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Boyun Guo and Geir Hareland, New Mexico Inst. of Mining & Technology

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IsocietY ofPetrolSumEndfwfs

SPE 28313

Bit Wobble: A Kinetic Interpretation of PDC Bit Failure

Boyun Guo and Geir Hareland, New Mexico Inst. of Mining & Technology
SPE Members

fhfwbht 1994 Soclatyof PetroleumEngineara,Inc.
Thie paper wee prapard for prasantatti at the SPE SSthAnnualTeohnkal Conferenceand Exhibitionheld In New Orleans, IA, U.S.A., 25-2S September1SS4.

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ABSTRACT To design high performance PDC bite for hard formation

drilling, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the motion
Considering the configuration of bottom hole assembly of the drill bit. The motion of the PDC bit was analysed
(BHA), rock properties, effect of BHA rotation, and fluid cinematically by Brett et aLl They presented the results of
damping, this paper preeents a kinetic model for vibra- a study showing that the most harmful PDC bit vibrations
tion analysis of drilling bits in vertical holes. Based on can be attributed to a phenomenon called “bit whirl”. Dur-
this model, it is demonstrated that drill bite undergo wob- ing the whirl, the instantaneous center of rotation moves
bling motion in drilling conditions. This model explains around the face of the bit, and the bit whirla backward
the lobed appearance of bottom hole patterns associated around the hole. Cutters on a whirling bit can move side-
with PDC bit failure in hard rock drilling. Resonance is r- ways, backward, and much faster than those on a true ro-
sponsible for severe bit wobbling which may damage PDC tation bit. The impact loads associated with this motion
blta rapidly in hard formation drilling. Semitivity analysis cause PDC cutters to chip, which, in turn, accelerates wear.
with the model identifies possible solutions to the bit wobble The theory of bit whirl explains the lobed bottom hole pat-
problem: (1) using high-lateral-contact-area bhs, (2) using terns associated with PDC bit failure in drilliig hard rocks.
full gauge near bit stabilisers and absorbera, (3) using high Warren et d.2 developed whirl-resistant PDC bits. They
stiffnees drill collars, (4) using heavy bits, (5) using low ro- discovered that a “low-tilction” bit deeign can substantially
tary speeds, (6) using high weighta on bita, and (7) using eliminate whirl. The low-friction design is bseed on placing
viscous drilling fluids. tbe cutters so that the net imbalance force from the cut-
ters is directed toward a smooth pad that slides along the
wellbore wall. Shor et d.a reported the field testing of the
Polycrystallimdiamond-compact (PDC) bits have widely low-friction gauge PDC bits showing success for most csses
been used in petroleum industry since the early 1970’s be- tested. A three+dimensional model for PDC bits was then
cause of high rates of penetration (ROP’s) they achieved. developed based on the theory of bit whirling.’ Cooley et
The use of PDC bits has gained such a strong momentum af.s also dmuesed the design and testing of anti-whirl bits
that they have almost completely replaced three-cone bits developed from the low-friction concept. They concluded
for drilling relatively soft, nonabrasive formations. However, that the anti-whirl bits have improved field performance.
the use of the PDC btt in hard formation drilling is very Based on field performance of anti-whirl PDC bits, Clegg6
limited due to early (premature) failure of bit cutters. It is concluded that there is a limit to the external side force
generally recognized that readily cutter chipping is respon- that a low-filction anti-whirl blt can tolerate. ThM limit
sible for the failure. It is also believed that cutter chipping incressea with the angular extend of the bearing pada and
occurs during vibration of the PDC bit. with the magnitude of the imbalance force arising from the
. ..t.a=
bu WGs.em +k” W
“ZJ““” “ “. SirMXand Warren’ reported that the
whirl reducing features of anti-whirl bit are beneficial in re-
References and illustrations at end of paper ducing whirl, but are considered insufficient by themaeives

2 B]tWobbk A Kinetic Interpretation of PDC Bit Failu.m SPE 28313

to prevent whirl. J% = -~.. ... VI..4’ 8-----

Yotiiig’i3rnuuulu +L-m r=.=,
LUE lE1au,wm.

Ar = lateral contact area between bit and formation rock,

Although the theory of bit whirl helped engineera in d- D r= depth of rock deformation in lateral direction,
veloping anti-whirl bits, it has some limitation in its appli- m = mass in drill bit,
cations. The bit whirl theory was developed based on bit
FfYo = fluctuation of lateral cutting force.
kinematics. That is, only the geometrical aspects of the
bit dynamics were comidered. The kinematics relationzhipa The c in Eq. (2) is a viscous damping factor and is defined
were included since they can be used to describe frequency w
and lobed patterna observed in the laboratory, and explain c=%) (4)
how whirl can be detrimental to PDC cutter life. However, 2mw.1
bit whirl is a hypothesis. ln stead of bit whirl theory, other where cf ia a viscous damping coefficient. The k,din Eqa.
theories may also be used to describe frequency and lobed (2) and (3) ia expressed as
patterns observed in the laboratory. In fact, the bit whirl
theory describes frequency and lobed patterna observed in EcIz
the laboratory baaed on some assumed valuea of parameters, kd = (5)
such as the instantaneous center of zero velocity. Therefore, 5‘ L= + ~CnL7 + @n2L11
we believed that there ia a necessity of anaiyzktg of the ms- where
tion of drill bits using kinetics rather than kinematics. E - Young’s modulus of drill collars,
Baaed on kinetics analysis, this paper demonstrates that it is I: ; area moment of inertia of drill collar,
a wobbling motion (rather than the whirling motion) of the L = length of the BHA section.
bit that causes cyclic impact loads on the cutters of the PDC Cn is a group of parameters defined by
bit, which damages the cutters. The kinetic model proposed
in this paper a!so explains the lobed appearance of bottom pAwv2
hole patterns associated with PDC bit failure in hard rock ~n=—
drilling. Sensitivity analysis with the model identifies some
possible solutions to the bit wobble problem. where
= maea density of drill collars,
MATHEMATICAL MODEL ~ = cross-sectional area of drill collar, and
Forces acting upon a BHA section and a bit are analyzed WV = angular velocity of the rotating wobbling plane.
in Appendix A. A rotating BHA section is mathematical y
The angular displacement of the bit motion is solved to be
modeled as a spring in Appendix B. Lateral and angular
vibrations of a drill bit are mathematically described in Ap-
pendix C. The resultant mathematical model is summarized 9=w(Jt+ ~fo+~w[i_ ~ SiIl(Wrt)], (7)
in this section. wrIm= Wr

