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Artificial Intelligence: Sarbjeet Singh Sukhvinder Singh

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 6– No.6, September 2010

Artificial Intelligence
Sarbjeet Singh Sukhvinder Singh
st st
M.Tech. CSE(2 Year) M.Tech. CSE(2 Year)
Sri Sai College of Engg. And Sri Sai College of Engg. And
Technology, Pathankot Technology, Pathankot

ABSTRACT discover truths about the system. These truths lead to the
Computer systems are becoming commonplace; indeed, they ability to make predictions or general statements about the
are almost ubiquitous. We find them central to the functioning system[1]. However, when a model does not sufficiently match
of most business, governmental, military, environmental, and the actual problem, the discovery of truths and the ability to
health-care organizations. They are also a part of many make predictions becomes exceedingly difficult.
educational and training programs. But these computer A classic example of this is the pre-Copernican model in which
systems, while increasingly affecting our lives, are rigid, the Sun and planets revolved around the Earth. In such a
complex and incapable of rapid change. To help us and our model, it was prohibitively difficult to predict the position of
organizations cope with the unpredictable eventualities of an planets. However, in the Copernican revolution this Earth-
ever-more volatile world, these systems need capabilities centric model was replaced with a model where the Earth and
that will enable them to adapt readily to change. They need to other planets revolved around the Sun. This new model
be intelligent. Our national competitiveness depends dramatically increased the ability of astronomers to predict
increasingly on capacities for accessing, processing, and celestial events. Arithmetic with Roman numerals provides a
analyzing information. The computer systems used for such second example of how knowledge representation can severely
purposes must also be intelligent. Health-care providers require limit the ability to manipulate that knowledge. Both of these
easy access to information systems so they can track health- examples stress the important relationship between knowledge
care delivery and identify the most recent and effective representation and thought. Through artificial intelligence,
medical treatments for their patients' conditions. Crisis engineers and computer scientists are capable of creating
management teams must be able to explore alternative courses machines that perform dangerous tasks in place of humans.
of action and support decision making. Educators need systems Here, a police robot handles a live bomb. In AI, a significant
that adapt to a student's individual needs and abilities. effort has gone into the development of languages that can be
Businesses require flexible manufacturing and software used to represent knowledge appropriately. Languages such as
design aids to maintain their leadership position in LISP, which is based on the lambda calculus, and Prolog,
information technology, and to regain it in manufacturing. which is based on formal logic, are widely used for knowledge
representation. Variations of predicate calculus are also
Keywords: artificial intelligence, knowledge, earth centric
common languages used by automated reasoning systems.
These languages have well-defined semantics and provide a
very general framework for representing and manipulating
1. INTRODUCTION (Artificial intelligence) knowledge

(AI) is a field of study based on the premise that intelligent 2.2 Knowledge manipulation
thought can be regarded as a form of computation—one that
can be formalized and ultimately mechanized. To achieve this, Many problems that humans are confronted with are not fully
however, two major issues need to be addressed. The first issue understood. This partial understanding is reflected in the fact
is knowledge representation, and the second is knowledge that a rigid algorithmic solution—a routine and predetermined
manipulation. Within the intersection of these two issues lies number of computational steps— cannot be applied. Rather, the
mechanized intelligence Section 2 describes these issues. concept of search is used to solve such problems. When search
Section 3 includes risks of artificial intelligence. And in section is used to explore the entire solution space, it is said to be
4 we concluded the whole paper. exhaustive. Exhaustive search is not typically a successful
approach to problem solving because most interesting problems
2. Issues of Artificial Intelligence: have search spaces that are simply too large to be dealt with in
this manner, even by the fastest computers. Therefore, if one
2.1 Knowledge representation hopes to find a solution (or a reasonably good approximation of
a solution) to such a problem, one must selectively explore the
problem's search space
It has long been recognized that the language and models used
to represent reality profoundly impact one's understanding of The difficulty here is that if part of the search space is not
reality itself. When humans think about a particular system, explored, one runs the risk that the solution one seeks will be
they form a mental model of that system and then proceed to missed. Thus, in order to ignore a portion of a search space,

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 6– No.6, September 2010

some guiding knowledge or insight must exist so that the

solution will not be overlooked. Heuristics is a major area of AI
that concerns itself with how to limit effectively the exploration
of a search space. Chess is a classic example where humans
routinely employ sophisticated heuristics in a search space. A
chess player will typically search through a small number of
possible moves before selecting a move to play. Not every
possible move and countermove sequence is explored. Only
reasonable sequences are examined. A large part of the
intelligence of chess players resides in the heuristics they
A heuristic-based search results from the application of domain
or problem-specific knowledge to a universal search function.
The success of heuristics has led to focusing the application of
general AI techniques to specific problem domains. This has
led to the development of expert systems capable of
sophisticated reasoning in narrowly defined domains within Figure 1: Risk and the Global Software Industry
fields such as medicine, mathematics, chemistry, robotics, and
[McManus, 2004]
Another area that is profoundly dependent on domain-specific
knowledge is natural language processing. The ability to 3.1 Positive Risk
understand a natural language such as English is one of the
most fundamental aspects of human intelligence, and presents Positive risk refers to risk that we initiate ourselves because we
one of the core challenges for the AI community. Small children see a potential opportunity along with a potential for failure
routinely engage in natural language processing, yet it appears (the negative risk associated with ―loss‖ of the opportunity).
to be almost beyond the reach of mechanized computation. There are several kinds of opportunities that can be leveraged
Over the years, significant progress has been made in the in projects if responses to them are well-timed and prompt
ability to parse text to discover its syntactic structure. However, action is initiated [Kahkonen, 2001]. These include:
much of the meaning in natural language is context-dependent
as well as culture-dependent, and capturing such dependencies  Business opportunities, e.g., product development,
has proved highly resistant to automation. customer care during the project life cycle, and focused

