Kuba Et Al-1996-Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Kuba Et Al-1996-Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Kuba Et Al-1996-Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Phosphorus Removal by
Denitrifying Organisms
T. Kuba, E. Murnleitner, M . C. M. van Loosdrecht,* and J. J. Heijnen
Department of Biochemical Engineering, Delft University of Technology,
Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands
A metabolic model for biological phosphorus removal formation are derived from the conversion of glycogen
under denitrifying conditions has been established. The (Arun et al., 1989; Mino et al., 1987; Smolders et al.,
model is based on previous work with aerobic phospho-
1994a). In the aerobic zone oxygen is utilized as an electron
rus removal. The form of the kinetic equations used is the
same as for the aerobic model. The main difference is the acceptor for the oxidation of stored PHA, which leads to
value of PJNADH, ratio i n the electron transport phos- growth, phosphate uptake (polyp regeneration), and synthe-
phorylation with nitrate (S,,,). This value was determined sis of glycogen by the phosphorus-removing bacteria.
independently from batch tests with an enriched culture In conventional processes, oxygen is utilized as an elec-
of denitrifying phosphorus-removing bacteria. The mea-
sured S,,, was approximately 1.0 m o l ATP/mol NADH,. tron acceptor for phosphorus uptake. Nitrate is considered to
This indicates that the energy production efficiency with disturb the phosphorus removal process. However, from a
nitrate compared t o oxygen is approximately 40% lower. microbiological point of view there is no restriction against
These batch tests were also used t o identify a proper set utilization of nitrate instead of oxygen. Recently denitrify-
of kinetic parameters. The obtained model was subse-
quently applied for the simulation of cyclic behavior i n an
ing phosphorus-removing bacteria (DPB) have been found
anaerobic-anoxic sequencing batch reactor at different in activated sludge systems and laboratory cultures (Kerrn-
biomass retention times. The simulation results showed Jespersen and Henze, 1993; Kuba et al., 1993; Vlekke et al.,
that the metabolic model can be used successfully for the 1988; Wanner et al., 1992). In these bacteria nitrate is uti-
denitrifying dephosphatation process. The obtained ki- lized for the oxidation of stored PHA and is removed as
netic parameters for denitrifying enrichment cultures,
however, deviated from those obtained for the aerobic dinitrogen gas from wastewater. Thus besides phosphorus,
enrichment cultures. 0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Key words: phosphorus removal denitrifying dephos-
phatation stoichiometry metabolic model sequenc-
nitrogen, which also induces the eutrophication of surface
waters, is removed simultaneously by DPB. Previous re-
search has shown that DPB have similar potential for phos-
ing batch reactor
phorus removal (Kuba et al., 1993) and a similar biological
metabolism based on intracellular PHA and glycogen (Kuba
INTRODUCTION et al., 1994) as the phosphorus-removing bacteria in the
conventional anaerobic-aerobic ( N O ) processes.
In order to prevent surface waters from eutrophication, bio-
Several mathematical models of the phosphorus removal
logical phosphorus removal has been introduced in waste-
process are proposed, but only few studies have so far been
water treatment plants with activated sludge for several de-
made at modeling or denitrifying dephosphatation. For in-
cades. The biological phosphorus removal is caused by bac-
stance, phosphorus-removing bacteria in the Activated
teria which can accumulate phosphate as polyphosphate
Sludge Model No. 2 proposed by the IAWQ Task Group
(polyp) granules in the cells. To achieve phosphorus re-
does not incorporate denitrifying dephosphatation (Gujer et
moval, activated sludge is circulated through anaerobic and
al., 1995). Moreover, the model does not take the intracel-
aerobic zones. In the anaerobic zone where no electron ac-
lular glycogen metabolism into account.
ceptors (like oxygen and nitrate) are present, the phospho-
A structured metabolic model of the phosphorus removal
rus-removing bacteria take up lower fatty acids such as
process under conventional N O conditions has been pro-
acetic acid and store them as polyhydroxy-alkanoates
posed by Smolders et al. (1995a,b). The model is based on
(PHA; for instance, poly-P-hydroxy-butyrate or -valerate).
