Math Lesson Plan 2
Math Lesson Plan 2
Math Lesson Plan 2
Grade Level Being Taught: K Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/6/18
Lesson Content
What Standards (national or
state) relate to this lesson? MAFS.K.OA.1.2-Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by
(You should include ALL applicable
using objects or drawings to represent the problem (Students are not required to independently read the
standards. Rarely do teachers use
just one: they’d never get through word problems.)
them all.)
Essential Understanding
(What is the big idea or essential I want students to understand that decomposing numbers is a tool that can be used in the future when
question that you want students to they are applying it in real-world situations
come away with? In other words,
what, aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish this
Address the following questions: ● I am teaching this objective because I want my students to be able to learn how to decompose
◻ Why are you teaching this appropriately and be able to fluently apply their strategies.
objective? ● This lesson fits within a larger plan by giving the students an opportunity to address subtraction
◻ Where does this lesson fit and use mathematical terms successfully in order to extend their math functions to
within a larger plan? multiplications and divisions in the next grade levels.
◻ Why are you teaching it this ● I am teaching in this way in order for students to see how strategies can be used to solve
way? subtraction problems.
◻ Why is it important for ● It is important for students to learn this concept because they will need to understand how the
students to learn this concept? strategies work in order to learn multiplication and division.
Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will you modeling strategies
use during this lesson? Examples group work
include guided release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)
Step-by-Step Plan Time Who is Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use whichever
(What exactly do you plan to do in responsible plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson. For example, in science,
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. (Teacher or you would detail the 5 Es here (Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the
Act as if you needed a substitute to Students)? Idea; Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea; Evaluation).
carry out the lesson for you.)
teacher 1. begin lesson by gathering students on the carpet and review what
Where applicable, be sure to 5 min composing means.
address the following: student 2. ask students what the focus of the day is and explain what decomposing
◻ What Higher Order Thinking 2 min numbers means.
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? 3. have students recall strategies and share with classmates.
◻ How will materials be 5 min 4. write different subtraction problems on the board and solve it with
distributed? strategies of my own.
◻ Who will work together in 5. write different subtraction strategies and have students come to the
groups and how will you 5 min board and solve it with the help of their classmates.
determine the grouping? 6. split the class into their teams.
◻ How will students transition 7. One team goes on computer to do Iready math while the other team joins
between activities? 20 min me on the orange table to work on decomposition.
◻ What will you as the teacher do? per 8. in the orange table, work with the group on problems with decomposing
◻ What will the students do? group numbers.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Missy Rahman
Grade Level Being Taught: K Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/6/18
◻ What student data will be 9. share counters to help them see how to take numbers away and solve the
collected during each phase? problem.
◻ What are other adults in the 10. have students use counters to solve the rest of the problems on the
room doing? How are they worksheet.
supporting students’ learning? 11. check worksheet, and provide additional problems on decomposing
◻ What model of co-teaching are numbers.
you using? 12. when timer beeps, switch groups and do the same thing again.
Meeting your students’ needs as If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
people and as learners students?
Students will be able to add and subtract objects inside their house and find other strategies that
might have been taught in their culture to solve real-world problems.
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this
lesson (enrichment)?
The groups are formed based on behavioral management. I differentiate with higher level
worksheets for students who want to be challenged.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Missy Rahman
Grade Level Being Taught: K Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/6/18
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?
Provide one-on-one time and flexibility
provide buddy pairs
(What materials will you use? Why ● counters
did you choose these materials? ● worksheet
Include any resources you used.
This can also include people!)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Missy Rahman
Grade Level Being Taught: K Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/6/18