The Way Home or Face The Fire
The Way Home or Face The Fire
The Way Home or Face The Fire
or by JAH
the survival-plan
for all
Wayhome Most people wonder at
the purpose of life. Is there a
mission or destiny for each
by JAH of us?
Reconciling the claims of
science with those of religion
often leaves the rational
mind confused.
Whether you are alive to
these problems or not ‘The
Way home’ is for you. Even
if you go through life with-
out considering such matters
this Book is still for you.
If you are puzzled, here
you will find the answers.
If you are asleep to the
meaning of life this Book will
rouse you with a jerk for it
is’s highly
revealing ... it is vital.
It is both unique and
exhilarating. It offers an
abundance of food for
thought and is a tremendous
challenge. It has a message
A golden message for
each one of us, young or old.
face The Fire
JAH Publications
Published by:-
JAH Publications,
P.O. Box 561,
“The Way Home” - 6205,
Printed by:
Imprenta Calpe,
Pasaje del Aire, s/n
11314 Campamento - San Roque,
ISBN 0 9583011 0 7
by JAH
This Book belongs to:
Name _________________________________
Please accept this Book as a gift to ALL of you, without preference; forget your
superstitions and religions, unite yourselves into one brotherhood, become
“children of God” (by adoption) and bring lasting peace on Earth, and have
goodwill towards ALL men. PLEASE!!
This Book is dedicated to all my enemies who have ever loved me,
and to those who will love me in the future. Hopefully the whole of mankind,
for eternity.
I should like to give special thanks, to all the people who have taught me
lessons about human nature and human life on Earth,
both good and bad lessons, without which, I could not have written this Book.
This Book, like the Torah and the Koran, has been written in forty days,
and at the same time of year. I have expanded certain points later, to make them
easier for everyone to understand.
This is NOT a religious book, I repeat, this is NOT a religious book, in the
way that you understand the word religion today, with priests, churches
and their stupid, pagan rites and rituals.
BEFORE you read this Book, you MUST separate TOTALLY, in your
own mind the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, from ALL forms of organised
religion and superstitious nonsense, and read it with an open mind,
WITHOUT any preconceived ideas.
The Torah (Old Testament); New Testament (which are combined in the
Bible) and Koran are not religious Books either. They are guides sent from
the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, King and Ruler of the Universe, to tell you
what you have to do and the rules you HAVE TO follow, in order to be
able to be taught how you have to be, so that you can eventually be
allowed to go HOME, to your REAL home.
This Book is fact, NOT fiction; it is the truth about life in this galaxy and
here on Earth. It is the truth that you have, or should have, all been waiting
thousands of years to hear, i.e. what life on Earth is REALLY all about.
It has been written to enlighten the whole world, without preference to
race, colour or creed; it is a Book for ALL human+beings, including YOU.
If, after having read and DIGESTED its contents, you choose to disbelieve
it, that will have been your own decision and you will have my heartfelt
pity, because, very soon, as a result of your decision, you will first be
tortured, by what you have done, then burn and die on the Last-Day, as
you have been promised and continually reminded of, for thousands of
years. You will have missed your LAST chance to survive execution, and
it will have been your own FREE choice.
Whilst reading this Book, as when reading any of the Guardian Of
Divinity’s Books, you must ask Him to interpret it correctly for you, as
you are reading it, and listen for His telepathic enlightenment. If not, you
will have Satan confusing you into misinterpreting it. Ask the Lord to
interpret it for you, in preference to ANY human+being, except me.
Please excuse my lack of writing professionalism. I am a soldier, not a
writer and have written this Book, not to demonstrate and impress people
with my command of the English language, but to be as easy as possible
for ALL God’s adopted children to be able to understand.
I have written this Book with my Father’s help and guidance, and with
love for all of you. If anyone is offended by this Book, then I suggest, for
your own sake, that you destroy your ego and learn humility; you will then
no longer be offended. If you do not destroy your ego; it will destroy you.
Chapter 10. “Mohammed and the Birth of Islam as yet another religion.”
1:1 Thousands of Earth years ago, far away, in THIS galaxy, on the
Morning Star (Rev. 2:28), the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, King
(Malachi 1:14), ruler and Guardian of the Universe (Sura 23:86), put
down a revolution led by Lucifer (Iblis)(Rev. 12:7-9).
1:2 The Morning Star (Venus) is inhabited by immortal “Beings of
Light” (Spirit/Energy), whose civilisation, based on “pure” love, is
zillions of years old.
1:3 Lucifer; now known here on Earth as Satan (the Opposer) the
Devil (the Liar/Slanderer)(RED dragon/serpent - Rev. 12:3, 9)
from which the word D/evil is derived; because of his selfish and
arrogant nature, wanted to over-throw the Lord and to take His place,
so that he could rule, and inflict his own selfish opinion and evil
desires on the heavens. He encouraged and misled many of the other
inhabitants of the Morning Star; whom people on Earth know by the
name Angels; to join him and he then started a war, against God
(Rev. 12:7 & Isaiah 14:13-14).
1:4 Angels do not carry harps or have wings, they merely have a
melodic sounding type of voice and they can fly. The very simple men-
tality of the people of the early biblical days; who had never seen any-
thing on Earth flying, unless it had wings; led to the myth about angels.
1:5 Lucifer did not declare war and fight with honour, but sneaked
around murdering and fought dishonourably (John 8:44 / King of
kings’ Bible, John 8:35), as ALL terrorists do.
1:6 Prince Michael, God’s eldest son; known by many names here
on Earth, one of which is Jesus, Commander-in-Chief of the JEDI
Knights, who have been the guardians of the heavens for zillions of years;
fought with his knights, using the “Light” and the “Force”, which is the
force of love. God, Who is pure love and the source and controller of His
“Force”; love, the greatest force in creation; defeated Lucifer and his
followers, some of whom were misled, by lies, into fighting against God.
1:7 Unlike Lucifer, who would have spared no-one, the Lord, in His
infinite Wisdom and compassion, decided to demonstrate His love and
mercy, to His enemies. God; knowing that Lucifer had invented lying
(John 8:44 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:35), and had deceived many
weak-willed angels into following him; decided not to execute them
immediately, but to give them a chance to learn the ERROR of their
ways. If they GENUINELY repented, within a pre-set period of time,
He would spare them; if not, He would have no alternative but to
destroy them (Malachi 4:6)(John 3:17-18 & 5:24-25).
1:8 The Lord then had to decide what to do with His prisoners,
so that they could do no more harm, and could be safely taught to be
good. Being spirit/energy (Luke 9:55), they could not be punished;
only destroyed, using “Fire” (not earthly fire); because they feel no
PAIN and have no needs (Rev. 7:16).
1:9 Not executing Lucifer and his angels, outright, created quite
a difficult situation.
1:10 They had to be taught to keep the twelve laws of heaven; THE
TWELVE COMMANDMENTS (see appendix); ten of which were
given to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:1-17), and the eleventh
and twelfth, which were given later-on, by Jesus; one of which God
demonstrated and still demonstrates, i.e. “love your enemies into being
good.” He did this by giving you a chance, and the opportunity of
learning to be good, even though you had intended, and actually tried,
to kill Him. This demonstrates perfectly, God’s gentle use of strength.
1:11 Jesus gave the new COMMANDMENT, “Love one another as
I have loved you,” to his disciples (John 13:34 & 15:12). He was
telling them to love their enemies, and to teach them, by loving them,
because the disciples had originally been his enemies, in the war
(Rev. 12:7), or they would not have been here, in prison (Isaiah 14:12-
15)(Luke 9:55 & Rev. 12:8)(Sura 17:8 & 83:7).
1:12 Loving your enemies does NOT mean allowing them to do
evil, or to get away with doing evil; or allowing them to persuade
YOU to do evil things; or to stop YOU from doing what God wants
YOU to do. Just like when Satan used Peter, to try to stop Jesus
from doing God’s Will, and Jesus said to Satan, who was speaking
through Peter, “Get behind me Satan” (Matt. 16:23).
1:13 The twelfth COMMANDMENT, also given later, by Jesus, is:
“YOU shall NOT judge.” He who judges another, condemns himself
(Matt. 7:1). This applies to ALL of you, especially in your courts.
God has given HIS Judgements and Laws, as well as THE
COMMANDMENTS, and anyone else’s judgements and laws are
MENTS there would be absolutely no problems on Earth.
1:14 All the prisoners were given suspended death-sentences,
UNLESS they learned to be good. Those death-sentences still stand,
and are only suspended until Judgement Day. YOU still are under
the shadow of the DEATH-SENTENCE (Exodus 34:6-7)(John 3:17-
18 & 5:24-25).
Do not judge, so that you will not be judged (Matt. 7:1-2 &
Luke 6:37). If you judge anyone, by any judgement other than those
that God gave to Moses, you will be judged in the same way, by God.
Let him, who is not a sinner, throw the first stone. No-one threw a
stone, because all human+beings are sinners (Matt. 7:11). Why?
2:1 After making a study of the situation, God and the elders (of
the Morning Star) decided to create a reform-school, far enough away,
where, for the chosen period, they could safely try to teach Lucifer
and his angels to be good, whereupon they could come home
(Deuteronomy 28:1)(Revelations 2:28)(Sura 29:6).
2:2 The objective, was for each and every one of them to learn,
individually, to be like God (Matt. 5:48 & 19:17); which, later on in
history; because people had lost their way and couldn’t find it again
by themselves; had to be demonstrated by Jesus, whose teachings
taught the ONLY way that you can be taught (I am The Way [home],
the Truth and the Life; not one man can come to the Father [home],
unless he is like me - John 14:6); i.e. unselfish; humble; kind; loving
and considerate to everyone, including his enemies, and “willing” to
sacrifice his own human-life, for the benefit of everyone.
2:3 This needs 100% faith in God’s promise that there is life after human-
death, and YOU to trust Him, enough to follow Jesus’ example, to earn
YOUR right to regain YOUR divinity (immortality), and go home.
2:4 There would be no point, in learning to be good enough to go to
heaven, if it was not where you came from originally, and your
REAL home, would there ???
2:5 Complete faith can only come from KNOWING God personally,
which can only be achieved by learning to COMMUNICATE
directly with Him, and by doing His Will (Hosea 6:6). God has
NEVER wanted people to believe in Him, He has ALWAYS wanted
you to get to KNOW Him (Jeremiah 9:24)(John 17:3).
2:6 Planet Earth was chosen for the prison, because it was far enough
away; being on the far side of the galaxy; had no “intelligent” life-forms,
but was capable of supporting crude animal life-forms, and, in its own
way, was a beautiful planet (Rev. 12:9, 12)(Sura 17:8 & 83:7).
2:7 It was also planned, to create beautiful surroundings, which would
have many lessons built into them, and was then constructed, with these
factors in mind. Nature, both vegetal and animal, was to give clues to
those who would look for them, “seek and you will find” (John 8:32).
2:8 The seasons of nature were intended to teach, that Spring, with its
birth, both of vegetation and animals, which was followed by Summer,
the time of growth; followed by Autumn, the time of maturing and
consolidation; in turn followed by Winter, the time of withering and
dying (snow-coloured hair and wrinkles), was to be followed again by
Spring, and re-birth. All of this was designed, to show you about
human “re-incarnation”, or perpetual human “life after death”, until
you either get it right, regain your divinity and go home, or run out
of time, and are executed.
2:9 Animal-life would teach; male-superiority, as the provider and
protector; the caring for and rearing of the young; the showing of love
and affection; the code of conduct and respect for parents. Then, in old
age, the roles are reversed, and the children take care of their parents;
teaching humility to both; the aged because of frailty and dependence;
the young because, by looking at their parents, they can see what the
future holds for them.
2:10 Nature teaches self-perfection (to teach the soul to perfect
itself), weeding-out the freaks and the weak and imperfections; only
the healthy surviving; with natural-selection of the most perfect
specimens, as partners, to keep the breed healthy, so that it will survive.
2:11 The natural harmony and balance, between the two sides of
nature, i.e. animal and vegetation, living together and helping each
other to survive, to teach the living with nature, helping it and each
other. One, being more dependent upon the other; i.e. animals have to
live with nature to survive, and are therefore more dependent on
nature, than nature is on animals, but both help each other to survive;
to teach that animals depend on nature, and nature depends on
animals and God. Therefore animals should protect and live with
nature and God, to ensure their own survival.
2:12 Nature was to supply the means for food, water and shelter,
which make up three of the five basic necessities, or God given rights
(human rights), the fourth, of equal importance, being free-will. Free-
will (freedom) to decide, whether to continue to follow Satan, or to
follow God’s guidance and learn to be good, without being forced, but
instead, by loving encouragement, is of the UTMOST importance.
2:13 This encouragement and teaching, from within (IN-TUITION),
by the good voice, that everyone has, and by life; circumstances and
surroundings; has to be accompanied by free-will to choose. If God
forced everyone to do things, they would never learn, and He would
have no way of knowing, whether they were being good, because
they wanted to, or because He was forcing them. The fifth God given
right is the right to self-defence, from evil.
2:14 There was also to be a perfect reward and punishment system,
which was to be “almost” instantaneous (allowing time for repentance),
and exactly just (Divine Justice from God Himself), so that, anyone
seeking, could find perfect “Karmic law”, as the Eastern cultures now
call it, and “Sowing and Reaping”, as the Western cultures call it; but
both are only “Cause and Effect”, receiving their “Just-Deserts”.
2:15 At any given moment in time, a soul would need to be (and is)
exactly where it has earned the right to be, by all its previous actions
and thoughts, in eternal-time, and for the circumstances to change, to
coincide with what was deserved. This would teach and encourage
the good, and punish the evil, so that those who opened their
spiritual-eyes and sought to, would be able to make sense of their
lives: past; present and future. This would then encourage child-like
(not childish) faith and trust, in God and doing His Will, leading to
even more dependence and closeness to Him, and yet more faith,
until they came to KNOW and love Him.
2:16 This is perfectly symbolised by the ancient Roman’s symbol
of the mirror, for Venus, their goddess of love. The mirror reflects
exactly what is shown to it, and so does God, the Ruler of Venus
(Morning Star), in faith; good and evil.
2:17 If a soul gives 5% faith to God, He repays it with 5%, and so on,
up to 100% faith, receiving 100% repayment from God. This faith in
the unseen and the magic, of having personal miracles, which were
previously thought to be only coincidences, having the effect of an
ADDICTIVE drug, that HEALS absolutely everything, with NO ill-
effects. The addiction increases the child-like faith, and the destruction
of self-ishness, until 100% faith is achieved, along with a spiritual joy
(lasting, unlike human fragile and therefore very temporary happiness)
that no-one can take away from you (if you have it), and a “cup that
runs over” (total fulfillment - no emptiness - so full of the healing
“Light” and Love, that you cannot help but overflow towards others,
wanting to share the experience with them, because it is so wonderful).
2:18 God, being the answer to every question, and the cure for every
ill, is the ONLY thing that every SOUL needs, because with God, a
soul has EVERYTHING it NEEDS (God being the source and
supply of “Light” and everything good - Matt. 6:33 & Luke 12:31).
God is the best friend that any soul can ever have (for ever), and He
is with you 24 hours a day, wherever you go.
2:19 No human friend can be with you 24 hours a day, every day,
everywhere you go. Your human friends can not protect you from the
Devil, and really, they are all bad, whereas God is good and the Ruler
of the Universe, the most powerful “Force” in the whole of creation.
What an amazing friend to have!
2:20 There would also be higher and lower spiritual levels, like in
human schools, which go from nursery to university (Mark 12:32-34),
with A-Z classes, and all grades in between. What humans call intelli-
gence and levels of intelligence, or awareness, are really spiritual levels.
2:21 The upper levels were to help to teach the lower ones, by
example and not words, whilst ALL levels are being taught by God -
(Head-teacher). All the students should be helping one another, and
becoming less selfish (love your neighbour as much as yourself - Matt.
19:19), thereby earning more points and responsibilities, climbing
higher up the spiritual ladder, until they become enough like God
(like Jesus demonstrated), graduate and go home (John 8:32 / K.k. 8:23).
2:22 To be able to operate the almost-instantaneous reward and
punishment system; to enclose the prison and run it efficiently; God
surrounded the Earth with an invisible protection, against escape
(Gravity), and with spirit and therefore invisible (to the human-eye)
guards/jailers (guardian angels), to ensure that no-one could ever
escape (and no-one ever has). This force-field contains the Astral
Plain (Paradise), which is full of light, “Beings of Light” and Justice.
2:23 The guards, being invisible, would also help to persuade the evil
“fallen angels” to have respect, child-like faith and trust in the Lord’s
protection, from the equally invisible Devil, whilst being, themselves,
unable to attack what they could not see or touch. Then, when, because
of lack of faith in God’s protection, He allows evil and mishaps to
occur in their lives (Honi soit qui mal y pense), they will suddenly feel
afraid, need and ask for His help, and receive it, bringing ever-
increasing faith, trust and nearness to God, for those who had opened
their spiritual-eyes, and were seeking to make sense of their lives.
2:24 For those who do not believe enough in, or seek God constantly,
He sends calamities into their lives. How many people, who say they do
not believe in God, when suddenly in fear for their lives, cry: “God
please help me!!!”? If they talked to Him all the time, as they should,
these calamities would not happen, because there would be no need for
them, as God would not have to forcibly remind them to talk to Him.
2:25 Once the crisis is over, most people do not even have the
common decency, and good manners, to thank Him, for having helped
them solve their problem (by telepathically telling them what to do to
solve the problem, or by sending them exactly the right type and
amount, of physical help they need, at exactly the right time), and they
go off, blindly ignoring Him again, until the next calamity.
2:26 There are none so blind, as those who refuse to see. Open your
spiritual-eyes, and see things as they REALLY are. Don’t believe your
own human-eyes, because Satan uses them to deceive you, and lie to
you. A blind-man sees with his spiritual-eyes only, that is why the
blind were able to recognise Jesus, as written, in the New Testament.
2:27 How much more fortunate, than the blind, are you who have not
had the gift of sight removed, and yet you are more blind than they are.
Their sight had been removed, so that they would learn to appreciate
spiritual-values, instead of worldly, material-values, as they had done
previously, which had earned them the punishment of being blind.