three anaerobic and five aerobic metabolic reactions, in-
The energy (ATP) for this process is derived from glycogen
cluding the glycogen metabolism. Smolders et al. showed
conversion and the stored polyp by hydrolysis and excretion
that their model is very well capable of describing the com-
of phosphate (van Groenestijn, 1987, 1989; van Veen et al.,
plex conversions of the biological phosphorus removal pro-
1993). The reduction equivalents (NADH,) for the PHA
cess. Their model, developed for the N O process, can be
modified for the denitrifying dephosphatation process, be-
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Telephone: 31-15- cause the anaerobic metabolism is completely identical in
2781618; fax: 3 1-15-2782355; e-mail: marK.vl@stm.tudelft.nl both processes, and the difference between the aerobic and
Kinetics constant in biomass synthesis (K), and the maintenance en-
ergy (mat,,,). In this anoxic metabolic model, the parameters
The conversion rates of HAc, phosphate, nitrate, PHB, and ag and K can be assumed equal to the aerobic parameters.
glycogen under A, conditions were simulated using the Smolders et al. (1994b) reported a3 = 1 mol ATP/mol P
same kinetic equations as proposed by Smolders et al. and K = 1.6 mol ATP/mol C(biomass). The other param-
(1995a,b). The kinetic equations are summarized in Table I. eters (E, matp,.S,) are determined by the following proce-
Under anaerobic conditions, the HAc uptake rate can be dure.
described by a Monod-type kinetic equation. From the stoi-
chiometry (Smolders et al., 1994a) (Table V), the PHB, Determination of the Phosphate Transport
glycogen, and phosphate conversion rate under the anaero- Coefficient
bic condition can be calculated from the HAc uptake rate. It Under aerobic or anoxic conditions, phosphate is taken up
was assumed that maintenance energy under anaerobic con- inside the cell and polyp is formed. The phosphate transport
dition is obtained from polyp degradation. The anaerobic into the cell is an energy-consuming process. The energy
maintenance coefficient (man) was obtained from the sec- required for the phosphate transport is generated by the
ondary phosphorus release rate (Kuba et al., 1993) when import of protons which are subsequently exported over the
both HAc and nitrate are absent. cell membrane in the oxidation of NADH, [Eq. (1) or (2)]
Under anoxic conditions, three kinetic equations for bio- (Mitchell, 1986). The ratio of energy consumption of the
mass synthesis, phosphate uptake, and glycogen synthesis phosphate transport under anoxic conditions (E,) to aerobic
and a maintenance coefficient were defined. From the stoi- conditions will be identical to the ratio of the PNADH,
chiometry [Eqs. (3) and (S)], the PHB and nitrate conver- value under both conditions:
sion rate under anoxic conditions can be calculated by using
these three kinetic equations.
E, = E SJS - (134
Smolders et al. (1994b) obtained S = 1.85 mol ATP/mol
In the simulation these kinetic equations were switched
NADH, and E = 7 mol P/mol NADH,, leading to
on and off with switching functions, depending on anaero-
bic or anoxic conditions. The switching functions were de- E, = 7.SJ1.85 ( 13b)
fined to be 1 when the concentration of a component is not
Determination of the Maintenance Coefficient
0; otherwise these switches are 0. For instance, under aero- under the Anoxic Condition (matpJ
bic conditions, the anoxic kinetic equations are inactive due
Smolders et al. (1994b) determined the ATP maintenance
to a switching function of nitrate which is equal to 0.
coefficient (mat,) from the endogenous oxygen consumption
rate. They found mat,, = 0.019 mol ATP/mol C * h. In this
research, a value of 0.01 mol ATP/mol C h was chosen for
COEFFICIENTS OF THE A2 METABOLIC MODEL the A, system, because the anaerobic phosphate release for
maintenance (m,) for the A, system was found to be 50%
The yield coefficients for biomass synthesis (1/Y,hb-, of the value in the A/O system too.
1/Yno3J, polyp formation (l/Y,,hb.pp, l/Yno,-pp),and glyco-
gen synthesis (l/Yphb.gl, l/Yno3-gl) are now expressed as a Determination of the P/NADH2 Ratio under the
function of the PNADH, ratio (S,), the coefficient for the Anoxic Condition (6,)
NADH, requirement of phosphate transport (E,), the re- Determination of the P/NADH, ratio under anoxic condi-
quired ATP for polyp synthesis (a,),the polymerization tions (6,) can be achieved by combining measured conver-
Table I. Kinetic equations for anaerobic and anoxic reactions of biological phosphorus-removing organisms.
