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Edited by Lester A. Sobel

Contributing editors: Hal Kosut, Joseph Fickes,

Joanne Edgar, Myrna Lebov, Chris Hunt, Steve

Orlofsky, Maurie Sommer, Gerry Satterwhite





© Copyright, 1975, by Facts on File, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced in any form without the permission
of the publisher except for reasonably brief
extracts used in reviews or scholarly works.
Published by Facts on File, Inc.,

1 19 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 74-84438

ISBN 0-87196-232-2




Arab-Israeli Antagonism 9
IsraelActs Vs. Terrorists 10
IsraeliAttacks in Jordan 11
Terrorists Clash with Jordanians 16
Terrorists Bomb Israeli Targets 17
Arabs Attack Planes 19
Arab States & Terrorists 29
Guerrilla Attacks, Israeli Retaliation 38
Terrorism in Israel & in Occupied Areas 42
Guerrilla-Arab State Tensions 44
Lebanon Suffers Retaliation 47
Terrorists Hijack Planes, Slay Tourists at Airport 51
Mid-East Terrorists Strike in Europe & Other Areas ... 53
Strife Embroils Israel, Arab States & Commandos 69
Action Against Terrorism Urged 82
ARGENTINA: Recent Terrorists & Their Activities .. 83
Diplomats & Officials Become Kidnap/Terrorist
Targets 83
Trelew Prison Break & Killings 89
Assassinations & Kidnappings Continue 89
Peronists Return to Power 91
Action Against Terrorists 98
Terrorism After Peron's Death 101
BOLIVIA: Che Guevara Slain as
Guerrilla Campaign Fails 106
Struggle Continues 109
Assassinations Kidnappings 1 13
CHILE: Unrest & Terrorism 118
COLOMBIA: Terrorist-Government Clashes 122
CUBA: Exile Attacks 127
Action Against Hijackings 129
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Unrest & Terrorism 130
GUATEMALA: Terrorism & Repression 135
HAITI: Repression & Exile Activity 143
MEXICO: Many Guerrilla Bands Active 145
PERU: Terrorism Curbed 151
URUGUAY: Tupamaros Suppressed 151
Foreign Diplomats Attacked 153
Security Tightened 157
VENEZUELA: Terrorism Declines 163
RACIAL TERRORISM: Terrorists' Diverse Goals... 167
The Black Panthers 167
San Rafael Judge Killed,
Angela Davis Acquitted 174
Other Black Militants 174
The Ku Klux Klan & Similar Terrorists 178
PUERTO RICO: Terrorism in
Name of Independence 200
CANADA: Separatists Blamed for
Bombings& Kidnappings 203
Cross &
Laporte Kidnapped, Laporte Slain 204
CYPRUS: Demand Spurs Terrorism
Enosis 209
ETHIOPIA: Eritrean Terrorist Attacks 212
FRANCE: Minor Terrorism, Many Causes 213
GREAT BRITAIN: Scattered Terrorist Acts 216
G REEC E: Terrorists Oppose Junta 218
IRAN: Muslim & Communist Terrorists 220
ITALY: Rightist & Leftist Terrorism 221
JAPAN: United Red Army Strikes 225
NORTHERN IRELAND: War Against Partition 227
Londonderry Killings & Aftermath 232
Violence Spreads to London 233
Anti-Terror Action 234
Attacks in London & Abroad 238
PORTUGAL & AFRICA: African Territories
Promised Freedom After Coup in Portugal... 243
THE PHILIPPINES: Red & Muslim Terrorism 250
RHODESIA: African (Black) Struggle
for Majority Rule 254
(NAMIBIA): Stern Action
Curbs Terrorism 259
SOVIET UNION: Jewish Militants Active 263
SPAIN: Basques Fight Regime 267
TURKEY: Leftist Terrorism 271
WEST GERMANY: Baader-Meinhof
Group Accused 274
YUGOSLAVIA: Croatians Attack Regime 276
U.N. Discusses Problem 279
No Action on 'Skyjackings' 282


property and other politically motivated violence short of war
have been relatively common occurrences since the early days of
man's experiments in political action. Only since the late 1960s,
however, has terrorism become so widespread as to constitute a
significant cause of international concern.
The word terrorism is employed to specify acts of violence for
political coercion. But there seems to be no definition that will
satisfactorily cover all uses of the term. According to an academic
quip, terrorism is "what the other fellow does." Yet, even this is
not always so, since some activists (the late Brazilian urban guer-
rilla theorist Carlos Marighella, for example) seem quite willing to
describe their behavior as both idealistic — and terroristic. In
general, the word terrorism is used today to define almost all
illegal acts of violence committed for political purposes by clan-
destine groups.
The lawyer William A. Hannay, writing in the April 1974 issue
of International Lawyer about United Nations debate on terror-
ism, asserted that "recent contemporary usage tends to curb its
[the term's] meaning to either random or extortionate violence,
aimed ultimately at the target state of a guerrilla, resistance or
liberation movement but which strikes at unarmed civilians, dip-
lomats or non-combatants."
Martha Crenshaw Hutchinson of the University of Virginia
refined the use of the term by describing a concept called "revolu-
tionary terrorism." In an article in the September 1972 issue of

The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Professor Crenshaw wrote

that "revolutionary terrorism is a part of insurgent strategy in the
context of internal warfare or revolution." Such terrorism, she
noted, "is manifested in acts of socially and politically unac-
ceptable violence. There is a consistent pattern of symbolic or
. . .

representative selection of the victims or objects of acts of terror-

ism. . . . The revolutionary movement deliberately intends these
actions to create a psychological effect on specific groups and
thereby to change their political behavior and attitudes."
In 1933, the Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences listed ter-
rorism as a word for "the method whereby an organized group or
party seeks to achieve its avowed aims chiefly through the
systematic use of violence." It held that "terroristic acts are
directed against persons who as individuals, agents or representa-
tives of authority interfere with the consummation of the objec-
tives ofsuch a group." According to the Encyclopaedia, the "car-
dinal point in the strategy of terrorism" was the "publicity value
of the terrorist act." It said that "the terrorist does not threaten;
death or destruction is part of his program of action, and if he is
caught, his behavior during trial is generally directed primarily not
toward winning his freedom but toward spreading a knowledge of
his doctrines."
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, however, terrorists acting on
behalf of the Palestinian Arab cause have frequently made no at-
tempt to direct their violence toward representatives of authority
or even toward individuals who were less obvious in their in-
terference with Arab objectives. Instead, as Hannay indicated,
they often killed victims or seized hostages at random. But their
stated purposes, in keeping with the Encyclopaedia description,
usually were to bring political grievances to the world's attention
and to win the release of imprisoned comrades. Latin American
terrorists of the same period also frequently chose victims who did
not seem to constitute serious impediments to their cause. While
some victims of Latin American terrorists were linked with
regimes the activists were fighting, many of their kidnap targets
seemed to be picked on the basis of the ransom for which they
could be bargained.
Col. Roger Trinquier noted in Modern Warfare (1954) that "the
goal of modern warfare is control of the population, and terrorism
is a particularly appropriate weapon, since it aims directly at the

inhabitant. In the street, at work, at home, the citizen lives con-

tinually under the threat of violent death. In the presence of this
permanent danger surrounding him, he has the depressing feeling

of being an isolated and defenseless target. The fact that public au-
thority and the police are no longer capable of ensuring his se-
curity adds to his distress. ... He is more and more drawn to the
side of the terrorists, who
alone are able to protect him."
This expression of at least one rationale for terrorism seems to
be an apt explanation of, for example, the Viet Cong's use of this
weapon in South Vietnam. It provides little insight, however, into
the activities of terrorists who kill or kidnap foreign diplomats,
who hijack airliners far from home or who rob banks or kidnap
wealthy people for ransom.
Leila Khaled, who took part in more than one Arab skyjacking,
gave further, if perhaps unwitting, illumination. She told a Time
correspondent in October 1970 (as reported in the issue dated
Nov. 2, 1970): "If we throw bombs, it is not our responsibility.
You may care for the death of a child, but the whole world ignored
the death of Palestinian children for 22 years. We are not
responsible." The implication is that "the whole world" is
responsible for her group's attacks and that "the whole world"
could end the terrorism by yielding to the terrorists' demands.
What might be described as a more authoritative justification of
Arab terrorism was elicited by staff members of the U.S. Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations during a survey trip to the Mid-
dle East in November-December 1973. It was summarized by
staff member Seth Tillman in a staff report published March 5,
Terrorist activities, say top Palestinian leaders, have not been carried out for
the sake of their immediate results, or for the purpose of terror in itself, or for
personal revenge, or as acts of random criminality. Their purpose, they say, has
been broadly political, to draw the attention of the world, and most especially of
the United States, to the Palestinian movement and to its purposes. Terrorism,
they say, has been used by other patriotic movements which lacked other
effective means, including the Israelis before 1947, or for that matter, the Ameri-
cans before 1776.
The modern brand of terrorism, striking in almost any non-
Communist country, bears the trademark of a new variety of
political activist —the urban guerrilla. The new terrorists have dis-
carded the dicta of Mao Tse-tung, Ernesto (Che) Guevara and the
other classic revolutionary theorists that guerrillas must win their
first victories in the countryside. As far as many Latin American
revolutionaries are concerned, this proposition received death- its

blow in 1967 when Guevara was defeated and unsuc-

slain in his
cessful effort to put the theory into effect in the mountains of
Bolivia. Since Guevara's death, revolutionaries have increasingly
concentrated on the large population centers, and the cities and
suburbs have become the principal locale of their terroristic acts.

An early advocate of urban guerrilla tactics was the American

black militant Robert Williams. Williams, credited with exerting a
strong influence on both black and New Left activists, wrote in the
February 1964 issue of his publication The Crusader:
"The new concept of revolution ... is lightning campaigns con-
ducted in highly sensitive urban communities with the paralysis
reaching the small communities and spreading to the farm areas.
The old method of guerrilla warfare, as carried out from the hills
and countryside, would be ineffective in a powerful country like the
USA. . The new concept is to huddle as close to the enemy as
. .

possible so as to neutralize his modern and fierce weapons. The

new concept creates conditions that involve the total community,
whether they want to be involved or not. During the hours of
. . .

day sporadic rioting takes place and massive sniping. Night brings
all-out warfare, organized fighting and unlimited terror against
the oppressor and his forces. ." . .

Perhaps the most influential of the urban guerrilla theorists was

the late Brazilian revolutionary Carlos Marighella, who was
ambushed and slain by the Brazilian police in 1969. His instruc-
tions for conducting campaigns of terrorism in the cities of Brazil
were reduced to 55 pages of a handbook published in numerous
languages as Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla. The Mini-
manual was circulated among rebels in almost every part of the
Marighella disdained the definition of terrorism as "what the
other fellow does." "The accusation of assault or terrorism no
longer has the pejorative meaning it used to have," Marighella
declared. ". It does not factionalize, it does not discredit; on the
. .

contrary, it represents a focal point of attraction. Today, to be an

is a quality that ennobles any honorable
assailant or a terrorist
man because an act worthy of a revolutionary engaged in
it is

armed struggle against the shameful military dictatorship and its

In the Minimanual, Marighella described the principal task of
the urban guerrilla as being "to distract, to wear out, to demor-
alize the militarists, the military dictatorship and its repressive
forces, and also to attack and destroy the wealth and property of
the North Americans, the foreign managers and the Brazilian up-
per class." "Thus," he continued, "within the framework of the
class struggle, as it inevitably and necessarily sharpens, the armed
struggle of the urban guerrilla points toward two essential objec-
tives: (a) the physical liquidation of the chiefs and assistants of the
armed forces and of the police; (b) the expropriation of govern-
ment resources and those belonging to the big capitalists, latifun-

distsand imperialists, with small expropriations used for the

maintenance of individual urban guerrillas and large ones for the
sustenance of the revolution itself."
Marighella defined and prescribed in the Minimanual a variety
of terrorist/urban guerrilla activities. For example:
Terrorism— "Terrorism is an action, usually involving the
placement of a bomb or fire explosion of great destructive power,
which is capable of effecting irreparable loss against the enemy.
Terrorism requires that the urban guerrilla should have an ade-
quate theoretical and practical knowledge of how to make explo-
sives. The terroristic act, apart from the apparent facility with
which it can be carried out, is no different from other urban guer-
rilla acts and actions whose success depends on the planning and
determination of the revolutionary organization. It is an action the
urban guerrilla must execute with the greatest cold-bloodedness,
calmness and decision. ."
— . .

Execution "Execution is the killing of a North American spy,

of an agent of the dictatorship, of a police torturer, of a fascist
personality in the government involved in crimes and persecutions
against patriots, of a stool pigeon, informer, police agent or police
provocateur. . Execution is a secret action in which the least
. .

possible number of urban guerrillas are involved. In many cases,

the execution can be carried out by one sniper, patiently, alone and
unknown, and operating in absolute secrecy and in cold
Kidnapping—" Kidnapping is capturing and holding in a secret
spot a police agent, a North American spy, a political personality
or a notorious and dangerous enemy of the revolutionary move-
ment. Kidnapping is used to exchange or liberate imprisoned
revolutionary comrades, or to force suspension of torture in the
jail cells of the military dictatorship. The kidnapping of North
. . .

American residents or visitors in Brazil constitutes a form of

protest against the penetration and domination of United States
imperialism in our country. . .

The objective of the type of action advocated by Marighella was

made clear by the Brazilian urban guerrilla Ladislas Dowbor in an
interview with Sanche de Gramont in Algiers in the summer of
1970. De Gramont quoted Dowbor in the New York Times
Magazine Nov. 15, 1970 as saying that "you cannot build the revo-
lutionary consciousness of a population through political explana-
tions. But military actions can create this consciousness." Al-
though discontent in Brazil is widespread, people "have not yet
reached the stage of holding the system responsible," Dowbor
asserted. He said: Terrorists, therefore, "attack the targets they

[the people] consciously identify," "their visible enemies — the

farm overseer, or the shop foreman, or the landowner who throws
squatters off his land." This "provokes a reaction of the
system. . [W]e provoke the army, the police, the press and the
. .

clergy into taking positions against us and in support of the visible

enemy. It is then that the workers are able to identify the system
as the enemy. [Ajrmed action, which means living in small,
. . .

clandestine cells, reduces the possibility of contact with the popu-

lation. We must rely on the repercussions of our actions. If it is a
violent action, appeal to those parts of the population that
it will
are sensitive to violence —
that is the marginal masses, the unem-
ployed, Ihzfavelados."
Assertions that most terrorists belong to a worldwide network
taking orders from some secret, high-ranking power center are
childishly far-fetched. Terrorist groups seem more frequently to
be small, autonomous units not infrequently at ideological odds
with each other even though they seldom know each other. Some,
however, do seem to keep in touch in formal or informal ways by
the circulation of the Minimanual and other underground publica-
tions, by broadcasts from Havana, Cairo and other revolutionary
centers, by occasional personal contacts and reciprocal aid and
even by attending international meetings of revolutionaries or ter-
rorist/guerrilla training sessions said to have taken place in such
diverse places as Cuba, the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Al-
geria, Lebanon, Syria, West Germany and Italy.

An example of how terrorists of different countries have made

contact with and cooperated with each other is the case of three
Japanese who massacred 26 tourists at Lod airport in Israel in
1972. Nine members of the Japanese United Red Army, a ter-
rorist group, had hijacked an airliner in Japan in 1970 and had
forced it to land in North Korea. There they met Arab terrorist
leader George Habbash and agreed to aid the Arabs. As a result of
this contact, a Habbash agent contacted three United Red Army
members in Japan early in 1972. The three flew to Lebanon for
training, then were armed in Rome by Italian terrorists, who sent
them on to Israel by Air France for the brief shooting attack that
brought death or serious injury to 100 people, many of them
Puerto Ricans with no previous involvement in the Arab-Israeli
Although terrorists are found among adherents of almost every
brand of left-wing or right-wing ideology, the overwhelming ma-
jority of today's terrorists can be described as leftists. Most have
a New Left or Trotskyist character. Establishment Communists
. .


and other members of the "Old Left" generally deplore terrorism

under current conditions as "adventurist" (or "romantic") and
counter-productive. Following a meeting of the U.S. Communist
Party National Committee, party leader Gus Hall was quoted in
Daily World July 13, 1971 as asserting that "masses have largely
rejected the tactics of anarchism and acts of individual terror.
This rejection of wrong tactics has isolated many groups of petty
bourgeois radicals such as Students for a Democratic Society,
Progressive Labor, to an extent the Black Panther Party, the
Weathermen and many varieties of Trotskyism."
Orthodox Communists sometimes cite Lenin as the authority
for opposing terrorism. Yet Lenin did not reject terrorism under
all circumstances. Frequently quoted is Lenin's letter of Oct. 16,

1905 to the St. Petersburg Committee:

. [I]t horrifies me to find that there has been talk about bombs for over six
. .

months, yet not one has been made! . .Form fighting squads at once

everywhere, among the students, and especially among the workers, etc., etc. Let
groups be at once organized of three, ten, thirty, etc., persons. Let them arm
themselves at once as best they can, be it with a revolver, a knife, a rag soaked in
kerosene for starting fires.. .

The propagandists must supply each group with brief and simple recipes for
making bombs, give the man elementary explanation of the type of the work, and
then leave it all to them. Squads must at once begin military training by
launching operations immediately, at once. Some may at once undertake to kill a
spy or blow up a police station, others to raid a bank to confiscate funds for the
insurrection, others again may drill or prepare plans of localities, etc. But the
essential thing is to begin at once to learn from actual practice: have no fear of
these trial attacks. They may, of course, degenerate into extremes, but that is an
evil of the morrow, whereas the evil today is our inertness, our doctrinaire spirit,
our learned immobility, and our senile fear of initiative. Let every group learn, if
it is only by beating up policemen: a score or so victims will be more than com-

pensated for by the facts that this will train hundreds of experienced fighters, who
tomorrow will be leading hundreds of thousands. . .

This book is intended as a record of the wave of violence

described as terrorism that achieved worldwide proportions
toward the latter half of the 1960s and continued on into the
1970s. The material comes largely from the reports printed by
Facts on File in its weekly coverage of world events. Although
much that is here is highly controversial, a conscientious effort
was made to set it all down without bias and to make this volume,
as far as possible, a reliable and balanced reference work.
The Middle East

Arab-Israeli Antagonism of Jews into Palestine despite pleas

for the admission of the survivors of
Hitler's death camps.
Arabs and Jews have been fighting After the establishment of Israel,
over their conflicting claims to Arab terrorism was considered in
Palestine since long before the 1948 part responsible for the Arab-Israeli
conflict from which Israel emerged as warfare of 1956 and 1967.
an independent Jewish state. The Israel's military success in these
struggle has been characterized by two conflicts brought no peace to the
frequent recourse to terrorism. Jewish state. Israel faced continued
The Balfour Declaration of Britain attacks from Arab fedayeen (self-
in 1917 had expressed that govern- sacriflcers) and other terrorists— not
ment's decision to "facilitate" "the all of them necessarily Palestinian.
establishment in Palestine of a na- Israelis, their friends and innocent
tional home for the Jewish people," third parties were subject to aircraft
and the declaration's principles were hijackings, bombings, machine-gun-
incorporated by the League of Na- nings and indiscriminate homicidal
tions in the mandate that the League attacks in virtually any part of the
of Nations gave to Britain to govern world. The Israeli armed forces
Palestine. Arab reaction to the decla- retaliated by striking at Arab com-
ration and to Zionist aspirations in mando bases.
Palestine were manifested in such ac- The major Arab terrorist groups
tions as the riots of 1920 and 1921, a operated, nominally at least, under
series of murderous attacks on Jews the guidance of the Palestine Lib-
in Palestine in 1929 and the terrorism eration Organization (PLO), which
of 1936-9, in which Arab bands at- had been formed by the Arab govern-
tacked Jewish settlements, murdered ments at a summit meeting in Cairo
Jews, mined roads, burned crops and in 1964. Arab terrorist groups in-
ambushed vehicles. cluded: Al (or El) Fatah, the largest
Terrorism by Jews against Britain of the Arab guerrilla organizations,
followed World War II, when the which was headed by Yasir Arafat,
British continued to restrict the entry the PLO chairman; the Popular

Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists were reported to have told
(PLFP), an independent Marxist-Le- Israeli authorities they had been
ninist group opposed to Al Fatah and trained by Syrian and Algerian officers
Soviet policies; the Popular Demo- at camps at Duma and Hamma near
Damascus and at Zebdani near the
cratic Front For the Liberation of
Palestine (PDFLP), a group that had
Syrian-Lebanese border. The Duma
camp was said to be a base of the
split away from the PLFP; the
Palestine Liberation Front, whose mem-
Popular Front for the Liberation of bers had carried out widespread raids
Palestine-General Command (PFLP- against Israel before the war. Trucks of
GC), an independent group; Al the Palestine Battalion of the Iraqi
Saiqah, a group controlled by the army, stationed in Jordan, were said to
Syrian government; Arab Liberation have moved the saboteurs from Syria to
Front, a unit controlled by the Iraqi Jordanian territory near the Jordan
government. The name Black Sep-
Syrian Foreign Min. Ibrahim Makhous
tember has been used for what some
had denied Sept. 26 that Syria was in-
observers consider ad hoc terrorist volved in the outbreak of anti-Israeli
operations in which, it has been said, guerrilla attacks. In a note circulated to
recruits from the PLFP and PDFLP foreign diplomatic representatives in
have participated. Damascus, Makhous charged that Israel
The events described below were had accused Syria "to prepare world
public opinion for launching new Israeli
among the significant developments
aggression" against the Arabs. Makhous'
in the post-1967 terrorism involved in
remarks followed statements by Israeli
the Arab-Israeli dispute.
officials earlier in the week that. the Arab
terrorists should be fought "not only on
Israeli soil but at the source."

Israel Acts Vs. Terrorists

Terror Base Wiped Out. Israeli forces
Dec. 7, 1967 wiped out an Arab terrorist
Fatah Men Seized. Israeli police base in a cave near the west-bank town of
Jerusalem announced Oct. 12,
officials in Nablus. Army, border police and secu-
1967 the arrest of 24 members of Al rity personnel killed 6 Arabs, captured
Fatah (the Syrian-based terrorist organi- an undisclosed number of prisoners and
zation that had perpetrated raids against seized a cache of arms that included
Israel before the June war) and the Soviet and Chinese Communist weapons.
capture of large quantities of arms. The The Jordanian government charged
police commissioner of Jerusalem, Shaul Dec. 8 that the Israelis Dec. 7 had ex-
Rosolio, said that "by these arrests we pelled 200 Jordanians of the Nuseirat
have thwarted a wave of planned tribe from the west bank near Jericho to
sabotage that would have been carried the east bank of Jordan. Saleh Nazhan,
out in the next few weeks.'" The weapons muktar of the tribe, told Jordanian au-
taken in and around East Jerusalem in- thorities that prior to their eviction, the
cluded machineguns, light mortars, Israelis had destroyed almost all of the
explosives and anti-tank guns. victims' homes, the local school and a
The 24 Arabs had been accused of mosque and had killed several men. The
participating in a sabotage campaign in Israelis claimed the raid was in retalia-
the Jerusalem area since Sept. 17. Prior tion for the inhabitants' hiding of Arab
to their arrests, more than 100 other saboteurs, Nazhan said.
suspects had been seized throughout the
Israeli-occupied west bank of the Jordan
River. Arab Terror Ring Smashed. Israeli
Israeli army sources were reported announced Dec. 21 the -mash-
Sept. 28 to have linked the Syrian govern- ing of an Arab attempt to revive a wide-
ment, and to some extent Algeria, with spread sabotage campaign against Israeli
the guerrilla operations. Captured Arab control of the west bank.

Israeli military authorities said that 54 war. The action was deplored by Je-
Arab suspects had been seized and that 2 rusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek.
had been shot in a roundup that had The building blasted by explosives
startedin Ramallah Dec. 15. Subsequent was the residence of Kamal Nammer, a
arrestswere carried out in Jenin, Nablus suspected Al Fatah terrorist who had
and East Jerusalem. The 2 slain Arabs been captured Mar. 3. The structure
were killed in an exchange with Israeli was destroyed and several nearby
security forces while resisting arrest in homes in the Arab quarter were
the Beit Haran area near Latrun. heavily damaged. Kollek and his aides
The Israeli newspaper Maariv reported visited the neighborhood Mar. 7,

Dec. 22 that the 54 captured Arabs had apologized for the incident and offered
confessed to receiving orders to stir up immediate compensation for the
trouble in East Jerusalem and Bethlehem damage.
during Christmas observances.

UAR Aids Guerrillas. A report from

Israel Battles Raiders. Israeli author- Cairo Apr. 12 said the UAR had begun
ities Mar. 7, 1968 reported the seizure of 2 to help Arab guerrillas attacking
suspected Al Fatah commanders in a Israel by giving them arms, training and
round-up of Arab infiltrators Mar. 2-4. intelligence information.
The search followed the slaying Mar. 1 The report followed a statement Apr.
of an Israeli Druse in Abu Ghosh, a vil- 10 in which UAR Pres. Gamal Abdel
lage west of Jerusalem. The 2 alleged Al Nasser had declared that Egypt was
Fatah leaders were identified as William "fully prepared to support, train and
Naguib Nasser, arrested in Jerusalem arm the Palestine resistance movement
Mar. 3, and Kamal Nammer. because it is part of the battle for des-

Israeli officials said that Nasser, whom tiny."

they described as the highest-ranking Al In its first broadcast, Al Fatah said
Fatah officer caught so far, had trained May 11, 1968 that its objective was to free
terrorists in Algeria and West Ger- all of Palestine and not only to terminate
many, then had become a terrorist Israeli occupation of Arab areas seized
instructor in Syria. After his capture, the in June 1967. The announcement, ap-
Israelis said, Nasser helped the Israelis parently beamed from Cairo, said that
capture Nammer and other terrorists. In Al Fatah would broadcast an hour a day
addition to Nasser and Nammer, 15 al- and direct its messages largely at Pales-
leged terrorists were seized, and 2 alleged tinian Arabs under Israeli rule.
terrorists were slain. Israeli security
The Palestine National Council, con-
forces also captured several arms caches sisting of the Palestine Liberation Or-
near Ramallah and Hebron and in the
ganization, Al Fatah and a number of
Gaza Strip. smaller Arab guerrilla groups, held its
The Defense Ministry had reported first meeting in Cairo July 10 to plan a
Mar. 3 that Israeli troops had killed 35 coordinated strategy against Israel. UAR
of about 50 Arab infiltrators trying to
Labor Min. Kamal Rifaat told the con-
cross the Jordan River to the west bank ferees that the "Arab nation rejects
in the previous 10 days. 5 had been slain
defeat and demands victory." "You
Feb. 23 4 miles north of the Allenby have chosen to wage a holy war of libera-
Bridge, near Jericho; an Israeli state- tion," he declared.
ment said they carried sabotage equip-
ment and Russian and Chinese sub-
Israeli Attacks in Jordan
Israeli Reprisals. The Israeli military
practice of blowing up the homes of
suspected Arab terrorists was ex- Israeli troops and planes made several
tended Mar. 6 to East Jerusalem, the attacks on targets in Jordan during 1968
former Jordanian sector of the city in what was described as operations
annexed by Israel after the June 1967 against infiltrators and terrorist bases.

Israeli Raid in Jordan. A force of about east of the Allenby Bridge, the Israelis'
15,000 Israeli troops entered Jordan Mar. deepest penetration into Jordan. 30
21 and carried out a day-long massive Arab commandos in Karameh were killed.
retaliatory raid against alleged Arab Israeli forces suffered more than 200
terrorist bases used for guerrilla attacks casualties, including more than 100
on Israel. Jordanian army troops also killed. Jordanian forces destroyed 45
entered the fray and clashed with the Israeli tanks and 50 other vehicles and
Israelis. Israeli Premier Levi Eshkol said downed 5 Israeli planes. Israeli forces,
the operations were designed to forestall pursued by Jordanian troops, retreated to
an expected "new wave of [Arab] terror" the occupied west bank after having
against Israel. The UNSecurity Council "abandoned equipment."
convened in emergency session Mar. 21 It was reported Mar. 22 that the Arab

and unanimously adopted Mar. 24 a commandos, believed to be members of

resolution condemning Israel. the Al Fatah terrorist organization, had
The major ground
Israeli raid, the first returned to their Karameh base following
thrust into Arab territory since the June the withdrawal of the Israeli troops. Ac-
1967 war, was spearheaded by armor, cording to the commandos* version of the
paratroop drops and air strikes. The fighting: The Israelis had first tried to
major assault was directed primarily at cross the Jordan River by throwing up a
an Arab jedayeen (commando) camp at temporary bridge opposite Karameh,
Karameh, 3 miles east of the Jordan but Jordanian artillery destroyed the span.
River, and at nearby Shune, north of the The Israeli force then employed a pincer
Dead Sea. Another Israeli force crossed movement, crossing the Allenby Bridge
the Jordan River south of the Dead Sea and the Damiya Bridge to the north. The
to strike at suspectedArab guerrilla bases southern column was the first to reach
in the Jordanian towns of Safi and Dakal. Karameh, but by then the commando
Israeli and Jordanian authorities both force had withdrawn to the hills because
claimed victory and gave conflicting their ammunition was running low.
versions of the number of casualties and Another Israeli unit of 400-500 men
damage inflicted. According to the landed by helicopter about > mile east

Israelis: "At least 150 saboteurs were of the Karameh camp and engaged the
killed, and there were substantial Jor- commandos. More than 100 of the
danian army losses. Israeli casualties were Israelis were killed.
21 killed and 70 wounded" (a revised an address to the Knesset (parlia-
Israeli report Mar. 23 said: 23 Israelis ment), Eshkol Mar. 21 justified Israel's
had been killed, and 3 Israelis were miss- attack on Jordan. He assailed the Amman
ing; 138 Arabs had been taken prisoner, government for not having "acted to stem
and nearly 1,000 weapons, mostly of the terrorist acts" against Israel. Eshkol
Soviet and Chinese Communist make, said: "The terrorist bases are well known
had been seized). About 30 Jordanian to the Jordanian government. Members
tanks were hit and 2 captured. 6 Israeli of the gangs appeared openly wearing
armored vehicles were hit. Terrorist their uniforms and bearing arms. Ac-
bases and buildings, and other installa- cording to highly authoritative in-
tions were destroyed in both areas, and formation, a new wave of terror was
Jordanian artillery had been demolished. about to take place. Since political con-
One Israeli plane was downed by Jor- tacts did not bring about cessation of the
danian gunfire, but it crash-landed , in murders, we had no other choice but to
Israeli territory and the pilot was saved. act in self-defense to avert these dan-
Before withdrawing from Jordanian gers."
territory, an Israeli force occupied Eshkol noted that since mid-February
Karameh, searched its houses for ter- 6 Israelis had been killed and 44 injured
rorists and blew up several installations. by Arab terrorists. In the latest incident,
Jordan's account of the fighting, as 2 Israeli adults had been killed and 28
given in various army communiques and children injured when a school bus had
broadcasts by Amman radio: 20 Jorda- been blown up by a mine Mar. 18 in the
nian soldiers were killed and 65 wounded. Negev desert, 12 miles north of Elath.
15 Jordanian civilianswere slain by King Hussein declared Mar. 23 that
the Israelis at Shimat Nimrin, 7 miles hisgovernment was not responsible for

the security of Israel and therefore downed by Jordanian anti-aircraft fire,

would do nothing to inhibit the activities but the pilot bailed out safely, and the
of guerrillas stationed in Jordan.* Com- plane crashed in Israeli territory.
menting on the suffered in the
losses Amman claimed the Israelis had
Karameh attack, Hussein said 50 Arabs started the fighting with machinegun
had been killed, but it was "difficult to and tank fire directed at Jordanian
distinguish" how many were commandos. positions near the Sea of Galilee.
The Jordanian army death toll was Other Jordanian targets came under
considerably higher than the 20 Israeli fire from the occupied Golan
fatalities announced since many of
first heights on the Syrian border. Amman
the wounded had eventually died, the communiques claimed that Jordanian
king said. (Jordanian officials reported forces had shot down 7 Israeli planes
later that army totaled 40.)
fatalities and inflicted heavy losses on Israeli
Hussein said that, according to an tanks, half-tracks and other vehicles.
Israeli message intercepted by Jordan
Mar. 21, the number of Israeli soldiers
killed was 73, not 21 as announced by the 'Copter Raid in Jordan. Israeli army
Israelis. authorities reported Apr. 8 that a few
dozen Israeli helicopter-borne soldiers
Duel on Border. Israeli and
had crossed 18 miles into Jordan that day
Jordanian engaged in a 6-hour
forces to pursue Arab jedayeen infiltrators. All
artillery duel along 85 miles of the Jor-
of the guerrillas, "about half a dozen,"
dan River Mar. 29. The fighting, the 2d were killed and the Israelis suffered no
major clash on the cease-fire line in 8 casualties, the report said.
days, was marked by Israeli air strikes.
According to the Israelis: The guer-
The fighting followed the killing
rillas had been spotted east of the Israeli
earlier Mar. 29 of 4 Israeli farm workers Negev settlement of Ein Yahav, near
and the injuring of several others when the Jordanian border, 35 miles south
their tractor ran over a mine near Dead Sea. After firing at a circling
of the
Massada, a communal settlement south Israeli helicopter,the Arabs fled back
of the Sea of Galilee in the Beisan
to Jordan. Several other helicopter
Valley. The incident first led to an ex- patrols joined the chase, and some landed
change of light arms fire nearby be- behind the fleeing band to bar their
tween Jordanian and Israeli soldiers escape. The operation culminated in a
across the Jordan River. The fighting
gun clash between the Arabs and their
intensified as both sides employed pursuers on the cliffs of the Hills of
artillery and tank guns. Israel claimed
Moab. In addition to wiping out the in-
that Jordanian shells struck the 5 nearby
filtrators, the Israeli patrol destroyed a
settlements of Shaar Hagolin, Ashdot granite house used as a terrorist base.
Yaakov, Kfar Ruppin, Tel Katzir and The infiltrators were members of the
Gesher. No casualties were reported. Egyptian 141st Commando Battalion,
by carrying out
Israeli forces retaliated
receiving its orders from the Egyptian
air strikesmiles inside Jordan. 4
embassy in Amman, Jordan. The Israelis
Jordanian long-range artillery pieces found documents telling of imminent
were reported destroyed. The artillery Negev towns
attacks against the Israeli
exchanges extended as far south as the
of Elath, Sdom and Timna.
Dead Sea. Some Israeli shells struck The Israeli raid followed the killing
Karameh, the Arab commando base earlier Apr. 8 of 2 Israeli soldiers and a
raided by Israeli troops Mar. 21. Is-
Bedouin scout when their jeep ran over a
raeli losseswere listed at one soldier mine.
killed and 8 wounded. One plane was According to Jordan's version of the
fighting south of the Dead Sea, an Israeli
*An Al Fatah member captured by Israel told
reporters inTel Aviv Mar. 23 that the Jordanian armored force, supported by helicopters
army gave Al Fatah military intelligence and pro- and planes, crossed the cease-tire line
vided covering fire for river crossings but otherwise following an exchange of artillery and
did not work directly with the guerrillas. The
tank fire. But the Israeli raiders were
Syrian and Iraqi armies gave Al Fatah most of its
help, he said. repelled by Jordanian troops and were

forced to withdraw to their own territory mortars shelled the Israeli settlement of
without "achieving their aims." Kfar Ruppin, in the Beit Shean Valley,
Israel's possible use of counter- about midnight the night of June 3-4.
terrorism was suggested in a statement About 11 hours later Jordanians on the
made Apr. 9 by Maj. Gen. Chaim Bar east bank opened up with small-arms fire.
Lev, Israeli chief of staff. Bar Lev said The Israelis returned the fire. The Jor-
Israel had not yet "adopted all possible danians replied with long-range artillery.
methods against terrorism." "Counter- Jordanian tanks pulled up near Israeli-
terrorist activity cannot be excluded, occupied El Hamma, on the Golan
although it would not be the reply par Heights (in Syria), and fired at Israeli tar-
excellence," he said. gets. Israeli jets attacked Jordanian
artillery positions around Irbid until a
de jacto cease-fire went into effect.
Israeli-Jordanian Clashes. An Israeli According to a Jordanian account of
patrol Apr. 28 killed 13 Arab infiltrators the fighting, as narrated in a complaint
on the occupied west bank in one of the filed with UN
Security Council Pres.
bloodiest encounters since the June 1967 Arthur J. Goldberg of the U.S. by Jor-
war. The skirmish was one of several danian Amb. Muhammad H. El-Farra:
fought by Israeli troops with Arab Israel carried out a "surprise attack" on
guerrilla raiders and regular Jordanian Jordan about 9 miles south of the Sea of
forces on the west bank and on the Galilee. The attack opened with ma-
Jordan-Israel cease-fire line. As a result chinegun and artillery fire followed by
of the clashes, the Israeli government artillery and air strikes on Irbid and sur-
Apr. 26 issued one of its sternest warnings rounding villages. "For the first time the
to Jordan about possible armed retalia- Israelis are using land-to-land rockets,
tion for the continued incursions into shelling Jordanian villages and the city of
Israeli-held territory. Irbid and its suburbs. Several quarters of
The Apr. 28 clash occurred several . Irbid were destroyed."
. .

miles north of Jericho in Wadi Auja, a Israeli military officials speculated that
dry river bed that led from the Judean the fighting had been started by members
Hills north of Jerusalem to the Jordan of Al Fatah and that regular Jordanian
River. In addition to the 13 Arabs killed, army troops had entered the fighting
one was captured and 2 escaped. Israeli after the Israelis returned fire.
authorities reported that 2 Israeli Israel reported June 22 that its forces
soldiers had been killed and one wounded. had killed 11 Arab guerrillas of an Al
Israeli and Jordanian forces June 4 en- Fatah unit near Jericho. One Israeli
gaged in an all-day clash along the north- soldier was killed.
ern sector of the Jordan River near the
Sea of Galilee. The fighting was marked
by Israeli air attacks on Jordan. Israelis Battle Guerrillas. Israel re-
The clash was described by Amman
as ported taking a heavy toll of Arab guer-
the most serious since the Israeli incur- rillas in clashes along the west bank of

sion into Jordan Mar. 21. Heavy casual- the Jordan River July 17-28.
ties were reported on both sides. The Israelis said their forces killed 13
Israel reported that 3 Israeli farmers Arab saboteurs July 17 in a brief engage-
in the border area had been killed and 5 ment northwest of the Dead Sea. One
wounded. Jordan claimed that 45 Israeli Arab was captured and an Israeli
soldiers had been killed or wounded in the wounded. The guerrillas, who were re-
day's action, that Jordanian antiaircraft ported to have crossed the Jordan River
had shot down 4 Israeli planes and that 4 from the east bank July 16, carried Soviet
Israeli tanks and 3 artillery positions had assault rifles, bazookas, grenades and
been destroyed. Jordan said that Israeli explosives.
air strikes on Irbid, a Jordanian village 12 All 6 members of an Arab guerrilla
miles east of the cease-fire line, had re- force were killed July 22 in a clash with
sulted in the killing of 34 civilians and an Israeli patrol between the Damiya and
the wounding of 134. Allenby bridges. The slayings brought to
According to Israeli military authori- 59 the number of Arab guerrillas killed
ties: The fighting started when Jordanian since the beginning of June, according to

Israeli army figures. 2 Israelis were killed ing as Al Fatah's command center, the
and 10 wounded in the engagements. Israelis said.)
7 Arab guerrillas, identified as mem- Bar-Lev described the air raid as "an
bers of Al Fatah, were killed July 26 in a answer to 3 violations of the cease-fire
2-hour clash with Israeli troops near per day" by terrorists based in Jordan.
Jericho. 2 Israeli officers — a brigade According to an army press report, the
commander (Col. Arie Regev, 35) and a Arab guerrillas had carried out 98 forays
lieutenant —
were killed. against Israeli territory in July; 3 Israelis
An Israeli patrol killed 2 guerrillas and 44 guerrillas were slain in the raids.
July 28 as it repulsed a guerrilla unit In the Israeli ground incursion into
that crossed the Jordan River. Jordanian Jordan Aug. 6, the first since Apr. 8,
army guns on the east bank opened fire helicopter-borne troops intercepted an
to provide cover for the retreating in-
escaping band of Arab guerrillas, killing
filtration force.
5 and wounding 2. 2 others escaped. The
engagement occurred a few miles east of
the Israeli settlement of Ein Yahav,
Israelis Raid Jordan. Israeli planes
about 30 miles south of the Dead Sea.
carried out a heavy raid Aug. 4 on Arab According to Israel, the helicopters
guerrilla bases 10 miles inside Jordan. began combing the area after the guer-
The air strike was followed by an Israeli rillas had fired 3 bazooka shells into Ein
ground incursion into Jordan Aug. 6 by Yahav. No one was injured. The settle-
troops pursuing a band of Arab guerril- ment's infirmary, empty at the time,
was shattered. After spotting the Arabs
Reporting on the Aug. 4 incident, a escaping a jeep, the helicopters landed
Jordanian communique said: Israeli and the troops destroyed the
planes had bombed positions in the vi- force. A further search turned up a cave
cinity of Salt, about 13 miles northwest apparently used as a guerrilla base. It
of Amman. 23 civilians and 5 soldiers contained food, weapons and ammuni-
were killed; 76 civilians and 6 soldiers tion. The Israelis returned to their own
were wounded. One Israeli plane was territory after blowing up the Arab jeep
claimed shot down by ground fire in the and cave.
Jericho area. (Israel said all of its planes An Al Fatah broadcast from Cairo
returned safely.) During the 3-hour air Aug. 8 warned that "Israeli civilians
strike, Jordanian and Israeli tanks and should not hope to be safe if Arab civil-
artillery exchanged fire across the ians are subjected to genocide" attacks
Jordan River. Amman reported that 2 by Israeli troops. Another Arab com-
Israeli tanks and 2 artillery positions were mando group, the Popular Front for the
destroyed and Israeli forces suffered Liberation of Palestine, also threatened
casualties in the Jericho area. reprisals against Israeli civilians. The
Gen. Haim Bar-Lev, the Israeli chief front claimed it had set off an explosion
of staff, called the air strike a "sub- in an Israeli bar in Jerusalem in retal-
stantial and unexpected blow to the iation for the death of Arab civilians
terrorist organizations. I hope this will in the Israeli attack on Salt.
help the authorities in Jordan to finally (The Palestine Liberation Organization
realize that violations of the cease-fire had reported Aug. 1 that its commandos
will bring unpleasant consequences." that day had killed 6 Israeli soldiers in a
Bar-Lev said he was certain that Al rocket attack on a patrol vehicle near
Fatah's 2 bases to the south and west of the Jordan Valley settlement of Maoz
Salt had been destroyed. He was unable Haiyim. An Israeli army spokesman's
to say how many of the 300-400 guerrillas account of the incident said one soldier
stationed in the area had been killed in had been killed and 3 wounded in an
the raid. (The Israeli army said Al Fatah ambush.)
had chosen the mountainous area around
Salt as "a substitute base for Karameh,"
which had been destroyed in a similar Israelis Attack in Jordan. Israeli com-
Israeli strike Mar. 21. About 12 bases and mandos, attacking targets 37 miles inside
command posts had been shifted to the Jordan Dec. 1, 1968, destroyed 2 bridges
Salt area, with the southern sector serv- in retaliation for infiltration attacks

on Israel. The
raid precipitated heavy Arab host countries—primarily Jordan,
Israeli-Jordanian artillery and aerial Syria and Lebanon—were having trouble
bombardments, which continued through controlling the often undisciplined armed
Dec. 3. Iraqi troops, stationed in Jordan irregulars. guerrillas were accused of
since the June 1967 war, were involved acting asquasi-governments, levying
in the clashes. tribute from citizens of the host country,
The Israelis said the Dec. 1 com- fighting with police and armed forces of
mando attack centered on targets east of the host country and terrorizing fellow
Sodom (Israel), at the southern end of A rabs.
the Dead Sea. The UPI reported that the
Israelis had destroyed a highway bridge
at Wadi el Abyad, about 60 miles north Jordan Quells Commandos. Tension be-
of Maan, and the Hejazi railway bridge, tween Jordan and a minor Arab com-
6 miles farther north. mando group based in Jordan erupted
An Israeli army spokesman said the into an open clash between the 2 sides in
raid was retaliation for 50 Arab in-
in and around Amman Nov. 3, 1968. At
filtration attacks against Israel since the least 25 civilians and 5 soldiers were
signing of a pact Nov. 16 by Jordanian killed. About 70 persons were arrested.
officials and Arab commandos based in commando unit was
The dissident
Jordan. The incidents included bazooka identified as Kataeb al Nasr (Contingents
and rocket attacks on Israeli civilian also called Al Saiqah.
for Victory),
settlements and industrial facilities. The
Its leader, ex-Syrian army officer Taher
heaviest assault took place Nov. 23, when
Dablan, 37, had formed the group in June
guerrillas, believed to be A Fatah mem-

bers, launched 15 rockets against the after he had been expelled from the

Sodom potash works. Palestine Liberation Organization.

engagement Dec. 1, The fighting followed the arrest of
In a simultaneous
Israeli and Jordanian forces traded the Dablan Nov. 2 for Kataeb Nasr's al-

heaviest artillery fire to the north since leged link to a mob attack that day on the
the June 1967 war. The 5-hour gun duel U.S. embassy in Amman.

ended at dawn Dec. 2 with an Israeli air

Angered by Dablan's arrest, his follow-
attack on Irbid, about 40 miles north of ers Nov. 3 ambushed a police car and
Amman. At one point, Israeli tanks and seized 4 policemen as hostages. 3 of the
artillery along a 20-mile front
fired policemen were reportedly killed. Jor-
against Iraqi and Jordanian forces as well danian security officials then raided Ka-
as at Arab guerrillas. The guerrillas fired taeb al Nasr's headquarters in the Wah-
rockets, some of which landed in the dat refugee camp outside Amman and
Israeli settlement of Deganya "A."* Jor- seized large supplies of arms. Firing
dan said Israeli artillery had shelled the broke out, and many of Dablan's men
Jordanian towns of El Shuna, Asad, broke out through a police encirclement.
Taiviba and Irbid. They made their way into Amman, where
A 3-hour Israeli-Arab artillery duel further fighting ensued. Kataeb al Nasr
along the Jordan Valley the night of Dec. urged Amman residents to rally to its
2 was climaxed by a 2d Israeli air strike cause on the ground that the government
on targets in Jordan early Dec. 3. The was out to crush the commando group.
fresh fighting erupted with a coordinated In response to the appeal, more than
Jordanian-Iraqi artillery barrage along 10,000 persons, including students, com-
the 25-mile front north of the Israeli-held mandos and townspeople, staged an anti-
west bank. government demonstration Nov. 4. Secu-
rity forces moved in and suppressed the
uprising after a bloody clash.
Terrorists Clash With Jordanians During the fighting Nov. 4, King Hus-
sein had assailed "phony elements"
Although the Arab governments gave among the commandos in Jordan. He
material as well as verbal support to the charged in a broadcast that their target
guerrilla-commando-terrorist groups at- was "not [Israeli] occupied territory
tacking Israel, it became obvious that the but the [Jordanian] east bank itself."

The 2 largest commando groups in by a council made up of 4 major com-

Jordan, the Palestine Liberation Organi- mando groups based at the Amman head-
zation (PLO) and Al Fatah, agreed to quarters of the Palestine Liberation or-
government demands to submit to offi- ganization (PLO).
cial checkpoints, to abolish their own The council's formation had been con-
checkpoints and to keep their armed fol- firmed in an Al Fatah broadcast Nov. 20.
lowers out of Amman. A smaller com- Represented on the council were Al
mando group, the Popular Front for the Fatah, PLO, the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), rejected Liberation of Palestine and the Syrian
the government demands. Baath-dominated Al Saiqa, also known
At a meeting of Al Fatah, PLO and as Kataeb al Nasr.
PFLP representatives in Cairo Nov. 5, (Al Fatah leader Yasir Arafat was
the commando groups accused Jordan of elected at a PLO meeting in Cairo Feb. 3,
attempting to break up the guerrilla 1969 as chairman of a newly formed PLO
forces and to make peace with Israel. An executive committee.)
Al Fatah broadcast charged the Jor-
danian government with staging the Am-
man unrest Nov. 4 to weaken and dis-
credit the guerrilla fighters. Terrorists Bomb Israeli Targets
Jordan's previous confrontation with
Kataeb al Nasr (when it was known as Al
Blasts Kill Jews & Arabs. A bomb ex-
Saiqah) had occurred following the kid-
plosion in the Jewish section of Jerusalem
naping Oct. 7 of rightwing Druse leader
Nov. 22, 1968 killed 12 persons and in-
Hassan al-Atrash. Suspecting the com-
jured 55. The fatalities comprised 10 Is-
mando group of having seized Atrash
raeli Jews and 2 Arabs.
and of having taken him to Damascus,
the Jordanian government had estab- The blast ripped through Jerusalem's
lished roadblocks on the outskirts of Am- crowded Mahane Yehuda market place,
man and on roads to the Jordan Valley destroying fruit and vegetable stalls and
and the north. Al Fatah had charged that several nearby shops, apartments and
the roadblocks were an excuse to harass automobiles. Police said the explosives
the commandos and keep them out of were hidden car parked in the mar-
in a

Amman. ket place 2 hours before the blast. 500

Arabs were rounded up for questioning;
by Nov. 25 all but 30 were released.
Jordan-Commando Pact. A 7-point One of the Arab commando groups
agreement governing the relations be- that had carried out raids against Israel
tween Jordan and the Arab commando — The Popular Front for the Liberation
groups operating from Jordan was of Palestine— announced Nov. 22 that
reached Nov. 16, 1968. its members were responsible for. the
Terms of the agreement (some of which Jerusalem incident. The front said the
formalized previous government-com- explosion was "in retaliation for Israeli
mando understandings): (1) Commandos terrorist actions against our people" in
were forbidden to carry arms or wear Arab occupied territories.
uniforms in Jordanian towns; (2) com-
mandos had no right to search civilian
A bomb exploded in a Jerusalem super-
market Feb. 21, 1969, killing two
cars; (3) commando vehicles were to
youths and wounding nine other persons.
carry Jordanian license plates; (4) com-
mandos were to carry identity cards of Hundreds of shoppers were in the Je-
their organizations; (5) a crime com- rusalem supermarket, during its busiest
mitted by a commando was to be in- period, the hours before the Jewish Sab-
vestigated by Jordanian authorities in the bath, when the bomb exploded. Fifteen
presence of a representative of the guer- minutes after the blast, and after the
rilla's organization; (6) commandos were store had been cleared of customers, an-
forbidden to enlist Jordanians subject to other bomb was found on the premises
conscription or deserters from Jordan's and defused. Among the injured was Maj.
armed forces; (7) commando-Jordanian Roy Skinner of Australia, a U.N. truce
government disputes were to be handled observer.

(A third bomb had been found earlier A bomb exploded in the cafeteria
Feb. 21 in front of the British consulate of the Hebrew
University in Jerusalem
in East Jerusalem; it was disarmed in a March 6, wounding 29 Israelis, most of
nearby field.) them students. About 200 students were
The Popular Front for the Liberation in the room, which was heavily damaged.
of Palestine said Feb. 21 that it was In Beirut, two Arab guerrilla groups,
responsible for that day's bombing. the Popular Democratic Front for the
A bomb heavily damaged the British Liberation of Palestine and the Popular
consulate in East Jerusalem Feb. 25, Front for the Liberation of Palestine
1969. (PFLP), claimed credit for the attack.
The blast caused slight injury to a con- A branch of the Israeli National Bank
sulate secretary. British officials said they in the west-bank town of Al Bireh was

believed Arab guerrillas had decided damaged by a guerrilla hand grenade

to attack British targets because of earlier March 6. One person was injured.
"highly exaggerated" reports that Brit- Israeli security forces March
6 de-
ain was planning to sell tanks to Israel. stroyed five Arab houses East Jeru-

The East Jerusalem consulate had been salem that had been found to contain
the target of an unsuccessful bomb attack arms, explosives and other terrorist
Feb. 21. The Popular Front for the Lib- equipment. After permitting the families
eration of Palestine Feb. 25 claimed re- to leave, an Israeli demolition squad
sponsibility for the bombing. The PFLP razed the buildings. Previously, the
said it had decided on the attack because Israelis had blown up buildings suspected

of the alleged British decision to supply of harboring Arab terrorists. But they
Israel with tanks. were said to have discontinued the prac-
A bomb exploded in Lydda, Israel Feb. tice because of damage to surrounding
25, injuring one person. Three Arabs were
detained for questioning. One of them Three bombs exploded on a street
was said to have been carrying the bomb leading to the Western (Wailing) Wall in
on a tricycle and it was believed to have Jerusalem June 20. The blasts killed one
detonated accidentally. The rider was Arab and wounded five other persons,
wounded. including two American tourists and an
The arrest of 80 Arabs on charges of Israeli soldier. At least 20 suspects were
conducting an extensive guerrilla opera- arrested.
tion against Israel was announced March The Popular Front for the Liberation
5 byDaniel Bareli, the Israeli police of Palestine (PFLP) said in Amman
chief in Jerusalem. Twenty of those ar- June 21 that its members were responsi-
rested had been seized March 4. Bareli ble for the explosions. The PFLP state-
said the group, most of whom were sus- ment said the attack was not aimed at
pected PFLP members, would specifically injuring Jewish worshippers "but to re-
be charged with the bombings of the Jeru- mind the world and tourists of the Zion-
salem supermarket Feb. 21 and of the ists' barbaric and Nazi-like acts and to

British consulate in East Jerusalem Feb. warn the enemy to stop these actions."
25. Bareli said the group had operated in
Jerusalem, the west bank and the Gaza
Strip and received instructions from the Gaza Violence. Arab students staged
Egyptian embassy in Amman, Jordan. riotous demonstrations in the Israeli-
Among those arrested were Wodet occupied city of Gaza Feb. 2-3, 1969.
Komeri, a woman, who reportedly had The violence was precipitated by the
directed the operations, Bashir el-Hirri, sentencing Feb. 2 of three Arab girls as
a prominent lawyer from the west-bank members of a terrorist group in the Gaza
town of Ramallah, accused of having or- Strip. One received a three-year jail
ganized the terrorist network, and Illya sentence; the two others were given terms
el-Khouri, an Arab Anglican priest from of two years each for having served as
Ramallah, who was said to have crossed messengers for terrorist bands. Israeli
the Jordan River several times in recent authorities released the three girls Feb. 3
months to contact the ring's leaders in on the condition that they end their con-
Amman. nections with the guerrillas.

About 2,000-3,000 Arab girls, protest- A PFLP statement issued in Beirut

ing the sentences, poured out of three July 23 claimed that members of its
high schools Feb. 2 and rampaged "specialized unit" had taken over the
through the streets of Gaza, blocked Israeli airliner without the advance
traffic and hurled stones, injuring several knowledge of the Algerian government.
persons, including an Israeli woman sol- The front urged Algeria to hold the
dier. Israeli troops, armed with night- plane and its Israeli passengers and crew
sticks,drove the rioting girls back to but to release the non-Israelis. PFLP
their schools. More than 90 were in- officials said July 24 that the organization
jured and almost half required hospital- had asked the International Red Cross to
ization. supervise the exchange of the Israeli
Tensions in Gaza were further height- crew and passengers in Algiers for cap-
ened Feb. 3 when a grenade, hurled by an tured Palestinian guerrillas imprisoned in
unknown assailant into a crowded square, Israel.

killed two Arab boys (aged 9 and 16) and Algerian Foreign Min. Abdelaziz
wounded 10 others. Bouteflika, arriving in Paris July 24 on a
An Israeli lieutenant was killed June diplomatic visit, denied that his govern-
15 when a terrorist tossed a grenade at ment was "involved, either directly or
his patrol vehicle in Gaza city. Two indirectly" in the hijacking.
grenades thrown at Israeli vehicles in Algeria Aug. 31 released the last 5
Gaza city June 16 and 20 missed their passengers and 7 crewmen of the Israeli
marks and exploded among groups of airliner. The plane was released a few
Arab civilians. One Arab was killed and hours later and was flown to Rome by a
21 others were injured in the first in- French pilot. The Israelis were flown to
cident; another Arab was killed and 16 Rome in an Italian jet and returned to
were wounded in the other attack. Israel Sept. 1. The Israeli plane arrived
in Israel the same day.
Italy had negotiated with Algerian
A rabs A ttack Planes officials for the release of the Israeli
A new war on Israel
tactic in the terrorist Israel informed the Red Cross Sept. 2
was unveiled in 1968 when Arabs began a that it free 16 convicted Arab in-
series of seizures of Israeli airliners in captured prior to the June 1967
war, in exchange for the release of the
flight or of attacks on passenger-laden
planes on the ground. As time went on, the hijacked plane.
attacks were not confined to Israeli planes A PFLP spokesman Sept. 2 criticized
but were directed against aircraft of almost the release of the plane. He said Algeria
any nationality. had not consulted his group.

Israeli Hijacked. An Israeli

commercial en route from Rome
airliner, Plane Attacked in Athens. 2 Arab
to Tel Aviv, was hijacked over Italian terrorists attacked an commercial

territory July 23, 1968 by 3 armed mem- jetliner in Athens the day after Christmas
bers of the Popular Front for the Libera- 1968.
tion of Palestine (PFLP). The plane The Israeli jetliner, an El Al Boeing
landed in Algiers. 707 carrying 41 passengers, was attacked
The Algerian government immediately at the Athens airport Dec. 26 as it was
released 19 non-Israeli passengers, who about to take off on a flight to New York
were flown to Paris later July 23 in an from Tel Aviv. The 2 Arab assailants
Algerian plane. 10 Israelis 4 women— fired a submachinegun at the plane and
passengers, 3 children and 3 of the its passengers and tossed incendiary
plane's air hostesses —
were released July grenades at one of the plane's engines,
27 and were flown to Geneva before setting it ablaze. One passenger was shot
going on to Tel Aviv. The Algerian to death and the plane's hostess was
government temporarily held the plane seriously injured when she jumped out of
— an El Al Boeing 707 jet 7 crew — the plane with the passengers. Greek
members and 5 Israeli male passengers. police arrested the 2 suspects, identified

as Mahab H. Sleiman, 19, of Tripoli, 13 civilian planes belonging to 3 Arab

Lebanon and Mahmoud M. Mohamad, airlines. The assault was in retaliation
25, a Palestinian Arab refugee. The 2 for theAthens attack.
men had arrived at the Athens airport According to Lebanese accounts: The
earlier Dec. 26 on an Air France flight attack was carried out by 8 Israeli heli-
from Beirut. They said they were mem- copters. 5 landed at the hangar area and
bers of the Syrian-based Popular Front one on a runway, while 2 others hovered
for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) overhead. The Israeli commandos
and were under orders of a PFLP official destroyed the aircraft by planting explo-
in Beirut "to destroy an Israeli plane and sive charges in the nose-wheel well and
killJews." Their statement was made to the undercarriage-wheel well of each
Greek Deputy Premier Stylianos Pata- plane.
kos, who had hurried to the airport to The planes destroyed were esti-
question the captives. mated be worth $43.8 million. 8 of the
The PFLP Dec. 26 claimed credit for aircraft belonged to Trans-Mediterran-
the Athens airport attack. Charging that ean Airways, Lebanese-owned; 3 to
El Al was no longer "an airline under- Lebanese International Airways; 2 to
taking innocent civilian transport," the Middle East Airlines, 30%-owned by
statement said that El Al planes, "in Air France.
secret flights under supervision of the The Israelis were under orders to con-
Israeli Defense Ministry," had transfer- fine their attack to Arab-owned planes
red "air force pilots trained in flying and not to inflict casualties. The com-
Phantom jets in preparation for a sur- mandos were reported to have made
prise attack and new aggression against sure that no passengers were aboard
the Arab states." the planes destroyed; aircraft of non-Arab
Israeli Transport Min. Moshe Carmel carriers were parked at the airport but
asserted Dec. 26 that Israel could not none were touched.
"relieve the government of Lebanon A Jerusalem communique* said all the
from responsibility for acts of sabotage Israeli helicopters returned safely. An
organized on Lebanese soil with govern- Israeli government announcement on
mental encouragement." the raid Dec. 28 said that the Arab
The Lebanese government Dec. 27 terroristswho had struck the Israeli jet
denied Carmel's charge of Lebanese com- in Athens had "come from Beirut airport
plicity the Athens airport shooting.
in and belonged to the branch of the sabo-
The statement said the allegation was an tage organization in Lebanon." The
Israeli "attempt to justify its repeated statement warned that "Arab govern-
aggressions against Lebanese territory." ments that allow the activities of sabotage
The two terrorists were convicted and organizations from their territories
sentenced by a Greek criminal court must know they bear responsibility for
March 26, 1970. terrorist acts."
Mahmoud Mohammad was sentenced In defending the raid, Israeli Premier
to 17 years months, Maher
and five Levi Eshkol declared Dec. 29 that "on no
Suleiman to 14 years and three months. account can we accept the idea that the
Both were convicted of interfering with waging of war against Israel should be
air traffic, arson and illegal use and pos- permitted if those who wage it call
session of explosives. The original charge themselves an organization and not a
of premeditated murder against Mo- government."
hammad, for a machinegun
wielding Lebanese Premier Abdullah Yaffi said
that had killed an Israeli passenger, was Dec. 30 that the Israeli attack on the
revised to a lesser count of manslaughter Beirut airport "has had no effect on our
by negligence. stand regarding the commandos" who
operate against Israel. This was inter-
preted to mean that Lebanon would
Israelis Raid Beirut Airport. Helicopter- continue to refuse to adopt a stronger
borne Israeli commandos carried out a anti-Israeli policy. Yaffi, however, as-
one-hour raid on the Beirut International serted that "we consider commando
Airport in Lebanon Dec. 28, destroying action as a legitimate and sacred action.

Every people whose land has been

. . . less attacks upon Israel [in Council
taken away must resort to every means debate Dec. 29 and 30] for alleged
to get it back." policies and acts having nothing to do
The Israeli army reported Dec. 30 that with the episodes properly before us."
Arab commandos had shelled 5 Israeli In debate Dec. 30, Israeli delegate
settlements Dec. 29 in apparent reprisal Tekoah asserted that the Arab terrorist
for the Beirut attack. Al Fatah reported attack on the Israeli plane in Athens "was
that it already had started "the first of the same character" as Arab assaults
rain" of retaliation raids by shelling against Israeli territory. Since the Arabs
an Israeli town, Beisan, Dec. 29. were defeated by Israeli forces in 1967,
Israel reported that 2 civilians were they had engaged in a policy of "bleeding
killed Dec. 31 when Arab guerrillas from Israel by murder, of the innocent and
Lebanon shelled the Israeli settlement of defenseless, by terror and sabotage,"
Kiryat Shmona in the upper Galilee. Tekoah said. The Athens incident left
Lebanese authorities denied that rock- Israel with no alternative but to take ac-

had come from Leba-

et fire against Israel tion "against this menace threatening
to bring chaos and catastrophe to inter-
non. Al Fatah asserted that its
forces had fired on Kiryat Shmona from national life" Tekoah said. He chided
inside Israel.
world governments for having remained
"strangely silent" in the face of the
Athens incident and recalled how these
governments had "remained passive
UN Censures Israel. The Security UN when Israeli shipping was barred from
Council Dec. 31 approved by 15-0 vote a the Suez Canal for 20 years."
resolution condemning Israel for the at-
Lebanese ex-Foreign Min. Fouad
tack on the Beirut airport, favoring
Boutros, who had flown to New York to
Israeli compensation for the damage attend the Council meeting, said Israel
inflicted and hinting at possible sanctions was not justified in raiding Lebanon in
if such assaults were renewed. The Coun-
retaliation for the attack on the Israeli
cil had convened Dec. 29 at the request
plane in Athens. "Lebanon can certainly
of Lebanon and Israel.
not be held responsible for acts which
After the vote, Israeli delegate Yosef were committed outside its territory by
Tekoah assailed the resolution, which, Palestinian refugees whose intent was
he said, "fails to take account of Israel's not known to Lebanon, and whose acts
rights under the cease-fire, disregards
were due to the fact that they were refu-
the rights of its citizens to be free from gees thrown out by Israel."
Arab attacks, overlooks and slights the
Israeli dead and wounded, is an affront In a message Dec. 30 to Lebanese Pres.

to the basic values of the United Na- Charles Helou, Pope Paul VI deplored
tions." Referring to Soviet delegate the Israeli attack and expressed hope
Yakov A. Malik's criticism of Israel's that Lebanon would not be "drawn along
actions, Tekoah said: "As long as this the path of violence."
Arab war of aggression against Israel Israeli Religious Affairs Min. Zerah
continues, Israel will insist on its right Warhaftig Dec. 31 criticized the pope
to defend itself in the best way it finds it for his expressions of sympathy to Leba-
necessary, whether the guardians of in- non over the loss of its planes while say-
ternational law in Moscow are pleased or ing nothing about the "murder of in-
not." nocent Jews" by Arab terrorists.
Malik earlier had denounced other Warhaftig particularly cited the Arab
Council members for refusing to invoke attack on a Jerusalem marketplace Nov.
sanctions under Chapter VII of the 22 in which 13 Israelis were killed. Speak-
Charter. ing at a memorial service for the 6 million
In explaining his vote on the resolution, Jews by the Nazis, Warhaftig said:
U.S. representative J. R. Wiggins said "We must learn the lesson from what
that although the U.S. delegation had happened during the period of genocide,
supported it, the American representa- not only concerning those who per-
tives dissociated themselves "from the petrated the crime but those who kept
sweeping generalizations, the reck-
. . . their peace and raised no voice in protest.

The policy of silence continues in our meeting Feb. 19 on the crisis resulting
day." from the Zurich attack.
A statement drawn up at the meeting
was delivered later in the Knesset (par-
Plane Attacked in Zurich. An Israeli liament)by Communications Minister
El Al Boeing 720 commercial airliner MosheCarmel. Carmel warned the Arabs
with 17 passengers and 10 crewmen that Israel "retains the moral right
was attacked Feb. 18, 1969 by four Arab and the operational ability to take any
terrorists with submachine guns as it was necessary means of protection, when-
about to take off from the airport at ever required to break the strength of
Zurich, Switzerland. those scheming against us and our planes
Three passengers and three crewmen and to secure the free aerial traffic of
were injured in the attack. An Israeli Israel's air routes." "Compliance [by
security guard aboard the plane jumped Arab government] with hijacking and
out and shot and killed one of the assail- with scheming against and assault upon
ants. The three other terrorists, including our air routes will cause serious damage
a woman, were captured immediately by to all, including the Arab states," Carmel
Swiss policemen and airport personnel. said.

The Arabs had fired 60 bullets at the Carmel linked Beirut to the Zurich at-
plane and also hurled three incendiary tack, to the Arab commando assault on
grenades, which fell short. an Israeli airliner in Athens Dec. 26,
A statement issued Feb. 18 by the Pop- 1968 and to the hijacking of an Israeli
ular Front for the Liberation of Palestine commercial plane July 23, 1968. "Infor-
(PFLP) at headquarters in
its Amman, mation at our disposal," Carmel said,
Jordan, claimed responsibility
for the indicated that plans for the three inci-
attack. The PFLP said the raid was in dents had been plotted in Lebanon and
retaliation for what it called Israeli acts that the raiders had left from Beirut for
and brutality against "unarmed
of torture each attack.
and innocent civilians in occupied Arab Support for the Zurich raiders was ex-
territory." The statement said the raid pressed Feb. 20 by the Cairo newspaper
was in accordance with PFLP policy to Al Ahram, which said the attack "proved
track down and strike the El Al fleet, that the will of the resistance will not
which called a military arm of Israel.
falter despite all the enemy's counter-
The PFLP identified the attackers as blows." In further support of the Arab
all Palestinians: Ammah
Ahmed guerrillas, Al Ahram disclosed that the
Dahbour, the woman,
Ibrahim and Egyptian government would provide
Tewfik, Mohammed Abu
Haja and el health insurance for the commandos and
Abdel Mohsen Hassan. Hassan was the their families. Under the plan, wounded
one killed. or sick Arab commandos would be flown
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban without charge to Egyptian hospitals "if
asserted that the raid "demonstrates the they are unable to obtain treatment in
character of the terrorist organizations Jordanian medical institutions."
which the president of Egypt [Gamal Two newspapers in Beirut Feb. 20 crit-
Abdel Nasser] praised unreservedly only icizedthe commando raid in Zurich.
a few days ago." "There is no doubt," One, the conservative Al Jarida, wrote
Eban said, "that the executors of this that "loyalty to commando activity
act of terrorism as well as their masters prompts us to say that this raid at Zurich
drew encouragement from the climate of has been an embarrassment to the com-
forgiveness shown to them after the at- mandos. It would have been better from
tack on the El Al plane at Athens air- the beginning to leave civil aviation out
port." He recalled that the UN resolution of the battle." Al Amal, journal of Leba-
condemning Israel for its retaliatory non's Phalangist party, said that "no
raid on the Beirut airport "did not de- matter how daring and courageous this
vote a single word of condemnation to attack is said to have been, there is no
the Athens attack." doubt that it exposes the legality and
The Israeli government's ministerial- integrity of commando activity to a chal-
level Security Committee held a four-hour lenge, and will provide Israel with a

golden opportunity to spread her propa- in communique from Cairo Aug. 30

ganda against the Arab cause." that the two Israeli men would be held
The Soviet Communist Party news- hostage in Damascus for "the release of
paper Pravda Feb. 27 defended the Arab Syrian comrades in Israeli prisons."
commando attacks on Israeli airliners as The two hijackers, PFLP members,
acts "carried out by patriots defending were identified as Leila A. Khaled, a
their legal right to return to their 20-year-old woman, and Selim al-Ei-
land." At the same time, the newspaper sawi, about 30. Both were taken into
assailed Israeli reprisal raids for these at- Syrian custody after the landing in Da-
tacks as "acts of undisguised aggres- mascus. Rome police said the two had
sion." come from Beirut Aug. 28.
A court in Winterthur, Switzerland Seizing control of the plane shortly
Dec. 22 convicted and sentenced the three after it took off from Rome, the hijackers
Arab terrorists to 12 years in prison on a had told the occupants that "the
charge of murder. Che Guevara Commando Unit of PFLP"
Switzerland sent notes Feb. 28 to Jor- had taken command of the flight. They
dan, Syria and Lebanon, protesting announced that "among you is a passen-
against the attack on the Israeli plane. ger responsible for the death and misery
of Palestinian children, women and men,
The notes called on the three Arab gov-
on behalf of whom we are carrying out
ernments to take measures "to prevent
this operation. This assassin will be
any new violations of Swiss territory."
brought before a Palestinian revolu-
According to a Swiss Foreign Ministry
tionary court." The statement did not
communique issued in Berne, the three
identify the accused Israeli official.
surviving Arab raiders had told Swiss in-
vestigators that they had been "trained in U.S. Secretary of State William P.
Jordan and some of them left Syria to Rogers expressed hope Aug. 29 that
carry out their attack in Zurich." Syria would not "associate itself with
this irresponsible act and will take im-
mediate steps to arrange the release of
U.S. Jet Hijacked to Syria. A U.S. the aircraft, its crew and its passengers."
Trans World Airlines passenger jet, en Rogers Aug. 30 deplored Syria's "for-
route from Rome to Athens and Tel cible detention of some of the innocent
Aviv, was hijacked over southern Italy civilian passengers." He said the U.S.
was "astonished that a government
Aug. 29, 1969 by two armed Arabs
[Syria], which is a member of the United
and was forced to fly to Damascus, Syria.
Nations, having its own international
Moments after the plane landed, the
airline and obviously benefitting from
cockpit was heavily damaged by a bomb
and dependent upon the freedom and
that had been planted by the hijackers.
safety of air travel, would choose to
Warned of the impending blast, the pas-
condone and associate itself with this
sengers jumped out of an emergency exit
act of piracy."
minutes before the explosive device went
The International Federation of Air
Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA) voted
The plane carried a crew of 12 and 101 Sept. 1 to call a 24-hour worldwide strike
passengers, including six Israelis. The
against airlines manned by its 44,000
others were mostly Americans, Greeks
pilot members unless Syria released the
and Italians. The Syrians, holding all six two Israeli passengers.
of the Israelis, freed 105 passengers and
said that the organiza-
crewmen Aug. 30; most of them were tion "urgently calls upon the U.N. to
flown to Athens and Rome on an Italian . secure the immediate release of the
. .

plane. Four of the Israelis, all women, two passengers and, further, the
. . .

were released Sept. 1 and were flown back imposition of suitable punishment on the
to Israel via Athens. The two remaining hijackers." The detention of the two
Israelis, both men, were held in custody. Israelis and the failure to prosecute the
The Popular Front for the Liberation hijackers gave "overt encouragement to
of Palestine (PFLP), which claimed re- further criminal acts of this nature," the
sponsibility for the hijacking, declared statement said.


Leila Khaled and Selim al-Eisawi, the El Al Office Bombed in Athens. Two
two hijackers, were freed by the Syrian Jordanian members of an Arab com-
government Oct. 13. mando group tossed a hand grenade into
The two Israelis, whom Syria had held Israel's El Al airline
office in Athens
as hostages, were exchanged by Syria Nov. 27, wounding 15 persons and caus-
Dec. 5 for 13 Syrian prisoners in Israel. ing heavy damage. One of the injured,
The two Israelis freed Dec. 5 were a 2-year-old Greek boy, died Nov. 29.
Hebrew University Prof. Shlomo The other injured were three Americans,
Samueloff and Salah Muallem. They re- 10 Greeks and a Briton employed by El
turned to Israel via Athens, flying first Al.
to the Greek capital on the plane, TWA The Jordanians were seized and ad-
which had been repaired following the mitted their guilt. The two, Elie Karabe-
bomb damage it had suffered during the tian, 23,and Mansur Seifeddin Mourad,
hijacking. 21, were
formally charged in Athens
Criminal Court Nov. 28 with "attempted
premeditated murder."
Centers Bombed in Europe. Arab youths The Palestine Popular Struggle Front,
Sept. 8, 1969 hurled bombs at the Israeli
an Arab guerrilla organization based in
El Al Airlines office in Brussels,
Amman, Jordan, claimed responsibility
for the attack.
and tossed hand grenades at the Israeli
embassies in The Hague, Netherlands Greek Premier Stylianos Patakos con-
and in Bonn, West Germany. demned the attack Nov. 28 as a "cow-
A spokesman for the Popular Front for ardly act by unscrupulous criminals."
the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in His statement followed an Israeli pro-
Amman said the coordinated attacks test to the Greek government contending

were carried out by teen-age members of that its failure to repudiate the first Arab
the "Young Tigers" of the "Ho Chi Minh armed attack on an Israeli jet airliner in
Section" of the PFLP. Four persons were in 1968 had encouraged the Nov. 27 in-
slightly injured in the Brussels incident cident. Israeli sources said Nov. 28
three El Al employes and a passerby. that Israeli officials had warned Greek
Police arrested two Arab youths. No one authorities of a possible bombing by
was injured in the embassy blasts. Two Arab terrorists against the El Al office in
had grenades, thrown at the rear of the Athens but said the Greeks had taken no
embassy in Bonn, exploded under the precautions.
window of Ambassador Asher ben
Nathan. One Arab youth was arrested.
A PFLP spokesman said Sept. 9 that
Arab Hijacking Thwarted. Greek po-
its forces planned an all-out war against
lice Dec. 21, 1969 arrested three Arabs,
Israeli commercial interests around the
including a young woman, suspected of
world and warned travelers not to use
planning to hijack a U.S. Trans World
Israeli planes or ships. The spokesman
Airlines passenger jet at the Athens air-
said the embassies had been bombed be-
cause they "are the centers of espionage
and collection points for mercenaries and They were seized as they were about to
immigrants to our occupied Palestine." board the plane, bound from Tel Aviv
The Hague and Bonn were singled out be- for Rome and New York, after a TWA
cause Israeli pilots had been trained to clerk became suspicious. A subsequent
fly the newly-acquired U.S. Phantom jets search revealed that the trio possessed
in the Netherlands and West Germany, two guns, three hand grenades and mim-
the statement said. eographed announcements that the plane
A bomb planted by Arab terrorists had was being seized by the Popular Front
injured two persons Aug. 25 at the Lon- for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
don office of Zim, the Israeli shipping One Doumidi, 18,
of the suspects, Issam
company. PFLP leader George Habbash was have confessed that he and
said to
warned in Amman Aug. 29 that other his colleagues planned to hijack the air-
Jewish-owned firms in ,_ondon faced
t craft to Tunis, evacuate the passengers
similar assaults. and then blow it up "to warn the Amer-

icans to stop providing air communi- Israel-bound jet crashes. A Swissair

cations with Israel." passenger plane bound from Zurich to Is-
rael crashed after takeoff Feb. 21, 1970,
killing all 47 persons aboard, including
14 Israelis and six Americans. An Arab
Attack Munich. Three Arab terror-
guerrilla group at first claimed responsi-
ists Feb. 1970 killed one Israeli and
bility for the crash, but another group
wounded 11 other persons in a grenade
later denied Arab involvement. The
attack on a bus and lounge at an airport
Swiss government Feb. 22 officially cited
in Munich, West Germany. The three
sabotage as the suspected cause of the in-
assailants were arrested and charged
with murder.
The Swiss plane, enroute to Tel Aviv,
The Israeli was killed by one of the was carrying 38 passengers and a crew of
grenades thrown onto an airport bus that
nine when it crashed near Wurenlingen
19 passengers of an El Al plane had board-
15 minutes after takeoff. The aircraft was
ed to return to the airliner from the
returning to Zurich after the pilot re-
terminal. The plane had landed earlier
ported an explosion aboard, apparently
on its way from Tel Aviv to London. in the rear luggage compartment. Smoke
Two of the guerrillas had boarded the from the resultant fire filtered into the
bus with the others and ordered the crew's compartment, obscuring the
driver at gunpoint to open the door before pilot's vision, and he crashed.
it pulled out. The third Arab outside A communique read Feb. 23 by Swiss
hurled a grenade into the vehicle when President Hans-Peter Tschudi said it was
the bus driver tried to drive away. The not yet possible to "draw conclusions of
Arab then threw another grenade into the causes of the catastrophe." The chief
the lounge where the remaining passen- of the Zurich crime laboratory, however,
gers were waiting to return to their plane. said he was "already convinced it was a
Police identified the assailants as Mo- bomb."
hammed el-Hanafi, an Egyptian, and The Arab claim of credit for the crash
Rahman Saleh Abder and Mohammed was issued in Beirut Feb. 21 by a spokes-
Hadidi, both Jordanians. Police said they man for the Popular Front for the Libera-
had flown into Munich airport earlier Feb. tion of Palestine-General Command. Its
10 from Paris. During the attack, Hanafi's alleged attack on the aircraft was said to
right hand was almost blown off by a be its first operation abroad.
grenade. His arm was later amputated.
Abder was wounded when he crashed The denial of Arab connection with the
incident was announced Feb. 23 by the
through a skylight attempting to flee.
unified command of Palestinian guerrilla
Responsibility for the Munich attack
organizations, which comprised 10 Arab
was claimed Feb. 11 by two guerrilla

groups in Amman, Jordan the Popular guerrilla groups based in Jordan. The
statement, broadcast from Cairo by Al
Front for the Liberation of Palestine and
Fatah, the largest of the units, said an
the smaller Action Organization for
investigation had shown "beyond a
the Liberation of Palestine. An Action
shadow of a doubt" that none of the com-
spokesman said, "We did not intend any
harm to these Israelis, ... but intended" mando groups had anything to do with
the incident. The statement added: "The
to capture them "in exchange for some
[Arab] revolution strongly condemns
Palestinian commando captives" held by
such barbaric action. No commando con-
tingent would have carried out such ac-
The Action statement was confirmed
in Bonn Feb. 12 by Bavarian Interior
Minister Bruno Merk, who said Munich Al Fatah leader Yasir Arafat said in
police concluded that the three Arabs Amman Feb. 27 that "the unified com-
had originally planned to hijack the Is- mand of the commando organizations is
raeli plane. Merk said the police based now seriously reviewing the entire ques-
their findings on two texts of Arab com- tion of attacks on international airlines."
mando orders discovered at the airport Arafat, however, again denied Arab in-
lounge. volvement in the incident, saying that

Palestine revolution's policy is Airways, which had suspended freight

against endangering all civilians when- and mail service to Israel Feb. 22, lifted
ever they are." the ban Feb. 26. Other airlines that had
imposed similar restrictions eased them,
Swiss authorities investigating the crash
but Lufthansa of West Germany con-
reported March 3 that they had found
of tinued the curbs. Swissair announced that
parts of an altimeter in the wreckage
it would resume mail and cargo
altimeter deliver-
the plane. They said that this
ies to Israel March 5.
had probably set off the explosion that
caused the crash. Meanwhile, police in
Frankfurt, West Germany reported
3 that a Feb. 21 explosion
March Arabs hijack 4 planes. Members of the
an Austrian Airlines plane had also Popular Front for the Liberation of Pal-
set off by an altimeter. Nobody
was in- estine hijacked three jet airliners bound
jured in the Austrian Airlines incident. for New York from Europe Sept. 6, 1970
(Police had arrested three armed Arabs and diverted them to the Middle East. The
at the Munich, West Germany airport attempted seizure of a fourth, an El Al
Feb. 17, thwarting a possible attempt
to plane bound from Amsterdam, was
hijack an Israeli airliner. The three Arabs thwarted when security guards aboard
the aircraft shot and killed one hijacker
—two Iraqis and a Jordanian— arrived
plane from and wounded his companion. The plane
in Munich aboard a Yugoslav
Paris enroute to Belgrade. Acting on
the thenmade an unscheduled landing in
pilot's suspicions, police seized the
Arabs London and later flew on to New York.
and found several pistols in their luggage The wounded hijacker, held by British
was identified as Leila Khaled,
and two statements indicating they police,

planned to hijack an El Al plane. Police who had been involved in the hijacking of
the leaflets identified the men as aTWA 707 to Syria in 1969 and who had
members of an Arab commando group.) been released by the Syrians.
The other planes seized were: a Swiss-
Airline curbs— Several European air-
air DC-8, bound from Zurich, with 155
lines suspended cargo flights to Israel passengers and crew; a TWA
Feb. 22. They were Swissair, Air France, 707 from Frankfurt, with 151 passengers
Austrian Airlines and Royal Dutch Air- and crew; and a Pan American World
lines. British Overseas Airways Corp.
and Airways 747 jumbo jet, bound from
British European Airways imposed a Amsterdam with 152 passengers and a
hour ban on all freight service to Israel. crew of 1 7. The Swissair and TWA
BOAC continued bound for
to accept mail were flown to what was described as a
Israel. Olympic Airways of Greece
"revolution airport" in the desert at
nounced Feb. 23 a "temporary suspen- Zerqa, Jordan. The Pan Am
plane was
sion" of cargo and mail deliveries to firstflown to Beirut and after refueling,
flew to Cairo, where the aircraft was
Aharon Remez, Israel's ambassador to
blown up on the runway minutes after the
the flight restrictions
Britain, criticized passengers and crew were evacuated. The
BOAC BEA in a letter to the two
of and passengers were later flown to Rome on
carriers Feb. 22. He said their action another plane.
"can onlv be interpreted as a capitulation The PFLP held the occupants of the
to intimidation and encouragement to two planes Jordan as hostages for im-
continue air piracy and indiscriminate at- prisoned commandos in Israel, Great
tacks against airlines of all nationalities." Britain, Switzerland and West Germany.
The British government came in for at-
The Popular Front warned that it would
tack the House of Commons Feb. 23
in blow up the two planes with its passengers
for permitting the two airlines to
curb attacks in-
if the guerrillas, jailed for
flights to Israel. volving planes, were not freed by 10 p.m.
Ground crews at London's airport (New York Time) Sept. 9.
refused Feb. 24-25 to service airlines of
Switzerland and West Germany at
agreed to meet the commando de-
eight Arab countries and Israel's El Al first

airline for safety reasons. British Over-

mands^to release six Arab guerrillas held
in the two countries but reversed
seas Airways Corp. and British European

decisions Sept. 8 in favor of joint inter- regular Bombay-London route. The

national efforts to negotiate the passen- VC-10, with 105 passengers and a crew of
gers' release. ten, was ordered to land at Beirut for fuel
The guerrillas removed 127 passengers and to pick up a woman commando. Fol-
from the two planes in Jordan, mostly lowing orders relayed by commandos at
women and children, and housed them in the Beirut control tower radio, the plane
two hotels in Amman. A commando circled southern Lebanon and was flown
spokesman said they were free to leave to the desert airstrip near Amman later
Amman. The remaining passengers on Sept. 9.
the two aircraft, all males, were of Amer- The PFLP said Sept. 9 in Beirut that the
ican, Israeli, British and West German VC-10 and those aboard would be hos-
nationality. The planes were surrounded tages for the release of Leila Khaled, the
by the commandos and by an outer ring commando woman jailed in London after
of Jordanian army troops, including more her capture during the abortive hijacking
than 50 tanks and armored cars. attempt on the El Al 707 Sept. 6.
A PFLP spokesman in Beirut said The U.S., Britain, Switzerland and
Sept. 6 that the TWA and the Pan Am West Germany agreed to joint action
planes had been seized "to give the Amer- by working through the International
icans a lesson after they supported Is- Committee of the Red Cross. Three Red
rael all these years" and in retaliation Cross officials, named by the four govern-
for the U.S. peace initiative in the Mid- ments as a liaison group, arrived in Am-
dle East. The spokesman said the Swiss- man to confer with officials of the Popu-
air hijacking was in reprisal for the sen- lar Front for the Liberation of Palestine
tencing of three terrorists for their 1969 to seek release of the hostages.
attack on a plane in Zurich. U.S. Secretary of State William P.
The Brussels newspaper Le Soir had Rogers met in Washington Sept. 8 with
reported Sept. 5 the interception by ambassadors of 10 Arab countries. A
amateur radio operators of a message spokesman for the group, Kuwaiti Am-
from Interpol, the international police bassador Talat al Ghoussein, said after
organization, saying that a Palestinian the meeting that the hijackings "do not
commando force was on its way from serve the cause of the Palestinian people."
Beirut to Europe. El Al officials in Am- He said the Arab governments would
sterdam Sept. 6 refused to allow onto the "try to contact the guerrillas and con-
plane whose hijacking was attempted later vince them of this."
that day two men holding Senegalese The Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram
passports. When El Al informed Pan asserted Sept. 8 that the hijacking of
American Airways that suspected hi- the four airliners was harmful to the
jackers were aboard its 747 jumbo jet, guerrillas' cause. "One of the main goals
ground controllers warned the captain, of the battle is to gain world public opin-
who searched the two men but found ion on the side of the Palestinian struggle
nothing. They had hidden weapons under and not to lose it," Al Ahram said. "It
their seats. (According to the New York is evident that the attack on international
Times Sept. 13, all hijackings carried out civil aviation," the newspaper said, "does
by the PFLP since July 1968 were directed not encourage world feeling of solidarity
by Dr. Wadi Haddad, second in command with the Palestinian cause." Another
of the PFLP.) Egyptian newspaper, Al Akhbar, also
International efforts were begun Sept. 8 expressed opposition to the commandos'
to seek the release of the passengers held action Sept. 9, asserting that interna-
in Jordan. Meanwhile, security was tional reaction "reflects the denunciation
tightened at airports around the world and disgust of people against those who
in the wake of bomb threats against carry out such acts."
planes and in an attempt to prevent fur- The TWA, Swissair and BOAC planes
ther plane seizures. were blown up by the terrorists at the
Meanwhile, another plane, a British "revolution airport" in Jordan Sept. 12.
Overseas Airways Corp. (BOAC) VC-10 The destruction of the planes came at
jet, was seized Sept. 9. It was hijacked the end of a week of international efforts
after takeoff from Bahrein, a stop on its to secure release of the more than 300

passengers and crewmen seized aboard desert airstrip. The committee leader-
the jets. The efforts were made more ship, especially Yasir Arafat, head of the
complicated by a renewal of fight- committee and of the dominant Al Fatah
ing between Jordanian troops and com- commando organization, had criticized
mandos. the PFLP's actions, and particularly its
Despite the commandos' initial threats failure to move the passengers to Amman,
to blow up their captives with the planes, as bringing discredit on the entire com-
none was harmed and most of the pas- mando movement. The situation was
sengers and crews were permitted to leave made more difficult by the absence of the
Jordan soon after the jets were destroyed. PFLP leader, Dr. George Habash, who
However, at least 54 passengers and was reported to be visiting Communist
crewmen remained in commando hands China and North Korea to seek new arms
Sept. 15, hostages to the demands for supplies.
the release of commandos held by Great
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban
Britain, West Germany, Switzerland and
announced Sept. 15 that his government
would not be party to a unified agreement
The destruction of the three jetliners
with European governments to free Arab
was carried out by PFLP demolition men prisoners in exchange for the hostages.
15 minutes after the last of the passengers
His statement was understood to have
had left. Passengers reported that after been motivated by the inconclusive na-
the planes had been blown up, Jordanian ture of Red Cross talks with the com-
armored units, which had surrounded the mandos. Israel was reported Sept. to 1 1

desert airstrip for the past week, moved have agreed "in principle" to the release
to circle the passengers and their armed of some Arab guerrilla prisoners in ex-
commando escorts. The troops withdrew, change for all the hostages and an un-
however, after the guerrillas warned that specified number of Israeli prisoners of
the passengers would die with them if war.
there was any interference with the con-
Eban declared that the Arab terror-
ists held in Britain, West Germany and
The PFLP spokesman in Amman told Switzerland were common criminals
a news conference later Sept. 12 that the whose aim was "assault on the lives
planes had been destroyed earlier than of Israelis." "If the three governments
planned because of "a conspiracy by involved," he said, "are prepared to
various imperialist powers to abort this consider, out of dire distress, purchasing
operation." The PFLP originally had the liberation of all the hijacked persons
set a 10 p.m. Sept. 12 deadline for de-
by these releases, it must under no cir-
struction of the planes if its demands for cumstances be claimed that the contri-
the release of imprisoned commandos bution is in any other coin than that of
had not been met. the safety of Israelis."
The Liberation Organiza-
tion's maincoordinating body, the
*Commando radio broadcasts from Baghdad, re-
commando Central Committee, sus- corded Sept. 1by the BBC Monitoring Service, gave

pended the Marxist PFLP from mem- the following text of the Central Committee policy
bership Sept. 12 for its destruction of statement on the hijacked aircraft: "The committee
has decided the following: ( ) To transfer all the pas-
the aircraft. A statement broadcast by I

sengers to Amman. ... (2) To release all passengers

the committee said the PFLP had of various nationalities with the exception of Israelis
pledged to follow policy guidelines set by of military capacity. These passengers wiU be re-
the Central Committee Sept. 10 on the leased when an official statement is issued by the
foreign countries concerned that they are ready to
release of the jets and passengers,* and free the Palestinian girl and other fedayeen held . . .

that "the Central Committee was sur- in Western Germany, Switzerland and Britain. (3) To

prised by the PFLP's violation of the release the three aircraft and their crews as soon as
the fedayeen in question arrive in Jordan or in any
afore-mentioned decisions."
other Arab country. ... (4) To hold the Zionist pas-
Relations between the PFLP and the sengers of military capacity in Amman until an
more moderate commando elements agreement is reached in the current negotiations
with the Red Cross on the release by the Zionist au-
heading the Central Committee had been
thorities occupying Palestine of a number of Pal-
increasingly strained during the week the estinian men and women fedayeen imprisoned in

airliners and passengers were held at the enemy jails."


The remaining hostages were freed by 330 civilians. (Israel's combat fatalities
the guerrillas in separate groups Sept. 25, in the June 1967 war had been listed as
26 and 29 as part of a deal for the release 759.) According to the Israelis, guerrilla
of Arab terrorists held in Europe. losses were "close to 600 killed" near
Sixteen Swiss, German and British the truce lines, and hundreds more in the
nationals, abandoned by their guerrilla west bank area. About 1,500 guerrillas
captors in the Wahdat refugee camp near had been arrested or captured.
Amman, were discovered by Jordanian
army troops Sept. 25.
Thirty-two American hostages were re- Commando Shift to Jordan. Al Fatah
leader Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Pal-
leased to Red Cross custody Sept. 26,
after being held in various places around estine Liberation Organization's (PLO)
executive committee, announced plans to
shift a large part of his guerrilla force
The final six American hostages-
from Egypt and Syria to Jordan, the
three U.S. government officials, two
Jewish rabbis and a teacher were — Cairo newspaper Al Ahram reported
Feb. 6, 1969. The force was said to con-
handed over Sept. 29 to the Red Cross,
sistof three battalions: 3,800 men in
whose Geneva headquarters announced
Egypt, 3,000 in Syria and 1,200 attached
their release.
to an Iraqi division in Jordan.
A Swiss government official Sept. 29
Arafat and the PLO's executive com-
said that Switzerland, Britain and West
mittee conferred in Amman Feb. 16 with
Germany would release a total of seven
Jordanian King Hussein. It was believed
Arab guerrillas when the six Americans
to be the first meeting between Hussein
had safely Jordan. According to the
and a PLO executive chairman.
New York Times Sept. 29, Swiss au-
Al Fatah officials had reported in Cairo
thorities expected Israel to release as a
Feb. 13 that Israeli Defense Minister
"humanitarian" gesture 10 captured
Moshe Dayan had sent a message to Ara-
Lebanese soldiers and two Algerians
fat informing him that he was ready to
taken from an airliner Aug. 14. The meet with the guerrilla leader. Arafat
seven terrorists held by Western govern- had not responded to the request. The Al
ments were freed Sept. 30. Fatah officials said Dayan had released
an Arab prisoner to carry the message to

Arab States & Terrorists

Iraq Curbs Commandos. The Lebanese
Communist newspaper Al Nida reported
UAR Linked to Raiders. An Israeli pro- April 17, 1969 that Iraq had curbed the
test to the U.N. Security Council Feb. activitiesof commandos operating there.
12, 1969 charged that Egypt had "come In a note dated March 31, the secre-
out openly in full support" of Arab guer- tary of Iraq's ruling Revolutionary
rillas in campaign against Israel.
their Command Council, Chafic al-Daraji, had
Israeli delegate Yosef Tekoah asserted ordered the Palestine Liberation Orga-
in a message to Council President Ar- nization (PLO) to work through a newly
mand Berard of France that Cairo was established Iraqi-controlled "Arab Lib-
organizing and directing the commandos. eration Front." The note complained
Israeli sources reported that between that PLO members had ignored Bagh-
June 6, 1967 and Dec. 31, 1968 Israel had dad's orders to keep Iraqi military in-
been subjected to 1,288 acts of sabotage telligence authorities informed of "mat-
and border incidents: 920 in the Jordan- ters pertaining to their presence in
Israel sector, 166 in the Egyptian sector, Iraq." Specifically the PLO was accused
37 in the Syrian sector, 35 in the Leba- of holding unauthorized rallies and fund
nese sector, 130 in the Gaza Strip. These drives and of establishing contacts with
incidents reportedly had claimed the lives "certain Iraqi political organizations."
of 234 Israeli soldiers and 47 civilians The note suggested that the PLO es-
and had wounded 765 Israeli soldiers and tablish training camps at Al Rutbah,

close to the Jordanian border. It said the mit "freedom of commando activity"
guerrillas must not operate outside the in Lebanon and "freedom of movement
battle ground "and must concentrate in and supply" in the country.
Jordan. There is no reason for them to Pierre Gemayel, head of the Phalan-
be in Iraq." gist Party, Lebanon's largest political
In another anti-guerrilla action, the organization, proposed April 26 that Al
Iraqi radio was reported to have dis- Fatah leader Yasir Arafat mediate the
continued Al Fatah's daily one-hour pro- dispute between the commandos and the
gram from Cairo. Lebanese government. Expressing fears
Ibrahim Bakr, deputy chairman of the of Israeli retaliation, Gemayel said of
PLO*s executive committee, said in the guerrillas: "Their crossing of Leba-
Beirut April 18 that as a result of meet- nese territory would cost us the occupa-
ings he had held with Iraqi leaders in tion of a large part of our southern dis-
Baghdad, Iraq's restrictions against the trict," which bordered Israel.
commandos could be disregarded. Iraq,
he said, had agreed to support increased
guerrilla operations.
Lebanese Army Post Besieged. Pales-
tinian commandos surrounded an army
post in Lebanon April 29, but Lebanese
Lebanon Fights Commando Backers.
troops lifted the siege April 30. Several
Lebanese Premier Rashid Karami re-
signed April 24, 1969 following clashes men were wounded. The operation was
between security forces and demonstra- part of Lebanon's drive to prevent guer-
rilla attacks against Israel.
tors demanding an end to government re-
strictions against guerrillas who sought The attackers were members of Saiqah,
to use Lebanon as a base for attacks on the commandos of the Palestinian branch
Israel. of Syria's Baath party, and were said
The pro-commandodemonstrations to be controlled by the Damascus
were called by the Progressive Socialist government. The Lebanese army post,
Party, the Arab Nationalist Movement, situated between the villages of Merj
the Baath party and the Communist Ayun and Hasbeya, six miles from the
Party. All were illegal except the Social- Israeli frontier and miles from the
1 1

ists. Syrian border, was astride a commando

Karami submitted his resignation after infiltration route from Syria. It was re-
two Abdullah Yaffi and
ex-premiers, ported that since the Israeli attack on
Saab Salal, had charged in parliamen- the Beirut International Airport Dec.
tary debate April 24 that the government 28, 1968, Saiqah and other guerrilla
was unduly harsh in suppressing the dem- units, totaling about 1,000 men, had
onstrators. (A resolution adopted April massed on the southern Lebanese
25 by the Council of the Ulemas, the border facing Israel. Lebanese police
Moslem religious teachers, demanded a and troops reportedly had sought to
parliamentary investigation of the "tough curb their operations.
methods" used by the government to The siege of the army post followed
quell the riots. The group called on the weeks of friction between the govern-
government to release arrested demon- ment forces and commandos in the area,
strators and to permit guerrillas in Leba- including a guerrilla attempt to kidnap
non to attack Israel.) a police officer. The army garrison's
Alluding to fears of Israeli retaliation radio appeal for outside help brought
against Lebanon for guerrilla attacks, armored units to the scene, and the
Karami told parliament: "There are two Saiqah men were driven off after some
sides in Lebanon, one saying commando shooting.
from Leba-
action should be carried out Yasir Arafat, leader of Al Fatah, con-
non, whatever the circumstances," and ferred with Lebanese officials in Beirut
another saying "the commandos repre- May 8-12 in an attempt to mediate the
sent a danger to Lebanon. ."
. . dispute between the government and the
An Al Fatah statement April 25 de- commandos. Arafat reportedly failed to
manded that the Beirut government per- persuade Beirut to permit the free

movement of guerrillas from Lebanon broiled Israel, the Soviet Union and the
into Syria and to allow them to useLeb- U.S. in the growing Middle East crisis.
anese territory to attack Israel. Lebanon, The crisis appeared to ease as a tacit
however, was said to have offered sev- cease-fire went into effect throughout
eral concessions. It agreed to recognize Lebanon Oct. 27.
the "presence" of the commandos in Damascus denounced Lebanon Oct. 24
Lebanon. for announcing the previous day that
The commando delegation said May tanks and armored cars were massing on
12 that in the talks it had rejected any its Syrian frontier and that a force of 200
"tutelage of the Palestinian revolution," men had been seen climbing a hill toward
and "limitation of the area of operation the Lebanese border. These reports, the
of the commandos." Damascus broadcast charged, were
Taking part in the Beirut talks until meant to give- the erroneous impression
May 11 was Dr. Hassan Sabry al-Kholy, that Syria was about to attack Lebanon.
special representative of U.A.R. Presi- Syria assailed Beirut for its drive against
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser. the guerrillas in the south and vowed
An Al Fatah broadcast May 9 had ap- that it would intensify the measures it
pealed to the "Lebanese masses, the had taken against Lebanon.
army and students" not to "stand by
idly while the conspiracy against the
A force of about 300 men, reported to
be Al Fatah, crossed into Lebanon from
commandos is fulfilled."
Syria Oct. 25 and occupied the village of
Yanta, six miles inside the country,
astride the Damascus-Beirut highway.
Lebanon Battles Commandos. Leba-
The invaders also laid siege to the nearby
non's stepped-up campaign to curb the
village of Deir Al Ashaer. In announcing
activities of anti-Israeli Palestinian com-
the incursion, the Lebanese government
mando groups operating in Lebanon pre- said the force included 20 trucks, eight
cipitated a major military confrontation
military vehicles towing 120-mm. mortars
between the government and the guerril-
and five tanks. The statement said Leba-
las. Scores were killed and wounded in nese troops had taken up positions a few
fighting between both sides and in guer-
miles west of Yanta to prevent a further
rilla-instigated riots and clashes in guerrilla advance. Beirut held Syria
Beirut and Tripoli Oct. 18-25, 1969.
responsible for permitting the guerrilla
In submitting his resignation for the
force to enter Lebanon.
second time in just under six months,
Karami Oct. 22 dissociated himself from An Al Fatah broadcast from Cairo Oct.
government forces' attacks on the guerril- 25 appealed to "honest elements" in the
las. Karami praised the commandos Lebanese army to revolt against their
Lebanese to maintain officers and "imperialist agents" in the
and appealed to
their national unity and not to permit
armed forces who "carry out the instruc-
tions of the CIA." Al Fatah insisted that
"imperialist and Zionist agents" to
it wanted to use Lebanese territory as
undermine the country's security.
"a base and a passageway for comman-
Syria exerted pressure against Beirut
dos" in their military actions against
Oct. 21 by closing its borders with Leba- Israeli villages and military positions on
non and prohibiting Syrian citizens the Lebanese border.
from traveling to Lebanon. Damascus
threatened "firmer and more effective The clashes were halted by a secret
measures" to stop Lebanese army attacks Lebanese-commando peace agreement
on the guerrillas. A Baghdad announce-
Nov. 3, but serious new commando
attacks on Lebanese forces broke out
ment Oct. 22 pledged that Iraq would
again Nov. 20.
provide the guerrillas with material and
diplomatic support. At least 30 persons were killed and
The clashes threatened an open break more than 80 were wounded March 24-27,
between Lebanon and Syria (which vowed 1970 in clashes in Lebanon between com-
strong support for the guerrillas), prompt- mandos and armed civilian followers of
ed the resignation of Lebanese Premier the Christian Phalangist Party, which
Rashid Karami Oct. 22 and further em- opposed the presence of the guerrillas

in the country. Lebanese army troops ence of commando leaders in Lebanon

were involved in some of the fighting. Oct. 30. In the talks, presided over by
Arafat, the commandos agreed to these
measures restricting their activities in
the country: the offices set up by the 10
U.S. centers hit in Lebanon. The ex-
separate commando groups in Lebanon's
tremist Popular Front for the Liberation
15 Palestinian refugee camps would be
of Palestine carried out seven rocket
replaced by centers in each camp under
and bomb attacks against U.S. property
the authority of the Palestine Liberation
in Beirut and southern Lebanon March
Organization, the commandos' coordinat-
28-29, 1970. There were no casualties and
ing group headed by Arafat; the com-
little damage.
mandos would establish a centralized
A PFLP statement March 29 said the
fund-raising office in Beirut; the com-
raids were in retaliation for "plans of the
mandos would no longer wear uniforms
United States embassy in Beirut to
and carry arms in public.
foment religious strife and create civil
massacres in Lebanon aimed at paralyz-
ing the Palestine resistance movement." Jordan-Commando Clashes. At least 30
The statement the March
referred to persons were killed or wounded in clashes
24-27 clashes between the Palestinian between Jordanian troops and Palestinian
commandos and armed civilian followers guerrillas in the Amman area Feb. 10-12,
of the Christian Phalangist Party. 1970.
The PFLP attacks were directed near The was precipitated by com-
the U.S. embassy and the American In- mando violation of a government decree
surance Co. in Beirut March 28 and the issued Feb. 10. restricting their activities
U.S. -owned Medreco oil refinery near in order to prevent a possible challenge
Sidon and the John F. Kennedy Library to King Hussein's rule. The directive
and the Bank of America in Beirut barred commandos from carrying arms in
March 29. towns, gave them two weeks to turn in
caches of weapons and explosives, banned
demonstrations and unauthorized pub-
Lebanese Curbs. Palestinian com- lications and outlawed political party
mandos were reported 1970
Oct. 31, activity.
to have agreed
reorganize their
to Al Fatah, speaking for all 10 Pales-
movement in Lebanon in order to improve tinian guerrilla groups in Jordan, de-
relations with the Beirut regime. The clared in a broadcast Feb. 10 that the
commando decision followed demands by decree was a U.S. -supported attempt to
the Lebanese that the guerrillas stop disarm the Palestinians in preparation
using Lebanon as a base for firing rockets for a settlement with Israel. Al Fatah
into Israel. reported Feb. that all the commando
1 1

The government pressure came after units had agreed to be represented by a

residents of the Marjyun border dis- Unified Command to insure unity in their
trict insouthern Lebanon staged an un- dealings with Hussein.
usual anti-commando demonstration in The clashes were ended by a suspension
protest against a guerrilla rocket attack of the government decree agreed to in
into Israel from the neighboring border talks between Hussein and commando
village of Qaliah Oct. 25. The protesters representatives Feb. 11-12. The accord
feared that the shelling would provoke provided for immediate discussions to
Israel into more retaliatory attacks on resolve all outstanding differences be-
Lebanon. The demonstrators set up road- tween the two sides.
blocks in the area and called on Lebanese A further government-commando ac-
troops and policemen to stop the com- cord reached Feb. 22 said that both sides
mando raids. were in "full understanding on strength-
The controversy was reported Oct. 27 ening national unity and on mobilization
to have been discussed at a meeting of of the masses in Jordan so they may stand
Lebanese Premier Saeb Salam and united with the gallant Jordanian forces
Yasir Arafat, leader of the guerrillas. and the struggling resistance organiza-
These talks were followed by a confer- tions."

Although specific provisions of the June 11 said Hussein disclosed that

agreement were not made public, they his bodyguard was killed and five other
were said to permit the commandos to persons were wounded in the attack.
exercise their own discipline, with the Reuters news service reported Hussein
understanding that they refrain from was wounded in the ambush.
carrying arms in public and not appear The truce pact was reached in nego-
in uniform in the main cities. tiations between Hussein and Yasir
Maj. Gen. Mohammed Rassoul Ki- Arafat, leader of Al Fatah. It called for
lani, who reportedly advocated a tough the return of all guerrilla forces to their
policy against the commandos, was re- barracks, the establishment of joint con-
moved as Jordanian interior minister trols and checkpoints, the release of
Feb. 23. prisoners and the formation of two com-
mittees to investigate the cause of the
clashes and to prevent their recurrence.
Jordan Troops Fight Guerrillas. About Lt. Gen. Hammad Shehab, the Iraqi
200 persons were killed and 500 were chief of staff, acted as mediator in the
wounded in clashes between Jordanian Hussein-Arafat talks.
army troops and Palestinian guerrillas in The PFLP rejected the truce agree-
and around Amman June 6-10, 1970; ment and demanded instead the abolition
90% of the victims were civilians. The of what it called the government's anti-
fighting stopped when King Hussein commando organizations and the dis-
yielded to commando demands that he missal of officials believed to be hostile
oust two top army officers accused by the to the commandos.
commandos of plotting with the U.S. Following further talks with Arafat
against the Palestinian cause. June 11, Hussein yielded to PFLP de-
The Syrian government June 11 pro- mands and dismissed his uncle, Maj.
claimed support for the Palestinian com- Gen. Nasser Ben-Jamil as commander
in chief and Maj. Gen. Zaid Ben-Shaker
mandos in their fighting with the Jor-
danian government. as commander of the Third Armored
Damascus radio
called on Jordanian soldiers to stop Division, which surrounded Amman.
shooting at the commandos. The commandos accused Ben-Jamil
of collaborating with U.S. intelligence
The underlying cause of the violence officials. An Al Fatah broadcast from
remained commando opposition to Jor-
Cairo June 10 had labeled him as "the
danian government attempts to restrain
head of the anticommando conspiracy"
their operations against Israel.
and called Ben-Shaker a co-conspirator.
In an outgrowth of the disturbances, The commandos had assailed Ben-
the U.S. military attache in Amman was Shaker for harsh repression of the guer-
shot to death, another American aide rillas. Hussein reportedly rejected a
was abducted and then released, a num- commando demand to deport Ben-Jamil
ber of foreigners, including Americans, and Ben-Shaker along with Rasoul al-
were held hostage but later freed, and Kallani, the former chief of security,
pro-commando mobs in Beirut burned and former Premier WasfiTell. Kallani
the Jordanian embassy. had been accused by the Al Fatah broad-
The brunt of the fighting for the com- cast of being a co-conspirator. These
mandos was believed conducted by the men reportedly had been members of
Popular Front for the Liberation of an intelligence board whose aim was to
Palestine (PFLP). undermine the commandos.
King Hussein was the target of an Premier Bahjat al-Talhouni reported
assassination attempt June 9. A govern- June 13 that a government motorcade
ment broadcast said his motorcade carrying Maj. Gen. Mashur Haditha,
came under "criminal attack" near army chief of staff, had been fired on
Suweilih, a small town west of Amman, that day near Amman. Five of the gen-
where the king had a summer villa. eral's guards were wounded, he said.
Hussein was reported returning to his According to a commando broadcast of
palace in Amman to deal with the crisis the incident, joint action by comman-
at the time. An Amman broadcast dos and troops loyal to King Hussein had

blocked an advance on Amman of tanks consisted of 112 members, representing

operated by a dissident force. The broad- the commandos, students, workers and
cast said the dissidents were followers individual leaders of the Palestinian
of Gen. Ben-Jamil. community in various Arab countries.
U.S.aide slain —
Maj. Robert Perry, The Supreme Military Council, com-
posed of the 10 commando groups, di-
34, military attache in Amman,
was shot to death by commandos in his vided Jordan into several military zones
home in the Jordanian capital June 10. and appointed a separate command for
A State Department statement said guerrillas operating from each zone.
Perry was killed by automatic-weapons The Central Committee constituted
fireat close range through the locked the highest political authority for the
doors of his house when guerrillas at- commandos.
tempted to enter. The 10 commando groups in the Cen-
In other incidents involving members tral Committee were: Al Fatah, the
of the U.S. embassy, Morris Draper, largest of the groups; As Saiqah, the
42, head of the embassy's political divi- second largest group, sponsored by the
sion, was kidnaped by commandos ruling Baath party of Syria; the Popular
June 7 as he drove to a dinner party in Front for the Liberation of Palestine;
Amman. He was released unharmed the Popular Democratic Front for the
June 8 following contacts between Liberation of Palestine; the Popular
the Jordanian government and the Front for the Liberation of Palestine
commandos. The guerrillas had said (General Command); and the Palestine
Draper was being held for the release of Arab Organization (the last three had
commandos captured in the fighting broken away from the PFLP); the Ac-
with Jordanian troops. tion Group for the Liberation of Pales-
Sixty foreigners held hostage by tine, an offshoot of Al Fatah; the Arab
the commandos in two Amman hotels Liberation Front, sponsored by the
for three days were released June 12 as Iraqi Baath party; the Popular Libera-
peace was restored in the capital. Most tion Forces, the military branch of the

of those freed were Americans and Bri- PLO; and the Popular Struggle Front.
tons. announcing their release, Dr.
In Only four of the 10 groups were repre-
George Habash, head of the PFLP, told sented on the PLO executive committee.
a gathering of the hostages in one of They were Al Fatah, As Saiqah, the
the hotels: "Believe me —
and I am not Popular Democratic Front for the Lib-

joking we were determined to blow up eration of Palestine and the Popular
the hotels with the hostagesin them if Liberation Forces.
we had been smashed in our camps." The Palestine National Council also
A guerrilla spokesman had said June 10 established a joint committee of com-
that the hostages were being held to mandos and leftist organizations in Jor-
force the Jordanian army to halt the dan and Lebanon. The inclusion of the
shelling of guerrilla positions in refugee PFLP on the Central Committee was
camps. the first time that organization became
involved in any overall commando

Arab commandos reorganize. A new

27-man Central Committee of the 10 Jordan-commando accord. An agree-
Palestinian commando organizations ment aimed at settling the long-standing
was formed at an emergency meeting of dispute between Jordan and the Pales-
all the guerrilla groups in the Palestine tinian commandos was signed in Am-
Armed Struggle Command in Jordan man July 10, 1970. It had been worked
June 9, 1970. Yasir Arafat was elected com- out by representatives of Egypt, Libya,
mander in chief of all Palestinian forces. Sudan and Algeria.
The decision to reorganize the com- The accord, signed by Jordanian Pre-
mando leadership had been made at a mier Abdel Moneim Rifai and by Yasir
meeting of the Palestine National Coun- Arafat, chairman of the Central Com-
cil May 29-June 4 in Cairo. The council mittee of the Palestine Liberation Or-

ganization, reasserted most of the terms crackdown on the commandos are com-
of the agreement reached after previous pletely untrue, and the aim of these ru-
Jordanian-commando clashes in Feb- mors is to create confusion."
ruary. Its principal points: The attempt on Hussein's life pointed
The commandos would remove their up the continued opposition of the Pales-
forces from Amman and other major tinian commandos to Jordan's decision
towns, but a civilian militia would be to enter peace talks with Israel. The in-
permitted to remain under supervision cident followed clashes Aug. 26-30 be-
of a joint government-commando com- tween Jordanian army troops and the
mittee. commandos in Amman.
The commandos would refrain from:
carrying arms in public places, using un-
licensed vehicles, military training with Clashes resume in Jordan. Two weeks
live ammunition, storing heavy weapons of sporadic but heavy fighting between
and explosives in populated centers and commandos and Jordanian toops led to
maintaining bases in towns. the installation of a military government
The commandos would obey Jordanian by King Hussein Sept. 16. The prior gov-
statutes, hand over law violators and ernment, headed by Premier Abdel Mon-
refuse to accept recruits liable for service eim Rifai, was reported to have been
in the Jordanian army. dismissed by Hussein Sept. 15 when he
Amman government pledged to
The learned terms of a truce agreement
support the Palestinian guerrilla move- negotiated with the commandos an —
ment and to bar any government body agreement that reportedly would have
from carrying out acts detrimental to turned control of Jordan's major cities
the commandos. over to the guerrilla leaders. The truce
negotiated by the Rifai government was
the fourth to be concluded with the com-
mandos during the two week period.
Palestinians urge war. Arab guerrillas The fighting had broken out following
called for a continued military struggle the attempt to assassinate Hussein.
against Israel at a meeting of the Palestin-
The fourth truce agreement was worked
ian National Council in Amman Aug.
out with the aid of Arab League me-
diators and was signed Sept. 15 by Rifai
Resolutions adopted by the delegates
and PLO Central Committee Chairman
Aug. 28 denounced a U.S. peace initia- Yasir Arafat. The agreement called
tive that had brought about negotiations
for replacing army guards by police
between Israel, Jordan and Egypt. The units throughout Amman, reductions in
council said that anyone opposed to the
army strength near the capital and the
Palestinians' campaign to destroy Israel
evacuation of all new positions by both
"is a traitor to his cause and the revolu-
tion and deserves severe punishment." commandos were to
In addition, the
remove roadblocks and stop all inter-
ception, interrogation and arrest proce-
Hussein escapes assassination. Jordan- dures. The army agreed not to intercept
ian King Hussein escaped injury when commandos. The post office, power
would-be assassins fired on his motorcade plant and water stations would continue
in Amman Sept. 1, 1970. to be guarded by units of both sides.
incident was followed by an ex- The agreement, to go into effect
change of gunfire between Jordanian Sept. 16, was presented by Rifai to King
army troops and Palestinian commandos Hussein, who reportedly declared that
hostile to Hussein in and around Amman. he "had been betrayed." The king im-
A government communique issued after mediately dismissed the Rifai govern-
the attack declared: "The Jordanian gov- ment.
ernment assures the Jordanian people Hussein announced the formation of
and the Arab nation that the situation in the military cabinet Sept. 16.
the capital and the kingdom is under full The new government was headed by
control. Any rumors by the army of a Brig. Mohammed Daoud as premier

and minister of foreign affairs and jus- surrounded and attacked the Al-Hus-
tice and included five other generals, seini and Wahdat refugee camps, sites of
two colonels and three majors. However, commando operational headquarters.
Hussein simultaneously named Field Hussein's military government charged
Marshal Habes al-Majali to replace Maj. in a broadcast that the guerrillas began
Gen. Mashur Haditha as commander in the fighting by firing on the army's gen-
chief of the army and military governor eral staff headquarters shortly before
of Jordan. Real authority was believed dawn. The commando radio denied the
to be in Majali's hands. account, asserting that the army started
Hussein's letter appointing Daoud the shooting by opening fire on the two
ordered him to implement the cease-fire Palestinian refugee camps.
agreement negotiated with commando By 5 p.m. the official Amman radio
leaders by Rifai. Government spokesmen announced that the government troops
said Sept.16 that the military leaders were in command of the city except for
were aiming at a "Lebanese" solution scattered pockets of guerrilla resistance.
under which commandos would be con- As the fighting ebbed in the capital at
centrated in border areas adjacent to sunset, the clashes in the north increased
Israel. A spokesman for Al Fatah, the in intensity. At Zerqa, 13 miles north-

largest guerrilla group, said Sept. 16 that east of Amman, government forces over-
the commandos would not leave their ran a guerrilla redoubt that had once been
strongholds in the cities of northern the staging area for commando forays
Jordan. against Israel.
The Central Committee of the Pales- Fierce house-to-house fighting con-
tine Liberation Organization rejected the tinued in Amman Sept. 18.
military government Sept. 16 as the prod- A large force of the guerrillas, fighting
uct of "a fascist military coup." It or- from behind a column of Syrian tanks,
dered commandos to hold their positions Sept. 21 routed Hussein's forces in north-
and fortify them against attack by the ern Jordan. The guerrilla radio reported
army. that all the cities in the north, except
Central Committee statements broad- Amman, had fallen to the commandos.
cast that day by the commando radio
stations in Baghdad and Damascus said
Jordanian tanks rolled across the desert
Sept. 23, pushing back a guerrilla force
that the Popular Front for the Libera-
that had driven a wedge between govern-
tion of Palestine had been readmitted to
ment forces in the north and south. Syrian
the committee and that all guerrilla units
tanks that had spearheaded the guerrilla
were now under the command of Yasir
Arafat. The committee called for a general
advance were chased back across the bor-
der into Syria after constant pounding
strike Sept. 17 to help it topple the govern-
from a squadron of Jordan jets. Field
The Baghdad and Damascus broad- Marshal Majali announced a cease-fire
casts made it clear that the commandos order in Amman. The order was ignored,
however, as both sides continued to ex-
had the backing of the Iraqi and Syrian
governments. The Damascus broad- change small-arms fire throughout the
new city. King Hussein said Sept. 23 that most
casts said that Syria considered the
Jordanian government the puppet of of the capital was under government con-
trol. He said he believed "the brunt of the
an imperialist plot to destroy the Arab
commando movement. problem" was over.
Columns of tanks and troops under or- Hussein later noted an agreement be-
ders of the new military government tween his government and four captured
entered Amman at dawn Sept. 17 and commando chiefs that he said amounted
immediately engaged Palestinian guer- to capitulation by the guerrillas. The ac-
rillas emplaced in buildings throughout cord was repudiated in a broadcast from
the Jordanian capital. The fighting Damascus by Arafat who called it a
quickly spread to other parts of the coun- "conspiracy." He said the four guerrilla
try. officers, two of them line officers in his

The was in the capital,

fiercest fighting chain of command, "do not represent the
where Jordanian tanks and infantry units Palestine Resistance at this time."


The ebbed Sept. 24 as

level of fighting The two key provisions in the 14-point
Arafat announced shortly after mid- agreement provided that (1) Hussein
night that he would meet with four envoys would continue in control but under the
representing the Arab chiefs of state who supervision of other Arab nations until
were meeting in Cairo to seek an end to the situation in Jordan could be nor-
the civil war. malized and (2) the guerrillas would have
Fighting ends in cease-fire accord — full support of the Arab world until "full
liberation and victory over the aggres-
Peace returned to Jordan for the first time
sive Israeli enemy." The accord also in-
in 10 days Sept. 25 as King Hussein's
government and the Arab commando cluded the following major points:
leadership jointly ordered an immediate Withdrawal of Jordanian forces to
nationwide cease-fire. areas three miles outside of Amman.
At the time of the cease-fire, Jordanian
forces controlled nearly all of Amman Withdrawal of guerrilla forces from
and had pushed north to encircle guerrilla Amman to a new position suitable for
forces holding Irbid, Ramtha and Jarash.
staging commando raids against Israel.
A Jordanian general told newsmen that The transfer of power and responsi-
the Arab commando leadership had bility for the administration of internal
agreed to the cease-fire to freeze the security from military to civilian authori-
military position and prevent a worsening ties.
of their situation.
Hussein forms new government King — Jordan recognizes Al Fatah Jorda- —
nian Information Minister Adnan Abuh
Hussein Sept. 26 appointed a new civilian-
military government of "national recon-
Odeh said Oct. 1 that in the future his
ciliation" to replace the all-military gov-
government would recognize only one
of the 10 Arab guerrillas organizations
ernment he installed 1 1 days before on
Al Fatah, headed by Yasir Arafat. As-
the eve of his drive to crush the Arab
serting that all other guerrilla groups
commando movement.
were illegal, Odeh said "We are not
The new cabinet of seven civilians and
going to suppress anyone, but we want
sixarmy officers was to be headed by
to deal only with Fatah." He suggested
Ahmed Toukan.
that members of the other commando
The military retained the key defense
forces join Al Fatah.
and interior ministries in the new govern-
ment. A senior army officer, Brig.
Mazen Ajluni, the deputy military
governor under Majali, was also re- Commandos quit north Jordan. Pales-
tained the new cabinet as minister of
in tinian commandos began withdrawing
state for the premier's office. from towns in northern Jordan Oct. 6 in
The commandos assailed Hussein and accordance with the Sept. 27 agreement.
his new cabinet through a spokesman in The guerrillas were moving to encamp-
Damascus. The spokesman for the Cen- ments in the countryside and some were
tral Committee said the appointment of reported going to Syria.
the new cabinet "does not change our at-
Both guerrillas and Jordanian troops
titude in the least. Nor will it make any
had begun moving out of Amman Sept.
change in the situation, as long as the
30 in implementation of the Cairo ac-
royal regime exists and the real criminals,
cord; the pullout was reported complete
first and foremost King Hussein, are in
Oct. 4. The government forces took up
positions along the front line with Israel.
The troop withdrawals were supervised
Agreement ends Jordanian civil war. by a truce team of 100 Arab officers from
King Hussein of Jordan and Yasir Arafat Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and
met with Arab chiefs of state in Cairo Tunisia.
Sept. 27 and joined them in signing a 14- A truce pact to restore peace in
point agreement that called for an im- northern Jordan, supplemental to the
mediate end to the fighting in the 10-day Sept. 27 Cairo agreement, had been
Jordanian civil war. signed Oct. by Jordanian army officers

and guerrilla representatives in Ramtha. to the Israelis, Halma was the principal
Principal points of the agreement: Al Fatah training base in Syria and Leb-
Both sides were to withdraw their anon and served as the group's logistic
headquarters. Halma also was said to be
armored units from the Ramtha-Irbid-
Jerash triangle. the staging area for guerrillas trained in
would be per- the U.A.R., Algeria and Communist
All unarmed units
Amman or other China.
mitted to go south to
Guerrillas must keep their weapons
New Arab Commando Group. A new
at theirbases or in their homes and
commando group, called the Arab Or-
must not carry them in the streets. of Sinai, was reported by
prisoners were to be set free.
All Cairo to have carried out its first raids be-
(Jordan reported Oct. 6 that at least hind Israeli lines inthe Sinai Peninsula
10,400 guerrillas had been released March 23, 1969. In one raid, the at-
from detention camps the previous day, tackers, using portable rockets, were
bringing to a total of 18,882 the number said to have destroyed an Israeli com-
of commandos freed since the Cairo mand center and radar site at El Borg,
agreement.) 10 miles east of the Suez Canal in the
The cease-fire continued to be punc- northern part of the peninsula. In another
tuated by clashes. A Jordanian tank raid, the guerrillas reportedly struck at
force advancing toward Ramtha was Israel artillery and supply positions at
attacked by guerrillas Sept. 30. One Ein Moussa, on the eastern shore of the
tank was blown up by a commando Red Sea.

Israel Jordan. Jordan charged

March that 18 civilians had
26, 1969
Guerrilla Attacks, been day when four Israeli
killed that
Israeli Retaliation jets bombed roadside rest houses at Ein
Khanzir, on the outskirts of the town of
Salt, 16 miles north of Amman. The
U.N. Security Council, at Jordan's re-
Israeli Jets Bomb Syria. In the first air quest, took up the incident March 27
raid on Syria since the 1967 war, Israeli and April 1 censured Israel for the raid.
jets Feb. 24, 1969 bombed sites on
France and the Soviet Union joined
Damascus-Beirut road allegedly used as the majority in voting for the resolution.
bases for Al Fatah. The U.S., Britain, Colombia and Para-
Israeli authorities reported that the guay abstained.
planes bombed guerrilla camps at Halma
The vote by the Council was the first
and Maisalun, in the vicinity of Da- since the 1967 war that failed to take a
mascus. The report said that hundreds of unanimous stand on a cease-fire viola-
commandos were caught in their build- tion. Yosef Tekoah, the Israeli represen-
ings and tents in the 30-minute strike and tative, said this was a clear indication
that two Syrian MiG-21s were downed by that the U.S. and Britain were opposed
Israeli pilots in four air clashes during the to Arab guerrilla and terrorist attacks
operations. Israel said all its planes re- on Israel, while the Soviet Union backed
turned safely, refuting Syrian claims that the Arab "terror organizations."
3 Israeli Mirages had been shot down.
U.S. Ambassador Charles Yost said
Israeli military authorities said the air
that the U.S. could not vote for a resolu-
strike was in retaliation for increased
tion that did not hold Arab terrorists
terrorist attacks from Syrian bases on the
equally to blame. "Death is just as final
Israeli-held Golan Heights. The Israelis
and as shocking if it comes from a bomb
charged that 12 such raids had occurred
in a supermarket or from a bomb from the
in the previous two weeks. Syria had al-
ways supported the commandos but only
recently had permitted them to infiltrate
Yoseph Tekoah charged that Amman
across the border into Israel. According was playing a major role "in warfare

by terror against the people of Israel" ists and the Iraqi expeditionary forces
"since Jordanian territory serves as the and without them."
main jumping-off ground for attacks Israeli jets attacked Jordan June 22.
against Israel." Jordan, he charged, "is The 45-minute raid against targets at
the central base of the terror operations." Arab el Hassan and Khirbet el Barka
Thus, the Israeli attack on the Salt area were described by Israeli officials as
"was an act of self-defense," Tekoah said. retaliation for the Arab shelling earlier
Tekoah warned that if the Arab govern- June 22 of a settlement near Beison in
ments were "unwilling to stop" guer- northern Israel.
rilla raids on Israel, then Israel "must Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal
take itself all the necessary measures Allon had warned June 16 that unless
to put an end to it." the guerrillas halted their attacks Israel
Vowing to avenge the
killing of the "will stop drawing the distinction be-
Jordanian the Popular Front
civilians, tween the terrorists and the Arab regu-
for the Liberation of Palestine March 27 lar armies."
urged foreigners not to travel on Israeli
planes or ships "so we may have a free
hand in striking at Israeli communica- Israeli AttacksJordan. Israeli officials
tions lines."
disclosed May 1969 that Israeli
Israeli jets attacked Jordanian posi- commandos had been crossing the Jordan
tions again March 30, bombing targets River for the past year to attack Arab
south of the Sea of Galilee. The raid guerrilla forces in Jordan.
followed the wounding of four Israeli The assaults on the east bank of the
soldiers by bazooka rockets. Jordan came to light when Israeli news-
was reported June
Israel to have 1 papers were permitted to publish ac-
warned Jordan that Israeli forces would counts of one of the heaviest of these raids,
strike at Jordanian soldiers unless Am- carried out May 8. Striking one mile east
man's troops stopped aiding Arab guer- of the river in the area of Wadi Yavesh,
rillas in their attacks on Israel. The opposite the Israeli settlement of Tirat-
warning, the second reported in a week, Tsvi, an Israeli commando unit de-
was said to have been transmitted to stroyed 12 guerrilla structures and killed
King Hussein through U.S. channels. three Jordanian civilians in an abandoned
Israeli jets struck Jordan June 18 and village. Amman reported that the civil-
19. The June 18heavier of the
strike, ians were killed when their car ran over
two, was directed against an area extend- mines planted by Israelis before they
ing 45 miles from the Dead Sea to the withdrew.
Gilead Hills, on the east bank of the The Israelis reportedly divulged the
Jordan. A
Jerusalem communique said commando activities when it was felt they
among targets hit were Jordanian
the could no longer be concealed because of
artillery batteries near El Zahadane and the widespread damage caused by the
positions near two bridges crossing the latest raid.
Jordan River. Amman reported four
Jordanian soldiers killed and seven
wounded in the air attack. Israeli mili- Arab guer-
Guerrillas Attack Jericho.
tary officials said the aerial assault was rillas,apparently firing from Jordan,
in retaliation for 600 "acts of aggres- shelled Jericho in the Israeli-held west
sion" against Israel from Jordanian ter- bank May 27 and 28. It was the first at-
ritory since Jan. 1. In the past two tack on the all-Arab city since the 1967
months the Israelis listed 40 attacks by war.
artillery, 107 by mortars, 17 by tanks, In the May 27 incident, an Arab police-
17 by Soviet-made Katyusha rockets and man was injured, several stores were
7 by antitank rifles. The Israelis re- burned and other structures were dam-
ported killing 66 guerrillas and taking 20 aged. Israeli authorities reported that
prisoners during the two-month period. one civilian was wounded and a building
An Israeli Defence Ministry statement destroyed in the May 28 shelling.
said "Jordanian aggression is increas- A spokesman for Al Fatah charged
ing — with the participation of the terror- May 29 that Israeli forces had fired on

Jericho in an effort to force the Arab on Israeli territory by Jordan-based Arab

population to flee. guerrillas and by regular Jordanian
forces. Israeli jets also launched a re-
prisal raid on guerrilla camps in Lebanon
Arabs Damage Pipeline. Arab guerril- Aug. 11.
las of the Popular Front for the Libera- The heaviest of the Israeli strikes,
tion of Palestine May 30, 1969 blew up Aug. 10, blasted sections of northern Jor-
and heavily damaged a section of the dan's Ghor Canal, which drew water
Trans-Arabian Pipeline, owned by the from the Yarmuk River for the irrigation
Arabian-American Oil Co. (Aramco), in of 180,000 acres of land in the Jordan
the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights of Valley.
Syria. Israeli jets struck at targets southeast
The explosion and resultant fire block- of the Sea of Galilee Aug. 6, about 20
ed the flow of oil through the 1,000-mile minutes after Jordanian artillery had
pipeline connecting Dharan, Saudi Ara- shelled the settlement of Ashdot Yaakov.
bia on the Persian Gulf to Sidon, a Leba- Israeli jets Aug. 7 penetrated up to 15
nese port on the Mediterranean. The miles across the Jordan border south of
pipeline provided Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Yarmuk River, hitting camps, forti-
Syria and Lebanon with millions of dol- fied positions, command posts and trans-
lars in royalties and transit fees each portation equipment. Israeli tanks joined
year. in the attack but did not cross into Jor-
A PFLP spokesman in Amman, Jor- danian territory. The assault followed an
dan said May 31 that an explosive charge Arab guerrilla attack earlier Aug. 7 in
had been placed in the Baniyas River which an Israeli bus was blown up near
where the pipeline runs along the river El Hamma, killing the civilian driver and
bed. The purpose of the blast, the spokes- a soldier and wounding 12 soldiers. A
man said, was to spill oil into the river commando group, the Popular Front for
and pollute the water it supplied to Israeli the Liberation of Palestine, claimed its
settlements and fisheries in the Huleh forces had killed 50 Israeli soldiers in the
Valley. As a result of the blast, oil was bus attack.
reported seeping into the northern part The Palestine Armed Struggle Com-
of the Sea of Galilee, an important water mand, representing seven guerrilla or-
source for Israel, but without causing ganizations, said a joint commando
dangerous pollution. Oil slicks also were force had attacked and occupied for three
observed on the Jordan River. Israelis hours the Israeli settlements of Neve-Ur,
fought the pipeline blaze 14 hours before Yardena and Beit Yossef and three Is-
extinguishing it May 31. raeli military posts in the northern Jor-
The PFLP was sharpiy criticized in the dan Valley Aug. 7. The command said
Arab world June for having blown up
1 many Israelis had been killed and four
the pipeline. The Egyptian newspaper Al tanks were destroyed. Commando losses
Ahram said the PFLPs "incomprehen- were listed as six wounded in the three-
sible" action had inflicted no harm on Is- hour attack. The Israelis dismissed the
rael but had violated a "logical frame- Arab claims, saying that the guerrilla as-
work of Arab principle and interests." sault had been confined to a bazooka at-
The Saudi Arabian government, tack on Yardena in which one woman
which stood to lose most from the pipe- was injured.
line attack, charged in a Mecca radio A guerrilla attack on the Israeli potash
broadcast that the PFLP commandos works at Sodom on the Dead Sea Aug. 7
had served Zionism by their sabotage. prompted Israeli jets to pound Jordanian
The Beirut newspaper Al Hayat said positions in the area the following day.
the PFLP was serving Israeli interests
The air strike on Lebanon Aug. 1 1 was
by its attack. directed at seven guerrilla bases east of
the Hasbani River, a tributary of the Jor-
dan River. An Israeli spokesman said the
Israeli Jets Raid Jordan. Israeli jets 30-minute mission, the first air attack on
carried out heavy attacks on targets in Lebanon, had been ordered "as a result
Jordan Aug. 6-10, 1969 following raids of the increase in terrorist activities ema-

nating from Lebanese territory." The launched a raid from the first village
statement said 21 such attacks had occur- against the Israeli settlement of Ramat
red in the past month. Shalom Sept. 30, killing an Israeli Druze
Al Fatah reported that its commandos watchman.
Sept. 11 had blown up the Mahraniah Israelicommandos Dec. 3, attacking
dam, at the confluence of the
irrigation lessthan one mile inside Lebanon, re-
Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers. ported destroying an Arab guerrilla base
Northern Jordan's East Ghor Canal, near the villages of Chabaa and Kifar
damaged by Israeli attacks, was re- Chouba in the foothills of Mount Her-
paired Sept. 22 for the second time in mon.
two months under an unofficial agreement The raiding party claimed that 12
between Israel and Jordan negotiated Arab guerrillas were killed and "many
with the aid of U.S. officials in Amman. more" wounded in the attack. One Is-
An Israeli spokesman said Jerusalem had raeli was reported killed. Before leaving,
agreed not to interfere with the repair the raiders blew up equipment and
work if the cease-fire agreement in the area ammunition. Lebanon said the Israelis
south of the Sea of Galilee was observed. were brought in by helicopters.
But within four hours after the repairs The Israelis said the raid was in re-
were completed, the Israeli settlements of taliation for an attack by Arab guerrillas
Tirat Zvi, Neve Ur and Gesher, across Dec. 2 on their positions near Massada,
the Jordan River from the canal, came un- in the Golan Heights, six miles south-
der Arab guerrilla fire. east of the commandobase struck by the
Israelis. As
Saiqa, the Syrian-supported
guerrilla group, claimed credit for the
raid, saying in Damascus Dec. 3 that its
Israelis Strike at Lebanon. Increasing forces had ambushed a patrol and killed
Arab commando attacks along the Leba- 15 Israelis' and wounded 30 others.
nese frontier prompted Israeli forces to
carry out heavy air strikes against Leba-
non Sept. 3-5, 1969 as well as the first U.N. acts on Israeli raid. An Israeli
commando attack on Lebanon since Oct. attack on Arab guerrilla bases in Leba-
28, 1966. non was condemned by the U.N. Security
The Sept. 3 air strike was directed at Council Sept. 5, 1970. A resolution calling
suspected guerrilla concentrations on the for "complete and immediate withdrawal"
slopes of Mount Hermon from which of Israeli forces from Lebanon was ap-
rockets the previous day had shelled the proved by a vote of 14-0, with the U.S.
northern Israeli villages of Kiryat abstaining.
Shmona and Kfar Giladi. Three civilians Israeli representative Shabtai Ro-
were killed and four others were senne acknowledged that Israeli forces
wounded at Kiryat Shmona. had "carried out a search-and-comb
The target of the Israeli commando mission" around Mt. Hermon in Leba-
strike the night of Sept. 4 was the vil- non Sept. 4 and 5, but that the troops
lage of Halta, two miles inside Lebanon. had "completed their mission a few
The Israelis emptied 12 houses of hours ago and have since evacuated the
occupants and destroyed the structures, territory." Rosenne dismissed the oper-
reportedly containing weapons and uni- ation as "a minor action .directed
. .

forms. Five Arab guerrillas were killed solely against terrorists in the area af-
and four Israelis were wounded in the fected."
operation. In report on the Israeli incursion,
A Beirut communique Sept. 5 said Lebanon had said Sept. 5 that its tanks
the Israeli commandos had been trans- and guns had stopped an Israeli advance
ported to Halta by helicopters but that toward Rashaya. The village had come
Lebanese forces had repulsed them. under Israeli air attack along with the
Israeli troops moved into southern adjacent communities of Suba and Haia-
Lebanon Oct. and blew up buildings in
3 riya in the Mt. Hermon area. An Al
the villages of Mazraat Deharjat and Ait- Fatah spokesman said its commando
run, suspected of housing Arab guerrillas. forces had been engaging the Israeli
According to the Israelis, guerrillas had forces in the area for the past 36 hours.