2:28 Faith is the key that opens every door (knock with TRUE faith
and it shall be opened unto you - Matt. 7:7-8), and without it, you will
live in darkness and fear, until your execution on the Last-Day.
2:29 Once the preparations were completed, the prisoners were sent
to the Earth (Isaiah 14:12)(Luke 10:18 & Rev.12:9)(Koran, Sura
17:8 & 83:7), for the pre-set period of time (Rev. 12:12), i.e. until the
“Last-Day” - “Judgement-Day” - “Armageddon”, or release, if they
learned to be good.
2:30 Lucifer and his angels (you) were locked-in, for a short time
(in eternal-time)(Rev. 12:12)(Sura 70:4).
2:31 A prison, just to restrain evil angels, would be a senseless waste of
time, and, in order to operate as a reformatory, it would need to function
like a school. God does not permit any unnecessary waste (as demon-
strated by Jesus, after the feeding of the five thousand, when he told the
disciples to collect up all the crumbs, so that there would be no waste
- John 6:12), and so, out of love; wisdom; compassion and mercy, He
decided to construct a reformatory, to teach His naughty subjects or
children, to be good, so that they could come home, as soon as possible.
2:32 However, He would have to be sure, that you have GENUINELY
changed, and will not cause any more trouble, but live in love and
harmony, with the other inhabitants of the Morning Star - good [G(o)od’s
- God’s] angels. He also wants His guards to be able to come home too.
2:33 All of this discord makes God very sad, and He looks over the
world and weeps, because He wants everyone to be good, and come
home, so that He can (metaphorically-speaking) “kill the fatted-calf,
and have a celebration, for the return of all His prodigal sons”, just
like the father in Luke 15:22-24 does. That is all that He has ever
wanted of you.
2:34 In the parable of “the prodigal son”, the prodigal son who was
dead and is alive again (Luke 15:24), represents YOU. The prodigal
son who was dead (condemned to death for your crimes), and on
returning in humility; disgrace and repentance to his father (God),
to serve his father and do his will, has come alive again (been
reprieved), was lost and is found. On being refound, the prodigal son
finds, to his surprise, that he is accepted back, joyfully, by his father, as
his child and not his servant, as he expected. He then realises that he
was very foolish to leave his father, and that his life will be much better,
living and learning from his father, who is much wiser than himself.
2:35 God is the owner of the vineyard (world), and He has sent His
servants (Prophets) and His Son (CHRIST Jesus), and the husbandmen
(you) have killed them, so He will have to punish the husbandmen
(priests and people of this world)(Matt. 21:33-46), unless you repent.
2:36 To function as a reformatory, everything would have to (and
does) fall into one of four categories:-
1. TEACHING from God and “hopefully” LEARNING by you. If
not the lesson must be repeated, over and over again, until it IS
learned, with punishment each time that a test is failed (“when will
I ever learn?”).
2. TESTS to see what; how much; how well; or even if the lessons
have been learned at all. The tests are set in such a way that they
show God the results, to the exact degree. God “uses” the devil for
these tests, by letting him tempt you, and then He tells you not to do
what Satan says, in a spiritual “tug of war”, to see which way you
voluntarily decide to go. (This is the reason for needing free-will).
“These things are sent to try us.” (Job 1:12 & 2:6-7).
3. REWARDS for learning well and doing good deeds, taking the
form of true SPIRITUAL happiness (joy) and earned enlightenment.
3:1 To be able to control these evil angels (souls - you), even more
efficiently; to be able to discipline you and teach you to be good;
God decided to create human-animals, that would blend in with the
rest of nature. These creatures would be living animals, breathing air
and having the same body-functions as the others.
3:2 They would also have to have the same selfish animal-instincts,
i.e. living by survival of the fittest, but would not be evil (animals are
not evil, like you, they are only animals, and do not know any better,
than to live by following their natural, animal-instincts).
3:3 There were obviously more humans created, than just Adam and
Eve, but, to simplify things for people, God gave Moses, and later
Mohammed, the simple story of one man and his wife - Adam and Eve.
3:4 Listing the family-trees, of all the people, would have made
Genesis, the Bible and the Koran into a library of 10-20 volumes, and
they are already so big, that many people allow Satan to intimidate
them, into not reading them, because of their size.
3:5 Once the human-animals had been created, God breathed life
into them (human-life - Sura 15:29).
3:6 Lucifer and his angels (you) were then given a CHOICE, and had
to decide, whether or not to submit to human limitations and being
reprogrammed to be good, little by little, over many human lifetimes
and thousands of Earth years, or to sit and wait for “The Fire” to
destroy you (Sura 15:30).
3:7 All the evil angels/jinns (you), except Lucifer (Iblis) himself,
CHOSE to submit to being locked inside of Adams and Eves, making
human+beings (Rev. 3:7 - “He that closes and no man opens and
He that opens and no man closes”).
3:8 Later, when Jesus said to his disciples, “These things I do, you
will do and more than these” (John 14:12), he was referring to, if
and when they earned their pardons, they would be given back their
divinity and super-human powers, which would allow them to do
even more incredible things, than he could do whilst locked inside
the “son of Mary”. Remember, that he too had had to submit to human
limitations, so that people could see him, and follow his example
(I am the way you have to be).
3:9 The reason that Lucifer, now called Satan, is so powerful, is
because he refused to submit to human limitations, being locked in-
side of a human-animal, and learning to be good, so he still has his
memory and super-human powers. He refused, because of his
incredible arrogance, which was what caused him to be banished
from heaven, along with you, in the first-place (Sura 7:11 & 15:31-44).
3:10 Satan (Iblis) asked God to reprieve him, until the Last-Day, and
The Lord granted his wish, so that He could “use” Satan, to tempt
the human+beings (you). Satan swore to attack you all, by seduction;
lies; etc., from in front and from behind, and from your left and
from your right (Sura 7:15-20 & 15:44), and from inside (the
enemy-within), because he considers all of you to be traitors to
him, for blaming him, and having submitted to human limitations,
and trying to learn to be good. That is why he is now YOUR enemy.
3:11 If you follow him now, he will reward you with the only thing
he has to offer - i.e. worldly material treasures, that you can not keep,
and animal pleasures of the flesh. If you do follow him, it will be
into “The Fire” - execution.
3:12 If you strive to be good, Satan will attack you, from every
direction, to try to pull you back into his control, because, when you
do good in the world, you become a threat to him. THAT is when
you NEED 100% faith, and with that faith, God’s protection from evil
(Ephesians 6:10-18)(Sura 2:257).
3:13 Whenever you let Satan deceive you, into thinking that you can
not win against injustice, just because you are vastly outnumbered, and
completely surrounded (e.g. “fighting City Hall” - Ephesians 6:12);
when, if only you didn’t LET Satan deceive you, you could win, by
trusting in God and by wearing His armour; you are telling God that
you think Satan is more powerful than He is. That is ridiculous, because
God sent Satan here and keeps him here, against his will, which is why,
over thousands of years, Satan has become more and more bitter and
twisted. He is now so sick, and depraved, that I feel sorry for him.
3:14 You can ALWAYS win against injustice, with enough faith, as
long as you talk to God, follow His orders and have 100% faith, because
He will be with you, every step of the way. That does NOT mean that it
will be easy, but then no-one said that life in prison would be easy. You
will have to fight, every step of the way, but, with 100% faith, you can
use the “Force”, to overcome ALL obstacles. When you are doing God’s
Will for you, the ENTIRE world can not stop you from winning.
3:15 If you lose your faith, you will lose the battle. However, if you
keep going forwards and do not let Satan scare you; by holding onto
your faith in God’s protection, following His Will; you CAN NOT
LOSE. In any case, these problems in your lives are only tests, to
see whether you are willing to fight for God, against Satan. You
should not see these things as problems, but as an opportunity to
earn points towards your remission.
3:16 There are no such things as problems, they are only solutions
waiting to be found. They are only problems in your mind, or frame
of mind. If you do not recognise them as problems, then they are
not problems, but solutions waiting to be found, and you should be
grateful for these opportunities, to fight to show your worth, and
these evil people, what you are made of. It is how you face up to
these tests and overcome them, that builds your character; spiritual-
strength (will-power); makes you stronger and makes you who you are.
3:17 Don’t fight for selfish-reasons, and stay calm, because your
human emotions (fear; anger; aggression) will cloud your judgement,
and block God’s messages and the “Force”, and you will lose (the “Force”
can only be used for knowledge and defence, not for aggressive
physical attack). You will lose, because Satan will use your anger and
aggression against you, by causing you to say things, that you do not
really mean, to people that may have helped you, if you had not
insulted and alienated them, with your anger and aggression.
3:18 Once you have established who is friend, and who is foe; fight
your foe, no-matter what position he may hold - remember that
“ALL men were created equal”, and still are, in God’s eyes. Don’t
make people into false gods and worship them (you have been
COMMANDED not to - 10 COMMANDMENTS), if you do, you
will defeat yourself, before you start.
3:19 If you fight with human emotions, you will block-out the
“Force”, and then Satan can side-track you, lead you off in another
direction, and keep you bogged-down, arguing with someone who
could probably have helped, and speeded you on your way.
3:20 Fight with your spirit and determination, NOT with your fists,
except in self-defence. Keep calm and smiling, at all times; listen to
God’s guidance; then go forward and CONQUER.
3:21 It is that simple, “these things are sent to try (test) us.” Do NOT
complicate matters, with organised-religions and superstitious-
nonsense. Keep it simple, G(o)od and D/evil, that is ALL that there
is to it. Organised-religion was invented by Satan, to deceive you, and
complicate everything. Don’t let him fool you.
3:22 You have to fight for G(o)od, against evil, to pass tests, and to
PROVE to God that you have genuinely changed sides, and can be
trusted. Fighting with Satan, against God, is what got you sent here,
so the ONLY way you can PROVE to God, “beyond any shadow of a
doubt”, that you have GENUINELY changed sides and want to be good,
is by fighting, here and now, for God (good), against the Devil (evil).
3:23 Look for fights, the bigger the better. The bigger the fight, the
more points you can earn towards your remission. Look for fights
that need fighting, for the benefit of everyone, not just for your own
selfish reasons.
3:24 Even if you do not look for fights, they will come to you.
There is so much injustice in this world, that you are bound to
come up against it, and when you do, that will be your fight. It will
then be up to you, as to whether you decide to fight, for good (God)
against injustice (evil-Devil), and, by winning, help to make the
world a better place, for yourself and everyone to live in, or to
surrender to, and suffer from the injustice, thereby allowing it to
continue and grow, making the world even more evil and unjust, for
yourself, and everyone else to have to live in, and suffer from.
3:25 If you decide to fight; as you should; each battle that you fight will
train and prepare you, for the next one, which will be bigger and more
difficult and which will, in turn, train you for the next one, which will
be still bigger and so on, against people who are more and more powerful
and evil. However, you must NEVER make it personal, or lose your
temper (self-CONTROL). Don’t get angry, get DETERMINED.
3:26 ALWAYS remain humble, even in victory, because you could
not have won without God’s help. Then, when you have passed the
ultimate test, which is to be like Jesus; in thought; word and deed, at
ALL times; under ALL circumstances; always doing for others; you
can go home.
It is that simple!
3:27 It may be simple, but it is not easy. You have to PROVE yourself,
and fight for your right to go home, against all odds; but with 100%
faith, the “Force” will be with you, always, to protect you every step of
the way, provided that you do not LOSE your faith, in His protection.
3:28 People say, “If there is a God, let Him prove it to me.” Just who
do they think that they are, that God should need to prove anything
to them? It is they who are going to be executed, not God, and is
exactly the same stupid, arrogant attitude, that got them sent here
in the first-place. IF you apologise and have REAL faith, THEN
God will prove, to each and every one of you, that He is real
(John 7:17). You will not see Him, because you need to keep FAITH.
3:30 When a human baby is born, it has no soul, but it is alive and
breathing, with its own HUMAN animal-life (Sura 15:30), before the
soul enters the body. Some never have a soul, because they are so sub-
standard that they are of no use, being unable to be used to teach a soul
anything, not even humility. At the other end of the scale, a totally se-
nile person is a living human-animal, left-alive, after the soul has left it.
3:31 The human body is nothing more than a very sophisticated (by
human-standards), organic living computer, that self-reproduces and self-
repairs (if it is not TOO badly damaged). It is a combination of smaller
computers, e.g. brain; kidneys; liver; etc., collectively making up the
whole, pre-programmed to have selfish animal-instincts, that your soul
has to learn to overcome. The physical human brain operates the body
and its emotions, but your mind and its feelings belong to your
soul. That is why Jesus said that the flesh is worthless, and that it is
only the spirit (soul - the REAL you) that has value (John 3:6 & 6:63).
3:32 It would serve absolutely no useful purpose, for a soul to enter
into a baby, whilst it is inside a woman’s body, for months. The reason
that a soul is placed inside a body, as has already been explained,
is to learn, and it could not possibly learn anything, inside a baby
that is inside a womb, inside a woman’s body.
3:33 A short period of time after the baby’s birth, it undergoes
a change, and suddenly has recognition and awareness. THAT is
when the soul has entered the body, along with the Holy-Spirit and
the Devil (the enemy-within).
3:34 The Holy-Spirit, or g(o)od voice, is planted inside the human-
animal-body, with, and connected to the soul. It is the soul’s telepathic
connection with God. To try to simplify things, for you to be able to
understand more easily; if you can think, for a moment, of God, as
being like a master-computer and memory-bank (fountain of knowledge);
with the Holy-Spirit, as the soul’s connection and personal computer-
terminal, linked to the master one; by which, each soul is told and taught
privately, individually and personally, what is good and what is evil, by
the Lord; then you will have a better understanding of how things work.
3:35 You can request and receive information from God, by learning
to use your telepathic connection (the Holy-Spirit - 1st. John 2:27).
“Seek and you will find”, but ONLY if you seek with ALL your
heart (Jeremiah 29:13), and in child-like humility.
3:36 Unfortunately, all you ever do is to ask Him to give you this,
or that, or to do this, or that, for you. You NEVER ask Him what
YOU can do for Him, do you? Isn’t that very selfish, and one-sided?
3:37 The other voice, that everyone has in their head, and knows
perfectly well is evil, is obviously the Devil’s voice.
3:38 God will only answer your questions, if they are the right kind of
questions, and if you ask Him in the right way, with the correct attitude,
and then only if the answer will help you spiritually not materially (un-
less it will help you, in some way, to complete the task He has set you or
is a genuine need, not a want). He will answer you, when you are ready
for the answer, which may not be when YOU think you are ready for it.
3:39 You may get an answer immediately; or in an hour; or a week; a
month; a year; or even ten or more, but you will get the answer
EXACTLY when you ARE ready for it, and you will be reminded, as
you are given the answer, of exactly when it was that you asked the
question. Then you should realise, yourself, that when you asked the
question, you weren’t ready for the answer, and first had to be taught
to understand the answer, and were only ready for the answer, when
you were given it. That’s when you really ought to say: “Thank You”.
3:40 He will help you with everything you do, if you ask Him to,
but He will not help you to do anything that is wrong for you, or
anyone else.
3:41 So, if you don’t get an answer, you are asking the wrong things,
and/or in the wrong way, or you are not yet ready for the answer.
3:42 If and when you start to do His Will, He will also provide for
you materially, but only if you BELIEVE He will, and then only what
you need, to be able to do His Will, and probably not what you want,
which would be wrong for you. If you have more than you need,
someone else (Satan) is paying you. Learn to want only what you
need to be able to do His Will.
3:43 God will only give you what you need, and no more, so that He
can keep you on a short leash and under control, to enable Him to guide
you, more efficiently. If He gave you more than you need, He would
lose control of you and you may go astray, being then less dependent
on His supply continuing. This short leash situation also lets Him test
your faith, to the last second, before He supplies your need. If you are
doing His work, He knows what you are going to need, before you do,
and is already arranging the supply, before you even feel the need.
3:44 That is why Jesus told the man who wanted to be perfect, that,
as well as keeping the COMMANDMENTS, as he said he had done
all his life, he must sell his possessions and give the money to the
poor (the “poor” was the disciples’ collective purse, kitty or bag, that
Judas kept - John 12:6), thereby placing himself completely in God’s
hands, because only then could God teach, provide for and control
him efficiently (Matt.19:21).
3:45 When you work for Him, and thereby your own salvation, it is
a partnership - you have to complete the task, and He has to supply
the tools and materials. He will, otherwise, how could He expect you
to finish the job?
3:46 You just have to have faith, and trust Him. He will not fail you,
but He will make you wait, until the last second, to test your faith, in
Him and His supply.
3:47 It is like being on a magical mystery tour, and can take you
anywhere on Earth, wherever He can use you and teach you best.
It is FUN and magic, REAL magic.
3:48 God HAS to provide for you, and for you to eat and drink,
in order “to keep body and soul together.”
3:49 So a human-animal-body is ONLY a prison-cell for the soul,
within a prison (Earth), millions of miles from home - a maximum
security, but open-prison, from which NO-ONE has EVER escaped,
and from which no-one ever will.
3:50 That is why mankind, even if allowed, would never find
“human” life anywhere, except on this planet. There is life through-
out the galaxies, but not human-life, because the human body is not
needed anywhere else, except on this prison-planet, to serve the sole
purpose for which it was designed and created.
3:51 God created the human+being (human-animal-body+soul) so
that He can DISCIPLinE the soul (Being), and punish it, if/when it
does wrong. A soul, in its free state, is energy and therefore invisible
(to the human-eye). It does not feel heat; cold; hunger; thirst or
PAIN (in any and all of its various forms), and therefore can not be
punished and DISCIPLinEd, only destroyed. Unlike humans, it has
no needs (Rev. 7:16).
3:52 It is not possible to teach an evil soul, in its free state, to be
good, by sending it to bed with no supper, because it does not get
hungry. It is not possible to smack its backside, because it does not
have one, and, in any case, it does not feel pain.
3:53 The soul is normally locked inside the human-animal-body, for
the lifetime of the body, and is locked-in, in such a way, that it becomes
an integral part of the body (Rev. 3:7), and therefore feels whatever the
body feels. Then, by inflicting pain on the body, the SOUL feels it, and
so, can be punished, to varying, but exact degrees, depending upon what
it deserves, by the various types and severities of pain, e.g. physical;
mental; heart-ache; hardship; disabilities and deformities; etc.