HAc uptake 0.2 mol C h o l C.h 0.4
1.o mmol C/L 1.0
0.05 mmOVL -
Maintenance 2.5x 10-3 mol P/mol C.h 4 x lo-3
Biomass synthesis 0.05 mol C/mol C.h 0.14
"Reported values for organisms enriched in an anaerobic-aerobic SBR (Smolders et al., 1994b, 1995b)
Analyses fying conditions in comparison with aerobic conditions is in
the expected range (John and Whatley, 1970).
Orthophosphate was determined by the ascorbic acid The obtained value of 6, ( = 1.0) was used in the meta-
method. HAc was determined on a glass chromatograph bolic model. The conversion of each component was simu-
(GC) with a Hayesep Q 80-100 mesh column (185°C) and lated to verify the reliability and validity of the anaerobic-
a flame ionization detector (FID) (185°C). Nitrate was ana- anoxic model (A2 model).
lyzed on a liquid chromatography (LC) column (Skalar In-
struments) by Skalar methods. The NH,+ concentrations
were measured with an ammonia-selective gas electrode Stoichiometry under Anaerobic and Anoxic
(METROHM, 605060 10). Conditions for the A2 Model
For dry weight determination, a 20-mL sample of the From the obtained 6, ( = 1.O), all yield coefficients, Y [Eqs.
sludge was filtered on a Whatman glass microfiber (GF/C) (4)-(7) and (9)-(12)], can be calculated. The overall rela-
filter. The filter was dried for 24 h at 105°C and weighed on tions for PHB and nitrate conversion in the anoxic phase are
a microbalance. The organic content (MLVSS) was deter-
mined by incinerating the dry filters in an oven at 550°C +
-rphb = 1.628rx + 0.460rpp 1 . 2 7 3 + ~ ~ x 10-3Cx
~ 3.64
for 1 h. (16)
The extraction and analyses of intracellular PHB and gly- -r,,, +
= 0.568rX 0.414rpp + 0.346rg, + 3.27 x 10-3Cx
cogen were carried out as described by Smolders et al.
The yield coefficients for the metabolic reactions under an-
oxic conditions are given in Table V.
Table 111. The converted amounts of each component in the batch tests.
Average 1.06
aThe active biomass conversion was calculated from the NH; conversion (rx = rnb/0.20).
bBiomass excluding polyp and carbon reserves.
Average 1.01
Anaerobic condition
HAc uptake -CHzO - 0.5 CH1,y6O5/6- 0.36 HPO3 + 1.33 CH1.500.5 + 0.17 COZ + 0.36 H,PO4
+ 0.059 H,O = 0
Maintenance -HPO3 - HZO + H3PO4 = 0
Anoxic condition
Biomass synthesis -1.63 CH1.500.5 - 0.57 HNO3 - 0.2 NH3 - 0.015 H,PO4
+ CH,~osOo,54No~zJ’o,o15
+ 0.28 N, + 0.63 CO, + 0.78 H,O = 0
Phosphorus uptake -0.46 CHl.500.5 - 0.41 HNO3 - H3PO4 + HPO, + 0.21 N, + 0.46 CO,
+ 1.55 H,O = 0
Glycogen synthesis -1.27 CHl,500,5 - 0.35 HNO3 + CH,o/605/6 + 0.17 N z + 0.27 CO, + 0.29 HZO = 0
Maintenance -CHl.500,5 - 0.9 HNO3 + 0.45 N, + COZ + 1.2 HZO = 0
-- I
- ------I-
- .
. . - . . 5.
3 4
. I
0 4 . .
0 1
I s
- . 5- .
. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6I
Time [hours] (b) Time [hours]
. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5 . .
Time [hours] (c) Time [hours]
O J . .
0 1
. 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6I 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [hours] (d) Time [hours]
Figure 1. Phosphate (U),nitrate (O), NH,+ (A),PHB (+), and glycogen (x) concentrations in batch test: (a) run 0, (b) run 1, (c) run 2, and (d) run 3.
