Secure Anonymous Group Infrastructure For Common and Future Internet Applications
Secure Anonymous Group Infrastructure For Common and Future Internet Applications
Secure Anonymous Group Infrastructure For Common and Future Internet Applications
Nathalie Weiler
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland
Timing p
( )2
3 p Insider: p p p
Message Coding
Collusion n.a.4 n.a.
Flooding n.a. n.a.
Table 2. How do existing WWW based approaches cope with different attacks?
2 HTTP requests frequently appear in bursts. I.e., typically, the web browser is the first to send a request. An insider, incorporating a crowds
member, knowing the other member’s processing speeds can reveal the true path position of the original request from analysis of the intervals
and delays between requests.
3 With link encryption between client and proxy: weak protection, otherwise no protection.
4 Centralised system.
````` Approaches
Mail based approaches are generally classified into Attacks ` Onion
three different types: (1) A Type 0 remailer, the sim- Endpts: Endpts:
plest system, strips off headers and forwards the re-
maining message. Examples are (not Message Volume
Between Between p
operational anymore) or (2) The
p AIPs:
fic analysis attacks. Their vulnerabilities are shown in Profiling
Table 1. A means that the discussed approach is re- Message
sistant against this kind of attack, a
indicates that Coding
the approach has no protection mechanism against Collusion
this attack. Flooding
Since the WWW is probably the most frequently
used application on the Internet, the demand for Table 3. How do existing network based ap-
anonymous Web browsing is increasing. We choose proaches cope with different attacks?
five representatives of this category and summarised
their vulnerabilities in Table 2. They are especially 1 resists up to n 1 colluding onion routers (of n existing ones in
vulnerable against traffic analysis of message volume total) since n nodes are needed to decode the onion.
and timing because they do not include any kind of
delay mechanisms. A more detailed description of the techniques with a cascade of untrusted third parties.
approaches is given in [12]. These routers maintain a set of encrypted TCP connec-
Most approaches are concerned about a certain ap- tions to each others. Therefore, each pair shares one
plication, typically e-mail or WWW. Onion routing symmetric secret key. However, the core of the system
and the Freedom Network are some of the few so- is the onion itself, i.e. the layered forwarding address
lutions providing anonymous connections, indepen- structure containing for each one of the used onion
dently of the actual application. routers the next hop information and key seed mate-
The Onion routing network [13] consists of a num- rial (for the generation of the symmetric keys that will
ber of onion routers, i.e. routers that use the forwarding be employed by the onion router during the actual
2 routing of the data). After the setup of the path, the
3 onion proxy accepts data from the application, breaks
it in blocks of fixed length, encrypts it according to by legitimate participants or members. In our Inter-
the chosen path, and transmits the result to the onion net learning scenario, only enrolled students should
router network. On the path, each onion router strips attend the lecture. As the sender cannot control the
its envelope and forwards it to the next hop. The re- membership in an IP multicast group, anybody may
sponder proxy assembles the data blocks and sends receive the multicasted data. The typical approach to
them to the receiving application. Besides being trans- solve this problem is to encrypt the multicasted data
mitted in uniformly sized blocks, the data is mixed, i.e. with a symmetric session key, and to distribute this
collected and reordered randomly. Synthetically gen- key to the legitimate receivers. The distribution of
erated traffic may be added to long term connections. the session key must be efficient in dynamic groups4
However, the experimental prototype shows unfortu- and scalable to a large number of members. In the
nate correlations between several data sources. So, de- remaining of this section, we will now first describe
spite of mixing, the chances of a successful traffic anal- the building blocks of the secure multicast framework
ysis attack are still considerable. A replay attack can be we designed (Section 3.1). Then, we explain the ex-
tackled with nonces in a successful manner. A flood- tensions of this framework for anonymous but yet
ing attack is the promising approach in case of long secure group communication (Section 3.2). Finally, in
lasting connections. Section 3.3, we show how to deal with degenerated
The Freedom Network [14] is an anonymising over- cases of all members staying anonymous and how the
lay network running on IP. Its similarities to Onion delay of distribution to anonymous users can be min-
Routing and PipeNet are strong: The Anonymous In- imised.
ternet Proxies (AIP) form the backbone of the anony-
mous network. The anonymising protocol uses lay- 3.1 A Framework for Secure Multicast
ered encryption between AIPs considered as semi-
Internet Distri-
trusted third parties. The integration of anonymous Teach- buted
mail servers using pseudonym servers is planed. ing Games
However, the Freedom Network suffers from a far With Without
Application Authentication Authentication
worse design flaw: Active attackers incorporating two
AIPs can trace everyone who uses them as first and Access Management
last AIP. The first AIP must mangle the payload of the
Split Keys
incoming packet and the last one recognises them by
Group Management,
checking if the computed checksum matches the in- Key Distribution and
dicated one. If it does not, the packets were mangled Synchronisation
and an IP address can be associated to the pseudonym
used so by revealing the anonymised identities.