Commandos score truce. Palestinian The incidents occurred before dawn in

guerrillasAug. 7, 1970 reiterated opposi- the towns of Gaza, Jabaliya, Khan Yunis,
tion to any truce in the Middle East and Rafa and Deir el Balah. They were re-
followed up their pronouncement with lated to a general Arab protest marking
attacks against Israel from Jordan, Syria Israel's Independence Day, which coin-
and Lebanon. Israeli forces struck back. cided with the lunar Hebrew calendar
The guerrillas acted in defiance of a U.S.- anniversary of Jordanian Jerusalem's
proposed truce accepted by Israel and the capture by the Israelis in 1967.
Arab governments. An Israeli military court in the Gaza
In Amman, a spokesman for the Cen- Strip April 13 had sentenced an 18-year-
tral Committee of the commando move- old girl to 20 years in prison —
the stiffest
ment, which comprised 10 commando penalty imposed on a woman since the
groups, said the Palestinians "reject the war. The girl had been found guilty of
cease-fire; we want to liberate our land hurling grenades at an Israeli patrol ve-
and the decision of the United Arab hicle and injuring four soldiers.
Republic to accept a cease-fire does not Israeli forces May 27 arrested 10 mem-

change our position and will prompt us bers of an Arab guerrilla group, the Pop-
to step up our military operations until
ular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
final victory."
accused of terrorizing Gaza Strip resi-
A Central Committee statement
dents suspected of collaborating with the
issued in said the Palestinians
Israelis. The arrests followed the May
would continue their struggle until all of 26 shooting of an Arab member of Is-
Palestine had been "liberated."
rael's Gaza border police.
Commando sources reported rival
Beirut reported another Israeli attack
Palestinian groups reached agreement
inside Lebanese territory Sept. 6. A com-
Aug. 6 on preventing further clashes munique said an Israeli armored column
between the guerrilla organizations op-
had advanced from the Golan Heights
posed to the American peace plan and
toward the Lebanese villages of Haman
those commandos who supported Cairo's
and Rashaya, about three miles north-
acceptance of it. In one action Aug. 5, west of the border. The report said the
a member of the Popular Front for the
Israeli force withdrew three hours later
Liberation of Palestine was killed in an
in the face of Lebanese artillery fire. Al
exchange of fire with the pro-Nasser Fatah claimed its men fought with the
Action Group for the Liberation of Israelis in the same area.
Palestine at Irbid in northern Jordan.
Injuries were reported on both sides.
A grenade thrown by an Arab terrorist
Nov. 19 killed an Arab boy in the Gaza
Fighting broke out again Aug. 6 when
Strip town of Khan Yunis. Five other
PFLP commandos raided the Amman Arabs were wounded in the attack, which
office of the pro-Nasser Palestine Arab
was directed at the branch of an Israeli
Israeli authorities Nov. 20 announced
the arrest of more than 50 members of
five Arab groups suspected of major
Terrorism in Israel
terrorist incidents in Israel and in the
& in Occupied Areas occupied areas in the past few months.
Two of the groups operated out of the
west-bank town of Hebron, one in Gaza,
one in Acre, north of Haifa, and the
Gaza & West Bank Hit. About 35 other in Taiyibe, an Arab village between
Arab residents of the Israeli-occupied
Tel Aviv and Haifa. The Acre group
Gaza Strip, many of them women, were
was believed responsible for the dyna-
injured May 15, 1969 by grenades and
miting of five Haifa apartment houses
other explosive devices that were
in October. Six of its seized members,
thrown market areas by Arab ter-
all Israeli Arabs, were said to have links
rorists. (Since the June 1967 Arab-Israeli
with the El Asifa, an arm of Al Fatah.
war, hundreds of residents of Arab areas The arrest of the Acre suspects and
had been injured by terrorist bombs.) the demolition of a car in the town Nov.

22 prompted Jewish youths to attempt following the discovery Aug. 26

to break into the Arab quarter there of 16 guerrilla rockets aimed at the Is-
Nov. 23. The car, containing explosives, raeli capital.
blew up as it entered Acre, killing its Three shells fired from three of the
two Israeli Arab occupants. rockets had struck the southern Jerusalem
One of the victims of the car explo- suburbs Aug. 25 but caused no casualties
sion was said to have provided Israeli or damage. The 13 other rockets had
authorities with information before his failed to go off. Israeli army helicopters
death leading to the arrest later Nov. 22 searching for the rocket emplacements
of Capt. Abdul Latif Rsheid, a key spotted them on a barren hill, two miles
figure in Arab terrorist groups. Rsheid, east ofBethlehem, between the Arab
a former Jordanian army intelligence villages ofSur Bahir and Beir Sahhour.
officer who was believed to have organ- Israeli planes Aug. 26 bombed Arab
ized the Acre terrorist groups and guerrillas bases in Jordan south of the
similar organizations in the Galilee, Dead Sea in retaliation for the Jerusa-
was seized in Sir, a village south of the lem shelling.
west-bank town of Jenin.
An Arab was killed and five injured
by a grenade thrown into a crowded 516 Arab Homes Destroyed. Defense
marketplace in Jerusalem Jan. 1, 1970. Minister Moshe Dayan Dec.
Another grenade thrown at an Israeli 16, 1969 that Israel haddestroyed
army vehicle in Hebron that day missed 516 homes in the occupied areas since
its target and killed two Arab bystanders. the 1967 war in retaliation for Arab
They were identified as Moho Hilbi el cooperation with suspected guerrilla
Moukhtasseb, 28, son of the mufti of terrorists. Of this number, 265 were
Jerusalem, and the mufti*s uncle. demolished in the west bank, 227 in the
Six Arab terrorist suspects were killed Gaza Strip and 24 in East Jerusalem,
and 24 captured in a series of Israeli Dayan said. Fourteen of the 24 East
anti-guerrilla operations along the Jordan Jerusalem houses had been "closed up,"
River the west-bank area Jan. 8. Two
in a recent action in which doors and
were slain near Umsutz, three in two windows were bricked up to avoid de-
separate operations in the Arava area, stroying nearby houses, according to
south of the Dead Sea, and one in Beit Israeli authorities.
Fajar, south of Bethlehem. In the latter Arab leaders claimed that more than
clash, 20 suspects were captured and a 7,500 dwellings had been blown up by the
huge arms cache was uncovered. Israelis in the occupied territories since
Police Minister Shlomo Hillel
Israeli the 1967 war.
said Jan. 5 that 120 Israeli Arabs had
been found guilty of collaboration with
Arab guerrillas since the 1967 war. Haifa Blasts Kill 2. Two Israeli civil-
Terrorist grenade attacks in the Gaza ians were killed and 20 were wounded
Strip in March 1970 killed 27 persons and when Arab terrorist bombs exploded
injured 132, making it the bloodiest month under five apartment buildings in Haifa
in the Israeli-occupied strip since the 1967 Oct. 22 and 23, 1969. Police attributed the
war. Most of the attacks were directed blasts to the Popular Front for the Libera-
against Arabs accused of collaborating tion of Palestine.
with Israel.
Israeli miliary authorities reported Jan.
3, 1971 that 39 Arabs in the occupied
areas had been killed and 734 wounded Tel Aviv Blasts. Bomb explosions in Tel
Aviv Nov. 6, 1970 killed one person and
by Palestinian guerrilla action, largely
injured 34. Al Fatah took credit for
in the Gaza Strip, during 1970.
the blasts and said a large number of
Israelis were killed or wounded.
Rockets Aimed at Jerusalem. The Israeli The two explosions, spaced 20 minutes
army sealed off a six-square-mile area apart, occurred in the city's central bus
southeast of Jerusalem Aug. 29, 1969 station. (The terminal had been the target

of a similar Arab bomb attack Sept. 4, dismantling an explosive package in a

1968, in which one person was killed and Tel Aviv police station Jan. 3. A num-
51 wounded.) ber of prominent Israelis, including Gen.
An Al Fatah statement issued in Am- Ezer Weizman, former air force com-
man Nov. 8 by Abu Iyad, the guerrilla mander, were recipients of the packages.
group's second-in-command, boasted (A British decision to permit the Pales-
that the Tel Aviv blasts were "the start tine Liberation Organization to open an
of more and bigger operations within office in London was assailed by Israel
our occupied homeland." July 4, 1972.)

Arab Rocket Attack. Arab guerrilla rock- Guerrilla- Arab State Tensions
ets July 7, 1971 struck the Israeli town of
Petah Tiqva, seven miles northeast of
Tel Aviv, killing four persons and wound- Commandos curb forces in Lebanon.
ing 30. Targets"of the attack were a hos- The Palestinian commandos in Lebanon
pital and a schoolyard. Al Fatah, the Jan. 3, 1971 announced new actions de-
commando group, claimed credit for the signed to curb the "bourgeois appear-
shelling. ance" of the movement in the country,
Six Arab guerrillas linked by Israeli to restore the secrecy of the guerrilla
authorities to the Petah Tiqva raid were organization and to create greater ef-
killed in encounter with an Israeli
an ficiency.
patrol July according to a Tel Aviv
Al Fatah announced that it would
communique. A seventh was reported to withdraw arms from its men in Lebanon
have escaped into Jordan. The guerrillas
to achieve closer cooperation with the
were intercepted in the west bank 12
Beirut government and close its four
miles north of Jericho.
offices in the country's refugee camps.
The Beirut office would remain open.
The guerrillas also were said to be
Terrorists Attack Arabs. Arabs under
concerned over a recent outbreak of
Israelicontrol were victims of several violence among their followers. In one
Arab terrorist strikes during 1971. incident, an Al Fatah man had been slain
Palestinian commandos inflicted
by three other guerrillas in Beirut Dec.
casualties on other Arabs in retaliation 31, 1970. Al Fatah's own military' police
for suspected cooperation with Israeli
arrested two of the three suspects and
authorities in a series of hand grenade turned them over to Lebanese authorities.
attacks in the Gaza Strip June 6, 11 and The alleged assailants were identified as
23. Two Arabs were shot to death follow- members of the extreme Action Organi-
ing a grenade assault June 6. zation the Liberation of Palestine
Arab laborers waiting for Israeli (AOLP), an offshoot of Al Fatah. Al
buses to take them to work were the tar- Fatah also seized AOLP leader Issam
get of grenade attacks June 11. Two Sartawi, closed AOLP's office in Beirut
Arabs were killed and 81 injured. The and seized its arms.
incident occurred near the Muwazzi
refugee camp in Gaza.south
Two Arabs were and 44 persons
were wounded June 23 by a hand grenade Jordan in anti-commando drbe. Jorda-
tossed into a market place at Khan nian troops launched a major attack
Yunis. against Palestinian commando bases
north of Amman Jan. 8, 1971. Fighting
Bombs by Mail. Explosive parcels continued in the area and in the capital
itself until Jan. 13 when a truce was
were mailed" to Israel from Europe Jan.
2-9, 1972. Thirteen mail-bombs were agreed to by both sides.
sent to individuals in Israel in the The fighting broke out Jan. 8 around
seven-day period. Most were sent from the towns of Jarash, Salt and Ruseifa. The
Vienna. The only casualty was a bomb government said the clashes in the Jarash
disposal expert who was injured while area followed the kidnaping Jan. 7 by

commandos of two noncommissioned Jordan. The commando forces displayed

army officers and the killing of a Jorda- their most aggressive stance since the
nian soldier. Guerrilla statements as- September 1970 civil war, initiating
serted that government forces had shelled offensive actions and carrying out wide-
commando bases and confiscated their spread acts of sabotage against govern-
arms. Al Fatah claimed that a hospital at ment facilities.
El Rumman had been shelled and that the The Interior Ministry reported that
al-Baqaa refugee camp, a few miles west 10 civilians and eight government sol-
of Amman, had been bombed. (Amman diers had been killed in the fighting at
had reported Jan. 6 that three persons Irbid March 26.
were killed and nine wounded in clashes Fighting spread to Amman March 28
in the capital that day following guerrilla as government troops fired on a crowd of
attacks on two police stations in the city.) demonstrating women, killing three of
A clash in Amman Jan. 11 resulted in them. The government charged that the
the deaths of three civilians and a police- guerrillas were using the demonstrators
man. Meanwhile, Ibrahim Bakr, a mem- as a shield to fire on Jordanian police-
ber of the Central Committee, the co- men. A spokesman for the Palestine
ordinating group of the 10 guerrilla Liberation Organization charged that
organizations, said Jan. 1 1 that the latest the troops had first opened fire on the
Jordanian attacks had paralyzed the com- women, who were protesting govern-
mando movement and made it impossible ment policy. Fighting quickly spread to
for them to mount raids against the Is- other parts of the city.
raelis. A guerrilla announcement April 2
Government and commando represen- declared that the fedayeen were fighting
tatives, assisted by the inter-Arab truce to force King Hussein to replace Wasfi
officials, met Jan. 12 to negotiate a truce Tell as premier and to oust the high-
that was agreed to the following day. A ranking officers whom they regarded as
13-point agreement that went into effect responsible for starting the latest round
Jan. 14 reportedly contained nothing new of fighting. An Al Fatah newspaper
except a timetable to implement the un- published in Damascus and distributed in
fulfilled pledges outlined in the pact that Amman said the commandos would not
had ended the September 1970 fighting. sign a new peace agreement with the
The latest treaty called on the guerrillas government as long as Tell remained in
to withdraw to bases outside the cities office. It charged that he and some army
and towns and for both sides to release all officers were planning to "finish off the
prisoners by Jan. 20. commando movement once and for all."

Other points of the agreement: The Amman press reports April 5 told of
government was to return guerrilla weap- a meeting of commando leaders in the
ons and provide for free commando border town of Dera, Syria April 1 in
movement. It also was required to return which they had decided on a "scorched
the office of the Palestine Armed Struggle earth" policy to force King Hussein to
Command at Ramtha seized during the accede to theirdemands for freedom
September fighting. The commandos of action and movement in Jordan.
were to be permitted to reopen within a Syria was reported April 4 to have
month their closed offices and bases spe- warned Jordan that the 6,000 regular
cified under previous agreements. troops of the Palestine Liberation Army
stationed south of Damascus would be
permitted to move into Jordan "unless
harassment of guerrillas was quickly
Jordan-commando clashes. Jordanian stopped."
troops and Palestinian commandos en-
gaged sharp fighting in Amman and
in the northern sector around Irbid Hussein orders commando purge.
March 26-April 6, 1971. Fighting broke Hussein gave orders June 2, 1971 for
out for the first time along the border a "final crackdown" against the Palestin-
with Syria from which some guerrilla ian commandos, whom he charged with
units were believed to have moved into attempting "to establish a separate
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tember and the distribution of anti-Soviet tered Egypt several days prior with Syri-
pamphlets in the city by an unknown an passports. All four were freed on bail
organization was disclosed in Beirut Sept. (to be provided by the Palestine Libera-
29, 1971 by travelers from Cairo. tion Organization) Feb. 29, 1972.
The bomb alert followed the dis- A medical-ballistics report said the
covery of an explosive device near the bullets fatal to Tell had not been fired
office of Information Minister Abdel from the guns carried by the four de-
Kader and elsewhere, including a ship in fendants.
a district inhabited by Russians.
The anti-Soviet literature was signed
by a group called the Egyptian National Jordan aides attacked. The Jordanian
Front. The tracts, circulated by mail, ambassadors to Britain and Switzerland
denounced "Soviet imperialism" in Egypt were the targets of assassination attempts
and called for the ouster of "Soviet Dec. 15 and 16, 1971.
imperialism from our land." Ambassador Zaid al-Rifai was shot
Egyptian officials were reported Oct. 3 and wounded in the hand Dec. 15 when
to have accused Israeli intelligence of a gunman waiting in ambush near a Lon-
having distributed the leaflets in order don street intersection fired at his car.
to create suspicion between Egypt and In Geneva, two Swiss policemen were
the Soviet Union. seriously injured Dec. 16 when a package
left at Jordan's U.N. mission and ad-
dressed to Ambassador Ibrahim Zreikat
exploded as they were opening it. The
Jordanian premier assassinated. Pre- reception room of the mission was de-
mier Wasfi Tell of Jordan was shot to
stroyed. Zreikat was in another room
death by three Palestinians while enter- and escaped unhurt. Police and firemen
ing a hotel in Cairo Nov. 28, 1971. Jor- had been called to examine the parcel by
danian Foreign Minister Abdullah Sal- mission authorities.
lah was slightly injured and an Egyptian The Black September organization said
policeman accompanying the two men it was responsible for the attempt on
was seriously wounded. At least 10 shots Rifai's life. An Al Fatah broadcast from
were fired. The three gunmen and an- Cairo Dec. 16 expressed approval of the
other Palestinian acting as lookout effort to kill Rifai and charged that he
were arrested. was King Hussein's liaison with U.S.
Tell was assassinated as he was return- intelligence.
ing to his hotel from a meeting of the A Jordanian government statement
Arab League's Joint Defense Council of Dec. 17 charged that the Black Sep-
discussing strategy against Israel. In tember group did not exist and was
Beirut, the Popular Front for the Libera- "only a mask used by Fatah to hide its
tion of Palestine claimed responsibility treacherous schemes" against Jordan.
for his death. The statement said "We know very
The gunmen described themselves as well those in Fatah who are in charge of
members of a Palestinian commando these schemes" and warned "they shall
faction called the Black September or- not escape punishment."
ganization. It had been formed in July
to avenge the slaying of Palestinian
guerrillas in the Jordan civil war in Sep-
tember 1970. A statement issued by the Lebanon Suffers Retaliation
group at the time vowed a "scorched
earth" policy against the Jordanian gov-
ernment. The commandos considered
Tell a prime enemy after their forces were Israeli forces raid Lebanon. Israeli
crushed during that conflict. forces crossed the border into Lebanon
The three assassins were identified as June 28, 1971 to attack a guerrilla base
Monzer Suleiman Khalifa, 27; Gawad at Blida. The 200 troops involved in the
Khali Boghdadi, 23; and Ezzat Ahmad operation were said to have blown up
Rabah, 23. The fourth man was not three houses apparently used by the
identified. The police said all had en- commandos for attacks on Israel.

A Beirut military spokesman reported ports told of Libyan instructors or ad-

another Israeli incursion into Lebanon visers with the commandos. Elazar's
June 29. The spokesman said govern- statement was transmitted to Beirut in
ment troops fought the Israelis about one writing through the U.N. Mixed Ar-
mile inside Lebanon as they attacked mistice Commission.
the villages of Taybeh and Al Adassiyae, The Palestinian commandos were re-
north of Blida. ported Jan. 15 to have decided to re-
crossed into Lebanon Jan.
Israeli forces frain from firing on Israel while inside
10, 1972 for attacks against
retaliatory Lebanon. The guerrillas, whose leaders
commando bases in the towns of Bint had conferred with Lebanese officials,
Jbail and Kfar Hamam, three miles north agreed instead to operate from "mobile
of the border. The operation followed bases" and fire only when inside Israeli
guerrilla raids on Israel from Lebanon territory. The arrangement was worked
Jan. 6-10. out following a meeting Jan. 14 between
According to an Israeli announcement commando leader Yasir Arafat and
Jan. 11, two guerrilla buildings were Lebanese military officials. The Lebanese
blown up in Bint Jbail and "a number reportedly feared an occupation
of terrorists were killed." Two other of the Arkub region aimed at neutraliza-
commandos and an Israeli soldier were tion of the commandos' main military
killed in an exchange of fire. In the Kfar bases.
Hamam raid, Israeli soldiers "also blew Israeli air and ground forces carried
up two buildings with the terrorists in- out heavy reprisal operations against
side them." One Israeli soldier was killed commandos in Lebanon Feb. 25-28. The
in the engagement. Israelis claimed about 60 guerrillas
According to the Lebanese govern- killedand more than 100 wounded. Israel
ment's version of the attack, a force of placed its losses at 1 slightly wounded.

100 Israeli soldiers struck at Bint Jbail, The guerrillas admitted that 20 of their
blew up two buildings and withdrew. In men had been slain and 36 wounded.
the second operation later that night, The attackers pulled out after the
150 Israelis struck out from the Golan U.N. Security Council had adopted a
Heights and pounded Kfar Hamam and resolution earlier Feb. 28 demanding
the nearby village of Rashya Fakhar on withdrawal from Lebanon.
the slopes of Mount Hermon. Three Jerusalem said the operation was in
houses in Kfar Hamam were blown retaliation recent infiltration of
for the
up and a number of buildings in Rashya commandos into northern Israel from
Fakhar were destroyed by shelling. Lebanon. Three Israeli soldiers and a
Three commandos and a Lebanese civilian couple were killed and several
civilian were killed in the two attacks. others were wounded in guerrilla am-
An Israeli force crossed into Lebanon bushes Feb. 22-23.
Jan. 13 for a reprisal raid on a commando The Israeli thrust was centered on a
base Kafra. They reported blowing up
in number of guerrilla strongholds in the
two houses used by guerrillas. The in- Arkoub Valley, an area between the
cursion followed guerrilla shelling Jan. Hasbani River and the western flank of
8, 10 and 12 of the Israeli town of Kiryat Mount Hermon.
Shmona. An Israeli report Feb. 28 said the
Lt. Gen. David Elazar, Israeli chief four-day offensive had left the guerrilla
of staff, warned Lebanon Jan. 14 that forces in disarray and that much of
the recent commando attacks from its their equipment had been captured.
territory were "liable to bring disaster Buildings, installations, base camps and
upon the villages of south Lebanon." He headquarters were destroyed from the
called on the Beirut government and air or dynamited on the ground.
its army to "do their best to prevent Some of the Israeli ground patrols
such a grave development." Elazar at- had come under fire by guerrillas from
tributed the recent upsurge of com- nearby Syria Feb. 27.
mando following months of calm,
raids, Lebanese troops Feb. 28 quickly
to massing of nearly 4,000 com-
the moved into the commando areas eva-
mandos at Lebanese bases near the Is- cuated by the Israelis. "This time we
raeli border. He said intelligence re- intend to occupy the guerrilla positions

and keep them," a high-ranking Leba- Israelis Seize Captives. An Israeli

nese officer was quoted as saying. armored force struck into Lebanon
A guerrilla spokesman Feb. 29 ac- June 21, 1972 and captured five Syrian
knowledged the Lebanese army's right officers, a Lebanese officer and three
to control the area, saying "under no military policemen. The strike coincided
circumstances will we infringe on this with an Israeli air and artillery attack
sovereignty." against a suspected Palestinian com-
mando base at Hasbeya in southeastern
Lebanon. The Israeli action
followed by a day resumption of guer-
Golan Heights clash. Israeli forces rilla attacks across the border after a
followed up their four-day attack on four-month lull. Two civilians were
Palestinian commandos in Lebanon killed in the ambush of a tourist bus.
with air and artillery strikes March 1
According to Beirut's account of the
on suspected guerrilla bases in the incident: Four Lebanese policemen were
southern and central part of the Israeli- killed and two civilians were wounded
occupied Golan Heights. Syrian planes during the capture of the Syrians and
retaliated later in the day with raids Lebanese at the village of Ramieh about
on Israeli settlements about two miles 100 yards from the Israeli border. The
inside the heights. Syrians and their Lebanese escorts were
army spokesman in Jerusalem
An ambushed by five Israeli tanks and three
bombing of the suspected com-
said the other armored vehicles.
mando strongholds was in response Reporting on the Hasbaya attack, the
to mortar attacks on Israeli settlements Lebanese said the Israeli planes and ar-
during the night. A Damascus broad- tillery killed 14 civilians and wounded
cast said the Syrian air assaults were in 25 others. Commando sources reported
retaliation for Israeli shelling of three that 30 of their men had been killed
Syrian villages in the heights and an and 30 wounded in the raid.
air raid on a guerrilla camp near Dera A Syrian communique broadcast by
in Syria, close to the border with Jor- Damascus radio said the captured Syrian
dan. officers were in Lebanon "as part of
the visits exchanged" by the Syrian and
Lebanese armies.
Israel Warns Lebanon. Israeli Defense An Israeli military spokesman said
the operations against Lebanon
Minister Moshe Dayan warned March 3,
1972 that Israel "reserves the op- were "connected with information we
had in recent weeks of preparation"
tion" of maintaining an indefinite pres-
for more guerrilla attacks against Israel
ence in Lebanon if Beirut failed to curb
from Lebanese territory. The capture
attacks by Palestinian commandos on
of the Syrians came as a surprise and was
Israel from Lebanese soil.
"evidence of joint Syrian-Lebanese plan-
Speaking in a television interview,
ning against Israel," the spokesman said.
Dayan described as a "fundamental
In a previous encounter, Israel re-
change" in Lebanon's policy to have its
ported that its forces June 15 had
army take control of former commando
killed four Arab infiltrators in the oc-
areas on the slopes of Mount Hermon
cupied Golan Heights. The men were
from which the guerrillas had been op-
said to have worn uniforms largely iden-
erating against Israel since 1968.
tical with Syrian army uniforms.
The executive committee of the Pales-
tine Liberation Organization was re-
ported to have decided at meetings in Lebanon Raided Again. Israeli planes
Beirut March 1-2 to order their guerrilla and artillery June 23, 1972 struck at
forces out of populated centers in south- suspected Palestinian commando bases
ern Lebanon and to abandon their fixed in Lebanon for the second time in
bases. The action was aimed at avoiding three days, inflicting heavy casualties.
confrontations with the Lebanese army, The June 23 Israeli attack followed
which had moved into the areas for- the commando shelling earlier June 23
merly controlled by commandos. of Qiryat Shemona, an Israeli town.

A Lebanese communique said 18 shall remain so." He refused to give

Lebanese civilians were killed and 12 further details.
wounded in the Israeli assaults. The Salam had said June 24 that his gov-
Palestinian Resistance Movement in ernment had no intentions of cracking
Beirut reported "scores of guerrillas" down on the commandos. He declared:
killed or wounded in the attacks. Seven- "Let Israel hear this: There will not be
teen of the Lebanese fatalities occurred a clash between Lebanon and the Pales-
during Israeli jet strikes on Deir el tinians in any way."
Ashayer on the Syrian border, accord- Salam made his statement after con-
ing Lebanese authorities. The com-
to ferring three times in the previous 24
munique said the other Lebanese was hours with commando leader Yasir Ara-
killed by an Israeli rocket attack near fat.
Marjoun, directly opposite Kiryat Three right-wing and Christian lead-
Shmona. ers opposed to the guerrillas had urged
Justifying the Israeli action, Premier abrogation of the 1969 Lebanese-com-
Golda Meir said June 23 "if the danger mando pact that had ended several
[to Israeli lives] is from over the border weeks of bloody fighting between gov-
and the Lebanese government is unable ernment and commando forces and pro-
to handle it, we don't have any choice vided for cooperation between the two
but to do it ourselves." sides. The opponents of the guerrillas
were former President Camille Chamoun,
U.N. condemns Israel— The U.N. Deputy Raymond Edde, head of the Na-
Security Council, called into emergency
tional Bloc party, and Deputy Pierre
session June 23 at Lebanon's request, Gamiel, head of the Phalangist party.
approved a resolution June 26 condemn-
ing "the repeated attacks of Israeli A formal agreement barring commando
forces on Lebanese territory and popula- raidson Israel from Lebanon was reached
tion." The vote was 13-0, with the U.S. June 27 by Salem and Arafat.
and Panama abstaining. Although neither side gave details in
The resolution, sponsored by Belgium, announcing the accord the following day,
Britain and France, called on Israel to informed sources reported that the com-
refrain from future attacks on Lebanon mandos had agreed to pull back from a
and urged it to release the five Syrian number of Lebanese villages and towns
officers and one Lebanese officer cap- near the Israeli border. The guerrillas
tured June 21. also were said to have acceded to a Leba-
The U.S. and Panama explained that nese request to establish a unified infor-
their abstentions were based on the mation office in Beirut that would not be
resolution's failure to also condemn the permitted to issue its own military com-
Arabs for their attacks on Israel. muniques.
Israeli delegate Yosef Tekoah de- The Popular Front for the Liberation of
plored the Council's action, charging Palestine-General Command announced
that the resolution "ignores the mur- June 28 that it would not abide by the
derous attacks on innocent civilians, the Beirut accord for freezing operations
assaults on villages and towns, the crimes against Israel. The PFLP-GC said its

of air piracy perpetrated by Arab ter- forces would continue attacks on Israeli-
rorist organizations." held areas but would carry out the raids
"in the depth of enemy territory" and not
near the cease-fire lines.
Commando-Lebanese Accord. Beirut
sources reported June 26, 1974 that the
commandos in Lebanon had agreed to a
government request to temporarily sus- Commando leader assassinated. A
pend attacks on Israel to spare Lebanon leader of the Popular Front for the Lib-
from reprisal attacks by Israel. The de- eration of Palestine, Ghassan Kanafani,
cision was confirmed by Premier Saeb 36, was killed in an explosion in a car in

Salam, who said "we are in an under- Beirut July 8, 1972. Also killed was his

standing with the commandos and we 17-year old niece.


A statement by the PFLP accused Terrorists Hijack Planes,

"Zionist and imperialist quarters" of Slay Tourists at Airport
the deaths and pledged retaliation.
Kanafani had been a spokesman for
the front but recently had said he no
longer held that position. He had said he German airliner seized, then freed. A
was only editor of its weekly journal, Al West German Lufthansa jumbo jet
Hadaf. airlinerenroute from New Delhi to
Commando sources, linking Israeli in- Athens was hijacked by five Palestin-
ians Feb. 21, 1972 and was diverted
telligence with Kanafani's death, said
their investigators had found at the blast to Aden, Southern Yemen Feb. 22. All

site a card bearing the official Israeli em-

172 passengers held hostage, including
blem with the sentence: "With the com- Joseph P. Kennedy 3rd, son of the
late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, were re-
pliments of the Israeli embassy in Co-
leased later Feb. 22. The 16 crewmem-
bers were freed Feb. 23, and the hijack-
A spokesman for Israel's National
ers surrendered to Yemeni authorities.
Police Headquarters in Jerusalem said
The plane was commandeered one-
July 9 that the bomb or explosive device
half hour out of New Delhi when the
that killed Kanafani probably had gone
guerrillas, armed with hand grenades,
off accidentally and that it apparently
dynamite and pistols, broke into the
was intended for Israel as part of a guer-
cockpit. The pilot said the Arabs did
rilla plot to send parcels containing ex-
not say they wanted to fly to any speci-
plosive devices to kill Israelis. The fic country, but submitted compass
spokesman, Mordechai Tavor, said the
readings that would have brought the
card found at the blast site was a type
aircraft to the desert along the Red Sea
commonly used by the Israeli embassy in on the coast of the Arabian Peninsula.
Copenhagen that was sent out with pub- He said the hijackers were persuaded to
licity material and invitations. He noted
have the plane fly to Aden instead. On
that Kanafani's brother lived in Den-
landing, the hijackers wired the doors of
mark. the jet with explosives and threatened to
The PFLP July 11 claimed credit for a blow it up.
grenade explosion that day at the central The described
Palestinians them-
bus terminal in Tel Aviv. Nine people were selves as members of
the Organization
wounded. The front said the attack was in for Victims of Zionist Occupation,
reprisal for Kanafani's death. based in a refugee camp in the Is-
raeli-occupiedGaza Strip.
Baghdad radio broadcast a political
Russians arm commandos. A New message which it claimed had been
York Times dispatch from Geneva read by the hijackers to the passengers
Sept. 17, 1972 reported that the U.S.S.R. over the plane's public address system.
for the first time had begun sending arms The statement assailed "the flagging
directly Al Fatah, the chief Pales-
to and defeatist attitude certain Arab re-
tinian guerrilla organization. Sources in gimes are adopting" on Israel and on
the Swiss city said the first shipment had West German aid to Israel. It pledged
arrived within the last few weeks. The that "we will pursue the enemy every-
Soviet Union was said to have pledged where and strike him and uproot him
the weapons during talks in Moscow in throughout the world."
July with a delegation of commando The Bonn government disclosed
groups led by Yasir Arafat. Feb. 25 that it had paid $5 million in
The Soviet arms shipment was con- ransom for the release of the Lufthansa
firmed by pro-commando sources in jet airliner and its crew.
Beirut Sept. 21. Its destination, accord- Transport Minister Georg Leber said
ing to the sources, was Syria where Al the Palestinian commandos had de-
Fatah maintained its military head- manded the money in a letter addressed
quarters. One Arab informant was to Lufthansa and mailed at Cologne
quoted as saying that the Russians had Feb. 22. It had stipulated that the ran-
sent "only light weapons this time— but som be carried by messenger to a secret
there will be more deliveries." meeting place outside Beirut, Lebanon.

The West German government, which ers, disguised overalls of air-

in the
was a majority shareholder in the air- craft repairmen, were driven
to the plane
line, complied with the request. in an airlines service vehicle. The sol-

Leberidentified the hijackers as diers climbed ladders onto the wings,

members of the Popular Front for the opened two emergency doors and burst
Liberation of Palestine. into the jet. A
10-second exchange of gun-
fire with the Arabs ensued. Two of the
The Middle East News Agency re-
hijackers were shot to death, one of the
ported that the five hijackers were re-
women commandos was wounded and
leased by the Yemen authorities Feb. 27.
the second woman hijacker surrendered.

Israel thwarts Arab hijackers. Israeli

paratroopers broke into a hijacked Tourists slain at Israeli airport. Three
Belgian airliner at Lod Airport in Tel Japanese used by an Arab
Aviv May 9, 1972, two of four
commando group attacked the Lod In-
Palestinian commandos and ternational Airport near Tel Aviv the
rescuing 90
passengers and 10 crewmen. (But one night of May 30, 1972, killing 24 per-
woman passenger shot accidentally died sons and wounding 76. The death toll was
May 18.) 28 by June 24. One attacker was slain
Theplane, operated by Sabena Air- by his own grenade, another was shot
lines, had been seized May 8 by the to death, apparently by bullets fired by
four Arabs, including two women, his own companions, and the third was
after taking off from Vienna en route to captured by an El Al airliner mechanic.
Tel Aviv. The hijackers, armed with The captured attacker told Israeli au-
guns and grenades, were identified as thoritieshe was a member of "the Army
members of the Black September or- of the Red Star" (also referred to as the
ganization. United Red Army), a left-wing Japanese
On landing at Lod, the Arabs, with group recruited by the Arab guerrilla
International Red Cross representa- movement. In Beirut, the Marxist Popu-
tives acting as intermediaries, began ne- lar Front for the Liberation of Palestine
gotiating with Israeli authorities in the claimed credit for the assault.
field's control tower. They demanded the The three Japanese had debarked with
release of 317 Palestinian guerrillas in 116 other passengers from an Air France
Israeli prisons in exchange for the safety flight from Rome. Entering the pas-
of the plane and its passengers and crew. senger lounge, the three men picked up
The Arabs threatened to blow up the two valises from a conveyor belt, un-
aircraft with all its hostages unless zipped them and whipped out machine-
their demands were met. The negotia- guns and grenades. Then they began fir-
tions and subsequent rescue operation ing and lobbing grenades indiscriminately
at a crowd of about 300 in the waiting
were directed by Defense Minister
Moshe Dayan, who was in the control room. One of the terrorists fired at air-
craft on the runway from an opening of
tower with Lt. Gen. David Elazar, chief
the baggage conveyor, and the other, who
of staff, and other Israeli officials.
eventually was captured, raced out to the
After the rescue had been carried out,
Elazar disclosed that the negotiations tarmac, shooting at anyone in sight.
with the commandos had been a ploy to The Japanese embassy in Israel iden-
gain time for preparing the plan to tifiedthe captured men as Daisuke
take over the plane, that Israel had no Namba, 22, and the others as Ken Torio,
intention of meeting the hijackers' de- 23, and Jiro Sugizaki, 23.
mands. Tokyo police June reported that Dai-

According to witnesses, Israelis suke Namba's name actually was Kozo

crawled under the aircraft in the dark- Okamoto, brother of another Red Army
ness and damaged it, making it unable member who had .taken part in the hi-
to take off. They offered to repair the jacking of a Japanese airliner to North
airliner could fly on to Cairo
so it Korea in 1970. The two slain terrorists
with the hostages, as the hijackers later were correctly identified later as Rakeshi
demanded. Eighteen Israeli paratroop- Okudeira and Yoshuyiki Yasuda.

Among the dead were 16 Puerto by the group several months ago to Mid-
Ricans who arrived on a pilgrimage to dle East camps to receive guerrilla train-
the Christian holy places. Eight Israelis ing.
were slain, including Dr. Aharon Katzir-
Katchalsky, 58, one of the country's lead-
ing scientists.
Mid-East Terrorists Strike
in Europe & Other Areas
Arab commandos claim credit In a —
statement issued from its Beirut head-
quarters May 31, the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine said it was re- 11 Israelis slain at Olympics. Seventeen
sponsible for the Tel Aviv airport attack. persons, among them members of the
1 1

The PFLP "announces its complete re- Israeli Olympic team, were shot to death
sponsibility for the brave operation Sept. 5, 1972 in a 23-hour drama that be-
launched by one of its special groups to- gan when Arab terrorists broke into the
night in our occupied land," the state- Israeli dormitory at the Olympic village in
ment said. The announcement identified Munich, West Germany. Nine of the
the three attackers as Bassem, Salah and Israelis, seized by the Arabs as hostages,
Ahmed, and said they belonged to a were killed along with five of their captors
group called the "Squad of the Martyr in an airport gun battle between the Arabs
Patrick Uguello." Uguello was identi- and West German police.
fied by the PFLP as a Nicaraguan who The Arabs and their hostages had
had been shot to death during an attempt been taken by helicopter to the airport
to hijack an El Al plane over London 15 miles west of Munich where a jet was
September 1970. being made ready to fly them all to
Thefront said the Tel Aviv airport at- Cairo.
tack also was in reprisal for the Israeli The other two Israelis were killed in the
killing of two Arab guerrillas during an Arab attack on their living quarters.
aborted hijacking of a Belgian plane at The 17th victim was a West German
the Lod airfield May 9. policeman.
PFLP spokesman Bassam Zayid said In Cairo, the organization called Black
in Beirut May 31 that the front had in- September claimed responsibility for the
structed the three Japanese gunmen not attack.
to fire on the Air France plane passen- The bloody drama began at 4:30
gers but on those debarking from an El a.m. Sept. 5, when the commandos
Al flight due to arrive 10 minutes later scaled an eight-foot wire fence that sur-
and those waiting for them. "We were rounded the Olympic village com-
sure that 90%-95% of the people in the pound. The raiders made their way to
airport at the time the operation was Building 31, which housed the Hong
due to take place would be Israelis or Kong, Uruguayan and Israeli teams.
people of direct loyalty to Israel," Zayid At about 5:30 a.m. the commandos
said. "Our purpose was to kill as many burst into the quarters where the Israeli
people as possible at the airport, Israelis, athletes were staying. As they rushed
of course, but anyone else who was in, they were intercepted by Moshe
there." Weinberg, the Israeli wrestling coach,
An Egyptian broadcast from Cairo who held a door against the commandos
May 31 boasted that "the heroes proved while shouting for the Israeli athletes
they can penetrate the conquered terri- to flee. Seconds later the Arabs broke
tories to avenge the blood of others. Now in, killing Weinberg, 33, and Joseph
Israel has no alternative but to close Romano, 33, a weight lifter.
down Lydda [Lod] Airport and to pre- Six of the fifteen Israelis managed to
vent tourist visits if she wishes to pro- escape the building. The nine, who were
tect her borders." trapped inside their quarters, were re-
According to Japanese press reports, ported to have fought the attackers for a
sources close to the United Red Army time with knives. The Arabs, however,
said the three Japanese terrorists could
overpowered the Israelis, seizing them
have been among several "soldiers" sent as hostages.

Oncein control of the Israeli quarters PLO disavows responsibility— The

in Building 31, the Arabs made known executive committee of the Palestine
their demand: they wanted the release Liberation Organization declared in a
of 200 Arab commandos imprisoned in statement issued in Damascus Sept. 14
Israel. that its group was not responsible for
Throughout the late morning and the Black September group linked to
afternoon, West German officials ne- the Munich killings. The statement
gotiated with the Arabs on the patio of insisted that the PLO's objective "was
the Israeli dormitory. only aimed at pressuring Israel to release
The stalemate was broken at about detained guerrillas from Israeli jails."
9 p.m. when the West Germans suc-
ceeded in persuading the terrorists to
move out of Building 31 with the hos- Arabs force release of Munichslayers.
tages. As part of the bargain, the West Two Arab guerrillas of the Black Sep-
Germans agreed to have three helicopters tember group hijacked a West German
transport the Arabs and the nine Is- airliner overTurkey Oct. 29, forcing the
raelis to the military airport at Fur- Bonn government to release the three
Arabs held for the Munich murders. The
Munich authorities then cleared a freed killers were flown to Libya.
path around the building, from which
the Arabs and Israelis emerged at about
The released Arabs who faced trial for
10 p.m. Using underground passage- the killings were Mahmud el-Safadi, 21,
ways, the group was moved by bus out Samer Mohammad Abdullah, 22, and
of the Olympic village to the waiting Ibrahim Badran, 20.
helicopters. The aircraft, a Lufthansa Boeing 727
Whenthe convoy arrived at the air- with 13 passengers and seven crewmen,
port, two of the terrorists walked from was commandeered by the two guerrillas
the helicopters to inspect a Boeing after it left Beirut, Lebanon for Ankara,
707 jet that was to take them to Cairo. Turkey. Threatening to blow up the
As they walked back to the helicopters, plane and its occupants unless their de-
German riflemen reportedly opened mands were met, the commandos forced
fire. The Arabs, armed with automatic the pilot to fly to Munich, with fuel stop-
weapons, returned the fire. overs at Nicosia, Cyprus and Zagreb,
Israeli leaders warned the Palestinian Yugoslavia. As the plane circled the
guerrillas Sept. 6 that they would pay for heavily-guarded Munich airport, how-
ever, the hijackers ordered it flown back
the Munich deaths.
At the same time, the Israeli govern- to Zagreb. It circled the airfield there for
ment indirectly linked the governments an hour and did not land until a smaller
of the Arab world to the murders. jet carrying the three guerrillas released
The Israeli government issued a by the West Germans arrived at the Yu-
statement warning goslav airport. The three freed prisoners
that "Israel will
persevere then boarded the hijacked airliner,which
in her struggle against
flew to Tripoli, Libya.
terrorist organizations and will
absolve their accomplices from responsi- The Israeli government reacted
bility for terrorist actions." Government sharply to the release of the Munich com-
sources later identified those "accom- mandos. A Foreign Ministry spokesman
plices" as the Arab nations that gave said Oct. 29 that "every capitulation en-
sanctuary to the guerrill?s, specifying courages the terrorists to continue their
Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. An unidenti- criminal acts."
fied Israeli
official said "the Egyptians Lufthansa chairman Herbert Culmann
are prime party in this incident.
the and the pilot of the hijacked plane as-
They have the power and influence to sumed responsibility Oct. 30 for capitu-
stop these groups, and instead they lating to the terrorists. Culmann told a
encourage them." The official said news conference in Cologne that refusal
Eg>pt "shares the responsibility" with to accede to the hijackers' demands
the Black September guerrillas for the would have "sealed the fate of the peo-
attack. ple" aboard the commandeered aircraft.

Israeli Abba Eban

Foreign Minister Amsterdam police theorized Sept. 21
protested toBonn Oct. 30. The message, that the Arabs had
slipped into the
conveyed through West German Ambas- Netherlands the previous week and fled
sador to Israel Jesco von Puttkamer, the country after carrying out their mis-
charged "capitulation to terrorists" and sion.
said Israel questioned whether "there has Amsterdam police said Sept. 22 that
been a change in German policy regard- the British police would coordinate
ing terrorists and their actions." international efforts to investigate the
In reply to Eban's charge of "capitu- letter-bomb activities. Authorities in
lation," a West German government the Netherlands and other countries
spokesman said Oct. 30 that the foreign agreed to forward pertinent information
minister had "missed the point" that 20 to Scotland Yard in London.
lives were at stake. A Jordanian government spokesman
The U.S. Department Oct. 30
State said Sept. 23 that the Amman post
criticized theWest German decision in office that day had intercepted and de-
freeing the Arab terrorists. Spokesman fused four letter bombs addressed to
Charles W. Bray 3rd expressed "regret four Jordanian officials. The spokesman
that known terrorists can secure their said the letters bore Amsterdam post-
freedom as a result of extortion and marks.
blackmail and can find safe haven." Dutch authorities Oct. 25 detained and
then released a Jordanian with an Alge-
rian diplomatic passport who was found
Letter bombs go to many countries. An to be carrying unaddressed letter bombs,
envelope bomb apparently mailed by hand grenades and explosives in his lug-
Arab guerrillas exploded and killed a gage. The Jordanian, intercepted at the
diplomat the Israeli embassy in Lon-
Amsterdam airport, told a magistrate
don Sept. 1972. This was followed
19, that he was unaware of the contents of
by the discovery of similar booby- the suitcases. He said he thought his lug-
trapped envelopes destined for Israeli gage contained documents for an Alge-
officials in at least eight other cities. All rian embassy in South America. In re-
bore Amsterdam postmarks. None of sponse to an Israeli query as to why the
these detonated. Jordanian was freed, the Dutch Justice
The man killed was Dr. Ami Sha- Ministry repeated the statement made by
chori, counselor for agricultural affairs. the Arab.
Three more explosive devices in en- A letter bomb
delivered Oct. 4 to the
velopes addressed to senior Israeli Rome United Hias Service, a
office of
embassy members were discovered by Jewish immigration office, was defused
Israeli security men. Israelis told police by Italian explosive experts. The letter,
that one of them contained a leaflet mailed from Malaysia, bore inscriptions
from Black September. which said "Black September."
Four more explosive letters addressed A postal clerk was seriously injured Oct.
to members
of the Israeli embassy staff 14when a letter bomb exploded in a New
were found in a London post office later York post office.
September 19.
The letter, bearing a Malaysian post-
security check of mail at the Israeli
mark, was addressed to an unidentified
embassy in Paris Sept. 19 turned up two former national officer of Hadassah, the
large envelopes containing explosives.
women's Zionist organization.
They were defused.
Additional bomb letters were inter- Two other New York women also
cepted Sept. 20 in New York, Montreal, active in American Zionist circles had
Ottawa, Brussels and Jerusalem. All were received letter bombs Oct. 10. The
addressed to Israeli officials. recipients opened the envelopes, but the
Ten more letter bombs, postmarked bombs did not explode. Both letters
from Amsterdam, were intercepted in a bore Malaysian postmarks. Similar
Jerusalem post office Sept. 21. Others letters were mailed Oct. 10 to Jewish
were received at the Israeli embassies in families in Bulawayo, Rhodesia.
Kinshasa, Zaire; Brussels and Buenos Letter bombs were sent Oct. 24-27
Aires. to U.S. officials, including President

Nixon, and to Palestinian Liberation Or- A letter bomb

received by the Egyp-
ganization leaders and other Palestinians tian embassy London Oct. 31 was
in four Arab countries. Several of the lat- rendered harmless. London police Nov.
ter bombs were opened and exploded, in- 2 defused a letter bomb destined for
juring a number of Arabs. the British Technion Society, which
Israeli postal authorities in the north- was connected with the University of
ern town of Kiryat Shmona Oct. 24 inter- Haifa in Israel. It was postmarked
cepted three letter bombs intended for Penang.
President Nixon, Secretary of State Wil- Another 19 letter bombs intended for
liam P. Rogers and Defense Secretary Jews in London and Glasgow were
Melvin R. Laird. received Nov. 10-13 bearing postmarks
Letter bombs bearing Belgrade, Yugo- from New Delhi and Bombay, India.
slavia postmarks were received Oct. 25 in One of the devices that had not been
Lebanon, Libya, Algeria and Egypt. A intercepted was opened Nov. 10 at a
letter opened in Beirut exploded and in- London diamond trading company,
jured the secretary of a trading company exploding and wounding an official of the
known to have arranged arms deals with firm.
Arab countries. The envelope was ad- Swiss authorities intercepted five
dressed to a Palestinian partner in the letter bombs at the airport postal center
firm who was traveling outside Lebanon. in Geneva Nov. 10. All bore New Delhi
A Beirut postman was blinded after one postmarks and were addressed either to
of the letters he was sorting exploded in the Israeli mission to U.N. agencies in
his face. Palestine Liberation Organiza- Geneva or to Jews and Jewish organiza-
tion official Abu Khalil was injured in tions.
Algiers when he opened a booby-trapped The Indian government was criticized
parcel. Another PLO official, Mustafa by opposition leaders in parliament Nov.
Awad Abu Zeid, the organization's sec- 13 for allegedly being lax in preventing
retary in Libya, was blinded by a parcel dissemination of the letter bombs. Right-
bomb opened in Tripoli. Two other per- wing Jan Sangh party members charged
sons received less serious injuries. Egyp- that New Delhi's "pro-Arab policy"
tian authorities intercepted a parcel hindered government action in the
bomb at the Cairo airport. The package matter. Communications Minister
was addressed to a PLO official. H. N. Bahgunua denied the allegations,
Three other letter bombs exploded at saying that more than 50 letter bombs
the Cairo airport Oct. 26, seriously in- had been caught by Indian authorities.
juring an Egyptian security officer, who
was examing the envelopes after inter-
cepting them. The letters were intended Israel opposes anti-terror groups. Fol-
for three officials of the PLO office in lowing the Sept. 19 letter-bombing in
Cairo. London, the Israel branch of the Jewish
The Beirut office of the newspaper of Defense League (JDL) announced the
the Popular Front for the Liberation of formation of an anti-terrorist organiza-
Palestine was the intended target of a let- tion to combat Arab guerrilla groups
ter bomb Oct. 27. The device was inter- and institutions in Europe and the U.S.
cepted at the city's post office and ren- The Israeli government immediately
dered harmless. cracked down on the JDL and individuals
The Malaysian Home Affairs Min- attempting to take action on their own.
istry confirmed Nov. 1 that 15 letter Israeli authorities Sept. 21 disclosed
bombs meant for Jewish groups in the arrest of Amihai Paglin, a former
London, Rome and the U.S. had been leader in the underground struggle
discovered in the Kuala Lumpur post against British rule in Palestine, in con-
office Oct. 31 and defused by army ex- nection with a secret shipment of arms
perts. Malaysian officials said Nov. 2 that had been intercepted at the Tel Aviv
that a local Malay-Arab group was airport. The weapons, including machine
responsible for sending out 35 letter guns and grenades, were meant for use
bombs, including the 15. The same against Arabs abroad. The JDL claimed
group was said to have mailed out nine responsibility for the arms shipment,
other explosive devices from Penang in but its leader, Rabbi Meir Kahane, was
October. later said to have told Justice Minister

Yacov Shapiro that it was wrong to in- that priority must be given to combatting
volve Israel. Israeli authorities also ar- international terrorism, although "op-
rested JDL member Abraham Hersh- tions must be kept open" for a Middle
kowitz on charges of attempting to ship East peace settlement. The announced
the arms out by air. American position followed a report
Police Sept. 22 raided JDL's Jerusa- Sept. 21 that Israel had informed friendly
lem headquarters, seized documents governments that it would refuse to
connected with the alleged arms smug- participate in further peace negotiations
gling operation and arrested the league's until all Arab terrorism was crushed.
secretary, Joseph Schneider. He was The U.S.-Israeli agreement on ter-
charged with illegal possession of rorism was reached in talks in Washing-
weapons. ton between Secretary of State William
Israeli police acknowledged Sept. 26 P. Rogers and Foreign Minister Abba
that some arms shipments meant for the Eban. After the meeting a State Depart-
anti-terrorist campaign against Arabs ment spokesman said Rogers had agreed
had slipped out of the country and with Eban that "individual governments
reached their destinations. must act effectively to combat this chal-
The Israeli government issued an in- lenge to world social order." Eban, the
junction Sept. 22 against Kahane and 19 spokesman said, had outlined the mea-
other JDL members ordering them to sures Israel was taking to fight terrorism.
keep out of the West Bank and the Gaza
After meeting with Rogers, Eban
Strip. The order was said to be aimed at
emphasized to newsmen that his country
preventing the JDL from conducting
was determined to combat terror tactics
"any activities liable to disrupt order or
because "it has always been our policy
endanger security in those areas."
to hit where we can those who make
Kahane, who had planned to leave war against us."
Israel Oct. 2 for a visit to the U.S., was
arrested by Israeli police Oct. 1 . They said "It is not our policy or duty," he said,
he had in his possession detonators for the "to wait for the saboteurs to kill us or
grenades in the arms shipment seized Sept. our children." Eban charged that Egypt,
14 at the Tel Aviv airport. Syria and Lebanon had engaged "in a
(A group in West Germany calling new form of warfare" against Israel by
itself the International Anti-Terror supporting the Arab commandos.
Organization warned Sept. 20 that it (Rogers discussed the issue of ter-
planned to bomb Arab airlines, organi- rorism later Sept. 22 with French For-
zations and embassies in retaliation for eign Minister Maurice Schumann.
Arab attacks on Israelis.) Rogers, the department later disclosed,
had informed Schumann that the U.S.
"will press hard for sanctions in the
Arab bookstore bombed in Paris. A
case of civil aviation and for other prac-
bookstore in Paris serving as the French
tical responses to terrorist acts.")
headquarters of the Palestine Liberation
Organization was slightly damaged by a The Sept. 21 report that Israel would
bomb blast Oct. 4. Police said an ex- refuse to negotiate pending the elimina-
tremist Jewish group had taken respon- tion of the Arab terrorist threat also said
sibility for the explosion. Shortly after that Israel was preparing new blows
the incident, a Paris newspaper received against the Palestinian commandos. Ac-
an anonymous message signed by the cording to the Israeli source, in the com-
"Massada action and defense move- ing months Israel would launch a "major
ment." said the bombing was the or-
It military effort" in the Middle East to
ganization's first response to terrorism destroy the terrorist groups. It would
against Israelis and Jews and vowed re- also take preventive action anywhere
taliation against future acts of Arab ter- in the world if necessary, particularly in
rorism. Europe, where the Arab guerrillas were
becoming more active. The "Europeans
are less capable of coping with them [the
U.S.-Israeli talks on terrorism. The guerrillas] than the Israelis," the source
U.S. Sept. 22, 1972 backed Israel's view said.

U.S. tightens security. The U.S. gov- chief of the Palestinian Student Union.
ernment announced Sept. 27 that hence- He and eight other Arabs were deported
forth all foreigners in transit through Sept. 27. Hesse Interior Minister Hans
the U.S. would be required to have Heinz Bielefeld had said earlier in the
transit visas. week that the Munich attackers had tried
State Department officials said the to telephone Frangi's apartment on the
move was prompted by the increasing day of their assault. Bielefeld said police
threat of terrorist activities. had found evidence in Frangi's apart-
Under the rule, foreigners, even those ment indicating that he had helped plan
changing planes at U.S. airports, must Arab terrorist moves against the Israeli
have transit visas. Exempted were and Lebanese embassies in Bonn.
naturalized Canadians, British subjects
living in Bermuda and Mexicans holding
valid border-crossing cards.
Arab & El Al man slain in Rome. An
Formerly, foreign visitors had been
Libyan embassy clerk believed to have
permitted to remain in the U.S. for
been an official of Al Fatah was shot to
up to 10 days without a visa on condition
death in Rome Oct. 16, 1972. The victim,
that they presented evidence to airlines
Abdel Wael Zuaiter, a Jordanian, report-
or shipping lines that they would leave
edly was Al Fatah's top agent in Italy.
the country by that time.
An Al Fatah statement issued in Beirut
Oct. 17 charged that Zuaiter's assassina-
U.S. seeks to bar Arab terrorists. The tion had been engineered by Israel's
Nixon Administration had begun a secret service and was carried out by
major effort to identify Arabs in the U.S. Israeli terrorists.
suspected of planning terrorist acts Rome police said Oct. 18 that they
against Israeli citizens in the country and believed Zuaiter's killing was the result
to carry out a more careful check of of a feud between Black September and
travelers from Arab countries, it was re- other Palestinian commando groups.
ported Oct. 4. The security measures An Italian employe of the Israeli El Al
were in accord with a promise by President airline office in Rome was shot to death
Nixon to prevent terrorist attacks on April 27, 1973. The victim was Vittorio
Israelis in the U.S.
Olivares. His accused assailant, who was
arrested, was identified as Zaharia Abou
Bonn bans Palestinian groups. West Saleh, a Lebanese.
Germany announced Oct. 4 that it had Saleh told Italian police he was a
outlawed two Palestinian organizations member of the Palestinian Black Sep-
in the country after receiving "concrete tember and was sent to Rome by the orga-
evidence that new terrorist acts are being nization on a mission to kill Olivares be-
planned for Germany.'" Police started a cause he was an Israeli spy responsible for
nationwide search for followers of the the slaying of Zuaiter.
groups, identified by Interior Minister
Hans-Dietrich Genscher as the General Arabs seize Israelis in Thailand. Four
Union of Palestine Students, with 800 armed Palestinian commandos seized
listed members, and the General Union
the Israeli embassy in Bangkok, Thailand
of Palestinian Workers, with 1,000 mem- Dec. 28, 1972 and held six Israeli oc-
bers. cupants hostage for 19 hours before
Genscher said "well under 100 Arabs" releasing them. The Arab guerrillas,
with suspected ties to terrorists had been described as members of the Black Sep-
expelled from West Germany since the tember group, freed the Israelis Dec. 29
Sept. 5 guerrilla attack in Munich and after negotiations with Thai officials.
that 1,900 other Arabs had been barred The guerrillas were flown to Cairo in a
from entering West Germany for lack of Thai plane.
proper papers or because of suspicious The seizure of the embassy began
connections. Among those listed as hav- when two of the commandos climbed
ing been ousted from West Germany was the wall of the compound and opened
Abdullah Hassan Yums el-Frangi, 30, the gate for the two others. The guer-

rillas walked into the building and held Israeli agent slain in Madrid. An agent
the six Israelis at gunpoint, threatening of the Israeli security services was shot
to kill them and blow up the embassy and killed by a Palestinian commando in
unless 36 Palestinian prisoners held in Madrid Jan. 26, 1973. Black September
Israel were freed by 8 a.m. Dec. 29. claimed credit for the killing.

Two Thai officials Marshal Dawee The Israeli government Jan. 30 ac-
Chullaspaya, the armed forces chief of knowledged the death of the agent and
staff, and Deputy Foreign Minister identified him as Baruch Cohen, 37.
Chartichai Choonhavan entered — the
embassy and conferred with the guer-
Western diplomats slain in Saudi em-
rillas while hundreds of Thai soldiers
and police surrounded the building.
bassy in Sudan. Three diplomats two —
They were assisted in the negotiations by U.S. and one Belgian —
were murdered
Ambassador Mourtafa el- March 2, 1973 in Sudan by Black Septem-
ber terrorists who had seized the Saudi
Essaway. After the guerrillas were
Arabian embassy the previous day during
persuaded to give up the hostages and
leave the country, the commandos, the
a reception for one of the men later slain.

negotiators and the six Israelis left by

The Arab terrorists took over the
SaudiArabian embassy in Khartoum
bus for the Bangkok airport, 18 miles
away. The commandos, the two Thais
March and held six diplomats hostage,

demanding the release of Arab prisoners

and the Egyptian ambassador boarded
in various countries. When the terrorist
the plane and arrived in Cairo later
demands were refused during negotiations
Dec. 29. The Israelis remained in the
that followed, they murdered three of
bus at the Bangkok airport.
the hostages— U.S. Ambassador Cleo A.
Thai officials said the guerrillas had Noel, Jr.; George C. Moore, the departing
been shamed into releasing their cap- U.S. charge d'affaires; and Guy Eid, the
tives. A Thai officer said the Egyptian Egyptian-born charge at the Belgian em-
ambassador had told the commandos bassy.
that Dec. 27 and 28 "were very important The terrorists ended their three-day oc-
days for the Thai people," because cupation of the embassy at dawn March
ceremonies were being held for the 4, surrendering to Sudanese authorities,
investiture of the son of King Phumiphol who promised only that they would not
Aduldet as crown prince, and "if any- be killed immediately.
thing happens it would make things very The attack began about 7 p.m. March 1
difficult." when a Land Rover with diplomatic
plates, later identified as belonging to Al
Fatah, drove up to the gates of the
Arab & Israeli slain in Cyprus. A embassy, where a party celebrating
representative of the Palestine Liberation Moore's departure was in progress. The
Organization in Cyprus was killed by a eight invaders, led by Abu Salem, second-
bomb explosion in a Nicosia hotel room ranking official at the Fatah office in
Jan. 25, 1973. Police said that the victim, Khartoum, crashed the gate and entered
Hussain al-Bathis, must have been han- the building firing machine-guns and
dling a number of bombs. Police said Ba- revolvers. No police guards were on duty.
thir had arrived in Nicosia Jan. 22 from
Many of the guests escaped by jumping
Beirut and carried a Syrian passport and over the embassy wall. Others hid and
Lebanese identification documents. then fled, while some identified themselves
An Israeli was shot to death March 12 and were released. Noel suffered an ankle-
in a Nicosia hotel by a man said to be wound from a ricocheting bullet and Eid
a Jordanian, Cyprus police reported. The was shot in the leg. According to Shigeru
murdered Simha Gilzer, 59, was
Israeli, Nomoto, the Japanese charge d'affaires
described by police as a businessman. who described the attack in a March 3
The Iraqi news agency reported March statement, the commandos "tightly bound
13 that Black September had claimed Ambassador Noel and Mr. Moore with
credit for Gilzer's slaying. According to ropes they had brought with them and
the report, the Palestinian commando punched and kicked them unmercifully."
group said Gilzer was an Israeli intelli- Also held in the attack were Sheik
gence officer responsible for Bathir's death. Abdullah el-Malhouk, Saudi ambassador

and host to the party; his wife and four the bodies of the slain diplomats unless
children and Adli el-Nazir, the Jordanian the government guaranteed the com-
charge d'affaires. mandos safe conduct to an unspecified
Several hours later the guerillas issued Arab capital. Baghir told the terrorists
an ultimatum that they would kill the six later in the day that an emergency
hostages within 24 hours unless certain Cabinet session had rejected their request
demands were met. They insisted on the for an airplane and that they would be
release of Abu Daoud and other members given until dawn the following morning to
of Fatah imprisoned in Jordan as well as surrender. The commandos surrendered
of Maj. Rafeh Hindawi, a Jordanian on that schedule.
officer under life sentence for plotting (According to the Washington Post
against the Amman government. They March 6, Sudanese Information Minister
also demanded the release of Sirhan Umar al-Hag Musa confirmed that a
Sirhan, convicted assassin of U.S. Sen. major role in the surrender of the com-
Robert F. Kennedy; all Arab women mandos had been played by Yasir Arafat,
detained in Israel; and members of the leader of Al Fatah. The Post quoted
Baader-Meinhof urban guerrilla group Musa as having said: "He helped in the
in West Germany "because they sup- last part, when it became clear they had
ported the Palestinian cause." no way out.")
Telephone contact with the commandos In Lebanon, Prime Minister Saeb
was maintained by Sudanese Interior Salam expressed March 3 "the regret" of
Minister Mohammed el Baghir who in-
his government but noted that the Pales-
formed them early March 2 that the Jor- tinians "have an issue of fate which
danian government had refused demands should be dealt with from its roots" and
for the release of Daoud, Hindawi and the that the international community should
others. "embark on finding positive solutions for
Shortly after the Jordanian refusal, the this issue based on right, justice and the
commandos read a statement in which dignity of man."
they gave up their demand for the release Baghir reported March 10 that a con-
of prisoners in Israel, "since Sudan cannot fession by one of the terrorists had revealed
contact the Zionist enemy," and for the that the attack had been directed from the
"German comrades," because the West Beirut headquarters of Al Fatah and that
German ambassador, who left the party the terrorists had maintained radio con-
early, "was not present as we had
tact with Al Fatah.
hoped." The dispatch concluded: "We in- The eight terrorists were convicted of
sist and reconfirm that we will not leave
murder and were given life sentences by a
the embassy or release the hostages or Khartoum court June 24, 1974, but
even guarantee their lives except if the Sudanese President Gaafar el-Nimeiry im-
Palestinian prisoners held in the prisons mediately commuted the sentences to
of the reactionary regime of Jordan are seven-year terms and announced that the
freed." convicted men would be turned over to
At a Washington news conference
the Palestine Liberation Organization
March President Nixon said that while
(PLO), headed by Arafat, who had been
the U.S. would "do everything we can"
accused of complicity in the case. The
to have the hostages released, it would
eight men were released to the PLO June
"not pay blackmail."
25 and flown to Cairo.
The three Western diplomats were
killed March 2 at about 9:30 p.m., the Su-
danese government announced the Jordan thwarts commando plot. The
following day. A Sudanese officer, who Jordanian regime announced that it had
entered the embassy with permission arrested in Amman Feb. 15, 1973 a num-
from the terrorists, confirmed that the ber of men "who infiltratedinto the
men had been taken to the basement and country to commit acts against the se-
shot repeatedly. curity of the state." It was subsequently
The commandos remained in the em- disclosed that the Jordanians had seized
bassy throughout March 3, occasionally 17 Palestinian commandos, including Abu
speaking through a bullhorn to Sudanese Daoud, a member of Al Fatah's executive
soldiers outside and refusing to hand over unit, the Revolutionary Council, thwart-

ing a reported plan to assassinate King people from Al Fatah." He also said that
Hussein and overthrow his government. Fatah, and not Black September, was
The men had entered Jordan from Kuwait responsible for the March 1 attack on the
and Syria. Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum.
Amman radio announced March 4 that
the 17 men had been tried by a court-
martial and were sentenced to be exe- Bombs defused in New York. Police in
cuted. Hussein March 6 offered to sus- New York March 7, 1973 discovered
pend the death sentences if the guerrilla and defused three bombs in parked cars
groups agreed to "put an end once and for next to Israel's El Al Airlines terminal at
all to their plots against Jordan/'' Kennedy International Airport and near
Hussein's offer followed a plea by the two Israeli-owned banks.
ruler of Kuwait, Sheik Sabah al-Salem A U.S. federal warrant was issued
al-Sabah, who had sent an emissary to March 15 for a suspected Black Septem-
Amman to ask the king for clemency. ber terrorist believed to have escaped the
(The Palestinian news agency in Beirut country after planting the bombs. Federal
had reported Dec. 17, 1972 that Hussein Bureau of Investigation agents identified
had expelled the last unit of the Palestine the suspect as Khalid Danham Al-Jawari,
Liberation Army from Jordan. The an Iraqi.
agency said the commandos' 4th Battalion An FBI the bombs were set
official said
had crossed into Syria that day. The to explode March 4 during Premier Golda
major part of the PLA was thus in Syria.) Meir's visit to New York but failed to go
off because of "an error in the circuitry
Fatah linked to Black September.
Jordan reported March 24, 1973 that Al
Fatah leader Abu Daoud had confessed Israeli aide slain in U.S. The air and
that Black September was a "fictitious naval attache of the Israeli embassy in
entity, a camouflage" for commando Washington, Col. Yosef Alon. 43. was
operations conducted by Fatah. murdered July 1, 1973 by unknown
Daoud was quoted by Amman radio as assailants who escaped in a car. Alon was
having named Fatah leaders who had shot five times as he was parking his auto
planned a number of raids in thepast 18 outside his suburban home in Chevy
months in the name of the Black Sep- Chase, Md. after returning from an em-
tember organization. Daoud was quoted bassy party.
as saying that Saleh Khalef (also known A broadcast later July by the Voice of

as Abu Ayad) had masterminded the Palestine Radio in Cairo said Alon had
Black September attack on Israeli been "executed" in reprisal for the
Olympic athletes in Munich and tfee slay- "assassination" June 28 of an alleged
ing of an Israeli agent in Madrid in Janu- Palestinian Black September representa-
ary. Amman radio said Khalef was be- tive in Paris. Identified by French police as

lieved to be second in command to Al an Algerian, Mohammed Boudia, 41, was

Fatah chief Yasir Arafat. Daoud was said killed when his automobile exploded as he

to have told his captors that another started the engine. The Cairo broadcast
Fatah leader, Abu Youssuf, had engi- said Boudia was murdered "at the hands
neered the 1971 assassination of Jorda- of the Zionist intelligence element."
nian Premier Wash Tell and the 1972 hi- Boudia had been sought by Italian police
jacking of a Belgian airliner to Tel Aviv in connection with the sabotage of petro-
and the seizure of the Israeli embassy in leum installations in Trieste in 1972.
Bangkok, Thailand. Daoud said the
Munich attack had been planned by
Fatah leaders in Sofia, Bulgaria and that
France deports guerrilla suspects. Two
all participants of the assault had left for
suspected Black September members who
Munich from Libya.
reportedly were part of a plan to blow up
In a British television interview
the Israeli and Jordanian embassies in
broadcast March 27, Daoud reiterated his
Paris were arrested there March 16, 1973.
charges that Black September "is not a
separate organization" but "a group of Dianne Campbell-Lefevre, a Briton, was
— .


deported to London March 22, and Jamil Japanese jet hijacked, destroyed. A
Abdelhakim, was flown to Damascus Japan Air Lines 747 passenger jet en route
March 23. to Tokyo were hijacked July 20, 1973 by
Information on the two suspects and four armed terrorists shortly after take-
the reported bomb plot had been provided offfrom Amsterdam and was diverted to
by two Arabs who had been arrested the Persian Gulf sheikdom of Dubai, a
March 14 by French authorities near the state in theUnion of Arab Emirates. The
Italian border with explosive equipment plane remained on a desert airstrip for
in their car. three days and was then flown July 24 to
Benghazi, Libya, where it was blown up
by the hijackers minutes after they and the
Attack Cyprus. A group of Arab
fails in
137 passengers and crew evacuated the
guerrillas April 9,1973 blew out the en-
trance to the Nicosia apartment building
The hijackers had boarded the plane
housing Israeli Ambassador Rahamim
earlierJuly 20 in Paris. They com-
Timor and then attacked an Israeli El Al
mandeered the aircraft 30 minutes out of
airliner in a futile attempt to hijack be-
Amsterdam. Shortly afterward a woman
fore takeoff. Nine men participated in the
hijacker was killed and the plane's Japa-
nese purser was wounded when the hand
No residents of the building were in-
grenade she was holding exploded acci-
jured. The ambassador's family, but not
Timor himself, and others were in their
apartments at the time. The bomb The terrorists first tried to have the
exploded after it was placed at the en- plane land in Beirut, but Lebanese offi-
trance by an Arab who ran to a waiting cials refused permission. Then they flew
car. Cypriot security guards opened fire on to Basra, Iraq, where the runway was
as the automobile sped away and its three regarded as too short for a jumbo jet.
occupants were later arrested. The plane headed for Bahrain in the
Shortly afterward, Arabs in two cars Persian Gulf, but authorities there also
crashed through the gates of the Nicosia denied the hijackers the right to land.
airport. One of the vehicles was stopped The plane finally touched down at the
by police, but the other made its way to Dubai airport.
the Israeli plane about to leave with Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid, defense
passengers for Tel Aviv. The Arabs began minister of the Union of Arab Emirates,
exchanging fire with Cypriot policemen boarded the plane July 21 to negotiate
and an Israeli security agent. The Israeli for the release of the hostages. The ter-
wounded three of the Arabs with auto- rorists rejected this request.
matic weapons fire; one of them later The Dubai control tower July 23 re-
died. Two Cypriot policemen were layed tothe hijackers a message re-
wounded. One Arab assailant escaped and ported by authorities to have been sent
a total of seven were taken into custody. by a clandestine terrorist group in West
Dynamite and grenades were tossed at Germany. The message said: "If you in-
the plane but failed to explode. tend to kill the passengers on board . .

The nationality of the captured raiders do it at once, otherwise be human enough

was not certain. Six carried passports to release them. Please give up your
. .

two each from Oman, Saudi Arabia and intentions. There are other means of un-
Ras al Khaima, a Persian Gulf emirate. bloody possibilities to reach your politi-
President Makarios of Cyprus cal aims."
condemned the Arab attack April 10 and Shortly after receiving the message, the
called on the Arab6 and Israelis not to use hijackers demanded and Dubai authori-
his country "as a battlefield in the Arab- ties agreed to refuel the plane. The plane
Israeli conflict." took off July 24. The hijackers' request
The seven Arabs were sentenced in to land at Baghdad was rejected by Iraqi
Nicosia July 27 to seven years in prison for officials. Syrian officials granted the plane
the April 9 attack, but they were granted permission to land at Damascus, where it
amnesty by Makarios, were freed Dec. 6 refueled and took off a few hours later
and were flown to Cairo. for Benghazi.

The plane landed at the Libyan field in compensation for the victims of the
later July 24, all on board slid down the Lod incident.
emergency escape chute. Two minutes A PLO spokesman confirmed Aug. 14,
later, the aircraft was rocked by an ex- 1974 that Libya had released the four
plosion, starting a fire that quickly de- terrorists and that they had arrived in
stroyed the jet. The hijackers were cap- Damascus Aug. 13. A Beirut newspaper
tured by Libyan troops. said that Libyan leader Muammar el-
The captain of the plane, Kenzi Ko- Qaddafi had personally decided to free
numa, said the hijackers had received a them following requests from Yasir
relayed message from other guerrillas in Arafat and other Palestinian guerrilla
Amsterdam to blow up the plane on land- leaders.
ing in Benghazi. The message had been
sent via the air control towers in Bahrain
and Kuwait, the captain said.
Arab blocked in Athens raid. An armed
The hijackers, identified as three Pales-
Arab terrorist who failed in an attempt to
tinians and one member of the terrorist
attack an El Al Israeli airlines office in
Japanese Red Army, were arrested by Athens July 19 was later flown out of
Libyan authorities.
Greece in exchange for the release of 17
During the flight to Dubai, the hi- hostages he had held in a nearby hotel for
jackers variously described themselves more than five hours.
as members of the Organization of Sons The gunman was prevented from en-
of Occupied Territories, the Mount Car- tering the El Al office by a guard inside
mel Martyrs, "the Japanese Red Army who pressed the security lock that closed
acting for the People of Palestine," and
the inner glass doors. The Arab then fled
"Palestine commandos and members of
to the hotel with two policemen giving
the Japanese Red Army."
chase. Armed with a submachine gun and
The major Palestinian commando grenades, the Arab threatened to kill the
groups in Beirut disclaimed any knowl-
hostages in the lobby unless Greek Deputy
edge of these groups and disassociated
Premier Stylianos Patakos escorted him
themselves from the hijacking.
to the Athens airport for safe conduct out
Although the hijackers publicly made of the country. Patakos refused.
no specific demands, they were reported The release of the hostages was ne-
to have said during the flight to Dubai gotiated by the ambassadors in Athens of
that they sought the release of Japanese Egypt, Libya and Iraq, who spoke with the
Red Army terrorist Kozo Okamoto, serv- gunman in the lobby for two and a half
ing a life sentence in Israel for the hours. The gunman was taken to the air-
1972 massacre at Tel Aviv's Lod Inter- port and flown to Kuwait.
national Airport.
Israeli Transport Minister Shimon
Peres declared July 21 that his govern- Arabs raid Athens airport terminal. Two
ment would not turn Okamoto over to the Arab attacked the crowded
hijackers. "The position of Israel that we Athens airport terminal with machine
don't give in to blackmail still holds," guns and grenades Aug. 15, 1973, killing
he said. three people and wounding 55. (Two
Israeli officials said July 24 that un- more victims died later.) The terrorists,
specified precautions had been taken to identifying themselves as Black Sep-
prevent the Japanese plane from entering tember guerrillas, surrendered to Greek
Israeli air spacepreparation for a pos-
in police after releasing 35 hostages they had
might carry out
sibility that the hijackers seized following the killings.
previous commando threats to crash such The two Arabs were identified as Shafik
a plane into an Israeli city. el Arida, 22, of Palestine and Tallal

A statementsigned and distributed Khaled Kaddourah, 21, of Lebanon. They

clandestinely by the Organization of Sons told the court Aug. 7 that they were obey-
of Occupied Territories in Beirut July 26 ing "orders to hit at emigrants to Israel
said the Japanese plane was hijacked and because they kill our wives and chil-
destroyed in retaliation for the $6 million dren." Court officials said Arida and
the Japanese government had paid Israel Kaddourah had flown to Athens from


Benghazi, Libya Aug. 3 to survey the tacks in Greece unless the two com-
transit lounge. Then they took off for mandos were freed.
Beirut and returned Aug. 5 to carry out The Israeli government expressed
the attack. shock May two
5 at the release of the
Police said the two Arabs drew guns commandos, saying that mur-
and started shooting as they were about to derers under pressure of threats" would
undergo a routine search by a Greek se- lead to more terrorism.
curity inspector. The terrorists fired at a
The U.S. State Department May 6 also
line of passengers about to board a Trans
was critical of the Athens government's
World Airlines plane bound for New York action, stating that "deporting individuals
and others waiting in the terminal. Arid
convicted of murdering innocent people is
and Khantouran admitted to police Aug.
not the answer to deterring further ter-
6 that they had meant to fire at the
rorist activity."
passengers of another TWA
flight for Tel
Aviv. Those Israel-bound travelers had al-
ready boarded the aircraft when the two Arab slain in Norway. A Moroccan
Arabs entered the terminal. suspected of being a member of the
Palestinian Black September organization
An Athens court Jan. 24, 1974 sen-
was killed by two gunmen July 21, 1973
tenced the two terrorists to death.
in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer,
Arida, who with his companion had
1 15 miles north of Oslo.
pleaded guilty, said "We are sorry in our
Oslo police said six persons of various
hearts that we injured Greeks, but orders
nationalities, including two Israelis, were
are orders and we do not question them.
arrested connection with the slaying of
Any plane of any country that flies to Is- Ahmed Bouchiki, 30.
rael is a target for us."
An Oslo newspaper (Aftenposten)
an operation connected with the
In reported Aug. 1 that Bouchiki had been
case, three Pakistanis seized a Greek killed after being mistaken for a Black
freighter in Karachi Feb. 2, 1974 and September leader by an extremist Israeli
threatened to blow up the ship and kill counterterrorist group called the Wrath
itstwo crewmen unless Greece freed the of God, an offshoot of the militant Jewish
two Arabs. Defense League. The newspaper said that
two Israeli undercover agents had
The gunmenreleased the hostages Feb.
infiltrated the group and had been in
3 after
receiving assurances from the
telephone contact with diplomat Yigal
Greek government that it would com- Eyal and other Israeli officials in Oslo.
mute the death sentences. The two Israelis were arrested in Eyal's
The hijackers described themselves as Oslo apartment July 25.
members of the Moslem International The Israeli counterterrorist group was
Guerrillas, a group known to be active in believed to have carried out the killing of
the Philippines and Indonesia. They were Bouchiki as part of an Israeli plan to
flown to Cairo Feb. 4 and threatened to thwart a Black September effort to
commit suicide unless they were given safe assemble a group in Norway and then
conduct to Libya. hijack an El Al Israeli airlines jet in
The Arabs were deported from Greece Denmark.
to Libya May 5. Greek Justice Minister An Oslo court Feb. 1, 1974 convicted
Stylianos Triandafyllou said the men were five Jews, including two Israelis, in con-
being handed over at the request of the nection with Bouchiki's murder. sixth A
Libyan government, which had pledged defendant, an Israeli, was acquitted. The
they would be "held answerable for their prosecution said Bouchiki was mistaken
actions." for a Palestinian agent.
The death sentences of the terrorists The defendants were charged with being
had been commuted to life imprisonment accessory to murder and with spying for
April 30, and then President Phaidon Israel. Sylvia Rafael of South Africa and
Gizikis granted them a full pardon. Abraham Gehmer of Israel each received
Greece had pledged to treat the two men a 5H-year prison term. Dan Aerbel of
leniently following threats of further at- Denmark was given a five-year sentence.

Ethel Marianne GladnikofT of Sweden The French dropped their original de-
received a 2 Hi -year sentence and Zwi mand that the commandos must not
Steinberg of Israel a one-year sentence. leave with their arms and the hostages.
The terrorists with the four hostages
transferred later Sept. 7 to a Kuwaiti
Commandos to get East Berlin office. Boeing 707 plane and circled over Riyadh,
Allied officials in West Berlin reported
Saudi Arabia, threatening to throw their
Aug. 18 that the Palestine Liberation Or- captives out of the aircraft unless the
ganization (PLO) would open an office in
Saudis took action to help secure Abu
East Berlin under an agreement reached Daoud's release. Saudi officials refused.
there earlier in 1973 between PLO Jordan announced Sept. 7 that it would
leader Yasir Arafat and East German not free Daoud.
Communist party secretary Erich
Returning to Kuwait, the gunmen
asked for another Syrian plane to fly them
An East German statement said the to Damascus. Ali Yassin, PLO represen-
purpose of the commandos' office would tative in Kuwait, who was serving as
be "to further mutual understanding" be- mediator between the commandos and
tween East Germans and Palestinians and the Kuwaitis, was seized as a hostage by
"to increase solidarity in their joint strug- the commandos. In further negotiations
gle against imperialism and Zionism." Sept. 8 Kuwait offered to give the com-
mandos safe passage to Iraq in a car if the
commandos freed all the hostages. The
Arabs raid Saudi embassy in Paris. A
guerrillas insisted on taking Yassin or a
group of five armed Palestinian com- with them. This
Kuwaiti security official
mandos entered the Saudi Arabian em- demand was refused. Yassin was freed two
bassy in Paris Sept. 5, 1973 and seized 13
hours later. The commandos surrendered
diplomats and employes as hostages. later Sept. 8, released the four Saudis and
After 28 hours of protracted negotia- were taken into custody.
tions, the guerrillas agreed to release all
but four Saudi hostages, and left Paris
Sept. 6 with their captives aboard a Italy thwarts commando air attack.
plane provided by Syria. The aircraft Italian military police Sept. 5 arrested
landed in Kuwait Sept. 7 after a re-
they said planned to
five Arabs
fueling stop in Cairo. shoot down an Israeli El Al airliner at
The commandos described them- Rome's international airport at Fiumi-
selves as belonging to a hitherto un- cino.
known group called Al Icab. After One ofthe Arabs was seized in an
storming the embassy, they threatened apartment at Ostia, four miles from the
to blow up the building or kill the hos- airport, along with two light-weight
tages unless their demands were met. launchers for ground-to-air missiles, ac-
They called for the release of Abu cording to the police. The four others
Daoud, an Al Fatah leader serving a were arrested later in Rome.
life term in Jordan for terrorism. The
later dropped this demand and
Two of the Arabs were soon released
gunmen in their own recognizance and presumably
insisted only that they be given safe pas-
left Italy. The other three were convicted
sage by plane to an Arab country.
and sentenced in a Rome court Feb. 27,
The impasse was finally broken Sept. 1974. They received prison terms of five
6 when Syrian President Hafez al-Assad years and two months each and were fined
agreed to put a Syrian Arab Airlines $2,500 each. Then they were freed on bail.
plane at the disposal of the commandos. (Observers noted that Italy was then
The aircraft arrived at Paris' Le Bourget negotiating foroil from Arab oil states,
airfield later in the day. which had imposed a cutback in oil pro-
The French government agreed to duction and had raised oil prices in what
safe passage for the commandos and was described as retaliation for Western
their Saudi hostages in exchange for the failure to support the Arabs against

release of four women held hostage. Israel.)


Hostages used to curb Austrian transit munist countries since 1971 had passed
of Soviet Jews. Yielding to terrorists, the through Austria in groups, without
Austrian government announced Sept. 29, Austrian visas.
1973 it would no longer allow group tran- Kreisky, Jewish-born, said he had acted
sit of Soviet Jewish emigrants through solely to prevent loss of life but said
Austria and would close Israeli-run Austria "would sooner or later have had
facilities for emigrants awaiting transfer to order a modification" of the emigration
to Israel. The decision was made in re- procedures because of the threat of
turn for the release of one Austrian and violence and the presence of "armed men
three Soviet Jewish hostages, whom Arab from both sides."
guerrillas had held at the Vienna airport. Austria had been criticized by Arab and
The three Jewish hostages were seized Communist governments for permitting
Sept. 28, along with a woman who later the transit facilities. Three Arabs had
escaped with her infant son, on a Mos- been arrested as suspected terrorists early
cow-Vienna train carrying 40 Jewish in 1973, only to be released after the
emigrants in Czechoslovak territory at the Austrian embassy in Beirut received a
Austrian border. The two heavily armed terrorist bomb threat. Austrian security
guerrillas, who
said they were members officials were reported to have opposed
of a group called the Eagles of the the Schoenau operation, in existence for
Palestinian Revolution, left the train 1 1 years.
at the Austrian customs station, where officials condemned Austria's
they seized a customs official, com- decision on the transit issue. Israeli
mandeered a car and drove to Vienna's Ambassador Yitzhak Patish, recalled to
Schwechat airport. Tel Aviv Sept. 29, said this was the first
During several hours of negotiations, success by Arab terrorists in forcing a
the Austrian Cabinet offered to fly the government to change its policy.
guerrillas to the Middle East but re- Israeli Premier Golda Meir asked the
fused their demands to take the hostages Austrian government to reconsider its de-
with them. The hostages were released cision in an Oct. 1 address to a meeting of
early Sept. 29, after Austrian Chancellor the Assembly of the Council of Europe in
Bruno Kreisky agreed to close the Strasbourg, France. She called the
Schoenau Castle transit facility outside Austrian decision "the greatest en-
Vienna, run by the Jewish Agency of couragement to terrorism throughout the
Israel, and to bar "group transports" of world."
Jews through Austria. But Meir failed to convince Kreisky to
The guerrillas were given a twin-engine reverse his decision when she met with
plane with two Austrian pilots and were him in Vienna Oct. 2.
allowed to land in Libya only after they The
17-nation Council of Europe voted
had been refused by Tunisia and Algeria unanimously Oct. 2, after hearing Meir,
and had threatened to blow up the plane. to advise Austria that it considered no
The plane had made refueling stops in government bound by pledges obtained
Yugoslavia and Italy. In a statement through blackmail.
issued at Schwechat, the guerrillas said
After their meeting, Kreisky told news-
they had acted "because we feel that the
immigration of Soviet Union Jews con-
men that resisting the terrorists would
have not discouraged future terrorism,
stitutes a great danger to our cause."
since "by now, even if they are indicted
Austria's government-run television
and convicted, terrorists know the events
said Sept. 29 that
the offer to close
Schoenau had been a compromise sug-
that follow —
that they will be liberated
gested by Arab governments, "especially
Iraq." Kreisky, in several interviews that President Nixon Oct. 3 also criticized
day, said he had refused demands to bar what was seen as an Austrian capitulation
all future Jewish emigrants from entering
to terrorism.
Austria and said "all people with proper Nixon said "we simply cannot have
papers" would be allowed to pass governments— small or large give in to —
through. Nearly all the 70,000 Jewish emi- international blackmail by terrorist
grants who had left the European Com- groups."


Arabs hijack, free Dutch plane. A KLM persons aboard the plane. Two other
Royal Dutch Airlines 747 passenger jet en persons, including an Italian policeman,
route from Amsterdam to Tokyo was were shot to death as the gunmen were
seized over Iraq Nov. 25, 1973 by three hijacking a West German Lufthansa air-
Palestinian hijackers. The plane and the liner nearby. The hijacked plane was flown
last of its 1 1 hostages were released by the to Kuwait Dec. 18 after short stopovers at
gunmen after landing in Dubai Nov. 28. Athens and Damascus. The guerrillas re-
plane, carrying 18 crew members leased 12 hostages and surrendered.
and 247 passengers, mostly Japanese, was The Palestinians began shooting as they
taken over by the hijackers Nov. 25 removed submachineguns from luggage in
shortly after taking off from Beirut. The the lounge of the airport at Fiumicino, 15
gunmen miles from Rome. The men made their
identified themselves as members
of a little-known group called the Arab
way to a Pan American Boeing 707 that
Nationalist Youth for the Liberation of
was preparing to take off for Beirut and
Palestine. KLM
said the men demanded
Teheran. They hurled incendiary bombs
inside the aircraft, killing the 29 people
that the airlines halt the transporting of
arms to Israel, and that the Dutch govern- aboard and heavily damaging the plane.
ment alter its "pro-Israel
Among the dead were four Moroccan
stance" and cease providing mediation or
government officials en route to Teheran
for a state visit and 14 U.S. employes of
assistance in the emigration of Soviet Jews
the Arabian-American Oil Co.
to Israel. They threatened to blow up the
plane if their demands were not met. The guerrillas herded five Italian hos-
The commandos forced the plane to tages into the Lufthansa plane and killed a
turn back and land in Damascus, Syria, sixth, the Italian customs policeman, as he

where it was denied refueling. It then flew tried to escape. The second man shot out-
to Nicosia, Cyprus Nov. 26. It took off side the plane died on the way to the hos-
again after Cypriot officials rejected the pital. The plane, carrying the guerrillas,
hijackers' demand for release of seven the Italians and the crew, took off,and the
Arabs jailed for the April attack on the pilot was ordered to head for Beirut.
home of Israel's ambassador to Cyprus Lebanese authorities, however, refused
and on an Israeli airliner. (The seven were landing permission, and the jet was flown
granted amnesty by Cypriot President to Athens, where it landed Dec. 18.
Makarios and flown to Cairo Dec. 6.) In negotiations by radio with Greek au-
The aircraft stopped briefly at Tripoli, thorities n the Athens airport control

Libya and then landed Nov. 27 at Valletta, tower, the guerrillas reportedly demanded
Malta, where the gunmen freed all 247 the release of two Arab terrorists held
passengers and eight stewardesses. Their since August for an attack on the Athens
release followed a Dutch government an- airport. The terrorists killed one of their
nouncement Nov. 26 pledging not to Italian hostages and dumped his body
"allow the opening of offices or camps for from the plane before leaving Athens.
Soviet Jews going to Israel" and banning
The plane's pilot, Capt. Joe Kroese, had
"transportation of weapons or volunteers
urged the Greek authorities to meet the
for Israel."
commandos' demands, reporting that
The plane left Malta with hostages 1 1
four other hostages had been shot dead.
10 crewmen and a KLM vice president, Kroese was unaware at the time that the
A.W. Withholt. It arrived in Dubai Nov. shootings were a hoax, that the guerrillas
28, then left for Aden, South Yemen and
were merely firing their guns in the air to
returned to Dubai later Nov. 28 after
give the false impression that they were
Yemeni authorities discouraged a landing. killing the other prisoners.
The three gunmen surrendered the plane
and its hostages
1 1 in return for safe-con- The plane then flew to Damascus,
duct guarantees. where Syrian authorities permitted the
loading of food and fuel.
On landing Kuwait later Dec. 18, the
Commando massacre at Rome airport. five guerrillasreleased their hostages in
Five armed Palestinian commandos at- return for "free passage" to an unknown
tacked a U.S. airliner at Rome's inter- destination. But Kuwait announced Dec.
national airport Dec. 17, 1973, killing 29 23 that they would be turned over to the

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) situation of today's oil crisis." They de-
for trial. manded a plane to fly them to an Arab
The PLO had said Dec. 17 that the country.
assault was against the interests "of our The Singapore government rejected
people." A PLO Dec. 18 his
official said their request but offered the gunmen
group would "do everything in our power sanctuary Feb. 4 in any of the 42 diplo-
to stop such acts." matic missions in Singapore.
U.S. Dec. 26 identified the
officials Later, in Kuwait, five PFLP guer-
terrorists as members of the Popular rillasbroke into the Japanese embassy
Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Feb. 7 and seized Ambassador Ryoko
They said Libya had provided and trans- Ishikawa and nine members of his staff at
ported the weapons used. gunpoint. Four non-Japanese staff mem-
bers were permitted to leave the building.
The PFLP raiders threatened to kill the
Guerrillas attack in Singapore, Kuwait. hostages unless the four guerrillas in
A combined operation of guerrilla actions Singapore were freed and flown to Kuwait
by the Popular Front for the Liberation of aboard a Japanese airliner.
Palestine (PFLP) and the radical Japanese Kuwait refused to allow landing of a
Red Army was carried out in Singapore Japanese plane but offered the gunmen
Jan. 31, 1974 and Kuwait Feb. 7. The nine safe-conduct out of the country if they
terrorists involved were flown to Aden, surrendered the Japanese hostages
South Yemen Feb. 8 after agreeing to re- unharmed.
lease all hostages. The PFLP
their Japan appealed to the Kuwaiti govern-
claimed credit for the entire operation. ment later Feb. 7 to meet the PFLP de-
In the first raid, in Singapore Jan. 31, mand. Kuwait at first rejected this
four guerrillas —
two of the PFLP and two plea but accepted it Feb. 8. A Japan Air
of the Red Army —
seized a ferryboat in Lines plane carrying the four guerrillas
the harbor with five hostages aboard after from Singapore landed in Kuwait later
making an unsuccessful attempt to blow Feb. 8, picked up the other four PFLP
up the refineries of Royal Dutch Shell. commandos and flew to Aden, South
Two of the hostages managed to escape Yemen.
Feb. 1 by jumping overboard.
The guerrillas threatened in a note to
Singapore authorities to kill themselves Arabs hijack British plane. A British
and their hostages unless they were given Airways jetliner was hijacked by two
safe-conduct to an Arab country. One of Arab terrorists March 3, 1974 shortly
the three storage tanks they attempted to after takeoff from Beirut. The plane was
blow up was set afire but was quickly ex- forced to land at Amsterdam's Schiphol
tinguished. The men said they had set off airport. where it was set afire after all 92
the blast to support the "Vietnam revolu- passengers and 10 crewmen were permit-
tionary people and for making a revolu- ted to evacuate the aircraft. The two
tionary situation after considering the hijackers were arrested.

A rab Terrorists Captured in Europe

January 1972 through January 1974
Number Release Released Convicted Awaiting
captured secured for other and or on
by threat reasons sentenced trial
Italy 12 7 2 3
France 2 2
Britain 5 4 1

Austria 8 2 6
West Germany 7 3 4
G reece 3 1 2
Turkey 2 2
Cyprus 10 7 3
Holland 1 1

50 13 23
Source: The Economist

The jet had landed at Beirut on a the newspaper L'Aurore and the weekly
scheduled from Bombay to London.
flight Minute, it said they "have consciously
On seizing the plane, the hijackers first made themselves into instruments of
ordered the pilot to fly to Athens, but criminal actions by Israeli secret agents."
Greek authorities refused authorization to
The guerrillas were said to have
identified themselves as members of the Strife Embroils Israel,
Palestine Liberation Army. The Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO) in Beirut
Arab States & Commandos
March 3 disavowed any connection with
the hijacking. Israeli air-ground raid on Lebanon.
Amsterdam police reported March 6 Israeli forces carried out a major ground
that the two guerrillas had said under in- and air attack against Palestinian com-
terrogation that the arms and explosives mando bases southern Lebanon Sept.
for their operation were hidden in the 16-17, 1972. Some
3,000 troops, spear-
plane by accomplices before they boarded headed by about 50 tanks and other
it in Beirut. armored vehicles and with air support
Dutch court June 6 convicted the provided by about 25 jets, thrust 15
of air piracy and arms charges
terrorists miles across the border in the deepest
and sentenced them to five-year prison penetration of southern Lebanon.
terms. Israeli authorities reported that during
The British Airline Pilots' Association •the 33-hour operation "at least 60"
criticized the sentences as "ineffectual." It were
guerrillas killed, 16 Arab villages
favored the death penalty for hijacking. were searched for terrorists and more
than 150 houses believed to have quar-
tered the commandos were destroyed.
West Berlin frees 2 guerrillas. West
Israel placed its losses at three killed
Berlin authorities released two jailed
and six wounded. The Lebanese army
Arab terrorists June
1974 after10,
as well as the guerrillas put up strong
receiving threats that other guerrillas
would attack at the World Cup soccer Lt. Gen. David Elazar, Israeli chief
matches in the city and in West Germany. of staff, Sept. 17 described the operation
The two men were flown to Egypt. They as "a major battle" in "our continuing
had been convicted April 22 of plotting to war against the terrorists." It followed
blow up the West Berlin office of El Al, the killing of two Israeli soldiers Sept.
the Israeli airline, and the city's police 15 by Arab raiders in the Golan Heights.
registration office for foreigners. Arab sources said the Israelis killed at
West German police June 13 reported least 35 guerrillas, 18 Lebanese soldiers
they had smashed a Palestinian terrorist and 23 Lebanese civilians. A Beirut
ring planning to launch raids during the communique Israeli jets had de-
World Cup matches that opened that day. stroyed major bridges over the
Five Palestinians were arrested, including Litani River, which cut across Lebanon
a student in Saarbrucken whose group, about 15 miles north of the Israeli
according to police, had plotted assaults frontier.
against the Israeli embassy in Bonn and Describing the ground action, tht
Israeli passenger planes. Lebanese said the Israeli troops and
armored units struck in the southeast
up to Adiesse and Taiybe in the direction
3 Paris offices bombed. Three car
of Marjioun and drove past Bin Jbail
bombs exploded outside the offices of two
up to Tibnine and Ghandouniye. In a
right-wing, pro-Israeli publications and a
second thrust to the west, the Israeli
Jewish welfare organization early Aug. 3, force pushed as far as Kana, 15 miles
1974. Two people were injured. The
south of the port of Tyre, according to
police defused a fourth bomb outside the
the report.
office of the national television network.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine Aug. 5 took credit for the Beirut curbs commandos. In the after-
attacks. In a message to two publications, math of the Israeli foray, Lebanon

Sept. 17 ordered the commandos to The new Israeli strategy was further
evacuate all villages in southern Lebanon. stated a broadcast by Chaim Herzog,
The Palestine Liberation Organization former chief of staff. He said: "We are
(PLO) was reported Sept. 20 to have not engaged in reprisal but a war against
acceded to the Beirut government's terror. The very presence of terrorists
demands. The agreement followed in the area between the border and the

mediation moves by Mahmoud Riad, Litani River is a provocation" and

secretary general of the Arab League, Israel, therefore, considered itself "free
who had arrived in the Lebanese capital to act against them."
on short notice Sept. 18. Premier Golda Meir said the attacks
According to the text of a Lebanese on Syria and Lebanon were carried out
directive released Sept. 17 by the Al because it was in those countries that
Fatah office in Cairo, the guerrillas the guerrillas had planned the Munich
were to remain confined to their camps killings, the Tel Aviv airport massacre
in where they had previously
sectors and the mailing of letter bombs to Jews.
been They were to carry
arms and wear their battle dress only
after coordination between their com- Israelis strike deep in Lebanon and
mand and the Lebanese army. kill 3 Fatah leaders. An Israeli force
Al Fatah leader Yasir Arafat was re- struck deep into Lebanon April 10, 1973,
ported at first to have challenged the attacking Palestinian commando bases in
commando curbs in a meeting with Pre- the center of Beirut and in the coastal
mier Saeb Salam. town of Saida to the south. The raids
Shortly after the Israeli forces with- followed the terrorist attack on the home
drew from southern Lebanon, govern- of the Israeli ambassador to Cyprus and
ment troops moved back into the area to on an Israeli airliner there.
block guerrilla reoccupation of their Lebanese Premier Saeb Salam submit-
former bases. ted his resignation April 10 following the
Israeli raid.
Operating under cover of darkness, the
Rival commando factions clash. Two Israeli units drove into Beirut after
Al Fatah factions clashed Oct. 14, 1972 landing on the coast in small boats and
with machine guns and mortars in the
killed three prominent Al Fatah leaders in
Bekaa Valley region of eastern Lebanon
the capital. They were Abu Youssef
near the Syrian border.
(whose real name was Mohammed Yussef
clash occurred between a dis- Najjar), one of two Fatah representatives
sidentgroup that sought to defy the
on the PLO Executive Committee, Kamal
Lebanese government-commando agree-
Adwan, an organizer of Palestinian
ment curbing guerrilla raids into Israel
resistance in the occupied West Bank;
from Lebanon and the main faction of
and Kamal Nasser, former Jordanian
Al Fatah leader Yasir Arafat. The dis-
parliament member and official spokes-
sidents were said to number about 1,000
man of the PLO.
men and were led by Abu Youssef el
All three men and Youssef s wife were
shot to death in separate apartments in
two guarded houses that were entered by
Lebanon &
Syria bases bombed. Israeli the attackers. The buildings were located
planes bombed Al Fatah
bases in Syria in the Sabra refugee camp in the heart of

and Lebanon Oct. 15, 1972. This was Beirut, where most of the commando
the first time Israel attacked targets groups were headquartered. Other guer-
rilla targets struck in the city were the
in Arab countries without immediate
central offices of the Democratic Popular
provocation. In explaining the new
policy, an Israeli spokesman said "we
Front and workshops reportedly used to
are no longer waiting for them to hit
prepare explosives.
first.This is the operative phase of our In the operation at Saida, the Israelis
pledge to hit the terrorists wherever blew up a garage allegedly used to repair
they are, and they are in Lebanon and vehicles of guerrillas stationed in southern
Syria." Lebanon.

After coming ashore near Beirut, the One of the

captured men, Shehada
Israeli units were reportedly met by six Ahmed Mustafa, told a news conference
Israeli agents, who were said to have in Tel Aviv April 22 that he and his com-
entered Lebanon a week earlier as panions were on a "suicide mission to
tourists with false British, Belgian and sabotage the bus station, a restaurant and
West German passports. They drove the other public places" and were under or-
raiders into Beirut in automobiles they ders "to kill as many as we could and not
had rented earlier in the week. permit ourselves to be captured."
Lebanon said 12 persons were killed in
the Israeli attack —
four Palestinians, two
Lebanese, commandos clash in Beirut.
Lebanese policemen, two Lebanese ci-
vilians, three Syrians and an Italian Lebanese army troops, using planes and
woman. tanks, engaged in heavy fighting with
Palestinian commandos May 2-3, 1973.
APLO statement in Beirut charged
April 10 that the Israeli raiders had "re- The fighting began in Beirut and soon

lied on elements of American military in- spread to other parts of Lebanon.

telligence" provided by the U.S. embassy The fighting was halted briefly May 2
in Beirut. The U.S. State Department by a cease-fire agreed to by Al Fatah
denied the allegation in Washington. leader Yasir Arafat and Premier Amin
Lt. Gen. David Elazar,
Israeli chief of Hafez. However, the truce broke down
staff, told a news conference in Tel Aviv and the battle resumed May 3 following a
April 10 that the raid was carried out in guerrilla ambush of a Beirut police bar-
retaliation for "the intensification of ter- racks in which policemen were
rorist acts in Europe and other places in killed and seven wounded. Another cease-
the last months." He said that although fire was arranged May 3, but reports said
most of those commando raids had failed, was continuing.
the conflict
"we had to act." The latest outbreak was precipitated by
Elazar said that "there is no possi- a breakdown in negotiations for the re-
bility of honoring the sovereignty of lease of two Lebanese officers kidnapped
Lebanon and its capital as long as it is by guerrillas May 1 The two officers were

serving as a complete haven for ter- released after the first day's fighting. The
rorists." men had been held as hostages for the re-
lease of seven Palestinian commandos ar-
rested April 27 for carrying explosives at
Arafat takes political powers. The Iraqi the Beirut International Airport. The
news agency reported April 21 that Al fighting reflected the long-standing
Fatah leader Yasir Arafat had taken over dispute between the two sides com- —
the leadership of the combined commando mando demands for freedom of move-
movement's political and governmental ment in Lebanon to carry out operations
relations in the wake of the Israeli slaying against Israel.
of three Fatah leaders in Beirut April 10.
Arafat replaced Abu Youssef, one of the
The hostilities began May 1 near
Beirut's Shatila camp, which housed 5,000
slain men, as head of the political depart-
Palestinian refugees, and spread to the
ment of the Palestine Liberation Organi-
nearby Burj-al-Barajineh camp, which
zation. The department was responsible
housed 7,700 refugees. The fighting was
for relations with Arab and foreign
first confined to the camp areas but soon
extended to other parts of the city. Guer-
rilla rockets set fire to an army depot near

Israel thwarts Arab 'suicide' mission. Is- the Beirut airfield and struck army bar-
raeli troops April 21 captured three Pal- racks at Hasmiyeh along the highway
estinian from Lebanon who
guerrillas toward Damascus.
were have planned an attack on ci-
said to The clashes expanded to southern
vilians at a bus station at Safad, Israel. Lebanon May 3 and were particularly
Identified as members of Al Fatah, the fierce in the Arkub region, a commando
three were seized two miles south of the stronghold which had been used for opera-
Lebanese border and 14 miles northwest tions against Israel. Capt. Riad Awad,
of their intended target. guerrilla commander in the Arkub region,

and three other commandos were re- and set up gun emplacements between
ported to have been killed when their Rasheiya and Massna, about 15 miles to
jeep attempted to run through an army the north. The guerrillas came under
roadblock at Hasbeya. Other clashes rocket and strafing attacks later in the
in the south raged in the Yanta and day by Lebanese planes.
Rasheiya areas between government Government jets May 10 bombed com-
forces and the Syrian-backed As Saiqa
mando positions in northern Lebanon
guerrilla group.
and in the Rasheiya sector in the south.
Two large groups of Palestinian forces An army communique said the raids fol-
crossed from Syria into Lebanon to join lowed commando assaults on three army
the combat. The first group, numbering positions on the eastern bank of the
several thousand men, entered Lebanon Hasbani River in the south and on a
May 3 and skirmished with government government checkpoint at Arida and on
soldiers, but withdrew to Syria after the an airbase at Klaitat, near the Syrian
May 4 truce was worked out. The second frontier in the north.
commando thrust into Lebanon occurred Lebanese security forces arrested 35
May 9. persons in Beirut May 12 on charges of
The collapse of a May 4 cease-fire stirring up trouble between the Lebanese
precipitated the resignation May
8 of army and the guerrillas. Among those
Premier Amin Hafez and his Cabinet. seized as "agents provocateurs" were a
Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh number of West Europeans and citizens of
told Arab mediators in Beirut May 5 that other Arab states. During the fighting in
his government would not permit the Beirut both sides had claimed that a
guerrillas in his country to terrorize and "third force" was firing at govenment and
kidnap people "as if they were above the Palestinian forces to provoke more
official authority." Franjieh informed the clashes.
representatives of the presidents of Syria,
Egypt and Iraq that the Palestinian refu-
gee camps in Lebanon harbored illegal
arms and served as the headquarters of
subversive guerrilla organizations. He said Lebanon-commando accord. The Leb-
Beirut was opposed to giving the com- anese government and the Palestinian
mandos special privileges to organize commandos announced May 17 an
attacks against Israel from Lebanon. agreement that ended two weeks of
The hostilities in Beirut were largely fighting in which at least 250 persons were
curtailed by a new cease-fire negotiated reported killed. In another development
May 8, but incidents continued in that reflected a return to normal condi-
southern Lebanon. tions, Amin Hafez agreed May 19 to

Syria closed its border with Lebanon withdraw his resignation as premier and
May 8, accusing Beirut of complicity again head the Cabinet.
in an anti-Palestinian plot of "foreign The peace agreement was worked out
design." A government statement broad- in two days of talks between a team of
cast by Damascus radio threatened in- three Lebanese army officers and rep-
tervention, saying that Syria would resentatives of three major guerrilla orga-
"carry out its full commitment in con- nizations — Al Fatah, the Popular Front
fronting and foiling this conspiracy." for the Liberation of Palestine and the
Libya May 8 pledged to give the com- Popular Democratic Front. Terms of the
mandos its "entire potential" in their accord were kept secret, but according to
struggle with Lebanon. The offer was Lebanese press reports and diplomatic
contained in a cable sent by Col. sources in Beirut it was known to contain
Muammar el-Qaddafi to Al Fatah leader the following points:
Yasir Arafat. The Palestine Liberation Army's 5,-
A guerrilla force from Syria moved 000-man Yarmuk Brigade and other guer-
into Lebanon May 9 for the second time rillas who had entered Lebanon from
in eight days. The commandos, said to Syria at the height of the fighting were to
number several thousand, took up posi- leave the country. (Their withdrawal was
tions in the southeastern Rasheiya area completed May 18.)

15 camps housing 90,000 Pales- to "get those that advocate the liquidation
tinian refugees were brought under of Israel."
Lebanese sovereignty and their status as
"isolated zones" on Lebanese territory
was ended.
Syria vs. Fatah. Syria was seen as
Guerrillas were barred from carrying
cracking down on the Al Fatah movement
arms or wearing uniforms outside the
on its territory. The group's Voice of
refugee camps.
Palestine radio station at Deraa near the
The commandos were banned from Jordanian border was shut by Damascus
establishing roadblocks, making arrests
Sept. 14, 1973, and its six staff members
or conducting interrogations.
were arrested. The closure followed the
Joint Lebanese army and guerrilla in- station's attack the previous week on a
spection teams were to see to it that no Syrian-Jordanian-Egyptian agreement to
heavy weapons were stored in the refugee adopt a common policy at the U.N.
Syria's arrest of 16 more Al Fatah
Three guerrilla leaders denounced the
guerrillas was reported Sept. 18. The
accord May 20 and warned they would
Syrians also were said to have closed Al
not abide by the key demands that the
Fatah training bases and border trails
commandos withdraw from populated used to infiltrate supplies into Lebanon.
areas and that heavy weapons be pro-
hibited in the camps. The opponents of the
agreement were identified by the semi-
official Palestine News Agency as Salah
Jordan grants amnesty to commandos.
Khalef, Abu Maher and Yasir Abeid
King Hussein of Jordan declared an am-
nesty Sept. 18, 1973 for 1,500 political
prisoners, including 754 Palestinian com-
mandos imprisoned after fighting with
Israelis force down Iraqi jet, Habash Jordanian forces in 1970 and 1971.
escapes. An Iraqi airliner en route from A
total of 347 guerrillas were let out of
Beirut to Baghdad was intercepted Aug. the Amman jail Sept. 19 and another 400
10, 1973 by two Israeli fighters 25 were released Sept. 20. Among those freed
miles north of Beirut and was forced Sept. was Abu Daoud.
to land at a military airfield in northern Hussein saidhis amnesty covered "all
Israel near Haifa. The plane was permit- convicts, detainees and wanted people
ted to continue its scheduled flight to within and outside the kingdom who had
Baghad after a two-hour security search committed political crimes against state
by Israeli authorities. security with the exception of murder and
The U.N. Security Council, meeting at espionage." He said the move was taken in
Lebanon's request, unanimously con- the interest of national unity "now that
demned the Israeli action Aug. 15. lifehas returned to stability and nor-
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan mality" in Jordan. (The amnesty also ap-
said Aug. 11 that the purpose in forcing plied to 2,500 commandos outside Jordan
down the Iraqi plane was to capture who had been sentenced in absentia or
several commando including
leaders, were wanted for trial.)
George Habash, of the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PFLP), believed to be aboard. Dayan Gaza Arabs score terror. Gaza Arabs
called Habash a "master of murder." Feb. 15, 1973 had protested a recent out-

An Israeli military spokesman had con- break of Palestinian commando terrorism

ceded earlier Aug. 11 that the wrong plane in the Israel-occupied area.
had been intercepted. Six members of the Shatti refugee
Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. David council resigned to protest the murder of
Elazar, warned Aug. 15 that Israel would the council chairman Feb. 11. Other
carry out further plane interceptions. He Gazans were circulating a petition calling
said Israel had the "right of self-defense" on Arab world leaders to persuade the

commandos to halt their attacks in the Credit for the attack was claimed April
Gaza Strip. The petition followed an 11 by the Lebanese-based Marxist
unsuccessful attempt Feb. 13 to Popular Front for the Liberation of
assassinate former Gaza Mayor Rashid Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC).
Shawa. Shawa was ambushed by gunmen A photo showing the three terrorists was
but escaped with minor injuries. distributed by the PFLP-GC. They were
identified as a Palestinian, a Syrian and an
Israel expels 8 Arabs. Israel Dec. 10, The PFLP-GC issued three communi-
1973 expelled eight Palestinians from the ques, apparently while the attack was in
West Bank and East Jerusalem and sent progress. The first said the attack was
them to Jordan in connection with an being carried out by a "suicide squad
upsurge of terrorist bombings the pre- based in Israel." It said hostages had been
vious week. seized and warned their lives would be in
The men were charged with incitement danger if Israeli forces attempted to
and atempting to undermine security, law, storm the buildings that were under siege.
order and normal life and with advocating A second communique demanded the re-
cooperation with Palestinian terrorist lease of 100 prisoners from Israeli jails.
groups. Among those ousted were Mayor (Israel denied that any hostages had been
Abed Salah Ita of El Birah in the West taken in the Kiryat Shmona attack.) A
Bank and Abed Abu Messager, a member final communique said shortly after the
of East Jerusalem's Supreme Moslem guerrillashad died that "Our men carried
Council, which administrated the city's
out their instructions. They set off explo-
Moslem community affairs.
sive belts they wore for the operation
In related actions, Israeli forces Dec. 9 when the enemy stormed the building they
had demolished the homes of five Arabs in were holding. They died along with their
the West Bank town of Abu Daif in con- hostages."
nection with a grenade attack in
A member of the PFLP-GC Politburo,
November. identifying himself as Abdul Abbas, said
Col. Eliezer Segev, the Israeli military
in Beirut April 12 that "thisoperation was
governor of Nablus (West Bank), and a
just the beginning of a campaign of revolu-
soldier were wounded Dec. 8 when their
tionary violence within Israel that is
car was hit by a grenade.
aimed at blocking an Arab-Israeli peace
Eight West Bank Arabs were wounded
when a guerrilla threw a hand grenade
into a crowd at Hebron Dec. 12. Insisting that the guerrillas had in-
filtratedfrom Lebanon, Premier Golda
Meir warned April 1 that Israel regarded

the Lebanese government and its people

18 slain in Kiryat Shmona. Three Arab "who collaborated with the terrorists, as
guerrillas, apparently coming from Leba- responsible for these murders."
non, crossed the border April 11, 1974 into Lebanese Premier Takieddin Solh April
11 supported the commandos' claim that
the Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona, less
than a mile away, stormed a four-story they had launched their assault against
apartment building, forced their way into Kiryat Shmona from inside Israel. Solh
apartments and began shooting indis- repeated this view April 12 in a meeting
criminately, killing 18 persons, including with the ambassadors of the U.S., France,
eight children and five women. Two of the China, Britain and the Soviet Union.
dead were Israeli soldiers who had taken
part in the assault on the terrorists after Israelis attack 6 towns in Lebanon — In
the commandos attacked a second build- retaliation the Kiryat Shmona
for at-

ing in the town. All three infiltrators were tack, Israeli forces crossed into southern
killed when explosive-laden knapsacks Lebanon April 12 and raided the villages
they were carrying ignited after being hit of Dahira, Yaroun, Muhebab, Blida, Ett
by Israeli fire, according to Israeli ac- Taibe and Aitarun, west and north of
counts. Sixteen persons were wounded, Kiryat Shmona. An Israeli communique
mostly soldiers. said buildings in the towns were blown up

after their inhabitants were evacuated. children were killed immediately, and five
The communique said "the action was in- of 70 injured students died later. Israel
tended to harm villages whose residents claimed the children were shot by the
had given assistance to terrorists." guerrillas, all of whom were slain them-
A Lebanese communique said the Is- selves in the exchange of fire with the
raeli raiders had blown up 24 houses and a soldiers. One Israeli soldier was killed.
power station in Ett Taibe, kidnapped 13 Before taking over the school, the com-
civilians and killed two women in blowing mandos had burst into an apartment in
up a house in Muhebab. According to Maalot and killed a family of three. Police
reports from Ett Taibe, the Israelis had said that prior to arriving in Maalot, the
informed the villagers that the 13 hostages guerrillas had killed two Arab women and
they were taking would not be returned wounded several others after firing on a
until Lebanon freed the two Israeli pilots van carrying workers.
forced down in Lebanon after a raid on After the terrorists broke into the
Syrian forces April 8. school, they began to herd the students
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said into classrooms. Seventeen children and
April 13 that the raid into Lebanon was three accompanying adults escaped by
"political, not military," that it had been jumping through windows. Later in the
purposely limited in size and damage as a morning, the commandos freed a woman
warning to the Beirut government that it officer with the group and sent her out
must prevent commandos from crossing with their ultimatum demanding the re-
into Israel if it wanted to be spared future lease of the 20 Arab prisoners by 6 p.m.
Israeli incursions. Dayan said "The By that time the freed prisoners were to
Lebanese villagers will have to abandon be in Damascus or Cyprus along with
their homes and flee if the people of Kiryat Francis Hure, French ambassador to Is-
Shmona cannot live in peace. All of rael, and Red Cross representatives.
southern Lebanon will not be able to The commandos threatened to blow up
exist." the school with wired charges unless the
The Israeli raid, Dayan explained, was deadline was met. Israeli officials said they
part of a new government policy to agreed to the demands.
pressure Lebanon to curb the com- Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and
mandos. "We are trying to explain that Lt. Gen. Mordechai Gur, army chief of
we are not the police of Lebanon," that staff, arrived on the scene to take com-

Lebanon was "responsible for what is mand of the rescue operations. The guer-
taking place inside its territory." rillas asked that Ambassador Hure and
Rumanian Ambassador Ion Covaci be
brought to the school to act as mediators.
Terrorists 25 in Maalot. Twenty-
kill The negotiators were to bring a code word
five Israelis, but four of them teen-
all to the terrorists signifying the arrival of
aged school children, died as a result of the freed 20 prisoners in Damascus or
an attack by three Palestinian commandos Cyprus, at which time half of the hostages
May 15, 1974 on the Maalot village, five were to be released. The others, Covaci
miles from the Lebanese border. and the three terrorists would depart in
The Beirut-based Popular Democratic another aircraft, with the release of the re-
Front for the Liberation of Palestine, maining youths contingent upon the ar-
headed by Nayef Hawatmeh, took credit rival of the plane in an Arab capital,
for the attack. The three guerrillas, who preferably Damascus. The code word
were said by Israel to have infiltrated from never arrived, and after the terrorists re-
Lebanon, burst into a high school at fused an Israeli demand to extend their
Maalot, where about 90 students from deadline, the Israelis decided to storm
other towns on an excursion were sleep- the building.
ing. Premier Meir vows protection —
Israeli troops stormed the building af- Golda Meir declared in a television
ter a breakdown in negotiations with the broadcast May 15 that the Arab raid on
guerrillas, who were seeking the release of Maalot was a "bitter day" for Israel and
20 commandos imprisoned in Israel in re- pledged to do everything possible to pre-
turn for the lives of the youths. Sixteen vent future attacks.

Mrs. Mcir said: "I can't promise they nearby areas in searching schools, fac-
But I want to and
will let us live in peace. tories and other sensitive centers for
can promise that the government any — infiltrators.

government of Israel will do everything One infiltrator was killed near the
in its power to cut off the hands that want Lebanese border by Israeli forces May 22
to harm a child, a grown-up, a settlement, and the other six were slain May 23 after
they had moved across the Syrian-Israeli
a town or a village.'
lines into the Golan Heights. The interro-
Israeli jets attack Lebanon— \n reprisal
gation of two guerrillas captured in the
for the commando attack on Maalot, Is-
area earlier led to the interception and
raeli jets May 16 carried out two separate
clash with the six other commandos. Ac-
attacks in southern Lebanon, bombing
cording to the Israelis, the two captives
and strafing Palestinian targets from the
said they belonged to the Popular Demo-
foothills of Mount Hermon to the coastal
cratic Front for the Liberation of
cityof Saida. Initial casualty figures re-
Palestine and were on a mission similar to
ported by Lebanese and Palestinian com-
the May 15 Maalot massacre. They told
mando authorities said 21 were killed and
It was the heaviest Israeli
newsmen they were under orders to take
134 wounded.
civilian hostages at the kibbutzim of Ein
air attack ever carried out in Lebanon.
Gev and Haon near the Sea of Galilee in
A Lebanese Defense Ministry commu-
exchange for the release of 30 terrorists
nique said that severe damage was done
held in Israeli jails and the return of the
to the Ein el Halweh refugee camp, the
bodies of the three guerrillas killed at
largest in Lebanon, and that the Nabatieh
camp was hit.
The Defense Ministry said that at Israeli police reported June 4 they had

least five areas were attacked by the Is-

captured two Arab terrorists on a mission
raeli aircraft in the Mount Hermon sector, to kill persons at random in Haifa. The
which served as a hideout and staging area terrorists, Israeli citizens from Galilee, had
commandooperations against Israel's slipped across the Lebanese border June 3
northern border. and were seized after a suspicious taxi
driver tipped off the police.
Announcing the raids, an Israeli mili-
tary spokesman said they had been di-
rected at commando storehouses, work
shops and training camps largely in the Four Pal-
Arabs raid Israeli settlement.
Nabatiyah, Saida and Tyre regions. were killed after slaying
estinian terrorists
three women June 13, 1974 in a raid on
Shamir, a northern Israeli kibbutz.
crackdown on commandos. A se-
Israel The Popular Front for the Liberation of
was imposed on Jerusalem
curity alert Palestine-General Command claimed
and most of northern Israel May 22 to credit for the attack on Shamir.
prevent Palestinian terror attacks against According to the Israeli version of the
civiliantargets. The decision followed a incident: The four guerrillas entered
report of infiltration into Israel by a group Shamir after crossing into Israel from
of commandos from Lebanon. Six guer- Lebanon, six miles away. They shot to
rilla infiltrators were killed and two cap- death a woman volunteer worker from
tured in northern Israel May 23. New Zealand and wounded a man leaving
Troops and police were deployed on the a dining hall. Six armed men of the set-
streets of Jerusalem, particularly in Arab tlement gave chase and shot one com-
East Jerusalem. In a separate action, mando to death. The three other guer-
police announced destruction of a "ter- rillas took refuge in a factory building,
rorist" cell in East Jerusalem in which where they exchanged fire with the Is-
"considerable quantities of arms and raelis. The three men blew themselves up
sabotage material were found in pos- with their own grenades and explosives
session of threemembers of a gang." after shooting two more women to death
Several hundred armed volunteers were inside the building.
aiding police and troops in the northern The Israelis said the terrorists were car-
region around Nazareth and Afula and rying leaflets demanding the release of 100


guerrillas in Israeli prisons "within six The Israeli Foreign Ministry said June
hours" in exchange for hostages they had 20 that Israel would continue attacking
planned to seize. Palestinian groups responsible for "the
The guerrilla command in Damascus murder of Israeli civilians," while con-
said 3 1 Israeli hostages and four of its own tinuing to seek peace.
men had been killed in the Shamir attack, Israel had informed the United Nations
which it described as lasting 6^ hours. Security Council June 18 that it would
The statement said 15 Israeli soldiers also take all necessary measures to defend it-
had been killed or wounded by the ter- self against guerrilla attacks from
rorists. The command said the attackers Lebanon. The letter also rejected a Le-
came from within Israel, and not from banese complaint that Israel was using
Lebanon. Lebanon as a scapegoat for the com-
mando raids, which Beirut claimed came
from within Israel.
Israeli jets raid Palestinians. Israeli
Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres
planes carried out heavy raids June 18-20 urged Lebanon June 21 to "take construc-
against suspected Palestinian guerrilla tive steps toward sealing her frontier with
bases in southern Lebanon in retaliation Israel against the passage of terrorists
for the June 13 commando attack on setting out to commit murderous acts."
Shamir in northern Israel and for other Lebanese Premier Takieddin Solh had
terrorist assaults emanating from
said that his country had no intention to
Lebanon. curb the Palestinians, that Israeli at-
The raids,the heaviest on Lebanon
tempts to divide the Palestinians and the
since the October 1973 war, were directed Lebanese were bound to fail.
against commando near
Libyan leader Col. Muammar el-
Mount Hermon and other Palestinian
Qaddafi cabled PLO leader Yasir Arafat
targets to the west, including at least a
June 24 that Libya "places all its ca-
dozen refugee camps and settlements.
pabilities at your disposal."
AnIsraeli spokesman said the targets
in the June 19 strike included a command
post of the Popular Front for the Lib-
eration of Palestine-General Command
near the coastal town of Saida. A U.S.S.R. linked to terror group. Antony
Jerusalem communique conceded that the Terry reported in the London Sunday
planes that day had bombed in the vicinity Times June 16, 1974 that "Western in-
of the Rashidya refugee camp in the Ras telligence sources [had] confirmed that
el Ein region but insisted that "all Russian secret service officers of the KGB
possible steps were taken to prevent and . . . GRU
have trained, equipped and
harming the residents of the refugee financed" the Popular Front for the
camps." Liberation of Palestine-General Com-
It was reported that the guerrillas fired mand. According to the article:
shoulder-carried SA-7 Strella missiles at The man behind the PFLP(GC) is Ahmed
Israeli planes attacking Saida June 20 but Jibril, a former Syrian army demolition of-
scored no hits. ficer who has been to Russia several times for
Israeli government sources reported Soviet support for mm
dates back five years
June 20 that the latest series of raids on and he now has a base in Moscow as well as
Lebanon represented a new policy of pre- supply and communications centres in sev-
emptive attacks against the commandos. eral East European capitals, including Sofia
Its purpose was to disrupt the guerrilla
and East Berlin.
Many of his Palestinian recnaits have also
forces by striking at their headquarters gone through Soviet sabotage and subversion
and to pressure the Lebanese government courses run by KGB and GRU officers. . .

to curb the commando activities, the The master-minding of Jibril's organisa-

government sources said. tion is effected directly by Soviet diplomats
In a further move against guerrilla at- stationed in the Middle East who are also
tacks, the Israelis were building a security
KGB officers. One of these is Yuri Ivanovich
Starchinov, a 35-year-old officer who Joined
fence along the northern frontier to the Soviet embassy in the Lebanon as deputy
prevent infiltration. military attache three years ago
. .


The guerrilla warfare and sabotage train- Palestinian state in the Israeli-occupied
ing of the Jibril terrorists by the Russians is
said in Western circles to be both thorough
West Bank and Gaza Strip.
and effective. The chain of command from
Moscow goes through the Soviet Ambassador
in Beirut, Sarvar Azimov. . .

Terrorist raid in Nahariya. Israeli

For some reason, the Russians have always
preferred to ship their arms supplies to Jlb- troops June 24, 1974 killed three Pales-
ril's guerrillas through Polish ports rather tinian commandos after the guerrillas
than direct from Bulgaria, where the organi- had slain three civilians in a raid on an
sation has its main headquarters in Eastern
Europe. apartment house in Nahariya, four miles
has been receiving Soviet consign-
Jibril south of Lebanon. An Israeli soldier was
ments of arms and equipment for the last killed and five were wounded in the clash.
four years. He has a "logistics and liaison of- The dead civilians were a woman and
ficer," Abu Umar, who, like Jibril himsejf,
her two children.
is a former Syrian army officer. . .

Al Fatah claimed credit for the attack

Palestinians get Syrian arms PLO — on Nahariya in a statement issued in
leader Yasir Arafat said Syria had Baghdad June 25. It was believed to be the
shipped "sophisticated weapons" to his first time that Al Fatah, regarded as one

forces in Lebanon in recent weeks and of the more moderate Palestinian com-
would continue to send the arms, the mando groups, publicly acknowledged
Beirut newspaper Al-Yom reported July responsibility for such a mission.
10. Western intelligence sources in Beirut According to Israeli accounts, the ter-
had reported July 4 that the Syrians had rorists apparently reached Nahariya by
sent the guerrillas shoulder-launched water from Lebanon. A small boat was
Strela SA-7 missiles. found beached just south of the coastal
town. As the gunmen made their way into
the center of Nahariya at night, they were
Palestinians clash in Lebanon. At least spotted by an armed volunteer guard who
20 guerrillas were killed and 17 wounded opened fire, alerting police and troops.
June 23 in several hours of fighting at The Israeli force quickly surrounded the
three refugee camps in and around Beirut apartment house the guerrillas had
between members of the Popular Demo- entered and then stormed the building,
killing the three Palestinians in an ex-
cratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PDFLP) and the Popular Front for the change of gunfire and hand grenades. The
terrorists had killed the family of three
Liberation of Palestine-General Com-
after bursting into one of the apartments.
The clasheserupted at a camp at
The Israelis retaliated for the Nahariya
raid by firing artillery shells at Palestinian
Sabra, in a suburb of Beirut, and spread
targets in southern Lebanon June 25.
to the Shatila and Tal Zattar camps out-
Israel filed a complaint with the United
side the city. Al Fatah assumed control of
Nations Council June 25,
security at the camps after the fighting
charging that Lebanon must be held
responsible for the attack on Nahariya be-
The Palestinian news agency Wafa said
cause it continued to permit the terror
the clashes were "the result of a
groups to operate freely on its territory.
misunderstanding." A PDFLP spokes-
The Israeli letter charged that the com-
man charged that the violence had started
mando leaders held frequent meetings
when "suspect and seditious elements" of
with "the heads of the Lebanese govern-
the General Command fired a rocket at a
PDFLP office at the Shatila camp. The
statement said General Command mem-
bers had carried out "provocative and
suspect" acts the previous week, including Terrorists to
halt raids from Leb-
the abduction of some PDFLP men who anon. The PLO
was reported to have in-
were still being detained. formed Lebanese Premier Takieddin Solh
The two groups held conflicting views. June 30, 1974 that its forces would stop
The General Command favored all-out using Lebanon as a base for attacks
war against Israel to liquidate the state. against Israel to spare the country retalia-
The PDFLP advocated establishment of a tory Israeli raids. Solh had told Par-

liament members June 27 that Lebanon were "now using your fishing harbors,
would not act as a "sentry for Israel's se- your boats and were hiding behind your
curity," but said the Palestinians had dis- peaceful civilian activity to sow death and
played a readiness to work put "the best destruction." The leaflets noted that the
solutions in order to avoid further losses guerrillas who had attacked Nahariya had
in lives and property." "come from your harbors." The state-
Egypt and Syria were said by Pales- ment warned that if the Palestinians were
tinian sources July 1 to have pressured the permitted to continue to operate from
guerrillas to halt their forays across the Lebanese harbors, Israel would not allow
Lebanese-Israeli border in a move to the fishermen to conduct their activities
preserve the cease-fire with Israel. off the Mediterranean coast as in the past.
Israeli army authorities disclosed July 9
that the guerrillas had been undergoing
diving and sabotage training for several
Arabs to aid Lebanon, PLO. The Arab
League defense council was reported to years, that their supplies and weapons had
have agreed at a meeting in Cairo July 3-4 been kept in camps not far from the

to provide Lebanon and the Palestine

shore,and that fishing jetties and motor
boats had been used for attacks against
Liberation Organization (PLO) in
Lebanon with assistance to
strengthen their defenses against Israeli Israeli Information Minister Aharon

air and ground attacks. Yariv disclosed July 9 that some of the
boats destroyed in the Lebanese ports had
Cairo newspapers reported July 5 that
belonged to terrorists or to Arabs who
Lebanon had rejected a PLO plan submit-
cooperated with them.
ted to the council meeting July 4 that
would permit the Palestinian forces to
establish missiles and antiaircraft guns
in the 15 refugee camps in Lebanon. Israeli attacks continue. Israeli ground
Lebanese Premier Takieddin al-Solh and air forces attacked suspected Pal-
had declared at the opening session July 3 estinian guerrilla targets in southern
that the protection of Palestinians in his Lebanon July 18 and 23.
country was not the exclusive responsi- In the July 18 action, Israeli troops
bility of his country. The burden had to be crossed the border and blew up three
shared collectively by all Arab nations, he houses in Bustan, about six miles east of
said. the Mediterranean coast. The Israeli
command said the buildings were used by
"Arab terrorists."
Israelis raid Lebanese ports. Israeli Israeli military authorities did not
naval commandos raided the southern specify the targets struck by Israeli planes
Lebanese ports of Tyre, Saida and Ras July 23.
a-Shak the night of July 8 and sank 30 An Israeli spokesman said the raids
fishing boats in retaliation for the Pal- were part of Premier Yitzhak Rabin's
estinian guerrilla attack on the Israeli policy to attack the guerrillas "anytime,
town of Nahariya June 24. The raid also anywhere."
was aimed at forestalling future guerrilla
naval actions against Israel. Israeli planes bombed the towns of
The foray was carried out by divers Khreibe and Rachaya el Fakkhar Aug. 7,
brought in by missile boats that slipped in killing two civilians and wounding 17,
from the sea. The raiders landed on shore the Lebanese Defense Ministry reported.
in rubber rafts, blew up the fishing boats The Palestine news agency Wafa said 10
and returned to their ships undetected. guerrillas had been wounded in the second
The Israeli army July 9 published an attack.
English translation of warning leaflets left Israel reported the raids were against
behind by the naval force. They reminded "terrorist" targets.
the Lebanese fishermen that Israeli re- The air strikes followed the abduction
taliatory attacks against the Palestinian Aug. 6 of six Lebanese
civilians by Israeli
terrorists had caused great damage to troops that crossed the border. Their sei-
Lebanese villages and that these terrorists zure was in retaliation for the kidnapping

that day of four Druse employed by Israel supply the Palestinians with defensive
to build a security fence between Lebanon weapons, including ground-to-air missiles
and Israeli-occupied areas in the Golan and anti-armor weapons.
Heights. The Popular Front for the Lib- Soviet policy in the Middle East had
eration of Palestine (PFLP) claimed credit been assailed by George Habash, leader
for the kidnapping. of the Popular Front for the Libera-
Israeli jets Aug. 9 bombed a tent en- tion of Palestine (PFLP), Lebanese news-
campment and two buildings at Rachaya papers reported Aug. 2. The PFLP, a
el Fakkhar, a town used by the guerrillas member of the PLO umbrella group, had
as a supply base and assembly point, the been excluded from the Moscow talks.
Israeli military command reported. Habash said: "There is an imperialist
An boat Aug. 9 sank a
Israeli patrol American scheme for the region but the
guerrilla motorized rubber dinghy in Is- Soviet line is ineffective because the Rus-
raeli territorial waters just south of sians base their policies on Israel's right
Lebanon, preventing a commando raid on to exist."
Israel, the Israeli command reported. A
Palestinian military spokesman Aug. 10
conceded the loss of the boat, but said be- Capucci accused. Israeli
fore sinking, the guerrilla craft scored a police Aug. 1974 arrested Archbishop
direct hit on the Israeli patrol boat. Hilarion Capucci, leader of the Greek
Israeli gunboats Aug. 13 shelled the Ra- Catholic Church in East Jerusalem, and
shidieh refugee camp
near Tyre, killing charged him with smuggling arms and
one civilian and damaging a number of weapons to Palestinian guerrillas in the
houses, the Palestinian news agency West Bank and with serving as a link be-
reported. The report claimed that one of tween Al Fatah and guerrilla groups on
the Israeli boats was hit and set afire by the West Bank.
Palestinian guns. An Israeli military Capucci was seized at his home in
report on the operation said the principal Jerusalem as he was about to leave for a
target at the camp was a building used by religious conference in Beirut. Police
the guerrillas as their naval headquarters disclosed he had been under surveillance
from which the Palestinian boat had set since 1973. They said he had first been
sail Aug. 9. detained and then released Aug. 8 after
Lebanese Premier Takieddin Solh being intercepted by police as he was
disclosed Aug. 13 that guerrilla units were about to leave for Nazareth, in northern
being withdrawn from Rachaya el Fak- Israel. A search of his car turned up large
khar on orders of Palestine Liberation Or- quantities of weapons and dynamite. It
ganization (PLO) leader Yasir Arafat. was thought he had brought back the
The pullout had started Aug. 12 after weapons after a visit to Lebanon.
more than 300 villagers and their families, Capucci was indicted by an Israeli
in protest against the government for court in Jerusalem Sept. 3 on three
failing to provide them with protection counts of arms smuggling for terrorists.
from Israeli air strikes, closed their shops, Capucci was charged with maintaining
moved out of their homes and drove to contacts with foreign agents, carrying and
another village 20 miles away. possessing illegal weapons and performing
service for an unlawful association. Also
named in the indictment were the prelate's
PLO to open office in Moscow. The contacts, Abu Jihad, head of the Black
U.S.S.R. announced Aug. 4, 1974 that the September organization, and Abu Firas,
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader of Al Fatah operations in the West
had been granted permission to open an Bank. Demolition materials transported
office in Moscow. The disclosure was con- by Capucci from Lebanon in April, May
tained in a joint communique based on and July had been "used for sabotage
talks PLO leader Yasir Arafat had held activities in Jerusalem," the indictment
in Moscow with Soviet officials July 31- said.
Aug. 4. According to Israeli officials, Capucci
Pro-guerrilla newspapers in Beirut Aug. had told his interrogators that he had been
3 said the Soviet Union had agreed to forced into Al Fatah service through

blackmail, it was reported Aug. 23. The faced since the October 1973 war and
archbishop was said to have claimed that launched a terror campaign in the West
Al Fatah officials in Lebanon had Bank in March, it was reported. Accord-
threatened him with physical violence and ing to Israeli government officials, 896
with disclosure of actions that might West Bank Arabs had been arrested re-
jeopardize his position in the church. cently on security charges. Of the total,
549 had been tried and were serving jail
Israelis intercept guerrillas— An Israeli
terms; 314 were awaiting trial; and 33 were
patrol Sept. 4 clashed with a Palestinian being held under administrative detention.
guerrilla detachment it intercepted near
Israeli officials said the core of the PNF
the Israeli Arab village of Fasuta, three was the Jordanian Communist Party, out-
miles south of the Lebanese border, lawed by King Hussein. They said the
thwarting a plan to free Capucci. A com- PNF had decided to embark on a terror
munique said that two infiltrators and campaign before the October war, when
two Israeli soldiers were killed. the Soviet Union began to improve its
According to Israeli military spokes- ties with the Palestine Liberation Orga-
men, the infiltrators had entered from nization (PLO). The PNF's objective was
Lebanon for the purpose of seizing Israeli to assume the leading resistance role on
hostages in exchange for the release of the West Bank and thus place itself in the
Capucci and guerrillas in Israeli jails.
1 1
forefront in any future negotiations on the
The Popular Democratic Front for the territory, according to the Israelis.
Liberation of Palestine (PDFLP) claimed
credit, saying its forces had captured an
Israeli installation, taken hostages and
were negotiating through foreign dip- Militant group quits PLO. The militant
lomats, presumably the French and Fin- Popular Front for the Liberation of
nish ambassadors in Israel, for the ex- Palestine (PFLP) announced its with-
change. The statement said a number of drawal Sept. 26 from the Executive Com-
the hostages had been killed by attacking mittee of the Palestine Liberation Organi-
Israeli troops. The Israelis denied the
zation (PLO).
claim and said the clash was over in In making the announcement in Beirut,

minutes. Ahmed Yamani, PFLP representative in

the Executive Committee, accused the
Another PDFLP communique from
PLO of "deviation from the revolutionary
Damascus conceded that two of the
course" by joining in U.S. -sponsored
infiltrators were killed in the operation.
moves for political settlement of the
PDFLP leader Nayef Hawatmeh, Arab-Israeli conflict. He said he had "ac-
vowing Sept. 5 that the raids into Israel
curate information" of PLO contacts with
would continue, reaffirmed that the pre-
the U.S. through a third party. De-
vious day's foray was aimed at securing
nouncing the PLO policy of seeking to es-
Capucci's release and that hostages were West
tablish a Palestinian state in the
Bank and Gaza Strip and when those
The Israelis had intercepted a similar territories were given up by Israel,
Arab infiltration unit Sept. 2 at Hanita Yamani asserted that the PFLP would
near the western end of the Lebanese fron- all of Palestine
continue the struggle until
tier, killing two. destroyed and
was "liberated," Israel
West Bank terror group emerges The — King Hussein overthrown in Jordan.
emergence of a Palestinian terror group Yamani disclosed that two other PLO
seriously resisting Israeli rule in the West factions supporting the PFLP's decision,
Bank for the first time since Israel's occu- the Popular Front for the Liberation of
pation of the territory in 1967 was re- Palestine-General Command and the
ported by the New York Times Aug. 22. Iraqi-sponsored Arab Liberation Front,
The new movement, known as the Pal- had also decided to withdraw from the
estinian National Front (PNF), had sur- Executive Committee.
Latin America

Action Against Terrorism Urged struggles, instances have been reported

of international cooperation by Latin
Terrorism has a long history in American urban guerrilla groups that
Latin America. The North American share similar political orientation. In
epithet "banana republic" refers spe- 1973, it was reported, a mutual co-
cifically to politically and economically operation agreement was signed by the
insecure countries of old Central and Tupamaros of Uruguay, the ERP
South America in which U.S. pressure (People's Revolutionary Army) of
and domestic armed bands had found it Argentina, the MIR (Movement of the
not difficult to enforce their will on Revolutionary Left) of Chile and the
government and society. Beginning in ELN (National Liberation Army) of
the mid-1960s, the more traditional Bolivia.
terrorism endemic in Latin America
has been supplemented by the terrorism
of a new kind of revolutionary — the OAS assails political terrorism. The
urban guerrilla.
General Assembly of the Organization
Latin America in the 1960s was the
of American States June 30, 1970 unani-
home ground of several prominent mously adopted a resolution condemning
theorists of political violence—for ex- terrorism and political kidnapings as
ample, Ernesto (Che) Guevara, Carlos "common crimes whose gravity converts
Marighella, Gen. Alberto Bayo as — them into crimes against humanity."
well as the scene in which their theories In condemning "terrorist acts," the
were put into practice. In this period OAS assembly urged those states that
and in the years that followed, such de- had not already done so to adopt
velopments as attacks on diplomats "criminal legislation that prevent or
and hijackings of aircraft began to give punish such crimes." In addition, the
terrorism in Latin America an in-
Inter-American Juridical Committee
creasingly international coloration — was ordered to present a plan within
120 days on how the purposes of the
and made it increasingly a matter of resolution might be effected. The reso-
international concern. lution was unanimously passed when
Although most Latin American ter- Brazil dropped its proposal to define
rorists seem to be concerned almost terrorist acts as "a threat to peace and
exclusively with their own domestic security" in the hemisphere.