The lateral displacement of bit motion is solved and ex- where

pressed as: 0 = angular displacement,
(1) = initial angular velocity,
~L = YL d~rf - d)
T: = fluctuation in cutting torque, and
where Im= = maaa moment of inertia of blt about its center.
= lateral displacement of the bit,
~ = The maximum lateral displacement of the bit, The TW in Eq. (7) is defined by
w, = circular frequency of the lateral vibration,
. ~8DbErAr
Tw= YL, (8)
~ C ~;%~ration constant representing initial phase an- 2Dr
The YL is given by = friction coefficient between cutter and rock,
D: = bit diameter.
~’vO/(kd + ErAr/Dr)
YL = (2)
~[1 _ (wr/~nt)2]2 + [2~t+/~m~]~”
Bit Wobble Equationa (1) and (7) show that the bit un-
The w., is called pseudo natural circular frequency and dergoes harmonic vibrationa laterally and angularly. Equa-
4:-.. (oh lUUSG-WW
Gluu(a} :..A:..6- +k.
Wua”k *—AL.-
-fin meaOrxm.-when the frequency
given by
ratio is equal to unity. Using time as a parameter, the lak
(3) eral displacement of the bit given by Eq. (1) is plotted
~n=?f versus the angular displacement given by Eq. (7). The plot
where is shown in Fig. 1 under a resonance condition. F@re 2
kd = bending elastic constant of a dynamic BHA, shows a similar plot for a non-resonance condition. These
SPE 2s313 Boyuo Guo, Geir Harehd 3

plots indicate that the bit actualiy undergoes a wcibbiifig on ~Wucing the h~~ward cutter velocity. Since bit rotation
motion. As a result of this motion, a lobed pattern of the has no efkct on the velocity of a cutter located at the bit
bottom hole is expected when resonance occurs. The effect center, it is expected that the backward velocity of a cutter
of frequency ratio on the amplitude of the lateral vibration at bit center is Klgher than that of other cutters. This is
is shown in Fig. 3. Basic data for preparing Figs. 1, 2, and evident from field observations indicating that cutters near
3 are shown in Table 1. the blt center are usually more severely tilpped than other
cutters. Using the same data shown in Table 1, Vr at bit
Evider.me. Brett et all conducted extensive research on center is plotted in Fig. 5, whkh shows that the cutter at the
the failure of PDC bits. They observed many lobed bottom bit center will move forward and backward for same amount
holes associated with bit failure. Although they explained of time. Figure 6 is a similar plot for a harder formation
the lobed bottom hole using bit whMing theory, we believe rock where the Young’s modulus of the formation rock is
that the lobed bottom holes result from wobbling motion of taken 10,000,000 psi. Although the magnitude of backward
bits. velocity ia lower compared to a cae of a softer formation
Bit Failure. Based on observations in laboratory, Brett rock, the frequency of the vibration is increased in this case.
et aL1 concluded that the failure of PDC blt cutters in hard lt ia expected that more cutter chipping will occur in hard
rock drilling is due to cutter tilpping (impacts from vibrm formation drilling.
tions). We believe that cutter chipping occurs when the cut- Control. To minimize cutter failure of PDC bits, it is nec-
ter moves backward when the bit wobbles. Figure 4 shows essary to analyze factors affecting the backward velocities of
a schematic of a bit face. The wobbling motion of the bit the cutters. Examination of Eq. (3) reveals that the pseudo
in the bit-face plane can be decomposed into two motions: natural frequency of bit vibration in the lateral direction de-
lateral motion and rotational motion. In Fig. 4, thick ar- pends mainly on the properties of the formation rock if the
rows represent cutter velocities in the lateral motion of the stabilizer position is high (kd is low). This is consistent with
bitl while thin arrows represent cutter velocities in the ro- field observations: the vibration of drill string is observed
tational motion of the bit. The vector sum of velocities due to be sensitive to lithology of the formation being &KIed.
to these two motions is the total velocity of a cutter. While Since formation rock propertied are not controllable, they
at points B, C, and D the magnitudes of the total velocities are not discussed in detail in this paper.
are greater than the magnitudes of their component veloc-
ities; at point A the magnitude of the total velocity is lees To control the magnitude of backward cutter velocity, eev-
th~ that of its component velocities. The cutter velocity at eral controllable factors have been analyzed using the wob-
point A can either be a forward velocity or be a backward bling model. Utilizing the data in Table 1, the effect of
velocity depending upon the magnitudes of the velocities lateral contact area on backward cutter velocity at blt cen-
due to lateral motion and rotational motion. If the mag- ter is analyzed and plotted in Fig. 7. Thii plot indicates
nitude of the velocity due to lateral motion is greater than that the backward cutter velocity can be effectively reduced
that of the velocity due to rotation, the cutter at point A by increasing lateral contact area of the bit. This has been
will have a backward velocity. This backward velocity may proven from field experience by the use of low friction pads
cause cutter chipping if the formation rock is hard. on bits.s’s’e” A larger lateral contact area can be achieved
utilizing either a wider low friction pad or a longer low fric-
Taking derivatives of Eqs. (1) and (7) with respect to time, tion pad, or both. Figure 8 shows the effect of weight of blt
lateral and angular velocities of the bit are obtained: on the backward cutter velocity. lt indlcatee that a heavy
bit is better than a light bit for controlling backward cutter
Vc = YL~, COS(Wrt – #) (9)
velocity. The tiect of stabilizer position on backward cut-
ter velocity is demonstrated in Fig. 9 showing that a near
qo + ‘w [1 - coa(@)l~ bit full gauge stabilizer should be used for wobble control.
w =Wo+ (lo)
w~ Im= Figure 10 illustrates the efect of drill collar stiffness on back-
where Vc denotes the velocity at the bit center. Then, the ward cutter velocity. This figure indicatee that increasing
rotational velocity of a cutter at a distance r from bit center collar stiffness will reduce backward velocity when a stabi-
can be determined: lizer is placed near the bit. The effect of viscous damping
factor on cutter backward velocity under resonance condi-
tions is shown in Fig. 11. Thw figure indicatee that viscous
drilling fluids are helpful for reducing the cutter backward
velocity when reeonance can not be avoided. A topic ad-
which is a velocity relative to bit center. The total forward dreaeing how to avoid the resonance will be discussed in a
velocity of a cutter located between point A and bit center seperated paper.
can then be formulated:
The effects of drilling parameters, such as weight on bit
v, = I@. - v.. (12) and rotary speed, on the backward cutter velocity can not
ha -d
“. -“. YWI
. . . IIAng
—.. the prmnt model. This is becauae the
!f Yr is ~egat.ivej the cutter hm a backward velocity. Eqs. effects of drilling parameters on the fluctuations in cutting
(11) and (12) indicate that rotary speed has a positive effect torque (7”o)and cutting force (F’vo) are not cieariy known.