3:54 This is all designed to teach humility, and the destroying of
“Self” (selfishness). All pain is attached to the “Self”; when the
“Self” goes, so does all pain. Life is a perpetual crucifixion,
designed to destroy your selfishness; greed and materialism.
3:55 God talks to the soul by telepathy, using the good voice, which
is the same voice that Satan, using the LIES of religion and
superstitious-nonsense, has deceived you all into believing is your
conscience. It is NOT your conscience, it is God talking to each and
every one of you, by telepathy, via your connection - the Holy-Spirit.
3:56 Many of you say, “Why doesn’t God talk to ME?” He does!
To each and every one of you, but YOU don’t LISTEN to Him.
3:57 YOUR real conscience is YOU, and what you decide to do in
a test. When Satan tempts you, and God tells you, with His good voice,
NOT to do what he says, and that what Satan says is wrong, what
you then decide to do, is your conscience. YOU are your conscience,
NOT the good voice, and you are each, independently, responsible
for YOUR own soul. It doesn’t matter what EVERYONE else does,
they are not responsible for YOUR soul. YOU ARE! THEY are
responsible for THEIRS, whether they believe it or not.
3:58 Satan talks to your animal body, and has deceived you into think-
ing that you are no more than a crude, smelly animal, with obscene
body-functions, when you are really spirit, and only temporarily im-
prisoned in the crude, animal body that you are using, at the moment,
which has to eat; go to the toilet; get old and wrinkled and die; etc.
3:59 You seem to want to believe Satan, and that you are no better
than a smelly animal. You don’t seem to want to be divine again.
3:60 Satan tries to talk you into enjoying what feels physically good,
to the animal, e.g. sex; egotism; materialism; selfishness; competition
and superiority; the inflicting of pain; killing; beating; depravity and
perversion; etc., to try to get you as low as he is, so that you will
NEVER be able to go home, and he is the serpent, always eating
dust - as low as you can get (Genesis 3:14).
3:61 You, being really spirit, will never get true and lasting happiness,
or satisfaction, from animal-pleasures, as nice as they can be. It is self-
defeating and a vicious-circle. The more you try, the more you feel
you need, and the worse things become. A perfect example of this is
nymphomania, where the subject confuses love with sex, which, being
animal, does NOT bring true satisfaction and spiritual fulfillment.
Satan then (from within) deceives them into thinking, that, if they get
enough sex, they will be fulfilled, and they try desperately to get
enough sex. Unfortunately, Satan is a liar, and has tricked them, once
again, and they run around desperately, in a vicious-circle. The more
sex they get, the less fulfilled they feel, so they try even harder and
harder, becoming more and more lost; lonely; desperate and confused.
3:62 You are not an animal, you are spirit. Animal pleasures alone
will NEVER satisfy your soul’s (your) need for spiritual love, and
3:63 God, the source of spiritual love (God is love), is the answer to
EVERY question, problem, or illness in your life. Once you have
found God, and acknowledge Him, as your Father, you automatically
have the solution to every problem and illness, so long as you have
“DIRECT” contact, and do what He tells you to do (His Will).
3:64 Learn to know the difference, between REAL love and animal
sex or lust!
3:65 The reason, or logic, behind God designing human+beings, is
that the soul has to overcome and control the animal, then use it to
give love (spiritual and pure) and affection (human), and to always do
for the benefit of everyone. You have to overcome both the animal
and spiritual SELFishness, thereby making it twice as difficult to
achieve, and so, consequently, making the end result twice as effective.
3:66 This was the demonstration given by Christ, on the cross, when he
controlled the animal that he was temporarily using, which was made
by Mary’s body, with God’s help, and then used it, for the benefit of
everyone on Earth, by taking upon himself the sins of the whole world.
He controlled it and used it, to the extent, that he “VOLUNTARILY”
suffered the agony of the cross, giving up his human-life, to show people
the ULTIMATE example - destroying the self, with PERFECT CON-
TROL, voluntarily, for the benefit of others. The PERFECT example
of UNSELFISHNESS. YOU must learn that degree of CONTROL.
3:67 Two thousand years and NO-ONE understands what the
demonstration of the cross REALLY means. The cross is not to be
worn around your neck. It is to be worn inside. Hold out your arms,
horizontally, look in a mirror, and you will see your cross. Your cross
is your selfishness, that you must overcome and destroy. The cross
of “SELF-sacrifice”, i.e. voluntary destruction of your own SELFISH-
NESS, by the giving-up, of your own human, material interests, for the
benefit of everyone else’s spiritual well-being, thereby setting a
good example, for others to follow, by your DEEDS NOT WORDS.
3:68 “I am The Way, follow me,” which did not mean getting up off
your backside, and following him down the street. It means that Jesus
is the way, you all have to be, before you can follow him back to
heaven (home).
3:69 To do that, you must ask yourself, 24 hours a day, in every situa-
tion, what would Jesus do; say; or think, in this situation? Then, before
doing; saying or thinking anything, you must wait and listen for, and
to, the good voice, then go forwards, guided and protected, to victory.
3:70 Whilst in incredible agony, Jesus said, “Forgive them (you, all
of you), because they do not know what they are doing.” The people
did not know what they were doing, because they were “out of
control”, and in Satan’s control, and that is the very reason why Jesus
came, to show “The Way (home)”, in the first-place. The people
were “out of control”, because they could not control the animals,
that they were locked inside of and using, and had been deceived by
Satan, who used their religious arrogance against them.
3:71 God talks to the soul, and tells it how to be good. Satan talks
to the human-animal-body, that you are using, and tries to get it, to
make you do what is wrong for your soul (real you). Your soul (you)
could easily control the body you are using, if it were not for Satan.
However, because Satan is more powerful than you are, you alone
can never beat him. That is why you need God’s help, 24 hours a
day, and direct-contact, in order to get it, so that you can do His Will.
3:72 Once you have God’s help, He controls Satan, leaving you
free to control your animal and spiritual selves, and things become a
lot easier. As you progress, you become more and more dependent
on God, and become a “child of God” (adopted), until depending on
Him becomes second-nature, and, as He helps you, your faith in, and
love for Him, continually increase, and, with that, your inner-peace.
3:73 The more progress you make, the happier and more relaxed you
become. Real happiness — spiritual (joy) happiness and spiritual satis-
faction in your own progress, and achievements, both physical and
spiritual. As you progress, the tests become more difficult, so the more
you need God’s help, as Satan tries harder and harder to pull you back.
3:74 Eventually, you actually get to KNOW God, as a person, and
at that point, it is no longer a belief, but a knowledge and loving
personal-relationship, of Father and child.
3:75 As you are getting to know God, Satan will be trying harder and
harder to pull you back; so you will also get to know him; how he
operates and just how evil; sick and insane he really is; from what he
does and says to you to try to frighten, or bribe you, into stopping. Once
you know Satan, and exactly how he operates, you will then be able
to beat him - you have to know your enemy, before you can beat him.
3:76 The more you get to know God, the more you see how awe-
inspiringly-wonderful; loving; wise; compassionate and merciful He is,
and the more you wonder, how you ever managed to be so blind.
You also wonder how you ever managed to live without Him, and
His “divine” love, surrounding and protecting you from all ills.
3:77 You will then learn to love, and enjoy, doing His Will, and
receive the reward of ever-increasing spiritual, and therefore true
happiness (joy), that no man can take away from you. Then you
will be so full of love, peace and joy, that you will actually KNOW
what it feels like, and therefore the TRUE meaning of, “my cup over-
flows (runneth over)”, and fully understand, and LIVE Psalm 23.
3:78 It is wonderful beyond words, to stand, or live, in the “Valley of
the Shadow of Death” and fear nothing, and no-one, knowing that; as
long as you believe; He will protect you. Serenity is not freedom from
the storm, but peace; brought about by TRUE faith; amidst the storm.
3:79 This kind of peace and joy is not temporary, and fleeting,
like silly human peace and happiness, it is eternal, like your soul
(providing you survive the Last-Day), and no-one can take it away
from you, except you yourself, if you lose your faith.
3:80 The Torah, New Testament and Koran are NOT religious
Books: they are a guide to going home.
3:81 Many people think that if they live, what they consider to be
a good life, then God will, or should help them.
3:82 It does not work that way, because only God knows what is
good. You are bad, or you would not be here, and so is your judgement.
3:83 If you do what you think is good, it is usually wrong, not
only for yourself, but for those around you, and the good of ALL.
God, being unselfish, always does what is best for all concerned,
and not just for one individual. What you think is good, may be
good for your body, but not for your soul, which is actually the
REAL you, and the only thing of real importance. Why do you think
God went to all this trouble, to try to save your soul, instead of just
executing you, if you are only a human-animal, that has to die anyway?
3:84 The Lord sent you here, and He is the only one who knows
EXACTLY what each soul has to learn, on an individual basis, and
therefore, He is the ONLY one who can teach you. THAT is why
religion is totally wrong, because it builds a wall between you and God,
preventing your direct-contact, and your free thinking and reasoning
process. This is exactly what Satan wants, and that is why he invented
NEVER under-estimate Satan !!
3:85 If you do what you want to do, you are running in circles,
doing yourself and no-one else any good, being lost and confused;
going nowhere; continually hurting yourself and others; suffering;
and Satan will lead you astray and into “The Fire.”
3:86 The shortest distance between two points is a straight line,
and, if you do God’s Will, and let Him teach you and help you, you
will then be going in a straight line. You will also no longer be trying
to swim against the flow, and arrive “home”; in the shortest possible
time; with the least possible waste of effort. He will even supply,
directly, the energy “Force”, for you to do what He wants you to do,
to make it even easier for you, and He will cheer you on to victory.
3:87 God does not want you to be here, He wants you to learn to be
good and come home, as soon as possible. That is all that He has
always wanted of you. God is very sad, because He misses you and
wants you to come home, but He can not let you come home, until
He is CERTAIN that you will be good, and not cause any more
trouble, or hurt anyone (Micah 6:8).
3:88 Home has many names here, like: Heaven; Nirvana; Valhalla;
Utopia; Zion; The Happy Hunting Ground; Paradise; etc., but it is
not an ideological, abstract place, it is the Morning Star, which is a
real, physical planet.
3:89 How can you do God’s Will, unless you tell Him that you
want to do His Will, and ask Him to tell you exactly what He
wants you to do, second by second?
3:90 Ask Him privately, with thoughts, not words, and listen for His
reply in your mind. Also ask Him to re-vitalize your Holy-Spirit, and
reinforce it. Ask Him to come inside you, and give you the strength,
to be able to do His Will and overcome Satan, by teaching you how
to use the “Force”.
3:91 No human Prophet can be with you all the time, to teach
you, only God can do that, and He will, if you ask Him to. He is
waiting patiently, for you to ask. You are NEVER alone, you just
can not see your guardian angels, but they can see you, and they
know exactly what you are doing; thinking or saying, every second
of your life (Job 42:2).
3:92 Amongst Lucifer’s followers, there were many weak-willed
souls, who were misled by him and deceived, by his lies, into fighting
against God. There were others, who were really his friends and
accomplices, who had helped him plan and organise the rebellion,
and who fought eagerly with him, for their own selfish reasons.
3:93 Here in prison, God wanted good to overcome evil, so He
used the natural-supremacy of the male-species, and locked Satan’s
friends into female human-animals, and the less evil souls into male
human-animals, so that the males, being stronger, could control the
females, and teach them to be less evil and selfish (1st. Corinthians
11:3 & 1st. Timothy 2:11-12).
3:94 Before we go any further, and some of you WRONGLY decide
that I must be a woman-hater, let me state the true fact, i.e. that I
LOVE women, more than any man that has ever lived. I will explain
the illogicality of your wrong-assumption to you (if you make it), at
the end of this chapter, so, for now, please just allow me the benefit of
the doubt, accept what I say, and continue reading; for your own good.
3:95 A soul (the real you) has no sex! It is the body, that the soul is
temporarily using, that has a sex, so you - the soul - are neither male
nor female, nor even human.
3:96 If and when, a soul, locked-inside a female-body, learns to be a
perfect woman; in God’s eyes, not yours; it has then earned promotion,
and the right to be locked-inside a male-body, in its next human-lifetime
(see the Gospel of Thomas, log 114:20-26 / King of kings’ Bible ch.16).
3:97 Each time that a human-animal-body, that you have been using,
dies, you are unlocked from it and taken onto the Astral Plain (Paradise)
(which is here, but in another dimension, that cannot be seen with
human-eyes), where you are asked, what you have learned, and you
have your now past human-lifetime, that you have just lived, shown
to you, and you are told (paradise - “para dice” - to be told) what you
have done right, and what you have done wrong. That life is then
summarised, and the evil, that you have learned in that lifetime, is erased
from your memory, along with which human you were, but the good
you have learned is retained. You are then sent back, onto this material
plain, and locked-inside another body, to learn some more. The kind of
body and surroundings will vary, depending on whether you are to be
punished and taught humility, or whether you are to be rewarded.
3:98 You can not remember what human you were previously, because
that would cause you, and everyone else, a lot of pain, e.g. if an old man
died and came back as a baby, remembering who he had been, and went
to see his wife (now his widow), from his previous-lifetime, it would
cause her; himself and his new parents, a lot of pain and would serve no
useful purpose. Another reason, that you are not allowed to remember
what human you were, is because; being the materialistic, selfish
people that you are; if you could remember who you had been, you
would go and try to claim what were your possessions. Wouldn’t you?
3:99 As the object of being here, is to learn to be unselfish; good
and un-materialistic; allowing you to remember would be counter-
productive. Also, you wouldn’t want to be able to remember being
a murderer, or a rapist, or being murdered, would you?
3:100 What you do remember is all the good that you have learned.
All those things that you KNOW are right, and that no-one, in your
present-lifetime, has taught you, you have learned in your previous-
3:101 If you live a good-life, you advance and shorten your
sentence. If you live a bad-life, you go backwards and are punished.
If you live a half-and-half type of life, you stay at the same place
(same spiritual level), and just get a new body to use.
3:102 The trouble with staying at the same place, or going back-
wards, is that you are running-out of time to earn your pardon.
3:103 The higher you climb, the harder it gets, and the more chance
you have of making a mess of things, and going backwards, so the more
you need God’s help.
God and Heaven
Female Male
(pink) (blue)
BEING (alive?)
4:1 Once the prison, and the human-animals, had been designed
and created, and the souls locked-inside, God started the teaching
and testing process.
4:2 The first and very simple test, was in the Garden of Eden,
when the devil tempted Eve (woman), with the apple. The devil told
Eve, that, if she ate the apple, she would become like God (another
lie) (Genesis 3:5).
4:3 Being closer to the devil, than Adam (man); on a spiritual-
level, and having less will-power (the will is the eye of the soul), and
therefore more easily used by the devil; she gave-in to temptation,
disobeyed God and ate the apple. Satan tempted Eve first; instead
of tempting Adam; because he knew that she would be more likely
to give-in, than Adam. Eve, having failed her own test, was not
content with that, she had to get Adam into trouble, too.
4:4 The will is the eye of the soul, because the more will-power
a soul has, to resist temptation, the nearer it is, to going home. The
Lord measures a soul, by its power to resist temptation from Satan,
and by the good it does for others.
4:5 The serpent, that tempted Eve, was Satan (Rev. 12:9), who; having
tricked Eve, causing her to fail her test; then manipulated her and
used her to attack Adam (Matt. 10:36), using her sex-appeal. Adam
then also failed his first test, because he foolishly loved Eve more
than God (Matt. 10:37), and doing good, and followed her advice
(the Devil’s really), instead of God’s advice.
4:6 The simple story; of Adam (man) and Eve (woman), and the
trees of the “Knowledge of Good” (God) and the “Knowledge of Evil”
(d/evil); seems never to have been understood, by anyone on Earth,
and yet it is very straight-forward, and easy to understand.
4:7 God walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, and
talked with them, teaching them to eat (digest) the “Knowledge of
Good” (His truth), and warned them not to eat from the “Tree of the
Knowledge of Evil” (Satan’s lies), or they would die.
4:8 They already had access, to the fruit of the “Tree of the
Knowledge of Good”, and were eating it, and, if they ate from the
“Tree of the Knowledge of Evil”, they would then know that there
was good, and evil, and become confused. In their confusion, they
would never find their way home, and would die.
4:9 If they obeyed God, there would be no confusion, or conflict,
in their minds, and they would learn only good, from God - the Tree
(or source) of the Knowledge of Good (TRUTH), quickly and easily,
and live forever. As they learned from God’s teachings, they would
become more and more like Him, until, once they became enough
like Him (like Jesus’ example), they would be pardoned and then
released from this planet (Earth), and allowed to go home, back to
their real homes and families, out in the Universe, and LIVE forever.
4:10 God was telling them: “In the day that you listen to that liar
again, instead of to Me - eat from the Tree (source) of the
Knowledge of Evil (lies) - you will die (Gen. 2:17 & Deut. 30:15).”
4:11 The serpent (Satan the liar/devil) told Eve that God was lying
to her, and that if she believed him, instead of God, she would be
like God, which, of course, coming from the liar (devil), was a LIE.
4:12 Eve believed the liar (devil), instead of God, and convinced
Adam to believe the liar too, repeating, for a second time, the “original
sin” that had caused the war, and, from that day; EXACTLY as God
(the TRUTH/WORD - John 1:1-5) told them; people have been dying
ever since. So God told you the TRUTH, as He always does, and
Satan deceived you all, yet again (Rev. 12:9), as he still does today.
4:13 So the war, that Lucifer started in heaven, with his slanderous
lies, has continued, in a war between good (God) and evil (devil),
here on Earth, ever since, killing billions of human bodies.
4:14 By believing the liar/devil, instead of God, Adam (man) and Eve
(woman) were calling God a liar/devil, and the liar/devil God. God
says: “Woe to those who call good (God), evil (devil) and evil, good”.
4:15 Thus began the confusion and chaos, in people’s minds, that has
continued ever since - the conflict and not knowing what is good/truth,
and what is evil/lies (only that they both exist) and the ongoing insanity.
4:16 INSANITY is:- choosing to believe that a lie is true, and that
the truth is a lie.