2.3 Anonymous Multicast Reliable
Reliable IP
Multicast Multicast Multicast
Concerning anonymity in multicast, few work has
been done so far. [15] introduces a simple protocol Real Network
for multicast based anonymity, i.e. the protocol uses
the inherent anonymity in multicast to achieve re-
ceiver anonymity and uses a set of trusted forward- Figure 2. Secure Multicast Framework.
ing nodes to guarantee – under certain conditions
– sender anonymity. However, the protocol uses the
Our framework consists of four functional building
same technique as one uses for denial-of-service at-
blocks as depicted in Figure 2. We describe the tasks of
each block and enumerate example representatives.
3 Secure Anonymous Multicast Commu- The application block encompasses all sort of user
nication application programs involving more than one par-
ticipant wishing to communicate. Example applica-
A group typically consists of participants that send tions are the already depicted Internet learning sce-
and receive data. Each participant may play both nario, distributed multi-party games, virtual casinos,
roles, e.g. in an Internet based teaching scheme, the the MBone applications, or Internet based trading
teacher may give lectures, but may also listen to the communities.
questions asked by students. Secure multicast scenar-
ios require the data to be sent to and received only 4 I.e. groups with changing memberships.
The access management controls if the joining par-
Secure Multicast
ticipant is entitled to do so, i.e. if the credentials he Group (SMC)
presented upon join are valid for the requested group.
Further on, it must be ensured that, at each point in
time, the access rights or security policies are fulfilled P1 P9
(as we expect these to be dynamic, to change over
time). Different admission schemes are possible and P2
implemented: everyone, only paying participants or
access lists’ schemes. SAM A
The third building block called creation, distribu- SAM B
tion and synchronisation of the necessary key mate-
P5 P6
rial ensures the core business of the secure multicast P7
communication. Its responsibility is to provide each
participant just in time with the correct keys needed P8 Anonymous
P3 Participants in SMC
to understand and/or verify the origin of multicas- P4
Anonymous Participants in
ted data, and to send confidential and/or authenti- SMC
4 Evaluation
4.1 Scalability of the SAM framework
The SAM server, until now referred to as one server
per local environment, may consist of a network of
P4 SAM servers for scalability reasons such reducing the
P5 trust required. Therefore, techniques such as Onion
Second Secure Routing or the Freedom network (Section 2) are em-
Multicast Group
for Anonymous ployed.
Participants P6 P7 P8
4.2 Complexity Analysis
The additional costs for the SAM architecture orig-
inate from two improvements on a typical group ar-
Figure 7. Merge of Unicast Connections. chitecture: (1) the introduction of anonymity mecha-
nisms, and (2) the usage of secure group communica-
If a SAM server reaches a critical number of users tion.
subscribed through it to the same secure multicast The latter one is heavily dependent on the used
group, it may include all these users in a second secure group key management scheme. The communication
multicast group as depicted in Figure 7. Of course, this costs of the most frequent operations in centralised
Secure Multicast
Group (SMC)
Anonymous Participant Secure Multicast
in SMC (through SAM A) Anonymous Group (SMC)
SAM A SAM C Participants
P9 in SMC
(through SAM C)
P1 P9
P3 P8 Anonymous
P4 P3
Participants in SMC
Anonymous Participants in P5 P6 (through SAM D) P4 P5 P6
SMC (through SAM B)
Participants in
SMC (through P7 P8
and distributed, tree-based approaches are shown in work for a specific application should be carefully
Table 4. n denotes the number of members in the chosen with respect to the expected group topology.
group, k the length of the key in bits.
4.3 Resistance to Attacks
Operation Centralised Distributed, Tree- The resistance of the SAM framework to the de-
based fined attacks cannot be given at a general level be-
cause it depends on the exact configuration used.
Group ini- nk 2nk + log(n) A near ideal setup uses SAM servers organised
tialisation as in the onion routing approach with pseudonym
based authentication and dummy traffic generation.
The SAM servers will not only process multicast traf-
Join of a nk + log(n) 2log(n)k + log(n)
fic, but also the traditional traffic of the SNAP server:
e-mails, web browsing and other TCP based traffic.
Leave of a nk + log(n) 2log(n)k + log(n) 5 Conclusions
In summary, the SAM framework provides an en-
Table 4. Communication costs (in terms of multi- vironment for anonymous group communication de-
cast size) of the most frequent operations in com- rived from a general purpose and application inde-
mon secure multicast approaches. pendent secure multicast framework build on top of
state-of-the-art technology. The exact composition of
the framework is configurable by the application, e.g.
The impact of the anonymisation depends on both the application decides on the access mechanisms or
the number of users per SAM server and the total if encryption algorithms are mandatory.
number of SAM servers. The first factor gives an in- The usage of network of SAM servers for scalability
dication for the number of additional unicast sessions reasons reduces the trust required in each of the indi-
needed. The second factor specifies the number of ad- vidual servers.
ditional joins in the secure multicast group. So, the Furthermore, we prevent observers in the local en-
mechanisms in each building block of the SAM frame- vironment of the user from learning any information
about the traffic transmitted between SAM server and
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