RTN 320 V100R007C10 OAU 2A Product Description 02 (20170315)
RTN 320 V100R007C10 OAU 2A Product Description 02 (20170315)
RTN 320 V100R007C10 OAU 2A Product Description 02 (20170315)
Issue 02
Date 2017-03-15
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Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
Familiarity with the basic knowledge related to digital microwave communication technology
will help you apply the information in this document.
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Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the
changes made in earlier issues.
Update Description
3 Product Structure......................................................................................................................... 51
3.1 System Architecture..................................................................................................................................................... 52
3.2 Service Signal Processing Flow................................................................................................................................... 54
3.3 Ports.............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
3.4 Indicators...................................................................................................................................................................... 62
3.5 Labels............................................................................................................................................................................66
6 Technical Specifications.............................................................................................................80
6.1 RF Performance............................................................................................................................................................ 81
6.1.1 Microwave Working Modes...................................................................................................................................... 81 IF Running Modes.................................................................................................................................................. 81 Microwave Working Modes and Service Capacities (IS3 Mode) (ETSI).............................................................. 83 Microwave Working Modes and Service Capacities (IS3 Mode) (FCC)............................................................... 91 Microwave Working Modes and Service Capacities (IS6 Mode).......................................................................... 96
6.1.2 Channel Configuration............................................................................................................................................ 105
6.1.3 Receiver Sensitivity................................................................................................................................................. 106 Receiver Sensitivity (IS3 Mode) (ETSI).............................................................................................................. 106 Receiver Sensitivity (IS3 Mode) (FCC)............................................................................................................... 120 Receiver Sensitivity (IS6 Mode).......................................................................................................................... 126
6.1.4 Distortion Sensitivity............................................................................................................................................... 139
6.1.5 Baseband Processing Performance of a Modem..................................................................................................... 140
6.2 Predicted Reliability................................................................................................................................................... 140
6.2.1 Predicted Equipment Reliability..............................................................................................................................140
6.2.2 Predicted Link Reliability........................................................................................................................................141
6.3 Ethernet Port Performance..........................................................................................................................................141
6.4 System Performance................................................................................................................................................... 143
7 Accessories.................................................................................................................................. 146
7.1 Power Injector.............................................................................................................................................................147
8 Cables...........................................................................................................................................158
8.1 Outdoor Network Cables............................................................................................................................................ 159
8.2 Outdoor Optical Fiber.................................................................................................................................................160
8.3 Power Cables.............................................................................................................................................................. 161
8.4 RTN 320 OAU 2A PGND Cables.............................................................................................................................. 162
A Appendix....................................................................................................................................163
A.1 Port Loopbacks.......................................................................................................................................................... 164
A.2 Photographs of Parts.................................................................................................................................................. 164
A.3 Compliance Standards............................................................................................................................................... 168
A.3.1 ITU-R Standards..................................................................................................................................................... 168
A.3.2 ITU-T Standards..................................................................................................................................................... 169
A.3.3 ETSI Standards....................................................................................................................................................... 170
A.3.4 CEPT Standards......................................................................................................................................................172
A.3.5 IEC Standards......................................................................................................................................................... 173
A.3.6 IETF Standards....................................................................................................................................................... 175
A.3.7 IEEE Standards....................................................................................................................................................... 176
A.3.8 Other Standards...................................................................................................................................................... 176
1 Product Introduction
The OptiX RTN 320 (RTN 320 for short) is a full-outdoor dual-channel product in the OptiX
RTN radio transmission system series.
The OAU 2A provides such functions as service access, multiplexing, IF processing, and
system control and communication. An ODU performs frequency conversion and power
amplification for signals. The RTN 320 uses RTN XMC ODUs, which cover the entire
frequency band from 6 GHz to 42 GHz. For details about RTN XMC ODUs, see RTN XMC
ODU Hardware Description.
The split RTN 320 makes full use of existing RTN XMC ODUs, achieving zero footprint
Unless otherwise specified, the RTN 320 mentioned in this document refers to the split RTN 320.
1.2 Positioning
The RTN 320 is radio transmission equipment that provides transmission solutions for both
mobile communication networks and private networks.
The split RTN 320 is full-outdoor radio transmission equipment that can be mounted on a
pole, thereby achieving zero footprint in terms of installation space. The RTN 320 works with
two ODUs to support two microwave directions. The RTN 320 helps lower network
construction costs and operating expenses.
The RTN 320 supports flexible networking. RTN 320s can form ring or chain backhaul
networks for IP base stations.
The RTN 320 supports 4096QAM, 112 MHz channel spacing, XPIC, PLA/EPLA, MIMO,and
1+1 HSB/FD/SD. With such capabilities, the RTN 320 provides high-bandwidth backhaul
links for high-capacity 3G/LTE base stations.
On mobile communication networks, the RTN 320 can:
l Operate independently to form ring or chain backhaul networks to provide links with
high capacity, bandwidth, and reliability for 3G/LTE base stations. See Figure 1-2.
l Work with the ATN to provide a microwave channel solution for transparent
transmission on the IP radio access network (IP RAN). See Figure 1-3.
l Replace an existing OptiX RTN 900 IDU when the OptiX RTN 900 IDU needs to be
moved outdoors. See Figure 1-4.
NodeB 1
NodeB 2
NodeB 3
NodeB 5
Figure 1-4 RTN 320 replacing an existing OptiX RTN 900 IDU
1.3 Specifications
The RTN 320's specifications meet the backhaul requirements of both mobile communication
networks and private networks.
Table 1-1 lists the main specifications of the RTN 320.
Microwave type IP microwave over native Ethernet and over PWE3 Ethernet
Number of 2
Frequency bands 6 GHz, 7 GHz, 8 GHz, 10 GHz, 10.5 GHz, 11 GHz, 13 GHz, 15 GHz,
18 GHz, 23 GHz, 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 32 GHz, 38 GHz, 42 GHz
Item Specifications
Channel l ACAP
configuration l ACCP
AM Supported
ATPC Supported
Item Specifications
LLDP Supported
QoS/HQoS Supported
Service types l Native Ethernet services: E-Line service and E-LAN service
l PW-carried Ethernet services: E-Line service, E-Aggr service, and
E-LAN (VPLS) service (VPLS standing for virtual private LAN
Clock features l Supported clock sources: microwave link clock and synchronous
Ethernet clock
l IEEE 1588v2 time synchronization
l ITU-T G.8257.1 time synchronization
ODU Supports RTN XMC-2/2H/3 ODUs, which cover the entire frequency
band from 6 GHz to 42 GHz.