4:17 The ONLY way to LIVE, is to STOP listening to the liar/devil,
and believe ONLY GOD, as Abraham did, and thereby, became the
“Friend of God” (2nd. Chronicles 20:7 & Isaiah 41:8)(James 2:23).
4:18 Jesus’ true teachings are designed to “Reverse the Fall of Man”,
by being “Born again as your spirit (Being - John 3:5-6)” - your
real self; keeping the COMMANDments; DOING God’s Will (learn-
ing directly from God how to be perfect - like God, in His eyes, not
man’s eyes). Jesus (the WORD/TRUTH made flesh - JOHN 1:1-5)
is also known as the “Second Adam” - to reverse “The Fall”, caused
by the first Adam believing Satan.
4:19 In the Garden of Eden there was no work, only learning:
everything else was provided by God.
4:20 Woman (Eve) created work, by listening to Satan, and has
been doing so ever since.
4:21 God’s first COMMANDment (it is the first, because it is the
MOST important) states that YOU must love God, first, above and
beyond EVERYTHING else, and love Him with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength
(every ounce of it - Mark 12:30), and Him ONLY shall you serve -
Matt. 4:10.
4:22 Adam started a tradition, that has survived for thousands
of years, which is:- loving woman first, and God (good) second,
thereby breaking the first and most important COMMANDment,
upon which all the others hang.
4:23 This has caused, and still is causing, most of the trouble in the
world, and God will allow women to continue punishing men, with
heart-ache, etc., until man learns to put God (pure love) first, and
woman (sex) second, or he runs out of time: whichever comes first.
4:24 Man must learn to DO God’s will, and not woman’s will, which
is often actually Satan’s will (he manipulates the souls, that are locked-
inside women’s bodies, to pull the souls locked-inside men’s bodies
back to earth, and keep them here in prison), or the world will continue
to accelerate in a backwards direction (Amos 4:1 & Isaiah 3:12-24).
4:25 Women persuade men to do evil for them, for sex, which can
mean cheating-on, or leaving their wives and families; killing; stealing;
fighting; or working themselves to death, just to buy worldly, and
therefore temporary treasures for them. To quote the “Picture of
Dorian Gray”, by Oscar Wilde, referring to women, as spoken by a
friend of Dorian: “They have got it; we want it; and people are
making millions in between.” (Rev. 18:3-20).
4:26 Instead of doing these evil things, man should be learning
to be like Jesus, and doing God’s Will, and should be working for
God, by fighting against evil, wherever and whenever he finds it,
for the benefit of all mankind, and, at the same time, he will be
setting a good example, for others to follow, especially his children
(Matt. 10:37-38)(Sura 9:23-24).
4:27 His wife’s place is to take care of the children, and to feed him
and keep his clothes and home clean, and to give him moral support,
to keep him going, so that he can earn his right to go home. If she
does this, she is also going forwards, towards becoming a perfect
lady, wife and mother; eventually earning the right to be a man.
“Behind every great man, there is a relatively good woman.”
4:28 Man must learn not to break the COMMANDments, and
then, to use his superiority of strength, both mental and physical,
GENTLY, along with his better understanding of spiritual love, to
persuade woman not to break the COMMANDments either. If not,
the world will continue to go backwards, until God has no
alternative, except to destroy all the evil souls.
4:29 Don’t fool yourselves into thinking that YOU are good. You
are NOT! (ISAIAH 64:6-7). If you were good, you would not be
here, you would already have gone home. God does not keep good
people in prison.
4:30 It is impossible for man, to do what he should, until he learns
to worship pure love (God), instead of sex (one of the devil’s
weapons), and to know the difference, between the two.
4:31 Jesus gave his love to the world, instead of to a woman; pure
and unselfish spiritual love, as opposed to selfish animal love
(emotion); and voluntarily made himself into a eunuch (meta-
phorically, Matt. 19:12, third type), for God and the world’s sake.
4:32 The other reason that he was alone, was because, loving a
woman, in a personal-relationship, would have created a conflict of
interests, and it would have interfered with his mission. A good
soldier ALWAYS puts his mission first, even above and before his
own life. “A man has to do, what a man has to do.”
4:33 A wife, or mother, will try to stop a man, from doing what he
has to do, using her husband’s, or son’s, love for her, as a lever, to try
to stop him from doing anything, that may endanger his life, or her
selfish material comfort and happiness.
4:34 It would have been, and was, the same for Jesus, and his
mission was so difficult, that he could not allow a woman to get in
the way, of his being crucified.
4:35 Also, it would not have been fair, on any woman, so Jesus
chose to be alone; demonstrating total unselfishness, in choosing to
hurt himself, by being alone, rather than hurting someone else, who
loved him (self-crucifixion). Therefore, during his mission, Jesus
separated himself, from the female members of his family, as much
as was possible.
4:36 God has always used man to do His work, and to be His
messengers (Prophets), and all of Jesus’ disciples were men. God
created man, NOT woman, in His own image. Why?
4:37 Satan has always used woman to do his work, starting with
Eve, trying to stop God’s plans, by trying to persuade man not to
do what is right, by using man’s love for woman, against man (1st.
Timothy 2:14).
4:38 Man was told, by God, from the beginning (Genesis 3:16-17),
that woman was NOT and could NEVER be his equal, and God has
reminded man repeatedly, ever since (1st. Corinthians 11:1-16)
(Sura 2:228 & 4:34).
4:39 That is why man has kept woman down, and in her correct
place, for all these thousands of years (Job 2:9-10).
4:40 Having failed the first, very simple test, Adam and Eve were
expelled from the security of the Garden of Eden.
4:41 If they had obeyed God, and not Satan, and had passed the test,
there would be no problems in the world today. Without knowledge
there would be no nuclear-weapons; pollution; or hunger; etc.; etc.
4:42 Woman was punished, not only for failing her own test, but for
then causing Adam to fail his. This punishment took the form of
having to suffer great pain, in childbirth, because she had used her sex
to persuade Adam (MAN) to disobey God, and Eve (WOMAN) has
been doing it all day; every day; everywhere; to everyone; ever since.
4:43 Sex leads to childbirth and great pain, which should also act
as a deterrent to sex, to try to teach women to look for love, instead
of sex, i.e. God, instead of the devil.
4:44 After the expulsion from Eden, the devil used women; as he
has continued to do successfully, throughout the history of the world;
to create problems, or aggravate existing ones.
4:45 The population gradually increased and more souls were sent,
from the Astral Plain, to use the new bodies, and, because people
listened to Satan, instead of listening to God, the world became more
and more evil.
4:46 Eventually, it became TOO evil, and God had to decide what
to do, to try to put everyone back on the right path.
The simple story of Adam’s sons, Cain and Able, seems also never
to have been understood.
God told Cain and Able, after their parents had already been
disobedient, that the ONLY offering He would accept from them,
was a LAMB (foreshadowing the LAMB of God - CHRIST and his
Able obeyed God and brought a lamb, EXACTLY as he was
told to do, and was ACCEPTED.
Cain, just like his parents, disobeyed God and he brought
the fruit of the earth, and was REJECTED.
In other words, unless you approach God, EXACTLY as He has
told you to do (I am The Way, no man comes to the Father, except
by me - the Lamb of God - John 14:6), and NOT as your parents and
siblings have done, YOU will be REJECTED.
People say that there are many paths to God, and there are
thousands of different religious doctrines, ALL claiming theirs is the
right and only one, but there are thousands of them. God says there
is only ONE way (John 14:6), and that very few there be that find
it (Matt. 7:14).
Jesus has told you, in Rev. 12:9, that Satan has deceived the
whole world (ALL of YOU), because you are ALL trying to
approach God your OWN way, like Cain did, and have been
REJECTED (“Go away from me, you who work iniquity - inequity,
I do not know you” - Matt. 7:23 & 25:11, 12, 41; “Why call ye me
Lord, Lord and do NOT do the things that I say?” - Matt. 7:21
& 25:11 & Luke 6:46 & 13:25).
The people who say that there are many paths to God, (and/
or that theirs is the right one) are ALL calling God a LIAR,
(Rev. 12:9 & Matt. 7:15) so you know what is going to happen to
them (Woe unto those who call good [truth], evil [lies]) - “The
FIRE” (Isaiah 5:20)(Matt. 25:41).
God told Able and Cain the ONLY way and unless you do it
EXACTLY, in minute and exact detail, The Way God has told you,
you will be rejected, just like clever, disobedient Cain was.
The word Able means “the breath of LIFE”, and the word Cain
means “possessions”, in Hebrew.
Jesus said (Matt. 6:24), “You can NOT serve God and mammon -
money; materialism and possessions - because if you love one, you
will hate the other”.
A fresh-start
The choosing of Noah (Genesis, ch. 6:9).
into fighting each other, because they had great respect and love
for each other, being brothers in their respect and love for God,
and Abraham’s body being the uncle of Lot’s body.
6:7 Lot went to the plains, where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
were built, and Abraham went to Canaan.
6:8 Later-on, God told Abraham, that He would make an agreement
(Covenant / contract) with him and his family, and that, as a sign of this
agreement, all the males of his household should be circumcised, from
eight days old (signed in blood and symbolizing sacrifixion of the flesh).
6:9 God did this because the world had become evil again, and
Abraham’s household was surrounded, by perverted and depraved
peoples, who were enslaved by fornication, so God decided to help
them resist temptation.
6:10 The circumcising would help to achieve this, by making the
sex-organ less sensitive, to try to reduce their sex-drive, and, hopefully,
help to push them towards a better understanding of spiritual love.
6:11 Circumcision itself is of no great importance: it is faith and
love which are important (Galatians 5:6). However, it would also
have been more hygienic, in that part of the world, with the heat
and scarcity of water.
6:12 The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were totally out of control,
so God decided to destroy them, completely, souls and all.
6:13 Sodom, as the name indicates, was full of sodomites (homo-
sexuals), committing the abominable crime of sodomy, and
Gomorrah was full of perversion and promiscuity (Gen. 19:1-29)
(Sura 7:80-81 & 15:61-77).
6:14 Lot lived on the outskirts of Sodom, but he was not a homo-
sexual, so the Lord sent two angels, in the appearance of handsome
young men, to save him and his family.
6:15 The angels came and communicated with Lot, by telepathy, and
Lot, not wanting them to be troubled, by the sodomites (homosexuals),
rushed them into his house. The angels said that they would stay in the
street, all night. Being angels, they did not need sleep, and they knew
that the homosexuals could do THEM no harm. However, Lot
insisted, so the angels stayed inside, and accepted his kind hospitality.
6:16 The queers had seen the angels, and they came to Lot’s
house, and surrounded it, demanding that Lot should bring the
handsome young men out, so that the queers could force them to
submit to being sodomised (raped).
6:17 Lot went out, to plead with the queers, to go-away, and take
women instead, and not to embarrass and shame him, in front of his
guests. He closed the door behind himself, to protect the angels from
the queers.
6:18 The queers became angry with Lot, because he was not “one
of them”, and was not a local either, and they threatened to do worse
to Lot, than to the strangers (angels). On hearing this, the angels
dragged Lot back inside, and struck the queers blind, so that they
wandered around lost, and could not find the door to Lot’s house.
6:19 In the morning the two angels pulled Lot, his wife and two
daughters, out of the house, telling them to leave and NOT to look
back, because they were going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
6:20 The angels then destroyed the two cities, with a terrible blast
(“Fire”), and it so TOTALLY annihilated them, that, to this day,
although it is known roughly where they were situated,
ABSOLUTELY no trace of them has ever been found (Gen. 19:24)
(Sura 15:76-77). The blast was far more efficient, than any crude
nuclear-weapon, and destroyed not only the cities, and everything
in them, but also the bodies and souls of the inhabitants.
6:21 Lot’s wife looked back, and, because the eyes are the window
of the soul (Luke 11:34), the blast “Fire” entered through her eyes,
destroying her soul and turning her into a pillar of salt.
6:22 Since then, for thousands of years, sodomy/homosexuality has
always been ILLEGAL (Deut. 23:17), carrying the death-penalty
(Leviticus 20:13), and also regarded as immoral, until the last
generation, when man has had the AUDACITY, not only to make it
legal, but has tried to make it acceptable, if not compulsory, and it is
now also rapidly becoming illegal to be a man.
6:23 It is very sad, that, after working so hard to become a man,
over thousands of years, and finally making-it; they then find-out
that it is much harder to be a man, and they try to go backwards,
and they are readily-accepted and welcomed-back, by women.
6:24 A queer is a relatively new man, who decides that being a man
is too difficult, and so, decides to try to be a woman, in a man’s body.
Some even go to the extent of having themselves surgically-castrated,
“voluntarily” (Deut. 23:1), and they will be punished, accordingly.
6:25 You can NOT go backwards; you are all under the shadow of the
DEATH-SENTENCE; your only escape is forwards (John 3:18).
6:26 It was easy to destroy the queers, in Sodom, because they were all
concentrated in one place, and God could easily remove Lot and his
family, and then destroy Sodom, without hurting any innocent people.
Today, it is so widespread and intermixed with “normal” society, that
God can not blast just them, without hurting too many innocent (?)
people, so He has sent AIDS (Leviticus 20:13)(Romans 1:27).
6:27 Open your eyes and see the signs, and turn around, before it is
TOO late.
6:28 Unfortunately AIDS has also attacked other non-believers,
too, and once it has attacked enough innocent (?) people, perhaps
man will revert to making homosexuality illegal again, and live by
God’s Laws, and not his own illegal ones.
6:29 Gomorrah was destroyed, because of its promiscuity,
perversion and sexual-exhibitionism, and because it was controlled
by sexual, instead of love values.
6:30 It is very sad, that people do not know the difference, between
sex and love. One million tons of sex will never equal one ounce (or
gram) of love. Unfortunately, millions of people spend lifetimes
looking for love, and, because they don’t know the difference, they
mistakenly find sex. When they don’t get the spiritual-satisfaction,
that they are seeking, they try harder, and mistakenly think, that, if
they get enough sex, it will bring them spiritual (real) satisfaction,
and it will not. It is a vicious-circle!
There are 3 kinds of sex:-
1. SEX — Pure ANIMAL lust.
2. Sex with feeling.
3. LOVE.
No amount of the first two, combined, will ever equal the third.
6:31 How can anyone expect to find love, when they are looking in
all the wrong places? Look up, not down. How can you expect to see
what is above you, when you are always looking downwards? Love
is spiritual, and sex is animal. When the soul controls the animal; uses
it for the benefit of another in true love, and giving instead of taking;
the act of making love, becomes the nearest thing to “Heaven on Earth”.
6:32 The loving of two spirits, both in control of their animal
bodies, and being totally unselfish; wanting only to give pleasure and
love to their partner; asking nothing in return; uniting both bodies and
souls (as much as is possible within human-limitations), is the most
heavenly experience possible on Earth, and is “Out of this world”.
6:33 Gomorrah was destroyed at the same time as Sodom, with a
weapon so sophisticated, that it is beyond human-comprehension,
and is nothing like silly, crude, human weapons, including nuclear-
weapons. The weapons on Earth are crude, children’s toys, that go
“BANG!”, and can kill human-animals.
6:34 The ability to destroy a planet (nuclear-weapons) is insignificant,
compared to the power of the “Force”.
6:35 God does not need crude, nuclear-weapons. If He just THINKS
it, everyone is dead. Who do you think decides, when a person’s
body will die, and then makes it happen?
6:36 You need not be terrified, by nuclear-weapons, because they can
not kill your soul, which is the REAL you. Once you have 100% faith,
in God, you will fear nothing and no-one. “Do NOT be afraid of those
who can kill your body; fear only those who can kill your body and
soul (the real you), with the FIRE” (Matt. 10:28). In other words, do
not fear humans, or human-death, or the devil: fear only that you
may be found unworthy on the Last-Day, and that your soul will
be killed, in “The Fire”, by God and the Lamb (Prince Michael/Christ).
6:37 God could not make sex illegal (only fornication), because of the
need for reproduction, and because He wanted a man and woman to
become one, and help each other, to create a stable, loving relationship,
and family-unit, into which children could be born. The children
could then grow-up in love-filled and harmonious surroundings, with a
balanced outlook on life, having a solid-foundation, on which to build,
in their adult-life. Having been taught already, the values of love (God),
instead of the values of this world (mammon), by their parent’s
example, in both words and deeds, they could then go out into the
world, with a balanced mentality, and teach their own children,
from their own experience, and perpetuate the process.
6:38 Knowing that promiscuity would lead to all kinds of problems,
and animal, instead of spiritual values, God destroyed Gomorrah, and
left the story of its destruction, as a deterrent to future generations.
He also left a legacy, to remind the world, to be faithful and to keep
His Laws. The legacy, to keep people on the right path, was called
Gonorrhea (Gomorreah).
6:39 Promiscuity became more widespread, and so did gonorrhea,
and God has sent progressively, stronger warnings, to try to keep
people on the straight-and-narrow:- syphilis; non-specific urethritis;
Vietnam Rose and now HERPES.
6:40 He cannot blast the promiscuous now, without hurting innocent
people, and, in any case, the Last-Day is so close now, that He does
not need to bother. HERPES is now turning many people away from
promiscuity, as it was intended to do, and AIDS, even more so. Doctors
and pharmacists will try to find cures, that will then help people to
keep-on being promiscuous, thereby helping Satan, instead of God.
6:41 The “Mound of Venus”, leading to the sacred temple of love,
which must not be desecrated, and/or defiled, by strangers.
9:1 After Jesus had ascended (Acts 1:9) into a “cloud” (cloud? -
spaceship - Matt. 17:5); and his soul/spirit-being (Christ) had been
released from the “son of Mary”, and had become his REAL self
again, i.e. Prince Michael, and had gone home to the Morning Star;
and the disciples had written the New Testament; Satan had to work
fast, to find a way to undo all the good work.
9:2 Satan, therefore, decided to use his most successful weapon,
i.e. religion, and had to find a way to turn the teachings into yet
another religion. The devil succeeded, and called it Christianity,
even after all that Jesus went through, to show that organised-religion
is wrong, and that it belongs to the devil, NOT God or Christ.
9:3 It was the jewish RELIGION and their PRIESTS, that nailed
Jesus onto the cross. Many racial jews accepted the New Covenant.