. )


(The OAS Permanent Council had The current wave of Argentine terrorism
strongly condemned terrorism and kid- took form with the strengthening of the
naping June 15, leaving the adoption of movement for the return of Peron. It has
methods to deal with it to the General been characterized by terroristic activity by
Assembly. groups with often clashing ideology. Their
(Four Latin American embassies in political orientations range from far left to
Washington, D.C. were firebombed far right, but these often antagonistic groups
early July 2. No injuries were reported, frequently claim the same short-term goal —
and the bombings caused only minor originally the return of Peron, later the
damage to the embassies of Argentina, continuation of his presumed program.
Haiti, Uruguay and the Dominican Re- The ERP (Ejercito Revolucionario Pop-
public. A firebomb had been thrown at ular, or Ejecerito Revolucionario del
the Inter-American Defense Board Pueblo, People's Revolutionary Army), an
headquarters the previous day; a group allegedly Trotskyist organization, is the
identifying itself as "Revolutionary largest, best known, most active and best
Force Seven" claimed credit for the organized terrorist group in A rgentina. The
bombing, which left no injuries and little FAL (Frente Argentino de Liberacion, also
damage.) identified as Fuerzas Argentinas de Lib-
eracion, Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion
and Argentine [or Armed] Liberation Forces
[or Front }) is a terrorist group formed by
ARGENTINA dissident Communist Party members and
described as both "Marxist" and "with no
Recent Terrorists &
Their Activities clearly defined ideology." Two terrorist
The current wave of terrorism in A rgen- groups, the Monloneros (which described
tina, which started in 1970, was preceded by itself as "Peronist and Christian") and

a shorter period of terrorism in 1958-60. the FAR (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucion-

The French leftist Regis Debray, a spe- arias, or Revolutionary Armed Forces t

cialist in revolution, analyzed this earlier

merged in November 1973 and kept the
wave briefly in the September-October name Montoneros. Another Trotskyist ter-
1965 issue of New Left Review. He de- rorist group is known as the Red Faction

scribed it as proof "that terrorism is not (Partido Revolucionario de los Traba-

just the 'spontaneity of the intellectual.'" jadores [Fraccion Roja]). A rightwing
Debray noted that: terrorist group was identified as MA NO
. .This terrorist outbreak erupted from the base,
( Movimiento Argentina Nacional Organi-
from the Peronist unions and youth organization. zado, or Argentine National Organized
. .

Between 1958 and 1960 there were at least 5,000 ter- Movement).
rorist incidents. The movement was of considerable
importance, but it was only the work of isolated
groups or even individual terrorists, without any com-
mon programme or
The movement
first appeared in the form of support
Diplomats & Officials
for strike actions, at the time illegal. Militants would Become Kidnap/ Terrorist Targets
plant a bomb against an industrial establishment . . .

to force it to close down or as a reprisal. This spread

rapidly and became almost a daily occurrence, without
Paraguayan consul kidnaped. Joaquin
any very clear point: bombs in the road, underneath Waldemar Sanchez, Paraguayan consul in
vehicles, against the front of buildings, more or less the town of Ituzaingo in Corrientes Prov-
anywhere. Towards the end, some groups of young ince, was abducted in Buenos Aires March
workers managed to introduce some direction into
this wave of spontaneous protests, and bombs were
24, 1970 by a group of men who identified
placed at the various agencies representing imperialist themselves as members of the FAL (Ar-
interests. But the police had little difficulty in pick-
. . .
gentine Liberation Front). Sanchez was
ing up the terrorists who had no underground organi-
released by his kidnapers March 28 after
zation. and the movement was broken by the
. . .

adoption of the 'Conintes Plan' (a sort of siege. .); .

the Argentine government refused to re-
the terrorists were arrested and sentenced by emer- lease two political prisoners. Argentina
gency trials. Such terrorism obviously has nothing in became the first Western Hemisphere
common with the Venezuelan 'terrorism,' system-
atically directed against the imperialist economic
government to defy kidnapers' demands
infrastructure (pipe-lines, oil-wells, large warehouses, in a recent wave of terrorist kidnapings in
banks, the American military mission and so on). . . . Latin America.
In Argentina, terrorism led to a decline after 1960 in
The kidnapers had demanded the
working-class militancy and a marked falling off in
revolutionary combativity. release of two political prisoners— Car-


los Delia Nave and Alejandro Baldu Argentine officials revealed March 30
inexchange for Sanchez. that a deputy federal police inspector,
However, in an apparent attempt to Carlos Benigno Balbuena, was one of the
force a showdown, the Argentine govern- three wounded kidnapers. The other two
ment announced March 25 that Baldu men, Guillermo John Jansen and Albert
was "a fugitive from justice" who had Germinal Borrell, were unconnected
not yet been captured and that Delia with the police, the government said.
Nave was being "processed for common Earlier, the right-wing Argentine Na-
crimes" and would not be released. tional Organized Movement (MANO)
The kidnapers replied that they would had claimed responsibility for the kidnap-
execute Sanchez "by firing squad" and ing attempt and described the three
"begin the execution of all managers of wounded men as "war heroes." (MANO
American business" if their demands had threatened March 27 to kill Soviet
were not met. They also announced that Ambassador to Argentina Yuri Volski
they were extending their deadline for and his family in reprisal for the Sanchez
Sanchez' execution, originally set for kidnaping.)
10 p.m. March 25.
Sanchez was released unharmed early
March 28 in a suburb of Buenos Aires. Aramburu kidnaped & slain. Lt. Gen.
His kidnapers said "humanitarian Pedro Eugenio Aramburu, 67, a former
reasons" were behind their decision to provisional president of Argentina, was
spare his life. In an earlier statement, kidnaped from his home May 29, 1970 by
the kidnapers had cited their organiza- four men, two of them wearing army offi-
tion's previous unwillingness to shed cers' uniforms. Aramburu's body was
unnecessary blood. "But now," they con- found July 16 in the cellar of an old farm-
tinued, "there has been killed, not in house near Timote, about 300 miles west
combat, but in cold blood, one of our of Buenos Aires. He had been shot twice
dearest comrades [Baldu]. This changes in the chest.
our position and obliges us to adjust to Following the abduction, at least a
circumstances." In a statement March dozen communiques had been received
28 they warned that they were prepared from political organizations claiming
to "undertake the execution of an unde- credit for the abduction, but the Juan Jose
termined number of police and offi- Valle-Montoneros Command, named for
cials." a Peronist army general executed in 1956,
Interior Francisco Imaz offered what was called convincing evi-
hailed Sanchez' release March 28 and dence that it held Aramburu.
maintained that the government's deci- A communique June 1 from the Valle
sion to reject the kidnapers' demands Command said Aramburu had been
"was the only position possible. Any found guilty and would be shot by a
other position would have been tremen- Peronist firing squad. The statement
dously dangerous for the future of the said it was "impossible to negotiate his
country." release."
A month-long search for Aramburu
and clues to the kidnapers reportedly
failed to turn up any substantial evidence
Soviet diplomat escapes. Right-wing kid- until a July terrorist raid on La Calera,

napers failed in an attempt to abduct a suburban town near Cordoba. Fifteen

Soviet diplomat Yuri Pivoravov March 29, terrorists claiming to be members of the
1970, when Pivoravov escaped from the Montoneros group took over the town for
getaway car as it was being pursued by about two hours, robbed a bank and
police. Pivovarov, assistant commercial occupied police and telephone offices.
attache at the Soviet embassy in Buenos In a shootout with police following the
Aries, apparently was not seriously hurt raid, several of the terrorists were seri-
in the incident. Police, alerted by the ously injured, among them Emilio Angel
screams of Pivovarov's wife, shot and Maza, 24, who died July 6. Maza was
injured three of the kidnapers, who were later identified as one of the Aramburu
later captured when the car crashed. kidnapers. More than 10 arrests were

made in connection with the La Calera guayans, were found with arms and ex-
raid, and these reportedly led to other plosives, according to police reports July
arrests and the discovery of Aramburu's 11. Police said a tank truck loaded with
body near Timote. gasoline was to have been exploded near
Fernando Abal Medina, 23, described the reviewing stand.
as having "received Communist training An attempt by 10 youths to kidnap
in Cuba," was identifiedby Argentine Julio Rodolfo Alsogaray, ex-commander
police July 11 as the mastermind of the in chief of the army, failed Aug. 17 in
abduction. Buenos Aires.
Inspector Osvaldo Sandoval, a key wit-
ness in the trial of five persons charged in
Blast leads to bomb factory. An ex-
connection with Aramburu's murder, was
plosion April 4, 1970 in Buenos Aires led
shot and killed in Buenos Aires Nov. 14.
A group that identified itself as the Argen- to what was believed to be a terrorist
tine Liberation Forces claimed responsi- bomb factory. Two persons were injured
bility for Sandoval's death. in the apparently accidental explosion.

(Carlos Raul Capuano Martinez, An address book found at the site led to
more than 100 arrests April 5.
sought for alleged involvement in the
The Parke Davis pharmaceutical
Aramburu kidnap-murder, was killed in a
plant near Buenos Aires was severely
shootout with Buenos Aires police Aug.
damaged by an explosion June 18; ac-
17, 1972.)
cording to unconfirmed reports three
employes were reported missing and
British consul kidnaped. Stanley feared dead. Nine bombs exploded June
Sylvester, honorary British consul in 27 in Buenos Aires, Rosario and Cordoba;
U.S.-owned firms were among the targets.
Rosario, was kidnaped May 23, 1971 by
ERP (People's Revolutionary Army)
A message from the group said that Terrorism & counter-terrorism. Various
the kidnaping was carried out "in other acts of terrorism were reported as
homage" to Luis N. Blanco, a left-wing well as actions to counter terrorism.
university student killed in riots in The U.S. embassy said Nov. 27, 1970
Rosario in May 1969. The guerrillas that the Buenos Aires homes of three
said Sylvester would be "tried before a U.S. military advisers had been "entered
people's court of justice." simultaneously by three armed groups."
Sylvester was the director of a The three groups, who left leaflets
Swift Co. meat packing plant in Rosario, identifying themselves as the Peronist
Swift de la Plata. The firm had been the Armed Forces, "demanded U.S. cur-
target of considerable leftist criticism. rency, official documents, firearms and
A demand by the kidnapers for distri- uniforms," the embassy spokesman said.
bution of $62,500 in food to the poor The New York Times Aug. 9, 1971 re-
of Rosario was carried out by the de la ported estimates of Argentine authorities
Plata meat-packing plant May 29. that armed subversive groups in Argen-
Sylvester was released unharmed May tina had 6,000 active members. The re-
30. port said evidence indicated that, as in
Brazil and Guatemala, "death squads"
Assassination foiled. More than a linked to security forces had been re-
dozen young men and women were ar- sponsible for the killing of persons sus-
rested after police discovered a plot to pected of subversive activities.
kill both Argentine President Alejandro Members of a subversive command
Lanusse and Uruguayan President Jorge unit of the Revolutionary People's Army
Pacheco Areco while they reviewed a Aug. 18 raided an armory in Cordoba,
military parade on Argentine Indepen- fleeing with a large quantity of arms.

dence Day, July 9, 1971. A 27-year-old navy canteen maid

The youths, members of a self-pro- became the first Argentine to be sen-
claimed Revolutionary Peoples' Army tenced by a special military tribunal to
composed of both Argentines and Uru- combat rising left-wing guerrilla activity.

Louisa Velosa, who told the tribunal ERP robs bank. Fifteen ERP members
that police had tortured her with elec- stoleperhaps $800,000 from the state-
tric shocks, was given a seven-year sen- owned National Development Bank in
tence Nov. 3 after being found guilty of Buenos Aires Jan. 30, 1972. It was called
participating in an armed attempt by the biggest bank robbery in Argentina's
guerrillas to seize weapons from the history.
Buenos Aires police July 20. According to newspaper accounts, the
guerrillas held 13 bank employes hostage
for eight hours while they bored a hole

in the bank's vault. A
police report im-
'Third World' priests arrested.
bank employes.
plicated two
priests, members of the Third World
Notices distributed later in Buenos
Priests Movement, werearrested by the
Aires bars said the money was "exprop-
army in Rosario Aug. 3, 1971 with 13 riated for the people's cause, and will be
other suspects in a roundup of "terrorist used to continue the revolutionary war."
elements." The priests were Jose Maria
(Montonero members had robbed a
Ferrari, Nestor Garcia, Juan Carlos Ar-
Buenos Aires automobile company Jan.
royo and Ruben Dri. Army officials said
23, burning several vehicles in an adjacent
they had seized arms, explosives, sub-
versive literature and narcotics in raids
on the priests residences.
In a related development, the perma-
nent commission of the Argentine Epis-
Wave of terrorist attacks. A wave of
political assassinations and kidnapings
copate in Rome issued a statement, re-
was sweeping Argentina, the New York
ported in the French newspaper Le
Times reported March 22, 1972.
Monde Aug. 19, affirming that the coun-
Participating in the terrorist campaign,
try's problems "have engendered vio-
the Times noted, were Peronist urban
lence on the attitudes, remarks and acts
[kidnapings, crimes, tortures and assas-
commandos, who defied a recent plea
absolutely unjusti-
from Gen. Juan Domingo Peron to his
sinations] that are
followers for a halt to violence.
and condemnable."
Among incidents reported:
The statement was understood as In early January, two bombs damaged
marking a schism in the Argentine
the headquarters of the women's branch
church, with the Catholic bishops con-
of the Peronist movement, where Isabel
demning bcth the violence of the "op- Martinez Peron, wife of Peron, had an
pressors" and that of the "oppressed."
office. Mrs. Peron had come from Spain
La Prensa of Buenos Aires reported to try to unify the Peronist movement in
Jan. 7, 1972 that naval authorities had ab- Argentina.
ducted from their homes businessman Four bomb disposal experts were
Ricardo Beltran and the Rev. Albert killed Jan. 14 a bomb they were de-
Fernando Carbone, a member of the fusing exploded in the Buenos Aires home
Third World Priests Movement, for ques- of former Justice Minister Jaime Perriaux.
tioning about an aborted Peronist plot to A communique issued later by the Armed
attack a coast guard post in the city of Liberation Forces (FAL) said the group
Zarate Jan. 3. had left the bomb in Perriaux's home be-
Beltran was reported active in Pero- cause he had introduced the death penalty
nist circles, and Carbone had previously and state of siege regulations during his
been given a two-year suspended sen- administration (July 1970-mid-1971).
tence in connection with the slaying of Members of the terrorist Revolutionary
former President Pedro Aramburo. Armed Forces (FAR) set off explosives in
Despite protests from Third World the Buenos Aires social building of the
Movement priests that Carbone had no Argentina Association of Hereford
knowledge of military tactics, federal Raisers Jan. 22, causing structural dam-
authorities were reported Jan. 11 to be age to the building.
holding the men custody in a Buenos Police arrested 43 suspected subver-
Aires jail. sives in Buenos Aires, Salta and Bahia

Blanca Jan. 13 and 14, confiscating arms, tions followed the explosion of 15 bombs
munitions, wigs and masks and discover- in Cordoba Aug. 18.
ingdocuments in which guerrilla attacks
were allegedly planned.
Six leftist guerrillas in Tucuman, 665 Fiat executive slain. Oberdan Sallustro,
miles northwest of Buenos Aires, com- 56, presidentof Argentina's Italian-owned
mandeered a milk truck Feb. 7 and deli- Fiat automotive industries, was kidnaped
vered its 1,000-gallon load of bottled by ERP terrorists March 21, 1972 as he
milk to poor people in two shantytowns. drove to work in Buenos Aires. He was
A policeman was killed and the owner found shot to death in a suburban house
of a refrigeration concern was seriously April 10.

wounded March 13 in Buenos Aires The body was found after a police
when about 10 terrorists fired on them. car searching for Sallustro discovered the
An executive of a leading wine com- ERP hideout. It was fired on by several
pany was kidnaped March 17 and re- guerrillas, and Sallustro was reportedly
leased after payment of $37,000 ransom. executed during the shootout that ensued.
The kidnapers identified themselves as One of the guerrillas was captured.
members of the Armed Forces of Libera- According to the New York Times*
tion. April 1, the ERP had sought a $1 million

A leader of the New Force party was ransom for Sallustro and the release of
killed by Monteros members March 18, 50 of the more than 500 political pris-
the same day that Montoneros set fire oners held in Argentina. Fiat had re-
to a New Force office in Buenos Aires. portedly been willing to pay the ransom,
At least 10 members of the Armed but President Lanusse had barred any
Forces of were reported
Liberation form of negotiations with the ERP.
March 19 to have blown up the clubhouse Nacional of Caracas reported April
of the exclusive Buenos Aires San Jorge 1 that Lanusse had also rejected a plea

Polo Club with three bombs. for negotiations with the ERP from Ital-
Alleged ERP terrorists attacked a police ian President Giovanni Leone. Lanusse
station in Rio Tala April two
27, killing had maintained that Sallustro's kidnap-
officers and seriously wounding the San ing was an internal Argentine matter.
Pedro police commissioner. After the government's refusal to allow
Seven youths disarmed two guards negotiations, the ERP had announced
and then blew up a coast guard installa- that it would execute Sallustro "at the
tion about five miles from Buenos Aires, appropriate moment."
the Miami Herald reported May 2.
The army announced April 18 that it
Terrorists set off explosives at the
had captured the eight-member ERP team
homes of several police officers in the
thathad kidnaped and murdered Sallustro.
northwestern city of Tucuman May 5.
No one was reported injured. Eighteen other alleged ERP members,
The offices of five U.S. companies in 15 of them women, were also arrested

Buenos Aires were bombed in apparent in connection with the case, and six
response to the U.S. escalation of the other accomplices were said to be at
Vietnam war, the Washington Post re- large.

ported May 12. Two of the men arrested in the Sallustro

Sixteen bombings were reported in case, Andres Ernesto Alsina Bea and
Ignacio Ikonicoff, charged in the Monte-
Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario and
video weekly Marcha May 12 that they
Santa Fe June 9, on the 16th anniversary
of an abortive Peronist military coup.
had been tortured in Buenos Aires jails.
Among the sites bombed were the offices (Alsina Bea, a journalist for the Buenos
of the Buenos Aires newspaper La Opin- Aires newspaper La Opinion, said he
ion and a steel plant near the capital. was kicked severely and electric shock
A renewed outbreak of terrorist at- was applied to his genitals and mouth.
tacks in Buenos Aires, Rosario, La Plata, Ikonicoff, a journalist for Inter Press,
Salta, Sante Fe and several smaller com- was also beaten and claimed other
munities was reported Aug. 20. The ac- prisoners were burned with acid.)

Three of the defendants were given life others to terms of nine and 1 1 years Feb.
sentences March 1973 for their roles
16, 9, 1973 for alleged participation in the
in Sallustro's kidnap-murder, and seven affair.
received terms of one to 12 years. (A
three-judge court agreed that two of the
defendants had been tortured.)
Torture reports grow. More than 50
persons reportedly had been tortured at
General assassinated. Gen. Juan Carlos prisons and military installations during
Sanchez, commander of the army's 2nd the past year, and accounts of political
Corps, was machine-gunned to death torture were growing in magazines and
April 10, 1972 as he rode to his office
newspapers, according to the Miami
in the city of Rosario. Unidentified at- Herald May 26, 1972.
tackers also seriously wounded Sanchez' The most publicized recent case of
chauffer and accidentally killed a news political torture involved Norma Morel-
vendor. lo, a RomanCatholic schoolteacher and
The People's Revolutionary Army rural organizer, who returned to her
(ERP) and the Revolutionary Armed home in Goya May 14 after being held
Forces (FAR) issued a joint communique without charge for nearly six months.
April 10 claiming responsibility for After her release, Miss Morello signed
Sanchez' death and promising further an affidavit saying she had been tortured
assassinations. The communique said for three days with electric devices, re-
Sanchez had been killed in reprisal for peatedly threatened with rape and de-
his anti-guerrillacampaign. nied sleep for 15 days while she was in-
(According to El National of Caracas terrogated at a military installation
April 1 1, the 2nd Corps had pursued ter- outside Rosario.
rorists vigorously, extending military Miss Morello said May 15 that she
repression over groups not directly con- had been tortured because police wanted
nected with urban guerrillas, such as her to link the Catholic movement in
progressive Roman Catholic priests. Goya to Argentina's guerrilla move-
Soldiers under Sanchez' command had ments.
been accused of torturing persons they Two other women, arrested in connec-
arrested, but authorities had dismissed tion with a kidnaping, claimed they had
the charges.) been tortured by federal police with an
The ERP-FAR document also de- electric needle, the Herald reported May
nounced President Alejandro Lanusse for 26. Police denied the charge.
"threatening a fascist coup" and for pro- The army issued instructions May 25
moting "an electoral farce" by declaring intended to prevent the mistreatment
general elections for March 1973. Nu- and torture of political prisoners.
merous sources said Lanusse's election
plan and his recent negotiations with ex- Members of the Third World Priests
President Peron had caused the latest movement charged at a press confer-

wave of terrorist attacks in Argentina. ence in Buenos Aires Jan. 10, 1973 that
The National Security Council, meet- Argentine political prisoners were sub-
ing late April 10, decreed that all trials jected to "inhuman treatment." Rev.
for kidnaping, violating the public peace Osvaldo Catena, a movement official who
and attacking institutions would hence- had been jailed for nine months, said he
forth be transferred to military tribunals. and all other prisoners had been
"underfed and deprived of medical care."
Authorities announced June 24 that Dr.
Luis Alejandro Gaitini, 27, had been ar- Hugo Norberto D'Aquila, chief of psy-
rested in connection with Sanchez' assass- chiatric services atBuenos Aires' Villa
ination. Gaitini, an alleged member of Devoto prison, was kidnapped Jan. 11 by
FAR, reportedly confessed participation members of the Liberation Armed Forces
in Sanchez' murder and other terrorist (FAL) and released unharmed Jan. 13.
activities. The FAL said D'Aquila had been inter-
Gaitani and two other defendants were rogated on conditions among political
sentenced to life imprisonment and two prisoners in Villa Devoto.

Trelew Prison Break & Killings In a radio and television

message Aug. 25, Chilean President
16 killed after prison break, hijack. Salvador Allende said his government's
Sixteen suspected guerrillas, including at decision to grant the guerrillas political
least three women, were shot to death asylum and then send them to Cuba was
Aug. 22, 1972 in an alleged break-out motivated by "profound humanity and
from the prison at the naval air base morality" and followed "international
near Trelew, in the southern province of conventions and principles and the dis-
Chubut. Three other alleged subversives positions of our internal laws."
were reportedly wounded. Upon arrival in Havana Aug. 26,
According to police officials, all of the the 10 guerrillas told newsmen that armed
victims had been arrested Aug. 15 at the Marxist and Peronist groups in Argen-
Trelew airport, where they had helped tina would step up their offensive against
10 other alleged terrorists hijack an the government of President Alejandro
Austral Airlines jet with 96 aboard. Lanusse. ERP leader Roberto Mario
The hijacking was carried out in con- Santucho, whose wife was among the
junction with a mutiny at an army maxi- 16 killed at Trelew, accused Lanusse
mum security prison at Rawson, 15 miles of direct responsibility for the "assas-
from Trelew, during which a group of sination" of his fellow guerrillas.
inmates escaped. Some escapees were In Argentina, meanwhile, the govern-
reportedly among the hijackers, who ment reportedly gave two conflicting
commandeered the jet to Santiago, Chile, versions of the Trelew killings, one on
where they surrendered to police and re- an "off the record" basis to newsmen,
quested political asylum. and an official version released Aug. 25.
According to the London newsletter
News of the killings at Trelew caused
Latin America Sept. 1, journalists were
large demonstrations in several cities
originally told that the prisoners had
in which hundreds of persons were ar-
escaped from their cells early Aug. 22
rested. In the industrial city of Cordoba
and after seizing the second-in-command
600 protestors were arrested Aug. 22.
of the base, Capt. Luis Sosa, were pro-
Lawyers for the slain guerrilla suspects ceeding toward the armory when they
Aug. 22 denounced their clients' deaths were engaged in fierce combat by guards.
as "a virtual execution," charging it The later version, however, held that
would have been impossible for them to Sosa had ordered the prisoners out of
try to escape because they were held in their cells and was inspecting them in
separate cells under heavy guard. a narrow passage —
some five feet wide —
Those killed included 12 members of when he was seized by a guerrilla, who
the left-wing People's Revolutionary took his submachine gun and began
Army (ERP), one of the Revolutionary snooting at the guards. The weakest
Armed Forces and two of the Peronist part of the version, the newsletter noted,
Montoneros. They had surrendered to was that the guerrilla had missed his
military authorities after helping in the targets while Sosa alone had escaped
hijacking. Their deaths were widely as- unharmed from a fusillade that cut
sumed to be a retaliatory execution down 16 guerrillas and wounded three of
ordered by the government. their comrades.

Trelew hijackers reach Cuba. The 10 Assassinations

Argentine guerrillas who hijacked an & Kidnapings Continue
airliner from Trelew to Santiago were sent
to Cuba by the Chilean government Aug.
Admiral assassinated. Rear Adm. Emi-
The Argentine government, which lio R. Berisso, plans and strategy officer
had demanded extradition of the guer- for the naval chief of staff, was shot to
rillas, angrily recalled its ambassador death near Buenos Aires Dec. 28, 1972.
from Santiago Aug. 26 and delivered The assassins escaped.
what it called a "very severe" protest to The FAR ( Revol utionary Armed Forces)
Chile Aug. 27. later claimed credit for Berisso's death.

Berisso's position in the Navy report- lease from prison in 1945 under the pres-
edly linked him to the armed forces se- sure of popular demonstrations. The
curity network responsible for repression blasts, which disrupted train services in
of the country's guerrilla groups. His Rosario and damaged buildings and in-
assassination followed a number of other stallations throughout the country,
terrorist actions. followed the bombing Oct. 16 of the new
U.S. -owned Sheraton Hotel in Buenos
Terrorism preceding assassination— Aires. A Canadian woman was killed in
Three kidnaped businessmen were freed the blast and two other persons were in-
unharmed in Buenos Aires Sept. 6 after jured.
ransoms reportedly totaling $850,000 Buildings were damaged by bombs
were paid to their captors. Oct. 1 1 in Cordoba and Corrientes.
Jan J. Van de Panne, a Dutch citizen Ten Cordoba buildings had been
who headed the Philips Argentina elec- bombed Oct. 7.
tronics firm, was released by alleged An armed band blew up an exclusive
Peronist Montonero guerrillas after his social club in Santa Fe Oct. 13 after
company paid them $500,000. He had clearing the building. Bombings were
been held since Sept. 5. Two Argentine reported Oct. 12 in Buenos Aires and
businessmen— Adolfo Kaplun and other cities and at the farms of several
Eduardo Falugue, both abducted Sept. military officers.

4 were freed after their families re-
A guerrilla was shot to death in a gun-
portedly ransomed them for $150,000 and
fight with Buenos Aires police Oct. 18
$250,000. Police arrested nine "common
following the explosion of a bomb at the
criminals" in connection with Kaplun's
home of the father of a Cabinet minister,
kidnaping, La Prensa of Buenos Aires
according to police.
reported Sept. 15.
The wife of a leading radical Peronist
A wealthy landowner, Eden Ronald theoretician was seriously wounded Oct.
Bongiovani of La Pampa province was
19 by a bomb set off in their Buenos
reportedly kidnaped Sept. 6 and held for
Aires apartment. The Buenos Aires
$200,000 ransom.
office of a lawyer who defended left-wing
Felix Azpiazu, a Spanish industrialist
guerrillas was bombed the same day.
kidnaped Dec. 6, was freed unharmed
Fifteen bombs exploded in Argentina
Dec. 8 after his firm paid a reported
Dec. 22, damaging buildings used by the
$100,000 ransom.
armed forces, labor unions, political par-
Ronald Grove, managing director of ties, banks and businesses, but causing no
Great Britain's Vestey industrial group in casualties. Bombs were set off at six busi-
South America, was kidnaped in Buenos. nesses in Rosario early Dec. 20.
Aires Dec. 10 and released unharmed
(The government June 2 had reinsti-
Dec. 19 after Vestey paid a reported $1
tuted the death penalty, abolished in 1886,
million ransom.
for kidnaping and terrorism.)
Vicente Russo, an executive for a
Buenos Aires subsidiary of the Interna-
tional Telephone and Telegraph Corp., Peronists assassinated. An aide to Jose
was kidnaped in the capital Dec. 27 and Rucci, secretary general of the Peronist-
released unharmed Dec. 29. Company dominated General Labor Confederation,
officialsrefused to comment on local was shot to death in Buenos Aires Feb. 14,
newspapers reports that a ransom of 1973 by gunmen attempting to break up a
$500,000-$ million had been paid.
FREJULI (Justicialista Liberation Front)
(Police in La Plata announced Feb. 21, party meeting. This was the fifth
1973 that they had captured a seven-per- politically motivated slaying in four
son FAR
cell implicated in, among other weeks.
crimes, the kidnapings of Ronald Grove Gunmen in the Buenos Aires suburb of
and Enrico Barella. The group was said Lanus Jan. 22 had killed Julian Moreno, a
to be led by Francisco Urondo, a journal- Metallurgical Workers Union official and
ist and poet.) FREJULI candidate for Lanus municipal
A series of bomb blasts took place intendant, and fatally wounded his chauf-
Oct. 17, the anniversary of Peron's re- feur. FAR took responsibility for the

and for the earlier assassination of

killings an increase in killings, bombings and kid-
two other Peronists, Jose Alonso and napings by terrorist groups in the wake
Augusto Vandor. The FAR said its vic- of the March 11 round of elections.
tims— members of the labor sector that, Most of the violence was attributed to
led by Rucci, had sought to cooperate the Trotskyist People's Revolutionary
with the government — were traitors to the Army (ERP), which contended that
Peronist movement. election of a Peronist government would
delay Argentine revolution. The
ERP, it was
reported, was again
Policemen assassinated. Unidentified under the leadership of Roberto San-
gunmen two policemen in separate
killed tucho, who escaped from prison and fled
attacks in the Buenos Aires suburbs of to Chile and then Cuba in August 1972.
Lanus and San Justo Feb. 21 and 22. A He had reportedly returned to Argentina.
third policeman and a civilian were Peronist guerrillas were said to have
wounded in the second attack. halted most operations to insure that the
Separate attacks against five policemen armed forces transferred power to Cam-
and assaults on three police headquarters, pora May 25. However, the assassination
all attributed to the ERP, were reported of an army intelligence officer April 4 was
by the Miami Herald March 28. laid to the Peronist Montonero group.
Campora said April 8 that the popular
verdict in the March 1 1 elections
Peronists Return to Power rendered all terrorist activities "inad-
missible." He had appealed earlier to
guerrillas to "think and give us a sufficient
FREJULI sweeps elections. Ex-Presi- truce so that we can prove whether or not
dent Juan Peron's Justicialista Liberation
we are on the path of liberation."
Front (FREJULI) swept the first round of
general elections March 11, 1973 and the
runoff round April 15. FREJULI won the Adm. Aleman kidnaped. Retired Rear
presidency, a majority of provincial gov- Adm. Francisco Agustin Aleman, a
ernorships and control of both houses of former naval intelligence chief and mer-
Congress. The armed forces commanders chant marine under-secretary, was kid-
March 30 declared FREJULI candidate naped from his Buenos Aires apartment
Hector J. Campora president-elect for a April 1, 1973 by three ERP terrorists,
four-year term beginning May 25. including his own nephew.
Radical senatorial candidate Fernando An ERP communique April 3 said
de la Rua defeated FREJULI candidate Aleman was being held "as a prisoner of
Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo in the Buenos war" to further "the people's struggle for
Aires race. the liberation of all political and social
According the Washington Post
to prisoners."
April 17, the defeat of FREJULI in the Aleman's abductors painted a number
capital might be due to the recent wave of of ERP slogans apartment, in-
in his
terrorism by left-wing guerrillas, which cluding "Popular Justice forTrelew."
voters had come to associate with Pero- Aleman, held 68 days, was freed June 7
nism. Peronist guerrillas remained active after he admitted wrongdoing by the navy
despite a peace call by Campora. in the August 1972 killing of 16 impris-
According to the London newsletter oned revolutionaries at the naval air base
Latin America April 13, the continuation prison Trelew, Chubut Province.
of Peronist terrorism was intended to Aleman said in a statement released by
ensure the release of political prisoners the ERP that the killings "were a sad
and institution of revolutionary changes affair" and that the version presented by
by the new government, which could not his captors indicated the navy's role in
easily disavow its guerrilla supporters. them was "ignominious."
More than 100,000 soldiers had been re-
ported mobilized April 12 to forestall
possible guerrilla violence coinciding with Col. Iribarren Assassinated. Col.
the April 15 runoff. The move followed Hector A. Iribarren, chief of intelligence

of the army's 3rd Corps, headquartered in U.S. -based Eastman Kodak Co., was kid-
Cordoba, was shot to death April 4 by napped in Buenos Aires April 2 and freed
two gunmen who crashed their truck into unharmed April 7 after Kodak paid a $1.5
his car. Iribarren, a key figure in anti- million ransom. The executive, Anthony
guerrilla efforts in the area, apparently R. DaCruz, reportedly was the first U.S.
was killed when he resisted an abduction businessman kidnapped in Argentina. His
attempt. abductors were identified as members of
The murder was later blamed by au- the Liberation Armed Forces.
on the Montoneros, according to
thorities The New York Times reported April 3,
the Miami Herald April 8. before DaCruz' release, that about 50
Terrorists in La Plata Feb. 16 set off business executives had been kidnapped in
bombs at the homes of a government
Argentina during the past two years, and
official, a former governor of Buenos
almost $5 million in ransom money had
Aires province and a Peronist candidate been paid for their release. Many ob-
servers asserted that a growing proportion
for Congress. Similar explosions were
reported in Santa Fe, Cordoba and
of the kidnappings were the work of com-
Tucuman Jan. 26. mon criminals interested only in money
rather than that of terrorists acting for
political motives.

Widespread terrorism. Among other re- Angel Fabiani, son of a Buenos Aires
ported incidents of terrorism during the businessman, was abducted April 2 and
early months of 1973: freed April 5 after payment of a "large
About 40 members of the left-wing ransom," according to press reports.
People's Revolutionary Army (ERP) tem- A
shootout April 4 between Cordoba
porarily occupied a military installation in police andtwo men attempting to kidnap
Cordoba Feb. 18, disarming 70 soldiers jeweler Marcos Kogan resulted in the
and officials and escaping with an army deaths of Kogan and the abductors, La
truck carrying arms and ammunition. Prensa reported April 5.
Other ERP guerrillas simultaneously oc- The daughter of one of the nation's
cupied a nearby police installation to most powerful army commanders, Gen.
prevent police from intercepting the com- Manuel A. Pomar, was kidnapped by
mandeered truck, which the guerrillas presumed urban guerrillas April 5, ac-
later burned. cording to military sources.
Naum Kacowicz, a prominent Buenos
Alberto Faena, a Buenos Aires textile
Aires businessman, was kidnapped Feb.
executive, was kidnapped by Liberation
16 and reported freed Feb. 21 after a
Armed Forces guerrillas April 6 and freed
record $ 1 .5 million ransom was paid.
April 10 after payment of a reported
Pinuccia Cella de Callegari, wife of a $500,000 ransom.
Zarate was kidnapped
Francis V. Brimicombe, a British to-
March and released three days later
bacco company executive kidnapped April
after payment of a $250,000 ransom.
8,was freed unharmed April 13 after his
Gerardo Scalmazzi, Rosario branch company paid a reported $1.5 million
manager of the First National Bank of ransom.
Boston, was kidnapped March 28 and Santiago Soldati, son of a Swiss busi-
freed April 4 after the bank paid a ransom nessman, was kidnapped in Buenos Aires
estimated at $750,OO0-$l million. April 29 and freed unharmed May 4. The
A bomb explosion killed one person newspaper Cronica reported the next day
and injured others March 30 in the that his family had paid a $1.5 million
Buenos Aires building housing the naval ransom.
commander's offices. The blast was one of
four that day in the capital and Rosario.
One Rosario explosion, apparently di- Col. Nasif abducted. ERP terrorists
rected against Peronist leader Ruben April 26, 1973 kidnapped Lt. Col. Ja-
Contesti, killed Contesti's mother. cobo Nasif, the third-ranking officer of the
The technical operations manager of Cordoba frontier guard, which had been
Kodak Argentina S.A., a subsidiary of the reorganized to combat guerrillas.

Nasif was freed June 5 after 40 days in tina's five guerrilla groups, seeking the
captivity. An ERP communique said he continued support of the Peronists among
had been released only after the guerrillas them and of the Peronist youth move-
determined that recently pardoned ment, which supported the guerrillas.
political prisoners were in good health. However, he was reported May 4 to have
assured the commanders he would not
tolerate guerrilla attacks on the armed
Adm. Quijada assassinated. Retired forces after May 25.
Rear Adm. Hermes Quijada was assassi- The state of emergency was ended by
nated April 30, 1973. the government May 19.
Quijada was shot to death by two
men disguised as policemen as he rode to
work in Buenos Aires. His chauffeur,who Terrorism continues. Incidents of ter-
was injured in the incident, fatally rorism continued both during the 19-day
wounded one of the assailants, later state-of-emergency period and after it was
identified as an ERP leader. lifted May 19, 1973.
Armed men in Buenos Aires May 1 kid-
The ERP sent a communique to the
press 30 taking credit for the
April napped the son of the Swiss chairman of
the Italo-Argentine Electric Co. After
assassination. Quijada had chaired the
joint chiefs of staff in August 1972, when
payment of $1.5 million, the youth was re-
16 guerrillas were killed at the naval
leased May 4.
prison near Trelew. The Buenos Aires businessman Jose
Marinasky, who had been kidnapped
May 14but who was freed May 18,
Emergency declared. The military was an uncle of Mario Raul Klachko,
government declared a state of emer- sought in connection with the 1972
gency in the Federal District and the five kidnap-murder of Fiat executive Oberdan
most populous provinces April 30 after Sallustro. Klachko's wife, Giomar
Schmidt, who had been accused of killing
Quijada's assassination.
Sallustro, had been acquitted of all
The decree placed the armed forces in
charges, La Prensa of Buenos Aires
direct control of the capital and the
reported May 16.
provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe,
Cordoba, Mendoza and Tucuman. It said About 20 guerrillas attacked a police
assailants of military or police personnel radio station near Buenos Aires May 20,
would be prosecuted in special military leaving one officer dead and three
courts and sentenced to death, without wounded. Some of the attackers also were
the right of appeal. It also decreed the reported wounded.
death penalty for persons making, selling Dirk Kloosterman, secretary general of
or possessing unauthorized arms, am- the powerful Mechanics Union, was killed
munition or explosives. by gunmen in La Plata May 22. He was
Military commanders took control of identified with conservative Peronist labor
the capital and provinces May 1, and sub- leaders who had been under attack by left-
sequently decreed other severe measures. wingers in and out of the Peronist move-
President Alejandro Lanusse cabled
In another shooting reported the same
President-elect Hector Campora soon
day, two Argentine executives employed
after Quijada's murder, urging Campora
by the Ford Motor Co.'s Buenos Aires
to return from Madrid, where he was
subsidiary were wounded by unidentified
conferring with his political mentor, ex-
gunmen in an unsuccessful kidnap at-
President Juan Peron. Campora com-
tempt. One of the injured executives, Luis
plied, returning to Buenos Aires May 2.
Giovanelli, died of his wounds June 25.
Campora met May Lanusse and
3 with Oscar Castells, president of the Coca-
the other armedcommanders, navy
forces Cola Bottling plant in Cordoba, was kid-
Rear Adm. Carlos Coda and air force napped May 22. After payment of
Brig. Carlos Alberto Rey. $100,000 ransom, he was released June 4.
It was well known that Campora pre- The ERP released Argentine business
viously had refused to condemn Argen- executive Aaron Beilinson June 3, after 10

days' captivity, in payment for $1 million The ERP leaders reportedly denied
ransom. At a press conference, Beilinson their organizationhad kidnapped a British
read a statement in which the ERP businessman, Charles Agnew Lockwood,
pledged to use the money to "help finance held since June 6 for a reported $2 million
the revolutionary struggle." ransom. They also denied responsibility
for extortion threats against Ford Ar-
gentina and subsidiaries of the U.S. firms
Terrorism condemned. By May 1973
many Otis Elevator Co. and General Motors.
previously uncommitted political
figures had started tooppose the terrorism (Lockwood was freed July 29 after the
so prevalent in Argentina. payment of a ransom that he agreed was
Terrorism was also assailed by many "pretty close" to $2 million. He said he
Peronists. Former President Juan Peron did not know to which group his kid-
condemned guerrilla "provocations" in a nappers belonged.)
statement published May 31. President (According to the London newsletter
Hector Campora met June 14 with 20 Latin America June 8, the ERP was
recently pardoned guerrilla leaders and suffering from internal problems. There
told them he wanted peace in Argentina was an open split between the ERP ma-
by June 20, when Peron was scheduled to jority and the August 22 column, with the
return from Spain. latter reportedly supporting the govern-

The Peronist youth movement also at- ment and criticizing continued guerrilla
activities as rigid and sectarian.)
tacked the ERP, with one group vowing to
kill 10 guerrillas "for every Peronist that
The ERP, for vowed
Ford grants ERP demands. The Ar-
its part, on to fight
gentine of the Ford Motor Co.
against "all injustice and postponements,
agreed May 23, 1973 to distribute $1 mil-
against the exploitation of the worker,
lion worth of medical items, food and
against all suffering by the people," until
capitalism was "definitely eliminated" and educational materials to prevent further
"workers' power" established. In a state- attacks on its employes by guerrillas of
ment May 29, the guerrillas attacked the the ERP's August 22 column.
government's attempts to reach a "na- Ford Argentina May 28 began payment
tional accord," and called on "progressive of $400,000 to be shared equally by two
and revolutionary Peronist and non- hospitals in Buenos Aires and Catamarca.
Peronist" groups tojoin them in attacking A company spokesman said construction
"imperialist firms and the army op- of ambulances for use in various provinces
had begun in Ford factories, and $200,000
had been allocated for dried milk to be
The ERP and the major Peronist guer-
distributed in shantvtowns around the
rilla groups— the Montoneros and the capital. A further $300,000 would be
Revolutionary Armed Forces — held clan- spent on supplies for needy schools in the
destine conferences with selected
Buenos Aires area.
newsmen June 8. The Peronists issued a
statement afterwards vowing a continued The ERP had sent Ford and the press
battle against "the military imperialist
communiques May 22 claiming responsi-
bility for a machinegun attack earlier that
clique" but also pledging to destroy any
guerrilla group that opposed the Campora
day on two Ford executives, and warning
of further attacks if Ford did not provide
$1 million in welfare donations.
Newsmen reportedly met four ERP
Edgar R. Molina, Ford's vice president
leaders, including Roberto Santucho. for Asian, Pacific and Latin American
Santucho said "the causes of social ex- operations, said at the company's U.S.
ploitation and the political-economic de-
headquarters May 23 that Ford believed
pendency of the country have not dis- "we have no choice but to meet the de-
appeared or even been touched by the new mands."
government," but he pledged that the
ERP would not attack the government or Campora inaugurated, prisoners freed.
the police "if they do not repress the Hector Jose Campora was inaugurated as
people." president of Argentina May 25, 1973.

Campora declared an immediate am- Peronists tried to mount the stage to place
nesty for political prisoners late May 25 guerrilla banners in full view of the crowd.
after 50,000 Peronists threatened to break They were blocked by conservative trade
down the gates of Buenos Aires' Villa De- unionists, who had played a key role in or-
voto prison and prisoners belonging to the ganizing Peron's homecoming. A trade
People's Revolutionary Army (ERP) oc- unionist reportedly fired a warning shot
cupied prison offices. into the air, and then volleys were un-
Prisoners began leaving the jail soon leashed from both sides.
after the decree was announced, but the Snipers and gunmen reportedly stalked
demonstration continued, resulting in each other and terrorized thousands of
clashes in which two persons were killed bystanders for more than an hour, and in-
and about 65 arrested. discriminate shooting continued even after
At least 375 prisoners from different ambulances began removing the dead and
jails were released early May 26, and wounded, according to the report.
some counts put the total at more than The left-wing Peronist Youth (JP) June
500. Those released included guerrillas 22 accused right-wing Peronists and U.S.
jailed in connection with the killings of Central Intelligence Agency infiltrators of
Fiat executive Oberdan Sallustro, ex- provoking the Ezeiza shootouts. It alleged
President Pedro Aramburu and army that retired Lt. Col. Jorge Osinde, who or-
Gen. Juan Carlos Sanchez. ganized the homecoming, had directed an
An amnesty bill for political prisoners "ambush" by "three hundred armed
was passed by Congress May 27 and mercenaries" to keep Peron from speak-
signed by Campora the same day. The
president also signed legislation dissolving
The JP asserted Osinde's men opened
the military regime's special "anti-subver-
firewhen one of its columns tried to join
the crowd near the stage. It also charged
sive" courts and repealing the ban on the
Argentine Communist party.
unnamed persons had tried to remove
wounded JP members from hospitals, and
The ERP issued a statement May 27 had tortured others at Ezeiza's interna-
saying that despite the amnesty, it would tional hotel.
continue to attack businesses and the Another group, the Peronist Working
armed forces. Youth, also blamed Osinde and other
homecoming organizers for the blood-
Shootouts greet Peron's return. At least shed.
20 persons were killed and 300 wounded Leonardo Favio, a movie actor and
near Ezeiza international airport June 20, director who witnessed the bloodshed,
gunfire in a crowd of nearly two million said at a press conference June 24 that
people awaiting the arrival of ex-President the shooting was begun by thugs hired by
leaders of the General Labor Confedera-
1973 when rival Peronists exchanged
tion and Osinde. Favio added that he
Juan D. Peron from exile.
had seen prisoners taken by the thugs
Machinegun and handgun fire broke beaten and tortured at the airport's
out shortly before Peron's plane landed, hotel. (Favio had said previously that the
and continued sporadically into the JP had started the violence.)
evening. Several reporters said the initial
fire came from snipers in woods near the
A government commission in-
vestigating shootouts had received
stage from which Peron was to speak.
Neither troops nor police were near the overwhelming evidence that the violence
scene, since security had been entrusted to
was initiated by right-wing Peronists, it
armed members of the Peronist youth was reported June 29.
According to the Washington Post June
22, much of the fire was exchanged be- ERP presents views. The People's
tween rival factions of Peronist youths, Revolutionary Army (ERP) charged at a
who had been bitterly divided over which news conference June 27 that the govern-
would direct security operations. ment was responsible for the Ezeiza
According to another report, the killings and that Campora was defrauding
shooting erupted when young left-wing the people who elected him.

Roberto Santucho, the guerrilla somed July 5. Raul Bornancini, assistant

group's leader, told 22 selected newsmen manager of First National City Bank of
that fascist gangs organized by "the Social New York in Cordoba, was abducted July
Welfare Ministry under the immediate 2 and reported released July 13.
supervision of the torturer Osinde" had The government took a number of steps
carried out the "unexpected and ferocious to end the kidnapping wave, including es-
attack against revolutionary Peronists" tablishment of a special kidnapping unit in
near the airport. the federal police July 2.
Santucho denied that the ERP was The U.S.-based Coca-Cola Export
Trotskyist, as waswidely assumed. He Corp. began removing its executives and
asserted: "The ERP is Socialist, with a their families to Uruguay and Brazil
broad program attracting comrades of Aug. 11, after professed ERP guerrillas
distinct tendencies — Marxists, Peronists, demanded that the firm pay $1 million to
Catholics, but no Trotskyists." specified charities or face attacks on its
Santucho said the government should
be modeled after Cuba's socialism, but he
stressed that Cuba had given the ERP Tucuman police chief slain. The ERP
only moral support. appeared to be responsible for the ma-
The guerrilla leader noted that two fac- chinegun killing Aug. 5 of the Tucu-
tions had split off from the ERP but were man police chief, Hugo Tamagnini, ac-
still using that name. One of them, the cused by the guerrillas of torturing politi-
ERP-August 22, appeared to have se- cal prisoners. Before dying, Tamagnini
ceded because of the majority faction's reportedly identified one of his slayers
intransigence regarding Peronism. as ERP member Carlos Santillan. An
Santucho asserted the ERP had been in- ERP communique later claimed responsi-
correctly held responsible for several re- bility for the murder, according to press
cent kidnappings and extortions. He reports.
admitted his group had carried out kid-
nappings since Campora's investiture.

Peron & wife elected. Ex-President Juan

Kidnappings continue. John R. Thomp- Peron and his third wife, Maria Estela
son, president of the Argentine affiliate of (Isabel) Martinez, were elected president

the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., was and vice president of Argentina Sept. 23,
kidnapped June 18, 1973, then released 1973. They were inaugurated Oct. 12.
July 5. The ERP confirmed July 10 that it Peron, just short of his 78th birthday,
had abducted Thompson and that his firm had campaigned little, sending his wife on
had paid a record $3 million "revolution- provincial campaign tours.
ary tax" for his release. Peron vowed in a radio and television
It was reported that bargaining for address to use "emergency" measures to
Thompson's release had taken place combat any violence that might persist
openly at the Presidents Hotel in down- after the election.
town Buenos Aires. An undisguised ERP Peron attributed recent political and
negotiator was said to have haggled with criminal violence in Argentina partly to
Firestone officials there before the ransom "a political and economic disturbance" in
figure was agreed on. The ransom, in which he saw "the foreign influence of im-
bundles of 500-peso notes, was reported perialism, which has never stopped
to have filled an armored car provided working against freely elected govern-
by the ERP. ments."
At least 16 major kidnappings were re-
ported in different parts of the country
June 27-Aug. 7, and other abductees were ERP outlawed. The People's Revolu-
ransomed. HansGebhardt, a businessman tionary Army (ERP), the nation's strong-
kidnapped June 19, was ransomed for est guerrilla group, was outlawed by pro-
$80,000 July 2. Mario Baratella, an Italian visional President Raul Lastiri Sept. 24,
banker seized June 25, was reported ran- 1973.

A group of asserted ERP guerrillas had union news editor of the San Nicolas
captured military supply center in
a (Buenos Aires Province) newspaper EI
Buenos Aires early Sept. 6 and held it Norte, was shot to death by gunmen who
under police and army siege for five hours, invaded the paper's offices Oct. 3. EI
killing one officer before
surrendering. Norte's director said fliers distributed in
Police said guerrillas had been arrested
1 1
the city a few days earlier quoted the JP
at the scene and others detained as charging the newspaper employed
elsewhere. "Communists and Trotskyists."
Professed members of the ERP's There were several attacks on radical
breakaway August 22 column Sept. 9 kid- Peronists. Jorge Lellis, a JP leader in
napped a director of the Buenos Aires Rosario, narrowly escaped assassination
newspaper Clarin and held him until Sept. Oct. 4 when gunmen in a passing vehicle
II, after Clarin published documents by fired on him. In Cordoba the same day,
the guerrillas urging support for the two construction union members were re-
Peron-Peron ticket in the Sept. 23 elec- ported wounded when gunmen fired on
tions and sharply criticizing Lastiri and local headquarters of the General Labor
Social Welfare Minister Lopez Rega. An Confederation, dominated by left-wing
unidentified armed group threw firebombs Peronists.
and shot into Clarin's offices later. In Buenos Aires, offices of the JP maga-
zine Militancia were severely damaged by
a bomb explosion Oct. 9. JP headquarters
Rucci slain, other terrorism. Secretary in Formosa were fired on Oct 17, with no
General Jose Rucci of the Pcronist-dom- injuries reported. And in Mendo/a, a
inated General Labor Confederation bomb explosion Oct. 22 nearly destroyed
(GCT) was assassinated Sept. 25. the olfices of provincial Gov. Alberto
Martinez Baca, who had been criticized by
Rucci, his driver and a bodyguard were
conservative Peronists for not ridding his
cut down by unidentified gunmen as Rucci
administration of radical Peronists.
left the house of a relative in western
Buenos Aires. The government blamed Pablo M. Iredes, a leftist leader of the
the ERP for the attack, but there was also Transport Workers Union, was taken
speculation it might be the work of left- from his Buenos Aires home Oct. 30 and
wing Peronists, who had bitterly opposed shot to death by unidentified gunmen.
Rucci's conservative union leadership. Antonio J. Deleroni, a leftist lawyer,
The ERP Sept. 27 denied having killed and his wife, Nelida A ran a de Deleroni,
Rucci. were killed in Buenos Aires Nov. 27 by a
A left-wing Peronist, Enrique Grim- gunman later identified as a member of a
berg of the JP, was murdered Sept. 26, light-wing Peronist youth group and
causing fear of open warfare between con- former bodyguard for the Social Welfare
servativeand radical Peronists. Ministry.
Marcelino Mancilla, leader of the Mar A member of the left-wing Peronist
del Plata CGT and an orthodox Peronist, Youth (JP) was stripped and beaten by
had been murdered Aug. 27, apparently right-wing Peronists Nov. 2, and a leftist
by guerrillas of the EAR. member of the Transport Workers Union
Constantino Razzetti, a Peronist leader was kidnapped and tortured Nov. 21.
in Rosario, was shot to death Oct. 14, Following the first incident, leaders of the
presumably by right-wing Peronists. Raz- JP obtained an audience with Interior
zetti, a biochemist and vice president o\ Minister Benito Iambi and federal

the Rosario municipal bank, was killed Police Chief Miguel Antonio Inigue/ to
soon after delivering a speech at a Peronist protest the right-wing campaign against
luncheon severely criticizing the conserva- Peronist leftists, which included not only
tive Peronist labor bureaucracy. murders and torture but almost daily
Another conservative Peronist, Julian bombings of leftist offices.

Julio, leader of a bus drivers' union in In a related development. Sen. HipolitO

Mar del Plata, had been killed by un- Solari Yrigoyen, a member of the Radical
identified gunmen Oct. 9. party, was wounded Nov. when a bomb

In another apparently political murder, exploded in automobile. Solari li.ul

Jose Domingo Colombo, political and represented combative labor unions and

political prisoners accused of guerrilla some 25 U.S. executives and their families
activities. out of the country Nov. 28-29.

Foreign executives kidnapped. Kidnap-

pings of foreign executives continued dur-
Action Against Terrorists
ing the latter half of 1973. Although most
perpetrators apparently were members of
terrorist groups, it was assumed that at
Terrorism curbs approved. The
least a few of the kidnappers were com-
mon criminals whose sole objective was Chamber of Deputies passed President
ransom. Juan Peron's controversial anti-terrorism
bill Jan. 25, 1974 less than a week after
David Heywood, an executive of No-
bleza Tabacos, a subsidiary of the British- an ERP attack on an army garrison.
American Tobacco Co., was kidnapped The bill, reforming the Argentine penal
Sept. 21 and freed by police Oct. 20. code, was approved 128-62, over the op-
Police said they arrested four of the position of virtually all non-Peronist
abductors, all "common criminals," and legislators and members of the leftist
recovered more than $280,000 in ransom Peronist Youth (JP).
money. The bill virtually doubled prison
David B. Wilkie Jr., a U.S. citizen and sentences for convicted kidnappers,
president of Amoco Argentina, a sub- conspirators and armed extremists, and
sidiary ofStandard Oil Co. of Indiana, turned over internal security functions to
was kidnapped in suburban Buenos Aires the federal police rather than local law
Oct. 23 and ransomed by his company enforcement It also outlawed
Nov. 11. The company said the payment associations and "incite-
"illicit" political
was "well below" the $1 million ment to violence," but defined the terms
reportedly demanded by the kidnappers. ambiguously.
Swissair said Nov. 29 that its Latin Peron and the right wing of his move-
American director Kurt Schmid, abducted ment had demanded swift approval of the
in Buenos Aires Oct. 22. was freed Nov. bill after 60-70 ERP members attacked

28 and immediately left the country. The an army tank garrison at Azul, 170 miles
airline refused to say whether it had paid a south of Buenos Aires, the night of Jan.
ransom. 19-20. The guerrillas occupied the gar-
rison and fought a seven-hour gun battle
with troops, leaving two guerrillas, a sol-
U.S. executive murdered. John A. dier, the base commander and his wife
Swint. general manager of a Cordoba sub- dead. The terrorists escaped with a hos-
sidiary of Ford Motor Argentina, was tage. Lt. Col. Jorge Ibarzabal.
assassinated Nov. 22. The Peronist Armed Peron appeared on nationwide tele-
Forces (FAP). one of several terrorist vision after the attack, wearing his army
groups supporting President Juan Peron, general's uniform, and called on the
later took credit. armed forces, police, labor unions and his
Swint and two bodyguards were killed Justicialista Party to unite "to annihilate
in an ambush in suburban Cordoba by as soon as possible this criminal terror-
about 15 gunmen. A third bodyguard was ism." He accused left-wing Peronists of
seriously wounded. Eyewitnesses said being "complacent" about terrorism
there was no attempt to kidnap the U.S. and indirectly criticized Buenos Aires
executive. Province Gov. Oscar Bidegain, a left-wing
The FAP claimed credit for the assassi- Peronist. by asserting terrorists were
nation in communique to newspapers
a "operating in the province with the
Nov. 28, and warned Ford headquarters in indifference of its authorities."
Buenos Aires that day that it planned to A majority of Peronist senators and
"knock off" other foreign executives and deputies demanded Bidegain's resignation
their families "one by one." and to blow late Jan. 21. and the governor acceded
up the main Ford plant in suburban Jan. 23. He was replaced Jan. 26 by the
Buenos Aires. Ford reportedly moved vice governor, Victorio Calabro.

Police and soldiers carried out (The government May

28 created a spe-
widespread raids in search of the Azul at- cial industrial police force to guard Ar-
tackers, and announced the arrest of 13 gentine and foreign factories against guer-
suspects Jan. 23, including several persons rilla attacks.)
allegedly wounded at the garrison.

Latin guerrillas unite. Leaders of
$14.2 million ransom for Samuelson. the ERPsaid at a clandestine news
Victor Samuelson, manager of the Esso
conference in suburban Buenos Aires Feb.
Argentina oil refinery at Campana, north
14 that they would step up their attacks
of Buenos Aires, was kidnapped Dec. 6,
on the Argentine military and form a
1973 by ERP members. He was freed
"common front" with leftist guerrillas of
April 29, 1974, seven weeks after his em-
Chile, Bolivia and Uruguay.
ployer had paid a record $14.2 million
ransom. One of the leaders, who identified
himself as Enrique Gorriaran, said: "We
An ERP communique Dec. 8 had said consider that to halt or diminish the fight
Samuelson would be "submitted to trial" against the oppressor army would allow it
on unspecified charges. A subsequent to reorganize and to pass over to the
message Dec. 11 demanded a $10 million offensive."
Another of the leaders, identified as
The $10 million was demanded in food, Domingo Mena, said the ERP and the
clothing and construction materials to be Revolutionary Left Movement of Chile,
distributed in poor neighborhoods across the National Liberation Army of Bolivia
Argentina "as a partial reimbursement to and the Tupamaro guerrillas of Uruguay
the Argentine people for the copious were "prepared to do combat under a
riches extracted from our country by jointcommand." A joint declaration by
[Esso] in long years of imperialist ex- the four groups pledged to overthrow
ploitation." "imperialist-capitalist reaction, to annihi-
The company announced March 13, late counterrevolutionary armies, expel
1974 that ithad actually paid a $14.2 mil- Yankee and European imperialism from
lion ransom. The terrorists had also Latin American soil, country by country,
demanded that a communique they issued and initiate the construction of socialism
on the kidnapping be printed by 12 news- in each of our countries ."
. .

papers in Buenos Aires and some 30 in the The ERP

June 12 made public docu-
provinces, but all but three papers in the ments asserting that it had distributed $5
capital declined in fear of reprisals from million among the other members of the
the government. Latin American guerrilla "Revolutionary
The ERP communique said Esso had Coordination Board," the coordinating
agreed originally to pay $4.2 million in organization set up by the Argentinian,
supplies to victims of recent floods in Ar- Bolivian, Uruguayan and Chilean ter-
gentina, plus $10 million in cash as "in- rorist groups. The ERP documents, signed
demnization" for "the superprofits that by Mario Roberto Santucho, reported
Esso has obtained in the country, thanks that the money was part of the Samuelson
to the exploitation of its workers." ransom. The ERP said the guerrillas were
However, the message stated, "existing using the money to finance "a new stage of
obstacles" had made distribution of the military development," the establishment
supplies unfeasible, so the entire $14.2 of rural guerrilla movements to mobilize
million had been paid in cash. and organize the masses and complement
Esso repatriated its remaining U.S. the operations of the existing guerrilla
executives March 14-15 to avert any new units.
kidnappings. Fear of abduction or murder
had caused more than 500 U.S. business
executives to leave Argentina during the Peronists assassinated. Intra-Peronist
past few months, the Miami Herald violence continued.
reported March 22. The estimated 300 Rogelio Coria, former secretary
U.S. businessmen who remained in the general of the national Construction
country reportedly headed small con- Workers Union, was shot to death in
cerns. Buenos Aires March 22.

Luis A. David, a supporter of Peron shoulder when he resisted abduction. They

and head of the right-wing Nationalist released him that evening, apparently for
Liberation Alliance, had been found shot fear he would die in captivity.
to death March 21 near San Nicolas Laun underwent surgery in a Cordoba
(Buenos Aires Province). The adjunct sec- clinic, and was reported "out of danger"
retary of the San Nicolas Construction April 15. He was flown to Panama for fur-
Workers Union, Roberto Jose Kusner, ther treatment April 17.
had been shot dead the day before. Shortly after the kidnapping, the ERP
Another right-wing Peronist, Miguel sent a message to a Cordoba
radio station
Angel Castrofini, of the Nueva Argentina claiming credit the abduction. The
university faction, was assassinated guerrillas said Laun would be "inter-
March 8. rogated on counterrevolutionary activities
Juan Manuel Abal Medina, ex-sec- in Vietnam, Santo Domingo, Brazil and
retary of the National Justicialista Move- Bolivia, and for his active participation as
ment and an organizer of radical Peronist a liaison in the fascist military coup
youth groups, was wounded in the arm in against our brother people in Chile. He
an assassination attempt in Buenos Aires will also be interrogated on his ties with
March 23. Presumed rightists fired on the Central Intelligence Agency."
him from a passing car and threw two (The U.S. embassy in Buenos Aires
grenades into the apartment building into denied Laun had ever worked for or with
which he retreated. the CIA, or served in Brazil or Bolivia. It
Maria Liliana Ivanoff of the leftist also denied he had participated in any
Peronist Youth (JP) was kidnapped and activities connected with Chile. Laun pre-

shot to death by presumed Peronist viously had served in the Dominican Re-
rightists outside Buenos Aires April 26. public, South Vietnam and Thailand.)
Carlos Mugica, a leader of the Third
World Priests Movement with close ties
Anti-guerrilla offensive. Hundreds of
to the JP, was gunned down as he left his
persons were arrested in Tucuman
church in the capital May 11.
Province May 18-21 as federal police
The government news agency TELAM mounted a campaign against the ERP.
charged May 14 that Mugica had been
killed by the Peronist Montoneros guer-
The action followed further violence by
rilla group, presumably for his recent ap-
the ERP and by members of the opposing
peals to leftists to moderate their attacks
Peronist political factions and a warning
on the orthodox Peronist leadership and by President Juan Peron that Argentina
remain loyal to President Peron. How- faced civil war. Peron was quoted May 16
ever, the London newsletter Latin Amer-
as saying that because of "revolutionary
ica noted May 17 that Mugica had first
infantilism," Argentina might have
gained prominence by defending two dead "reached a situation of unavoidable
Montoneros, and that the guerrillas never confrontation."
killed a person for making appeals such as The Tucuman anti-guerrilla hunt was
Mugica's. abandoned May 25. Security forces said
JP leader Carlos Castelacci was killed that bad weather had enabled the guerril-
May 10 in a gun battle with other leftist las to escape encirclement.
Peronists over possession of one of the task force of more than 1,000 po-
JP's Buenos Aires offices. licemen and soldiers reportedly captured
only 27 alleged guerrillas, none of them
major ERP leaders. The failure of the
U.S. diplomat attacked. ERP guerrillas was dramatized May
anti-guerrilla effort
April 12, 1974 wounded and kidnapped 31 when more than 40 ERP members
Alfred A. Laun III, director of the U.S. briefly occupied the town of Acheral,
Information Service in Cordoba. The first which had served as a center of operations
U.S. diplomat kidnapped in Argentina, for the campaign.
Laun was freed within hours. ERP members had assassinated Jorge
The guerrillas invaded Laun's home Quiroga, a former judge of the disbanded
outside Cordoba in the morning and anti-subversive court, in downtown
wounded him in the head, abdomen and Buenos Aires April 28. Quiroga had inter-

rogated and sent to prison the 16 ERP and unconditional support for Mrs. Peron
Peronist guerrillas who were killed by au- June 29, and the Montoneros guerrilla
thorities at the Trelew naval air base group, also on the Peronist left, said it
prison in August 1972. backed the vice president "as long as Gen.
Buenos Aires police claimed May 6 that Peron is not in the physical condition to
the ERP was also responsible for the continue exercising the presidency." Both
murder of Manuel R. Garcia, a moderate groups previously had criticized Mrs.
Peronist labor leader, outside the capital Peron for favoring her husband's most
May 4. conservative advisers, including Social
Claudio Alberto Luduena, sought in the
Welfare Minister Jose Lopez Rega, whom
the Peronist left called a "fascist."
ERP's recent kidnapping of U.S. In-
formation Service official Alfred Laun, It soon became clear that Peronist
guerrilla factions were prepared to mount
was killed in Cordoba April 28 as he at-
terrorist actions in opposition to Mrs.
tempted unsuccessfully to kidnap Antonio
Minetti, a business executive. Peron.
An alleged Montoneros internal
document disseminated among journalists
New security unit. Bombings, political Aug. 3 said the guerrillas should restruc-

assassinations and kidnappings continued ture their ranks for a "resistance stage"
in Buenos Aires and other cities, leading because there was no longer any "reason"
President Juan Peron to set up a new to support Mrs. Peron. A
"formal break"
committee to command all security with her government would "depend on
operations. The committee, reported June circumstances," the document stated.
7, 1974, consisted of Peron, the ministers
Montoneros leader Mario Firmenich
of defense, interior and justice, and the asserted Aug. 12 that Mrs. Peron was not
armed forces commanders. Its orders the "heir" of her late husband because
would be carried out by a new security "the leadership of the masses cannot be
secretariat headed by Brig. Gen. Alberto inherited."
Cacercs, the frontier police chief who had
served as federal police chief under the
Former Interior chief slain. Arturo
supplanted military dictatorship.
Mor Roig, who organized the March 1973
presidential elections when he served as
interior minister under the supplanted
military dictatorship, was shot to death in
Terrorism After Peron s Death
suburban Buenos Aires July 15, 1974.
Mor Roig had been in office in August
Peron wife assumes presidency.
1972, when officers at the Trelew naval air
base in Patagonia killed 16 leftist guer-
President Juan Domingo Peron died of a
heart attack July 1, 1974.
rillas, many of them members of the
The presidency was assumed by Peron' s
At least six persons were killed and 28
widow, Maria Estela (Isabel) Martinez de
arrested as police mounted an intense
Peron, who became the first woman chief
search for Mor Roig's assassins.
of state in the Americas.
Police in Buenos Aires reported July 16
Mrs. Peron had assumed executive
that two men and a woman had been
powers June 29, when doctors ordered
killed when they exchanged gunfire with
Peron to take "absolute rest" while they
officers seeking to search their automo-
treated him for what they said was in-
fectious bronchitis with heart complica-
tions. Interior Minister Benito Llambi an-
Most groups and military
political nounced July 18 that four suspects had
leaders had pledged their support for Mrs. been killed and 28 arrested since the
Peron June 29-30, citing the Consti- assassination, and all were members of
tution's provisions for the vice president the ERPor of other left-wing extremist
to rule if the president was incapacitated. groups. However, the ERP denied
The 250,000-member left-wing Peron- responsibility for Mor Roig's death in a
ist Youth Organization announced its press communique July 18.

(Ex-President Alejandro Lanusse, in wing Peronist newspaper Mayoria, which

whose Cabinet Mor Roig had served, asserted the Montoneros were now out of
charged the Peronist Montoneros organi- the Peronist movement, and by the inde-
zation had committed the assassination, pendent daily La Opinion, which said the
the French newspaper Le Monde reported guerrillas were out of touch with reality.
July 21.) The strongest support for the Monto-
Two more suspects were killed July 20 neros came from leftist students at
in a shootout with police. Buenos Aires University, where Peronist
youths had occupied all but one of the
faculties since Aug. 14. The University's
Montoneros resume guerrilla warfare. interim rector, Raul Laguzzi, openly
The Montoneros went underground again backed the Montoneros. Laguzzi and his
as violence by feuding Peronists and ERP wife were seriously injured and their four-
members mounted. month-old son was killed Sept. 7 when
Hundreds of bombings and numerous their home was bombed by presumed
assassinations occurred throughout Ar- right-wing Peronists.
gentina Aug. 13-Sept. 18, seriously President Peron met with the com-
threatening the ability of President Maria manders of the armed forces and leaders
Estela Martinez de Peron to govern. Ter- of anti-guerrilla operations Sept. 7 in an
rorist attacks had claimed one victim apparent effort to devise a strategy
every 19 hours since Aug. 1, according to against the Montoneros and militant
the New York Times Sept. 18. students.
Montoneros leader Mario Firmenich Meanwhile, bombings and assassina-
said at a clandestine press conference tions of Peronist leaders continued. An
Sept. 6 that his movement had begun a estimated 50 bomb explosions were
"people's war" against the government, reported in Buenos Aires and other parts
which, he claimed, had been "captured by of the country Aug. 22, the second an-
imperialists and oligarchs" since the death niversary of the killing of 16 leftist guer-
of President Juan Peron July 1. Mrs. rillas at the naval air base at Trelew, and
Peron's administration had made it im- more than 100 bomb blasts were reported
possible for leftists to operate legally, Sept. 16-17. Other bombings occurred
leaving armed warfare as their only al- daily, many at dealerships of IKA-Re-
ternative, Firmenich charged. nault, an automobile company involved in
Firmenich said the Montoneros had a bitter labor dispute.
assassinated two anti-guerrilla security Four members of the left-wing Peronist
officers, kidnapped an engineer and car- Youth organization were killed in suburbs
ried out a number of machinegun and of Buenos Aires Aug. 22-23. At least
bombing attacks against automobile seven Peronists were killed in a wave of
dealerships and other targets in recent assassinations Sept. 16-18.
days. Montoneros in Tucuman claimed
credit for the murder of sugar executive
ERP-Montonero collaboration. It was
Jose Maria Paz Sept. 7.
reported that the ERP and Montoneros
Firmenich said the Montoneros were
had agreed at least to coordinate their
not yet strong enough to battle police and
terrorist strikes.
military units, but he expected they would
The ERP magazine The Combatant an-
be strong enough "in several weeks." He
nounced Sept. 26 that the ERP was "pre-
did not rule out the possibility of joining
pared to collaborate with the Montoneros
forces with the ERP. which was leftist but
in the military field, to stage joint attacks
not Peronist. "There is no need to confuse
against the armed forces, the police and
political ideologies," he said. "We will
the repressive forces in general, and the
have to see what their policy is ... if it is
." imperialist corporations." However, the
like ours, we can act together . .

ERP said the two groups could not form a

The Montoneros' decision to resume "joint military force" because the Monto-
guerrilla warfare was supported by the neros were not a "revolutionary organiza-
other organizations of the Peronist left, tion" but a group with "erroneous popu-
although they chose to remain above- list concepts at the service of a bourgeois
ground. It was denounced by the right- illusion."


ERP leader Roberto Santucho had said more leftists, including ex-President
Sept. 18 that his group would stage "indis- Hector Campora, former Buenos Aires
criminate executions" of army officers in University Rector Raul Laguzzi and
retaliation for the alleged execution by the Congressman Hector Sandler. A report in
army of 14-16 guerrillas captured during El Nacional of Caracas Sept. 28 said the
an ERP on an infantry post in Cata-
raid AAA had a "black list" of 49 persons to
marca Province in August. be assassinated, most of them left-wing
(The ERP had acknowledged Aug. 28 Peronists.
that it had suffered a "serious defeat" at The AAA communique said Troxler
the hands of police and soldiers in Cata- had been killed because he was "a commie
marca Province earlier in the month, after and a bad Argentine." It added: "Five are
guerrillas attacked an infantry post out- down and the lefties will continue to fall
side the city of Catamarca. Combined se- wherever they are."
curity forces pursued a guerrilla column The AAA was
held responsible for the
in the province's mountains Aug. 13-15,
murders of a construction worker
killing or arresting at least 27 insurgents.
in Bahia Blanca Sept. 22; a magazine
Police in a suburb of Buenos Aires editor, a television employe and a third
claimed Sept. 9 to have found and person in Buenos Aires Sept. 26; and two
confiscated the printing press on which relatives of former President Arturo
the guerrillas allegedly printed 80% of Frondizi Sept. 27. Silvio Frondizi, brother
their propaganda. TheERP continued ter- of the ex-president, was dragged from his
rorist attacks despite these setbacks, Buenos Aires home and later found dead
blowing up a police station in suburban outside the city. His son-in-law, Luis
Buenos Aires Aug. 16). Mendiburu, was killed trying to prevent
The Montoneros killed two persons the abduction. Frondizi was a Marxist
Sept. 19 in kidnapping Juan and Jorge lawyer and essayist; his brother ran a
Born, directors of Bunge &
Born Co., one small political party that, according to the
of the largest international trading con- newsletter Latin America Sept. 27, was
glomerates in Latin America. A Monto- near a break with the government.
neros communique later demanded $50 Several people who were on the AAA's
million in ransom for the Born brothers death list or feared they might eventually
and said they would be "tried for the acts appear on it fled Argentina. Rodolfo Puig-
committed against the workers, the gros, the liberal former rector of Buenos
people and the national interest by the Aires University, took asylum in the
monopolies to which they belong." The
communique said the two persons killed
Mexican embassy Sept. 24 an unusual —
step since he was not being sought by the
the Boms' chauffeur and the manager of

one of their companies had tried to
government — and was flown to Mexico
City the next day. Laguzzi, who had
prevent the kidnapping. recently been wounded in a terrorist at-
tack, fled to Mexico Sept. 28. (The cur-
rent rector of Buenos Aires University,
Rightists form AAA. Right-wing ele-
Eduardo Ottalagano, a rightist, survived
ments in September threatened armed
an assassination attempt in Villaguay
violence to counter the leftist terrorism.
Sept. 23. Ottalagano was unharmed, but
A right-wing group calling itself Argen- his assailant and a local hotel owner were
tine Anticommunist Alliance threatened
killed and two policemen were wounded in
Sept. 5 to "execute" 10 liberal and leftist
the incident. The assailant's political
federal deputies for "infamous treason was not revealed.)
against the fatherland."
Two prominent actors, Norman Briski
The AAA's terrorists assassinated and Nacha Guevara, fled to Peru Sept. 28,
Julio a leftist former deputy two days after the AAA threatened to kill
Buenos Aires, Sept. 20. In a
police chief of
them and three other well-known per-
communique Sept. 21, the group said it formers. The Argentine Actors Associa-
was responsible for the murders of four tion struck Sept. 27 to protest the threat.
other prominent leftists, including Atilio
Lopez, former vice governor of Cordoba
then added several more
persons to death list Sept. 30-Oct. I,
Province, and that it intended to kill 12
threatening to kill each if he did not leave

the country. Army Gen. Juan Carlos President Maria Peron and backed by
Sosa, leftist union leader Armando Cabo the armed forces. The law provided stiff
and former Bishop Jeronimo Podesta prison terms for persons who dissem-
were threatened by the AAA
Sept. 30. inated subversive propaganda or tried
The next day the rightists threatened to change the nation's political struc-
three legislators from the Radical Party- ture "by means not laid down by the
Deputy Mario Amaya and Senators Hi- Constitution," and it restricted news
polito Solari Yrigoyen and Humberto reporting of activities by illegal groups.
Perette —
and a dean and three professors Observers said the wording of the bill
at the state university in Rosario. With indicated it was designed primarily to fight
these the AAA had passed "death leftist guerrillas, although the government
sentences" on 61 persons, 19 of whom had said Sept. 27 that it would also be used
been killed in the past two months, ac- against rightist assassins.
cording to El Nacional of Caracas Oct. 2. Mrs. Peron had charged Sept. 26 that
According to the London newsletter leftist guerrillas were trying to provoke a
Latin America Oct. 11, it was generally military coup, and she pledged to the
assumed that AAA
members included armed forces that her government would
soldiers and police, with the police in ulti- press a full battle against subversives.
mate control. Montoneros leader Ro- In an attempt to gather support amid
berto Quieto charged at a clandestine the increasing violence, Mrs. Peron held a
press conference Oct. 4 that the AAA
was rally in Buenos Aires Sept. 20. Only 30,-
"organized by the federal police chief, 000-50,000 persons attended even though
Alberto Villar," and that its "inspiration the huge General Labor Confederation
and political orientation" came from the called an eight-hour nationwide strike to
government itself. enable workers to see the president. The
Quieto said Oct. 4 that the Montoneros crowd, composed almost exclusively of
were prepared to negotiate a truce with conservative Peronists, chanted slogans
the government if it would grant against the Montoneros as Mrs. Peron
emergency wage increases, end its inter- denounced "those who only know how to
vention in the trade unions, restore kill, . .those who obstruct the road to

freedom of politicalexpression, repeal liberation and national pacification."

repressive security legislation, stop the
AAA assassination campaign and fire
Villar and his deputy chief, Luis Mar- Terrorist actions. Among other inci-
garide. The ERP offered a truce of its own dents of terrorism during 1974:
Oct. 6, asking the government in return to Douglas Roberts, administrative di-
free all political prisoners, repeal the new
rector of Pepsi-Cola S.A., local affiliate of
anti-subversion act and restore the ERP
the U.S. firm PepsiCo, was abducted in
to legality.
suburban Buenos Aires Jan. 4 but re-
The government ignored these offers leased Feb. 2 on the payment of a ransom
and the bloodshed resumed Oct. 7 with of undisclosed size. Some of the kid-
the assassination of army Maj. Jaime Gi- nappers were arrested by the police, who
meno. had followed them after they picked up
The AAA killed two more persons Oct. the ransom.
8— Rodolfo Achem, administrative sec- A bomb explosion Jan. 7 seriously
retary at La Plata National University, damaged the Buenos Aires printing works
and Carlos Miguel, director of the that produced El Mundo and the
university's planning department. Army semiofficial Peronist organ Mayoria.
Lt. Juan Carlos Gambande was as- Unknown terrorists attacked a police
sassinated in Santa Fe Oct. 11. Two station Rosario Jan. 16, seriously
newsmen were found shot to death outside wounding one officer before setting fire to
Buenos Aires Oct. 13, and a Peronist the building.
leftist, Juan Carlos Leiva, was murdered
in La Plata Oct. 14. The ERP announced the release of Julio
Baraldo, director of the local affiliate of
Italy's Bereta arms factory, in exchange
Anti-terrorism bill. Congress Sept. 28 for an undetermined quantity of arms, it
passed an anti-terrorism bill submitted by was reported Jan. 19.


Nineteen separate bombings of offices somed for $200,000 June 1 1

and homes of leftists were reported early The personnel manager at the Fiat-
Jan. 26. Police said bombs exploded in Concord automobile plant Cordoba, in
Buenos Aires at seven JP offices, the office Roberto Francisco Klecher, was shot to
of a JP-dominated union, and a cafe fre- death on a downtown street April 4. The
quented by leftists; a woman was seriously Peronist Armed Forces later claimed
injured by the last explosion. Other bombs credit.
exploded at the homes of leftist militants Antonio Magaldi, secretary general of
in suburban Buenos Aires and Rosario the regional General Labor Confederation
and at offices of the Communist Party and in San Nicolas (Buenos Aires Province),
the Young Socialist Movement in Bahia was shot to death April 4. The next day a
Blanca. leftist Peronist organizer, Fernando Quin-
U.S. engineer Charles Hayes was freed teros, was dragged from his Buenos Aires
Jan. 31 after a month in captivity, when home and shot dead by two men claiming
his A. G. McK.ee construction company to be policemen.
reportedly paid a $1 million ransom. Three young members of the Socialist
Enrique (Henry) Nyborg Andersen, Workers Party were kidnapped from a
Danish regional manager of the Bank of meeting in suburban Buenos Aires May 30
London & South America, kidnapped in and later found shot to death. The
Buenos Aires Nov. 17, 1973, was released unidentified abductors, who were armed
Feb. 19, 1974 after payment of a ransom with machine guns, also kidnapped, beat
estimated at $1,145,000. and later released three other party mem-
Mario Reduto, a retired naval petty bers, all women.
officer kidnapped Feb. 22, was found dead More than 20 bombs exploded in
in a garbage dump in Zarate (Buenos Buenos Aires May
29-30, most at au-
Aires Province) March 14. The ERP tomobile dealers, according to the Miami
admitted "executing" Reduto, whom it Herald June 1. At least 10 bombings were
had accused of heading a parapolice group reported the same days in Cordoba.
that allegedly attacked and tortured
A bomb had blown up the Buenos Aires
headquarters of the General Labor Con-
Members of the ERP Feb. 23 kid-
federation May 28. Other explosions had
napped Antonio Vallocchia, an executive
damaged a department store and two
of Swift & Company in Rosario, whom
branches of the Bank of Commerce in the
they held responsible for the "unjustified
capital May 25.
dismissal of 42 workers demanding decent
salaries." Swift said Feb. 26 that it would Gregorio Manoukian, president of the
reinstate the 42employes and pay them Tanti supermarkets, was killed in a kid-
for thedays they were out of work, in ac- nap attempt in Buenos Aires June 7.
cordance with ERP demands. Police authorities in Buenos Aires
ERP members stole firearms in attacks announced June that Remo Crotta,
staged on police stations in Ciudadela head of the paper industry union, and
(Buenos Aires Province) March 8, Resis- Francisco Oscar Martinez, of the
tencia (Chaco Province) March 15 and Peronist Youth organization in La Plata,
Melincue (Santa Fe Province) March 23. had been found dead. Both had been
The guerrillas killed a police officer in the reported kidnapped earlier.
Resistencia raid and freed two imprisoned
Herbert production manager of
comrades in the Melincue attack.
the Argentine of Mercedes Benz,
The French-based Peugeot auto firm
was kidnapped in suburban Buenos Aires
announced March 18 that its Argentina
June 17 and released July 12 for what a
production manager, Yves Boisset, had Mercedes spokesman called a large ran-
been released by kidnappers who had held som.
him since Dec. 28, 1973. French sources
in Buenos Aires said the abductors had David Kraiselburd, chairman of the
demanded a $4 million ransom. Jose board of the news agency Noticias Ar-
Chohelo, a Peugeot representative in the gentinas and publisher of the La Plata
capital, was kidnapped June 3 and ran- newspaper El Dia, was shot to death July

17 as police closed in on the house in La be staged by Chilean or U.S. rightists.

Plata where he was held by kidnappers.
Police wounded and captured one
abductor, identified as Carlos Starita, an
alleged member of the left-wing Peronist
University Youth. Kraiselburd had been Che Guevara Slain as
kidnapped June 25, but his captors had Guerrilla Campaign Fails
not contacted his family nor made a
ransom demand.
The death of Che Guevara while leading
Jorge H. Ferrari, an official in the
a guerrilla campaign in Bolivian mountains
Economy Ministry, was assassinated by in 1967 was said to have had a profound
unidentified persons in the Buenos Aires
effect on revolutionary movements in Latin
suburb of San Justo July 20. America and elsewhere. Since he was so
More than two dozen persons were prominent a supporter of the theory that
killed July 31-Aug. 12 as intra-Peronist guerrillas must first win in the countryside,
violence increased and the ERP stepped the defeat of his campaign strengthened
up its attacks on military and police in- the argument of those who urged revolu-
stallations. tionaries to become urban guerrillas and to
Rodolfo Ortega Pena, the leading left- employ such weapons as terrorism in the
wing Peronist congressman, was assas- cities.
sinated in Buenos Aires July 31. Martin
Salas, a young right-wing Peronist, Guevara Falls in Clash. The Bolivian
was shot to death in La Plata Aug. 5, and army high command confirmed Oct. 10,
four leftist Peronists in that city were 1967 that Maj. Ernesto (Che) Guevara
killed in apparent retaliation Aug. 6-7. de la Serna, 39, Argentine-born Cuban
A group calling itself "Montoneros Sol- revolutionary leader who had been lead-
diers of Peron" claimed responsibility for ing Bolivian guerrillas, had been fatally
Ortega Pena's murder in a communique wounded Oct. 8 during a clash with army
to the press Aug. 3. A United Press troops near Higueras and died Oct. 9.
International report Aug. 3 said the group Gen. Alfredo Ovando Candia, Bolivian
was an offshoot of the left-wing Peronist armed forces commander, said that
Montoneros guerrillas, but the London Guevara had admitted his identity be-
newsletter Latin America reported Aug. 9 fore dying from his wounds and that
that the group was right-wing Peronist further identification had been provided
and had no connection with the Monto- by fingerprints. (Guevara's fingerprints
neros. Another communique to the press were on file in Argentina and had been
Aug. 7 claimed Ortega Pena had been taken when he received a passport in
assassinated by a rightist group calling it- 1952.) Later medical examinations, how-
self "Argentine Anti-Imperialist Action." ever, indicated that Guevara could not
persons were injured Aug. 4
Eleven have survived for 24 hours with his
when bombs exploded at the Buenos Aires wounds but had apparently been cap-
headquarters of the left-wing Peronist tured alive and, possibly, executed the
Youth, the Communist Party and the following day. According to Ovando's
Communist Youth. report, Guevara told his captors: "I am
Retired Gen. Carlos Prats Gonzalez, Che Guevara, and I have failed.'"

the former Chilean Army commander,

and his wife were killed early Sept. 30 Guerrillas Were Losing. There was
when a bomb exploded in or under their evidence that the Guevara-led guerrillas,
car as they drove to their Buenos Aires after some initial success, were on the
home. brink of defeat even before Guevara's
Aclose friend of Prats, quoted by the death. Guevara, who had arrived in the
Washington Post Oct. 1, said Prats had rebel area Nov. 7, 1966, reportedly had
said recently that he had received in- complained of the indifference of the
formation of a plan to kill him. Prats had local peasants to the revolution he was
said the assassination would be made to leading. Ill with arthritis and chronic
look like the work of the AAA but would asthma and often in pain, Guevara was

reported to have been making plans to Sept. 22 news conference that the guer-
try to escape from Bolivia but was rillashad been scattered in recent weeks
blocked by the stepped-up army counter- because of heavy pressure from Bolivian
insurgency campaign in which he was army He said that since the pre-
finally killed. vious enemy
contact Sept. 2, the patrols
A 16-man U.S. Special Forces (Green had been pursuing several guerrilla units,
Berets) training team from the Panama each having no more than 4 persons, and
Canal had come to Bolivia to train the that Guevara was in charge of the prin-
Bolivian 2d Ranger Battalion in counter- cipal group.
insurgency techniques, and 600-1,000 Ovando said that Guevara and 7 Cu-
Bolivian troops had been operating in the bans with him had been "virtually Fidel
southeast area against an estimated 60- Castro's general staff' during the early
100 guerrillas. days of the Cuban revolution. He said
The Bolivian army scored its first Guevara, Cmndr. Juan V. Acuna and
major battle success against the guerrilla Capt. Eliseo Reyes Rodriguez of the
forces Aug. 31 when a patrol ambushed Cuban army and the other Cubans had
and wiped out a 9-man guerrilla group. entered Bolivia in November-December
The action took place near Masiguri 1966. Ovando reported that the Bolivian
Bajo in the southeast. The dead in- army as of then had suffered 35 killed
cluded 2-3 Cubans including the band's and 13 wounded during the 5-month-old
guerrilla campaign. He said that 19 rebel
leader, known as Joaquin. Also killed
was a Bolivian girl, Laura Gutierrez, bodies (13 Bolivian, 5 Cuban and Ar- 1

known as Tania. The earlier reports in- gentine) had been recovered and that
dicated that a prisoner, Jose Carillo, about 20 other guerrillas had been killed
taken during the action, had disclosed by then. (The army announced Sept. 27
that 3 more rebels, including Roberto
that Guevara had been instructing the
rebels. [Coco] Peredo, had been killed Sept. 26.)
Following Guevara's death, Bolivian
It was reported mid-August that
in military sources said Oct. 16 that the
Bolivian army had found 4 jungle
units number of Bolivian guerrillas had been
caches of guerrilla arms in the Nanca- reduced to 6 following a battle with arm>
huaza River area. This loss of arms was units Oct. 14 in which 4 rebels (2 Boliv
said to have seriously crippled the guer- ians, 1 Cuban and Peruvian) were

rilla campaign. killed. The 6 were said to consist of 3

The Bolivian government announced Cubans and 3 Bolivians and to be led by
Sept. 18 that it had arrested 15 people Guido(Inti) Peredo.
accused of aiding the guerrillas. The 15
included university teachers in La Paz
and Loyola Guzman Lara, 25, a philos- Debray Trial. A military trial of Jules
ophy student at La Paz' San Andres Regis Debray, 27, French Marxist
University. Miss Guzman, who called writer who had been captured Apr. 20
herself a Moscow-leaning Communist, after spending Wz months with the Bo-
was accused of being a key figure in livian guerrillas, began in secret Aug. 18
supplying materiel and moral aid to the in the southern town of Camiri. The trial
rebels. was opened to the press Sept. 26 but
Bolivian Pres. Rene Barrientos Ortuno then adjourned indefinitely Sept. 27 to
said at a press conference Sept. 22 that await a decision as to whether the 5-
Guevara had entered Bolivia to "estab- officer military tribunal was competent
lish the guerrilla center of South Amer- to try Debray and 6 co-defendants. De-
ica" and "to create a focus that was later bray was charged with entering Bolivia to
to be extended." Speaking at a news assist the guerrillas and with "rebellion,
conference in La Paz, Barrientos insisted murder, robbery, assault and other
that the guerrilla movement was an "ad- crimes" during his stay in Bolivia.
venture financed, inspired and led from The was resumed Oct. 10 after
the outside." the tribunal was declared competent.
Gen. Alfredo Ovando Candia, the But Debray, in tears, abandoned his de-
armed forces commander, said at the fense Oct. 1 1 after hearing of Guevara's

death. He announced to the tribunal a book published in New York Aug. 6 by

Oct. 12 that he wished to be regarded as Stein & Day, Inc., revealed that 13 guer-
equally responsible— "politically and rillas killed in Bolivia while members of
morally''' — as Guevara for guerrilla acts Guevara's band were Cuban army offi-
in Bolivia although he had done no cers and that 4 were members of the
fighting. Cuban Communist Party's Central
Committee. The 4 committee members
Debray had told newsmen July 20 that were identified as (aliases in parentheses):
Guevara had come to Bolivia to organize Maj. Juan Vitalio Acuna (Joaquin), Maj.
the guerrillas but had since left. Debray
Antonio Sanchez Diaz (Marcos), Maj.
said Guevara's mission was "to say no
Alberto Fernandez Montes de Oca
to the oppression and humiliation which
(Pachungo) and Capt. Eliseo Reyes
confront the people because of the power
Rodriguez (Rolando).
of the United States." Debray, who
had supported Fidel Castro and had
taught at the University of Havana, in- CIA's Aid Confirmed. President Bar-
sisted that he had entered Bolivia only to rientos April1, 1969 confirmed reports that
get material for a journalistic account of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency person-
the guerrilla movement. nel had been sent to Bolivia in the guise of
Debray told a group of foreign cor- army officers to train units fighting guer-

respondents Aug. 20 that 90% of the rillas led by Che Guevara.

guerrillas he had seen in Bolivia were
Bolivians and that during his interroga- Barrientos asserted, however, that
tion he had been questioned by U.S. "All these things which are now becoming
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) offi- known are a surprise to me." He added,
"I never met these gentlemen as members
of the CIA but as officers present to train
Debray was given a 30-year sentence
Nov. 17 on his conviction of having been our troops. I never gave any documents
to CIA agents."
an active member in the guerrilla band.
(He was freed under an amnesty decree Barrientos' comments came in re-
Dec. 23, 1970.) sponse to disclosures contained in a series
of articles in Presencia, the La Paz
Guevara's Diary. Guevara's Bolivian Christian Democratic newspaper. A Lon-
war diary was published photo-
in 1968. A don Times account April 3 said that the
graphic reproduction of the diary, cap- articles were based partly on informa-
tured by the Bolivian army Oct. 9, tion from Gen. Joaquin Zenteno Anaya,
1967, had been sent secretly to former commander of the army division
Havana by Bolivian Interior Min. that captured Guevara. Zenteno, who
Antonio Arguedas. The text of the diary had become Ambassador to Lima, re-
was published July 1 in Cuba and the ported that the CIA agents included two
following day in the U.S. by Ramparts former Cuban army captains, Felix
magazine, which had acquired the pub- Ramos and Edguardo Gonzalez, both of
lishing rights from the Castro govern- whom possessed credentials from Bar-
ment. rientos on the basis of an agreement
reached "at high level." Zenteno's in-
The diary had been kept by Guevara
formation was given in testimony to a
from his arrival in Bolivia Nov. 7,
military tribunal investigating the case of
1966 until Oct. 7, 1967. Initially opti-
Antonio Arguedas, who had admitted
mistic, the diary reflected Guevara's CIA agent while serving as inte-
being a
growing disillusion with the political rior minister and who had sent Guevara's
apathy, and even hostility, of the Boliv- diaries to Cuba.
ian peasants and the alleged hindrance
of the Moscow-leaning Bolivian Com- (True magazine March 9 had pub-
munist Party. Guevara's secret papers lished an article by Andrew St. George
also revealed that he had kept in radio charging that Guevara's capture was the
contact with Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. result of a top-secret plan formulated by
The Complete Bolivian Diaries of Che White House advisers and approved by
Guevara and Other Captured Documents, President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Guevara Associates Identified. In the guerrillas captured in Bolivia arrived in

first official identification of Cuban army Chile Nov. 11.
regulars who fought in Bolivia with Chato Peredo said: "The guerrilla has
Che Guevara, Havana Oct. 8, 1969 not died in Latin America: on the

identified the Cubans— 12 army

13 contrary, the movement continues grow-
officers and one civilian — who had been ing. Conditions are propitious to push
the fight on all fronts."
killed in Bolivia fighting with Guevara.
The announcement from Havana listed (The Bolivian government exiled five

three majors (the highest officer rank in prisoners to Chile Feb. 13, 1971. The five,

the Cuban armed forces), three captains said to have led guerrilla activities in
and six Majors Antonio
lieutenants. and around Santa Cruz, included Oscar
Sanchez Diaz Pinares and Juan Vitalio Zamora Medinacelli, head of the Peking
Acuna Nunez and Capt. Eliseo Reyes branch of the Bolivian Communist party.)
San Luis, three of the 13 named, had been
Central Committee members of the Hostages Used to Free Prisoners. The
Cuban Communist Party. ELN successfully used hostages in July
1970 to win the release of imprisoned
Struggle Continues
ELN guerrillas had invaded the
town of Teoponte, 95 miles north of La
Guerrilla Leader Slain. Interior Paz, July 19. Occupying the town for sev-
Minister Eufronia Padilla announced eral hours, they burned the offices of the
Sept. 10, 1969 that Guido (Inti) Paredo, U.S. -owned gold mining firm South
who reportedly had assumed the lead- American Placers, Inc., stole $5,000 and
ership of the Bolivian guerrilla fled into the jungle with two West German
movement following Guevara's death, technicians as hostages.
had been killed in a police raid Sept. 9. In a letter delivered to a radio station
Padilla said that Peredo was fatally in- July 21, the ELN warned that the two
jured when a grenade exploded in his technicians —
Gunter Lerch and Eugene
hand. Schulhauser would — be shot unless
Peredo had proclaimed the resump- Bolivian authorities released 10 prisoners
tion of guerrilla warfare throughout within 48 hours. The Bolivian govern-
Latin America Sept. 4. In a statement ment yielded to the guerrillas' demands
broadcast by six Bolivian radio stations July 22 and flew the 10 prisoners to Arica,
and published in newspapers, Peredo Chile. The two technicians were set free
vowed that the "guerrillas are going to at Teoponte July 23.

resume the movement. The war will be The 10 freed prisoners included per-
long and cruel and more violent than in sons arrested and jailed for participation
1967." He added that the battle would in guerrilla warfare with the late Ernesto

not be finished until "Bolivia and the Guevara. They were Loyola Guzman, the
continent are free from oppression." In only woman in the group, Enrique Ortega,
the wake of Peredo's manifesto and an Gerardo Bermudez, Felix Melgar Antel,
upsurge of terrorist bombings in La Paz Oscar Busch, Victor Cordoba, Roberto
and other major cities, the Bolivian gov- Moreira, Rodolfo Saldana, Juan Sanchez
ernment had mobilized troops Sept. 6. and Benigno Coronado. They were re-

Le Monde of Paris reported Sept. 17 ported to have reached Cuba by way of

that the ELN
(Ejercito de Liberation
Mexico Aug. 30.

Nacional, or National Liberation Army)

had vowed to continue the fight despite
Peredo"s death. Padilla said that the En\oy in West Germany killed. Former
group was now led by a former Guevara Bolivian Consul General to Hamburg
lieutenant from Cuba, Harry Villegas Roberto Quintanilla was shot and killed

Tamayo. also known as Pombo. in the Hamburg consulate April 1, 1971.

The army Oct. 21, 1970 announced the The ELN issued a communique April
capture of Inti's younger brother, Osvaldo 2 claiming responsibility for Quintan-
(Chato) Peredo. Chato and seven other ilia's death. The ELN charged that

Quintanilla, who had retired as consul in Chile are receiving military and sub-
general but was remaining in Germany versive instruction with the consent of
until his replacement arrived, was re- the [Chilean] government and with the
sponsibile for the death of guerrilla support of Cuba and ... the countries
leader Inti Peredo in 1969. behind the Iron Curtain." Officials were
said to believe the guerrillas would re-
Alberto Larrea Humerez, economic
turn to Bolivia to commit acts of urban
minister under former President Rene
terror and to foment labor uprisings
Barrientos, was assassinated April 19.
in the nation's economically vital tin-
mining regions.
Selich escapes assassins.Col. Andres As evidence subversive prepara-
Selich, who became interior minister in tions, the government
cited the presence
the rightist government formed by Col. in Chile of known revolutionaries and
Hugo Banzer Suarez Aug. 22, 1971, after enemies of the regime of Hugo Banzer
the forcible overthrow of leftist President Suarez (including deposed President
Juan Jose Torres, escaped assassination Gen. Juan Jose Torres) and the forma-
twice within a month. A
bomb was tion in Santiago of the Bolivian Anti-
thrown Aug. 22 into a room where Selich imperialist Revolutionary Front.
was holding a meeting, but Selich emerged
unhurt. The Interior Ministry then re-
ported Sept. 15 that a woman had de- Guerrillas slain. Interior Minister
livered a package asking that it be handed Mario Adett Zamora announced March
to Selich. Aides discovered a bomb inside 25, 1972 that the police had killed two
the package, dismantled it and arrested members of
the National Liberation
the woman. In questioning the woman, Army (ELN), arrested six other alleged
officials said they had uncovered an ELN guerrillas and found a large supply of
conspiracy. arms and explosives in the central city
Selich was reported Nov. 2 to have ac- of Cochabamba.
cused Cuban Premier Fidel Castro of in- Adett Zamora said one of the slain
tervening in Bolivian affairs. Oscar Nunez Reyes, was the

Selich announced the discovery of a

ELN regional commander in Cocha-
bamba, which he said was the group's
"guerrilla arsenal" and the arrest of a
most important area of operations after
number of persons linked to "extreme
leftist organizations."
La Paz. Adett Zamora claimed police
had wiped out 90% of the extremists in
"We are engaged in a war to the death
against Castro-communism," said Selich,
Cochabamba and 80% of those in La
"and that war has not yet ended."
Selich also accused the Torres govern-
ment of having hired "between 250 and ELN's leaders. Interior Minister Adett
300 foreigners to organize extremist Zamora April 8, 1972 revealed the names
fighting groups." of the three men who, along with Osvaldo
The Bolivian government restored the (Chato) Peredo, allegedly commanded
the ELN.
death penalty for terrorism, kidnaping,
attempts against the lives of "state dig- They were: Lisimaco "Guillermo" Gu-
nitaries," and the organization of ur- tierrez, a former university professor;
ban or rural guerrillas, it was reported Pedro "Adrian" Morant Saravia, a
in the London newsletter Latin America university student; and Gerardo "Mi-
Nov. 12. The death penalty had been seria" Bermudez Rodriguez, a Marx-
abolished in 1967. ist theorist.
Adett Zamora claimed that 120 "ex-
Bolivian guerrillas believed in Chile. tremists" had been arrested in recent
The Bolivian government believed that days, foiling plans for an urban guerrilla
hundreds of exiled citizens were being uprising, the Times of the Americas
trained as guerrilla fighters in Chile, reported April 12.
the Miami Herald reported Feb. 17, 1972. The French newspaper Le Monde re-
Interior Minister Mario Adett ported June 25 that Gutierrez and two
Zamora charged that "Bolivian exiles other guerrillas had been shot to death a

few weeks earlier while "attempting to vent about 45 miles from La Paz. One
escape." policeman and one guerrilla were re-
The ELN had virtually been elimi- ported killed.
nated as an effective threat to the gov- Archbishop Clemente Maurer, head
ernment, according to the London news- of the Bolivian church, had accused the
letter Latin America June 9. Recent ar- government May 1 of confusing any
call for social justice with leftist ex-
rests and killings of suspected guerrillas
and the tone of current government tremism. Maurer attributed the de-
propaganda suggested the group was in- terioration of church-state relations to
filtrated and informed upon at all levels, the government and police.
the newsletter said. Msgr. Luis Rodriguez, bishop of the
eastern city of Santa Cruz, had warned
Soviet diplomats ousted. Bolivia an- April 26 that attempts were being made
nounced April 19, 1972 that 62 Soviet to divide and discredit the church. Rodri-
diplomats and dependents had left the guez, who had protested the recent ar-
country on orders of Bolivian President rest in Santa Cruz of a Belgian priest,
Banzer after Bolivia accused the embassy had been severely criticized by the pre-
of promoting Castroite subversion. fect of the city, who warned that any

The government claimed April 13 priest suspected of aiding revolutionaries

that captured ELN documents showed would be "treated as he deserves."

embassy Igor Sholokov
First Secretary Three Colombian nuns were arrested
and Third Secretary Aleksei Smirnov May 16 on charges of cooperating with
were in contact with the guerrilla move- the ELN. The arrests followed a shootout
ment. between security forces and suspected*
guerrillas at a convent in the highland
'Death Squad' appears. A com- town of Achacachi. The nuns were later
munique issued in Santa Cruz March 23 deported.
announced that a Brazilian-style political MaryElizabeth Harding, a U.S. citizen
"death squad" had been formed to elimi- and former nun arrested Dec. 5, 1972
nate subversives, and that "for every for alleged guerrilla activities, was
nationalist killed, 20 traitors will die." released from jail Jan. 13, 1973 and
Adett Zamora declared the death deported Jan. 15. Adett Zamora said
squad "outside the law" April 20 after thatMs. Harding had confessed belonging
it claimed its fifth victim. to ELN and had supplied the
government with information which
2 women quit ELN. The Interior Min- "proved valuable for learning the plans of
1973 released letters in which
istry July 14, the extreme left and the guerrillas with
two women announced that they were respect to Bolivia."
breakingwith the ELN. The women Loy- —
ola Guzman, reputedly the guerrilla
group's top female leader, and Sonia Guerrilla 'plot' reported. Interior

Montano Virreira had both been ar- Minister Mario Adett Zamora claimed
rested April 4 in a gun battle in which Dec. 20, 1972 that exiled Bolivian
Guzman's husband was killed. guerrillas had plotted to assassinate
President Hugo Banzer Suarez and
In her letter, Guzman admitted that
"Vietnamize" Bolivia. He said more
recent government operations had hurt
than 30 persons had been arrested in
the ELN badly, virtually eliminating the
connection with the plot, which allegedly
leaders with whom she had fought.
had Cuban financial backing and support
from guerrilla movements in Chile,
Priests & nuns accused. Interior Min-
Argentina and Uruguay.
ister Mario Adett Zamora charged May According to Adett, exiles under the
16, 1972 that certain priests were aiding
leadership of Ruben Sanchez, a former
subversive organizations.
army major living in Chile, had planned
Adett Zamora's claim followed a gun to invade Bolivia from Chile, Argentina
battleMay 16 between security forces and Brazil to sabotage mining centers
and alleged ELN members at a con- and organize peasants against the

government. The plan was supported by a New plots alleged; Selich killed. The
number of exiled Bolivian politicians, government claimed have broken up
including ex-President Hernan Siles, two subversive plots in April and May
Adett charged. 1973. An alleged leader of the second
The plotters allegedly also had planned conspiracy, ex-Col. Andres Selich, was
to Banzer during his visit
assassinate beaten to death by security officials.
to a town near Cochabamba Dec. 20.
Selich was reported arrested May 14
Adett said four would-be assassins, all along with seven army colonels said to
members of National
the left-wing
have conspired against President Hugo
Liberation Army (ELN), had been ar-
Banzer Suarez. Other military officers
rested in Cochabamba Dec. 20 after
and prominent politicians also were
killing a soldier.
reported detained.
The government said May 16 that four
New leftist plot alleged. The gov-
of Selich's co-conspirators had escaped
ernment claimed Jan. 1 1, 1973 to have dis-
from custody earlier in the day in the
covered a new subversive plot and ar- southern town of Tarija, near the Ar-
rested its principal leaders. The alleged gentine border. Officials said the plotters,
conspiracy, the latest of a series reported members of "the extreme right," had
by the regime since it seized power in sought to seize power May 25, while
August 1971, was supposedly directed by Banzer was in Argentina for its pres-
two leftist groups—the ELN and the Revo- idential inauguration. They
also allegedly
tionary Left Movement— and aimed at planned to "execute a series of violent
infiltrating the armed forces. acts to drench the country in blood."
Selich, a leader of the 1971 military
According to Interior Minister Mario coup that brought Banzer to power, had
Adett Zamora, the plot was discovered in lived in Argentina since May 1972, when
documents found in raids on "guerrilla he was dismissed as Bolivia's ambassador
hideouts" in La Paz. The documents to Paraguay and accused of plotting
allegedly revealed that a leftist agent against the president.
named "Vicente" was "operating in mili- Selich's death coincided with the killing
tary circles" in an attempt to "break the in La Paz of two ELN members. Authori-
ironlike unity of the armed forces." Adett ties said Oswaldo Ucasqui, an Argentine
said "Vicente" still had not been citizen, and Monica Ertl, the alleged killer
identified, but "the principal ringleaders of a Bolivian consul in West Germany in
of the conspiracy are under arrest." 1971, were killed in a shootout with police
May 13.
Adetfs announcement followed a series
of arrests in La Paz and Cochabamba.
About 60 persons reportedly were ar-
Valverde plot. The government said
rested in Cochabamba Jan. 10, including a
Aug. 18, 1973 that it had crushed a
number of teachers accused of belonging
planned uprising by right-wing Bolivian
to the Communist party and of having met
Socialist Falange (FSB) dissidents led by
secretly to "prepare actions to disrupt the
ex-Health Minister Carlos Valverde.
public peace and ... the security of the
Interior Minister Walter Castro said
the revolt was planned to take place dur-
In a related development, the chief of ing a visit by President Hugo Banzer
staff of the second army based at Oruro, Suarez to Santa Cruz. He linked the plot
Col. Humberto Cayoja Riart, was to Bolivian exiles in Chile and Peru.

relieved of his command and appointed Valverde, a guerrilla leader during the
military attache in Washington only hours last MNR government, was reported
after flatly denying there were any guer- Aug. 18 to have dug in at a farm outside
rillas in his area, the London newsletter Santa Cruz with some 190 armed
Latin America reported Jan. 19. His followers. Troops were sent from La Paz
denial conflicted with repeated statements to the area, and the subversives reportedly
by Adett about guerrilla activity between fled the next day. Valverde was reported in
Oruro and La Paz. Paraguay Aug. 21.

'Leftist plot' crushed. The government Torres and of French radical journalist
announced Sept. 23, 1973 that it had Regis Debray.
crushed an alleged left-wing plot against Pereda said Torres had given Ovando
President Banzer and that 89 political and money he allegedly received from the
labor union leaders had been arrested in People's Revolutionary Army, an Ar-
La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and gentine Marxist guerrilla group, which
Oruro. recently had collected millions of dollars
Interior Minister Walter Castro said in ransom money for foreign businessmen
the alleged conspiracy, by exiled Bolivians it had kidnapped.

and radicals from Cuba, Chile, Argentina Ovando, who lived in Spain, denied
and other countries, was "a desperate Pereda's charges "categorically" July 5.
action by the extreme left to try and
regain ground on the continent" following
the overthrow of the late Chilean Pres- BRAZIL
ident Salvador Allende Gossens.
Castro claimed the conspirators in-
cluded ex-Presidents Hernan Siles Assassinations & Kidnappings
Zuazo — to
have been installed as presi-
dent after Banzer's ouster and Juan — The major short-term objective of ter-

Jose Torres, as well as labor leader Juan rorists in Brazil during the late 1960s and
Lechin Oquendo and ex-guerrilla leader early 1970s appears to be the overthrow of
Oswaldo "Chato" Peredo, all currently in the country's military government, long
exile. accused of oppression, the torture of politi-
Officials said Salustio Choque, a cal prisoners and other excesses. Assassina-
conspirator and former member of the tions and kidnappings have been the most
Bolivian guerrilla group led by the late widely publicized actions of the terrorists,
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, had been ar- who also claim credit for numerous rob-
rested Sept. 22, and arms were found in beries, raids on military and police installa-
his house. tions, bombings and acts of sabotage.
The best-known of the terrorist groups is
Castro held a second press conference
Sept. 26 to give more details of the alleged
the ALN (Acao Libertadora Nacional,
National Liberation Action or National
plot. He said the government had obtained
Liberation Alliance), founded in 1967 by the
from a Communist party member, at a
late urban guerrilla leader and theorist
"high" cost, a 13-page "operating plan"
Carlos Marighella. Other terrorist /urban
that included projected subversion in La
guerrilla groups include MR-8 (Movimiento
Paz and other cities, simultaneous inva- Revolucionario-8, Revolutionary Move-
sions from Chile and Argentina, and flying
ments or Revolutionary Movement of
in arms to Santa Cruz and Beni depart-
October)*, Molipo (Movimiento Libertador
ments in planes with Cuban registrations. Popular, or People's Liberation Movement)
Castro asserted the plotters, including and the VPR (Vanguardia Popular Revo-
members of Argentina's outlawed lucionaria, or Popular Revolutionary Van-
People's Revolutionary Army, had guard).
founded the Nationalist Left Liberation
Alliance, with headquarters in Santiago
and in Salta, Argentina. He said they Assassinations. U.S. Army Capt. Charles
planned to make Siles interim president of Rodney Chandler, 30, was killed Oct. 12,
Bolivia and then to remove him and in- 1968 by two gunmen as he was leaving his
stitute socialism in the country. Sao Paulo home. The assassins, who had
used machineguns, sped away in a car
after leaving pamphlets describing
Another 'plot.' Interior Minister Juan Chandler as a "Vietnam war criminal"
Pareda Asbun said July 4, 1974 that a who had come "to Brazil to train war
criminals and show them the most ad-
guerrilla group calling the Black
Condor was preparing attack the
Banzer regime under the leadership of ex- •Signifying Oct. 8. 1967, the date on which Ernesto
Presidents Alfredo Ovando and Juan Jose (Che) Guevara was killed in Bolivia.

vanced techniques of torture and cruel- American Ambassador Kidnapped. U.S.

ty." The leaflets termed the killing "a Ambassador to Brazil C. Burke Elbrick
warning to all his followers who one day was kidnapped by Brazilian terrorists
or another will answer for their actions in Rio de Janeiro Sept. 4, 1969 but re-
to the revolutionary tribunal.*" Chandler,
leased Sept. 7 after the Brazilian govern-
who had served a year in Vietnam, had ment yielded to his captors* demands by
been in Brazil "strictly on civilian status,"
publishing a revolutionary manifesto and
the U.S. consul said, to study Portuguese
releasing 15 political prisoners.
language and Brazilian history at the Uni-
Elbrick had been returning to the U.S.
versity of Sao Paulo. Embassy in his limousine following lunch
Brazilian police Oct. 14 arrested Jose
at his residence when he was taken
Luis Andrade Maciel, a Sao Paulo den-
captive Sept. 4 by four armed men. He
tist, on charges of masterminding Chand-
had been accompanied only by his
ler's killing.
Brazilian chauffeur, an embassy employe
The Rev. Henrique Pereira Neto, 28, for four years, who was left behind.
aide to Archbishop Helder
Camara, was found murdered May 28, In a manifesto left in Elbrick's
1969 in a remote area of the Recife Uni- limousine, the kidnappers gave two condi-
versity campus. A professor of sociology hands of the dictatorship," the kidnappers
at the university, Pereira Neto had car- tions for his release: publication and
ried out liaison between Archbishop broadcast of their manifesto throughout
Helder and student organizations. Arch- Brazil, and the release of 15 political
bishop Helder charged May 28 that prisoners and their transfer to asylum in
Pereira Neto had been lynched by right- another country. Asserting that "the life
wingers who planned to murder other and death of the ambassador are in the
priests and student leaders as well. warned that if the demands were not met
Valter Lino de Matos, brother of the within 48 hours they would "be forced to
leader of the opposition Brazilian Dem- carry out revolutionary justice"" and
ocratic Movement in the state of Sao "execute Ambassador Elbrick."
Paulo, was murdered May 28. The manifesto stressed that Elbrick's
kidnapping was "not an isolated act. It is
Sao Paulo Attacks. Terrorists de- another one of the innumerable revolu-
stroyed installations at three radio and tionary acts already carried out: bank
television stations in Sao Paulo July 13- holdups, where funds for the revolution
16, 1969. Officials asserted that the at- are collected, returning what the bankers
take from the people and their employes;
tacks, part of a wave of recent terrorist
raids on barracks and police stations,
activities, were the work of leftist ter-
where arms and ammunitions are ob-
by Carlos Marighella, head of
rorists led
tained for the struggle to topple the
the ALN, and
Carlos Lamarca, head of
dictatorship; invasions of jails when
MR-8, a former army captain specializing revolutionaries are freed to return them
in anti-terroristmeasures. When Lamarca
to the people's struggle; the explosion of
deserted to the guerrillas, he brought them
buildings that signify oppression; the
70 light machine guns. execution of hangmen and torturers."
The note continued: "With the kidnap
of the ambassador we want to demon-
strate that it is possible to defeat the
Increase in Terrorism. Government dictatorship and the exploitation if we
sources reported a significant increase arm and organize ourselves. We
show up
in terrorist activities during 1968-69, where the enemy least expects us, and we
particularly in Sao Paulo and Rio de disappear immediately, tearing out the
Janeiro. In more than 60 holdups since dictatorship, bringing terror and fear to
January 1969, hundreds of thousands of the exploiters, the hope and certainty of
dollars had been stolen. In addition, the victory to the midst of the exploited. Mr.
number of bombing attacks, attacks on Elbrick represents in our country the in-
arms supplies depots and attacks on terests of imperialism, which, allied to
radio and TV stations had also increased. the great bosses, the big ranches and the

big national bankers, maintain the regime lieved that violence was the only workable
of oppression and exploitation." political alternative in Brazil. "They
The note was signed by the National seemed to ascribe all the troubles and
Revolutionary Movement of October difficultiesthey saw in Brazil to what they
(MR-8), two of the 10 or more guerrilla called North American imperialism," he
and terrorist groups said by government said.

authorities to be operating in Brazil.

(Brazilian government spokesmen had Prisoners Granted Asylum. Arriving in
announced July 27 that it had dismantled Mexico City Sept. 7, the 15 political
the MR-8 with the arrest of 29 of its key prisoners were immediately granted asy-
members. Seven more MR-8 members lum by the Mexican government.
were reported arrested Aug. 7, and the In a statement Sept. 8, the group called
arrests of several dozen more terrorists the kidnapping a "natural act of resis-
were announced Aug. 10.) tance" to the "imprisonments, tortures
Following an emergency meeting of and violences" committed by the Brazil-
key military and cabinet officials Sept. 4, ian government. They charged that the
the government announced Sept. 5 that it Brazilian military had created a "climate
would meet the kidnappers' demands. of tension and anxiety, insecurity and
Foreign Minister Jose de Migalhaes violence, extending to all levels of so-
Pinto confirmed Sept. 5 the govern- ciety" and that Brazil's 90 million people
ment's decision to "order the transfer consequently lived in a "police state."
overseas of the 15 prisoners whose names The 1 5 freed prisoners were:
are to be furnished to it." Two hours Gregorio Bezerra, 70, a leading member of the
later, the kidnapers placed the 15 names clandestine Communist Party, who had been in prison
in a suggestion box at a suburban super- since 1964, when he had been arrested in Recife and

market. Their message said Elbrick would dragged by army troops through the streets.
Wladimir Palmeira, 24, former president of the
be released when the prisoners were safely Metropolitan Student Union in Rio, arrested in 1968
in Mexico. Mexico announced the same and sentenced in August to three years imprisonment
day that it would grant asylum to the 15 for leading student demonstrations against the gov-
ernment; Flavio Tavares, a newspaperman charged
prisoners. (Chile also offered asylum in 1966 with organizing guerrilla activities and re-
Sept. 5.) cently arrested on charges of membership in a
terrorist group called the Revolutionary Movement
of July 26 (the anniversary of the Cuban revolution);
ABrazilian air force transport plane
Ricardo Zarattini, former National Student Union
with the prisoners aboard left Rio Sept. officer, jailed for subversive activities among pea-
6, after a delay of several hours beyond the sants;Luiz Travassos, former National Student
deadline set by the kidnappers. The gov- Union president who was also active in the radical
movement of the Roman Catholic Church; Jose
ernment attributed the delay to a dif- Dirceu de Oliveira e Silva, also a former president
ficulty in rounding up the prisoners. of the National Student Union; RicardoVillas Boas
Reports indicated, however, that radical de Sarego and Maria Augusta Carneiro, both stu-
dent leaders arrested May 1 for allegedly firing at a
military officers had objected to the gov-
policeman who was attempting to prevent them from
ernment's decision to meet the kidnap distributing anti-government literature; Onofre Pinto,
demands and had made efforts to hold up a former air force sergeant, arrested and charged
the prisoners' release. In addition, a with murder in the killing of U.S. Army Capt.

group of about 200 navy men was reported Charles R. Chandler: Ivens Marchetti, a Sao Paulo
architect, also charged in connection with Chandler's
to have surrounded the airport in an at- murder; Jose Ibrahim and Rolando Prattes, labor
tempt to block the plane's takeoff at the leaders in the Sao Paulo area; Argonauto Pacheco da
last minute. A
captain in the navy group Silva, labor leader and former Sao Paulo legislator;
Joao Leonardo da Silva Rocha, a Sao Paulo lawyer;
called the prisoners' release a "national
Mario Galgardo Zanconato, 22, former medical
disgrace" but said that the men let the student, who said in Mexico City Sept 8 that he had
plane depart when they "received orders organized eight bank robberies in Minas Gerais to
." raise funds for the revolutionary movement.
from above. . .

Following the arrival of the plane in Thirteen of the freed prisoners flew to
Mexico City Sept. 7, Elbrick was released Cuba Sept. 30.
At a news conference Sept. 8, Elbrick
said that his captors were "all young, very Government Restrictions. The military
determined, intelligent fanatics" who be- government announced Sept. 8 that it was

preparing restrictive measures to stem the Archbishop Vicente Scherer of Rio

tide of urban guerrilla activities. "The Grande do Sul said Nov. 17 that th« gov-
nation is now aware that the process of ernment had not proved anything against
revolutionary and subversive war is now in the priests but added that "whoever
full evolution, " the government state- participates in a common program with
ment asserted. "At all costs, order and terrorists who kill innocent people in
tranquility will be preserved." cold blood, assault and rob, becomes an
The measures were not im-
restrictive accomplice to such crimes and partici-
mediately made The government
public. pates in their responsibility."
announced Sept. 9, however, that it had
reinstituted the death penalty for acts of Bishops denounce terrorism. Brazilian
subversion and terrorism. (Capital pun- bishops, gathered in Brasilia for their
ishment had been abolished in Brazil, 11th general assembly, adopted a resolu-
except during periods of foreign wars, tion May 27, 1970 denouncing torture and
since 1891, according to Brazilian law-
terrorism. Adopted by a vote of 159-21,
yers.) The decree, which amended the
the statement was a compromise between
constitution to permit capital punish-
liberal and conservative bishops.
ment, was issued as Institutional Act No.
14 and was dated Sept. 5; it was signed
by the ruling military triumvirate and
'Anti-terrorist' activities. The London
Times said Feb. 1970 that an Opera-
Justice Minister Luis Antonio Gama e
tional Center for Internal Defense had
Act No. 13, issued Sept. been established in Rio de Janeiro to
coordinate the government's fight against
5, had authorized the banishment of any
Brazilians considered "manifestly harm-
"Communist subversion." The center,
headed by First Army Commander Gen.
ful and dangerous to national security,"
Syseno Sarmento, incorporated the se-
while a complementary act that day had
curity and intelligence activities of the
banished the 15 prisoners.
three armed services and the political
Marighella Killed. Brazilian police am- The Second Army headquarters in

bushed urban guerrilla leader Carlos Sao Paulo announced Jan. 28 that a
Marighella in Sao Paulo Nov. 4, 1969 and special military police unit had ended a
shot him to death. five-month anti-terrorist campaign with
In announcing Marighella's death, arrest of 320 persons, the discovery of 66
police charged the Catholic Church's terrorist cells and the confiscation of a

Dominican order with involvement in large of weapons. Officials

his terrorist activities and announced claimed the National Liberation
that several Dominican priests had led Alliance and the Palmares Armed Rev-
security forces to the spot where Marig- olutionary Vanguard had been almost
completely dismantled in the campaign.
hella was killed.

Archbishop Felicio Cesar da Cunha

Vasconcelos of Ribeirao Preto in Sao Japanese consul abducted. Nobuo
Paulo State excommunicated the city's Okuchi, 56, Japanese consul general in
police chief and his assistant for being Sao Paulo, was kidnapped March 11, 1970
"directly responsible for the violence and held for four days until the govern-
committed against members of the ment met the abductors' demand for the
clergy and religious of the archdiocese," freeing of five prisoners.
Le Monde reported Nov. 16. The arch- The kidnappers, who identified them-
bishop specifically cited the arrest and selves as members of the Popular Revo-
alleged torture of Sister Maurina Borges lutionary Vanguard, announced March
da Silveira, the mother superior of a 12 that Okuchi would be freed following
convent in Ribeirao Preto. (Ribeirao the release and transportation out of
Preto authorities had previously an- Brazil of five political prisoners held in
nounced the arrests of 40 persons in the Sao Paulo. The abductors also demanded
dissolution of 22 "terrorist cells," the that the government pledge to take no
Miami Herald reported Nov. 16.) retaliation against remaining political

prisoners after Okuchi's release and that rorists June 11,1970. He was freed June 16.
the government call off a massive search Von Holleben was abducted from his
for the kidnappers and Okuchi. car in Rio de Janeiro June 11 by ter-
The Brazilian government March 12 rorists who killed a Brazilian security
called off the massive search it had un- agent protecting the ambassador and
dertaken to find the kidnappers and an- wounded two others during the incident.
nounced that it would release and grant The kidnappers left a note demanding a
asylum to five political prisoners in ex- halt to the torture of political prisoners.
change for Okuchi's freedom. "We regret we have once more to resort
The prisoners, whose names were sent to methods which we have always tried to

to thegovernment March 13, arrived in avoid," the note said. "However, as long
as patriots are being tortured and killed
Mexico City March 15. They were: Sister
in the prisons we will not have any other
Maurina Borges da Silveira, mother
choice, even knowing that the physical
superior of a convent in Ribeirao Preto
integrity and the lives of people not di-
who had been charged with aiding ter- rectly involved in the revolutionary strug-
rorists; Mrs. Damaris Oliveira Lucena,
gle are at risk." The kidnappers, identify-
wife of a guerrilla leader who was re-
ing themselves as members of the Popular
portedly killed Feb. 20 by Sao Paulo
Revolutionary Vanguard and the Na-
police; Shizuo Ozawa, a member of the
tional Liberation Alliance, also warned
Popular Revolutionary Vanguard who
that "all search for and attempted im-
had been arrested Feb. 26 for bank rob-
prisonment of revolutionary combatants
bery; Otavio Angelo, a mechanic arrested
should cease immediately."
Dec. 20, 1969 in what the government
In a June 12 letter, the kidnappers de-
called a raid on a terrorist arms factory;
manded release of 40 political prisoners
and "Diogenes" Jose Carvalho de
in exchange for the release of von
Oliveira, about whom the government
gave no details, although a man of the
The Brazilian government announced
same name had been arrested in 1969 on
June that it would release the 40
charges of murdering U.S. Army Capt.
political prisoners and publish a revolu-
Charles R. Chandler. (Four of the freed
prisoners flew to Cuba March 27. Only tionary manifesto, meeting the ransom
Sister da Silveira decided to remain in demands set by the kidnappers for the
Mexico.) release of von Holleben. The kidnappers'
Okuchi was released unharmed March manifesto, made public by the presiden-
15, about 10 hours after the five prison- tialpalace and published in daily news-
ers had arrived in Mexico^ papers June 13, called for a "fight to the
death" to overthrow the Brazilian gov-
ernment. "Only revolutionary war,
U.S. consul attempt. Cur-
in Brazil foils guerrilla actions and rural guerrilla war-
tis C. Cutter, 41, U.S. consul in Porto fare will lead the Brazilian people to
Alegre, foiled a kidnapping attempt in free themselves," the declaration read.
that city April 5, 1970. Cutter, his wife The goals stated by the kidnappers in-
and a friend were driving home after a cluded expropriation of all foreign firms
late dinner when four or five armed men and large landholdings in the country,
blocked his car in an apparent attempt an independent and anti-imperialist
to kidnap him. However, Cutter foreign policy and guarantee of human
stepped on the accelerator and sped off, rights and civil liberties.
hitting at least one of the would-be ab- prisoners were gathered from
The 40
ductors. Cutter was shot in the back various prisons June 14 and flown to
when the men opened fire, but his in- Algeria June 15. The prisoners— 34 men,
juries were not serious. The terrorists six women and four children— included
reportedly fled with their wounded
four accused in the kidnapping of Am-
bassador C. Burke Elbrick. They were
listed as Fernando Paulo Nagle Gabeira,
German envoy kidnapped. West Ger- a former newsman who had pleaded guilty
man Ambassador to Brazil Ehrenfried to the charge; Cid de Queiroz Benjamin,
von Holleben, 61, was kidnapped by ter- a student; Daniel de Arao Reis Filho, a

student leader; and Vera Silvia de Araujo fered when he fell into police hands Oct.
Magalhaes, a student. A spokesman for 23. Ferreira had taken command of the
the" prisoners, former army officer ALN after Carlos Marighella died.
Apolonio de Carvalho, said in Algeria Following Ferreira's capture, police
that the kidnappings would continue since announced that they had discovered a
it was "the only way to get political
master plan for future terrorist activities.
prisoners freed."
Juarez Guimares de Brito, head of the
Popular Revolutionary Vanguard in Rio
Swiss envoy kidnapped. Swiss Am- and assistant to Carlos Lamarca, had
bassador Giovanni Enrico Bucher was committed suicide May 3 as he was on
kidnapped in Rio de Janeiro Dec. 7, 1970 the point of being captured by police.
but freed Jan. 16, 1971 in exchange for Yoshitama Fujimori, a chief lieutenant of
the government's release Jan. 14 of 70 Lamarca, was shot and killed by police
political prisoners, who were flown
Dec. 5.
Jose Raimundo da Costa, suspected of
(Bucher's bodyguard, Hclio Carvalho
being a national leader of the Popular
de Araujo, who' "had been shot during Revolutionary Vaneuard, w as reported by
the kidnaping Dec. 7, died Dec. 10.) shot
the police Aug. 8, \91\ to have been
Among the prisoners released was the and killed while resisting arrest.
Rev. Tito de Alencar Lima, a Dominican Security officials announced Jan. 13,
priest who reported that he was arrested de
1972 that guerrilla leader Jeova
and tortured for a period of 15 months. Assis Gomes had been killed by

in the interior state of Goias

when he
resisted arrest and tried to set off
a hand
Ransomed rebels return. Military
sources said that at least half of the grenade.
prisoners released by Brazil in exchange
for the freedom of kidnapped
Vanguard reported smashed. Authori-
had returned secretly to the country to ties announced Jan. 10, 1973 that
carry out anti-government activities, it security forces had virtually "dis-
was reported Feb. 9, 1971. One ex-pris- mantled" the Popular Revolutionary
oner, Aderval Alves Coqueiro, released Vanguard, an urban guerrilla movement
in July 1970 with 39 others in exchange once considered the best-organized in
West German Ambassador Ehrenfried Brazil.
von Holleben, was killed by police Feb. 6 Security sources said six alleged Van-
when he reportedly resisted arrest. ALN guard terrorists, including two foreign
member Carlos Eduardo Fleury, freed women, had been killed in shootouts in
with Coqueiro, was reported Dec. 10 to Paulista, eight miles north of Recife.
have been killed by police in Rio de The Vanguard movement, they said, had
Janeiro. been preparing for a national congress
at Paulista, where a guerrilla training
Lamarca by police. One of the
killed center reportedly had been set up.
major leaders of the Brazilian revolu-
tionary movement, Capt. Carlos
Lamarca, 33, leader of the Popular Revo-
lutionary Vanguard, a group composed of CHILE
three far-left revolutionary factions, was
killed Sept. 17, 1971 in a shoot-out with Unrest & Terrorism
police in Bahia.
Bombings, assassinations and other

dents of terroristic violence

marked the
Police kill terrorists. Police Oct. 24, 1960s and early 1970s in Chile.
1970 revealed the arrest and death
of Joaquim Camara Ferreira, head of
the clandestine terrorist National Lib- Terrorism precedes elections. Authori-
eration Alliance (ALN). Ferreira was ties expressed alarm at an upsurge of ter-
said to have died of a heart attack suf- rorism preceding the 1970 elections.

In a speech to the nation June 28, In- ganization and had arrested 12 alleged
terior Minister Patricio Rojas blamed members of the party. Among those ar-
the violence on "militants of the Socialist rested was Pablo Rodriguez, leader of
Party" and the Movement of the Revolu- Fatherland and Liberty.
tionary Left (MIR). Citing 11 incidents Del Canto said the raid had netted
of terrorism since June 20, Rojas as- pamphlets, Molotov cocktails, firearms,
serted that the "escalation of violence" clubs, gas masks, fire extinguishers and
was a "coordinated and systematic vials of sulphuric acid. Calling Father-
action . designed to upset the institu-
. .
land and Liberty members "a group of
tional order and create a psychological crazy fascists," Del Canto said "it is an
climate of insecurity and confusion" evident fact that they intended and still
before the Sept. 4 national elections. intend to act against the security of the
Allende elected; Schneider killed. A joint The Washington Post reported March
session of Congress elected Salvador 27 that a Santiago judge had formally
Allende Gossens president of Chile Oct. charged Rodriguez and another leader of
24, 1970. The election was preceded Fatherland and Liberty with violating
by the shooting Oct. 22 of Army Com- Chile's internal state security.
mander in Chief Rene Schneider Cher- Del Canto further charged March 28
who died Oct. 25. that right-wing conspirators had planned
to assassinate President Allende, free
Schneider, 57, was shot at least three
Gen. Roberto Viaux (who awaited trial
times by an unknown assailant after
three cars halted his limousine as he was on charges of complicity in Gen. Rene
being driven to work. Schneider's kidnap-murder) and seize
power March 24-26.
Schneider had taken a strong stand of
politicalneutrality by the armed forces Del Canto said the main instigator of
during the current left-right tensions in the plot was retired army Major Arturo
Chile and had pledged to honor Congress' Marshall Marchesse, whom he claimed
choice of president. Speculation in Chile had close links with Fatherland and Lib-
indicated that his assassination may erty. A warrant was issued for Marshall's

have been part of a right-wing plot to arrest. Retired Gen. Alberto Green
prevent Allende from assuming the Baquedano, also accused of participating
in the plot, was detained March 27.
An army judge June 16 sentenced Gen.
Ex-minister assassinated. Edmundo Viaux to 20 years in prison for complicity
in Schneider's assassination. (Schneider's
Perez Zujovic, 59, former Interior min-
ister and head of the rightist wing of
attempted kidnapping and assassination
the Christian Democrat party, was assas-
were described as part of a right-wing
plot to keep Allende from taking office.)
sinated June 8, 1971. He died of bullet
Thirty-three others were sentenced to
wounds in a car ambush outside his
prison terms ranging from three years to
home by three men firing submachine
life or to expulsion from the country in
connection with the assassination. But the
Police announced June 8 that they had
Military Tribunal Dec. 7 unexpectedly
implicated Ronald Rivera Calderon, 24,
reduced the prison sentences of all those
in connection with the slaying. Rivera
convicted in the Schneider case. Viaux'
Calderon was identified by Perez Zu-
sentence was reduced from 20 to two
jovic's daughter, Maria Angelica
years, but he was ordered to serve a one-
Perez, who was with her father at the
year sentence for leading a 1969 military
time of the attack. Rivera Calderon was
rebellion and, after that, to leave Chile
a member of the extremist Marxist
for a minimum of five years.
group, the Organized People's Vanguard.