At a 2+0 site, the two RTN XMC ODUs of an RTN 320 are installed on the same hybrid
coupler. Depending on antenna specifications, the hybrid coupler can be directly mounted on
an antenna (direct mounting) or connected to an antenna using accessories (split mounting).
Each ODU is connected to the OAU 2A using an IF cable. The following figure uses direct
mounting as an example to illustrate the typical configurations of a 2+0 site.
Generally, physical link aggregation (PLA) or enhanced physical link aggregation (EPLA) is
configured for the RTN 320 at a 2+0 site.
In this example, the RTN 320 provides protection for one channel of GE optical/electrical
service. In applications, the RTN 320 can provide protection for multiple channels of GE
optical/electrical services. These services are synchronously switched between the main and
standby channels based on the channel status.
Generally, PLA or EPLA is configured for the RTN 320 at an XPIC site. In this manner, two
microwave links are aggregated to form a high-bandwidth logical Ethernet channel, and load
sharing or protection is implemented for the microwave links.
Figure 1-9 XPIC site with 1+1 protection (optical splitter mode)
LAG Mode
Two RTN 320s configured with XPIC can work with an OptiX RTN 900 or an LACP-
supporting UNI-side device to implement 1+1 protection, which improves the reliability of
microwave links in each polarization direction. A GE cable is used as a 1+1 cascade cable to
connect GE ports of the main and standby RTN 320s. The main and standby RTN 320s
exchange protection protocol and DCN information over the 1+1 cascade cable. See Figure
To form an inter-NE 2x2 MIMO site configuration, two RTN 320s are cascaded through their
MIMO ports using two outdoor optical fibers of the same length. One fiber connects ports
MIMO1, and the other fiber connects ports MIMO2.
To form a 4x4 MIMO site configuration, two RTN 320s are cascaded through their MIMO
ports and provide two microwave links in the vertical polarization direction and two
microwave links in the horizontal polarization direction.
To form a 4x4 MIMO site configuration, two RTN 320s are cascaded through their MIMO
ports using two outdoor optical fibers of the same length. One fiber connects ports MIMO1,
and the other fiber connects ports MIMO2.
Generally, RTN 320s at a MIMO site are configured in a PLA or an EPLA group. In this
manner, multiple microwave links are aggregated as a high-bandwidth logical Ethernet
channel, and load sharing or protection is implemented for the microwave links.
A 3+0/4+0 site uses three or four frequencies without XPIC enabled and two frequencies with
XPIC enabled. In this example, four frequencies are used. If XPIC is enabled, ODU (1)
connects to an IF port on OAU 2A (2), and ODU (3) connects to an IF port on OAU 2A (2).
Connections in optical splitter mode and LAG mode are the same as those in single NE-based
access mode.
LAG Mode
In this mode, an OptiX RTN 900 IDU or LACP-supporting UNI-side device provides service
access and is configured with a static LAG. The static LAG and the E-LAG configured on the
main and standby RTN 320s can cooperate to implement protection switching for both
equipment and access links. See Figure 1-16.
RTN 320 provides two microwave links and various functions and features. It provides high-
quality high-efficient microwave links for transmitting Ethernet service from base stations.
RTN 320 provides protection schemes for microwave links and Ethernet networks.
2.10 Network Management
RTN 320 supports multiple network management modes and provides comprehensive
management information exchange solutions.
2.11 Rapid Deployment
Various technologies are used to simplify RTN 320 installation deployment.
2.12 Easy Maintenance
RTN 320 supports contact-free maintenance, powerful equipment-level OAM functions, and
end-to-end TP-Assist.
2.13 Security Management
RTN 320 works with its network management system (NMS) to prevent unauthorized logins
and operations, ensuring equipment management security.
2.14 Anti-Theft Function
Device authentication is the process wherein the U2000 checks and authenticates a device
using a key to prevent any illegal device access.
2.15 Energy Saving
OptiX RTN 320 reduces the amount of energy consumed by using:
2.16 Environmental Protection
RTN 320 is designed to meet or exceed environmental protection requirements. The product
complies with restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) and waste from electrical and
electronic equipment (WEEE) directives.
Adaptive Modulation
Figure 2-1 shows how the modulation scheme shifts step by step according to weather
changes and how modulation schemes affect service throughput and reliability. In this
example, the modulation scheme of guaranteed AM capacity is QPSK Strong and the
modulation scheme of full AM capacity is 256QAM.
256 256
QAM 128 64 16 64 128 QAM
QAM QAM 32 16
16 QAM 16 32
QAM Strong
256QAM 99.5%
128QAM 99.9%
64QAM 99.92%
32QAM 99.96%
16QAM 99.99%
Low-priority Low-priority
service service 99.995%
16QAM Strong
QPSK Strong
High-priority service
The AM technology used by RTN 320 has the following characteristics:
l Supports the superhigh-order modulation schemes 2048QAM and 4096QAM in addition
to the normal modulation schemes from QPSK Strong to 1024QAM Light. The
difference between strong/light modulation schemes and normal modulation schemes
lies in FEC encoding parameter settings. Strong modulation schemes have stronger error
correction capabilities, which mean higher receiver sensitivity but lower air interface
bandwidth. Light modulation schemes have poorer error correction capabilities, which
mean lower receiver sensitivity but higher air interface bandwidth.
l Can configure both the lowest-order modulation scheme (also called reference scheme or
modulation scheme of guaranteed AM capacity) and the highest-order modulation
scheme (also called nominal scheme or modulation scheme of full AM capacity).
l Can switch modulation schemes without changing the transmit frequency, receive
frequency, or channel spacing.
l Switches modulation schemes step-by-step.
l Features hitless switching. When the modulation scheme is downshifted, high-priority
services are not affected while low-priority services are discarded. Switching is
successful even when 100 dB/s channel fast fading occurs.