9:4 With the passage of time and the devil’s influence, people, as
usual, became apathetic, and decided that they could not possibly
be like Jesus, because he could walk on water and could do magic
tricks, so they stopped striving. N.B. John 14:12.
9:5 People decided that, instead of striving to be like Jesus, they
would make graven-images, of the worthless human-animal he had
used, even though it is against The 10 COMMANDments, and
make a new religion, and just go to church one day a week. That
was much easier than striving to live like, and be like, Jesus.
9:6 They also decided, that they would celebrate his birthday and his
crucifixion, and have now made, what they falsely claim was his body’s
birthday, into a sick-joke, turning it into an excuse to make money.
9:7 Some of the evil people, who worship the devil’s standard,
(money) make billions, whilst the others are relatively good, for one
day a year, and are bad for all the rest. They believe that because they
are what they think is relatively good, on Christ’s supposed birthday,
which is really a pagan feast-day, that that makes everything alright.
9:8 Do you think that God is stupid, and that you can get away
with that?
You can not fool God, He knows everything that you are thinking.
You are only fooling yourselves!
9:9 I came to make every day Christ’s day and not one paltry day a
year. In any case, it was on April 12th of 7 B.C., not Dec. 25th of 1 A.D.
9:10 How could YOU do that to ME? I abhor Christmas, as I told you
in the Revelation (2:6, 15). Christmas day should now be abolished,
and you should all do what I said, and love each other, and make it
like Christ’s Day, every day, by becoming more like Christ, every day.
9:11 By giving money and expensive toys and presents to children;
instead of giving your time, and love and understanding, the whole
year round; you are teaching your children to worship mammon,
(money) instead of love (God), and they, in their turn, then teach
their children and grand-children, and so on, in a vicious-circle.
9:12 Don’t deprive your children of your love, and your precious
time, by working like lunatics, and almost killing yourselves, to give
them money and expensive toys. They do not need money, and they
only break their toys. They NEED love. Give them love, not
emotion, and your time and understanding. Teach them love and the
God-standard, NOT the gold-standard (devil’s standard).
9:13 Mothers must get back into the home, with their children,
taking care of them and their needs, and playing with them, instead of
working, leaving them alone to play with strangers and expensive toys.
9:14 How can a child grow up well adjusted and balanced, in
surroundings that lack love, and the harmony, that love brings with it?
9:15 I may as well have stayed at home, and not wasted my time,
or suffered the agony of the Crucifixion, for all the notice that you
have taken of me.
9:16 There are more religions now, than ever before, and
the priests teach the breaking of the COMMANDMENTS
(idolatry, etc.), of whom, the pope is by far the worst. All the priests
on this planet think that they are working for God, but they are
really working for the devil, by teaching and perpetuating organised-
religion, and thereby preventing people from having their own
direct-contact with the Lord (Matt. 23)(Hosea 4:9 & Malachi 2:1-3).
9:17 The catholic cardinals, who are the worst, even wear the Devil’s
colours - red - and the others wear black (darkness and evil). I have
never seen a priest wearing God’s colours.
9:18 I said do not be a priest (Matt. 23:8), and yet the priests
are waiting for my Second Coming, thinking that I am going to
come and be their friend. How stupid can they be? I said to the
jewish priests, that they encompassed land and sea to make a convert,
and that when they have made a convert, he is then twice as much
a child of hell, than the priests themselves (Matt. 23:15). I also said
that even the publicans (tax-collectors), and prostitutes, would go
into the Kingdom of God, before the priests (Matt. 21:31).
9:19 Read ALL of Matt. 23, and substitute the word priest for rabbi;
lawyers for scribes; and politicians for pharisees. Rabbis, scribes and
pharisees were the priests; lawyers and politicians of that time.
9:20 On the Last-Day, the pope; the priests and ANYONE who
teaches organised-religion, will be the first into The Fire (Matt.
5:19-20)(Sura 57:27).
9:21 There is no such thing as a christian priest; except in your
minds. It is NOT POSSIBLE for there to be such a thing as a
christian priest. I said that anyone, who believes in me, must NOT be
a priest, or religious teacher (Matt. 23:8)(Sura 9:31), and that there is
only ONE teacher - ME - and to call no MAN upon the Earth your
father, because you have only one Father - God in heaven (Matt. 23:9).
9:22 How is it possible then, that there are thousands of men on Earth,
who claim to be something it’s IMPOSSIBLE to be, i.e. a christian
priest? Many of them even have the audacity to call themselves Father,
the worst of whom, by far, is the pope, who has the SUPREME
audacity to not only call himself Father (Matt. 23:9), but the Sainted or
Holy Father. That means that he is blasphemously claiming to be God
the (Holy) Father. Read 2 Thess. 2:3, N.B. v 4 then 7 & Rev. 17:5, 7-9, 18.
Why did the Crucifixion have to happen, and what did it mean?
11:1 Satan (Iblis) asked God to let him live, until the Last-Day, even
though he had refused to do his best to learn to be good, along with
his former followers (Sura 7:14 & 15:36): YOU.
11:2 God granted his request, so that He could “use” him, to test
the souls of his ex-followers (Job 1:12 & 2:6-7).
11:3 Satan (Iblis), the devil, swore to attack you, from the front, and
from the rear, and from your left, and your right, and waylay you,
and pull you off the straight (and narrow) track (Sura 7:15), and
SEDUCE you into following his evil ways (Sura 7:27).
11:4 He will attack you from every possible angle; from within,
telepathically, with fear, and with what you wrongly think is your
imagination running-riot (which is really Satan, telepathically trying
to frighten you, by saying frightening things will happen to you); and
from without, by sending people to get in your way, to try to stop you;
or by sending women to seduce you, and thereby prevent you from
doing what you should be doing, i.e. what is right - God’s Will.
11:5 Iblis (Lucifer - Satan) lays in wait, to seduce those who are not
“children of God”, and who are not DOING God’s Will, and talking
to Him continuously. Satan will also attack, and try to trick, those
who are “children of God”, and pull them off the narrow track, that
they are on; or at least slow them down, and/or stop them from
continuing on their way home; if he can. Satan uses lies, to deceive
the whole world (Rev. 12:9), just as he did in the Garden of Eden,
to trick Eve, because she did not do God’s Will (Sura 7:22)(Gen. 3:4).
NEVER under-estimate the devil !!
11:6 The devil attacks everyone; except those whom he has already
seduced, into doing what he wants them to, and who are unknowingly
following him, to “The Fire” and execution, already; because he
considers everyone, that does God’s Will, to be a traitor, to himself.
Remember that you all fought with Satan, against God.
11:7 If you do good, you automatically become a threat to Satan,
and you MUST EXPECT him to attack you, and that is when you
NEED to wear God’s Armour. If Satan doesn’t attack you, then you
must be already doing what he wants you to do.
11:8 Man’s soul has always reached for the stars, without
understanding why, and it is because the soul is subconsciously
home-sick, without knowing why, or where it is really from.
11:9 People started to worship planets, as gods, as the souls were
blindly reaching-out for home and their loved-ones, and Satan
deceived them, into worshipping many different planets, to keep
them from the truth and God. Later-on, he created the worshipping
of idols; graven-images and false gods.
11:10 God prohibited the worshipping of idols and false gods, so
Satan had to find a NEW way to deceive the world, and hit on the
idea of turning belief in God, into organised-religion. Religion would
build a wall (or barrier) between the soul and God, turning some into
priests, and making priests into false gods (Matt. 23:5-7 & Luke
11:43), and the blind leading the blind, away from God, and into the
ditch or “Fire” (Matt. 15:14)(Hosea 4:9 & Malachi 2:1-2).
11:11 God had given The Book to Moses (Torah/Old Covenant),
and forbidden the worshipping of ANYTHING, other than Himself.
Satan then created the jewish religion, and traditions (the Talmud)
and superstitions, preventing people from doing God’s Will, and
having DIRECT-contact with Him.
11:12 Religion builds a wall, between the soul and God. Priests do
not teach about God. They have absolutely no idea who God really
is, or where heaven is; even though they spend much of their time
repeating parts of the Bible or Koran; because they are blinded, by
their own religious organisation’s teachings, and misinterpretations.
11:13 Priests teach religion, they do not teach about God, because, if
they REALLY knew anything about God, they would be afraid of be-
ing priests, and resign. Satan uses their egos, to fool them into thinking
that God’s Rules do not apply to them. What arrogance! God’s Rules
apply to EVERYONE, up to, and including Prince Michael, and God
Himself. God is not a hypocrite, and He too lives by His own rules,
so who are the priests, to think that God’s rules do not apply to them?
11:14 God sent Jesus to destroy religions, and to bring people back
to DIRECT-contact with their God, and to DOING God’s Will; and to
set them a good example to follow. After the Crucifixion, the disciples
wrote the New Testament. The jews and their religion murdered Jesus,
the man, and then refused to accept God’s Messages, and the New
Covenant/Testament, and they continued to cling to their evil religion.
The Devil then turned Jesus’ teachings into another organised-religion,
and the same thing happened again, only more efficiently, because
the world was now further divided, and easier for Satan to control.
11:15 God then enlightened Mohammed, with Messages to try to
unite the world, and also the same Message, that organised-religion
is wrong, and that people MUST DO GOD’s WILL. The same thing
happened again, and it became yet another organised-religion.
11:16 Satan’s greatest success, was when he managed to get
Mohammed’s students to misunderstand, and twist God’s Message,
and discredit Jesus, and write it in the Koran. It was his greatest
success, for two reasons: the first being; that the arabs would not read
the New Testament, and follow Jesus’ example, and teachings; even
though the Koran says that they MUST (Sura 6:154-157); and thereby
leave them going in circles, and getting nowhere. The second reason
is; that it made it possible, for Satan, to set the three religions against
each other, and have their adherents, often, murdering each other.
11:17 This would keep them so busy, that they would not have time
to think, about how stupid they were all being, and that they all
worship the same God. The Lord sent all three Books, and, because
Satan divided them into separate religious groups, they each only
read one Book, which is really only 1/3 of the whole Book, so none
of them have any chance of understanding, or knowing, the truth.
11:18 Anyone who does not have direct-contact, and enlightenment;
which only comes when the “Self” dies; has absolutely no chance of
understanding the truth, by reading only 1/3 of God’s Book. God has
always intended that The Torah, New Testament and Koran, should be
one Book. How can anyone, who reads only 1/3 of a book, know the full
story? The best lies always contain an element of truth, and that is why
religion has worked so successfully, for Satan. Most of the religions in
this world, contain an element of truth, and the rest is made up of lies.
The devil takes God’s name, and mixes it, with superstition and lies,
stirs it up, with elements of the truth, and then has the perfect recipe, to
deceive the world, into believing that organised-religion belongs to God.
11:19 Organised-religion belongs to Satan, and uses, and abuses
God’s name.
11:20 How can you be so stupid, as to believe that organised-religion
belongs to God, when it has murdered more people, throughout the
known history of this world, than everything else combined, and is
still doing so? It is totally illogical, and absurd, to even consider
believing, that religion could possibly belong to God, when it is
murdering people, and God COMMANDS you NOT TO MURDER.
11:21 Open your spiritual-eyes, and see things as they REALLY are.
Only the Truth can set you free (John 8:32 / K.k., John 8:23).
11:22 You can NOT be taught God’s Will for you, by anyone except
God, because He is the ONLY one who knows, exactly what each indi-
vidual soul needs to learn, before HE will allow them to come home.
11:23 Priests have no idea who God is, and are preventing people
from going back to heaven (Matt. 23:13). They just repeat bits from
their Books; like trained parrots; dressed-up in their silly clothes.
11:24 Each person has the devil inside them, tempting them,
including priests, of whom there have been many, throughout history,
who have been guilty of child-molesting; running-away with other
men’s wives; etc., proving that they can be just as evil as everyone
else, and sometimes worse.
How can someone, who is evil, teach you, how to be good?
11:25 If you have direct-contact with God, you only have one
devil’s voice to fight, and that is your own devil’s voice, inside your
own head, and you then minimise the devil’s chances of deceiving
you. It is difficult enough, to fight him, without giving him a chance
to use re-inforcements.
11:26 When you put religions and priests between yourself and God;
and each person in between, has their own devil’s voice to overcome;
you are multiplying, many times over, the devil’s chances of
deceiving you, and leading you astray, as he promised to do. That
is one of the reasons why Satan invented religions.
11:27 How can a priest forgive your sins? Who do they think they
are, that they think that they have the power, or right, to forgive sins?
Who says that they represent God? God certainly does NOT! He
has said, over and over again, that they do NOT represent Him, but
represent the Devil.
11:28 The jews say that only jewish people will go to heaven, because
of the reference to the 12 tribes of Israel, when they are only a remnant
from 2 of the 12 tribes, being descended from the “House of JUDAH”
(emblem - Fig Tree). The other 10 “lost” tribes of Israel, called the
“House of ISRAEL” (emblem - Olive Tree); who are by far the major-
ity of Israel, and which, today, are: Britain (the British throne is the
“Throne of David”) and the Commonwealth; America; the Celts;
Scandinavia; the Netherlands and the 3 Baltic States; have all accepted
Christ, at least nominally (Matt. 15:24). Abraham was told, “In Isaac
shall your seed be called”, i.e. known as Isaac’s sons - [I]saacssons -
SAXONS - [Anglo]-saxons (Gen. 21:12). The 12 tribes of Israel, is
meant, not only literally, but also metaphorically, to represent ALL the
tribes of the world (Luke 13:29), because of the grafting into Israel of
the gentiles. ANYONE who KEEPS the COMMANDments, and
DOES God’s Will, is automatically an Israelite, and grafted-in. This
reference gave Satan the opportunity; because the 10 tribed “House of
Israel” was “lost” (Matt. 15:24 the word British is Hebrew and
means “the people of the COVENANT” - that is ISRAEL); to deceive
the jews, using their egos, into thinking that their religion is the right
one, and so they arrogantly refuse to accept Jesus, and Mohammed,
and the Messages that they brought (Matt. 21:42 - N.B. Jesus says that
their inheritance goes to others - Matt. 21:43)(Sura 5:13-14).
11:29 The catholics say that only catholics can go to heaven, and the
other christian sects say that only christians can go to heaven, so
they concentrate only on the New Testament, but at least they read
the Torah, and have combined it with the New Testament, into the
Bible. This shows that at least they are more open-minded, and
tolerant, than the other two groups (Sura 2:113 & 5:15).
11:30 The moslems say that only moslems can go to heaven, because
they do not read ALL of their own Book (Sura 2:62 & 5:72); they
only read, and mis-interpret, the parts that the devil wants them to
read and mis-interpret. They have become so arrogant, and such
fanatics, that they frighten people away, and thereby have prevented,
and still are preventing, the adding of the Koran, to the Bible, to make
up the complete 3/3 of The Book.
11:31 All people, of all colours, nationalities and beliefs, who do
God’s Will, and keep His COMMANDMENTS and COVENANT/
Testament (Sura 16:91), written in the Bible, will survive; and ALL
the others, of all colours, nationalities and beliefs, who do not DO
God’s Will, and keep the COMMANDMENTS, will perish, in “The
Fire”, on the Last-Day. You have God’s Word on that (Joel 2:32)
(Luke 13:29 & Rev. 5:9) (Sura 2:62, 112 & Sura 5:72).
11:32 Satan has conned you ALL, perfectly - divide and conquer.
The jews read their 1/3 of the Book (Torah), and refuse to accept
anything that came after it.
11:33 The moslems do exactly the same, in reverse, reading their 1/3 of
The Book (Koran), and refuse to accept anything that came before it.
The christians stay in the middle, and read the middle 1/3 of The Book,
and refuse to accept what came before, but especially what came after it.
11:34 You have ALL been conned! You had ALL better start to get it
right, NOW, or you will all win the booby-prize - “The Fire”.
11:35 There are no such things as religions, or nationalities, as far as
God is concerned, Satan has deceived you all. How can you be of a
particular nationality, or religion? You are not from this planet!
11:36 There is no such thing as religion, or nationality, unless YOU
want there to be. These things only exist in your minds.
11:37 The only REAL difference between you all, is that a few of you
believe in God, and MOST of you don’t believe in God, neither of
which is any good. God doesn’t want you to BELIEVE in Him, He
wants you to get to KNOW Him (John 17:3). Not only are you NOT
jewish; christian; moslem; buddhists; hindus; etc., you are not even
human — you are from Venus, and are allowing Satan to fool you all,
with his lies (John 8:32 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:23).
11:38 How can you possibly be human, if your soul (the REAL you)
is immortal, when everyone knows that humans are mortal, and
HAVE to die?
11:39 If you were one tenth as smart, as YOU arrogantly like to think
you are, you MIGHT be getting somewhere. Humility, and child-like
trust in God’s guidance, is the ONLY way to prevent Satan from
using your own ego, and arrogance, to fool you into thinking that
you are human, and that you are clever enough to run the world,
yourselves. Look at the state that YOU have got the world into!!!
11:40 Another way in which religion and priests have been used, by
Satan, to fool you all, is with their stupid story, that, if you are good,
in your present human-life, then you will go to heaven; and, if you are
bad, in your present human-life, then you will go to Hell. YOU ARE
ALREADY IN HELL, and you have been here for thousands of
human years. Hell is not a place with flames, and a man with a fork,
and a pointed tail and horns. THIS IS IT! The flames are only on
the Last-Day, HERE, to destroy the evil souls.
11:41 Some of you, say that you do not think that this planet is Hell,
or a prison, and that you actually LIKE it here.
11:42 ONLY someone who IS evil can feel at home in Hell, and like
being here, with all these bad people (John 12:25)(Sura 16:106-111).
11:43 The priests have helped Satan, by maintaining and feeding
your egos, and their own; teaching that Planet Earth is a good place,
and that you are all good, and all sinners at the same time. What a
ludicrous contradiction, and how STUPID. How can you be good, if
you are a sinner? You use the word sinner, because the word bad
offends your ego, but they both mean the same.
11:44 This stupidity has prevented you all from being humble
enough, to REALLY ask for, and receive, God’s guidance, and has
helped to keep you here, all this time.
11:45 What is absolutely astounding, is that you actually believe that
you are good, and that what happens on this planet is NORMAL. Do
you actually believe, that all this evil; cruelty; selfishness; murder;
rape; theft; child-molesting; etc., could happen on a NORMAL
civilised planet? It could not happen anywhere else but in Hell,
which is exactly where you all are, and where all this evil happens.