Rigntists arrested. Interior Minister Del Canto impeached. Interior Minis-

Herman Canto announced March 24,
del ter delCanto was suspended by the Cham-
1972 that police had raided offices of the ber of Deputies July 5, 1972, then cen-
right-wing Fatherland and Liberty or- sured and dismissed by the Senate July 27.


Charges against Del Canto, initiated President Salvador Allende had warned
by the right-wing National party and April 3 that MIR activists were planning
supported by the liberal Christian Demo- assaults on private and state food dis-
crats, included abetting violence by tributors, and that strong measures would
extreme leftists. be taken against such actions. MIR
Del Canto denied the charges before militants surrounded the warehouse of the
the Senate July 27, saying the proceed- private distributor CENADI the next day
ings against him were "political" and but were dispersed after a battle with
not constitutional. police.

Opposition charges increase— De\ Santiago merchants April 5 praised the

Canto's impeachment came amid grow- government's action against the MIR.
ing opposition charges that the govern- The MIR denounced it as "police
ment tolerated illegal activities by repression", and asserted occupations of
armed extreme leftist groups. factories and food distributors were not
In a special Senate session July 26, provocations but attempts by the people
Christian Democratic Sen. Rafael "to defend themselves against inflation
Moreno exhibited a suitcase containing and the shortage of essential articles."
a pistol, ammunition and several urban The MIR urged formation of "commando
guerrilla manuals, which he called groups in each factory, farm, village
"proof of government tolerance of and school" to combat government
subversion. Right-wing Sen. Victor repression.
Garcia added a tape recording of an
alleged conversation between the So-
Rightist 'plot.' About 40 or 50 members
cialist civil police chief and a man ac-
of the right-wing Fatherland and Liberty
cused of killing a worker.
party were arrested May 11, 1973 in
The Senate debate followed the arrest
July 20 of 18 members of the extremist connection with an alleged plot against
July 16th National Liberation Move- the government. Most were released after
ment, including two Nicaraguans, a questioning. Vergarasaid May 13 that the
Brazilian and a Mexican, for violation arrests were ordered for violation of the
internal security and press laws. He said
of the state internal security law. Presi-
dent Salvador Allende ordered a full arms and ammunition held by detainees
investigation into leftist terrorist ac- had been confiscated in Concepcion,
tivities July 21. Osorno and Chilian.
The alleged plot was reported in the
left-wing press after two Fatherland and
'Extremist' plan charged. Santiago riot Liberty leaders, Walter Robert Thieme
police were placed on alert April 10, 1973 and Miguel Juan Sessa, were detained in
against what the government called a plan Mendoza, Argentina, where they had
by the extreme right and left to block flown in a private plane.
roads and occupy factories.
La Prensa of Buenos Aires reported
Earlier in the day, members of the ex-
May 9 that Thieme and Sessa had ad-
tremist Revolutionary Left Movement mitted to Argentine officials that they had
(MIR) had led residents of Constitucion, plotted against Allende. They reportedly
on the coast south of Santiago, in blocking produced documents and plans for action
the roads and railway into the town to de- against the government to begin May 15.
mand government solutions to local Thieme said at a Buenos Aires press
housing and food problems.- conference May 12 that if "the price of
Government Secretary General Anibal liberation [in Chile] is civil war, we will
Palma charged extremists planned the have to pay it."

Santiago occupations to disrupt food dis- (The of Fatherland and

tribution, create a climate of agitation and Liberty's Valparaiso organization,
embarrass the government, which they Claudio Fadda Cori, had been arrested
would then criticize for lack of authority. June 4 on charges of possessing various
The plan had been originated by the ex- arms, Prensa Latina reported.)
treme right, which had duped the MIR Fatherland and Freedom members were
into cooperating, Palma asserted.
accused of complicity in an abortive mili-

tary coup that was crushed easily June 29. A four-man military junta seized con-
A truck-owners strike, accompanied trol of the government and declared a
by acts of terrorism, added to growing state of siege, imposing censorship and a
unrest in Chile in August. Fourteen mem- round-the-clock curfew. The junta mem-
bers of the Fatherland and Liberty party bers were the army commander, Gen.
were reported arrested Aug. 22, and seven Augusto Pinochet Ugarte; the air force
others, including Thieme, were reported chief, Gen. Gustavo Leigh Guzman; the
seized Aug. 26. The Santiago police chief acting navy commander, Adm. Jose
said that with Thieme's arrest "we have Toribio Merino Castro, and the national
accounted for nearly all recent terrorist police chief, Gen. Cesar Mendoza.
acts." Pinochet was sworn in as president of
Thieme had admitted that his men had Chile Sept. 13.
staged numerous terrorist attacks
recently, including the dynamiting of a
Altamirano in Cuba. Ex-Sen. Carlos
pylon which interrupted a nationwide ad-
Altamirano, the leftist most sought by the
dress by Allende, it was reported Aug. 27.
junta, appeared Jan. 2, 1974 in Havana,
Their purpose, Thieme said, was to "ac-
where he attended celebrations marking
celerate the country's chaos and provide a
military takeover as soon as possible." "If
the 15th anniversary of the Cuban revo-
we have to burn this country to save it
from [Allende], then we'll do that," Altamirano said at a press conference
the next day that he had not taken
Thieme asserted.
political asylum in Cuba. He asserted he
Strike-related terrorism and sabotage
had left Chile with the approval of leaders
continued at an apparently diminished
of his outlawed Socialist Party and would
rate after the arrest of Thieme. Bombings
return when the anti-junta resistance
of private homes in Santiago and elec-
needed him.
tricity installations in the southern town
of Temuco were reported Aug. 28; an Altamirano said that since the Sep-
army lieutenant was murdered Aug. 30; tember 1973 coup two-thirds of the So-
cialist national and regional leadership
and two oil pipelines were reported
dynamited Sept. 4. Interior Minister had been killed or imprisoned, but the
Carlos Briones said Aug. 30 that there party remained alive and committed "to
fight until the complete defeat of the
had been more than 500 terrorist attacks
and eight related deaths since anti-govern- fascist military junta." He added,
ment strikes had begun July however, that until now the different
groups opposed to the junta had been
unable to unite.
Allende murdered.
aide President Altamirano charged that since the
Salvador Allende's naval aide-de-camp, coup, more than 15,000 persons had been
Capt. Arturo Araya, was assassinated by "assassinated," more than 30,000 arrested
unidentified gunmen at his home in for political reasons, thousands tortured,
Santiago early July 27, 1973. more than 200,000 dismissed from their
jobs and more than 25,000 expelled from
Military coup, Allende dies. The armed He charged that many priests had been
forces and national police ousted the killed or imprisoned and 175 had been
Popular Unity government Sept. 11, 1973 deported.
after months of strikes, unrest and ter-
Police officials in Santiago said Pres- Resistance continues. Le Monde Jan. 5
ident Salvador Allende Gossens had com- reported a number of acts of resistance
mitted suicide rather than surrender against the military government, in-
power. A newspaper photographer al- cluding the bombing of a factory in the
lowed to see the body, and a military com- northern city of Calama Jan. 2, which
killed one person and injured another.
munique Sept. 12 confirmed that the
president was dead, but there was some The junta leader, President Augusto
confusion over whether he had taken his Pinchot, said Feb. 6 that 45 home-made
own life. grenades and enough material to assemble

76 other grenades had been found in a Carmen Castillo, a MIR militant and
house in Santiago. He said a "gigantic" daughter of Fernando Castillo, former
explosives factory allegedly discovered in rector of the Catholic University, was
the Santiago suburb of Maipu a week be- wounded in the action and captured. Her
fore was "one of at least five arms and ex- ex-husband, Andres Pascal Allende, a
plosives deposits of terrorists." member of the MIR central committee
A spokesman for the junta said May 25 and nephew of the late President Salvador
that it had broken up a subversive group Allende, was wounded but escaped.
of priests and members of the outlawed Enriquez' death reportedly left the
Revolutionary Left Movement who armed resistance to the military junta in
allegedly received coded orders from disarray. Enriquez was the only major
Moscow. The junta said the next day that leftist leader not in jail or exile, and he had

a leader of the group, Deacon Mario Irar- devoted himself since the September 1973
razabal, had been arrested and expelled military coup to organizing militant op-
from Chile, and four other priests, all position. A number of MIR members
members of a group called "Christians for took asylum in the Italian embassy in
Socialism," had been ordered seized and Santiago after his death, the government
deported. reported Oct. 1.1

Security forces claimed to have found

Extremists executed Authorities Jan.
Enriquez' hideout while searching for the
19 announced the execution of six extre-
mists for their part in an armed attack the
MIR militants who robbed a branch of
the Bank of Chile in Santiago Oct. 1.
day before on a military jeep outside the
Most of the stolen money was found in the
northern city of Quillota.
San Miguel hideout, and the rest was
Six other alleged extremists, being recovered with the arrest of two MIR
transported in the jeep from one prison to members Oct. 1 1, according to officials.
another, were allegedly killed in the at-
Security officers also claimed to have
tack, and two prisoners, identified as
found in Enriquez' hideout 26 Soviet auto-
lawyer Ruben Cabezas and former
matic weapons, six submachine guns and
Quillota Mayor Pablo Gac, both So-
a "great quantity" of hand grenades and
cialists, allegedly escaped.
Other executions, torture and political
arrests were reported by refugees from
Chile arriving in Cuba, according to the
Cuban press agency Prensa Latina Jan. 3. COLOMBIA
Two members of the outlawed Socialist
Party were sentenced to death by a Terrorist-Government Clashes
military court in Osorno. the Cuban news-
paper Granma reported March 30. The Frequent clashes between terrorist-
charges against them were violation of the guerrilla forces and Colombian authorities
arms control law and "terrorism and took place during the late 1960s and early
political activism." 1970s. The main terrorist-guerrilla groups,
generally described as leftist, were the
Death penalty expanded—The military ELN (Ejercito de Liberacion Sacional, or
junta July 11 decreed that the death
Saiional Liberation Army), the EPL
penalty henceforth could be ordered in
(Ejercito Popular de Liberacion, or
cases of kidnapping, terrorist acts, illegal
People's Liberation Army and the I FARC
trafficking in arms and explosives, and in-
(Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de
citing sabotage against production and
Colombia, or Revolutionary Armed Forces
public services.
of Colombia}. A fourth group, the pro-
Peking MOIR Movimiento Obrero lnde-

pendiente Revolucionario was reported to

MIR leader killed. Miguel Enriquez, >,

engage in clandestine subversion as well as

secretary general of the Revolutionary
to participate in elections.
Left Movement (MIR), died Oct. 5, 1974
in a shootout with police and soldiers uho
surrounded the house where he was hiding 6 die in mountain clash. The Co-
in the Santiago suburb of San Miguel. lombian army reported Jan. 31, 1968

that troops had killed six ELN

guer- army troops in Antioquia department
rillas in the Santander mountains. The Feb. 20, 1974.)
report claimed, erroneously as it later Military sources reported Feb. 27 that
proved, that the army thus had virtually a second priest, the Rev. Gilberto Rueda
eliminated the ELN. One of the dead Angarita, had joined the ELN after
was identified as Jose Angel Gomez leaving his parish in eastern Colombia.
Leon, a leader in the hijacking of a (Both Lain and Rueda were reported to
Colombian airliner to Cuba Aug. 6, 1967. be members of the Golconda Group, a
The army reported that about 12 guer- group of radical priests whose views had
rillas were still active in the mountains. brought them into open conflict with the
Catholic hierarchy and the Colombian
government; the Golconda Group was
Arenas Surrenders. Le Monde reported currently urging a boycott of the nation's
Feb. 27, 1969 that Jaime Arenas Reyes, an April 19 presidential elections.)
ELN leader, had surrendered to the au-
thorities in the department of Santander,
north of Bogota. Arenas, who was slightly
wounded, was reported to have said that Pre-election deaths. Several killings
he had killed several fellow guerrillas in were reported prior to the 1970 election.
self defense. According to military au- A group of about 35 armed men killed
thorities, he recounted that other libera- four civil servants in Santa Fe March 18
tion army leaders had been killed by after ordering the townspeople to ab-
guerrilla commandos; Victor Medina stain in the April presidential elections.
Moron was among those reported killed.
Luis Fernando Uribe Bernal, son of
(Arenas, who had ultimately taken an the Belgian consul in Medellin, and his
Education Ministry job, was shot and fiance, Gloria Piedrita Diaz, were found
killed by unidentified gunmen outside his shot to death March 18 in Medellin.
home in Bogota March 28, 1971.)

'Death squad.' A release given March

Venezuelan agreement. The govern-
20, 1970 to the Colombian press an-
ments of Colombia and Venezuela were nounced the formation of a "death
reported to have reached a formal agree- squad" for the execution of "undesirable
ment on a joint campaign to combat elements ir the Colombian society."
guerrilla infiltration on their common Such elements, according to the group,
border, according to the London publi- included "priests who betray divine
cation Latin America Feb. 13, 1970. principles, students with no patriotic
spirit, political demagogues, false in-
tellectuals, Communists, terrorists, ac-
ELN cuts Cuba The
tie, enlists priests.
tivists who sell their country, thieves."
ELN, led by Fabio Vasquez Castano, was
reported in early 1970 to have broken its
tieswith Cuba because of decreasing aid
Guerrilla leaders' deaths reported. The
from the Castro government.
London newsletter Latin America re-
The ELN announced Feb. 15, 1970 Co-
ported Jan. 7, 1972 that the
that the Rev. Domingo Lain, a Spanish
priest expelled by the government in 1969 lombian army claimed to have de-
for "subversive activities," had joined its
stroyed one of Colombia's three major
guerrilla groups, the Popular Libera-
ranks. In a statement released over his
tion Army (EPL) by killing two of its
signature Feb. 16, Lain said: "I have
leaders. They also claimed to have
taken the road of armed struggle because
killed Joaquin Aroca, top leader of the
in the face of reactionary violence of the
guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed
system in force in Colombia and Latin
is no alternative to rev-
Forces of Colombia (FARC).
America there
olutionary violence." Violence, Lain Luis Carlos Hernandez Catano, an
added, "is a right to escape from ex- ELN leader, was reportedly killed May 23
ploitation." (Lain, who became an ELN in a gun battle with soldiers in the state
leader, was reported killed in a clash with of Antioquia.

Guerrillas raid towns. Some 200 guerril- Peasant leader killed. Miguel Suarez,
las identified as ELN
members seized a Communist and one of the major
the mountain town of San Pablo Jan. 7, leaders of Colombia's peasant move-
1972 and held it for several hours, ment, was reported shot to death in the
killing two policemen, wounding four town of Yacopi March 24.
others and fleeing in stolen trucks with According to Le Monde April 5, a
four hostages. group of rightist commandos opened
According to a report in the Buenos fire on Suarez and several companions
Aires newspaper La Prensa, guerrillas as they entered the Yacopi mayoralty
also took $400,000 from public offices, building to request permission to hold
safes at the city hall, the farm credit a campaign rally.
office and the telephone company.
The assault was reportedly carried
out by ELN members Ricardo Lara Guerrillas reported captured. Police
Parada and the Rev. Domingo Lain had arrested between 80-100 persons
under the direction of ELN leader allegedly connected with leftist terrorist
Fabio Vasquez Castano. activities, further weakening Colombia's
(In early 1971 the army had said that guerrilla movement, according to reports
ELN deserters had reported that Vasquez July 12, 1972.
Castano had been killed by his colleagues.) The arrests followed the capture July
Three people were eight
killed and 5 of eight alleged leaders of the small
wounded Jan. 16 in simultaneous guer- left-wing Popular Liberation Army, in-
rilla raids on the northeastern towns of
cluding two of its founders, in Cordoba.
Remedios, Santa Isabel, El Tigre and Yali.
According to the New York Times
Jan. 23, ELN members had opened the Swedish diplomat killed. The first secre-
Remedios jail, robbed banks and set tary of the Swedish embassy, Kjell R.
several fires. They were also held re- Haeggloef, was shot to death by
sponsible for the murder of Oscar unidentified gunmen in Bogota July 17.
Saldarriaga Velez, vice president of the
Colombian Industrial Bank, at his farm.
As they had in many of their raids, the 'Swedish-Soviet spy' caught. Colombian
guerrillas assembled townspeople to
security authorities asserted July 22, 1972
lecture them on their plans to seize po-
that Karl Staf, expelled from Colombia
liticalpower in Colombia.
July 18, was a "Soviet-Swedish reporter
The Times reported that since the and spy" who had met with FARC
beginning of 1972 guerrillas had killed Tiro Fijo (real name: Manuel Marulanda
a dozen persons and kidnaped four others Velez) in the town of La Cima and had
and stolen the equivalent of $500,000 in given the guerrilla $70,000, which Staf
food, medicine and cash.
had brought with him when he entered
Seven soldiers and two civilians were Colombia illegally from Ecuador May 5.
killed April 20 when ELN members am- The statement said that according to docu-
bushed a military patrol in the north- ments found on Staf, the alleged spy "pro-
west state of Antioquia. The patrol was posed to evaluate the power and the true
accompanying a public works truck. strength of the FARC and the .[ELN]
. .

About 100 ELN guerrillas occupied in order to obtain Moscow's support."

the town of Vengache in Antioquia May
Two persons, one a Catholic priest, Urban guerrilla network discovered. The
were May 7 when a group of ELN
killed army said Sept. 13, 1972 that it had un-
commandos attacked a government covered a vast urban guerrilla network
building in San Jeronimo in Antioquia. which had infiltrated schools and uni-
Ina related development, authorities versities to foment disturbances similar to
claimed May 23 that a group of ELN those in Mexico and France in 1968. The
terrorists had executed seven peasants network was said to consist of members of
in the coastal town of Santa Marta. the Maoist Popular Liberation Army, the

Castroist National Liberation Army The governors of the nation's 22 de-

(ELN) and the pro-Moscow Colombian partments (states) were authorized to set
Revolutionary Armed Forces. rewards for persons who provided in-
The announcement followed a military formation detailing crimes and leading to
report Aug. 25 claiming that 16 ELN the capture of criminals.
urban guerrillas had been captured along Special groups were formed within the
with documents detailing plans to create armed forces to pursue guerrilla bands
disturbances to gain international at- operating in rural areas.
tention. Gen. Alvaro Herrera Calderon,
army commander, the guerrillas
said The mass media were warned that the
imitated the of
style Uruguay's government would "regulate in-

Tupamaros, infiltrating the government formation" wherever accounts and ru-

and planning kidnapings and assassina- mors did not "conform to reality" and
tions of prominent foreign and Colombian tended to create alarm and anxiety.
industrialists. The measures were set at a Cabinet
According to Herrera, the chief of meeting called late Jan. 26, only hours
after Alvaro Caicedo, a wealthy Cali in-
technical assistance in the government's
dustrialist and publisher, was wounded in
Planning Department, Camilo Cardenas
a thwarted kidnapping attempt.
Giraldo, and department engineer
Fernando Chacon Castillo were both ELN The day before, an estimated 50 guer-
rillas had taken temporary control of the
leaders. Another government official and
village of San Pedro de Uraba, in the
guerrilla leader, Hernan Mahecha, had
been hindering judicial procedures against northern department of Antioquia,
captured guerrillas, Herrera said. sacking stores and granaries, robbing the
local bank and killing four policemen.
Guerrillas in the Santa Barbara
Kidnappings. The ELN was reported to
emerald region of eastern Boyaca
have raised large sums by kidnapping ambushed a police patrol Jan. 25, killing

wealthy men for ransom. five officers and wounding another 10,
police reported.
Jairo Duque Perez, ex-dean of law at
Guerrillas belonging to the Castroite
the University of Antioquia, was abducted
National Liberation Army (ELN) clashed
by presumed guerrillas from his farm in
with soldiers in the department of
the northern municipality of Maceo Dec.
Santander Jan. 25. First reports said two
6, 1972. A wealthy rancher, Guillermo soldiers had been killed, several guerrillas
Castro, had been freed after a month in wounded and one subversive, Maria
captivity, following payment of $250,000 Teresa Echeverria, had been killed. Eche-
in ransom, it was reported Dec. 6.
verria reportedly was the first female
ELN members killed one person and guerrilla to die in combat. Later reports
kidnapped six others in Antioquia and from the Defense Ministry said Luis Jose
Cordoba Jan. 6-8, 1973. All of the cap- Solano Sepulveda, second in command of
tives, was reported, were ultimately
it the ELN, had also been killed in the clash.
ransomed. The army was reported March 9 to have
captured Jesus Ariza Gomez, an impor-
tant EPL leader in Antioquia.
Emergency measures adopted. The
The army claimed to have discovered a
government adopted a series of
emergency measures Jan. 26, 1973
large cache of ELN arms in Santander,
and to have captured an important ELN
following a number of bloody guerrilla ac-
urban guerrilla leader near Cali, Latin
tions and the attempted kidnapping of a
America reported March 16.
prominent Cali industrialist and pub-
lisher. Among the provisions:
All persons convicted by military au-
thorities of kidnapping, extortion and re- Guerrilla cooperation reported. There
lated crimes would serve their sentences was strong evidence the country's three
in the island prison of La Gorgona, in the main guerrilla groups were trying to co-
Pacific Ocean, considered the most secure ordinate their activities in the face of the
in the country. government's determined anti-guerrilla

campaign, the London newsletter Latin lated Osma may have been killed by other
America reported March 9, 1973. ELN guerrillas, according to the Miami

Elements of the three groups the pro- Herald.
Cuban National Liberation Army (ELN),
the pro-Soviet Colombian Revolutionary
Armed Forces and the pro-Chinese ELN leaders slain or seized—The com-
People's Liberation Army (EPL) had— mander of the army's 4th Brigade, Col.
Alvaro Riveros Abello, said Oct. 19 that
staged a joint attack March 2 on Florian,
the brigade's 48-day campaign against the
a small township in the eastern depart-
ment of Santander.
ELN in Antioquia had resulted in the
Two guerrillas were reported killed at capture of 32 guerrillas and the death of
Florian. Despite this and heavy ELN 42 others including Antonio and Manuel
casualties in February, the guerrillas were Vasquez Castano, brothers of ELN
making considerable progress, Latin founder Fabio Vasquez Castano.
America reported. They were said to be The brothers reportedly were killed in a
active in contiguous territory, instead of clash with troops Oct. 19. (Earlier reports
isolated areas, and to be concentrating on of Antonio's death apparently were erro-
agricultural areas in the north and north- neous.) A
third ELN
leader, Ricardo Lara
west, where peasant discontent was hieh. Parada, was reported arrested Nov. 25.
The army claimed that the ELN
had been
reduced to one small group led by Fabio
Vasquez Castano.
Guerrillas kill Liberal leader. German
Gomez Pelaez, a landowner, journalist
and Liberal party leader in the depart-
ment of Cordoba, was kidnapped May 6,
FARC 'only' terrorists still active.

1973 and then killed by members of the

Army sources said that the FARC
remained relatively untouched by
People's Liberation Army (EPL), a
recent military operations, continuing to
Maoist guerrilla group, according to a
control territory in the south where they
military communique May 11.
had established two "independent repub-
lics." The army had admitted in May that
a recent FARC raid on the township of
Guerrillas reported smashed. Army Colombia in Huila department had been
Commander Gen. Alvaro Herrera led by FARC chief Manuel (Tirofijo)
Calderon said Oct. 10, 1973 that recent Marulanda, whose death the army had
military operations had all but destroyed announced previously.
two of the nation's three left-wing guer- (Tirofijo was pardoned Sept. 27 by a
rilla groups, the EPL and ELN. court in Popayan, Cauca department,
Herrera said the EPL had lost 25
guer- which reversed a 21-year prison sentence
rillas by troops and 68 captured
killed in absentia against the guerrilla leader for
since the beginning of 1973. He alleged the allegedly heading a FARC
attack on the
group was "practically wiped out, and town of Inza, northeast of Popayan, in
only its chief and a small band of com- 1965. The guerrillas had killed some 20
batants" remained at large. persons, looted the local bank and several
The ELN, Herrera said, had been partly stores, and burned down the court
destroyed by an army offensive begun building where insurgents were pros-
Aug. 25 against the guerrillas' main ecuted.)
column in the mountainous Anori region
of Antioquia department.
Military sources had claimed July 22 Guerrillas seized. Army spokesmen an-
that an estimated 60-75 deserters from nounced the capture of three guerrillas of
the ELN and EPL had surrendered to the Communist Colombian Revolutionary
troops fighting the guerrillas in the Alto Armed Forces (FARC) and of two mis-
Sinu region of Cordoba department. tresses of FARC leader Manuel Maru-
In a development reported July 6, the landa, was reported Jan. 4, 1974.

army confirmed the death of Celso Osma, Government sources in Medellin le-
a reputed ELN leader. Officials specu- vealed that Jose Manuel Martinez, a

founder of the National Liberation Army Jan. 9, 1968; 5 postal workers were injured.
(ELN), had surrendered after a battle in Nine Cuban exiles were arrested in New
which soldiers killed three ELN guerrillas, York Oct. 23, 1968 and charged with 6
the Miami Herald reported Feb. 8. bombings of offices of countries that
traded with Cuba. The arrest of the exiles
and the police seizure of a supply of arms
CUBA in Johnsonburg, N.J. Aug. 13 followed
about 17 bombings and bombing attempts
Exile A Hacks in major cities. All the blasts occurred in
front of offices of nations trading with the
Castro regime, and leaflets found at some
Cuban exiles mounted several ineffectual
of the scenes proclaimed "Cuban Power"
attacks in Cuba as well as terrorist strikes
or "United Cuban Power."
at Cuban diplomatic targets abroad.
The most spectacular exile terrorist effort Among major bombing incidents in-
was the firing of a bazooka-type shell that volving offices of countries trading with
exploded harmlessly in the East River in New Cuba:
York about 200 yards from United Nations —
New York Mexican Consulate and
headquarters Dec. 11, 1964. Argentine-born Spanish Tourist Office Apr. 22; Spanish
Cuban revolutionary Ernesto (Che) Guevara Tourist Office May 30 and June 21; Cana-
was addressing the UNGeneral Assembly dian Tourist Bureau July 4; Japanese
when the shell exploded. Three anti-Castro National Tourist Office July 7 (2 passers-
Cubans, arrested Dec. 22, reportedly said by were slightly injured by flying glass);
that they had deliberately missed hitting the Bank of Tokyo Trust Co. Aug. 3. A bomb
UN and had tried merely to divert public was dismantled July 15 in front of the
attention from Guevara. French Government Tourist Office 2
Cuba was accused repeatedly of aiding minutes before it was set to explode.
terrorist /guerrilla movements in Latin —
Chicago Mexican Government Tour-
American countries. istOffice July 14.
Cuba was the goal of many aircraft hi- Newark, N.J. —A
bomb was deacti-
jackers, but Cuban authorities quickly found vated July 16 outside the Mexican Consu-
that the hijackers often were criminals or late and the offices of Aeronaves de Mex-
demented people rather than useful sup- ico, the Mexican national airline.
porters of the Castro revolution. Cuba ulti- —
Los Angeles Mexican National Tour-
mately signed a series of agreements de- istCouncil, Mexican Travel Agency, Air
signed to curb hijackings. France, Shell Oil Building and Japan Air
Lines July 19; British Consulate-General
July 30.
Bombings & Other Attacks. A bomb Miami — A bomb blast seriously dam-
exploded in front of the Cuban embassy in aged a cargo ship, Caribbean
Venture, in Biscayne Bay Aug. 8. A
Ottawa Sept. 22, 1966, splintering its door
and shattering windows. Later Sept. 22, spokesman for an organization named
Felipe Rivero, head of the Cuban National-
Cuban Power announced afterwards that
ist Association, a Miami-based exile group,
a mine had been planted by the group.
claimed that his association was responsi- The 9 Cubans arrested Oct. 23 were
ble for the blast. After the Cuban Na- charged with the New York bombings,
tionalist Association threatened in 1967 to with plotting to assassinate Cuban offi-
bomb the Cuban pavilion at Montreal's cials and embassy personnel and to invade
Expo 67 fair, Rivero was arrested by U.S. Cuba, and with arson, reckless endanger-
immigration authorities in Miami May 12 ment, criminal mischief and the illegal
and ordered deported July 11. possession of weapons and explosives.
Nicolas Rodriguez Astiazarain, 30, The 9 arrested, said to be members of the
acting chief of Cuba's UN
mission in Cuban Power organization: Carlos Fer-
New York, was burned April 3, 1967 nandez, 24, Oscar L. Acevedo, 38, Ga-
when a package in the mail exploded briel Abay, 49, Guillermo Miguel, 38,
as he was opening it. Arturo Rodriguez Vives, 25, Jose' Rodone,
A package allegedly mailed from New 55, Ivan Acosta, 24, Ramiro Cortez, 18,
York exploded in a Havana post office and Edgar Rivas, 21.

In the raid on the Johnsonburg farm, The "Cuban Secret Government" Dec.
13 miles east of the Delaware Water Gap, 12,1972 said it had placed bombs that had
early Aug. 13, the police found V2 ton of destroyed a travel agency and three office
dynamite, automatic weapons and crates handling packages for Cuba in Miami,
of ammunition. They also found a uni- New York and Montreal. No persons
form of the 2506th Cuban Assault Bri- were injured by the explosions, but the
gade of the Bay of Pigs, an anti-Castro group warned of further attacks against
secret military organization. The farm's persons and concerns doing business with
owner, Michael A. DeCarolis, 32, was Cuba.
arrested. In New York, a pro-revolutionary
9 Cuban exiles were found guilty by Cuban political and cultural exposition
federal court Miami Nov. 15, 1968
in begun July 26, 1973 was closed July 28,
of conspiring to damage ships of coun- a day ahead of schedule, because of
tries that traded with Cuba. One of the day-long demonstrations, a late-night
defendants. Orlando Bosch, 41, a
Dr. bombing, egg and brick throwing and
Cuban Power leader, was also convicted repeated bomb threats by anti-Castro
of sending threatening telegrams to the Cuban exiles.
heads of state of Spain, Mexico and Brit- A Cuban embassy spokesman in Lima
ain. Bosch, Barbaro Balan and Jose Dfaz said Feb. 5, 1974 that a package bomb had
Morejon were convicted of firing on the exploded in the embassy the day before,
Polish freighter Polanika Sept. 16 in wounding a woman attache and damaging
the port of Miami. The other 6 con- the building. Stamps and postmarks on
victed: Aimee Miranda, Andrew Gonza- the package indicated the bomb was sent
lez, Marco Rodriguez Ramos, Jorge Luiz from Mexico.
Gutierrez Ulla, Paulino Gutierrez and
Jesus Dominguez Benitez. Bosch, also
convicted of sending bomb threats to the
Cuban refugee leader slain. Jose de la
heads of state of Spain, Britain and
Torriente, 69, former Cuban minister of
Mexico, received a 10-year sentence Dec.
agriculture, was fatally wounded by a
13. The other 8 were given terms ranging
sniper's bullet in his Miami home April
from one to 6 years.
13, 1974. A leader of Cuban exiles
Three Cuban exiles were indicted by living inMiami, Torriente had been ac-
a federal grand jury in Newark, N.J. cused by Cuban Premier Fidel Castro of
June 4, 1969 on charges of conspiring to working for the U.S. Central Intelligence
bomb Cuban government property in Agency (CIA). A Cuban group calling it-
Montreal. FBI officials said that the three self "Zero" took responsibility for Tor-
Cuban National Movement members riente's killing April 17.
had conspired to blow up the Cuban
Consulate, the Cuban Trade Commis-
sion and Cuban steamships. Indicted Action in Cuba. The Cuban government
were Guillermo Novo Sampol and announced Dec. 16, 1968 the capture
Felipe Martinez y Blanca, arrested May of 5 armed Cuban exiles Dec. 4, 2 days
20, and Hector Diaz Limontes, arrested after theyhad landed at the northwestern
June 3. port of Cabanas, 38 miles southwest of
Two bombs exploded Apr. 4, 1972 at Havana.
the Cuban Trade Commission offices in The announcement said the men had
Montreal. The blasts killed a Cuban arrived in a launch "of a type used by
guard and damaged the building. the CIA in its incursions against our
The Washington Post reported the country." Havana said that 2 of the cap-
following day an anonymous caller had tured exiles— Ernesto Diaz Rodriguez
informed United Press International in and Emilio Nazario Perez Sargent were
Miami that the bombings had been car- members of Alpha 66 and the 2d Front of
ried Out by a group called the Young Escambray, 2 anti-Castro exile organiza-
Cubans "in the name of Alejandro Del tions that had merged their operations.
Valle, who died in the [1961] Bay of Pigs A Miami-based Cuban exile group,
invasion." the Cuban Representation in Exile

(RECE), reported that one of its military istrypoliceman were killed in the raid.
leaders had been captured in Cuba after Havana Radio said the "mercenaries
landing in Oriente Province with a group immediately fled out to sea, heading
of anti-Castro infiltrators, the Miami north" after machine-gunning the town.
Herald reported June 14, 1969. The RECE In New York, Guillermo Martinez
identified the leader as Angel Luis Cas- Marquez, a spokesman for a Miami-
tillo, a former captain in Castro's army. based exile organization headed by Jose
(The Herald report cited rumors that a de la Torriente, claimed responsibility
10-man infiltration team led by Amancio for the raid, called it a success and said
[El Yarey] Mosqueda Fernandez had it was the beginning of a series of actions

been crushed by Cuban forces shortly by the group "to free Cuba from its
after its arrival in Cuba in May; all of the Communist yoke."
team's members were reported killed, (The Miami Herald reported Oct. 20
wounded or captured.) that the Cuban exile group had claimed
Radio Havana announced Dec. 7, 1969 that it had seized the small fishing vil-
that four Cuban exiles had been executed lage for more than an hour during the
by a firing squad the previous night. The raid. The head of the Cuban Liberation
executed, including El Yarey Mosqueda Front claimed its goal had been a mili-
Fernandez, were said to have been among tary installation outside the town and
a group of "10 enemy agents who infil- that the commandoes had torn down
trated Cuba from the United States May telephone lines and sabotaged the village
3" with "instructions to sabotage eco- electrical plant.)
nomic installations" in Oriente Province.
The other members of the group were
given 20-year prison sentences. (In an-
nouncing the arrests of the 10 exiles Oct. A ction Against Hijackings
18, the government had identified them as
members of the RECE.)
Antihijacking law. The Cuban govern-
Radio Havana said Feb. 23, 1970 that
ment Sept. 19, 1969 announced a new law
Jose Antonio Quesada Fernandez,
that would provide for the extradition
leader of the 2d Front of Escambray, had of persons who hijacked planes or boats.
been executed by a firing squad; Que- However, in announcing the law, a com-
sada Fernandez had led a small military munique explained that it "will be ap-
expedition to Cuba in September 1969 to plied in accordance with the attitude as-
establish contact with the Cuban anti-
sumed by other nations and on the basis
Castro underground. of equality and reciprocity."
Alpha 66 claimed Nov. 7, 1970 that one Under the new law, Cuba reserved the
of the two of its infiltration groups
right todetermine whether a hijacker
that had invaded Cuba in September was a common transgressor or a political
had reached its destination in Oriente refugee and maintained that it would
province. The Cuban government had grant asylum to "those persons, who, for
claimed Sept. 23 it had killed or captured political reasons, arrive in our country
all the members of a nine-man invasion
having found themselves in the necessity
party, but Alpha 66 reported Sept. 28 of using this extreme means to elude a
that two separate groups of infiltrators real danger of death or grave repres-
had landed. sion." In addition, the communique in-
Cuba charged Oct. 14, 1971 that dicated that hijackers would be extra-
U.S-backed commando "mercenaries" dited only to those nations that "bilater-
had attacked a small fishing village on ally agree with Cuba on the application of
the northern coast Oct. 12, killing two
an equal policy." The announcement
persons and injuring four others. added that Cuba was "unwilling to abide
Radio Havana, in a broadcast moni- by multilateral agreements adopted by
tored in Miami, said the night attack was international organizations."
carried out by two boats and blamed it
on "the government of the U.S. and its
accomplices." The broadcast said a Agreement proposed. Cuban Foreign
border patrol guard and an Interior Min- Minister Raul Roa said Sept. 26, 1970

that Cuba would enter into an agreement "for the offense punishable by the most
with the U.S. for the joint extradition of severe penalty" or extradite them.
all sea and air hijackers if no exceptions The accord also permitted both nations
to the accord were made. to grant political asylum to hijackers
In a speech broadcast on Radio Ha- under carefully defined terms but com-
vana, Roa said: "If the U.S. government mitted each to punish anyone who used its
really wishes to discuss in a serious and territory to organize attacks against the
definitive way that problem [hijacking], other. The latter provision was of
the Cuba government is willing to sub- particular importance toCuba because
scribe right away." He added: "We also U.S. -based Cuban exile groups had
wish to express in a final and categorical conducted raids against their former
way that we do not accept and we do not homeland, and had committed random
respect any international agreement violence against Cuban citizens.
about the hijacking of planes, unless it The agreement stated that each
concretely includes all piracy forms and country would promptly return stolen air-
violations without any exception." planes or vessels and protect innocent
In an address before the U.N. General persons and goods on board, and would
Assembly Oct. 2, Cuban representative send back "without delay" any ransom
Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada repeated collected by the hijackers. Cuba pre-
Roa's offer to negotiate agreements with viously had not returned hijacking ransom
individual countries. "We reject any mul- money.
tilateral accord but reiterate our willing- Similar antihijacking accords were
ness to conclude bilateral treaties that signed by Cubawith Canada Feb. 15,
provide strict reciprocity" on the joint 1973, Mexico June 7, 1973, Venezuela
return of hijackers, Alarcon said. July 6, 1973 and Colombia July 22, 1974.
(A U.S. State Department official had
disclosed March 9 that the U.S. had con-
tacted Cuba regarding the possibility of
negotiation of a bilateral agreement on
Cuba returns hijacker —
Cuba, for the
Unrest & Terrorism
firsttime, directly returned a hijacker to
the U.S. Sept. 24. Cuban authorities
allowed U.S. officials to fly to Varadero, The Dominican Republic continued to
Cuba and pick up Robert Labadie, an suffer recurrent unrest and incidents of
Army private who had hijacked a Trans terrorism in the years following the 1965
World Airlines jet to Havana. crisis and the U.S.-OAS intervention.
In his Sept. 26 radio statement, Roa Organizations accused of terrorism in-
had pointed out that Labadie's return cluded the PRD (Partido Revolucionario
was negotiated through secret diplomatic Dominicano, or Dominican Revolutionary
channels and was initiated by the U.S. Party), the leftist PSP (Partido Social is ta
Aug. 27. Popular, or Popular Socialist Party) and
the MPD (Movimiento Popular Domini-
cano, or Dominican People's Movement).
Antihijacking accords signed. The U.S.
and Cuba Feb. 15, 1973 signed a five-year
agreement, effective immediately, to curb Cuba accused. President Joaquin Bala-
the hijacking of aircraft and ships between guer charged May 9, 1967 that terrorist
the two countries. activities in his country were the work of
The agreement, officially a "memo- "hundreds of well-trained Communist
randum of understanding" rather than a agents" who, with Cuban support, were
formal treaty requiring Senate con- attempting to overthrow the government.
firmation, was signed simultaneously by During the previous week, one terrorist
U.S. Secretary of State William P. had been killed in a clash between army
Rogers Washington and Cuban Foreign
in units and a rebel band. Sen. Rafael
Minister Raul Roa in Havana. It commit- Casimiro Castro had been severely
ted both countries to either try hijackers wounded May 4 by a terrorist fire bomb.

Fresh terror wave. As terrorism again high schools in Santo Domingo and San-
flared, President Joaquin Balaguer April tiago were closed. At least three persons
21, 1969 dismissed two cabinet were reported to have been killed in
officials— national police chief Gen. terrorist incidents.
Braulio Alvarez Sanchez and Education
Minister Luis Alfredo Duverge Mejia.
Alvarez' dismissal followed a resur- U.S. officer kidnapped. Lt. Col. Don-
gence of terrorism in which at least seven ald J. Crowley, U.S. air attache in the
persons were killed. Two of the dead were Dominican Republic, was abducted by
followers of former Gen. Elias Wessin y Dominican terrorists March 24, 1970. He
Wessin, right-wing leader. Balaguer was held until March 26 when his release
blamed the terrorism on "violence was granted in exchange for the govern-
preached by the radio and press." Leon ment's release of 20 political prisoners.
Bosch, son of former President Juan Crowley was abducted by six armed
Bosch, was arrested in connection with men early March 24 on the grounds of
the shootings. As a result, Bosch's PRD, the Embajador Hotel. The kidnappers
the Dominican Revolutionary Party, had identified themselves as members of the
boycotted Congress and called for Braulio Unified Anti-Re-election Command, an
Alvarez' dismissal. organization seeking to prevent the re-
Francisco de los Santos, a leader of election of President Balaguer.
PRD, and Francisco Cartagena, a pro- Threatening to take Crowley's life if
vincial leader of the ruling Reformist their terms were not met by March 25
Party, were shot to death by unknown as- at 10 a.m., the kidnappers demanded the
sailants Sept. 20. release of 21 prisoners in a public cere-
Antigovernment demonstrations and mony in downtown Santo Domingo. The
terrorist attacks against police continued kidnappers later increased their ransom
in Santo Domingo and spread to other to 24 prisoners, but the government
cities inNovember. agreed to release only 20. In addition,
At two people were killed in
least the government refused to release the
terrorist attacks in Barahona the week prisoners in Santo Domingo, insisting
of Nov. 16-22. that they be flown out of the country.
President Balaguer Oct. 29 banned Police used tear gas to disperse crowds
PRD demonstrations. In a national ad- which had gathered in downtown Santo
dress, he charged that the PRD espoused Domingo early March 25 to await the
theories of "civil disobedience and col- release of the prisoners.
lective subversion" and attacked PRD Crowley was freed March 26, shortly
leaders who had "pleaded for the over- after the 20 prisoners had boarded a jet
throw of the government and for an airliner at the Santo Domingo airport.
armed rebellion to take over the coun- The plane left for Mexico City after
try's rule." Crowley's release had been verified.
Army Maj. Edmundo Cuello was as- The prisoners, most of whom were
sassinated Nov. 20 by unknown terror- under arrest for common crimes but who
ists in Santo Domingo. were also identified with radical anti-
government organizations, included
Maximiliano Gomez, secretary general
of the left-wing Dominican Popular
Student unrest & terrorism. Students Movement (MPD). In Mexico, Gomez
clashed with police in Santo Domingo expressed his intention to return to the
Jan. 28-29, 1970 following pro- Dominican Republic to "help whatever
tests over the disappearance of three faction or candidate who will lead the
youths from Hato Mayor in early Janu- fight against Balaguer."
ary. Demonstrations over the unex- Otto Morales, an MPD
leader and a
plained disappearances also took place in suspect in the kidnapping, was shot and
Santiago and San Francisco de Macoris. killed by police July 16.
Student unrest accompanied by terror-
ist incidents continued for the next two
weeks. More than 200 students were re- Unrest continues. Violence continued
ported arrested Feb. 2 and 3, and most to plague the Dominican Republic follow-


ing the elections of May 16, 1970, in rightwho are against the Balaguer gov-
which President Joaquin Balaguer was ernment, because any type of alliance
reelected to a second term. At least 10
with those forces is against the struggle
for national liberation."
persons were killed in terrorist attacks
the week of June 8-14, and an unsuccess- (Maximiliano Gomez, 28, exiled MPD
ful attempt was made against the
life of secretary general, was found dead in
Balaguer June 13. In addition, another Brussels May 23. Le Monde reported May
20 persons were reported to have been 27 and June 4 that Gomez' friends in Pans
killed in attacks during the first two weeks thought he had been murdered by killers
of July. sent by political allies of President Bal-
In response to the violence, the govern- aguer.)
ment July 3 promulgated a law imposing
a maximum sentence of 30 years imprison-
ment for authors and accomplices of Wessin coup fails. After police sealed
terrorist acts. At the same time, Balaguer off Santo Domingo June 27, 1971
signed a law increasing the sentences because of the death of five persons in a
for of regulations governing
violation wave of unrest, President Joaquin Bala-
a speech
possession of firearms. In
guer announced June 30 that his govern-
reported bv the Miami Herald July 17, ment had put down an attempted right-
Balaguer warned that the government wing coup headed by former General
would "adopt whatever measures the Elias Wessin y Wessin who was
people and the circumstances warrant. mediately placed under arrest.
He added that it was necessary to continue Balaguer made the announcement in
intensive police searches of homes and

an unprecedented television speech


autos in an attempt to locate suspects. Wessin appeared at his side. At

Amin Abel Hasbun, a leader of the least 41 military men were
reported to
outlawed Dominican Popular Movement, be under arrest, accused of taking
was shot to death by police during a raid in the conspiracy. A court-martial
on his home, it was reported Sept. 26. decided July I to deport the former gen-
Jose Florencio, a militant leftist, was eral, who arrived in Spain July 5.

sentenced to the maximum penalty of

30 years' imprisonment Dec. 6. Floren-
cio, found guilty of the murder of a
policeman in 1969, received the most La Banda kills leftists. The New York
severe penalty imposed in the country Times reported Aug. 28, 1971 that
in 1970. at least 50 leftists had been
and others jailed and beaten since the
formation in April of an anti-Commu-
Leftists unite. Two leftist groups terrorist organization known as
allegedly signed an agreement pledging
to (the Band).
La Banda
the overthrow of the
work together for Although President Joaquin Balaguer
government. According to a
Balaguer had denied the existence of such a group,
in the
text of the agreement, published which appeared similar to the "death
Caribe Feb.
Santo Domingo paper El
squads" of Brazil, Uruguay and Guate-
25 1971, the Dominican Popular
Move- that
mala, the Times reported Sept. 1

ment (MPD) and the April 24 Revolu- La Banda was organized by National Po-
tionary Movement agreed to
"work to- Perez y
lice Chief Maj. Gen. Enrique
gether to achieve the unity of all Perez, on instructions from President
tionary organizations and Balaguer, to conduct an offensive against
and anti-imperialist groups and persons the extreme left and eradicate the Com-
throughout the country." The MPD,
munist leadership in the country.
of the
ever, stressed that "the sectors
contradiction with The main targets of the right-wing ter-
right which are in
could participate in the orists were reported to be the Marxist
the government"
while the Popular Dominican Movement and the
struggle as "tactical allies,"
union smaller Maoist Communist party, al-
April 24 Movement rejected any
"pro-imperialist forces of the though other more moderate government
with the

opponents had been targets of La Banda's University occupied. 10 persons were

campaigns. wounded and more than 150 were ar-
The Times quoted political sources as rested April 4, 1972 as police and soldiers
stating that had 400
the organization seeking a guerrilla leader occupied
members Santo Domingo under the
in the Autonomous University of Santo
command of Lt. Oscar Nunez Pena, a Domingo (UASD) and fired on students
close friend of Gen. Perez y Perez. Mem- and teachers.
bers were described as youths in their According to the Miami Herald April
late teens and early 20s who were trained 6, authorities said they had learned early
in the use of arms. The movement had April 4 that Tacito Perdomo Robles,
reportedly spread to interior cities. leader of the extremist Dominican Popu-
lar Movement (MPD), was hiding in the
In a surprisemove, the Miami Herald
university. Police invaded the campus
reported Sept. 14, the government ar-
rested 250 members of La Banda. Bal-
after demanding that UASD
rector Jotin
aguer also forced Lt. Nunez Pena's resig-
Cury produce Perdomo. Cury, who re-
fused to allow the police to enter the uni-
was reported Sept. versity, was detained along with the vice
It 17 that about 100
members of La Banda had been rector, Tirso Mejia.
by police due to lack of evidence.
Five students aged 16-21 were shot and
killed Oct. 9 as they were celebrating the
200 arrested. More than 200 people
were arrested by policemen and sol-
death several days before of a member of
La Banda. Initial reports diers following terrorist attacks in which
blamed La
Banda for the killings. one policeman was killed and four
wounded, the Miami Herald reported
In response to intensifying public de-
mands end the terrorism plaguing the
June 4, 1972.
country, President Balaguer Oct. 15
Government authorities July 9 dis-
covered a cache of weapons that, they
switched the positions of his two top
said, had been collected for a leftist revolt.
military officers, naming Gen. Neit Ni-
var Seijas, commander of the 1st Bri-
gade, to succeed Gen. Enrique Perez y
Perez as national police chief. PRD leader wounded. Arturo Guzman,
secretary general of the Santiago
According to observers, Gen. Nivar
construction workers union and a leader
quickly ended La Banda's activities.
of the PRD labor faction, was shot and
wounded by unidentified assailants Jan. 2,
1973. This was the second attack on Guz-
12 die as police battle guerrillas. A day-
man in less than three months.
long battle between police forces using
bazookas and mortars and a band of left-
ist guerrillas wanted in a $50,000 rob- Guerrilla invasion fails. A small band
bery from the Royal Bank of Canada of guerrillas landed on the southern coast
in November 1971, was reported to have Feb. 4, 1973 and moved quickly into the
resulted in the deaths of eight police- central mountain range. The group was
men and four guerrillas Jan. 12, 1972. spotted by an army patrol Feb. 6 and a
A Communist lawyer accused of series of clashes ensued. By the end of
leading the band, Plinio Matos Moquete, March, according to Dominican authori-
and an associate, Harry Jiminez Castillo, ties, all the guerrillas had been killed or

escaped. President Joaquin Balaguer captured.

promised them an impartial trial if they Tanks and armored cars moved into
surrendered. Santo Domingo Feb. 8 as the government
The battle, which began at a guerrilla instituted a series of strict security mea-
hideout 14 miles east of the capital, sures following the guerrilla landing.
touched off riots in Santo Domingo. The measures, amounting to a state of
Students supporting the terrorists took emergency, included tight military sur-
to the streets, throwing rocks and smash- veillance of the major cities, censorship of
ing windows. broadcasting, raids on hundreds of homes

and the detention of "suspicious" persons. The government, which had denied
The French newspaper Le Monde Casado safe-conduct before, acceded
reported Feb. 10 that hundreds of persons when Casado threatened to use a gasoline
were arrested. Other sources reported cache and a grenade to blow up the room
that the raids on homes were ordered to in which he held the boy. Casado released

insure the capture of ex-President Juan the boy unharmed at the Santo Domingo
Bosch and Jose Francisco Pena Gomez, airport. He arrived in France Sept. 28.
leaders of the opposition Dominican Revo- In a development, police in
lutionary party (PRD), who were in Santo Domingo announced the arrest
hiding. Nov. 2 of Plinio Matos Moquete, leader of
Bosch issued a message late Feb. 7 the outlawed leftist "January 12" move-
denying that he or any other PRD leader ment, the Cuban press agency Prensa
knew anything of the alleged guerrilla Latina reported Nov. 4. Matos was
operation and demanding that the sought on charges of bank robbery, illegal
government publish alleged documents possession of arms, and "political subver-
implicating the PRD in the operation, sion." His brother Manuel had been ar-
which the government claimed to have rested in June on similar charges, ac-
found in the boat in which the guerrillas cording to Prensa Latina.
were said to have landed.
In Santo Domingo, meanwhile, news-
papers received a communique Feb. 10 in Terrorists free U.S., Venezuela aides.
which an organization calling itself Com- A U.S. official and six other hostages held
mandos of the Resistance took credit for by left-wing guerrillas for two weeks in
the guerrilla operation, which it claimed the Dominican Republic were freed Oct. 9,
was led by former Col. Francisco 1974 when the terrorists accepted a gov-
Caamano. ernment offer of safe-conduct to Panama.
According to the army, Caamano was The seven insurgents, who claimed
by soldiers in the central mountains
killed membership in the January 12th Libera-
Feb. 16 and buried there Feb. 17. tion Movement, had kidnapped U.S. In-
formation Service Director Barbara
Hutchison outside her office in Santo
Editor slain. Gregorio Garcia Castro, Domingo Sept. 27 and taken her to the
editor of the Santo Domingo newspaper
nearby Venezuelan consulate, where they
Ultima Hora and a critic of the govern- took control of the building and seized
ment, was shot to death by unidentified seven more hostages— the Venezuelan
persons as he left his office March 28,
consul and vice consul, a Spanish priest,
1973. and four Dominican employes of the con-
Garcia Castro, one of the most widely sulate.
read columnists in the country, was said Radhames Mendez Vargas, the guerril-
to have sharply criticized not only the las' leader, told reporters over the tele-
government but most political groups. He phone that his group would kill the hos-
had reportedly warned Balaguer that tages one by one unless the U.S. paid them
there was a police plot to kill him, ac- $1 million in ransom and the Dominican
cording to the London newsletter Latin government released 38 political prison-
America April 6. ers. He said his men had mined the con-
sulate and would blow it up if police tried
to storm it.
Leftist abductor reaches France. Left- Security forces cordoned off the area
wing Manfredo Casado,
revolutionary and began the long siege, allowing two
who took asylum in the Mexican
political daily deliveries of food to the terrorists
embassy in Santo Domingo in 1972, was and their hostages. The deliveries were cut
given safe-conduct to travel to France to one a day Oct. 1 on orders of President
Sept. 27, 1973 after he seized the 12-year- Joaquin Balaguer, who, with the support
old son of Mexican Ambassador Fran- of the U.S., Venezuelan and Spanish gov-
cisco Garcia and threatened to kill himself ernments, refused to meet the guerrillas'
and the boy. demands.


Mendez Vargas, a convicted airplane hi- May 20, 1971 edition of the New York Re-
jacker released from prison earlier in 1974, view of Books that:
said Sept. 27 that the terrorist action was . only a part of the [counterinsurgency] killing
. . . . .

a response to the government's rejection has been done by the government's official forces. In
1967 more than 20 right-wing para-military terrorist
of "demands for democratization" and an
groups went into action with weapons supplied
attempt "to free patriots who are rotting
. . .

under the U.S. military aid program. . They first

. .

in jail under the Balaguer dictatorship." circulated leaflets carrying the names and sometimes
The only political prisoner Mendez Var- the photographs of their announced victims, whose

gas named was Plinio Matos, his move-

corpses and those of many others — were later found
grotesquely mutilated
ment's leader; the guerrillas later issued
Gall quoted Mario Sandoval Alarcon,
a list of 32 other prisoners whose release
they demanded.
secretary-general of the right-wing MLN
(Movimiento de Liberation National, or
At least and the
10 of those prisoners
National Liberation Movement) as telling
Dominican left, including
entire organized
him in 1967:
the Dominican Popular Movement, of
We of the Liberacion were the vanguard group that
which Matos' group was supposedly an got this started. The army was demoralized by the
offshoot, condemned the guerrilla action, guerrillas last year [1966] until we organized the
according to press reports. White Hand. ... In the systematic elimination of the
guerrillas a series of injustices apparently have been
Intermittent negotiations were held committed. Several hundred persons have been killed,
among the guerrillas, government repre- but between January and March [1967] the guerrillas
sentatives and U.S. Ambassador Robert have almost been completely eliminated from the
Guatemalan Oriente. The terrorism of the guerrillas,
Hurwitch. The terrorists dropped the $1
which has resulted in the death of many of our [MLN]
million ransom demand Oct. 3 and asked people, has forced the government to adopt a plan of
for release of the political prisoners and complete illegality, but this has brought results.
safe-conduct for all to either Mexico or Georgie Anne Geyer, who had visited the
Peru. This was rejected by Balaguer and FAR (Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes, or Rebel
reportedly by the Mexican and Peruvian A rmed Forces) in the Sierra de las Minas in
governments. Balaguer made an "abso- 1966, "right at the height of the FAR's pop-
lutely final" offer of safe conduct out of ularity and effectiveness," reported in the
the country Oct. 7, and the guerrillas ac- July 4, 1970 issue of the New Republic that,
cepted this the next day. after the counterinsurgency campaign, "the
Panama agreed to grant the terrorists FAR has become a fractured, blood-let
asylum to help the Dominican govern- group of urban guerrillas to whom terrorism
ment "end this unfortunate case," accord- has largely become an end in itself." "They
ing to Panamanian Ambassador Alejan- —
have decentralized reorganized into cells
dro Cuellar Arosemena Oct. 9. The offive persons, which barely know the other
guerrillas were flown to Panama City im- cells" —
in accordance with Carlos Mari-
mediately after they freed the seven hos- ghella's prescription, she reported, and thus
tages. were left to act "without any real leader.

2 U.S. Aides Slain. 2 U.S. military

GUATEMALA attaches of the U.S. embassy in Gua-
temala were shot to death and 2 other
Terrorism & Repression embassy aides were wounded Jan. 16,
1968 during an upsurge of terrorism.
Guerrilla violence and terrorism have The Rebel Armed Forces (FAR), the
flared repeatedly in Guatemala in the 1960s major Communist group operating in
and 1970s. Such activity has been fought by Guatemala, announced in leaflets distrib-
U.S. -aided counterinsurgency methods that, uted Guatemala City later Jan. 16
according to some critics, have resulted in that was responsible for the slaying of

wholesale repression and in "blood-baths" Col. John D. Webber Jr., 47, head of the
that in the Oriente in the 1967-68 period U.S. Military Advisory Group, and of
took the lives of at least 2,000 Guatemalans, Lt. Cmndr. Ernest A. Munro, 40, head
of whom relatively few were guerrillas. of the mission's naval section, and for
(Some estimates of the deaths were as high the wounding of Sgt. Maj. John F.
as 6,000.) Norman Gall reported in the Forester, 42, of Salem, Ore. and Chief

Petty Officer Harry L. Greene, 41, of ville, 38, and his brother, the Rev.
Omaha. Arthur Melville, 35. The Melvilles and
The Americans had been returning by Sister Peter were suspended (the priests
car to Guatemala City from the Gua- were deprived of the right to celebrate
temalan Air Force headquarters when mass and hear confession). The 3 had
another auto pulled up alongside, and boarded a plane in Dec. 1967, ostensibly
its occupants opened fire. to return to New York, but had disap-
In its announcement of the slayings, peared on arriving in Miami and were be-
the Rebel Armed Forces said they were lieved to be in Mexico at the Gua-
in retaliation for the killing by rightists telan border. All 3 had admitted
Jan. 12 of Rogelia Cruz Martinez, Miss contacts with the guerrillas. But they
Guatemala of 1950, who had been sus- insisted that their purpose was to attempt
pected of leftwing guerrilla sympathies. to direct the revolutionary fervor of the
The Rebel Armed Forces accused the rebels into more peaceful directions.
U.S. mission of assisting in the organiza-
tion of Guatemalan army killer teams, an
apparent reference to rightwing coun- Archbishop seized. The Catholic
terterrorist groups that had been com- archbishop of Guatemala, the Most. Rev.
batting the leftwing forces since the Mario Casariego, 58, was kidnaped by
spring of 1967. members of a rightwing dissident ter-
In other shootings in Guatemala City rorist group Mar. 17, 1968, then freed
Jan. 16: (a) leftwing lawyer and ex- Mar. 20.
mayoral candidate Alejandro Silva Falla Casariego and his chauffeur had been
and his bodyguard were shot to death; (b) seized in Guatemala City while driving
ex-labor Min. Manuel Villacorta (in the from the papal nuncio's home after re-
rightwing government of Carlos Castillo turning that day from a trip to Mexico.
Armas) was fired on in his auto but According to an account of the incident
escaped. A soldier guarding the Gua- given Mar. 21 by national police chief
temala City home of Col. Carlos Arana Col. Manuel Sosa Avila: The archbishop
had been shot to death by guerrillas Jan. and his driver were stopped, taken from
15. Arana had been the military chief of
their car and driven in another vehicle to
counterinsurgency operations in Zacapa. a house at Quinta Olga, 135 miles from
Conservative businessman Alfonso Alejos, the capital. (The house belonged to Dr.
80, was shot to death in Guatemala City Carlos Cifuentes Di'az, 1954-6 presi-
Jan. 17. His slaying was attributed to the dential press chief in the rightist regime
Rebel Armed Forces. of Col. Carlos Castillo Armas.) The ab-
ductors' car was driven by Raul Estuardo
Lorenzana, leader of a rightwing ter-
U.S. Clerics Linked to Rebels. A U.S. rorist group that was conspiring to over-
Roman Catholic missionary order operat- throw the regime of Pres. Julio Cesar
ing in Guatemala the — Maryknoll Me'ndez Montenegro. He was accom-
Fathers— said Jan. 21, 1968 that 7 of its panied by 2 other plotters identified as
missionaries in the country —
3 priests Otto Thiel Cobar and Gilberto Valen-

and 4 nuns had been ordered back to zuela. Police Mar. 20 seized the kidnap
Maryknoll headquarters in Ossining, car in nearby Quezaltenango with 3 other
N.Y. in Dec. 1967 because 3 of them had members of the gang (who had been
been involved in FAR's activities. guarding Casariego) as they were fleeing
A spokesman for the order, the Rev. Quinta Olga.
Donald J. Casey, managing editor of The government Mar. 18 had suspend-
Maryknoll magazine, charged that one of ed constitutional guarantees for 30 days
the 3 accused, Sister Marian Peter, 39, in the wake of Casariego's abduction.
was the "ringleader" and had attended Casariego, considered socially and politi-
a meeting in Escuintla, Guatemala in cally progressive, had been accused by
Dec. 1967 with 5 priests and 4 nuns and a the rightists of being a "guerrilla
leader of the guerrilla force to map plans bishop."
for smuggling arms into the country.
The 2 other missionaries linked with Siege State Ends. The Guatemalan
the rebels were the Rev. Thomas Mel- government was reported June 20 to have

lifted the nationwide state of siege, in terrorist bombingsand assassinations

effect sinceMar. 18, and to have restored led President Julio Cesar Mendez Mon-
constitutional rights, suspended since tenegro Jan. 29 to suspend constitutional
Jan. 16. rights for 15 days.
The government's action reflected an Among the incidents reported: Justo
easing of terrorist activities that had Lopez Castanaza, head of the nation's
prompted the restrictions. intelligence service, was killed by
The slackening of rightwing terrorism machine gun fire Jan. 13 in Guatemala
was believed attributable to Pres. City.
Mendez' dismissal in March of 3 top Seven leaflet bombs expoded
Jan. 22
military officials: Rafael Arriaga
Col. in different of Guatemala City;
Bosque, defense minister; Col. Carlos the bombs contained chlorate and leaflets
Arana Osorio, commander of the Zacapa of the clandestine Guatemalan Labor
area east of Guatemala City, a strong- Party and the Rebel Armed Forces.
hold of Communist guerrilla movement; Isidoro Zarco, associate editor of the
Col. Manuel Sosa Avila, national police pro-government newspaper Prensa Libre,
chief. All 3 were given diplomatic posts was shot to death Jan. 28 in Guatemala
abroad. They had all been popularly iden- City. Constitutional guarantees were
tified with rightist terrorist groups. suspended Jan. 29 following his death,
and security forces were authorized to
make arrests and inquiries without a
U.S. Envoy Slain. John Gordon Mein, warrant.
54, U.S. ambassador to Guatemala since The Christian Democratic presidential
Sept. 1965, was killed Aug. 28, 1968 candidate, Jorge Lucas Caballero, was
by terrorists who had stopped his car and fired on the same week but escaped un-
who opened fire when Mein ran. Mein's harmed, the New York Times reported
chauffeur was not hurt. A statement Feb. 1.
issued Aug. 29 by the Rebel Armed Col. Oscar Giron Perrone, who had
Forces (FAR) said FAR members had participated in the coup overthrowing
planned to kidnap Mein in retaliation President Jacob Arbenz Guzman in
for the Aug. 24 capture of Camilo San- 1954, was found shot to death Jan. 30
chez, an FAR leader, by the Guatemalan outside of Guatemala City. Giron Per-
government. rone had supported Col. Carlos Arana
According to several reports, Mein's Osorio, presidential candidate supported
limousine was forced to stop by 2 cars by the National Liberation Movement
as the ambassador was riding to the and the Institutional Democratic Party.
embassy after attending a luncheon. In a related development. President
Several armed youths jumped from the
Mendez Montenegro requested the
cars and ordered Mein to leave the
Organization of American States to
limousine. Mein was hit with machine-
send observers to supervise the March 1
gun and pistol fire as he tried to escape elections, the New York Times reported
from the attackers. Mein was the first Ruling Revolutionary Party
Feb. 4.
U.S. ambassador murdered at his post.
candidate Mario Fuentes Pieruccini
Guatemalan Pres. Julio Cesar Mendez had asked the government to request
Montenegro imposed a 30-day state of observers in order to "assure the liberty
siege throughout Guatemala Aug. 29.
and purity of suffrage."

MLN leader slain. Mario Lopez Villa-

toro, a leader of the anti-Communist Na- Arana wins presidency. Col. Carlos
tional Liberation Movement (MLN), was Arana Osorio, 51, won a plurality — 42<~

shot and killed June 1, 1969 while cam- of the valid votes cast in Guatemala's
paigning for the party's presidential presidential election March 1, 1970, and
candidate, Col. Carlos Arana Osorio. Congress March 21 declared him pres-
(The leftist FAR had "condemned" ident-elect.
Arana to death.) With armed police guarding the polls
March I, the voting was orderly. The
Violence increases. As the March 1, election concluded a tense, violence-torn
1970 elections approached, increased campaign in which 20 persons were re-

ported to have been killed in political Sean M. Holly and threatened to execute
assassinations and urban guerrilla clashes. him if the Guatemalan government did
Arana, who pledged during the cam- not release four imprisoned members
paign to rid Guatemala of rural guerrillas of the guerrilla group within 48 hours.
and urban terrorism, had gained national Holly, a political secretary in the U.S.
notoriety in 1966-68 as leader of an anti- embassy, was released unharmed March
guerrilla campaign in the eastern area of 8, following the government's release of
Zacapa. In a victory speech March 2, he three of the guerrillas; the fourth was al-
vowed to act "with energy and without ready in Mexico.
restraint" in pacifying the country. "We In response to the kidnapping,the Gua-
have a program which does not contain temalan government March 7 released
stop-gap measures," he said. "The stage two of the guerrillas Jose Antonio —
of speeches is finished and the stage of Aguirre Monzon and Vidalina Antonieta
action has begun . Whoever steps
. . —
Monzon into the custody of the Costa
outside the law will suffer the full weight Rican embassy, where they were granted
of the law." political asylum. Aguirre Monzon, who
Sporadic violence had continued to had been arrested March 4, was re-
mar the election campaign during its ported to have served as an intermediary
final weeks. Foreign Minister Alberto
between the FAR and the government
Fuentes Mohr was kidnapped Feb. 27 by in the Fuentes Mohr kidnapping. The

four persons who identified themselves as government reported March 7 that the
FAR members. The terrorists, who pulled third prisoner whose release had been
Fuentes Mohr from his car at gunpoint, —
demanded Jose Antonio Sierra, a bak-
announced that he would be killed unless ery workers union organizer had been —
the government, within 24 hours, pub- freed earlier in the week and allowed to
lished an FAR policy statement and go to Mexico. However, the police
turned over Jose Vicente Giron Calvillo, denied that the fourth member Mario —
an imprisoned FAR leader, to the Mexi- —
Leonel del Cid Garcia could be found
in prison.
can embassy with a safe conduct autho-
rization for travel to Mexico. Del Cid appeared at the Costa Rican
embassy March 8. The three freed pris-
Fuentes Mohr was released unharmed
oners flew to Mexico City that day, where
Feb. 28 after Giron Calvillo had been
Del Cid reported to newsmen that
delivered to the Mexican embassy. Mexi-
police had shifted him from one place
can Ambassador to Guatemala Delfin
to another while denying that he was
Sanchez Juarez acted as an intermediary
in the exchange. Following his arrival in
Mexico City March I, Giron Calvillo
said that the FAR
was a nationalist German envoy slain by FAR kidnappers.
rather than Communist organ and had Count Karl von Spreti, West German
20,000 active members in Guatemala. ambassador to Guatemala, was kid-
He expressed hope that they could pro- napped March 31, 1970 by armed men in
voke U.S. intervention "to unite the Guatemala City. He was found slain
people of Guatemala behind us and April 5 after the' Guatemalan government
start a full-scale revolution." had refused to meet his kidnappers' terms.
Among otherpre-election develop- The kidnappers, identified as members
ments: Walfred Orlando del Valle. presi- of the Rebel Armed (FAR),
dent of the National Electoral Registry, had demanded April 1 that Guatemala
was shot and wounded by terrorists as he release 17 prisoners in exchange for the
was driving through Guatemala City Feb. freedom of von Spreti.
24; the driver of the car was also slightly In reply to the government's intran-
wounded in the shooting. sigence, the kidnappers increased their
demands April 3. The new terms for free-
ing Count von Spreti were the release
of 22 political prisoners and payment of
U.S. envoy kidnapped. The Rebel $700,000. The West German government
Armed Forces (FAR) said March 6, 1970 issued a strong protest April 3 against
that it had kidnapped U.S. diplomat the Guatemalan refusal to meet the

kidnappers' terms. Revenge for von Spreti death. Mem-

In a statement released April 2, the bers of a right-wing group called La
Guatemalan government announced that Mano (The Hand) claimed responsibility
it was "impossible legally to accede to for the April 8 murder of Cesar Mon-
the demands" since some of the pris- tenegro Paniagua, a member of the out-
oners named had already been con- lawed Guatemalan Labor (Communist)
victed and sentenced and could not be Party. La Mano stated that Montenegro
freed by executive orders. The govern- Paniagua's death was only "the begin-
ment also decreed a state of siege. ning of retaliations against revolutionary
(A delegation of foreign diplomats to groups" responsible for von Spreti's
Guatemala met with Guatemalan For- kidnap-murder and other leftist violence.
eign Minister Alberto Fuentes Mohr Francisco Barreno, 40, was found
April 3 to protest the government's defi- dead April 26 south of Guatemala
ance of the kidnappers' demands and to City. Attached to his clothing was a
request better protection for themselves. note that said he had been killed for
The government agreed to provide them "belonging to the Guatemalan Labor
with armed guards.) Party [Communist Party] and diverse
William Hoppe, special West Ger- labor organizations, for kidnapping and
man envoy sent to Guatemala to mediate assassinating honorable citizens, for
in the case, conferred with Guatemalan traveling to Cuba, Russia and other
President Julio Cesar Mendez Monte- Socialist countries. .An eye for an
. .

negro April 4 in an attempt to persuade eye." Eligio Rodas, 30, was found dead
the government to grant the kidnappers' April 27 on the same road. note at- A
demands. West German Chancellor Willy tached to body declared: "Thus will
Brandt made a similar plea. die all the members of the Rebel Armed
Reacting to the news of von Spreti's Forces [FAR]."
death, Chancellor Brandt April 5 de- Guatemala police announced May 5
nounced the Guatemalan government the assassination by right-wing terrorists
for the "infamous murder," charging of three victims— Rogelio Zermeno,
that it had "shown itself unable to give Rigoberto Ramirez and Lisandro Or-
the accredited diplomatic representative tega. On each body a note was found
the necessary security." He added that stating that he had been "executed" for
the German government had been will- belonging to FAR and the Guatemalan
ing to pay the $700,000 in ransom de- Labor Party; the notes were signed "Eye
manded by the kidnapers. for eye."
A Guatemalan government spokesman
said April 6 that four of the prisoners
on the kidnappers' list had confessed to
complicity in the August 1968 killing of
Yon Sosa killed in Mexico. The Mexi-
U.S. Ambassador John Gordon Mein,"
can government announced May 19 that
Guatemalan guerrilla leader Marco An-
and "we could not let those go."
tonio Yon Sosa and two of his followers
an interview in the West German
had been shot to death May 16, 1970 by
magazine Der Spiegel April 14, Papal
Mexican soldiers on the Mexican side of
Nuncio Gerolamo Prigione, who served
the Guatemala border.
as an intermediary between the kid-
According to a Mexican government
nappers and the government, charged
spokesman, "a routine army patrol,
that much time had been lost in the ef- which was investigating reports of the
fort to save von Spreti by the "very in- presence of armed persons in the area,
flexible" attitudes of both the govern- Saturday encountered a cabin which, at
ment and the kidnappers. Prigione cited first view, appeared unoccupied. But
Foreign Minister Fuentes Mohr's asser- when the soldiers approached it, they
tion that Guatemala had to risk von were received with small-arms fire. They
Spreti. "For our government it is a responded to the fire." Several of the
matter of survival. If we yield, we will guerrillas were reported to have es-
sign our death warrant," Fuentes Mohr caped. Yon Sosa, a lieutenant in the
was quoted as saying. Guatemalan army until 1960 when he

joined the rebellion against President injury in an attempt to assassinate him.

Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, had headed the Two of three dynamite charges which had
Maoist MR- 13 (Movimiento Revolu- been placed in his car exploded.
cionario de 13 Noviembre, or Revolu- Julio Caney Herrera, a law professor
tionary Movement of Nov. 13). and left-of-center politician was shot to
death Nov. 16 while driving to work in
Guatemala City.
Other terrorist action. Among other Three Guatemalans were found shot
1970 terrorist actions: to death in a canyon north of Guatemala
Rudy Weissenberg Martinez, 60, City, it was reported Dec. 10. The three
one the nation's most important
of persons, missing since Nov. 28, included
coffee exporters, was released by kid- the owner of the nation's largest radio
napers April 26 after payment of a station, a businessman and a secretary.
large ransom. Weissenberg had been National Liberation Movement Dep-
abducted April 23 by members of the uty Arnaldo Otten Prado was shot and
Revolutionary Movement of Novem- killed Dec. 18 while driving in his car in
ber 13 (MR-13). Guatemala City.

A policeman was killed and a body- Jaime Monge Donis, secretary-general

guard of President-elect Carlos Arana of the Guatemalan Labor Federation and
seriously wounded in a terrorist attack an official of the National Social Security
April 29. Arana's bodyguard was driving Institute, was shot and killed Dec. 23 as
in his car when two youths in another car he was leaving his home in Guatemala
opened fire; Col. Arana was not present. City.

Marco Antonio Marroqui, mayor of

Jocotan, Chiquimula, was shot in an
ambush, it was reported May 6; he was Arana takes office. Col. Carlos Arana
the secondmayor in the area to be killed was sworn in July 1, 1970 as president
by unknown assailants. of Guatemala and pledged to the nation
Rafael Horacio Sanchez, an active that he would end terrorism.
supporter of President-elect Arana, was In his inaugural speech to Congress,
machine-gunned to death May 11 in President Arana noted that Guatemala
Guatemala City. had been faced with "an internal war
The British publication Latin America that sometimes confronts fathers and
reported June 12 that about 30 people sons" and promised to bring about
had been warned to leave Guatemala or "political pacification" in the nation.
face death by right-wing terrorist or- Arana also called for a "national
ganizations. crusade" towards social reform. "If the
peasant masses continue without land,
Victor Rodriguez, active supporter of
without technical assistance and without
Arana during his election campaign,
sufficient credit, with misery and sick-
was assassinated by a group of armed
ness as their only birthright, we will all
men in Chiquimula, Le Monde reported
suffer the consequences of their frustra-
July 8.
tion," he said.
Aldana Sanchez, mayor of Zacapa,
was shot to death July 12; he had re-
ceived several threats from the FAR. State of siege. President Arana imposed
The home of Uruguayan Ambassador a 30-day state of siege Nov. 13, 1970
to Guatemala Atilio Arrillaga was in response to recent acts of terrorism.
bombed Sept. 10. The ambassador was In a nationwide radio address, Arana ex-
not at home when the incident occurred. plained that the measure was taken due
Two Guatemalan police and a civilian, to the "manifest abuse of personal guar-
an alleged FAR deserter, were shot and antees established in the constitution and
killed Sept. 24. the wave of violence." He cited kid-
Mario Sandoval, leader of the right- napings, murders and bombings during
wing National Liberation Movement the previous two months as examples of
and president of the Guatemalan assem- the violence. Four policemen were re-
bly, was reported Oct. 23 to have escaped ported killed Nov. 9-12, presumably by

members of the terrorist Rebel Armed were assassinated when assailants in a

Forces (FAR). passing vehicle shot the two near Hur-
Under the state of siege, or modified tarte's home, it was reported Sept. 14.
martial law, Arana assumed virtual
dictatorial powers for a month. All
political activities were suspended, and Killings assailed abroad. The World
police were turned over to the
duties Confederation of Labor, meeting in Brus-
army, which was authorized to enter and sels, charged in a statement Feb. 9,
search homes and arrest persons without 1971 that "since individual and collective
warrants. In addition, newspapers were guarantees had been suspended in Gua-
prohibited from publishing any but offi- temala Nov. 13, 1970, the 'forces of or-
cial statements, and a 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. der' had assassinated by their own hands
curfew was set. more than 600 persons." The labor group
Arana extended the state of siege for said that a "climate of terror" existed in
another 30 days Dec. 13. Terrorist vio- the country.
lence was reported to have caused 15 Guatemalan Ambassador to Vene-
deaths during the initial 30 day state of zuela Francisco Consenza Galvez re-
siege period. (The curfew was lifted Jan. signed in disagreement with the regime
30, 1971 although the state of siege was of President Carlos Arana, it was re-
continued until Nov. 23, 1971.) ported March 2. "I am unable to defend
the current regime," Consenza Galvez
said. "The government should not
FAR leaders get Mexican asylum: adopt the same tactics used by the [left-
Julio Eduardo Mendez Agualar, said ist] terrorists."
to be a FAR leader, received politi-
Jurists denounce terror — The Inter-
cal asylum in the Mexican embassy in national Commission of Jurists, in a
Guatemala City, Guatemalan officials communique reported in the French
announced Nov. 18, 1970. Mendez newspaper Le Monde July 29, denounced
Aguilar had been sought by the police. what it called "the reign of terror in
Another FAR leader, Jose Antonio Si- Guatemala, where, after five years,
erra Gonzalez, was reported Nov. 26 to more than 8,000 persons have been as-
have also been granted asylum in the sassinated." According to the Commis-
Mexican embassy. sion, more than four assassinations
were committed each day by rightist
terrorist groups.
Assassinations. Opposition leader Adolfo
Mijangos Lopez was shot and killed by
gunmen Jan. 13, 1971. Mijangos was the
Alejos kidnapped. It was reported
leader in Congress of the opposition
Aug. 4, 1971 that Roberto Alejos, 46,
coalition group composed of the Demo-
wealthy Guatemalan businessman and
cratic Revolutionary Union and the
honorary chairman of the Fidelity Na-
Christian Democratic party.
tional Bank of South Miami, Fla., had
Labor leader Tereso de Jesus Oliva
been kidnapped from his car in Guate-
was shot and killed in Guatemala City
mala City.
Jan. 17. Oliva was head of the Confed-
Alejos had the government-
eration of Guatemalan Workers.
backed candidate in 1963
Terrorists entered the British con-
but the elections were never held because
sulate in Guatemala City Jan. 20 and
of a military coup. The Alejos plantation
shot and killed the consul's bodyguard.
in Guatemala had been used to train the
Opposition Congressman Jose Luis CIA-directed 1961 exile Bay of Pigs
Arriaga Arriola was shot and killed near brigade for the invasion of Cuba.
his home July 6. Arriaga Arriola, 36, a Alejos was reported to have been re-
member of the opposition Revolutionary leased by his kidnappers Dec. 23.
party, was the third member of the cur- An unidentified official was quoted by
rent congress to be killed. Le Monde Dec. 26 as saying that Alejos
The second in command of the secret had been exchanged for 60 political
police, Rudy Hurtarte, and his assistant prisoners. A family spokesman denied

reports that a $500,000 ransom had been border,the London newsletter Latin
paid to the kidnappers, believed to be America reported June 23. The army
members of the Revolutionary Armed reportedly claimed to have found an
Forces (FAR). important guerrilla base and arsenal in
the region.
The police had announced Aug. 27 that
two policemen and a student who had Francisco Lopez, reportedly the sec-
been searching for Alejos had been ond in command of Guatemala's
assassinated on the outskirts of Guate- guerrillas, was captured in the Mexican
mala City. A blind student who had ac- border state of Chiapas, it was reported
companied the three was abducted by the Aug. 4.
killers. At least five persons were killed in a
In a related development, it was re- gun battle Oct. 15 as security forces
ported Aug. 6 that Guatemalan security rescued a kidnapped businessman in
forces had freed Victor Kaire, an im- Guatemala City. Police said the busi-
portant Guatemalan bank director who nessman, Rodolfo Rosenberg, escaped
had been kidnaped in July. Kaire had unharmed.
been found in a small store outside Gua-
temala City. He was freed after an in-
tense shoot-out, in which three kid- Murder of Communists reported. The
napers, members of the National United Cuban press agency Prensa Latina said
Revolutionary Front, were reportedly Guatemalan guerrillas had kidnapped a
killed by armed troops. policeman, Abel Juarez Villatoro, and
forced him to reveal the fate of the eight
leaders of the Communist Guatemalan
Castaneda assassinated. Olivero Cas- Labor party (PGT) who disappeared in
taneda Paiz, a leader of the governing September 1972, the newsletter Latin
Movement for National Liberation and America reported March 2, 1973.
first vice president of Congress, was shot
Juarez reportedly said the PGT lead-
to death in Guatemala City June 25,

ers six men and two women —
had been
arrested by police, tortured for 48 hours,
Castaneda had reportedly been ac- and then thrown into shark-infested
cused of being a leader of The White Pacific waters from an air force plane.
Hand, a right-wing terrorist organization. The government had denied any
His assassination ended a period of knowledge of the victims' disappearance.
relative political peace among the The government's move against the
country's various terrorist groups. PGT leaders baffled the victims' relatives
and other politicians, who considered the
PGT membership moderate, the Times of
Other 1972 incidents. Among other inci- the Americas reported April 4. The party
dents involving terrorists or terrorism in reportedly had survived the government's
Guatemala during 1972: 1971 anti-leftist campaign by pledging not
to practice or advocate violence against
The army announced Jan. 10 that a
group of guerrillas had killed six mem-
bers of a military patrol in Peten, es-
caping with arms seized from the dead Deputy Hector Solis Juarez, sec-
soldiers. retary of Congress, was shot to death by
Authorities claimed that Augusto unidentified gunmen June 5, 1973.
Flores Rodriguez, reputedly second in
command of a left-wing guerrilla group,
Election controversy, violence. The gov-
had been killed in a clash with soldiers in
ernment apparently used fraud to secure
the Peten region, the Miami Herald
the victory of its presidential candidate in
reported May 30.
elections March 3, 1974, causing wide
One soldier was killed and five guer- protests and a renewal of political vio-
rillas were arrested when an army patrol lence.
clashed with a guerrilla detachment High government, military and diplo-
in the Peten region, near the Mexican matic sources had admitted the victory of


retired Gen. Efrain Rios Montt of the Na- Four Guatemala City newspapermen
tional Opposition Front (FNO), according had been threatened by a "death squad"
to numerous press reports. However, the and eight radio stations in the capital had
government announced March 6 that re- received government notice of cancel-
tired Gen. Kjell Laugerud Garcia of the lation of their right to broadcast, it was
ruling Nationalist Coalition was the win- reported Feb. 23.
ner. The Guatemalan Newspapermen's
Official results gave Laugerud 260,313 Association had reported shortly before
votes, 41.2% of the total; Rios Montt the assassination that right-wing ter-
225,586 votes, or 35.7%; and Col. Ernesto rorists calling themselves the "Death
Paiz Novales of the Revolutionary Party Squad" had sent it a series of threatening
145,967 votes, or 23.1%. Since no candi- letters, one of which read in part: "This is
date won an absolute majority, the our final warning. Any further attacks in
outgoing Congress, dominated by the the press against the government, Pres-
government, proclaimed Laugerud the ident [Carlos] Arana or President-elect
winner March 12. [Gen. Kjell] Laugerud mean death
The FNO claimed Rios Montt had won starting with the officers of [your] associa-
44.8% of the vote, Laugerud 33.6% and tion."
Paiz Novales 2 1 .6%, according to a report Mario Monterroso Armas, a Guate-
March 7. Its claim to victory had been mala City radio newscaster who had sup-
bolstered March 4 by official returns from ported the opposition Christian Demo-
373 of 493 precincts in Guatemala City, cratic Party in the March 3 vote, was
which gave Rios Montt 56% of the vote murdered March 27.
and Laugerud 28%.
Leonel Bojorges Gallardo, a former na-
Thousands of peasants armed with tional police chief of detectives under
clubs and machetes were trucked into President Arana, was shot to death by
Guatemala City March 4 by members of unidentified men in Guatemala City April
the right-wing National Liberation Move- 26. Col. Juan de Dios Aguilar, a wealthy
ment of the ruling coalition, to beat up landowner and PID presidential candidate
students and journalists who supported in the 1966 election, was held March 27-
Rios Montt. In the interior, four op- April 23 by kidnappers who at one point
position members were murdered: FNO demanded the return to Guatemala of re-
mayoral candidate Victor Manuel tired Gen. Efrain Rios Montt, the op_-_
Monterroso was killed in the southern position candidate in the March pres-
provincial capital of Cuilapa, and three idential election. Aguilar said his family
students belonging to the FNO's Chris-
had ransomed him.
tian Democratic Party were found dead
The "Death Squad" claimed 10 more
beside a highway in Zacapa Department.
victims, most presumably killed for being
Edmundo Guerra Theilheimer, a leftist petty criminals,according to reports
leader unaffiliated with any of the pres- April 16-May Fifteen other persons
idential candidates, was machine-gunned were killed for apparently political rea-
to death by unknown rightists in Guate- sons, some after being tortured, according
mala City March 11. Guerra, a lawyer to the French news agency Agence France-
who gave free legal advice to the poor and Presse May 4.
to the Committee of Relatives of Disap-
peared Persons, which held authorities
responsible for the death or disappearance
of hundreds of persons in recent years,
had said before the election: "It doesn't
make any difference who wins. Violence
and repression will continue."
The Guatemalan Labor Party, eight of
Repression & Exile Activity
whose leaders had been murdered in 1972,
had charged in February that rightist OAS Report Charges Terrorism. A
"death squads" had murdered at least 12 report by the Organization of American
persons in January and February, the States' Inter-American Commission of
Cuban Press agency Prensa Latina Human Rights charged the Haitian
reported Feb. 23. government with sanctioning a reign of

country, Rene J.Leon said that the Democratic

terror and assassination in the Patriots "has
Movement of Haitian
Reuters reported Aug. 2, 1969.
placed its forces on Haitian soil." The
The report, sent to governments of the statement did not reveal where or how
in July, was prepared from
OAS an invasion had taken place, and there
submitted by individual Haitians and was no confirmation from Haitian or
It described arbitrary
associations. U.S. sources that exile forces had landed
rests, disappearance of Haitian citizens on the island. (The Miami Herald re-
and elimination of whole families. The ported June 6 that an exile force, includ-
OAS commission was not allowed to enter ing at least two Americans, had left
Haiti to verify the charges. Florida during the last week of May
bound for Haiti. The group of 20 was re-
Exiles Cleared in Bahamas Murder. portedly headed by Leon.)
The death sentences of four Haitian A plane thought to be the one used in
exiles were voided April 8, 1969 by the the Haitian raid made an emergency
Bahamas Appeals Court. The exiles had landing June 4 at a U.S. missile tracking
base in the Bahamas. There were reports
been convicted of murdering Haitian Con-
that it had been forced to land because of
sul Joseph Antoine Dorce June 7, 1968
bullet holes in the fuel tank. The 10 per-
on orders of the Haitian Coalition, a New
sons aboard were charged with illegal
York-based anti-Duvalier organization.
entry by Bahama authorities June 5.
The Haitian Coalition Feb. 8 denied Nine of them were returned to the U.S.,
any role in the murder, though it ad- and eight— six Americans and two Hait-
mitted that the defendants were mem- ian exiles— were charged June 9 in U.S.
bers of the organization. District Court in Miami with violation
of the U.S. Neutrality Act in connection
with the Port-au-Prince bombing. Those
Exile Camp Uncovered in Florida. Ten charged included Leon, who had gone
Haitians and two Americans were ar- into exile in 1962 and had been sen-
rested in Florida March 12, 1969 on
tenced in 1967 in connection with an
a abortive Haitian invasion attempt, and
of what appeared to be secret
military training base for Haitian exiles. Gerald Smith, a Haitian who was ar-
rested last March for involvement
The two Americans, thought to be in
camp discovered in the
charge of the camp, were reported to be the exile training
former members of the Green Berets, Florida Everglades.
the U.S. Army force specializing in
guerrilla warfare.
U.S. emov held, ransomed. U.S.
(The Haitian ambassador to the U.S.,
Arthur Bonhomme, said that his gov- bassador Clinton E. Knox was seized by
ernment knew of another training camp three armed Haitians in Port-au-Prince
from the one Jan. 23, 1973 but released the next
in Florida, about 60 miles
discovered, the New York Times re- in exchange for the release of 12 Haitian
ported March 14.) prisoners, safe conduct to Mexico and a
$70,000 ransom.
Knox's captors were reported to have
Port-au-Prince Bombed. A four-engine
links with exile groups that had opposed
Lockheed Constellation aircraft dropped the Haitian government for years. They
homemade bombs over Port-au-
said the persons released were political
Prince June 4, 1969. The bombs— large oil prisoners. The abductors and freed
drums filled with gasoline— started fires prisoners were flown to Mexico, where
that resulted in three deaths, according they were denied asylum Feb. 1. They
to government reports. One bomb, which then continued on to Chile, whose govern-
did^not ignite, fell inside the grounds of ment gave them transit visas.
Francois "Duvalier's presidential palace.
An anti-aircraft gun fired on the plane, Washington, a State Department
spokesman said Knox's captors had de-
which made two passes over the city.
A communique issued June 4 in Miami manded a $500,000 ransom, but this had
over the name of Haitian exile leader been refused by Secretary of State

William P. Rogers. The spokesman said Among Mexico's guerrilla-terrorist

he did not know who paid the final groups were the MAR (Movimiento de
ransom, but newspapers reported the Accion Revolucionaria, or Revolutionary
$70,000 had been offered by French me- Action Movement, also called Movement
diators during the tense all-night negotia- for [or of] Revolutionary
Action}, the FUZ
tions that preceded Knox's release. (Frente Urbano Zapatista, Zapata [or
Zapatist] Urban Front) and the presumably
Knox was seized as he drove to his
Trotskyist FRA P (Fuerzas Revolucionarias
residence in Port-au-Prince Jan. 23. He
was forced at gunpoint into another car, in Armadas del Pueblo, or People's Revolu-

which he and his captors entered the tionary A rmed Forces).

residence grounds. Knox then telephoned
the U.S. consul general in Port-au-Prince,
Ward L. Christensen, who joined him at 5 Soviet diplomats expelled. The Mexi-
the residence and was held until the final can regime March 18, 1971 declared
agreement was reached with the kidnap- five members of the Soviet embassy in
pers. Mexico persona non grata and ordered
In New York, a Haitian exile group
them to leave the country "as soon as
possible." The diplomats were Charge
called the Coalition of National
d'Affairs Dimitri Diakonov; First Secre-
Liberation Brigades said that the released
tary Boris Kolmiakov; Second Secre-
"prisoners have been under constant
tary Boris Voskovoinikov; Second Secre-
threat to be eliminated in case of any
tary Oleg Netchiporenko; and Alexandre
disorder in the country. And disorder
there will be. ... The actual, archaic,
Bolchakov, whose title was not given.
farcical government, led by Clinton Knox The Mexican expulsion order gave no
and the State Department, must go." reasons for the action, but press reports

The Haitian exiles four men and a
connected it with the arrests announced
March 15 of 19 Mexican revolutionaries
woman, most of them teachers said Jan.— whose leaders, the government charged,
24 that they belonged to the National An-
had studied in the Soviet Union in 1963
tiduvalierist Movement, an organization
and traveled to North Korea in 1968 and
without ideology or international political
1969 to study terrorism and guerrilla
affiliations which sought only to free Haiti
from the dictatorship of President Jean-
Mexican Attorney General Julio San-
Claude Duvalier. The kidnappers' leader chez Vargas accused the Soviet Union of
was identified as Raymond Napoleon. arranging and aiding the students' ac-
tivities. The arrested revolutionaries
said in a news conference March 16 that
they were members of the Revolutionary
MEXICO Action Movement (MAR).
Mexican President Luis Echeverria
Many Guerrilla Bands A ctive
explained March 20 that the Soviet dip-
lomats had been expelled because to do
otherwise could have brought on "tragic
consequences, like in other countries."
At least a half-dozen guerrilla-terrorist
groups were active in Mexico during the
early 1970s. As in other countries, the New Guerrillas accused in robberies. Mexico
York Times pointed out May 7, 1973, City Mayor Octavio Senties said in a
Mexico had "many leftist guerrillas . . .
TV statement July 22, 1971 that ter-
who may or may not be Communists and rorists "with ties to the outside" had
who periodically resort to terrorism to get begun a campaign of assaults against
money for arms or to call attention to their banks, businesses and bus terminals in
cause." The "guerrilla groups in various the city. He charged that the Move-
regions" were reported to "have little or no ment of Revolutionary Action (MAR)
contact with one another," although some had intended "to destroy society" and
were alleged to receive aid and training was responsible for the recent assaults.
from such foreign sources as the U.S.S.R. Senties said the terrorist thefts "have
and North Korea. all been executed in the same manner,"

by youths armed with machine guns or responsible for the death of another kid-
heavy rifles, using disguises and stolen nap victim and for 15 other robberies and
cars. kidnappings.
The government had announced July
21 the capture of sixmen and a woman
accused of robberies to finance terrorist Industrialist kidnapped, released. Police
activities. Those arrested had in their reported that Julio Hirschfeld Almada,
possession rifles, pistols, grenades and a 54, industrialist and director of the na-
large quantity of ammunition. The tion's airport system, had been kidnapped
group was alleged to be part of a guerrilla Sept. 27, 1971 by three men and a woman.
organization that was centered in the Hirschfeld was released unharmed
state of Guerrero. Sept. 29 after payment of 3 million pesos
Government sources asserted Sept. 12 ($240,000).
that five men and one woman who had Hirschfeld's abduction was originally
robbed a bank in Leon Sept. 9 were mem- blamed on the MAR. But the Washington
bers of the MAR. Post Nov. 29 reported a shift of blame to
a right-wing group, the FUZ (Zapata
Urban whose objective was to
President warns against subversives. In provoke government repression of the left.
his first state of the union
address since The FUZ later claimed credit for the kid-
he assumed his office in 1970, Pres- napping and was reported Nov. 27 to have
ident Louis Echeverria Alvarez warned
announced that it had distributed $24,000
Mexico's extreme leftists Sept. 1, 1971
of the $240,000 ransom to the poor of
against taking the law into their own Mexico City.
hands and argued that violence would
only lead to anarchy.
Echeverria also charged that many of Prisoner exchange for kidnap victim.The
the recent robberies in Mexico had Mexican government agreed Nov. 28
been the work of subversive groups "con- to exchange a group of political prison-
nected with underground movements ers for the life of a kidnap victim, Dr.
from abroad." Jaime Castrejon Diez, rector of the
State University of Guerrero who was
kidnapped Nov. 19, 1971.
Terrorism. Among developments in-
CastrejonDiez, millionaire owner
volving terrorism in Mexico:
of the Coca-Cola bottling concession in
Mario Renato Menendez Rodriguez, Guerrero, was released Dec. 1, two
publisher of the leftist magazine Por days after his family paid a $200,000
que?, was arrested Feb. 12, 1971 and ransom and nine political prisoners
charged with financing guerrilla training (eight men and one woman) were flown
camps in Tabasco and Chiapas states to Cuba, where they were accepted by
and with masterminding a number of the Castro government for "humani-
terrorist bombings in Mexico City. Six tarian reasons," according to a Nov. 30
other persons were also arrested in con- Havana Radio broadcast.
nection with the charges. The abduction was believed to be
Melchor Ortega, 77, president of work of a group of leftist rural guerrillas
the ruling National Revolutionary party active in the mountains near Acapulco
(1931-33), was shot and killed along with under command of a former school-
his chauffeur in an ambush north of Aca- teacher, Genaro Vazquez Rojas. Five
pulco, it was reported March 10, 1971. of the prisoners exchanged were said to
be close associates of Vazquez Rojas
Guerrillas based in the mountains of
and the woman was said to be his sister-
Guerrero state were officially charged
with kidnapping a wealthy banker and
with distributing the ransom among the
area's poor peasants, it was reported Priests explain crimes. The Miami Her-
Sept. 11, 1971. The group's commander, ald reported Feb. 25, 1972 that Bishop
Genaro Vasquez Rojas, was also held Manuel Talamas y Camanadari and the

had issued a state-

priests of his diocese ambush by alleged members of the Za-
ment Ciudad Juarez attributing the
in pata Liberation Front.
recent outbreak of kidnappings and rob- Troops were killed Aug. 23 when guer-
beries to "a desperate struggle for free- rillas ambushed 2 army trucks in Guer-
dom and justice." rero. The Defense Ministry said Aug. 24
The priests said incidents of violence that seven soldiers had been killed, but
since the student disorders of 1968 the military commander in the area,
were not "isolated acts of common crime" Gen. Joaquin Solano, said Aug. 25 that
but "links an ever-expanding chain,"
in 18 soldiers had died. Guerrilla leader
and often "the dramatic outcries of Lucio Cabanas reportedly took credit
men who, having been systematically for the ambushes in letters sent to five
barred from legal and democratic newspapers.
paths, have turned to violence as a means
of dealing with an even greater violence."

Peasants executed Six peasants in the
village of Peloncillo(Guerrero state) were
The gap between rich and poor, the
executed by soldiers April 25, 1973 for
priests continued, was increasing daily,
allegedly sending food supplies to the
and people "are oppressed by an unjust
guerrilla group headed by Lucio Cabanas,
system that denies them adequate
participation at any level, economic, po-
the mayor of the village reported. The
official said the victims' wives and rela-
litical or cultural."
tives had been forced to dig graves for
Guerrilla leader killed. Guerrilla leader The executions reportedly followed the
Genaro Vasquez Rojas died Feb. 2, 1972 murder of a kidnapped local landowner by
in the state of Michoacan in what Mexi- the Cabanas group after his family
can officials described as a car accident. refused to pay $240,000 ransom.
Conflicting reports cited in U.S. news-
papers Feb. 3 maintained, however, that
Plane hijacked to Cuba. Four members
Vasquez Rojas died in a shootout with
agents of the Ciudad Hidalgo judicial po-
of theArmed Communist League, a small
guerrilla group, hijacked a Mexican air-
liner with 75 passengers in Monterrey
Vasquez Rojas had been sought by po- Nov. 8, 1972. They then flew to Havana
lice since 1968, when he escaped from after obtaining arms, release of five im-
prison after serving two years of a life prisoned comrades, a government prom-
sentence for agitation and killing a po- ise to drop charges against two fugitive
liceman. comrades, and a ransom of about $330,-
Vasquez Rojas had recently led the
Southern Liberation Army (ELS), one
Cuba returned the plane and pas-
sengers Nov. 9, but kept the 1 1 guerrillas
of Mexico's most active guerrilla move-
and the ransom. Mexico asked for ex-
ments, which operated in the mountains
tradition of seven of the guerrillas Nov.
of Guerrero.
16, but Cuba refused Nov. 30 on grounds
Vasquez Rojas' death was followed by that their action was "political."
the discovery of ELS camps, stores and
information networks, and by the arrest The prisoners released to the

of eight members of the movement Feb. hijackers reportedly had been arrested in
Monterrey Nov. 7 during a police search
8 in Chipalcingo. Rafael Equihua
for guerrillas. Police action intensified in
Palomares, described as Vasquez Rojas'
Monterrey and Mexico City Nov. 10. In
second in command, was said to have re-
reporting on the operation, the Mexican
vealed after his arrest that he had re-
press admitted the existence of urban
ceived guerrilla training in Nanking,
guerrillas for the first time.
China in 1969.

Soldiers ambushed. Ten soldiers were Other developments. Among other

killed and two seriously wounded in the events in 1972 involving terrorists and
state of Guerrero June 25, 1972 in an terrorism:


In Puebla July 25. university students President Luis Echeverria Alvarez

demonstrated with teachers, peasants quickly agreed to meet the demands,
and workers to protest the murder, ap- saying his government prized human life
g terrorists Joel highly. The U.S. reiterated its stance
\_-arro, a left-wing architect against yielding to extortion or blackmail
and headmaster of the local unhersity's for the release of officials abroad, and left
. -ool. the matter in Mexican hands.
Mexico's Independence Day celebra- The demands were met May 6. but
tions Sept. 16 were marred by at least 12 Leonhardy was not released for another
bomb explosions in four cities that in- day. leading to speculation the guerrillas
jured one person and caused considerable had asked other concessions from the
property damage. Sera of the blasts re- government. The governor of Ja
portedly damaged U.S.-owned busi- state. Alberto Orozco Romero, said May
nesses. 8 that Leonhardy' s wife had paid the guer-
rillas SSO.OOO ransom, which she bor-
ce had dismantled the Pt
rowed from a local bank.
Union, a small terrorist organization
which had set off bomb explosions in
The guerrilla communique. published in
the press May 6 and broadcast over tele-
. rad pans oi the country over the
vision and radio, denounced Mexico's low-

vious few months, the French newspaper

health standards, its illiteracy and exor-
Le Monde reported Oct. 19.
bitant credit rates, blaming the misery of
impoverished workers and peasants on
the concentration of wealth in the hands
U.S. emoj kidnapped, ransomed. The
of a few. the outflow oi Mexican capital
U.S. consul general in Guadalajara. Ter-
abroad, and government repression of
rance G. Leonhardy, was kidnapped by
students, workers and peasants who tried
leftist guerrillas May 4. 1973 but freed
.: rrganize against authorities.
unharmed May 7 after the Mexican The guerrillas denounced the govern-
government agreed to a number of de- ment for trying to "convince the people
mands, including freedom and safe con- that we are common delinquents, hired
duct to Cuba for 30 alleged political killers, cattle rustlers, enemies of the
prisoners. Payment of $80,000 ransom country. Today, for the first time and not
_.so reported. voluntarily, the mass media are serving
The freed prisoners. 26 men and four the proletarian cause."
~en. arrived in Havana on a Me\ can
airliner May 6. They asserted that they
would return to Mexico to fight the Guerrillas arrested. Jalisco State au-
government. Mexican autr. -lied . thorities Jan. 10. 19~4 announced
them "common delinquents," but press arrest of three leftist guerrillas, one of
sources said most of them belonged to m
reportedly participated in the
urban guerrilla groups, which had carried October 19~3 kidnap-ransom of the hon-
out other kidnappings and bank robberies. orary British consul in Guadalajara,
The known of those released
best Anthony Duncan Williams.
Jose Bracho Campos, an associate of the dentified as Jose de Jesus
late guerrilla leader Ger.aro Yasquez -
Meza. reportedly
:rez admitted
membership in the September 23 Com-
Leonhardy was kidnapped by members munist League, held responsible for
of the I Revolutionary Armed Williams' abduction as well as the
.es, who demanded May 5 that the October 19~3 kidnap-murder of Mexican
government free the prisoners and industrialist Fernando Aranguren.
transport them t; rder the na- n guerrilla. Pedro Orozco
tion- publish a guerrilla commu- G_zman. killed by police Dec. 24. 1973,
niqu d the police and military confessed before dying that he had par-
rck for Leonhardy; and allow the ticipated in the Williams and Aranguren
Cuban ambassador to go on television to abductions and the May 19~3 kidnap-
confirm the safe arrival in Havana of the ransom of the U.S. consul general in
prisoners. dalajara. Terrance Leonhardy. ac-


cording to the London newsletter Latin The government said June 4 it would
America Jan. 4. comply with the alleged guerrilla demand,
and Defense Minister Gen. Hermenegildo
Cuenca Diaz asserted June 7 that "there
U.S. aide murdered. The U.S. vice isn't a soldier to be seen in the hills."
consul in Hermosillo (Sonora State), John However, student leaders claimed the sol-
Patterson, disappeared March 22, 1974 diers were merely deployed in civilian
after leaving his consulate with an un- clothes, and a second alleged communique
identified man. A note delivered to the from Cabanas June 13 asserted soldiers
consulate the same day said he had been were still "pursuing us, thus endangering
kidnapped by the "People's Liberation the life of the man they want to rescue
Army." A mutilated body found in the alive." Cuenca Diaz repeated June 14 that
desert near Hermosillo July 8 was posi- troops had been removed from the area.
tively identified July 10 as that of Patter-
President Luis Echeverria Alvarez
ordered troops into the Guerrero moun-
The U.S. consulate in Hermosillo had tains June 26 after the press received
received a note the day Patterson vanished
another alleged communique from Ca-
in which presumed kidnappers demanded
banas making numerous demands, in-
a $500,000 ransom for the diplomat. Pat-
cluding a $4 million ransom for
terson's wife Ann subsequently said she
Figueroa's release, freedom for political
had attempted to deliver the ransom prisoners and common criminals, delivery
money but had been unable to make of 100 automatic rifles and 50 pistols, dis-
contact with the abductors.
tribution of tape recordings of speeches by
Mexican authorities July 10 asserted guerrilla leaders and solution of numerous
Patterson's kidnappers were not left-wing
conflicts involving workers and peasants.
guerrillas, as some early reports had sug-
Attorney General Pedro Ojeda Pullada
gested, but persons from the U.S. seeking
officially rejected the demands, asserting:
ransom. California resident Bobby Joe
"The people and the government do not
Keesee had been arrested in San Diego
May 28 and indicted by a local grand jury make pacts with criminals. Public order
cannot be negotiated."
June 7 on charges of causing Patterson's
kidnapping. Press sources expressed doubts about
the authenticity of the June 26 commu-
nique, noting Cabanas rarely made such

Guerrero senator kidnapped. In what unrealistic demands.

was described as the largest military
Figueroa was freed Sept. 8 during an
alleged shootout between his captors and
operation in three decades, some 16,000

troops one-third of the Mexican army pursuing army troops.
moved into the mountains of Guerrero Defense Minister Gen. Hermenegildo
June 27, 1974 to search for Sen. Ruben Cuenca Diaz said in a communique Sept.
Figueroa, who apparently had
been 8 Figueroa and four persons kid-
abducted by left-wing guerrillas led by napped along with him escaped during a
Lucio Cabanas. Figueroa remained a gun battle in the mountains of Guerrero
captive for more than three months be- State.Cuenca asserted soldiers killed or
fore being released.
wounded a number of the abductors,
members of Lucio Cabanas' Poor
Figueroa, a local gubernatorial candi-
People's Party.
date who advocated amnesty for rural
Subsequent press reports alleged that
insurgents, was kidnapped May 30 when
one of the captives, Luis Cabanas, a
he went into the mountains at Cabanas'
cousin of Lucio, had been fatally wounded
invitation to negotiate a truce with Ca-
in the shootout. (Luis Cabanas had ac-
banas' "Poor People's Party." An alleged
companied Figueroa into the Guerrero
party communique to the Acapulco press
mountains May 30 as an intermediary in
June 2 confirmed Figueroa's abduction
an attempt to arrange a truce between
and demanded that all troops and police
Lucio and the government.)
be withdrawn from four Guerrero lo-
calities as a first step toward negotiating Cuenca's account of the Figueroa's es-
the senator's release. cape was contradicted by an article pre-

pared by the left-wing magazine Por que? said they were not nearly "as dangerous
and reported by Latin America. Ac- for Mexicans as the CIA [U.S. Central
cording to Por que?, Figueroa had been Intelligence Agency], the Yankee imperial-
ransomed by his family, and he and his ists and the capitalists who have respect
companions were being returned in the for nothing."
care of a group of peasants, who were at- The government announced the arrest
tacked by the soldiers to give the ap- of one of Zuno's alleged abductors Sept. 3
pearance that Figueroa was being and 14 more Sept. 26.

Other 1974 incidents. Among develop-

President's kin kidnapped. In a 1974
ments involving terrorism in Mexico in
incident, members of the leftist People's
Revolutionary Armed Forces (FRAP)
Guerrillas ambushed a police patrol
kidnapped President Luis Echeverria's
outside Acapulco Jan. 14, killing three
father-in-law, Jose Guadalupe Zuno
officers and taking one hostage.
Hernandez, and held him for 11 days,
In Oaxaca, presumed members of the
during which Zuno made a tape recording
praising his abductors and denouncing September 23rd Communist League Jan.
Echeverria's administration. 19 abducted Raymundo Soberanis Otero,
Zuno, a former Jalisco State governor uncle of Guerrero Gov. Israel Nogueda
who remained powerful in Mexican poli- Otero. League members asserted Feb. 26
tics, was seized Guadalajara Aug. 28.
in that they had executed Soberanis "for
A FRAP communique received by the being a bourgeois."
Mexico City newspaper Excelsior Aug. A policeman in Culiacan was kid-
30 threatened his execution unless the napped, tortured and killed, according to
government paid a $1.6 million ransom, the Miami Herald Jan. 25.
freed 10 political prisoners and flew them The deputy mayor of Acapulco, Vicente
to Cuba, and authorized publication of a Rueda Saucedo, was kidnapped Jan. 29 by
FRAP political statement in leading news- avowed members of the "Revolutionary
papers. Armed Forces," and released Feb. 11
The government refused to negotiate
afterpayment of a $240,000 ransom. The
with the guerrillas or meet their demands, abductors initially demanded $400,1300
in accordance with a policy set by Eche-
and release of some 50 peasants held since
verria in 1973, after the FRAP secured the mid- 1973 on suspicion of belonging to an
release of 30 political prisoners by kid- armed band that had killed 30 soldiers.
napping U.S. Consul Terrance G. Leon- Three peasant leaders in Guerrero
hardy. An official statement declared
State were killed apparently by assassins
Aug. 29 that "the government does not hired by landlords, it was reported Feb. 8.
negotiate with criminals."
Authorities reported seven bomb blasts
Excelsior received a picture of Zuno in
in Guadalajara and Oaxaca, it was
captivity and a tape recording of a con-
reported Feb. 26. Three of the targets
versation between Zuno and a FRAP were U.S. -owned firms— Pepsi-Cola,
member Sept. 6. In the recording, Zuno
Coca-Cola and Union Carbide.
described his treatment by the abductors
as "magnificent," praised the FRAP and Jose Ignacio Olivares Torres, a leader
leftist guerrilla leader Lucio Cabanas, of the September 23rd Communist
and criticized the government for being League, was shot to death in Guadalajara,
"on the side of capitalist reaction." reportedly by a right-wing "death squad,"
Zuno was released Sept. 7. At a press according to the newsletter Latin Amer-
conference the next day, he denied making ica Feb. 15.
the tape recording under duress and re- Salvador Alfaro Martinez, alleged
peated his criticism of the government, leader of the September 23rd Communist
which he said had "fallen under the con- League, was killed in a shootout with
trol of the reactionary forces of the police outside Guadalajara May 1, ac-
world." Zuno described his abductors as cording to police sources May 3.
"confused boys who want to change the The director of public security for Yu-
world but don't know how to do it," and catan State and seven of his subordinates

had been arrested on charges of assassi- establishing the death penalty for terror-
nating Efrain Calderon Lara, a young law ists using "explosives or bombs." Other
graduate who had been organizing sanctions would include prison sentences
workers in Merida into unions outside the of no less than 25 years in cases of attacks
Confederation of Workers of Mexico, the resulting in personal injury, and no less
' powerful labor organization allied with the than 20 years, or more than 25 years in
ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party, cases resulting in destruction or danger
it was reported May 12. to property.

Pedro Sarquis, a Guadalajara

millionaire kidnapped June 4, was found
dead in a city street June 7. A note in his Terrorists arrested. The Interior
pocket explained he had died of a heart at- Ministry said March 1972 that 12
tack; it was signed by the "Salvador leftist terrorists accused of murdering
Allende Guerrilla Commando." two policemen, robbing several banks
Francisco Preciado Arteaga, a and organizing strikes had been arrested.
Guadalajara student leader, and Jaime The terrorists, allegedly members of the
Lopez Salazar, an agronomy student and Maoist Revolutionary Vanguard, were
local soccer star, were shot to death June charged with attacking the armed forces
27. Another student leader had been and the security of the state.
assassinated May 5, and two other According to La Prensa of Buenos
students had been gunned down the week Aires March 17, the group was linked
before the June 27 killings, according to with recent mining and agrarian strikes
the newspaper Excelsior June 28. in the north of Peru.

Unidentified persons set off bombs July The regime said it had captured
15 at Guadalajara headquarters of the two groups of terrorists, among whose
ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party members were elements of the opposi-
and at barracks of the 15th military zone, tion American Popular Revolutionary
causing extensive property damage but no Alliance party (APRA) and the ex-
casualties. tremist Trotskyist party, the Miami
Margarita Saad de Baz-Baz, kid- Herald reported May 20. It was the
napped by women of the People's Revolu- first time members of APRA had been
tionary Armed Forces (FRAP) May 30, accused directly of terrorist acts.
was found dead in Acapulco Sept. 13, one
day after her family paid a $320,000
ransom. Police reports said she was stran- Guerrilla group broken up. The Interior
gled by her captors. Ministry said Aug. 3, 1972 that a guer-
rilla group operating in the northern de-
partment of Jaen had been broken up by
PERU security forces. Eight guerrillas were re-
ported arrested, but seven others, includ-
ing leader Gonzalo Fernandez Gasco, re-
Terrorism Curbed portedly escaped.
According to the ministry, the band
Guerrilla-terrorist activity in Peru was was connected with the Leftist Revolu-
reported to be at a low level in the early tionary Movement (MIR). However,
1970s as a result of forceful government MIR sources said Aug. 6 that the guer-
action. The pro-Castro MIR (Movimiento rillas were led by "dissidents" of the
de Izquierda Revolucionaria, or Leftist movement.
Revolutionary Movement) was said to
have become "inactive" by 1974, while
the ELN (Ejercito de Liberacion Na-
tional, or National Liberation Army) was
described as "seriously weakened." Tupamaros Suppressed

Death penalty for terrorists. The gov- The most famous of Latin America's
ernment Nov. 30, 1971 announced a law guerrilla/ terrorist groups is probably Uru-



guay's Tupamaros, also known as the MLN Town raided in honor of Che. In honor
(Movimiento de Liberation National, or of the second anniversary of the death of
National Liberation Movement). Deriving Ernesto (Che) Guevara Oct. 8, 1969,
their name from Tupac Amaru II, an Inca about 40 Tupamaros raided the town of
chief who had rebelled against the Spanish Pando, robbed three banks and seized its
in Peru in the 1780s, the Tupamaros were main police station. In a gun battle with
formed in 1962 as a Castro-type movement. police, three Tupamaros were reported
During their heyday, they attracted con- killed and 15 captured. A bystander and a
siderable acclaim in urban guerrilla circles policeman were also reported killed. (The
through such exploits as the kidnapping of Tupamaros were reported by the Wash-
diplomats and the robbing of banks. Their ington Post Dec. 9 to have killed at least
activities, however, were all but completely six policemen since July. Their earlier
suppressed as a result of a strong govern- policies appeared to have emphasized
ment anti-terrorist campaign that started in avoidance of bloodshed.)
1972 and apparently was one of the factors
that put Uruguay under virtual dictatorial
Kidnapped banker released. Caetano
rule by mid-1973.
Pellegrini Giampietro, a prominent
banker and publisher of the newspapers
La Manana and El Diario, was released
Tupamaro Leader Arrested. Jorge Nov. 21, 1969 after being held for 73 days
Manera Lluveras, reportedly a principal by Tupamaros members. Pellegrini, 46,
leader of the Tupamaros, was arrested was released for about $60,000 in
March 1969 in an action taken in
21, ransom, which had been donated, at the
Montevideo by more than 1.000 police. insistence of the Tupamaros, to a medi-
Eight other persons suspected of belong- cal clinic of a meat workers' union.
Tupamaros were also arrested.
ing to the Pellegrini had been abducted from his
Manera was accused of leading the office Sept. 9. The incident took place
Aug. 7, 1968 kidnapping of Ulises
only hours after a violent clash between
Pereira Reverbel, president of the state-
police and striking employes who were
owned telephone and electricity service demonstrating in favor of 18 bank offi-
and adviser to President Pacheco. (Pe-
cials staging a hunger strike to protest
reira had been released unharmed after
dismissal of numerous employes of
five days following a Tupamaro an-
government-controlled banks.
nouncement that the future safety of
In a clandestine radio broadcast Sept.
public would depend "on the
10, the Tupamaros threatened to kill
behavior of the repressive forces and
Pellegrini the government of President
the fascist groups at their service.")
Jorge Pacheco Areco employed repres-
Manera was also reported to have led sive measures against the striking
an armed attack Feb. 18, on the casino at
Punta del Este, where $220,000 was
(The New York Times reported Jan. Terrorist attacks increase. Urban
23 that the Tupamaros was a well-dis- terrorism was on the upswing in Monte-
ciplined urban guerrilla group number- video following a guerrilla raid on a gov-
ing about 50 activitists and about 1,000 ernment armory late in May 1970.
"support personnel," according to po- Among the developments reported:
lice estimates. The core of the organiza-
Thirteen female Tupamaros escaped
tion was reported to include elements from Montevideo's women's prison
of Uruguay's political and professional March 8 during a religious service.
elite, and members were believed to
hold important positions in ministries, Terrorists, identified by police as mem-
banks, universities and labor unions. bers of the Tupamaros, staged the largest
Operating with small, clandestine cells, single robbery in Uruguay's history
the group was reported to have organized April 5 and apparently escaped with
bombings, bank robberies, strikes and $400,000 in gold coins and equipment
riots.) from a property management firm. The

police April 17 arrested Juan Almiratti, by the press and extended the censorship
said to be an important Tupamaros to include words such as "commandos,"
leader, in connection with the case. "ideological criminals," "cells," "ex-
Terrorists killed the chief of tremists" and "subversives." Permissible
Uruguay's police intelligence unit. Hec- descriptions included the words "de-
tor Moran Charquero, April 13 in linquents" and "rapists." The government
Montevideo. Moran Charquero headed also had censored reporting of any guerrilla
a special anti-guerrilla police unit, which activitiesexcept as reported in official
had recently been charged with torturing statements. Radio and TV broadcasts
political prisoners. were also subjected to censorship.
Fifty members of the Tupamaros broke Thegovernment June 25, 970 suspended

for five daysthe leftist newspaper El

into a naval training center in Monte-
video May 29 and seized more than 700 Popular and El Debate, the newspaper
weapons and a large quantity of ammuni- representing a sector of the opposition
tion. The armed guerrillas, several wear- National Party. The papers were accused
ing naval uniforms, overpowered the of "violation of security measures." El
guards before the raid. There were no Debate had published the report on a pos-
injuries reported. sible truce with the Tupamaros and re-

One terrorist was killed, two wounded portedly was about to publish strong
and several captured during gun battles charges made in parliament by National-
with security forcesMay 31 as author- ist Deputy Alberto Gutierrez against
ities searched for the Tupamaros in- President Jorge Pacheco Areco. Accord-
volved in the raids. (Alberto Cia del ing to Gutierrez, President Pacheco had
Campo, a suspected Tupamaros leader, personally ordered the killing of Ricardo
was arrested June 14 and charged with Zabalza Waksman, a Tupamaro leader
participating in the raid.) who reportedly took part in the raid on
A group of terrorists raided the Swiss the town of Pando. Gutierrez also
embassy in Montevideo June 12, stealing charged that corruption existed at the
documents, typewriters and a photo- top of the special anti-guerrilla police
copying machine. force.
The Bank was robbed June
23, and terrorists fled with more than
Foreign Diplomats A Hacked
$72,000. A branch of the Union of Uru-
guayan Banks was robbed of $28,000
June 17. U.S.' Mitrione kidnapped and killed.
Hector Amodio Perez, also known as Dan A. Mitrione, 49, a U.S. AID
Ernesto, was reportedly arrested in Mon- (Agency for International Development)
official assigned as an adviser to the
tevideo July 1. Perez was said to be a top
Tupamaro leader.
Uruguayan police, was kidnapped by
In a series of six attacks in Montevideo
members of the Tupamaros in Monte-
video July 31, 1970. His body was found
July 4, theTupamaros killed one police-
man, and wounded five others seriously. Aug. 10 in a stolen car in Montevideo.
The attacks followed a report in the news- He had been shot twice in the head.
Brazilian Vice Consul Aloysio Mares
paper El Debate about the possibility of
a truce between the government and the
Dias Gomide had been kidnapped the
Tupamaros; the truce was supposed to same day as Mitrione.
have gone into effect July 4. In apparentlycoordinated actions, the
terrorists alsoattempted to kidnap two
The Tupamaros continued their attacks
other U.S. diplomats— Michael Gordon
July 11 and 12 with a series of raids on
Jones, 27, second secretary to the U.S.
the homes of policemen. No injuries were
"mbassy in Montevideo, and cultural
reported but damage was done to each
attache Nathan Rosenfeld, 48— but
were unsuccessful.
In a statement delivered to the news-
'Tupamaros' censored. The government paper El Diario Aug. 2, the kidnappers
Nov. 30, 1969 had reaffirmed its prohibi- demanded the release of all political
tion of the use of the word "Tupamaros" prisoners in Uruguay as ransom for the

two diplomats. However, in its first the U.S. had maintained constant con-
official comment on
the abductions, the tact with the Uruguayan government
Uruguayan government Aug. 3 indicated throughout the incident but had not
that it was not yet ready to negotiate pressed for the release of the prisoners
with the Tupamaros, although it did not since it might have meant "great risks
rule out future negotiations. for all Americans overseas." He added
In an earlier development, terrorists that the State Department had taken a
had kidnapped Judge Daniel Pereyra number of unspecified measures to in-
crease the security of American diplo-
Manelli from his home in Montevideo
mats abroad.
July 28. Pereyra, a criminal court judge,
was released Aug. 4. The judge con- Brazilian Foreign Minister Mario
veyed a message to the government from Gibson Barbosa sent a sharp message to
the Tupamaros reiterating their demand the Uruguayan government Aug. 10 re-
that the political prisoners be released. questing that no effort be spared in
The message also said that Mitrione, achieving Gomide's release.
who had been wounded during the kid- In a massive manhunt Aug. 7, Uruguay
napping incident, was "getting better," police arrested several suspected Tupa-
and that Gomide was "well." maros leaders, including Raul Sendic,
Another American, Claude L. Fly, 65, one of the founders of the guerrilla
an agricultural expert on contract to the group, and Raul Bidegain Greissing,
Uruguayan government, was abducted sought for kidnapings and bombings.
Aug. 7. In three messages found Aug. 9, mem-
The Tupamaros then warned Aug. 7 bers of a so-called "justice squad" pledged
would be executed Aug. 9 to kill 50 "antisocial" persons for every
that Mitrione
foreigner killed by the terrorists and
if the Uruguayan government did not
five for every policeman or soldier
meet their demand to release all political
number about killed.
prisoners, thought to
150. An anonymous telephone call to a (Security officials March 20, 1973 an-
radio station the afternoon of Aug. 9 nounced the capture of four men said to
announced that the execution had taken have participated in Mitrione's kidnap-
place and warned that the two other murder.
hostages would meet the same fate if the
government continued its refusal to nego- (Antonio Mas Mas, identified as a
tiate with the guerrillas. Spanish student who joined the Tup-
President Jorge Pacheco Areco called amaros while attending Montevideo Uni-
Mitrione's death "the greatest attack versity, was said to have killed Mitrione.

this country's political institutions have His accomplices were identified as Henry
faced in this century" and obtained Engler, Esteban Pereira and Rodolfo
Congressional passage of a measure Wolf, arrested with him, and Armando
suspending all individual civil rights for Blanco, killed by police. Engler was said
to have directed the abduction and
20 days. Pacheco continued to refuse to
free any prisoners, despite a threat Aug. ordered the killing.)
10 by the Tupamaros that they would
kill Gomide if the government did not Government rejects ransom proposal —
release the prisoners. An offer by the Tupamaro guerrillas to
In a press speech Aug. 6, Pacheco had release U.S. hostage Claude Fly in ex-
reiterated an Interior Ministry state- change for publication of a 1,200-word
ment that the imprisoned Tupamaros guerrilla manifesto was rejected by the
were common criminals and could not government Sept. 20.
be freed as political prisoners. Expressing President Jorge Pacheco Areco
sympathy for the hostages' families, Sept. 22 reiterated his refusal to offer
Pacheco nevertheless affirmed that "as any ransom for the release of Fly or
a president I have the supreme duty to Dias Gomide. Fly was reported to be ill
maintain law, institutions and the in- and in need of hospital care. The guer-
tangible rights of legitimate justice." rillas had said they would "immediately"
U.S. State Department spokesman set him free if their manifesto was
Robert J. McCloskey said Aug. 10 that broadcast over three specified radio sta-

tions and three television stations and Dias Gomide & Fly freed Aloysio —
published by six daily newspapers. The Mares Dias Gomide was released out-
manifesto, which did not mention Dias side Montevideo by the Tupamaros Feb.
Gomide, was critical of the Pacheco gov- 21, 1971. His wife, Maria Aparecida Dias
ernment and asserted that government Gomide, obtained his freedom after pay-
officials had actually been carrying out ing a ransom estimated at $250,000-51
"under the table" negotiations for the million.
release of the two hostages, although pub- Fly's wife, Miriam, and son, John,
licly refusing to have any dealings with charged in Fort Collins, Colo. March 3
the guerrillas. that the Uruguayan government and the
Since Mitrione's death, the Tupa- U.S. State Department had refused to
maros had continued their antigovern- negotiate with the Tupamaros for Fly's
ment campaign with bombings, robberies release.
and guerrilla raids. The government, for "Therewere no negotiations about
its part, made numerous arrests and con- his release," John Fly said. "It was just
tinued to refuse to deal with the guer- the fact that he had a heart attack and
rillas. Among the developments: the Tupamaros were compassionate
Guerrillas seized a radio station enough to release him." He continued:
Aug. 25, set off a bomb and fled. A ter- "1 believe the refusal to negotiate is re-
rorist group had taken over another sponsible for the death of Dan Mitrione
radio station Aug. 21 in an unsuccessful and nearly for the death of my father."
attempt to broadcast an antigovernment Claude L. Fly, 65, was released by the
statement. Tupamaros March 2, 1971 after appar-
Fifteen suspected Tupamaros were ently suffering a heart attack while in
put on trial Sept. 2, following the sen- their custody. The kidnappers left Fly on
tencing of Tupamaro leader Raul Sen- a stretcher in front of the British Hospital
die and eight other guerrillas Aug. 31 to in Montevideo.
undisclosed prison sentences for "con-
cealing knowledge" of the kidnappings
British envoy kidnapped. Tupamaros
and other charges. members kidnapped British Ambassador
Terrorists bombed six businesses and to Uruguay Geoffrey Jackson, 55, in
private homes Sept. 4 and machine- Montevideo Jan. 8, 1971. They held him
gunned the headquarters of the U.S. until Sept. 9.
embassy Marine guard. The kidnappers, numbering about 20
Tupamaros stole 176 pounds of dyna- and surrounding Jackson's car with five
mite and dozens of detonators from a vehicles, abducted Jackson as he was
quarry explosive store Sept. 8. being driven to the British embassy. His
Terrorists raided a nightclub Sept. 19, driver and bodyguards were dragged from
locked three employes in a closet and set the car and beaten.
the building on fire. The employes broke In a note received by the government

out of the closet and extinguished the Jan. 10, the kidnapers made no specific
flames. ransom demand for Jackson but stipu-
lated that the government open negotia-
Seven police stations were attacked
Sept. 21 with fire bombs, causing dam-
President Pacheco Areco asked Con-
ages but no injuries.
gress Jan. 11 for 90-day special police
Five male and four female Tupamaros powers to aid in the search for Jackson's
robbed the Bank of the Republic early kidnappers. The 11-member Legislative
Nov. 13, taking jewels and cash whose
Commission, serving during Congress'
value was ultimately reported to be $7.8
annual recess, complied with Pacheco
million. The guerrillas had kidnapped
Areco's request but reduced the duration
three bank officials and had used them
of the emergency powers from 90 to 40
as hostages to get into the bank. A bank
employe apparently acted as an accom-
plice. The three bank officials and bank
guards, who had been bound, were set Attorney general abducted. Tupamaros
free after the robbery. members kidnapped Uruguay's attorney

general, Guido Berro Oribe, from his by American capital, was kidnapped
home inMontevideo March 10, 1971 and June 23, 1971 and freed June 25. The
freed him March 22. left-wing OPR-33 (Organization of the
The attorney general was freed after Popular Revolution-33), named for 33
being interrogated by a "people's tribu- heroes of the 19th century independence
nal" during which, according to his cap- movement, was allegedly responsible.
tors, he admitted that President Jorge Argentine-born industrialist Jorge
Pacheco Areco had pressured the na- Berembaum, 24, was kidnapped by Tu-
tion's public prosecutors to block the pamaros members July 12, 1971 and held
release of detained Tupamaros. until Nov. 26. In a ransom demand
Berro Oribe was held in a "people's broadcast July 28, the kidnappers said
jail" in a cell next to British Ambassador that Berembaum's family, which owned
to Uruguay Geoffrey Jackson. Uruguay's biggest textile factories,

Interior Minister Santiago de Brum

would have to pay a million pesos ($300,-
Carbajal admitted March 24, after 000) to textile workers' groups to com-
holding an interview with Berro Oribe,
pensate for recent factory closings.
that "terrorist elements, without any In another guerrilla development, it

doubt, have infiltrated the judicial was reported Oct. 23 that a group of
power" of the country. De Brum Car- armed Tupamaros kidnapped Jose Pereira
bajal based his assertions on the fact that Gonzalez, editor in chief of El Dia, a pro-
"the delinquents [Tupamaros] who in- government newspaper that had sup-
terrogated Berro Oribe showed a knowl- ported President Jorge Pacheco
edge of internal affairs which was very Areco's efforts to crush the Tupamaro
concrete and very detailed." He added organization.
that the "conspirators" had infiltrated French journalist Michele Ray, 34,
other sectors of the government, includ- was released Nov. 30 after being kid-
ing the executive branch. napped and held for 38 hours by OPR-33.
Following Jackson's release Sept. 9, po-
lice said the ambassador had been freed
on the steps of a parish church in a Arrests & escapes. Lucia Topolansky,
residential district in Montevideo. An un- considered a key Tupamaros leader, was
identified woman caller advised the em- arrested inMontevideo Jan. 18, 1971.
bassy of Jackson's release. The ambas- Police announced Feb. that Jessie

sador was picked up by British embassy Arlette Macchi, an important Tupamaro

officials and was taken to a hospital for a leader, had been arrested.
physical examination. He left Uruguay The arrests of two important Tupa-
for Britain the next day. maros were reported March 2. They were
The Tupamaros had issued a state- Maria Elida Serra de Devargas, 20,
ment Sept. 8 saying that Jackson would captured in Montevideo after a gunfight
soon be granted an "amnesty" since there with police, and Nora Maneiro de
was no further need to hold the ambas- Mansilla, 27, arrested in the city of
sador in exchange for the release of "po- Fray Bentos.
litical prisoners." 106 Tupamaros had es- The police announced the escape May
caped from prison Sept. 6. 26 of Juan Almiratti, 39, reportedly a top
Tupamaros leader. Almiratti, a civil en-
gineer, in Montevideo's Punta-
had been
Other kidnappings. Among other ter-
rorist kidnappings reported:
Carretas prison. He had been arrested in
April 1970 in connection with a robbery
Ulyses Pereira Reverbel, director of
the state-owned power and phone agency, of a property management firm.
was kidnapped by Tupamaros members The government announced July 30
March 30, 1971 and held until security that 38 female Tupamaros had escaped
forces freed him from a "people's jail" from a maximum security prison in
May 27, 1972. He had been kidnapped Montevideo and had been driven away
by the Tupamaros once before, in Au- in stolen cars. Police said the women
gust 1968. escaped through a tunnel leading into the
Alfredo Cambon, legal adviser to sev- city's sewers. (One of the 38 escapees,
eral large Uruguayan companies backed Maria Teresa Labroca Ravellino, 39,

considered a Tupamaros leader, was re- Pacheco Areco responded Aug. 4

ported Oct. 5 to have been re-arrested in to the commission's request by sending
Montevideo.) a brief note in which he reiterated an
Tupamaros freed 106 male Tupamaros earlier message to the legislative general
from the Punta-Carretas prison Sept. 6, assembly justifying his reimposition of
1971. security measures —
after the assembly
The escape was made through a 40- —
had acted to lift them as necessary to
foot tunnel dug from a house across the combat the "subversive plans" of the
street from the prison into a prison cell. Tupamaro The president sent
The 1 1 prisoners, which included
1 five his interiorminister, Danilo Sena, and
"common criminals," then disappeared, his defense minister, Federico Garcia
presumably in automobiles or a bus. Capurro, to answer charges before the
Among the prisoners who escaped Senate commission, with instructions
were Raul Sendic, one of the founders only to say that the Tupamaros posed a
of the Tupamaros, and his two principal threat "to the security of the govern-
lieutenants, Jorge Manera Lluveras and ment."
Julio Marenales Sanez.
Two of the 106 escapees, Jorge Pedro
Zabala and Angel Yoldi, described as Security Tightened
Tupamaros leaders, were re-arrested Oct.
Armed forces in charge. President
16 in the Paysandu district. Five more
Pacheco Areco announced Sept. 9, 1971
escapees were re-arrested Oct. 19 when
that he had put the armed forces in full
police raided an alleged Tupamaros ar-
charge of fighting guerrilla subversion.
senal near Montevideo.
The police had previously been charged
with fighting the Tupamaros.
Tupamaros to Santiago. Ten Uruguay-
In a 15-minute radio and television
ans detained in the military headquarters
address to the nation Sept. 11, Pacheco
in Montevideo as Tupamaro guerrillas
said his government would take even
were deported to Chile, according to a
stronger measures against the Tupa-
report July 4, 1971.
maros. While he did not announce the
The group, which included the wife new measures, he said he would "take all
and children of Raul Sendic, alleged steps needed to defeat this subversion
leader of the Tupamaro movement, ar- of your security."
rived with three-month tourist visas. One Pacheco also assumed personal re-
of the deportees said that "the author- sponsibility for the new anti-subversion
ities gave us the choice" of leaving the measures.
country or remaining in detention.

Government candidate elected presi-

Chamber votes Pacheco impeachment. dent. Amid bitter opposition accusations
The Chamber of Deputies (lower house) of electoral fraud, the government is-

voted July 23, 1971 to impeach President sued early figures Dec. 2, 1971 giving
Jorge Pacheco Areco. It acted because its Colorado party candidate, Juan
the president July 15 had reinstated se- Maria Bordaberry, a narrow 10,843
curity measures that had been repealed vote lead over National (Blanco) party
by the General Assembly July 14. candidate Sen. Wilson Ferreira Al-
Pacheco had justified his action on the dunate in the Nov. 28 presidential elec-
grounds that he had "indisputable" proof tions.
"of the designs of certain groups and or- Ferreira had won the largest personal
ganizations to destroy
republican-the vote, but under the complex Uruguayan
democratic institutions and to attack electoral system, votes cast for all can-
inherent human rights," apparently didates under the same party accrued to
referring to the Tupamaros. the leading party candidate.
The Senate decided Aug. 3 to set up Agriculture Minister Bordaberry, 43,
a commission to investigate the Cham- a cattle rancher whose sole political
ber's accusation that the president had venture prior to joining President Jorge
violated the constitution. Pacheco Areco's government was in a
The newly created commission was movement of the opposition National
to give the president 10 days to answer party, had been hand-picked as an al-
the charges and defend his actions. ternate candidate by Pacheco.