3. Risks In Artificial Intelligence attention on high profit margin activities

Global risk  Operational opportunities, e.g., value-added, do what

Providing insights to support informed decision making is the is important, minimize rework
primary objective of Risk Management. In practice, Risk
Management concentrates on performing bottom-up, detailed,
continuous assessment of risk and opportunity. It focuses on  Systemic opportunities, which typically mean long-
addressing the day-to-day operational risks that a program
term savings resulting from improved safety, insurance, etc.
faces. Risk Management follows a two-stage, repeatable and
iterative process of assessment (i.e., the identification,
estimation and evaluation of the risks confronting a program) 3.3 Software Risks
and management (i.e., the planning for, monitoring of, and There are numerous reasons as to why formal risk management
controlling of the means to eliminate or reduce the likelihood or is difficult to implement effectively. These include the sheer
consequences of the risks discovered). It is performed number of risk factors that have been identified in the
continually over the life of a program, from initiation to literature. For example, Capers Jones assessed several hundred
retirement. organizations and observed over 100 risk factors (of which 60
he discusses in detail in [Jones, 1994]). He observed, however,
There are a variety of risks that confront the global software
that few projects have more than 15 active risk factors at any
industry, as illustrated in Figure 1 [McManus, 2004], which
one time, but many projects have approximately six
will be discussed in more detail. The characteristics of the
simultaneous risk factors[3].
legal, social, economic and competitive environments impose
constraints and opportunities that help to define the nature of Another reason for the relatively low implementation of formal
the risks (and their exposure levels) for suppliers, buyers, and risk management methods in practice are, according to [Kontio,
other stakeholders in the software acquisition and development 1998], the fact that risk is an abstract or fuzzy concept for
process. which users lack the necessary tools to more accurately define
risk for a deeper analysis. In addition, many risk management
methods may be based on risk quantification. Users may not

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 6– No.6, September 2010

have the ability to provide accurate estimates for probability Risk, like quality, is everyone’s responsibility. A
and loss/opportunity projections required for a reliable risk continuous process of identifying, communicating and
analysis. Table-based approaches can sometimes be too biased resolving risks in an open and non-threatening
or too coarse for proper risk prioritization. Risks may also have environment is used. Admissions that some things are
different implications for different stakeholders (or, conversely, not known are acceptable and allowances are made for
be perceived differently by different stakeholders). Existing their existence using a best-case, worst-case scenario.
risk management methods may not provide support for dealing Risk statistics are used to make
with these differences. Risks may also affect a project in more organizational/process improvements. on a detailed
than one way. For example, most risk management approaches plan that evolves over time.
focus on cost, schedule or quality risks, but there may be
combinations of risks or other characteristics such as future
required maintenance, company reputation, or potential
liability/litigation that should be considered important in
influencing the decision-making process. Finally, many current
risk management techniques may be perceived as too costly or
too complex to use. Simple, straightforward risk management
techniques that require an acceptable amount of time to
produce results might be the answer.
The Risk Management Map contains five evolutionary stages of
risk management capability, defined as:
 Problem Stage: Describes circumstances when
risk identification is not seen as positive.
Characterized by lack of communication which causes Figure2- Risk Management Map.
a subsequent lack of coordination. Crisis management
is used to address existing problems. Risks ignored or
tracked in ad-hoc fashion. 4. Conclusion
 Mitigation Stage: Details a shift from crisis
management to risk management. People become AI is a young field and faces many complexities. Nonetheless,
aware of risks but do not systematically confront the Spring 1998 issue of AI Magazine contained articles on the
them. There is uncertainty as to how to communicate following innovative applications of AI: This is suggestive of
risks. Risks are usually recorded, tracked and the broad potential of AI in the future.
handled as discovered. 1. "Case- and Constraint-Based Project Planning for
 Prevention Stage: Discusses the shift of risk Apartment Construction"
management as solely a manager’s activity to risk 2. "CREWS–NS: Scheduling Train Crews in The
management as a team activity. This is a transitional Netherlands"
stage from avoidance of risk symptoms to
3. "An Intelligent System for Case Review and Risk
identification and elimination of root cause of risk,
Assessment in Social Services"
characterized by team, and sometimes customer,
involvement. For risk management to succeed it must 4. "CHEMREG: Using Case-Based Reasoning to
occur at each level within an organization. This stage Support Health and Safety Compliance in the Chemical
represents a turning point from a reactive to a more Industry"
proactive approach to risk management. Risks 5. "MITA: An Information-Extraction Approach to the
systematically … analyzed, planned, tracked and Analysis of Free-Form Text in Life Insurance
resolved. Applications"
 Anticipation Stage: Describes the shift from
subjective to quantitative risk management, through
5. Referencess
[1] Luger, George F., and William A. Stubblefield.
the use of measures to anticipate predictable risks, that
Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex
is characterized by the use of metrics to anticipate
Problem Solving. Redwood City, CA:
failures and predict future events. This stage involves
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, 1993.
the ability to learn from, adapt to, and anticipate
change, representing a completely proactive approach [2] Mueller, Robert A., and Rex L. Page. Symbolic
to risk management. Quantified analysis used to Computing with LISP and Prolog. New York: Wiley and
determine resolution cost/benefit for the project. Sons, 1988.
 Opportunity Stage: This represents a positive [3] Russel, Stuart J., and Peter Norvig. Artificial
vision of risk management that is used to innovate and Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
shape the future. Risks are perceived as an Prentice Hall, 1994
opportunity to save money and do better than planned.


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