You don’t know the meaning of the words, civilised, and good
(Isaiah 64:6), and that is one of the reasons why you are still here.
11:46 If you are like Jesus (genuinely), in your present human-life,
and your body dies, THEN you will go to heaven. ANYTHING less
will NOT make the grade, and you will return to Hell (Earth), in your
next body, continually, until you get it right, or run out of time, and
then burn in “The Fire”, on the Last-Day (Acts 2:31-34).
11:47 You are ALL bad, or you would not be here, in prison. God does
not keep good people in prison. Be humble and LEARN to be good.
11:48 With religion in between, like a wall, you will NEVER get to
have a personal-relationship with God, and get to KNOW and love
Him, as the wonderful and loving person that He is, and also be able
to feel His love surrounding you, and protecting you from evil.
11:49 You do not need churches; every human+being is a church.
Churches (buildings) were only built, as a place of shelter, from the
sun, or the rain, etc., or from screaming children, so that you could
go, and be at peace, and be able to concentrate on talking to God, and
on listening for His telepathic reply.
11:50 Just look at them now, with locks on the doors, and full of
idols and gold, etc. If the church is REALLY God’s House, WHO
has the RIGHT to lock the door, and say that you can not go in,
except for one hour, on a certain day?
11:51 You HAVE TO talk to God telepathically, ALL the time, wher-
ever you are, and YOUR church (you) should be open 24 hours a day.
11:52 If someone feels that they need a church-building, to talk to
God, and they are distressed in the middle of the night, in the middle of
the week, who has the right to lock them out? NO-ONE, that is who.
11:53 The silly priests say that people will steal their silly idols, and
worldly treasures, if they don’t lock the doors.
11:54 There should be absolutely nothing in a church worth
stealing, and, if there is, it should be sold, and the money given to the
poor, or used, to heat the church, in cold climates, so that a church
feels warm and welcoming, just like God. Instead of which, they
feel cold, uncomfortable and forbidding, like Satan.
God is the God of the living; not of the dead.
11:55 Catholic churches are full of idols, and graven-images, teaching
the breaking of the COMMANDMENTS:- You shall NOT make a
graven-image, of ANYTHING in heaven or on Earth. You shall not
worship idols and graven-images.
11:56 They also have statues of Mary’s body, and BLASPHEME,
by saying that she is “the holy mother of God”. Christ himself, said
that Mary was NOT his mother (Matt. 12:47-50 & Mark 3:31-35 &
Luke 8:19-21). Mary was no-one special (Luke 11:27-28), except
that she was a good mother, and had good qualities, that God wanted
Jesus to learn, to help prepare him for His work.
11:57 The catholics also bow down to graven-images of the “son of
Mary”, which was only a human-animal that I used, and was NOT
me, and worship it as God. Jesus himself said that people MUST
NOT worship him, but JUST worship ONLY GOD (Matt. 19:16-17
& Mark 10:17-18). How can you all be so dis-obedient, and stupid,
when you are ALL under the death-sentence, and your time is
running-out (John 3:18 & 5:24)?
11:58 All the Prophets have spoken directly to God, and have done
His Will, and have been against religion, and have lived apart with God.
11:59 This does not mean living in a monastery, or commune, it just
means getting away from religions. Hiding from temptation, in a
monastery, will do you no good, because you have to face temptation,
and overcome it (to win favour with God, by facing temptation and
overcoming it. You are, thereby, also setting a good example, to
others, and can help the weaker ones to overcome their temptations,
by giving them moral [spiritual] support - Sura 57:27).
11:60 Hiding in a commune, or monastery, is the cowards’ way out,
but they are only cheating themselves, because the more temptation
you overcome, the nearer you get to going home.
11:61 Avoiding temptation is wasting what precious little time you
have left, and is like running-on-the-spot, on a conveyor-belt rolling
towards The Fire, where you are going nowhere fast, except The Fire.
11:62 These communes only create fear, and do more harm than
good, for the former reason, and the following ones.
11:63 The bigger they become, the greater the number of people that
are wasting their time, and, because people without faith always fear
what they do not understand, public-opinion is set against them. If they
become really big, the people outside get frightened, and eventually
they will attack it. Religious wars start in the same way (John 16:2).
11:64 These people should go home, to teach their families, and fight
for God. Jesus said that he came, not to bring peace, but a sword (the
Word of Truth - Heb. 4:12), and that a man’s enemies would be
the members of his own household (Luke 12:51-53). This is
because they will be used by Satan, to try to pull you away from your
belief (Micah 7:6). If they don’t, then you are not doing it right,
because Jesus has told you, it will happen, if you are doing it right.
11:65 Don’t run away and HIDE in communes. Get on home, and
fight to convince the people that love you, that they are wrong
(love your enemies).
11:66 Fight with the Sword of Truth, not your fists. Truth and Light
conquer all darkness and evil. Light destroys darkness painlessly,
and easily, and so does the Light of Truth, when combined and
delivered with love.
11:67 Stop being such cowards! Put on God’s Armour, and show
people The Way (Ephesians 6:11-19). You once fought against God,
and that got you sent here. The only way out, is to fight the Devil, to
PROVE to God that you have changed sides, and are fit to come home.
11:68 Your REAL families, in heaven, are waiting for you to come
home, and they are hoping that you don’t die, on the Last-Day, in
The Fire.
11:69 The devil’s greatest weapon has always been religion, and
with it, he has divided; deceived and conquered the world. You must
avoid organised-religion, like the plague (Rev. 18:4)!
11:70 To make religion even more effective, Satan divided the
beliefs even further, into little sects, each with their own customs and
beliefs. He is so sneaky, that you must be on your guard, 24 hours a
day, and NEVER under-estimate him.
11:71 Cling to God, like a drowning man clings to anything that
floats (or you will drown in “The Lake of Fire”). Always make sure,
before you do anything, that the devil is not deceiving you into doing
something wrong, by talking to you with his SEDUCTIVE voice.
He is VERY sneaky! If in doubt, do nothing, until you are absolutely
sure that you are following God’s orders, and not Satan’s (Sura 2:256).
11:72 Religious wars are one of Satan’s favourite games. After
Mohammed’s enlightenment, and the spreading of his teachings, the
Devil set the christians and the moslems against each other, in the
Crusades, in an attempt; through his use of religion (his invention); to
stop people from uniting themselves, and their Books, and thereby
having a chance of knowing the Truth.
11:73 It is ridiculous, that Richard the Lionheart and Saladin were
friends, away from the battlefield, and had great respect for one
another, and yet, they led their armies against each, other on the battle-
field, killing each other’s soldiers (in God’s name?) (John 16:2).
11:74 There are stories about Richard being sick, and that Saladin
disguised himself; pretended to be a doctor; and sneaked into the English
camp, where he treated and nursed Richard back to health. So that
they could try to kill each other, on the battlefield (?). In God’s name?
11:75 Another story tells where Richard and Saladin had a friendly
contest, to compare their swords. Richard used his broadsword, and
chopped down a tree, to demonstrate the strength of his sword. Saladin
used his scimitar (sword), to cut a silk-handkerchief into two, in mid-
air, to demonstrate the fine cutting-edge of his sword.
11:76 Why did they have this loving respect for each other? Because
they were BOTH honourable, and God-fearing men, and both truly
believed that they were doing God’s Will. Satan fooled them BOTH,
with religion. They did not have “direct” contact with God, so it was
easy for Satan (Iblis) to trick them BOTH.
11:77 Later on in history; after England had broken-away from
catholicism; God helped the British to conquer most of the world, to
spread the new doctrine, to try to counteract the catholic idolatry, and
blasphemous brain-washing. How else could a tiny kingdom, like
Great Britain, conquer most of the world? The Church of England
was still wrong, but probably, at the time, it was the “lesser of the
evils”. Britain then brought peace to the world, and was the world’s
policeman, for many years. It also helped to bring peace to the arab
world, because the moslems had become fanatics, in direct
DISOBEDIENCE of the Koran (Sura 2:190 & 2:256 & 4:92).
Fanaticism ALWAYS leads to trouble.
11:78 Another benefit, left by the British Empire, is that it made the
English language into the most important, and most widely used
language on Earth; in preparation for Christ’s/Prince Michael’s
Second Coming; making it easier to spread the truth and enlighten a
VERY dark world, through the universal use of the English language.
11:79 Jesus and Mohammed are friends, so why aren’t the christians
and the moslems friends?
11:80 Mohammed and Abraham are friends, so why aren’t the
moslems and the jews friends?
11:81 Jesus and Abraham, are also friends, so why doesn’t everyone
stop being so stupid; read all three parts of The Book; become
friends, and help each other to earn the right to go home, as ALL
the Prophets have said?
11:82 In the 6th century A.D., when Mohammed Mustafa was born,
Mecca was an evil place. Mohammed was driven-out of it, to Medina.
11:83 Medina was not as evil as Mecca, and the people of Medina
were converted, to, “doing the Will of God” - islam.
11:84 The evil people of Mecca refused to accept the Koran, and
Mohammed, so Mohammed assembled an army, to attack and conquer
it, but he failed, because it was not God’s Will. If it had been God’s
Will, Mohammed would have easily defeated the Meccans, because
God says so, in the Koran (Sura 8:65), and God’s Word is always
superior, to that of His apostles, on every subject and situation.
11:85 The Meccans, at that time, made (like now) a great amount of
money, from pilgrims coming to worship idols and false gods, at
Mecca, and it was a very big and thriving “BUSINESS”, that they did
not want to give up, because it was their major source of income.
That is why they rejected Mohammed, the Koran, and the One TRUE
God, because it would have ruined their very lucrative BUSINESS,
and they preferred to continue to serve their god - money.
11:86 Being unable to defeat the Meccans, because it was not the
Will of God (God is Invincible), some of Mohammed’s followers,
being afraid, persuaded him to make a “deal” with the Meccans.
The “deal” was, that they would allow Mohammed into Mecca, only
IF he made Mecca into the centre of the new “religion”, so that they
could continue to make lots of money, from pilgrims visiting the city,
and nothing would change, except the name of the religion, and,
thereby, the Meccans could continue to serve their god - money.
11:87 Previously, Mohammed had taught his followers to face
Jerusalem, and God’s “Holy of Holies”, on Mt. MORIAH, which is
where Abraham went, to sacrifice Isaac, and proved that he loved
God, above everything on Earth, and, by doing this, became the first
imam (example), to ALL of his children; showing them, what they
too must also be willing to do, before they too (his children) can
become “friends of God” (Sura 2:124).
11:88 Once having made the bargain, the MECCANS then wrote
the Hadith, to make Mecca the new centre, and keep their “business”
going. They gave their black rock the name Ka’ba, which means
holy of holies, or house of God, whereas, God, Himself, says that there
is only ONE place on Earth that is THE “Holy of Holies”, and that is
on Mt. MORIAH, in Jerusalem, where Abraham went to sacrifice
Isaac (Genesis 22:1-2), and it is referred to, in the Koran, as
Abraham’s Station (Sura 2:125 & 3:97). The Meccans, in their Hadith;
to further deceive the world, away from Mt. Moriah, and to Mecca;
have written that Abraham took Ismael, not Isaac, to their Ka’ba in
Mecca, to sacrifice him. Whereas, God Himself says, in His Koran,
that Abraham took Isaac, NOT Ismael, to what was to become the
“Holy of Holies” (Ka’ba in arabic), Abraham’s Station, in the City of
Peace - JeruSALEM (Sura 37:101, 112 -“the good news of Isaac” &
Sura 37:109 - Peace-SALEM to Abraham, where the City of Peace -
Jeru-SALEM was later to be built - Sura 2:126). The beginning of Peace
is when you follow Abraham’s example. SALEM means PEACE.
11:89 God has only EVER given permission for ONE house to
be built, for Him, on Earth, and that is over Abraham’s Station - the
“Holy of Holies”, the HOLIEST place on Earth, which is where
Abraham “believed ONLY God”, and proved his love for God, by
offering to sacrifice his son Isaac there - Mt. MORIAH - the site of
the “House of the Lord”, in Jerusalem. The word Jerusalem means
“found peace”, and “a place of safety” (Sura 2:125).
11:90 All of the references in the Koran, to the “Holy of Holies”
(Ka’ba), refer to Mt. MORIAH in Jerusalem, and not to Mecca, as do
also the references to His City of Peace (Sura 2:126 Jeru-Salem),
where the “House of God”, or Temple, was built by king Solomon
(Sura 4:163), over Abraham’s Station, where he offered Isaac (not
Ismael) to God (Sura 38:45-48).
11:91 The Meccans, in order to keep the deception going, had to dis-
credit the Bible, to stop people from reading it, so that they would never
find the truth, and turn away from Mecca, back to Jerusalem, as God
intended. The Meccans, in writing the Hadith and discrediting the Bible,
have made it IMPOSSIBLE, for anyone reading the Hadith, to be able
to understand the Koran, and God’s TRUTH. They’ve told the moslem
world that the true Bible no longer exists, which is not only a LIE (evil-
from the Devil), but totally illogical too. They would have the world
believe their lie, that God; Whom they claim to worship; Who is ALL-
powerful; has commanded them to read the Bible (Sura 6:152-157);
fulfill His COVENANT (Sura 6:152 & 16:91), which is written ONLY
in the Bible and nowhere else, and, even though He is ALL-powerful;
has left the world without the TRUE Bible. They’d have us believe
their lie, that an ALL-powerful God, has broken His word, and allowed
puny man to destroy His Bible Truth*. How stupid can people be?
11:92 The king James Authorized Version of the Bible is the (2nd) most
accurate translation in the world today (2000 A.D. See K. of k.’s Bible).
11:93 The Hadith was written after Mohammed’s (peace be upon
him) death, and it CAUSED the splitting up of muslims, into different
sects, in opposition to the meaning of the Koran, which is all about the
“Gospel of Unity” (Sura 42:13-17), the keeping of God’s COVENANT
(Sura 5:8 & 16:91), which is written in the Torah, in the Bible, and
becoming a universal-brotherhood of believers. So the Meccans
made the Teachings of God of no-effect, by the teaching of their
Hadith - “Traditions of the fathers”. How blind can people be?
11:94 The Hadith has become the Talmud of the Muslims, and was
condemned by God, in the Koran (Sura 43:21-23 & 43:3), which says
that God has gone to all the trouble of writing the Koran, so that YOU
can understand it, yourself, IF you read it and DO what it says; which
is, to read the Bible (Sura 6:154-156) as well as the Koran, and to pray
in PRIVATE (Sura 7:55), which is exactly what Christ said, in Matt.
6:6, whereupon, God will ANSWER YOU, and teach YOU what He
wants you to do - God’s Will. IF you don’t do, what God has told you
to do, if you want Him to answer you, He will NOT answer YOU.
EVERY copy, and the originals, of the Talmud; Hadith and all man-
made law-books, must be pulped, and re-cycled as Bibles/Korans.
Then, for the first time in their existence, they’ll have done some good.
11:95 In the Koran, God has told you to go on the “Pilgrimage”, if
you’re a TRUE believer, and can afford to. God says you must visit
Abraham’s Station (Sura 3:97), Mt. Moriah, in Jerusalem, NOT Mecca.
Abraham did NOT offer Isaac (or Ismael) at the Ka’ba in Mecca
(Gen. 22:1-2), but Moriah in Jerusalem, because God says so, in The
Book He’s told YOU to read, and that’s The Bible - Sura 6:154-156.
11:96 So the Meccans deceived ALL Muslims, and prevented the
uniting of the Books (Bible & Koran), and the fulfillment of
Mohammed’s mission for God, which was to unite ALL the TRUE
believers, into keeping God’s COVENANT (Sura 16:91), and being
His demonstration-people, to the rest of the World, of how wonderful
it is to live under God’s Laws, and Sovereignty, as one universal-
brotherhood, all facing and remembering Mt. MORIAH, as it says
in the Koran and in the Bible - Sura 2:144 & 1 kings 8:29-30.
11:97 The christians are just as bad as the jews and muslims, and
started a religion abusing Christ’s name, and teaching the opposite
of what Christ actually said. That is why God sent the Koran to
Mohammed Mustafa, to bring people back to the TRUE faith and
teachings, which are, to keep The COVENANT in The Torah, and
DO God’s Will - islam, which is exactly what Christ actually did say,
in the New Testament/Covenant.
11:98 This is reconfirmed by God in the Koran (Sura 43:61), which
makes it doubly important and certain.
11:99 It is the duty of ALL believers, to free yourselves from ALL
of these evil man-made teachings; unite the 3 Books of God - Old
Testament, New Testament and Koran - and yourselves as One
brotherhood, ALL keeping The COVENANT of God, written in The
Torah (Pentateuch), in the Old Testament, and following Abraham’s
example, in believing ONLY God, and loving God, more than every-
thing on Earth, and DOING His Will.
Israelite (Hebrew) = Those who DO God’s Will
Christian (Greek) = Those who DO God’s Will “children of God.”
Islamic (Arabic) = Those who DO God’s Will (by adoption)
11:100 Therefore, they ALL mean EXACTLY the same, and do NOT
refer to ANY organised-religion. They refer to the “children of God”,
i.e. those who keep the COMMANDMENTS and also DO God’s Will.
11:101 Many of you say that you’re ALL “children of God”, but you’re
NOT all “children of God”. ONLY those who keep the COMMAND-
MENTS, and also DO God’s Will, are “children of God”, and the rest
of you are NOT, no-matter what YOU call yourselves. You are the
children of whom you serve. Those who DO God’s Will are His
children, and those who continue to do Satan’s will remain his children.
11:102 Billions of you “say” that you are israelites, christians and
moslems (islamic), but you are NOT, because, even if you are
keeping the COMMANDMENTS, you are NOT DOING God’s Will.
You are just paying lip-service, to your own particular religion.
11:103 If you REALLY were “children of God”, keeping His COM-
be reading the Torah, New Testament and Koran and would be one single
brotherhood, and one single world-wide nation, with NO divisions,
either religious; national; political; language or colour. Your neighbour,
whom you MUST love as your self, is not just the man next door, but
the man on the far side of the planet, and EVERYONE in between.
All of the religions belong to Satan.
All religions MUST be destroyed.