4 Rit W&A& A Kktk lhs@wM@tion Of PDC BitFdlIUW SPE 2s313

lt is anticipated that using higher weight on bit and shock Fw = force from drill collar in y-direction, ib~[NJ.
absorbers will be helpful for reducing fluctuations in cut- Fe = force from the BHA section in x-direction, i6~[N].
ting torque and cutting force and, therefore, backward cut- F“ = force from formation, lb~[N].
ter velocity. Although increasing rotary speed may reduce Fja = the average force from formation, lbf[NJ.
the backward velocities of gauge cutters, it will not signifi- Fjb = damping force fkom drill fluid, 16t[NJ.
cantly affect the backward velocities of cutters near the bit Fle = damping force from drill fluid, lbt[N1.
center because of leas rotational velocity contribution to the Fj= = force from formation in x-direction, lb~[NJ
total velocity near the bit center. For a given weight on Fjy = force from formation in y-direction, /bf[N].
bit, increasing rotary speed may result in lower fluctuation
‘j V.Z maximum force from formation in y-dwtion,
in cutting torque and cutting force. However, resonance
should be paid more attention when a hiiher rotary speed lbf[N].
is employed. %rl = fluctuating amplitude of resultant cutting force in
y-direction, Jbf[N].
CONCLUSIONS Fh = horizontal cutting force component, lbf[~.
Fhv = force from hole wall in y-direction, Ibf N1.
Based on the kinetics analysis of the drill bit, the following Fh$ = force from hole wall in z-direction, Ibf 1N].
conclusions can be drawn: = natural frequency of lateral vibration of a free
1. Drill bits undergo wobbling motion under drilling condi- BHA section, lfz[ffz].
tions. fno = natural frequency of angular vibration of a fkee
2. Resonance is responsible for severe bit wobbling which BHA section, Hz[Hz].
may damage PDC bita rapidly in hard formation drilling. FSS = force from the stabilizer in x-direction, Jbf[fV].
Resonant frequency is very sensitive to rock properties. F●9 = force from the stabilizer in y-direction, ibf[N].
3. To prevent drill bits from early failure in hard formation Fax = force from the stabilizer in z-direction, fbf[N].
drilling, anti-wobble drill bits should be designed to have FUP = buoyant force, Ibf [N].
features of large lateral contact areas (long low friction F. = vertical cutting force component, ibf [N1.
pads) and heavy (long) bit bodies. Bottom hole aaaem- G = wellbore pressure gradient, psi/ft[MPa/M].
bliea should be designed to include full gauge near bit sta- Ims = mass moment of inertia of bit about x-axis, Jb -
bilizers and absorbers. The stiffnens of driii coiiara should f! - ez[kg - .Mqe
be as high as possible. Higher weight on bit and lower 1= = area moment of inertia about z-axis, in4[M4].
rotary speed should be favorable for controlling bit wob- J, = ~nqy~m41 area moment of inertia about s-axis,
bling. If resonance can not be avoided, viscous drilling .
fluids should be utilized. kd = b&di~g elastic constant of a dynamic BHA,
4. More research work needs to be done in this area. Fu- lbf/ft[iV/M].
ture research tasks include determinations of the critical k, = bending elastic constant of a static BHA,
rotary speeds and fluctuating amplitude of cutting force Jbf/ft[N/M].
and cutting torque. k. = torsional elastic constant of BHA, Jbf -
“length-of the ‘BHA section, ft[M]
= cross sectional area of drill collar, inz[$fz]. length of the bit, ft[lf].
= area of cut, in2[M2]. mass in drill bit, Ibm[kg].
= lateral contact area between bit and formation bending moment from bit, Ibf - ft[N - M].
rock, in2[Af2]. bending moment from BHA section, Ibf - ft[N -
= surface area of bit, in2[k’7. Ml.
integration constant, i;[M]. Ma = b&dhg moment from drill strings above the sta-
fluid damping coefficient for lateral motion, lb~ - bilizer, Ibf - ft[N - M].
s/f@V - S/M]. Ma = bending moment about z-axis at point x, lbf -
oup of parameters defined in Appendix B, ft[N - M].
M, s = bending moment about z-axis due to inertia force
{1~~a;9! constant in M] . vector, (bf - ft[N - M].
hoie depth at bit, fi’[MJ. M; ~ = bending moment about z-axis due to force, Ibf -
bit diameter, in[A4]. ft[N - M].
depth of rock deformation is lateral direction, n = number of cutters.
in[M]. R = radial dwtance of a cutter for center of bit, irA[M].
:m...bslsl A..* Ih frm.
lUCJu- .Vati% W8+p
.Vv” ., .-, ,. . ~. = radius of cutting blank, in[M],
Yong’s modulus of drill collars, psi[MPa]. := time, sec[secj.
Yong’s modulus of rock, psi[M Pa]. T. = axial force in drill collar, lbf[N].
- J: - inn ..
force from Giiebit in A-ulrcvt,vu, /AHArl
. .. . Tk = torque from bit, /bf - ft[N - M].
force from ~he bit in y-direction, f6~~N~. T. = torque from drill colk+r, lbf - ft[lf - M-].