Service H
Cancellation signal
f1 Service
Service signal
H: horizontal polarization direction
V: vertical polarization direction
The RTN 320 provides two microwave links. XPIC can be configured within the RTN 320.
The two IF units in the RTN 320 exchange XPIC signals.
P&E Principles
In P&E mode, an outdoor network cable carries Ethernet service signals along with DC power
signals. This eliminates the need for laying an extra power cable and therefore simplifies
An RTN 320 can work with a power injector (PI) to implement P&E through its P&E port.
See Figure 2-4.
P&E port
P&E port
Power GE signal
Generally, the P&E supply distance depends on factors such as the powered device power
consumption, power sourcing equipment type, and the supply mode (forceful or negotiable
supply mode).
When an RTN power injector (PI) functions as the power sourcing equipment, it only couples
the GE signals and power signals, without regenerating or enhancing these signals. Therefore,
the length (L in Figure 2-5) of the network cable between the client-side device to the
powered device must not extend 100 meters.
Function Description
MS-PW Supported
Item Description
Item Description
l E-Line services are Ethernet private line services. The RTN 320 supports a maximum of 512 E-Line
services, including:
l Port-, port+VLAN-, and port+QinQ-based native E-Line services
l Port- and port+VLAN-based PW-carried E-Line services
l E-Aggr services are Ethernet aggregation services. The RTN 320 supports E-Aggr services from multiple
UNIs to one PW or from multiple PWs to one UNI. The RTN 320 supports a maximum of 128 E-Aggr
l E-LAN services are Ethernet local area network (LAN) services.
l IEEE 802.1d bridge-, IEEE 802.1q bridge-, and IEEE 802.1ad bridge-based native E-LAN services.
The RTN 320 supports a maximum of eight E-LAN services.
l PW-carried E-LAN services, that is, VPLSs based on virtual switch instances (VSIs). The RTN 320
supports a maximum of eight VSIs and 1024 logical ports.
2.7 QoS
RTN 320 supports quality of service (QoS) functions, including traffic classification, traffic
policing, congestion avoidance, queue scheduling, and traffic shaping.
QoS provides different levels of service quality in certain aspects of services as required, such
as bandwidth, delay, jitter, and packet loss ratio. This ensures that the request and response of
a user or application reaches an expected quality level.
QoS Functions
Function Description
... ... ... ... ... ...
CoS x
... ... ... ...
CoS z
Item Description
Item Description
2.9 Protection
RTN 320 provides protection schemes for microwave links and Ethernet networks.
Item Specifications
Inband DCN Microwa All inband DCN channels are marked by one VLAN ID.
ve link The bandwidth of each inband DCN channel is
Ethernet All inband DCN channels are marked by one VLAN ID.
port The bandwidth of each inband DCN channel is
If Ethernet ports are used for 1+1 cascading, they also transmit
inband DCN packets for network management.
L2DCN Supported
WLAN module
After connecting to a local NE through WLAN, the Web LCT can be used to configure the
NE, and query NE alarms, and the Web LCT can also be used to query performance and logs,
facilitating commissioning and maintenance.
Function Description
l Microwave ports: The forward error correction (FEC) encoding mode is adopted and the
adaptive time-domain equalizer for baseband signals is used. This enables the microwave
ports to withstand strong interference. An interceptor cannot restore the content in a data
frame if coding details and service configurations are not obtained.
l Modular design: Control units are separated from service units, and service units are
separated from each other. In this manner, a fault on any unit can be isolated, minimizing
the impact of the fault on other units in the system.
l CPU flow control: The data flow sent to the CPU for processing is classified and
controlled to prevent CPU resources from being exhausted by a large number of packets.
This ensures that the CPU operates properly under attacks.
l Management port control: The protective cover for the maintenance compartment is kept
closed when the management port is not being used, preventing unauthorized access.
with a public key, the device starts its anti-theft control function. The function stayed enabled
until the NMS uses its private key to unlock the device.
Anti-Theft Mechanism
l When data communication network (DCN) is available, you can manage the device anti-
theft function (that is, enable or disable the function) in an online manner by using the
l When DCN is unavailable, you can manage the device anti-theft function (for example,
configure the warehouse-device anti-theft function) in an offline manner by using the
web LCT.
l For the main devices, two anti-theft measures are available: disallowing any
modification to the device configurations and restricting the air-interface bandwidth to 7
– After being stolen, a main device can continue to function for 7 days (the duration
can be specified to another value) and then its air-interface bandwidth will be
restricted to 7 Mbit/s, with DCN communication still available.
– After becoming unreachable to the U2000, a main device can continue to function
for 7 days, and then its air-interface bandwidth will be restricted to 7 Mbit/s. Once
its DCN communication recovers, its services automatically recover.
l Once an ODU is stolen, its services will be interrupted for half an hour every 8 hours,
and its DCN communication is available when its services are not interrupted.
l A device private key cannot be exported from the U2000, thereby ensuring the safety of the device
anti-theft function.
l Before deploying the device anti-theft function, ensure that two sets of U2000 are deployed at two
different places for mutual backup. If only one set of U2000 is deployed, all the devices will enter
the "stolen" state once the U2000 fails, interrupting all the services on the network.
l RTN 320 complies with compulsory packing restrictions that limit the size of the
package containing the equipment and accessories to three times that of the equipment
l The product is designed for easy unpacking. In addition, all hazardous substances
contained in the package can decompose quickly.
l Every plastic component that weighs over 25 g is labeled according to the standards of
ISO 11469 and ISO 1043-1 to ISO 1043-4. All components and packages of the
equipment are provided with standard labels for recycling.
l Plugs and connectors are easy to find and can be operated using standard tools.
l All the accompanying materials (such as labels) are easy to remove. Certain types of
identifying information (such as silkscreens) are printed on the chassis.
3 Product Structure
This chapter describes the system architecture, service signal processing flow, external ports,
and indicator status.