Pacheco also ran for a second term 10, 1972 to cancel most of the curbs on
but lost when voters rejected a constitu- civilliberties imposed by ex-President
tional amendment, voted on simul- Jorge Pacheco Areco in June 1969.
taneously with the Nov. 28 election, that Restrictions on union rights, freedom
would have removed the existing ban on of the press and the right of public
a president succeeding himself. assembly were lifted, but a ban on news
Ferreira, who campaigned on a na-
of guerrilla activities remained in effect,
tionalist program (he would establish
as did other state of siege regulations
diplomatic relations with Cuba and na- were consigned to study by a 15-
tionalize the banks) and who had been
member inter-party commission. Con-
promised a six-month grace period by gress also voted to free political prison-
the Tupamaros, charged the govern-
ers by the end of April.
ment Dec. 1 with electoral "fraud" and Shortly after the vote, Congress re-
alleged "irregularities" in 38 Monte-
ceived a bill from President Juan Maria
video polling districts. would replace the
Bordaberry that
According to the Buenos Aires news- Pacheco restrictions. The bill would em-
paper La Prensa Dec. 2, the Colorado power the executive branch to declare
party received 594,800 votes, the Na- parts of Uruguay military zones, mo-
tional party 583,957, and the Broad Front bilize citizens to the nation's defense
coalition 271,957, votes. and impose new controls on the press.
Majority support for the Colorados
signified defeat for the Tupamaro-sup-
ported Broad Front.
'State of war' declared. Congress de-
clared a month-long "state of internal
Tupamaros end truce. The Tupamaros
Jan. 6, 1972 announced the end of a
war" April 10, 1972 to help in the
struggle against the Tupamaros. Tu-
truce they had declared for the presiden-
tial elections in November 1971. pamaros had killed four officials of Uru-
guay's anti-guerrilla campaign April 14,
After seizing a Montevideo radio sta-
beginning a series of battles with police
tion by force, they broadcast the an-
that left 19 dead within four days.
nouncement and blamed the government
In ambushes in and near Montevideo
for the "civil war" affecting Uruguay,
April 14, Tupamaros killed police sub-
saying that it had run out of measures
commissioner Oscar Delega, patrolman
"to bring peace to the country."
Alberto Leites, navy Capt. Ernesto
Tupamaros raid industrial town — It was Motto Benvenutto and former Interior
reported Jan. 6 that about 35 Tupamaros Undersecretary Armando Acosta y
had seized weapons and dynamite in a Lara. Eight Tupamaros reportedly were
raid on Paysandu, an industrial town 300 killed in gun battles later that day when
miles northeast of Montevideo. The raid police invaded the districts in which the
had reportedly occurred three days be- ambushes had taken place.
fore, but the action was held from news- After an urgent Cabinet meeting April
men by government censorship. An offi- 14, Defense Minister Enrique Magnani
cial in Paysandu said although the guer- announced that police had killed Raul
rillas virtually occupied some areas, the Sendic, a founder of the Tupamaros.
army subsequently regained control. However, other sources could not confirm
Other sources said the guerrillas took the claim. Interior Minister Alejandro
over the Paysandu airport and raided a Rivera later said that the Tupamaros'
police station, taking all its weapons. main strategist, Alberto Canadan
The raid signaled a change in Tupamaro Grajales, and another guerrilla leader,
strategy, switching attacks from Monte- Tabare Rivero Cedres, had also been
video to more vulnerable towns in the killed.
interior. President Juan Maria Bordaberry
requested the "state of war" powers
and Congress granted them to the gov-
State of siege regulations repealed. A ernment April 15 after 20 hours of
joint session of Congress voted March heated debate.

According to La Prensa of Buenos the officials killed by Tupamaros April

Aires April 16, the measure suspended 14 belonged to such bands.)
individual liberties and placed the coun-
Bardesio had also claimed that the
try under martial law. The government
squads were backed by the Interior
would be able to censor the press, de- Ministry and had links with Brazilian
clare curfews, search houses, detain or and Argentine security forces.
arrest persons and confiscate material at The government had rejected Bar-
any time without judicial approval. Per- desio's claims, but opposition leader
sons arrested would be tried in military Wilson Ferreira Aldunate of the Na-
courts and would not have the right to tional (Blanco) party had supported them.
defense counsel. Ferreira said he feared the death squads
'War' state extended—Congress voted would attack not only Tupamaros but
May 15 to extend the "state of internal all sectors of the opposition, El Na-
war" for 45 days, and it then voted June cional of Caracas reported April 14.
30 to extend it for another 22 days and to (The Tupamaros were reported May 16
suspend individual liberties for another 90 to have freed Bardesio.)
days. Bordaberry had requested an in-
definite suspension.
During Congressional
Tupamaro &
counter-Tupamaro action.
the debate
Among Tupamaros and of
actions of the
June 30, Interior Minister Alejandro
those fighting them during 1972's first
Rovira claimed that although the war
measures had made possible military
victories over the Tupamaros, the guer- Two policemen and a civilian

rillas were "not destroyed" and were were killed Jan. 28 when Tupamaros
"capable of rearming." attacked a police station in suburban
Rovira claimed that since the declara- Montevideo.
war April 15, authorities
tion of internal Two policemen were killed Feb.
had conducted 1,093 raids, arresting 846 14 when least 40 Tupamaros raided
persons, killing 16, confiscating 317 fire- a police station near the town of Soca,
arms and finding 38 Tupamaro hideouts. 30 miles north of Montevideo, and
However, Rovira's figures for all but ar- seized weapons.
rests were lower than those announced by Homero Farina, editor-in-chief of the
Defense Minister Enrique O. Magnani pro-government newspaper Accion, was
more than a month earlier. abducted in Montevideo Feb. 12 by six
Tupamaros dressed in military and police
uniforms. He was freed Feb. 29.
Official hears 'death squad' testimony.
Hector Gutierrez Ruiz, president of The Miami Herald reported March 3

the Chamber of Deputies, was kidnapped that Miguel Shapire, editor of a book on
by Tupamaros April 24, 1972 and released the Tupamaros, had been sentenced to
April 25 after hearing testimony from a prison by a federal judge for "inciting to
captured police photographer on the ex- commit crimes" by "glorifying" the
istence in Uruguay of Brazilian-style guerrillas.
political "death squads."
Police announced March 4 that they
Gutierrez said April 25 that he had had arrested Hector Amodio Perez, a
watched his captors interrogate the founder of the Tupamaros and the pre-
photographer, Nelson Bardesio, who sumed mastermind of the Punta-Carretas
confessed to membership in an unof- prison break.
ficial police squad that killed suspected La Prensa of Buenos Aires reported
subversives. Gutierrez said he spoke March 5 that Amodio Perez and several
to Bardesio several times and had the other Tupamaros had been arrested Feb.
impression he was telling the truth. 25 in a Montevideo house in which police
(Tupamaros had sent open letters claimed to have found diagrams of the
to congressmen the week before in which home of President Bordaberry.
Bardesio gave details of some of the Fifteen Tupamaros and 10 "common
death squad murders in which he had delinquents" tunneled their way out of the
participated, and asserted that three of Punta-Carretas prison April 12.

Edda Fabbri Garrido, who had es- several hideouts in the region in which
caped from the Punta-Carretas jail in the arms allegedly smuggled in from Argen-
Tupamaro women's prison break of July tina and Chile were kept.
1971, had been captured by security An army communique announced
forces, El Nacional reported April 29.
Police claimed to have arrested 10 other
June 18 that 37 Tupamaros —
them four doctors and 12 schoolteachers
guerrillas on the basis of information ob-
tained from her.
— had been arrested in the north of Uru-
guay, near the Brazilian border.
Tupamaros leader Nestor Peralta Authorities said July 8 that 45 active
Larrosa was captured after "an intense
Tupamaros and collaborators had been
search" in the state of Flores, military
arrested in the state of Tacuarembo, 248
authoritiesannounced May 3.
miles north of Montevideo. Among the
Morato Manaro,
Julio a Monte- collaborators was Fernando Secco
video physician, was shot and killed May Aparicio, a wealthy landowner and in-
4 as he resisted attempts by a group of dustrialist said to have been bankrolling
Tupamaros to kidnap him. The guerril- the guerrillas.
las reportedly sought a valuable collec- Several Tupamaro underground hos-
tion of weapons owned by Morato. pitals had been dismantled and a medical
A captured Tupamaro document in- communications network had been de-
dicated the guerrillas wanted to "main- stroyed, according to military sources
tain and develop relations" with revolu- July 10.
tionary governments and movements One of the most important Tupamaro
throughout the world, authorities an-
columns was practically destroyed July
nounced May 7.
17 when 39 guerrillas were arrested in the
The alleged Tupamaro document state of Rio Negro, 190 miles northwest
said the guerrillas would concentrate
of Montevideo, authorities announced.
on strengthening relations with gov-
The group was reportedly led by
ernments or movements in countries
Tupamaro founder Raul Sendic, who re-
nearest —
Uruguay Argentina, Brazil,
mained at large.
Chile, Peru and Ecuador —
and would
Carlos Alejandro Alvariza, a surgeon
stress four issues: arms, money, mobiliza-
tion of combatants, and intelligence and alleged head of a Tupamaro medical
networks. team, was killed July 25 when he fell from
a window while "trying to escape," mili-
Alleged members of the Union of
tary sources reported.
Antifascist Groups set off explosives at
1 1 different sites in Montevideo May 1 1.
One Tupamaro was killed and two sol-
diers were wounded in a shootout in
Roberto Filipone Barbeito, described
downtown Montevideo July 27. Julio
as an important guerrilla leader, was re-
Marenales Saenz, a founder of the guer-
ported arrested May 16.
rilla organization, was reportedly
Four soldiers guarding the Montevideo wounded and captured during the action.
home of the commander in chief of the
army were shot to death by unidentified
gunmen May 18. 'People's jails' & hospital captured.
Authorities announced June 14 that The Tupamaros May 27, 1972 suffered
Leonel Martinez Platero, a top Tupa- their worst setback since the govern-
maro had been killed by security
leader, ment's declaration of internal war when
forces at a beach resort near Monte- security forces found one of their "peo-
video. ple's jails" in Montevideo and freed two
Pedro Zabalza, called an important officials held there for more than a year.
guerrilla leader, had been seriously Eight guerrillas were reportedly arrest-
wounded and captured along with seven ed during the action.
other Tupamaros in the northwestern The two officials were Ulyses Pereira
city of Paysandu, according to authorities Reverbel, head of the state telephone
June 16. company, and ex-Agriculture Minister
Authorities announced June 27 that Carlos Frick Davie.
68 Tupamaros had been arrested in Pay- Authorities had said May 13 that they
sandu. The army claimed to have found had discovered the people's jail in which


guerrillas had been holding police pho- had encompassed "not only peace and
tographer Nelson Bardesio but that the surrender of arms, but the social
Bardesio was rushed away just before they and economic situation of the coun-
arrived. (Bardesio was freed shortly there- try." The
truce ended July 25 when Tupa-
after.) maros shot and killed Col. Artigas
Security forces discovered a well- Alvarez, chief of civil defense and brother
equipped Tupamaro hospital in a Monte- of the commander in chief of the com-
video chemical fertilizer factory May 21. bined military and police forces.
According to the newsletter Latin
'War' state lifted. The government July America Sept. 1, the Tupamaro negotia-
tors had been Mauricio Rosencoff and
11, 1972 lifted the existing "state
of internal war" measures with the pub- Eluterio Fernandez Huidoboro, who
lication of a new national security law, were released from prison for a few days
passed the week before by Congress. to discuss the army's proposals with
other guerrilla leaders. The Tupamaros
The new security law, introduced by
apparently rejected the proposals, which
President Juan Maria Bordaberry,
reportedly entailed the surrender of all
placed subversive crimes under military
jurisdiction, empowered army courts to
guerrillas in exchange for "lenient"
treatment at the hands of military judges,
hand down sentences of up to 30 years
and a number of social reforms similar to
for subversion and provided for jail
those proposed by Blanco presidential
terms of up to two years for journalists
candidate Wilson Ferreira Aldunate in
committing "press crimes."
the 1971 election campaign.
Congress voted Sept. 28 to extend the
suspension of individual constitutional Following the failure of the negotia-
guarantees until Nov. 30, and it voted tions, military authorities were concen-
again to Nov. 30 to continue the extension trating their attention on Rosencoff, who
until Feb. 15, 1973. they believed played an important liaison
role within the guerrilla movement, Latin
Tupamaro-army talks. It was reported America reported. Torture sessions
that Tupamaros were secretly negotiat-
which had nearly killed Rosencoff in

ing with members of the armed forces

May--had resumed, but he was re-
portedly refusing to talk, the newsletter
who were said to be as disillusioned with
Uruguay's traditional politicians as the
guerrillas. Jorge Batlle, a prominent pol- Bordaberry, meet- -Growing
itician and close associate of ex-President fears of militaryinvolvement in politics
Jorge Pacheco Areco, recently had said had led President Juan Maria Borda-
he was worried that "the soldiers are not berry to meet recently with a delegation
talking to us, the politicians, but they are from the Broad Front, it was re-
talking to arrested Tupamaros in the mili- ported Aug. 18.
tary prisons," according to the London The meeting followed a show of force
newsletter Latin America July 28, 1972. by the army in Congress Aug. 6. Un-
Reports of contacts between the army der military pressure, Blanco and
and Tupamaros were said to have influen- Colorado legislators had voted to re-
ced President Juan Maria Bordaberry in move the parliamentary immunity of
a decision July 19 to dismiss Defense Broad Front Deputy Washington
Minister Enrique O. Magnani. The de- Ferrer Almeida. The army claimed
fense minister had angered military Ferrer was a Tupamaro collaborator,
officers by admitting that a Christian but Ferrer, who was in hiding, re-
Democratic labor leader had been tor- portedly maintained the only evidence
tured to death at a military installation. against him was a false confession ob-
Sen. Zelmar Michelini of the leftist tained under torture when he was held
Broad Front confirmed Aug. that there 1
in November 1971.
had been a July truce between Tupa-
maros and the army, during which Sendic & other Tupamaro leaders cap-
guerrilla leaders negotiated with liberal tured. Raul Sendic, founder of the
army officers. The talks, Michelini said, Tupamaros movement, was severely

district offices of the Communist party,

wounded (in the head) and captured by politicians
Montevideo Sept. 1, 1972. Two at the homes of three leftist
police in and
Tupamaros surrendered. and the editor of a leftist magazine,
at Montevideo's Evangelical Metho-
Sendic, originally a rural labor union distChurch, which had been used in one
organizer, reportedly had played a lead- of the ambushes. A bomb
had gone off
ing part in developing the rural Tupa- in the Soviet embassy in
maro "columns," which began operations April 15.
early in 1972. He reportedly had com- killed seven Communists
manded the Rio Negro column in the April 17 in a gunfight at party head-
western province of Paysandu, said to be quarters in Montevideo. The govern-
the last of the rural groups to be broken ment initially claimed Tupamaros had
up during the army's anti-guerrilla of- taken refuge the building but later
fensive. said that police had been investigating
Army and police communiques Aug.
a report that a gun had been thrown
4-Sept. 7 reported the arrests of 69 other into the building, and the Communists
Tupamaros— including three military of- inside had opened fire. Neighborhood
ficers and at least three guerrilla leaders charged, however, that the
— and the killing of six alleged guerrillas
army began the shooting. Uruguay's
including one army officer. The captured press was not allowed to report the inci-
leaders were said to be Alberto Mujica dent.
Cordano and Lucia Topolanski Sa- A French Roman Catholic priest,
avedra, arrested Aug. 19, and Henry
Rev. Louis Benaud, was arrested with
Willy Engler, reputedly the Tupamaro
eight other persons in the northern
second-in-command, seized Aug. 17.
state of Salto Sept. 17 on charges of
Despite recent setbacks, the
their collaborating with Tupamaros. Benaud
Tupamaros survived as a force, and some was charge of a church-sponsored
sources said recruitment was so brisk agrarian youth movement in the city of
all the
they lacked staff to assimilate Salto.
volunteers, the London newsletter Latin A Molotov cocktail was thrown at
America reported Sept. 1. The army's the home of Broad Front Sen. Zelmar
successes against the group in April-May Michelini, who had consistently de-
reportedly had stemmed from one be- nounced the torture by security forces
trayal, by leader Hector
Tupamaro of captured Tupamaros and other
Amodio Perez, who had
revealed the lo- political prisoners, it was reported
cations of at least 30 guerrilla hideouts. 22. Unknown persons had fired at
Authorities announced Sept. 18 that missed Michelini's son as he returned
they had captured another important home from school Sept. 6.

Tupamaro leader, Gabino Montes de Officials said Sept. 24 that the armed
Oca. forces had broken up a small left-wing
guerrilla organization called the
cember 22d Movement." The group
Other events. Among other develop- allegedly had links with the Tupamaros.
ments involving terrorism and
terrorism in Uruguay during 1972:
A new terrorist group calling itself Guarantees suspension extended. The
the Armed Popular Front (FAP)
issued Permanent Committee of the Executive
it vowed Power, acting for Congress while both
a communique April 3 in which 1973
to combat "Zionist capitalism" and houses were recessed, voted Feb. 15,
suspension of individual
threatened to kill "the two strongest to extend the
figures of Zionism" in Uruguay
unless its guarantees for 45 days.
demands for money were met by the Is- Congress voted by 65-63 March 31,
after more than 30 hours of
debate, to
raeli Bank of Uruguay. The group took
credit for the robbery of $5,000 from extend the suspension for another 60 days.
the bank March 21. The government's case was presented
Terrorists presumed to be right-wing March 30 by Defense Minister Walter
16 at three Ravenna and Interior Minister Nestor
members set off explosives April

Bolentini. In a four-hour speech, Bolentini Tupamaros but released Sept. 5 for lack
argued that although the urban guerrilla of evidence. Military officials had claimed
movement was defeated, it
practically in announcing the arrest that arms and
should not be given an opportunity to subversive literature had been found in
reorganize. Batalla's Chamber office.

Emergency measures imposed. Presi-

dent Juan Maria Bordaberry decreed VENEZUELA
emergency security measures June 1,
1973 after he lost his majority in Congress
and the suspension of guarantees expired. Terrorism Declines
The measures, imposed indefinitely to
combat alleged subversion, could be Terrorism Venezuela seemed to be on
overturned by Congress. They allowed the wane 1970s after flare-ups in the
in the
detention without trial, searches and ar-
1960s in which Cuba had often been assailed
rests without court order, and partial
as the instigator. Douglas Bravo 's FALN
press censorship. They were in force (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional,
during most of the rule of Bordaberry's or National Liberation Armed Forces) and
predecessor and political mentor, Jorge its FLN (Frente de Liberacion Nacional, or
Pacheco Areco, when the Tupamaro National Liberation Front) political arm
guerrilla movement was much stronger. seemed to be the major guerrilla/ terrorist
Bordaberry asserted in a nationwide force in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
radio and television address later June 1
Some strikes were also attributed to leftist
that subversion was "always latent" in splinter groups such as Zero Point (Punto
Uruguay, and that guerrillas were cur- Cero, also called People's Revolutionary
rently regrouping in "hostile" countries. A rmy) and Red Flag.
Interior Minister Nestor Bolentini
alleged in a newspaper interview June 10 Constitutional guarantees suspended.
that there was evidence of "new" subver- Venezuelan President Raul Leoni sus-
sivegroups whose members were "trained pended constitutional guarantees Dec. 13,
abroad." He said the groups were distinct 1966 after terrorists killed a defense min-
from Uruguay's "traditional" guer- istry lawyer and attempted to assassinate
rillas —
presumably the Tupamaros and Gen. Roberto Morean Soto, chief of staff
the Popular Revolutionary Organization- of the army. Francisco Astufillo Suarez,
33— but resembled them in wanting to the slain lawyer, who had been a prosecu-
reach power by force. tor of suspected terrorists, was killed by
machinegun fire from a car as he left his
home. Leoni announced the constitutional
Chamber head ordered arrested. A war- —
curbs empowering the police to arrest
rant was issued Sept. 7, 1973 to arrest without warrant, hold suspects without
Hector Gutierrez Ruiz, president of the bail and enter suspected quarters without
Chamber of Deputies, for alleged col- judicial permission —
during a radio ad-
laboration with the Tupamaro guerrilla dress in which he said Cuban Premier
movement. Gutierrez was in Buenos "Fidel Castro and his protectors" were
Aires, Argentina, where he fled im- behind the terrorist conspiracy.
mediately after President Bordaberry
dissolved the Chamber in late June.
Charges against Gutierrez included Cuban Raid Charged. The government
changing into national currency $300,000 said May 12, 1967 that it had inter-
worth of gold and pounds sterling stolen cepted a landing party of 4 Cuban and 8
by Tupamaros in 1971, and pretending to Venezuelan guerrillas May 8 and had
have been kidnapped by Tupamaros and killed or captured all 4 of the Cubans.
given evidence of police "death squads" in The Venezuelans reportedly escaped in-
1972. land to join a rebel group operating in the
A second Chamber member, Hugo Bachiller Mountains.
Batalla of the Broad Front, had been ar- Interior Min. Reinaldq Leandro Moro
rested Sept. 3 for alleged links to the said May 12 that Cuban First Lt. Antonio

Briones Moxtoto, 27, had been shot to zuela had been evident since November
death and another Cuban had drowned in 1968 and that the attacks had been declin-
the landing attempt. Moro displayed 2 ing before then.
captured Cubans, Lt. Manuel Gil Guerrilla response to Caldera's am-
Castellanos, 25, and Pedro Cabrera Tor- nesty proposal was mixed. There were
res, 29, a marine militiaman. (Torres reports that some negotiation between
was found hanged in his Caracas prison guerrilla and government representees
cell June 2.) Moro said that the landing had begun.
had taken place at Machurucuto, about Caracas newspaper Ultimas Noticias
90 miles east of Caracas. The 2 captives March 26 reported a telephone call from
admitted to newsmen that they had been a man identifying himself as a spokes-
sent to infiltrate the Venezuelans. Author-
man for the FALN. The spokesman
ities said they had found supplies and a
asserted that "guerrillas who accept the
Russian rifle after the clash. $9,700 in amnesty proposed by President Caldera
U.S. currency was found on Briones' will be shot."
A communique issued April 1 and
The Cuban Communist party's Central
signed by FALN stated that Elegido
Committee said May 18 that Cuba was
Sivada would represent more than 200
"lending and will continue to lend aid to
guerrillas in negotiations with the govern-
all those who fight against imperialism.
." The committee, acknowledging the

Venezuelan charge, said that there was

The government April 9 said it had
appointed a commission of mediators
no "need to ask its permission or for
headed by Jose Cardinal Quintero,
forgiveness to fulfill its duty of solidarity
primate of Venezuela, and Luis Teofilo
with all the revolutionaries of the world,
Nunez, editor of the newspaper El Uni-
among them the Venezuelan revolu-
." versal, to talk with the guerrillas. The
tionaries, . .

commission said guerrilla elements had

indicated a desire for a ceasefire, the
Caldera Peace Offensive. Soon after British journal Latin America reported
his inauguration March 11, 1969, Presi- April 18. The journal also reported that
dent Rafael Caldera Rodriguez opened the government had temporarily called
a pacification campaign directed toward off its anti-guerrilla operations and had

Venezuela's extreme leftist elements. pledged to take no action against the

Offering them a political alternative to guerrilla groups engaged in negotiations.
violence, Caldera legalized the Vene- Following a meeting of guerrilla lead-
zuelan Communist Party and pledged ers, an FALN communique, issued April
amnesty for guerrillas willing to exchange 14, declared: "The guerrillas will not
their arms for constitutional political ac- surrender without and will
tivity. not lay down their arms under present
The six-year ban on the Communist circumstances." The communique called
Party was lifted March 26. The CP and for unity among "revolutionary move-
the Movement of the Revolutionary ments" and charged that Caldera's poli-
Left (MIR) had been outlawed by Presi- cies were not "really different" from
dent Romulo Betancourt in 1962 follow- those of former President Raul Leoni.
ing a wave of terrorism. The communique was signed by guerrilla
The Cuban-supported
guerrillas had leaders Douglas Bravo, Francisco Prada,
been terrorizing the country intermit- Freddy Carquez, Elegido Sivada, Ali
tently since 1962. However, while still Rodriguez, Julio Chirinos and Antonio
active, their success in recent months was Zamora.
reported to be negligible. Time magazine
estimated May 2 that there were only 200
to 300 active guerrillas, divided into three Bravo vs. Castro. Douglas Bravo, in a
factions. manifesto received by Caracas news-
Defense Minister Martin Garcia Vil- papers Jan. 13, 1970, accused Cuban Pre-
lasmil said April 29 that no direct Cuban mier Fidel Castro of "betraying prole-
support of guerrilla activities in Vene- tarian internationalism" and accepting

"the comfortable position of a Soviet June 2 by professed members of the left-

satellite." Bravo, head of the FALN, wing Zero Point guerrilla organiza-
charged that Castro had "suspended all tion. President Caldera called off the

aid to Latin American revolutionary manhunt June 4 after an appeal from

movements" in order to concentrate Dominguez to stay out of the case.
solely on reinforcing the Cuban economy. Dominguez Chavez was freed June 15
Castro was also accused of favoring the after his family paid a record $1.1 million
Movement of the Revolutionary Left ransom. The police, however, were
(MIR) and the Venezuelan Communist not certain whether his abductors were
Party. terrorists or common criminals.
The Washington Post Jan. 27 cited re- One report, cited by the newsletter
ports that guerrilla leader Luben Petkoff Latin America June 23, claimed that the
had left the country for Cuba, accom- kidnapping had been organized by guer-
rilla leader Douglas Bravo. Another, in
panied by 24 Cuban and Venezuelan
guerrillas. Petkoff reportedly had ideo- the London Times June 11, said author-
logical differences with Bravo. ities had identified the abductors as two
ex-policemen, while a police report cited
In an earlier development, FALN in El Nacional of Caracas June 18 said
representatives were reported to have de-
they were the same men who kidnapped
livered to Caracas newspapers Jan. 8 a
Dr. Enrique Dao in 1971.
series of documents indicating that guer-
rilla leaders had agreed to purge their
Meanwhile, The Red Flag, an extreme
ranks and unify their revolutionary ef- left-wing guerrilla group, claimed
responsibility for the kidnapping, ac-
forts. Citing a "summit meeting" of
guerrilla chiefs held recently in the cording to Latin America July 7.

"mountains of the east," one of the A document

attributed to guerrilla
documents announced the formation of a groups under the command of Douglas
"Committee of Revolutionary Integra- Bravo and Carlos Betancourt claimed 30
tion designed to resolve everything relat-
ing to the formation of the revolutionary
Velez exiled, others caught. Oscar Ser-
party and army." The document was
vando Velez Morillo, leader of the
signed by Carlos (Geronimo) Betancourt,
Zero Point terrorist organization, had
Douglas Bravo, Gabriel Puertas, Eliseo
been allowed to go into exile in Mex-
Ramos and Ali Rodriguez, "represent- ico, according to the Foreign Ministry
ing the fighters of the National Libera-
June 13, 1972. He had taken refuge in the
tion Front-Armed Forces of National
home of the acting Mexican ambassador
Liberation (FLN-FALN) and the An-
in Caracas. However, both Venezuelan
tonio Jose de Sucre guerrilla front [a
and Mexican sources emphasized that
militant MIR faction]." Betancourt, he had not been granted political asylum
Puertas, Rodriguez and Ramos were
by Mexico.
named to compose the new committee.
Another of the documents indicated Police announced July 25
that four
that guerrilla leader Freddy Carquez had Zero Point including Jose

been ousted from the FALN

for "theft of
Rafael Toro Torres, one of the group's
large sums of money from the revolu- leaders, had been arrested in Barquisi-
tion." A third document reported the meto.
expulsion from the unified guerrilla (The arrest of urban guerrilla leader
group of Julio Escalona, MIR national Maximo Canales had been announced
command member, along with Marcos Nov. 8, 1971.)

Gomez and Soto Rojas.

Guerrilla clashes reported. Guerril-
las had renewed activities in the moun-
6 die in kidnap case. Police killed two tains of western states of Lara,
suspected terrorists June 2, 1972 and an- Falcon and Yaracuy, where they clashed
other four June 4 as they searched un- several times with army troops, accord-
successfully for Carlos Dominguez ing to the London newsletter Latin
Chavez, a wealthy industrialist kidnapped America July 7, 1972. One group, operat-

ing on the Lara-Falcon border under the The plane was ordered first to Curacao,
leadership of Honorio Jose Navarro, where it refueled, then to Panama City,
was said to have kidnapped several where passengers were allowed to de-
cattle ranchers. plane, and then to Merida, on the Yu-
Meanwhile, a raid by soldiers on a catan peninsula in Mexico. It continued
home in suburban Caracas June 17 re- early May 19 to Mexico City, where an
portedly uncovered a hideout of the the hijackers the Venezuelan
official told
left-wing Revolutionary Organization government refused to discuss their de-
and quantities of explosives, machine mands.
guns and subversive propaganda. Seven The Mexican official, Miguel Nazar,
alleged members of the group were ar- persuaded the guerrillas not to destroy
rested, but their leader, Julio Escalona, the plane and offered them either political
reportedly escaped. asylum in Mexico or whatever assistance
they needed to reach Cuba. They chose
the latter, and the plane, with Nazar
aboard, proceeded to Havana, where the
hijackers were taken into custody by
Plane hijacked to Cuba. Four professed Cuban police. The plane and passengers
members of the People's Revolutionary
were returned to Venezuela May 20.
Army (Zero Point) hijacked an airliner Mexican Security Minister Mario
with 42 persons aboard May 18, 1973 and Moya said May 19 that President Luis
flew it to Cuba, where they asked for Echeverria Alvarez had kept in close
political asylum.
touch with the situation, and had "em-
The hijackers, led by Zero Point leader phasized that every effort should be made
Federico Bottini, seized the plane on a to preserve the lives of the innocent
domestic flight from Valera to Bar- people aboard the plane." Mexico con-
quisimeto. They claimed to have a bomb sistently had granted demands by
and threatened to blow up the aircraft hijackers and kidnappers to save lives but
unless the government released 79 had dealt firmly with the culprits if they
"political prisoners." were caught.
The United States

RACIAL TERRORISM to thoseof Latin American urban guer-

They hoped ultimately to change

Terrorists' Diverse Goals or overthrow the government and ini-

tially, at least, to make known their
views and intentions to workers, stu-
Like virtually all terrorists, those ac-
dents and others whom they considered
cused of political violence in the U.S.
their future allies.
during the 1960s and early 1970s have
used force in the interest of what they
considered the highest objectives.
Some black Americans have taken The Black Panthers
action because they hoped to right
racial wrongs going back more than Party's Start. Since its formation in
400 years. Oct. 1966 by Huey P. Newton, 26, and
Some white Americans (whether Ku Bobby Seale, 31, in Oakland, Calif., the
militant Black Panther Party had become
Klux Klan members or merely people
part of the national Negro movement.
whose thinking is indistinguishable
Its membership had swelled from a few
from that of the KKK) have been hundred to several thousand persons with
equally self-righteous in their use of
chapters in major U.S. cities, and some
violence to defend their own racial (or law enforcement were beginning
other) cause against black, Roman to describe the movement as dangerously
Catholic, Jewish or government in- subversive and terroristic.
fringement. National interest in the Black Pan-
Some American opponents of war thers was generated by Newton's trial and
(and specifically of U.S. actions in conviction for manslaughter in Califor-
Indochina) have considered themselves nia and by the Presidential candidacy of
Eldridge Cleaver, Panther "minister of
justified in taking violent action to en-
information." Violent confrontations be-
force a change in American policy or,
tween Panthers and police had occured in
at least, to give emphatic display of California, New York and New Jersey
their feelings. and, charging police harassment and
Some Americans (particularly some brutality, Panther leaders had issued re-
identifiedby the label "New Left") peated calls to Negroes to arm themselves
have acted violently for reasons similar for a struggle for liberation.


Newton was convicted of manslaughter failure of Cleaver's "personal rehabilita-

Sept. 8,1968 in the Oct. 28, 1967 tion," but from his "undue eloquence in
fatal shooting of Oakland Patrolman pursuing political goals offensive to . . .

John Frey, 23. Newton was sentenced many of his contemporaries." The State
Sept. 27 to 2-15 years imprisonment. District Court of Appeals in San Fran-
Oakland's Alameda County Court- ciso ruled Sept. 27 that Sherwin had
house, where the 7-week trial took place, acted beyond his authority in the case.
was the scene of extensive "free Huey" This ruling was upheld by the California
demonstrations during the early days of Supreme Court Nov. 20 when it refused
the trial. 2,500 sympathizers marched on to hear an appeal by Cleaver. U.S.
the courthouse July 15 when the trial Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Mar-
began after 1 delays. Officials searched
1 shall Nov. 26 denied a request for a stay
spectators and newsmen for weapons. to prohibit officials from taking Cleaver
In addition to the murder charge, New- into custody. The fugitive warrant was
ton had been indicted for assault with a issued after Cleaver failed to surrender as
deadly weapon against Patrolman Her- ordered Nov. 27. He had said Nov. 24
bert Heanes, 25, who was wounded. that his only alternative was to "get out
After a reversal in 1970 and a mistrial in of the country."
1971, however, the government decided to Cleaver had been nominated for Presi-
drop the case against Newton, and he was dent by the Peace and Freedom Party
allowed to go free. Aug. 18 by a 3-1 vote over his major ri-
val, former entertainer Dick Gregory,
Newton took the stand Aug. 22 to deny
that he had shot Frey. Most of his testi- at the party's convention in Ann Arbor,

mony was his explanation of his resent- Mich. Cleaver's campaign platform
ment against white society. called for "the immediate withdrawal of
U.S. troops from Vietnam." The more-
The California Court of Appeals re-
than-200 convention delegates reflected
versed the conviction May 29, 1970 on the
their party's alliance with the Black Pan-
ground that the court should have told the
thers by supporting "the right of armed
jury that an acquittal was warranted if the
self-defense" by "the oppressed peoples
jury accepted Newton's testimony that he
in America." Cleaver told newsmen in
was unconscious (as a result of a gunshot
N.Y. City Oct. that the purpose of his
wound) when Frey was shot. Newton 1 1

campaign was to "lay the base for a revo-

went on trial again in 1971, but the court
lutionary movement that will unite black
declared a mistrial Aug. 8 after the jury
. and white radicals."
. .
deadlocked at 1 1 for conviction and one
for acquittal. On a state motion Dec. 15,
the case against Newton was then dis-
N.Y. 'Bomb Plot' Case. Twenty-one
Black Panthers were indicted in New York

Search for Cleaver Eldridge Cleaver, April 2, 1969 on charges of plotting to set
33, author and recent Presidential candi- oft bombs April 3 in five mid-town depart-
date of the Peace & Freedom Party, was ment stores, to dynamite the tracks of the
sought as a parole violator on a fugitive Penn Central Railroad and to bomb a
warrant issued Nov. 27, 1968 in San Bronx (N.Y. City) police station. District
Francisco. Attorney Frank S. Hogan, announcing
Cleaver had been free on parole after the indictment, said that the militant
serving 9 years of a 14-year sentence on a Negroes had intended to destroy what
1958 conviction for assault with intent to they considered to be part of "the power
kill. He had been rearrested Apr. 6 after structure."
being wounded Panther shootout with
in a Ultimately, 13 of those indicted went on
Oakland police. Cleaver's parole was im- trial, and all 13 were acquitted May 13,
mediately rescinded. 1971.
Cleaver was released June 2 on $50,000
1 In early morning raids following
bail by order of Superior Court Judge the indictments, the police had
Raymond J. Sherwin, who criticized the seized 12 of the defendants at their
cancellation of parole. Sherwin said that homes or at the homes of friends. The
the cancellation had stemmed not from a police said they had confiscated a quan-

tityof firearms and explosives in mak- resignation in a letter calling the organ-
ing the arrests. Two
defendants were ization "dogmatic" and condemning its

already in jail in Newark, N.J. on rob- tactics as "dishonest and vicious."

bery charges, and a third gave himself The black militant leader's letter
up to the police April 3. The remaining was brought to the U.S. by his wife,
six defendants were being sought. singer Miriam Makeba. Mrs. Car-
One of arrested was Robert
those michael said her husband was in
S. Collier, 32, who had
served 21 months Conakry, Guinea, studying French.
in jail after a 1965 conviction for con- Carmichael strongly criticized the
spiring to blow up national monuments, organization's alliance with white rad-
including the Statue of Liberty. Another icals, claiming it would only lead to
was Joan Victoria Bird, 19, a student "complete subversion of the blacks by
nurse who had been indicted Feb. 7 on the whites through control of the black
a charge of attempting to murder two organization."
policemen in New York in January. David Hilliard, chief of staff of the
Similar charges had been dropped against Panthers, said in Berkeley, Calif. July
two other Panthers named in the April 5 that Carmichael's resignation from the
2 indictment: Lumumba Abdul Shakur, militant organization "was not altogether
27, described as a Panther captain, and a surprise." He rejected Carmichael's
Clark Squares, 32. Also arrested were callfor the party to sever all affliatioos
Michael Tabor (known also as Cete- with white radical groups. Hilliard said
wayo), 23, described as a Panther captain; the party would continue to enlist white
Shakur's wife, Afeni, 23; Walter John- radical support.
son (also known as Baba Odinga), 24,
John J. Casson (Ali Hassan), 28, Alex
McKiever (Catarra), 19, Eddie Joseph Cleaver Vs. Carmichael. Eldridge
(Jamal Baltimore), 17, Richard Moore Cleaver, the fugitive Black Panther Party
(Analye Dahruba), 25, and Curtis Powell, minister of information, left his sanctuary
33. Lonni Epps, 18, surrendered to the in Cuba July 13, 1969 and arrived in
police April 3. Donald Weems (Kwesi Algiers July 15 for the Pan- African Cul-
Balagoon), 22, and Nathaniel Burns tural Festival. Stokely Carmichael also
(Nathaniel Williams and Sekou attended the festival.
Odinga), 25, were being held in Newark. Cleaver July 15 released a letter de-
Those being sought were William King nouncing Carmichael's statement July 4
(Kinshasa), 31, Larry Mack, 23, Thomas that the Black Panthers should be con-
Berry (Mshina), 26, Lee Roper (Shaba- cerned primarily with the struggle of
Um), 22, and Lee Berry (Mkuba). nonwhites against "Western imperial-
According to the police, the proposed ism." Cleaver asserted that "suffering is
targets of the conspiracy included the colorblind and that the victims of im-
midtown stores of Macy's, Alexander's, perialism needed a unity based on revolu-
Bloomingdale's, Korvette's and Aber- tionary principles rather than skin color."
crombie &Fitch; the tracks of the New Carmichael replied July 23 that con-
Haven branch of Penn Central at six troversy within the Negro nationalist
locations in Harlem; and, as a diver- movement was "healthy," and that
sionary action, a police station in the Cleaver's views were his "right." Car-
Bronx. michael said he had met privately with
Tabor and Moore disappeared during Cleaver to discuss their opposing views
trialFeb. 6, 1971 and fled to Algeria. They on the role of whites within the black
forfeited bail totaling $150,000. nationalist movement.
All 13 on trial, including Tabor and Cleaver praised the Arab commando
Moore, were acquitted May 13, 1971. movement July 22 and denounced Israel
as an American "puppet and pawn."
The Black Panther leader made the re-
Carmichael Quits Party. Stokely Car- marks to Algerians gathered around the
michael, prime minister of the Black new Afro-American Information Center
Panther Party, resigned from the organ- in Algiers. Cleaver said he supported
ization July 4, 1969. He announced his the view of an Al Fatah official that

"Israel represents a new face of colon- In a poll conducted for Time magazine,
ialism." 25% of the blacks questioned said "the
Black Panther philosophy is the same as
Panthers Sponsor Conference. The mine." 64% of those blacks questioned
also said that the Panthers had given
Black Panther Party sponsored a three-
the black community "a sense of pride."
day meeting July 18-20, 1969 in Oakland,
Calif., calling on the 3,000 Negro and
FBI, state and local police officials had
white radicals participating to form a been charging for months that Black
national Committee to Combat Fascism.
Panther members and other black "ex-
Bobby Seale, chairman of the Panthers, tremists" had started a campaign to
murder policemen. According to some
said in the keynote address July 18 that
officials, policemen were shot down on the
its goal would be to work for community
streets or lured into ambushes as part of
control of police departments across the
this campaign. Black Panther members
nation. About 90 per cent of the delgates
and sympathizers said that it was the police,
to the Panther-led conference were white.
instead, who had begun a drive to kill
Seale cited recent raids on Black
Black Panthers and other black militants.
Panther Party regional offices and mass
arrests of student rebels as evidence that
fascism was growing in the U.S.
Panther threat seen small. The House
Seale adjourned the convention July
Internal Security Committee said Aug.
20 with repeated assertions that the fight
23, 1971 that the Black Panthers posed a
against "fascism" must be waged by a
physical danger to the nation's policemen
black-white coalition. He said racial
confrontation had no place in the struggle. but were "totally incapable of over-
The four Republicans on the committee
indicated, however, that they objected to
Panthers Cited As Threat. Federal the moderate tone of the report. Reps.
Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar John M. Ashbrook (Ohio), John G.
Hoover said July 15, 1969 that among Schmitz (Calif.), Fletcher Thompson
black militant groups, the Black Panther (Ga.) and Roger H. Zion (Ind.), con-
Party represented "the greatest threat tended that the majority report did not
give "a clear understanding of the Black
to the internal security of the country."
Hoover commented in the bureau's annual Panther Party as a subversive criminal
report for fiscal 1969. He accused the
group using the facade of politics as a
cover for crimes of violence and extor-
party of assaulting policemen and stag-
ing violent confrontations with federal
authorities throughout the nation. The
The majority report was defended by
Panthers, according to Hoover, had sent
Rep. Richardson Preyer (D, N.C.), who
their leaders to ghettos, universities and
headed a subcommittee that heard for-
high schools to "preach their gospel of
mer Panthers testify about the party.
Preyer said in a separate report that it
hate and violence."
would be easy to write "a real zinger of
The public opinion-sampling Harris a report" that would provoke greater
Survey reported May 1 1, 1970 that 68 rc of public outrage, but it might also help re-
the whites questioned in a poll conducted vive the party by making martyrs of its
by the organization believed that the leaders.
Black Panthers were "a serious menace The majority report said that "the
to the country." The organization also Black Panther Party, through its delib-
reported that 81% of the whites surveyed erately inflammatory rhetoric and
believed that recent shootings of Black through the actual arming and military
Panther officials had been "mainly the training of its members, had contributed
result of violence started by the Panthers to an increase in acts of violence and con-
themselves." stitutes a threat to the internal security
In another poll conducted by the Har- of the United States." The report
ris Survey, however, figures indicated added, however, that the committee did
that the Black Panthers were becoming not believe that the Panthers "constituted
increasingly more popular among blacks. a clear and present danger to the con-

tinued functioning of the U.S. government argument that the only shooting was done
or any other institutions of our demo- by the police.
cratic society." A black Chicago alderman and at-
torneys for the Black Panthers claimed
Dec. 6 that an independent autopsy per-
Police-Panther Shootouts in Chicago. formed on Hampton's body "confirms
Several gun battles took place between our theory that he was murdered while
policemen and Black Panthers in Chicago. he was asleep." The autopsy, performed
Two Chicago policemen were killed by three white doctors, was held at the
and six wounded Nov. 13, 1969 during a funeral home owned by Alderman A. A.
gun battle between the police and Black Rayner, who had called for an investiga-
Panther Party members. A 19-year-old tion of the affair.
youth associated with the Panthers was State Attorney Edward V. Hanrahan
killed by the police after he allegedly shot said Dec. 6 that Rayner was under inves-
a patrolman. tigation for his reputed connection with
According to police reports the battle the Black Panthers. Hanrahan's office
began when a police cruiser moved into said Rayner had co-signed the lease on
Chicago's South Side to answer a distress the Panther headquarters with a party
call and was fired upon by snipers. A Rayner confirmed this.
patrolman, Francis Rappaport, was Bobby Lee Rush, the ranking officer in
killed by a youth a block from the police the Panther's Illinois office, surrendered
cruiser. to police Dec. 6. He had been sought
Rappaport's alleged killer, Spurgeon on a warrant charging him with failing to
J. Winters, was shot and killed by other register a weapon. The police said they
policemen. The original distress call had confiscated a derringer and several
had been telephoned by Winters' sister, hundred rounds of ammunition during
who told police that the Panthers had the raid.
come into the area with guns. A coroner's jury ruled July 21, 1971
Patrolman John Gilhooley, who was that the killings of Hampton and
wounded during the fracas, died later in Clark were justifiable. According to the
a Chicago hospital. testimony of several Chicago detectives
Police in Chicago staged a pre-dawn who participated in the predawn raid,
raid on an apartment near Black Panther one or more persons in Hampton's apart-
headquarters Dec. 1969 and killed Fred
4, ment opened fire on the police.
Hampton, party chairman. The
Illinois The seven Black Panthers who had
police also shot and killed Mark Clark, survived the Dec. 4, 1969 raid were in-
who was described by police as a leader of dicted by a Chicago grand jury Jan. 30,
the Black Panthers in Peoria, 111. Four 1970 on charges of attempted murder.
others, two of them women, were The indictments also charged the seven
wounded. Panthers with armed violence. Indicted
According to police reports, the raid were Brenda Harris, Verlina Brewer,
was carried out on a warrant on the basis Blair Anderson, Ronald Satchell, Harold
of information that Hampton's apartment Bell, Deborah Johnson and Louis True-
was being used to stockpile weapons. lock.
The policeasserted that when they
But the Illinois state attorney disclosed
knocked on the door a woman opened fire
May 8 that all seven of the indicted Pan-
with a shotgun. Police said that at
thers had been freed and all criminal
least 200 shots were fired during a "shoot-
charges against them dropped.
out" that lasted 10 or 12 minutes. Spokes-
men for the Panthers Dec. 5 denied police State Attorney Edward V. Hanrahan
accounts of the raid. They claimed that said the seven had been released because
Hampton was "murdered in his bed" by there was not sufficient proof that any of
policewho opened fire as they burst them had fired a weapon at the police.
through the door on what the Panthers Hanrahan himself was among 14 law
termed a "search and destroy mission." enforcement officials named Aug. 24, 1971
The Panthers took newsmen through in a long-suppressed indictment handed
Hampton's apartment to support their down in Chicago on charges of conspiring

to obstruct justice in connection with the dent Nixon. The charges stemmed from
1969 raid. a speech Hilliard made during the Nov.
The indictment was made public on 15 Moratorium Day peace rally at San
orders issued Aug. 24 by the Illinois Francisco's Golden Gate Park.
Supreme Court. Chief Criminal Court According to evidence presented to a
Judge Joseph A. Power, a former law federal grand jury, Hilliard called Presi-
partner of Chicago Mayor Richard J. dent Nixon "the man responsible for all
Daley, had kept the indictment sealed the attacks on the Black Panther Party
since April, when it was prepared. Power nationally." According to federal author-
had refused to accept the indictment be- ities, Hilliard was said to have added:
cause he contended that the grand jury "We will kill Richard Nixon."
had not heard all the pertinent witnesses Charles R. Garry, Hilliard's attorney,
and that it had been pressured into re- said Hilliard had actually said that "they
turning the true bills. (the Panthers) would kill Nixon or anyone
Others named in the indictment were else that stood in the way of their
an assistant state attorney, eight police- freedom."
men who took part in the raid and four A federal judge May 4, 1971 ordered
police officials who later conducted de- Hilliard released because the government
partmental investigations into the raid. declined to divulge wiretap logs of con-
Chicago Police Superintendent James versations involving Hilliard.
B. Conlisk Jr. was among five other Chi-
Federal District Court Judge William
cago law enforcement officials named as
P. Gray ordered the indictment dismissed
co-conspirators but not as defendants.
and the Panther leader freed. When U.S.
No specific allegations were made Attorney James Browning told the court
against Conlisk other than his listing as
that he was not authorized to make the
a co-conspirator who had knowledge of
logs available to Hilliard's lawyers, Gray
the alleged conspiracy to obstruct jus-
ordered the case dropped.
The indictment accused Hanrahan and
the 13 other defendants of knowingly
conspiring to obstruct justice by attempt-
Gun Battle in Los Angeles. Police in
ing to thwart criminal prosecution of the
Los Angeles, armed with tear gas rifles,
eight policemen who participated in fought a four-hour battle with mem-
bers of the Black Panthers Dec. 8, 1969
the raid. The indictment also accused the
following a raid on the party's headquar-
14 defendants of planting false evidence
ters. Three policemen and three Panthers
and conspiring to obstruct the legal de-
fense of the seven Panthers who survived
were wounded.
the raid. The police said they moved on the
Hanrahan was also accused by the Panthers' office in search of a cache of
grand jury of presenting evidence before illegal weapons and two party members

another Cook County grand jury that "he wanted in connection with an assault
knew or reasonably should have known charge. Two other buildings used by the
to be false and inflammatory." Panthers were searched and seized with-
out incident.
Hanrahan and his codefendants were The police said they arrested 11 Pan-
acquitted Oct. 25, 1972. During the trial thers, including three women, at the
it was revealed that four of the Panthers party's headquarters and 13 others at
who had survived the raid had given their the other two sites. According to police
lawyer written statements contradicting reports, the raiding parties seized two
their grand jury testimony that they had machine guns, three shotguns, several
not fired at the police. rifles and several hundred rounds of
MilliardAccused of Threat to Nixon. California State Sen. Mervyn Dymally
David Hilliard, Black Panther chief of denounced the raid as "part of a national
staff, was arrested by Secret Service plan of political repression against the
agents in San Francisco Dec. 3, 1969 on Panthers." Dymally, whose constituency
charges of threatening the life of Presi- was the Los Angeles area in which the

police raids took place, said the gun bat- nection with the Aug. 29 slaying of Sgt.
tle was not an isolated incident. Frank Von Colin, 43. Von Colin was
murdered in an isolated outpost in a
public park after he had dispatched
Police Harassment Reported. The two other officers to investigate a report
that a patrolman had been shot near
American CivilLiberties Union
the park.
Dec. 28, 1969 released a report of a
Two other policemen had been
documented survey of nine metropolitan
wounded Aug. 30 when two men opened
centers that had led the organization to
fire on their police cruiser and then fled
conclude that law enforcement agencies
when the officers radioed for assistance.
across the country were "waging a drive
against the Black Panther Party result-
ing in serious civil liberties violations."
Panthers open Algiers office. Eldridge
The survey was prepared for submission
Cleaver, the self-exiled Black Panther
to an independent commission headed
leader, presided over the opening of the
by former Supreme Court Justice Ar- Panthers' first "international section"
thur J. Goldberg and Roy Wilkens, head
in Algiers Sept. 13, 1970. The Algerian
of the National Association for the Ad-
government had formally accorded the
vancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Panthers the status of a "liberation move-
The survey, covering police opera- ment." The Algiers office lasted for about
tions against the Black Panther Party, 2 y2 years.
was conducted by ACLU affiliates in Pete O'Neal succeeded Cleaver as leader
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San of the Black Panthers' international sec-
Francisco, Philadelphia and major tion in Algiers in 1971. The international
metropolitan areas in Connecticut, Wis- section announced Sept. 29, 1972 that
consin, Indiana and Michigan. The William R. Holder, a U.S. Army deserter
data included alleged "repeated arrests" who had hijacked an airliner to Algeria
of members of the Black Panthers while in June 1972, had in turn succeeded
they were circulating political litera- O'Neal as leader.
ture and police raids on allegedly "spe-
(The New York Times reported March
cious charges."
28, 1973 that the party's Algiers office
had been abandoned and that the
remaining members had apparently left
Policemen shot in Philadelphia. One
Algeria. The Algerian government had
policeman was shot to death and six
restricted the party's activities after
others wounded Aug. 29-31, 1970
reports of internal Panther disputes.)
in Philadelphia in a series of gun bat-
tles with members of the Black Panthers
and a splinter group of another black
militant organization.
Panthers drop gun approach. Black
Police Commissioner Frank L. Rizzo
Panthers co-founder Huey P. Newton said
in a Jan. 30, 1972 interview that the
said Aug. 30 that the Aug. 29-30 shoot-
ings, which resulted in the death of a party had abandoned the "pick-up-the-
policeman and wounding of three others, gun-now" approach in favor of com-
had been attributed to a group called munity work and voter registration.
"The Revolutionaries," which he said Newton attributed the former violent ap-
had plotted to murder policemen. proach to Eldridge Cleaver.
Three other officers were wounded
Aug. 31 when police staged raids at
dawn on three Black Panther Party CIA disputed Panthers' foreign ties. The
centers in search of a suspect wanted in White House was told by the Central In-
connection with the earlier shootings. telligence Agency (CIA) in 1969 and 1970
Gunfire was exchanged during two of that there was no substantial evidence to
the raids before the police used tear support Administration suspicions that
gas to rout the centers' occupants. the Black Panthers and other radical
Rizzo said warrants for the raids had groups were being financed by foreign na-
been obtained on the basis of informa- tions, the New York Times reported May
tion supplied by a suspect held in con- 25, 1973.


However, the White House refused to three blacks, one of them Jackson's
believe the agency's evaluations and sent brother, charged with killing a white
35 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) guard at Soledad state prison. Police
agents abroad, to intelligence posts in 20 suggested that the kidnapping was part of a
different countries. plot to exchange hostages taken at the
The Times quoted one CIA analyst who Sun Rafael courthouse for the release of
worked on the studies as recalling: "We the Soledad Brothers, a theory supported
tried to show that the radical movements by a reported quote from one of the kid-
were home grown, indigenous responses nappers: "We want the Soledad Brothers
to perceived grievances and problems that freed by 12:30 today."
had been growing for years. We said the The gun battle began after the hostages
radicals were clean and that we couldn't were taken out of the courtroom Haley—
find anything." with a sawed-off-shotgun taped to his neck
The CIA studied allegations of — and forced into a rented van in the
Algerian support for the Black Panthers. courthouse parking lot. The courthouse
"Every intelligence agency said we think was surrounded by 100 law officers
sheriff's deputies and San Quentin guards.
it'san interesting hypothesis but, by and
large, the judgment of the intelligence The shooting began when one of the
community in 1970 was that there was no prison guards tried to halt the van.
significant Algerian support for the Witnesses were divided as to whether
domestic operations of blacks. History the firing first came from the gunmen or
supports the judgment completely," a CIA the guard who tried to halt the van.
source said, pointing out that the Pan- James W. Park, San Quentin associate
thers were ousted from Algeria in March.
warden, said Aug. 8 that prison policy
was that "we will not let a prisoner here
escape with a hostage. . .Once you allow

a hostage situation to work, then you'll

San Rafael Judge Killed, be plagued with it forever, like airliner
Angela Davis Acquitted hijackings."
Angela Davis was seized by FBI agents
Oct. 13 in a midtown New York City
Judge killed in courthouse shootout. motel. She was acquitted by a Santa Clara
Superior Court Judge Harold J. Haley, County jury in San Jose, Calif. June 4,
65, and two San Quentin convicts were 1972 of all charges of murder, kidnapping
killed Aug. 7, 1970 in a gun fight after and conspiracy in the case.
an attempted escape and kidnapping at the
San Rafael, Calif, courthouse. Jonathan
Jackson, 17, who had brought the guns
used to force the judge and four other
Other Black Militants
hostages out of the courtroom, was also
killed in the shootout.
RAM Role Discounted. Atty. Gen.
Marin County officials filed charges of Nicholas deB. Katzenbach had testified
kidnapping and murder Aug. 15 against before theHouse Un-American Activities
Ruchell Magee, 31, a San Quentin con- Committee July 20, 1966 that the FBI
vict who was in the courtroom as a wit- "has no evidence" that recent racial out-
ness and had been wounded in the gun breaks were incited by RAM (Revolution-
battle. The same charges were brought ary Action Movement), an organization
against Angela Davis, 26, a black mili- reportedly headed by black expatriate
tant and Communist recently ousted from Robert F. Williams, then a broadcaster
the University of California (Los An- from Havana. The alleged RAM
geles) faculty. She had bought four guns tion with the riots had been reported in
brought into the courtroom by Jackson, Life magazine.
identified as her frequent companion and
bodyguard. Miss Davis and Jackson
were both involved in raising money for RAM Suspects Convicted. Negro mili-
the defense of the "Soledad Brothers," tants Herman B. Ferguson, 46, and Ar-

thur Harris, 22, RAM members, were extremist attacks would occur in Cleve-
convicted in New York June 15, 1968 on land, Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh
charges of conspiracy to murder moder- July 24, the 3 other cities remained calm.
ate Negro leaders Roy Wilkins of the It was reported later (July 28) that Evans

NAACP and Whitney Young Jr. of the had instigated the attack after being in-
National Urban League. Ferguson and formed that he was being evicted from
Harris were sentenced Oct. 3 to prison his home and his antipoverty project
terms of 3^-7 years each. But State would not be permitted to move into
Supreme Court Justice Joseph M. Con- premises promised to it.

roy ruled Oct. 17 that there was "reason- Although reports conflicted as to ex-
able doubt" that the 2 defendants had actly how the shooting began, press and
received a fair trial, and he authorized news magazine accounts specified that
their releaseon bail. Conroy's ruling was the first shots were fired by a group of
based on the fact that the prosecutor Evans' followers. According to a police
had mentioned, in the jury's presence, summary of the events, issued July 31, a
the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Ken- group of armed nationalists fired on
police in a squadcar outside Evans' head-
nedy (D., N.Y.).
quarters. The police, who had been keep-
ing the headquarters under surveillance,
Cleveland slayings. A small band of radioed for reinforcements and then fled.
armed black nationalists fought Cleveland A municipal tow truck attempting to
police with rifles in the city's Glen- remove an abandoned car from the sec-
ville ghetto district the night of July 23-24, tion was fired on next, and the driver
1968. It was the first reported case in was wounded.
which black extremists had carried out The police reinforcements, armed with
threats to mount an attack in a major
semi-automatic weapons, arrived in the
area and began returning the fire.
7 persons were killed in the first wave The first fatalities, 3 policemen, the
of shooting between the group of nation-
Negro aiding them and one nationalist,
alists and police. 3 of them were nation-
were killed in the early part of the
alists, 3 were white policemen, and one
gunfight. The bodies of 2 more extremists
was a black who had attempted to aid were found later in the ruins of one of the
the police. 3 more blacks were killed buildings; they had been killed by police
in other Cleveland shooting incidents bullets before the building was set afire
the same night; an 11th person, also a and burned to the ground.
Negro, was killed by a sniper in sub-
urban Cleveland Heights July 26. 23 Acting while the Glenville gunfight
persons were wounded, more than 15 of was still underway and as rioting was be-
them in the initial gunfight. ginning to spread to other nearby Negro
ghetto communities, Mayor Stokes asked
The shooting led to an explosion of
racial tension in which burning and loot-
Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes to send
ings brought an estimated $1.5 million
National Guardsmen to the city. Rhodes
worth of property damage. Although complied late July 23, and by the early
morning hours of July 24 the first Guard
3,100 National Guardsmen were sent to
units had entered Glenville. The gunfire
Cleveland, the relatively rapid restora-
tion of order was widely credited to the
and rioting had already halted, at least
partially because of heavy rain that
efforts of the city's black mayor, Carl
swept the city that night.
B. Stokes.
The initial attack was attributed to a Commenting on the Cleveland vio-
small militant group called the Black lence July 27, Stokes was reported by
Nationalists of New Libya, led by Time magazine to have said: The Glen-
Ahmed (Fred) Evans, 37, an astrologer villeoutbreak was "uniquely different
and then the director of an antipoverty from any other in any other city in the
project in the Glenville area. Evans sur- country. The others were a spontaneous
rendered to police late July 23, report- reaction to an unresponsive environment.
edly after his carbine had jammed during But this was a small group of deter-
the fight. Although police said they had mined men who planned an attack on the
received prior warnings that coordinated police." (Phil Hutchings, newly-named

program director of the Student Non- At a news conference Feb. 8, New

violent Coordinating Committee, told a York City Police Commissioner Patrick
New York press conference July 27 that V. Murphy disclosed the names of
the Cleveland eruption was "the first four men being sought as suspects in
stage of a revolutionary armed strug- the slayings.
gle.") But Stokes said in a report re- One of the suspects, Ronald Carter,
leased Aug. 9 that there was no "tangible" was killed Feb. 16 in a street gun-
proof that the slain policemen had been battle with police in St. Louis. Police
lured into a trap. He said the trouble had recovered a pistol identified as the .38-
sprung from a "spontaneous action," and caliber service revolver taken from
there was no evidence to connect the Laurie's body.
shootings with recent sniping incidents in Two other men were arrested follow-
other cities. ing the St. Louis shootout. One of them,
Evans was found guilty of murder May Henry Brown, was named in a warrant
12, 1969 and was sentenced to die in the issued in New York Feb. 18 as one
electric chair, but the sentence was not of the gunmen who killed Laurie and
carried out. The jury found Evans guilty Foster.
of 4 counts of first degree murder of 3
policemen and a civilian.

De Mau Mau called killers. Eight mem-

4 guilty Four young
in 'kill-a-cop' plot. bers of a black terrorist gang called De
black men were convicted in New York Mau Mau were charged Oct. 15, 1972 in
May 13, 1971 of illegal possession of Chicago with the murders of nine whites
weapons and bombs that the prosecution in Illinois between May and September.
said were to be used to "kill a cop a The gang was said to be made up pri-
week." A fifth member of the so-called marily of black Vietnam veterans.
"Harlem Five" was acquitted.
All eight were in police custody. Six
The jury found Preston Lay Jr., 26, of the suspects were arrested Oct. 15.
and Hannibal Thomas, 24, also known as They were identified as: Reuben Taylor,
Hannibal Ahmend, guilty of possession 22; his brother Donald, 21; Michael
of a weapon, in reference to a rifle, and Clark, 21; Nathaniel Burse, 23; Edward
possession of a weapon, in reference to Moran Jr., 23; and Robert Wilson, 18,
a bomb. Wallace Marks, 26, was found all of Chicago.
guilty on two counts of possessing a The other two suspects, Darrell Peatry,
loaded pistol and bombs. Ebb Glenn was 20, and Garland Jackson, 22, surren-
convicted of a single charge of possess- dered Oct. 17.
ing a weapon, in reference to bombs. Police said apparently not all of the
Lloyd Butler, 22, also known as Sayed eight had participated in all the killings.
Saladeen, was cleared of all seven counts. Police said ballistic tests linked the
A sixth man, John Aykik Garrett, 26, nine murders, which occurred in the
was also charged in the case but Justice communities of Barrington Hills, Monee,
Arnold G. Fraiman dismissed the Highland Park and Carbondale.
charges for lack of evidence.
Cook County Sheriff Richard J. Elrod
said Oct. 16 that the eight were appar-
Black extremists sought. A small, ently "roaming the countryside looking
loosely-structured band of black extrem- for someone to kill."
ists called the Black Liberation Army In a related development, the Penta-
were believed to have been behind the gon said Oct. 18 that it had found "iso-
shooting deaths of two New York City lated instances" of existence of the De
patrolmen Jan. 27, 1972- Mau Mau group at U.S. military in-
The two slain men, Gregory P. Foster, stallations.
22, and Rocco Laurie, 23, were shot in
the back, according to police, by at
least three persons who continued to Liberation Army member convicted. Clark
empty their guns into them while they E. Squire, a reputed member of the mil-
lay dying on the street. itant Black Liberation Army, was found

guilty by a New Brunswick, N.J. jury men who appeared to match the descrip-
March 11,1974 of the murder of New tion of a man thought responsible for a
Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster series of random shootings of whites that

May 2, 1973. He was also convicted on had resulted in 12 deaths in the past five
four counts of assault, illegal possession months.
of a weapon and robbery. He was sen- According to victims who survived, the
shootings, 18 in all, were perpetrated by a
tenced to life in prison March 15.
young black man, who walked up to his
Joanne D. Chesimard, reportedly a
targets and shot them in the back without
leader of the Black Liberation Army,
warning. The weapon used, police said,
was also accused of Foerster's murder.
was a .32-caliber automatic pistol.
Her trial was severed from Squire's when Criticism of the police action began to
she was found to be pregnant Jan. 26.
build April 18. The Northern California
Chesimard and Fred Hilton, also an chapter of the American Civil Liberties
alleged member of the group, had been ac-
Union called the searches "a racist out-
quitted of bank robbery charges Dec. 28,
rage and a massive violation of the consti-
1973 by a New York City federal jury. A
tutional rights of every black man in the
first trial had ended with jurors unable to
city." Alioto defended his order con-
reach a verdict. —
cerning the killings dubbed the "Zebra"
During the incident which trooper
in killings because police communications
Foerster died, James F. Costen, former regarding them had been handled over the
information minister for the Black Pan- —
Z police radio band saying, "Extraor-
thers faction loyal to Eldridge Cleaver, dinary situations .call for extraordinary
. .

was shot to death by police. measures."

Police claim army end— New York City
The controversy surrounding the case
Police Commissioner Donald F. Cawley
was heightened by a statement April 29 by
had said Nov. 15, 1973 that the killing by Alioto that he believed the killers were
police of Twymon Meyers "broke the
members of a ring of black gunmen called
the "Death Angels," who might have been
back" of the Black Liberation Army.
responsible for as many as 80 "murderous
Meyers had been sought in connection
assaults" on Californians since 1971.
with the slaying of two New York City po-
California Attorney General Evelle J.
licemen in January 1972 and several bank
Younger said April 30 that he had no evi-
dence to support Alioto's contention.
A confidential report by the New York
City Police Department, reported Nov. Four Black Muslims were indicted by a
16, 1973 by the New York Times, said at state grand jury May 16 on charges of
no time had there been more than "25 or murdering three white persons and con-
30 hard-core members" of the Black spiring to murder other whites at random.
Liberation Army, although it might have The killings cited in the indictment were
had the support of 75 sympathizers. among the "Zebra" killings.
Cawley cited seven group members who Named in the indictment were Manuel
had died in shootouts with police and 18 Moore, 29, J. C. Simon, 29, Larry C.
others who were in custody awaiting trial Green, 22, and Jessie Cooks. Cooks was
on charges stemming from police currently serving a prison term for
shootings or bank robberies. murder. The other defendants were
In San Francisco Oct. 27, 1973, among seven men arrested by San
Marilyn Buck, a 25-year old white, had Francisco police May 1; four of the
been sentenced to 10 years in federal suspects seized in police dragnet were
prison after being convicted of illegally later released for lack of evidence. The
procuring arms for the Black Liberation seven men were all employed by the Black
Army. Self-Help Co., Inc., a small, Muslim-
affiliated moving and storage firm in San
'Zebra' killings in San Francisco. San Prior to the arrest of suspects May I,

Francisco Mayor Joseph L. Alioto said U.S. District Court

Judge Alfonso J.
April 17, 1974 that he had ordered police to Zirpoli ruled April 25 that San Francisco
stop, search and question all young black police had violated the rights of 600 black
. .


men they had stopped and questioned in and knowledge' and to 'die rather than divulge
same.' Information about treason, rape, and malicious
their investigation of the killings. Acting
murder only is excepted from the oath. This oath is
on a brought by the American Civil
considered by Klansmen to be superior to any other
LibertiesUnion (ACLU), Zirpoli issued a oath, in court or elsewhere. ... In order to conceal
temporary injunction forbidding the the existence of units within the Klans as well as
bank accounts and other matters, innocent-sounding
police from using their so-called "profile
cover names are used to create the impression that
of the Zebra killer" as the sole basis for they are civic, improvement, sporting, or even rescue
stopping a man for questioning. organizations. The largest existing Klan organization
operates under the cover name 'Alabama Rescue
Service.' ... It maintains a bank account in this
name and, in addition, authorized signatories on this
account have used fictitious names as a further secrecy
The Ku Klux Klan measure.
"Klans engage
& Similar Terrorists their goal
in acts of violence to further
. . .

of white supremacy as well as other ob-

jectives. These acts, however, are not always racially
motivated and sometimes are directed against citizens
who are not racially oriented but who are conducting
After a lull during World War II, the themselves to the dislike of the Klans, which take the
Ku Klux Klan, traditional source of violent law into their hands as vigilantes. . .

repression of blacks, reappeared in the "Klansmen frequently carry pistols, rifles, shotguns,
and bombs on their persons and in their autos.
South as a welter of splinter groups and . .

Radios and telephones are frequently used by Klans

competing factions. In 1945 fiery crosses, a in their terroristic activities. Some Klan members
traditional Klan weapon of intimidation, have been issued federal licenses as gun dealers and
burned in Tennessee, Alabama, Florida and have sold guns to members in wholesale lots. . .

as far North as New Jersey. Three years

later a wave of kidnappings, floggings and
cross burnings swept the Birmingham, Ala. 7 convicted of 3 rights workers'
area. 1950 saw the beginning of a two-year murders. An all-white jury in Meri-
reign of Klan terror in North and South dian, Miss. Oct. 20, 1967 convicted 7 white
Carolina. The early years of the 1960s men of conspiracy in the 1964 murder of
brought an intensified wave of bombings, 3 civil rights workers near Philadelphia,
assassinations, terror and race rioting to Miss. 8 men were acquitted, and mistrials
the South as an accompaniment to the were declared in the cases of 3 men on
growing civil rights movement. whom the jury could not reach a verdict.
Those found guilty were: Cecil R.

House committee scores Klan. The Price, 29, chief deputy sheriff of Neshoba
House Un-American Activities Commit- County; Sam Holloway Bowers Jr., 43,
tee Oct. 24, 1966 issued a report de- imperial wizard of the White Knights of
nouncing the Ku Klux Klan as terrorists the Ku Klux Klan; Horace Doyle Bar-
engaging in "threats, cross-burnings, the nette, 29, former Meridian automotive
firing of churches and schools, bombings, parts salesman; Jimmy Arledge, 30, a
beatings, maimings, murders." Meridian truck driver; Billy Wayne
According to the report, "secret Klan Posey, 30, Williamsville (Miss.) service
schools instruct in the fabrication of station operator; Jimmie Snowden, 34,
booby traps, bombs and Molotov cock- Meridian laundry truck driver; Alton
tails and teach the use of bombs, firearms, Wayne Roberts, 29, Meridian mobile
judo and karate." It said there were about home salesman. All were freed on $5,000
15,000 Klan members in more than a bond each by Oct. 23.
dozen Klan organizations in at least 15 The men were convicted of conspiring
states. to deny "life or liberty without due
The committee had reported Oct. process." The government charged that:
21 on
(a) Price had arrested Michael H. Schwer-
37 days of hearings:
ner, 24, of New York, a white field
"More than a dozen different Klan groups are
worker for the Congress of Racial Equal-
presently active in at least 15 states," and "the
iargest of the Klan organizations now has units oper- ity (CORE); Andrew Goodman, 20, of
ating in at least 15 states." New York, a white college student, and
"Secrecy is the cornerstone of the structure of James E. Chaney, 21, of Meridian, a
klanism. Members must take an oath 'forever' to keep
held the
'sacredly secret' within the Klan, and not to divulge
Negro plasterer; (b) Price 3
to 'any person in the whole world,' all Klan 'matters youths while a lynching party assembled;

(c)then Price released them and allowed and were dead and were buried 15 feet in
them to be captured by the mob, which a dam." Miller testified that Killen
turned them over to gunmen to be said he had come to Meridian after
murdered. receiving word by phone that the rights
Those who were acquitted had not been workers were in custody. According to
accused of participating in the slayings. Miller, Killen then contacted Frank J.
They were: Lawrence A. Rainey, 43, Herndon, also a Klan member, and "got
sheriff of Neshoba County; Bernard Lee some boys together — and went to Phil-
Akin, 52, Meridian housetrailer dealer; adelphia." Miller quoted Killen as
Travis Maryn Barnette, 38, a Meridian saying that the rights workers had been
auto mechanic; James Thomas Harris, run down after a 90-100-mph. highway
32, a Meridian truck driver; Frank J. chase.
Herndon, 48, Meridian drive-in restau- Another former Klan member, James
rant operator; Olen L. Burrage, 37, E. Jordan,was the government's key wit-
Philadelphia (Miss.) trucking company ness. He named 7 defendants as actual
operator and owner of the farm on which participants in the slayings. Jordan had
the bodies were buried; Herman Tucker, been indicted in the same conspiracy
38, Philadelphia contractor and builder of charges but was not a defendant in the
the dam in which the bodies were found; trial. Jordan described how Deputy
Richard Andrew Willis, former Phila- Price had jailed the 3 youths, held them
delphia policeman. until the mob assembled, then released
During the trial Police Sgt. Carlton them only to recapture them after a
Wallace Miller, 43, testified Oct. 11 that highway chase. The youths, he said,
he had joined the local klavern of the were driven to the site of the slayings in
White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the deputy's car. Jordan told the
late March or April 1964 and had be- court that he was posted as lookout a
come a paid informer for the FBI the short distance down the road. "I heard
following September. Miller, who had car doors slam, some loud talk that I
been a member of the Meridian police could not distinguish, and then I heard
force for 20 years, identified of the 18
1 1 several shots," he said. Then he walked
defendants as either members of the down the road and found the youths on
Klan or as having been present at Klan the ground, apparently dead. The Klans-
meetings. Miller said that most Klan dis- men were "milling around," Jordan de-
cussions centered on opposition to inte- clared, but they removed the signs of
gration. He said that at one meeting the shootings. The bodies were put in
Edgar Ray Killen, who had recruited the back of the station wagon, he
him for the Klan, explained the various testified, and were hauled to the dam
kinds of "pressure" to be used against in Neshoba County, where a bulldozer
civil rights workers: "To begin with, we buried them. Jordan said that Sam
were to call them up or go see them, Bowers, identified as imperial wizard
threaten them on the job, things of that of the White Knights, had approved the
nature," but the pressure would include slayings. He reported that Bowers had
"whippings, beatings. . After the
. . said Schwerner was "a thorn in the side
pressure was applied and they didn't re- of everyone living, especially the white
spond, then we were to apply physical people, and should be taken care of."
pressure." Finally, he said, "there was The court Oct. 13 heard a statement
elimination"; "that's a term for murder- signed by Horace D. Barnette, a de-
ing them, killing them." Miller said fendant identified as a member of the
Killen had once discussed a plan to. lynching party. The statement charged
"whip" Schwerner but later called it Jordan with killing one of the rights
off; "Mr. Killen told us to leave him workers. Henry Rask, an FBI agent,
alone, that another unit was going to told the court that he had obtained the
take care of him. His elimination had 10-page statement from Barnette during
been approved of by the imperial a 5-hour 56-minute session Nov. 20, 1964
wizard." Miller said that about a week at a motel near Springhill, La. Rask
after the 3 rights workers disappeared said that he and James A. Wooten, an-
"Mr. Killen told me they had been shot other FBI agent had talked with

Barnette Nov. 19, 20 and 21 and that testifiedMay 15 that Bowers had given
Barnette had said the slayings "had the orders to firebomb Dahmer"s house
been bothering him and he wanted to and kill him if possible.
tell us about it." Three more trials of Bowers on various
Barnette's statement, read to the court charges connected with Dahmer's murder
by Asst. Atty. Gen. John Doar, said: The also ended in mistrials during 1968-9.
rights workers had been driven to the Prosecutor James Finch charged at a
shooting site with Jordan. Schwerner Jan. 21-25, 1969 trial that Bowers
was hauled from the back of the car and had "planned, directed, masterminded,
asked: "Are you that nigger lover?" instituted and inspired" the 1966 fire-
Schwerner answered: "Sir, I know just bombing murder.
how you feel." Then a mob member
Billy Roy Pitts testified Jan. 23 that
"took a pistol in his hand and shot
Dahmer's death had been planned at a
Schwerner." "Schwerner fell to the left
meeting in which Bowers had insisted
so that he was lying alongside the road,
that the Klan deal with "that nigger
and Goodman spun around and fell back
Dahmer." According to Pitts, Bowers
toward the bank in back." At that point did not go along on the raid that ended
Jordan stepped forward and said: "Save in Dahmer's death but was to act as
one for me." Jordan pulled Chaney out "backup man" if the murder attempt
onto the road with him. "I remember failed.
Chaney backing up, facing the road and
Charles Clifford Wilson had been con-
standing on the bank on the other side
victed ofDahmer's murder Jan. 31, 1969
of the ditch, and Jordan stood in the
and was given a life sentence.
middle of the road and shot him. Jordan
then said: 'You didn't leave me any-
A federal jury in Meridian, Miss,
acquitted three of 10 Ku Klux Klans-
thing but a nigger, but at least I
men May 10, 1969 of conspirary charges
me a nigger.'" The
in the Dahmer murder case.
jury returned verdicts of innocent for
William Travis Giles, Frank Lyons and
Dahmer suspects convicted. A jury Lester Thornton. The jury was unable
in Hattiesburg, Miss. March 15, 1968 con-
to reach a verdict on the other seven.
victed Cecil Victor Sessum of first
degree murder for his part in the fire-
bomb death of Negro leader Vernon F. Plot Against Evers Foiled. mem- A
Dahmer Sr. Jan. 10, 1966. Sessum was ber of a Ku Klux Klan branch was
sentenced to life imprisonment. arrested in Fayette, Miss. Sept. 9, 1969 as
The statehad charged that the at- he drove a car filled with weapons into
tack on Dahmer was a Ku Klux Klan the parking lot of a store owned by
plot conceived because of Dahmer's Fayette Mayor Charles Evers. Several
efforts to encourage Negroes to register hours earlier, Evers, the first black
to vote. William I. Smith, an admitted mayor in Mississippi, had received several
Klan member also convicted in the case, phone calls warning that an attempt would
received a life term July 19. Ex-Klan be made on his life. The arrest was made
member Billy Roy Pitts, who pleaded as Evers was standing in front of his
guilty to both murder and arson, was supermarket.
sentenced to life in prison, and Lawrence Fayette Police Chief Robert Vander-
Byrd was given a 10-year term Nov. 8. son and his men arrested Dale Watson of
Mistrials were declared in the murder Tupelo, Miss, after uncovering five guns
trials of Henry Edward DeBoxtel Mar. in Watson's car. He was charged with
21, Charles Clifford Wilson July 28 and carrying and concealing deadly weapons.
James F. Lyons Nov.
14. In each case the Federal Treasury Department agents
jurors could not agree on a verdict. The Sept. 10 arrested two white men Pat —
trial for arson of former Ku Klux Klan Massengale and Bobby D. Haywood- -
leader Sam H. Bowers Jr., had ended in suspected of conspiring to assassinate
a deadlock May 17 with jurors voting
1 1 Evers. The agents arrested Massengale
guilty and one voting not guilty. Pitts, on charges of illegally transferring a
a key state witness in the trial, had .45-caliber Thompson sub-machine gun

to another person. Bobby D. Haywood I, which called him a "dirty Communist

was described as a friend of Watson's. dog" and was reportedly signed "The
Author of such works as One Dimen-
5 guilty in Pontiac bus bombing. Detroit
sional Man, Marcuse had been adopted
DistrictCourt Judge Lawrence Gubow
by the international New Left as philo-
May 21, 1973 found five ex- members of the sophical guide for the movement. The
Ku Klux Klan guilty of conspiracy in the threatening letter, which warned him to
plot to bomb school buses in Pontiac, leave the U.S., came amid a public con-
Mich, during a busing controversy in
troversy over his leanings and affiliations.
The chairman of the UCSD depart-
The five were found guilty of conspiring
ment of philosophy, Dr. Jason Saunders,
to interfere by force with the execution of
said July 10 that Marcuse was "perhaps
a court-ordered desegregation plan and of
the most popular professor on campus."
conspiring to intimidate black children in
Saunders denied charges that Marcuse
the exercise of their right to attend public
indoctrinated his students. A declaration
adopted by UCSD professors Aug. 9 by
Those convicted, all Klansmen at the 109-3 vote gave Marcuse their "complete
time of the bombing, were: Robert E.
support against the current attempts to
Miles, Alexander J. Distel Jr., Wallace E.
silence him."
Fruit, Raymond Quick Jr. and Dennis C.
Marcuse, who came to the U.S. in
Ramsey. Miles had been the grand dragon 1934, was a high-ranking Government
of the Michigan Realm of the United consultant in World War II and taught at
Klans of America at the time of the Brandeis University before he came to
bombing. UCSD in 1964. Although he wrote about
The ten vehicles, bombed Aug. 30, life in terms of class struggle, he had not
1971, were part of Pontiac's fleet of 90 been considered a doctrinaire Marxist
school buses being used to carry out a because he rejected the concept of the
court-ordered integration plan involving "working class" as a revolutionary agent.
the busing of 8,700 schoolchildren. The Instead, he looked to youth and oppressed
busing plan had triggered widespread minorities as instruments for change; he
community opposition. expressed support for "socially useful
The ex-Klansmen were convicted of destructiveness," and he recommended
plotting at a statewide meeting of the "the withdrawal of toleration of speech
Klan in July to blow up the buses. and assembly from groups and move-
An affidavit filed in U.S. court in De- ments which promote aggressive policies,
troit Sept. 10, 1971 said the Klansmen had armament, chauvinism, racial and re-
also planned to "knock out" a power sta- ligious discrimination, or which oppose
tion in the Pontiac area as a diversion for the extension of public services" (from
a full-scale mortar attack on the city's Marcuse's/J Critique of Pure Tolerance).
90-bus fleet. But Marcuse said in an interview that
he "would restrict expression only in the
case of movements which are definitely
NEW LEFT & aggressive and destructive," for example,
ANTIWAR ACTIVISTS "the Hitler movement."

Marcuse Threatened. Dr. Herbert Mar- 'Catonsville 9' Comicted. A U.S. Dis-
cuse, 70, acknowledged philosophical trict Court jury in Baltimore convicted a
Marxist and professor of philosophy at the group of 9 Roman Catholic antiwar
University of California at San Diego activists Oct. 16, 1968 of burning draft
(USCD), fled from his La Jolla home filesMay 17 after invading a Selective
July 4, 1968 after a written threat Service office at Catonsville, Md., a sub-
on his life. But he returned unharmed in urb of Baltimore.
September after attending academic Judge Roszel C. Thomsen Nov. 8 im-
meetings in Europe during most of the posed sentences on the defendants rang-
summer. FBI agents in San Diego in- ing from 2 to IVi years. The Rev. Philip
vestigated the letter, postmarked July Berrigan, 44, and Thomas Lewis, who


both were serving 6-year terms for de- young men and women described as
stroying Selective Service files in Balti- "hippie types" were arrested Nov. 11,
more Oct. 27, 1967, received 3 /o -year x
1968 for conspiracy in what Detroit
jail terms. 3-year prison terms were given police called an "anti-establishment, anti-
to the Rev. Daniel Berrigan, brother of government" bombing plot. Lt. William
Father Philip, Thomas Melville, 37, a McCoy of the city's Special Investigation
former Maryknoll priest, and George Bureau said that there was no indication
Mische, 30. The 4 other defendants re- that the defendants were members of any
ceived 2-year sentences. They were Mar- formal organization. The bombing tar-
jorie Melville, a former Maryknoll nun gets included a recruiting office of the
and wife of Melville, Mary Moylan, 32, Central Intelligence Agency, cars be-
John Hogan, 33, a former Maryknoll longing to 3 policemen and an Army
brother, and David Darst, 26, a Christian recruiter, a draft board office, a suburban
brother. school administration building and the
University of Michigan Institute of
12 Milwaukee Protesters Guilty. Twelve
Science & Technology.
of the so-called Milwaukee 14 group of
draft protesters were convicted of burg- SDS Origins & Offshoots. The most no-
lary, theft and arson May 26, 1969 in torious of the New Left revolutionary and
Milwaukee Circuit Court. The defendants allegedly terroristic organizations of the
were members of a group of Roman 1960s and early 1970s was Students for
Catholics, including seven clergymen, a Democratic Society (SDS).
charged with entering a Milwaukee se- Nominally, SDS came into existence in
lective service office Sept. 24, 1968, and 1959, but its background goes back to
seizing and burning thousands of draft 1905 and to the Intercollegiate Socialist
files. The trial had opened May 12. Society (ISS) founded then by Upton Sin-
Judge Charles Larson, 61, sentenced
L. clair,Walter Lippmann, Clarence Darrow
11 of the 12 defendants to concurrent and Jack London. The ISS underwent a
two-year jail terms and four years' reorganization in 1921 and became the
probation June 6. League for Industrial Democracy (LID).
The defendants, who conducted their Its youth wing was reorganized as the Stu-
own defense, attempted to turn the trial dent League for Industrial Democracy
into a forum for attacking the draft sys- (SLID). SLID joined with the Com-
tem and the Vietnam war. Larson ruled munist-dominated National Student
May 19 that the draft and the war were League (NSL) in December 1935 to form
not relevant issues in the state trial but a "united front" under the title American
that the defendants could explain their Student Union (ASU).
motives for burning the draft records. After World War II, LID extracted the
The 1 defendants sentenced June 6
1 remains of SLID from the ASU merger
were: Rev. Robert Cunnane, Stoughton, (in 1946), and the civil rights movement
Mass.; Rev. Anthony J. Mullanoy, Bos- brought new life to the youth group in the
ton; Brother Basil K. O'Leary, Wilnona, late 1950s.
Minn.; James H. Forest, New York City; A freshreorganization transformed
Robert E. Graf, Milwaukee; Rev. Law- SLID Students for a Democratic
rence E. Rosenbaugh, Milwaukee; Society (SDS) in 1959. The organization
Donald J. Cotton, Milwaukee; Rev. Al- made no real progress, however, until
fred L. Janicke, Minneapolis; Fred J. 1962, after its "Port Huron Statement,"
Ojile, Minneapolis; Rev. James W. drafted by Tom Hayden and Al Haber,
Harney, North Weymouth, Mass.; and was adopted enthusiasticallyby the 45
Douglas Marvey, Minneapolis. The 12th delegates who SDS con-
attended the 1962
defendant. Rev. John Higginbotham, vention at an AFL-CIO camp in Port
28, of St. Cloud, Minn., was sentenced to Huron, Mich. Hayden, who delivered the
two years in prison June 20 after a delay statement, was elected SDS president. The
granted so he could obtain counsel. statement, which called for "truly demo-
cratic alternatives" in the campaign
against racial injustice, war and poverty,
Detroit Bombings. Following a series described violence "in social change or
of 8 bombings in the Detroit area, 1 interchange" as "abhorrent."

At its 1968 national convention, held ments were counterrevolutionary. The

at Michigan State University in East PL faction supported resolutions against
Lansing June 10-15, delegates rejected the use of drugs and such "bourgeois"
proposals that would have turned SDS enterprises as Berkeley's "People's
into an organized vehicle for revolution Park."
rather than a loosely structured founda- The National Office Collective,
tion for building a radical movement. checked by the parliamentary skill of the
(But FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover PL faction, walked out of the Coliseum
charged in a report on FBI operations after an angry confrontation between
July 18 that workshops in "sabotage Jules Cook, a Black Panther speaker,
and explosives" had been conducted at the and Gordon, who condemned the Pan-
SDS conference.) thers as reactionary nationalists. The
anti-PL faction, numbering from 500 to
1,000 delegates, met separately and re-
SDS splits in 1969—The SDS split into
turned to the Coliseum briefly about mid-
two rival factions during its 1969
night June 21. Miss Dohrn mounted the
national convention, held in the Chicago
podium and announced that the PL fac-
Coliseum June 18-22. Faced with a
tion was expelled from SDS. The na-
take-over threat by representatives of the
tional office group retained control of
Progressive Labor party and its allies
the SDS membership files and treasury.
from the Worker-Student Alliance, two
Both factions, each claiming the SDS
of the three national SDS leaders and
their followers walked out of the annual
label, announced national officers June
23. The national office group elected
meeting June 20 and met separately in
the First Presbyterian Church on the
Mark Rudd, 22, leader of the 1968 Co-
city's West Side. The split culminated a lumbia University revolt, as its national
struggle within SDS between the smaller secretary. Jeff Jones of New York was
but well-organized PL faction and an named interorganizational secretary and
anti-PL group at the convention called William Ayres, 24, internal education
the National Office Collective. secretary. The PL group's officers, in cor-
Originally scheduled to open June 9, responding posts, were John Pennington
the convention had been postponed after of Boston, Patricia Forman of San Fran-
SDS was denied use of more than 60 po- cisco and Alan Spector.
tential meeting sites at universities, col- Emergence of Weatherman— SDS' ter-
leges, auditoriums and union halls. rorist Weatherman faction appeared fol-
Bernardine Dohrn, 27, SDS interorgani- lowing the split at the 1969 convention.
zational secretary, said June 11 that the The majority emerging from the con-
difficulty in finding a site was due to vention took over the Chicago office as the
"federally masterminded pressure against Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM),
radicals." while the Progressive Labor faction
An estimated 1,100 to 1,500 delegates seized control in Boston.
gathered at the Coliseum June 18 and A further split in Chicago produced a
passed resolutions to bar the "capitalist RYM I and a RYM II. RYM II later
press" from the meetings. became independent as simply Revolu-
Opposition to the PL faction centered tionary Youth Movement.
around Miss Dohrn and Michael Klon- RYM I became known as Weatherman,
sky, 25, SDS national secretary. This deriving its name from a position paper
group believed that SDS should be mainly entitled "You Don't Need a Weatherman
a student organization opposed to "im- to Know Which Way the Wind Blows," a
perialism" and supporting black libera- line from Bob Dylan's song "Subter-
tion. The society's third national leader. ranean Homesick Blues." The paper was
Internal Education Secretary Fred Gor- written by Karen Ashley, Bill Ayers,
don, was a leading spokesman for the Bernardine Dohrn, John (J.J.) Jacobs, Jeff
PL faction, which included about 600 Jones, Gerry Long, Howie Machtinger,
delegates. The PL group, which labeled Jim Mellen, Terry Robbins, Mark Rudd
itself "Maoist," saw revolution in doc- and Steve Tappis.
trinaire terms of class struggle. It charged In the position paper, the Weatherman
the black power and student power move- faction (later referred to as Weathermen

and Weather Underground) described the tics as "adventuristic" and likely to alien-
"correct path" for revolution in the U.S. ate potential supporters among the work-
as action to "build a white movement ing classes.
which will support the blacks in moving as
fast as they have to and are able to, and
still itself keep up with that black move-
House Probes SDS. The House Com-
mittee on Internal Security began hear-
ment enough so that white revolutionaries
share the cost and the blacks don't have June 3, 1969 on SDS activities.
to do the whole thing alone." New York Times reporter Anthony
Weatherman said in SDS' New Left Ripley testified under subpoena June 3
Notes (June 18 issue) that alienated high that he was reluctant to appear before the
school youths were the potential revolu- committee because it would make it more
tionary class in the U.S. in addition to difficult to cover "the radical commun-
Third-World (minority) peoples. To win ity." He confirmed details he had re-
over the students, faction members be- ported on an SDS convention in 1968. He
lieved they must prove that they were not had quoted SDS Interorganizational Sec-
timid intellectuals. retary Bernardine Dohrn as saying "I
consider myself a revolutionary Com-
munist." Earlier in the proceedings,
Weatherman 'Rage' in Chicago. Hun-
dreds of Weatherman adherents staged
Bradshaw Mallard, a Gainesville, Fla.
policeman, had testified that SDS Na-
demonstrations that they described as
tional Secretary Michael Klonsky had
"days of rage" in Chicago Oct. 8-11,
1969 to coincide with the conspirary trial
"openly admitted he was a Communist"
of eight antiwar protest leaders charged during an April 1speech at the Univer-

sity of Florida.
with fomenting disorders during the 1968
Democratic National Convention. The The Rev. Gerald F. Yates, a George-
demonstrators chose the slogan "Bring town University professor, testified June
the War Home" for their four-day cam- 4 that SDS had won an "indirect victory"
paign. for radicalism by forcing out "hundreds"
Helmeted Weatherman members of university presidents and deans who no
clashed with police the night of Oct. 8 longer "want to stand in the center of the
following a rally at Chicago's Lincoln shooting gallery and have their heads
Park. Sixty persons were arrested and shot off." He mentioned James A. Per-
three radicals were shot, one by a po- kins of Cornell and Buell G. Gallagher of
liceman who said he shot a demonstrator City College of New York as two of many
who had been clubbing him. presidents forced to resign because of
Police arrested 12 demonstrators Oct. campus disruptions.
9 when 60 members of the Weatherman
"women's militia" charged police lines
after announcing that they would "de-
Weatherman Arrests in Cambridge.
Twenty-three Weatherman members were
stroy" a military induction center. Other
arrested Nov. 18, 1969 in connection with
arrests came during a police raid on a
church in suburban Evanston early Oct. a Nov. 8 sniper attack on the Cambridge,
11. Later that day, 103 demonstrators Mass. police headquarters. Eric Mann,
were arrested as they charged police lines 28, leader of the local Weatherman fac-
in the heart of the Chicago business tion, was also arrested and charged with

district. The resulting violence injured 24 assault with intent to commit murder.
policemen and scores of demonstrators. Judge M. Edward Viola dismissed the
The police said Oct. 13 that 290 had charges Nov. 29 against Mann and 20
been arrested during the demonstra- of the group after a young prosecution
tions. Two Weatherman leaders— Mark witness testified that he had signed a
Rudd, the faction's national secretary, statement implicating some of the
and Bernardine Dohrn, former SDS Weathermen under threats from police.
officer, were among those arrested. Five Weathermen were fined a total of
Weatherman's rival RYM II faction $700 in district court in Boston Dec. 16
also gathered in Chicago during the four on charges arising from the incident. Two
days. They scored the Weatherman tac- of the defendants received jail sentences.

N.Y. Bombing The FBI Nov. 14,

'Plot.' ber of SDS' Weatherman faction. A
1969 arrested three men and a woman Weatherman statement published in May
and charged them with being radical- identified the third as Terry Robbins, a
terrorists who had plotted and set off Weatherman who had been a Kent State
eight bombings in major corporate and University radical leader in 1968.
government structures in New York City The two girls who fled the building
since July. Cathlyn Piatt Wilker-
were identified as
Thesuspects included Samuel Mel- son and Kathy Boudin. James P. Wil-
ville, the alleged ringleader, who the kerson, Cathlyn's father and owner of the
FBI said, fashioned the bombs from demolished building, flew to New York
stolen dynamite. The others were George March 11 and pleaded to his absent
Demmerle, John D. Hughey 3d and daughter to disclose the number of peo-
Jane Lauren Alpert. Being sought was ple in the townhouse at the time of the
Patricia Swinton, who, the FBI said, had explosion.
worked for the North American Congress
of Latin America. The FBI said the The two missing girls had been or-
organization "correlates research" on dered to appear in a Chicago criminal
what the group calls "U.S. imperialism court in connection with the "four days
in Latin America." of rage" staged by Weatherman in 1969.
Thefive suspects were charged with Neither woman appeared in the Cook
setting off or planting bombs in the County court March 16. Their bail was
following places: ordered revoked and a warrant was is-
July 27 -A United Fruit Company Pier on the sued for their arrest.
Hudson River; Aug. 20- The Marine Midland Grace
Trust Company Building on Broadway; Sept. 19 -
The Federal Office Building at Federal Plaza; Oct. bombed. Scores
7 The U.S. Armed Forces Examining and Entrance
3 N.Y. buildings
Station at Whitehall Street; Nov. 1 — RCA
1 of buildings were evacuated in New
at Rockefeller Plaza; General Motors Corporation York March 12, 1970 after a series of
Building on Fifth Avenue, and the Chase Manhattan
explosions caused extensive damage in
Building at Chase Manhattan Plaza; and Nov. 12 —
The Criminal Courts Building and an Army truck three mid-town big business skyscrapers.
parked near the 69th Regiment Armory. There were no injuries as the explosions
shattered windows and walls at the home
(Melville, who later pleaded guilty, was
offices of Socony Mobil, General Tele-
killed Sept. 13, 1971 in the Attica, N.Y.
phone and Electronics, and International
prison uprising.)
Business Machines (IBM). A terrorist
group, calling itself "Revolutionary
Force 9," claimed credit for the bomb-
'Bomb factory' destroyed. A series of ings. The group said in a letter that the
dynamite explosions demolished
a three companies had been hit because
New York townhouse the Greenwich
in they were "enemies of all life."
Village area March 6, 1970 and killed
(A man was killed and several men in-
three persons. Police said a revolution-
jured March 28 by an explosion in a
aries' bomb factory was in operation in
Lower-East-Side New York apartment.
the four-story building. Two young Police said they had found live bombs and
women, one of them the daughter of a bomb-making equipment in the debris.)
Midwest radio station president who
owned the building, were reported to
have Med the house as the first explosions
rocked the building. Illinois unit cites Weatherman threat.
Police and firemen sifting through the A report delivered to the Illinois Senate
rubble March 7-17 found the remains of April 20 said that Weatherman posed
three persons, one of whom remained "an immediate and long-range threat"
unidentifiable. Police March 8 identified to the internal security of the nation.
one of the victims as Theodore Gold, 23, The 750-page report, prepared by the
believed to be a member of SDS' mili- staff of the Illinois Crime Investigation
tant wing. Another victim was identified Commission, dealt with the Chicago "days
March 17 as Diana Oughton, 28, a mem- of rage."

The report said the Weatherman fac- tionary organization] to our own situa-
tion had "risen beyond revolution to the tion here in the most technically ad-
level of anarchy" and was "in the business vanced country in the world."
of fomenting discontent and revolution (The San Francisco Chronicle said
among America's youth." It connected July 28 that it had received a letter,
the group with the international Com- signed "Weatherman Underground,"
munist movement but said no Com- which warned Attorney General John
munist financing was behind the Weather- N. Mitchell: "Don't look for us, dog:
man faction or SDS. The report noted we'll find you first." The letter was de-
that in 1969, $112,443 was deposited in scribed by the senders as a "third com-
an SDS account in Chicago's Manufac- munication," apparently referring to the
turers National Bank, compared with May "declaration of war" and a second
$99,679 the previous year. letter claiming credit for the bomb
explosion in the New York City police
headquarters. The letter, dated July 26
Weatherman "declaration.' The New and also received by the New York Post,
York Times May 25 published excerpts said the group was celebrating the Uth
from a statement that claimed to be a anniversary of the Cuban revolution. It
"declaration of war" issued by the Weath- said, "Everywhere we see the growth of
erman. The statement, received by the revolutionary culture and the ways in
Times Chicago bureau, was identified which every move of the monster-state
by the senders as a transcript of a tape tightens the noose around its own neck.")
recording by Bernardine Dohrn, a leader
of the group.
The statement warned: "Within the
next 14 days we will attack a symbol or
Weathermen indicted in bomb plots. A
federal grand jury in Detroit indicted 13
institution of Amerikan [a radical spell-
ing used to suggest Nazi-like oppression]
Weathermen July 23, 1970 on charges of
conspiracy to commit bombings through
injustice. This is the way we celebrate
a nationwide underground of terrorists.
the example of Eldridge Cleaver and H.
By July 25, five of the defendants had
Rap Brown and all black revolutionaries
been taken into custody.
who first inspired us." (While there was
The indictment charged that the con-
no obvious Weatherman attack within
spiracy had been born at a December
the specified two weeks, a dynamite time
1968 meeting in Flint, Mich. The charges
bomb exploded in the New York City traced the bombing plot through a Febru-
police headquarters [causing injury to ary meeting in Cleveland and alleged
at seven people there] June 9,
bomb-making that resulted in the ex-
and the Associated Press received a hand- plosion that left three persons dead in
written communication signed "Weather-
New York.
man" June 10 claiming that the group The indictment charged: "It was part
had planted the bomb because "the pigs of the conspiracy that the defendants
in this country are our enemies.")
would organize a 'central committee' to
The statement said the Weather- direct underground bombing operations
men indicted in Chicago "move freely . .that this group would be assigned to

in and out of every city and youth scene Berkeley, Calif.; Chicago, 111.; New
in this country." The declaration claimed York, N.Y.; and Detroit, Mich.; that
there were "several hundred members of clandestine and underground 'focals,'
the Weatherman underground. ... In consisting of three or four persons, would
every tribe, commune, dormitory, farm- be established; that the 'focals' would
house, barracks and townhouse where be commanded by the 'central committee'
kids are making love, smoking dope and in the bombing of police and other civic,
loading guns— fugitives from Amerikan business and education buildings through-
justice are free to go." The statement out the country." Justice Department
said that Weatherman was "adopting officials said that the alleged "focals"
the classic guerrilla strategy of the Viet- were distinct from so-called Weatherman
cong and the urban guerrilla strategy of "affinity groups," which the organiza-
the Tupamaros [a Uruguayan revolu- tion used in street violence.

Named as defendants in the indict- "espionage techniques" had been used in

ment were Mark W. Rudd, 23; Bernar- obtaining evidence without compromising
dine Dohrn, had disappeared, "foreign intelligence information deemed
and Kathy Boudin, 27. All four had been essential to the security of the United
named in the Chicago "Days of Rage" States."
indictment as was another defendant, Only six of the accused had surrendered
Linda Sue Evans, 23, who had been or been captured: Robert G. Burlingham,
arrested in New York City earlier in the Russell T. Neufeld, Mark Real, Dianne
year and released on bail. Also charged Marie Donghi, Linda Evans and Jane
was Cathlyn P. Wilkerson, 26, who had Spielman. The remainder, including
been named as co-conspirator in the Weathermen leaders Mark Rudd and
Chicago indictment and had dis- Bernardine Dohrn, had disappeared.
appeared after the March explosion in
New York City, which destroyed a town-
house owned by her father. Bomb penalties sought. President Nixon
Besides Miss Evans, defendants taken asked Congress March 25, 1970 to set
into custody by police were Russell T. severe penalties, including the death
Neufeld, 23, arrested in Chicago July sentence, for the illegal use and trans-
23; Dianne Marie Donghi, 21, arrested portation of explosives. He said he was
in New York City July 23; Robert G. asking for harsher federal laws to stem
Burlingham, 24, who surrendered in "an alarming increase in the number of
Boston; and Jane Spielman, 23, who criminal bombings in the cities of our
surrendered in New York City July 25. country."
The other defendants were Ronald D. In a White House statement, Nixon
Fliegelman, 26; Naomi E. Jaffe, 27; said recent bombings were "the work of
and Larry D. Grathwohl, 23. political fanatics" who must be dealt
Among 15 others named as co-con- with as the "potential murderers they
spirators in the indictment were at least are." He proposed in his legislation that

two Diana Oughton and Theodore any individual "engaged in the trans-

Gold who had been killed in the New port or use of explosives" in violation
York townhouse explosion. A third body of the proposed laws "be made subject
found in the wreckage had not been to the death penalty if a fatality occurs."
identified, but Weathermen claimed it The President said his purpose for
was Terry Robbins, also named as bringing crimes linked with bombings
co-conspirator in the current indictment. under federal jurisdiction was to assist
The grand jury cited 21 "overt acts" state and local governments combat the
in carrying out the conspiracy but only "multiplying number of acts of urban
connected the defendants with one actual terror."
bombing attempt, an abortive attack In a separate development, Nixon
on a police association building in Detroit joined the Justice Department in asking
in March. Rudd was quoted as saying in Congress that "Molotov cocktails,"
a Cleveland speech Feb. 4 that "the homemade bombs made with gas-filled
Weathermen were going underground bottles and cloth or string wicks, be in-
and would commit acts of assassination cluded in the categories now covered by
and bombings of police and military in- existing antibombing laws.
stallations." Congressional hearings — Two congres-
Assistant Attorney General Will Wil- sional subcommittees held hearings
son, head of the Justice Department's July 15-22, 1970 and heard city, state
Criminal Division, said July 23 that the and federal law enforcement officials
defendants were the "top and core testify that political, terrorist and crim-
leadership" of the Weatherman fac- inal bombings had reached crisis propor-
tion. tions in some U.S. cities and on some
Detroit District Court Judge Damon J. collSge campuses.
Keith Oct. 15, 1973 granted a government Nearly all of the officials who appeared
request to dismiss the charges because, before the Senate's Investigations sub-
the prosecution said, it could not comply committee and the House's Judiciary
with Keith's order to reveal whether subcommittee No. 5 said federal legis-


lation was needed to curb the sharp rise Addressing a campus audience of
in bombings. some 15,000 inthe Kansas State Univer-
Sen. John L. McClellan (D, Ark.), sity fieldhouse at Manhattan, Kan.,
who opened the Senate hearings July 15, Nixon called for "an uncompromising
said the wave of bombings "portend a stand against those who reject the rules
very grave danger to our internal security of civilized conduct and respect for
and our peaceful way of life." Eugene T. others, those who destroy what is right
Rossides, assistant secretary of the in our society and whose actions would

treasury, told the Senators at the opening do nothing to right what is wrong."
session that "from January 1969 to It was time, he said, "for the respon-

April of this year this country suf-

. . .
sible university and college administra-
fered a total of 4,330 bombings, an addi- tors, faculty and student leaders to stand
tional 1,475 attempted bombings, and a up and be counted, because we must
reported 35,129 threatened bombings." remember, only they can save higher
Rossides said bombs had caused "at education in America. It cannot be saved
least 40 deaths and at least $21.8 million by government."
of property damage in the last 5 months." 1
The President warned against "the
acceptance of violence, the condoning
New YorkCity Police Commissioner
of terror, excusing of inhuman acts in a
Howard R. Leary told the Senators July
misguided effort to accommodate the
16 that since January 1969 there had
community's standards to those of the
been 366 bombing incidents in New
violent few."
York City, including those "of municipal
The President also pressed these points
and federal banks, religious houses of
in a letter to 900 university administra-
worship and commercial buildings as
tors and trustees, expressing concern
well. as residential buildings used as 'bomb
over the tendency to lay the blame for
campus disorders on federal domestic
Assistant U.S. Attorney General Will
and foreign policies.
Wilson testified July 17 that "the sup- "There can be no substitute," he told
pression of terroristic tactics is not a re- them, "for the acceptance of responsibil-
pression of free speech or the right to ity for order and discipline on campuses
dissent or the right to protest." Wilson by college administrators and college
said most of the bombings were the work faculties." "Those who cannot accept
of "fanatics who are politically that rule of reason, those who resort to
motivated . .
the rule of force have no place on a col-
Charles A. O'Brien, chief deputy at- lege campus," he said.
torney general of California, offered a The letter, madepublic Sept. 20, was
different view. He testified July 22 that accompanied by an article written by
the rising number of bombings was philosophy professor Sidney Hook of
being perpetrated by people from all seg- New York University and published in
ments of society. He said that "bombs the Los Angeles Times Aug. 30. It was
are playing a larger role in our society recommended by Nixon as "cogent and
than simply as the deadly tools of po- compelling." Hook said that it was
litical terrorists." O'Brien said there "noisome hogwash" to contend that "the
was hardly a segment of the American
—"white, black, poor, rich, middle
chief threat to academic freedom today
comes from without and not from with-
class, educated and uneducated, right in." The problem and threat on campus,
and left, native and immigrant, urban and Hook said, was "academic disruption
rural —which is not represented among and violence which flow from substitut-
the bombers." ing for the academic goals of learning the
Nixon assails terrorism—President political goals of action."
Nixon Sept. 16, 1970 again deplored "the This perverted the purpose of the uni-
spreading disease of violence" and "its versity from a study of social and politi-
use as a political tactic." Violence and cal problems into a political effort "agi-
terror, he said, "have no place in a free tating for the adoption of partisan politi-
society. ... In a system like ours, which cal goals," Hook argued. He advocated
provides the means for peaceful change, university guidelines for expression of
no cause justifies violence in the name of dissent, prompt punishment of violators
change." and resort to civil authority in danger-

ous, violent campus situations involving Year's Gang," which claimed responsi-
"intervention by large outside nonstu- bility for the bombing as "part of a
dent forces." worldwide struggle to defeat American
imperialism." The name reportedly
Man dies in Wisconsin blast. An early
stemmed from an unsuccessful attempt
morning explosion tore apart the Army to bomban Army ammunition plant in
Mathematics Research Center at the Baraboo, Wis. Jan. 1. The statement
University of Wisconsin (Madison) Aug. said unless demands were met by Oct.
10, the group would take "revolutionary
24, 1970, killing a physics researcher
and destroying most of the contents of measures of an intensity never before
the building, including a $1.5 million
seen in this country open warfare,
. . .

computer. The blast occurred at 3:42 kidnaping .and even assassination."

. .

a.m., two minutes after Madison police The newspaper said the explosion had
received an anonymous phone call warn- gone off two minutes ahead of schedule
ing that a bomb had been planted at the and added that the gang "regrets the
center. death of Robert Fassnacht."
Killed in the blast was Dr. Robert The FBI filed charges Sept. 2 of con-
Fassnacht, 33, who had stayed late at spiracy to bomb, sabotage and destruc-
the center to finish a research project tion of government property against
in low-temperature physics. Four other Karleton Lewis Armstrong, 22, a former
persons were injured by the explosion, chemistry major at the university; his
which destroyed trees and autos near brother Dwight Alan Armstrong, 19, a
the building and shattered windows 10 high school dropout; Leo Frederick Burt,
blocks from the campus. Edwin Young, 22, a student at the university who had
university chancellor, said Aug. 25 the written for the campus newspaper, The
explosion "ruined the life work of five Daily Cardinal; and David Sylvan Fine,
physics professors and wiped out the 18, a Daily Cardinal staff member who
Ph.D. theses of two dozen graduate stu- formerly had been on the staff of a
dents." Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Madison had been the scene of con- publication at the University of Dela-
siderable turmoil and of a series of ware.
bombing incidents in recent years. The The FBI identified the explosive in the
Mathematics Research Center had been blast as a mixture of nitrogen fertilizer
the frequent target of antiwar demon- and fuel oil, which had been planted in a
strators, who objected to research on rented van left beside the research cen-
campus under contract to the Army. ter, and said Karleton Armstrong had

However Dr. J. Barkley Rosser, direc- bought fuel oil and nitrate fertilizer ear-
tor of the center, said Aug. 24 that the lier in August.

research was in applied mathematics and The FBI cited a letter from Fine to
had "nothing to do with national de- a friend postmarked Aug. 28 New York
fense." City. The letter said Fine and Burt were
Leaflets distributed in Madison Aug. headed toward Canada. It contained a
25 contained an explanation of the bomb- document labeled "Communique from
ing offered by "We who understand and the underground number one the Mar- —
support the demolition of the Army ion Delgado Collective." (Marion Del-
Math Research Center." It charged that gado was a mythical revolutionary child
research at the center "has killed literal- popularized in the SDS publication, New
ly thousands of innocent people" and Left Notes.) The document was an elabo-
concluded, "if the military suppresses life ration of the statement reported by Kalei-
and freedom, ... we must suppress the doscope.
military." Karleton Armstrong, arrested in Can-
Similar motives were reported Aug. ada in 1972 and extradited to the U.S.,
27 in Kaleidoscope, an underground pleaded guilty Sept. 28, 1973 to a reduced
newspaper distributed on the campus. charge of 2d-degree murder. He was
The paper said it had received a state- sentenced Nov. 1 to an "indeterminate"
ment by telephone from "The New prison term not to exceed 23 years.

Bombings continue. Among other re- tion of the SDS. They came less than a day
ports of terroristic bombings in 1970: after a tape recorded message pur-

A bomb explosion caused an estimated

5200,000 worth of damage June 29 to a
was played
made by Bernardine Dohrn
publicly at a news con-

science building on the Drake University

ference in New York. The message
warned that a fall offensive by young
campus in Des Moines, Iowa.
was about to begin "that
Bombs damaged two branches of the will spread from Santa Barbara to
Bank of America June 19 in Berkeley, Boston, back to Kent [State] and
Calif.The explosions shattered dozens Kansas."
of windows but did little structural dam- Five buildings were hit Oct. 12 by
age. No one was injured. The bombings dynamite blasts in Rochester, N.Y. The
were the latest in a series of violent acts FBI joined county and city police in an
against the nation's largest bank. attempt to find the terrorists responsible
A bomb exploded July 1 shattering
windows and destroying reference ma-
for the bombings, which damaged two
downtown public buildings, two Negro
terial at the University of California's churches and the home of a white union
Center for South and Southeast Asia official.
Studies in Berkeley. An early-morning blast Oct. 14

New York City policereported July ripped through Harvard's Center for
5 that a security policeman had uncov-
International Affairs in Cambridge,
ered 11 firebombs placed under five po-
Mass. The bomb exploded shortly after
lice cars in a fenced-in parking area. The
1 a.m. when the center was closed. The
blast, which injured no one, was pre-
police said the bombs, which were Molo-
tov cocktails, had not exploded because
ceded by a telephone caller who warned
they had been constructed with defective
campus police "to get the janitor out of
there. This is no joke." Responsibility
timing devices.
for the bombing was claimed by the
Three persons were injured July 7 in
"Proud Eagle Tribe," which identified
New York City when a pipe bomb ex-
its members as "revolutionary women."
ploded at the Haitian consulate. A po-
lice inspector said damage was "minor." A virus research center at the Stan-
Two hours later explosive devices were ford Research Institute in Irvine, Calif,
found at the Portugese and South Afri- was demolished Oct. 18 by a blast which
can government offices in New York also destroyed a nearby greenhouse.
City. The two bombs were defused by No injuries were reported in the blast at
the police. the center, which had been a target of
revolutionaries in 1969.
Three explosions rocked the Camp
McCoy Army base in Sparta, Wis. July Two dynamite explosions Nov. 1
26 after an unidentified caller told camp damaged a military induction center in
authorities that a bomb had been planted
Fresno, Calif, and the office of the Fresno
on the base. Guide, a conservative triweekly news-
Blasts Oct. 8 hit a courthouse in San paper.
Rafael, Calif., an ROTC building on the Three persons were injured in an
University of Washington campus in explosion Dec. 11 in the University of
Seattle and a National Guard armory in Kansas (Lawrence) computer center.

Santa Barbara, Calif. The explosion came three minutes after

A fourth bomb was found and dis- a telephone call was received warning
armed in a building at the University of that a bomb was set to go off.
California in Berkeley by an Army A bomb blew a hole in the roof of
bomb squad. the Bank of America branch at Isla
No injuries were reported in the ex- Vista, Calif. Dec. 15. The damaged
plosions, two of them preceded by building was a new structure built to re-
telephone warnings. Property damage place one burned down earlier in the
was extensive. year during rioting
at the nearby Santa

The bombings were believed by police Barbara campus of the University of

to be the work of the Weatherman fac- California. (Fire had gutted a Bank of

America branch near the Irvine campus resentatives in Washington for legisla-
of the University of California Oct. 26. tion to give the police more power and
The burned building had been painted reverse court decisions that he said "aid
with various epithets, some reading and abet criminals."
"Death to the Pigs" and "All Power to The FOP president, John H. Harring-
the People.") ton,blamed the Supreme Court and the
A firebomb exploded Dec. 15 in the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
for violence by radical groups against
Army Reserve Officers Training Corps
offices on the University of Connecticut
policemen. Harrington, a 30-year veteran
(Storrs) campus. Officials said there was
of the Philadelphia police, said that there
modest damage to ROTC records. An was a national conspiracy by radical
firebombing damaged the organizations to murder lawmen. He ac-
headquarters of the antipoverty agency cused the Court and the ACLU of actions
serving to coddle outlaws and extremists.
in nearby Bridgeport Dec. 14.
In an earlier appearance before the
House Internal Security Committee,
6 seized in alleged bomb plot. Six per- holding hearings on the Black Panthers,
sons were arrested in New York City Harrington charged that "Communist
Nov. 2 on charges of conspiracy to make backed" radical groups, like the Panthers,
bombs and commit arson and murder. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Bronx County District Attorney Burton and the Weathermen, were trying to
B. Roberts, who announced the arrests, terrorize Americans and topple the gov-
said he had reason to believe that four of ernment. He blamed radicals for the
the suspects were "connected with the murder of 20 policemen since January.
Weathermen." In a related development, Attorney
Roberts told newsmen that the six General John N. Mitchell Oct. 23 dis-
were seized in raids on three different counted the idea that there was a national
apartments, where police discovered conspiracy hatched by the left to murder
books on explosives, materials to make policemen. He told interviewers, how-
bombs and maps of major buildings in ever, that "constant repetition" of radi-
New York and Chicago. cal dialogue "has brought about more
Roberts said the apartments had been attacks upon police."
under surveillance for three months and
that evidence gained through court- Mitchell, chiefs meet on terrorists. At-
sanctioned wiretaps and investigations by torney General John N. Mitchell met
other agencies had convinced him that Oct. 30 with 13 high-ranking police offi-
"this is a Weatherman operation." Those
cials from across the country to confer
arrested were Donald Cavellini, 27, of on terrorist bombings and attacks on
New York; his twin brother William of police officers.
Somerville, Mass.; Jefferson Bernard, Mitchell said the exchange of intelli-
19, of Syracuse, N.Y.; Mrs. Beth Katz,
gence information on terrorists had been
27, Timothy Doyle, 28, and his mother discussed.
Mrs. Mary Doyle, 54, all of New York. Asked if the terrorist activity was
Roberts said William Cavellini and Mrs. believed to be part of a national con-
Doyle were not connected with the spiracy, Mitchell responded: "We do
Weatherman faction.
not know of any total, national, combined
synchronized conspiracy of terrorist
groups. . But there are some of these
. .

Police holdWashington rally. Nearly

anarchistic groups of nihilists acting on a
3,000 policemen from 25 states converged
national basis."
on Washington Oct. 14, 1970 for a noon
rally on the steps of the Capitol to protest

the increase in armed attacks on lawmen. Hoover cites growing threat. Federal
With a group of Congressmen in the Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director
crowd, the president of the Fraternal J. Edgar Hoover said Oct. 30 that activity
Order of Police (FOP) exhorted the po- by New Left extremist groups had in-
licemen to bring pressure on their rep- creased and posed a growing problem

for law enforcers. In the annual FBI re- he identified as the East Coast Conspir-
port for the fiscal year that ended June acy to Save Lives.
30, Hoover singled out the Weatherman The FBI director said the "anarchist
faction as responsible for much of the group," composed of Catholic priests,
recent terrorism. nuns and laymen, if successful in the
Hoover said some elements of the New kidnapping, "would demand an end to
Left had gone underground to "set up United States bombing operations in
communes and direct attention to guer- Southeast Asia and the release of all po-
rilla warfare." He said black militants prisoners as ransom." He also said
also "conducted guerrilla-type warfare," the group "plans to blow up under-
mentioning such groups as the Black ground electrical conduits and steam
Panthers and the Detroit-based Repub- pipes serving the Washington, D.C.
lic of New Africa, a separatist organiza- area in order to disrupt federal govern-
tion. ment operations."
During his testimony Hoover said in-
telligence sources indicated that a White
Weatherman shift reported. A state-
House aide had been intended as a pos-
ment signed by Weatherman
Bernardine Dohrn and reported by the
sible victim of the plot. He later told re-
porters that other federal officials and
New York Times Dec. 24, 1970 hinted foreign diplomats were potential tar-
movement toward a "cultural revolu-
tion" as an "alternative direction" to
William M. Kunstler and the Rev.
the "tendency to consider only bomb-
William C. Cunningham, attorneys for
ings or picking up a gun as revolution-
the Berrigans, immediately branded
Hoover's testimony as "a far-fetched
The statement had been circulated by
spy story." They said if Hoover "had
the Liberation News
Service and had
the evidence he claims to have," his
appeared in a number of campus and duty would be to "see that the Berrigans
underground newspapers.
and their alleged co-conspirators are
The statement said that the explosion prosecuted."
in a New York City townhouse, in which Six self-acknowledged members of
three radicals were killed, "forever
the East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives
destroyed our belief that armed struggle
said Nov. 30 that the Berrigans had
is the only real revolutionary struggle."
never belonged to their 1-member group

The statement said: "It is time for the and that they had never considered kid-
movement to go out into the air, to or- napping or sabotage. At a Washington,
ganize, to risk calling rallies and demon- D.C. news conference, the six said the
strations, to convince that mass actions group had been inactive since February
against the war and in support of rebel- 1970 when members had "liberated"
lionsdo make a difference." draft files in Philadelphia and General
Above Miss Dohrn's name, the state- Electric Co. records in Washington.
ment bore the words "Weather Under-
Philip Berrigan and five others were
ground," in contrast to "Weatherman
indicted Jan. 12, 1971 on charges of con-
Underground" identifying previous spiring to kidnap Henry A. Kissinger, as-
statements, a switch attributable to sistant to the President for national secur-
feminist influences in the movement. ity affairs, and of plotting to blow up the
heating systems of federal buildings in
Kidnap plot charged, 'Harrisburg 8' case Washington. The six defendants were
ends in mistrial. FBI Director J. Edgar indicted by a federal grand jury in Har-
Hoover, testifying before a Senate Ap- risburg, Pa., near the federal prison at
propriations subcommittee Nov. 27, 1970, Lewisburg where Berrigan was impris-
said that the FBI had uncovered a radical oned during part of the alleged conspiracy.
plot to kidnap a high government official. Also named as co-conspirators but not
Hoover alleged that Philip and Daniel indicted were the Rev. Daniel Berrigan
Berrigan, two Roman Catholic priests and six others.
currently in prison for destroying draft The indictment stated that "dynamite
records, were leaders of the group, which charges were to be detonated in approx-


imately five locations" in Washington of B-52 bombers over North Vietnam,

underground tunnels on Washington's Cambodia and Laos and "release of po-
Birthday in February. It said that Philip litical prisoners."
Berrigan and the Rev. Joseph R. Wend- The letter said Kissinger would be
eroth, 35, of Baltimore, also indicted, had held "for about a week" during which
investigated the city tunnel system as he would be tried and the trial filmed for
part of the plot. The indictment said the the news media. The letter said, "There
conspirators planned to kidnap Kissinger is no pretense of these demands being
the next day. met and he would be released after this
Besides Berrigan and Wenderoth, the time with a word that we're nonviolent
four others indicted were the Rev. Neil as opposed to you who would let a man
R. McLaughlin, 30, of Baltimore; An- be killed ... so that you can go on kill-
thony Scoblick, 30, of Baltimore, a form- ing."
er priest; Eqbal Ahmad, 40, a fellow at The reply attributed to Berrigan ob-
the Adlai Stevenson Institute of Public jected that the plan was too "grandiose"
Affairs in Chicago; and Sister Elizabeth and suggested ways to "weave elements
McAlister, 31, of Marymount College of modesty into it." It also warned of the
(Tarrytown, N.Y.). precedent of a kidnapping: "The first time
Along with Daniel Berrigan, the fol- opens the door to murder the Tupa- —
lowing persons were named co-conspira- maros [guerrillas] are finding that out
tors: Sisters Beverly Bell, 43, and inUruguay."
Marjorie A. Schuman, 47, both of Wash- The two new defendants in the indict-
ington; William Davidon, 43, a professor ment were John Theodore Glick, 21, cur-
at Haverford (Pa.) College; Thomas rently serving an 18-month sentence in
Davidson, 25, of Washington; Paul federal prison (Ashland, Ky.) for a 1970
Mayer, 39. of Edgewater, N.J., a former raid on federal offices in Rochester,
priest; and Sister Joques Egan, 52, re- N.Y., and Mary Cain Scoblick, 32, of
ported to be a member of the Religious Baltimore, a former nun.
Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary in The trial opened in Harrisburg Feb. 21,
New York. 1972, but a mistrial was declared Apr. 5
after the federal jury reported itself unable
A federal grand jury in Harrisburg
April 3 issued a new indictment against to reach a verdict on the charges of con-
spiracy to kidnap Kissinger, blow up heat-
Philip Berrigan and seven others on
ing tunnels and raid draft board offices.
charges of plotting to kidnap Kissinger
and to blow up heating tunnels in govern- The found Berrigan and
jury, however,

ment buildings. The indictment super- Sister Elizabeth guiltyof smuggling con-
traband letters at the Lewisburg federal
seded the one returned Jan. 12.
prison. The government dropped the con-
The new indictment named two ad-
spiracy charges Sept. 5, 1972.
ditional defendants and broadened the
charges to include a series of draft board
raids. Attached to the indictment were Capitol. A powerful
Bomb explodes in
two letters, allegedly exchanged by bomb exploded in the Senate wing of the
Berrigan and Sister Elizabeth McAlis- Capitol at 1:32 a.m. March 1, 1971, 33
ter, a nun who was also indicted. The minutes after a phone warning that the
letter attributed to Sister Elizabeth de- blast would occur as a protest against
scribed a plan "to kidnap — in our ter-
the U.S. -supported Laos invasion. The
minology make a citizen's arrest of explosion, in an unmarked, out-of-the
someone like Henry Kissinger." Berri- way men's lavatory, damaged seven
gan's alleged reply contained criticisms rooms. There was some damage as far
of the idea but added, "Nonetheless, I as 250 feet away. No one was injured.
like the plan." The telephone message to a Capitol
The indictment charged that Sister operator warned: "This building will
Elizabeth transmitted the letter in Au- blow up in 30 minutes. You will get many
gust 1970 to Berrigan in the federal calls like this, but this one is real. Evacu-
prison in Lewisburg, Pa. The letter said ate the building. This is in protest of the
that after the kidnapping was accom- Nixon involvement in Laos."
plished, the group would "issue a set of Inletters postmarked March after 1

demands," including a halt to U.S. use the bombina and sent to the New York

Times, the New York Post and the As- Miss Bacon refused to answer ques-
sociated Press, a group calling itself tionsand pleaded the Fifth Amendment
the Weather Underground claimed for the first time during her testimony
responsibility for the bombing. The May 2, when the questioning turned to a
letters, mailed from Elizabeth, N.J., Dec. 4, 1970 attempt to bomb a New
said: "Wehave attacked the Capitol be- York City bank. Government attorneys,
cause it is, along with the White House in a hearing May 3, sought a court order
and the Pentagon, the worldwide symbol to force her to testify about "her partic-
of the government which is now attack- ipation in plans to bomb" the First Na-
ing Indochina." tional City Bank. The bombing was
A subcommittee of the Senate Public thwarted when undercover policemen ar-
Works Committee held a hearing March rested six persons, allegedly as they were
2, called the day before by Sen. Jennings planting the bomb.
Randolph (D, W.Va.), chairman of the (At the New York indictment of the
committee, to consider the "delicate six bomb plot suspects Dec. 8, 1970, it
matter" of protecting the Capitol was alleged that they planned the blast
"against attack while securing for all as the first of a "series of heavy actions
citizens total access to this symbol of against the Establishment.")
liberty." Capt. Edwin Joyner, an Army Judge W. Boldt of U.S. District Court
bomb expert, told the Senators that the May 6 upheld the government's argu-
explosion could have been caused by ment that Miss Bacon could not refuse
15-20 pounds of dynamite that could on grounds of constitutional privilege to
have been concealed in "an ordinary answer questions about the bombing be-
briefcase." cause she waived her Fifth Amendment
In other testimony, Capitol police rights in the matter when she previously
Chief James M. Powell said 200-300 testified willingly about her part in the
bomb threats had been received at the bomb plot. Boldt contended that the con-
Capitol in the last few years. The Sena- stitutional privilege existed for the wit-
tors also heard from George M. White, ness's protection, "not for that of other
the new architect of the Capitol, who parties."
said the blast apparently did not "dam- Miss Bacon's lawyers said May 6 that
age the structural integrity" of the she testified before the Seattle grand
Capitol. jury on the New York bombing, as or-
dered by the court, but refused to answer
Leslie Bacon arrested. N. Y. bank bomb- any other questions. In a statement read
ing involvement—Leslie Bacon, 19, was ar- by her lawyers, she said "if they have a
rested in Washington April 27 as a ma- case against me, let them prove it with-
terial witness "with personal knowledge" out my help." Her statement also said
of the bombing of the Capitol. After her that she had taken part in the early
arrest, she was flown to Seattle April 29 planning of the New York bombing but
where she appeared before a federal grand "withdrew from all plans more than a
jury, which Justice Department officials month before the actual attempt."
said investigating the bombing and
was The six defendants in New York had
other matters "relating to national secu- pleaded guilty March 18 to conspiracy
rity." to fire-bomb or dynamite a branch of the
First National City Bank and five other
Although the Seattle grand jury ses-
buildings, including one that contained
sions were closed, Miss Bacon was
the offices of President Nixon's former
allowed to leave the room to consult with
law firm, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie & Alex-
her lawyers before answering each ques-
ander. They had been arrested outside
tion. Her lawyers said she was not asked
the bank on information supplied by an
about the Washington bombing until
undercover patrolman who drove them
her second day of testimony, May 1.
to the site.
Reporting that she denied any knowledge
of a plot to bomb the Capitol, Jeffrey Before five of the six defendants were
Steinborn, one of her attorneys, de- sentenced May 7, the defense pointed
nounced the probe May as "a general
1 out that the defendants had been careful
fishing expedition into antiwar politics." to avoid the possibility of injuring by-

standers and that they had acted for po- campuses: the Fletcher School of Law
liticalmotives. State Supreme Court and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Justice Harold Birns, in imposing sen- (Medford, Mass.), where a blaze March
tence, said the conspirators' "political 21 caused $75,000 damage; the University
beliefs in no way mitigate the enormity of Hawaii (Honolulu), where a March 5
of the crime." fire caused by gasoline splashed around
The youngest of the defendants, Chris- a campus building followed a fire the
topher Trenkle, 20, was ordered to take week before at a Reserve Officers Train-
a psychiatric examination before sen- ing Corps (ROTC) building; Cor-
tencing. Three defendants —
Richard R. nell University (Ithaca, N.Y.), where
Palmer, 40, identified in the indictment as a March 17 fire damaged a classroom
a Weatherman "recruiter," Sharon used by the Air Force ROTC unit; the
Krebs, 33, and Martin Lewis, 25 re- — Santa Cruz campus of the University of
ceived the maximum sentence of four California, where a fire April 8 destroyed
years each. The remaining two, sen- the administration building and caused
tenced to three years each, were Joyce $500,000 of damage.
Plecha, 26, and Claudia Conine, 23.
The Justice Department Nov. 1, 1972
dropped a conspiracy charge against Miss Bombs found in 8 banks. Ronald
Bacon in the bank bombing case rather Kaufman, 33, a psychologist who was
than reveal the contents of surveillance AWOL as an Army private, was indicted
material. Jan. 13-19, 1972 in San Francisco, Chicago
and New York on charges of placing
time bombs in safe deposit boxes in eight
Other bombings & arson. A federal bank branches in those cities.
grand jury in Madison, Wis. indicted three The bombs, which were attached to
Army enlisted men Feb. 11, 1971 on nine-month timing devices, had been
charges of blowing up a telephone ex- defused by police Jan. 7 after unsigned
change, an electric substation and a letters were received by several news-
water works at Camp McCoy, Wis. in papers listing their precise locations.
July 1970. The letters, all identical, warned that
Named in the indictments, believed the "Movement in Amerika" could
to be the first charging soldiers in recent "kidnap property" by planting power-
bombings, were Spec. 4 Stephen G. ful bombs buildings or highways
in office

Geden, 21; Spec. 4 Thomas M. Chase, under construction and reveal their
21; and Spec. 4 Dannie E. Kreps, 21. location in return for the release of
imprisoned radicals.
Geden, a Vietnam veteran, and Chase
were under general court-martial charges The Federal Bureau of Investigation
at Fort Carson for participating in an
said it identified Kaufman's fingerprints
on applications for the ' safe deposit
unauthorized demonstration while in
boxes. The suspect, who was still at
uniform. They were said to have dis-
tributed antiwar pamphlets.
large, was have been at one time
said to
an associate of Yippie leader Abbie
An explosion at the Armed Forces Hoffman and, earlier, a member of
Induction Center in Oakland, Calif. Feb. Students for a Democratic Society.
4 broke 200 windows and tore doors off A ninth bomb, mentioned in the let-
their hinges. A message received by the
ters, had exploded prematurely Sept. 7,
Oakland Tribune and signed "the Bay 197 1 at a San Francisco Bank of America
Bombers" read: "This is our reply to the branch.
invasion of Laos, in Cambodia, in Thai-
land, in Vietnam, and to the Pentagon's
'protective retaliation' policies." The Bomb damages Pentagon. An explo-
Atlanta induction office was bombed
sive device was detonated in a section of
Feb. 13, and Bucks County, Pa. draft
the Pentagon building early May 19,
files were burned Feb. 15 in Bristol.
1 972. Damage was estimated at
Police sources charged that arson or
The Washington Post received a tele-
fire-bombs caused blazes at the following phone call from someone identifying


himself as "a Weatherman" and an- Concord, Calif. Jan. 10, 1974 and charged
nouncing the explosion just before it with Foster's murder.
occurred. At the same time, the New They were charged after a ballistics
York Post received a call saying the ex- report indicated that the pistol found in
plosion was in honor of the birthday of Remiro's possession at the time of his ar-
the late North Vietnamese leader Ho rest had been the gun used to kill Foster.
Chi Minh, and directing the receiver to a Shortly after Little and Remiro were ar-
phone booth where a six-page state- rested, a house in Concord was set afire.
ment criticizing President Nixon's war Police found in the house a large supply of
policies was found. A similar statement weapons, ammunition, explosives, SLA
was received later May 19 by the Wash- literature and cyanide. The house had
ington Post, signed by "Weather Un- been rented by Nancy Ling Perry, 26, an
derground No. 12" and bearing insig- alleged SLA member, who was seen driv-
nia identical to markings on1971 ing away with several other presumed
Weather Underground letters claiming SLA members after the fire was started.
credit for a Capitol Building bomb.
Novel cited as SLA name origin
— "The
The bomb was the 63rd to be ex-
Spook Who Sat by the Door," a novel
ploded in a federal building since Jan. 1,
written in 1959 by Sam Greenlee, prob-
1970, according to the General Services
ably served as the source for the term
Administration. Total damage costs
were set at $829,400. According to Fed- "Symbionese." The novel dealt with a
eral Bureau of Investigation figures re-
small commando unit taking part in an
ported May 20 there were 607 bombings uprising in Chicago's black ghetto. It

in the U.S. and its territories in the

mentioned the term "symbiology." Ac-
first four months of 1972, killing 10 cording to SLA literature, the SLA was
persons and injuring 56 others. The Na- part of a Symbionese Federation of
tional Bomb Data Center in Washing-
"members of different races and people
ton claimed that "53% of the bombings and socialist political parties of the op-
have some sort of political motivation pressed people of The Fascist United
right wing or left." States of America. The Symbionese
. . .

Federation and the Symbionese Libera-

tion Army is made up of the aged, youth
SLA kills black schools head. Marcus and women and men of all races and
A. Foster, 50, black superintendent of people. The name Symbionese is taken
schools for Oakland, Calif, since 1970, from the word symbiosis and we define its
was killed Nov. 6, 1973 by gunmen who meaning as a body of dissimilar bodies
ambushed him and his deputy, Robert and organisms living in deep and loving
Blackburn, 38, as they left a local board of harmony and partnership in the best in-
education meeting. Blackburn was terest of all within the body." The SLA
wounded. said that its goals were: "To assure the
In a letter to an Oakland radio station, rights of all people to self-determination
a group calling itself the Symbionese and the rights to build their own nation
Liberation Army (SLA) said it had at- and government. ... To destroy all forms
tacked Foster and Blackburn after a and institutions of Racism, Sexism, Age-
"court of the people" had found them ism, Capitalism, Fascism, Individualism,
"guilty of . crimes
. . against the chil-
. . .
Possessiveness, Competitiveness, and all
dren and the life of the people." These other such institutions that have made and
"crimes" included a school identity card sustained capitalism."
system, a planned school system police
unit and cooperation among police, pro-
bation officers and school officials. SLA kidnaps Patricia Hearst. Patricia
An Alameda County coroner's report Hearst, 19, granddaughter of the late
released Nov. 9 indicated that the newspaper publisher William Randolph
cylinders of the bullets that had killed Hearst, was forcibly kidnapped from her
Foster had been hollowed out and cya- Berkeley, Calif, apartment Feb. 5, 1974 by
nide crystals had been placed inside. at least two women and two men, who
Russell Jack Little, 24, and Joseph were later identified as members of the
Michael Remiro, 27, were arrested near Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).