SPE x313 Boyun ChIO, Ckir Hareland 5

T, = torque from Ml strings above the stabilizer, lb~- ~ = tangential stress in formation due to bit impact,
f:[ti - M]. - p8i[MPaJ.
Tjb = damping torque from fluid on bit, ibf-ft[N-M]. r = shear stressof drilling fluid, psi[N/M2].
q. = damping torque from fluid on driU whsrs, i$f - 7* = ~=. ~:n=gg~ of ~~ , @[afr/.@] .
ft[N - M]. r- = shear stress in y-direction in y-z plane, psi[N/Af2].
Tj = cutting torque (from formation), ib~ - ~t[ZV- M]. 4 = integration constant, deg ra .
Tja = the average cutting torque (from formation), lbf - = integration constant, deg ra .
fqv - M]. - $8 = integration constant, deg 14r .
TjmU = maximum cutting torque (from formation), lbf - Li) = angular velocity of the bit, rad/s[rad/s].
ft[N - M]. w~ = damped pseudo natural circular frequency of
fluctuation in cutting torque (from formation), lateral vibration of a rotating BHA section,
Ibf - f@V - M]. rad/@d/sJ.
totalstrain energy, lb - ~t[J].
WL = circular frequency of the lateral vibration of blt in
the x-y plane (wobbling plane), rad/s[rad/sJ.
tensile strain energy, lb - ft[J .
til~ = natural circular frequency of lateral vibration of a
bending strain energy, lb - ft /J].
free BHA section, rad/s[rad/8].
shear strain energy, lb - ft[J].
Wnt = pseudo natural circular frequency of lateral vibra-
torsional strain energy, lb - ft[J].
tion of a rotating BHA section, rad/s[rad/s].
cutter velocity at point r, ~t/s[M/s].
WV = angular velocity of bit relative to wobbling plane,
cutter velocity at bit center, ~t/a[A4/s].
cutter velocity at point r relative to bit center, Wy = angular velocity of the rotating x-y plane (wob-
ft/s[M/s]. bling plane), rad/s[rad/s .
initial velocity of drill collar in .Y-direction at bit Wo = rotary speed, rad/s[rad 1s].
position, ft/s(A4/s].
lateral velocity of drill bit, ft/s[M/s]. Bll CES
unit weight of drill collars, lbf/ft [N/M].
weight on bit, ibf[N]. 1. Brett, J. F., Warren, T. M., and Behr, S.M.: “Bit Whirl:
A New Theory of PDC Bit Failure? SPE DriJJing Eng.
weight of the BHA section, ibf[NJ.
coordinate in axial direction, ft
coordinate in axial direction, f t M .
{-c nuGa 1ganl
A w“), 97!L9Q
-,-””.. I