This chapter describes only the product structure of the OAU 2A. For the product structure of the RTN
XMC ODU, see RTN XMC ODU Hardware Description.
-48 V DC
Power Supplies power
unit to other units
MIMO signals
IF subsystem Antenna
2 ODU2
MIMO signals
Control signals
Clock signals to
signals other units
Clock unit
USB flash
drive or WLAN USB port
module System
control unit
NMS port RJ45 port
-48 V DC IF signals
Ethernet IF processing
service MUX unit Modem unit
Functional Units
Functional Unit Description
IF subsystem
2 IF processing unit l Splits the received analog IF signals and ODU O&M
l Filters analog IF signals.
l If cross polarization interference cancellation (XPIC) is
disabled, performs analog/digital conversion for the
filtered signals and transmits the converted signals to the
baseband processing unit.
l If XPIC is enabled, splits the filtered signals into two
channels, performs analog/digital conversion for one
channel of signals and transmits the converted signals to
the baseband processing unit, and transmits the other
channel of signals as XPIC signals. Performs analog/
digital conversion for XPIC signals from the member in
the other polarization direction of the XPIC group and
transmits the converted signals to the baseband
processing unit.
5 Ethernet access unit Performs parallel/serial conversion for Ethernet services and
transmits them.
3.3 Ports
The RTN 320 OAU 2A provides multiple service ports, management and maintenance ports,
and one DC port.
Port Positions
All ports on the RTN 320, except IF ports , are in the maintenance compartment. When the
RTN 320 is running, the maintenance compartment must be closed.
GE Electrical Port
GE1 and GE2 are fixed electrical ports. They support FE/GE electrical signals and RJ45
1 2 3 4 56 7 8
GE electrical ports support the medium dependent interface (MDI), medium dependent
interface crossover (MDI-X), and auto-MDI/MDI-X modes. Table 3-4 and Table 3-5 provide
the pin assignments for GE electrical ports in different modes.
Table 3-6 lists the SFP module types supported by the GE3(o) and COMBO ports.
34100099 10/100/1000Base-TX -
USB Port
A USB flash drive can be inserted into the USB port to import configurations during site
deployment, to upgrade software, or to back up data. A WLAN module can also be inserted
into the USB port. Then, the Web LCT can access the RTN 320 through WLAN.
The USB port is located in the USB maintenance compartment at the bottom of the RTN 320.
The USB maintenance compartment must be closed when the RTN 320 is running.
NMS Port
The RTN 320 provides two NMS ports. One is the NMS/GE2(e) port, and the other is the
NMS port that is on a side of the maintenance compartment. The two ports have the same pin
assignments and functions. The NMS/GE2(e) port is preferred for easy cable routing.
Table 3-7 provides the pin assignments for NMS ports.
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
3.4 Indicators
The RTN 320 has service port indicators, one USB port indicator, and one system and link
status indicator (STAT).
The indicators are located in the maintenance compartment and indicate the equipment
operating status during installation, commissioning, and maintenance. You can observe the
STAT indicator even when the protective cover of the maintenance compartment is closed.
USB port indicator WLAN module Steady green The WLAN module
has been identified
and is working
Off l No WLAN
module is
inserted into the
USB port.
l The WLAN
module inserted
into the USB
port cannot be
After you load data to the RTN 320 using a USB flash drive, the RTN 320 automatically resets. All the
indicators are off during the reset. After the reset is complete, you can observe the STAT indicator to
understand the status of the RTN 320.
3.5 Labels
Labels such as the product nameplate, ESD protection label, radiation warning label, and high
temperature warning label are attached to a chassis. When performing operations, adhere to
warnings or instructions on the labels to prevent any personal injury or damage to the
Label Positions
The high temperature warning label indicates that the equipment surface temperature may exceed 70°C
when the ambient temperature is higher than 55°C. You must wear protective gloves when handling the
NodeB 0
XPIC or 2+0
2X (1+0)
NodeB 2
NodeB 3
RTN 320
NodeB 1
NodeB 2
RTN 320
In this solution:
l The ATN functions as the CSG, and the RTN 320 functions as the transparent microwave
transmission channel for the CSG.
l The RTN 320 supports the automatically available DCN between the RTN 320 and ATN.
RTN 320
RTN 320
LAN switch
RTN 320
RTN 320 can form a chain network or a ring network with optical transmission equipment to
function as a supplement to optical fiber transmission. In the second scenario, RTN 320 forms
an ERPS network with the optical transmission equipment to protect services.
This chapter describes network management solutions and the network management system
(NMS) software used in these solutions.
5.3 U2000-T
The iManager U2000-T is a network-level management system (NMS) that manages Huawei
fixed-line network products in a unified manner.
The U2000-T provides topology management, which displays NE positions and connections
between NEs. See Figure 5-4.
The U2000-T manages network-level alarms, performance, inventory, and security, and end-
to-end service configurations. See Figure 5-5.
The U2000-T provides a built-in NE Explorer to manage all NEs on the topology. See Figure
6 Technical Specifications
6.1 RF Performance
This chapter describes the radio frequency (RF) performance and various technical
specifications related to microwave.
6.2 Predicted Reliability
Predicted reliability includes predicted equipment reliability and predicted link reliability.
Reliability is measured by mean time between failures (MTBF). Reliability prediction
complies with the Bellcore TR-332 standard.
6.3 Ethernet Port Performance
Ethernet port performance complies with IEEE 802.3.
6.4 System Performance
System performance includes the dimensions, weight, power consumption, power supply,
electromagnetic compatibility, surge protection, safety, and environment.
6.1 RF Performance
This chapter describes the radio frequency (RF) performance and various technical
specifications related to microwave.
The two microwave channels of the RTN 320 must run in the same mode. That is, when a working mode
is set for one port, the other port will automatically synchronize with the port and work in the same
40 MHz Microwave Working Modes and Service Capacities (IS3 Mode) (ETSI)
This section lists the microwave working modes and service capacities supported by the RTN
320 running in IS3 mode.
l In a description of models of XMC-2 ODUs, the frequency band 10 GHz is used to represent the 10
GHz and 10.5 GHz frequency bands.
l 7/8 GHz XMC-2 ODUs are available in two versions: normal and XMC-2E. Only 8 GHz XMC-2
ODUs of the XMC-2E version support the T/R spacing 310 MHz.