The SLA's role in the abduction was —

SLA leaders identified Two escaped
confirmed by a letter received Feb. 7 by convicts were identified as leaders of the
Berkeley radio station KPFA-FM. The SLA. The San Francisco Chronicle
letter,containing a credit card issued in reported Feb. 15 that Field Marshal
the name of Miss Hearst's father, Ran- Cinque was Donald D. DeFreeze, 30, who
dolph A. Hearst, president and publisher had escaped from the minimum security
of the San Francisco Examiner, said she area of California's Soledad Prison
was unharmed and in "protective cus- March 5, 1973. Inmates at Soledad
tody." confirmed that the voice calling itself
The letter had at its top a seven-headed Cinque on the tapes sent to the Hearst
cobra, representing the SLA's seven goals family was that of DeFreeze. Also
of self-determination, cooperative produc- identified was Thero M. Wheeler, 29, who
tion, creativity, unity, faith, purpose and escaped from the medical facility at Vaca-
collective responsibility. ville State Prison in August 1973.
According to police, a woman came to Wheeler and DeFreeze, who were at
the door of Miss Hearst's apartment and Vacaville 1972, became involved with
asked to use the phone as her car had what was later to be the SLA through
broken down. Two men with the woman their participation in Vacaville's Black
forced their way into the apartment and Cultural Association (BCA), a 100-
dragged Miss Hearst to a waiting car. Be- inmate organization that concentrated on
fore escaping in a hail of bullets they cultural programs, education and pre-re-
fired toward off would-be pursuers, the lease preparation for prisoners. Russell
kidnappers had beaten Miss Hearst's
Jack Little, who was charged Jan. 24
fiance Stephen A. Weed, 26, semi-con-
with the murder of Marcus Foster; Lit-
scious for trying to interfere.
tle's wife JoAnn; and William Wolfe
The kidnappers made their first demand
identified by police as an SLA member,
known in a letter to KPFAFeb. 12. Ac-
gained access to the BCA as tutors.
companying the letter was a tape record-
ing of Miss Hearst's voice saying she was
Food plan starts— Randolph Hearst
all right and asking her father to meet her
Feb. 19 announced details of a $2 million
abductor's demands.
food giveaway plan aimed at obtaining the
The kidnappers demanded that Hearst
release of his daughter.
provide $70 worth of top quality free
meat, vegetables and dairy products over
The announcement followed the receipt

a four-week period commencing Feb.
Feb. 16 of a tape-recorded
19 — to "all people [in California] with
message from Patricia Hearst, in which
she said that her abductors were not
welfare cards, Social Security pension
trying to be unreasonable in their de-
cards, food stamp cards, disabled veteran
cards, medical cards, parole or probation
mands. "It was never intended that you
feed the whole state. Whatever you come
papers and jail or bail release slips."
up with is she said. The SLA leader
In addition to the tape recording of
Miss Hearst's voice and the food-distribu- calling Field Marshall Cinque
tion demand, KPFA received a second added, "We are quite able to assess the
tape recording, whose speaker called him- extent of your [Randolph A. Hearst] sin-
self Field Marshal Cinque of the SLA cerity, and we will accept sincere efforts

and said he was black and the father of on your part."

two children, who was "quite willing to The plan, modeled after the Neighbors
carry out the execution of your daughter in Need program established in Seattle in
to save the life of starving men, women 1970 in the wake of widespread layoffs in
and children of every race." the local aerospace industry, was to be
Hearst said Feb. 13 that it was impos- run by A. Ludlow Kramer, Washington
sible to meet the demand. Later he said, secretary of state, and Peggy Maze, di-
"We'll set up some kind of food distribu- rector of Neighbors in Need. Aiding in the
tion system," but he warned "we can't food distribution, which began Feb. 22 in
meet the cost." (Estimates of the cost of San Francisco, was a coalition of activist
giving $70 worth of food to all Cali- groups: the American Indian Movement
fornia's needy ran as high as $400 mil- (AIM), the Black Teachers Caucus,
lion.) Nairobi College of East Palo Alto, Calif.,

A new distribution started Feb. 28 was,

the United Prisoners Union, the National
Welfare Rights Organization and the by contrast, rapid and orderly.
Glide Memorial Church of San Francisco,
whose minister, Rev. Cecil Williams, was
Patricia Hearst 'joins' SLA—

commu- SLA Hearst, in a tape-recorded message re-

the recipient of the Feb. 16
ceived April 3, said she had "chosen to
stay and fight" with the SLA for the "free-
Hearst said Feb. 19 that he was putting
dom of oppressed people."
up $500,000 of the $2 million to be spent Accompanying the April 3 tape was a
remainder sup-
for the giveaway, with the armed
color photograph of Miss Hearst,
plied by the William Randolph Hearst
with a submachine gun, standing before a
red flag bearing the SLA emblem
of a
Accusing Hearst of "throwing a few
seven-headed cobra.
crumbs to the people," the kidnappers
Feb 21 demanded that another $4 million Giving assurances she had not been
worth of food be added to the $2 million forced to say anything on the tape, Miss
worth being distributed. The demand was Hearst criticized efforts by her parents to
voiced by Cinque in a tape-recorded obtain her release. She called the food
message. Cinque said the Hearst empire giveaway program intended to secure her
had attempted to "mislead" and "de- release a "sham " and accused her
ceive" the people "by claiming to
put parents of trying to deceive her and the
forth a good-faith gesture of $2 million." SLA with statements of concern, when
Cinque said Patricia Hearst was being they were actually stalling for time.
"maintained in .
[prisoner of war]
. . Addressing her fiance, Stephen A.
status until such time as the status
of our Weed, who was with her the was
night she
captured soldiers is changed. Should any abducted at gunpoint by the SLA, Miss
attempt be made to rescue the subject Hearst said: "You have been harassed by
prisoner [Patricia], or to injure or capture the FBI because of your supposed connec-
our captive soldiers, the subject is to be tions with so-called radicals, and some
executed immediately." people have even gone so far as to suggest
that I arranged my own arrest. We both
The captive soldiers referred to by
Cinque were Joseph Remiro and Russell know what really came down [happened]
that Monday night. But you don't know
Little, who were being held in San
Penitentiary pending trial. what's happened since then. I have
Hearst said Feb. 22, "The size of the changed— grown. I've become conscious
latest demand ... is farbeyond my and can never go back to the life we led be-
financial capability. Therefore, the matter fore. ... My love ... has grown into
isnow out of my hands." Hearst put his unselfish love for my comrades here, in
personal assets at about $2 million. prison and on the streets."
However, Charles Gould, publisher of Her strongest remarks were directed at
the Examiner, said the Hearst Corp.
her father, newspaper publisher Randolph
prepared to donate the $4 million to the A. Hearst: "Dad, you said that you were
food distribution effort— but only if Pa- concerned with the life and interests of all
tricia Hearst were first released
oppressed people in this country, but you
"No other funds will be committed by the are a liar in both areas You, a corpo-
[Hearst] corporation or foundation under rate liar, of course will say you don't know
any circumstances." what I am talking about, but I ask you
The food giveaway, begun Feb. II, then to prove it. Tell the poor and op-
suffered from poor organization pressed people of this nation what the cor-
arrived at
porate state is about to do. Warn black
coordination. Trucks with food
some of the centers several hours late, and and poor people that they are about to be
the food had not been sorted into
grocery man, woman
murdered down to the last
bags. At the center in East Oakland, food
and child."
was thrown from a truck into the crowd
bank robbery?—Vat FBI
Patricia Hearst in
and the irate crowd threw the still-packed
said cameras activated during the
cases back at the truck. Fights broke out,
armed robbery of a San Francisco bank
and some members of the frustrated
April 15 took photographs showing Pa-
crowd began looting a supermarket near
tricia Hearst to be a participant.
the distribution center.

The FBI said the robbery, which netted Liberation Army (SLA) died in a gun bat-
$10,960, was the work of the SLA. Two tle and ensuing fire that erupted after
bystanders were seriously wounded when police surrounded their Los Angeles
the robbers began firing wildly as they hideout May 17, 1974. Patricia Hearst was
fled. not present during the shootout.
The degree of Miss Hearst's involvement
was the subject of much public debate. A team of medical examiners from the
Los Angeles County coroner's office
Eyewitness Edward Shea, a bank
identified thecharred bodies found in the
guard, said April 17 that Miss Hearst
house as Donald D. Defreeze, Nancy Ling
"absolutely was a participant" in the rob- Wolfe, Patricia
Perry, William L.
bery. "She wasn't scared, I'll tell you
Soltysik, Angela Atwood and Camilla
that. She had a gun and looked ready
Hall. Defreeze, Perry, Atwood and Hall
. . .

to use it. She had plenty of command in

apparently died from gunshot wounds,
her voice. She was full of curse words. She
Wolfe and Soltysik from burns and smoke
let it be known that she meant business,"
inhalation, the coroner's office said.
Shea said.
The controversy surrounding Miss Los Angeles police had been alerted to
Hearst's involvement was fanned by At- the SLA group's whereabouts by the
torney General William B. Saxbe April 17 mother of one of the women living in the
who said, "The entire group we're talking house in which the SLA members later
about [the SLA] is common criminals." died.
Asked by reporters if he meant to include
Miss Hearst, he answered, "And Miss On
the basis of the tip, 150 heavily
Hearst is part of it." armed police surrounded the house. With
A federal warrant for Miss Hearst's ar- everyone in place, a police sergeant
rest as a material witness was sworn out shouted on a bullhorn, "Come out with
April 15. Arrest warrants on bank rob- your hands up. The house is surrounded."
bery charges were issued for four alleged The police waited, repeating the order five
SLA members identified through the bank minutes later. When there was no
surveillance camera photographs. Named response, an officer crept near the house
in the warrants were Donald D. DeFreeze and lobbed a canister of tear gas inside.
(the SLA leader calling himself Cinque), Gun immediately erupted on both
Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia M. Soltysik sides. The battle continued for at least an
and Camilla C. Hall. Including those who hour with both sides expending over 1,000
drove getaway cars, the robbery involved rounds of ammunition.
nine persons, police said.
Patricia Hearst, in a tape-recorded Finally, smoke began to pour from the
message received by the police April 24, house, apparently from a fire started by a
said she had participated in the robbery tear-gas canister or an ignited SLA
of her own free will. She said it was gasoline bomb. Flames rapidly engulfed
"ridiculous" to believe that she had been the stucco house, and soon the gunfire
brainwashed by the SLA. from within ceased.
Miss Hearst, who identified herself as
"Tania" in the recording, spoke in what U.S. warrant seeks Patricia Hearst—
was described as a calm voice. At several The FBI May 19 issued a warrant for
points in the tape, she referred to her
Patricia Hearst's arrest. It warned that
father as a "pig," an epithet she also used she was "armed and very dangerous."
for Stephen Weed.
A federal grand jury in San Francisco Also named in the warrant were
June 6 indicted Patricia Hearst on charges William T. Harris and his wife Emily M.
of armed bank robbery. A second count in Harris, both suspected SLA members. A
the indictment charged her with using a shoplifting incidentMay 16 involving the
firearm to commit the robbery. Harris' had first made police suspect that
SLA operations had been moved to Los
6 SLA members die in gunfight and fire. Angeles from the San Francisco area.
Six suspected members of the Symbionese After buying clothing at a Los Angeles


sporting goods store, William Harris was Commandos has claimed ) to have destroyed
stopped by a clerk who had n iced a pair millions of dollars worth of property owned
of socks stuffed up one of Harris' sleeves. by U.S. companies in Puerto Rico.
Outside the store, as the clerk struggled
with Harris, a woman across the street
opened fire with a machine gun. The Har- Bombings. U.S. businesses and military
ris' and the gunwoman, later identified as
installationswere the targets of 8 bomb-
ings in Puerto Rico Feb. 22-25, 1968.
Patricia Hearst, fled.
The bombings were believed to be the
In their escape, the trio commandeered
work of CAL. 3 bombs exploded Feb.
at least three cars at gunpoint.
22 included one at the Strategic Air
They were presumed to be the last three
Command's Ramey Air Force Base (no
living SLA members still at large. damage reported). A police bomb expert
was injured Feb. 23 while attempting to
defuse a bomb on the Shell Oil Co. pipe-
PUERTO RICO line; 2 other bombs exploded along the
line Feb. 25 without causing serious
Terrorism in Name
Three bombs exploded in garbage cans
of Independence in various parts of San Juan Feb. 15, 1969.
One went off outside the police traffic
division in the borough of Hato Rey and
Most Puerto Rican terrorism since the destroyed two cars belonging to police-
mid- 1 930s has been in the cause of inde-
men; the second exploded minutes later
pendence from the U.S. This terrorism has
outside the Government Development
not been confined to the island of Puerto
Bank in Santurce, and the third went off
Rico but has frequently spilled over onto
about an hour later in front of a Howard
the U.S. mainland.
Johnson Hotel Restaurant in the Con-
Two spectacular acts of Puerto Rican dado area. Five persons were injured in
terrorism took place in Washington in the
the bombings.
(1 Two members of the Puerto Rican Bombs exploded at five hotels and a res-

Nationalist Party (PRNP) tried Oct. 30, taurant in San Juan Dec. 11, 1969. One
1950 to assassinate President Harry S. touristwas slightly injured, but damage
Truman. The terrorists killed a Presiden- was described as light. Minutes before
tial guard and wounded two others, and one the bombings, two armed men broke
of the assassins was slain; but Truman into a radio station and forced the disc
was unharmed. jockey to broadcast an announcement
(2) Four PRNP members wounded five stating that a "revolution against Yankee
Congressmen on the floor of the U.S. House imperialism begins tonight." Police ar-
of Representatives March 1 1954 by shoot-
, rested four Puerto Ricans Dec. 13 in
ing at them from a House spectators' gal- connection with the incidents; they were
lery. identified as members of the Revolution-
A group of terrorists known as MIRA ary Armed Independence Movement.
(defined variously as Movimiento Indepen-
dentista [or Independiente] Revolucionario Police dismantled 51 bombs April 21,
1970 in a Navy relay power station near
Armado, or Armed Revolutionary Indepen-
dence Movement, and Movimiento Indepen- San Juan; two bombs exploded before
dencia Rebelde Armada, or Armed Rebel they could be found, but damage was de-
Independence Movement ) has been blamed scribed as light. Police indicated that if
for more than 100 bombing and arson at- the bombs had exploded, the blasts would
tempts against New York public buildings have crippled most of the island's com-
and department stores in 1970-1 as well as munication system.
for numerous terroristic acts against targets A CAL statement Nov. 19, 1970 threat-
in Puerto Rico. ened San Juan's section with a
A group known as CAL (Comandos Ar- wave of terror bombings as part of its
mados de Liberacion, or Armed Liberation "war . . against the Yanki invader."

"We said that it [the hotel section] would Dominican President Joaquin Balaguer
be a war zone and warned Puerto Ricans had concluded a visit to Puerto Rico. No
not to go there," the group claimed. one was in the consulate at the time. An
At least 14 bombs were exploded in anonymous caller told United Press In-
San Juan during November, five of them ternational that the CAL
was responsible.
in the hotel district Nov. 14. Few injuries The crowning May 20 of Tanya Wil-
were reported, and damage was described son, 21, of Honolulu as Miss USA of
as light. In addition, a bomb exploded at 1972 was marred by a series of explosions
the Dominican Republic consulate in in the hotel in Dorado, Puerto Rico
San Juan Nov. 23, only hours after where the pageant was being held.
Other Areas

CANADA Two Montreal youths, aged 13 and 16,

pleaded guilty Jan. 8 to charges involving
Separatists Blamed for bomb explosions Jan. 5 near the St. Luc
Secondary School and Jan. 6 near the
Bombings & Kidnappings home of Montreal Police Director Jean-
Paul Gilbert. No one was injured in the
French Canadians in Quebec have long blasts. Four other students confessed
resented what some describe as second- Jan. 10 to storing dynamite and detona-
class citizenship and economic and political tors in St. Joseph's Oratory on Mount
inferiority to Canada's English-speaking Royal.
majority. This resentment has led to sepa-
Two more bombs exploded in Montreal
ratist sentiments and has occasionally Feb. 22 and 25, 1969.
erupted in bombings and other terroristic The Feb. 22 explosion occurred in the
actions. In 1970 separatists kidnapped a basement of the Liberal Party's Reform
British diplomat and the labor minister of Club while a private reception was taking
Quebec. The former was ultimately freed, place above; five persons were injured
the latter murdered. slightly. The other blast went off in the
Queen's Printer book store, but an anony-
Bomb Blasts. Several home-made mous phone call had warned of the
bombs exploded late Dec. 31, 1968 in bomb's existence, and the store had been
Ottawa and Montreal and caused some evacuated. The bomb exploded as the
property damage but no injuries. Three police were entering the store; no one
other bombs were found in Ottawa mail was injured.
boxes Jan. 2, 1969. Shortly before the first blast, the Mon-
The Dec. 31 Ottawa blast, outside fed- treal Sunday newspaper Derniere Heure
eral government offices, shattered win- had received a copy of the March 1969
dows in the building, knocked down edition of Victoire, organ of the separa-
power lines and left a five-foot crater in tist Front de Liberation du Quebec
the street. Three other bombs exploded (FLQ). The FLQ claimed responsibility
in Montreal, and a fourth device was for the current wave of bombing and
dismantled near the mayor's office. (Two warned: "During 1968 we tried to make
bombs had exploded Dec. 13, 1968 people understand. During 1969 we will
outside the homes of Montreal business kill those who have not understood. Last
leaders. Police linked the blasts with pro- warning." It pledged that the FLQ would
nouncements by the extremist group soon launch Operation Westmount to be-
Front de Liberation du Quebec and the gin the "systematic elimination of the
Front de Liberation Populaire.) English occupiers and their servants."


asserted that the 1968 bombings were mail truck drivers in the Montreal postal
in retaliation for the life sentence im- dispute.
posed on Marxist revolutionary writer (Montreal police defused a 150-pound
Pierre Vallieres, an FLQ leader con- bomb July 12, hours before it was set to
victed of manslaughter. explode outside the head office of the
Montreal police raided a rooming Bank of Montreal. The bomb, one of the
house March 4 and arrested Pierre-Paul largest ever found by Montreal police,
GeofTroy, 25, for the illegal possession of was found in the trunk o f a car by bank
161 sticks of dynamite, 100 bombs and guards. The bomb was the fourth investi-
other equipment used in making bombs. gated in Montreal in a 48-hour period.
GeofTroy, who described himself as a One bomb killed a man July 11 when it
Marxist revolutionary, admitted March exploded in his car. Another 40-pound
6 that he was a member of the FLQ and bomb was found beside a branch of
that he had taken part in assembling the Royal Bank of Canada and was dis-
bombs that had exploded Feb. 13 at the mantled by police 35 minutes before it

Montreal Stock Exchange and Feb. 22 at was set to go off. Another was found in
the Reform Club. He denied planting a Montreal suburb four hours after it

the bombs himself; he said that the was supposed to have exploded.)
bomb used in the book store blast had
been made in his apartment by someone
else. GeofTroy pleaded guilty March 7 to Cross & Laporte Kidnapped,
129 charges relating to 31 terrorist bomb- Laporte Slain
ings during the past year. He was sen-
tenced April 1 to 124 concurrent terms
of life in prison and five five-year terms. Separatists kidnap Cross Laporte. &
Quebec separatists kidnapped the senior
British diplomat in Montreal from his
home Oct. 5, 1970. Notes found on the
Defense building bombed. One woman the University of Quebec in
campus of
was killed and two soldier guards were
Montreal linked the kidnapping to the
injured June 24, 1970 when a bomb blast
Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ).
ripped through a Defense Department The FLQ demanded the freeing of 23
building in Ottawa. The bomb exploded
of its jailed members, $500,000 in gold,
outside the communications room of the
and safe passage to Cuba or Algeria in
department, a restricted area. Mrs. return for the release of James Richard
Jeanne d'Arc St. Germain, a defense de- Cross, 49, senior British trade commis-
partment clerk, was killed in the blast. sioner in Quebec province and head of the
The explosion occurred on St. Jean Britishgovernment office in Montreal.
Baptiste Day, a French-Canadian holi-
Cross was seized by four or five men
day that had frequently been an occasion
who entered his home at gunpoint and
for violence.
abducted him in a taxi.
Laboratory tests conducted by special
confirmed that the
The separatist group also called for
anti-terrorist squads post office
reinstatement of certain
workings of the bomb were similar to
workers who had lost their jobs earlier
those used in the recent series of Mon-
in 1970, and it demanded the publica-
treal blasts, according to the police
tion by the police of the name and photo-
spokesman's announcement. Police had
already attributed those bombings to graph of the informant whose tip led to a
police raid on FLQ members June 21.
terrorist groups.
They also demanded publication of a
The Front de Liberation du Quebec manifesto issued by the Front.
(FLQ) later claimed responsibility for the After a series of emergency meetings
blast and for bombing a postal substation at the federal and provincial levels, the
in Montreal. federal government announced Oct. 6
The FLQ communique, distributed that "this set of demands will not be
to Montreal news media June 30, said met." The announcement by External
the separatist organization had planted Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp said
the bombs to protest the firing of 435 Ottawa would not meet the demands in

full but hinted that the government would line. He said the provincial government
consider a compromise. could not meet the terrorist demands be-
The government Oct. 8 met one of the fore it was sure that the two captives
terrorists' demands when an announcer would be freed. The premier asked the
of the state-owned Canadian Broadcast- FLQ to get in touch with the government
ing Corporation read on television a to give assurances that the two men would
1,400-word statement of the FLQ. be released.
At a press conference Oct. 8, Robert Police Oct. 11 arrested Lemieux,
Lemieux, a radical lawyer who had charging him with obstruction of their
emerged as an unofficial spokesman for investigation into the kidnapings because
the FLQ, charged
that the federal gov- of statements he had made at his press
ernment was acting in "bad faith" and conferences.
that police had violated the civil rights The Quebec cabinet Oct. 12 appointed
of numerous individuals called in for a Montreal lawyer, Robert Demers, to
questioning. represent the cabinet in talks with Le-
Amid continuing extensions of the dead- mieux on the release of the two hos-
tages. Both FLQ cells had said in mes-
line for Cross' execution, a second cell of
sages earlier in the day that they wanted
the Front de Liberation du Quebec Oct.
Lemieux to act as their intermediary in
10 seized Quebec Labor Minister Pierre
negotiations with the government. The
Laporte from his home. The FLQ, whose
talks opened Oct. 12 in the jail where
demands for Cross's release had dwindled
to two, hiked the price for Laporte to the
Lemieux was being held. Lemieux was re-

original set of demands put forth when leased Oct. 13.

Cross was first seized. The talksbogged down Oct. 14, how-
Before kidnapping Laporte, the FLQ ever, with Lemieux complaining that he
had sent a "final" ransom note Oct. 9,
had still not received an answer as to
demanding that the 23 prisoners be freed whether or not the government would
by 6 p.m. Oct. 10 or Cross would be accede to the central FLQ demand and
release 23 so-called "political prisoners."
The government reply to the demand For its part, the FLQ refused, in a note

was read over television Oct. 10 by

found Oct. 14, to give any pledge for
Quebec Minister Jerome Cho-
the safety of the kidnap victims other
than a "solemn pledge to the people of
quette. Choquette offered the kidnappers
Quebec." The provincial government
safe conduct to the country of their
had asked that each of the FLQ cells in-
choice if they released Cross alive.
volved surrender one member as a guar-
Minutes after the Choquette statement
and the 6 p.m. deadline for Cross, two
Inwhat appeared to be a final break-
masked men armed with submachine
guns forced Labor Minister Laporte into
down of the Lemieux-Demers talks, Le-
mieux charged Oct. 15 that police had
a car at his home in Montreal. The kid-
discovered the location of the terrorist
nappers identified themselves Oct. 1 as 1
cellholding Laporte.
the Chenier cell of the FLQ (naming the
kidnappers of Cross as the Liberation Meanwhile, radical students at the
cell). The abductors said Laporte, 49,
University of Montreal and the Montreal
would be killed if the authorities did not campus of the University of Quebec Oct.
agree by 10 p.m. to meet the ransom de- 15 passed strike resolutions and received

mands of the Cross kidnappers. A note in support for their actions from a variety
of labor and separatist groups. These all
Laporte's handwriting pleaded with Pre-
mier Robert Bourassa to meet the demanded the release of the 23 prisoners
and denounced police and military re-
Chenier cell's demands. "You have the
pression. At the University of Quebec
power to decide on my life or my death,"
campus, students occupied the adminis-
the letter said in part. "We are in the
trative offices and vowed to keep the
presence of a well-organized escalation
. . After me there will be a third and a
campus shut until the FLQ demands
fourth and a fifth."
were met.
Bourassa appeared on television at In another development, Quebec Pre-
9:55 p.m., five minutes before the dead- mier Robert Bourassa Oct. 15 asked Ot-

tawa for troops to guard public buildings Police Oct. 19 discovered the house in
and the homes of public officials. The which Laporte had been held hostage on
federal government responded to Que- an unpaved street in the Montreal suburb
bec's request by flying in forces. of St. Hubert. The police were led to the
Bourassa, in what was termed a "final
bungalow by a neighbor who recognized
a televised picture of a suspect as one of
position" Oct. 15, refused to meet the
the house's occupants. Investigation re-
FLQ demand for the release of all 23
vealed that a man answering the descrip-
prisoners but offered a counter-proposal
tion of Paul Rose had rented the house.
to release five and to give safe passage to
Mrs. Rosa Rose, mother of Jacques
the kidnappers.
and Paul, testified Nov. 7 that she, her
Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau two sons, and Francis Simard had been
Oct. 16 invoked the emergency War traveling across the U.S. by automobile
Measures Act for the first time in peace- when news of the Cross kidnap became
time. Meanwhile, police fanned out across known. She said the three youths then
Quebec and seized an estimated 250 "decided to return here in great haste."
persons, among them Lemieux. Mrs. Rose identified several blood-
Under the Act, the FLQ was out- soaked fabrics as articles belonging to
lawed, and anyone who abetted the FLQ her sons or from her home.
also became liable. In giving the gov-
ernment the power to do anything it
"deems necessary for the security, de- Lortie arrested, confesses. Bernard Lor-
fense, peace, order and welfare of Cana-
was arrested by Montreal and Que-
tie, 19,
da," the Act suspended civil liberties for
bec police Nov. 6. He confessed at a coro-
many members and supporters of the ner's hearing Nov. 7 to participating in
militant separatist group and for possible
Laporte's kidnapping, but he denied any
witnesses in investigations. Trudeau
part in Laporte's murder or in the kidnap-
promised that the powers would be
ping of James R. Cross.
withdrawn "as soon as it has been dem-
onstrated that there is a cessation of the
At the inquest into Laporte's death,
Lortie Nov. 7 described how he and three
violence and threats of violence which
other members of the FLQ's Chenier cell
made necessary their introduction." — Paul and Jacques Rose and Francis

Simard had kidnapped Laporte. Lortie
also gave names of alleged FLQ sympa-
Laporte murdered. Not long after
thizers, details of how the FLQ operated,
midnight Oct. 18, Laporte's bloodstained
meeting places, dates and other data.
body was found in the trunk of the car in
which he had been kidnapped.
The discovery of Laporte's body fol- Cross freed, kidnappers fly to Cuba.
lowed an announcement late Oct. 17 by James R. Cross was released by his kid-
the Quebec government that detailed a nappers unharmed Dec. 3, 1970. Three of
plan to offer the kidnappers safe-conduct. the kidnappers and four of their relatives
The plan offered immunity to the kid- were flown to Cuba aboard a Canadian
nappers if they brought themselves and military plane in accordance with the

the hostages to the Concordia Bridge on terms of an agreement worked out earlier
the grounds of the site of Expo '67. This in the day by representatives of the
spot would be treated as an extension of Quebec government and the abductors.
the Cuban consulate in Montreal, the Police spokesmen for the Royal Can-
statement said, and Cuban consular of- adian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Que-
ficials would take custody of the hostages bec Provincial Police (QPP) and the Mon-
until the kidnapers had arrived safely in treal policehad announced Dec. 2 that in-
Cuba. Transportation to Cuba would be vestigators were "making headway" in
provided. the case. The police were then involved in
Police Oct. 18 issued a bulletin for the a stakeout around 10949 Des Recollets
arrest of Paul Rose, 27, and Marc Car- Street in a Montreal working-class sub-
bonneau, 37. urb. They had been led to the site a week

earlier by tips pertaining to the where- itarian reasons." The official newspaper
abouts of Jacques Cossette-Trudel, whose Granma stated: "The
transfer of these
name had been found written in the house people to our country happened following
where Laporte had been held and a formal request from the Canadian gov-
who was known to be the brother-in-law ernment to which the Cuban government
of Jacques Lanctot, prime suspect in the agreed with a view to realizing the rescue
Cross kidnaping. Police located Cossette- of the British official."
Trudel and his wife, Lanctot's sister, and (French authorities confirmed June 28,
traced them to Des Recollets Street. They 1974 that Carbonneau, Lanctot and
arrested the couple as they emerged from Seguin [alias Yves Langlois] had entered
the house Dec. 2 and were thus able to France through Czechoslovakia June 24
affirm that Cross was held there. "through a security error."
Police then sealed off a six-block area (Paris police said June 24 they had no
in Montreal North around the house. reason to arrest the kidnappers since
In the early hours of Dec. 3, the kid- there was no international warrant for
nappers sent a message that they were their arrest. French officials indicated that
willing to negotiate. Federal troops and a Canadian request for extradition would
police reinforcements then moved into be denied because France did not extradite
the sealed-off area; a police bomb squad persons wanted in political cases.
was called in on the assumption, later con- (Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau,
firmed, that the house was booby trapped.
who had June 24 that Ottawa would
Quebec Justice Minister Jerome Cho- not seek extradition, reiterated June 26
quette led the negotiations, which were 1970 guarantee of free passage
that the
carried out by Robert Demers, acting for
protected the kidnappers from proceed-
the government, and Bernard Mergler, a ings unless they reentered Canada.)
radical lawyer who represented the FLQ
With preliminary talks concluded at the Commons approves antiterror bill.
hideaway house, the kidnappers drove
The House of Commons Dec. 1 ap-
Cross in a heavily booby-trapped car to proved an emergency powers bill in-
the site of Man and His World on St. troduced by the government to replace
Helen's Island. the War Measures Act invoked by Prime
Cross was delivered to Ricardo Es- Minister Pierre Trudeau at the height of
cartin, Cuba's acting consul in Montreal, the Quebec kidnap crisis.
at the Canadian Pavilion, which had been The bill, known as Public Order
declared Cuban territory for the ex- (Temporary Measures) Act, 1970, would
change. continue to outlaw the Front de
A helicopter took the kidnappers and Liberation du Quebec (FLQ) and
their relatives, who had joined them at would extend the extraordinary powers
St. Helen's Island, to Montreal's Dorval used by Quebec police for the duration of
airport,where an RCMP plane took the Act— until April 30, 1971.
them to Cuba. Cross was held by Cuban The new bill was passed by a vote
officials in the Pavilion until the plane ar- of 174-31.
rived in Cuba. (The government allowed the 1970 Pub-
The seven persons on the military lic Order Act to expire on schedule April
transport to Cuba were identified as 30, 1971.)
Marc Carbonneau, 37, a Montreal taxi
driver, sought by police in the kidnap-
pings of both Cross and Laporte; Jacques Kidnap suspects captured. The three
Lanctot, 25, also a prime suspect; Lanc- prime suspects in Laporte's kidnap-
tot's wife, Suzanne, and their child; murder were captured Dec. 28, 1970 after
Pierre Seguin, another alleged kidnapper; a three-month manhunt that involved as
Jacques Cossette-Trudel, and Louise Cos- many as 10,000 policemen and troops.
sette-Trudel. Paul Rose, his brother Jacques and Fran-
The Cuban government emphasized cis Simard surrendered peacefully at an
that it had agreed to take the seven only isolated farmhouse in St. Luc, about 30
at the request of Ottawa and for "human- miles north of the U.S. border. A fourth

person, Michel Viger, 30, who had rented Paul Rose, convicted March 13, 1971 of
the house and allegedly aided the suspects, noncapital murder, was sentenced to life
was also arrested. imprisonment. He received a concurrent
The police, who had searched the farm- life sentence Nov. 30 on his conviction
house three times previously, had found of kidnapping Laporte.
the fugitives' shelter, a 25-by-four-foot In summing up his own defense before
chamber under the house, when they the jury March Rose said he was
found a false panel in the farmhouse base- proud have taken part in Laporte's
ment Dec. 27. kidnapping.
Jacques Ducros, a Montreal lawyer, Simard, convicted May 20, 1971 of non-
was assigned by Quebec Justice Minister capital murder, also received a mandatory
Jerome Choquette to meet with Dr. life sentence.
Jacques Ferron, a former separatist can- convicted of the kidnapping
didate, who acted on behalf of the suspects charge, was given a 20-year sentence Nov.
in negotiations aimed at their peaceful 2,1971.
surrender. The three were known to Jacques Rose was acquitted Dec. 9,
have arms and food supplies in the shel- 1972 of kidnapping and Feb. 22, 1973
ter. The discussions reportedly centered of murder in the Laporte case.
on the question of bail for some 50 persons
still held under war act emergency mea-

sures. Choquette reportedly assured the

suspects he would withdraw his objec- FLQ leader defects. Pierre Vallieres,
tions to bail. The three then surrendered 33, announced his defection from the
without resistance. Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ) in
The Rose brothers, Simard and Bernard December 1971. Vallieres had jumped
bail in September while charged with
Lortie were held at a coroner's inquest in
Montreal Jan. 4, 1971 to be "criminally counseling murder, kidnapping and se-
responsible" for Laporte's murder.
In an article sent to the Montreal
Police read into the inquest record
newspaper Le Devoir, Vallieres urged
Jan. 4 an unsigned statement they attrib-
all members and sympathizers of the
uted to Simard. According to one police-
man, Simard had made the statement FLQ to abandon terrorism tactics. He
"but refused to sign because he didn't argued that terrorism only created sup-
want to further implicate himself." port for repression by the Ottawa gov-
The statement said that Simard and the ernment, and that "the struggle of the
Rose brothers killed Laporte after he Quebec masses is on the electoral
tried to escape on the night of Oct. 16,
plane." He called the FLQ outmoded.
1970 from the bungalow in the Mon- (Vallieres surrendered to the Quebec
treal suburb of St. Hubert where he was provincial police Jan. 24, 1972. He re-
being held captive. Laporte was ceived a one-year suspended sentence
said to have cut himself on a broken Oct. 4 on three charges of counseling
window during the escape attempt and, political kidnapping.)

Simard's statement said, "we decided to

strangle him with the [religious] chain he
had been wearing since his kidnapping." Canada & U.S. sign hijack pact. The
Simard allegedly said: "Paul, Jacques U.S. and Canada signed in Washington
and I choked him. Politically we had Dec. 3, 1971 an extradition pact covering
to do it and we did. We are all equally hijackers of aircraft and assailants of
responsible. We knew what we were diplomats for the first time.
doing." Signed by U.S. Secretary of State
According to the statement, Simard William P. Rogers and Canadian Secre-
and the Rose brothers, with Lortie, had tary of State for External Affairs,
kidnapped Laporte to provide the FLQ Mitchell W. Sharp, the treaty denied
with an alternate hostage to British trade hijackers and those committing crimes
commissioner Cross. They held that Cross against foreign diplomats the privilege
had no connection with Quebec problems of claiming that their acts were political
and should not be killed. in character.

The pact, which listed 30 extraditable gle), a new edition of Grivas' anti-British
offenses, carried the usual provision that EOKA of the 1950s.
a person could not be extradited for a
political offense.
The treaty placed emphasis on con-
spiracy to commit an extraditable of- Terrorists strike. Armed men attacked
fense, which would make possible the a quarry near Limassol and stole dyna-
extradition of persons who conspired to mite and detonators Jan. 22, 1973. Other
commit a crime as well as those who did raids netted the guerrillas radio transmit-
commit crimes. ters and weapons in the Limassol area
Canada was the first country to accept Jan. 24 and Jan. 29-30.
the U.S. argument that hijacking should The Greek government intervened in
be exempted from the political protec- the upsurge of violence Feb. 1 with a
tion clauses found in standard extradition statement deploring civil strife and urging
treaties. Greek Cypriots "to recant and unite."
The statement, attributed to a "qualified
government source," did not blame any
Toronto Two people were killed
blast. side for the current unrest. However, it
March 18,1972 by a terrorist explosion was generally interpreted as a condem-
that destroyed a supermarket and travel nation of the Grivas campaign.
agency in Toronto. Grivas' supporters attacked 20 police
stations across the island and dynamited
three of them at Famagusta Feb. 7. The
raiders also stole weapons and uniforms.
CYPRUS Police offered little resistance.
Presumed Grivas supporters were re-
Enosis Demand Spurs Terrorism ported March 16 to have blown up three
police stations and set off explosions in
front of the homes of nine police officers.
More than 20 bomb blasts before homes
Terrorism has long been a fact of life in
of Grivas supporters were reported
Cyprus, an island on which Cypriots of
Greek and Turkish ancestry seem to be un-
March 17.
ceasingly at war with each other.
More than 21 bombings involving pro-

A newer element that caused fratricidal and anti-Enosis forces were reported im-
mediately before and during the celebra-
strife among Greek Cypriots is the dispute

over enosis the demand for union of tion April 1 of the 18th anniversary of the
Cyprus with Greece. Eoka guerrilla uprising against British
Gen. George Theodorus Grivas, who rule in Cyprus.

headed the successful 1955-9 underground An outspoken opponent of Gen. Gri-

struggle for Cyprus' independence from vas, George Photiou, was by three

Britain, had assumed the leadership in the gunmen in the southern coastal town of
more recent campaign for enosis. Grivas' Larnaca April 6. Thirty-two bombings
battle was fought not so much against the against supporters of Grivas in Larnaca
minority Turkish Cypriots, whose opposi- and two other coastal towns, Paphos and
tion was taken as a matter of course, as Limassol, were reported April 7-8. Arch-
against the Cypriot government, dominated bishop Makarios admitted April 8 that
by Greek Cypriots and headed by President government supporters were responsible
(Archbishop) Makarios. Grivas' campaign for most of the blasts.
ended with his death in January 1974. And About 50 armed and masked men June
six months later Makarios was overthrown 8 attacked a rural police station at
by the Cypriot National Guard under the Vatyli, 30 miles from Nicosia, wounding a
leadership ofpro-enosis Greek officers. policeman, and robbing and then dy-
Grivas' enosis campaign had erupted in namiting the building. The raid was the
1973 in a resurgence of terrorism, much of it first in nearly two months by supporters
blamed on his underground force, Eoka B (a of Grivas.
name formed by the initials in Greek of the Two Greek Cypriot supporters of Ma-
National Organization for Cyprus Strug- karios were shot to death June 22 by

gunmen firing from a passing car in Vakis was freed by his abductors Aug.
Limassol. Bombs exploded in the head- 26. His kidnappers, supporters of Grivas,
quarters of the auxiliary police force in had said Vakis was ultimately responsible
Nicosia the following day, causing heavy for the alleged ill treatment of political
damage. At least seven other blasts in Ni- detainees. The government did not meet
cosia June 23 damaged a number of cars. Grivas' demands for Vakis' release.
The Athens newspaper Estia blamed the Top Grivas aide arrested —
Police ar-
attacks on Grivas' Eoka B. rested Grivas' top aide, Stavros Stavrou,
A car bomb exploded near the House of in a series of dawn raids in Limassol Aug.
Representatives in Nicosia Sept. 11, 9. Stavrou headed the military arm of
seriously injuring a nearby policeman. Grivas' clandestine movement.
Several other members of the move-
ment were also seized, including Dimitri
Justice minister abducted. Justice Spourgidies, chief of Grivas' under-
Minister Christos Vakis was kidnapped ground political organization in Limassol.
from his home in Nicosia by two armed Weapons and important documents were
men in military uniforms July 27, 1973. also found.
(He was kept captive for a month.) The government Aug. 10 reported
details of an alleged plot by Grivas sup-
The tactical reserve police force
porters to kill Makarios and seize power.
rounded up more than 50 Grivas
The plan, outlining the ambush of Maka-
"activists" in pre-dawn raids July 29.
rios on his daily drive through Nicosia to
Among those arrested were eight
his office, was allegedly among the seized
newsmen who worked for the island's
documents. Makarios Aug. 5 had dis-
three pro-Grivas newspapers. Two of the
closed another alleged assassination plot
newspapers suspended publication after
against him. Grivas' organization, Eoka
were smashed, apparently by
their offices
B, distributed leaflets Aug. 12 denying the
Makarios supporters.
Aug. 10 allegations of an assassination
The kidnapping sparked a stepped-up plot.
terrorist campaign, with bombs exploding
in various parts of the island July 28-Aug.
1.An auxiliary police headquarters in Ni- Makarios assassination try fails. Arch-
cosia was bombed July 29, although a bishop Makarios escaped unhurt from
prior telephone warning prevented what police described as an assassination
casualties. The chief of the police bomb attempt Oct. 7, 1973.
disposal squad, Loizos Hajilouzou, was Four bombs exploded on a rural road
killed Aug. 1 while defusing a bomb near Famagusta, in eastern Cyprus,
planted in the western town of Morphou. minutes before Makarios was scheduled
The London Times reported Aug. 2 that to drive by.
nearly 100 bombs had been exploded by Police arrested a Greek Cypriot in con-
rival groups since the Vakis kidnapping. nection with the blasts. They said he was
acting for a pro-enosis group.
A leaflet bearing Grivas' name was cir-
culated Aug. 2, setting terms for the re-
lease of Vakis. These called for Makarios Grivas dies. Gen. George Grivas, 75,
to choose between church and politics; the leader of the guerrilla campaign for
granting of "political freedoms"; new enosis, died after a heart attack at his
presidential elections; amnesty for all pro- hideout in Limassol Jan. 27, 1974.
Grivas prisoners; and reinstatement of President Makarios granted amnesty
Grivas men dismissed from the police and to Grivas' followers Jan. 28 and ordered
national guard. the release of 100 jailed guerrillas. A
Makarios rejected the conditions Aug. statement attributed to Eoka B's new
3, and reiterated that he would "never give leadership later Jan. 28 suspended
in to blackmail." In a signed, typewritten antigovernment operations "to provide
reply Aug. 4, Grivas threatened civil war the required time of peace for the sake of
unless Makarios resigned and called new a responsible, positive and patriotic han-
elections. dling of the national issue."

More than 70,000 pro-enosis sup- rios as head of the Cypriot church. Al-
porters attended the burial of Grivas at his though a supporter of Eoka B, Sampson
Limassol hideout Jan. 30 and vowed to was reported to have pledged to maintain
carry on the fight against Makarios. The
Cypriot independence.
ceremony was conducted by former
Bishops Gennadios and (Makarios had supported enosis in the
Grivas supporters defrocked by a special 1950s when the island was struggling for
synod of the Greek Orthodox Church independence from Britain, but once inde-
called by Makarios in 1973.
pendence was achieved in 1960 he gave
only lip service to union with Greece. His
Eoka B's Karousos ousted— George backing of enosis cooled further after the
Karousos, 47, a former Greek army ma- military overthrew the Greek government
jor reportedly named by the late Gen. in 1967. The current junta strongman,
George Grivas shortly before his death to Brig. Gen. Demetrios Ioannides, who
succeed him as leader of Cypriot guer- came to power in another Greek military
rillas fighting for enosis, had been re- coup in November 1973, was known to be
cently ousted from his post and forcibly bitterly opposed to Makarios for his re-
removed to Greece, the Athens newspaper fusal to support enosis and his close ties
Estia confirmed March 1. Estia was with Cypriot Communists and frequent
known to have close ties with Eoka B. trips to Communist nations.)
According to the New York Times
March 3, Karousos was seized for two
reasons: enosis hard-liners opposed Ka- Ambush of Makarios backer fails. Un-
rousos' order for a halt to guerrilla activi- known gunmen failed in an assassination
ties, and Greek military leaders wanted attempt against Vassos Lyssarides, a
to gain control of Eoka B to curb Cypriot leading Greek Cypriot politician and sup-
militant leftists and Communists. porter of Archbishop Makarios, in Ni-
cosia Aug. 30, 1974.
Lyssarides, who was Makarios' per-
Makarios ousted in coup. Archbishop
sonal physician and chairman of the
Makarios was overthrown as president of United Democratic Union of the Center,
Cyprus July 15, 1974 by a military coup a Socialist party, was slightly wounded.
staged by the Greek-officered Cypriot Na- Doros Loizou, secretary of the party's
tional Guard. youth section, who was driving the car in
The 10,000-man Cypriot National which Lyssarides was riding at the time of
Guard, commanded by a contingent of the assassination attempt, was killed. A
650 Greek officers, staged the coup early Greek Cypriot passerby was also shot
in the morning of July 15. dead.
The major fighting was in Nicosia Later Aug. 30, Lyssarides expressed his
between the rebels and the tactical reserve belief that the assassinationattempt was
police force created by Makarios to fight the work of Eoka B.
pro-enosis guerrillas and later used to
counter the pro-Athens National Guard.
The rebels broadcast a communique de- Guerrilla army formation reported.
claring the seizure of power to be an Greek Cypriots were forming the Cyprus
internalaffair. They also charged that Liberation Army (CLA), a CLA spokes-
Makarios had been leading Cyprus into man announced Aug. 27, 1974, for a
civilwar, apparently in reference to his possible struggle with Turkish forces who
opposition to Greek Cypriots fighting for had invaded Cyprus after the ouster of
enosis. Makarios.
The rebels July 15 namednewa pres- The spokesman said the guerrilla force
ident, Nikos Giorgiades Sampson, 38, a had already recruited about 300 armed
Greek Cypriot newspaper publisher and men, who were based in the Troodos
former terrorist once sentenced to death Mountains in the center of Cyprus. The
by British colonial authorities for murder. CLA included men from the Greek Cyp-
He was sworn in by Bishop Gennadios of riot National Guard, Eoka B and the
Paphos, who was named to replace Maka- tactical reserve police force.

(According to a New York Times defections and a loss of Arab aid since
report Aug. 28, 18 CLA members had the Arab-Israeli war of 1967.
been sent to Lebanon the previous week
for tactical training with Palestinian guer- Ethiopian Planes Attacked. The ELF
rilla groups.) July 31, 1969 issued a communique warn-
ing travelers that they would risk their
lives if they used Ethiopian Airlines. The
ETHIOPIA ELF warned that it would resort to
mid-air attacks in retaliation for
Ethiopian air force attacks on Eritrean
Eritrean Terrorist A ttacks
A bomb placed by ELF terrorists had
Ethiopian targets both in Ethiopia and damaged an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing
abroad have come under terroristic attacks 707 jet parked at Frankfurt airport
since 1961 by members of the Eritrean March 11, and several German women
Liberation Front (ELF), a Muslim group who were cleaning the plane were in-
formed in Cairo in 1958 to fight for Eritrea s jured. The Foreign Ministry
independence from Ethiopia. By 1970 it was March 13 blamed
"certain hate-filled
estimated that some 2,000 ELF members fanatical elements abetted by Syria" for
were under arms. The Sudanese government the attack. The Addis Ababa daily
reported June 6, 1965 that it had found 18 Addis Zemen said in an editorial March
tons of Czechoslovak arms on Sudanese 14 that "Syrian-Arab organization"
territory intended for Eritrean rebels had claimed responsibility for setting
against Ethiopia. Some ELF members had the bomb. "This band of gangsters," the
received asylum in Syria, and Damascus editorial said, "which works under
radio Nov. 10, 1966 broadcast an ELF Syrian direction, has been given the name
"military communique" claiming that the the Syrian-Arab Movement for the
"Eritrean liberation army" had scored Liberation of Eritrea. . .
victories against Ethiopian military units An
Ethiopian Airlines 707 was attacked
in Eritrea in October. June 18, 1969 by three ELF terrorists
at Karachi, Pakistan. The plane's 15 pas-
Terrorism Intensified. ELF terrorists in-
sengers were in a transit lounge at the
tensified their activities againstEthiopia time of the attack, and no casualties were
beginning in 1967. Killings, plane hijack-
reported. The ELF attackers, all in
ings and sabotage increased. In one sus-
their 20s,had arrived in Karachi from
pected incident of sabotage, more than a
Beirut June 16.
million tons of gasoline and oil was de-
(Police in Rome reported June 18 that
stroyed Feb. 27, 1967 in an explosion at
an Eritrean student, Hagos Tesfai, was
the Mobil terminal in Assab (Eritrea).
killed when a bomb he was preparing
Anti-rebel activity by the government
blew up in his room. Leaflets found in
was also reported. As an apparent result
the debris announced an impending at-
of anti-insurgency efforts, Le Monde re-
ported Sept. 20, 1967, 6 ELF leaders sur-
tack as the work of the Eritrean Libera-
tion Front.)
rendered to Ethiopian authorities in
Asmara. Freed under amnesty in ac- Six students at Haile Selassie Univer-
cordance with a promise made by Addis'Ababa and an official of the
sity in
Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, the Ministry of Community Development
terrorists told newsmen that they had re- Aug. 11 hijacked an Ethiopian Airlines
ceived guerrilla training in Syria. They DC-3 on an internal Ethiopian flight and
and 20 others, traveling on Syrian pass- forced the pilot to land in Khartoum. The
ports, had entered Eritrea via Jidda, Saudi ELF Aug. 12 took credit for the hijacking.
Arabia and Port Sudan, they said. These Three ELF guerrillas hijacked an
admissions added credence to reports of Ethiopian DC
6 with 66 passengers
Arab support of the guerrillas. aboard Sept. 13. The flight, bound for
The N. Y. Times reported Sept.
27, 1968 Djibouti from Addis Ababa, was forced
that Eritrean guerrillas also had ap- to land in Aden. One of the hijackers,
parently lost many members because of Mohammed Sayed, 18, was shot by an

Ethiopian secret police official who had an adviser to the provincial governor and
been a passenger on the flight. The for the July 13 killing of Eritrean leader
shooting occurred shortly after the plane Hamid Feraeg Hamid, who had publicly
landed. Police captured the other two. opposed independence for the province.
Two armed ELF members aboard
an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 707 were Army The ELF claimed that it
killed Dec. 12 as the plane flew over
had killed 20 officers and men of the
southern Europe on the first leg of a
Ethiopian army during actions in
flightfrom Madrid to Addis Ababa. The
two who were armed with pistols and
December 1973. A curfew had been im-
posed in Asmara, capital of Eritrea
fused explosive devices, were slain by
Province, Sept. 12, 1973, after the killing
plainclothes security guards.
of Gen. Yelma, assistant commander of
None of the 15 passengers or six crew Ethiopian forces in Eritrea.
were harmed.
Crew members said Dec. 12 that the
men, who were carrying Senegalese and Eritrean rebels seize hostages. Three
Yemeni passports, had intended to hi- Americans and two Canadians, employes
jack the airliner to Aden in Southern of Tenneco Ethiopia Inc., were captured
Yemen, but a statement by the ELF in by the ELF March 26, 1974. Their heli-
Damascus asserted that the two were copter had crashed 45 miles northwest
ELF members who merely wanted to dis- of the Red Sea port of Massawa where
tribute leaflets to the passengers.
they had been prospecting for oil. The
Madrid policemen disclosed Dec. 14 pilot was released June 26 with a ransom
that an Ethiopian student arrested Dec. demand of $1 million to free the others.
10 in the Madrid airport was connected The remaining three were then released
with the hijacking. The student, Ahmed Sept. 10 with no disclosure of ransom
Mohammed Ibrahim, 24, a suspected payment.
ELF member, had been carrying a suit- ELF members also kidnapped a U.S.
case containing explosives. Police nurse, Deborah Dortzbach, from a pro-
sources said Ibrahim alleged that the vincial hospital in Ghinda May 27, at the
plans included hijacking the plane for a same time killing a Dutch nurse, who
flight over Paris and London to dis- died during a forced march. Diplomatic
tribute leaflets, then destruction of the sources in Addis Ababa said May 31 that
airliner with explosives in Copenhagen. the ELF had stormed the hospital to se-
Seven armed ELF members were shot cure medical aid for the prospectors.
to death by Ethiopian security guards Notes from the rebel group, delivered
Dec. 8, 1972 when they tried to hijack an Asmara May 31,
to the U.S. consulate in
Ethiopian airliner between Addis Ababa demanded an undisclosed quantity of
and Paris. Two of the hijackers were medical supplies in exchange for Mrs.
women. Dortzbach's freedom. The U.S. mis-
sionary group operating the Ghinda hos-
pitalhad previously rejected the demand
Assassinations. Ethiopian High Court and closed the hospital in protest. Mrs.
Judges Zeroam Kofley and Hadgoug Dortzbach, six months pregnant, was re-
Gilliagabre, who had sentenced ELF sup- leased July 2.
porters to death, were reported Nov. 27,
The rebels kidnapped an Italian farmer
1970 to have been assassinated in a bar in
from his Eritrean plantation June 4.
It was also reported that Eritrean
rebels Nov. 21 had killed Ethiopian FRANCE
army general Teshome Ergetu. Ergetu
was on an inspection tour of the prov-
ince. He was ambushed on a road in
Minor Terrorism, Many Causes
the northeastern section of the territory.
ELF rebels were believed responsible France, where the term terrorist (ter-
for the slaying in Asmara June 20, 1974 of ror isle)was coined (to describe agents or

partisans of the revolutionary tribunal dur- campaign of violence would be suspended

ing the Reign of Terror), has been troubled when President de Gaulle visited Brit-
by only minor acts of modern terrorism tany Jan. 31-Feb. 2. But he warned that
during the late 1 960s and early 1 970s. There if de Gaulle "does not give the Breton

have been occasional bombings by such people the freedom indispensable for
nationality groups as Bretons, Basques, their material and spiritual develop-
Corsicans and Occitans participating in ment, the tempo of military operations
what is generally considered autonomist will only accelerate." Goulet, who lived
rather than separatist movements. Some in Ireland (the Breton language is similar

foreign terrorists have also been active in to Gaelic), insisted that Brittany "is a
France during this period. nation and we will accept no compromise
on this point."
The nationalist monthly L'Avenir de
la Bretagne (Brittany's Future) declared
Bordeaux terrorists jailed. A state
in a statement published in Rennes Jan.
security court in Dec. 18, 1968
13 that nationalist violence was "a means
sentenced seven members of the Revolu-
and even a duty of self-defense" against
tionary People's Front Group to prison
"the regime that enslaves us." The state-
terms ranging from 2 to 4 years for a
ment was signed by the FLB, the Na-
series of bombings, thefts and incidents
Bordeaux in tional Political Council and the Breton
of arson committed in
Republican Army.
June and July. 4 others received sus- three
Thirteen persons, including
pended sentences.
priests, were formally charged in Paris
(A Gaullist party headquarters and a Jan. 14 with terrorist activities in Brit-
Renault auto showroom were among the tany. One of the defendants, Rene-
targets of a series of bombings in Paris
Francois Vaillant, 41, a French-born
Dec. 8.) Canadian, was accused of helping to blow
up nine buildings, including a police sta-
tion, government offices and a town hall
Bretons seized. French police Jan. 1-14, at La Turballe, in the Nantes area. One
1969 arrested 28 suspected members of a of the priests arraigned was the Rev.
nationalist group accused of engaging in Joseph Lec'hvien, 49, who had been ar-
violence to enforce their demands for rested in Plesidy Jan. 13.
autonomy for Brittany, France's north- (The FLB took credit for some 200
westernmost province. About a ton of bombings during the next four years.)
hidden explosives was seized. Among
those arrested were four Roman Catholic
Bombing attacks. President Georges
The nationalist group was called the Pompidou appealed for public calm May
FLB (Front de Liberation de la Bretagne, 16, 1970 after a wave of unexplained
or Liberation Front of Brittany). Its bomb and arson attacks in Paris and
followers were said to be responsible for
other parts of France. The violence, at-
bomb attacks on public buildings in Brit- tributed variously to left-wing and right-
tany since the summer of 1967. The ex- wing extremists, was directed against
plosive raids against government build- stations, other public targets
ings, tax offices and a police station had
and the homes of Parliament members.
been stepped up in recent months. Pompidou asserted that it was "in-
Police investigating the blasts re-
tolerable that some people, to drive home
ported discovering Jan. 7 a charter of a should attack persons
their ideas, . . .

self-styled government in exile

Breton and property." But he said it must not
along with explosives and weapons. The be assumed that every incident was "a
cache was found near the Breton port of criminal attack. We must remain calm
Lorient. and not believe that revolution knocks
The leader of the Liberation Front, at the door."

Yann Goulet, said in an interview pub- Among the recent acts of violence:
lished Jan. 13 in the weekly Nouvelle May 10— Bombs were thrown at police
stations at Montpellier and Valras-
Observateur in Paris that the FLB's

Plage. Both were unoccupied at the time. June 23, one day after police had raided
A bomb exploded at the entrance hall the headquarters of both the New Order
of a law court at Besancon, causing heavy and Communist League and confiscated
damage. An explosion occurred outside weapons. More than 20 persons had been
the home of the assistant mayor of Can- charged for possession of arms.
nes, shattering windows. Both the New Order and the Com-
The police telephone system of a Paris munist League were outgrowths of two
police station May 11 was knocked out extremist organizations banned in 1968
by a fire caused by a burning piece of and 1969. The two newly banned groups
cloth tossed through an open window. each claimed 4,000 active members.
An explosive charge damaged an electric
pylon in eastern France.
A bomb exploded May 15 outside the Blast kills 4 at Algerian consulate. A
gas and electricity offices in Grenoble. bomb exploded at the Algerian counsul-
The blast broke a water main and dam- ate in Marseilles Dec. 14, 1973, killing
aged windows and nearby parked cars. four Algerians and injuring more than
A villa being built for a Gaullist deputy 20 others. The consul general, Ahmed
in a suburb of Lyons was destroyed by Bakhti, had arrived a few minutes before
fire May 17. It was the third attack on the blast and was only slightly injured. The
property owned by members of Parlia- city had been suffering from racial tension
ment within a week. since August when an Algerian stabbed a

The Interior Ministry March 13 had French bus driver to death.

announced the arrest of 20 radical
militants on charges of terrorism and
13 terrorists arrested. Police announced
prohibited two antimilitarism meetings
the arrests Dec. 20, 1973 of 10 Turkish
scheduled to be held in Paris March 14
one Algerian and two Palestinian guer-
and 17.
rillas who were said to be preparing ter-
Thirteen of the militants had been
rorist attacks in Europe.
seized on suspicion of participating in
Police made most of their arrests in a
the burning of a flour mill at Corbeil
villa in Villiers-sur-Marne southwest of
March 6; the other seven had been ac-
Paris. Theyalso seized there grenades, ex-
cused of ransacking the town hall of
plosives, equipment to make bombs, false
Meulan the same day.
identity cards, passports and documents
The antimilitary meetings were to
detailing terrorist plans. The 10 Turks
be held to protest the imprisonment of
were members of the Turkish People's
three conscripts in Britanny Feb. 6 on
Liberation Front, and the three Arabs
charges of distributing leaflets calling
claimed membership in the Popular Front
for insubordination by other conscripts.
for the Liberation of Palestine.

Extremist groups banned. The govern-

Separatist groups banned. The govern-
ment June 28, 1973 banned two extremist
ment Jan. 30, 1974 banned four sepa-
groups on the right and left.
ratist movements; three had claimed
The move against the New Order, an responsibility for bomb attacks and other
extreme right-wing neo-Fascist group,
Those connected with violence
and the Communist League, a Trotskyite were the two rival Breton groups, the
movement, was apparently spurred by the Liberation Front of Brittany (FLB-ARB)
June 21 violent clashes in Paris between and the left-wing Liberation Front of Brit-
leftist youths and the police. The con-
tany for National Liberation and So-
frontation had occurred when police tried cialism (FLB-LNS), and the Corsican
to stop an attempt by leftists to halt a
Peasant Front for Liberation (FPCL).
meeting of the New Order called to pro- The fourth was the Basque association
test unlimited immigration to France of "Enbata," which linked several political
foreign workers.
and cultural groups among the French-
The secretary general of the New speaking Basques of southwest France.
Order, Alain Robert, 27, had been The government accused the banned
charged with illegal possession of arms groups of permanent contacts with

foreign political parties from Whom, it hours before Premier Pierre Messmer
claimed, they received money. Contacts was scheduled to deliver a speech in the
were maintained, it charged, between the building. There were no injuries.)
FLB and the banned Frish Republican
Army, Enbata and the outlawed Spanish Bomb kills 2. Two persons were killed
Basque group ETA, and the FPCL and
and 34 wounded Sept. 15, 1974 when a
"certain Italian movements."
man threw a hand grenade into a crowd in
Eight persons suspected of membership the popular Paris "Drugstore Saint-
in the FLB-LNS were arrested Jan. 29. Germain," a complex comprising a cafe,
(The group was suspected of being pharmacy and other shops. The attacker
responsible for 10 bomb attacks since escaped.
May 1973.) A Corsican business leader, An extreme right-wing organization,
Jose Stromboni, was jailed Jan. 26 and which called itself the Group for the
was released on bail Feb. 10 after being Defense of Europe, claimed responsibility
charged with illegal activities in con- Sept. 18.
nection with bomb attacks in Corsica.

Bombings in Corsica. Nine bombs ex- GREAT BRITAIN

ploded Jan. 3-4, 1974 in three towns of
Corsica, a department of France, causing
extensive damage but no injuries. The
Scattered Terrorist A cts
bombs were linked to the island's au-
tonomy movements.
Most of the relatively few terroristic acts
The FPCL claimed responsibility for
reported in Great Britain in this period
three bomb attacks Feb. 21. were off-shoots of the Northern Ireland and
A bomb damaged a French jet airliner
Middle East conflicts. These incidents are
at Bastia airport March 22 and another
recorded in this book in the sections cover-
explosion March 18 damaged the French ing the two issues. In addition, there was
Foreign Legion headquarters at Corte. minor terrorism blamed on Welsh nation-
Premier Pierre Messmer warned March alists and on a group of revolutionary stu-
26, at the close of a two-day visit to dents going under the name The Angry
Corsica, that the government would quell Brigade. Four members of the latter group
"without pity" any resort to violence for were convicted andjailed in 1972.
political ends in the island and would
combat "any attack on the unity of the
French Republic." Welsh blasts as prince is invested.

Earlier March 26, a bomb blast at- Charles Philip Arthur George was in-
tributed to Corsican militant autonomists vested as Prince of Wales and Earl of
had damaged a government building in Chester July 1, 1969 in ceremonies
Bastia a few hours after Messmer left it. at Caernarvon Castle in Wales.
Six bombs exploded in Ajaccio, capital One man was killed by an explosion in
of Corsica, and elsewhere on the island the Abergele, 30 miles from Caernarvon,
night of July 8-9, causing heavy damage only hours before the ceremony. Police
but no injuries. Four of the attacks were suspected that the explosion might have
directed against government buildings or been the work of Welsh nationalists pro-
banks. A group of Corsican militant au- testing the investiture. The train carrying
tonomists, calling themselves "Giustizia the royal family had been halted July 1

Paolina," claimed credit for the blasts. near Chester, England, when dummy
Several more blasts followed in Corsica explosives were found on the track. In
during the next few days. The outlawed Cardiff, 180 miles from Caernarvon, a
FPCL July 17 took responsibility for bomb June 30 had exploded at a post
a bomb attack July 14 and immediately office, but there were no injures. Just be-
declared a bomb truce during the summer fore the ceremony, an explosion went
tourist season. off on a railway siding on the outskirts of
(A bomb explosion heavily damaged the Caernavon. More than 2,500 policemen
city conference hall in Lyons Jan. 30, 36 were on duty during the ceremony.

The Angry Brigade. Several bombings activities in Europe and reports that Arab
in the period 1968-71 were attributed to guerrillas planned to attack aircraft at
The Angry Brigade, described as a small, European airports with shoulder-mounted
clandestine group of young revolution- Soviet-made SAM-7 missiles. Other
aries. reports said SAMs had disappeared from
Two bombs exploded Jan. 12, 1971 at Western military bases. Security mea-
the home of Employment Minister Robert sures were also tightened at other air-
Carr, but nobody was injured. The at- ports, including those at Rome, Paris and
tack climaxed a day of labor protest Brussels, it was reported Jan. 7.
against an industrial relations bill that
Carr was piloting through Parliament. In
3 charged with arms conspiracy The —
airport alert came after a U.S. woman
a letter to London newspapers Jan. 14,
and two men were charged Jan. 4 with
The Angry Brigade took credit for the arms conspiracy in an alleged plot to at-
tack Moroccan diplomats in London.
A bomb exploded at a police com- Allison Thompson, 18, of Santa Bar-
puter center in London May 22. The bara, Calif.; Abdelkhir el-Hakkaoui, 25,
blastdamaged brickwork and shattered of Morocco; and Athar Naseem, 21, of
windows, but caused no injuries. The An- Pakistan had been detained by police since
gry Brigade took credit for the attack. the end of December 1973 when
A bomb exploded at the home of Thompson was arrested at Heathrow in
William B. Batty, managing director of possession of five automatic pistols and
Ford's British subsidiary, in Essex June more than 150 rounds of ammunition.
22. The blast damaged the house but Hakkaoui and Naseem had been students
caused no injuries. The Angry Brigade inSanta Barbara.
said it was responsible. Another American citizen, Robin
In an attack in London, a bomb ex- Oban, 25, was deported to the U.S. Jan. 6
plosion damaged the apartment of Sec- after three days of questioning by British
retary of State for Trade and Industry police in connection with the alleged anti-
John Davies July 31. Davies and his government plot. She was not charged.
wife were not at home. A
man later tele- FBI agents Jan. 5 had arrested Theo-
phoned a newspaper and said the bomb dore Brown, 31 at Travis Air Force Base,
had been planted by the Angry Brigade. Calif., and charged him with helping
A bomb explosion damaged the top Thompson smuggle guns and ammunition
floors of the Post Office Tower in London to Britain.
Oct. 31, 1971, and another bomb exploded Thompson was cleared by a jury in
Nov. 1 at an army drill hall a quarter of a London of all charges in the arms smug-
mile from London. The Angry Brigade gling and kidnap plot.
took responsibility for both blasts. The two co-defendants accused with
Four alleged Angry Brigade members Thompson of plotting to kidnap a French
were sentenced to ten years in prison Dec. official and hold him hostage for release of
6, 1972 after a jury found them guilty of Moroccan political prisoners were
conspiring to cause bomb explosions in sentenced. Hakkaoui was given a three-
Britain between 1968 and 1971. Four year sentence, Naseem a one-year term.
other accused persons were acquitted of
A U.S. federal prosecutor in Los An-
the same charges. geles said July 16 he had dropped charges
against Thompson of violating the Neu-
trality and the Firearms Control As-
Alert at London airport. London's sistance Acts.
Heathrow Airport was placed on major
alert Jan. 5-7, to guard against
terrorist attacks. Tanks, armored cars, Tower of London blast kills 1. A bomb
220 soldiers and 200 police participated in exploded without warning in a tourist-
the alert at the airport, normally lightly packed cellar armory at the Tower of
guarded. London July 17, 1974, killing one person
Authorities linked the action to their and injuring at least 36, many of them
concern over increased Arab terrorist children.

The explosion occurred in the White 27 convicted in sedition trial. A five-

Tower, the oldest of the 13 structures man military tribunal presiding over the
comprising the Tower of London. Little trial of 34 Greeks charged with sedition
damage was done to the building, but part April 1970 sentenced the chief defen-
of the armory collection was damaged. dant to prison and returned guilty
life in

The blast came one month after a bomb verdicts for 26 of the 33 others accused.
exploded in Westminster Hall, in the The penalties were in every case lighter
Houses of Parliament. than those demanded by the prosecution.
Earlier July 17, another bomb damaged The charges grew out of a "profes-
a government tax office in south London. sors' bomb which allegedly placed
A bomb exploded in a parking garage at a number of bombs in the Athens area be-
London's Heathrow airport July 26 and tween January 1968 and August -1969.
four fire bombs were detonated in movie The alleged plot had been discovered
theaters in Birmingham July 31. There in August 1969 when Dionysios Ka-
were no injuries. rayorgas, an economics instructor at the
Panteios Graduate School, was seriously
injured by a home-made bomb which ex-
ploded in his hands. The incident led to
GREECE the discovery of a bomb workshop in
Karayorgas' home.
Terrorists Oppose Junta In the sentences passed April 12,
Karayorgas was sentenced to life in
Most of the terrorism reported in Greece prison. Three other alleged ringleaders
during the late 1960s and early 1970s was were given 18-year terms: George
described as activities in opposition to the Mangakis, a professor: Spiridon Loukas,
military junta that had seized control of a chemist; and Jean Starakis, a Greek-
Greece in 1967 and that ruled until July born French journalist. (An April 12 re-
1974. Greece, however, was also the scene port said Starakis, 28, had succeeded in
of acts of terrorism by forces campaigning smuggling a letter out of Greece recount-
for enosis (union of Greece and Cyprus) ing a series of tortures after which, he
and by persons involved in the Arab-Israeli said, "I admitted everything they
struggle; such developments are recorded in asked.")
thisbook in the sections covering the
Lt. Gen. George Iordanides, once
Middle East and Cyprus. Greece's representative to NATO, was
sentenced to eight years. He was cleared
of the charge that he was chief of an anti-
Resistance bombings. A time bomb ex-
regime organization. Three other de-
ploded Sept. 13 1969 in the office of the fendants received prison terms of from
pro-government Athens newspaper Nea 10 to 18 years and 19 others received
Politeia. There were no casualties, but
terms of from one to eight years. Seven
damage was described as extensive. of the latter sentences were suspended.
Two more blasts caused damage at
There were seven acquittals.
the City Hall and the neighboring central
Mangakis had testified March 27
post office Sept. 22. Embassies and
news agencies at the same time received that he had been tortured until he had
a press bulletin from the Greek Demo- made a confession but that he later pub-
licly denied the torture charge on a prom-
cratic Movement, an antigovernment
organization, reporting that had set ise by security forces that his imprisoned

up "armed action groups." wife would be released. (Mrs. Angeliki

Mangakis, the daughter of Stylianos
A bomb Oct. 7 damaged the car of Gonatas, who was prime minister of
Panayotis Makarezos, brother of the Greece 1922-4, had been sentenced to
minister of economic coordination. A four years in prison Aug. 27 for saying
spokesman for an underground organi- that her husband had been tortured by
zation, the Movement of National Re- police.)
sistance, claimed responsibility for the Nine more defendants also testified
action. that they had been tortured.


In a surprise move April 5, the military 20, 1974. Two underground groups,
prosecutor, Maj. Ioannis Liapis, ac- named "Laos (People) Number One"
cepted pleas by six defendants that their and "Laos Number 13," claimed re-
confessions to the police be disregarded sponsibility for the bombings "in memory
as untruthful. Answering the plea, Liapis of the students killed last November by
said: "Yes, I understand the reason. I CIA agents."
can imagine what you have been
Explosions were reported in three Bomb suspects convicted. A special
areas of the Greek capital as the trial military tribunal in Athens Jan. 22, 1972
went into its fourth day March 30. The convicted eight men indicted as possessing
court heard testimony from five army and detonating explosive devices over the
officers testifying as prosecution witnes- past two years.
ses who said the bombs were meant to The eight, alleged followers of exiled
"create fear among the citizens and cause
opposition leader Andreas Papandreou,
impressions abroad.
included Ioannis Kyriazis and Iossif
Valyrakis (son of a former Cretan mem-
ber of Parliament) as the chief defen-
Bombers score U.S. A bomb
dants. Kyriazis was sentenced to nine
May 14, 1971 a policeman and
years in prison and Valyrakis to seven
injured another near the statue of former
years imprisonment. Kyriazis admitted
U.S. President Harry S Truman in detonating two bombs in downtown
downtown Athens. The policeman was Athens during October and December
killed while trying to defuse the bomb.
1969. Valyrakis was charged with im-
A rightist underground organization, porting explosives from Sweden. Both
the "Free Greeks," had sent foreign cor-
men said they had been tortured.
respondents a circular May 13 warning
Sixco-conspirators were convicted
they would increase their activity against
as accomplices and received sentences
American institutions and property unless
ranging from 12-30 months. According
the U.S. government ceased support of
to authorities, one received a suspended
the Greek regime. The circular said the
sentence, having "genuinely repented."
group considered "the official American
policy an enemy of the Greek people."
The court March 21 sentenced 11
of 15 defendants to prison terms ranging
Bomb explosions in Athens Feb. 7 from one year's suspended sentence to
had damaged three cars, two owned by eight years in prison on charges of illegal
U.S. military personnel. possession and use of explosives and of
Bombs exploded in Athens April 26 in attempts to set up an underground
front of the headquarters of the General resistance branch of the Panhellenic Lib-
Confederation of Labor and of the U.S. erationMovement (PAK), the expatriate
Air Force group in Greece. group headed by Papandreou. Four of the
Bomb attacks in Athens the night of defendants were acquitted.
July 8-9 damaged a railway track and Ioannis Koronaios, 55, a U.S. -born
a tank-truck of the Esso-Pappas com- lawyer practicing in Athens, received
pany. the eight-year prison sentence. He
had admitted in court March 18 that he
A bomb
exploded in the U.S. embassy
had set off a bomb in 1970 in the gardens
inAthens Aug. 29, 1972, minutes after a
near the premier's Athens office, where
warning was phoned to the Associated
Premier George Papadopoulos was con-
ferring with U.S. Defense Secretary
An anti-regime group called the Melvin Laird. Koronaios said he had
Popular Revolutionary Resistance planted the bomb as a "symbolic protest
claimed responsibility Sept. 4. It also because the United States remains silent
claimed credit for two bomb explosions about oppression in Greece." Koronaios
in 1971 in connection with the visit of accused the Greek military police of forc-
Vice President Spiro T. -Agnew. ing his confession through torture.
Seven U.S. official cars in the Athens Others sentenced included Xenophon
.area were damaged by explosions Jan. 18- Peloponnisios, a former civil servant,


and Andreas Franghias, an electrical Stathis Panaghoulis had denied all the
engineer, who were sentenced to six years charges and told the court Jan. 18 that he
and 4J/2 years imprisonment respectively. had been tortured by the police.
Both said they had been tortured in pri-

Other suspects tried. An Athens mili-
tary court Aug. 4, 1972 sentenced five Muslim & Communist Terrorists
men to prison terms ranging from seven
to 30 months and acquitted three other
defendants of plotting to overthrow Terrorists active in Iran recently have
the government. ranged from conser-
in political orientation
Seven of the defendants had denied vative Shi'ites Muslim sect) of the
the charges of setting up an urban guer- National Liberation Movement to groups
rilla band and plotting violence to fi- from the outlawed Tudeh (Communist}
nance an attempted overthrow of the Party, which had split in 1 965 into the pro-
government. The eighth defendant and Peking Revolutionary Organization of the
alleged leader group, Christos
of the Tudeh Party and into a pro-Moscow fac-
Ramadanis, had admitted on the first tion. Maoist terrorists have been reported
day of the trial Aug. 3 that robbery, active in the Caspian province of Siakhal,
bombing and kidnapping plans had been and Southeast Iran's Baluchi Liberation
discussed, but he dismissed it as "idle, Movement is said to be headquartered in
romantic talk." He denied charges they Baghdad.
planned to kidnap John F. Kennedy Jr.
on one of the boy's frequent visits to the
Greek island of Skorpios, owned by his Farsiou assassinated. Gen Ziaddin
stepfather, Aristotle Onassis. Farsiou, chief of the Iranian military
Ramadanis was sentenced to 39 court, died April 11, 1971 after being
months in prison and .Georgios Bous- shot by gunmen in Teheran April 7.
siotis, described as his lieutenant, was Farsiou's son was wounded. Police
sentenced to 18 months. The sentences named five suspects in the shooting. They
of the three others convicted were subse- were believed to be members of a Maoist
quently suspended, the New York group responsible for previous acts of
Times reported Aug. 6. terrorism.
The court Jan. 20, 1973 sentenced Three guerrillas were shot to death in
five of 1 3 civilians on charges of conspiring a gun battle with police in Teheran May
to "kidnap ambassadors [U.S. Am- 24. Six persons, including five policemen
bassador to Greece Henry Tasca] and were wounded. The fighting broke out
hijack aircraft" as part of an alleged plot when police and security units surrounded
to arrange the prison escape of Alexan- the guerrilla hideout. The men belonged
dras Panaghoulis, jailed for attempting to to a nine-man Maoist group wanted for
assassinate Premier George Papa- Farsiou's murder.
dopoulos in 1968. All 13 of the accused
were charged with belonging to the under-
ground "Greek Resistance" anti-regime were
Guerrillas executed. Six guerrillas
organization. executed by squad in Teheran

The chief defendant, Stathis Pana- March 1, 1972. One had been sentenced
ghoulis, brother of Alexandras, was by a military court Jan. 31, and
sentenced to 434 years in prison. Four the five others had been condemned by

others including Lorna Caviglia Briffa, the court the following day. They were
an Italian —
were given jail terms of 15-30 among 23 defendants accused of anti-
months. Seven of the accused were given state activities, bank robbery, illegal
suspended sentences and one was acquit- possession of arms and membership in
ted. The unusually light sentences were the outlawed Communist party. The 17
thought to reflect the government's weak others received sentences ranging from
case. one year to life imprisonment.

In another trial, a military tribunal Riza Pahlevi and his family was disclosed
Feb. 9 sentenced four guerrillas to life by the government Oct. 2, 1973.
in prison and gave 16 others terms
A military court in Teheran Jan. 9,
ranging from three to 10 years for anti- 1974 sentenced seven Tudeh Party mem-
state activities. bers to death for their roles in the plot.
Iranian authorities had disclosed Jan. Five others received prison terms of 3 to 5
16 one of the acts committed by
that years.
some of the guerrillas was an attempt to
Officials said Iranian guerrillas had for-
kidnap U.S. Ambassador Douglas Mac-
mulated theirplans in the winter and
Arthur II and his wife Nov. 30, 1971.
spring of 1973 and the 12 had been ar-
The U.S. embassy said Jan. 18 that the
rested between April and October of that
MacArthurs were returning to their
year. The guerrillas also had planned to
residence when their automobile was
kidnap five other persons, including a for-
stopped by two other cars. Suspecting
eign ambassador, according to author-
a kidnap attempt, the ambassador or-
ities. The prosecution said the hostages
dered his driver to proceed and the car
broke through the ambush, the embassy were to be held to enforce the release of
political prisoners and the supplying of an
Five Iranians convicted of sabotage and escape plan.
terrorism were executed by an army firing
squad Jan. 5, 1973. They were said to
have admitted carrying out a number of
acts, including placement of explosives
in the office of the governor of northern
Kurdistan region and of plotting to
assassinate government officials there.
Rightist & Leftist Terrorism
They had been trained in Iraq.
Two persons charged with the August
1972 slaying of Gen. Saied Taheri, a Italy, with a strong Marxist movement
senior police official, were executed by and a history of Fascist rule, suffered both
firing squad Jan. 11. The deaths of left wing and right wing terrorism in the
Mohammed Mosidi and Mohammed late 1 960s and early 1 970s.
Bagher Abbasi brought to 56 the number
of convicted guerrillas executed in the
past 12 months. Both men also were ac- Terrorism in Milan. A bomb exploded
cused of planting explosives in the Dec. 12, 1969 in the National Bank of
British consulate in Teheran and of Agriculture in Milan, killing 16 people
being involved in the sending of others and injuring 90. Three bombs were ex-
to Palestinian commando training camps. ploded in Rome the same day, causing
injury to 17 persons, none seriously. One
of the blasts occurred in the National

U.S. military aide An Iranian ter-

Bank of Labor. The other two went off at
the monument to King Vittorio Emman-
rorist shot and an American mil-
itary adviser, Lt. Col. Lewis L. Hawkins,
uele II.
in Teheran June 2, 1973 and escaped on a Police in both cities detained more
motorcycle driven by a confederate. than 100 persons identified with right-
Reza Rezai, suspected leader of the wing and left-wing movements. One of
terroristgroup that had murdered Hawk- several extremist groups whose head-
ins, was killed June 15 by security forces quarters was searched by police for
that had surrounded his home. The pistol possible clues to the bombings was the
Rezai used in this shootout was found to Association for Cultural and Friendly
have been a weapon taken the body of Relations with the Chinese People's
Gen. Taheri by his assassins. Republic in Rome.
President Giuseppe Saragat declared
in a nationwide address that the bomb-
Plot vs. Shah. The foiling of a plot to ings were "a ring in a chain of terrorist
kidnap and assassinate Shah Mohammed attacks that must be broken at all costs."

The police in Rome Dec. 16 charged Three senior police officials were in-
Pietro Valpreda, a ballet dancer and anar- dicted in Rome for concealing evidence
chist,and eight others with participation that involved other persons in the Val-
in the Milan bombing. Five others, all preda bomb case, the government an-
linked to anarchist movements, were nounced Oct. 21, 1972. They were Elvio
charged with mass murder Dec. 19 in Catenacci, deputy chief of the national
connection with the incident. police; Antonino Allegra, head of the po-
Firebombs exploded Sept. 21, 1970 in litical office of the Milan police; and Bona-

three Milan churches, where police later ventura Provenza, head of the political
found anticlerical leaflets signed by office of the Rome police. But all three
anarchists. were exonerated in a report published by
Milan court May 28, 1971 sentenced judicial investigators in February 1974.
three accused anarchists charged with 18 The investigators concluded that neo-
bomb explosions in 1968-69 to fines and Fascists were guilty of the bombing.
prison terms ranging from three to eight Two extremist right-wingers — Giovanni
years. The three other accused were ac- Ventura and Franco Freda— were in-
quitted. All six, who had been jailed in dicted organizing the 1969 Milan
Milan, were immediately released from bomb blasts, the French newspaper Le
prison because of pardons granted by the Monde reported Aug. 30, 1972. (But II
court. Mondo June 12, 1974 quoted Defense
In March 1971 the Milan police had Minister Giulio Andreotti as saying that
seized weapons and bomb parts traced a ministerial-level decision had been
to an ultra-leftist underground group. made to deny judiciary evidence obtained
Known as the "Red Brigades," this by the Secret Service indicating that ex-
group had claimed responsibility for a treme rightists had carried out the bomb-
series of explosions, including a January ing.)
25 blast that had damaged Pirelli & Co. A policeman was killed and 14 others
Police in Milan clashed April 17, 1971 were injured by a grenade in Milan April
with extreme rightists. The violence oc- 12, 1973 when violence erupted during
curred when police tried to disperse a neo- neo-Fascist demonstrations. The violence
Fascist demonstration. The meeting had broke out when local authorities banned
been banned after unidentified terrorists a rally, organized by the MSI.
bombed the headquarters of the Social- Two youths,both reportedly linked with
ist and Communist parties the previous MSI activists, were arrested for murder.
night. Authorities blamed neo-Fascists Vittorio Loi was arrested April 14 and
for the explosion. Maurizio Murelli April 16.

Pino Rauti, a member of the neo- The arrests came as the National Right
Fascist Italian Social Movement (MSI)
Wing — the official name for the parlia-
national executive, and two other ex-
mentary branch of the MSI —
found itself
increasingly accused of links with extreme
treme rightists charged March
rightist groups engaging in terrorism.
22, 1972 with roles in the 1969 bomb
MSI party leaders had always denied con-
attacks in Milan and Rome for which
nection with them.
Pietro Valpreda and other left-wing
Premier Giulio Andreotti May 10 ac-
anarchists awaited trial. But Rauti cused National Right Wing deputies of
was released from a Milan prison April
death of the
political responsibility for the
24 after a judge ruled there was insuffi-
Milan policeman and backed proposals to
cient evidence against him.
try MSI leaders for allegedly re-consti-
Luigi Calabresi, 35, chief of the polit- tuting the banned Fascist party.
ical investigations section of Milan's Four people were killed and more than
police force, was shot to death May 17, 40 injured by the explosion of a grenade
1972 by an unidentified gunman. Cala- May 17, 1973 at the entrance of police
bresi had headed the investigation of the headquarters in Milan at the end of a
1969 bank bombing. Leftists had accused ceremony commemorating slain police
him of the death of an anarchist who had officialLuigi Calabresi.
fallen or jumped from the window of Interior Minister Mariano Rumor and
Calabresi's office during interrogation. the national police chief, Efisio Zanda

Loy, had left the headquarters only subsequently become involved in revo-
minutes before the blast. lutionary movements, had published
Immediately after the explosion, police Boris Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago.
arrested Gianfranco Bertoli, 40, identified
by eyewitnesses as the thrower of the
grenade. Bertoli, who had a long criminal
Maoists jailed. Twenty-one Maoist ex-
record and alleged right-wing ties,
tremists were sentenced April 18, 1973 in
described himself as an "individual anar-
Genoa to prison terms ranging from one
year to life on charges of kidnapping, rob-
A second suspect was arrested in bing and killing to finance their group,
Venice May 19, Mohammed Mansor
known as the "October 22" group.
Saeed, 35, an Arab.
Mario Rossi, 22, leader of the group
A bomb damaged the Communist
party offices in Milan Oct. 6. Leaflets on
who shot to death a messenger in a rob-
bery in September 1971, was sentenced to
the premises claiming responsibility were
signed by the Mussolini Action Squads.
life imprisonment. Diego Vandelli, a
had also claimed responsi- former Fascist, received a 20-year
sentence. One defendant was acquitted.
two bombs that exploded July 28
bility for
in the Milan offices of Mondadore, a —
Prosecutor kidnapped Genoa's deputy
leading publishing house, and of Edizioni prosecutor, Mario Sossi, was kidnapped
Sapere, a left-wing publisher. from in front of his home April 18, 1974. A
Bomb blasts April 23, 1974 damaged terrorist organizationcalled the Red
Milan's tax office and wrecked a building Brigade later claimed responsibility and
housing a Socialist Party office in Lecco, said he was being kept in a "people's jail"
30 miles north of Milan. Both explosions where he was awaiting trial by a "people's

were attributed to a new underground tribunal" for unspecified crimes.

right-wing group, the Black Order. The Police reported May 6 that the kidnap-
blasts were denounced by Communist and pers threated to kill Sossi unless eight
neo-Fascist newspapers. members of the Maoist extremist
"October 22" group were released from
jail and flown to Cuba, North Korea or

Leftist publisher killed. The mutilated Algeria. Sossi had headed the prosecution
body of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 45, a of the group.
leftist multi-millionaire publisher, was Sossiwas released by his abductors
found March 15, 1972 under a dyna- May 23 after a court in Genoa had
mite-damaged power-line pylon near agreed to the kidnappers' demand for the
Milan. The body was positively identified release from prison of eight Maoist ex-
as Feltrinelli's the following day. tremists on condition that Sossi be re-
Police hypothesized that Feltrinelli leased first.

had been accidentally while pre-

killed The Supreme Court June 18 over-
paring to blow up the power line. How- turned the decision to release the prison-
ever, the extreme leftist Milan Student ers in exchange for Sossi's release.
Movement charged March that16
Feltrinelli murdered by ex-
had been
treme right-wingers seeking to discredit U.S. facilities bombed. Four bombs
the left in the upcoming national elec- damaged the offices of the U.S. firms of
tions. Honeywell, Inc., International Business
An autopsy report March 18 said Machines and the Bank of America and
Feltrinelli had died from loss of blood Italy in Milan and a Honeywell factory
caused by injuries suffered in an ex- in a Milan suburb June 3, 1972.
plosion. An official statement said Fel- Police said they did not know who
trinelli had also sustained injuries to was responsible for the blasts. Leaflets
the head and chest but noted that the found at the bomb sites praised "the
time these injuries were inflicted was struggle of the Vietnamese people
not determined. against American imperialism" and
Feltrinelli, a one-time Communist the victories "of the revolutionary and
who had quit the party in 1956 and had Communist army in Vietnam."

Three bombs exploded in Rome Jan. zations.They arrested May 29 a doctor

11, 1974, heavily offices of firms said tohave Fascist sympathies and to be
linked to the International Telephone & connected with the blast the previous day.
fourth bomb exploded An alleged member of a right-wing ex-
Telegraph Corp.
in a Rome suburb, slightly damaging a
tremist group, the National Vanguard,

truck owned by a telephone-line main-

was shot dead and two police were
tenance firm. Leaflets on the scene
wounded in a remote mountain area near
Rieti, about 50 miles north of Rome, May
charged ITT with responsibility for the
30. Two other men surrendered uninjured.
1973 coup in Chile and for preparing,
through telephone tapping, "a reactionary The gunfire exchange occurred as police
were investigating reports of a parami-
and fascist plot" in Italy.
litary training camp in the vicinity. The
police said they had found 100 pounds of
explosives, many weapons and theequiva-
Brecia bomb kills 7.. A bomb ex-
lent of about $600,000, the latter thought
ploded at an anti-Fascist rally in the obtained through kidnap ransoms.
northern industrial town
of Brescia
The Cabinet May 30 ordered the for-
May 28, 1974, killing seven people and
mation of a special anti-terrorist unit to
injuring 93.
combat extremist violence. In raids in the
The rally, attended by 3,000 workers Milan area and north of Rome, it was
and students, had been called by a local reported June 2, police captured docu-
anti-Fascist committee to protest "ob- ments and maps indicating that the Bre-
scure Fascist schemes" in connection with scia bombing was part of a planned
recent violence in the city. (In recent rightist terrorist offensive aimed at
months, left-wing cooperatives and trade forcing a military take-over and bringing
union buildings had, been bombed and a in a neo-Fascist government. The plans
neo-Fascist had been accidentally killed called for machine-gunning a labor de-
by a bomb he was carrying on his motor monstration in Milan, temporary occu-
scooter.) pation of the barracks of the paramilitary
The leader of the neo-Fascist Italian carabinieri police, destruction of roads,
Social Movement-National Right Wing, bridges and rail lines and assassination of
Giorgio Almirante, denied that his group, prominent politicians.
the nation's major neo-Fascist organiza-
tion, was involved and denounced the
blast as "a horrible crime in a moment Neo-Fascists killed. Two members of
of intolerable disorder." the neo-Fascist Italian Social Movement-
A four-hour general strike was staged National Right Wing were shot to death in
by Italy's three major trade unions May the party's headquarters in Padua June
29 to protest the blast. The strike shut Red
17, 1974. The extreme leftist
down the state radio and television net-
Brigade later claimed responsibility.
work, stores, government offices, public
transportation, schools and universities,
all entertainment places and the Milan
Stock Exchange. Hundreds of thousands Train bomb kills 12. A bomb exploded
on a crowded train Aug. 4, 1974, killing
of persons participated in anti-Fascist
rallies in Milan, Turin, Rome and else- 12 persons. A neo-Fascist terrorist group,
where. the Black Order, claimed responsibility.
The May 29 demonstrations were The explosion occurred as the train,
marred by violence. Gasoline bombs were which originated in Rome and was bound
for Munich, West Germany, emerged
thrown at the Milan office of Iberia Air-
lines of Spain, protesters in several cities
from a tunnel between Florence and
attacked the local offices of the Italian Bologna.
Social Movement-National Right Wing In a note Aug. 5, the Black Order said
artd were dispersed by police firing tear the bomb was designed "to
gas, and police cars were set on fire in demonstrate we are capable of
Rome and Bologna. placing bombs where we want, at any
After the Brescia bombing, police time, in any place." The message said
raided extreme leftist and rightist organi- government members who were "bringing

Italy under Marxism by dissolving our or- Capt. Shinji Ishida was able to persuade
ganizations" must bear responsibility for them that he did not have enough fuel,
the deaths. The Black Order was thought and at a stop in Itasuke Airport, near
to be the successor of another extremist Fukouka, authorities secured the release
group, the New Order, which was banned of 22 women and children and an elderly
inNovember 1973. male passenger.
(A railroad engineer narrowly averted a The plane then left, apparently for
crash April 21 when he halted his crowded Pyongyang, but landed later March 31 at
it would have hit a
train shortly before Kimpo Airport in Seoul.
section Bologna-Florence track
of the An elaborate ruse was attempted at
which had just been destroyed by ter- Kimpo Airport to get the hijackers to
rorists. believe they had landed in Pyongyang.
(A Genoa court sentenced four rightist North Korean flags were flown and
terrorists to prison terms of 14-23 years officials and troops at the airport donned
June 26 on charges of attempting to bomb Communist uniforms. But the trick
a crowded train. The leader of the plot, failed when hijackers questioned the
Giancarlo Rognoni, who was tried in supposed North Korean officials on
absentia, received the 23-year sentence.) points of Marxist doctrine and when one
of them observed an American-made
car. The students threatened to blow up
the plane if any further attempt was
JAPAN made to thwart the hijacking.
During the bargaining sessions that
followed, Japanese and South Korean
United Red A rmy Strikes authorities refused to allow the plane to
leave for North Korea until the passen-
The only Japanese gers were released. South Korean De-
terrorist organiza-
tion to achieve world notoriety is Rengo fense Minister Chung Nae Hyuk, ap-
Sekigun ( United Red Army, or URA, also parently with the concurrence of Japa-
called Japanese Red Army), which was nese Transport Minister Tomisaburo
formed in September 1969 by 400 radical Hashimote and Ambassador to South
members of the Zengakuren Socialist stu- Korea Masahide Kanayama, warned the
dent league. The Red Army is best known students to free the passengers.
for terroristic acts in cooperation with the On the evening of April 2, Shinjiro
Popular Front for the Liberation of Pales- Yamamura, 36, the Japanese vice-
tine (developments involving these acts are minister of transport, offered to serve as
recorded in this book in the section de- a hostage on the trip to North Korea if
voted to the Middle East). In Japan, the the students, with whom he had been
Red Army was believed guilty of the mur- negotiating for two days, released the
ders of at least 11 police and defense offi- passengers and crew. The leader of the
cials as well as attacks on police, bank hijackers, Takamaro Tamiya, 27, asked
robberies and bombings. that a Socialist member of the Diet,
Sukeya Abe, be brought to the airport
to verify Yamamura's identity. Abe also
Students hijack airliner. A Japan Air offered to go to Pyongyang, but, accord-
Lines plane with 122 passengers and ing to the New York Times April 4,
seven crewmen was hijacked March 31, South Korean officials opposed this on
1970 by nine Red Army members. The the grounds that he had been to North
plane took them to North Korea April Korea the previous year.
3 after efforts to trick them into dis- The remaining 99 passengers and four
embarking at Seoul, South Korea, had stewardesses were released April 3, and
failed. the plane flew the hijackers to Pyong-
The students seized the jet minutes yang later the same day. (North Korea's
after takeoff from Tokyo on a domestic ambivalence toward the Red Army mem-
flight to Fukouka. Brandishing samurai bers was indicated by a Pyongyang radio
swords and other weapons, they ordered broadcast April 4 of a statement by
it flown to Pyongyang, North Korea. KCNA, the North Korean news agency,

which said that North Korea would not Mori hanged himself in a Tokyo
"play the role of the Japanese police" prison Jan. 1, 1973.
in guaranteeing the safety of the "Trot-
skyite" hijackers.)
The jet was returned to Tokyo April Tokyo bomb blast kills 8. The Mit-
5. Yamamura, the volunteer hostage, subishi Heavy Industries building in
who was given a porcelain vase by the Tokyo was blasted by a bomb Aug. 30,
Diet for his services, said the hijackers 1974, killing eight people and injuring
"were very pleasant and polite compan- about 330. A few minutes before the explo-
ions" but were "like madmen" when op- sion, a telephone call to the company's
posed. The New York Times April 6 switchboard warned that two bombs had
quoted North Korean broadcasts that been set in front of the building and urged
day to the effect that the hijackers were immediate evacuation of the offices.
"strangers who came uninvited" and that Similar anonymous calls to Mitsubishi
"our officials concerned will take ap- Electric, across the street, and later to a
propriate steps after necessary investiga- Mitsubishi office in Osaka warned that
tion." "tomorrow, we will carry out the same
class struggle as we did in Tokyo this
Plot foiled? Tokyo police Feb. 2, 1971
Police believed the Tokyo bombs, one
raided offices and meeting places of of which was later found, were planted by
various New Left student groups, ar- left-wing radicals opposed to armaments
resting five students and confiscating
1,366 weapons. The raids reportedly
were aimed at forestalling an alleged
plot by the United Red Army to kidnap
government and business leaders. Hague embassy siege. Four United Red
Army members surrendered Sept. 18, 1974
to Palestinian guerrillas in Damascus,
Syria, where they had flown after re-
Red Army 12 members. Tokyo
kills leasing hostages whom three of the
police disclosed March
11, 1972 that Japanese terrorists had held at gunpoint
URA "executioners" had murdered 12 for four days at the French embassy in
of their rebel followers following mock The Hague, Netherlands. The action by
trials ordered by their commander. the three terrorists had won the release of
Tsuneo Mori, 27, leader of the organi- a comrade from a French prison.
zation, confessed to the 12 killings and The Japanese guerrillas returned the
was placed under arrest with 13 other $300,000 ransom they obtained from the
members. French for release of the embassy hos-
The slayings came to light after police tages. Syria promised safe conduct for
Feb. 28 had stormed a mountain lodge the terrorists to a country of their choice
90 miles northwest of Tokyo where the and left them in the custody of the
URA had held the caretaker's wife Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
hostage for 10 days. Two policemen and a The four terrorists had arrived in
bystander were shot to death in the siege. Damascus aboard a French Boeing 707
Mori and four of his followers had fled to after flying from Amsterdam and
the lodge after police Feb. 19 had arrested refueling in Aden, Southern Yemen.
nine URA members at the mountain Lebanon had refused the guerrillas per-
resort of Karuizawa. mission to land.
It was believed that the 12 slain radicals, Three of the terrorists had seized 11 hos-
nine of whose tortured bodies had been tages at the French embassy Sept. 13 and
recovered in graves through March 12, initially demanded a $1 million ransom
were executed because of their opposi- and release of Yutaka Furuya, who had
tion to the URA's revolutionary policies. been arrested by French customs officials
Police said the organization had planned July 26 with three false passports, $10,000
an armed attack on government leaders in counterfeit money and documents that
in April with the aim of establishing a reportedly revealed plans for a terrorist
"provisional revolutionary government." campaign in France and elsewhere in

Europe. News reports indicated that 1969 a new wave of violence with
France had deported up to nine Japanese Protestant as well as IRA
nationals after Furuya's arrest. accused of atrocities, and ultimately the
Furuya was flown under police escort to terrorism spilled over from Northern Ireland
Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport Sept. 13. into the Irish Republic and Britain.
The gunmen freed two women hostages British troops began to guard public utili-
Sept. 16 and released the other nine cap- ties, public service and government installa-
tives Sept. 17, including French Am- tions in Northern Ireland April 21, 1969 on
bassador to the Netherlands Jacques the heels of violent clashes between Protes-
Senard, after Furuya was freed and the tants and Catholics and three weeks after the
French provided a Boeing 707 jet. Three outbreak of what became widespread sabo-
of the hostages were freed at the embassy tage. The troops had been requested by the
in The Hague and six at the airport. Belfast government April 20 when it ap-
The Paris office of the PLO denied peared that the Ulster constabulary force
Sept. 19 that its organization had asked was unable to cope with the sabotage at-
Syrian authorities to hand over the tacks.
Japanese guerrillas and said it "had
nothing to do with The Hague affair."
Rioting, violence resumed. Fresh riot-
ing and violence erupted in Northern Ire-
land at a heightened level in July-August
Thirty-one persons were injured, nine
seriously, in an explosion of a bank in
War Against Partition downtown Belfast July 16. It was the
55th explosion in Northern Ireland since
Jan. 1 and caused the most injuries.
The creation of the Irish Free State in Two Ulster policemen died of injuries
1920 (and its transformation into the Re- suffered Aug. 1 1 in a bomb explosion
public of Ireland in 1949) failed to end a
in Armagh County near the border with
four-century-old struggle for Irish indepen- Ireland. The explosion occurred when
dence. While most of Catholic Ireland had
the door of a stolen car was opened.
left the British Commonwealth, the six most
Protestant of Ulster's nine countries re-
mained within the United Kingdom under Commons gas bomb attack. The British
the name Northern Ireland. On the surface, House of Commons was thrown into an
at least, the struggle often seemed to be as uproar July 23, 1970 when an Ulster
much a religious as a political one as North- Catholic in the chamber's visitors' gallery
ern Ireland's Catholics, a minority in the six hurled two canisters of ttar gas onto the
counties, charged that they were subject to floor. The bombs filled the chamber
political and economic discrimination be- with thick white smoke, forcing evacua-
cause of their religion. tion of the hall. The Commons session
The Irish Republican Army (IRA), off- was resumed later in the day.
spring of the 19th-century Fenians, had led After the incident, police arrested
the successful fight for southern Ireland's James Anthony Roach, 26, and accused
freedom. Although outlawed in both the Irish him of violating the Firearms Act.
Republic and Northern Ireland, the IRA con- Bowes Egan, an adviser to Parliament
tinued the struggle for a free and unified Ire- member Bernadette Devlin, a radical
land, and a major IRA tactic was terrorism. leader of Ulster Catholics, was arrested
A split in the IRA started in 1964 with the July 28 on charges of conspiring with
formation of a "Provisional" IRA in Belfast. Roach.
In September 1969 the Provisionals (or
Provos) declared their group independent of 11 die in Belfast riots. At least 11 per-
the Dublin-led "Official" IRA. The Offi- sons were killed in a new outbreak of
cials had adopted a Marxist orientation clashes Feb. 3-9, 1971 between armed
while the only clear political policy of the Catholic extremists and British soldiers
Provisionals was to liberate the six counties in the Catholic districts of Belfast. Ulster
by force. Both IRAs have formed ties with officials and British Army officers blamed
Palestinian and other foreign terrorists. In the outbreaks on the IRA.

The upsurge in violence began Feb. 3 Three unarmed off-duty British sol-
as Roman Catholicsused submachine diers were shot to death near a bar on the
guns, and threw bombs, grenades, stones outskirts of Belfast March 10.
and bottles at British troops during an
arms search in the Clonard district of
west Belfast. The soldiers, retaliating
New security measures. Prime Minister
James Chichester-Clark announced new
mainly with water cannon and rubber
security measures against IRA terrorists
bullets, also returned fire six times. Seven
in Northern Ireland March 2, 1971.
soldiers were injured and more than
The measures included the dispatch to
60 people arrested.
Northern Ireland of an extra battalion of
Maj. Gen. Anthony Farrar-Hockley, British troops, raising the number there
British commander of land forces in to about 8,000; maintenance of a per-
Belfast, Feb. 4 labeled the Clonard area manent military presence in "riotous and
a "harbor" of Provisional IRA leaders. subversive" IRA enclaves; "hot pursuit"
Acid and gasoline bomb attacks against of terrorists who engaged in armed
the troops in Catholic districts con- violence; and the cordoning of areas to
tinued Feb. 5. British soldiers were rein- prevent terrorists from fleeing.
forced by an extra batallion of troops
that day and by an armored scout car
squadron commanded by the Duke of Wave of terrorist attacks. Large-scale
Kent. terrorist attacks that resulted in several
The violence intensified Feb. 6 when deaths and numerous injuries occurred
four civilians and one soldier were killed from April through early July 1971. Some
in a street battle. Prime Minister James observers said the IRA may have em-
Chichester-Clark declared the same barked on a new policy designed to
day that the armed battles represented provoke British soldiers to retaliate
"a trial of strength" between his govern- against civilians.
ment and the IRA and vowed that he Bombs exploded in downtown Belfast
would "not give in to intimidation." April 16. At least four persons were in-
Gun battles raged in the Ardoyne jured and the garage of a magistrate
and Crumlin districts in Belfast Feb. 7, damaged.
while in Londonderry rockthrowing Unknown gunmen ambushed a Brit-
rioters also battled troops. The
British ish army vehicle May 15 in downtown
same day bombs exploded in the towns Belfast. A civilianwas killed and two
of Newry, Killeen, and Carrickmore, British soldiers and two civilians were
near the border of the Irish Republic. wounded.
A booby trap apparently intended for
A British soldier was killed and two
British soldiers killed five civilians Feb. injured in an ambush of an army night
9 on a rural mountain road at Ennis- patrol in Belfast May 21-22.
killen. The victims were two British A bomb explosion in a British ex-
technicians for the British Broadcasting servicemen's hall in the Belfast suburb
Corp. and three of Suffolk May 21 injured about 30
Irish construction
workers. persons.

and Northern Irish po-

British troops
A bomb exploded May 24 in a pub in a
lice clashed with IRA extremists in Bel-
Protestant area of Belfast May 24.
fast Feb. 26-27. Two policemen were
About 18 persons were injured.
killed and four others wounded in a gun Terrorists threw a bomb into a Belfast
battle with terrorists in the Ardoyne dis- police station in a Roman Catholic area
trict Feb. 26. Another policeman was in- of Belfast May 25. One British soldier
jured when a bomb exploded outside a was killed and more than 20 persons
police station on the outskirts of Belfast. injured, including policemen, soldiers
Gasoline bombs exploded throughout the and civilians.
city. Shortly before the May 25 bomb
gang of Catholics fire-bombed a two- attack, Prime Minister Brian Faulkner
man British military patrol in London- had disclosed in Parliament that Brit-
derry March 1. One soldier was burned had been authorized to shoot
ish soldiers
to death. on sight anyone "acting suspiciously."

He said the army was "not prepared to Minister Brian Faulkner announced that
take half measures with terrorists." he had resorted to preventive detention
A series of bomb explosions struck and internment without trial of suspected
Belfast June 5-6. At least eight persons IRA members.
were wounded. One of the bombs dam- Under the internment order, which
aged a police station. was authorized by a Special Powers Act
TwoCatholic civilians were killed applicable only to Northern Ireland,
in Londonderry July 8 during a riot in people could be arrested and held for 48
which demonstrators threw bombs and —
hours longer if necessary without —
the troops used live ammunition in re- being charged.
The twodeaths, which occurred on the The unrest— Rioting erupted in Bel-
fifth consecutive day of rioting in Lon- fast, Londonderry, Newry and Fer-
donderry, generated more violence. Lon- managh immediately after the first dawn
donderry youths threw rocks at British arrests Aug. 9, hours before Faulkner's
soldiers July 9 and tossed gasoline bombs announcement.
in the streets. Rioters set fire to an In Belfast, RomanCatholics set fire
American-owned Essex Inter-
factory, to buildings, hurled and gasoline
national Brakelining, of Fort Wayne, bombs and exchanged gunfire with
Indiana. Extremists fired machine guns British troops. Twelve buses were hi-
at British troops July 9-10. jacked. The city came to a standstill as
About 11,000 and 4,000 police
soldiers pubs and restaurants shut down and pub-
sealed off Catholic areas and prevented lic transportation ceased to run. Protes-
violence during Protestant Orange Or- tant families in predominantly Catholic
der parades held July 12 to commem- neighborhoods and Catholic families
morate the victory of Protestant William in Protestant areas fled their homes.
of Orange over Catholic forces in the Protestants set fire to their own houses
battle of the Boyne. About 100,000 Pro- to insure that Catholics would not oc-
testants participated in the parades held cupy them.
throughout Northern Ireland.
The commander of British army
Before the parades, which the Cath- ground forces, Maj. Gen. Robert Ford,
olics regard as humiliating provocation,
announced late Aug. 9 that the army had
a series of bomb attacks. July 12 had de- been engaged in "a constant war of at-
stroyed stores and damaged the central trition against terrorists." He reported
post office along the main parade route the army and police had killed five men,
in Belfast. Nine persons were injured.
two of them while raiding an army post
Other bombings occurred in Belfast sub- in central Belfast.
urbs and outlying towns.
In continued fighting Aug. 10, a
Away from the parade routes, a Brit- British was
soldier London-
killed in
ish soldier was killed by a sniper in a
derry and at least four others were
Roman Catholic neighborhood of Bel- wounded by snipers there and in Belfast.
fast July 12. Another soldier was killed
Soldiers battled stone-throwing mobs
in a Belfast ambush July 13. The IRA
in the primarily Catholic sections of
Provisional faction then claimed respon-
Belfast with tear gas and rubber bul-
sibility for the two deaths as a retaliatory
lets. Bombs were thrown at a bank and
action for the two killings in London-
a movie theater. Many cars were set
afire and used as barricades.
At least four men were killed by British
Internment sparks riots. A new wave soldiers in gun battles with terrorists in
of rioting erupted Aug. 9, 1971 after the Belfast Aug. 11. Arson and sniper fire
government invoked emergency powers erupted there, as well as in Londonderry
of preventive detention and internment and Armagh.
to crush IRA terrorists. British troops Aug. 13 fought a gun
The crisis began with a series of dawn battle with IRA suspects near the town
raids Aug. 9 when British army and police of Newry, close to the border with the
patrols seized more than 300 people for Irish Republic. Early the next morning,
questioning. Later that morning, Prime terrorists fired machine guns across the

border at a police station in the frontier had signed internment orders for 219 of
town of Belleek in Northern Ireland. the approximately 240 persons detained
Terrorists blew up the gates of Bel- since Aug. 9. The internment orders
fast's heavilyguarded Crumlin Jail formally signified that the detainees
Aug. where nearly half of the 240
22, could be held in prison without trial for
suspected terrorists were interned. Two an indefinite period.
prisoners and two prison officers were
injured. It was the 11th explosion of the
weekend. Terrorism &
counter-measures. An ex-
plosion in a Belfast bar frequented by
A bomb exploded in the suburban
offices of the Electricity Board of North-
Protestants killed two people Sept. 29,
ern Ireland in Belfast Aug. 25, killing 1971. Both IRA factions (Official and Pro-
visional) denied blame.
one and injuring 35.
A British soldier was shot to death Aug. Terrorists shot to death Patrick Daly,
29 and another wounded when their army 57, an Agriculture Ministry inspector,
patrol was ambushed by gunmen near when he was caught in a gunfire ex-
the Northern Irish town of Crossmaglen change between British troops and IRA
near the border with the Irish Republic. snipers in the Catholic Falls Road area
The attack occurred after two armored of Belfast Oct. 3.
patrol inadvertently crossed the
cars A bomb explosion in a shop in the
border into the Irish Republic. The men Catholic Springfield Road area of Belfast
fled back to Northern Ireland after hos- killed one British soldier and wounded
tile passersby burned one of the cars. The nine other soldiers and civilians Oct. 4.
casualties occurred after the soldiers re- Terrorists blew up a pumping station
turned to Northern Ireland. The army at a Belfast reservoir Oct. 8, causing ex-
claimed the shots were fired from within tensive flooding and cutting water off
the Irish Republic. from Catholic homes.
Terrorists firing at British soldiers A bomb explosion in a bar frequented
Sept. 3 in the Catholic Falls Road section mainly by Belfast Catholics killed a
of Belfast killed a 17-month-old girl. woman and injured 14 people Oct. 9.
A British soldier was killed Sept. 4 Unidentified army sources confirmed
and two other soldiers injured when their Oct. 12 that troops had been authorized
scout car hit a mine at Bessbrook near to shoot across the border into the
the border with the Irish Republic. Irish Republic at armed men if their
Two young sisters, aged 15 and 12, lives were endangered. In the past, troops
were injured when a bomb exploded at a were prohibited from opening fire if their
supermarket next to their home in Bel- shots were likely to cross the border.
fast Sept. 5. British troops Oct. 13 began blowing
A 14-year-old girl was killed in London- up more than 50 secondary roads between
derry Sept. 6 when she was caught in a Ulster and the Irish Republic in an ef-
gun battle between British soldiers and fort to halt the flow of arms and guerrillas

snipers. across the border.

A soldier was shot dead and two others Two Northern Irish plainclothesmen,
were wounded in Belfast Sept. 17 while members of the Royal Ulster Constabu-
lary, were killed by machine gun in down-
they were dismantling a gelignite bomb.
town Belfast Oct. 15.
A British soldier was critically wounded A group called the Irish Republican
Sept. 20 at an observation post in London-
Movement Oct. 16 claimed responsibility
derry by what the army said was a dum-
for the killing of the policemen. They
dum bullet, outlawed by the Geneva Con- said one of the policemen had been a
vention on rules of warfare. The dumdum
member of a "police murder group" that
bullets split on impact, causing multiple
had killed a man in Londonderry in
wounds. The IRA claimed responsibility
for the shooting, but denied use of a dum-
British soldiers Oct. 23 shot to death
dum bullet.
two sisters, ages 30 and 19, riding in a
car a Catholic district of Belfast. The
219 persons interned. Prime Minister sisterswere reportedly members of the
Faulkner announced Sept. 15 that he Clonard Women's Action Committee, a

vigilante that warned Catholic

group In related development, a Belfast
residents of army raids. court 8 sentenced a man to 15
The army contended that shots had years' imprisonment and a woman to
first been fired from the car, a claim nine years on charges of exploding a
denied by the driver and witnesses. Army bomb in a shopping arcade in July.
officials explained that no weapons had
been recovered from the car because
Provisional Sinn Fein strategy. Sean
hostile onlookers had prevented
MacStiofain, Provisional IRA chief of
soldiers from reaching the vehicle im-
staff, Oct. 24 told a Dublin annual con-
mediately after the shooting.
ference of his group's political arm, the
A Protestant was found bound, gagged
Provisional Sinn Fein, that the IRA
and shot to death in Belfast Oct. 26.
Two soldiers were killed when a bomb campaign had "changed from a defen-
sive to a retaliatory and offensive cam-
was thrown at an army observation post
paign in all parts of the occupied area of
in Londonderry Oct. 27. The same day,
the North."
a police sergeant was shot to death and a
constable seriously wounded in an am- Ruairi O'Bradaigh, elected president
bush on the outskirts of Belfast. of the Sinn Fein movement, defined the
Fifteen Roman Catholic civilians, in- group's program: to bring down the
cluding two children, were killed Dec. 4 Ulster government by making the prov-
when a bomb destroyed a Belfast bar. It ince ungovernable; conduct an intensive
was the highest toll for a single terrorist campaign to force British withdrawal;
incident in the more than two years of and consider a temporary neutral peace-
the province's civil unrest. Police hypo- keeping force after success was obtained
in the first two areas. Then the Sinn Fein
thesized that the bar might have been
used as a transfer point when the bomb would lead both northern and southern
exploded accidentally. Irish in building a democratic Socialist
IRA Dec. 7-10 shot to
death three members
of the Ulster De-
fense Regiment —
the equivalent of the Arms shipments confiscated. Dutch po-
national militia —
in what was seen as a
lice seized a 3 1 2-ton cargo of Czechoslo-
campaign to demoralize the volunteer vak-made arms and ammunition on a
force. Two of the victims were Catholic, Belgian charter plane at an Amsterdam
one was Protestant. One of the Catholic airport Oct. 16. The arms were flown
victims was killed Dec. 9 in front of from Prague and were thought to be des-
his five children in his Belfast home. The tined for the Irish Republican Army in
other killings took place in the vil-
Northern Ireland.
lages of Clady and Curlough in Tyrone The official Czechoslovak press agency
County. CTK Oct. 18 described as "without
A bomb explosion in a crowded shop- foundation" reports that Czechoslo-
ping center in the Protestant Shankill vakia had sent or sold the arms.
Road area Dec. killed two men and
1 1

two children and injured at least 19

other persons.
Rightist senator killed. Sen. John Barn-
The homes of five prominent Belfast hill, 63, right-wing member of the
residents in the exclusive Malone area
ruling Unionist party, was shot to death
came under bomb and gunfire attacks
and house bombed Dec. 12, 1971.
Dec. 14.
Barnhill's wife charged the gunmen
shot her husband as he opened the front
door, then dragged his body into the liv-
Suspects arrested. A suspected IRA ing room, where they placed a bomb
leader, James was ar rp «ted Oct.
under his body.
9, 1971 after a two-month police search.
The Official IRA Dec. 13 took re-
Fifteen IRA suspects were arrested sponsibility for the killing and bombing
in police raids throughout the province but said it had intended only to destroy
Oct. 12. It was the second big raid within the house. The statement, issued in
a week. Dublin, said Barnhill had been shot after

he attacked two IRA members who had An army statement later said that
asked him and his wife to evacuate the more than 200 paratroopers were or-
house because they planned to bomb it. dered forward and they had opened fire
The officials the bombing was in
said only after they came under nail bomb
"reprisal for the destruction of work- attack and sniper fire. The army said

ing-class homes throughout the prov- that over 200 rounds were fired indis-
ince" by the British army. criminately at the soldiers during the
Denouncing Northern Ireland's first 30-minute battle that followed and that
assassination since 1922, Prime soldiers had returned fire "only at iden-
Minister Brian Faulkner accused the tified targets." The British paratroop
Irish Republic Dec. 13 of offering a commander, Lt. Col. Derek Wilford,
"safe haven" to the men responsible later said the troops had first been fired

for the killing. at by two snipers, both of whom were

Shortly afterward, Irish Republic killed by the soldiers. He acknowl-

Prime Minister John Lynch condemned edged that no weapons were found on
Barnhill's killing but denied that his
the two bodies.
Witnesses, including several leading
government had sheltered the terrorists.
Northern Irish politicians and priests,
countered with charges that the para-
troopers had been the first to open fire
Londonderry Killings & Aftermath
and had fired directly into the crowd.

In Widgery report— An official British

13 slain in 'Londonderry massacre.'
inquiry into the "Londonderry massacre"
the most violent clash between British issued a report April 19 that absolved
soldiers and Ulster Catholics since the
the army of primary responsibility for the
outbreak of civil unrest in August 1969, deaths. The report was immediately de-
British paratroopers shot to death 13
nounced by Northern Ireland's Catholics
civilians participating in a banned pro-
as a "white-wash."
test marchLondonderry Jan. 30, 1972.
in Rejecting Catholic claims that the
The incident was denounced as a mas- army hadacted without provocation,
sacre by witnesses and defended by the inquiry, conducted by Lord Widgery,
British army and government sources Britain's lord chief justice, concluded
as justifiable defense in the face of vio- that an IRA sniper had fired the first shot.
lent provocation. Widgery based his conclusion on the
An immediate controversy arose over testimony of TV newsmen present dur-
the events that led to the shootings, in ing the incident and on his own deductive
which 15 demonstrators and one soldier reasoning. Noting that soldiers initially
were wounded. had limited themselves to making ar-
Between 7,000 and 20,000 persons rests, Lord Widgery found "no reason
had participated in the Londonderry to suppose that the soldiers would have
march, staged in defiance of the govern- opened fire if they had not been fired
ment's ban on all demonstrations, to upon first."
protest the internment without trial of Lord Widgery placed a major share
alleged terrorists. When the marchers of responsibility for the incident on the
found themselves blocked by army bar- organizers of the march because "there
ricades, they proceeded to a meeting would have been no deaths" if the or-
point in the Bogsidc, a Roman Catholic ganizers had not "created a highly dan-
area, where Bernadette Devlin, Catho- gerous situation in which a clash was . . .

lic civil rights leader and member of almost inevitable."

the British Parliament from Northern The army's share of responsibility.
Ireland, was scheduled to address a rally. Lord Widgery said, stemmed from its
The demonstrators began to pelt the decision to arrest "hooligans" partici-
soldiers with stones, bottles and debris. pating in an illegal civil rights march
The soldiers responded with gradually rather than simply to contain the march-
escalating violence, first spraying the ers. Without the arrest operation, he
demonstrators with purple dye and then said, "the day might have passed with-
firing rubber bullets and riot-control gas. out serious incident." Despite his find-

ing that the firing by some troops had Other violence — Two
British soldiers
"bordered on the reckless" when four were killed Feb. 10 when a mine de-
men were killed apparently "without stroyed their patrol car near the border
justification" in Glenfada Park, Lord with the Irish Republic at Cullyhanna.
Widgery denied there had been any gen- Two other soldiers were killed by ter-
eralbreakdown in army discipline. roristsFeb. 13 and Feb. 16.
While generally backing the army, Police said that many of the victims
Lord Widgery nevertheless found no had been lured by terrorists to the scene
proof of the army's claim that soldiers after misleading telephone calls had
had fired only at identified gunmen and warned that bombs had been placed in a
bombers. He noted that no weapons were nearby street. (The IRA Provisionals
found by the army and none of the photo- March 23 took responsibility for the
graphs of the march showed a civilian blast.)
holding an object that could be identi- A Roman Catholic bus driver was
fied as a firearm or bomb. He also noted dragged from his bus by terrorists in
the absence of injuries among the soldiers Londonderry Feb. 16. His body was la-
from firearms or bombs. ter found on the city outskirts, shot in
Despite the fact that none of the civil- the head. The victim was a member of
ians killed or wounded were proved to the Ulster Defense Regiment.
have been shot while handling a firearm A bomb explosion in a crowded Belfast
or bomb, Lord Widgery said there was restaurant March 4 killed two women and
"strong suspicion that some had been
. . .
injured 136 other persons, 27 of them
firing weapons or handling bombs" dur- seriously. The bomb exploded without
ing the afternoon. He based this conclu- warning while afternoon shoppers were
sion on paraffin tests on the hands of the taking a tea break. Both the IRA Officials
victims. Seven of those killed bore and the IRA Provisionals disclaimed re-
traces of lead particles indicating they sponsibility for the blast and blamed
had possibly handled firearms or been Protestant extremists.
close to someone who did. A seventh Another serious bomb explosion in a
victim was discovered to have had four parking lot behind a movie theater in
nail bombs in his pockets, although two downtown Belfast injured 52 persons
previous medical examinations had March 6, most of them women shoppers
failed to turn up any such evidence. and office workers.
In an effort to halt the intensified ter-
rorism Belfast, Prime Minister Brian
Violence Spreads to London
Faulkner March 8 imposed new security
regulations that called for searching any-
7 near London.
killed A
bomb ex- one entering public buildings, closing off
plosion Feb. 22, 1972 at the Aldershot some entrances and searching all shop-
army base, 35 miles from London, ping bags, briefcases or overcoats car-
killed five waitresses, a gardener and an ried by store customers.
army chaplain. Seventeen other persons, The Ulster Volunteer Force, an ex-
14 ofthem soldiers, were injured. tremist Protestant group banned five
The Official IRA took credit for the years previously, responded to the
blast as retaliation for the "Londonderry terrorist campaign with a threat March 8
massacre." "to kill 10 IRA men for every policeman
The explosion ripped through the or soldier murdered in Ulster."
officers' mess of the parachute brigade Two of three bombs mailed to three
that had been involved in the London- IRA offices in Dublin exploded March
derry shootings. The bomb had been 20 the packages in which they
planted in a car parked in front of the were contained were opened. Sean
kitchen where the civilian staff was pre- MacStiofain the Provisionals' chief of
paring lunch. The dining room was staff, was slightly injured.
empty at the time of the blast. two of them policemen,
Six persons,
Noel Jenkinson, 42, an IRA explosives were killed and 147 were injured March
expert, was sentenced in England to 20 when a 100-pound gelignite bomb hid-
life in prison Nov. 14 after being found den in a car exploded in a central Belfast
guilty of the bombing. street crowded with midday shoppers.

As part continuing bombing

of the IRA), because of insufficient evi-
campaign, a bomb March
22 wrecked dence. MacGiolla had been accused of
part of Belfast's biggest hotel, the membership in an outlawed organization,
Europa, injuring more than 70 persons. attempts to raise an illegal military force
Three soldiers and four civilians were and possession of incriminating docu-
killed April 7-13 as the IRA
stepped up ments.
bombing and terrorism after a relative
lull following the British government's IRA leader killed. Joseph McCann,
March 30 takeover of direct rule in North- 25, an Official IRA
battalion commander,
ern Ireland. was shot to death by British troops in
A series of bomb explosions destroyed Belfast April 15, 1972 after he allegedly
a $31 million textile complex under con- tried to escape an army patrol.
struction in Carrickfergus, near Belfast, In subsequent violence, three British
May 1. One worker was killed and about soldiers were killed and two others were
15 were injured, eight seriously. wounded in Londonderry and Belfast
April 16. The IRA official wing claimed
responsibility for the killings and said
Anti- Terror A ction they were in retaliation for McCann's

8 IRA leaders arrested in Dublin. Sig-

naling an apparent crackdown on the Protestants demand action against IRA.
IRA guerrillas, Irish Republic police The Ulster Vanguard movement, an ex-
arrested eight IRA leaders in Dublin treme right-wing Protestant group,
Feb. 23 under an act authorizing deten- warned April 30, 1972 that it would take
tion of suspects for 48 hours without "appropriate action" against Catholic ter-
charges. The action was ordered by Irish rorists unless Britain crushed the IRA.
Republic Prime Minister John Lynch. The threat, made in a letter delivered to
Among those detained for question- British Prime Minister Edward Heath in
ing were Cathal Goulding, chief of the London, charged that the IRA operated
IRA Official faction, and his son. "without hindrance in many parts" of
A tougher Irish Republic government Ulster.
policy had been indicated Feb. 20 when
Amid mounting controversy over the
Justice Minister Desmond O'Malley "no go" sections of Northern Ireland's
told a conference of the ruling Fianna
Roman Catholic districts where the IRA
Fail party that the attorney general openly patrolled the streets and barred
would order the retrial of certain per- entry to British soldiers, ministers of the
sons who had been recently freed by "in- suspended provincial government urged
explicable" court decisions. His state- Britain April 24 to launch a military
ment was thought to refer to a case in offensive against the IRA strongholds in
which illegal arms possession charges the Creggan and Bogside districts of
against seven IRA suspects were dis- Londonderry.
missed the previous week by a court at
Dundalk because of insufficient evidence. Terrorism mounts. A series of shootings
The suspects included Anthony "Dutch" and bombings beginning in mid-May
Doherty and Martin Meehan, two es- heightened tensions between the Protes-
capees from Crumlin Road prison in tant and Roman Catholic communities.
Belfast. There were indications that both Protes-
A Dublin court March 10 dropped tant and Catholic gangs were committing
charges against Goulding and three others terrorist deeds.
after the prosecution failed to produce The violence began May 13 when a
witnesses to testify against them. The bomb exploded at a public house in the
defendants had been charged with mem- Ballymurphy area, injuring more than
bership in the IRA and illegal activities 60 persons. As others ran to help the
in connection with the group. The court injured, shots fired from the Spring-
March 27 dropped charges against martin district killed one Catholic ci-
Thomas MacGiolla, head of the Official vilian. News reports differed on the
Sinn Fein party (the political arm of the origin of the first shots, but they agreed

that Protestants fired from Springmar- A bombexplosion at an industrial plant

tin at the crowd in front of the pub- in the Protestant Jennymount area of
lic house and that the IRA returned Belfast May 22 injured at least 60 per-
fire from Ballymurphy. Catholics sons, mainly Protestants.
charged that Protestants had set the William Whitelaw, British secretary
bomb to lureCatholics into the
the of state for Northern Ireland, told the
open where they were easy targets. How- House of Commons May 18 that ter-
ever, the army hypothesized the blast rorist actions in Belfast and London-
might have been caused by an IRA derry indicated the IRA sought to
bomb that exploded by accident. provoke a Protestant backlash that
Two other civilians and a British sol- would renew open sectarian violence in
dier were killed later May
13 in separate the province. He reiterated his inten-
incidents as erupted in other
gunfire tion to keep British soldiers out of the
housing developments near the bomb- "no go" Londonderry areas.
ing scene. At certain points British troops
were shot at by both Protestant and 9 die in Belfast bombings. Nine per-
Catholics and reportedly returned fire sons were killed and 130 injured in a
in both directions. mid-afternoon hour of at least 20 co-
In continued shooting May 14, one ordinated bombings in Belfast July 21,
man was killed in the Springmartin dis- 1972. The IRA Provisionals took credit
trict and a 13-year old girl was shot for the attack, said to be the most de-
dead in Ballymurphy. vastating since civil unrest began in 1969.
These were the first gun battles be- The British administration immediately
tween Protestants and Roman Catholics reversed its policy of restraint, inten-
since 1969. sifying military action against the re-
Protestants temporarily barricaded newed Provisional terrorist campaign.
about a dozen streets in the Woodvale Bus and railway stations, hotels, truck
area of Belfast May 14. The Ulster De- depots, a bank and a bridge were among
fense Association (UDA), the militant the targets of the Belfast bombing attacks
wing of the extreme right-wing Protes- on what was dubbed "Bloody Friday."
tant Ulster Vanguard movement, threat- The worst toll occurred at a bus station,
ened to set up permanent "no go" where at least five persons were killed.
areas in five weeks if Britain failed to About six bombs exploded at about the
curb the IRA and demolish the Catholic same time in Londonderry and other
"no go" sections of Londonderry. places in Northern Ireland.
A bomb placed in a car outside a bar After the bombings, five other civilians
in the Protestant Sandy Row district of were shot dead by snipers in Belfast July
Belfast exploded May 15, injuring 17 per- 21-22. Some of those shot were thought
sons. Four workers were shot outside a to be victims of Protestant revenge
mainly Protestant factory in Belfast May squads.
17, while a bomb exploded the same day Perhaps 2,000 British soldiers moved
in a car in a Protestant Belfast residen- into IRA strongholds in the Market,
tial street, injuring 16 persons and dam- Lower Falls Road and other areas of
aging 20 homes. Protestant vigilantes, Belfast July 22 to search for weapons,
some of them hooded, set up wooden grenades and suspected terrorists.
barricades near the scene of the blast The troops pursued their "search-
later May 17. The same day British and-arrest" tactics in Catholic districts
troops rescued three Protestants who throughout the week, seizing more than
had been kidnaped by IRA members and 700 pounds of explosives in an apparent
taken to the Catholic Turf Lodge area guerrilla explosives factory in Belfast's
of Belfast. Market area July 23 and another huge
A 15-year-old Protestant boy was shot arms cache in Belfast's Turf Lodge area
dead in the Protestant Lower Falls area July 25.
in Belfast May 18 by a sniper reportedly
located in the neighboring Catholic area. UDA quits Ulster Vanguard. The Ulster
A sniper fired six times into a crowd of Defense Association (UDA) announced
Protestant high school students in Bel- July 23, 1972 that it was quitting the
fast May 19, but no one was injured. Ulster Vanguard in a policy dispute.