2. Warren, T. M., Brett, J. F., and !Ynor, L.A.: “Develop-

coordinate in axial direction, f t M .
Coordinate in lateral direction, ~t[A4].
ment of a Whirl-rdstant Bit,” SPE DriJhg Eng. (De-
cember 1990), 267-274.
lateral deflection of drill collar in y-direction, 3. Sinor, L.A., Brett, J. F., Warren, T.M., and Behr, S.M.:
in[M]. “Field Tksting of Low-Friction Gauge PDC B]ts,” paper
maximum deflection of drill collar in y-direction SPE 20416, presented at the 65th SPE Annual Techni-
at bit position, in[M]. cal Conference and ExMbition held in New Orleans, LA,
deflection of drill collar in y-direction at bit posi- September 23-26, 1990.
tion, in[M]. 4. Behr, S.M., Warren, T. M., Sinor, L.A. and Brett,
initial deflection of drill collar in y-direction at bit J. F.: Vhree-Dimensional Modeling of PDC Bita~ pa-
position, in[i%f]. per SPE/lADC 21928, presented at the 1991 SPE/lADC
rake angle, deg[rmfl. Drilling Conference held in Amsterdam, 11-14 March
friction angle, deg[radl. 1991.
cutting depth, in[M]. 5. Cooley, C. H., Paatusek, P.E., and Sinor, L.A.: “The lb
sign and testing of Anti-Whirl Bits,” paper SPE 24586,
radial strain in formation due to bit impact,
presented at the 67th SPE Annual Technical Conference
and Exhibition held in Washington, DC, October 4-7,
= ‘fluid da&ping factor, dimensionless.
= angular displacement of drill collar at bit position,
6. C1egg, J.M.: ‘An Analysis of the Field Performance of
Antiwhirl PDC Bit,n paper IADC/SPE 23868, presented
= initial an ular deflection of drill collar at bit po-
at the 1992 lADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in New
sition, degf radl.
Orleans, LA, 18-21 February 1992.
= friction coefficient between cutter and rock, di-
7. Sinor, L.A., Warren, T. M.: “Application of Anti-Whirl
PDC Bita Gaina Momentum,” paper SPE 25644, pre-
= Poison’s ratio of drill collars, dimensionless.
sented at the 1993 SPE Middle East 011 Show held in
= Poison’s ratio of rock, dimensionless. Bahrain, April 3-6, 1993.
= msss density of drill collars, lbrn/ft3[kg/rn3].
= radial stress in formation due to bit impact,
= axial stress in formation due to bit impact,

6 Bk Wobble: A Kinetic Intqxetation of PDC Bit Failure SPE 2s313

APPENDIX A for vertical (F’e) and horizontal (Fh) cutting force compe
Forces Acting upon a Bit ad a BHA Fu = 2T,Ae COS(@ - a)
Figure 12 shows a freebody dlagrarn of a BHA section be- 1- sin(/3 - a)
tween the bottom stabilizer and drill bit in a vertical hole. Fh = 2T,ACsin(~ - a)
The centroidal axis of the BHA section is assumed to be (A.4)
1- sin(~ - 0)
vertical at the point where bottom stabilizer is placed. Be
low this point, the BHA deflects slight~y from the vertical where
axis due to forces from dN blt and the inertial force due A .=@r2-r(r-6)sin*
to rotation of the drill collars. The reference &sea a and
y are chosen within the maximum deflection plane which is
rotating at a circular frequency WY.

Forces acting upon the BHA section include forma fkom the
stabilizer, drilling fluid, gravity, and drill blt. General forces r, - shear strength of rock
acting upon the BHA section from the stabilizer are axial A. - area of cut
force F,., shear force F,v, bending moment MS, $Md~rque ,_ -_ ----
mdim- nf m,tt.inu ~!~k
“. . . ..-=
T,. Forma from drilling fluid include viscous darnping force 6- cutting depth
Ffc in lateral direction and v~oua damping ~rque Tj.. a - rake angle
These two forces are usually small compared to other forces. @- frictim mgle.
General forces from the bit are axial force F&=,shear force The Tj consists of two parts: cutting torque generated by
Fbv, bending moment Mb and torque Tb. We is the weight Fh‘s, and friction torque generated by F.. The average value
of drill collar in the BHA section. A free-body diagram for of the Tj may be expressed as
the bit is shown by Fig. i3. ‘i”he--r--- -- . . ...- ~ ~n~ ~ ==
remm=ikc tbAKKU
chosen the same as those in Fig. 12. General forme acting
upon the bit include forces, bending moment and torquea
from the BHA section (drill collar), drilliig fluid, and forma-
tion rock. General forces from the drill collar are axial force
where p is friction coefficient between the cutter and rock.
Fu, shear force Fq, bending moment M=, and tirque T..
If the bit does not vibrate laterally, Tj will be constant and
Forces from drilling fluid include buoyant force F’tip,ViSCOUS
damping force F’b in lateral direction and viscous damping equal to Tj *. The lateral vibration of the bit in the x-y
torque Tfb. wb is the weight of bit. General forces from plane may result in a harmonic variation of the resultant
the formation rock at hole wall are normal force F~y and torque Tj. Therefore, Tj can be expressed as
friction force Fhz. From formation rock at hole bottom are
Tj = Tja + Tjo sin(~d), (A.6)
axial force Ffs, lateral force Fjv and torque T . If the bit
teeth are arranged symmetrically, FjY is nil. d uantatively where UL is the circular frequency of lateral vibration in x-y
analysis of these force are presented herein. plane. The maximum amplitude of the fluctuation can be
The weight of bit wb is known for a given bit selection. expressed as
The buoyant force FtiP is due to unbalanced bottom hole Tjo = Tfma* -Tjas (A.7)
pressure acting upon the bit. Since the bit is relatively where the maximum torque Tj ma= may depend on several
short, the buoyancy can effectively be determined as factors such as weight on bit, rotary speed, rock properties,
and tilt angle of the bit, etc.
F.P = GDA (Al)
The resultant lateral force Fj also consists of two parta:
where G, D and A are pressure gradient in wellbore, hole total cutting force generated by F.. ‘s, and friction force gen-
depth at the bit and cross sectional area of drill collar, re- erated by Fw‘s:
spectively. Ffs is equal to weight on bit (WOB). F= can n
be determined baaed on static equilibrium
Fj = ~(Fh)i + ~ P(Fv)i. (A.8)
i=l i=l
F= = Fj= +FUp-Wb. (A.2)
If the cutters are arranged symmetrically in the blt face,
To determine the formation reactions Tj and Fjv, cutting both of these two sums are nil. Otherwise, the resultant
forces from individual cutters may be integrated baaed on force F\ has a non-zero magnitude and a changing dhection
geometrical arrangement of cutters in bit design. For a PCD because of the relative rotation of the bit with respect to the
bit, the model to predict the cutting forces on a cutting rotating z - v plane. Therefore, ita major component in y-
blank, as proposed by Cheatham and Daniela2*, can be ap direction, FJY, can be expressed ss
plied to individual cutters. This model is baaed on the the+
ory of metal cutting and yields the following relationshipa FJY = FjYa + Ff90 sin(w,t), (A.9)