Table 6-6 Radio working modes and service capacities (XPIC disabled)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz) Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
7 QPSK 8 to 10 8 to 13 8 to 18 8 to 24
QPSK 10 to 13 10 to 17 10 to 22 10 to 30
16QAM 17 to 21 17 to 28 17 to 37 17 to 51
16QAM 20 to 26 20 to 34 20 to 45 20 to 61
32QAM 25 to 32 25 to 42 25 to 55 25 to 75
64QAM 31 to 40 31 to 53 32 to 70 32 to 95
128QAM 37 to 47 37 to 63 37 to 82 37 to 111
256QAM 42 to 53 42 to 70 42 to 92 42 to 125
512QAM 44 to 57 44 to 75 44 to 98 44 to 133
14 QPSK 17 to 22 17 to 29 17 to 37 17 to 51
QPSK 20 to 26 20 to 34 20 to 45 20 to 61
16QAM 35 to 44 35 to 59 35 to 77 35 to 104
16QAM 41 to 52 41 to 69 41 to 91 41 to 123
28 QPSK 36 to 46 36 to 60 36 to 79 36 to 107
QPSK 42 to 54 42 to 71 42 to 93 42 to 126
Table 6-7 Radio working modes and service capacities (XPIC enabled)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz) Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
7 QPSK 8 to 10 8 to 13 8 to 17 8 to 23
QPSK 10 to 12 10 to 16 10 to 22 10 to 29
16QAM 16 to 21 16 to 28 16 to 36 16 to 49
16QAM 20 to 25 20 to 33 20 to 43 20 to 59
32QAM 24 to 31 24 to 41 24 to 54 24 to 73
64QAM 31 to 39 31 to 52 31 to 68 31 to 92
128QAM 36 to 46 36 to 61 36 to 80 36 to 108
14 QPSK 16 to 21 16 to 28 16 to 36 16 to 49
QPSK 20 to 25 20 to 33 20 to 44 20 to 59
16QAM 34 to 43 34 to 57 34 to 74 34 to 101
16QAM 40 to 51 40 to 67 40 to 88 40 to 119
28 QPSK 36 to 46 36 to 60 36 to 79 36 to 107
QPSK 42 to 53 42 to 71 42 to 92 42 to 125
l The throughput specifications in the preceding tables are based on the following conditions:
l Frame header compression disabled: untagged Ethernet frames with a length from 64 bytes to
9600 bytes
l L2 frame header compression enabled: untagged Ethernet frames with a length from 64 bytes
to 9600 bytes
l L2+L3 frame header compression (IPv4) enabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from
70 bytes to 9600 bytes
l L2+L3 frame header compression (IPv6) enabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from
90 bytes to 9600 bytes
l The difference between strong/light modulation schemes and normal modulation schemes lies in
FEC encoding parameters. Strong modulation schemes have stronger error correction capabilities,
which result in higher receiver sensitivity but lower air interface bandwidth. Light modulation
schemes have poorer error correction capabilities, which result in lower receiver sensitivity but
higher air interface bandwidth. Microwave Working Modes and Service Capacities (IS3 Mode) (FCC)
This section lists the microwave working modes of the RTN 320 when FCC 30/40/50 MHz
channel spacings are used. The RTN 320 runs in IS3 mode.
Table 6-10 Radio working modes and service capacities (XPIC disabled)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz, Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
FCC) Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
QPSK 43 to 55 43 to 73 44 to 96 44 to 117
Table 6-11 Radio working modes and service capacities (XPIC enabled)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz, Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
FCC) Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
QPSK 43 to 55 44 to 73 44 to 96 44 to 129
l The throughput specifications in the preceding tables are based on the following conditions:
l Frame header compression disabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from 64 bytes to
9600 bytes
l L2 frame header compression enabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from 64 bytes to
9600 bytes
l L2+L3 frame header compression (IPv4) enabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from
70 bytes to 9600 bytes
l L2+L3 frame header compression (IPv6) enabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from
90 bytes to 9600 bytes
l The difference between strong/light modulation schemes and normal modulation schemes lies in
FEC encoding parameter settings. Strong modulation schemes have stronger error correction
capabilities, which mean higher receiver sensitivity but lower air interface bandwidth. Light
modulation schemes have poorer error correction capabilities, which mean lower receiver sensitivity
but higher air interface bandwidth.
When running in IS6 mode, RTN 320 can work only with RTN XMC-3 ODUs. RTN XMC-3 ODUs
support eleven frequency bands: 7 GHz to 38 GHz.