The UDApledged July 24 an offensive opened fire on army patrols attempting

against Provisional IRA strongholds "to to prevent UDA members from setting
try and convince the minority to desist up a command post in front of a Shankill
from providing help and sanctuary to the
Provisional IRA murderers." Protestant groups form common
front— Three right-wingProtestant
organizations, the UDA,the Loyalist
Violence resumes. Terrorism was re-
Association of Workers and the Ulster
sumed in the second half of August 1972
after a temporary lull that started with
Vanguard movement, decided Sept. 1
to create a new inner council to coordi-
the British decision to send troops into
nate their activities. They chose William
the IRA "no go" areas.
Craig, leader of the Ulster Vanguard
The worst bombing incident occurred
when a bomb exploded prematurely in and a former Cabinet minister, to head
the council.
a Newry customs station Aug. 22. Eight
persons were including the two
men who had planted the bomb, and
Republic adopts anti-IRA bill after
five were injured. The police subsequently
bombings. The Irish Republic's Dail
reported the discovery of the body of
(House of Representatives) Dec. 2, 1972
another victim, probably also an IRA
approved a bill giving the government ex-
panded powers to combat the IRA. The
A bomb destroyed part of the Down-
measure was adopted a few hours after
patrick race course near Belfast Aug.
bombs killed two men in Dublin.
26, killing three persons. Police the-
orized the victims were IRA terrorists Before the bomb blasts, the bill

who were planting the bomb. seemed headed which

for certain defeat,
(News reports speculated that the would have led to the dissolution of the
recent premature explosions were caused Dail and new elections. The major op-
by the IRA's use of unstable chemical position parties, Fine Gael and Labor,
mixtures, including nitrobenzine
opposed the measure on the grounds it
sodium chlorate, in the bombs. The IRA was repressive. The bill's major provi-
had apparently begun using the chemicals sion would change the rules of evidence
after army raids cut off gelignite sup- to permit conviction of an IRA suspect
plies.) based on a sworn "belief of a senior
another incident, a bomb exploded
In police official that the suspect was an
in aCatholic church in East Belfast IRA member.
Aug. 20. The blast was subsequently at- After the explosions occurred Dec. 1,
tributed to Protestant extremists. No the Dail recessed its heated debate on
one was injured. the question. When the 144-seat Dail
reconvened, Patrick Cooney announced
2 Protestants slain in clash with army. that his party, Fine Gael, "had decided
Amid a steady deterioration in rela- to put nation before party" and would
tions between Northern Ireland's withdraw its amendment to kill the mea-
Protestants and the British army, two sure, clearing the way for passage. He
Protestant civilians were shot dead and said that most of the party's members
two others wounded by paratroopers in had decided to abstain after the perpe-
a clash Sept. 7, 1972 in the Shankhill Road trators of the blasts "were revealed as
area of Belfast. The clash came after fellow travelers of the IRA."
three successive nights of violence be- The Provisional wing the IRA
tween civilians and soldiers in the denied all responsibility the explo-
Protestant area. It also followed on sions. The Ulster Defense Association,
the heels of the announcement Sept. 4 the militant Protestant group in North-
by the Ulster Defense Association ern Ireland, also denied any involvement.
(UDA), the Protestant paramilitary The two blasts occurred within min-
group, that it had broken off "diplomatic utes of each other in a busy downtown
relations" with the army because of Dublin area. The first bomb exploded
"continual harassment" by the troops. outside Liberty Hall, headquarters of
According to the army version of the the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.
Sept. 7 gun battle, Protestant gunmen One man was killed, 20 were injured,

and the building was heavily damaged. of suspected terrorists after which the
The other bomb went off behind a de- detainee would be sent to special com-
partment store, killing a man in a nearby missioners who would either officially
office,and injuring many others. order their detention or free them.
The Senate passed the anti-terrorist
bill early Dec. 3. President Eamon de

Valera signed the measure into law later New drive against 'random' assassins.
that day. William Whitelaw announced Dec. 6, 1972
O'Bradaigh sentenced— Ruairi O'Bra- the formation of a joint police and army
daigh, president of Sinn Fein, the political task force to hunt down the persons re-
wing of the Provisional IRA, was sponsible for the wave of "senseless,
sentenced under the new law Jan. 11, 1973 brutal and calculated murders" plaguing
to six month in prison. The Dublin spe- Northern Ireland.
cialcourt had convicted him of being an His announcement followed the dis-
IRA member after a senior police official covery of the body of the 106th victim
had testified that he was. of the assassinations in 1972. Seventy
(The Provisional Sinn Fein, meeting in victims were Catholics, 36 Protestants.
Dublin Jan. 6, had elected Marie Drumm, The assassination campaign spread to
50, a Belfast housewife, as acting the Irish Republic Jan. 1 with the mur-
president of the organization while O'Bra- der of a young couple in Donegal County,
daigh remained in prison.) near the border with Northern Ireland.
The IRA Provisionals denied responsi-
bility for the murders.
Anti-terrorist legal changes proposed.
An official British commission recom-
mended Dec. 20, 1972 the abolition of 72 casualty data reported. The death
trial by jury in certain cases of suspected toll inNorthern Ireland's civil unrest in
terrorists and urged that anyone found 1972 totaled 467, more than double the
with or near a firearm should be consid- fatalities of the previous three years
ered guilty of illegal possession of that combined, according to official figures
weapon until innocence was proved. The in the London Times Jan. 2, 1973.
commission proposed that a judge from Of this number, 103 were soldiers, 14
the High Court or county courts hear were policemen, 3 were members of the
cases where trial by jury was suspended. Royal Ulster Constabulary Reserve and
The other recommendations called for 24 were members of the part-time Ulster
an increase in the powers of arrest for se- Defense Regiment. Authorities clas-
curity authorities, more stringent bail con-
sified 121 of the deaths as assassinations,
ditions and maintenance of the detention
with 81 Roman Catholic and 40 Protes-
.policy. The measures would apply to both
tant victims. More than 3,400 people
Catholic and Protestant extremists. The
were injured during the year.
commission, headed by Lord Diplock, an
Since civil unrest began in 1969, the
appeals court judge, had been created in
Times reported, 676 people had been
September to find an alternative to the ex-
killed, including 146 soldiers, and 2,627
ecutive internment policy and to explore
explosions had occurred. The 3H-year
ways to detain persons who planned ter-
fatality toll was higher than the total
rorist activity but did not participate di-
killed in the Irish civil war period in
rectly in the acts.
the 1920s, the New York Times re-
William Whitelaw, British secretary of
ported Jan. 1.
state forNorthern Ireland, announced ac-
ceptance in principle of all the recommen- —
Violence continues Terrorist violence
dations Dec. 20. continued in the opening days of 1973:
New procedures approved
detention — A bomb explosion in a bar inside a
The House of Commons, by a 179-32 Roman Catholic area of Belfast injured 25
vote, approved a bill Dec. 1 1 approving persons Jan. 13.
new procedures to replace administra- Two Royal Ulster Con-
officers of the
tive internment without trial. The bill stabulary were killed and two were in-
set a 28-day maximum limit on detention jured Jan. 14 when a 20-pound bomb

exploded beneath their car outside the of the Provisional IRA, mainly in the Irish
main police station in Londonderry. Republic. British intelligence officers said
Another policeman was killed and a fellow the report was "by and large well-
officer seriously injured when a land mine informed," the news service United Press
exploded under their jeep in County International (UPI) reported, although
Tyrone, near the border with the Irish Re- Provisional spokesmen denied the ac-
public. Provisional IRA claimed
The count. According to the Telegraph,
responsibility for the Londonderry attack. Britain's internment of IRA explosives
Amid the resumed wave of assassina- experts had forced the guerrillas to re-
tions, a hand grenade was thrown at a cruit Americans as military instructors.
bus load of Roman Catholic workmen The British intelligence officers also said
Feb. 1, killing one man and injuring nine. that 90% of Provisional weapons came
The first British soldier to die in the civil from the U.S., according to UPI.
unrest in 1973 was shot dead by a sniper The Protestant UDA
had claimed to
the same day in Strabane. have recruited Americans to instruct its
The killings coincided with an upsurge members in 1972.
in alleged IRA terrorist bombings at —
least 20 in two weeks — the Washington
Post reported Feb. 2. Attacks in London & Abroad
The intensified violence had begun Jan.
29 when at least two Catholics one a 14- —
year-old boy — were
shot dead by ter- London hit by bomb blasts. Two bombs
rorists. The IRA Provisionals had exploded in London March 8, killing one
retaliated by killing a member of the Ul- man and injuring an estimated 200 other
ster Defense Association (UDA), a persons.
Protestant paramilitary organization. About 45 minutes before the first blast,
Deputy UDA chairman Thomas Herron, which occurred in the afternoon, a tele-
said Jan. 30 his group would no longer try phone caller to the London Times gave
to prevent assassinations of Catholics by the location of three automobiles con-
Protestants, rescinding a short-lived curb taining explosives set to go off shortly.
announced early in January . The first bomb exploded in a car parked
The worst violence occurred when nine in front of the British army's central Lon-
people were killed and more than 20 don recruiting office, near Trafalgar
wounded Belfast Feb. 3-4. Six of the
in Square. The blast shattered windows of a
dead were killed by British soldiers Feb. 3 nearby pub, the Agriculture Ministry and
during a night of gun battles following an other government offices along Whitehall.
assassination in Belfast's New Lodge Ten minutes later, another bomb ex-
Road Catholic district. The other three ploded in front of Old Bailey criminal
were victims of assassination and machine court as police were trying to clear people
gun squads. from the area.
Gunmen also opened fire from a passing Another bomb was found and defused
car at a Roman Catholic soccer game near the headquarters of the British
Feb. 4, wounding three players. The at- Forces Broadcasting System. There were
tack was one of several during the week in subsequent bomb scares at Windsor
which terrorists indiscriminately fired ma- Castle, the offices of the London Times,
chine guns from speeding cars. the stock exchange and a score of other
The violence continued Feb. 7 when buildings.
Protestant snipers fired into a Belfast Stiffer security measures were ordered
funeral procession of hundreds of in central Londonas the police erected
Catholics following the coffins of three barricades in front of the prime minister's
members of the IRA Provisionals. Two residence and police searched parked cars
people, including an 1 1-year-old boy, were near government buildings. Security
wounded. checks had already been ordered at ports
U.S. veterans said to train IRA men — and airports after a bomb was defused
The London Sunday Telegraph published outside Scotland Yard in the morning.
an article Feb. 18 saying at least 12 U.S. The police theorized that the IRA had
Vietnam veterans were training members set off the bombs to protest a referendum

being held the same day in Northern Ire- organization, the Ulster Defense Associa-
land. referendum was aimed at
The tion (UDA), because they opposed what
determining whether the province would they considered the leaders' moderate
remain part of the United Kingdom or policy. They wanted the UDA to retaliate
join the Irish Republic. for British arms raids on militant mem-
bers in east Belfast. However, the mili-
8 get life terms in London Eight of 10 — tants' statement was never confirmed by
Provisional IRA members accused of the
the group's leadership, which was re-
London bomb explosions in March were
ported June 10 to be back in control.
sentenced to life imprisonment in London
Shortly after the alleged coup, Protes-
Nov. 15. One of the defendants was given
tant gunmen fired at British troops in the
a 15-year jail term and another was ac-
Protestant Shankill Road area of Belfast
June 10-11.
(In another trial in England, an English- Two armed men forced their way into
born Roman Catholic priest, Father the Belfast home of Thomas Herron, a
Patrick Fell, was sentenced to 12 years' UDA leader, and killed his bedridden
imprisonment in Birmingham Nov. on 1
brother-in-law Michael Wilson June 15.
charges of forming the Coventry unit of The UDA said the IRA was responsible
the IRA and of conspiring to commit for the killing, but there was speculation it
arson and damage buildings.) was the work of UFF extremists.
Two Roman Catholic men were found
shot dead in the Belfast area June 16-17.
Referendum backs British tie. Northern A telephone caller claimed the murders
Ireland Protestants voted overwhelmingly were retaliation by the UFF for Wilson's
March 8, 1973 to remain part of the murder. The UFF also said June 17 it had
United Kingdom rather than join the Irish been responsible for three bombings in
Republic. The referendum was boycotted Belfast in the past week.
by Catholics. In the wake of the Wilson shooting,
The IRA staged a heavy bombing cam- Herron was reported June 17 to have ad-
paign March 8, apparently in an attempt mitted that the UDA provided protection
to disrupt the referendum. against hooligans to East Belfast pub
bombs exploded in Belfast, and five
Six owners. He denied the pub owners had
inLondonderry, damaging stores, a pub been forced to pay, although a govern-
and hotels. There were only a few minor ment spokesman described the activity as
injuries. A British soldier was shot dead, a "Mafia-type operation." There were
however, outside a polling station in a reports of a pub being burned down when
Catholic area of Belfast, and snipers shot the owner refused to pay protection.
at soldiers in two other incidents. Bomb explosions tentatively attributed
by the police to Protestants damaged two
rural Catholic churches near the town of
Protestant terrorists active. Patrick Wil-
Ballymena, 20 miles northwest of Belfast,
son, a Belfast city councilman represent-
ing the SDLP and a senator in the former
Aug. 22. A 600-pound bomb, one of the
biggest in the four years of civil unrest,
Ulster legislature, and a woman compan-
exploded Aug. 26 near a crowded Roman
ion were stabbed to death in Belfast
June 26, 1973. Catholic church in Ballycastle, County
man claiming to represent Ulster's Antrim; four persons were injured.
newest terrorist group, the Ulster Free-
dom Fighters, (UFF), said the group of IRA terrorism? The IRA Provi-
Protestant extremists was responsible for sionals were thought to be behind a car
the murders, but a later phone call bombing explosion June 12 in a crowded
claimed credit for the IRA. street of Coleraine, a predominantly Prot-
The UFF surfaced about the time that estant university town, 50 miles north of
splits were reported among the Protestant Belfast. Six persons were killed and 33 in-
extremists. jured.
Young Protestant militants claimed The IRA was also believed responsible
June 8 to have overthrown the leadership for the bombing of the Londonderry li-
of the paramilitary Protestant extremist brary June 23. No one was injured. Three

men driving in County Tyrone, 25 miles A letterbomb, sent to 10 Downing St.

south of Londonderry, were killed June 25 Aug. 21,was opened by a mechanical let-
when a bomb exploded in their car. Police ter opener and "dealt with under normal
speculated they were planning to plant the security arrangements." A
parcel bomb
bomb. The IRA Provisionals exploded a hidden in a booby-trapped book was de-
car bomb at Belfast airport June 29, injur- fused Aug. 22 at Conservative party head-
ing a few workers. A
British soldier was quarters. Subway service was disrupted
shot dead in the Roman Catholic area of Aug. 23 when a bomb was found and de-
Ballymurphy July 1. fused at the Baker Street station minutes
Terrorists exploded a 300-400- pound before it was timed to explode during the
bomb in an army housing compound at evening rush hour. A
mail bomb was also
Omagh, 25 miles south of Londonderry, defused the same day at the Ministry of
Aug. 9, the second anniversary of the in- Defense.
troduction of internment without trial in The first injuries resulted from the ex-
Northern Ireland. Sixteen women and plosion Aug. 24 of a letter bomb in an
children were injured and 50 houses office of the London Stock Exchange,
damaged. The Provisional IRA claimed where a chief administrative officer and
responsibility for the bombing and said his secretary were wounded. A
that homes of the dependents of British was also injured by a blast in the House of
troops stationed in Ulster would be Commons the same day. Two other
considered legitimate targets for attack. persons were injured, one critically, when
Six masked gunmen hijacked and a letter bomb exploded Aug. 25 in the
booby-trapped a freight train near the Bank of England.
border with the Irish Republic Aug. 16. Bomb hits embassy in U.S. A letter —
British riflemen attempting to shoot the bomb, described by officials as similar to
fuse off the explosives detonated the the ones discovered in London and at-
bomb and the train exploded. It was the tributed to the IRA, exploded in the
first train hijacking in Ulster. British embassy in Washington Aug. 27,
Two IRA Provisionals were killed Aug. severing the hand of Nora Murray, sec-
16 by a rocket that exploded as they were retary to the military attache. The explo-
about to fire it at a police station at sion knocked out windows and damaged
Pomeroy, 30 miles southwest of Lon- furniture in the sixth-floor office.
donderry. Four Soviet-made rockets and An embassy official said the letter was
about 10 homemade missiles were fired by mailed in London and may have arrived in
fellow Provisionals in the attack. the U.S. on a Royal Air Force jet carrying
mail and supplies for the embassy. He dis-
counted reports that it had arrived in the
Fire &
letter bombs in London. London diplomatic pouch. He said special security
was by fire and letter bombs begin-
hit precautions around the embassy had
ning Aug. 18, 1973, when two bombs were begun last year "after we received more
first discovered in Harrods department threats than usual."
store. The incidents were ascribed to the The British Foreign Office in London
IRA. Aug. 27 ordered extra security precau-
Letter bombs were sent to the prime tions for its diplomats around the world
minister's official residence Aug. 21, to after the Washington incident.
Conservative Party headquarters Aug. 22,
to the London Stock Exchange and the
Bombs hit other U.K. targets — The fire
and letter bomb campaign continued in
House of Commons Aug. 24 and the Bank London, Birmingham, Manchester and
of England Aug. 25. abroad.
Most of the incendiary devices found in The major facts known by the police
several department stores throughout the were that the detonators and plastic ex-
city were hidden in cigarette packages. plosive used in the letter bombs were of
Tourists and shoppers were stopped and Irish origin and that design of the bombs
searched in the central shopping district. was associated with the Provisional IRA,
False bomb warnings also plagued the the Washington Post reported Aug. 29.
city. Among the explosions:

Two bombs exploded in a bank doorway The prisoners were airlifted from the
and outside another building in Solihull, prison exercise yard in a helicopter hired
near Birmingham, Aug. 29, slightly in- by a man with an American accent. He
juring three persons. A fire bomb burned a had directed the pilot to fly to the village
Birmingham shoe shop Aug. 30. A fire of Stradbally, about 60 miles from
bomb injured four persons at Victoria rail Dublin, where two armed men boarded
station in London Sept. 8, and two other the craft and forced the pilot to fly to the
bombs struck King's Cross and Euston prison. After snatching the prisoners, the
rail stations in London Sept. 10, the latter gunmen flew to an abandoned race track a
two injuring 13 persons, three seriously. few miles away, where a car was waiting
There was only a three-minute warning in for the fugitives.
one of the Sept. 10 incidents and no
warning in the other. Eight persons were
reported injured when a bomb in a shop- 250 reported killed in '73. The number
ping bag exploded in a crowded London of 1973 fatalities in Northern Ireland's
shopping area Sept. 12 and another bomb civilunrest totaled 250, compared with
went off in the Chelsea district of London 467 in 1972, the New York Times
the same day. Three fire bombs had also reported Dec. 31. The death toll since
exploded in store doorways in Manchester 1969 was put at 928, including 204 British
Sept. 8; another critically wounded an soldiers.
army disposal expert in Birmingham Sept.
Air raid fails. IRA Provisional mem-
Letter bombs were intercepted un-
bers Jan. 24, 1974 hijacked a helicopter
exploded at the British embassies in Paris
in the Irish Republic and ordered the pilot
Aug. 28 and Lisbon Sept. 17. Another let-
to fly to Strabane, Northern Ireland,
ter bomb sent to a senior government
where they dropped two milk churns filled
Gibraltar was defused Sept. 17,
official in
with explosives on a police station. The
and others addressed to Sir Christopher
bombs, which missed their target, did not
Soames, British representative to the Eu-
explode. The helicopter was flown back to
ropean Economic Community (EEC), and
the republic, and the terrorists escaped. It
to a member of the British permanent was the IRA's first air attack in Northern
EEC delegation were defused by Brussels
police Sept. 18. Aletter bomb sent to the
British embassy in Kinshasa, Zaire,
exploded and injured a British security Terrorism in 1974. Terrorism stemming
officer Sept. 17. from the Northern Ireland issue con-
(The first fatality in the terrorist tinued on through 1974.
bombings that began in England in mid- Two gunmen held up 13 electricity
August occurred Sept. 23 when an army service workers on
lunch break in
officer died. He had tried to defuse a bomb Belfast Jan. 31, told two Protestants to
in Birmingham a few days earlier.) kneel and then machine-gunned the 11
standing Catholics. Two were killed and
three wounded. The illegal Protestant Ul-
Twomey's escape. Seamus Twomey,
ster Volunteer Force blamed the ex-
chief of staff of the IRA
Provisional wing,
tremist splinter group, the UFF, for the
was arrested Sept. 1 in a farmhouse in
County Monaghan, 15 miles from the
attack, which came one day after the UFF
border with Northern Ireland. Twomey, a
refused to accept a UVF
call for an end to
sectarian murders.
native of Belfast, was charged in the
Dublin Special Criminal Court with mem- The UVF ceasefire, announced Jan. 29,
bership in the IRA and ordered jailed until was in response to a decision by the IRA
Oct. 1. He was then sentenced in Dublin Provisionals Jan. 28 to halt murders of
Oct. 8 to three years in prison for
off-dutymembers of the part-time reserve
receiving stolen money and for being an Ulster Defense Regiment.
IRA member. Three UVF leaders had secretly visited
Twomey and two other Provisional Dublin for discussions with IRA leaders,
leaders escaped from Mountjoy prison in including Cathal Goulding, Official IRA
Dublin Oct. 31 in a hijacked helicopter. chief of staff, it was reported Feb. 20.


They were said to discuss an end to occupy and control densely populated sec-
sectarian assassinations. It was the first tions of the city. When forced by the Bri-
time Protestant and Catholic extremists tish army to retreat, the IRA would burn
had held discussions at the senior level, the city.
according to the report. The UVF An IRA spokesman acknowledged the
leadership had recently adopted a Marxist document May 14 but said the scheme
ideology, also held by the Official IRA. "was devised in the event of a civil war,
Former Home Reginald
Secretary not to provoke one."
Maudling was slightly injured by a letter Terrorist violence —A young Roman
bomb in London Feb. 1, while a newly ap- Catholic was shot to death in one of Bel-
pointed circuit judge was slightly hurt by a fast's Catholic areas April 20, bringing
letter bomb Jan. 30. the official fatality toll to 1,000 since sec-
Police blamed IRA terrorists for a tarian violence erupted in Northern Ire-
bomb blast National Defense
in the land in 1969.
College, in Latimer, Buckinghamshire, The IRA was blamed for the firing of a
Feb. 12. Ten persons were injured, none Soviet-made ground-to-ground missile at
critically. a British army guardpost in a Catholic
SAS members on duty — About 40-50 area of Belfast April 1 1
former members of the Special Air Protestants were believed responsible
Service (SAS), Britain's crack anti-ter- for thebombing of a Roman Catholic-
rorist unit, were serving as military un- owned bar in Belfast May 2 in which five
dercover intelligence agents in Belfast and Catholics were killed. (Protestant extrem-
Londonderry, it was reported March 18. ists had announced at the end of April

It was believed to be the first time the that they would resume the bombing of
SAS had been involved in large-scale Catholic-owned bars.) The IRA admitted
operations within the United Kingdom. responsibility for a rocket attack on an
Ulster Defense Regiment post in County
Tyrone in which a woman member of the
11 killed in British bus. Eleven persons force was killed.
were killed and 14 wounded Feb. 4, 1974. The home of right-wing Protestant
when a 50-pound bomb blew up a busload leader William Craig was bombed in Bel-
of British servicemen and their families as fast May 5.Craig was not at home, and
they were traveling through Yorkshire, his wife and two children were only
Great Britain. The dead included an entire slightly hurt.
family —
a soldier, his wife, and two
children —
and seven other soldiers.
Bomb attacks kill 30 in Eire. Bomb
explosions in Dublin and Monaghan
Senator killed in Eire. William Fox, a killed 30 persons and injured about 200
Protestant senator, was shot dead March others May 17, causing more casualties
12 near a farmhouse in Clones, close to than any attack since the start of Ulster's
the Northern Ireland border, where he civil unrest in 1969.

was visiting his fiancee. Twelve masked Three car bombs exploded almost si-
men responsible the killing also
for multaneously and without warning in
ransacked and burned the farmhouse. downtown Dublin at 5:30 p.m., the height
of tfie city's rush hour. Twenty-three per-
sons were killed immediately, and two
IRA's plan. British Prime Minister more died later from injuries.
Harold Wilson announced May 13, 1974 There was no official indication of who
the capture of IRA documents revealing caused the attacks. The three cars con-
plans to seize control of key areas of taining the bombs had been stolen or hi-
Belfast. He said the documents showed jacked in Northern Ireland and driven
that IRA terrorists planned a campaign south.
to stir further sectarian hatred through Both the Provisional wing of the Irish
indiscriminate violence. The IRA, accord- Republican Army and the paramilitary
ing to the plan, would then move into Bel- Protestant Ulster Defense Association dis-
fast as Catholic protectors and would claimed responsibility.

A half hour after the Dublin explosions, of Protestant paramilitary groups ended.
a bomb exploded in front of a bar in Although the west Belfast unit of the
Monaghan, 80 miles north of Dublin, kill- UDA had backed truce negotiations with
ing five persons and injuring more than 20. the IRA, the other groups rejected such
The government May 18 recalled its 340 talks.
soldiers with the United Nations forces in Two IRA guerrillas were killed by a
the Sinai Desert as part of the effort to premature explosion as they carried a
intensify security along the border with bomb into a supermarket in Londonderry
Northern Ireland. Officials promised June 24.
tighter security measures, including new IRA kills judge, magistrate The IRA —
border checkpoints and severe traffic re- Provisional wing Sept. 16 killed a Roman
strictions in Dublin. Catholic county court judge and a
Protestant group takes blame A new — Protestant magistrate at their homes in
Protestant group, calling itself the Young Belfast suburbs. The IRA later said it
Militants Association, claimed responsi- had warned both men that they were "part
bility for the fatal car bombings in Dublin of the British war machine."
and Monaghan May 17, it was reported The judge, Roger "Rory" Conaghan,
June 25. The terrorist group warned that 54, frequently presided at trials of ter-
itwould retaliate in the republic for Irish rorists. The magistrate, Martin McBirney,
Republican Army bombings in Northern was a lower echelon judiciary official.
Ireland. Air strike fails— The Provisional wing
of the IRA failed Sept. 29in its second at-
tempted air raid.
IRA bombing campaign resumes. After
Four armed men ordered a flying
a lull of more than a month, the IRA
instructor in the Irish Republic town of
resumed its bombings June 13, 1974 Dundalk, near the Ulster border, to fly
when four incendiary bombs exploded in two of them over a British army base in
downtown Belfast department stores and County Armagh, where they would drop
a car bomb wounded a British military po- four explosive canisters. Only one bomb
liceman. was dropped, five miles from target, and
Car bombs exploded in Armagh, the three others could not be pushed
Londonderry and elsewhere June 18-20. through a hatchway. At the same time,
Twenty-two bomb attacks on more than a about 20 IRA guerrillas staged a mortar
dozen towns and villages throughout the and machine gun attack against the post.
province had occurred since the resump- IRA
There were no casualties, and all at-
tion of the campaign. A policeman was
tackers escaped.
killed in a letter bomb explosion in the
town of Lurgan June 18.
The Provisional wing of the IRA June
19 claimed responsibility for the explo- PORTUGAL & AFRICA
sions and said the blasts were designed "to
bring home to Britain our determination
to intensify the war." The Provisionals African Territories Promised
said economic and military targets Freedom After Coup in Portugal
throughout the province would "come
under constant attack" until Britain
issued a declaration of intent to withdraw The civilian dictatorship that had ruled
from Ulster and other demands by the Portugal for more than 40 years was over-
Provisionals were satisfied. thrown in a nearly bloodless military coup
A new development in the IRA April 25, 1974. The revolt was fueled by a
bombing campaign was the use of so- variety of economic, social and political dis-
called "proxy bombers"— innocent satisfactions. Prominent among these
persons forced to drive bombs to their causes was dismay at the dictatorship's
targets while the IRA held their relatives colonial policies, which had resulted in long
or friends hostage. military struggles in Portugal's African
The IRA June 19 statement was issued territories against native rebels described
the same day that a three-day conference by the Portuguese administration as ter-

rorists but by sympathizers as freedom January, had fled to the Portuguese

fighters. Within weeks after the coup, the with only a handful of followers. "His in-
successors to the Portuguese dictatorship fluence in the region is practically nil,"
agreed to grant self-determination to the the report added. "The population of
African territories. Mozambique considers him to be a
traitor to the cause of the Mozambican
Mondlane Killed. Dr. Eduardo Chi-
vambo Mondlane, 48, leader of the
Mozambique Liberation Front (Frente de Caetano Visits Africa. Premier Mar-
Libertacao de Mocambique, or FRE- cello Caetano visited the Portuguese
LIMO), died Feb. 3, 1969 when a African territories of Portuguese
bomb exploded in a Dar es Salaam beach Guinea, Angola and Mozambique
house where he was working. Mondlane April 14-21, 1969. With Caetano on
had led the rebel organization, pledged his trip, the first made by a Portuguese
to free Mozambique of Portuguese rule, premier to the Overseas Provinces, were
since he had helped found it in 1964. Overseas Territories Minister Joaquim
FRELIMO headquartered in Dar es Moreira da Silva Cunha and Cesar
Salaam, and its more than 3,000 guer- Moreira Baptista, secretary of state for
rillas kept some 40,000 Portuguese troops information. Caetano made his trip at a
active in the northern districts of Mozam- time of continued guerrilla warfare in
bique. allthree of the territories; handling these
Tanzanian police speculated Feb. 5 that troubles took nearly 40% of the national
the bomb had been mailed to Mondlane budget and about 120,000 troops (of
in a package and that it had exploded as whom 1,868 had been killed in the fight-
he was opening it. No clues to the as- ing as of April 14, according to the
sassin were discovered in the rubble. Portuguese Defense Ministry).
FRELIMO's executive committee Addressing the Mozambique Legis-
Feb. 12 elected the front's vice president, lative Council in Lourenco Marques
the Rev. Uria Simango, a Methodist April 18, Caetano proposed increased
minister, to succeed Mondlane. Simango financial and administrative autonomy
maintained a closer relationship with for the territories in accord with their
the Chinese Communists than had the economic and social needs. Throughout
Western-oriented Mondlane (who had his trip, however, Caetano had stressed
been educated in the U.S. and was a Portugal's firm determination to hold the
Methodist layman). The executive com- overseas territories.
mittee's communique said that Simango
would hold the office until a permanent
president was chosen. FRELIMO Leaders Clash. Uria
Simango, one of FRELIMO's three
leaders, accused his two colleagues Nov.
Kavandame Quits FRELIMO. The 4, 1969 of threatening to assassinate him.
Portuguese government announced April Among his charges, Simango said that
5, 1969 that Lazaro Kavandame, chief of Marcelino Dos Santos and Samora Moise
the powerful Maconde tribe in Mozam- Machel had executed potential rivals
bique, had defected from FRELIMO. within the movement and had fostered
Speaking at an April 12 news confer- "tribalism and regionalism" and defec-
ence in Porto Amelia, Mozambique, tions. Simango demanded negotiations
Kavandame claimed that FRELIMO had with those who had left the party and the
used his people as "scapegoats of the annulment of a decision to expel Mrs.
war." He said FRELIMO had received Janet Mondlane, American-born widow
arms from the U.S.S.R., Red China and of Eduardo Mondlane.
other Communist countries. Theleadership crisis ended May 22,
(The of Freedom
Voice radio in 1970 with the election of Machel as
Mozambique reported April 8 that Ka- FRELIMO president and of Dos Santos
vandame, expelled by FRELIMO
in as vice president.

Cubans Fight in Guinea. The Portu- the Vatican and that relations between
guese government said Nov. 21, 1969 that Lisbon and the Holy See had returned to
Portuguese soldiers in Portuguese their old cordiality. Caetano said the

Guinea had captured Capt. Pedro Rod- Vatican had satisfactorily explained that
riquez Peralta, a Cuban army officer, there was "nothing political" in the
during a clash with nationalist guerrillas. Pope's audience with the three African
The Cuban had reportedly admitted leaders.
that he and other officers had been
commissioned by the Cuban government
to serve with the Marxist PAIGC Palma sentenced in closed trial. Rev-
(Partido Africano da Independencia da olutionary leader Herminio da Palma
Guine Portuguesa e das Ilhas de Cabo Inacio was tried in absentia Jan. 7-Feb.
Verde, or African Party for the Indepen-
13, 1970 on a charge of committing the
dence of Portuguese Guinea & the Cape
biggest bank robbery in Portuguese his-
Verde Islands), an organization formed tory. All press coverage of the trial was
by Amilcar Cabral in 1956. PAIGC, based banned.
in Conakry, had led the armed insurrec- Twenty-three persons were incrimi-
tion in Portuguese Guinea since 1963. nated in the theft of an estimated $1 mil-
lion from the Bank of Portugal in
Figueira-da-Foz in 1967. Palma had
Quarrel with Vatican. A sharp rift claimed responsibility for the theft.
erupted between the Portuguese govern- Sixteen of the defendants were found
ment and the Vatican July 1, 1970 when guilty Feb. 13 and sentenced to prison
Pope Paul met three leaders of libera- terms ranging from six months to 20
tion movements in Portugal's African years. Six of the seven principal defen-
dants were sentenced in absentia, in-

The three Agostinho Neto of MPLA, cluding Palma, who received a 16-year
Movement for the Freedom of An- sentence.
gola; Amilcar Cabral of PAIGC, the
African Party for the Independence of
Dissident group claims bombings. A
Guinea and Cape Verde; and Marcellino
series of bomb explosions affecting
Dos Santos, head of FRELIMO, the
Africa-bound freighters and political
Mozambique Liberation Movement -
and cultural installations marked the
were in Rome to attend a conference
formation in 1970 of a new rebel group
sponsored by left-wing Italian groups.
pledged to violence against "the colo-
The three-day conference, on "solidarity
with the peoples of the Portuguese colo- nial war machine of the fascist

nies," had issued a final communique government."

June 28 denouncing Portugal. The group, which called itself the
L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican Armed Revolutionary Action (ARA),
newspaper, made no direct reference to issued a statement Oct. 27, claiming
the Portuguese protest in an article July responsibility for two explosions aboard
3. Similarly, it made no reference to Dos
the cargo ship Cunene the day before.
Santos' comments, at a July 2 press con- The Cunene, anchored at a Lisbon dock,
ference, that the Pope had said the church regularly sailed the Portuguese-Africa
"backed the struggle for national in-
. . .
run, carrying supplies for functionaries
dependence" and that he would pray for and military personnel of the Portu-
the rebel leaders' cause. L'Osservatore guese colonial presence in African ter-
said of the meeting: "The Holy Father ritories. The ARA statement, distrib-
greeted them [the three African leaders], uted to foreign news agencies, said the
and exhorted them to fidelity in the Cunene had been "immobilized" be-
Christian principles in which they were cause it helped "supply the war of
educated." It noted that "the Pope, colonial oppression."
owing to his mission, receives all those A
second explosion aboard the freight-
who request the comfort of his blessing." er Vera Cruz
at Lisbon Oct. 29 resulted
Premier Marcello Caetano announced in the death of one dockworker. The
July 7 that an explanation hadcome from ARA claimed responsibility for the ac-

tion,charging that the Vera Cruz was six helicopters and two training planes
used to transport troops to the African March 9, 1971, according to an official
territories. communique. But ARA March 10, claim-
Three bombs exploded Nov. 20, dam- ing credit for the strike, said it had de-
aging the U.S. cultural center in Lis- stroyed at least 14 helicopters and three
bon, the Portuguese political police trainers.
training school and a dock. One man The ARA said the action was to protest
was reported killed and four others in- "the shameful colonial war waged by
. . .

jured. Police said the dead man, who the Portuguese fascists and colonialists
could not be identified, was responsible against the peoples of Angola, Portuguese
Guinea, and Mozambique ." The state-
for the bombing of the police school and . .

was killed while trying to set a second ment attributed the success of the opera-
charge. tion to "growing anticolonialist feelings
The dock explosion, which caused ex- among Portuguese soldiers."
tensive damage, resulted from a bomb Bomb explosions interrupted com-
placed in a metal suitcase. The suit- munications between Lisbon and the
case was to have been loaded onto the rest of the world for nearly 12 hours
liner Niassa, scheduled to leave for June 3. The blasts occurred at a tele-
Africa Nov. 21 with soldiers aboard. phone substation in Sacavem, a suburb
A Nov. 22 report said the director of of the capital, and at the main Lisbon
Portuguese security police attributed the post office. ARA claimed responsibility
bombings to the ARA. Later, in a letter for the blast June 7.
to the press, the ARA claimed responsi-
bility for the three incidents, according
to a Nov. 25 report. Zambia accused about kidnapings.
Observers speculated that the ARA Zambia and Portugal traded charges
grew out of a split within the Portuguese March 5-8, 1971 over 11 farm workers
Communist party between the orthodox of Portuguese nationality said to have
Communist hierarchy and activists dis- been kidnaped from Mozambique in
satisfied with the party's failure to or- January by members of COREMO, the
ganize to overthrow the dictatorship of Mozambique Revolutionary Council.
Premier Marcello Caetano. The Portuguese Foreign Ministry
The Moscow-based party leadership March 5 accused Zambia of responsibility
transmitted its philosophy over Radio for the incident. It said that five of the
Free Portugal, broadcasting from Bu- kidnaped men, all black Mozambicans,
charest, with claims to be the "only had escaped and one Portuguese had
voice of Portuguese resistance" and de- died.
nunciations of the dissidents as "romantic Zambian Home Affairs Minister Lewis
revolutionaries." The dissident Patriotic Changufu said March 5 that the captured
Front, broadcasting from Algiers over Portuguese had never been in the
the Voice of Liberty, accused the Por- country and his government had refused
tuguese party of "showing more interest a COREMO request to bring the men into
in imposing its control over resistance Zambia. Changufu March 8 accused .

organizations than in carrying out acts Portuguese authorities of taking five

of resistance." Zambian hostages from villages along the
Security police linked the new ARA Mozambique frontier.
to recent infiltrations reported Oct. 27. In a related development, a March 29
The police said 30 armed men entered bomb explosion in the Lusaka office of
Portugal illegally in August. Three of FRELIMO, the Mozambique Liberation
them, arrested in September, were Front, seriously injured Matteus Chil-
found to be armed with Czechoslovak dende, an official of the organization,
weaponry and were carrying "a signifi- and damaged the building.
cant quantity" of munitions.

Guerrillas raid air base. Bomb explo- Caetano denounces terrorism. Premier
sions in a hangar at the Tancos air base, Marcello Caetano, in a nationwide .TV
100 miles northeast of Lisbon, destroyed address June 15, 1971, urged the nation

to unite in combating sabotage and Kinshasa, Zaire to form a united Supreme

terrorism. He
disclosed that incidents, Council.
earlier reported as accidents, were actu- The merger brought together the
ally the result of sabotage. One of the Western-oriented Angolan National
most serious was an explosion April 26 Liberation Front (FLNA) and the pro-
on board a ship off the Mozambique coast, Communist Movement for the Liberation
resulting in the death of 23 crew members. of Angola (MPLA), headed by
Angostinho Neto. Each side was to ap-
point 14 members to the ruling council
Subversionlaw invoked. The govern- and seven members each to the United
ment's announcement that it would in- Military Command and the Angolan Po-
voke Article 109 of the revised constitu- litical Command. MPLA was to name the
tion to halt subversive acts was reported military leader and FLNA would choose
by the New York Times Nov. 17. The the political chief.
constitution authorized the government
to take any measures necessary to curb
subversion and provided for National As- Cabral killed in Guinea. Amilcar
sembly debate in the event of prolonged Cabral, who had headed the nationalist
incidents. The Times report said the
movement opposed to the government of
government had asked the assembly to Portuguese Guinea, was assassinated Jan.
debate Portugal's "state of subversion." 20, 1973 before his home in Conakry
The government acted following bomb capital of the Republic of Guinea.
explosions in the new North Atlantic The news was revealed in a radio
Treaty Organization (NATO) head- speech Jan. 21 by Guinean President
quarters outside Lisbon Oct. 27 and at a Sekou Toure, who said Cabral had been
NATO military base at Caparica Nov. 8. killed "in a cowardly and horrible man-
ner" by "the poisoned hands of impe-
rialism and Portuguese colonialism." The
Arms bombed in Lisbon. A bomb explo- "principal killers" had been arrested soon
sion on the Lisbon docks Jan. 12, 1972 after the assassination.
destroyed military equipment set for In a broadcast Jan. 22, Toure identified
shipment to Portuguese troops in Africa. those responsible as Portuguese soldiers
The ARA Jan. 13 claimed responsibil- who had infiltrated Cabral's group, the
ity for the blast. African Party for the Independence of
Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), while
posing as deserters. Toure said they
Mozambique truck blast. Portuguese confessed that they captured Aristide
army headquarters in Mozambique re- Pereira and several other top Cabral
ported Feb. 10 that members of the lieutenants and headed north in boats to
Mozambique Liberation Front (FRE- Portuguese Guinea before being turned
LIMO) had blown up a truck the pre- back to Conakry by naval vessels of the
vious day in the vicinity of the Cabora Toure government.
Bassa Dam site, killing nine persons
and wounding five others.
Bombs explode. Ten plastic bombs
Thereport said that "with the com- exploded at various public points in
plicity of some members of the popula- Lisbon Dec. 31, 1972 and 16 more went
tion, who have no fixed abode in any off Jan. 6, 1973. Pamphlets were found
village" the guerrillas had "managed near each bomb opposing Portugal's
to infiltrate a small group" in the Tete Africa policies. Some of the leaflets were
District, where the huge dam was be- signed "revolutionary workers." Four
ing built across the Zambezi River. children were injured in the explosions.
Two months later two men were killed
and eight injured when three bombs ex-
Angolan nationalists unite. The two ploded at military offices in Lisbon March
principalblack liberation movements in 9-10. There was no immediate evidence
Angola signed a pact Dec. 13, 1972 in as to who had set the bombs.

FRELIMO strikes in Mozambique. Ac- for the second time in less than a week.
cording to an Aug. 1973 report, a
10, Since Dec. 31, 1973, FRELIMO had en-
FRELIMO group had killed four people, gaged in a series of railway attacks, dis-
injured 49 and kidnaped 62 in the Tete rupting shipments and communications.
district. Five people were killed in an attack near
In two similar follow-up operations in Beira, it was reported Feb. 18.
the Tete district reported Aug. 26 and The London Times reported Feb. 12
Oct. 5, FRELIMO guerrillas killed 24 ci- that the government had moved ap-
vilians, some women and
including proximately one million Africans into
children. One woman reported her hus- more than 1,000 "aldeamentos," pro-
band was executed by FRELIMO troops tected resettlement villages, since the
when he tried to escape, after the couple summer of 1973.
had been kidnapped and taken to Because of increasing FRELIMO at-
Tanzania. tacks, several Portuguese families living
The Washington Post reported Sept. 4 near the Rhodesian border had abandoned
that guerrillas were penetrating farther their farms and moved into Rhodesia, ac-
south into the country, and had seriously cording to a Washington Post report Jan.
threatened security in the Tete region. 29.
A high-ranking FRELIMO leader, Portuguese residents demonstrated in
Fackson Banda, surrendered to govern- Beira and Lourenco Marques Jan. 18, de-
ment authorities, it was reported Aug. 22. manding more government protection
from the guerrillas and prompting Por-
tugal to send its army chief of staff, Gen.
LUAR arrests. The police said Jan. Francisco Costa Gomes, to Mozambique
19, 1974 that 29 members or associates to take charge of the situation.
of the rebel LUAR(Line of Revolu-
tionary Unity and Action) had been ar-
rested since apprehension of the group's
leader, Herminio da Palma Inacio, Nov.
Military rebellion fails. An estimated
200-300 members of the army's 5th In-
22, 1973.
According to police, the group had been fantry regiment rebelled March 16, 1974.
responsible for bombings, and was plan- They surrendered without bloodshed
ning an airplane hijacking and a bank rob- after other military units refused to join
bery. them.
The rebels, led mainly by junior officers,
were supporters of Gen. Antonio de
Conflict spreads. Clashes between the Spinola, who had been dismissed as
army and the Mozambique Liberation deputy chief of the general staff March 14
Front (FRELIMO) had increased in re- for writing a book that severely criti-
cent months, the Washington Post cized Portugal's economic, social, politi-
reported Jan. 29, 1974. cal, military and diplomatic policies.
Guerrilla activities had spread from the Spinola was particularly critical of the
northern and northwestern regions to government's colonial wars, arguing it
central Mozambique, concentrating on could not win a military victory over rebel
railway connections, white-owned farms movements in Portugal's African terri-
near the Rhodesian border and, in some tories.
instances, African villages considered The book, titled "Portugal and the
unsympathetic to the liberation move- Future," became an instant best-seller
ment. when it was published Feb. 22. It in-
FRELIMO destroyed the northwestern furiated right-wing military officers and
village of Nhacambo in Tete Province Jan. government officials, including President
6, killing 17 tribesmen. Three other Americo Thomaz, who forced Premier
villages had also been attacked, the MarcelloCaetano to fire not only Spinola
London Times reported Jan. 10. but his immediate superior, Gen. Fran-
The army garrison at Inhaminga, a cisco de Costa Gomes, who also called
town on the railway linking the seaport of for modifications in the government's
Beira with Malawi, was attacked Jan. 27 colonial policies.

Coup ends dictatorship. Rebel military erated their opposition to any ties with
officers calling themselves the Armed Portugal.
Forces Movement seized control of the
ending over 40
Fighting resumes — After a post-coup
government April 25, 1974, combat lull, FRELIMO attacked a bus in
years of civilian dictatorship begun by the northern Mozambique May 8, killing at
late Premier Antonio Salazar. least six passengers. One person was
The coup reportedly was virtually killed when the insurgents blew up a train
bloodless and enjoyed widespread public on the Beira-Malawi line May 9.
support. FRELIMO announced May 8 that its
Premier Marcello Caetano and Pres- forces had shot down two Rhodesian air-
ident Americo Thomaz were arrested, craft and captured the pilots April 20.
and leadership was assumed by a seven- Gen. Costa Gomes said May 13 that the
man "junta of national salvation" pledged rebels had used Soviet-made surface-to-
to bring democracy to Portugal and peace air missiles in the attacks.
to its African colonies. The junta ap- Groups of armed white civilians were
parently was dominated by Gen. Antonio patrolling the streets of Inhaminga in
de Spinola. central Mozambique amid fears that
CaetanoVgovernment policy had been FRELIMO would launch an intensified
aimed at retaining control by force of Por- attack, according to a July 5 report. A
tugal's African territories. major railway junction on the line con-
Liberation groups wary In —radio necting Tete, site of the Cabora Bassa
broadcasts April 26-28 from their head- dam, with Beira, Inhaminga had been hit
quarters in various African capitals, frequently by guerrilla raids in recent
leaders of the rebel movements in Por- weeks. Rebels had cut the rail link in four
tugal's three African colonies expressed places along a 60-mile stretch June 14 and
skepticism that the change of regime in 26; the line connecting Tete and Malawi
Lisbon would substantially affect their was also severed in a FRELIMO
activities. June 26. Three Portuguese soldiers had
While the groups hailed the coup be- been killed an ambush near Inhaminga

cause it removed the Caetano govern- May 28, 30 Africans were re-
ment, the spokesmen for the Front for the portedly kidnapped in a raid on a nearby
Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO), cotton plantation May 29.
the Popular Movement for the Liberation
of Angola (MPLA), the National Front
for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) and Lisbon opens talks with PAIGC.
the African Party for the Independence of Portuguese Foreign Minister Mario
(Portuguese) Guinea and Cape Verde Soares opened peace talks with rep-
(PAIGC) all declared their opposition to resentatives of the African Party for the
the federative system of alliance with Por- Independence of (Portuguese) Guinea and
tugal proposed by Gen. Spinola. [See Cape Verde (PAIGC) in London May 25.
above] Soares had announced the talks May 17
FRELIMO leaders said they expected following a meeting with PAIGC leader
no change in the government's policy and Aristides Pereira in Senegal. Earlier, the
asserted, "We are not fighting to become self-proclaimed government of Guinea-
Portuguese of black skin." Bissau had called for negotiations with
The MPLA announced that it would Portugal.
continue to strike at the Portuguese army In an interview May 22 Soares said the
and accused the coup of aiming to "per- scenario anticipated by Portugal for the
petuate exploitation." The FNLA said it political future of the African territories
would be willing to negotiate with the new was "a cease-fire, self-determination
government, but only within "the historic [through a referendum] and indepen-
context of total independence for dence," with the London talks to focus on
Angola." the cease-fire. The negotiations bogged
PAIGC forces vowed to step up their down, however, for the PAIGC had, ac-
actions to "liquidate the largest possible cording to the London Times May 27, es-
number of Portuguese troops" and reit- tablished preconditions, including the

recognition by Portugal of the "state" of to Maj. Pedro Pi res, who headed the new
Guinea-Bissau, a step that would effec- African state's delegation to Lisbon.
tively rule out the need for a referendum.
Luis Cabral, head of the Guinea-Bissau
government, said in a May 27 radio Mozambique government installed. An
broadcast that the guerrillas would re- interim government provided for in an in-
sume combat if Portugal did not "respect dependence pact signed Sept. 7 by Por-
our conquests." (According to the tugal and the Front for the Independence
London Times May 28, the rebels con- of Mozambique (FRELIMO) assumed
trolled three-quarters of the territory.) office in Lourenco Marques Sept. 20.
Joaquim Chissano, FRELIMO's security
operations chief and third-ranking leader,
Lisbon-FRELIMO talks begin. Lisbon
was sworn in as premier in the govern-
held "preliminary and exploratory" talks ment which would rule until June 25, 1975
with the Front for the Liberation of when full independence would be granted.
Mozambique (FRELIMO) in Lusaka, (FRELIMO forces began arriving in
Zambia June 5-6 in the the capital Sept. 13; 200 troops patrolled
first formal
contacts between Portugal and the rebel and distributed food in black shantytowns
movement. to prevent further outbreaks of violence in
Portuguese Foreign Minister Mario the wake of the aborted attempt by whites
Soares headed Lisbon's delegation and to mount a coup.)
greeted FRELIMO president Samora In a gesture which FRELIMOde-
Machel June 5 with great warmth and scribed as "the symbolic end" to the 10-
emotion, saying: "We were and are ob- year war for independence, the liberation
jectively allied ... We two have enemies movement freed 197 Portuguese soldiers
common to us both." (Soares, leader of from a camp in southern Tanzania and
the Portuguese Socialist Party, had been flew them to Mozambique Sept. 19.
a fierce opponent of deposed Premier
Marcello Caetano.)
FNLA halts fighting in Angola. Holden
Roberto, president of the National Front
Spinola cites independence options. Gen. for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), an-
Antonio de Spinola, provisional presi- nounced Oct. 12 thatthe FNLA had
dent of Portugal, in a major policy state- agreed to suspend hostilities in Angola,
ment June 11, 1974 offered the African effective Oct. 15. The announcement
territories a choiceof "federation, con- followed two days of talks with
federation, community or the mere exis- Portuguese officials in Kinshasa, Zaire
tence of totally independent states." It where FNLA headquarters were located.
was the first time he had noted the option The FNLA was the last of Angola's three
of independence; previously he had liberation movements to agree to a halt in
spoken of "self-determination." However, fighting.
Spinola continued to maintain that such a Angola's provisional government had
decision would be made in a referendum been sworn in Sept. 12.
to be held following a gradual program
of decolonization.
Spinola announced July 27 that Lisbon
would start an immediate transfer of
power in its African colonies beginning
with Guinea-Bissau. Red & Muslim Terrorism

The sporadic terrorism that frequently

Guinea-Bissau free. Portugal formally brings turmoil to the Philippines appears
recognized the independence of the Re- to be largely the work of Communist and
public of Guinea-Bissau Sept. 10, as Moslem rebel groups whose anti-govern-
de Spinola handed the documents ment objectives frequently lead to close
terminating five centuries of colonial rule cooperation.

The oldest of these groups is the Huk guards who sought the $25,000 bounty of-
(or Hukbalahap) movement, which orig- fered for his apprehension, dead or alive.)
inated in 1942 as the Communist-led The death of Taruc a month after the cap-
Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Anti- ture of del Mundo appeared to
Japanese People's Army}. The Communist eliminate the leadership of the old-line
Party reorganized the Huks in 1948 as its faction among the Huks, leaving a new
military arm under the name Hukbo ng Maoist group in control.
Mapagpalaya ng Bay on (People's Libera- Army reports said Taruc had been
tion Army). By the late 1950s, however, traced to his hideout by an army in-
the Huks were considered largely a collec- telligence team. Local residents claimed
tion of terrorist and criminal bands. that informers who led the army bat-
The Communists were also split into two talion to Taruc were members of the
parties, each called Partido Komunista ng dead leader's own bodyguard.
Pilipinas (Communits Party of the Philip- Taruc, believed to be in his 60s, was
pines),one being pro-Soviet, the other secretary-general of the Communist par-
Maoist. In 1969 a Maoist splinter formed ty and "supremo" of the Hukbalahaps.
the New People's Army (NPA), headed by But observers said Taruc's power had
Commander Dante (Bernabe Buscayno). declined,and real control was in the
NPA cadres were reported to have in- hands of Del Mundo.
filtrated the Huks and the Muslim Inde-
pendence Movement.

Bombs damage U.S. firms. The Manila

NPA loses leaders. Government troops headquarters of Esso and Caltex, two
said May 25, 1970 that they had killed U.S. oil companies, were damaged by
two leading members of the New bombs Jan. 22, 1971. A Filipino employe
People's Army during a weekend battle. was note found near
killed. Police said a
Another dissident was killed by col- the Caltex office read "This is the anger
leagues while leading government troops of the Filipino people against American
to the guerrill'i hideout of the 2,000- imperialism." It was signed "People's
member group in central Luzon. Revolutionary Front."
The government announced May 29 it Weeks later a bomb exploded on
had found the body of Arthur Garcia, the grounds of the U.S. embassy in
29, a top-ranking, Peking-trained guer- Manila Feb. 12. Damage was minor and
rilla leader. The announcement said Gar- no one was hurt.
cia was course of "a deadly
slain in the
struggle for leadership" in the Maoist
wing of the Communist Party. He was Terrorists disrupt Manila rally. Ten
the second ranking officer of the New persons were killed and 74 were wounded
People's Party in central Luzon. by terrorist grenades at a pre-election
rally of the opposition Liberal party
in Manila Aug. 21, 1971.
Huks also lose leaders. An old-guard Among the wounded were all eight
Hukbalahap leader, Faustino del Mundo, senatorial candidates of the Liberal
surrendered to government soldiers Sept party who were to face the candidates
16, 1970 after being sealed off in a of President Ferdinand E. Marcos'
tunnel between two houses. Del Mundo, Nationalist party in November elec-
alias Commander Sumulong, was cap- tions. Marcos suspended the campaign
tured with two aides. until his party and the Liberals decided
The Hukbalahaps' top old-guard leader, how to proceed in the face of the violence.
Pedro Taruc, was shot to death Oct. In a nationwide radio and television
16 by two civilian informers who led an broadcast Aug. 23, Marcos announced
army unit to Taruc's house near Ange- the indefinite suspension of the right of
les City. (An unconfirmed report said habeas corpus "for persons presently
Taruc had committed suicide on the ap- detained or those who might be de-
proach of the informers; another report tained for the crimes of insurrection or
said he had been slain by his body- rebellion." Police were permitted to

search without warrants and to detain martial law throughout the Philippines
suspects without charges. Sept. 23, 1972 to fight an alleged Com-
The president attributed the Manila munist rebellion "enjoying the active and
attack to a rebellious Marxist-Maoist moral support of a foreign power."
force, which he said had the support of a Nearly 100 prominent persons, including
foreign power. Marcos did not identify a number of political opposition leaders,
the group, but the Philippines Foreign were arrested.
Office said agents of the New People's The emergency action followed an un-
Army had thrown the grenades. successful attempt Sept. 22 on the life of
The Manila blast was followed by Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile in
sporadic bombing incidents. Manila and a series of bombing incidents
Marcos asserted Aug. 26 that the throughout the city. These developments
emergency measures invoked had came in the wake of what government
thwarted the Communists from a cam- leaders described as renewed Communist
paign of spreading terror. Marcos said subversion and terrorist activity earlier in
an insurgent attack that day on a mili- September.
tary command post proved that the Com- The Defense Department said the at-
munist guerrillas had not given up their tempted assassination of Enrile occurred
plans. Government officials said rebel
when his automobile in Manila was
raiders using grenade launchers Aug. 26 overtaken by another car carrying
destroyed two air force combat helicop- heavily-armed men who fired about 30
ters at the military base in Isabela Prov-
bullets. The security men accompanying
ince, 185 miles northeast of Manila. Enrile returned the fire but the assailants
Guerrilla forces struck again Sept. 8 escaped. Targets of the bombing attacks
at a government army unit Isabela
in in Manila included the city hall, public
Province, killing six soldiers. A
govern- utility installations, department stores
ment spokesman said about 40 insurgents and three schools.
ambushed a weapons-carrier truck on Previous incidents of unrest Among —
a mission to search out and destroy the the incidents of internal unrest in early
rebels. September leading to President Marcos'
Marcos' claim that Communists had decision to impose martial law:
been involved in the Manila incident was Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile
refuted Sept. 4 by Sen. Jose W. Diokno, warned Sept. 8 that the Maoist New
a foe of the president. Diokno contended People's Army (NPA), the military wing
that the government military, or men of the Communist party, was threatening
trained by the military, were responsible open rebellion against the Manila
for throwing two hand grenades at the government "24 hours a day." Enrile said
rally. Diokno had resigned from the rul- the government was preparing for a
ing Nationalist party in protest. "possible confrontation" with the rebels
that could involve "actual street fighting
Rebellion threat denied. A committee either with small groups or in ma^s forma-
of the Philippines Senate reported Sept. tions."
6 after a one-year study that "no clear The defense department had disclosed
and present danger of a Communist-in- Sept. 4 that captured NPA
documents re-
spired insurrection or rebellion" existed vealed a rebel assassination campaign
as President Ferdinand E. Marcos had that would include high government
officials as targets.
charged. The report dealt with the
situation in central Luzon, north of Ma- In another incident attributed to the
nila, where Communist Hukbalahap NPA, Manila was hit by a partial
insurgents had operated since World War blackout Sept. when at least two explo-
1 1

II. The committee said it found that the sions struck the main office of the Manila
immediate problem in central Luzon was Electric Co. and a power substation less
lawlessness, poverty and government than five miles away.

Marcos assassinationplot. The gov-

Martial law declared. President Ferdi- ernment Oct. 17, 1972 announced four
nand E. Marcos declared a state of arrests in connection with an alleged

Communist plot to assassinate President involved in the planned coup were Vice
Ferdinand E. Marcos. President Fernando Lopez, Sergio
Information Secretary Francisco S. Osmena Jr. and Eleuterio Adevoso, an
Tatad said two men, a Filipino and a official of the opposition Liberal party.
"non-Asian" foreigner, had been ar- The plotters, largely retired army officers,
rested Oct. 15 while trying to flee the formed a junta in 1969 to kill Marcos and
country. The men, he said were pre- seize his government. Adevoso led the
paring to escape by plane and boat, group. Part of the plan called for Lopez to
which were impounded by authorities. take over as caretaker president during
Two other persons, armed with rifles, the transition period. Osmena said
had been arrested in a car parked inside "Washington authorities had been briefed
the presidential palace grounds in and they showed great interest in the
Manila shortly before Marcos had is- junta movement"
sued his martial law proclamation
Sept. 23, Tatad said.
Marcos' wife was stabbed and was Rebel attack crushed. Government sol-
seriously wounded near Manila Dec. 7. diers defeated a major rebel New Peo-
Her assailant was immediately shot and ple's Army attack in Mindanao Oct.
killed by guards assigned to protect her. 21-22, 1972. A force of 300 troops was
The government charged Dec. 8 that the flown to Marawi in Lanao Province to
attack was part of a conspiracy to kill the lift a rebel siege of a national police

president and his wife. camp. About 100 paramilitary police-

The would-be assassin was identified by men had been pinned down all night by
the government Dec. 10 as Carlito guerrilla fire.
Dimailig, 27. He slashed Mrs. Marcos on Ten soldiers and 49 guerrillas were
the hands and arms with a long knife as reported killed in the 24 hours of fight-
she was presenting awards for winners of ing. Information Secretary Francisco S.
a national beautification and cleanliness Tatad said the rebels, numbering 400
contest in Pasay City. men, had stormed a road bridge leading
Two other participants in the cere- to the police camp, where they killed five
mony, including Congressman Jose As- of six guards, and had overrun a nearby
piras, grappled with the assailant and university campus at Marawi. Japan's
were injured. ambassador, Tushio Urabe, had been
Marcos Jan. 7, 1973 confirmed a re- caught up in the fighting at the campus,
port that the government had crushed a but later managed to escape. About
Maoist plot to assassinate him, his wife 10,000 civilians were evacuated from
and "key" military officers. Marcos said Marawi Oct. 22.
Thousands of other civilians had been
police had killed two Communists and ar-
uprooted by the armed forces in areas
rested 30 others in thwarting the plot.
where NPA guerrillas were active.

U.S. killer tied to anti-Marcos plot. A Government-Moslem rebel accord. A

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Commit- high-ranking Philippine military official
tee report made public Feb. 17, 1973 said Dec. 18, 1972 reported a peace pact
that an American had been hired in a between Moslem rebels and the armed
Philippine right-wing plot to assassinate
forces in Mindanao.
President Ferdinand E. Marcos and Brig. Gen. Guillermo Pechache, deputy
overthrow his government before the im- chief of staff for home defense, said Gen.
position of martial law in September 1972.
Romeo Espino, chief of staff, had
According to the report: returned to Manila from the region and
The trigger man was arrested by Philip- reported that the situation was being
pine authorities and identified as August "gradually normalized" and that conflicts
McCormick Lehman, whose name had among "warring factions" of Moslems
been given as Edward Lehman when
first and Christians in the area had been set-
seized in 1972. Two Americans
other tled peacefully.
named in the plot were
Lawrence The governor of Sulu, the island off the
Tractman and Robert Pincus. Key figures western coast of Mindanao, had reported

thatMoslem leaders had declared a tem- representation for Rhodesia's black citi-
porary truce the previous week to give zens, who comprise the overwhelming
their followers a chance to turn in their majority of the population.
weapons. Most of the rebels, however,
were reported to be holding their arms.
The arms accord was reported Dec. 10 Raids from Zambia. Zambia-based
to have been reached in a meeting African nationalists in August 1967 began
between President Ferdinand E. Marcos a series of what the Rhodesian govern-
and a delegation of Moslem leaders. ment assailed as terrorist raids in
Strife continued in southern Mindanao. Rhodesia.
Philippine troops Dec. 28 launched a ma- Officials of 2 exiled Zambia-based
jor drive against rebel strongholds there. nationalist groups — the Zimbabwe* Afri-
The offensive was aimed at recapturing can People's Union (ZAPU), which had
villages under control of what the been banned in Rhodesia, and the Afri-
government described as foreign-trained can National Congress of South Africa
secessionist rebels and Moslems allied (ANC)— said in Lusaka Aug. 19 that
with Communists. their forces had killed 66 Rhodesian
A government report issued March security force members Aug. 18 near the
16, 1973 idenified the rebel leader as coal mining district of Wankie. ZAPU
Nuraladji Misurai, "a known Communist and ANC announced that they had
Maoist." Some non-Moslem Communists formed a "military alliance" to over-
from Luzon had joined the Mindanao throw the governments of Rhodesia and
rebels, the report said. South Africa through guerrilla opera-

Rebel leaders captured. Government

ARhodesian government report Aug.
18 had said that 8 terrorists had been
troops captured six leaders of the Com-
killed and 6 captured in clashes with
munist New People's Army in 1973 near
security forces that day. Rhodesian
Manila. One of those seized was described
casualties for the week had totaled 2
as the fourth-ranking leader of the insur- dead and 4 wounded, according to the
gents. The government news agency made
report. A Salisbury announcement Aug.
the announcement May 29.
19 said that about 30 armed terrorists had
An armed forces report Jan. 12, 1974 entered Rhodesia from Zambia the
said the NPA had regrouped after a previous weekend. A later report said
brief disorganization and posed a new that 14 had been killed and that ANC
threat to national security. The NPA had membership cards had been found on
expanded its rebellious activities in the their bodies.
Visayan Islands and Mindanao and had A Rhodesian government statement
gained new footholds in Panay Island, Aug. 23 said 5 African terrorists from
Negros and a part of Mindanao, the Zambia had been killed and one captured
report said.
in a skirmish in Matabeleland. Govern-
ment losses were listed at 2 dead.
Rhodesian security forces fought
RHODESIA Aug. 23-25 with African infiltrators at
Tjoloto and in the nearby Wankie game
reserve, 60 miles northwest of Bulawayo.
African (Black) Struggle Rhodesian planes strafed rebel positions
in the Wankie area Aug. 24. A South
for Majority Rule
African police unit, flown from Johan-
nesburg to Bulawayo Aug. 24, joined a
Since its "unilateral declaration of inde- Rhodesian police convoy bound for
pendence" Nov. II, 1965, the white minor- Tjoloto. Other South African police
ity government of Rhodesia has fought al-
most unceasingly against African (black)
•Zimbabwe, the name used by the African na-
militants, whom it denounces as terrorists
Rhodesia, was the capital of an Iron Age
tionalists for
but whom sympathizers describe as na- culture that existed in the area in the period 1250-
tionalists struggling to win fair political 1750.

units reinforced Rhodesian security Britain Aug. 29 had rejected a Rho-

fighters flushing out the
guerrillas in desian note protesting the nationalist
Wankie sector. South Africa was reported incursions from Zambia. The statement
to have decided to help Rhodesia suppress conceded that Lusaka at one time had
the African nationalist uprising follow- sought to control the terrorist movement
ing reports that the infiltrators had on its territory but currently was en-
marked South Africa as a prime target couraging the attacks. According to the
of their drive. African prisoners said Rhodesian charge. Communist arms and
they had been instructed to cross the equipment for the guerrillas were being
Zambian-Rhodesian border near Living- funneled into Zambia through the African
stone, on the northern bank of the Zam- committee of the Organization of Afri-
bezi River at the Victoria Falls, and then can Unity in Tanzania. Britain, the Aug.
to cross into South Africa through Bots- 29 Rhodesian note insisted, was obliged
wana. 9 African infiltrators had been ar- to use its influence to dissuade Zambia
rested in Botswana Aug. 21, not far from from aiding the guerrilla operations.
the Wankie game reserve. Rhodesian Prime Min. Ian D. Smith
Rhodesian Deputy Prime Min. John Aug. 30 assailed Britain for rejecting
Wrathall warned Aug. 25 that Rhodesia the Rhodesian note. Smith called Lon-
would take retaliatory action against don's move "a most blatant example of
Zambia unless the infiltration strikes the British government assisting and
ceased. Wrathall charged that the rebels indeed encouraging the action of terror-
were trained in Communist countries ists against a friendly country."
and were using Zambia as a base for
their operations and for storing large
Invaders Fought. Security forces were re-
quantities of arms and ammunition. The
Rhodesian leader assailed the British ported to have killed 22 African infiltra-
tors in northern Rhodesia March 16-23,
government for not taking a stand against
the terrorist attacks. "The silence is such
as to make it plain that the British
The force of infiltrators, described as
government is in favor of these activities, members of Rhodesia's outlawed ZAPU
hoping that they will further its own and Zimbabwe African National Union
economic offensive against Rhodesia," (ZANU), had entered Rhodesia from
Wrathall asserted. Zambia. The incursions were be-
lieved to have been spurred by the execu-
The Zambian government Aug. 27
tion of several African convicts in Rho-
denied that was supporting the anti-
desia earlier in March.
Rhodesian guerrilla movement.
ZAPU's leader in Lusaka,
South Africa's police commissioner, said Mar. 19 that
James Chikerema, had
Gen. John Keevy, denied Aug. 27 that
the purpose of the raids was to wrest
his forces were involved in fighting the
control of Rhodesia from the white
African guerrillas in Rhodesia or in
minority and to capture Ted Milton, the
Botswana. Keevy conceded that South
white Rhodesian hangman who had ex-
Africa was "in close liaison" with
ecuted the Africans; Milton had since
authorities in those 2 countries and did
been dismissed from his post. Another
not rule out future joint action. nationalist leaders in
statement by
The Salisbury government announced Lusaka Mar. 20 said ZAPU and ZANU
Aug. 27 that Rhodesian tribesmen were had formed an alliance with the African
helping Rhodesian security forces to National Congress of South Africa to
track down the remnants of an original wage a "second great offensive in the
50-man guerrilla force in the Wankie- liberation war."
Tjoloto area. South African helicopters Security authorities April 27 reported
also were said to have joined Rhodesian fresh infiltration attacks by ZAPU and
aircraft in the search. ZANU members from Zambia.
Salisbury announced Sept. 5 that secu- The Rhodesian security statement gave
rity forces had killed 3 more terrorists; the location of 2 camps in Zambia
the guerrilla death toll in the past 3 weeks: allegedly used as staging grounds by
31. 7 Rhodesian security police were the raiders for attacks on Rhodesia.
killed in the same period. After arriving from Tanzania, the

armed African nationalists were out their first infiltration attacks in Rho-
stationed the Nkomo camp, 16 miles
in desia since mid- 1968.
northwest of Lusaka, and the Lithule One guerrilla force crossed the Zam-
bezi River from Zambia Jan. 3 and
camp, about 20 miles from Kuska, the
tacked a Rhodesian patrol launch,
report said.
wounding a policeman.
Rhodesian officials reported that an-
Sithole Convicted. The Rev. Ndaban- other nationalist band Jan. 16 raided the
ingi Sithole, leader of the ZANU, was Victoria Falls airport and a detachment
convicted by Rhodesia's High Court of South African police there. One in-
Feb. 11, 1969 and sentenced to six filtrator was killed and four South Afri-
years imprisonment at hard labor for cans wounded. ZAPU claimed in a
plotting to murder Prime Minister Ian statement issued in Lusaka, Zambia
D. Smith, Justice Minister Desmond Jan. 18 that its forces had killed eight
Lardner-Burke and External Affairs South Africans and five Rhodesian
Minister Jack Howman. The trial had soldiers in the raid.
started Feb. 2. The government announced Jan. 26
Sithole, who had been held in deten- that an African member of the Rhodesian
tion since 1964 for alleged political of- security forces and three nationalists
fenses, was said to have written a letter were killed in another battle in the
instructing an unidentified African to Zambezi Valley. The infiltrators were
hire three "hard-core criminals" to kill said to include members of the South
Smith and the two cabinet ministers. The African ANC.
letter, said to have been written in jail, (Infiltration tapered off as the year ad-
was reportedly smuggled out of the jail by vanced, however, and Prime Minister
an African woman, who acted as Sithole's Ian D. Smith said Oct. 8, 1971 that no
courier but actually was a police spy. She guerrillas had crossed into Rhodesia in
turned the letter over to the police. the past 12 months. He added: "I believe
After hearing the verdict, Sithole said this is the first clear year we have had since
he "dissociate [d] my name from
. . .
our declaration of independence.")
any subversive from any ter-
rorist activities and from any form of
violence." Liberation groups in Zambia merge.
ZANU, meeting Lusaka, Zambia,
in Two Rhodesian black liberation move-
received March 8 a written appeal from ments with offices in the Zambian capital
Sithole for an intensified guerrilla struggle of Lusaka joined forces Oct. 1, 1971
to "liberate" Rhodesia. The message was and chose a single leadership. The
said to have been smuggled out of merger was between the Zimbabwe
Sithole's jail in Salisbury. African People's Union (ZAPU) and
the Zimbabwe African National Union
(ZANU) to form the Front for the Lib-
Nationalists Reprieved. The death sen-
eration of Zimbabwe (FROLIZI). Shel-
tences of 49 convicted African guerrillas
ton Siwela, 29, a former guerrilla com-
were commuted to life terms March 7, 1969 mander with ZAPU, was elected chair-
by the Rhodesian Executive Council. The man of the new group's Revolutionary
prisoners had been found guilty of bring- Command Council, which included for-
ing arms into Rhodesia from Zambia to
mer Vice President James Chikerema
carry on the nationalists' raids against the and former National Secretary George
forces of the white minority government. Nyandoro (from ZAPU) and former
In announcing the reprieve, the council Foreign Affairs Secretary Nathan
said that the 49 men had been sentenced Shamuyarira (from ZANU).
when the law made the death penalty Edward Ndhlovu, who had served as
mandatory for the specified crime but ZAPU's deputy national secretary, de-
that parliament had since repealed the because
nounced the new group Oct. 1

law. blessings of
it "does not have either the

the peoples of Zimbabwe or those of

and because it was short
their leadership"
Guerrillas resume raids. African na-
tionalist forces in January 1970 carried of "the necessary military power which

all true revolutionary movements can- had entered the country recently from
not do without." Mozambique.
announced in Smith declared that for months ter-
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania March 23, rorists had been "quietly and method-
1972 that they had formed a "joint mili- cially undermining the local population"
tary command" to plan "revolutionary by "intimidation at the point of a gun" and
war" in Rhodesia. by bribing "a few witchdoctors of doubtful
As far as Zambia's connection with the
Rhodesia closes Zambia border. guerrillas was concerned, Smith said Lu-
Rhodesia closed its border with Zambia to saka had "openly admitted" supporting
all road and rail traffic Jan. 9, 1973 in the "international gangsters."
retaliation for the killing of two South Af- Smith claimed the Kaunda government
rican policemen near there the previous was afraid to take action against the guer-
day. rillas, although "President Kaunda has al-

The policemen, who wereaiding Rhode- ready had occasion to arrest a large
sian security forces in patrols against number of Rhodesian terrorists because
black nationalist guerrillas, were killed they were siding with Zambians opposed
near Victoria Falls when their vehicle to his government. For over a year now
struck a land mine. Five other persons, they have been incarcerated in a Zambian
including two more South Africans, were prison. Moreover, a batch of these
injured. Agovernment spokesman prisoners were handed over to the Rhode-
explained that pamphlets "emanating sian authorities through mutual
from a terrorist organization operating agreement about the same time."
from within Zambia were found at the In Rhodesia, 1 blacks in Sinoia were

scene of the incident." given prison terms March 15 ranging from

Closure of the frontier was to be main- V/2 to 10 years for assisting terrorists and
tained, according to the spokesman, until failing to report their presence.
Zambia gave "satisfactory assurances" it A Roman Catholic organization known
would take action against the guerrillas. as the Commission for Justice and Peace
Zambian President Kenneth D. Kaunda in Rhodesia, asked March 23 for an in-
said Jan. 10 that his country would main- vestigation of the government's policy of
tain "solidarity with those gallant people imposing heavy penalties on blacks ac-
struggling for their freedom" in southern cused of helping terrorists.
Africa. Rhodesia was reported Feb. 12 to have
In a related development, Rhodesia was imposed its first collective fines against
reported Jan. 6 to have moved additional blacks suspected of helping guerrillas.
army units to Centenary, in the northeast Fines of $100, paid in cattle, were
part of the country about 40 miles from collected from a village in the Chiweshe
the Mozambique border, following the tribal trust land, adjacent to Centenary,
killing in December 1972 of two members where schools and shops had been closed
of a black guerrilla group that had fired on "for security reasons." A tribal leader,
a local farmhouse and wounded a young Chief Makope, was arrested.
Parliament approved a bill Nov. 8 pro-
Defense Minister Jack Howman, who viding the death penalty or life imprison-
had extended the period of national ser- ment for anyone who harbored rebels,
vice in December from nine months to one
failed report their presence, or re-
year, said Jan. 6 that Rhodesia was also
cruited or trained them. The law had
policing its border with Botswana because
been opposed by opposition black mem-
of "undoubted evidence of terrorists"
bers of Parliament.
operating from that country. reported— Three
Killings, hangings
blacks who admittedbringing arms into
Rhodesia to kill whites were hanged in
Smith on guerrillas. In a radio broad- Salisbury prison June 22. Three other
cast Jan. 18, Prime Minister Ian
1973, blacks had been hanged in Salisbury May
Smith admitted that Rhodesian blacks 21 after being convicted of murder for a
were supporting nationalist guerrillas who guerrilla attack in December 1972.

Five blacks were executed Oct. 21 and or indirectly, to any enemy." The act
Dec. 14 for killings connected with the defined "enemy" as including any "hostile
rebellion. organization." Niesewand had reported

A white farmer was shot dead by guer- the incursion into Rhodesia of black guer-
rillas entering the country from Mozam-
rillasJune 7 on his farm about 70 miles
north of Salisbury, bringing the total
number of civilian whites reported killed Niesewand on guerrillas — The March is-
by the rebels to 13. Four blacks and 13 sue of Africa Report, published in New
members of the armed forces had also York by the African-American Institute,
been killed by guerrillas. carried a dispatch by Peter Niesewand
Guerrillas kidnapped 282 children, mailed several days before his detention
teachers and nurses in two raids on a in which the journalist outlined the
Roman Catholic mission in northern situation facing Rhodesian security forces
Rhodesia July 6, avowedly to train the along the country's northeastern border
children as guerrillas outside Rhodesia. with Mozambique.
Rhodesian security forces rescued all but Niesewand contended the recent guer-
20 of those kidnapped by the next day. rilla incursions were carried out by
Guerrillas held 31 of 93 children and ZANU (Zimbabwe African National
young villagers Sept. 18 after kidnapping Union) terrorists operating "in an ex-
tremely sophisticated manner" from Mo-
them in a raid from Mozambique. Some
zambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO)
of those rescued by security forces said
bases "so well equipped and entrenched
the captives might be taken to Zambia as
that they even have cinema shows." The
guerrilla recruits.
Terrorists shot an African headman
ZANU guerrillas had not entered Rho-
desia from Zambia, Niesewand main-
and hijacked four buses at the north-
eastern border, it was reported Aug. 20. It
tained, although ZAPU (Zimbabwe
African People's Union) operatives regu-
was thought to be the first time terrorists
larly crossed from Zambia to plant land
had hijacked buses.
mines in Rhodesia.
Internal Affairs Minister Lance Smith
. .

Prime Minister Smith s decision to

asserted that primitive villagers were reopen the border with Zambia, closed
under "great pressure from terrorists and to protest the Lusaka government's sup-
at times had to bow to their demands," port for Rhodesian terrorists, therefore
according to a report released Aug. 21. had "no bearing on the situation in the
Smith said the government had reset- northeast, as the guerrillas there crossed
tled a large number of people from areas from Mozambique." Niesewand con-
with terrorist activity. tinued:
"Had Mr. Smith felt able to disclose
that the Portuguese territory had become
Journalist sentenced. Peter Niesewand, self-sufficient as a rebel base, and that
a Rhodesian newsman, was sentenced in the insurgents operating in the north-
Salisbury April 6, 1973 to two years in east had never touched Zambia at all, he
prison at hard labor after he was found would not have lost as much political
guilty of charges under the Official Se- credibility internally. But on the other
crets Act at a one-day trial in March. hand, he would have angered the Portu-
John E. T. Hamilton, presiding guese authorities, who are extremely
magistrate, suspended one year of Nie- touchy about their conduct of the Mo-
sewand's jail term on condition that the zambique war, and who vehemently deny
defendant not be convicted of a similar that FRELIMO is in control of any
offense for three years because, he said, all. Yet this is the position—
territory at
Niesewand had "acted openly and not in and Mr. Smith chose to protect the Portu-
secret." guese sensibilities, rather than his own
Although the charges against Nie- political back."
sewand were unspecified and his trial was
held in secret, he was known to have been
prosecuted under legislation making it a
crime to publish information "calculated Government broadens anti-rebel actions.
to be, or which might be, useful, directly
Faced with increasingly bold guerrilla

activities, the government moved to com- rockets, demonstrating a growing tech-

bat the insurgency during 1974. nical and strategic sophistication.

A new military recruitment program Baghdad Radio announced March 28

announced Feb. 6 doubled the size of the that Iraq had contributed $60,000 to the
army draft and instituted other measures insurgency movement in Rhodesia.
to insure a bigger security force.
Guerrilla operations had changed the
role of thearmy from a defensive to offen- 60,000 Africans being 'resettled.*

sive unit, a government statement said. Rhodesian security forces announced July
Minister of Internal Affairs Lance 25, 1974 that an entire community of
Smith said a special militia, armed with about 60,000 was being moved from its
shotguns, "the most effective anti-ter- present tribal trust land into 21
rorist weapon for a civilian," would be "protected villages" to deprive guerrillas
formed on the Tribal Trust land reserved of contact with the population and protect
for Africans, it was reported Feb. 23. the people from terrorist harassment.
More than 8,000 Africans living in the Security forces said the tribe's former
Mozambique border area were moved h,omes in the Chiweshe Tribal Trust Land,
"with their consent" into "protected vil- about 40 miles north of Salisbury, could
lages," the London Times reported Jan. be seen from the fenced-in villages and
11. The transfer, along with a decision to that the people would not have far to walk
strip bushes and trees that had provided to reach their fields.
cover for infiltrators, created a "no-go" Ivan Johnstone, district commissioner
200-mile-long buffer zone as much as 10 in charge of "Operation Overload," as the
miles wide. According to the Times, se- relocation program was called, said op-
curity forces would have the right to shoot position to the resettlement had been en-
anyone on sight in the area. countered in only 17 of 189 kraals, the
Guerrilla activities continue —Twenty London Times reported July 28. Accord-
ing to an Aug. 15 report, the operation
guerrillas were killed in a border clash
near Mount Darwin May 19. Army and
was virtually completed.
police units were supported by air force
planes in the confrontation which claimed
the lives of several leaders of the
Zimbabwe African National Union
(ZANU). Seven children and four ci-
vilians "believed to be terrorists" were
also killed during the incident, the govern- Stern Action Curbs Terrorism
ment acknowledged May 31. Security
forces killed two more civilians in the
northeast June 4 and 12 rebels June 21. Dissent in South Africa usually meets
The government reported June 21 that 78 with harsh repression. This official policy
guerrillas had been killed since March. is often cited as a major factor in curtailing
Fourteen rebels were killed in the Mount what might otherwise be much more terror-
Darwin area in mid-August, it was re- isticand other anti-government action by
ported Aug. 15, by Rhodesian security the large African (black) majority resentful
forces reinforced by aircraft strafing. of the discrimination enforced by the white
The government announced June 7 that minority regime.
five black guerrillas had been hanged in The African National Congress (ANC)
Salisbury. has been a force for dissent in South Africa
A paper published by the London-based since 1912 although outlawed since I960.
Institute for Strategic Studies claimed Its leaders are reported to have included
that Moscow and Peking had been pro- high-ranking Communists. The ANC
viding training, armaments and financial formed the allegedly terrorist Umkhonto
assistance to the rebels, the London Ob- We Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) under the
server reported Jan. 26. In attacks since leadership of NelsonMandela in 1961. The
1972, guerrillas had used land mines, ma- group was outlawed in 1963, but it
chine guns, automatic rifles, and 122-mm. remained active and was reported to have

worked with such foreign African revolu- In announcing the guilty verdicts Jan.
tionary groups as ZAPU
of Rhodesia. 26,Judge Joseph F. Ludorf said: because
FRELIMO of Mozambique and the MPLA the punishable acts "were committed
of Angola. before the [1967 terrorism] act passed
The Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), by Parliament/' and because "this is the
founded in 1959 by Mangaliso Sobukwe first trial in which persons are charged
and banned the following year, is reported with contravention of the act because of
to have been Maoist since 1963, when it the retrospective effects thereof," "we
reorganized into cells and formed Poqo have decided not to impose the death
(Ourselves Alone), described as a terrorist- penalty in the case of any one of the ac-
guerrilla group and outlawed in the year in cused." "The accused, because of their
which it was founded. level of civilization, became easy mis-
South-West Africa (named Namibia by guided dupes of Communist indoctrina-
the UN. in 1968), ruled by South Africa tion"; they had received "active financial
(since 1915) despite U.N. demands (since and practical assistance" from the USSR,
1968) that it give up control, has been the Communist China and other govern-
scene of revolutionary activity and sporadic ments. (The prosecution had produced
terrorism. The South- West African Peo- Soviet, Chinese and Czechoslovak weap-
ple's Organization (SWAPO), a pan- ons as evidence.) The defendants would
Africanist organization founded by Sam not have begun "their futile and ill-con-
Nujomo in the late 1950s to work for ceived exploits" if they had not received
South-West African independence, is ac- "loud-mouthed moral support and incite-
cused of terrorism. ment by representatives of foreign
In reaction to SWAPO activities, the countries, and persons who published
South African government in 1967 enacted SWAPO newsletters " SWAPO
a "Terrorism Act" giving the government Sam Nujumo had ordered SWAPO's
wide powers to act against suspected ter- "Namibia liberation army" to invade
rorists in South Africa and South-West South-West Africa.
Africa. Asking for mitigation of sentence,
Toivo Herman ja Toivo, a former
SWAPO secretary, told the court Feb. 1:

S-W Africans Sentenced. A Pretoria South Africa was not ruling South-West
court convicted 30 South-West Africans Africa with the consent of the governed.
Jan. 26, 1968 and sentenced them Feb. 9 "We find ourselves here in a foreign
to prison on charges of terrorism and country, convicted under laws made by
membership in the banned South-West people whom we have always considered
African People's Organization (SWAPO). as foreigners." South Africa "has again
All 30 came from the Ovambo sec- shown its strength by detaining us for as
tion of South-West Africa. long as it pleased, keeping some of us in
19 of the defendants were sentenced solitary confinement for 300 to 400 days
life terms, 9 to 20 years' imprisonment and bringing us to its capital to try us. It
and 2 to terms of 5 years. 3 others, who has shown its strength by passing an act
had pleaded guilty to breaking parts of specially for us and having it made
the Suppression of Communism Act, retrospective." Toivo admitted assisting
were given 5-year suspended sentences. "these who had taken up arms" because
(They had testified that several of their "we believe that South Africa has robbed
fellow defendants had been trained in us of our country."
guerrilla tactics in Communist China, Announcing the sentences Feb. 9, Judge
the USSR, Tanzania, Ghana, Algeria and Ludorf said that the defendants' "actions
the UAR.) One African was acquitted were not those of 'freedom fighters' but
Jan. 26, and judgment was suspended on of cowards, assassins and common
another who was hospitalized. One of criminals." Toivo was among the 9
the original 37 defendants had died, and sentenced to 20-year terms.
another had been acquitted before Jan. (The UN Security Council Jan. 25,
26. (A South African appeals court Nov. without formal vote, had unanimously
22 reduced the life sentences of five of called on South Africa to release the 35
those convicted to 20 years' imprison- South-West Africans then on trial. The
ment.) resolution charged that they were being


tried under "arbitrary laws illegally guilty Sept. 29 and sentenced Sept. 30 to
extended" from South Africa to South- 15 years in prison.
West Africa.) The delayed trial had opened in Pretor-
In 1969 five more Ovambo tribes- ia'sSupreme Court Aug. 24. A 58-page
men convicted of terrorist activities indictment accused the 20 prisoners of
were sentenced to imprisonment
life plotting the violent overthrow of the
Aug. 22. A sixth received a term of 18 South African government. Ramotse,
years. All were charged with conspiring listed as the chief accused, contended

to overthrow the white South African that he had been seized in neighboring
administration of South-West Africa Botswana by Rhodesian police and could
under the aegis of SWAPO. not therefore legally be tried in Pretoria.
The defense for the other prisoners fo-
cused on their contention that they were
23 Rebels Jailed. The Pietermaritzburg being tried for a second time on charges
Supreme Court sentenced Africans to
1 1 on which they had already been acquit-
prison March 26, 1969 for attempting to ted. (All20 defendants and two others had
overthrow the government. The defen- been acquitted of the charges under the
dants, who included one woman, were suppression of Communism Act in 1969.
sentenced to terms of 10-20 years on They had then been charged under the
charges of involvement in foreign Com- Terrorism Act with membership or sup-
munist-led subversive groups and of port of the banned African National Con-
training in guerrilla warfare in Ethiopia, gress, but the charges had been dropped
Algeria, the U.S.S.R., Tanzania and Feb. 16, 1970, after which the accused had
Zambia. been rearrested immediately.)
Twenty-four Africans
black from The 19 had been detained 17 months;
Graaf-Reinet went on trial in
district Ramotse claimed he had been held for
Grahamstown Supreme Court June 23 25 months.
on charges of belonging to Poqo. They In an 84-page decision on the pleas
pleaded not guilty to allegations that they of the 19 defendants, Judge Gerrit Vil-
had plotted to kill whites and blow up joen accepted the defense argument that
vital installations in Graaf-Reinet. In ver-
the new charges were so substantially
dicts July 2, 12 were acquitted and 12 similar to the previous charges that the
sentenced to terms of from one to seven new trial was an "abuse of the process of
years for membership in Poqo. All 24 the court." However, Viljoen rejected
were acquitted on the count of sabotage. Ramotse's plea, saying his illegal arrest
would not "affect the jurisdiction of this
Political Arrests Continue. Forty per-
sons were detained as political prisoners
Ramotse's trial resumed Sept. 24 with
testimony from prosecution witnesses
under the Terrorism Act after recent se-
that Ramotse had trained in guerrilla
curity raids, according to Cape Town
warfare. He was found guilty on six counts
PoliceCommissioner J. P. Gous June 15,
under the Terrorism Act, including
charges that he had trained as a guerrilla
In a pre-dawn raid on the Bantu town-
and had assisted in terrorist operations
ship of Soweto May 12, police arrested
against Rhodesia andZambia.
Mrs. Winnie Mandela, wife of Nelson
In another development,Mrs. Winnie
Mandela, former African National Con-
Mandela, most prominent of the acquit-
gress leader then serving a life sentence
ted 19, was placed under house arrest
on Robben Island.
Oct. 1. She was forbidden to attend
social, political or instructional gather-
19 blacks acquitted, 1 sentenced. Nine- ings for five years and wasrestricted to
teen black South Africans charged with her home from dusk to dawn on week-
carrying out black nationalist activities days and public holidays. Mrs. Mandela
were acquitted Sept. 14, 1970. A 20th had previously served a seven-year house
detainee, Benjamin Ramotse, held for a arrest. Similar five-year bans on the
later appearance in court, was found other 18 acquitted were reported Oct. 2.

(Joel Carlson, defense lawyer for the the South-West African People's Orga-
case's defendants, escaped death Nov. 9 nization (SWAPO).
when a bomb concealed in a parcel Land-mine explosions Oct. 4 and 5 in
mailed to his office failed to explode. the Caprivi Strip killed a South Af-
The parcel bore Zambian stamps and rican army officer and wounded four
a Lusaka postmark.) policemen, according to an announce-
ment Oct. 5 by Prime Minister John
Many arrested in terrorism raids. The first blast, which occurred five
Twenty persons suspected of terrorism miles west of Katima Mulilo, injured the
were arrested by security police in all policemen, who were riding in a motor
vehicle. Capt. H. T. S. van Eeden was
parts of the country Feb. 18, 1971.
killed the following morning while on
Those arrested, including teachers,
an inspection trip in the vicinity of the
lawyers and businessmen, were members
of either the Non-European Unity
In disclosing the incident to members
Movement (NEUM) or the African
of his party's annual Transvaal
Peoples Democratic Union of South
in Pretoria Oct. 5, Vorster repeated his
Africa (APDUSA). Both organizations,
government's warnings against "Com-
legally operating in the country, had they
munist-trained terrorists," saying
sought to make the franchise multi-
would be pursued "wherever they might
flee. . This has therefore been done in
. .

The police Oct. 24 raided homes in

this case, and should the pursuers be at-
all parts of the country in an apparent
tacked, they will defend themselves. The
effort to seize illegal political literature.
responsibility in this case rests squarely
One man taken into custody as a result
on the shoulders of the country making
of the raids died in disputed circum- for this sort of
available its territory
stances Oct. 27.
The police operation, carried out Although Vorster's announcement
against the homes of 60 clergymen,
was generally taken by the South Afri-
university teachers, student leaders and
can and foreign press to mean that gov-
newsmen, took place in Johannesburg,
ernment troops had entered Zambia in
Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, pursuit of the guerrillas, Vorster de-
East London and other cities.
clared Oct. 6: "I never said that the po-
The London Times Nov. 20 reported lice crossed the border."
five more arrests for alleged terrorist
Stephanus Lourens Muller, minister
activities in the past three days, and two Vorster's earlier
of police, underlined
more suspects were seized Nov. 22.
denial Oct. 7 when he remarked: "After
the land-mine explosions, the police, as
a matter of course, carried out follow-up
Land mines kill four. A
land mine ex- work, but they definitely did not enter
ploded May Namibia, killing
22, 1971 in the territory of any foreign country in
two white South African policemen and the process."
injuring seven others, including two black The London Times Oct. 8 reported
trackers. that a spokesman for the SWAPO
The incident occurred in the Caprivi
had claimed the previous day his group's
Strip, an area of Namibia extending guerrillas operated from Namibia rather
eastward to the Rhodesian border. It was than from Zambia.
believed to be the first time that guerril- Muller said Jan. 6, 1972 that a sergeant
las had inflicted fatalities in any territory
had been killed and three other police-
controlled by South Africa. men injured the previous day when a
Stephanus Lourens Muller, minister land mine exploded under the vehicle
of police, said in the parliament in Cape in which they were traveling in the
Town May 24 that at the scene of the Caprivi Strip.
explosion six sets of footprints had been
found leading northward into Zambia.
The London Times reported May 24 that Train wreck seen sabotage. Thirty-
the mine was believed set by members of eight blacks were killed and another

174 injured March 31, 1972 when a Six jailed in alleged plot. Two white
train in they were riding was
which foreigners and four black South Africans
derailed eight miles north of Potgiet- were tried under the Terrorism Act in
ersrust in the Transvaal. Investiga- November 1972, convicted of conspiracy
tors discovered that the nuts and bolts to overthrow the government and sen-
fastening the rails had been removed. tenced to prison June 20, 1973.
An Australian, Alexandre Moumbaris,
received a 12-year term, and John W.
Blacks convicted of terrorism. Thirteen Hosey, of Northern Ireland, received a
black South Africans arrested in Febru- five-year sentence. The four blacks each
ary 1971 were convicted April 4, 1972 of received 15-year sentences.
trying to secure money and recruits
for guerrilla training and of plotting to
overthrow the government with foreign
Black leaders murdered. Abraham Tiro,
help. They were sentenced April 6 to
a black former student leader who had
terms ranging from five to eight years.
been dismissed from a South African
Those convicted wereAPDOUSA and
teaching post after clashes with school
NEUM members. Their trial took place in
officials over apartheid, was killed by a
August 1971.
parcel bomb in Botswana, it was reported
Feb. 6, 1974.
John Dube, an official of the African
Indians jailed for Three
National Congress of South Africa, was
men and a woman, all Indians whose killed and two others injured by an explo-
trial began in June, were sentenced sion in a Zambia building housing various
Nov. 1, 1972 to five years in jail for try- southern Africa opposition groups, it was
ing to overthrow the regime and reported Feb. 12.
for promoting the aims of the South
African Communist party and the
African National Congress, both out-
lawed organizations.
SWAPO head seized. David Meroro,
national chairman of the South-West
Africa People's Organization (SWAPO),
an opposition group, was arrested in
Right-wing extremists seized. Police of- Windhoek, South-West Africa (Namibia)
ficials in Cape Town arrested two men by South African police Feb. 8, 1974.
Oct. 9, 1972 in connection with actions of
(It was reported June 16 that South
a group known as Scorpio which had en-
Africa had begun to recruit, arm and train
gaged in bomb attacks against the homes
blacks for army and police antiterrorist
of liberals. Among the targets had been
units to protect the northern border re-
Geoff Budlender, president of the stu-
dent council at Cape Town University,
gions. The announcement, made by
and the Rev. Theo Kotze, a regional di- Minister of Police John Kruger, was a
significant departure from the all-white
rector for the Christian Institute.
defense force policy previously in effect.)

Black jailed for 1967 Rhodesian raid.

Fana Mzimela, a 34-year-old black said
to have entered Rhodesia in 1967 and
fought with guerrillas against security
forces there, was sentenced Nov. 23, 1972, Jewish Militants Active
in Pietermaritzburg to 15 years in jail
under the Terrorism Act.
Mzimela was accused of taking part If there is terrorism in the Soviet Union,
in terrorist activities from 1962-72. He reports of it fail to seep through the com-
was also charged with membership in munications barrier that surrounds the
Umkhonto We Sizwe. State wit- U.S.S.R. but that is pierced frequently
nesses testified that Mzimela had been by samizdat {" self-published" writings of
trained in China and Eastern Europe. dissenters) and manuscripts that the gov-

ernment apparently does not want pub- No injuries were reported in either
lished. Outside of the country, acts of incident.
anti-Soviet terrorism sometimes take After the bomb explosion Nov. 25,
place. In recent years, Soviet officials, Rabbi Meir Kahane, national director
traveling performers and facilities have of the JDL, said no one in his group
been targets of harassment and several had taken part but that he "heartily
bombings, especially in the U.S., by Jew- applauded" the incident. U.S. State
ish militants incensed at Soviet mistreat- Department spokesman John King
ment of Jews who seek to emigrate from said Nov. 25 that the Nixon Administra-
the U.S.S.R. A U.S. organization most tion "strongly condemns such irre-
frequently accused of this anti-Soviet ac- sponsible acts of violence and considers
tivity is the Jewish Defense League (JDL), them injurious to the interests of the
a force of young Jews that a Brooklyn U.S."
rabbi, Meir D. Kahane, had originally The Bolshoi cancellation was an-
recruited to protect New York Jews from nounced in Moscow to U.S. Ambassador
muggers and anti-Semitic attacks. Jacob D. Beam in a note read by Vasily
V. Kuznetsov, Soviet first deputy
foreign minister. Kuznetsov declared
Embassy bombed. A bomb of unde-
that despite Soviet protests U.S. officials
termined origin exploded at the Soviet
"have not taken necessary measures to
embassy in Washington Feb. 21, 1968 at actions, thereby
stop these criminal
about 5:45 a.m. No one was injured. Amb.- The provocations
encouraging them. . . .

to-U.S. Anatoly F. Dobrynin was among

not only create obstacles to the imple-
several persons in the embassy at the
mentation by Soviet institutions in the
time. The bomb apparently was placed on
U.S. of their official functions, and
the window sill of a ground-floor office,
threaten to disrupt measures within the
which suffered considerable damage.
sphere of cultural exchange, but also
Strong protests, charging that police
endanger the personal safety of Soviet
protection was inadequate, were made by
the Soviet Union in Washington and
The scheduled tour by the entire
Moscow. An early statement from Tass,
Bolshoi Theater, arranged by U.S. im-
official Soviet press agency, that the
presario Sol Hurok, was regarded as the
bombing "could have been committed
feature attraction of the current U.S.-
only with the connivance of the American
Soviet cultural exchange pact.
authorities," was described by White
The Times of London Dec. 11
House Press Secy. George Christian quoted a JDL spokesman in New York
as "utterly ridiculous.'"
as having said of the tour's cancellation:
"Our actions here against official harass-
ment of Jews in the Soviet Union were
JDL activity blocks Bolshoi tour. Anti- very influential."
Soviet harassment by Jewish militants in
1970 threatened U.S.-Soviet cultural
exchanges. Soviet performance disrupted. The per-
The U.S.S.R. Dec. 1 1 canceled a planned formance of a Soviet dance troupe in
1971 tour of the U.S. by the Bolshoi New York was disrupted Jan. 28 1971
Theater's opera and ballet companies by a bomb threat and the opening of
because of what it called "provocations ammonia bottles.
by Zionist thugs." The Siberian Dancers and Singers of
The reference was to a Nov. 25 Omsk halted their performance at
bomb explosion at the Soviet airline Carnegie Hall while police searched the
(Aeroflot) and tourist office in New York auditorium in response to a telephone
and a Nov. 20 sit-in at the Washington message by a man who identified him-
office of the Soviet news agency Tass, self as a member of the Student Struggle
staged by eight college students believed for Soviet Jewry.
to be members of the Jewish Defense Members of the Jewish Defense
League. The eight were arrested Nov. League Jan. 20 had conducted a sit-in at
20 and charged with unlawful entry. the New York offices of Columbia Art-

ists Management, Inc., the organization Five Soviet delegations presented

booking the Siberian Dancers tour. petitions to the U.S. embassy in Moscow
State Department spokesman Robert Jan. 7 against the harassment of Soviet
J. McCloskey had warned Jan. 26 against representatives in the U.S.
any efforts by "irresponsible elements" Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.
to disrupt the tour. Gromyko delivered "a stern protest"
Jan. 8 to U.S. Ambassador Jacob D.
Beam over a bomb explosion in Wash-
Soviet warns on Jews' harassment. In a ington that day.
note handed to State Department officials Mark R. Palmer, a U.S. embassy
Jan. 4, 1971, the U.S.S.R. charged the officer in Moscow, was lectured in the
U.S. with "conniving at criminal ac- street by Soviet citizens Jan. 6. A
tions" committed by "Zionist extremists" similar incident occurred Jan. 7 with
against Soviet representatives in the Erastus Corning 3d, Moscow representa-
U.S. tive forPan American World Airways.
The Soviet note asserted: "Zionist The cars of three U.S. newsmen in
extremists not only interfere with the Moscow were vandalized Jan. 9 and 10.
normal functioning of Soviet representa- Thompson R. Buchanan, political officer
tives in the U.S., but also venture to at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, pro-
threaten openly Soviet diplomats and tested the incidents Jan. 11. Buchanan
other Soviet citizens with physical re- was told there would have been no harass-
prisals." The note said that the U.S. ment had U.S. authorities provided
had failed to provide normal working regular working conditions for Soviet
conditions for Soviet officials and it diplomats.
should "not expect that such conditions Yehuda-Leib Levin, Moscow's chiet
will be provided for U.S. premises in rabbi, delivered a letter of protest to the
the Soviet Union." U.S. embassy Jan. 12 in which he de-
(The Soviet delegation to the U.N. plored the Jewish Defense League
charged Jan. 5 that in a demonstration campaign. The letter said: "Soviet Jews
outside the Soviet Mission to the U.N. do not want the help of unsolicited pro-
Dec. 27-28, 1970 by JDL members, a tectors and Fascist Jews."
bottle thrown through a window had President Nixon was reported Jan. 12
injured a staff member and wakened to have declared the previous day that
a child.) bomb attacks against Soviet buildings in
The Soviet protest Jan. 4, delivered the U.S. were "morally wrong." In an
in writing by Ambassador Anatoly F.
answer to letters from Jewish leaders
Dobrynin, was immediately rejected by condemning the attacks, Nixon declared:
U. Alexis Johnson, the acting secretary "All decent and law-abiding Americans
of state. State Department spokesman share your outrage at recent criminal
Robert J. McCloskey said Jan. 5 that acts of violence against Soviet facilities
"deplorable as actions against the in this country."
Soviets in the U.S. are, they are acts of Nixon sent 60 federal guards Jan. 17
misguided individuals, and the U.S. to protect the Soviet U.N. Mission in
government is acting progressively to New York.
prevent further actions of this kind."
McCloskey emphasized "that we are
deeply concerned and shocked at the Kahane halts harassment. JDL leader
open threat of possible retaliation against Meir Kahane Jan. 19, 1971 declared an
American interests in the Soviet Union." "indefinite moratorium" in his organ-
He noted that two U.S. diplomats in ization's campaign, which had been an-
Moscow had recently received threaten- nounced Jan. 10, to "follow, question
ing phone calls at home and added that, and harass" Soviet diplomats in New
because the diplomats' phone numbers York. The harassment had provoked a
were unlisted, it "would seem implaus- retaliatory campaign against U.S. diplo-
ible to us that such threats could be car- mats in Moscow, and the situation was
ried out short of or without official worsened by a Jan. 8 bomb explosion
backing." outside a Soviet cultural building in

Washington and the smashing of a win- warning telephone calls from a man who
dow Jan. 15 at the New York office of the used slogans of the JDL. The JDL
Soviet airline Aeroflot. denied responsibility for the bombing
In his Jan. 19 statement, Kahane de- later April 22.
clared: "If we don't see any results, we'll George Bush, U.S. representative at
go back to our harassment." The remark the U.N., telephoned Yakov A. Malik,
was made as Kahane entered a New York the Soviet delegate, to express regrets.
criminal court to face charges of dis- Bush declared: "I appeal to all the ex-
orderly conduct, resisting arrest and tremists and their followers to abandon
obstructing governmental administration. their barbaric tactics —
tactics that can
(Meir Kahane was convicted Feb. 23, only lead to a deterioration of decent re-
1971 in New York of obstructing gov- lationships between countries."
ernmental administration and disor- In Moscow April 24, U.S. Ambassador
derly conduct during demonstrations in Jacob D. Beam was summoned to the
1969. Kahane had been arrested again Soviet Foreign Ministry to receive a
in New York Feb. 15 outside the Soviet protest from Vasily V. Kuznetsov, the
Mission to the U.N. and charged with first deputy foreign minister.
harassment and verbal abuse. He had
declared an end the previous day to a Other bombings — Among other anti-
moratorium on JDL harassment of Soviet bombings in 1971:
Soviet diplomats.) Three bombs were thrown
at the Soviet embassy in Canberra Jan.
17. Some windows were broken, but no
Kahane term suspended. Kahane got injuries were reported. The police ar-
a five-year suspended sentence, was rested two Bulgarians in connection with
fined $5,000 and placed on probation for the bombing.
five years in New York
July 23, 1971 for
An explosion damaged the Soviet trade
his role in a plot to manufacture explo- delegation's building in Amsterdam
April 15. Four of the 20 occupants and
Kahane had entered a plea of guilty a passerby were injured. The bomb also
July 9 following a pretrial hearing on an damaged the neighboring U.S. consu-
indictment returned May 13 accusing late. The Soviet embassy in The Hague
him and six other JDL members of con- immediately protested. Police arrested
spiring to violate federal gun laws. an American Jew living in the Nether-
Two other members of the JDL, lands as a suspect. A board attached to
Chaim Bieber and Stewart Cohen, also the gate of the building bore the words
received suspended sentences and fines in English, "Never again! Let my peo-
for their roles in the bomb plot. U.S. Dis- ple go!" — JDL slogans.
trict Court Judge Jack B. Weinstein gave An unexploded bomb was found June
Bieber a three-year suspended sentence, 12 at the Soviet Union's estate in Glen
fined him $2,500 and placed him on pro- Cove, N.Y. Police said a faulty timing
bation for three years. Cohen was sen- device had prevented the bomb from ex-
tenced to a three-year suspended jail ploding.
sentence, fined $500 and placed on pro-
bation for three years.
3 admit bombings. Three JDL members
pleaded guilty in federal court in New
York Sept. 26, 1972 to charges stemming
Soviet office bombed in N.Y. A bomb from two anti-Soviet bombings.
exploded April 22 at the New York of- Sheldon Siegel, 26, pleaded guilty to
fices of the Amtorg Trading Corp., the
conspiring to bomb and make two
Soviet trading agency. No one was in-
bombs planted at the Soviet Union's
jured in the blast, which damaged the
trade agency, Amtorg, in April 1971.
building. The incident drew an official
Eileen Garfinkle, 21, and Jacob Wei-
Soviet protest April 24.
sel,25, pleaded guilty to illegal posses-
Approximately 20 minutes before the sion of dynamite, some of which was
explosion, the Associated Press and used in a bomb planted at the Soviet
United Press International received estate in Glen Cove, N.Y.

Bomb kills Hurok employe. A woman judiciary committee, enumerated "sense-

employe of Sol Hurok Enterprises, less acts of violence" that had taken
which booked Soviet artists for U.S. place in New York. He declared:
concerts, was killed Jan. 26, 1972 and "Bricks have been thrown through
13 other persons, including Hurok, were windows, paint has been thrown against
injured when what police believed was walls of buildings, motor oil has been
an. incendiary device exploded in the placed in car radiators, burning rags in
group's offices an New York. The blast gas tanks and Molotov cocktails have
and fire followed by several minutes a been thrown at mission vehicles. .". .

similar detonation at Columbia Artists,

another talent-booking organization lo-
cated a few blocks away. Kahane sentenced. A Jerusalem district
The Associated Press and the National Court convicted Rabbi Meir Kahane June
Broadcasting Company received anony- 27, 1974 of trying to harm Israeli-
mous telephone calls shortly after the American relations by conspiring to blow
explosions from a person who declared up foreign embassies in Washington but
that the fires had been set to protest acquitted him of charges of conspiring to
the "deaths and imprisonment of Soviet murder and kidnap Soviet and Arab dip-
Jews" for which "Soviet culture is re- lomats in the U.S. He received a two-year
sponsible." The caller ended his mes- suspended sentence June 28.
sage with the JDL slogan "Never again!" Kahane had admitted urging JDL
(Rabbi Meir Kahane said Jan. 26 in members in the U.S. to blow up the Soviet
Jerusalem (hat the persons responsible and Iraqi embassies in Washington and
for the incidents were "Insane." Kahane financial institutions in New York that
added: "It isn't the first time oar slogan had ties with the Soviet Union.
has been used. I know our group wouldn't
do this.")
Witnesses at Columbia Artists said
the bombs apparently had been set by SPAIN
two young men, "clean-cut and white."
The woman killed in the Hurok office's
bombing was Iris Rones, a receptionist. Basques Fight Regime

Anti-Soviet bomb plot in U.S. Acting Spanish authorities have accused an-
Attorney General Richard G. Kleindienst Communist and Catalan separa-
announced May 24, 1974 the arrest May tists of acts of terrorism, but the most

23 of four JDL members while as- prominent terrorist group is the Basque
sembling bombs to be used in blowing up separatist organization ETA (Euzkadi ta
the residence of the Soviet mission to Askatasuna, or Basque Nation and Free-
the United Nations at Glen Cove, N.Y. dom). The ETA is reported to have split
Kleindienst said the four, who were into several factions, some of which are
held without bail on state and federal said to cooperate with Communist and
charges of conspiracy and possessing a other terrorist groups.
bomb, were arrested at Lido Beach Jew-
ish Center on Long Island after an
anonymous telephone call had been
made to Nassau County police. Directions
Bombs planted on Spanish planes.

leading to nearby Glen Cove were found

Bombs planted in luggage were placed
in possession of the men, who were
aboard planes of Iberia Air Lines in
lour European cities May 10, 1970.
identified as Mark I. Binsky, David
In Geneva, 50 passengers were removed
Levine, Robert E. Fine and Ezra S.
minutes before an incendiary device
exploded in the baggage compartment
Legislation requested George Bush,— of an Iberia DC-9. A baggage check had
U.S. representative at the U.N., asked been called when officials discovered one
Congress March 16 for legislation mak- suitcase too many aboard the plane, but
ing it a crime to harass foreign diplo- it was an anonymous phone call which

mats. Bush, testifying before a House caused the order for evacuation.

Fire bombs intended for placement sentence was changed to a 30-year prison
aboard Iberia planes also exploded in the term. Izco, Uriarte and Gorostidi, who
airports at Amsterdam and Frankfurt. received double death terms, would have
A telephone warning tipped off agents a 60-year sentence, plus additional terms
at London's Heathrow Airport; they of from 20 to 30 years which each of the
discovered' a fire bomb in a suitcase six received. However, under current
aboard a loaded Iberia plane. Spanish law no one could spend more
A telephoned bomb threat in Basel, than 30 years in prison.
Switzerland delayed takeoff of another The other sentences handed down by
Iberia liner May 11. A Barcelona-bound the Burgos tribunal:
plane was also delayed May 11 when an Rev. Juan Echave— 50 years; Rev. Julian Calzada
anonymous caller said a fire bomb was — 12 Juana Dorronsoro, Izco's wife— 50
years; Aizpurua, Gorostidi's wife — 15 years;
aboard. Jesus Abnisqueta— 62 years; Victor Arana 70
Observers May 10 had speculated that years; Antonio Carrera- 12 years; Enrique Guesal-
the bomb-plantings were the work of op- aga— 50 years; Gregorio Lopez lrasuegui— 30 years;
Maria Aranzazu Arruti, wife of Lopez lrasuegui -
ponents of the Franco regime. Anony-
mous callers in New York May claimed 1 1

the bombs were planted by anti-Castro

The 105-page sentence contained a long
indictment of the ETA. The sentence
Cuban nationalists protesting Spain's
said the ETA was a "separatist Marxist
trade with Cuba. In Paris, the Basque
terrorist organization .whose pur-
and Spanish Republican governments in
. .

poses were to destroy by violence the

. . .

exile denied any connection with the

organization of the state, dismember a
attempts, according to a May 12 report.
part of the national territory by sub-
versive actions, terrorism, armed war-
fare and social revolution." The docu-
Basques convicted, death sentences com- ment charged that ETA had relations
muted. A five-man military tribunal in with "revolutionary groups abroad, with
Burgos Dec. 28, 1970 pronounced death Communist parties and others char-
. . .

sentences on six of 16 alleged Basque acterized by their animosity toward

terrorists. The major defendants were Spain." All the defendants in the trial,
convicted of assassinating Meliton Man- charged with "murder and banditry,"
zanas, chief of the political police in had admitted membership in the ETA
Guipuzcoa province, in 1968. and Marxist political beliefs, but they had
Generalissimo Francisco Franco Dec. denied any involvement in the murder.
30 commuted the death sentences.
Three of the
six defendants had been
sentenced twice to the death penalty by Bonn consul kidnapped, then freed.
the Burgos tribunal. Nine other defend- Eugen Beihl, 59, West German honorary
ants — including two women and two consul and representative of several Ger-
Roman Catholic priests received sen-— man industrial concerns, had been kid-
tences ranging from 12 to 70 years. Two napped from his home in San Sebastian
of those sentenced to double death sen- in the heart of the Basque country
tences also received 30-year jail terms. A Dec. 1, during the Burgos trial.
16th defendant was acquitted.
Beihl was released Dec. 25 and driven
The sentences handed down by the
to Wiesbaden in West Germany by ex-
Burgos military tribunal:
ecutives of the Second West German
Francisco Izco, 29, charged with actually shooting
police official Militon Manzanas —
death, commuted Television Network (ZDF) who had ar-
by Franco Dec. 30; Eduardo Uriarte, 25 death, ranged for his Two tech-
release. ZDF
commuted; Joaquim Gorostidi, —
26 death, com- nicians who were
held hostage were freed
muted; Francisco Larcna, 25— death, commuted;
in France Dec. 26 after Beihl's safe ar-
Mario Onaindia, 22--death, commuted; Jose Dor-
ronsoro, 29 death, commuted. Izco, Uriarte and rival in Germany.
Gorostidi had also received second death sentences
The and its timing, just in time
on general charges of banditry. All six were ordered
by the tribunal to pay an indemnity of $14,285 to forChristmas day, were designed "to
Manzanas' widow. show first our people, then the world, that
The six were scheduled to have been ETA is not an irresponsible, fanatical and
executed by firing squad Dec. 31. Under bloodthirsty band," according to a state-
Franco's commutation order, each death ment issued by the organization in France

Dec. 25. The communique added, how- dants were acquitted for lack of
ever, that therewould be reprisals if the evidence. The kidnappers themselves
Burgos tribunal handed down any death were still at large.
Beihl told a nationwide West German
television audience that he had been 2 Basques sentenced. A military court
captured and held in an unknown place in Santander March 17, 1972 sentenced
by masked, armed men. Asked about his Jesus Ibarguchi San Pedro and Luis
attitude toward the Basque movement, Maria Aizpurua, both allegedly ETA
Beihl said: "I am no enemy of the members, to 20-year prison terms and
Basques. I am even their friend." $720 fines each on charges of terrorism.
The defendants were accused of plant-
ing a bomb at the headquarters of the
Industrialists kidnapped. Lorenzo Zab- Falange party's youth group at San
ala, was kidnapped by ETA members Sebastian in 1967.
near Bilbao Jan. 19, 1972 and freed Jan.
He was released after his instru- France bans ETA. The French govern-
ments company agreed to rehire 120 of ment banned ETA Oct. 8, 1972 and
183 dismissed workers, increase wages ordered seven Basque exiles to leave
by nearly $4 weekly and grant workers France.
a voice in management decisions. Police The move climaxed a gradual crack-
also acceded to a demand for the release down on the Basques by French authori-
of two priests and 10 workers arrested ties, a policy spurred by increasing co-
during the hunt for the kidnappers. operation between the two governments.
Felipe Huarte was kidnapped by four The anti-Basque crackdown had led to
ETA members from his Pamplona home sharp protests by the Basques living in
Jan. 17, 1973 and released Jan. 25 after southwest France, culminating in the
one of his factories agreed to a labor bombing of the sub-prefecture in
settlement and his family paid 50 million Bayonne in September.
pesetas (S800,000) in ransom.
The ETA had released a statement in
France claiming responsibility and issuing French consulate set afire. The French
a set of demands, including the rehiring of consulate in Saragossa was set afire Nov.
1 14 workers who had been dismissed for 2, 1972, and the consul, Roger Tur, died
staging a strike at Torfinasa, a Huarte Nov. 7 of injuries suffered in the blaze.
subsidiary, a $47 per month wage increase Two others were also injured.
at the affected plant, fully paid sick leave According to initial Spanish press re-
and a one-month annual vacation. ports, three persons identifying them-
Huarte's company agreed almost im- selves as Basque separatists entered the
mediately to rehire the men and accepted consulate Nov. 2, tied up the consul and
the other terms Jan. 25. Huarte's family,
two employes, set the fire and fled.
one of Spain's leading industrial families,
reportedly paid the ransom to ETA
A military court inSaragossa sentenced
five members of a leftist student group to
agents in France. (The government Jan. 31 30-year prison terms Feb. 1, 1973 for their
revoked the labor concessions as granted role in setting the fire. The trial brought
under duress.) out that the consulate had not been
The Spanish government had bombed as initially reported.
concentrated thousands of Civil Guards in During trial, the students said they had
the mountains north of Pamplona in a acted in protest against the French
search for the kidnappers, but Huarte was government ban on Basque separatists
released on the French border near the
residing in France.
city of I run.
The prosecutor claimed that the
In a related development, a military members of the group, called the Ham-
court in Bilbao sentenced four Basques to mer and Sickle Collective, had been
prison for 12-17 years Jan. 25 for com- responsible for 15 crimes in one year,
plicity in Zabala's kidnapping. Seven defen- including a bank holdup. He said the

fathers of three defendants were career old Spanish torture and death device
officers,one a high level civil servant and consisting of an iron collar tightened
one a prominent journalist in the around a victim's neck until he died of
governing party press. either strangulation or a broken spine.
A sixth defendant was acquitted. University students clashed with police
in Madrid and Barcelona March 4 after
demonstrating against Puig Antich's
Basque leader killed. Eustaquio Mendi- execution. In Madrid, students rioted
zabal, leader of the military wing of the after police invaded the campus and dis-
ETA, was killed in a gunfight with police persed protesters. In Barcelona, demon-
April 19, 1973 in a village near Bilbao. strations were held in the two universities
Police said Mendizabal, wanted in con- and the city's streets, with students
nection with three major political kidnap- hurling gasoline bombs and burning a car.
pings since 1970, was killed while at- Demonstrations continued the next day in
tempting to escape. the two cities and spread to Bilbao and
Cifra, the semi-official news agency, im- San Sebastian.
plied that Mendizabal's whereabouts had Franco was believed have been under
been disclosed to police by fellow activists great pressure from army and
after a dispute over disposal of $800,000 in right-wing groups to deny clemency for
ransom paid for the release of industrialist Puig Antich, according to the New York
Felipe Huarte in January. Times March 3.
In an apparent effort to depoliticize
Puig Antich's execution, the government
Premier assassinated. Premier Luis March 2 also garroted Heinz Chez, a
Carrero Blanco, 70, was assassinated in stateless person of Polish origin con-
Madrid Dec. 20, 1973, apparently by demned to die for shooting a civil guard
Basque nationalists. near Tarragona in December 1972. The
Carrero, his chauffeur and a police death sentence of a third convicted police
killer, civil guard Antonio Franco Martin,
guard were killed by an explosion that
lifted their car five stories off the street
was commuted to life imprisonment.
and into the courtyard of a church where Puig Antich had received his death
the premier had just attended mass. sentence Jan. 9 and simultaneously was
A statement issued in the name of the sentenced to 30 years in jail for bank
ETA in Bordeaux, France took credit robbery.
for the assassination, which it said was Two teen-aged accomplices, who along
done in revenge for the killing of nine with Puig Antich were charged with mem-
Basque militants by the government and bership in the Iberian Liberation Move-
to fight repression in Spain. ment, a leftist splinter group, were
During the Madrid funeral procession sentenced to five and 30 years respectively
for Carrero Dec. 21, many of the thou- for the robbery. Antich and one of the

sands of regime supporters who lined the other defendants admitted membership in
routes demanded that the army seize the group.
power and that "Reds" be killed. Appeals for clemency for Puig Antich
Archbishop Vicente Cardinal Enrique y had been made by the governments of
Tarancon, other bishops and Papal Denmark, West Germany, the Nether-
Nuncio Msgr. Luigi Dadaglio were sub- lands, Belgium, France and Italy, ac-
jected to insults and threats. cording to the Washington Post March 3.
Other appeals had come from the Ge-
neva section of the Human Rights League
Anarchist garroted. Salvador Puig An- Feb. 14, from the Spanish General
tich, a 26-year-old Catalan anarchist Council of Lawyers Feb. 15, from the
sentenced to die for killing a policeman in French Communist Party Feb. 20, from
1973, was garroted in the Barcelona city Christopher Soames, vice president of the
jail March 2, 1974. Executive Commission of the European
It was the
first execution with political Economic Community, Feb. 21, and from
overtones and the first by garroting since some 300 Madrid intellectuals March 1.
two Catalan anarchists were garroted in Thousands of persons demonstrated in
August 1963. The garrote was a centuries- Barcelona and Paris Feb. 21 to demand

clemency. A number of bombings inside Caraszi, and James M. Gholson had —

and outside Spain, also apparently pro- been kidnaped by five armed men March
testing Puig Antich s death sentence, had 4 as they drove from a radar base out-
been reported earlier. side Ankara to their billets. Setting a
Bombs exploded Feb. 8 at a monument March 6 deadline, the kidnapers de-
to pro-Franco war dead in Badalona, near manded $400,000 as the ransom price
Barcelona, and inside a police station in for not shooting the airmen. The police
Martorell, also near the Catalan capital. March 4 arrested one of the kidnap
A Molotov cocktail was hurled at an Air suspects, Mete Ertekin, 24, a student at
France office in Barcelona the same day. the Middle East Technical University
Bombs were Spanish
set off Feb. 16 at a
in Ankara. His arrest prompted an addi-
tourist office Spanish bank in
and a
tional demand by the kidnapers for his
Brussels, Belgium. The same day a fire set
In a manifesto delivered to the semi-
by arsonists damaged a Spanish travel
official Turkish news agency and a radio
agency in Frankfurt, West Germany.
station the same day, the Turkish Peo-
ple's Liberation Army, a new leftist
guerrilla group, claimed responsibility
Banker abducted. Angel Suarez, head
for the kidnaping as well as for two bank
of the Paris branch of the Bank of Bilbao,
robberies, recent bomb explosions and
was kidnapped from his French home
the armed kidnaping of another U.S.
May 3, 1974. The anarchist International-
serviceman, Sgt. Jimmy Ray Finley, in
ist Revolutionary Action Group (GARI) Ankara Feb. 15. (Finley was released
announced its responsibility May 7 and
unharmed 17 hours after his abduction
made a series of demands for Suarez' re- from a U.S. Air Force base on the out-
lease, including the freeing of political skirts of Ankara.) The group called for
prisoners in Spain —
particularly Santiago
armed struggle to liberate Turkey from
Soler Amigo, an ILM member said to be Americans and other "enemies" of the
in poor health —
and publication of anar- nation.
chist communiques in Spanish news- More than 2,000 policemen and mili-
tiamen searched for the kidnapers in
Suarez was released May 22 after the Ankara. They surrounded the campus of
payment of about $700,000 in ransom. the Middle East Technical University
March 5, touching off riots in which at
least one student and one policeman were
TURKEY killed and 20 students injured. The police
used tear gas bombs to dislodge students
who barricaded themselves in the school
Leftist Terrorism buildings with dynamite, guns and fire
bombs. About 200 students were arrested.

Several leftist terrorist groups have been

active in The best known is the
Turkey. Kidnaped Israeli diplomat killed. The
Turkish People's Liberation Army (TPLA), body of the Israeli consul general in Is-
made up mainly ofstudents and said to have tanbul, Ephraim Elrom, was found May
formed ties with such foreign guerrilla 23, 1971 in Istanbul six days after he had
organizations as Uruguay's Tupamaros. been kidnaped by four leftist terrorists.
Also active was Dev-Genk, the Turkish He had been shot three times in the head.
Revolutionary Youth Federation. The crisis began May 17 when four
armed terrorists raided Elrom's residence
and bound and gagged 12 persons before
4 kidnaped U.S. airmen freed. Four the diplomat returned home for lunch.
U.S. airmen kidnaped by leftist extre- After a brief struggle, Elrom was
mists were released unharmed March 8. dragged away to a waiting car.
1971. Both the U.S. and Turkey had The Turkish People's Liberation Army
refused to yield to ransom demands. (TPLA) took responsibility. It threatened

The airmen Sgt. James J. Sexton, to kill Elrom, 58, unless "all revolution-
and Pvts. Larry J. Heavner, Richard ary guerrillas under detention" in Tur-

key were released by the evening of May and in watching the Elrom apartment and
20. The government immediately rejected the Israeli consulate.
the demands and began an intensive
search for the kidnaped diplomat and
his abductors. Hostage rescued, guerrilla killed.
Sibel Erkan, 14, the daughter of an army
The government the kidnapers
major, was rescued June 1, 1971 from
probably belonged to the militant left-
ist Turkish Revolutionary Youth two armed leftist guerrillas who had held
Federation (Dev-Gcnc), which had been her hostage since May 30. One of the
banned May 12 by court order. A member guerrillas, Huseyin Cevahir, was killed

of Dev-Genc, Omer Ayna, had been ar- in a police shootout and the other, Ma-
hir Cayan, was seriously wounded. The
rested after an armed holdup of an Is-
tanbul bank May 3. Many members of men were members of the Turkish
Dev-Genc were thought to belong to the People's Liberation Army and were
TPLA, which in turn was said to have wanted in connection with the kidnap-
links with the anti-Israeli Popular Front
murder of Ephraim Elrom.
for the Liberation of Palestine. The gov- The guerrillas had seized the girl May
ernment had recently alleged that ex- 30 and held her hostage in her own house
treme leftists had received guerrilla train- after permitting her mother and brother
ing in Arab countries. to leave. They threatened to kill her un-
less they were granted safe passage out
(Three members of Dev-Genc were ap-
prehended May 8 while attempting to of Turkey. Police and troops surrounded
cross the frontier into Syria. They re- the house and, after a 51-hour siege, as-
saulted the apartment. A postmortem
portedly confessed plans to receive train-
revealed 23 bullet wounds in the body of
ing in guerrilla warfare by Arab mili-
Cevahir. Cayan, wounded, tried to flee
tants in Syria.)
but yielded to police when confronted
Deputy Premier Sadi Kocas reiterated
by an angry mob. One policeman was
inthe Senate May 18 that the government
wounded in the battle.
had "no intention of bargaining with a
handful of adventurers." He also an-
nounced the arrest of a major suspect,
Ayhan Yalin. Acuner's immunity lifted. The Senate
The police found Elrorrfs body
23 May July 2, 1971 lifted the of immunity
in an apartment only 500 yards from the Senator Ekrem accused of
Israeli consulate. A police doctor esti- organizing a leftist terrorist group that
mated death had occurred the previous engaged in robberies and sabotage.

evening well after the expiration of Thirteen other persons were accused in
the original deadline. connection with the case. Acuner had
been made a senator for life for his role
Premier Nihat Erim promised that
in the 1960 coup.
those responsible for the kidnap-murder
would be "dealt with most severely." He
A former parliament member, Irfan
Solmazer, was jailed by an Istanbul
said the government was "determined
military court June 21 on charges of
that Turkey will not become a country
collaborating with Acuner in subversive
ruled by anarchists and terrorists."
and terrorist activities.
Press reports said May 24 that within
the past week the government had held
for questioning nearly 1,000 persons, in- Terrorism. Among other developments
cluding leftist university professors, involving terrorism in Turkey during
writers and other intellectuals; many 1971:
were quickly released. Bombs exploded in the headquarters
Martial law authorities announced of Turk-Is, the Confederation of Turkish
May 24 they were seeking nine university Trade Unions, in Istanbul Jan. 18.
students —
eight men and a woman in — A bomb explosion destroyed the Ken-
connection with the murder. The same nedy Memorial at the Middle East
day the police said that three persons Technical University in Ankara Feb. 15.
taken into custody May 23 had confessed Students, armed with guns, dynamite
participation in planning the kidnaping and gasoline bombs, clashed with police

at Hacettepe Medical University in ist terrorists hiding in a mountain

Ankara Feb. 19. At least 20 persons were shack March 30, 1972, reportedly after
injuredand 200 arrested. The battle the terrorists killed two Britons and a
began when police attempted to search Canadian being held hostage for the
for arms in the university. release of three leftist terrorists sen-
An Ankara military court July 1 tenced to death.
sentenced Sar Kuray, son of a former The government reported the hostages
governor of Ankara, and Ruhi Koc to had been shot in the head with their
eight and 15 years' imprisonment re- hands tied behind their backs before
spectively for bombing the residence of police rushed the shack, located in the
a general in April. village of Kizildere, about 60 miles
Terrorists exploded bombs at the south of Unye on the Black Sea. The
U.S. consulate, a branch of the Ameri- troops then opened fire with rockets and
can-Turkish Trading Bank, and offices small arms, killing the 10 terrorist
of the right-wing Ankara newspaper members of the Turkish People's Lib-
Dunya March 14. erationArmy (TPLA). Among the 10
were Mahir Cayan, a suspect in the
kidnap-murder of Israeli consul Eph-
15 arrested on escape plot charge. raim Elrom, and Cihan Alptekin and
Fifteen persons were arrested on charges Omer Ayna. All three had escaped from
of plotting to rescue 26 accused terrorists prison in November 1971.
on trial in Istanbul, it was announced The
hostages — Gordon Banner and
Oct. 21, 1971.
Charles Turner, of Britain, and John
The announcement said the Stewart Law, of Canada— had been
group had
kidnaped from their apartment by five
plotted to kidnap senior NATO officers,
terrorists March 26. They were em-
government and public officials and
prominent businessmen, whom they ployed as NATO civilian technicians
at a Turkish radar base at Unye.
air force
planned to hold for ransom in exchange
for the accused on trial.
The government had refused to bar-
gain with the terrorists either for the re-
The trial of 26 persons accused of
membership in the Turkish People's Lib- lease of their condemned comrades or
eration Army had opened for the kidnapers' subsequent demand
in Istanbul
for safe passage out of Turkey once the
Aug. 16. They were charged with at-
tempting violent overthrow of the gov- police surrounded their hideout.
ernment, setting up secret organizations, Interior Minister Ferit Kubat, who
and possessing or using arms to estab- had personally supervised the assault
on the shack, announced in the National
lisha single class rule. Thirteen persons
Assembly March 31 that one of the kid-
were accused of taking part in the kid-
napers, Ertugrul Kurkcu, had been cap-
nap-murder of Elrom.
tured alive near the house.
It was disclosed March 31 that a let-
ter allegedly written by the terrorists and
Terrorist suspects escape. Five mem- found in the house had said the hos-
bers of the Turkish People's Liberation tages were killed because they were
Army escaped Nov. 30, 1971 from a "English agents of the NATO
maximum security military prison in which occupy our country, and ... we
Istanbul. consider it our basic right and a debt of
One of the escapees, Ulas Bardakci, honor to execute them."
an alleged participant in Elrom's kidnap-
murder, was reported shot and killed in a
General shot; army put on alert. Four
clash with police on the Bosphorus shores
gunmen shot and wounded Gen. Kem-
Feb. 19, 1972. A
second escapee, Ziya
alettin Eken, the commander of the
Yilmaz, also accused in the Elrom case,
Turkish national police, in an apparent
was captured in the Feb. 19 clash and was
kidnaping attempt in Ankara May
given a death sentence by an Istanbul
4, 1972.
military court March 17.
Eken and four other persons were
wounded in the shootout outside the
10 terrorists, 3 hostages killed. Heavily general's home. Police said one of the
armed police and soldiers killed 10 left- assailants was killed and another cap-

tured. Reports linked the shootings to was bombed May 3, reportedly in re-
the extreme leftist Turkish People's Lib- sponse to the Ankara parliament's rati-

eration Army. fication of the death sentences.

Hijackers free hostages & plane. Four Hijackers surrender in Bulgaria. Four
Turkish guerrillas May 4, 1972 dropped hijackers surrendered to authorities in
their demand for the release of three Sofia Oct. 23, 1972 after being granted
condemned militants and released un- political asylum in Bulgaria. The hi-
harmed about 68 passengers and crew- jackers, reportedly university students,
men of a DC-9 Turkish Airlines twin- freed 60 hostages held aboard a jet they
jet they had hijacked on an Ankara- had seized Oct. 22 en route from Istanbul
Istanbul flight May 3. to Ankara and forced to fly to Sofia.
The hijackers, armed with pistols The surrender followed the Turkish
and hand grenades, had forced the plane government's refusal to grant the hi-
to fly to the airport in Sofia, Bulgaria, jackers' demands for release of 12 leftist
where they threatened to blow up the prisoners, abolition of the strike ban in
jet and everyone aboard unless the Turk- martial law areas, greater freedom in the
ish government agreed to their demand. universities, land reform and end of the
The Turkish government refused to "anti-democratic" articles in the consti-
bargain with the hijackers but said it tution.
would agree to asylum for the guerril- The had threatened to blow
las in Bulgaria if they released the pas- up the and the hostages if their de-
sengers and crew and left the plane un- mands were not met.
harmed. The four were granted political
asylum in Bulgaria after their surrender.

The hijackers three students and Officials slain in U.S. The Turkish
an electrician—had extended their consul general in Los Angeles and his
ultimatum deadline several times. deputy were shot dead at a hotel luncheon
The hijacking followed the approval Jan. 27, 1973 by an Armenian who
April 24 by the National Assembly and claimed members of his family had been
May 2 by the Senate of death sentences killed in Turkey.
passed by a military court on the three The shooting occurred in the Biltmore
leftist guerrillas— Deniz Gezmis, Yusef Hotel in nearby Santa Barbara, where the
Asian and Huseyin Inan. President Cev- officials were attending a luncheon.
det Sunay ratified the death sentences Mehmet Baydar, the consul general, died
May 3. (The parliamentary and presi- almost instantly and Bahadir Demir,
dential ratification of the death sentences deputy consul general, died shortly after
had followed the revocation April 6 by arrival at a local hospital. Both had been
the Constitutional Court of earlier death shot in the head. Witnesses said Gourgen
sentences against the guerrillas because M. Yanikian surrendered to authorities.
of faulty drafting of the execution order.)

3 guerrillas hanged. Three members of
the Turkish People's Liberation Army were
hanged May 6, 1972 in an Ankara pri- Baader-Meinhof Group A ccused
son. —
The three Deniz Gezmis, 25,
Yusef Asian, 25, and Huseyin Inan, 22,
—were convicted of kidnaping 3 U.S. An outbreak of terrorism in West
servicemen in 1971 and of trying to over- Germany in 1972 was largely blamed on the
throw the government. leftist-anarchist Rote Armee Fraktion (Red
Several bombs exploded in Ankara and Army Faction), more widely known as the
Istanbul May 7, in apparent retaliation Baader-Meinhof group. Although the
for the executions. Four persons were group's leaders, Andreas Baader and
injured, one allegedly a bomb-thrower. Ulrike Meinhof, were arrested in 1972, it

The Turkish tourist office in Stockholm was believed to be still active.


Wave of terrorist bombings. A wave of counter-intelligence activities to news-

terrorist bombings swept through West men, said June 3 that agitation by
Germany May 11-24, 1972. leftist, rightist and foreign extremists
A series of explosions May 1 1 killed had increased in West Germany.
U.S. Army Col. Paul A. Bloom-
Lt. (Genscher reported that right-wing
quist, 39, and injured 13 other persons, agitation groups had increased from
five seriously, at the headquarters com- 108 in 1970 to 123 in 1971, and under a
plex of the 5th U.S. Army Corps in collective title of the New Right, had
Frankfurt. The bombs heavily damaged devoted most of their energies to their
the officer's club behind the main build- fight against the government's policy of
ing. detente. He said terrorist acts attributed
The German Press Agency office in to the New
Right more than doubled
Munich received a letter May 15 from from 53 1970 to 123 in 1971. Left-wing

the "Petra Schelm Command" of the agitation groups, Genscher reported,

"Red Army Faction" claiming responsi- had been responsible for 555 "terror
bility for the bombing in retaliation for acts" in 1971, with 390 groups identified
the "bomb blockade
of the U.S. im- as active, compared with 250 in 1970.
against North Vietnam." The
perialists He said foreign agitators had increased
note demanded an end to the mining of the number of their active groups from
North Vietnamese harbors and immedi- 100 in 1970 to 220 in 1971. Of these, 47
ate withdrawal ofall U.S. troops from
were terrorist-oriented.)
Two bombs exploded May 12 at police
headquarters in Augsburg, while shortly Terrorist chief captured. State and
afterwards another powerful blast struck federal police captured Andreas Baader
the Munich criminal police headquarters and two other Baader-Meinhof group lead-
about 25 miles away. ers in Frankfurt June 1, 1972. Other
A bomb explosion May 15 severely in- gang members arrested were Holger
jured Mrs. Gerta Buddenberg, 53, the Meins, 30, and Jan-Carl Raspe, 27.
wife of Judge Wolfgang Buddenberg, Baader was shot in the hip by police
who had been investigating the activities in a shootout that occurred when po-
of the Baader-Meinhof group. The bomb lice surrounded a garage used as the
exploded as Mrs. Buddenberg turned the hideout. (Baader had been hunted
ignition key in her car parked at her by West German police since 1970 when
home in Karlsruhe. masked gang members freed him in a
Two bombs exploded at the Hamburg spectacular jail break in Berlin. He had
headquarters of the right-wing Axel been sentenced for setting fire to a de-
Springer newspaper and magazine pub- partment store in 1968.)
lishing concern May 19, injuring 15 em- Another allegedly "hard core" gang
ployes, at least six seriously. The bombs member, Gudrun Ensslin, 31, was ar-
exploded midafternoon when 3,000
in rested by police June 7 in a downtown
employes were at work. shopping center in Hamburg.
Two bombs placed in parked cars ex-
ploded within seconds of each other in-
side the U.S. Army's European head- Meinhof arrested. Ulrike Meinhof,
quarters in Heidelberg May 24, killing 37, the object of an intensive police
an army officer and two soldiers and in- search as a founder of the Baader-Mein-
juring five other persons. The explosions hof group, was arrested in a Hanover
ripped a hole in the wall of a data pro- suburb June 15, 1972. Gerhard Mueller,
cessing building. 23, was arrested with her.
Interior Minister Hans-Dietrich Gen- Police June 19 arrested another mem-
scher confirmed, in a television inter- ber of the grouc Siegfried Hausner,
view later May 24, that suspects sought 21.
in the recent terrorist attacks were linked
to the Baader-Meinhof gang.
(The next month, Genscher, pre- Mahler jailed. Horst Mahler, 36, a law-
senting a report on 1971 West German yer, was sentenced Feb. 26, 1973 to 12

years in prison by a West Berlin court. He Brajkowic, Barzico and a third man
was convicted of helping to found the suspected of aiding them were charged
Baader-Meinhof urban guerrilla group with murder April 16 in a Stockholm
and planning and participating in three court. Lars Bergmark, Barzico's lawyer,
armed robberies in Berlin in 1970. had told reporters April 12 that the men
planned to kidnap the ambassador and
exchange him for militant Croats in Yu-
YUGOSLAVIA goslavia but that Rolovic drew a gun.
Brajkowic and Barzico were sentenced
by the Stockholm city court July 14 to
Croatians A ttack Regime lifeimprisonment.
Also sentenced for complicity in the
case were Marinko Lemo and Stanislav
Yugoslavia's Communist regime has Milicevic, each given two-year terms.
faced repeated terrorist attacks by mem- Ante Stojanov, the group's leader, was
bers of the Croation independence group given four years. The London Times said
Ustashi. These attacks have taken place July 14 that the five had planned to form
both inside Yugoslavia and abroad. a terrorist group that would punish
people in Sweden working for Yugo-
slavia against Croation factions.
Envoy assassinated in Sweden. Vla-
dimir Rolovic, Yugoslavia's ambassador
to Sweden, died April 15, 1971 in Stock- Croatian terrorists killed. An estimated
holm as a result of bullet wounds in- 30 Croatian terrorists, thought to have
flicted April 7 by two Croatian terrorists. come from abroad, were reported killed
The assailants, later identified as And- by security forces by July 28, 1972
jelko Brajkowic and Miro Barzico, en- after entering the country earlier in the
tered the embassy on the pretext of ob- month. The intruders were described as
taining passports and shot Rolovic a members of the Ustashi.
number of times. Mira Stemphihar, a sec- The Croatians were understood to
retary, was wounded trying to protect the have come from Australia, where as
ambassador. many as250,000 persons of Yugoslav
Two Ustashi- members had occupied origin were living, and to have crossed
the Yugoslav consulate at Goteborg for the border from Austria. They then ov-
24 hours Feb. 10 and threatened to kill erpowered a truck driver and forced him
to take them to the region of Bugojno,
hostages unless a Croatian militant un-
der death sentence in Belgrade was re- northwest of Sarajevo, in Bosnia-Herze-
leased. Rolovic had told the men the Yu- govina. The driver apparently escaped
goslav government rejected their
and was able to warn the police, who
demands. They later released the hos- sent soldiers to the area where the Croa-
tages and were jailed. tians were hiding.

The Yugoslav Federal Executive Coun- The first official account of the inci-
cil protested the attack on Rolovic April dent came July 3 with the announcement
7 in a note transmitted to the Swedish that 17 "known Ustashi terrorists and
government representative in Belgrade criminals" had been killed and that two
later that day by Mirko Tepavac, Yugo- others had escaped. The Yugoslav news
slav foreign minister. The note cited the agency Tanyug said July 26 that 13 gov-
Goteborg incident as well as previous ernment soldiers, including a captain,
warnings to the Swedish government had been killed in the shooting and that
about the existence of emigre organiza- the two infiltrators who initially escaped
tions. Sweden's "tolerance" of "the so- were now dead. Tanyug reported July 28
called political activity of these terrorist that Croatian government forces "suc-
groups" was described as "totally imper- cessfully liquidated" the "eight terrorists
missible and dangerous" and likely to who crossed to this republic's territory"
have "grave consequences for the after their group had been "smashed" in
friendly relations between the two coun- Bosnia-Herzegovina. No government ver-
tries." sion of the events attempted to explain

the mission of the terrorists, although operated out of Australia. Declaring that
some press sources charged that Sweden the "toleration of terrorism in this
and West Germany, as well as Australia, country is over," he outlined plans to in-
were harboring substantial numbers of troduce anti-terrorist legislation and said
Ustashi. he had already recommended deportation
of certain immigrants.
Murphy criticized the former Liberal-
Croats surrender in Spain. Nine Country coalitions for tolerating the
Croatian extremists surrendered to au- Croatian groups and called former At-
thorities at Madrid airport Sept. 16, torney General Ivor Greenwood in the
1972, hours after aboard a
arriving McMahon coalition "an active protector"
DC-9 jetliner they had hijacked from of right-wing terrorists. Greenwood de-
Sweden. nounced Murphy's charges as "malicious
The began Sept. 15 when
incident abuse of parliamentary privilege."
three Ustashi members hi-
armed (The previous government had denied
the Yugoslav government's assertion that
jacked a Scandanavian Airlines Sys-
tem (SAS) plane bound from Goteborg Croatian terrorist groups existed in Aus-
to Stockholm and forced it to land at
Malmo. The hijackers demanded that Murphy named the Croatian Revolu-
in exchange for the lives of the plane's tionary Brotherhood, the United Croa-
79 passengers and four crewmen the tians of West Germany and the Croatian
Swedish government release seven Revolutionary Organization as the main
Croatian prisoners, including two men terrorist groups in Australia.
convicted for the 1971 murder of the Police raided the homes of about 80 Yu-
Yugoslav ambassador to Sweden. goslavs in Sydney April 1 and charged at
After an emergency Cabinet session, least 12 persons with possession of
Premier Olof Palme ordered the pris- firearms and explosives and assaulting po-
oners taken to the Malmo airport, licemen.
where Justice Minister Lennart Geijer Murphy was given a vote of confidence
conducted negotiations with the hi- April 10 in the House of Representatives
jackers. When three prisoners had after a debate on his handling of opera-
been exchanged for 30 passengers, the tions involving Croatian terrorists. The
terrorists demanded about $200,000 but House vote came after the Senate had
settled for half that amount before com- passed a censure motion April 5.
pleting the exchange. One of the prison- Murphy was censured by the Senate,
ers refused to join the hijackers. 29-25, after he replied to his detractors in
The hijackers and crew then flew to a bitter speech. He said "even in the last
Madrid. There followed another three few days" — a reference to the police
hours of negotiations with Spanish roundup of alleged terrorists in Sydney
officials, much of which reportedly —
and Wollongong evidence of terrorist
passed with the Croatians arguing organizations had been uncovered.
among themselves The men were be- The motion against the attorney
lieved to have surrendered partly be-
general also accused him of misleading
cause they thought few countries would the Senate by disclosing only selected
accept them. documents found in the March 16 raid on
The official Yugoslav news agency the offices of the Australian Security In-
Tanyug blamed the hijacking Sept. 16 telligence Organization (ASIO).
on the "benevolent and tolerant atti-
In the House debate, Prime Minister
tude" of the Swedish government to-
Gough Whitlam April 10 expressed "com-
ward the Ustashi living and working in
plete confidence" in Murphy.
Whitlam had told the House April 3
that the reason for the raid was a
Ustashi in Australia. Australian At- document from the ASIO files that indi-
torney General Lionel Murphy presented cated a "conspiracy" among public ser-
56 official documents in Parliament vants to conceal truth about Croatian ter-
March 27, 1973 and called them "in- rorist activities in Australia. He was re-
contestable evidence" that the Ustashi ferring to a report, found by Murphy on a

surprise visit to the ASIO Office in nounced April 12. The announcement was
Canberra March 16, which covered a the public indication there had been

meeting on terrorism. any survivors of the incident.