SPE 2S313 Boyun Guo, Geir Harelend ?

where the maximum amplitude FjVo is expressed as difficult, if not impossible, to determine analytically. For-
tunately, Fjb and T b are usually very small and negligible
compared to other {orcea.
The lateral force fkom the drill collar F~Yis the reaction force
and Ff~ a= again may depend upon several factors includ- of Fb9 which can be determined from deflection analysis as
ing weig~t on bit, rotary speed and tilt angle of the bit. It shown in Appendix B. The torque Te from the drill collar is
should be noted that if the Fj doea not go through the cen- the reaction torque of T} and can be written as:
ter of the bit face, it also exerta a torque to the bit. This
torque is assumed to be negligible in this analysis. T= =T, -Tje. (A.17)
The lateral force FhYis from hole wall contacting to the bit. The friction force from the wellbore F& generatea a fric-
lta magnitude dependa on lateral displacement of the bit tional torque which can be estimated as Fh=Db/2.
and properties of the hole wall rock. This force generatea
additional stresses in the neighborhood of the contact area The bending moment Me from the drill collar can be ex-
A,. The average normal reek stress induced by the force pressed as:
FhVmay be approximately expressed as: M- c- h(Fjy - Fhy), (A.19)
where Lb is the length of the bit and Fjb is neglected. Since
(A.1O) Lb is small compared to the length of drill collar, Mc is small
and negligible.
Tiie average normai strain over the contact area may be As A UAVU.A u

.--r -_--. —SS: EkAic COIAW6S of B*HA
Under Static Condition:
c;=+ [u:- I+(uj + u:)]
If the BHA section shown in Fig. 12 is in stationary, the
m —. (A. 1) BHA can be treated as a beam hung in a vertical hole.
E, Then the force Fje and torque Tj= in Fig. 13 are null. The
bending moment Mb is negligible because the length of bit
The deformation of hole wall rock at the contact area is is small compared to that of the BHA section. Then, the
equal to the lateral displacement (VL) of the bit. lf D, is linear relationship between the lateral force Fsv and lateral
defined as the effective lateral depth within which the in deflection ~L at the lower end of the BHA section can be
situ rock stresses are altered due to the bit contact, then established. The linear relationship between the torque Tb
the average normal strain c; may be approximated as: and angular deflection 8L at the lower end of the BHA sec-
tion can also be established. The proportionality coefficients
in these relations are called elastic constants.
The total elastic strain energy U in the BHA section is deter-
mined by adding the terms giving the energy accompanying
Substituting Eqs. (A.1O) and (A. 12) into Eq. (A. 11) yields:
the work done by a bending moment, direct shear, axial
force, and torsional load:
FttY= ErA#. (A.13)
r ~=ub+u.+va+ut. (B.1)

The bending moment in the BHA section is approximately

The tangential friction force can then be determined as: given by
M= s & (L - Z) (B.2)
Fhz = ~FhY. (A.14)
where L is the length of the BHA section. The strain energy
due to bending can be determined:
The damping force Fjb and torque Ttb can be expressed as
L Fby2(L
- 2)2 ~z
Flb = cj UL (A.15)
1 o

and (B.3)
= m“
Tjb = ctDbA8r (A.16)
-ha- ... n. A -u*“.-I - 0,
-- s 1.+-..1
The shear stress in the BHA section can be approximated
-u-~’= VLI Uot-a ~ .O”c. s, “-1-.;+”
.W.VS,S”J , k;+
“,. .-l:. rn#ht#b. ,
surface area of the bit and shear stress of the drilling fluid,
respectively. The viscous damping coe46cienta Cf and c~ are (B.4)

