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Utah Elementary Math Learning Standard: Unit Addressed by This Lesson.)

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Name: Grade Level/School/Mentor:

Kelsey Gile 4th Grade/ Brookwood/ Mrs.
Unit: Date: March Lesson Title: Equivalence with
Measurement 28, 2018 Customary Units of Length
Utah Elementary Math Learning Standard [State the strand/standard for the
unit addressed by this lesson.]
Standard 4.MD.1
Know relative sizes of measurement units within each
system of units (standard and metric), including
kilometers, meters, and centimeters; liters and milliliters;
kilograms and grams; pounds and ounces; hours, minutes,
and seconds. Within a single system of measurement,
express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a
smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-
column table
Standard 4.MD.2
Use the four operations to solve word problems involving
distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of
objects, and money.
a)Include problems involving simple fractions or
decimals, and problems that require expressing
measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a
smaller unit.

Learning Objective Specific to This Lesson: As a result of today’s lesson,

students will be able to . . .
I can recognize the relative size of customary units of length and convert from
a larger unit to a smaller unit.
Overarching Essential Question(s) Specific to Lesson

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How can you convert from one unit to another?
How can you be precise when solving math problems?
Targeted Mathematical Practices: As a 1-Make sense of problems and
result of today’s lesson, students will persevere
have opportunities to. . . 2-Reason abstractly and quantitatively
[Highlight the practice standard(s) to 3-Construct viable arguments and
focus on in this lesson]. critique the reasoning of others
4-Model with mathematics
5-Use appropriate tools strategically
6-Attend to precision
7-Look for and make use of structure
8-Look for and express regularity in
repeated reasoning
Prerequisite Knowledge This Lesson Draws Upon:
 How to find area and perimeter
 Whole-Number and fraction operations
 Time and money
Vocabulary Focus:
Document camera
Pearson Realize Video
Lesson Purpose (Introduce; Build Understanding/Make Connections;
Solidify/Get Precise/Get General; Practice/Reinforce)
Build upon knowledge of measurement and introduce equivalence from
larger units to smaller units.
Brief Overview of Lesson Anticipated Time Frame
Solve problems involving measurement and 50 minutes
conversion of measurements from a larger unit to
smaller unit.
Formative Assessment/Evaluation Strategies: How will students be expected
to demonstrate their understanding of the learning objective? How will you
make student learning visible?
Preston 17SP Math Methods
Students will start with a starter that prepares them for the day’s lesson and
allows me to see what areas need to be focused on. They will also participate
and show understanding through class discussions and buddy work. I will
walk through groups as they talk to hear what types of conversations are
happening. They will complete a worksheet that will be graded and turned in
the following day.
Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are
able to engage appropriately in this lesson? Adaptations--for Gifted/Talented,
ELL, and other Special Needs)

SPED: Allow students to do work with a buddy. Split the work into smaller
more manageable sections. Give both verbal and written instruction.
ELL: Use visual supports to enhance and confirm understanding. Explain
content information. Review basic math vocabulary.
Gifted: Invite students that finish early to solve
Jeremy’s foot is 2/3-foot long. How many inches long is Jeremey’s foot? Explain.
Remember there are 12 inches in 1 foot.
(They also attend Math Olympiads in the afternoon during workshop)
Probing Questions for Differentiation on Mathematical Tasks
Assessing Questions—to Scaffold Advancing Questions—
How is the drawing used to help us What do the number on the bar
understand the problem? diagram refer to?
Why do we subtract?

This is the heart of your lesson plan!
Outline the sequence and content of the activities in a step-by-step format. Each
segment should be detailed enough to communicate a strong sense of how you
see the lesson unfolding. Clarify your plans to: spark curiosity; encourage student
reflective thinking; prepare for transitions, scaffold student responsibility; make
thinking visible; use formative assessment.

What will the What will the students do?

Lesson Segments teacher do? [How will students be
Preston 17SP Math Methods
[How will the teacher actively engaged in each part
engage students, get of the lesson?]
them ready to
launch, monitor
student participation,
discussion &
reflective thinking?]

Beginning of Class I will give the Students will begin math

How does the students the time to time by trying to solve a
warm-up/starter work through the problem that focuses on the
activity connect to starter problem and lesson for today. They will
students’ prior find their own first try it by themselves and
knowledge, or solution. When the see what they know and
how is it based on time comes I will understand. Then they can
analysis of discuss the problem talk with their elbow buddy
homework? and ask for students to see if together they can
to share their find more clues. When the
Approximately 10 findings and time comes use the
minutes. different ways they document camera to show
may have come to findings and share the
their conclusions. pathway to their solution.

Preston 17SP Math Methods

1. ENGAGE: I will present the Students will listen and
How will you Pearson video that interact with the Pearson
engage students introduces the day’s video. Students will engage
and spark their topic. I will ask in class discussions by raising
curiosity toward questions and allow hand to share information,
the learning students to work as well as sharing their
objective? individually and with thoughts and ideas with a
a buddy to solve the buddy.
Approximately 12 big idea for the day. I
minutes. will pause often to
ask questions and
build understanding.

Preston 17SP Math Methods

2. LAUNCH: I will work through Students will build class
Spark curiosity . . . Get ready . . . Get set . . . How will you the practice discussions by participation
introduce students problems using the and feedback. They will
to the task so that white board or express understanding or
they are invited to document camera to confusion on problems or
work like a allow students to see concepts. Students will work
mathematician? my work and add with buddies to sort through
How will you input to build the data and solve problems,
check that discussion and while giving peer ideas and
students are ready understanding. They direction.
to work on the may also share their
task individually or own work I will
in small groups? provide time for
How will you them to work with
distribute buddies to find
materials, understanding and
transition into hear peer’s ideas.
individual or small-
group work, keep
students engaged
in the lesson . . .
signal students
back to whole

Approximately 20

Preston 17SP Math Methods

student do!Let go & letDURING
3. EXPLORE/Do: You can buddy check Students will work on the
How will the task your answers to see assigned workbook page.
develop student if you agree and/or They will work individually
sense making and disagree on the same and check with a buddy
reasoning? How problems. If you and when needed. If they still are
will the task your buddy don’t confused or there is need for
require student agree think of how clarification they will ask
communication you can share your Miss Gile to help or clarify
and development reasoning using the questions. They will ask
of practice math skills and They will have some time
standards? evidence to show during math and additional
your work. I will time during math workshop.
Approximately 7 walk through the
minutes. room to give
students support
when needed. If I
find many students
struggling with the
same problem or
concept I will bring
the class back
together and reteach
or clarify what the
question is asking.

Preston 17SP Math Methods

How will student
Orchestrate sharing & highlight take-away.

thinking be elicited
and brought into
the open? What
questions and
math talk
strategies will
reflective thinking,
and reinforce

____ minutes.

5. Recap and Before we start Students will engage and pay

Close: working in the attention during final
How will you close homework for today instruction time. They will
the lesson so that does anybody have ask necessary questions to
students are clear any questions? help understand the math
the “take away” concept or assignment they
from the lesson? may not understand.
Leave Residue!

Approximately 1

Preston 17SP Math Methods

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