Basics of Electrical Engineering
Basics of Electrical Engineering
Basics of Electrical Engineering
Basics of Electrical Engineering
Total Marks: 100
1)Two equal resistors R connected in series across a voltage source V dissipate power P. What
would be the power dissipated in the same resistors when they are connected in parallel across the
same voltage source ?
A. 4P B. P
C. 2P D. 16P
2) Two identical resistors are first connected in parallel then in series. The ratio of resultant
resistance of the first combination to the second will be
A. 4 B. 0.25
C. 2 D. 0.4
3) The ratio of the resistance of a 200W, 230V lamp to that of a 100W, 115 V lamp will be
A. 0.5 B. 2
C. 4 D. 0.2
A. 100 Ω B. 200 Ω
C. 400 Ω D. 800 Ω
5) Tow 1 kΩ 1 W resistors are connected in series. Their combine resistance and wattage will be
6) Three 3 Ω resistors are connected to form a triangle. What is the resistance between any two of
the corners?
A. 9 Ω B. 6 Ω
C. 3 Ω D. 2 Ω.
7) A wire of 0.14 mm diameter and specific resistance 9.6 μΩ – cm is 440 cm long. The resistance of
A. 9.6 Ω B. 11.3 Ω
C. 13.7 Ω D. 27.4 Ω
8) A 10 Ω resistor is stretched to increase its length double. Its resistance will now be
A. 40 Ω B. 20 Ω
C. 10 Ω D. 5 Ω
A. mho B. ohm
C. ohm – cm D. ohm/cm
10) A wire of resistance R has it length and cross – section both doubled. Its resistance will become
A. 0.5R B. R
C. 2R D. 4R
(b)Two coils, X of 12000 turns and Y f 15000 turns, lie in parallel planes so that 45% of the flux
produced by coil X links coil Y. A current of 5 A in X produces 0.05Wb while the same current in Y
produces 0.075Wb. Calculate – 10 marks
(c) the percentage of flux produced by coil Y and linking with coil X.
12(a)What currents flow in a single-phasing star-connected motor? Draw its circuit diagram with
its phasor representation? 10 marks
(b) A coil of resistance 150 Ω is placed in a magnetic field of 0.1mWb. The coil has 500turns and a
galvanometer of 450 Ω is connected in series with it. The coil is moved in 0.1s from the given field
to another field of 0.3mWb. Find the average induced emf and the average current through the coil.
10 marks
13(a) How are built in thermal overload protector arranged? Explain briefly? 10 marks
(b) . A shunt generator delivers 50 kW at 250 V and runs at 400 rpm. The armature and field
resistances are 0.02 Ω and 50 Ω respectively. Calculate the speed of the machine running as a shunt
motor and taking 50 kW input at 250 V. Allow 1 V per brush for contact drop. 10 marks
14 (a). Deduce the relation between induced emf and terminal voltage of separately excited, shunt
and series generators. 10 marks
(b). Describe how 3-phase supply produces a rotating magnetic field of constant value at constant
speed with vector diagrams? 10 marks
15(a) Explain with a neat diagram, the constructional features and operation of an induction type
single phase energy meter. 10 marks
16. Explain with a neat diagram, the constructional features and operation of dynamometer type
Wattmeter. 10 marks
Guideline –
• Make sure to write enough length answers of descriptive questions as per the weightage.
• Make sure to be in time limits of submission to avoid rejection of submission after deadline.
• In case of hand written sheet submission please be assure of sober writing and cleanliness of answer