The report said a foreign affairs official The three men, all naturalized Aus-
had contended that Murphy's statement tralian citizens, were described as mem-
should not contradict an earlier reply to a bers of the Croatian Revolutionary
Yugoslav government protest that the Brotherhood. They were identified as
Croatians were being trained in Australia. Djuro Horvat, Vejsil Deskic and Mirko
That reply had denied there was evidence Vlasnovic. The sentence of a fourth
to support the Yugoslav allegation. The detainee, Ludvig Pavlovic, reportedly was
subsequent raid on the ASIO offices reduced to 20 years in jail because he gave
disclosed facts to the contrary, according a full confession.
to Whitlam. Australian Prime Minister Gough
Whitlam sent a protest note to the Yu-
Croatian terrorists executed. Three goslav government April 13 saying he had
Ustashi members who had sneaked into expected the dead men to receive the
Yugoslavia in 1972 had been tried and exe- same protection given Australian na-
cuted, the Belgrade government an- tionals anywhere in the world.
International Action

U.N. Discusses Problem human lives, including their own, in an

attempt to effect radical changes."
Waldheim's original item, passed
A United Nations committee began con- Sept. 22 by the Assembly's General Com-
sideration of the matter of international mittee, had called for "measures to
terrorism during 1973. Observers asserted, prevent terrorism and other forms of
however, that early U.N. action on the issue violence which endanger or take innocent
was unlikely because the positions of mem- human lives or jeopardize fundamental
ber nations were too widely and strongly freedoms."
The Jamaican amendment added the
word "international" before "terrorism"
and deleted "and other forms of vio-
U.N. to probe terrorism. The U.N. Gen- lence," alleviating the fears of moderate
eral Assembly Sept. 23, 1972 had placed African states that the item could be
on its agenda an amended version of a used against African liberation- move-
proposal by Secretary General Kurt ments. The Saudi Arabian amendment
Waldheim that it act on terrorism. The required study of the problems under-
issue was assigned to the Legal Committee. lying terrorism.
The item, passed 66-27 with 33 absten- Eight Arab states voted against the
tions, embodied Jamaican and Saudi final version, four abstained, and
Arabian amendments that would focus Jordan voted in favor.Sixteen African
the debate on international terrorism nations voted no, 13 abstained, and six
and widen its scope to include its under- voted in favor.
lying causes. The measures were credited
The Soviet bloc abstained from the
with eroding African and Arab opposi-
tion to a discussion of terrorism. final vote, and China and Cuba voted no.
The Soviet abstention reportedly re-
In its final version, the item called for
flected concern over terrorism and
"measures to prevent international ter- -
rorism which endangers or takes in- wishes to protect Waldheim's position
nocent human lives or jeopardizes said to be seriously undermined by the
fundamental freedoms, and study of controversy over the terrorism debate—
those underlying causes of terrorism and remain flexible in dealings with the
and acts of violence which lie in misery, U.S. China, however, had been against
frustration, grievance and despair, and Waldheim's original item on grounds
which cause some people to sacrifice that "it is perfectly just for oppressed


nations and peoples to use revolutionary intensify their efforts to combat "non-
violence against the violence of imperi- political" terrorism. A U.S. official said
alism, colonialism, neocolonialism, the resolution had been worked out with
racism and Israeli Zionism." Israeli and Arab police leaders, and was
"acceptable to all." It cited "certain
Rogers asks 1973 parley — U.S. Sec-
aspects of modern international crimin-
retary of State William P. Rogers urged
ality, such as the holding of hostages
the U.N. Sept. 25 to convene a meeting
with the intention of perpetrating
early in 1973 with power to define and
blackmail or other forms of extortion"
set up the legal basis for forceful action
which Interpol members could act
to end terrorism.
against within the limits of organization
Addressing the General Assembly on
rules barring involvement in political,
the first day of its general debate, Rogers
religious or military matters.)
asked the U.N. to be "the driving force
As Rogers spoke, tight security pre-
for the specific and vigorous steps that
cautions were again in effect at the U.N.
are required" to arrest the "growing as-
and foreign consulates in New York,
sault on international order with which
which had received a flood of threats of
we are all faced."
The U.S. simultaneously distributed
violence. A special 40-man detachment
of the U.S. Executive Protection Ser-
among the 132 member countries at
vice had been sent from Washington to
the U.N. a draft convention that spelled
bolster regular police protection of
out in legal terms what constituted inter-
diplomats, and security checks were
national terrorism and defined legal
jurisdiction. The convention, to be con-
sidered at the proposed 1973 conference, Gromyko assails Arab terrorists — In
provided for the prosecution or ex- the strongest Soviet criticism of Arab
tradition of persons who killed, seri- terrorism, Foreign Minister Andrei
ously injured or kidnaped innocent Gromyko told the General Assembly
civilians in a foreign state for the pur- Sept. 26 that some Palestinian terrorists
pose of harming or obtaining conces- had turned to "criminal actions."
sions from another state or from an inter- Gromyko called for an end to Israeli
national organization. occupation of Arab territory, reiterating
Stressing what he called the U.N.'s the Soviet Union's support of "the just
obligation to take action on terrorism, struggle of the Arab people of Palestine
Rogers said "the issue is whether the for the restoration of their inalienable
vulnerable lines of international com- rights recognized by the United Na-

munication the airways and the mails, tions." But he added, "it is certainly im-
diplomatic discourse and international possible to condone the acts of terrorism

meetings can continue without disrup- by certain elements from among the
tion, tobring nations and peoples to- participants in the Palestinian move-
gether. All who have a stake in this have ment which have led, notably, to the
a stake in decisive action to suppress recent tragic events in Munich."
these demented acts of terrorism." "These criminal actions," Gromvko
Citing a wide range of terrorist acts said, "deal a blow also to the national
in different countries, Rogers said: "we
interests and aspirations of the Pales-
tinians; these acts are used by the Israeli
are all aware that many criminal
. . .

acts of terrorism derive from political criminals in order to cover up their

origins. We
recognize that issues such bandit-like policy against the Arab
as self-determination must continue to peoples."
be addressed seriously by the interna- Gromyko also criticized acts of ter-
tional community. But political passion, rorism affecting diplomats, atrplane
however deeply held, cannot be a justi- hijackings, and general "acts of violence
fication for criminal violence against which serve no positive ends and cause
innocent persons." loss of human life."

(Rogers also announced that Interpol, —

Study set The Assembly Dec. 18
the international police organization, adopted a resolution calling for establish-
had approved a U.S. -sponsored resolu- ment of a 35-nation committee to
tion urging its 110 member nations to consider reports by member countries

on the causes of international terrorism in studying the underlying causes" of ter-

and ways of finding an effective solution rorism.
to the problem. The Japanese view was echoed July 24
The measure, passed 76-35 with 17 by the U.S. representative, W. Tapley
abstentions, was sponsored by Arab and Bennett Jr., who urged the committee to
African countries and opposed by many focus its attention on "the most serious
Western powers. Its opponents had pro- criminal threat" and avoid "extended con-
posed that after a period of preliminary ceptual controversy" and the "consid-
study an international conference be eration of abstract definitions."
held to draw up a convention aimed at The British representative, John R.
bringing an end to international ter- Freeland, joined Bennett in his call for
rorism. action, stressing that the study of ter-
Speaking in favor of the final resolu- rorism's underlying causes was "in-
tion, an Iraqui representative said it evitably a long-term matter" and should
respected the rights of people to self- not "become a brake on progress with
determination and national liberation measures to protect the innocent."
"and in no way can be interpreted to The General Assembly Dec. 7 post-
limit the rights of people" to free them- poned until1974 its debate on terrorism,
selves from foreign bondage. The British ostensibly because of a lack of time for de-
representative, Sir Colin Crowe, main- bate by the Legal Committee before the
tained the measure was "seriously de- Assembly session ended Dec. 18. Israel
fective," and contained language that charged the move showed U.N. helpless-
"could be taken to suggest that recourse ness and unwillingness to tackle the issue.
to violence may be legitimate in the Arab delegates did not participate in the
exercise of the right to self-determina- debate.
tion." Bouteflika backs 'violence.' The 19th
General Assembly opened Sept. 17, 1974
with a strident address by its pres-
Terrorism committee opens talks. The ident, Algerian Foreign Minister Abdel-
SpecialCommittee on International Ter- aziz Bouteflika.
rorism opened a four-week meeting at Bouteflika, unanimouslyelected pres-
United Nations headquarters in New ident as the 13-week Assembly session
York July 16, 1973 with delegates of all began, said he accepted the office as a
35 member nations attending. representative of "generations of freedom
The committee had a widemandate fighters who contributed to making a bet-
from the 27th General Assembly to dis- ter world with weapons in their hands."

cuss international terrorism and its "un- He asserted these fighters had shown that
derlying causes," and to make concrete "revolutionary violence is the only way for
recommendations to the 28th assembly, peoples to liberate themselves."
scheduled to open in September. It had Bouteflika assailed "modern capitalist
before it observations submitted by 38 exploitation" and the so-called detente be-
governments with varying views on the tween the U.S. and the Soviet Union,
issue. which, he asserted, had created an
international order with a fragile balance
A Syrian statement asserted "the
of power which could easily be shattered.
international community is under legal
Bouteflika defended the right of Pales-
and moral obligation to promote the
tinians "to freely exercise their right to
struggle for liberation and to resist any at-
self-determination " and warned that the
tempt to depict this struggle as synony-
international community would not ac-
mous with terrorism and illegitimate vio-
cept a "Middle East bargain" in which
"the conquered territories [were not]
On the other hand, Japan stressed the returned."
"immediate peril endangering innocent Bouteflika praised Portugal for begin-
lives and fundamental human rights," and ning to free its African colonies, and
urged the U.N. to "make every effort to asserted that the people of Indochina had
avoid a situation where the adoption of defeated the "aggressors," presumably
preventive measures is hampered by delay the U.S.

1969 to urge inclusion

No Action on ' Skyjackings' jection Oct. 9,

of the question of aircraft hijacking in

the Assembly's agenda and to allocate
Western governments, airlines and airline the item to the Sixth (Legal) Committee.
pilots were unsuccessful in their proposals The General Assembly passed the
for strong V.N. action to curb a major measure Oct. 10. Only Cuban Ambas-
terrorist tactic— the hijacking of airliners. sador Ricardo Alarcon Quesada opposed
the recommendation.
The item— the 105th on the agenda-
ICAO to Weigh Hijackings. The 27-
was proposed under the title "Piracy in
member governing council of the Inter-
the Air" by 12 delegations Oct. 3. Ob-
national Civil Aviation Organization
jections were raised by members of Arab
voted March 3, 1969 to consider the states to use of the word "piracy," and
subject of "unlawful interference" with
by Soviet Ambassador Jacob A. Malik
airliners. The proposal, which provided
who charged that "some circles" were
for discussions of hijackings and armed
carrying "tendentious and noisy
attacks against aircraft, was submitted
propaganda ... for unsavory political
Feb. 24 by the U.S., Australia, Brazil,
Britain, Canada, West Germany, France,
The suggestion of Barbados that the
Japan and the Netherlands.
item be entitled "Forcible Diversion of
In a separate action Feb. 21 a legal
Aircraft" was modified by Nigeria, and
subcommittee of ICAO completed the
the item was adopted as "Forcible Diver-
draft of a convention dealing with illegal
sion of Civil Aircraft in Flight."
seizure of planes. The convention said
hijackers should be prosecuted in the
country where they land or extradited Pilots stage 24-hour strike. Airline
to the country from which they came; pilots around the world staged a one-day
but neither action would be mandatory stoppage June 19, 1972 to press for more
under the convention. stringent international sanctions against
The International Air Transport hijacking and sabotage of aircraft.
Association, representing 103 scheduled It was the first time international pilots
airlines had asked governments of its had organized to stop air travel on the
member airlines Jan. 13 to "seek U.N. world's carriers.
action in regard to armed intervention The strike was organized by
involving aircraft in scheduled service." the International Federation of Air Line
The International Federation of Air- Pilots' Associations, an umbrella group
line Pilots Associations (IFALPA), rep- of national pilots' unions. Ola Forsberg
resenting 44,000 pilots in 54 countries, of Finland, president of the interna-
March 26 adopted a resolution threaten- tional group, called the work stoppage
ing reprisals against states that refused "a successful expression of extreme con-
to institute "appropriate punishment" cern." Specifically, the pilots were seek-
against hijackers. The resolution, ap- ing to have the U.N. Security Council
proved in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, direct the International Civil Aviation
at IFALPA's 24th conference, autho- Organization, a 124-member body, to
rized the association's officers: (a) to ban begin setting up the necessary machinery
all air traffic into the offending nation; (b) to enforce antihijacking accords.
to coordinate with other organizations in
limiting air traffic and in restricting
The pilots' strike had the most impact
abroad, where air travel in more than 30
movement and surface cargo to and
of air
countries was shut down. In almost all
from the state; (c) to call a worldwide
of Western Europe, save Great Britain,
strike of 12-24 hours to call public at-
was at a virtual standstill.
air traffic
tention to the "pressing problem of air
Ofthe Communist-bloc nations, only
pilots of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia
showed support for the strike. Yugo-
'Hijacking' on Agenda. The General slavia's pilots remained on the ground

Committee, organizing body for General while pilots in Czechoslovakia took part
Assembly sessions, decided without ob- in a one-hour work stoppage.

Among the major non-Communist na- ters as what to do with hijackers whose
tions whose pilots were nonparticipants deeds had political overtones.
in the strike were Australia, countries The council called upon all states "to
of the Arab world, the Philippines and take all measures within
Japan. their jurisdiction to deter and prevent

The hopes the strike's organizers

of such acts [hijackings] and to take ef-
for a shutdown of
air service in the U.S.
fective measures to deal with those who

were severely damaged after the U.S. commit such acts."

airlines obtained temporary injunctions
barring their pilots from joining the Conference fails to adopt treaty. A
work stoppage. special 15-nation conference on aircraft
hijacking met for two weeks in Wash-
ington in September 1972 without agree-
ing on the terms of a new international
Security Council condemnation. The treaty against air piracy and sabotage.
U.N. Security Council June 20, 1972 is- The new treaty was fashioned by the
sued a strongly worded consensus state- U.S., Canada, Great Britain and the
ment condemning aircraft hijacking and Netherlands as a compromise measure
calling on all nations to deter and pre- after some nations sharply opposed the
vent such acts. terms of the original draft.
The council's agreement fell far short, The rewritten treaty outlined the
however, of adopting the position sought machinery under which signatory nations
by the International Federation of could collectively investigate whether
Air Line Pilots Associations, which another nation had improperly failed to
represented the various worldwide pilot punish or extradite airplane hijackers
groups. The federation had asked the or saboteurs. Under the original treaty,
U.N. to declare hijacking a threat to proposed when the conference opened
international peace and security and to Sept. 4, much stronger sanctions would
demand enforcement of antihijacking have been imposed against nations fail-
accords. ing to punish or extradite airplane ter-
But after 10 days of private meetings, rorists.
the 15-member Security Council original treaty was scrapped after
agreed on the consensus statement in- it evoked opposition of the representa-
stead. The agreement was drawn up in tives from the Soviet Union, France
private to avoid debate over such mat- and Great Britain.

AGENCY for International Development

(AID) (U.S.)— 153
AGUIRRE Monzon, Jose Antonio 138 —
AAA — See ARGENTINE Anticommunist AHMAD, Eqbal— 193
Alliance AHMEND (Thomas), Hannibal— 176
ABAL Medina, Juan Manuel 100 — AIR France (airline)— 20, 26, 52-3
ABBAS, Abdul— 74 AIRCRAFT Hijackings
ABBASI, Mohammed Bagher 221 — Arab commandos — 3, 19-29, 51-2, 62-
ABDELHAKIM, Jamil— 62 4, 67-9; see also specific individual or group
ABDULLAH, Samer Mohammad— 54 involved. Argentina — 89
ABE, Sukeya— 225 Canada— 130, 208-9. Cuba— 129-30.
ABDER, Rahman Saleh— 25 Curbs— 26, 129-30, 208 9; UN amend-
ABNISQUETA, Jesus— 268 ments — 282-3
ABU Ghosh (Israel)— 11 Ethiopia— 212-3
ACEVEDO, Oscar L.— 127 Israel — 52-3
ACOSTA, Ivan— 127 Japanese terrorists — 52-3, 225
ACOSTA y Lara, Armando — 158 Mexico — 147
ACTION Organization for the Liberation of Northern Ireland — 241
Palestine (AOLP) (Arab commando Pilots; pilot's strike — 282-3; see also
group) — 25,44 specific airline
ACUNA, Maj. Juan Vitalio (Joaquin)— 107-8 Turkey — 274
ACUNER, Sen. Ekrem— 272 Venezuela — 166
ADETT Zamora, Mario— 10-2 1 Yugoslavia— 277
ADEVOSO, Eleuterio— 253 AIRLINES— 24-6. 282-3. See also AIR-
ADWAN, Kamal— 70 CRAFT Hijackings, specific airline
AERBEL, Dan— 64 AITARUN (Lebanon)— 74
AEROFLOT (Soviet airline)— 264, 266 AIZPURUA, Luis Maria— 269
AFRICA (Portuguese territories)— 243-50, AJLUNI, Brig. Mazen— 37
260. See also specific territory, e.g., AKIN, Bernard Lee— 179
ANGOLA, GUINEA-Bissau (Portuguese AlBIREH (Israel-occupied West Bank)— 18
Guinea), MOZAMBIQUE AL ADASSI YAE (Lebanon)— 48
AFRICAN National Congress of South Africa Al AHRAM (Cairo newspaper)— 22, 27, 29, 40
(ANC)— 254,256,259,263 Al AM AL (Lebanese journal)— 22
AFRICAN Party for the Independence of ALARCON Quesada, Ricardo— 282
Portuguese Guinea & the Cape Verde Is- ALEJANDRO Alvariza, Carlos— 160
lands (PAIGC) (Partido Africano da Inde- ALEJOS, Alfonso— 136
pendencia da Guine Portuguesa e das Ilhas ALEJOS, Roberto— 141-2
deCabo)— 245,247, 249 ALEMAN, Rear Adm. Francisco Augustin
AFRICAN Peoples Democratic Union of 91
South Africa (APDUSA)— 262-3 ALENCAR Lima, Rev. Tito de— 18 1

AFTENPOSTEN (Oslo newspaper)— 64 ALFARO Martinez, Salvador— 150

— —


Al FATAH (Arab terrorist-commando APDUSA— See AFRICAN Peoples Demo-

group)— 9, 11-2, 14-6,21,34,38,51,58,70. Union of South Africa
Arab states & relations— 17, 25-6, 30-3, 39- APRA— See AMERICAN Revolutionary
41, 44, 46-7, 59-61, 71, 78. Terrorist Alliance Party
activities— 34-7, 44, 72-3, 78 ARAB Terrorist-Commando (fedayeer)
ALGERIA: Panthers (U.S.)— 173-4.
Black Forces:
Terrorist activities-6, 10-1, 19, 56, 260-1 Activities & —
actions 9-21, 24-5, 29,
Al HAYAT (Beirut newspaper)— 40 31-2, 36, 39-41, 46-7, 50-3, 56-7, 62-3, 68-
Al ICAB (Arab terrorist-commando group) 9, 71-3, 76, 78-80, 217; aircraft hijackings-
65 See under 'A'; assassinations 34-5; em- —
ALIOTO, Joseph L.— 177 bassy seizures— 58-60, 65, 68; Israel- 17-9,
Al JARIDA (Beirut newspaper)— 22 38-44, 74-7; kidnappings 34; —
ALLEGRA, Antonio— 222 Olympic attack 53-5. Arrests sen- &
ALLENDE, Andres Pascal— 122 tencing— 10-2, 16, 18, 22-6, 29, 42, 63-5,
ALLENDE Gossens, Salvador— 89, 1 19-21 68-9, 73, 81. Arab states relations aid &
ALLON, Yigal— 39 11, 17, 25-6, 29-37, 39-42, 44-8, 59-61, 69-
ALMIRATTI, Juan— 153, 156 73; Jordan- 12, 14-7, 33; Lebanon-30-2, 50,
ALN— See NATIONAL Liberation Alliance 78-9
(Brazil) Casualties— 10-1, 13-4, 29, 31-3, 39-
Al NIDA (Lebanese Communist newspaper) 41, 46, 69, 76, 78. Central Committee— See
29 PALESTINE National Council
ALON,Col.Yosef— 61 Israeli actions— 12, 14-8,69-73
ALONSO, Jose— 91 Organizational divisions 28-30, 81 —
ALPHA 66 (anti-Castro exile organization)— Soviet relations &
aid— 51, 77-8, 80
128-9 See also specific group individual or
ALPTEKIN, Cihan— 273 country involved: Al FATAH,' Al SAIQAH,
Al RUTBAH camp (Jordan)— 29-30 ARAB Liberation Front, ARAB Organiza-
Al (or as) SAIQAH (or Saiqa) (KATAEB al tion of Sinai, BLACK September, El
Nasr) (Contingents for Victory) (Arab com- ASIFA, PALESTINE Liberation Organiza-

mando group) 10, 16, 30, 34, 72 tion, POPULAR Democratic Front for the
ALSINA Bea, Andres Ernesto 87 — Liberation of Palestine, POPULAR Front
ALTAMIRANO, Carlos— 121 for the Liberation of Palestine-General
ALVAREZ, Col. Artigas Command
ALVAREZ Sanchez, Gen. Braulio— 131 ARABIAN-American Oil Co. Aramco)— 40
ALVES Coqueiro, Aderval — 18 1 ARAB Liberation Front (terrorist-commando
Al-YOM (Beirut newspaper) — 78 group) — 10, 46
AMAYA, Mario— 104 ARAB Nationalist Movement — 30
AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union (ACLU>- ARAB Nationalist Youth for the Liberation of
177-8, 191 Palestine (Arab commando group) — 67
AMERICAN Indian Movement (AIM)— 197 ARAB Organization of Sinai (commando
AMERICAN Insurance Co. (Lebanon)— 32 group)— 38
AMERICAN Popular Revolutionary Alliance ARAFAT, Yasir— 9, 17, 25-6, 28-37, 44, 48,
Party (APRA) (Peruvian terrorist group) 50,.63,65,70-l,77
151 ARAMBURU, Lt. Gen. Pedro Eugenio— 84-
AMMAN (Jordan)— 16, 32-3, 36-7, 44-5 6,95
AMOCO Argentina— 98 ARANA, Victor— 268
AMODIO Perez, Hector— 159, 162 ARANA Osorio, Col. Carlos— 136-8, 140-1,
AMSTERDAM (Netherlands)— 55 143
AMTORG Trading Corp. (U.S.>-266 ARANGUREN, Fernando— 148
ANARCHISTS— 270-1, 274. See also specific ARANZAZU Arruti, Maria— 268
country, e.g., SPAIN, TURKEY, WEST ARAUJOMagalhaes, Vera Silvia de— 118
Germany ARAYA,Capt. Arturo— 121
ANDERSEN, Enrique (Henry) Nyborg— 105 ARENAS Reyes, Jaime— 123
ANDERSON, Blair— 171 ARGENTINA— 87-8, 9 95 1,

ANDRADE Maciel, Jose Luis— 1 14 Anti-guerrilla action— 90, 98-101. Catholics—

ANDREOTTI, Giulio— 222 86,88
ANGELO,Otavio— 117 Peron's death— 101-4
ANGOLA— 244, 247, 250, 260 Terrorist activity— 82-94, 96-7, 99, 100-6. See
ANGOLAN National Liberation Front also specific group or individual involved,
(FLNA>-247 e.g., ARGENTINE Liberation Forces, AR-
ANGRY Brigade (British terrorist group) GENTINE National Organizated Move-
216-7 ment, MONTONEROS, PEOPLE'S Revo-
ANKARA (Turkey)— 271-3 lutionary Army, RED Faction, TROTS-
Anti-JAPANESE People's Army (Hukbo ng KYISTS
Bayan Laban sa Hapon) (Hukbalahaps) ARGENTINE Anticommunist Alliance
(Philippine group) — 251-2 (AAA)— 103-4
INDhX 287

ARGENTINE Liberation Forces (FAL) (ter- AUSTRAL Airlines— 89

rorist group) — 83, 86-8 AUSTRALIA— 282-3. Australian Security
ARGENTINE National Organized Movement Intelligence Organization (ASIO) — 277-8
(Movimiento Argentina Nacional Or- AUSTRIA: Austrian airlines — 26. Arab ter-
ganizado) (MANO) (terrorist group) 83 — rorists — 66, 68
ARGUEDAS, Antonio— 108 AWAD,Capt. Riad-71
ARIDA,Shaflkel— 63-4 AYERS, Bill— 183
ARIZA Gomez, Jesus — 125 AYNA, Omer— 273
ARKOUB Valley (Lebanon>-48 AYUN (Syria)— 30
ARLEDGE, Jimmy— 178 AZIMOV,Sarvar— 78
ARLETTE, Jesse— 156 AZPIAZU, Felix— 90
ARMED Liberation Commandos (Comandos
Armados de Liberacion) (Puerto Rican ter-
group) 200
rorist —
ARMED Popular Front (FAP) (Uruguayan
terrorist group) —
98, 162
ARMED Rebel Independence Movement
(Movimiento Independencia Rebelde Ar- BAADER, Andreas— 274-5
mada) (Puerto Rican terrorist group) 200 — BAADER-Meinhof group (Red Army
ARMED Revolutionary Action (ARA) (Af- Faction) (Rote Armee
Fraktion) (West
rican terrorist group)— 245-7 —
German terrorist group) 274-6. 'Petra
ARMED Revolutionary Independence Move- Schelm Command'— 275
ment (Movimiento Independentista Revolu- BAATH Party: Iraq— 34. Lebanon— 30
cionario Armado) (Puerto Rican terrorist BACHILLER Mountains (Venezuela)— 163-4
group) 200 — BACON, Leslie— 194-5
ARMSTRONG, Karleton Lewis— 189 BADRAN, Ibrahim— 54
ARMY of the Red Star (Japanese terrorist BAGHIR, Mohammed el— 60
group) 52-3 — BAHAMAS— 144
ARMY Reserve Officers Training Corps BAHGUNUA, H. M.— 56
(ROTC) (U.S.)— 190-1 BAHIA (Brazil)— 118
AROCA, Joaquin— 123 BAHIA Blanca (Argentina)— 86-7
ARRIAGA Arriola, Jose Luis — 141 BAKR, Ibrahim— 30,45
ARRIAGA Bosque, Col. Rafael— 137 BALAGUER, Joaquin— 130-5
ARRILLAGA, Atilio— 140 BALAN, Barbaro— 128
ARROYO, Juan Carlos— 86 BALDU, Alejandro— 84
ASAD (Jordan)— 16 BALFOUR Declaration—
ASHBROOK, Rep. John M. (R., O.)— 170 BANDA, Fackson— 248
ASHDOT Yaakov (Israel)— 13 BANGKOK (Thailand)— 58-9
ASHLEY, Karen— 183 BANK of America— 32, 190,223
ASLAN, Yusef— 273-4 BANK of Montreal (Canada)— 204
ASPIRAS, Jose— 253 BANNER, Gordon— 273
ASSAD, Hafez al— 65 BANZER Suarez, Col. Hugo— 1 10, 112
As SAIQA(H)— See Al SAIQAH BAQUEDANO, Gen. Alberto Green— 1 19
ASSASSINATIONS & Kidnappings— 5-6 BARAHONA (Dominican Republic)— 131
Arab commandos— 33-5, 44-5,47, 50-1, 61- BARALDO, Julio— 104
2. Argentina— 82-5, 96-106
87-94, BARATELLA, Mario— 96
Bolivia— 109 10, 113. Brazil— 113-9. Can- BARCELONA (Spain)— 270-1
ada- 203-8. Chile 121. Colombia- 125-6. Cy- BARCO, Isidora— 137
prus-210-1. Dominican Republic-131, 134. BARDAKCI, Ulas— 273
Ethiopia— 213. Guatemala— 136, 138-42. BARDESIO, Nelson— 159, 161
Guinea- 247. Haiti- 144-5. Iran 220-1. Italy- BARELI, Daniel— 18
223. Mexico- 146-51. Mozambique —
246, 248. BAR-Lev, Gen. Chaim— 14-5

Northern Ireland 237. Philippines 251-3. — BARNETTE, Horace Coyle— 178
Rhodesia-258. Spain— 268-9, 270-1. Turkey— BARNETTE, Horace D.— 179-80
271-3. U.S.— 172, 174, 192-3; Hearst abduc- BARNETTE, Travis Maryn— 179
tion— 196-200. Uruguay— 152-6, 159, 163. BARNHILL, Sen. John— 231
Venezuela— 165-6. Yugoslavia 276 — BARRENO, Francisco— 139
ASSIS Gomes, Jeovade 118 — BARRIENTOSOrtuno, Rene— 108-9
ASSOCIATED Press— 267 BARZICO, Brajkowic— 276
ASSOCIATION for Cultural & Friendly BARZICO, Miro— 276
Relations with the Chinese People's Re- BASQUE Nation & Freedom (ETA) (Euzkadi
public (Italian group) 221 — ta Askatasuna) (Spanish Basque group)
ASTUFILLOSuarez, Francisco 163 — 267
ATHENS (Greece)— 19, 24, 63-4, 219 BASQUES— 214, 267 71
ATRASH, Hassanal— 17 BATALLA, Hugo— 163
ATWOOD, Angela— 199 BATHIS, Hussainal— 59
1 5 — 1


BATLLE, Jorge— 161 BWE African National Union, ZIMBA-

BATTY, William B— 217 BWE African People's Union; see also
BAYDAR, Mehmet— 274 specific territories, e.g., ANGOLA,
BAYO, Gen. Alberto— 82 CONGO, Republic of, GUINEA-Bissau
BAY of Pigs (Cuba)— 128 (Portuguese Guinea), MOZAMBIQUE,
BEAM, Jacob D.— 264,266 RHODESIA, SOUTH Africa, ZAIRE, Re-
BEIHL, Eugen— 268-9 ZAMBIA.
public of,
BEILINSON, Aaron— 93-4 Moslems or Muslims— See ISLAM
BEIR Sahhour (Israel)— 43 U.S.— 4, 7, 191-2. See also
BEIRA (Mozambique)— 248 specific individual and group involved, e.g.,
BEIRUT (Lebanon)— 20, 32-3, 71-2 BLACK Liberation Army, BLACK Panther
BEISAN (Israel)— 21 Party
BEIT Haran( Israel)— 11 BLACK September (Arab terrorist-com-
BEIT Shean Valley (Israel)— 14 mando group)— 10, 47, 52-5, 58-9, 61, 63-5
BEIT Yossef (Israel)— 40 BLACK Teachers Caucus — 197
BELFAST (Northern Ireland)— 227-30, 233- BLANCO, Armando— 154
5, 237, 239-40, 242-3 BLANCO, Luis Carrero— 270
BELGIUM— 50, 52, 55, 270-1 BLANCO, Luis N.— 85
BELL, Sister Beverly— 193 BLIDA (Lebanon)— 47-8, 74
BELLEEK (Northern Ireland)— 230 'BLOODY Friday' -235
BELTRAN, Ricardo— 86 BLOOMQUIST, Lt. Col. Paul A— 275
BENAUD, Rev. Louis— 162 BOAS de Sarego, Ricardo Villas— 1 1

BENIGNO Balbuena, Carlos— 84 BOGHDADI, Gawad Khali— 47

BENITEZ, Jesus Dominguez — 128 BOISSET, Yves— 105
Ben-JAMIL, Maj. Gen. Nasser — 33 BOJORGES Gallardo, Leonel— 143
BenNATHAN, Asher— 24 BOLCHAKOV, Alexandre— 145
BENNETT Jr., W. Tapley— 28 BOLDT, Judge W.— 194
Ben-SHAKER, Maj. Gen. Zaid— 33 BOLENTINI, Nestor— 162-3
BEREMBAUM, Jorge— 156 BOLIVIA: Armed forces— 107. Terrorist
BERGMARK, Lars— 276 activity— 82, 106-13; Che Guevara— 106-9;
BERISSO, Rear Adm. Emilio R — 89-90 'Death Squad' 1 —
1. Soviet relations
1 111
BERLIN (Germany)— 69 BOLOGNA (Italy)— 224
BERMUDEZ Rodriguez, Gerald (Miseria>— BOLSHOI Theater— 264
119-20 BOMBING Incidents:
BERNARD, Jefferson— 191 Africa (Portuguese territories) 244-7. —
BERRIGAN, Rev. Daniel— 182, 192-3 Airlines —
267-8. Algeria-56. Anti-Soviet
BERRIGAN, Rev. Philip- 18 1-2, 192-3 action-264-7. Arab commandos 24, 42-4, —
BERRO Oribe, Guido— 156 46-7, 57, 62, 69. Argentina— 85-7, 90, 97,
BERRY, Lee(Mkuba>-169 101-3, 105
BERTOLI, Gianfranco— 223 —
Belgium 271
BETANCOURT, Carlos (Geronimo)— 165 Canada— 27, 203-4, 209. Chile— 2
1 1

BETANCOURT, Romulo— 164 —

Ethiopia 212-3
BEZERRA, Gregorio— 1 15 France — 214-6
BIDEGAIN, Gov. Oscar— 98 Great Britain— 216-9, 232
BIDEGAIN Greissing, Raul— 154 Haiti— 144-5
BIEBER,Chaim— 266 Italy— 221-5
BIELEFELD, Hans Heinz— 58 Japan 226—
BILBAO (Spain>-270 Mexico— 148, 151
BINSKY, Mark I— 267 Northern Ireland— 227-31, 233-43
BINT Jbail (Lebanon)— 48 Philippines —
25 1-2. Portugal— 245-7.
BIRD, Joan Victoria— 169 Puerto Rico— 200-1
B1RNS, Justice Harold— 195 South Africa — 262. Spain — 270-1.
BLACKBURN, Robert— 196 —
Sweden 274
BLACK Cultural Association (BCA) (Vaca- Turkey 271-4—
ville [Calif.]State Prison)— 197 U.S.S.R.— 264-7. U.S.— 128, 168-9,
BLACK Liberation Army (U.S.)— 176-7 181, 264-7; antiwar— 182, 185-6, 188-91,
BLACK Nationalists of New Libya (U.S.)— 193-5. Uruguay— 155, 162
175 West Germany — 275
BLACK Order (Italian terrorist group) — 223- BONGIOVANI, Eden Ronald— 90
5 BONHOMME, Arthur— 144
BLACK Panther Party (U.S.)— 7, 173-4, 191- BONN (West Germany)— 24, 58
2 BORDABERRY, Juan Maria-157-9, 161,
BLACKS: African struggle— 254-9; see also 163
specific individual or group involved, e.g., BORGESdaSilveira, Sr. Maurina— 116-7
PAN-Africanist Congress, SOUTH-West BORN, Jorge— 103
African People's Organization, ZIMBA- BORN, Juan— 103

BORNANCINI, Raul— 96 CABRAL, Luis— 250

BORRELL, Albert Germinal— 84 CABRERA Torres, Pedro— 164
BOSCH, Leon— 131-2, 134 CAETANO, Marcello— 244-6, 248-9
BOSCH, Dr. Olando— 128 CAICEDO, Alvaro— 125
BOTSWANA— 255, 257 CAIRO (Egypt)— 6, 9, 46-7, 56
BOTTINI, Federico— 166 CALABRESI, Luigi— 222
BOUCHIKI, Ahmed— 64 CALABRO, Victorio— 98
BOUDIA, Mohammed— 61 CALAMA (Chile)— 121
BOUDFN, Kathy— 185 CALDERA Rodriguez, Rafael— 164
BOURASSA, Robert— 205-6 CALDERON Lara, Efrain— 151
BOUSSIOTIS, Georgios— 220 CALIFORNIA— 167-8, 177-8, 190-1, 195
BOUTEFLIKA, Abdelaziz— 19, 281 CALLEGARI, PinucciaCellade— 92
BOUTROS, Fouad— 21 CALTEX Oil Co. (Philippines)— 251
BOWERS Jr., Sam Holloway— 178-80 CALZADA, Rev. Julian— 268
BRACHO Campos, Jose— 148 CAMARA, Archbishop Helder— 14 1

BRAJKOW1C, Andjelko— 276 CAMBON, Alfredo— 156

BRANDT, Willy— 139 CAMPORA, Hector J.— 91,93-5, 103
BRAVO, Douglas— 163-5 CANADA— 130, 208-9, 282-3. Terrorist
BRAY 3d, Charles W.— 55 activity— 55, 127-8,203-9; see also specific
BRAZIL— 4-6, 113-8,282 individual or group involved, e.g., FRONT
BRESCIA (Italy)— 224 de Liberation Populaire, FRONT de
BRETON Republican Army— 214 Liberation du Quebec
BREWER, Verlina— 171 CANADAN Grajales, Alberto— 158
BRIMICOMBE, Francis V.— 92 CANALES, Maximo— 165
BRIONES, Carlos— 121 CANEY Herrera, Julio— 140
BRIONES Moxtoto, First Lt. Antonio— 163- CAPE Town (South Africa)— 261-3
4 CAPRI VI Strip (Namibia)— 262
BRISKI, Norman— 103 CAPUANO, Carlos Raul— 85
BRITISH Airline Pilots' Association— 69 CAPUCCI, Archbishop Hilarion— 80
BRITISH-American Tobacco Co. (Argen- CARASZI, Richard— 271
tina)— 98 CARBONNEAU, Marc— 206-7
BRITISH European Airways — 26 CARDENAS Giraldo, Camilo— 125
BRITISH Overseas Airways Corp. — 26-7 CARILLO, Jose— 107
BROADCASTING— 267. See also specific CARMEL, Moshe— 20, 22
network CARMICHAEL, Mrs. Miriam Makeba— 169
BROWN, Henry— 176 CARMICHAEL, Stokely— 169
BROWN, Theodore— 217 CARNEGIE Hall (N.Y. City)-264
BROWNING, James— 172 CARNEIRO, Maria Augusta— 15 1

BRUSSELS (Belgium)— 24, 55 CARQUEZ, Freddy— 164-5

BUCHANAN, Thompson R.— 265 CARR, Robert— 217
BUCHER, Giovanni Enrico— 118 CARRERA, Antonio— 268
BUCK, Marilyn- 177 CARRICKMORE (Northern Ireland)— 227
BUDDENBERG, Mrs. Gerta— 275 CARSON, Joel— 262
BUDLENDER, Geoff— 263 CARTAGENA, Francisco— 131
BUENOS Aires (Argentina)— 55, 84-92, 97, CARTER, Ronald- 176
99, 101,103, 105 CARVALHO, Apolonio de— 18 1

BUENOS Aires University— 102 CARVALHOdeAraujo, Helio— 118

BULGARIA— 274 CARVALHO de Olivcira, Jose (Diogenes)—
BUNGE & Born Co. (Argentina)— 103 117
BURLINGHAM, Robert G.— 187 CASADO, Manfredo— 134
BURNS, Nathaniel (Nathaniel Williams, CASARIEGO, Most Rev. Mario— 136
Sekou Odinga) — 169 CASEY, Rev. Donald J.— 136
BURRAGE.OlenL.— 179 CASSON, John J. (Ali Hassan)— 169
BURSE, Nathaniel— 176 CASTANEDA Paiz, Olivero— 142
BUSCAYNO, Bernabe (Commander CASTELACCI, Carlos— 100
Dante)— 251 CASTELLANOS, Lt. Manuel Gil— 164
BUSCH, Oscar— 109 CASTILLO, Angel Luis— 129, 136
BUSH, George— 266-7 CASTILLO, Carmen— 122
BUSTAN (Lebanon)— 79 CASTILLO Armas, Col. Carlos— 136
BUTLER, Lloyd— 176 CASTREJON Diez, Dr. Jaime— 146
BYRD, Lawrence— 180 CASTRO, Fidel— 108, 110, 164-5
CASTRO, Gregorio Garcia— 134
CASTRO, Guillermo— 125
CASTRO, Sen. Rafael Casimiro— 130
CASTRO, Walter— 112-3
CABANAS, Lucio— 147, 149 CASTROFINI, Miguel— 100
CABRAL, Amilcar— 245, 247 CATALANS (Spain)— 270
— 4


CATENA, Rev. Osvaldo— 88 COLOMBO, Jose Domingo— 97

CATENACCI, Elvio— 222 COLORADO Party (Uruguay)— 157-8
CATHOLICS, Roman: Argentina— 86, 88. COLUMBIA Artists Management, Inc.
Bolivia—Ill. Brazil— 116, 1 18. Colombia— (N.Y.)— 264-5,267
123-4. France— 214. Mexico— 146-7. Nor- COMANDOS Armados de Liberacion
thern Ireland— 227-43. South Africa— 257. (Armed Liberation Commandos) (Puerto
Spain— 268, 270. U.S.— 126, 167; 181-2, Rico)— 200
192-3 COMMISSION for Justice & Peace in

'CATONSVILLE9'— 181-2 Rhodesia — 257

CAVELLINI, Donald— 191 COMMUNIST Party of the Philippines— 251
CAVELLINI, William— 191 COMMUNISTS & Communism: Argen-
CAWLEY, Donald F.— 177 tina— 82, 106. Cuba— 164.
France -215.
CAYAN, Mahir— 273 Guatemala— 139, 142. Iran— 220.
CAYOJA Riart, Col. Humberto— 1 12 non— 30. Philippines— 250-4. South
CENTRAL Intelligence Agency (CIA) Africa— 246-7, 260-1, 263. Spain— 267.
(U.S.)— 95, 100, 108, 128, 173-4,219 U.S.S.R.— 7. U.S. -7. Yugoslavia— 276-8.
CEVAHIR, Huseyin— 272 CO-NAGHAN, Roger (Rory)— 243
CHACO (Argentina)— 105 CONFEDERATION of Turkish Trade
CHACON Castillo, Fernando— 125 —
Unions 272
CHAMOUN, Camille— 50 CONGO (Kinashsa)— See ZAIRE
CHANDLER, Capt. Charles Rodney— 13-5 1 CONINE, Claudia— 195
CHANEY, James E.— 178, 180 CONLISK Jr., James B.— 172
CHANGUFU, Lewis— 246 CONROY, Justice Joseph M.— 175
CHARLES Philip Arthur George (Prince of CONSENZA Galvez, Francisco— 141
Wales)— 216 CONTESTI, Ruben— 92
CHASE, Spec. 4 Thomas M.— 195 COOK, Jules— 183
CHESIMARD, Joanne D— 177 COOKS, Jessie— 177
CHIAPAS (Mexico)— 146 COONEY, Patrick— 236
CHICHESTER-Clark, James— 228-9 CORDOBA (Argentina)— 85,87,89 -90, 92, 96
CHIKEREMA, James— 255-6 CORDOBA, Victor— 109
CHILDENDE, Matteus— 246-7 COREMO (Mozambique Revolutionary
CHILE— 82,89, 110, 1 15, 1 18 22 Council)— 246
CHINA, Peoples' Republic of (Communist) CORIA, Rogelio— 99
6, 260, 270 CORNELL University (Ithaca, N.Y.)— 195
CHIQUIMULA (Guatemala)— 140 CORNING 3d, Erastus— 265
CHIRINOS, Julio— 164 CORONADO, Benigno— 109
CHISSANO, Joaquim— 250 CORRIENTES (Argentina)—90
CHIWESHE Tribal Trust Land (Rhodesia)- CORSICA— 216
259 CORSICAN Peasant Front for Liberation
CHOHELO, Jose— 105 (FPCL)— 215-6
CHOQUETTE, Jerome— 205, 207-8 CORTEZ, Ramiro— 127
CHRISTENSEN, Ward L— 145 COSSETTE-Trudel, Jacques— 207
CHRISTIAN, George— 264 COSSETTE-Trudel, Louise— 207
CHRISTIAN Democrat Party (Chile) — 119- COSTA, Jose Raimundo da— 18 1

20 COSTEN, James F.— 177

CHRISTIAN Phalangist Party (Lebanon)— COTTON, Donald J.— 182
312 CRAIG, William-236, 242
CHRISTIANS for Socialism (Chile)— 122 CROATIAN Revolutionary Brotherhood (Yu-
CHUBUT (Argentina)— 89 goslavia) —
CIFUENTES Diaz, Dr. Carlos— 136 CUBA— 6, 89, 107, 127-30, 163-6, 245, 279,
CINQUE, Field Marshal— See DeFREEZE, 282
Donald D. CRUZ Martinez, Rogelia— 136
CLA (Cyprus Liberation Army) — 211-2 CRUSADER, The (magazine)—
CLARK, Michael— 176 CROWLEY, Lt. Col. Donald J.— 131
CLEAVER, Eldridge— 167-70 CROWE, Sir Colin— 281
CLEVELAND, O.— 175 CROTTA, Remo— 105
CLONARD Women's Action Committee CROSS, James Richard— 204-7
(Northern Ireland)— 230-1 CUBAN Liberation Front— 129
COCA-Cola (Mexico)— 150 CUBAN Nationalist Association— 127
COCA-Cola (Argentina)— 93, 96 CUELLO, Maj. Edmundo— 131
COCHABAMBA (Bolivia)— 1 12 CUENCA Diaz, Gen. Hermenegildo— 149
CODA, Rear Adm. Carlos— 93 CULMANN, Herbert— 54
COHEN, Baruch— 59 CUNHA Vasconcelos, Archbishop Felicio
COHEN, Stewart— 266 Cesar da— 1 16
COLLIER, Roberts.— 169 CUNNINGHAM Rev. William C— 182, 192
COLOMBIA— 122-7, 130 CUTTER, Curtis C— 117

CYPRUS: Terrorist activity— 209-12; Arabs De MAU Mau (U.S. black militant group)
—59, 62, 68. See also GREECE
and also 176
specific individual or group involved, e.g., DEMIR, Bahadir— 274
CYPRUS Liberation Army, EOKA B DEMMERLE, George— 185
CYPRUS Liberation Amry (CLA)— 21 1-2 DEMOCRATIC National Convention
CZECHOSLOVAKIA— 231, 282 (U.S.)— 184
DEMOCRATIC Party (U.S.)-170, 184
DERA (Jordan)— 46
DERRY (Londonderry) (Northern Ireland)—
229, 232-4, 238, 243
DESKIC, Vejsil— 278
DABLAN, Taher— 16 De SPINOLA, Gen. Antonio— 248-50
DaCRUZ, Anthony R— 92 De SUCRE, Antonio Jose — 165
DADAGLIO, Msgr. Luigi— 270 DETROIT (Mich.)— 175, 182
DAHBOUR, Ammah Ahmed— 22 De VALERA, Eamon— 237
DAHIRA (Lebanon)— 74 DEV-Genc— See TURKISH Revolutionary
DAHMER Sr., Vernon F.— 180 Youth Federation
DAILY World (U.S. Communist news- DEVLIN, Bernadette-227
paper) — DIAKONOV, Dimitri— 145
DAKAL (Jordan)— 12 DIAS Gomide, Aloysio Mares 153-5 —
DALEY, Richard J.— 172 DIAS Gomide, Maria Aparecida 155 —
DALY. Patrick— 230 DIAZ, Maj. Antonio Sanchez (Marcos) — 108
DAM ASCUS (Syria)-23 DIAZ, Gloria Piedrita— 123
DANTE, Commander (Bernabe Buscayno) DIAZ Limontes, Hector— 128
251 DIAZ —
Morejon, Jose 128
DAO, Dr. Enrique— 165 DIAZ Pinares, Maj. Antonio Sanchez 109
DAOUD, Abu— 60-1,65,73 DIAZ Rodriguez, Ernesto —
DAOUD, Brig. Mohammed-35-6 DIMAILIG, Marlito— 253
Da PALMA Inacio, Herminio — 245 DIOKNO, Sen. Jose W.— 252
D'AQUILA, Hugo Norberto— 88 DIPLOCK, Lord— 237
DARAJLChafical— 29 DISTEL Jr., Alexander J.— 181
DAR es Salaam (Mozambique)— 244 DOAR, John— 180
DARROW, Clarence— 182 DOBRYNIN, Anatoly F— 264-5
DARST, David- 182 DOHERTY, Anthony (Dutch)— 234
Da SILVA Cunha, Joaquim Moreira-244 DOHRN, Bernardine— 183-4, 186-7, 190, 192
Da SILVA Rocha, Joao Leonardo — 115 DOMINGUEZ Chavez, Carlos— 165
DAVID, Luis A.— 100 DOMINICAN People's Movement (MPD)
DAVIDON, William— 193 (Movimiento Popular Dominicano) — 130-2
DAVIES, John— 217 DOMINICAN Republic— 83, 130-5
DAVIS, Angela— 174 DOMINICAN Revolutionary Party (PRD)
DAYAN, Moshe— 29, 43, 49, 52, 73-4 (Partido Revolucionario Dominicano)
'DEATH Angels'— 177 130-1,133
DEATH Bolivia— 111. Colombia
Squads: DONGHI, Dianne Marie— 187
123. Dominican Republic 132. Guate-— DORCE, Joseph Antoine— 144
mala — 143 DORRONSORO, Juana— 268
DeBOXTEL, Henry Edward— 180 DORTZBACH, Deborah— 213
DEBRAY, Jules Regis— 83, 107-8, 113 DosSANTOS, Marcelino— 244-5
De BRUM Carbajal, Santiago— 156 DOUMIDI, Issam— 24
DeCAROLIS, Michael A.— 128 DOWBOR, Ladislas—
De COSTA Gomes, Gen. Francisco — 248-9 DOYLE, Timothy— 191
De DIOS Aguilar, Col. Juan— 143 DOYLE, Mrs. Timothy— 191
DeFREEZE, Donald D. (Field Marshal DRAKE UNIVERSITY (Des Moines, la.)—
Cinque)— 197-9 190
DEGANYA 'A' (Israel)— 16 DRAPER, Morris— 34
De GRAMONT, Sanche— DRI, Ruben— 86
DEIR el Ashayer (Lebanon)— 50 DRUMM, Marie— 237
DelaRUA, Fernando— 91 DUBE, John— 263
Del CAMPO, Alberto Cia— 153 DUBLIN (Ireland)— 234, 242-3
Del CANTO, Herman— 19-20 1 DUCROS, Jacques— 208
Del CID Garcia, Mario Leonel — 138 DUQUE Perez, Jairo— 125
DELEGA, Oscar— 158 DURBAN (South Africa)— 262
DELERONI, Antonio J.— 197 DUVALIER, Francois— 144
DELERONI, Nelida Arana de— 97 DUVALIER, Jean-Claude- 145
Del MUNDO, Faustino (Commander Sumu- DUVERGE Mejia, Luis Alfredo— 131
long)— 251 DYLAN, Bob— 183
— —


EQUIHUA, Rafael— 147

ERIM,Nihat— 272
ERITREAN Liberation Front (ELF>-212-3
EAGLES of the Palestinian Revolution (Arab ERKAN,Sibel— 272
commando group)— 66 ERP— See PEOPLE'S Revolutionary Army
EAST Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives (Argentina)
(U.S.)— 192-3 ERTEKIN, Mete— 271
EAST Germany (German Democratic Re- ESCALONA, Julio- 165-6
public) — 656, ESCARTIN, Ricardo— 207
EAST London (South Africa) — 262 ESHKOL, Levi— 12, 20
EASTMAN Kodak Co.— 92 ESPINO, Gen. Romeo— 253
EBAN, Abba— 22, 28, 55, 57 ESSO Argentina S.A.— 99
ECHAVE, Rev. Juan— 268 ESSOOilCo.— 251
ECHEVERRIA, Maria Teresa— 125 ESTUARDO Lorenzana, Raul— 136
ECHEVERRIA Alvarez, Louis— 146, 148-9, ETA— See BASQUE Nation & Freedom
166 (Spain)
ECONOMIST (British magazine}— 68 ETHIOPIA— 212-3,261
EDDE, Raymond— 50 ETT Taibe (Lebanon)— 74
EGAN, Bowes— 227 EUZKADI ta Askatasuna— See BASQUE
EGAN, Sister Joques — 193 Nation &
Freedom (Spain)
EGYPT: Aircraft hijackings— See under 'A.' EVANS, Ahmed (Fred)— 175-6
Arab states — 46. Terrorist activity — 11, 13, EVANS, Linda Sue— 187
29, 46-7, 56, 260 EVERS, Charles— 180
EGYPTIAN National Front— 47 EYAL, Yigal— 64
EID, Guy— 59
EINKhanzir (Jordan)— 38
EINYahav (Jordan)— 15
EISAWLSelimal— 23-4
EJERCITO de Liberacion Nacional See NA- —
TIONAL Liberation Army (Bolivian, FABBRI Garrido, Edda— 160
Colombian or Peruvian) FABIANI, Angel— 92
EJERCITO Revolucionario Popular (or del FADDA Cori, Claudio— 120
Pueblo) See — PEOPLE'S Revolutionary FAL — See ARGENTINE Liberation Forces
Army (Argentina) FALANGE (Spain)— 269
EKEN, Gen. Kemalettin— 273 FALCON, Lara— 165
El AL (Israeli airline)— 19-20, 22, 24 FALN— See NATIONAL Liberation Armed
El ASIFA (Arab terrorist-commando group) Forces (Venezuela)
—42 FALUGUE, Eduardo— 90
ELAZAR, Lt. Gen. David— 48, 52, 69, 71, 73 FAP— See ARMED Popular Front (Uruguay)
ELBRICK, C. Burke— 14-5, 1 171 FAR— See REBEL Armed Forces (Guate-
ELF— See ERITREAN Liberation Front mala), REVOLUTIONARY Armed Forces
El HAMMA (Syria)— 14 (Argentina)
(Bolivian, Colombian or Peruvian) Forces of Colombia
ELROD, Richard J.— 176 FARINA, Homero— 159
ELROM, Ephraim— 271, 273
ELS— See SOUTHERN Liberation Army
FARRA, Muhammad H. el —
FARRAR-Hockley, Maj. Gen. Anthony— 228

(Mexico) FARSIOU, Gen. Ziaddin— 220

El SHUNA (Jordan)— 16 FASCISTS (Italy)— 222-4. See also
El YAREY (Amancio Mosqueda Fernandez) ITALIAN Social Movement-National
— 129 Right Wing and NATIONAL Vanguard
EMMANUELE II, King Vittorio— 221 FASSNACHT, Dr. Robert- 189
ENBATA (French Basque separatist group) FATHERLAND & Liberty Party (Chile)
215 6 1 19-20
ENCYCLOPAEDIA of the Social Sciences— FAULKNER, Brian— 228-30, 232-3
2 FAVIO, Leonardo— 95
ENGLER, Henry Willy— 154, 162 FEDAYEEN— See ARAB Terrorist-Com-
ENRILE, Juan Ponce— 252 mando Forces
ENRIQUEZ, Miguel— 122 FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
ENSSLIN,Gudrun— 275 (U.S.)— 61, 128, 170, 174, 179, 181, 183, 185,
EOKA B (Greek National Organization for 189, 191-2, 195, 198-9

Cyprus Struggle) (Greek Cypriot terrorist FELL, Father Patrick— 239
group)— 209 II FELTRINELLI, Giangiacomo— 223
EPL— See PEOPLE'S Liberation Army FERGUSON, Herman B.— 174-5
(Colombia) FERMANAGH (Northern Ireland)— 229
EPPS, Lonni- 169 FERNANDEZ, Carlos— 127

FERNANDEZ Gasco, Gonzalo— 151 FREELAND, John R.— 281

FERNANDEZ Huidoboro, Eluterio— 161 FREJULI— See JUSTICIALISTA Liberation
FERRARI, Jorge H— 106 Front Party (Argentina)
FERREIRA, Joaquim Camara— 1 18 Front
FERREIRA Aldunate, Sen. Wilson— 157-9, FRENCH Canadians— 203-9
161 FRENTE Argentino de Liberacion (Argentine
FERRER Almeida, Washington— 161 —
Liberation Forces) 83, 86-8
FERRON, Dr. Jacques— 208 FRENTE de Liberacion Nacional (National
FIANNA Fail (Irish political party)— 234 Liberation Front) (FLN) (Venezuelan ter-
FIAT Corp.— 87, 105 rorist group) —
163, 165
FIGUEROA, Sen. Ruben— 149-50 FRENTE Urbano Zapatista (Zapata Urban
FILIPONE Barbeito, Roberto— 160 Front (FUZ) (Mexican terrorist group)—
FINCH, James— 180 145-7
FINE, David Sylvan— 189 FREY, John— 168
FINE, Robert E.— 267 FRICK Davie, Carlos— 160
FINE Gail (Irish political party)— 236 FRONDIZI, Arturo— 103
FINLEY, Sgt. Jimmy Ray— 271 FRONDIZI, Silvio— 103
FIRAS, Abu— 80 FRONT de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ)
FIRESTONE Tire & Rubber Co.— 96 (French-Canadian terrorist group) 203-7 —
FIRMENICH, Mario— 101-2 FRONT de Liberation Populaire (French-Ca-
FIRST National Bank of Boston— 92 nadian terrorist group) 203 —
FLB— See LIBERATION Front of Brittany FRONT for the of Zimbabwe
FLEURY, Carlos Eduardo— 18 1 (FROLIZI) (Zambian group)— 256
FLIEGELMAN, Ronald D— 187 FRUIT, Wallace E.— 181
FLNA-See ANGOLAN National Liberation FUENTES Mohr, Alberto— 138-9
Front FUERZAS Armadas de Liberacion (Ar-
FLORENCIO, Jose— 132 gentine Liberation Forces) (FAL) 83, 86-8 —
FLORES Rodriguez, Augusto— 142 FUERZAS Armadas de Liberacion Nacional
FLQ— See FRONT de Liberation du Quebec (National Liberation Front) (FLN) (Vene-
FLY, Claude— 154-5 zuelan terrorist group) —
163, 165
FLY, John— 155 FUERZAS Armadas Rebeldes (Rebel Armed
FLY, Miriam— 155 Forces) (FAR) (Guatemalan terrorist
FOERSTER, Werner— 177 group)— 135-9
FORD, Maj. Gen. Robert— 229 FUERZAS Armadas Revolucionarias (Revo-
FORD Motor Co.— 93 4 lutionary ArmedForces) (FAR) (Argentine
FOREST, James H.— 182 terrorist group)— 83, 86, 88-91, 97
FORESTER, Sgt. Maj. John F.— 135 FUERZAS Revolucionarias Armadas del
FORMAN, Patricia— 183 Pueblo— See PEOPLE'S Revolutionary
FORSBERG.Ola— 282 Armed Forces
FOSTER, Gregory P.— 176 FURUYA, Yutaka— 226-7
FOSTER, Marcus A.— 196 FUZ (Zapata Urban Front) (Mexican terrorist
FRACCTON Roja— See RED Faction (Argen- group)— 145-7
FRAIMAN, Justice Arnold G.— 176
FRANCE— 38, 50, 282-3. Terrorist activity—
55, 57, 61-2, 65, 68-9, 213-6, 226-7, 268-71.
See also specific individual or group in-
volved, e.g., BASQUES, BRETON Re- GAC, Pablo— 122
publican Army, CORSICAN Peasant Front GAITINI, Dr. Luis Alejandro— 88
for Liberation, ENBATA, LIBERATION GALGARDOZanconato, Mario— 115
Front of Brittany, NEW
Order, OC- GALL, Norman — 135
Front Group GAMA e Silva, Luis Antonio— 1 16
FRANCO, Generalissimo Franciso 268 — GARCIA, Arthur— 251
FRANGHIAS, Andreas— 220 GARCIA, Francisco— 134
FRANGI, Abdullah Hassan Yums— 58 GARCIA, Manuel R. — 101
FRANJIEH, Suleiman— 72 GARCIA, Nestor— 86
FRANKFURT (West Germany)— 275-6 GARCIA, Sen. Victor— 120
FRAP-See PEOPLE'S Revolutionary GARCIA Capurro, Federico— 157
Armed Forces (Mexico) GARCIA Vilasmil, Martin— 164
FRATERNAL Order of Police (FOP)— 191 GARFINKLE, Eileen— 266
FRAY Bentos (Uruguay)— 156 GARRETT, John Aykik— 176
FREDA, Franco— 222 GARRY, Charles R.— 172
FREDES, Pablo M.— 97 GAZA Strip: City— 18-9. Terrorist activity-
FREE Greeks (terrorist group)— 219 11,29,42-3,50,73-4
1 — 7 — 1


GEBHARDT, Hans— 96 GREECE: Terrorist activity— 218-20; Arabs—

GEDEN, Spec. 4 Stephen G.— 195 19-20, 24, 63-4, 68. See also specific indi-
GEMAYEL, Pierre— 30 vidual or group involved, e.g., CYPRUS,
GENERAL Motors Corp. —94 FREE Greeks, LAOS Number 13, LAOS
GENERAL Telephone & Electronics Corp.— Number One, MOVEMENT of National
185 Resistance, PANHELLENIC Liberation
GENEVA (Switzerland)— 267 Movement, POPULAR Revolutionary Re-
GENNADIOS, Bishop— 21 sistance
GENSCHER, Hans-Dietrich— 58, 275 GREEN, Larry C— 177
GEOFFROY, Pierre-Paul— 204 GREEN Berets— 144
GERMAN Democratic Republic (East GREENE, Harry 136 L—
Germany) —65 6, GREENLEE, Sam— 196
GERMANY, Federal Republic of (West GREENWOOD, Ivor— 277
Germany>-1 1,25-9, 51-5, 58, 68-9, 270-1, GREGORY, Dick— 168
274-6, 282 GRIMBERG, Enrique— 97
GESHER(Israel>-13,41 GRIVAS, Gen. George Theodorus— 209-1
GEYER, Georgie Anne— 135 GROMYKO, Andrei A.— 265, 280
GEZMIS, Deniz— 274 GROVE, Ronald— 90
GHANA— 260 GUADALAJARA (Mexico)— 148, 150-1
GHOLSON, James M.— 271 GUATEMALA: City— 136, 143. Terrorist
GHOR Canal (Jordan)—40-1 activities — 135-43
GHOUSSEIN, Talat al— 27 GUATEMALAN Labor Party (PGT)— 142
GIBSON Barbosa, Mario— 154 GUBOW, Judae Lawrence— 181
GILBERT, Jean-Paul— 203 GUERRA Theilheimer, Edmundo— 143
GILES, William Travis— 180 GUERRERO (Mexico)— 146-7, 149-50
GILHOOLEY, John— 171 GUESALAGA, Enrique— 268
GILLIAGABRE, Judge Hadgoug— 213 GUEVARA, Ernesto (Che)— 3, 82, 127, 153
GILZER.Simha— 59 GUEVARA, Nacha— 103
GIMENO, Maj. Jaime— 104 GUEVARA Commando Unit of PFLP, Che—
GINDI, EzraS.— 267 23
GIOVANELLI,Luis— 93 GUIMARES de Brito, Juarez— 1 18
GIRON Calvillo, Jose Vicente— 138 GUINEA-Bissau (Portuguese Guinea) — 244-
GIZIKIS, Phaidon— 64 5, 247, 249-50
GLADNIKOFF, Ethel Marianne— 65 GUIPUZCOA Province (Spain)— 268
GLASGOW (Scotland)— 56 GUJIMORI, Yoshitama— 18 1

GLENN, Ebb— 176 GUR, Lt. Gen. Mordechai— 75

GLICK, John Theodore— 193 GUTIERREZ, Alberto— 153
GLIDE Memorial Church (San Francisco) GUTIERREZ, Paulino— 128
198 GUTIERREZ Ruiz, Hector— 159, 163
GOLAN Heights— 3-4, 40- 49, 69
1 1 , GUTIERREZ Ulla, Jorge Luiz— 128
GOLCONDA Group (radical priest group) GUZMAN, Gen. Gustavo Leigh— 121
(Colombia) — 123
GOLD, Theodore— 185
GOLDBERG, Justice Arthur J.— 14, 173
GOMEZ, Marcos— 165
GOMEZ, Maximiliano— 131-2
GOMEZ Leon, Jose Angel— 123 HABBASH, Dr. George— 6, 24, 28, 34, 73, 80
GONZALEZ, Andrew-128 HABER. Al— 182
GOODMAN, Andrew— 178, 180 HACETTEPE Medical University (Turkey)—
GORDON, Fred— 183 273
GOROSTIDI, Joaquim— 268 HADASSAH— 55
GORRIARAN, Enrique— 99 HADDAD, Dr. Wadi— 27
GOULD, Charles— 198 HADIDI, Mohammed— 25
GOULDING, Cathal— 241 HAEGGLOEF, Kjell R— 124
GOULET, Yann— 214 HAFEZ, Amin— 71-2
GOUS.J.P.— 261 HAGUE, The (Netherlands)— 24
GRAAF-Reinet (South Africa)— 261 HAIFA (Israel)—43
GRAF, Robert E.-182 HAILE Selassie, Emperor— 212
187 HAITI— 83, 143-5
GRAY, Judae William P.— 172 HAJA, Mohammed Abu el 22
GREAT Britain— 18, 50, 237, 281, 283. Armed HAKKAOUI, Abdelkhirel 217 —
forces— 227-36, 239. Terrorist activity 24, — HALEY, Judge Harold J.— 174
27-9, 55-6, 68-9, 216-8, 227, 229, 232-3, HALL, CamillaC— 199
255. See also specific individual, group or HALL.Gus—
area involved, e.g., IRELAND, IRISH Re- HALTA (Lebanon)— 41
publican Army, NORTHERN Ireland HAMBURG (West Germany)— 275

HAMID, Hamid Feraeg— 213 HUKBALAHAPS (Huks) (HUKBO ng

HAMILTON, John E. T.— 258 Bayan Laban sa Hapon) (Philippine
HAMMER & Sickle Collective (Spanish ter- group)— 251-2
rorist group)— 269 HUROK, Sol— 264, 267
HAMPTON, Fred— 171 HUROK Enterprises, Sol -267
HANAFI, Mohammed el 25
HANNAY, William A.— 1-2
— HUMAN Rights League-
HURE, Francis— 75

HANRAHAN, Edward V.— 171-2 HURTARTE, Rudy— 141

HARDING, Mary Elizabeth— 1 1 HURWITCH, Robert— 135
'HARLEM Five'— 176 HUSSEIN, King (Jordan)— 12-3, 16-7, 33-7,
HARRINGTON, John H— 191 45-6,61,73
HARRIS, Arthur— 174-5 HUTCHINGS, Phil— 175-6
HARRIS, Brenda— 171 HUTCHINSON, Martha Crenshaw— 1-2
HARRIS, James Thomas— 179 HUTCHISON, Barbara— 134
HARRIS, William T .— 199 200 HYUK, Chung Nae— 225
HARRIS Survey (U.S.)— 170
HARVARD University (Cambridge, Mass.)
HASBEYA (Lebanon)— 30, 49
HASBUN, Abel— 132
HASHIMOTE, Tomisaburo— 225 IBARZABAL, Lt. Col. Jorge— 98
HASSAN, Abdel Mohsen— 22 IBERIA Air Lines— 267-8
HAVANA (Cuba)— IBERIAN Liberation Movement (Spanish ter-
HAWATMEH, Nayef— 75, 81 rorist group) —
HAWKINS, Lt. Col. Lewis L.— 221 IBRAHIM, Ahmed Mohammed— 213
HAYDEN,Tom— 182 IBRAHIM, Jose— 115
HAYES, Charles— 105 IKONICOFF, Ignacio— 87
HAYWOOD, Bobby D— 180-1 IKUDEIRA, Rakeshi— 52
HEANES, Herbert— 168 ILLINOIS— 127, 171, 175-6, 184-5
HEARST, Patricia— 196-200 IMAZ, Francisco 84 —
HEARST, Randolph A.— 197-8 INAN, Huseyin— 274
HEARST, William Randolph— 196 INDIA— 56
HEATHROW Airport (England)— 217-8 INDIANS— 153,263
HEAVNER, Pvt. Larry J.— 271 INDOCHINA— 167-8
HEBREW University (Jerusalem)— 18 INIGUEZ, Miguel Antonio— 97
HEBRON (Israeli-occupied West Bank)— 11 INTERCOLLEGIATE Socialist Society
HEIDELBERG (West Germany>-275 (ISS) — 182
HELOU, Charles— 21 INTERNATIONAL Air Transport Associa-
HERNANDEZ Catano, Luis Carlos- 123 tion— 282
HERNDON, Frank J.— 179 INTERNATIONAL Anti-Terror Organiza-
HERRERA Calderon, Gen. Alvaro- 125 tion — 57
HERRON, Thomas— 238-9 INTERNATIONAL Business Machines
HERZOG,Chaim— 70 (IBM)— 185, 223
HEYWOOD, David— 98 INTERNATIONAL Civil Aviation Organiza-
HIGGINBOTHAM, Rev. John— 182 tion (ICAO)— 282-3
HILLEL, Shlomo— 43 INTERNATIONAL Commission of Jurists—
HILLIARD, David— 169, 172 141
HILTON, Fred— 177 INTERNATIONAL Federation of Air Line
HINDAWI, Maj. Rafeh— 60 Pilots' Associations (IFALPA)— 23, 282

HIRRI, Bashirel 18
HIRSCHFELD Almada, Julio— 146
Lawyer (journal)—
Red Cross— 19, 27-8, 52
HOGAN, FrankS.— 168 INTERNATIONAL Revolutionary Action
HOGAN, John— 182 Group (GARI) (Spanish terrorist group)—
HOLDER, William R— 173 271
HOLLY, Sean M.— 138 INTERNATIONAL Telephone & Telegraph
HONECKER, Erich— 65 Corp. (ITT>— 90, 224
HONEYWELL, Inc.— 223 IOANNIDES, Brig. Gen. Demetrios— 211
HOOVER, J. Edgar— 170, 183, 191-2 IORDANIDES, Lt. Gen. George— 218
HOPPE, William— 139 IRA— See IRISH Republican Army
HORVAT, Djuro— 278 IRAN: Terrorist activity— 220. See also
HOSEY, John W.— 263 specific individual or group involved, e.g.,
HOWARD Johnson Hotel (Puerto Rico>~ 200 NATIONAL Liberation Movement, PE-
HOWMAN, Jack— 256-7 KING Revolutionary Organization of the
HUARTE, Felipe— 269 Tudeh Party, TUDEH Party
HUGHEY 3d, John D.— 185 IRAQ— 16, 29-30, 46, 259, 281


IRARRAZABAL, Deacon Mario— 122 JAPANESE Red Army— See UNITED Red
IRASUEGUI, Gregorio Lopez-268 Army
IRBID (Jordan)— 6, 14,45 JAWARI, Khalid Danham al— 61
IRELAND, Republic of (Eire)— 227, 236-7. JENIN (Israel)— 11
See also NORTHERN Ireland JENKINSON, Noel— 233
IRIBARREN,Col. Hector A.— 91-2 JERASH (Jordan)— 46
IRISH Republican Army (IRA) (terrorist JERICHO (Israeli-occupied West Bank)— 15,

group) 216, 227-43. Army raids— 231. 39-40
'Officials'— 227 231-2; 'Provisionals'— 227, JERUSALEM— 10-1, 17-8, 43, 55
231,235-41,243 JEWISH Defense League (JDL)— 56-7, 264-7
ISABELA Province (Philippines)— 252 JIBRIL, Ahmed— 77-8
ISHIDA,Capt.Shinji— 225 JIHAD, Abu— 80
ISLAM— 64, Ethiopia— 212-3; see also ERI- JIMINEZ Castillo, Harry— 133
TREAN Liberation Front. Iran— 220. JOHNSON, Deborah— 171
Philippines— 250-1, 253-4. U.S.— 177 JOHNSON, Lyndon B.— 108
ISRAEL: JOHNSON, U. Alexis— 265
Arab demonstrations 18-9 — JOHNSON, Walter— 169
Arab terrorism— 19-21, 38, 40-4, 47-9, JOHNSTONE, Ivan— 259
51, 55, 74-8, 80-1; 271-2; embassy JONES, Jeff— 183
seizures— 58-9; Olympic attack— 53 5; JONES, Michael Gordon— 153
rocket attacks — 44. Armed forces military JORDAN, Hashemite Kingdom of: Arab com-
action — 73; Arab commando bases —9-16, mandos— 10, 12 7, 27 9, 32-8, 44-7, 55, 60-
38-41, 47-50, 77, 79-81; casualties— 12-5, 1, 73. Armed Forces— 12-4, 32-9, 45-6. Ci-
19, 29, 48, 69, 78; Jordan— 11-6; Lebanon vilian casualties — 14, 38-9, 45. Ghor
raids— 20, 41, 47-50, 69-71, 76-77, 79-80; —
Canal 40-1. Israeli raids & border
Syria— 49, 70; UN censure— 48, 50. Civilian clashes— 11-6, 38 41
casualties— 12-4, 17-8, 25, 29, 40-4, 53, 75, JORDAN, James E.— 179
78. Counterterrorist group 56-7, 64-5.— JORDAN River— 10, 13-4, 39

Government views & actions 12-5, 20, 29, JOSEPH, Eddie— (Jamal Baltimore)— 169
49,56-7,64,69-71,75-6 JOURNAL of Conflict Resolution, The
Jewish —
emigrants 66. Jewish mili- (journal) —
tants— 267. June 1967 War— 29. JOYNER, Capt. Edwin— 194
ISRAELI Bank of Uruguay— 162 JUAN Jose Valle-Montoneros Command (Ar-
ISHIKAWA, Ryoko— 68 gentine terrorist group) — 84
ITA, Abed Salah— 74 JUAREZ Villatoro, Abel— 142
ITALIAN Social Movement (MSI) (neo- JULIO, Julian— 97
Fascist group) — 222, 224 JUNE 1967 War— 29
ITALO-Argentine Electri Co. — 93 JUSTICIALISTA Liberation Front Party
ITALY: Terrorist activities— 6, 55, 221-5, 270; (FREJULI) (Argentina)— 90-1, 98

Arabs 19, 58, 65, 66-8. See also specific in-
dividual or group involved, e.g., BLACK
Order, ITALIAN Social Movement,
Vanguard, OCTOBER 22
ITUZAINO (Argentina)— 83
IVANOFF, Maria Liliana— 100
IZCO, Francisco — 268 KACOWICZ, Naum— 92
KADDOURAH,Tallal Khaled— 63-4
KAFRA (Lebanon)— 48
KAHANE, Rabbi Meir— 56-7, 264-7
KAIRE, Victor— 142
KALLANI, Rasoulall— 33
KANAFANI, Ghassan— 50-1
JABALIYA (Gaza Strip>—42 KANAYAMA, Masahide— 225
JACKSON, Garland— 176 KAPLUN, Adolfo— 90
JACKSON, Geoffrey— 155-6 KARABETIAN, Elie-24
JACKSON, Jonathan— 174 KARAMEH camp (Jordan)— 12-3
JAFFE, Naomi E.— 187 KARAMI, Rashid— 30
JAMAICA— 279 KARAYORGAS, Dionysios— 218
JANICKE, Rev. Alfred L.— 182 KATAEB al Nasr— See Al SAIQAH
JAN Sangh Party (India)— 56 KATZ, Mrs. Beth— 191
JANSEN, Guillermo John— 84 KATZENBACH, Nicholas deB.— 174
JAPAN— 6, 62-3, 68, 225-7, 281-3. See also KATZIR-KATCHALSKY, Dr. Aharon— 53
specific individual or group involved, e.g., KAUFMAN. Ronald -195
UNITED Red Army KAUNDA, Kenneth D.— 257
JAPANESE Air Lines— 62 3, 225 KAVANDAME, Lazaro— 244
INDhX 297

KAY ED, Abu Youssef cl— 70

KEESEE, Bobby Joe— 149
KEEVY, Gen. John— 255
KEITH, Judge Damon J.— 187 LABADIE, Robert— 130
KENNEDY 3d, Joseph P.— 51 La BANDA (the Band) (Dominican Republic
KENNEDY International Airport (N.Y.)— 61 group) — 132-3
KENNEDY Library, John F. (Lebanon)— 32 LABROCA Ravellino, Maria Teresa— 156
KENZI Konuma— 63 LAGUZZI, Rector Raul— 102-3
KFARGiladi (Israel)—41 LAIN, Rev. Domingo 123 —
KFAR Hamam (Lebanon)—48 La MANO (The Hand) (Guatemalan group)—
KHAIMA, Rasal— 62 139
KHALED, Leila A.— 3, 23-4, 26-7 LAMARCA, Capt. Carlos— 1 14, 1 18
KHALEF, Salah— 73 LANCTOT, Jacques— 207
KHALIFA, Monzer Suleiman— 47 LANUSSSE, Alejandro— 85, 87-8, 93
KHALIL, Abu— 56 LAOS (People) Number One (Greek terrorist
KHARTOUM (Sudan)— 59 group) — 219
KHOLY, Dr. Hassan Sabry al- —31 LAOS Number 13 (Greek terrorist group)—
KHOURI, Illyael- —18 219
KHREIBE (Lebanon)— 79 La PLATA (Argentina)— 87
& Kidnappings LARA Parada, Ricardo— 126
KILANI, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Rassoul — 33 LARDNER-Burke, Desmond— 256
KILLEEN (Northern Ireland)— 228 LARENA, Francisco— 268
KILLEN, Edgar Ray— 179 LARREA Humerez, Alberto— 10 1

KING, John— 264 LARSON, Judge Charles L. — 182

KING (Kinshasa), William— 169 LASTIRI. Raul— 96-7
KIRYAT Shmona (Israel)— 21, 41, 49, 56, 74 LATIN America: Terrorist activity— 2-6, 82-
KISSINGER, Henry A.— 192-3 See also specific individual, group or
KLACHKO, Mario Raul— 93 country involved
KLECHER, Roberto Francisco— 105 LAUGERUD Garcia, Gen. Kjell— 143
KLEINDIENST, Richard G.— 267 LAUN III, Alfred A.— 100-1
KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines)— 26, 67 LAUREN, Jane— 185
KLONSKY, Michael— 183-4 LAURIE, Rocco— 176
KLOOSTERMAN, Dirk— 93 LAW, John Stewart— 273
KNOX, Clinton E.— 144-5 LAY Jr., Preston— 176
KOC, Ruhi— 273 LEAGUE for Industrial Democracy (LID)—
KOCAS, Sadi— 272 182
KODAK Argentina S.A.— 92 LEAGUE of Nations—
KOGAN, Marcos— 92 LEARY, Howard R.— 188
KOFLEY, Judge Zeroam— 213 LEBANESE International Airways— 20
KOLLEK, Teddy— 11 LEBANON— 60. Arab commandos— 6, 20-1,
KOLMIAKOV, Boris— 145 29-32, 50, 55-6, 69-73, 81; anti-guerrilla
KOMERI, Wodet— 18 action— 44, 50, 78-9. Israeli raids— 20, 40-1,
KONES, Iris— 267 47-9,69-71,76-7,79-80
KOREA, Republic of (South Korea)— LEBER,Georg-51-2
KOREA, People's Republic of (North Ko- LECHIN Oquendo, Juan— 13 1

rea)— 145, 225 LEC'HVIEN, Rev. Joseph— 214

KORONAJOS, Ioannis— 219 LEFEVRE, Dianne Campbell— 61
KOTZE, Rev. Theo— 263 LEFTIST Revolutionary Movement (MIR)
KRAISELBURD, David— 105-6 (Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria)
KRAMER, A. Ludlow-197 (Peruvian terrorist group) — 151, 1 65
KREBS, Sharon— 195 LEHMAN, McCormick (Edward)— 253
KREISKY, Bruno— 66 LEITES, Alberto— 158
KROESE, Capt. Joe— 67 LELLIS, Jorge— 97
KRUGER, John— 263 LEMIEUX, Robert— 205
KUBAT, Ferit— 273 Le MONDE (Paris newspaper)— 109
KUKluxKlan— 167,178-81 LENIN, N.—
KUNSTLER, William M.— 192 LEON, Rene J— 144
KURAY.Sar— 273 LEONE, Giovanni— 87
KURKCU, Ertugrul— 273 LEONHARDY, Terrance G.— 148
KUSNER, Roberto Jose— 100 LEONI, Raul— 163-4
KUWAIT— 68 LERCH,Gunter— 109
KUZNETSOV, Vasily V.— 264, 266 LEVIN, Rabbi Yehuda-Leib— 265
KYPRIANOS, Bishop— 211 LEVINE, David— 267
KYRIAZIS, Ioannis— 219 LEWIS, Martin— 195
1 3 1 —


LEWIS, Thomas— 181-2 MAHLER, Horst— 275-6

LIAPIS, Maj. Ioannis— 219 MAISALUN camp (Syria)— 38
LIBERATION Front of Brittany (FLB) MAJALI, Field Marshal Habes al- —36
(Front de Liberation de la Bretagne) 214-6 — MAKAREZOS, Panayotis— 218
LIBERATION Front of Brittanv for National MAKARIOS, Archbishop— 62, 67, 209-1
Liberation & Socialism (FLB-LNS>— 215-6 MAKHOUS, Ibrahim— 10
LIBYA— 56, 68,72 MAKOPE, Chief— 257
LINE of Revolutionary Unity & Action MALAYSIA— 56
(LUAR) (African group)— 248 MALHOUK, Sheik Abdullah el- —59-60
LINO de Matos, Valter— 14 1 MALIK, Yakov (Jacob) A.— 21, 266, 282
LIPPMANN, Walter— 182 MALLARD, Bradshaw— 184
LISBON (Portugal)— 246-7 MANCILLA, Marcelino— 97
LITTLE, Russell Jack— 196, 198 MANDELA, Nelson— 259, 261
LLAMBI, Benito— 97, 101 MANDELA, Mrs. Winnie— 261
LOCKWOOD, Charles Agnew— 94 MANEIROdeMansilla, Nora— 156
LOD Airport (Israel)— 6, 52-3 MANERA Lluveras, Jorge— 153, 157
LOI, Vittorio— 222 MANGAKIS, George— 218
LOIZOU, Doros— 211 MANGAKIS, Mrs. Georee (Angeliki)— 218
LONDON (Great Britain)— 24, 55-6, 217-8, MANILA (Philippines)— 25 1-2
233-4,238-9,241 MANILA Electric Co. (Philippines)— 251
LONDON, Jack— 182 MANN, Eric— 184
LONDONDERRY (Northern Ireland)-229, MANO (Argentine National Organized Move-
232-4, 238, 243 ment; Movimiento Argentina Nacional Or-
LOPEZ, Atilio— 103 ganizado) 83 —
LOPEZ, Fernando— 253 MANOUKIAN, Gregorio— 105
LOPEZ, Francisco— 142 MANZANAS, Militon— 268
LOPEZ Castanaza, Justo — 137 MAO Tse-tung —
LOPEZ Villatoro, Mario— 137 MAOZ Haiyim (Israel)— 15
LORTIE, Bernard— 206, 208 MAR— See REVOLUTIONARY Action
Los ANGELES (Calif.)— 127, 172-3 Movement (Mexico)
LOUKAS, Spiridon— 218 MARAWI (Philippines)— 253
LOURENCO Marques (Mozambique)— 248 MARCHESSE, Maj. Arturo Marshall— 119
LOY, Efisio Zanda— 222-3 MARCHETTI, Ivens— 115
LOYALIST Association of Workers (North- MARCOS, Ferdinand E.— 251-3

ern Ireland) 236 MARCOS, Mrs. Ferdinand E.— 253
LUAR— See LINE of Revolutionary Unity & MARCUSE, Dr. Herbert— 181
Action MAR del Plata (Argentina)— 97
LUDORF, Judge Joseph F.— 260 MARENALES Saenz, Julio— 160
LUDUENA, Claudio Alberto— 101 MARIGHELLA, Carlos— 1, 4-5, 82, 113-4,
LUFTHANSA (West German airline)— 26, 116, 118
51-2,54-5 MARINASKY,Jose—93
LUZON (Philippines)— 251-2 MARKS, Wallace— 176
LYDDA (Israel)— 18 MARROQUI, Marco Antonio— 140
LYNCH, John— 232,234 MARSHALL, Justice Thurgood— 168
LYONS, Frank— 180 MARTINEZ, Francisco Oscar— 105
LYONS, James F.— 180 MARTINEZ, Jose Manuel— 126-7
LYSSARIDES, Vassos— 211 MARTINEZ, Maria Estela— See PERON,
Maria Estela Martinez
MARTINEZ Baca, Gov. Alberto— 97
MARTINEZ y Blanca, Felipe— 128
M MARTINEZ Marquez, Guillermo— 129
MARTINEZ Platero, Leonel— 160
MARULANDA Velez, Manuel (Tiro Fijo)
124, 126
MAALOT (Israel)— 75 MARVEY, Douglas— 182
MAARI V (Israeli newspaper)— 1 MARYKNOLL Fathers— 136, 182
MacARTHUR II, Douglas— 221 MARYLAND— 181-2
MacGIOLLA, Thomas— 234 MARYMOUNT College (Tarrytown, N.Y.)
MACHEL, Samora Moise — 244 -193
MACK, Larry— 169 MAS Mas, Antonio — 154
MacSTIOFAIN, Sean— 231, 233 MASSACHUSETTS -190
MADRID (Spain)— 59, 213, 270 MATOS Moquete, Plinio— 133-5
MAGALDI, Antonio— 105 MAURER, Clemente— HI
MAGNANI, Enrique O.— 158, 161 MAZA, Emilio Angel — 84
MAHECHA, Hernan— 125 MAZE, Peggy— 197
MAHER.Abu— 73 MAZRAATDeharjat (Lebanon)—41
INDtX 299

McALISTER, Sister Elizabeth— 193 MISURAI, Nuraladji— 254

McCANN, Joseph— 234 MITCHELL, John— 186, 191
McCLELLAN, Sen. John L. (D., Ark.)— 188 MITRIONE, Dan A.— 153
McCLOSKEY, Robert J.— 154, 264 MITSUBISHI Electric Co. (Japan)— 226
McCOY, Lt. William— 182 MITSUBISHI Heavy Industries (Japan)— 226
McKIEVER, Alex (Catarra)— 169 MLN— See NATIONAL Liberation Move-
McLAUGHLIN, Rev. Neil R.— 193 ment (Chile, Guatemala, Uruguay), TUPA-
MEDINA, Fernando Abal— 85 MAROS
MEDINA Moron, Victor— 123 MOHAMAD, Mahmoud M.— 20
MEEHAN, Martin— 234 MOIR (Independent Revolutionary Workers
MEIN, John Gordon— 137 Movement) (Movimiento Obrero Indepen-
MEINHOF, Ulrike— 274-5 diente Revolucionario) (Colombia) — 122
MEINS, Holger— 275 MOLINA, Edgar R.— 94
MEIR,Golda— 66,70 MOLIPO (Movimiento Libertador Popular)
MEJIA,Tirso— 133 (People's Revolutionary Movement) — 113
MELGAR Antel, Felix— 109 MONAGHAN (Ireland)— 242-3
MELLEN, Jim-183 MONDLANE, Dr. Eduardo Chivambo— 244
MELVILLE, Rev. Arthur— 136 MONDLANE, Mrs. Janet— 244
MELVILLE, Samuel— 185 MONGE Donis, Jaime— 140
MELVILLE, Rev. Thomas— 136, 182 MONTANO Virreira, Sonia— 1 1

MENA, Domingo— 99 MONTERREY (Mexico)— 147

MENDEZ Agualar, Julio Eduardo — 141 MONTERROSO, Victor Manuel— 143
MENDEZ Montenegro, Julio Cesar — 136-9 MONTERROSO Armas, Mario— 143
MENDEZ Vargas, Radhames— 134-5 MONTES de Oca, Gabino— 162
MENDIBURU, Luis— 103 MONTEVIDEO (Uruguay)— 152-3, 155, 159,
MENDIZABAL, Eustaquio— 270 162
MENDOZA (Argentina)— 93, 97 MONTONEROS (Argentine terrorist group)
MENDOZA, Gen. Cesar— 121 —83,87,89,91,94, 102-4, 106
MENENDEZ Rodriguez, Mario Renato — 146 MONTREAL (Canada)— 128, 203-4
MERCEDES Benz (automobile firm)— 105 MONZON, Vidalina Antonieta— 138
MERINO Castro, Adm. Jose Toribio— 121 MOORE, George 59 C—
MERK, Bruno— 25 MOORE, Manuel— 177
MERORO, David— 263 MOORE, Richard (Analye Dahruba)— 169
MESSAGER, Abed Abu— 74 MORAN Jr., Edward— 176
MESSMER, Pierre— 216 MORAN Charquero, Hector— 153
MEXICO— 1,3,8-9, 115,130,145-51 MORANT Saravia, Pedro (Adrian)— 1 10
MEYER, Paul— 193 MORATO Manaro, Julio— 160
MEYERS, Twymon— 177 MOREAN Soto, Gen. Roberto— 163
MIAMI (Fla.)— 127 MOREIRA, Roberto— 109
MICHELINI, Sen. Zelmar— 161-2 MORELLO, Norma— 88
MIDDLE East (Near East, West Asia): Arabs MORENO, Julian— 90
& Arab states— 279-81, 283; commandos— MORENO, Sen. Rafael— 120
2-3, 9, 1 1-2, 14-7, 25-6, 29-37, 39-42, 44-8, MORI, Tsuneo— 226
50, 59-61, 69-73, 78-80; see also specific in- MORO, Reinaldo Leandro— 163-4
dividual group or country involved, Arab- MOSCOW (U.S.S.R.)— 80
Israeli wars — 9, 29. Israel — See under T MOSIDI, Mohammed— 221
MIDDLE East Airlines (France)— 20 MOSLEM International Guerrillas — 64
MIDDLE East Technical University (Tur- MOSLEMS— See ISLAM
key)— 271-2 MOSQUEDA Fernandez, Amancio (El
MIGUEL, Guillermo— 127 Yarey)— 129
MIJANGOS Lopez, Adolfo— 141 MOTTO Benvenutto, Capt. Ernesto— 158
MILAN (Italy)— 221,223 MOUKHTASSEB, Moho Hilbiel— 43
MILES, Robert E.— 181 MOUMBARIS, Alexandre— 263
MILICEVIC, Stanislav— 276 MOUNT Carmel Martyrs— 63
MILLER, Carlton Wallace— 179 MOUNT Hermon (Syria)— 41
MILTON, Ted— 255 MOURAD, MansurSeifeddin— 24
MINDANAO (Philippines)— 253-4 MOVEMENT for the Liberation (or Freedom)
MINETTI, Antonio— 101 of Angola (MPLA>-245, 247, 260
MINIMANUAL of the Urban Guerrilla MOVEMENT for (or of) Revolutionary
(book)— 4-6 Action (MAR)— See REVOLUTIONARY
MIR^See LEFTIST Revolutionary Move- Action Movement (Mexico)
ment (Peru); MOVEMENT of the Revolu- MOVEMENT of National Resistance (Greek
tionary Left (Chile) terrorist group) — 218
MIRANDA, Aimee— 128 MOVEMENT of the Revolutionary Left
MISCHE, George— 182 (MIR)(Chilean terrorist group)— 119-20
MISSISSIPPI— 179-80 MOVEMENT of the Revolutionary Left
1 — 1 1 —


(MAR) (Venezuela)— 164-5 NAHARIYA(Israel>-78

MOVIMIENTO de Accion Revolucionaria— NAIROBI College (East Palo Alto, Calif.)
See REVOLUTIONARY Action Move- 197 8
ment (Mexico) NAJJAR, Mohammed Yussef— 70
MOVIMIENTO Argentina Nacional Or- NAMBA, Daisuke— 52,63
ganizado (Argentine National Organized NAMIBIA (South-West Africa)— 259-61, 263
Movemend) (M ANO)— 83 NAMMER, Kamal— 11
MOVIMIENTO Independencia Rebelde Ar- NAPOLEON, Raymond— 145
mada (Armed Rebel Independence Move- NASEEM, Athar— 217
ment) (Puerto Rico)— 200 NASIF, Lt. Col. Jacobo— 92-3
MOVIMIENTO Independentista Revolu- NASSER, Gamal Abdel— 1

cionario Armado (Armed Revolutionary In- NASSER, Kamal— 70

dependence Movement) (Puerto Rico) 200 — NASSER, William Naguib— 1

MOVIMIENTO de Izquierda Revolu- NATIONAL Antiduvalierist Movement (Hai-

cionaria (Leftist Revolutionary Movement) tian exile group) —
(Peru)— 151 NATIONAL Association for the Ad-
MOVIMIENTO de Liberacion Nacional (Na- vancement of Colored People (NAACP)
tional Liberation Movement) (Uruguay) (U.S.)— 173
153-6 NATIONAL Broadcasting Co. (NBC)— 267
MOVIMIENTO Obrero Independiente NATIONAL Development Bank (U.S.)— 86
Revolucionario (Colombia) —
122 NATIONAL Front for the Liberation of
MOVIMIENTO Revolucionario-8 (Brazil)— Angola (Frente Nacional de Libertacao de
113-5 Angola) (FNLA)— 249-50
MOYA, Mario— 166 NATIONAL Guard (U.S.)— 175
MOYLAN, Mary— 182 NATIONAL Liberation Action (also called
MOZAMBIQUE: Independence— 250. Ter- Alliance) (Acao Libertadora Nacional)
rorist activity— 244-50, 258-60 (ALN) (Brazilian terrorist group) 1 13-8 —
MOZAMBIQUE Liberation Front (FRE- NATIONAL Liberation Armed Forces
LIMO) (Frente de Libertacao de Mocam- (FALN) (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion
bique)— 244-50, 258-60 Nacional) (Venezuelan terrorist group)—
MOZAMBIQUE Revolutionary Council 163-5
(COREMO)— 246 NATIONAL Liberation Army (Ejercito de
MPLA (Movement for the Liberation of Liberacion Nacional) (ELN) (Bolivian ter-
Angola)— 245, 247, 260 rorist group)— 82, 109-12
MR-8 (Revolutionary Movement-8) (Brazil) NATIONAL Liberation Army (Ejercito de
113-5 Liberacion Nacional) (ELN) (Colombian
MR- 13 (Revolutionary Movement of Nov. 13) terrorist group) —
(Guatemala) 140 — NATIONAL Liberation Army (Ejercito de
MSI (Italian Social Movement) (neo-Fascist Liberacion Nacional) (ELN) Peruvian ter-
group)— 222, 224 rorist — 151
MUALLEM,Salah— 24 NATIONAL Liberation Brigades (Haitian
MUELLER, Gerhard— 275 group)— 145

MUGICA, Carlos— 100 NATIONAL Liberation Front (Frente de

MUHEBAB (Lebanon)— 74 Liberacion Nacional) (FLN) (Venezuelan
MUJICA Cordano, Alberto— 162 terrorist group) —
163, 165
MULLANOY, Rev. Anthony J.— 182 NATIONAL Liberation Movement (Movi-
MULLER, Stephanus Lourens — 262 miento de Liberacion Nacional) (MLN)
(Chilean terrorist group) —
MUNICH (West Germany)— 25, 53-5 120
MUNRO, Lt. Cmdr. Ernest A.— 135 NATIONAL Liberation Movement (Movi-
MURELLI, Maurizio— 222 miento de Liberacion Nacional) (MLN)
MURPHY, Lionel— 277-8 (Guatemalan terrorist group) 135, 137, 140 —
MURPHY, Patrick V— 176 NATIONAL Liberation Movement (Iranian
MURRAY, Nora— 240 Muslim group) — 220
MUSA, Umaral-Hag— 60 NATIONAL Liberation Movement (Movi-
MUSLIM Independence Movement (Philip- miento de Liberacion Nacional) (MLN)
pines) — 251 (Uruguayan group) 153-6
terrorist —
MUSLIMS-See ISLAM NATIONAL Opposition Front (FNO) (Guate-
MUSSOLINI Action Squads (SAM) (Italian mala) — 143
terrorist group) — 223 NATIONAL Council (France)— 214
MUSTAFA, Shehada Ahmed— 7 NATIONAL Student League (NSL) (U.S.)—
MZIMELA, Fana-263 182
NATIONAL Vanguard (Italian terrorist
N group) — 224
NATIONAL Welfare Rights Organization
(U.S.)— 198
NABLUS (Israeli-occupied West Bank)— 11 NAVARRO, Honorio Jose— 166
NAGLE Gabeira, Fernando Paulo — 17 1 NAVE, Delia— 84
INDhX 301

NAZAR, Miguel— 166 OKAMOTO, Kozo— See NAMBA, Daisuke

NAZHAN, Saleh— 10 OKUCHLNobuo— 116-7
NAZIR, Adliel
NDHLOVU, Edward -256
— 60 O'LEARY, Brother Basil K.— 182
OLIVA de Jesus, Tereso — 141
NETCHIPORENKO, Oleg— 145 OLIVARES, Vittorio— 58
NETHERLANDS— 231— Terrorist activity— OLIVARES Torres, Jose Ignacio— 150
55, 67-8, 226-7, 266, 270, 282-3 OLIVEIRA Lucena, Mrs. Damaris— 17 1

NETO, Agostinho— 245, 247 OLYMPICS Attack— 53-5

NEUFELD, Russell T.— 187 O'MALLEY, Desmond— 234
NEUM (Non-European Unity Movement) ONAINDIA, Mario— 268
(Namibia>-262-3 O'NEAL, Pate— 173
NEVE-Ur (Israel)— 40-1 ONE Dimensional Man (book) — 181
NEWARK (N.J.)— 127-8, 167-9 OPR-33 (Organization of the Popular Revo-
NEW Order (French group) 215 — lution-33) (Uruguay) 156—
NEW People's Army (NPA) (Philippines ORGANIZATION for Victims of Zionist Oc-
group) — 251-4 cupation 51—
NEWRY (Northern Ireland)-227, 229, 236 ORGANIZATION of African Unity— 255
NEWTON, Huey P.— 167-8, 173 ORGANIZATION of American States
NEW YORK— 55, 61, 127-8, 167 9, 185-6, (OAS)— 82-3, 130, 143-4
190-1, 194, 264 7 ORGANIZATION of the Popular Revo-
NHACAMBO Province (Mozambique)— 248 lution-33 (OPR-33) (Uruguayan terrorist
NICOSIA (Cyprus)— 59, 62, 210-1 group) — 156
NIESEWAND, Peter— 258 ORGANIZATION of Sons of Occupied Terri-
NIMEIRY,Gaafarel— 60 tories — 63
NIMRIN, Shimat— 12 ORGANIZED* People's Vanguard (Chilean
NIXON, Richard M.— 55-6, 58, 60, 66, 172, guerrilla group) —
1 19

187-9,265 ORLANDO del Valle, Walfred— 138

NOBLEZA Tabacos— 98 OROZCO Guzman, Pedro— 148
NOELJr.,CleoA.— 59 OROZCO Romero, Alberto— 148
NOMOTO, Shigeru— 59 ORTEGA, Enrique— 109
NON-European Unity Movement (NEUM) ORTEGA, Lisandro— 139
(Namibia)— 262-3 ORTEGA, Melchor— 146
NORTH Atlantic Treaty Organization ORTEGA Pena, Rodolfo— 106
(NATO)— 247, 273 OSINDE, Lt. Col. Jorge— 95
NORTH Korea (People's Republic of Ko- OSMENA Jr., Sergio— 253
rea)— 145, 225 OTIS Elevator Co.— 94
NORTHERN Ireland: 'Bloody Friday'— 235. OTTAWA (Canada)— 55, 127, 203-4

Internment 229-30. Londonderry mas- OTTEN Prado, Arnaldo— 140

sacre 232 3. Terrorist activity 227-43. — OUGHTON, Diana— 185
See also specific individual, area or group, OURSELVES Alone (Poqo) (South African
e.g., IRELAND, Republic of, IRISH Re- group) — 260
publican Army, ULSTER Freedom Fighters OVAMBO (South- West Africa)— 260-1
NORTH Vietnam (People's Republic of OVANDOCandia,Gen. Alfredo— 106-7, 113
Vietnam)— 275 OZAWA, Shizuo— 117
NORWAY— 64-5
NOVO Sampol, Guillermo— 128
NUJUMO,Sam— 260
NUNEZ Pena, Lt. Oscar— 133
NUNEZ Reyes, Oscar— 10 1

NYANDORO, George— 256

PAC (Pan-Africanist Congress) — 260
PACHECO Areco, Jorge- 85, 153-5, 157-8
PACHECO da Silva, Argonauto— 15 1

PADILLA, Eufronia— 109

PAGLIN, Amihai— 56
OAKLAND (Calif.)— 167-8 PAHLEVI, Shah Mohammed Riza— 221
OAXACA (Mexico)— 150 PAIGC— See AFRICAN Party for the Inde-
OBAN, Robin— 217 pendence of Portuguese Guinea, etc.
O'BRADAIGH, Ruairi— 231, 237 PAIZ Novales, Col. Ernesto— 143
O'BRIEN, Charles A.— 188 PAK (Panhellenic Liberation Movement)
OCA, Maj. Alberto Fernandez Montes de (Greece)— 219
(Pachungo)— 108 PALESTINE Arab Organization— 34, 42
OCCITANS— 214 PALESTINE Armed Struggle Command—
OCTOBER 22 (Italian terrorist group)— 223 34,40
OIEDA Pullada, Pedro— 149 PALESTINE Liberation Army (Arab ter-
OJILE, Fred J.— 182 rorist group) — 45-6
1 — —


PALESTINE Liberation Organization (PLO) 5, 97, 99, 102-6. Anti-guerrilla action— 96-7,
(Arab group)— 9-10, 15, 17, 28-9,
terrorist 100-1
34-6, 47, 56-7, 59-60, 63, 72-3, 78-9, 226. PEOPLE'S Revolutionary Army (Zero Point)
Arab-state relations— 11, 29, 46, 70. (Punto Cero) (Red Flag) (Venezuelan ter-
Internal division— 29-30, 81. Munich at- rorist group)— 163, 165-6
tack 54 PEOPLE'S Union (Mexican guerrilla group)
PALESTINE National Council— 34-5 148
PALESTINE National Front (PNF) (Arab PEPSI-ColaCo— 150
terrorist-commando group) 8 — PEPSI-Cola S.A. (Argentina)— 104
PALMA, Anibal— 120 PERALTA Larrosa, Nestor— 160
PALME, Olof— 277 PERDOMO Robles, Tacito— 133
265 PEREDA Asbun, Juan— 13 1

PALMER, Richard R.— 195 PEREDO,Guido(Inti)— 107, 109

PAN-Africanist Congress (PAC)— 260 PEREDO, Osvaldo(Chato)— 109-10, 113
PANAGHOULIS, Stathis— 220 PEREDO, Roberto (Coco)— 107
PANAMA— 50 PEREIRA, Aristides— 249
PAN American Airlines 26-7— PEREIRA, Esteban— 154
PANDO (Peru)— 153 PEREIRA Gonzalez, Jose— 156
PANHELLENIC Liberation Movement PEREIRA Neto, Rev. Henrique— 14 1

(PAK) (Greek group)— 219 PEREIRA Reverbel, Ulises— 153, 156

PANNE, Jan J. Van de— 90 PERES, Shimon— 63,77
PAPADOPOULOS, George— 219-20 PEREYRA Manelli, Judge Daniel— 154
PAPANDREOU. Andreas— 219 PEREZ, Hector Amodio (Ernesto)— 153
PARADA, Ricardo Lara— 124 PEREZ, Maria Angelica— 19 1

PARIS (France)— 55, 57, 69, 214-5 PEREZ y Perez, Maj. Gen. Enrique — 132-3
PARK, James W — 174 PEREZ Sargent, Emilio Nazario— 128
PARTIDO Komunista ng Pilipinas (Com- PEREZ Zujovic, Edmundo — 19 1

munist Party of the Philippines) 250-4 PERKINS, James A.— 184
PARTIDO Revolucionario Dominicano PERON, Isabel Martinez— 86
(Dominican Revolutionary Party) (PRD) PERON, Gen. Juan Domingo— 86, 93-5, 98,
130-1, 133 101
PATAKOS, Stylianos— 20, 24, 63 PERON, Maria Estela (Isabel) Martinez— 96
PATISH, Yitzhak— 66 PERONIST Working Youth (Argentina)— 95
PATRIOTIC Front (Portuguese group)— 246 PERONIST Youth (JP) (Argentina)— 95, 97,
PATTERSON, John— 149 100-2
PAVLOVIC, Ludvig— 278 PERRIAUX, Jaime— 86
PAUL VI, Pope— 245 PERRY, Nancy Ling— 196, 199
PAYSANDU (Uruguay)— 158 PERRY, Maj. Robert— 34
PAZ, Jose Maria— 102 PERU— 151
PDFLP— See POPULAR Democratic Front PETA H Tiqva (Israel)— 44
for the Liberation of Palestine PETER, Sr. Marian— 13
PEACE & Freedom Party (U.S.)— 168 PETKOFF, Luben— 165
PEATRY, Darrell— 176 PETRA Schelm Command (Baader-Meinhof
PECHACHE, Brig. Gen. Guillermo— 253 group) (West German terrorist group)
PEDRO Zabala, Jorge— 157 274-6
PEKING Revolutionary Organization of the PFLP— See POPULAR Front for the
Tudeh Party (Iranian Communist group) Liberation of Palestine
220 PFLP-GC— See POPULAR Front for the
PELAEZ, Gomez— 126 Liberation of Palestine-General Command
PELLEGRINI Giampietro, Caetano— 153 PHILADELPHIA (Pa.)— 173
PELOPONNISIOS, Zenophon— 219 PHILIPPINES: Armed forces— 251, 253-4.
PENN Central Railroad (U.S.)— 168 Terrorist activity— 250-3, 283
PEOPLE'S Liberation Army (Ejercito PHILIPS Argentina (electric firm)— 90
Popular de Liberacion) (EPL) (Colombian PILZ, Herbert— 105
terrorist group) —
122-4, 126 PINCUS, Robert— 253
PEOPLE'S Liberation Army (Hukbo ng PINOCHET Ugarte, Gen. Augusto— 121-2
Mapagpalaya ng Bayon) (Philippine terrorist PINTO, Onof re— 115
group) — 251 PIRES, Maj. Pedro— 250
PEOPLE'S Revolutionary Armed Forces Billy Roy— 180
(Fuerzas Revolucionarias Armadas del PITTSBURGH (Pa.)— 175
Pueblo) (FRAP) (Mexican guerrilla PIVORAVOV, Yuri— 84
group)— 145, 149-51 PLECHA, Joyce— 195
PEOPLE'S Revolutionary Army (Ejercito PLO— See PALESTINE Liberation Organiza-
Revolucionario Popular, or Ejecerito tion
Revolucionario del Pueblo) (ERP) (Ar- PODESTA, Bishop Jeronimo— 104
gentinian terrorist group)— 82-3, 85-9, 91- POMAR, Gen. Manuel A.— 92

POMPIDOU, Georges— 214 PROVENZA, Bonaventura— 222

POOR People's Party (Mexican terrorist PUEBLA (Mexico)— 148
group) 149 — PUERTAS, Gabriel— 165
POPE Paul VI— 245 PUERTO Rican National Party (PRNP) (ter-
POPULAR Democratic Front
(PDFLP) (Arab
for the —
group) 200
Liberation of Palestine ter- PUERTO Ricans— 6, 53, 200-1
rorist group)— 10, 18, 34, 46, 75, 78. See also PUIG Antich, Salvador— 270-1
BLACK September PUIGGROS, Rodolfo— 103
POPULAR Front for the Liberation of
Palestine (PFLP) (Arab terrorist group)
PUNTA— Carretas prison (Uruguay) — 157,
10, 81. Activities &
actions— 15, 17-8, 32-3, PUNTO Cero (Zero Point) (Red Flag)
40-2, 47, 50-3, 68-9, 80, 215; air hijack- (People's Revolutionary Army) (Venezuelan
ings — 19-20, 22-9, 51-2; Che Guevara Com- terrorist group) — 163,165-6

mando Unit 23; Ho Chi Minh section 24; —

kidnappings 34. Arab-state relations 33- —
6, 46. Japanese terrorists 225 —
POPULAR Front for the Liberation of
Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
(Arab terrorist — 34, 81. Activities
group) 10,
& — 25, 50, 74-7. Arab-state relations
— 25, 46. Soviet relations — 77-8 QADDAFI, Col. Muammar el— 72, 77
POPULAR Liberation Army (Colombia ter-
Shemona (Israel)— See Kiryat
rorist group) — 124-5 Shmona
QUEBEC (Canada)— 203, 206
POPULAR Movement for the Liberation of
Angola (MPLA>— 249 QUEIROZ Benjamin, Cidde— 117
POPULAR Revolutionary Resistance (Greek QUESADA Fernandez, Jose Antonio— 129
group) — 219 QUICK Jr., Raymond— 181
POULAR Revolutionary Vanguard (VPR) QUIJADA, Rear Adm Hermes— 93
(Vanguardia Popular Revolucionaria) (Bra- QUINTANILLA, Roberto— 109
zilian terrorist group) 13,—16-8
1 1
QUINTERO, Jose Cardinal— 164
POPULAR Socialist Party (Partido Socialista QUINTEROS, Fernando— 105
Popular) (PSP) (Dominican Republic group) QUIROGA, Jorge— 100
— 130
POPULAR Struggle Front (Arab group)— 24,
PORT Elizabeth (South Africa)— 262
PORT-au-Prince (Haiti) 144-5
PORTO Alegre (Brazil)— 117
PORTUGAL: African activists— 243-50. See RABAH, Ezzat Ahmad— 47
also specific individual, group or country in- RABIN, Yitzhak— 79
volved, GUINEA-Bissau and RACHAYA el Fakkhar (Lebanon)— 79-80
MOZAMBIQUE. Military takeover— 249- RAFAEL, Sylvia— 64
50 RAHBOH, Abeid— 73
PORTUGAL and the Future (book)— 248 RAINEY, Lawrence A.— 179
PORTUGUESE Guinea— See GUINEA- RAM (Revolutionary Action Movement)
POSEY, Billy Wayne— 178
(U.S. black militant group) —
RAMADANIS, Christos— 220
POWELL, Curtis— 169 RAMALLAH (Israeli-occupied West Bank}—
POWELL, James M.— 194 11
POWER, Judge Joseph A.— 172 RAMAT Shalom (Israel)— 41
PRADA, Francisco— 164 RAMIREZ Meza, Jose de Jesus— 148
PRATS Gonzalez, Gen.— 106 RAMOS, Eliseo— 165
PRATTES, Rolando— 115 RAMOS, Felix -108
PRAVDA (Soviet Communist newspaper) RAMOS, Marco Rodriguez — 128
23 RAMOTSE, Benjamin— 261
PRD— See DOMINICAN Revolutionary RAMPARTS (magazine)— 108
Party RAMSEY, DennisC. -181
PRECIADO Artega, Francisco— 151 RAMTHA (Jordan)— 46
PRENSA Latina(Cuban Press agency)— 142-3 RANDOLPH, Sen. Jennings (D., W. Va.)—
PRESENCIA (Bolivian newspaper)— 108 194
PRETO, Ribeirao— 116-7 RAPPAPORT, Francis— 171
PREYER, Rep. Richardson
PRICE, Cecil R.— 178-9
(D., N.C — 170
) RAS a-Shak (Lebanon)— 79
RAS el Ein refugee camp (Lebanon)— 77
PROGRESSIVE Labor Party (U.S.)— 7, 183 RASHID, Sheik Mohammed bin— 62
PROTESTANTS: (Northern Ireland)-227- RASHIDIEH refugee camp (Lebanon)— 80
RASHYA Fakhar (Lebanon)— 48
— 1


RASK, Henry— 179 RIPLEY, Anthony— 184

RASPE, Jan-Carl— 275 RIVAS, Edgar— 127
RAUTI, Pino— 222 RIVERA, Alejandro— 158
RAVENNA, Walter— 162 RIVERA Calderon, Ronald— 19 1

RAYNER, Alderman A. A.— 171 RIVERO, Felipe— 127

RAZZETTI, Constantino— 97 RIVEROCedres,Tabare— 158
REAL, Mark— 187 RIVEROS Abello, Brig. Col. Alvaro— 126
REBEL Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas RIZZO, Frank L.— 173
Rebeldes) (FAR) (Guatemalan terrorist ROA, Raul— 120-30
group)— 135-9, 141-2 ROACH, James Anthony— 227
RED Army (United Red Army) (Japanese ter- ROBBINS, Terry— 183, 185
rorist —
group) 6, 63, 68, 225-7 ROBERT, Alain— 215
RED Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof group) ROBERTO, Holden— 250
(Rote Armee Fraktion) (West German ter- ROBERTS, Alton Wayne— 178
rorist group) —
274-6 ROBERTS, Burton B— 191
RED Brigade (Italian terrorist group}— 222-3 ROBERTS, Douglas— 104
RED Faction (Partido Revolucionario de los RODAS, Eligio— 139
Trabajadores [Fraccion Roja]) (Argentinian RODOLFO, Julio— 85
terrorist group) 83 — RODONE, Jose— 127
RED Flag (People's Revolutionary Army) RODRIGUEZ, Ali— 164-5
(Zero Point) (Punto Cero) (Venezuelan ter- RODRIGUEZ, Pablo— 119
rorist group)—163, 165-6 RODRIGUEZ, Capt. Eliseo Reyes
REVOLUTIONARY Action Movement (Rolando)— 108
(Movimiento de Accion Revolucionaria) RODRIGUEZ, Msgr. Luis— 1 1

(MAR) (Mexican terrorist group}— 145-6 RODRIGUEZ, Victor— 140

REVOLUTIONARY Action Movement RODRIGUEZ Astiazarain, Nicolas— 127
(RAM) (U.S. black militant group)— 174-5 RODRIGUEZ Vives, Arturo— 127
REVOLUTIONARY Armed Forces (Fuerzas RODRIQUEZ Peralta, Capt. Pedro— 245
Armadas Revolucionarias) (FAR) (Ar- ROGERS, William P.— 23, 27, 57, 130, 145,
gentinian terrorist group)— 83, 86, 88-91, 97 208, 280
REVOLUTIONARY Armed Forces of ROIG, Arturo Mor— 101-2
Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolu- ROJAS, Patricio— 119
cionarias de Colombia) (FARC) (terrorist ROJAS, Soto— 165
group)— 122-4, 126 ROLOVIC, Vladimir— 276
REVOLUTIONARY Force 9 (U.S. terrorist ROMANO, Joseph— 53
group) — 185 ROME (Italy)— 55, 58, 65, 67, 221-22, 24
REVOLUTIONARY Force Seven— 83 ROPER, Lee(Shaba-Um)— 169
REVOLUTIONARY Movement-8 (MR-8) ROSARIO (Argentina)— 85, 87, 90
(Movimiento Revolucionario-8) (Brazilian ROSE, Jacques— 206
terrorist group) —
1 13-5 ROSE, Paul— 206
REVOLUTIONARY Movement of October ROSE, Mrs. Rosa— 206
(Revolutionary Movement-8) (Brazilian ter- ROSENBAUGH, Rev. Lawrence E.— 182
rorist group) —
113-5 ROSENBERG, Rodolfo— 142
REVOLUTIONARY Movement of Nov. 13 ROSENCOFF, Mauricio— 161
(MR-13) (Movimiento Revolucionario de 13 ROSENFELD, Nathan— 153
Noviembre) (Guatemalan terrorist group) ROSENNE,Shabtai— 41
140 ROSOLIO, Shaul— 10
REVOLUTIONARY People's Army (Uru- ROSSER, Dr. J. Barkley— 189
guayian terrorist group) — 85 ROSSI, Mario— 223
REVOLUTIONARY People's Front Group ROSSIDES, Eugene T.— 188
(French terrorist group)— 214 ROTE Armee Fraktion (Baader-Meinhof
REVOLUTIONARY Vanguard (Peruvian group) (Red Army Faction) (West German
terrorist group) — 151 terrorist group) — 274-6
REVOLUTIONARY Youth Movement ROVIRA, Alejandro— 159
(RYM)(U.S.)— 183-4 ROYAL Bank of Canada— 133, 204
REY, Brig. Carlos Alberto— 93 ROYAL Canadian Mounted Police
REYES Rodriguez, Capt. Eliseo— 107 (RCMP)— 206
REYES San Luis, Capt. Eliseo— 109 ROYAL Dutch Airlines (KLM}-26, 67
REZAI, Reza— 221 ROYAL Ulster Constabulary Reserve— 237
RHODES, Gov. James A. (Ohio)— 175 RSHEID, Capt. Abdul Latif— 43
RHODESIA— 55, 248, 254-60 RUCCI, Jose— 90, 97
RIFAAT, Kamal— 11 RUDD, Mark— 183-4, 187
RIFAI, Abdel Moneim— 34-6 RUEDA Angarita, Rev. Gilberto— 123
RIFALZaidal 47—
RIO De Janeiro (Brazil}— 114
RUEDA Saucedo, Vicente— 150
RIOS Montt, Gen. Efrain— 143 RUMOR, Mariano— 222
RIO Tala (Argentina}— 87 RUSH, Bobby Lee— 171
IN DFX 305

RUSSO, Vicente— 90 SCALMAZZI, Gerardo— 92

RYM (Revolutionary Youth Movement) SCANDANAVIAN Airlines System (SAS)—
(U.S.)— 183-4 277
SCHERER, Archbishop Vicente— 16 1

SCHMID, Kurt— 98
SCHMIDT, Giomar— 93
SCHMITZ, Rep. John G. (R., Calif.)— 170
SCHNEIDER Chereau, Rene— 119
SAADdeBaz-Baz, Margarita— 151 SCHNEIDER, Joseph— 57
SABENA Airlines (Belgian)— 52 SCHULHAUSER, Eugene— 109
SABRA refugee camp (Lebanon)— 78 SCHUMAN, Sister Marjorie A.— 193
SAEED, Mohammed Mansor — 223 SCHUMANN, Maurice— 57
SAFADI, Mahmud el 54
SAFI (Jordan)— 12
— SCHWERNER, Jordan— 179-80
SCHWERNER, Michael H.— 178
SAIDA (Lebanon)— 70, 79 SCOBLICK, Anthony— 193
Mrs. Jeanne d'Arc— 204 SCOBLICK, Mary Cain— 193
SALAL, Saab— 30 SCORPIO (South African terrorist group)—
SALAM, Saeb— 32, 50, 60, 70 263
SALAZAR, Antonio— 249 SDS— See STUDENTS for a Democratic So-
SALDANA, Rodolfo— 109 ciety
SALDARRIAGA Velez, Oscar— 124 SEA Hijackings — 64
SALEH, Zaharia Abou — 58 SEALE, Bobby— 167, 170
SALISBURY (Rhodesia)— 256-9 SECCO Aparicio, Fernando
160 —
SALLAH, Abdullah— 47 2D FRONT of Escambray (anti-Castro exile
SALLUSTRO, Oberdan— 87, 93, 95 organization) —
SALT (Jordan)— 46 SECRET Service (U.S.)— 172
SALTA (Argentina)— 86-7 SEGEV,Col. Eliezer— 74
SAM (Mussolini Action Squads) (Italian ter- SELASSIE, Emperor Haile — 212
rorist group) — 223 SELECTIVE Service (U.S.)— 181-2
SAMUELOFF, Prof. Sholomo— 24 SELICH, Col. Andres— 1 10,1 12
SAMUELSON, Victor— 99 SENA, Danilo— 157
SANCHEZ, Gen. Juan Carlos— 88, 95, 109 SENARD, Jacques— 227
SANCHEZ, Julio— 145 SENDIC, Raul— 155, 157-8, 161-2
SANCHEZ, Rafael Horacio— 140 SENTIES, Octavio— 145-6
SANCHEZ, Ruben— 111 SERRA de Devargas, Maria Elida — 156
SANCHEZ, Waldemar— 83-4 SESSA, Miguel Juan— 120
SANCHEZ Juarez, Delfin— 138 SESSUM, Cecil Victor— 180
SANCHEZ Sorondo, Marcelo— 91 SEXTON, Sgt. James J.— 27
SANDLER, Hector— 103 SHAAR Hagolin (Israel)— 13
SANDOVAL Alarcon, Mario— 135, 140 SHACHORI, Dr. Ami— 55
San FRANCISCO de Macoris (Dominican SHAKUR, Lumumba Abdul— 169
Republic)— 131 SHAPIRE, Miguel— 159
San JUAN (Puerto Rico)— 200-1 SHAPIRO, Yacov— 57
San QUENTIN Prison— 174 SHARP, Mitchell— 204, 208
San PEDRO, Jesus Ibarguchi— 269 SHAWA, Rashid— 74
San SEBASTIAN (Spain)— 270 SHEA, Edward— 199
Santa BARBARA (Calif.) 274 — SHEHAB, Lt. Gen. Hammad— 33
Santa BARBARA (Colombia)— 125 SHELL Oil Co.— 200
Sante FE (ARGENTINA)— 87, 90, 92, 105 SHERATON Hotel (Buenos Aires, Argen-
Sante FE (Colombia) 123 — tina)— 90
SANTIAGO (Chile)— 120, 122 SHERWIN. Judge Ravmond J.— 168
SANTIAGO (Dominican Republic)— 131 SHOLOKOV, Igor— 111
Santo DOMINGO (Dominican Republic) SIEGEL, Sheldon— 266
131, 133-4 SIERRA Gonzalez, Jose Antonio — 138, 141
SantoDOMINGO, Autonomous University of SILES Zuazo, Hernan — 12-3 1

(UASD)— 133 SILVA Falla, Alejandro— 136

SANTOS, Francisco delos — 131 SIMANGO, Rev. Uria— 244
SANTUCHO, Roberto Mario— 89, 94, 96, 99 SIMARD, Francis— 206-8
Sao PAULO (Brazil)— 114 SIMON.J.C— 177
SARAGAT, Giuseppe — 221 SINAI Peninsula— 38
SARMENTO,Gen.Syseno— 116 SINGAPORE— 68
SARQUIS, Pedro— 151 SINN Fein— 131,237
SAUDI Arabia— 40, 59-60, 212, 279 SINOIA (Rhodesia)— 257
SAUNDERS, Jason— 181
Dr. SIRHAN, Sirhan Bishara— 60
SAXBE, William B.— 199 SITHOLE, Rev. Ndabaningi— 256
SAYED, Mohammed— 212-3 SIVADA, Elegido— 164


SKINNER, Maj. Roy— 17 STUDENT League for Industrial Democracy

ings STUDENTS for a Democratic Society (SDS)
SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army) — 196- (U.S.)— 7, 182-6, 190-1
200 SUAREZ, Angel— 271
SLEIMAN, MahabH.— 20 SUAREZ, Miguel— 124
SMIRNOV, Aleksei— 111 SUDAN— 59-60
SMITH, Gerald— 144 SUGIZAKLJiro— 52
SMITH, Ian D.— 255,257-8 SULEIMAN, Maher— 20
SMITH, Lance— 258-9 SULLIVAN, James— 231
SMITH, William I.— 180 SULU (Philippines)— 253-4
SOAMES, Sir Christopher— 241, 270 SUMULONG, Commander (Faustino Del
SOARES, Mario— 249-50 Mundo)— 251
SOBERANIS Otero, Raymundo— 150 SUNAY,Cevdet— 274
SOBUKWE, Mangaliso— 260 SURBahir (Israel)— 43
SODOM (Israel>-40 SWAPO (South-West African People's Orga-
SOLANO, Gen. Joaquin— 147 nization) — 260, 263
SOLANO Sepulveda, Luis Jose 125 — SWEDEN— 124,274,276
SOLARI Yrigoyen, Sen. Hipolito— 97 SWIFT & Co.— 85, 105
SOLDATI, Santiago— 92 SWINT.JohnA.— 98
'SOLEDAD Brothers'— 174 SWINTON, Patricia— 185
SOLER Amigo, Santiago 271 — SWISSAIR-25-7,98
SOLH, Takieddin al- —74, 77-80 SWITZERLAND-22-3, 25-9, 47, 56, 98, 1 18
SOLIS Juarez, Hector— 142 SYDNEY (Australia)— 277
SOLMAZER, Irfan— 272 SYLVESTER, Stanley— 85
SOLTYSIK, Patricia M.— 199 SYMBIONESE Liberation Army (SLA)—
SOMERVILLE, William— 191 196-200
SOSA, Juan Carlos — 104 SYRIA: Arab terrorists &
commandos 6, —
SOSA, Capt. Luis— 89 10-1, 23-4, 29, 31, 33, 73, 78, 212, 226-7,
SOSA Avila, Col. Manuel— 136-7 272; see also specific individual or group in-
SOSSI, Mario— 223 volved, e.g., AL
SOUTH AFRICA, Republic of— 254-5, 259- —
Arab-state relations 31, 45-6, 72. Israeli
63. Namibia (South-West Africa)— 259-61, attacks— 38, 49, 70
— 259-63
263. Terrorist activity
Liberation (ELS)
(Mexican terrorist group)— 147
SOUTH-West Africa— See 'Namibia' under
SOUTH Africa
SOUTH-West African People's Organization
(SWAPO) (Namibian group)— 260, 263 TABASCO (Mexico)— 146
SOWETO (South Africa)— 261 TABOR, Michael (Cetewayo)— 169
SPAIN— 59,267-71 TAHERLGen.Saied— 221
SPEAR of the Nation (Umkhonto We Sizwe) TAIYIBA (Jordan)— 16
(South African group) — 259, 263 TAKOAH, Yose— 38-9
SPIELMAN, Jane— 187 TALAMAS y Camanadari, Bishop Manuel
SPOOK Who Sat by the Door, The (book)— 146
196 TAL Zattar refugee camp (Lebanon)— 78
SPOURGIDIES, Dimitri— 210 TAMAGNINI, Hugo— 96
SQUAD of the Martyr Patrick Uguello (Arab TAMIYA, Takamaro— 225
terrorist-commando group) 53 — TANZANIA— 260-1
SQUARES, Clark— 169 TAPPIS,Steve-183
SQUIRE, Clark, E.— 176-7 TARANCON, Archbishop Vicente Cardinal
STANDARD Oil Co. of Indiana— 98 Enrique y — 270
STANFORD University (Calif.)— 190 TARUC, Pedro— 251
STARAKIS, Jean— 218 TASCAL, Henry— 220
STARCHINOV, Yuri Ivanovich— 77 TATAD, Francisco S. — 253
STARITA, Carlos— 106 TAVARES, Flavio— 115
STATUE of Liberty— 169 TAVOR, Mordechai— 51
STAVROU,Stavros— 210 TAYBEH (Lebanon)— 48
STEINBERG, Zwi— 65 TAYLOR, Donald— 176
STEMPHIHAR, Mira— 276 TAYLOR, Reuben— 176
STEVENSON, Adlai— 193 TEKOAH, Yosef— 21, 29, 50
STOJANOV, Ante— 276 TEL, Wasfl— 47
STOKES, Carl— 175-6 TELAM (Argentine government news
STROMBONI, Jose— 216 agency) — 100
INDhX 307

TEL Aviv (Isreal)— 43-4, 51-3 TUCKER, Herman— 179

TELKatzir(Isreal)— 13 TUCUMAN (Argentina)— 92-3,96, 100, 102
TELL, Wasfi— 33, 45-7 TUDEH (Iranian Communist party)— 220-1
TENNECO Ethiopia, Inc.— 213 TUFTS University (Medford, Mass.)— 195
TEOFILO Nunez, Luis— 164 TUPAMAROS (Uruguayan terrorist-guer-
TEPAVAC, Mirko— 276 group)— 82,99, 151-6,271
TERRORISM & Urban Guerrillas— 1-7; see TUR, Robert— 269
also specific individual, group or country in- TURIN (Italy)— 224
volved. Aircraft hijackings— See under 'A.' TURKEY— 68,271-4
Arab terrorist-commandoforces — See TURKISH People's Liberation Army (TPLA)
under 'A.' Assassinations — See under 'A.' (terrorist group) — 271-4
Bombs & bombings — See under 4
B.' TURKISH People's Liberation Front (ter-
International action — 279-83. Japanese ter- group) 215
rorist —
rorists — 52-3. Kidnappings — See
6, TURKISH Revolutionary Youth Federation
ASSASSINATION & Kidnappings. Latin (Dev-Genc) (terrorist group) 27 1-2 —
America — 82-166 TURNER, Charles— 273
TESFAI, Hagos— 212 TWOMEY,Seamus— 241
TETE Province (Mozambique)— 248 TYRE (Lebanon)— 79
TEWFIK, Ibrahim— 22
THEATER— 264-5, 267
THIELCobar, Otto— 136
THIEME, Walter Robert— 120-1
THIRD World Priests Movement— 86, 88 UCASQUI, Oswaldo— 112
THOMAS (Ahmend), Hannibal— 176 ULSTER Defense Association (UDA) (North-
THOMAZ, Americo— 248-9 ern Ireland)— 235-6, 238-9
THOMPSON, Allison— 217 ULSTER Freedom Fighters (UFF)— 239
THOMPSON, Rep. Fletcher (R., Ga.)— 170 ULSTER Vanguard Movement — 234-6
THOMPSON, John R.— 96 ULSTER Volunteer Force (UVF)— 233, 241
THOMSEN, Judge Roszel C.— 181 ULTIMA Hora (Santo Domingo news-
THORNTON, Lester— 180 paper) — 134
TILLMAN, Seth— UMAR, Abu— 78
TIME (magazine)— UMKHONTO We Sizwe— See Spear of the
TIMOR, Rahamim— 62 Nation
TIRATZvi (Israel)— 41 UNION Carbide (Mexico)— 150
TIRO, Abraham— 263 UNION of Soviet Socialist Republics
TIRO Fijo (Manuel Marulanda Velez)— 124, (USSR)— 111, Jewish militants— 263-7.
126 Terrorist training & aid— 6, 23, 51, 77-8, 80,
TJOLOTO (Rhodesia)— 255 145
TOIVO, Toivo Herman ja— 260 UNITED Arab Republic— See EGYPT
TOPOLANSKI Saavedra, Lucia— 156, 162 UNITED Croations of West Germany— 277
TORIO, Ken— 52 UNITED Hias Service— 55
TORO Torres, Jose Rafael— 165 UNITED Nations— 12. Namibia (South-West
TORONTO (Canada)— 209 Africa)— 260-1. Terrorist action— 130, 279-
TORRES, Gen. Juan Jose— 10, 1 1 13 83; Israelcensured— 21, 38-9, 41-2, 48, 50,
TORRIENTE,Josedela— 128 73, 127
TOUKAN, Ahmed— 37 UNITED Press International (UPI>— 16
TOURE, Sekou— 247 UNITED Prisoners Union— 198
TPLA— See TURKISH People's Liberation UNITED Red Army (URA) (Rengo Sekigun)
Army (Japanese terrorist group)— 6, 63, 68, 225-7
TRACTMAN, Lawrence— 253 UNITED States:
TRANS-Mediterranean Airways (Lebanese) —
Antiwar activists 178-200. Assassina-
20 tions& kidnappings— See ASSASSINA-
TRANS World Airlines (U.S.)— 23-4, 26-7, TIONS & Kidnappings
130 Black militants— 4, 167-78
TRAVASSOS, Luis— 115 Congress— 3, 178, 184, 187-8, 194, 253.
TRELEW (Argentina)— 89 Courts &
court action— 168, 171-7, 180-2,
TRENKLE, Christopher— 195 185-8, 193-5. Cuban exiles— 127-8
TRIANDAFYLLOU, Stylianos— 64 Embassy bombings — 83
TRINQUIER,Col. Roger— 2-3 Jewish militants — 264-6
TRIPOLI (Libya)— 56 KuKluxKlan— 178-81
TROXLER, Julio— 103 Pentagon— 195-6. Polls— 170
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliot— 206-7 StateDepartment— 55, 57-8, 64, 265
TRUELOCK, Louis— 171 Terrorism & terrorist activity: Air
TRUMAN, HarryS.— 200 hijacking curbs— 130, 208-9; Arab com-
TSCHUDI, Hans-Peter— 25 mandos— 23-4, 26-9, 32-4, 55, 57-8, 61, 64;
3 3


Argentina— 92-4, 98-101; Bolivia— 108;

Brazil—114-5; Dominican Republic— 131,
134; Guatemala— 137; Haiti— 144; Iran—
221; Mexico— 149; Philippines— 251, 253; WADI el Abyad (Jordan)— 16
Puerto Rico— 200- Turkey— 27 274; UN
1 ; 1 , WAFA (Palestinian news agency)— 78-9
amendments— 50, 279-83; Uruguay 154— — WAHDAT refugee camps (Jordan)— 36
5; West Germany — 275 WANKIE (Rhodesia)— 254-5
UNIVERSITY of California: Berkeley— 190. WARHAFTIG, Zerah— 21-2
San Diego— 181. Santa Cruz— 195 WASHINGTON, D.C.— 192-6, 264, 266
UNIVERSITY of Hawaii (Honolulu)— 195 WATSON, Dale— 180
UNIVERSITY of Kansas (Lawrence)— 190 WEATHERMAN (Weathermen, Weather
UNIVERSITY of Montreal (Canada)— 205 Underground) (U.S. terrorist group)— 7,
UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin (Madison)— 189 183-96
URABE,Tushio— 253 WEED, Stephen A.— 197-8
URIARTE, Eduardo— 268 WEEMS, Donald (Kwesi Balagoon)— 169
URIBE Bernal, Luis Fernando — 123 WEINBERG, Moshe— 53
URUGUAY— 82-3, 151-63 WEINSTEIN, Judge Jack B.— 266
USTASHI (Yugoslavian Croation terrorist WEISEL, Jacob— 266
group) — 276-8 WEISSENBERG Martinez, Rudy— 140
WENDEROTH, Rev. Joseph R — 193
WESSIN y Wessin, Gen. Elias— 132-3
WEST Germany (Federal German Re-
public)— 274-6
WHEELER, Thero M.— 197
VAILLANT, Rene-Francois— 214 WHITE, George M.— 194
VAKIS,Christos— 200 WHITELAW, William— 235
VALENZUELA, Gilberto— 136 WHITLAM, Gough— 277-8
VALLIERES, Pierre— 204, 208 WIDGERY, Lord— 232-3
VALLOCCHIA, Antonio— 105 WIGGINS, J. R.— 21
VALPREDA, Pietro— 222 WILFORD, Lt. Col. Derek— 232
VALVERDE, Carlos— 112 WILKENS, Roy— 173, 175
VALYRAKIS, Iossif— 219 WILKERSON, Cathlyn Piatt— 185, 187
VANDELLI, Diego— 223 WILKIEJr., David B.— 98
VANDERSON, Robert— 180 WILLIAMS, Anthony Duncan— 148
VANDOR, Augusto— 91 WILLIAMS, Robert— 4, 174
Van EEDEN, Capt. H. T. S.— 262 WILLIS, Richard Andrew— 179
VASQUEZ Castano, Antonio— 126 WILSON, Charles Clifford— 180
VASQUEZCastano, Fabio— 123-4, 126 WILSON, Michael— 239
VASQUEZ Castano, Manuel— 126 WILSON, Patrick— 239
VASQUEZ Rojas, Genaro— 146-8 WILSON, Robert— 176
VATICAN— 245 WILSON, Tanya— 201
VELEZ Morillo, Oscar Servando— 165 WILSON, Will— 187-8
VELOSA, Louisa— 86 WINTERS, Spurgeon J.— 171
VENEZUELA— 123, 130, 134, 163-6 WISCONSIN— 189-90, 195
VENTURA, Giovanni— 222 WITHHOLT, A. W.— 67
VIAUX, Gen. Roberto— 1 19 WOLF, Rodolfo— 154
VIET Cong— WOLFE, William L.— 199
VIETNAM, People's Republic of (North WOLLONGONG (Australia)— 277
Vietnam)— 275 WOOTEN, James A.— 179
VIETNAM, Republic of (South Vietnam)— WORLD Confederation of Labor— 141
VIGER, Michel— 208 WRATHALL, John— 255
VILJOEN, Judge Gerrit— 261
VILLACORTA, Manuel— 136
VILLEGASTamayo, Harry— 109
VIOLA, Judge M. Edward— 184
VISAYAN Islands (Philippines)— 254
VITALIO Acuna, Juan— 109 YAFFI, Abdullah— 20-1,30
VLASNOVIC, Mirko— 278 YALIN,Ayhan— 272
VOLSKLYuri— 84 YAMAMURA, Shinjiro— 225-6
Von COLLIN, Frank— 173 YAMANI, Ahmed— 81
Von HOLLEBEN, Eh renfried— 117-8 YANIKIAN, Gourgen M.— 274
Von SPRETI, Count Karl— 138 YARIV, Aharon— 79
VORSTER, John— 262 YAROUN (Lebanon)— 74
VPR— See POPULAR Revolutionary Van- YASUDA, Yoshuyiki— 52
guard (Brazil) YATES, Rev. Gerald F.— 184


YDIGORAS Fuentes, Miguel— 140 ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union)

YELMA,Gen— 213 255-9
YILMAZ,Ziya— 273 ZAPATA Urban Front (Frente Urbano Za-
YOLDI, Angel— 157 patista) (FUZ) (Mexican terrorist group)
YON Sosa, Marco Antonio — 139 145-7
YOST, Charles— 38 ZAPU (Zimbabwe African People's Union)
YOUNG, Edwin— 189 254, 256-8, 260
YOUNG Jr., Whitney— 175 ZARATTINI, Ricardo— 115
YOUNG Cubans (extremist group)— 128 'ZEBRA' killings— 177-8
YOUNGER, Evelle J.— 177 ZEID, Mustafa Awad Abu — 56
YOUNG Militants Association (Irish Prot- ZENGAKUREN Socialists— 225
estant terrorist group) — 243 ZENTENO Anaya, Gen. Joaquin — 108
YOUSSEF,Abu— 71 ZERMENO, Rogelio— 139
YUGOSLAVIA— 276-8, 282 ZERO Point (Punto Cero) (People's Revolu-
tionary Army) (Red Flag) (Venezuelan guer-
rilla group) — 163, 165-6
ZIM (Israeli shipping company) 24 —
ZIMBABWE African National Union
(ZANU)— 255-9
ZABALA, Lorenzo— 269 ZIMBABWE African People's Union
ZABALZA, Pedro— 160 (ZAPU)— 254, 256-8, 260
ZABALZA Waksman, Ricardo 153 — ZION, Rep. Roger H. (R., Ind.)— 170
ZAIRE, Republic of (formerly Democratic ZIRPOLI, Judge Alfonso J.— 177-8

Republic of the Congo) 55, 247 ZREIKAT, Ibrahim— 47
ZAMBIA— 246, 254-9, 261 ZUAITER, Abdel Wael— 58
ZAMORA, Antonio— 164 ZUNO Hernandez, Jose Guadalupe 150—
ZAMORA Medinacelli, Oscar— 109 ZURICH, Switzerland— 22

' ••.•'


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