Lines are simulation results.
€ 4
21 3
= 2
144 145 146 147 148 149 150
Time [hours] Time [hours]
(a) (a)
r 3 5
E 25
2 15
6 10
o " 5
g o144 145 146 147 148 149 150
Time [hours]
(b) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Phosphate (W), nitrate (A),and NH4+ (0) concentrations Figure 3. (a) Phosphate (B), nitrate (A),and NH4+ (0) concentrations
during anaerobic and anoxic phases at 8 days SRT.(b) HAc (W), PHB (A), during anaerobic and anoxic phases at 14 days SRT.(b) HAc (W), PHB
and glycogen (0) concentrations during anaerobic and anoxic phases at 8 (A),and glycogen (0) concentrations during anaerobic and anoxic phases
days SRT.Lines are simulation results. at 14 days SRT. Lines are simulations results.
that a large difference between the measured and simulated influent HAc concentration brought about approximately
PHB and glycogen concentration was observed. 15% and 35% differences on the PHB concentration under
The underestimation of PHB concentration on the model both SRT conditions (Fig. 4). The 2%-5% higher HAc input
can be due to two possible reasons: a high sensitivity for (i) can be caused due to an error in preparing the media and
deviating influent HAc or nitrate concentrations and (ii) the inaccurate flow rates of the influent pumps. The changed
6, obtained from independent batch tests. The main prob- influent HAc concentration had a large effect on the PHB
lem here is that a small error in the predicted PHB conver- concentration and slight effect also on the glycogen con-
sion in one cycle (or batch tests) accumulates to a large error centration but little effect on the concentration of dissolved
in the steady-state calculation. In fact, the error is enhanced components. The 5% higher influent HAc concentration re-
by a factor equivalent to the number of cycles in one sludge sulted in very good agreement on PHB between simulation
retention time (in these cases 32 or 56 times at 8 or 14 days and experiment in both SRT conditions. This effect can be
SRT), leading to large accumulation of such errors in the understood as follows. According to the kinetic model of the
estimation of storage components. This effect can be shown anoxic phase, the rate of growth, polyp synthesis, and gly-
by using slightly higher HAc loading rates in the simulation. cogen production stop if nitrate concentration is zero (Table
The results indicated that 2% and 5% differences of the I). This means that the PHB consumption also stops [Eq. (3)
35 I
Anaerobic I Anoxlc et
were recalculated in the batch tests and in the cycle behav-
ior. The model with 10% lower or higher 6, still predicted
the measured conversion of each component in the batch
tests, which indicates that 6, has little influence on the
L estimation of kinetic parameters. The model with 10%
lower 6, (0.9) resulted in very good agreement of the cycle
behavior of PHB and also glycogen between the simulation
and the experiment in both SRT conditions. Figure 5 shows
the results of PHB and glycogen in 14 days SRT.
It is clear that the model structure can simulate the be-
5- havior of soluble components very well. The prediction of
the steady-state PHB content is, however, extremely sensi-
04 I I I ! I I , I I I I ! I tive to a small change in HAc and nitrate loading into the
144 145 Time147
146 [hours] '41 150 system or the value of 6,. Since the measurements of HAc
and nitrate loading always have a certain margin of uncer-
2 10
144 145 146 147 148 149 150
Time [hours]
Anaerobic In
1.OO mol-C HAc
0.04 mot-P PO4
out NO
0.16 blomass 0.34
lywgen degradation ? 0.04polyp 0.04
0.05 glycogen 0.06
0.05 PHB 0.01
0.75 C02 0.59
0.58 NO3 NO3
tf 0.29 N2 ------ N2
---- 02 0.55 0 2
0.15 maintenance
Figure 6. Conversions, expressed in moles, during the anaerobic and anoxic phase of the A, phosphorus removal process (8 days SRT) after addition
of 1 mol C HAc. Reported output values of the anaerobic-aerobic ( N O ) process (Smolders et al., 1994b, 1995b) (8 days SRT) are shown in parentheses.
phase). Moreover, in the A, process, 0.58 mol nitrogedmol p phosphate
pp polyphosphate
C HAc can be simultaneously removed from wastewater
due to denitrification. x active biomass
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