11:104 There will NEVER be peace on Earth, until ALL of the
organised-religions have gone, and people keep the COMMAND-
MENTS; The COVENANT, and DO God’s Will, and return to
DIRECT spirit-converse with their God.
* God guaranteed in the Koran (Sura 32:23), that the True Bible would
reach you, and He commanded the reader, NOT to be in doubt about it.
13:1 A short answer, and the reasons for this, have already been
given to you, in chapter 2, which is, that, everyone HAS to be allowed
to exercise their “FREE-will”.
13:2 The longer explanation is, that, God created the beautiful
Garden of Eden, and told you to do as He advised you to do.
13:3 YOU have made the world the way it is now, by ignoring God,
and listening to Satan, and God has ALWAYS told you, each and
EVERY one of you, that you were doing wrong, using His good
voice, inside your head.
13:4 YOU have made the world into a mess, and YOU must put it
right again, before the Last-Day, to show God that you are sorry.
13:5 Why are you all so lazy, except when it comes to earning
money? Why don’t YOU get off your fat backsides, and DO
something, instead of sitting and moaning, expecting God or some-
one else to do it FOR you?
13:6 We have allowed mankind to reach this point, to let you see
your own insanity, HOPEFULLY, and what a terrible mess you
have made of this world, just as We predicted that you would, by
ignoring Our advice and following Satan’s advice.
13:7 This has been done, to prove to you, that neither you, nor
Satan, are fit to, nor capable of running this world; much less the entire
Universe; yourselves; so that perhaps, NOW, you will all see sense,
and DO as We advise you to do, instead of doing as Satan advises
you to, like you have been doing, for the last few thousand years.
See this as a controlled-example, of what Satan’s rule would have done
to the Universe, if he had won the war: as you fought for him to do.
13:8 Satan is totally, criminally insane, and there is absolutely no
depth of depravity, cruelty and selfishness, to which he will not stoop,
and make you stoop, if you ALLOW him to. That is WHY We told
you, that he is your WORST enemy.
13:9 You now have a PERFECT opportunity to start again, having
learned, HOPEFULLY, from all the mistakes of the last few
thousand years.
13:10 IF each and every one of you did what God tells you, and
stood-up for what is right, then there would be no wrong, and within
a matter of days, the world would be a good place to live, and YOU
would reap the benefits, because YOU have to live in it, not God. God
wants, and has always wanted, to help you, but you don’t listen to Him.
13:11 You only have a short time left, in which to do it, and if you
don’t all change, then, very soon, God and I (in spirit-form, as my real
self - Michael - the Arch-angel) WILL put things right, by destroying
all the evil souls.
The choice, as always, is yours!
13:12 Make a fresh-start, NOW, and NEVER give-in. If you give-in
you will die, and it is that simple, and that CERTAIN. Don’t worry
about what EVERYONE else is doing, YOU are responsible for
YOUR soul, not them.
13:13 I will gladly help you all, and I beg you to let me, and that
you will come and help me, and each other, and thereby yourselves,
to put the world right.
13:14 The first step is faith, and the second is to talk seriously to
God, and ask His forgiveness, and for His help, and for Him to tell
you what to do.
13:15 Just as I said, 2000 years ago, I will say again, because God
never changes, “Those of you who follow my teaching, will KNOW if
I speak God’s Truth, or whether I have invented it myself (John 7:17).”
13:16 I give you my personal guarantee, that, IF you give my
Father 100% faith, He will PROVE, to each and every one of you,
that He is REAL!
13:17 Once He proves things to you, you must ALWAYS remain
humble about it, and help others to find Him. The worst arrogance
is religious arrogance, because it turns people away from God,
instead of towards Him (Matt. 23:13 & 7:1-5).
13:18 Beware of your own arrogance, or SELF-confidence, because
religious arrogance, or false SELF-righteousness, is the easiest for
Satan to use to fool you. Beware of “SELF”, and the enemy-within!
13:19 Don’t let Satan scare-you-off, from doing good, with his
evil voice (the one that you mistakenly think is your imagination - or
“cavern of your mind” - and which nags-away at you, to try to wear-
down your resistance) telling you that, “It will cost you more than it
is worth” (in money). How much is your “immortal” soul worth?
13:20 Don’t lose your life, for money that you can NOT keep. Don’t
be afraid of Satan and let him scare you, because, if you are DOING
God’s Will, and you believe 100% that God will protect you, then
NO-ONE can hurt your soul. “Honi soit qui mal y pense” — “Evil be
to him who thinks it”, or who thinks it will come to him. When you
have “child-like (100%) faith”, in God and His protection, and that
He is holding you, in the palm of His “Invisible Hand”: who can
possibly harm you? Your children have faith in you and your love for
them, and you are bad, but you would not wrong them. How then
could God, being good and pure love, wrong you? Trust Him, and
give Him your “child-like” faith and trust, and put your hand in His,
just like your children do to you, and let Him lead you HOME.
13:21 Come to me and my Father, and let us seal OUR mark in
your forehead, so that you can survive, and eventually go home.
13:22 Become one of my gentle, but DETERMINED, soldiers (Jedi
Knights); learn The Ways of the “Force”, and help me to put the
world right.
13:23 I also guarantee for you, that all of the “children of God”, of
ALL nations, who are REAL and PRACTISING believers, DOING
God’s Will, and thereby wearing OUR mark, will survive, and no
favouritism will be shown to any nation, just as I said 2000 years ago,
(Luke 13:29 & Rev. 5:9) and as Mohammed repeated 1400 years ago
(Sura 2:62 & 5:69).
13:24 Every single, individual soul will be judged, individually, on
its own merits (Sura 6:164).
13:25 Grab hold of God, with both hands, (spiritual-hands) and
hang-on to Him for your LIFE. Never let Him go, or you will die.
DO His Will, and let Him teach you what you need to know, so that
you can LIVE, and go HOME (Sura 2:256).
13:26 Once you start to do God’s Will, Satan will use everyone
that he can, to attack you, and try to pull you back into his control.
The easiest people, for Satan to use, are the ones closest to you, and
particularly women, because women are easier for him to manipulate
and use (1st. Timothy 2:14).
13:27 If the women around you can’t, or don’t want to pull you back,
Satan will send progressively more beautiful, and sexier women, until
he gets you back. Satan will use and inflate your ego, by telling you
(from within), that these women want you, because you are so
wonderful. Don’t let him deceive you. Remain humble, at all times,
and learn to see Satan and God, in everything and everyone around
you. There is no such thing as coincidence; it does NOT exist!
13:28 Anyone who has an ego, and is not doing God’s Will, himself,
and is not living by God’s Laws, and with God’s DIRECT guidance,
can be manipulated and used, by Satan, to attack you, from any
direction. Satan’s voice, inside your head, will then try to scare you,
and try to convince you, that you are so outnumbered, that you can
not possibly win. God will allow him to say these things to you, to
test your faith. If you hold on to your faith, and ask for God’s help,
and control your human emotions, you will ALWAYS win.
13:29 The ENTIRE world can not stand against you, when you
are DOING GOD’s Will for you, wearing His Armour and using
the “Force”.
13:30 Satan’s realm is fear, and, when he tries to frighten you,
THAT is when you REALLY need your faith in God. IF you keep
your faith, in the face of all evil, tribulation and tests, you will find-
out that God will protect you, and defend you, and that Satan’s
threats are all bluffs. This protection, from evil, should encourage
you to be ever more faithful to God, and His Guidance.
13:31 Don’t chicken-out, wear the “Whole Armour of God”
(Ephesians 6:11-19), and call Satan’s bluff, and he will fall back
into the shadows. He hates the Light and the Truth, and he is afraid
to come out into the Light.
13:32 Shine the Light of God’s Truth on him, and he will run. Use
the Light (sabre); to cut through Satan’s lies and deceit; to find even
more of God’s Truth, and defeat Satan (slay the dragon). Look for
the Truth and live in the Light, because only the Truth can set you
free. When you find ALL of the Truth, you will find your immortality.
13:33 King Arthur Pen-Dragon’s knights (Pen - to fasten-up and
restrain; Dragon - Satan) went in search of “the Holy Grail”, which
was NOT a physical object. When Jesus said, “Can you drink from
the cup that I drink from?”, he was not referring to his chalice or cup,
but to what you have to do and be like, to go home. The search for
“the Holy Grail” was the search for divinity, and eternal LIFE, not
for a physical cup that Jesus drank from, at the “Last-Supper”.
13:34 The knights who drank, from “the cup that Jesus drank from”;
i.e. who became like Jesus; found their immortality (The Holy Grail),
and there were only three of them who succeeded, and all the rest
failed, because they were “impure”.
13:35 Sirs Galahad, Percival and Bors found the Truth, and the Holy
Grail, and drank from the cup that Jesus drank from, and went home
(Matt. 20:22). ALL of the other knights failed, because they were not
pure, worthy or brave enough, and so “the Holy Grail” disappeared.
13:36 Arthur pulled the Sword from the Stone, to become king of
England, when he was just a weak, humble boy, after all the bravest,
and strongest knights in the land, had failed. He didn’t use his own
boyish strength, to pull the Sword from the Stone, God gave him
the “Force”, because he had the right qualities, to teach the others.
Then He gave him a “magic” Sword, and the friendship of Merlin,
the wise old magician. King Arthur taught humility; honour and
equality, and built a round table, so that everyone was equal, and
there was no head of the table. There being no head to the table,
meant that there was no position of special merit, and that the
knights were all equal. He united all the warring knights, into one
brotherhood, and brought peace to England, as God had planned.
13:37 Once there was peace, and the knights had no wars to fight,
they went in search of the Holy Grail. Satan could not possibly
allow them to find their divinity, and go home, so he had to find a
way to cause trouble, and get them warring, and killing each other
again, so that they would not find the Holy Grail.
13:38 Satan, therefore, used Arthur’s wife, queen Guinevere, to cause
the trouble. Satan made her have an affair (commit adultery), with Sir
Lancelot, Arthur’s best friend, and made sure that Arthur found-out.
The two then faced each other, on the battlefield, with their respective
followers. King Arthur tried to prevent any unnecessary bloodshed,
and drew the two forces up, facing each other, saying that he and
Lancelot would settle the matter, between the two of them, and that
no man must draw his sword. He said, that, if any man drew his
sword, then that would start a battle, between all of them.
13:39 Satan could not permit just Arthur, or Lancelot to die, and
then PEACE to reign again. As long as Satan could keep them all
busy, fighting each other, they would not have the time to think
straight, and go looking for the Holy Grail. A snake then attacked
one of the knights, and he drew his sword, to defend himself, which
started a full-scale battle. Arthur had said, that, if anyone drew his
sword, it would be a signal to start a battle.
13:40 The snake was, of course, Satan (serpent - Rev. 12:9), and
he had used a woman, and sex, to prevent peace from reigning. As
long as Satan can keep men fighting each other, they will never
have the time, to look for, and find the Truth, and then go home.
13:41 St. George did not ride around slaying physical dragons, he
rode around slaying the devil, wherever he found him (Rev. 12:9).
St. George saved a princess, from a “fire-breathing” dragon, and
he captured the dragon (Satan), and subdued him, and led him into
the town that he (the dragon) had been frightening, but refused to
slay the dragon, until all the townsfolk were baptised, and they
praised and gave thanks to God.
13:42 The princess was a virgin-sacrifice, to pacify the evil dragon
(Satan), and St. George saved her purity, from evil, and saved her
from the “flames”, whilst wearing “The Whole Armour of God”. St.
George was everything that a knight should be, and the highest
example of chivalry.
13:43 Purity is the only way to beat the dragon, and avoid the flames,
but you must also wear God’s Armour. Purity of thought, word and
deed, i.e. motivated by pure love, in everything that you do.
Whilst wearing God’s Armour, you need fear nothing.
13:44 If the devil can not scare you in one way, he will try another,
looking for a chink (gap) in your armour of faith.
13:45 Satan will tell you, that, “It will cost you more than it is worth”,
in money. How much is your soul worth? How do you put a
monetary-value on immortality, and your right to leave Hell, and go
home to your REAL family, in heaven?
13:46 Don’t let the devil lie to you, and take your immortality, in
exchange for money that you can never keep.
13:47 You can not serve God and mammon (worldly riches), because
you can not be faithful to both. If you love material-wealth, the devil
can use your love for these things, to bribe you, by offering you
more; or blackmail you; by threatening to take them away; into not
doing God’s will, and fighting the devil, for your right to go home.
13:48 There are ONLY TWO sources of supply; of information
and material things, and EVERYTHING on Earth; one is God and
the other is Satan.
Who is paying YOU?
13:49 Material, temporary wealth and certain-death, in exchange for
your immortality and right to go home, to Heaven???????
13:50 Can you envision “FOREVER”? Once you are NEVER going
to die, time has no relevance. Humans count time, from birth to death.
Remove birth and death, and time no longer has any relevance, or value.
13:51 I am millions of years old, and “I” am going to live, for ever
and ever, in “Heaven”, with my real family, and your real family.
What are you going to do?
13:52 Are any of you actually going to be stupid-enough, to exchange
your immortality and heaven, for this awful planet and certain-death?
13:53 Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear,
unless you are SURE, that you are hearing it from God.
Open your spiritual-eyes! (Isaiah 42:18-20 & 43:8)
13:54 Don’t use your human-eyes, because Satan uses them to lie to
you, and show you all the artificial glitter, and bribes.
13:55 If you open your spiritual-eyes, and see things as they
REALLY are, through the “Force”, you will see many things - the past;
the present; the future; old friends (God’s Prophets), long gone.
13:56 At first, you will start to make sense of things that happened in
the PAST, and, as you progress, if you progress, you will eventually
come more and more up-to-date, until you will eventually start to
make sense of your life, as things are happening (the PRESENT).
13:57 Once you have achieved that state of awareness, you will start
to see the FUTURE, and you will see old friends, that you mistakenly
thought were long gone. You will realise that they are not dead, and
that they are still alive, but in a different form, and you will feel no
separation from them, through the “Force”.
13:58 Then, your whole life will make sense to you, and you will
see, that EVERYTHING in life is for a reason, and that there is no
such thing as coincidence, or luck.
13:59 Fight Satan, to make this planet a better place, and for your
right to survive, and go home.
13:60 Anyone, who is not actually fighting, for good, is automatically
allowing, and, therefore, is fighting for evil, because, by doing
nothing, you are helping evil to win, by default; just as if you were
actually fighting for Satan, against God, yet-again. “He who is not
WITH me, is AGAINST me” (Matt. 12:30 & Rev. 3:15-19).
13:61 There is NO middle-ground, and you can NOT sit on the fence,
because your time is running-out, and you are getting closer to “The
Fire”, and your execution.
Fight or die !
13:62 Fight with the truth, love and DETERMINATION.
Determination is will-power, and the will is the eye of the soul. If
you don’t have enough will-power, of your own (even though your
life depends on it), ask God to help you and to reinforce your
will-power (Mark 9:24).
13:63 If you don’t fight for God, then, not only are you going to die,
but you are also hurting yourselves, because you are helping to
make the world into a worse place, for yourselves to have to live in.
13:64 “To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it be nobler
in the mind, to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
or to take arms against a sea of hate, and in so doing, end it.”
13:65 It is an uphill struggle, and the higher you climb, the more
difficult it becomes, because Satan will have to try harder to stop
you. Satan does not want you to go home, he wants you to stay
here, with him, and die, with him. The devil would be very lonely, if
everyone went home, except him.
13:66 When things get really difficult, the devil will tell you that
your enemies will kill you, to try to scare you, and find a gap in
your armour-of-faith. You are already under the REAL death-
sentence, so what have you got to lose?
13:67 “Fear not those who can kill your body, but not your soul;
fear ONLY those who can kill your body, and soul (God and His
angels), if you are found unworthy, on the Last-Day (Matt. 10:28)”.
13:68 Don’t be afraid of those who can kill your body, because you
can always get a new and better one, but where can you get a new
soul/spirit-being, which is the real you, if God has executed you,
on the Last-Day, and you have ceased to exist?
13:69 Separate, in your own mind, your soul/spirit-being from
your human-life, and the other two voices. Learn which voice is
God’s, and which is Satan’s, but be very careful; Satan is VERY sly,
and he can put on a very pleasant voice, to try to fool you into
thinking it is God talking to you, when it is really him.
13:70 Once you have separated (Matt. 6:24 & Luke 16:13 &
Thomas, log 47:13-17 / King of kings’ Bible 8:3-7) the two voices,
follow the good one, and you will learn what you need to know,
from God, personally, and privately, and then you will learn to
separate the real you, your soul, from the animal “Self”, and learn
how to CONTROL it. God will help you, by controlling Satan, if you
ask Him to, whilst you control the two “Selfs” (spiritual and animal).
13:71 Escapism, or evasion of reality, is not the answer, because you
can NEVER escape, and you are wasting your own valuable time.
13:72 Drugs and alcohol are just more of Satan’s weapons, which
he can use to cheat you, or, in fact, get you, to cheat yourself.
13:73 Alcohol is a drug, just like any other drug, except that society
has made it more acceptable than the others, because the rich own
and control it. Sex can be a very strong drug too, if not controlled.
13:74 Temporary escape, from reality, using drugs to take you into
another little world, separate from the real world, where pain is not
so sharp, is a FOOL’s paradise. The problems are still there when
you come straight, only worse, which can then lead to more drugs,
for more escape, leading to drug-addiction, or alcoholism, and total
surrender, if not controlled.
13:75 Drug-addiction and alcoholism are the same thing, except
that they refer to different types of drugs, both of which can kill
your body. Alcoholism and drug-addiction are the coward’s way out,
by surrendering to evil, and then hiding, permanently, in their
separate world, where there is less pain. It is also very selfish,
because they pass their pain, and problems, on, to those around them.
13:76 There is NO escape, and you only make things worse for
yourselves, and those around you, who love or care for you. If you
kill your body, God sends you back again, into another body, and
punishes you for having done it. There is NO escape!
13:77 You have to FACE your problems, ADMIT your weaknesses
and faults, to YOURSELF and to God, and overcome (Rev. 2:26)
your problems, and pay your Karmic debts. Admit that you are not
perfect, and lose your ego, and the pain will go with it. If you
were perfect you would not be here. No-one else is perfect either,
in fact, they are probably worse than you, but their egos would
never let them admit it, to you. They don’t need escapism, because
they are happy, being bad.