28 GHz 2048QAM
32 GHz 512QAM
38 GHz N/A
28GHz 1024QAM
32GHz 512QAM
38GHz N/A
Table 6-15 Radio working modes and service capacities (XPIC disabled)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz) Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
7 QPSK 8 to 10 8 to 13 8 to 18 8 to 24
QPSK 10 to 13 10 to 17 10 to 22 10 to 30
16QAM 17 to 21 17 to 28 17 to 37 17 to 51
16QAM 20 to 26 20 to 34 20 to 45 20 to 61
32QAM 25 to 32 25 to 42 25 to 55 25 to 75
64QAM 31 to 40 31 to 53 32 to 70 32 to 95
128QAM 37 to 47 37 to 63 37 to 82 37 to 111
256QAM 42 to 53 42 to 70 42 to 92 42 to 125
512QAM 44 to 57 44 to 75 44 to 98 44 to 133
14 QPSK 17 to 22 17 to 29 17 to 37 17 to 51
QPSK 20 to 26 20 to 34 20 to 45 20 to 61
16QAM 35 to 44 35 to 59 35 to 77 35 to 104
16QAM 41 to 52 41 to 69 41 to 91 41 to 123
28 QPSK 36 to 46 36 to 60 36 to 79 36 to 107
QPSK 42 to 54 42 to 71 42 to 93 42 to 126
112 QPSK 147 to 187 148 to 248 148 to 324 148 to 438
Table 6-16 Radio working modes and service capacities (XPIC enabled)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz) Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
7 QPSK 8 to 10 8 to 13 8 to 17 8 to 23
QPSK 10 to 12 10 to 16 10 to 22 10 to 29
16QAM 16 to 21 16 to 28 16 to 36 16 to 49
16QAM 20 to 25 20 to 33 20 to 43 20 to 59
32QAM 24 to 31 24 to 41 24 to 54 24 to 73
64QAM 31 to 39 31 to 52 31 to 68 31 to 92
128QAM 36 to 46 36 to 61 36 to 80 36 to 108
256QAM 42 to 53 42 to 70 42 to 92 42 to 125
14 QPSK 16 to 21 16 to 28 16 to 36 16 to 49
QPSK 20 to 25 20 to 33 20 to 44 20 to 59
16QAM 34 to 43 34 to 57 34 to 74 34 to 101
16QAM 40 to 51 40 to 67 40 to 88 40 to 119
28 QPSK 36 to 46 36 to 60 36 to 79 36 to 107
QPSK 42 to 53 42 to 71 42 to 92 42 to 125
112 QPSK 147 to 187 147 to 248 148 to 324 148 to 438
Table 6-17 Radio working modes and service capacities (2x2 MIMO)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz) Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
28 QPSK 34 to 44 34 to 58 34 to 76 35 to 103
QPSK 40 to 52 40 to 68 40 to 90 41 to 121
Table 6-18 Radio working modes and service capacities (4x4 MIMO)
Channel Modulatio Native Ethernet Throughput (Mbit/s)
Spacing n Scheme
(MHz) Frame L2 Frame L2+L3 L2+L3
Header Header Frame Frame
Compressi Compressi Header Header
on on Enabled Compressi Compressi
Disabled on (IPv4) on (IPv6)
Enabled Enabled
28 QPSK 33 to 42 33 to 56 33 to 73 33 to 99
QPSK 38 to 49 39 to 65 39 to 85 39 to 116
l The throughput specifications in the preceding tables are based on the following conditions:
l Frame header compression disabled: untagged Ethernet frames with a length from 64 bytes to
9600 bytes
l L2 frame header compression enabled: untagged Ethernet frames with a length from 64 bytes
to 9600 bytes
l L2+L3 frame header compression (IPv4) enabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from
70 bytes to 9600 bytes
l L2+L3 frame header compression (IPv6) enabled: tagged Ethernet frames with a length from
90 bytes to 9600 bytes
l The difference between strong modulation schemes and normal modulation schemes lies in FEC
encoding parameters. Strong modulation schemes have stronger error correction capabilities, which
result in higher receiver sensitivity but lower air interface bandwidth.
ACCP allows signals to be transmitted over the electromagnetic waves in the same
polarization direction on two adjacent channels. See Figure 6-1.
f1 f2
ACAP allows signals to be transmitted over the horizontally polarized electromagnetic wave
and vertically polarized electromagnetic wave on two adjacent channels. See Figure 6-2.
CCDP allows signals to be transmitted over the horizontally polarized electromagnetic wave
and vertically polarized electromagnetic wave on the same channel. See Figure 6-3.
Unless otherwise specified, the receiver sensitivity values in the table are valid when different types of
ODUs are used. However, the frequency bands and modulation schemes supported by different types of
ODUs are different.
N/A means that microwave working mode is not supported.
The guaranteed receiver sensitivity value is 3 dB less than the typical receiver sensitivity value.
@10 GHz -93.5 -91.5 -86 -84 -81 -78 -75 -72
@11 GHz -93.5 -91.5 -86 -84 -81 -78 -75 -72
@13 GHz -93.5 -91.5 -86 -84 -81 -78 -75 -72
@15 GHz -93.5 -91.5 -86 -84 -81 -78 -75 -72
@18 GHz -93 -91 -85.5 -83.5 -80.5 -77.5 -74.5 -71.5
@23 GHz -93 -91 -85.5 -83.5 -80.5 -77.5 -74.5 -71.5
@26 GHz -92.5 -90.5 -85 -83 -80 -77 -74 -71
@28 GHz -92 -90 -84.5 -82.5 -79.5 -76.5 -73.5 -70.5
@32 GHz -91.5 -89.5 -84 -82 -79 -76 -73 -70
@38 GHz -91 -89 -83.5 -81.5 -78.5 -75.5 -72.5 -69.5
@42 GHz -89.5 -87.5 -82 -80 -77 -74 -71 -68
Unless otherwise specified, the receiver sensitivity values in the table are valid when different types of
ODUs are used. However, the frequency bands and modulation schemes supported by different types of
ODUs are different.
N/A means that microwave working mode is not supported.
The guaranteed receiver sensitivity value is 3 dB less than the typical receiver sensitivity value.
Table 6-38 Typical receiver sensitivity II (IS3 mode, 40 MHz channel spacing, XPIC
Modula Receiver Sensitivity (dBm, @BER = 10–6, 40 MHz Channel Spacing)
Scheme 6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
(XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2
H) E) E) H)
Table 6-39 Typical receiver sensitivity III (IS3 mode, 50 MHz channel spacing, XPIC
Modula Receiver Sensitivity (dBm, @BER = 10–6, 50 MHz Channel Spacing)
Scheme 6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
(XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2
H) E) E) H)
Table 6-40 Typical receiver sensitivity I (IS3 mode, 30 MHz channel spacing, XPIC enabled)
Modula Receiver Sensitivity (dBm, @BER = 10–6, 30 MHz Channel Spacing)
Scheme 6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
(XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2
H) E) E) H)
Table 6-41 Typical receiver sensitivity II (IS3 mode, 40 MHz channel spacing, XPIC
Modula Receiver Sensitivity (dBm, @BER = 10–6, 40 MHz Channel Spacing)
Scheme 6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
(XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2
H) E) E) H)
Table 6-42 Typical receiver sensitivity III (IS3 mode, 50 MHz channel spacing, XPIC
Modula Receiver Sensitivity (dBm, @BER = 10–6, 50 MHz Channel Spacing)
Scheme 6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
(XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2 (XMC-2
H) E) E) H)
Unless otherwise specified, the receiver sensitivity values in the table are valid when different types of
ODUs are used. However, the frequency bands and modulation schemes supported by different types of
ODUs are different.
