar) additives: These additives form a membrane on the surfaces that slide against one another.
Temperature: The best temperature for emulsions is below 25 C. Therefore, the tank should be relatively large. In practice
Examples of anti-wear additives are fatty acids, esters and polyglycol.
two-thirds of the electrical energy used by a machine is transferred to the emulsion in the form of heat when the material is
Base oils: Cutting oils consist of one or more base oils which are either mineral oils, synthetic oils, white oils or esters. being machined. In excessively high temperatures the growth conditions for bacteria are more favourable and there is more
water evaporation from the emulsion; consequently, larger amounts of emulsion with a lower concentration must be added.
Biocides: Biocides are divided into two main groups: bactericides (bacteria killers) and fungicides (fungus killers).
There are two types of bactericides: formaldehyde-emitting and non formaldehyde-emitting. NB: Do not just add water, instead add a low-concentration emulsion. Water alone has no protective or lubricating
properties, which means tool wear and the risk of bacterial infestation increases..
Bacterial and fungal content: Measured using a dip slide, results are ready within 24-48 hours. The bacterial content
should normally be below 105 per ml (depending on product), and the fungal content should be lower than ‘low content’. Impurities: Particles are removed by filtration. Particles might for example be small metal cuttings or graphite. Impurities
If the bacterial content is 106 per ml or higher or if the fungal content is ‘medium’, the fluid must be treated with biocides could also be cigarette butts, cigarette ash, coffee or chewing gum. All impurities reduce the life of the emulsion as they
to reduce the bacterial content. In the event of a fungal/mould infestation, the fluid must be treated with fungicides, or the improve the growing conditions for bacteria and fungi..¬
system must be completely replaced and the machine cleaned.
Water quality: Water quality is measured using indicator strips. Water hardness is measured as ppm CaCO3 or German
Boron additives: Boron additives act as emulsifiers, inhibit corrosion and bacterial growth, and provide buffer capacity for degrees of hardness (°dH). In certain locations chlorine has been added to the mains water for reasons of hygiene,
maintaining the right pH level. Boric acid is classed as toxic to human reproduction. In water-miscible cutting fluids, the particularly during the summer when more surface water is used since it contains more bacteria and algae. A higher
boric acid has reacted with amines to produce boramines, which means that boric acid only occurs at extremely low levels. chlorine content may cause corrosion. If the water is very hard, the emulsion may become unstable and its life span may
be reduced. Moreover, lime soap and sludge may form.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Also known as a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Product Safety Data Sheet (PSDS). The
supplier has an obligation to provide a Safety Data Sheet for all products that are classified (e.g. as environmentally Soft water: Water with a low mineral content. Occurs naturally in certain areas depending on the nature of the bedrock.
hazardous or allergenic). Employers who use classified products are obliged to formulate working procedures suited to
Demineralised water: Also called desalinated or deionised water. A desalination plant includes a mixture of cation and
local conditions, based on the SDS.
anion exchangers. When water passes through the system, the dissolved salts in the water are replaced by hydrogen and
Concentration: Concentration is normally measured using a refractometer. Too high a concentration can lead to mess in hydroxyl ions. The result is high-quality salt-free water. Demineralised water is often used for emulsions in areas with
machines and materials, smoke formation, foaming, and in the worst cases skin irritation on the hands of the people naturally hard water.
handling the cutting fluid. Too low a concentration can lead to a poor surface finish on the machined material and a higher
Water from reverse osmosis: Natural osmosis occurs when two liquids with different salt concentrations are separated by
risk of bacterial and fungal infestations, which can contribute to a shorter life span of the cutting fluid. Materials and tools
an osmotic membrane (a membrane in the form of a thin polyamide film). Water molecules from the low-salt liquid pass
will have poorer rust protection. The right concentration is shown in the product description.
through the membrane until the salt content is the same on both sides of the membrane. This physical process is used in
Tramp oil content: The tramp oil content can be measured as follows: reverse osmosis. The high-salt liquid is put under pressure so that the water molecules flow in the opposite direction, and
Concentration (refractometer) – Concentration (titration) = Tramp oil content demineralised water is forced through the membrane. Water from reverse osmosis is particularly suitable for emulsions,
Tramp oil is most easily removed using a skimmer or an oil separator. It is also possible to roughly estimate the tramp oil since the process simultaneously cleans the water of bacteria, algae and other impurities.
content by measuring the free oil (visible oil level above the emulsion), although this method cannot measure tramp oil that
Distilled water: Formed by condensing water vapour. This could be clinically clean water, depending on the production
has already emulsified. Tramp oil is a general name for any oil that contaminates the emulsion. Tramp oil could be slide oil,
temperature. Distilled water is particularly suitable for emulsions but is expensive due to the production method.
corrosion inhibitor fluid from materials, hydraulic oil or gear oil. Bacteria thrive in the boundary layer between the leaked oil
and the emulsion, which is why tramp oil should be removed daily. Use some kind of skimmer or separator. No emulsion
can cope with being covered by tramp oil for any longer period of time.

pH-value: Measure using a litmus paper or pH meter. The pH is product specific and is normally between 9.0 and 9.6 in a
new emulsion. When the pH starts to decrease (should be measured at least once a week), this is a sign that the emulsion is
starting to break down and that maintenance is due. Attacks of rust and bacteria in materials and tools are some examples
of what a decreasing pH can lead to. It is unusual for the pH to rise, but this could happen if alkaline liquid gets into the
system, e.g. from degreasing.

Product Data Sheets: These should always be present in the workplace. They describe the areas of use of individual
products, mixing ratios, the refractometer index, the pH of the emulsion and so on.

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