8 Bit Wobble: A Kinetic Inteqmtabion of PDC Bh Failure SPE 28313

The strain energy due to direct shear can be determined: where k~ ia the elastic constant for angular deflection and
ia given by
us= L (1 +E=A
v)F’~2 ~=
‘o = 2(1 +v)L”
= (;+ V)LF’,Y2
(B.5) Under Dynamic Condition:
E.A “
The dynamic equilibrium is shown in Fig. 14 for the BHA
Shtce the gravitational force ia uniformly dktributed along section undergoing rotation with a constant speed. The
the length of the BHA section, the mcial force can be ex- inertia force vector II is included so that the dynamic system
pressed as can be analysed using D ‘AJembert prinu”pfe. In th~ system,
Td = w(L -z) - Ft. (B.6) the inertia force vector E is distributed along the length of
the BHA beam. Per unit length of the beam, E can be
where Fb= ia approximately equal to the buoyant force: expressed wc
E = pAuY2ye, (B.16)
where WYia the angular velocity of rotation of the x-y plane
which ia constant for a given hole depth D and fluid pressure The deflection ye results from forces Fbu, Fj~, F,= and & If
gradient G. The strain energy due to axial force is then buckling exists, and the inertia force vector E itself. There-
determined: fore, to evaluate E, a trial and error scheme should be em-
ployed. However, to simpliiy the analysis in a preliminary
~ _ /L[w(L -Z) - GDA]zdz investigation, it is assumed herein that the system ia not
....~-- l.....Ll:me - “A:tb~ .4 thn initis~ rbflarfiinn rnmnm
2E.A UIIUC1 Uu-aLaa& VGuus Wauu --u “ss” ....”.” . . .. . . . ------ ---.-r -
nente due to FIC and E are negligible. Thii assumption is
which can be integrated as valid only if the rotating speed and axial compression are
low. If this is the case, the lateral deflection y. is similar to
2E=A ( !w2L2 -
GDAwL + G2D2A2
). (B.8) the deflection of a beam fixed at one end, which is known
to be:
vc = =(3L - z). (B.17)
The strain energy due to the torsional load ia given by
Substituting Eq. (B. 17) into Eq. (B.16) gives:
‘(l + V)T$2dz
Ut =
! o
= (1+ V)LT*2
E=J= E = CnF@2(3L - z) (B.18)
EeJ. “ where Cm = pAwY2/6E&.

Substituting Eqs. (B.3), (B.5), (B.8) and (B.9) into Eq. If the damping force from drilling fluid ia negligible, then
(B.1) and applying Castigliano’s Theorem yield: the bending moment in the beam ia generated by Fb and
r ~3 2(! + a/)Ll _ M x= M.F + M.E (B.19)
I —
-3EeIz + EeA ] ‘*9) (RIO)
where the bending moment MZF due to Fbv at z is:

‘L=[2(L’?LI As shown in Fig. 5. the inertia force vector E izenerates a
bending morne~t M~E at z of
Eq. (B.1O) can be written as
Fti = k, gL (B.12) M.E = z’Edz’
where k, is the elastic constant for lateral deflection and is L
given by
L3 2(1 + u)L
dc. F#2(oL - X)dz’. (B.21)

~+ EcA “
Since z’ = X-xanddz’= dX, Eq. (B.21) becomes
Eq. (B.11) can be written as

M.E =
J s
~m&X2(X - z)(3L - X)dX (B.22)

SPE 2S313 Boyun Guo, Geir Herehnd 9

which can be integrated 66 vibation of the bit in a maximum deflection piane (2 - y

plane in Fu. 12). The unbalanced torsional loads result in
.M2E ~ ~n~by [*(L4 - =4) - ~=(~~ - &)_ angular vibration of the bit.
Lateral Vibration:
# Ls–2s)
1. (B.23)
The bit is treated as a particle (mass point) in the lateral
motion. Equation of motion is applied in u direction as
The total elastic strain energy U in the beam is determined shown in Fig. 13:
by adding the terms giving the energy accompanying the
work done by a bending moment, direct shear, tensile force,
and torsional load:

U=Ub+U.+U,+U*. (B.24) where the force terms in the left hand side of the equation
are given in Appendkes A and B. Substituting Eqs. (A.9),
The strain energy due to bending, U*, can be determined: (B.28), (A.13) and (A.15) into Eq. (Cl) yields:

1 which can be rearranged as follows:
‘(MzF + Mz~)2dz. (B.25)
= 2EeIz / ~
d’~’ Cj dy’
—— + kd + E, A,/D, ~L = FO
; sin(wrt),
Substitutions of Eqs. (B.20) and (B.23) into Eq. (B.25) and ~+ m dt m
( )
integration of the latter yield: (C.3)
where FO = F~yo. Eq. (C.3) is the governing equation of bit
Fbg2 1 ~Cn2L11) motion in the z - Mplane. This equation indicates that the
Ub=—- (B.26)
2ECI. (3L3 + &nL7 + z bit undergoes a da-ropedforced vibration in the z -y plane.
Eq. (C.3) can be written in a standard form of differential
Since the beam is slender, U, is negligible compared to Ub. equation of vibration as:
The Ua and U: are not functions of Fbv. Then, according to
Caetigliano’s Theorem, the lateral deflection of the beam at
the lower end can be expressed as

w where
‘~ is called herein as the pseudo natural chwuJar frequency
because it dependa on not only system properties but also
‘by 1 L3 + ;CnL7 + #n L ). rotary speed of the bit. The c in Eq. (C.4) is called viscous
= E=I, ‘3
damping futor and is given by
Eq. (B.27) can also be written in form of
FbY= kd~’ ,
The complete solution of Eq. (C.4) is known, and ita form
where dependa upon the ~ value. Under normal ddling conditions,
E.1, . ... . . .
id = drill mt aiways v~brate8, Which indiCateS that the damping
~L3 + :Cn L7 + $Cm2 L’l f~r~~ fr~rn-the dri!!i~r_ fluid
--d- ~ BO! ~QrnJ~~@@ ~Q? u~&~.
which is refereed to as the dynamic ehwtic constant for amped systems, the solution can be written as
lateral deflection. The dynamic ehstic constant for angular
deflection is still given by Eq. (B.15) .