N/A means that microwave working mode is not supported.
@13 GHz -90 -88.5 -83 -81.5 -78.5 -75 -72 -69
@15 GHz -90 -88.5 -83 -81.5 -78.5 -75 -72 -69
@18 GHz -89.5 -88 -82.5 -81 -78 -74.5 -71.5 -68.5
@23 GHz -89.5 -88 -82.5 -81 -78 -74.5 -71.5 -68.5
@13 GHz -88.5 -87 -81.5 -80 -77 -73.5 -70.5 -67.5
@15 GHz -88.5 -87 -81.5 -80 -77 -73.5 -70.5 -67.5
@18 GHz -88 -86.5 -81 -79.5 -76.5 -73 -70 -67
@23 GHz -88 -86.5 -81 -79.5 -76.5 -73 -70 -67
@13 GHz -87 -85.5 -80 -78.5 -75.5 -72 -69 -66
@15 GHz -87 -85.5 -80 -78.5 -75.5 -72 -69 -66
@18 GHz -86.5 -85 -79.5 -78 -75 -71.5 -68.5 -65.5
@23 GHz -86.5 -85 -79.5 -78 -75 -71.5 -68.5 -65.5
Item Performance
MTTR (hour) 1 1
Item Performance
Item Performance
Item Performance
Item Performance
This module applies to SDH STM S-1.1/Fast Ethernet.
Item Performance
Mechanical Performance
Item Description
Weight 4.4 kg
Power Supply
Item Description
Electromagnetic Compatibility
l Complies with FCC PART 15.
l Passed CE, VCCI, IC and RCM authentication
l Compliant with ETSI EN 301 489-1
l Compliant with ETSI EN 301 489-4
l Compliant with CISPR 32/EN 55032
l Compliant with CISPR 24/EN 55024
l Compliant with VCCI V-3
l Compliant with ICES-003 Issue 6
l Compliant with AS/NZS CISPR 32
l Compliant with IEC 61000-6-1/EN 61000-6-1
l Compliant with IEC 61000-6-3/EN 61000-6-3
Lightning Protection
l Compliant with IEC/EN 61000-4-5
l Compliant with ITU-T K.21
l Compliant with ITU-T K.44
l Passes ETL certification
l Passes CE certification
l Complies with IEC 60825
l Complies with IEC 60215
l Complies with IEC 60950-1
The RTN 320 is used outdoors.
7 Accessories
P&E port count and Two P&E ports, negotiable Two P&E ports, negotiable
mode mode or force mode mode or force mode
DC output port One DC output port. Switching One DC output port. Switching
between DC output and P&E between DC output and P&E
output is supported. output is supported.
For details about each model of PI, see the corresponding product description and installation
signals Active
RX Optical
l In the transmit direction, an optical splitter evenly splits one channel of GE optical
signals into two channels and sends them to the active and standby RTN 320s.
l In the receive direction, an optical splitter receives optical signals from the GE port of
the active RTN 320. (The GE port of the standby RTN 320 does not transmit optical
Installation Modes
An optical splitter can be installed on:
l An outdoor wall
l A pole with a diameter ranging from 30 mm to 120 mm
l A tower
7.2.2 Ports
The ports of an optical splitter are located in the fiber distribution area of the optical splitter.
Normally, an optical splitter does not need to be grounded when working with RTN 320.
The three ports in the fiber distribution area connect the optical splitting module and
equipment. The number and label on each fiber indicate the connection relationship. For
details, see Figure 7-5.
The fiber adapters for connecting pigtails in the fiber distribution area provide the anti-
misinsertion function. Install pigtails based on the labels attached to them.
7.2.3 Labels
There are three labels on the fiber access terminal of an optical splitter: fiber access terminal
label, optical splitting module label, and ground point label.
Item Specifications
Application Scenario
l For deployment and commissioning of an RTN 320, scripts, and software are stored on a
USB flash drive. After the USB flash drive is plugged in and functioning, the RTN 320
downloads software, and scripts in sequence.
l For an upgrade or downgrade of an RTN 320, only the software of the target version is
stored on a USB flash drive. After the USB flash drive is plugged in and functioning, the
RTN 320 compares the versions of the running software and the software stored on the
USB flash drive. If the versions are not the same, the RTN 320 automatically downloads
the software from the USB flash drive for an upgrade or downgrade.
l During RTN 320 replacement, a USB flash drive is inserted into a faulty device. After
authenticating the USB flash drive, the faulty device automatically backs up its data to
the drive. After the faulty device is replaced, the drive holding the backup data is
inserted into the new device, which automatically downloads the backup NE data,
software, and system parameters and restores the NE data.
Data uploading
A USB flash drive contains the following folders:
The USB flash drive partition format is FAT32.
l The root directory stores an RTN.CER/RTNEXTRA.CER file and a USBSEC.CFG
file (security policy file).
Data is saved in the \pkg folder only when the NE software is upgraded. Otherwise, keep
the folder empty.
5. Checks the system parameter folder sysdata. If the folder contains data, the RTN 320
imports system parameters from the folder.
6. Checks the script folder script. If the folder contains data, the RTN 320 imports script
data from the folder.
7. Checks the database folder db. If the folder contains data and the device type under
\Devicetype is the same as the NE device type, the RTN 320 loads the database from the
8. If any of the preceding folders contains no data or does not exist, the RTN 320 checks
the next folder. If the RTN 320 finds none of the preceding folders, it exports its data to
the USB flash drive.
Ensure that USB flash drives have only the preceding folders, as extra folders may lead to
A device reads data from a USB flash drive at different rates in different scenarios. The user can check
whether the device is reading data from a USB flash drive by observing the USB port or USB flash drive
1 Netac U208 4 GB
Item Specifications
Dimensions (H x W x D) 20 mm x 14 mm x 6 mm
Item Specifications
8 Cables
This chapter describes the purpose, physical appearance, and connections of various cables
used with OptiX RTN 320s.