13:78 Then ask God, with humility, to help you to overcome your
faults and weaknesses, and put on God’s Armour, and FIGHT your
weaknesses, with His guidance, and overcome them; solve your
problems, by finding the solutions, and make your world bearable. If
you do that, you will gain (earn) some spiritual self-respect; through
the victories, that God has helped YOU to win; and learn to like the
person, that God has helped you to become. Remember though,
ALWAYS to remain humble, because you could never have won alone.
13:79 Another way, that Satan can get you to cheat yourself, with
drugs, even if you are not addicted to them, is because drugs
(especially alcohol) quieten your good voice, and make it less
effective, and then, Satan, now that his voice is louder than God’s
voice, tells you to do evil things; that you would NEVER do whilst
you were straight, and in full CONTROL of your senses; or not to
do what you SHOULD be doing.
13:80 Sex can also be a very powerful drug, which makes people do
all kinds of things, that they would not normally do, and nympho-
mania is sex-addiction. Through sex; money; fear and drugs; Satan
can rule the world.
13:81 God is the ONLY cure and answer, to EVERY problem in the
world. Don’t look to people for the answer, they are just as lost as
you are, but they would never admit it. Their egos wouldn’t let them.
13:82 God holds the answer to every question, and the cure for every
ill, and He is patiently waiting for you to ask Him, and He has been,
for thousands of years.
Talk to Him !
13:83 Get rid of your arrogance and your “self-esteemed” wisdom (?),
which is actually stupidity, and become like children again, “children
of God”. Give all your problems to God, and let Him help you to sort
them out, “one day at a time” (Matt. 6:34). Use God’s REAL Wisdom
and not your own foolishness (Prov. 3:5)(Luke 18:17). Forget tomorrow;
just do the task that God has given you to do today, to the best of your
ability: tomorrow is another day. “One day at a time”, guided by God.
It’s much more fun than being a grown-up, and serious, weighed-down
by all your problems. Give them to God and be a child, playing the
game of LIFE, all your life.
What next?
13:84 The next step is for men to regain control, and their
masculinity, which does NOT mean beating your chests, or beating
your wives, or going around punching people in the mouth. It means
asserting your authority, firmly but gently, and, if necessary, making
yourself into one of the third type of eunuchs, referred to by Jesus, in
Matt. 19:12, which means doing what you should do, and being a
REAL man, and doing without women, to fight for God. It is easier to
punch people in the mouth, and to fool YOURSELF into thinking that
that makes you a man, than to face your problems, the hard way, and
OVERCOME them. A REAL man FACES his problems and respon-
sibilities, with determination, and doesn’t run away from them. He fights
spiritually and overcomes them, against ALL odds. There are NO
FOR YOU TO FIND THEM (IF - Rudyard Kipling - see Appendix).
13:85 Making yourself into one of the third type of eunuchs
(metaphorically), means not selling your soul for sex, and letting
WOMEN RULE YOU, by offering or with-holding sex from you,
to make you do what THEY say, instead of what GOD says.
13:86 If one woman doesn’t want to make love with you, unless
you do as she says, someone better will respect you, for your
principles, and for not giving-in, and for your faith in God and doing
what is right, and they will want to love you, and be protected by a
REAL man, and THEIR love will be much better, and less selfish.
13:87 Don’t let Satan fool you, into thinking, that, being able to make
babies, makes you a REAL man, because it does NOT, neither does
having a boy, instead of a girl baby.
13:88 Any ANIMAL can make babies, including mentally-retarded
human ones.
Ladies next !
13:89 Come on you silent FEMININE majority, speak-up, and help
your man to put things right. Say that you want to be treated like
LADIES, with love and respect, and courtesy. Tell your manly,
liberated sisters, that you do NOT AGREE with them, and to stop
spoiling everything for you, and, thereby, make them back-down.
13:90 If women’s liberation is right, why then; as well as it having
been responsible for creating all the innumerable social-problems,
that have come with the breakdown of the family-unit and society;
are women suffering, from stress, with more and more young girls
and women smoking; becoming alcoholics, or tranquilizing and hard
drug-addicts; having nervous-breakdowns, and committing suicide?
It is happening, because these women have been put into a position,
where they are trying to do, and be, something that they were not
intended to do, and are not ready for, or equipped to cope with.
13:91 Today everything is sex. What ever happened to LOVE, and
tender loving care? You can keep sex. I will choose tender loving
care, every time.
13:92 Any man, who has allowed women to brain-wash him, into
thinking that women are his equal, is not much of a man, in REAL
terms, even if he is an expert at punching people in the mouth, and
FOOLING himself, into believing that that makes him a man, when
he lets women walk all over him, and order him about.
13:93 If you have allowed women to castrate you (metaphorically),
into believing that they are your equal, then you have become one
of the second type of eunuchs, referred to in Matt. 19:12, “and there
are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs (real ones) by women
(or men).”
13:94 In Deuteronomy 23:1, God says that, “He who is wounded in
the stones (testicles)(i.e. castrated, metaphorically), or has his male
organ cut off (metaphorically), can not enter into the congregation of
the Lord” - Heaven.
This applies literally, as well as metaphorically.
13:95 I suggest, for your own good, that you look for, and find,
your masculinity, immediately, if not sooner.
13:96 Men should also be given custody of their children, in the
case of a divorce, unless they are the guilty party; and men should not
have to pay their ex-wives maintenance, but, instead, use the money to
pay a nanny, or housekeeper, to take care of their children and their
ex-wives’ duties, until they can find another mother for the children.
13:97 No single-woman, or divorcee, can bring up a son, because they
either grow up to be homosexuals, or completely uncontrollable
(2 Esdras 5:8), and women should not be permitted to do so. That
is one of the major reasons that there are so many muggings, of old
people, and so much vandalism and hooliganism, because these boys
have grown up, without the necessary discipline, that only a dad
can provide (2 Esdras 5:8).
13:98 Another VERY important reason, that the man should have
custody of the children, is because he is better-equipped, to teach
them the spiritual-qualities, that they NEED to learn; than the woman
is; because he is on a higher spiritual-level than her.
13:99 Many divorced or separated women today, teach their
daughters; little by little, as they are growing up (brain-washing); to
hate their dads, and consequently all MEN (in their sub-conscious, if
not their conscious minds). These girls grow up mal-adjusted,
and then, unfortunately, they pass-on the damage to THEIR children
(Numbers 14:18), so NONE of them have a chance of forming a
happy, lasting, stable marriage.
13:100 A man would not teach his children to hate their mother,
and cause them to grow up mal-adjusted. He may show them their
mother’s faults, but he would not teach them to hate her.
13:101 Unfortunately, as a result of the present day’s illegal human
laws, which wrongfully give custody of the children to women, the
world is now full of mal-adjusted people, because their parents, or
parent, taught them the wrong values (Numbers 14:18).
13:102 Under human law, there’s no incentive, for a woman to make a
marriage work, because, with her more materialistic mentality; knowing
that, if it doesn’t work out, she will keep the house, furnishings and the
children, and that her husband will have to move out, of his home, and
pay her maintenance, both for herself and the children; in her own mind,
she will be better-off. So why should she try to make the marriage work?
13:103 Some women even get married, just so that they can later
get divorced, and be better-off materially, and they actually plan the
whole thing in advance.
13:104 Human, illegal laws, therefore, naturally encourage divorce,
whereas, under God’s Laws, the incentive is to learn humility, tolerance
and to make the marriage WORK, which is beneficial, not only to them-
selves and their children, but also to society in general (the greater good).
13:105 It would be a very evil woman, that would leave her
children and her home, and, if she did, the children would be much
better-off, WITHOUT, that kind of a mother.
13:106 God’s Laws are designed to teach humility; unselfishness;
tolerance and LOVE. Women’s liberation teaches women
arrogance; aggression; selfishness and emotional-hate - all of which
come from Satan, and lead to execution, on the Last-Day.
13:107 If you can’t get-on, with someone you loved enough to marry,
and cannot be relied-upon to keep your word of honour, given to
each other before God, how then can you expect GOD to trust you?
13:108 The difficulties, that arise in a marriage, should bring you
closer together, NOT separate you. These difficulties “test” you, to
see if you can be trusted to keep your word, and are designed to
teach you more tolerance and love. How can you pass these tests,
when you give-in and divorce, at the first difficulty? You can not.
13:109 Can you not see, what changing The Laws, and giving
equality, and custody of children, to women, has done to the institute
of marriage, and society?
13:110 You changed The Laws, and the streets are now not safe, for
you to walk. You are not even safe in your own homes, and are now
suffering the results of your own arrogant and illegal actions.
Divine Justice!
13:111 Widowhood is obviously a different case, and, in this case, the
two grand-dads, God-fathers and other men in the family, should help
the mother, to teach and discipline her sons and daughters.
13:112 Children should NOT be born out-of-wedlock, and single-
mothers should not be supported by the state. Children need to
grow up in a proper family, with a dad to keep discipline, and a
stable background. There is no such thing as a one-parent family.
A family has two parents, or it is not a family (read a dictionary).
13:113 The next step is to disband ALL forms of organised-religion,
and for people to go into their closets; or bathrooms; or into the
countryside; or their garden; or to a lakeside; or seaside; or anywhere
in peace and solitude, and talk to God (thoughts, not spoken words)
in humility, and sincerity, and honesty, and ask Him to show you,
what He wants you to do.
13:114 Then listen for His reply, in your thoughts, and learn to know
the difference, between Satan’s words and God’s enlightenment.
Then keep God in your thoughts, 24 hours a day (even in your
dreams), and do your best to be like Jesus, or even better, like God,
in thought, word and deed. Practise, until you can still do it, in the
middle of a noisy crowd, and/or in adversity.
13:115 As soon as you start to control your human-animal-body, and
DO God’s Will, Satan will try to confuse you and scare you, or tempt
your animal body, to mislead you. When this happens, God is allowing
Satan to tempt you, to test your faith and will-power, to see if you are
sincere, and REALLY mean what you say. Don’t give-in! This is when
you must cling to your faith, like a drowning man clings to a life-saver.
You must EXPECT this to happen, and be READY for it, and when it
does, ask God to help you to overcome, by controlling Satan for you.
13:116 When this happens, every time that it happens, and you are
confused, DO nothing. Sit down and shut-off your human-senses, and
tell God that you are confused, and that you don’t understand, and ask
Him to tell you clearly, and exactly, what He wants you to do. Listen
for His answer, and be SURE that it is His voice, and NOT Satan’s.
13:117 When you are SURE, that you have heard, and understood
God’s Message, the confusion and anxiety will float away, and you
will feel relieved, and as though a great weight has just been lifted
off your chest, or shoulders. Then, and not before, go forward and
follow God’s guidance, to victory, and, EVENTUALLY, home, to
Heaven, which is not a silly abstract, superstitious dream, but a
REAL place. It is a place where no-one steals; or kills; or tells lies;
and everyone loves (spiritually) everyone.
13:118 In the world today; because people don’t talk to God, and have
faith, and DO His Will; we have a situation, where; instead of the souls
being in-control of the animal bodies, doing good, for the benefit of
everyone, unselfishly; there are approximately 6,000,000,000 human-
animal-bodies, running-riot, in-control of the souls that are locked in-
side of them, and causing havoc, because of their selfishness and greed.
13:119 Slow down, and take care, that you are making sure, safe and
certain steps FORWARDS, along God’s path, i.e. The Way home. Don’t
move without God’s guidance, or you may step on a snake, and go
backwards, in a three steps forwards, and four steps backwards situation.
13:120 Once you are on God’s path, as long as you don’t give up, you
are going to LIVE forever, so why are you rushing-around in circles,
like a lunatic, bumping into things and hurting yourself, and others?
What is the hurry?
13:121 Come and find me, physically and spiritually, I belong to all
of you. Come and help me to put the world right, and, by so doing,
help yourself to be able to go home — HOME !!!
13:122 I have already written, to most of the world’s main leaders,
both political and religious, as well as the queen of England, the
prince of Wales, and the secretary-general of the United Nations
Organisation, and they have all been very rude, by not answering me.
13:123 Those of you who want to survive, PLEASE write TODAY
to your own heads of state, and tell them about this Book, and that
you want them to see and speak to me, and help me to save the
world, and all of you from “The FIRE”.
13:124 Please also write to the heads of all the churches, and tell
them that you want them to contact me.
PLEASE do it NOW, there is NO time for you to WASTE.
13:125 IN (Option 1) or OUT (Option 2) of this body, that I am using
now, I am going to rule and bring Peace and Justice to this evil world -
all of it. IF, by ignoring me, you FORCE me to shed this body, and
go straight to Option 2, then, MOST of you will be executed.
13:126 I AM the ONLY person who can bring Peace and Justice to
this world. You have had thousands of years to do it, and you are as
far away now as ever, if not actually further.
13:127 The jews are waiting for my first coming, and the christians
and moslems are both awaiting my second, and I AM the ONLY
person who can unite all three.
13:128 We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, the choice is
yours. We can do it the easy way for you, whilst I am in human-form,
or the hard way for you, and the easy way for me, when I shed this
crude, human-animal-body, that I am using.
13:129 I WANT to save each and every one of you, but the choice,
as always, is YOURS.
Come and learn to be good, and let me show you The Way HOME.
N.A.S.A. Mariner 2
Mariner 5
December 1962
October 1967 } Saw nothing except a
smoke screen (clouds)
Russians. Venera 4
Venera 5 & 6
October 1967
May 1969 } Transmitting probes:-
all three Russian probes are “believed” to have been crushed like egg-
shells, when they were 15 miles or more, above the surface of Venus.
All that any human has EVER seen of Venus is dense clouds
(smoke clouds — screen) like those covering the spacecraft on the
top of the mountains, when Moses and later Jesus were talking to
God. These clouds reach 35 miles above the planet. Man still can not
explain the RIDDLE of Venus’ ultra-high temperatures of 1000
Degrees F., at which lead, tin and zinc will melt, and any number
of compounds will vaporize. It is very simple for God to make silly
human heat-sensors misread.
Venus has always been considered to be the god of love (God
is pure love), and giving good benefits to Earth.
A Babylonian clay tablet from about 700 B.C. warns:- “When
Ishtar (Venus) grows dim and disappears - - - there will be a slaughter,
- - - When Ishtar appears - - - the crops of the land will be prosperous.”
Venus is the Roman goddess of love, and beauty and harmony
and her emblem is + the mirror (reflecting exactly what is shown to
it; just like God).
The Mayan Indians have a calendar dating back thousands of years,
which is a calendar of Planet Earth, encircled by a calendar of Venus,
which is far more accurate than could be calculated in modern times.
Abraham saw a star and said, “This is my Lord.”
The references that I have quoted from the Old Testament and the
New Testament are taken from the king James’ version, because it was
the most accurate Bible; until The King of kings’ Bible was completed.
The references that I have quoted from the Koran (Qur-ân),
i.e. Suras, are taken from the translation of the Koran, into English,
done by Mr. Abdullah Yusuf Ali (third edition 1938), which is widely
accepted, by English-speaking arabic people, as being the best
translation (until The King of kings’ Bible was completed).
The references that I have quoted are just a few, out of the
thousands that there are, in these and the other Books of God, which
will prove to you that what I say is God’s truth.
If you need any more references and convincing, please search
the Books and find them for yourselves.
Words of Wisdom 1
Words of Wisdom 2
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace, brought about
by total faith in God and His protection, amidst the storms of nature
and of life.
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools;
(For The Holy Grail)
From the play:
Sam Fox Publishing Co. Inc., New York, New York 1965.
Words of Wisdom 3
Words of Wisdom 4
Words of Wisdom 5
12 - 10+2
1. YOU shall love, honour, cherish & obey the Lord your God
(love, good & truth) with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind,
with ALL your soul & with ALL your strength & Him ONLY shall
you serve & OBEY, forsaking ALL others.
5. YOU shall NOT use the Lord’s name, unless you are speaking to
Him, or about Him, then you will not waste His time or insult Him.
7. YOU shall NOT lie, even to your “Self”.
9. YOU shall NOT steal. Neither shall you make up your own laws,
to enable you to do so by deceiving people.
11. YOU shall love one another as much as I love you & in the
same way - spiritually not physically - John 15:13. IF you DO
this, ALL men will know that you ARE my disciples & are
exercising & learning “Self” discipline - discipleship.
12. Judge no-one, so that you will not be judged, by God, for by
whatever judgement you judge another, unjustly, you condemn
yourself to the same punishment. Judging is God’s job
exclusively, as He is always unbiased; impartial; incorruptible &
just. He has given His Judgements, in His Law Books given to
you at Mt. Sinai, by which He judges those who break His
Laws. There are NO other laws on this planet that are LEGAL.
God has strictly FORBIDDEN man from making up laws. God’s
Laws are the same for everyone. God does NOT have separate
Laws - one for the rich & another one for the poor.
BREAKING THE 12-(10+2)
The King of kings’ Bible.
“Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall be given. . .”
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removed by various churches and religious organisations. All three Books are fully
cross-referenced so that, for the first time, readers will understand the relationships
and complete harmony between them.
The Book of God’s first Prophet, Enoch (Idris), through whom God
prophesied that His Revelations would be tampered with - and some of the
Revelations removed and ignored - has been correctly translated and reinstated.
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Mis-translations of Christ’s teaching in Matthew ch. 6 and ch. 23 have been corrected
so that Matthew now rightfully contains the fulfillment of Ezekiel ch. 34.
Accurate translation has resulted in the word “community” being used
instead of “church”, and “holy people” instead of “saints”.
The whole of the Gospel according to Thomas has been reinstated, as has the
last chapter of The Book of Acts. The missing section of the Revelation to John,
which was previously removed from the Bible, has been restored.
In the Holy Koran, Surah 2:125 and 2:127, Ishmael is now correctly
identified as Isaac, which now identifies Moriah in Jerusalem as the Holy City. The
Koran is, for the first time, fully cross-referenced to The Old Covenant and The
New Covenant.
There are also many other areas of these important Books where historical
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and verses that the various and ancient “vested interests” have deliberately hidden
from you over the years.
The King of kings’ Bible is dedicated to world peace and understanding. It
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