APPENDIX C where C and @ are determined using initial conditions:

Forrm.dation of Bit Vibrations
When a drill bit is under penetration condition, the unbal-
anced lateral forces acting upon the bit will cause a lateral

10 Blt Wobble: A Kinetic Interpretation of PDC Bit Failure SPE 2s313

and YL and # are given by where the first three torque terms in the left hand side of
the equation are given in Appendix A. Substituting Eqs.
FjvO/(kd + ErAr/Dr) (A.17), (A.6), and (A.14) into Eq. (C.16) yields:
IL = (P 1n\
fll – (wr/u.1)2]2 + [2(wr/w*lp
T8 - Tj= - Tjb-Tja - Tjo sin(wLt) - ~#bFkY


The Wdin Eq. (C.7) is called the damped pseudo natural Assuming that the torsional vibration at the stabilizer is
c–-–.--—... -—J :- d---- u..
mequency ana IS glveu Uy negligible compared to the torsional vibration at the bit, T,
can be approximated as a constant torque from the upper
(C.12) string. Then T, may be expressed as the sum of the steady
torque components:

Because the first term on the right hand side of Eq. (C.7) T. = Tja +Tje +Tjb. (C.18)
diminishes with time, it is known as the transient solution.
The second term is known as the steady-state solution and is Substituting Eqs. (C.18) and (A.13) into Eq. (17) yields:
the part of the solution in which we are primarily interested.
As w, approaches W.D, resonance occurs. Near resonance ~Db E,A, d%L
-TjO 8iII(WLt) – 2D ~L = Im= ~. (C.19)
the magnitude YL of the steady-state solution is a strong r
function of the viscous damping factor{ and the nondimen-
sional frequency ratio WF/w~t. It is believed that under the where ~L is given by Eq. (C.7). lf the damping factor is low,
resonance condition the bit wobble causes the early failure the steady state component of ~L in Eq. (C.7) is written as
of the PDC bit. The critical w~ that causes resonance can
be determined using the following equation: ~L = Y’ sin(w,t). (C.20)

kd+~ Eq. (C.20) indicates that the WL in Eq. (C.19) is w,. Sub-
w~ = (C.13) stitution of Eq. (C.20) into Eq. (C. 19) gives
{ m.
Substituting Eq. (B.29) into Eq. (C. 13) yields: -Tjo sin(w,t) - T~ sin(w,t) = 1~= ~ (C.21)

+ ~, (C.14) pDb E,A,
r Tw= YL.

where Cn is given in Appendix B SS: Eq. (C.21) can be integrated to determine the absolute an-
gular velocity and angular displacement of the bit rotation:
c. = ~. Tjo + ‘W [1 - coa(wrt)]
e; w =WQ+ (C.22)
w~ Im=

Since the first term in Eq. (C. 14) is much smaller compared and
to the second term, the critical w, can be approximately
determined as Tjo+Tw[t
6L = Wi)t+ - * sin(w,t)]. (C.23)
(C.15) w~Im=

Angular Vibration:
The bit ia treated as a rigid body when the equation of
motion is applied to the angular motion about z axis as
shown in Fig. i3:

T=-T’#j-&+=&=~, d%L (C.16)



0.2 ~
Vokmity (ws)

.0.2 l—~~~
o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.0s 0.1 0.12
limo (Omc)
Fig. 4- Veiocitie8 of cutters in a PDC bit face Fig. 6- Velocity of a cutter at bht center (Er=6E06 PSi)

~r~ity (ft/.) kkwmrd Votocity (fth)

0.16 0.8
r 1
r 1



1 1 1 ~-l
-0.16 L
o 0.02 0.04 0.06 a).oe 0.1 9.12 -o 1 2 6 7 s
limo be) Ldd Codct Am b )

Fig. 18- Velocity of a cutter at bit center (Er=E07 PsII) Fig. 7 U- Effect of iatemmicontact area on cutter velocity
Baokward WOOity (fth)

“’”27 —
0.2 -

0.26 -

0.2 -
0.16 -

0.1 -

0.06 - r

o 100 200 400 600 600 -o 6 20 26

Woightg’Bit (lb) atdlilimw *oition f: ait (ft)
Fig. 8- Effect of weight of bit on cutter velocity Fig. 9- Effect of stabilizw position on cutter velocity

Baokwud volooity (it/o)


Stabilizer i. d 3 feet from bit

0.12 -

0.11 -

0.1 -

1.6 t.7 1.9 2.1 2.9 2.6 2.7 2.9 s.1 S.S 9.6 -o 0.2 0.4 O.e 0.8 1 1.2
Drilt Collnr atiffnooa 00° lb-ins) Damping Faotor
Fig. 10- Effect of collar stiffness on cutter velocity Fig. 11- Effect of damping factor on cutter veiocity

FOY /’
,. “’”iI
Y ,/’
,/ ‘“~
/’ F
/’ OY
,/’ [i ‘

/ .
FIO ‘ I ‘U*

I % ~,,

1 F lb %z
I ‘
1 {: :)
— Fly

F,z :

Fig. 13- Free-body diagram of a bit in a vertical hole

Fig. 12- Free-body diagram of a BHA in a vertical hole


I :.
I -

/ 1’


‘x’ 1- : —+.

i ~

Fig. 15- Analysis of Ibending moment due to inertia vector

Fig. 14- Dynamic equilibrium of a BHA in a vertical hole

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