Cable Diagram
Pin Assignments
Braided shield
Braided shield
l Straight-through cables are used between MDIs and MDI-Xs, and crossover cables are used between
MDIs or between MDI-Xs. The only difference between straight-through cables and crossover
cables is with regard to their pin assignments.
l Either straight-through cables or crossover cables can be used to connect RTN 320 to common
Ethernet equipment since Ethernet electrical ports support the MDI, MDI-X, and auto-MDI/MDI-X
Fiber Diagram
Junction implement Blue
(With glue)(Black)
Orange Identifier
Junction implement Gray
(With glue)(Black)
Technical Specifications
Optical fibers for GE optical ports are available in 10 lengths, ranging from 10 meters to 150
meters. Generally, a 2-meter fiber is used to connect the cascading ports in a cascading 1+1
protection group or an EPLA group. You can use optical fibers of appropriate lengths if the
lengths cannot meet onsite requirements.
Cable Diagram
A power cable is terminated with a tool-less connector with a puller at one end and is not
terminated at the other end. A terminal needs to be made for the other end onsite based on the
port requirements of the power distribution device. See the following figure.
Power cables with a 2.5 mm2 cross-sectional area can extend for a maximum distance of 107 m. Power
cables with a 3.3 mm2 cross-sectional area can extend for a maximum distance of 160 m. Power cables
with a 4 mm2 cross-sectional area can extend for a maximum distance of 193 m.
Cable Diagram
1500 mm
A Appendix
RTN 320
Optical Splitter
Standard Description
ITU-R F.2005 Radio-frequency channel and block arrangements for fixed wireless
systems operating in the 42 GHz (40.5 to 43.5 GHz) band
ITU-R P.530-15 Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
terrestrial line-of-sight systems
ITU-R P.453-9 The radio refractive index: its formula and refractivity data
ITU-R P.838-3 Specific attenuation model for rain for use in prediction methods
ITU-R F.1703 Availability objectives for real digital fixed wireless links used in
27 500 km hypothetical reference paths and connections
ETSI EN 302 217-1 Fixed radio systems; characteristics and requirements for point-to-
point equipment and antennas; part 1: overview and system-
independent common characteristics
ETSI EN 302 Fixed radio systems; characteristics and requirements for point-to-
217-2-1 point equipment and antennas; part 2-1: system-dependent
requirements for digital systems operating in frequency bands
where frequency co-ordination is applied
ETSI EN 302 Fixed radio systems; characteristics and requirements for point-to-
217-2-2 point equipment and antennas; part 2-2: harmonized EN covering
essential requirements of Article 3.2 of R&TTE Directive for
digital systems operating in frequency bands where frequency co-
ordination is applied
ETSI EN 302 217-3 Fixed radio systems; characteristics and requirements for point-to-
point equipment and antennas; part 3: harmonized EN covering
essential requirements of Article 3.2 of R&TTE Directive for
equipment operating in frequency bands where no frequency co-
ordination is applied
ETSI EN 302 Fixed radio systems; characteristics and requirements for point-to-
217-4-1 point equipment and antennas; part 4-1: system-dependent
requirements for antennas
ETSI EN 302 Fixed radio systems; characteristics and requirements for point-to-
217-4-2 point equipment and antennas; part 4-2: harmonized EN covering
essential requirements of Article 3.2 of R&TTE Directive for
ETSI EN 301 126-1 Fixed radio systems; conformance testing; part 1: point-to-point
equipment - definitions, general requirements and test procedures
ETSI EN 301 Fixed radio systems; conformance testing; part 3-1: point-to-point
126-3-1 antennas; definitions, general requirements and test procedures
ETSI EN 301 390 Fixed radio systems; point-to-point and multipoint systems;
spurious emissions and receiver immunity limits at equipment/
antenna port of digital fixed radio systems
ETSI EN 300 385 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for fixed
microwave links and ancillary equipment
ETSI EN 300 386 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
Telecommunication network equipment; ElectroMagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) requirements
Standard Description
ETSI TR 102 457 Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); study on the electromagnetic
radiated field in fixed radio systems for environmental issues; study
on the electromagnetic radiated field in fixed radio systems for
environmental issues
ETSI EN 300 132-2 Environmental engineering (EE); power supply interface at the
input to telecommunications equipment; part 2: operated by direct
current (dc)
ETSI TR 102 489 Thermal management guidance for equipment and its deployment
Standard Description
Standard Description
T/R 13-02 Preferred channel arrangements for fixed services in the range
22.0-29.5 GHz
IEC 60154-2 Flanges for waveguides; part 2: relevant specifications for flanges for
ordinary rectangular waveguides
IEC 60154-3 Flanges for waveguides; part 3: relevant specifications for flanges for
flat rectangular waveguides
IEC 60154-4 Flanges for waveguides; part 4: relevant specifications for flanges for
circular waveguides
IEC 60154-6 Flanges for waveguides; part 6: relevant specifications for flanges for
medium flat rectangular waveguides
Standard Description
IEC 60154-7 Flanges for waveguides; part 7: relevant specifications for flanges for
square waveguides
IEC 60153-2 Hollow metallic waveguides; part 2: relevant specifications for ordinary
rectangular waveguides
IEC 60153-3 Hollow metallic waveguides; part 3: relevant specifications for flat
rectangular waveguides
IEC 60153-4 Hollow metallic waveguides; part 4: relevant specifications for circular
IEC 60153-6 Hollow metallic waveguides; part 6: relevant specifications for medium
flat rectangular waveguides
IEC 60153-7 Hollow metallic waveguides; part 7: relevant specifications for square
IEC 60657 Non-ionizing radiation hazards in the frequency range from 10 MHz to
300 000 MHz
IEC 60297 Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482.6 mm (19 in) series
Standard Description
IEEE 802.3 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)
access method and physical layer specifications
IEEE 802.3ah Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers, and Management
Parameters for Subscriber Access Networks
IEEE 802.3x Supplements to Carrier Sense Multiple Access With Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
Standard Description